' ' K3W . i : ... t , eJL y? ."iV: Ml; r..ML rf --! Bui w i: i .- :.- ...:;- v. w -.. m. a a a av. 4U - ' I - . T r - ti 'fV9 6 (tl t1 E7I rarity or.f fl; i " . . ,1 -til tfffi.'.-.' p " 10 rrr 1 ,11 T CI T'v-rjn-rr' fiU I hi k v i r r . ta; i fie v'Ji ir i -.1 'i i i x vim iii y in i vi i l , . ii v: o ii V: .i . iu " lC 1 V . 1.. 1 MM ... I . . 1 B i V I k I k ( h i i '.4 k k. Hist inS'uu " w wv"i iura uvn rtfentyfive Ceniv .a t T : r juo ! ill be charged 23 per cynt. ltgr lt Ueguqtipt .r 3i per cent, wilt be mJ frorruhe rgulvriicei. 'dierTiwr.byllHsye.t.f -tt. ;.f .v - t t . . m. RCG19TSR. ykiiiQ pjw u i K;f.JK.rpr tree of cliarxe. v i ,:..J6! (0- Letteii to me aatwrmuM y rogT-PAiP. , . wrteep'tl Ail hourtirBproe olnniUke tteiiVs;'. rA 'Wfti8-we hW fot?t ttyi no need oOucb sense. We areunabUlu fA'ngiiiVipjpeijeBtablB.lrQfa aber; bee mtgjtft a Jk of Inedve.-, hm Chesbice rJkeete. and -eBb.fisha Colona sauaaji' ii A WtifWM atanatfen' remdea all out aeusea eixferpt'lbn 'feWtig? .' Pw Jof jSiclh rolfler.fiatijig helerfelt fof a ojr .one bul hi ' qnel f, ja iw f eapinKe full btne6t of his a Ifishoess, ai)d 19 tle mot miserable subject uoi)gst os. He bMs teara the 'whole lite long- da y, and vhe boys poke all kind of fun at bkn. -We do twi knfw wlrereaM tftis uffering isgoifigtend. Jatlerfy wilh, ItomV powder, W .tiitfelUw is epjuTck , an torliipus lr jTts tnovetQjents, and has o many fces that we just as juften hit oursel tea, fesJiim; fy we bave conclaled it was best to let the chap 'ran his ttrengtb nut, ahtf. then fall on bifh en masse, Jpsrtieu Urly since heard of the fate of your1 friend T, who 'mwleriook to'starve' him 'out, Wdgot So starved out himlfr and uch a battering about thwubi lie at region of the abdoaren, that-his '"own-father passes biro by in the street, Adieo if I do not write iira day or two, TQa triay infer that I'm agone chicken. From Howiit'a Rural Life of Germany. cows. . M It is quite 'repulsif&tp our JEngiish feeliDgs to see tba maaaef in. which the cows are worked in this coaotry. An English lady observed te a Ger man one, that of alt things she would aoi iilte'tct be'ajt German woman ef the common class, trwJ GernJfcn'xioV, ftr 'lhey re both untoereifany worked.,' eerWn lady thought H a good an swer to Wiy.hatahe eerUjnly would in this, as in aor. other country, prefer being a lady to an or. dinary woman, and that she should not choose to .be a cow at all. The Ensrlisb ladv here afain re HMORTEItS -ARD-WHOLESALE'-DEALERS W&jrn rtrifi Domestic Dry Goods, Staving Veeke4?jofVtfaVbst and hictie'dC'ral 9Tr,uucn;u n mis mvigei ; anq Bs,ine larger portion of iWilr TA Pt'E 3O0fTS 1 Were tj'irciittsea bufere the laie its ihev a, re wofthy Uie attention Of MEK CHA rfTB nbs caoskti nikiw t ' pari icotarhr re rj'nesied -,! - " : ; ' 8ef. 1; 1848. 73 Svr lLER GRIPPE AVc have' beep permitted to publish 4the following extractf a letter frtn iJLlie North, in which this savage frite rlopet has receivetl atolerable lambasting. f The leUer haAnuclr of the spirit bf the merry Guthaiiniie;ta.nd iboujh not written by VVilfja, good spe cimen of his style of drollery .and; fun," "This wily vgboml is taking every ad vsn age that is- area arid, tricky -of Our peopled fxpel bim out pf your own family, and 'he runs and seizes the' memtfevs of InotHer'by (ho throat, and tlten he holds oWun Wearied and unpityinr, for a whole wejk or ten days t a time. He waylays the poor old man "in the streets at night pounces Jike ;a turkey buzzard on the fair, onsMpect?hg:girl,;who ells beside you on the piazza by tnoOirltglft, and discourses most sweet music in the shape of romantic and sentimental c6nver station, with hef own sweet "lips and ' her silvery tongue ; (oil ! the brute !)' places his horrid fanjja on the breast if .the young mother, if do lato in the evening, to aee whether Iter truant hushaiid coMieu; Ainkes -sad ' work imongst all the boys and girls; ''amj woutif jou believe it t so jealous iV'he rbf ahy:litt!e' enjoyment a poor 'devil h;TSji9iV-a.Uaya, since these raw.honctl .TeuijK,raqce, Orators .have been travelling round thocouiHry,that if he, can lay hands on you coming home froKi the theatre, with a couple of inches of wh taker kii nrh fects of his villainy1 hl "day. . PhSM;!" 11 WB a Germaacow'- 13 011 iuc uiuqu u juur wav; JVU. f fn 4 In' fSngfand. the cow is a yri titeged 4nd mcst lux- MEDICAL. COLTLEGE, IN RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. H E next Session of the Medical Department of Hamrxien JSydoey -Tallefe wo eopimeDc,' in Kichriiond, ait tb hist Monday of October (30ih) and continue until the last of February 1o4owingv ' toun Cvuttn, M t, Professor ofTheory aud Prac tiee of Medit-me.' L. W. aixjttaiaTjra, M D, Professocaf Materia Medics and Therapeutic: , K. L.Bokwic. M U. Ptrt&Msor of OlwteUics and Diseases f women and children. , ectiTU Micnii M J?, Professor of Cbeonstry and Pharaiscj, . AoovaTra L Wais,M D, PioSsssor of Sorgerj and orfieal, AoatoBoy. raiss Wxjias. M D, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. . Tha Inlirary atached to tbe College furnishes atn ple instrr'tals for praciicaf medics I and surgical ihstrgc ivm durioa ibe winter. To tbts is also added the pab born when ' soiinde4 'in fro pre8enhyeth4over the country, 3ic f' j nurnaa "UrJ;'itl .f';.;rJ&. eee of tWruoat lovely aecfaclea which the ctain- a member of the Fsculij -, to 4l of whicthrtu ?nr neck w th a noU .nfcrily dreea L ..fiw.nor. tvm-1 Wlacd.tfor ommtipfoN oieiay,rwUfiaJujog,BplTirniiia insiri 1 flliKl-j !'. , t , 'a. mat onin pfacticV snstfcmy aria id mouaor pcrrorm- .r-l.t.ii.,.' LV..,i?y.-rlii I Awrn'tra Maze .of goMen and. jwrpte flcrtrr f coantr.. .. ... 1 ji--jJ'rilf and creenista 1 The FacoUy nake pleasore in anftoaneiBX to the takes, ajJ said bavej.ewfyrfmr fdRe indJrtjS wekWof eLSxkL whiels 'meVRcal UtJan ZAit of Drflrie. Wy. ot nis victrnrj tieiatKyrin otrDonear wnennia i "7 ttowtc. - -7 1 n i, : 0f Anatomv and Pbvsio ... P,n,.;. -the.hade.oi drooping wU Deaa of thsTacuky. 73121 ir - -1 the next 49 I?oyrsJ?your Itead fee,liitg4of alU iVW. ""TT.- "7. ' tbe worl(.r,kb,ao old t stuffed, WitlT lel, 19? telHg1 M?"-?0 "f; l-.u J I ' wj. ' Imer jJie is iaJf.huried in nlenty Jn beati'ifuj Scotch herring, your nasal orOTirembHo t-J aa, th Jberda of Allo. whuffed tkechi.nney-of a lss4towfn'gstablisr meadow Trinacria or of AsphodeU rapm: l:'i Ll. .'ftrVtltf.S.tf the njostfamouspaatBrca ttatheworld. . - ;. . A CARD. ' . . ' TOCOUKTRT MERCHANTS AND FARMERS' ;.:;a5:'K:ifttj. (A. few Saon'akaV tbe lfeli Teni, ' tVe tppiMite ille,) . MAIN STBEET, KICHMONB, VA. . Woakl embrace the present onoort on it v to inform Country ercft&nts.ahd'b.bers wfiq may visit this mar ket lor the poty6$4 of purchasing Goods, itmtliis stock for the FH trad wit ix extensive, haying beeftca-re- luliy selaeU. by Mr, U.;L, Ukmiso Jonn&rly OJ Petersburg, who is now m his erhnfoy, amf has had coiisideTBLHe exrieqee ii this branch, of business His stock having been purchased 'by' leaving' orders for fhew jfnanulacfure ) efcrHy in July, which was 'pre vidos to'the atlwtnee'in price otr Good's i in his tine, witt enaWehim (oaffeff them I or U percent less Unr he eootd if tliey bad been purchased at a later date which is a differenca of no Mrtail consideration. H is oJject is to establish himself in Uisutes, and he intends tiding every proper means (or the acoemplish went of that oliject ; and, to further his purpose, pro poses offering bis doods at such prices as writ make jt to the interest of purchasers to call and examine his stock. 1 ' H has received a portion ofhU stock, and wrTl con tinue to receive by various arrivals daring the tenson. Richmond, Va. Sept 6. 73 1m William ' TliflrtiipsoH,- V .i h - t.t , v TTTHril Suljsrrlbpr has now on hand at his furnish- lj" in'g Ware6'dinis,Jii4nn''tne'reW''6f; Messrs. I'tirner cc'Hnirties'floolc Stor. a crehelrai assortment f Article m h Krle, taada in- the toast faithful man ner, after the newest and. root fashionable puUarns, sm1 which wiU he. wsrfnmu?d. Thfy.wiil be, dL at auch prices, as to leave io exeuse fyt, sending to the North for Furniture. C'ajl and look, before y ou send from home. r WILLIAM THOMPSON.' f Walniil, BSrch, Maple and Poplar 'LumbeV t0e-smsvteri. taken in exchange for Foraiturc. PILLS! PILLS!! PILLS!!! HEALTH THE TRUEST RrOHES. THE CELEBRATED ITtgciau Vegetable PittS) Can. be hal at the Sue: j Joun Psimrose, . iFAYETTKVULK SXRKKT, . RAXKIGU, K. C. A MOATs MORlaON PJLL8.- , TUE GENUJME - HYGElAlt VEGETABLE UNI VE KSAL. ;1 DXCI4( Err Accurately. Pre: pared bjr Dr. H. ti. Moat, uf .New V9k, froirj the original recipe used for many years by his laie father, Mr. Thomas Moat, Vice President of the British Col lege of Health. Twenty years' successful administration of these celebrated medicines in Europe, and more than twelve years in tbe United States, have established their high reputation. . Thousands if both sexes, who have been restored to health the numerous sufferers rescued from premature deafh and vohjines tif certified cases of cure, embracing every disease in thelong-talogoe of human misery ; mast convince the most incredu lous,, of their saperiahty and the.truth of iheHygeian theory, resulting from scientific research and expe rience, namey, that -inan is u jject to only one real ulsease' impuriry of the blood." ' The M-duin being' composed entirely f herbs or vegetable, xnatlatvpurify jhe .Uood, and carry oT ihe .-- . . . - rtupt numors et tne qoOy, in a manner so simple as to give every day ease and pleasure. Maowill be bit to days of alias, compared to what .-I i7. -ZZ: k u ibttatideV mgrowpa' rich elwiughto ritse aUeyp !b : . -i :.. ZTZTtZf, Rl5aWtx. bfHer Sept. 7; . . . . ........ cestAr.tt'hat cQuntjv ean show meadows nke vou! x v " rl tl my mtm n M a - J . m'M mm 111 T A m n f T. - ' m . , ' i ' i - . wiu Tiivifim. n.nu iitcie iiiit iiiq ,UUUVf I ..VI . t Ml I W.B3XJKS thief planet to eahthit of at and milky I h'ke yoors . enough ta raakaLthe jolly heart of tbe n s In 1- V : J 1 L! J L..A La. . ... r'. ,k-.J"i in.k 4ai u.im longnSH laxnwr pruau, auu uig, anu mr.iery, as re Here,1, lot the-most for all the i Haof 1 ite' iicr,iV5 TfleshSs hefi except n0r4owl$hjVftb . ' r ' . i " -i t I . UU UHI9IIU.VII 1U' 1 1 Ml I J WIW'lll I,.. , . - rt i ' 1 1 Lfn f a VfV' in liarmtnffi inat vivv a'irJiiwii a mil aniu ? v s inn . ' ,.Uv. - nrjAw.i.SAtu oniiiant-pomon oi tne year, anew anu; up m ciose be .seen on them no, nbt seen-iftrandf welli -t v W t j; ; wAd,UV.;U-i'U5ii..;. there's rib skin there a nv wsor'lilWaU, Ki?on. There w.nogren nieadW t . t i "A" ' 'i'S" sleek, round-bodied tap ing majd old Cousin .SaHfXaiidT.ajW 'JfiH 2La- cL- uS?H!HY al Lucy Lour, aodLmey Long you know, is in MINIATURE, E1ST0SICAX PAINTIHG. ' ISXR JO: PIHJDEBj . or KOBf H CAROLINA, Having rslted Europe for the purpose of perfecting himself In hts profession, u now prepsrea to execute Eoitraiti, l?iniatum, kt. Those wtsh'mg V avail themssl vea Of his profession- servreea, are1 requested to cat! at his Artellier, on HitlsWoogh Birset, 100 yards Wast of tbe CspHoI, wbera specimens of his e xecutioo may ha seen. - 8epU 13, 1843. . . J. G. GUEGORY & Co., Managers, AUASM L. J 9 . - - - Aa.a,'a I A A I hie V r T V V u uiyiVfX "D,-and Irttte children with ereels on their backs, her ut of it. I wish she would nly turn w . v u , xrA I I i j . . , . . . , -r ' PV mil Willi IIUVRI) aiiu vul uut n eiv m ikiii- i tSffiSS - SPLEN DID LOTTERIES.- ciean out my nn mine resemble oiucb obliged;, phisiicated cove'wa to Columbus for dis covering America. And therefsttny gVd old grahdinothf r r Ws there evecjiiich a wretch J . To attacJtaJLecrepjiUdefcelesa, harmless and unoflfeuding female! Every sixpence she was sating togive.lhe children (be corner of fields, for her. sedge, from the river's brink. ana eatauie, is putru in was-1 . kets op pW women's headf. and Brought home ol 1 . AjU EX A N D R I A L o r.i it if. ben . Shut up! there, the very emell of aught H , T Class No. 60, toa 18i3. ; green is enough to make her devouriL In sum- Tobe drawn at Alexandria. D. C. 8atorday, Sept. 30, rner, tho-lbweisJeaves of tne dtcK-ruben are atnp- ded ' 6ir 'for her i lucerne M rmwri for her, and OQuS ana entlS Ot cauuage, arruis, uu vuiinpj " leaves fall to her share." She cannot rove in Gelds, n I iL:. a-' - ' j-l' T ll - T : 1 --.riaiotaa, .. gonejin mm-" -u"n for there are none. She cannot climb the hill lor wasnmg ezira. naauaereniei9. one forthere climb the .vines ; and the plains . onc.aoz.it erery z.-saun, aiwtiac. f f cropland tobacco, wUhoufc uer eyes her i.A I . L . l I T v.uuuniy- ai tnia, ror:ane taaea ef apron 10 . . . . . frQm Dickio- and 8tealinff. eyes. . TI good d Wei tore!, less VVheo .becomes out, it i. to labour. , With a greyk hairs stnd? bcarly lauahj I-hear ill. ,. ."i-wT- .;.t k. ,v. i- w,.,cjv clipped 'onthe back of her bead, 6ne 'end of he musnH toucfi aNhoueUr animal foot wbice on hers, and the other on the head of - -u wees.,, anaqf,v wi.ui.ngHut b ( . lbia Btrmpped fast, and secured to mush and rnolassea j end herr:be SV o wwn oTtheWgh, Jtad thus r .JHvpH,..Ma 'r.'"" vr with her meek forehead fast ie the-stocke pf la we have to shut erery Window 'end Uoor- inL v 'i 1-2-- .- a m.vat i r u.e oi:Keep-ner; ber oeaslntlmaster. It is a rniiith w... i ' v.i raising Sa iA tr5. mv moii 1 11 w roses, tor anai anas na v 1 .. - . .. .l" ru .n w 1 , . , r. ... , , . I vney must mora logeiner, w mey mie ai au, uceii seni oui 01 ids roam inn inev nuvni . r. . . . , . , . . ... j . f i.f . I W0)W oeuiou CUUIW WW. WUIUOiMK. wmi do d do do da 44 drawn ballots. I pvixe of t do fso.eoot lU.OOOi 30 OO 75 do do do -Ac. $1,903 1,500 1,000 260 200 Ac. 0,000 3,60tt 3,000 2,500 : Tickets $10 Halves Quarters 2 60. . Certificate of a package of 26 whole tickets $ 130 Do. do. . 26 hsff do. 6S DbJ'r '"' do. 1 26 quarter doi '- 3Z 60 For tickets and shares of certificates of packages n .... : . . - I .,. 'iAj:1 ' ' wi tma ifl strtppea iaaw ana eecurea 10 ue jvtc kjiiim iV.,nuw- r -j.. j ; Washington; D. C. f- (Tj Drainga sent intmediataly after tbej are over to all who order as above. Acocsr 19, 1843. - 1 : Passage to llaltimore, THE miearror enaajaboat, COLtFMBUa or TO. I CA HUNT A; will leave City Paint direct for Baltimore, averv Wins esb a V aftarooon, at 3 o clock. or immediately after the arrival af the Cars from Pa T" tit- DR. STRING FELLOW'S P-1K B B 0 E 1K H I A ft. 0 2 K A T i G X S. BtrrafetinV TafefH or ' Ro&t each ' 1 1 00 foarnimtionaMdrWcllbir ' : tofhfrmWsTee, ', f-' ' i r5 00 CleftmtheMeWlrrf set of Teeth - - 'OD fleiratlonbJr'Filing.ach ' " 1 00 PJoggi rigWrth gold U n n.': gf rfjQ Best' Artifieiil Teeth ym. PiTOts,'each u 8' 65 Do. "c; gold' pivots ' i -lryoo -Do. oh gold plate ! Vi 10 00 Dct tjnthe Improved pluof Dr. S. ' ' 15 06 Operating ft, and attetidancroitfrrned 1 cases orNeuralgia . fc ,J : v ir ' 200' 00 TzxirisCASH. ;- - - r': - Raleigh, Jane 12, 184a ; Hon. Geo. E. Bddeerl T ' Judge Uatila, - 'CRaletglK Dr. Beekwith, -if J - . 1 Dr. P. G Pope . ) Wm. Plumnw, Esq. C Warrenton. Gen. Hawkins. ' J 1 " Col. Jovner, ' ' :- Dr Wilcox, C Halifsx. . Dr. Bond -j . V ' 1 . : , T. ! . . COMMU3riCATBEu It is with no little pleasure that we are enaj.led to inform the pohnc.' through the medinni of your cof urnna; mat a care has been attengrhorseoveredfortbe most pamfut and harassing of all nervous affections, Neuralgia ar Tie Doloreox. - The many unfortunate patienta w hiw sufferings w b a va witnessed r and. who are ignorant that, those sufferings can be relieved by scientint' means, induce us to nuke ihis' commuta tion. The number of cases atreadv cure A by Df. SvatitGrEiLo w; of this City, prove conefusrvHy the success of his practice, which ir as novel ae it is effi cacious. His- residesce in the Capital of the fetate, will make it convenient for him- to consulted by many at a di.ttance, who are affiieie witn a disease, almost a, prostrating to the mentafs to the physical energies of the human system. ' J. t LaJ tiift .t sVTta-StSS Aidant J-jH Sare cPolarr noq, set a lrtter. Oat. : e - 1 awaa . . respectfully iafojrns ihetrvana pjf Ralsigh', ad the - m -Neighborhood Eancfaffthatiia has now reeeited'hi . 8pridrltock, covlstlnifef'afjSfr?jg A of avery descHpfion. wblah ha ottenr ao aaTaTolea twf miper cent, eheacer than ibejr can44 had at aojl otbr.Plc i" City. ,He &ft0W ftnistuag aoiiMi SuperjQrassiiriere and German Pruih.Hats, a iZAj nlatir than yon have seen lor many :a i 'day. "Also, some very snperior MoTe 8Ha arid Hort Nap Silk' HaK which for besoty of nihaitd dirVablllfvVcari3 not he excelled. Hsuwilt bakepf constaiulonhand,' of manuiactatedtoordarsjbfavery quality, pace and, fashjou. HaU sf averv dascriotion., , cleanad aod grelscd to look equal to jiew. 0nstomeiVj,Hafc pressed gratUj ' ;' Ta ;: " " "V r lis tk has taken the Shop- o Feyeitstllh) StrrcV rreatryorciipiedby Dm JiwftakTa, nrxtdooo Mnt Wbitb's Shoe Store, where ha4oitaa the f ttWio t. caM before, iniixhasiag elsewhere, jt they wishjoaav. -a dollar, and gel a better Hal. & trosta,,that by'atrict attention to the) business, re receive share oftfie i pub lic pahonage. f 'iJrr -: if. . . l rN. B. Cash irlaen for-Wo t on the Klin.' and v erydescription of Foaa. n r i;; -.. i 1 ."Hi rA 4 - O 'J aTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Wm JCounty. In the Court of Equity. Cletk and Master's Office, Aug. 11, 1843. . William Peace, 98. ' John M. Peace and others. The Plaintiffs Bill in' the above entitled cause. states in substance, that "Joseph Peace of .Raleigh, has hitherto been his lot. Weighed down as he has hathr lately departed this hie, intestate, unmarried, and been by diaeae,in&riniues, and sufiertngs which, no I wA&out lnsue : mat me piainnn and tne aeienuants earthly Dower knew how to alleviatf . until this dis-1 John M. Peace and Pleasant Peace are brothers of the covery was presented to the" world. ' The weakr the said Joaeph: that he had in his lifeUme.one'other broth .. . i , a . . I aa- T a . ; ' t . ea ieeole. tne m&rm, tne nervous, toe ueiicai, are in a J er.nameu james pair, anu reur staters, tiirxanem Dtrf fsw days stiencthsned hv their operation, and the Naney Banr. Mary Peace and Lucy Peace,who all died mos obstinate complaints are removed by persevel many yeira before rae said intestate : i hat James uarr rance wunout me exprnse oi a r nysician. vuapteu j usuici hiivt, uixiunincu wihj -m unw, o alt circumstances and situations, they are the best (wttos LThrlsUan name is unknown ao ifte plain a,-) Medtoinewer invented far. families, at to take to 1 sod rewdeam helby tjonty, Termessee: and that aa, prevanuea scurvy and costivenessr, requiring no j James had a sen named Thomas, who rs dead, leaving change ofdtet, particular regimen, or care against ta-1 two children, who reside in.Alshams one sona . . n" i 1 W1 .a .1 .1 I . a king cold. 1 mau worm u. uarr, ana tne ower. a aaugnser, wnase i(r Tbe prepotency e rhese medielness has indu-j name is unknown to the plainlux That LItxabeth cSd many apecalatara to attempt imposition on thai Bar was twice omrped ; by her first husband, ana pubhc, by forging the labels, or forcing . their Imila-1 Wiliwra ruUer, s&a nad issue two cniHiria, .noieft ftotM inh notice throueh the medium of the Prens and Margaret, who are beliaved lo be dead wiilwat Vome dt.tfie.m pretend to' HygeW principles, by steal- j issue, , And, by her second husband, Dr. Miles King, inrn,k 'uni'intinr rii Hvcteiai - and. natw i imt 1 she bad issue . tour sons. Jvna Xidmund. A exaudet iivi. - ' ' ' j o j v i , ' -' ,: . i o , whote nacres into their fulsome advertisements. aiof William, all of whm are dead rthe three last But as they cannot copy tpe medicine, iheir fpeci- named, in tne Deuel ot tae piamtin. wiujoui ,nt-ue firs or their deleterious nostrums rrve ta lie'iunavsil- and John, leaving a- son, lonidaaKing, resicijog in ne, their puffing and piracy become evJeVnt; disap-1 Alabama or Tennessee.and the, pJatnUfT believes, other - ... , ! em r ' " i t potntment to rba afflicted ls4eentual. and wrtn. jul j ennuren. oui n so, ineir names are unknown to nun, nKl.Hii ik nrotomUtaBink into oblivion. J And sliChad aU'o four daughters. Julia, who inter. IheHygeian medicines, first introduced .into tnis marneu wnn one riggers, inow aeceasea.; nrra wap country by H. S. Moat, in 1 830, have for the last four I s residing a widow in rontotoc, Mississippi i Harriet, years lieen prepared by htm, and the increasing sale I now tne wne oi one natman, wnose ennstran name attests their intrinsic merit 7 thy comprise two sorts j is nnknow n to the plaintiff, residing in Munroe of Pills. No. I and No. 2. in single boxeaOf each at County, Georgia. Alary, now the , wife of otieMih 25 or 50 centa : and Packets containing both aorta, a( ton, whose Christian name js also tmkrrown residing l. 2: or $3. The Vesretabla Cleansing Powdess, in Marshall County, Mtsslsstppt ; and Eliiabeth, now in larce boxes, at 37 cenf , with primed directions, ihe widow of one Coke, and residing in Pickens Each packet has a faC simile f tha signature of n 4 Courrty, Alaesma : i nat n ancy trarr oreu leavnypt?-. shenheftrd oaf. and to prevrtrt Counterfeits, ire 1 sue in Nb "Carolina .1 hat Mary 1'eace intermar fiimMd with a Dert hv the district afteBt and satMieeol I ried with fsaao Klttrell, rid removed to Aiabarmty oa label of utllnvB vaver. ' . ; v . 'J I whereana leu issue one aaugnter. naxrtei, maxriea None are genuine unje.they hayahese'gujeaj to. some ane. i whosa name ii wholly unknown h the and are obtained frona sub-agots, wbo ,can. produceJ plainUU-'iaa saiu fliary nau-otner cuiwren wnoare -. ' J i VI . .Ii ' . ii. ' ' . 1 AA l I H.J.U.. il K Ua XlY. W li.n. I m ..ailr VkrMW A ihpir written aDDOiniments itm me uiiiuici mrm, ua wunwr who minmiuw iu., h vkwu and whoe names are advertked hr their resiiectivsl to ihe i4nttft"r That Lwy.Peacjoterrosrriedi jnih districta. H KnvKAan;Moar, j Lewis Leraay. and (beaideaatht'f iasne) had a son. aa- Prinopat Office, 50 Canal st. f mad 4ohn P. Lemay, uo w at UCf oto tviMiniy , met AH orders will be promptly filled , at 20 per cant im. IIEIYDKEE, PBTSICUN OF THE ETE AN EArV A.VD OPERATIVE gUBGEON, -1 ' ' ; v 'Deafness and 6tKef dftections of the Ear ; Cataract, Pterygium1, CrpseedEyes, &c.' '"' " Enlarged Tonsils ajjdPalate; T , Club F,aiaretrp,firtaiflmering; Stone, Strictbre,'Hetulav Piles x ' : Deformities, Diaeaie of the Booes;- i Heruia, (a radical eure,) Aoeurism;; . , i Cancer, Polypus, Tumouxs Ulcers, , ? And Surgicil pisieases in general. ut. n. wm .visit, .any part oi tne state where his service may bVrun-ed'. "'' " - " Raleigh,-Jan. 23, 184a ' ' vr: - ' i t i':.T.'rt. T"Ji TTrn IIESDItCE wUI aita inula Cbnraa ; j V of Medical and .Surgical Instruction, to prepare ; those Si udenu wbo.wislrto visit the Northern Colleges., AM the private 'nshjU of DrH VW 6?numner. firadnated with eredVat tbe'end tit their WajfalmV in the Rich mot d Medleat Calif ge.'ii tw J J' . . i . .BxSEaasc! , : r.v..j Gov.'Morebead, 13 . ,f: , ; . Hon. Geo. E, J3drer, . Dr.BeckwUh. ' '.Ir. , ; VRalh. Charles Manly; Esd. ' J Hugh Waddelf. Esy; Bihrjroogh; k' ' '" Tha 'Subscriber la ptepatedlO-fexeeuta aft klnAs o1' ! Imitations of every variety of Marble, and of i kinds 1 of Wood 'ti'alaov Wall Painting, Pajrhangintf GYa- sing and UlkVl INti on WwandlHelalUcjuSthincd S of every, desef-iatHm, Ae-Votyf repeh afyfc A.i attended V al he shprtt nouaod donejn aupa norjBtvIe of workmanship. ' . - , 'WLITXRxFLJlfjHsnd B ANNt5rt'md fh . fhe neafrst sty la,"' hn the :shorfest ivctce'stnd mocHG Cbaaper than, they can bandana -atwbta. 6C5 fer.v thAdjulaiitGcntralof,Nonh lirvlmaj;'. ::.- .Pe.rsona wUhipg Paittlfrig Mfjianyatcriptiopexe-;, eu!ad,.ly eating .at the- Oablpft )lyttk)famitf'Mr ; William Thompson, eptfosile the Soutb Efti Corner ' effKetJapttol careVmaexpect fohaVe n done Ho1 their am fr aatlsractiowr ' -G.RAZlERi " RaleighrJan 1 4, .1 843. .I . I I ij, i . -tii .iii,! i, ii And iba sard liill turther spews uvattrie sata flam riff and the said John M. Peace and Pleasant! Peace, lata than retail prices foi all sums-over twenty five il.illara for M)h. mt : - .- .. . . fl ... . ,l -' - Some person n every Town and Village, ought to witfi tne issue ot tne said deceased nrotner ana aisvers keeo this valuable medicine, forlie benefit of theit j of the said Intestate are. his heirs at. law.: That "the fellow mn. ': One individual, r sent ninety miles to procure them ' . '. Nov. 17,1842. - 94 ly Tump ITIokinj Plaintiff and the Inlestate in bis lifetime were partners tender the firm of " Joseph and Willem Peaceand, as such, were seized in fee simple of divers TJots and Tractsof Land in Raleigh, and in tbe Counties oft Wake and Uranville, and wnicn are parucutariy oe inrTTHE 'STJBSCKlBEft announces to the public, scribed iri the said BilL whh-h ra a cleai surplmrof II tt.it wni.1 tn mk. rnair and elmnl the said battnershrp effecta. of which the said Plsm- mm ,i.i r r T "i i . ... not MnmOB to oruer aini at- the shortest nottea. He hopes by a close sthI. poncuial attention to bust ncas, to receive a share ot public- patronage. JOSEPH R. Ale ADAMS. Raleigh, June 20th, 1843. 6Q Jt TC'assorirnetit of Dry Goods, Groceries,'SoperioT Ml Straw Floor Maiung, Stuart's -Oer otaam Ken ned Candy. Acv Acey " 1 Just receiveu, and for sata, cheap for Cask. . ....... . JOHN T. WEST. Next Store to New Market House. Aueuat 25. 68 if not ftfoto there, and venever see a bottle of fr:?!1?: l d,n" VSb,? TOH?? HWfix- ootl oot ! woaf woa I ah! nhoor and afc like next ev,, ,TheommodUon. onboard fib .!, anu ma oiner uay tne oia r kicked th t.K. ;.v 4 u,;b1i(a m ;Ktt vrckt-1 rnt 1 1 tjrMirr and will land Passenffeia to calUmora. the manli. ...v wk-.t:-- u W w thJ Boats are vay superior, and tha paasage, including f- SWUU T "" " - " , T 1. .U . K r-.irr, Pt- nigiter down stairs for whrstlinir ZT rJZXr. tr'TJZl through frtHn Petevsburt .to mer,niy ,$8. in Uie pasaageT. Why, the bcmsejTlike Anlt-. t ',7 Ba,tt,',",rr, Retarinf,Meava.IWev.ry-Sauy afur- . flr,,r i. mi . p- .u v Iher mflk flowing in warm and foamj streama into al 6 o'clock- , : f- . 4H s, -, ' ovetrf there rs oot a breath of airslirnnir. 1 . :!J .1? !-' :i:-f L. .iiJr,:ij 8 t itDAicrvi i. 'a 1 lUniOB WlUs-rlUai Vl KURI CM iret. lnt win I . unnnwt.ti, niipiti ex6?pVthfllrtthat sister 8ally givea her self, and Ihey are of no use or harm toeny one else , , WeH,' I, like. my srajutmother well enough, and doo't want tb slander her ; but, 6fote me, if she didn't have ihe last New York Mirrorihoved into the fire tlfis morning" because' there; were two or fturee Am) I here is Farspn, 13.. whose, voice out croaks the raveo's, preaching, notwithatand. Wg,to hiscengregation whoeancomprebenM every 'wort! s distinctly tt he via himself, and his power of bearing is so'faf goriethal, u tue roiast of a nymn accornpanieq pjt ne organ last Sunday.'raouiog, he learned the mice, ' ' i" : - i tiierKe erisirig piles of rich golden butter, and the splendid masses of Stilton or double Gloucester -such rlorious- productions as atuton, uuniop. or double Gloucester, never enter tie region of a German peasant's imagination : on tne contrary, hex isolated atraamiroea to furnish only a butter, meagre, pallid, and poori or cheeses formed in the palm of the hand, and dried on the outside of the Baltimore, Mar. 10, 1843. 23 ly INVALUABLE, OINTMENT. Fpc aale by Wholesale or retail, by, ' f , -u i ' i L8T1TH. wirtdow-aill, tore Jike hens' egge than any thing j t$Z ':tot sale by wcT'fc-i- " n,ne.aeB,xoo, miaerauits, ha not even the aatlafactionV dying l" .. ARSEW NOVEL, BY COOPER. Wyandotte, ox the Huttad Knoll, a Taja of Border Life, in 4 September 1843. TURNER HUGHES. 75- TANTED IMMEDIATELY, 4 JecairxtH" ' Wooi HATTxms. To rood workmen, con- He that hath a trade hath an estate t and he that bath a calling hath a akea t nrnfir and hon. I stank emrdov meat and the highest wages given or. A. ploughman on hie legs is bighev than a I ' ' HUOH LUCKET. genUeman en his kne? Raleigh, Aug. 1- 6 tiffin his own right,' is entitled to af' moiety. and with-tbe satd living brothers and tbe issue of ihe-'ssitT deceased brother and Sisterm, of the said Intestate,, is entitled, aa beira-JatJraw, of tha, said Intestate, to the other niety( between ' them tOue divided acenrttirtg to their eeverat iefsreats - Ax)d the scope and prays of tha Bill torcenam-reaaons (herein set forth, is for the Sale of the said Lo s and Tract of Land, in order, that tha proceeda of such sale may. be divided in beat of actual partition. - .- . .'.' And the Plaintiff, having ! this, day filed his said BiH, ia the office of the .said Court, and supported, tbe aame by his tBdatt, jn-fwrUiag, X, .Perrin Do bee, Life 6f Sir; -Walter 'Raleigh, by TMri? ttompao'.f nnrmu'e in iito war in urrnBirr ana r ranee Tftr 1813;and 1814, by. Lnt. Cen.' Charles .W.Vahe.- Mamaira of Gan. Lafovetta and the French RevcW lien in. 1830, by D.feartans.his Secretary. j'amil-V lar Letters and Papera"of BenFrajikia.' La Caaaa'. Journal in 2 vols. ; Memoirs of Lucien inaparle I vol. - The Life of William ChhWt In Vvbri'-Tfce Life of Galileo GsWei in 1 val. FoV'ajle hf V" "? ,June 13. , Ail "u rr;-. - "fii ( ue).ii.- .Tv'rWrvdVj n n a ku x KliULb, a Tree negro. commfifed to the Jid pf Wake Cotih-'0 ty , -for hoise-ateetf gV succeeded in VT feeling hia aeap otaiUa nigbt xf Tsca r day. the 39th 4nstanti An'rua ' Description.--Hidy Carroll 4a rather dark corxu,. plectad, thick about 5 feet B incU high, with a 15 bushy hesd, and liu somewhat tWaWr.lhanls eoni oion for a negro. Ha baa an exceeding bad look.-' 3 As ha la generally knOWrT-afiy luriaerdesttiptlor decraed Unn'ueaaanrkixs ehtff':;up s lavtTr The above row aid of Fifteen, Dal lam will W given 5 for his delivery to me, or his cojiJJtierpent ao-tbai I got -him. . ' JAiyfEEDWARrjl8heriC OOK, sLOOO, LrOOIliBiEW BOOKSs EW B OOKSJ us! recfired tins day. at the,. i ortnvarolina . Boqksiore, . Hajeih . ri . U., Ho, ,1,4 rsat J ' Change for the American, Notes, 1UA C1ALV, 100 Bushels good Alum salt lor. sale, v7fcncap igr vaso. s. i..iua.xjui Annill 3. OV : FOl7SI rieibia wife, (ha said Elizabeth Coke, the said Leoni- rfJSF-rT .t.i Qi.al. Af th araJtm a 17 si Lai a K. At fhA TMlH I .1-. IT... lha Mal1 VrlHaB Sknri fVtlS fia Wlm fhA USV V-a V 1IU ttnj - aw Msasvrsasw, a auv a a Srallt a-aaraa avata uiivs VBY awj aaaw w iv( a . .mmm - , - init. a Silk. Pttcse. eontsinine a quantity of Gold 1 said John G. Barr. the said Harriet, daaahter of the 1 opiedy the Mty and Stiver toin, wnico tne owner cao oDtain on ap- plicaUoa, by paying for lais Advertisement, o.. ii lot " --- ' FavMtevillA Straat i t ..j.Ij r.iii'r .j v vi. 0.. -aM' BI44CUWI IIUIIJ liVUUHU iw .tout tvi, n aumr Clark and Master -of Lbs said Court dismal tha desire 1 carr LSdy'Tha Neighboterby rradWa Drewer. ' of tha said PlainiiS. and accoidtSSi totba Act of .Af- 1 be wort of w wrmm nnaaspeara, csmpma, as v sembly in such caae made, by thia advertisement to ceal per number. F or sale by, -, ; 'ji''L''Zl r ' be six weeks inserted in the Raleigh, Register, hereby f Ht s ; TMEj VQiEl5p&:' notify and warn tba aaid Julia i'lggeea, tha. said geptembcr i , , r j ' Mmlon ai.d Mary bia wila, lua eaid tlarman and Mar- . , , .Wy-;". rmn VJ?T.TIm ar deaMbatDWarUnsr -fi. tiVwilTthe :ll ,u,,i,, 16 Mtt- Pyc,l,' oo- 74 If a . , . Aitun W C Uin 1UT.BIHHCH IB UIV IPICOUKI. Ul IVITU uuuiv uf K hni: HHrK nnm kir uui nii nnuri . . - - I tr tV V X Mr- r-T-" 1, tl-u rnT " u" . I the Judge of the Said, Court I XI? 0 LOT. m the Cily of Raleigh, The House . . . s- . : . - t . , 1 t tt . . . 1 to oeneia at xna vourc irausB. 'v HVrP Monday after the fourth Mood jnere W a ail 01 excellent miu. "l .JimnM wise tne same witt be taken as confessed by them res- nMRilHr! artil lik hrd rrnrf. '' v" . ' " - J nra trail v. wi, wv tuuiir,, wv,iw. .m" - , - , ttiu , . i aaidlateMary Ktttren, and her husband aud thaaaid had tha Ut of July.; fH1ft-ir:i . ' John P. Lamay.a WeU asall other persons not rssi- -i . . 4. ,Ai;JTOffi8' . derfts of the State of North Carolina, h may have Jufae 15 . ,( jf ... 4g , a smalt Auniiy, t will be found ana of the most d rsbkrsaidncef in the CUy. possesion giveaimme- diately, if desired.. . . .-. u. w. wnuinu. September 4, 1843t 7g-4y A TEACHER, twanty-eicht years o age, educated in Connecticut, who baa had six years experience in teaching at the south, and is noalmed, in addition to the English branches,' to instruct in the Latin and Grtfefc, wishes to secure a situation in some Academy or Private Fam- l r a avtta tw A tmtar- l.t t tv-. itti t nnv 1 of Rauity. at tha coort l juiujjp ltxixx x 111 . u. r, ujAUJKo.j the aaid tTdk otnef-VVU'J10 w.s -. ' Cpupties'of Washington, Clark and Monioe, Alabama, ' Witneas. the aatd- Perrin Busbee, Clerk and Master pf th said Court, the Hthr August 4H3 i. .-s '. -c 45 Owl : 1 JERKIN BUSBEEO M. E. r.T Our OfBca being supplicd-with the greatest vanety of j - Fancy job Type .hw We are prepared to execute :, rt t ?pALElGlt Natt f . . . .- L .. Sf Job ML ily. Katiafactory Teeommendations given. Fleaael rAMrHi.rrs,uAiui, viaoxna, AiiDraMiE address W. G.-W. Horgan.on, N, C, August 3S, 1843. 71 In a style net inCfrior to any OflSee in tfce .Btate. 1 m Far sals ar the! ttru Ktore tfj t?! 41 . .... '-' m m 1 r t. , I c tsV. Aefi4?f natu j e t-