'- - a 1W 50 saaaaaA ini 5 v r-oti tttr is v . , ""1, ,-. : , ., vSK-v!i vk' Uf ovti jos Hiiaun tv rials t?iw ;i II iV II LA rjf ' ' i!tit?2li tju 1 loll vU?b. fi f ... ... . f" '" a . ' : I ' .'tl . . 1-,,-' 3- il4 l .ttdA'UwivUwttiiUirjril " 1' f .1 - 1 1 feae:os It VTV I II 1 tui . 1 1 1. j i hi hi iavu v..t.ji v, v 'v. i i ...i 1 1 1 ' A ri .f r 1 11 P ui.fc.JvHfAfriv IrViJ;- -. tVv - :j , Xw-'WWX wtiw-t .iQiwt'ftui twit tiwritiq xft tnoH't'i ia f?:f:v ; bin .'r. ,.. V 'nil .KW .avo!, . .'4,.-;' i lh.i ihiA a ti:',n : "v 1 ' i .Ml " 'lEi if" truii lur S vBSCRirrtott.$Fivv Dolltrt per xhatn bm?f ivnc.. - l-y2 i,4H iWft Tr :nt . . . ha - T Court QH-ft(J IpPsxft. ApT(mTiKMcii' cut w .vlia; 126" Pf r ccat. Jueliex i. but a. deduction I '-' - WE0LE8ALE "OEQCtVf " " All 1 . CO iVI MISSflpN, E RPAN-TtI FoiiTtlt door iborc Old Slip, near Pearl tt. HonM. I r 1 Tl.e Subscriber tegs leave to inform tya friendaapd I the MercLaiita oriNorth Carolma, that he has opened, I to VH0LFS11E GEOCfiit iii C0MltSSl011f0il$:, SI front Street, near Old Slip, r r ' 'jwnr.yoirjr,- ; where ho feai for Sole? acaU limes; a general a aeon menl of GroctrttS, ouitabfo to the beulberalratie, and which b offer for CASH, Ma aroail adrmoce t upon the rCarw i aod.Action price.., y'n - MK. i w W,wgmww m aani mi i particular aoeauoo win ue given to oraen lor uoods, and to aalea of Produce oonaigned lo bim, upon which Advaeewdlt)araad-irfrorod.T 'K, ; iri. B..ikl. WBITLOCX. June, 1843. r - ... ,. 49 6m Malcolm It Odtn, v . 8mith, Wright Jco. CorlieatStaHm fc Barnes I Alfred M. Treadwl -W. & A. Stith, Raleigh, N. - J. it W. Murphy, al"bory N. C, . ,., J. It R. SloanOreenaboro. , N. jC. . ; , . , , John Mc Am. Fayetteville, VN C. ' .v , EPTEMBEn li 1843. ' FREsn PAiiii: iinr goods. A nE WW.Tcetvpby ihe laf aqvaU, tbu tn .aoppiji... f, ; jnci, Miftcy uncs aiapi MJTy vootif, being much Urge than tbey ha recent or pal searana past, booght al4be lowest' prices, and rhostiy before the recent, advance. Theriri prepared to of- ferreat indoceaieota, by tb piooa or package, n their usual terms-. - Wo tnito all desuragpurthas ! to examine oar stock. ')- r.:d A fresh supply of ths most laperiM Anchor brand Bolting Cloths, fron,No. I-to 10 iocUuive. at U Umes on band. v v . :y. k..;(;wf-... Sept. ft. , , ( 78 oawtw n BOOTS and -fillOCS. - FALL STOCK vob 1843. THE SUBSCRIBER, heriftg Jtrtt completed ah nnniually large assortment of BOO rd A SHOES, is now prepared to " offer" them tv1rrs ' costomere and the public gfueratly.i at almost unprecedented low prices, so thst all who wish to pQrcbaso wilt not faH to do so after having examined his Stock' " " ' In addition to the abovtfj tho 8tttHScriar keeps feort stantly on hand a great variety of Tocsks, 'Paves, Shoe Thread, 8i.sbt, 4tc Country -Merchants wiH. no doubtfind it their intersst lo examine the above beforo tho completion of their purchases. . 'JAVID R.NEW80M.V, Petersburg, Sept. 4. iiJ Mi ' ' ' ll-lm CJTATE n r.i - . - w . .--- i 0P NORTH CAROLINA--SURRY . SupJAoV Court ;oT1UV. .pmf7efm County, 1843. Kicchen Goss SI -D-i ti.CiJ--1 Catharine Costs.' V It aDDf srine'to the saUsfactfon of 'the Court, that uamanne uoss,tno ueienaani.isnpl a cuweaoinis i Sute: It tberefore ordered bv ihert, hatpob. licatbn be made in' the Raleigh Register, and Cstoli-1 ford," ori' the 5th Mortday alter the 4th Monday of Au gust next, then and there, to plead. and answer or d4 mur to said Petitjbn, or the same will be hjjard ex parte and decree accordiBtlT.'3 ' ' . . t Witness, Winstorl Vomers, Clerk of oW said Coqrt t Office, the 3th' Monday 'alter the 4th Memlay of FebrnarV 1 rs ' ' WINSTON iSOMERST.C Sid P HINT WX REHQ tJ$E. IN NEW YORK. 1 T. LEE. f formerly of. the firm of Lord Ac I firm of LEE dc B REWSTER", liave estabUshod at . H8 Pearl street,4 New York,' a 'u J "M ? ,' WARHQTJaH; U -, ON AN EXTENSIVE SCALE, WUZiZZrKl&&. am3jBa To supply the City sod mtriorirade bj the Piece or ' '''''- tiiV.fr' 4 T By confining their attention entirely and excrosfve ,jr ,to W lU?U, ti wUL HMtfpd not odI fo'exbibit a more extensive and beautiful assort menl than, is to be found elsewhere, (there being no ;or pnnw in ine U arte .States j 1 baVa,!e" 'lw,t" tl P" lowand'genemlly low- er then those of houses, whose sUehtionand means n'imll Iaw. I , - - . ' -..j..,. VH - . I " . 5 ""w suenuonana means 1 ate divided among a large variety of article., i. The entire, Slock, embracing ajwaf-two thousand diflerent patterns and coloring tvcomprlsea aJUha Ja- test rMlj;hooest sty les, o which fwiiTJbf eoawtmmfy JjWt ffWMf, ! ?? h1w,man of whlai ettnot be Web, M:; ? ; . viii.ii win inujg 'rr' ,r' -tv.i-j-4vfW: ,",u'r! h.J yv 2 ri iiw . ?Tirr? ua8aktseJcpnteii DQtSlOinxai .ananuty, OI Uia tnd Silver JCSoi which tbewner pan obtain on bp. pBcaUon,bryi fcr ibii ldw - .,u,,f"T" riTVfS -"-r: nest which may be on ppe a the nextTSupcrior court or mu pe neio M G a I0r IDA LAiin t nf Hlirrv. At lhAUAlin HAOli in itOCK I r i or ni w4 ii J qwlttioJ,) io-ition; ftuTabv Bugluh )f tnche, to icstfutt in the Latin and Greek; muhn aaah l . ; a . .Autust 25, 1843-,,, ft,,, ,U ,.f7 1 'fiiv,. j r .. UnATlfAf "COUNTY; ur? f f'9t it".?' tJ. N. B. Krana. f - i av I 1 Via -- ao lor aafr tfl CnJrt4iW n Wiknmeioa-i o the ! 9th dftv oft tiDtiniir next all Inn nirnt- Irl la ami intsuai thai V;i mingtoq and Raleigh Itail Koad Cumpant hav in and the Wilmington 'artd Raleigh' Rail Road, lev ied upov hjr ittu of a. Hi. Fa. to me directrd on J to be aof to M;Uff aaifl tfp Thfiwoa ,W. htim vhe uitmingtcHi and iialeign Kwl, Koad Company. , . I vVESf.HY JONES M A418H ALf 1 JBREfMlAH NICHOLS, IHurt MARSHALL. Ttllhet EAJottw J1Htftrttf fOT Stltt. a 'I 1 7St iLlhoId to tho bicheat fciMera tWCmfii T Uooao door in the Citv of R.leiah. on Tuea- . r i II " . i. . . v. : J . 7 rd PM abpuiT yea oidy , , 3ond aod J3e iwnn .4v t , j.. . i. , w.n. AOtn r. ot - ' :-STi:l5eddir 'dec,d.Hh WIU annexeiT. fiaJeigh, Aaf. 8, 1843. ' ii'.t.r-.'i CM ' - u. t" v xinriivrU) viaaa. x 1 d.mb, fiw. to premioa. tava thSti W ' t - Tbu is pn of. the oUett.n4.beat isajMaitc .Com- panics in the yutedSuus.anjsiUloasefproniol ly.' s'? ' ''' " " v i Applicatlooa lor InsomieeUr tfaleigh; or ' its VI cinUvto bo made 'to. i ' ' ' '.A' ; ,r. wnrriNP., ysy 4.1g43. i. i 1 flfg"T SALE OVt .HEGElflEai. . r riLl. BE tSOLD.inpttrnance.of an order of r 'Johnston County Coovt, at tho Court 'House in mKhfie1d,'im cTtfesday 'of September Superior Court, 1 26th 8epU 1841) ' - ..THIRTEEN, VALUABLE NEQHQES, Belonsrinir to tho Estate of Isaac StaUineardac'rl. . credit of six months will be given, and bond -with good security required. r " c ' Hi DRY Alt, t'r. AufriJt3l, I43. TO JriEIZCMIjMJVT MT Tall stock of HATS aid CAPS in now eoraplele. and shall : receive c -cesaiona Uioreto daring the season, di reel irom ine various m anuiauuiers whenor my orders are' lefti IdMia it wnnecossapr- ts .enomeraie .the Various sty lea and Dualities oft good jWbicb I., have ; n.w store. Suffice it to tay. that my assortment, as usual, embraces every article kept 4n Hat establishments, all r v.i.h h w hn selected ' br aavsslf. and orders " - - --.-- givrtutaavry,mthosoasowf; . ' :r rinyijemyt fermoc p4tof3sva.nd otaeiswhoea- modd markets, to give m Stockman exsniriation. ur--1 Sycamort street .PeUrsburg Va. Sent 12. f, :.. : Jr4fr ... rnniiP aM,wv-r 'lnrmcr. -;f; 0, Virginia,) has settled in St ff . where no wiir attena to any proiesmonai ouvit tmstsxl to bis eae. J ' - - ny claims amounting to $50, mo. mt waen iD ids owe oi jnHwurn ' . l t3 a c u: . , Refer to Wton'R. Gales, Raleigh. , , . ' , tft Ionisi'Mlsabari; ? c8ept1,'lS43. 'S . .t---74 Cm TAl bF ' VORTH CAR .Beaufort Jbilntj: whperior TJoott ' or iw, epntrg- rexa LeretiaiJoues, . felUiuor Divorce. Abner Jones. . It appearing lb he satisfactJoi. of -the' Court.ih.t iwobhttuarhive beea iseoedaad retartsxl byUbe rtk.rifT. not ta be found." end Proclamation beinjr tor the Defendant lb appear and answer as coniman ed sf the bpdmis, it rs ordered Iby.VBe C6rjrt, th pNibika;lwUsjaVki the NoTthtat' Whig; su aaa . thar nd Raleigh;KegktsrKfrr three rooiuhay.sbr the Defendant to appesr. andT answer said Petition. , , ; witness, rr. a. nawas, yiera 01 ur "n oiBoe; the fifth Monday ' after the "fourth Monda in Marehi AD. 1848. m- 1 1 'r . i " J .... . on. it uimvo-'li A 1 . , FKt H. HAWKS, (X-8. C. t Pr. Adv. f S. . t .1 !. tl I ... 74 .3 m I TATE OF NORTH )CAROIJNA.Chsihm IPm.i. rnri n :PUu atul OuArtAT B ' 1 A ' '1 wtifiriar ri'nfTutSVIifl fhe'usf will and August Term i 843, AT piper wrltirig, istlUUni of the 1U K" " r t " . , testaorenl of the late Mrs vmssn n ut wmtr exmoiieu - tw, 1 H .f.- Tarm.v Theraaa HiU th. Crnt thmwet 1 and . it beins mueated to the Ckiart that eome of (he next of 'kin of the s,id tester tnx.' vrere vjon-reaidenVof thlif Sute, M was,' on too- lionordered thai fleatkiitle .miie1 hktheilUlelgli Regifter-4x tto iact. of .jwvmetp otlfy;the J. 9ex,t held lb the Court House in Pittsboro, on the second Mon- - I 1 m ..... . 1 mber isext,ipulclfc.piB wejaaey, H -ny aestre, appear, malut. Uien-seyr pers-i fsw Prun-a,Ml .thereto, ,?w : I i -wiuess, . A. .Ht ad man. Clark of sai4' Court., at Offiee, the 2nd Monday of Atigijat, iHY N. A. 3TEDMAN. C-C. C. oHlrtltor Vom&iic Goods, Mortal f- .; tr iackMbjfDl Ri' lUvlng reteiteiFVori 'jf Ailargeat arid '-raost ft In J eatrssnfarroT, a art y,v;U 1 APM 021 ever ofleref Of tUeit 'STAPLE GAUDS iter t &iZSm L,far lhtfs k ikir, Oiey 'are worths ibe BUTtfot? of M E RJ C HANTS, .wfcoa QcaOattpti is parUculaHr Irerd A' CARD. TO COUNTRY-alERCHAHTS AND FARMERS i .14 Ut4Mli U Bill TATCno Ui rayuaiU U.,) WAtN 8TBJ.ET, RICHMCMSDv VA. Would embrace he pM&nt oprioriartiiv Infornv Cwntrv5 Merdrrits andotlif rs whomav visiVrtiis mtrr Vet ipstbe'fidrriose of pitfciiising Goods, that his stock -fbv the) Fall irafde Vi4 be raremive, liaviott xen cars- liUly petected -by MtG. JIknso, formerly ,of rciersmirs, wnot is now in ins emptor, anu i)8a naa consideraUfe'experietiice kP this branch of tusriiess' His stock'hstving been "purchased (by-leaving btdrrir for tljeir manblacture), eafly in Jn'f. which .was pre- viouj iu ino ouvunijc in price ou .oouiin dis urns, wui enable: hiitt to Offer ihertl v;i or 15 percent, less ihan bb touhj itfi)ey;ffiad ieea jwavbased ta (atei-jdate which is a difierenoaorpO'Srna.u cdnsiqerauph. ,, ; , ' ' His Object Is to establish hTr(seir m business, and he intends uincvw Y)roder fneas for rtie vecotnplishi- inent of that object- and CO lurfhef bis Dursostt.. pro- noees offering lus Goods at such writes as will make it to xne l merest or nurcuasers 10 caa aqu examine m atock. r riy T t- ? r. iVr.r He, hasTeceivsd apcirtipef hit ock,and wUlon tinue to receive uy various arrivals o urine lue season. v ' HloliWiWtl TTTXITEb STATES iUlSTRICT COURT UT OP ' NORTH CAdi.IN A IN BANK. r ? ' r-j f mTPTCY.NBtjeeishere&t given, tatxin Friday, theSSdtnat -thaU pejftiowthe Court JO Chambers, at rayeiierine,4oJr adiStribuUoa of the ,-sswets. in; rny; bands to, the credit of the case, of WiUiani 1, Mason, iSarntrept, or toe County of Wakej ,7 1 ir ,(; , ,rc: .WW. CLARK, 'Assignee r .1 i-v-c-i' Jn3aekptcy for-Wake Coonty Sept. 11, IS43. 72 MEDICAL, INSTt'FtJTB, ',L'!"0F THE CITY OF LO UISVfLLE. ' ' rrnHE ctuterfn IhisT Institotkai will commence, 'as eairon thefirst Monday of November; and WAUneetuotlLtbe laatxtfPebroary under the follow tn(':facu vis : . -jw ? , j v' 'v?i i , , , g , ; JED jpjAH COBJU, M,, D.,, , " ' ...-. proMOr jjjr Anatomy. - v , . . , CHARLE8 CALDWELL,' Mi D., Prof- Ihat'aof -Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. '.J JOHN, El COOKER M. D I-- 'P'roF. Theory and Practice of Medicine. ' lU ' SAMUEL D GROSSM- D.,'" ,, -!''.! : ' k vPrfessor;ofafgery4. ' . , , HENRY MILLER, M.D., ProtVObetetrics and Diseases of Wotnep dt hildresv j CHARLES W. 8HORT, M. D.. ' - Prof. Materia MedTca'aad M'dfcil Botany. " LUNtiFORDP. TAN DELL. M. D4 -. v's- r'Ptot tJhetnrstry and Pharmacy. DaNIELDRA;KE,M,D., ;.; Prof. Clinical Medicine and Pathological Anatomy. Wx Lecture are delivered daBy. : The fee for each ticket is SI 6. The notes bf good end solvent Banks of the State in which 4he pupil resides, will be received in payment. The. Matriculation fee is $5, and of Graduation both payable iu, Kentucky paper. The fee to the Demonstrator of Anatomy, Dr. Baylesa, is $10, which ihclodes.all the privileges of attendence oa .his demorjsi rations and disseetione from the first of October till the first of March. . The price of boarding, with fbet, light, and attendance, k frevht $2r to 3" per week . . Pr otassors Cobb and- Gcoaa, in anticipation . of; the regular session, will deliver, a course of Lectures en Visceral 'and Surgical Anatomy, arid Operpiive 8ur gery , begitrningr on ihe-l5h of September arid tertni- aatlog on the last Saturday of October. ' The fee to tbu course is 20. By order of the Paculty : ' " , ' J. COBB, M.D.,D.ean. , Medical colcge, IN RICHMOND, VIrIgINIA. -JTTIHE hext Session ol the Medical Depart men t'o 1 adJL Hamnden Sydney. College will onmmehee,! in Richmond, on the last Monday of October (30th) and continue tin til the last of February fbllewiug. , . !nJoair Cunkk.M D, Professor of Theory and Prac tice of Medicine. K' ' ; " " ' ' ' ' ! " L.i W. Cv&XBsmtsTffE, M Professor of Mstcria MedicaaiMl Therapeutics., , . ' R.L.BoH&iraAa, M D, Professor of Obstetrics and Ureeases or women anu cnuuren. t?ecBATs Maumv, M D, Professor of Chemistry aad Pharmacy., . ' -.'t AubcstcsL..WabeB,M D, ProTef sot of Surgery and Surgical Anatomy. " ! Jxrraf s Writ a,' M D, Professon of Anatomy and PhysiolDeyv- P 5 ' " The Infirmary itUcledlo.tbeColIege,farnjsbsam ple materials for practical medicaland surgical instruc lion during the winier. To this' is also added the pub TTemsdtotiorieof the city.r Which 'are hnder the charge of a mthihsir of the Fscalty ; te all of which the sto dent baa free access. , The facHUies fir obulniog infer, mafion in practical anatomy an4 the node of perform ing surgical operations are not excelled ih any insxitu tion ofooroeuntry. ' V r ' I . ' ' . ' ' -The' Fscolty take pleasure in arlnoenchig to the medical profession the appoiniaut of. Dr. Jeffries Wy man, of poston, to the chair, of Anatomy and Physio logy ; a gehtlemah' df eminent qualifications as a hu msfl'aad eetmparitive Anatomist and Pbystologiet' r m.-AUG Li WARNER M- Df ' Dean 0 the Faculty. 73 12t. .Sept. 7: P0BIEAI1V 'MiN X ATUJIEr -IH BIXTOILICiL fAlSTISQ. r 4- i 'rtaving'vUited EuWpe forlhe pdrpoae & 1 hiftswtf M hrS DroIesik)n.4i mnrenarea .. Or HUJIIU UA&UlLNA, bf perfecting towxecotav e. i 7 A 11.13 i i iU (1,1 ii mi i i. i ; . yTh.yrisbjng, to Sjvaeowlws of h!lpwreWmi Hillsborough SWrOO-yardT sTtKremeeimeaww bis execuuoo mar fAM IlNVALlIitB'LE OINllMNl.n? - Oft. -i .Jf .""njul lfr,r ,3n CifaAt and FurijtitUre Wai-e jiowsc, THfi'SWcrlber1 has noWtMfnad hi rfis furhishi il 'inr VV are Jlootos-Just in thof vearof 'afessns. .... r rurper,Hpgbe,LBookJstore; a geoerai sasorteeat; jf Articles in bMliae, made i.n the rwoat faithful roan nerirefteirthe newest arid most Tashionable patterns. antf which wiH W warranteo. They w.i1l! bedld rl such pfitc,'as to leave o excuses fo1--aetjdjng.to.tbe North for qrnitre t C0 aad lookieforeyofi sead from borne..-. t. , A WlLtAM THOMPSON. tjf WalnnVrrtKaple'aha' Poplatum vfdPsetaoned, taken in exchaiige for Forfiriure. PILLS ! 11 LLS P. PILLS ! 1 ! HEALTH TJIET RUEST RICHES.' ' THE CELEBRATED ' ' " iiy 'geiaii Vegetable JPiflTs, Caa be hail at ihe Slpre ', John Pbijihose, rAYtTTKVIX-LE STREET, ItAtKlGJJ, Iff. C. MOAT'S MORTSON PILLS. ' InrriEbfiutNE j ill: UNIVEltSAL MEDtCWrAecerate -pre par en qj mmi n9. - moat, m -mew xmav srora xae original recipe used- for many years by his lietdler Mra, J'jhgaias, lloat, yjcPrcsideat of h Vvpf Col rege ofilealUi. ', ' ' ' " " ' ', . ; Twenty years succeAiiI Wniihist rafion of Ibese celebrated aoedtoines in Europe, and more thank wefee 1 years, in the United Ktatesjbave esiablaihed thsir hjgh ..reputation. , Thousands f both sexeswbq have been restored to' health (he numerous BuBerers"1 fe'scued" from premature death and volumes of certified-cases of c&ey embracing every, disease' in the longeaialogue of bjuaian misery t must eoavincs, the most itjeredu- floua,.ot.thejr superiority and the iruih of the Hygeisn uwi v , icuuiiik iiutu Kmuiui; ivawvu iiu vauv rienee, namely,' that 'man ie-sbbjeVt to only one' real f disease tmjparity :of be Wood, j . ; ( , a i The Medicines beimj composed entirely of .herbs ( or ceiBie mailer, puruy, me oiooo, anu carry on me cbrrapT humors of the body, in a rrranner so simple as to glv every day ease'and ptoaeuie.' v- ' ! -Mao- wHl be'borav to days of bUss, compared' to what liaahitberto been his lot, weighed ,down as . he, hss been by disease, infirmities, and sunenngs .which ho earthly power knew how to allevtate,' tinfil this dts cevery was presented to Ibe-worW. : The weak.ehef Teeble, .ibe infirm, he nervous, the dacats, ate,. W ;a J- few days, strengthened by their opera tton, and the mosi oosunate compiajnie. are rerqoveu oy perseve rance without the eiprfrse of aTh-VMcran . ' Adapted la ell circumstances and situations, they are . tie but Mtduin, tvir, itp&ltd (xFapuha, pt folate jto sea,, preventing scurvy andcortiveness, requiring no cbange'of diei, particular YegTmen, or care against ta kmg'CWld.J ' ''- ' '.---v. OCj The prepotency of these medtefnesv has irahi-i ced may specxdaVts to attempt impoaiuori on- tb pubhc, bj forgmg the labels.' or forcing their Jnia lim's InU notice thrbagli the medium of the Press 8ome ofthem pretend to Hygeisn p rtnciples, by steew ing from die writings pf the Hygeis, and copyieg whole pages into thejr fulsome advert isemenuu f . . -. But as they cannot copy the medicine, their speci fics of their deleterious" nostrums prove to be tanavail ng, their puffing and piracy become evident ; disap pointment to the afflicted is. eventual, and with jt obloquy the pretenders sink into oblivion. , . ; ..... ; ' TheHyireian medicines, first introduced' Into this cofintryhyH. 8. Moat, in 1830,heve for th' hut foor years been prepared by him, and she increasing sale stunts their intrinsic mert ; iby comprise two, sorts. Of rlla, fJo l and 2, in single boxes ot, each at 25 or 50 cents'; and Packets contatniiig both Softs, at 1, $2, or $3. The Vegetable Cleansing Powdera, in large boxes, at 374 cents, kh primed .- directions JSadi packet has a tac sunils. otT ige signature oi ix K. . . r i a- ciheptieard Atoat, and to prevent coonterteus, are signed wifh a pen by the district agent add sab-sent on a labef of vettow paper. v ' - Neneare senxnne unless they have these sign at ores, and are obtained from subagonis, wbo, can .produce their written appointments ftnm the district, agent, and whoe 'names are advertised in their respective districts. ' l - . - ! H. Wwstits Mnir, ,; . .. . .; Principal Office, Canal st, ; . All orders will be promptly filled, at 20 per cent less than retail .'prices Tor all' Vums over twenty five uunsrs, iui wiffii. . Some person in every Town and ViUage.'rght Jo keep .thie;valuable'rne4ieuie4 for UvejJjeuefit of then fellow men. One individual, .sent ninety miles iq procure mem. Nov. 17, 1842. 94-ly VALUABLE ROANOKE LAND FOR SALE, fm HE Subscriber would sell, privately, his M wo II -Farms tm ,tbe,N.ortli Bank of.Roanpke: rivet, lying in the county of , Warren, North Carolina, im mediately above and below Robinson's , "Ferry, each containing upwards of 1000 acres, 400 or upwards being river Iowg1oond, of as good qdalihr as arry-bn the river, it is believed.' 'TboseoP.arrns are, ip fine . ' , . . . cropping cenaiipn, great pains nsving.oeen vuenior ine last lew years r.o improve larm every way. ' The Sebecrlber wlWrtot puH1 through thissdver- tiseraent, iatel above. valuable tracts f Landr ai-i they peak The terms oa which he wdohl sell the above Farms will be liberal "ryi "y and be incites an rnspectioa of bts lands, by those wuhiag to purchase before buy ing elsewhere. - My friends, John B. I hrower, John H. lewis, and D: 3. CWiboraeJr, oi Brunswick eoumy, Va., will take pleasure in showing the, above lands ta any oersons wishina lb view them, or efve any furtlier in formation in reference to them that" Way oe' wished. ,? ,,v tr. : '' 't;LAt;A.KUBin!5un, - Warren, N. C. Aagnst.7., . 0;-.. i , i6 -r 4 rnmp iaaking. trrrHE SUBSCRIBBR; announces) to (he public : 11 tnai ne rs prepared o nuu, rcumir ana, cieaa out ' PttalM to : order ind- atf thd ahovteit otic Ue bopes by cjkse apnr4al aenttento;past.i ness, to receive a snare or puonc purraage. :-i,i.f.um (JOSEPH R. McADAMS, .laleichv Inn SOthv t843; i M tr & Tf I 7 5 . A vN assortmeirt ofDGod Groosm 6sjsiort neu ji &:- need no effort of the.sort,,tbjoking it. pobable-lha.t. Uipse persons wwhmg to purchase will view the hiruls t he rs coriieHt to leave them to speak1 for"" themselves. crir fcn rn nru iruaY ju.-; r aisv 2 ; . v , , , ,, 1 ,,, 1 , Hi ! Hi STRINGFELLOWAS 1? lW W 1 WML of rjxiracupg fEXMiPf; llovtst each r.::i.4wli g aamIr6naTidd Cleaning-the entire feL of. JTeethi ... .VJI Bept Artiflciaj Teth'on PivotJ, each f & Balinifedld bivtg" r"3-' : rn?. pnne improvea piarroi liKs.' 1 ii otr Vrattng for.Jand tteiidaticicfittiied -,', xaaee of . Neuralgia a rt: r.2(X700 f . , I .TJ-l , : k , r Raleigh Dr.Beckwith' Dr. P.C Pope ' J Wax. Pluramer,Esq.!'C Gen.,Hawking. .j. Coli joyner, ")1 Dr. Wilcox, C Halifax. Dr. Hood. 3 ..:r Warrentota. ' 'COMMUNICATKb.1' ' "i - It in with ho lntle pWuithaVWe sVepkhled'to .inform the, public, through' ihe medhim'olTbertio omns, that, a cure has bee at length daTCovendrfae most balnfutand hsraaairur of ailnetveua anectiooa: Neuralgia or Tp Doloreiix. 'Th manjr ynfortunate palieojte whose fuflefings WoJhaVe wimesserLshd who are ignorant j hat tflose stjSeVings ban l'fneedfbf I UToeess of bis pnetrce. which fr sV novel as It fS Drove cacique. lis residenod in the Ckpttal ef the State, will make it convenient for, him to; jfonsglte- by many' af is dl&taiice, who are afflicted witn a disease, alinttst'as prostrating to the mental as to the Dhvsical efleflries-ef ibe bomWsvinem'.' ' , v ;'J. 4 . - ' .' r LiJU rS4Jwmv--Ie the' Uottrt ' of jaMiaefsfimlf Wl Materia sOfike, Aug-11 184S. H v v mitoii i i YflVam Peaoe.ni,(o,! yti; tbio ,tM'i ?Tn i t.iftu arm tc jf - .nd r' ' ' .onn ai. reace ana oinrrs. . TT The PlHiiifTs Bill in 'tKe'vbreWtOi'arah-e; states "in auhstaric,lhatl Jlieph PeaoeVOt (BeSBrglnif bath lately rdepartedSsJfe, intsciate, aamarfiOB without issue : that "the plaintiff and theKndan John M j Peace abd Pleasant Peace are brothert of Ibe said Josephs jhatthehed irthk Ufctf&,otiettter fofh et. named J ames p arrv a?u.tuT sMrtersi xitizajJeta;tJaf r, and resides ia telby, (nlj J iTfRtipf see 1 and thai James naa a son inarnea Jiomas, wooja ueaa, jeaviojf two ehildiren',''wlk reside iri A'taliam one a son na med John OJBarr, arid the'other: adanghtiefwhosiB name is unknown m the plamfift -'Thef'Ebsabeth Barr waa twice married t by . her: -fi husband; j sm William Potter, jshe had , issue two children ; Robert snd Margaret, who sire believed to be dead without issue. And,: by her'-eeooAd husband, Df Miles King, she had issue four sons, John, Edmund, Alexander and William, all of whom are daad-frbsi.tb.ree last nameu, in toe Denei 01 ine piaintir, wupqui isfpe- and John, leaving a-son,' Inidas. King'. resfdinf tr! Alabama or Teniiessoe.and theplaihWnTSeliWfesVethef chiUen. but if an, thairioamcsarehnknown to bimv Anu sne nau aiso itur oaugnrsrs, juiis, wo. uwer. iL.i , -..- . J Ti- j... .1.1 V '-I Ci marneu witn ons r ijees,, ow oecsweu anu vrao Is Vesiding a widow in Potrtoto;' Mississippi ; Harriet now the wifsjof :pn Harman,'hosechristian name is unknown to the. pla't tiff. residing ! ini Monrbe County, Ceorgia Marynow thf . wife ojf, one.Mi ion, wuose i.iiriiMiau uoiuc lanisu uiijLiiuuimuig in Miirsball Cou ijty, Mississippi ; Snd; Elizibeth1, how the widow of one Coke,' and; residing in PickeAS County. Alabama : That Napey JJsrr died Jeaxiajis-J sue in Nbrth'Caiolina-rTha Mary. ;I eace in,termarj ried withTaaac Kilttelr. and'- rerjfov'ed to' Alabama, where she left isaue endaught,Hs4rret;mirTied to some one, iwltnuo name i wbHy eiaknowrrtolho Slain tiff that said Mary had other children, wboare ea'd, but whethfjr with or 'without issue, is unknown to the plaintiff: That Luij PeaeV inftrmarried'' with Lewis Lemay, and (besides otbrr istme) had -a soa-na-med John JV LeaiayTnow.of Desoto ,Cuoty,-jrIisw ' And the said Bill furfher shews h4t"the said Plain tiff and the said John' MPeace lind5 Pfessant PeirJe, iwith Ike issue ofaho said deceased brother and sistess of tbe said Intestate, ate his hr at law. n That the ... 7 I'rtW1 ' Tl . If7 " . Tracts of Land tin .Rateigh, and in the Coonriea trf Wake and Granville, and which are.; particularly (Uv f scribed in tbe said Bill, which are a clear surplus of the said parthersBip effects, of1 which the said PuTn- MS IO Ml WH riui, -ncniiiicu iim'iuwiwjtiu with tba said Jiving brothers. awJktbqisauejof the said deceased brother and, awtry of. le said jln testate, is entitled as heirs kl law. of the saiil Intestate, to the f other moiety, betweeh'hem'to be divided According 16. their several interests And the scope and prayer of the BUI for eenain reasons therein se forth t fot the sale of, the said Lo's. and Tracts ; of ' Lao in order, that the proceeds' of such sale may be divided in lieu of actual pa-ftkiori, It And the plaiipliffo having: this day filed 4tis said Bill, n.the office bf the said Court, and supported the ssme by his affidavit, in writing, I. Psrria Babee, CUA and Mksterlof the said Court do, St the desire I et rue said nainun, ana aocoroimj i ine net oi -as ecmblv in such case made, by this advertisement to be six weeks ipserted in the Hsicigb Register, herebf. notifv and warni the said.'4 Julia Pis zees, the .said Minton ariA Marvl his wrTe,' th said- HarmaQ Ad Har riet his wife, (be (aid Elzabetlt Ueke,tneeald LeoOk daa Kins, theaaid Fuller 0 end Nshcy j hiikwife, -tbe said John G. Barf, the said Harriet,, daughter of the saiu latemarv iviareu; ana ner uusoaaa-r-aiiu uie aia it.iVii.ij.tr! A l Ljii'i-ic.ii'j iit.j.:i John-PLemsy, well s all otfief persons not rest- deauof tbedutdofrNedh Carolina ; who- may have or ciaim any lpiercei jb 10a prtunsses) w appear fVf'w tVa'JtldW or the said Court bf Equity, at the Court to be hell kt the Court House in Raleighrori the first KfMadflrv BiWfftilunrth Mondav of Seotember nexL and plead, , answer orleraarvtd j the iad7 BHt Wbe- wise yie same will be taken as comesae ftjUaenVfefr rrVsr,andUrdexjoy rt.f; , WhMJ tha asld rterrirf Bftsbee. Cferk thd Master of,thft aaMourt,ttb IltbrAsW w irtxil e ll! Idvddto Dneopv n 11.P .1. I ' 1 t -T f , I I I . . . I ..J. I JI It. 3 r. 0r0 being supplied widithe grtrf3stattetyoc' -rt v rs ft i, ff 1 - ' : . . - r. ' ;Uf Ki a at hmmtm ta . - scieptifivi means, induce us to, makjsithie eonwoahi- goni'.The' number presses already fpred. bj Dr, rafWeVfcitoW. of this 'Citv.' Drove-conclu6tvelv the ,rM.?rrce many years oe.ore .e sa inips eat WW.;, SJ--l&Liti et isti a daoitnter ivsnef. mtermarnea wttn one r Direr, 1 v xxuo-xji wuuuiuw itn . . I viivv:vufniiaii sjsuasv io uunuvwu sv u iaiutiuf r 1 9 riainun anu ine intestate in nis ineyms were partners Under ihe firiri of " Joseph ahd Wniani Peace,w and, as slKh. were'eeiiedln' fee simple bf vlferk Lois and .nTaraaII(Msaav .CltTl.-IOt '.!VOlC.- ir- 'r' f ,1 . -Afir.I . 1 UJ i f. " 'V" vW? 51 vmTAVIttf ?rewrtiwniai)Ti resptetfuBy IsrWeUeHrkeTis br Raiei'lid the Nei thlvarhopJenelaUyi that ha has now tocclvid hie rthrplsciu thiCItvl. CM4J nofcf fi.tir,;ni, any me-. Supeiier JCassiosere andCSarM H raJ'fl w'. : tirtytiervJemlrWW v' neofer, tjin ypu hav eenjformanj s .dafjjAlso, 0 6me very etlperSoT Mole !lBl1n ' eS bortnlHlk H4a.wllclr for beefrfmiih' ' Lift Ailti&-nL V. Hate aill4Aadt iTt&'CtW. verjaai5 priee nd 4 uiu" a veti IeecriDUon.x eaneff And w iprtteed to fook equal' ii-ne. 'Customers Hito : ipHtsedprUtiVt ! ! .iii iii n'Hi.-'lrt call before phrthasing elsewhVm, IT they wish 6 save lariv get a better Hat. i He.tmsu, that by atriet aUenjtiolo the baiUiesa.tir6cvif e S.abMe of thsj pab lic patronage. -. .' , . ! N, B.: Cash TtM for Vtopt on lie SkiAl uind ev erydescripaoselFvjss.iHat jir.! 'r i"' AA.a.Ta.A S I . TT . S . venftefl Hsjosyr-hy Ji E.Holbrk;f4: D;': Uirii, bi:JrfoJaaes Weirl frier MQDJ Jn'-J1" , fnmfl fttfcaNHe 07 ft. Froat, M.D; t Obttetrin-bj Thomas O. Prioleau, M,Dj-J Chemistry bj U. Shepprd.M. J). , .'; t ''Tie chbol.dr '.PcticaJ Anatomy IhaVbVlnor snimdanrj willbeiadeV the argsof Dfi. Holbrook IPAtiffj r. o 1 -! f j: ! ; iatta ttiwx rfuuuMfl HENRY' RrVROST," Dean. qTi-tifTtrfi1-; il tani cjifi,-6t1iw. JC'DFlfttE KtE ANnl Ell. 41 rf - iiWWtw4 Ear it V i. - -. "i lint r.Deformitiea. DteeaeeiiDf tha BxmHsiii't f (DtjBj m v-Rny'-rArty,! tomtptitttt iuk irbrvic jma5r.be fslrjlr ' TvsrrM BU. 'fiEftDft aTC: will give a regular Course of Medical andSSuraical instruction: "Ito brebara 1 .. . . . f .. ibAMispchnts who wish td visit tlmNerthern Colleges. . 1 iJI Charles iiknlvV' !,(U fi'iy7 ,W' t BoahiWadden, Es: Hiilarjmoih?! fl TTTTH f.r ti The Suscribexi 9psjre(orUeeatft all kimjso r Wood v also, Wall Painting. Paper-bapgiBg. Gla dir imlOlLDlNG svi miMmmt'UbMceB aUetHled-le atUlhrWrti Boticend dotaaina supe- rjer siyie pi yforsoiafiaoip. , Ml LfTA RY TLX GJ and D ANJnE RScainVed in the .neatest sty fcon" th shbrw'tmticei and much cheaper than they can tw fonk eAsrAvhrC, (ffte- rar to the .Adjutant Uanersl UN enlv i;syolinai If . t Persons wishing, fainting oLajiVt dfscrjplioo exe feQIedi'by calllnj ' at the'CabTnet Wae KoohT brf!r W iHlinr Thompson; oppiosljfe Vhi Soofb.- East Corner ethepttoBQaare,meyixrafohaeh to theiiantkrsaliaipii..,iafttr4i.;pFA rmHISsyriricvetI'at.ths TJoek- Narraiive of the VvVrO fd Grrmahy tfed Prance in ! 1813 and 18J4. br ilieqU GerKCbarlcat WJVano. Memojrs of Don. .Lafeyelti'nd the Freircevolo- tion in i30, by B, Barrens hta8fcretary Famil iar Letters and Capers of Bepjl FrtnkQti;: La'Casaa' Journal m -volstlftfeaolM eMiclexi oriapafte, L yoL The UftetWltlhriiftCebbvt inl velii-tfbe rLife of Galileo GslilsUn 1 ,otr for sale by ;, 1 - Tttrf iVn is, MtmMT'ft: June' IS." V ook, toon, MorXKE w bqo&8 d NE W- B00K8. lost received thhfdav.'el the iNortA CsrolsBookatorer FsyetteviUe SUetef;;Cbabg for the Amenosn Notes, in Letters front London toOf ew York, by an, Amtri. can; Lady. " The Iy'eighpors,'byFrederika Bremsr.- TLeqWcrks"br Williani Shabpeife;complete;.ai25 4 eeatarBumbst. iTorBmUwf.JiiWak li1ntf:..i' September l .. ' "..ri .;7- a rmO sLCTrr-ThverCto, SM'M r?S-PPf F,eyettettnra. ' WnrrkV Shoe Store: wnele hi invites thauhlic to . RfcVegulif course oJectures. i nihil inetiiution irberesumexl on the" eecond lllohdsv inNo. s rzA i va i . sT0 r u irmm. si pnsiflAn ai vtsMi a grsauaiea witn credit at, inn enjdpf their first session, .r.s c Jr1liRrta'rttEi 4-vti ftfir iLl0-" Cheap aidewReleigb,Wjjq,,.,he HuUorytorki.ie 8. America, by .TiftGoidon., The,: v Llfe-oYSir'arteVRahylrt.bmtTho . ji);- longtoJJrsV; eopieq by the 'Rev. m e Lacy 4 Poasesiott msy Jbe bad IhsV laf of July For term plj ttf " r ' r.Jt.i- iiEa4Alfl-ITTOvTLCSi ,1.: ':-; v Jane IS. -h ,To-;i f f'tS fns r 'n rvwnxr aTVivvrv a r m i tlfi v ' smii' a vx? iii'Wi- i-a .u -u 'ti Li 1.4 ..nWf-c-.- hrrnRlMEEj3AwA - P.Adv.8 4 7 za i,i.oiwuiMi esjwa.r' Hr ; ' ;Vr-f' . --r.-. - V C-; ' ' . . .-' . : ' V.1

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