rcSg:, ; PBSlfl CAttdl.lMA GAZETTE. fulili&ned scbutm ten y4 jjj ,r . a- . . 'it EST ON R., a A LBS , V - EDITOR AWP PBQg&gTOft. . - , M i nf tlie Semi-Weekly , Raleigh Regiiter yoiSCRiFTiojr. Five Dollars per iiiuun-half in AJAd"Cktikmicnt. For every Sixteen Line t insertion One Dollar J each sabteqnent insertion, nly.MC,n.s. - !: ' - "7. Court Order and Judicial Avertiscments vill be charged 25 pr cent, higher ; bat a deduction V 33 1 P1- ccnt Wl" mBt'e rom tue re8"'ar prices, for advertisers by the year; : - ,l Advertisements, Inserted In the Semi-Weexlt Reoistkr, will also appear in the VVkskly Paper free of cliarge-' . (0- Letters to the Editor mnst be ost-aid. BDGEWORTII SCIIOOI,. GREENSBORO, N.C ' ' rviHE Exercises of this Institution, of which Gov- H ernor Morehesd is Proprietor rid Patron, wiil Ixt resumed oa the thh November next, under the sn lnni. nt Miad ffnvt itMl K nnmUp nf Lrcomulished Aitnt Teachers; and the Session will continue nve monms, at tne tenntnstion oi wdicd, there will be a Public Examination, which it is hoped Parents and Guardians will attend. The buildings are new and extensive, the accom modations good, and the pupils wilt board in the In. titution with the Tutoresses, and be constantly under their supervision. , Of the ability, zeal and fidelity with which those in charge of this School discharge their duty, the best recommendation is to be found in the advancement of their Pupil, to which reference is cheerfully made. Suitable Chemical and other apparatus will be provided , The following Branches of Education will cob di lute the regular course : Spelling, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Geography, with use of Rhetoric, Astronomy, Natural Philosophy, Intellectual do Mineralogy, Botany,. Chemistry, Needle-work. Composition, Belles. Lettres, Arithmetic, Algelra, Geometry, Atlas and Globes, EXTRA STUDIES, PER SESSION. Muaie, (Piano $20, Guitar $15, $20 & 15 Drawing and Painting, 10 VVsx work, 10 Shell work, S Worsted flower-work, -: . 6 Latin, 10 Greek, ,10 . Trie School is divided into appropriate classes, to which each pupil is asigned, according to her schol arship. - The classes are so arranged, that pupils may take only a part of the regular course if it be preferred, and any part of the extra studies. As it may not be convenient for some pupils to take the full course prescribed in this Institution, the In structors would be glad to know ' the probable length of time the pupils will be permitted to remain in the School, that they may prescribe to them the course most advantageous for the time they may remain. - Terms $75 per session, lor tuition in the regular course, board, washing, fuel and lights. For the extra Studies, the prices affixed theretov Dr. Wilson, the President of the Caldwell Institute, during the absence of Gov. Morehead, will visit the Institution, examine the pupils, and ascertain their progress. Communications relative to the 8choo may be addressed to, . - M. A. HOYE Greensboro', NC mcrsMicxs: '-j The President and ProCssaors o the University of N. C. The President and Professors of the Cald well Institute. The Judges of the Superior Court. N. B. Stage fare to and from ilaJeigh and inter vening points to Edgeworth half price for pupils by ar rangement with contractors. - Oft. 12. 1843. . 82 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. finHE Subscriber respectfully announces to the U public that he is now opening a choice selection wfBnglish and French J, - . Cloths, Ousinure and Vesting, of all colors and qualities, selected by himself with much care snd judgment in the Northern Markets, and principally f-r tiesh. In offering this 8tock to the public, the Subscriber desires it to be distinctly understood that h'rs prices (to say nothing of others, who are offering to do work for prices which they know they cannot do justice by) will be such as shall warrant as good a garment for as small a price as any other House in the 8tate it be ing his object to pay all honest debts without the aid ,,DrniPfcy- ! "Lj us- ..-.crt d.: v, , ' . . . . hmniia YAm BnrV artll Iwi Ann in aunerior and more rrs as nanm m v narmnnir mrw wwnnnn nirs a aim ri a a bsjss ..;"7T-:l 7k; ,r.t h.: . : and the priors charged will accord with the quality of th Goods. He thinks it unnecessary to aaj any thing more than those in want of t . Clothinff . , ' would do well lo call and eiamine his stock before they purchase elsewhere, as he has Cloths of all quali ties, and will make them up on the Cash principle, probably a little cheaper than some who would wish to be regarded as the only fair dealers in the City. As the Subscriber has and keeps on hand a General Assortment of ., JJI hinds of"Good8 kept bv simifaresUUmhmeols in the Northern Cities, th K..I.C. .m Mnwl&ill initrtfn Mll tul imlM for r. , 'rrrrry. :r:zn.T :.::vt;:.i:3.. memseives, lor ne assures umi taat on uwu. w,u u. disposed of at a small advance on cost for cash, or to punctual customers on Ume, at his usual moderate pri ces. Truly - thankful for the encouragement no has heretofore received, hi future endeavors shall be to please all who may favor him with their patronage. - N. B. As the gubscrihei's terms ef credit are six months, all indebted to bim either by note or sjneoont are respectfully requested to call and settle, for no longer Indulgence can bo given.' 1 '.," ff T. R.FENTRE8S, Two doors South of the N. C. Book-Store. ; Ootober 25, 1843. . 86 -oaw6w CI TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.-Beanfort J3Coonty Superior Court of Law, Spring Term Lucretia Jones, ) ( . r C Petition for Divorce. ; Abneri Jonesv- j' ; -' It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that two Subpoenas have, been . issued and returned by the Sheriff, not to be fauodV and . Proclamation being made by the ' Sheriff; a Indoor o( the Court House, for the DefenJa'nt ttf appear kniT answer as command ed by the SabpcBflasV-it is ordered b the Court, that publication be given 1n lae'NOrth 8tate Whig, and Raleigh Register, frrthme months, Ibfr the Defendant to appear and answer said Petition, e v- Witness, Fr- H. Hawks, Clerk, of our said Coortat Office, the fifth Monday after the fourth, Monday in; March, 'A: D. 1813., '"" '.' , FR: H.HAWKS, C. S. C. Pr. Adv.' $8. ; 74-3m MMMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS1MSM11MMMMBW ST. MAUY8 SCHOOL, RALEIGH, N. C. Riant Rky. L. S IVE, D. D. Visiter. rf Rbv, ALOERT SMBDES, Rkctob. finHE fourth Session of ihUttchool will commence ' JL " the 1st of December. A punctual atten daace of the Papil at the opening of jhe 8ession, is ery important, and is psrttcularlj requested. ' ' TERM PAYABLR IN ADVANCE. For Board, including Washing, Fuel, &c with Tuition in Eng lish, and in the Ancient , Lan guages, if desired, jmo 00 per Session. i uuioo in r renra, IS 60 Tuiiion in Music, on the Piano or Guitar, i5 00 " with $3 00 for the use of Piano, Tuition on the Harp, SO 00 with $10 00 for use of instrument, Tuition on the Organ, . 25 00 with $6 for use of mstrument, X"nin Drawing and Painting, 15 00 per Session ror a course or instruction in Worsted Work, 5 00 per Session. N. B." Beds snd Bedsteads are furnished by the School; Pupils are required to furnish their own Bedding and Towels. The clothing of Pupils should be distinctly marked with the owner's nsme. Mrs. Smedee wilt superintend any purchases Parents may authorise their children to make in the City, but no account wilt be opened at any tore, without the ex press sanction of Patents or Guardians. The Reli gious services of Sunday, being held in the Chapel of tne institution by the Rector, Pupils have rarely oc casion to Visit the City, and the plainest attire is all that they require. They are allowed to accept invi tations in the City, for the day, only once a mouth, and nsver for the evening. They have opportunities of seeing their frienda, and acquiring esse of manner in society, at the evening Sot hi is, which sre stated ly held, during the Session. Raleigh, October 30, 1843. 87 CTj Standard, Fayetteville Observer, 'Wilmington Chronicle, Newbem Spectator, Washington Whig, Edeuton Sentinel. Old North State, Elizabeth City, and Highland Messenger, will each give jour inner lions. - - - ATTENTION ! WA11E CAVALRY. TfJ)ARADE at the Capitol Square on Saturday, the U 1 1th of November, at 10 o clock, armed and equipped according te law. The fines will be rigidly enforced. By order of the Captain, J. F. BRANDT, 0. 8. 27th Oct. 1843. . , 87 Coarse and Fine Boots. Just received. 5 Cares, warranted Philadel phia work, which are offered at reduced pri- ces. JAS. M.TOWLB8. Oct9. 87 NOTICE. Valuable City Property for Sale. -M HVJ... m. -m jn - oci tfuuiKffijr m vvnnwiT) It being the week of Wake County Court. fTTHE Subscriber having declined removing to Ra- U leigh, win oner for sale at rubtic Auction, in front of the premises, the HOUSE. and LOT, on Fayetteville Street, now in the occupancy oi Dr. Mc- Kia, and which ho purchased of D. W . Stohk, bsq It ia a handsome and convenient Lot, running back to Salisbury Street, and, containing from a half to two thirds of an acre of ground. The Dwelling House and, Out-houses are comfortable and convenient, and in good repair ; situated in the most desirable part of tr City.' It is presumed, thoso desiring to purchase the Property will view the premises before the day of sale, which they can do by application to Mr. Stone or Dr. McKee. TERMS. For the purchase money, a Note with aood security will be required fox one half, negotiable and payable at ninety dava. at one of the Banks in the Citv : for the balance, a credit of twelve months will be given, the purchaser giving bond with security. bearing interest from tne 1st of January next, wnen Dosesston of the Property will be riven A Lot on McDowell 8treet, with a Stable, Carriage House, Corn-crib, &e situated on it, will be sold at the same time and place. NATHANIEL J. PALMER. Milton, Oct 15, 1843. 87 ts W. GOODE.Attohhit at Law, (former- . ly of Richmond, Virginia,) has settled in St. Louis, where be wilt attend to any professional busi ness which mar be entrusted to hie care. Mr. U. will attend to any claims amounting to or more; any where in the State of Missouri. RefeEto Weston R. Gales, Kaleign. St. Louis, Missouri. ? Sept 1, 1843. HEmPF'S SALE. Will be aokl at the bOamw Lsba . art T nmKArtnn I? lAxyn County, on the 4th Monday in November next, the a - - , ' m ... I fol owing narcels or Land, orso mucn thereot as will 1 '""""""a l . - . . u"mMjm Owners name b. On what waters. ,S3 r"- 519 $2 100 1 82 95 26 166 1 19 380 2 73 400 2 60 300 1 95 175 2 47 55 92 100 91 350 2 05 50 06 88 I 62 95 '22 100 1 17 100 19 I 200 17 100 19 100 91 17 1 43 1410 4 94 210 1 33 56, 14 400 1 82 180 1 30 250 65 180 I 30 500 4 68 I 10 1 06 60 91 00 04 70 91 150 22- 100 19 80 f 98 Malcolm Baxter, Flora Be thune, Alexander Johnson, Neill Johnson, Raft Swamp, G, M. B. R. L. M. B. R. Neill McDuffie, Arch 'J. McNeill, EUas Wilkes, . Betsy Locklear, , Raft S wamp, Gum Swamp, Juniper, Jack Locklear, Mill swamp. William Biggs, V William Laws, Rhoda Locklear, . I . Jph Lociiear, n - wt -1.1 William Oxendine, William Fevels, John WitUs Matthew Watson, Elias'J; Wiggins, Samuel Bracy, NelU McDonald, Elias Dullard, Wilkinson swamp Shoe Heel. fAshpole, Sally Unnl, Allep McLauchlin, Theo. Thompson, Martin By rd, ' John Brewer, ' A0 Back Swamp, Poly bridge hr'ncti I Jesse fnnman Hog Swamp,' Indian Swamp, n. . Stepheri Britt, Martha Hardin, ; Benjamin Ivy, '!' Carv Lawson, ' . f uroau rtiuge. Broad Ridge, ' Flowers 'SWamp, Hbjf8wainp, k K..l.n T -w.K !i'-4 1 Ul ,UU11 Hardy Lovet; ; A, ROWLAND, Sberift ' '!' : 79 Is Pr. Adv. $9. jV. Li. STIT!H5 DRUGOIST AND 1 CHEMIST, raleigh; N. 6. JOB PRINTING ' Executed with neatness and dispatch, V 1 ' At this Offiae. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1843. B. M. WHITLOCK, WHOLESALE GROCER, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 84, Front Street, Fonrth door aborc Old Slip, near Pearl st. Honse; NEW YORK. The Subscrilfer begs lea ve to inform his friends and the Merchants of North Carolina, that he has opened, this Spring, on his own account, a WHOLESALE GROCERY and COMMISSION HOUSE, 84 Front Street, near Old Slip, NEW YORK, where he lias for Sale, ar all times,, a general assort ment of Groceries, suitable to the Southern trade, and which he offers for CASH, at a small advance upon the Cargo and Auction prices. Mtv. W HI I LOCK has had lonjr exnetwnce in the business, and has every facility (buying for Cash) oi selling Goods at the lowest rate,nud lie assures those who will call upon him, that they may rely upon be ing faithfully served. Particular attention will be given to orders lor Goods, and to sales of Produce consigned to him, upon which Advances will be made, if required. D. M. WHITLOCK. June, 1843. 48 6m REFER" TO Malcolm & Ganl, Smith, Wright & Co. 1" ew York- Corlies,Stnnton & Barnes I Alfred M. Tread well W. & A. Stith, Raleigh, N. C. J. &. W. Murphy, Salisbury, N. C. J. St R- Sloan, Greensboro', N. C. John McArn, Fayetteville, N- C PORTRAIT, MINIATURE, AND HISTORICAL PAINTING. lYIR JO: S. VENDER, OF NORTH CAROLINA, Having visited Europe for the purpose of perfecting himself in his profession, ts now prepared to execute Portraits, Miniatures, &c. Those wishing te avail themselves of hU profession al services, are requested to rail at his Artellier, on Hillsborough Street, 100 yards West Of the Capitol, where specimens of bis execution may be seen. Sept. 13, 1843. 15 Passage to Baltimore. ( HE superior Steamboat, COLUMBUS or PO CAHONTAS, will leave City Point direct for Bali imore, every Wxdhxnuat afternoon, at 3 o'clock, or immediately after the arrival of the Cars from Pe tersburg, and will land Passengers' in Baltimore, the next evening. 1 he accommodations on board these Boats are very superior, and the passage,' including meals through from Petersburg to Baltimore, only $8, Returning, will leave Baltimore every Saturday after noon at 5 o'clock J. BRANDT, Jr. AgenL Baltimore, Mar. 1 0, 1 843. 22 1 y MUSIC, JtlUSZC, MUSIC. TTUST received at the North Carolina Bookstore, tl) Raleigh, N. C.the following late and fashionable pieces of Muic : STes I will shsre with thee, my love. I wish I could remember. There are clouds that must o'ershadow us. Oh ! The Heart may be tamed by a smile. Sweet Village Home. Come to the Mountain. The Heart, The Heart ! Oh let it be. The Hindoo girls Song. The Rosy lints of Eveniug. The Exile's Adieu. . Father do not Weep. Oh ! Molly Bawn why leave me pining. ' Sleep on. Sleep on. The Exile's Sorig. Colombia the land of the Brave. When first I saw thy gentle face. I'm saddest when I sing. Amina Waltz. Grand March. Saxon Quick Step, Cologne Water Waltz. Cuba March. The Richmond Scarlet Guard's quick Step. Gov. Porter's March. Laetnskvs farewell Quick Step. And a great variety of other pieces, that have leen latelv nublished. Please call anu examine our Col j w lection. TURNER & HUGHES . . , FIKE ! THE iETlV A HVSURAIVCE COMTA NV, of Hartford, Conn. Offers to insure Butldin&t and Mercnandrze, aeauist loss or damate by fire, at premiams to suit the times. L hw is one at the oldest ami best Insurance Urn panics in the United States, and pays it losses prompt- ly.l Applications tor insurance in natetgn, or its vi cinity, to be made to. o. w. wtiii mu. May 4; 1843. Agent. SMITH and BIGGS, ARE KECEIVTNG THEIR TJLLh AND WINTER GOODS, Consisting of fine French and English CLOTHS, CASIXEHES and VEST1NGS, which were se lected in New York with great care, by one of the firm, fend at the lowest prices for ca-h. Their stock being quite extensive, they feel confident that none will go away disappointed or dissatisfied- Also, a large lot of Fancy Articles, for Gentlemen's wear. r : They warrant what they manufactnre toive sat isfaction in pvery particular, and earnestly invite all persons wishing to purchase, to catt-and examine their goods, at as earjy a period ss possible. Persons furnishing their own Cloths can have them made and trimmed in the lest manner. They will also keep constantly on hand a general assort ment of Readpmade Clothes, manufactured in the beef and latest style, which will be sold at New York prices for cash. : Raleigh, Oct. 25, 1843, 86 oaw 4w William Thompson, Cabinet and Furniture lVare-lione, Raleigh N. C. 1 THE Subscriber has now on hand at his furnish ing Ware Rooms, just in the rear of Messrs. Turner & Hughe' Book Store, a general assortment of Articles in his line, made in the most faithful man ner, after the newest and most fashionable patterns, and which wilt be warranted. They will be sold al such prices, as to leave no excuse fur sending to the North fit Furniture. Call and look, before you send from home. WILLIAM THOMPSON. OCT Walnut, Birch, Maple and Poplar Lumber well-seasoned, taken in exchange for Furniture. PILLS! FILLS I ! PILLS!!! HEALTH THE TRUEST RICHES. THE CELEBRATED Ilygeian Vegetable Fills, Can be had at the Store John Primrose, FAYKTTKVILLK STREET, RALEIGH, K. C. MOAT'S MORISON PILLS. THE GENUINE HYGEIAN VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL .MEDICINE Accurately pre pared by Dr. H. S. Moat, of New York, from the original recipe used for many years by his late father, Mr. Thomas Moat, Vice President of the British Col lege of Health. Twenty years' successful administration of these celebrated medicines in Europe, and more than twelve years in the United States, have established their high reputation. Thousands of both sexes, who have been restored to health the numerous sufferers rescued from premature death and volumes of certified cases of cure, embracing every disease in the long catalogue of human misery ; must convince the most incredu lous, of their superiority and the truth of the Hygeian theory, resulting from scientific research and expe rience, namely, that 'man is subject to only one real disease impurity of the blood." The Medicines being composed entirely of herbs or vegetable matter, purify the blood, tfnJ carry off the corrupt humors of the body, in a manner so simple as to give every day ease and pleasure. Man will be born to days of bliss, compared to what has hitherto been his lot, weighed down as he has been by disease, infirmities, and sufferings which no earthly power knew how to alleviate, until this dis covery was presented to the world. The weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the delicate, are in a few days strengthened by their operation, and the most obstinate complaints are removed Ly perseve rance without the expense of a Physician. Adapted to all circumstances and situations, theyare the beat Medicine ever invented for families, or to take to sea, preventing scurvy and enstiveness, requiring no change nf diet, particular regimen, or care against ta king cold. (Tj The prepotency of these medicines, has indu ced many speculators to attempt imposition on the public, by forging the labels, or forcing their Imita tions intr notice through the medium of the Press. Some of them pretend to Hygeian principles, by steal ing from the writings of the Hygeist, and copying whole pages into their fulsome advertisements. But as they cannot copy the medicine, their speci fics or their deleterious nostrums prove to le unavail- ng, their puffing and piracy become evident ; disap pointment to the afflicted is eventual, and with jut obloquy the pretenders sink into oblivion. .. sale The Hygeian medicines, first introduced into country by H. S. Moat, in 1830, have for the last years been prepared by bim, and the increasing sale altesU their intrinsic merit ; they comprise two sorU of Pills, No. 1 and No. 2, in single !oxes !!lh !J 25 or 50 cents ; and Packets containing-both sorts, at 41,42, or $3. The Vegetable Cleansing Powders, in large boxes, at 37 J cents, with printed directions, Each packet has a fac simile of the signature of H Sbepheard Moat, and to prevent counterfeits, are signed with a pen by the district agent and sub-agent on a label of yellow paper. None are genuine unless they have these signatures. and are obtained from sub-agents, who can produce their written appointments from the district agent, and whoe names are advertised in their respective districts. H. Snkfheaki) Moat, Principal Office, 50 Canal s. All orders will be promptly filled at 20 percent less thsn retail prices for all sums over twenty five doUars, for cash. Some person in every Town and Village, ought to keep this valuable medicine, for the benefit of their fellow men. One individual, sent ninety- miles 10 procure them. Nov. 17, 1842. 94 ly OYSTERS I OYSTERS! rjHE SUBSCRIBER, thankful to the citi B zens of Raleigh, and the surrounding Country, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, in his line of buxiness, beg leave respectfully to announce to them, that he has taken a house on Fay etteville Street, directly opposite the Msrket House, and next door to Mrs. Hardie. He will keep con stantly on hand Fresh Oysters, directly from Nor folk, received daily, and Fresh Fish in season. To prevent mistakes, he notifies the public, that his Oysters will not be carried round the City for sale by servants or others, but can be obtained daily, as above stated, immediately afier the arrival of the Cars. It will be well for the Citizens to charge their servants if they desire my Oysters, to give them particular in stiuciions where to apply ; as, heretofore, it has been the case that Servants, directed to come to me. nave been solicited, on the way. to purchase of others, and have done so by which I have lost the sale of my Oysters, and my reputation has been injured. The customers may r ly implicitly on my never of fering an Oyster, that is not perfectly fresh. JOHN WILSON. Raleigh, Oct 31. 87 tvTKW GOODS, JAMESM. TOWLES, is now receiving his fall supply of sea sonable Dry Goods embracing every variety and quail ty both fashionable and Staples, which he offers on the smallest possible advance for Cash, or to punctual customers. His frienda and the public generally, are respectful ly invited to examine for themselves. Raleigh, Oct. 9th. 1843. 81 dTi OPART NERSHI P. WA RREN H J HARRIS fr CO. of Norfolk, Virginia,! will, on the first of October next, establish a brsnch of their House in Petersborc. Va., under the firm of W. & H. HARRIS, for the transaction of a GENERAL COMMISSION BUSINESS, and respectfully solicit consignments of Cotton. Tobacco, etc. ; We will also pay strict atten- tion to receiving and forwarding Goods, Merchandise, 1 6tc. WARREN HARRIS, HENRY HARRIS October 2, 184M T9 tawUanl nwiisTiiw i - DR STRINGFELLOW'S PRICES FOR DENTAL OPERATIONS. Extracting Teeth or Roots, each Examination and directions for the manage $1 00 nient of Children Teeth, 6 00 Cleaning the entire set of Teeth 5 00 Separation by Piling, each 1 00 Plugging with gold 8 00 Best Artificial Teeth on Pivots, each 8 00 Do on gold pivjots 10 00 Do. on gold plate 10 00 Do. on the improved plan of Dr. S. 15 00 Operating for, and attendance on confirmed cases of Neuralgia 200 00 Terms CASH. Raleigh, June 12, 184a References ' Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Judge Battle, C Raleigh. Dr. Beckwith, 3 Dr. P. O Pope Wm. Plummer, Esq. C Warrenton. Gen. Hawkins. y Col. Joyner Dr. Wilcox, C Halifax. Dr. Bond. 3 COMMUNICATED. It is with no little pleasure that we are enabled to inform the public, through the medinm of your col umns, that a cure has been at length discovered for the most painful and harassing of all nervous affections, Neuralgia or Tic Doloreux. The many unfortunate patients whose sufferings we have witnessed, and who are ignorant that those sufferings can he relieved by scientific means, induce us to make this eommur.i tion. The number of cases already cured by Dn Strisgfkllow, of this City, prove conclusively the success of his practice, which is as novel as it is efii ' T T : .1 . . 1 n . 1 t. . cacious. n.s resiuence in tne vapuai oi me iaie, will make it convenient for him to consulted by many at a distance, who are afflicted witn a disease, almost as prostrating to the mental as to the physical energies of the human system. J. Valuable Property for Male In tho Vicinity of Ralelgli, AT AUCTION. THE Subscriber will offer for sale, before the Court House door, in Raleigh, oa Thursday ihe 23d day of November next, (being Court week.) if not disposed of before that time, the following proper ty, to wit : His Dwelling House and the Lots attached to it, containing between ten and twelve acres. It is situated about six hundred yards East of the Capitol, on Newbern Street, in a beautiful Grove of, Forest Trees, and without the limits of the Town. It contains four apartments in the basement, including the Dining room, and five above, and two Passages. It is new, built of choice materials, and of superioi workmanship. The nut-houses and enclosures are also new. In the back yard, is a Well of most excel lent water. An unimproved Lot of 9$ acres at the end of Newbern street, fronting the Capitol, and at the distance of seven or eight hundred yards. It is one of the most besuliful sites in the Vicinity -r-u;u . lying also East of the City, adjoining a Lolforaerly the projerty of the Iste Josxm Gaus, asiTa Lot be- KSi"H!ii ' .IT" framed Houses upon it, yielding a rent that would I make the property a good investment at the price at which it is estimated, and upon the Street, leading by Dr. J. O.Watsox's, are two handsome building situ ations. A tract of between thirty and fortu acres. about three miles south of Raleigh, affording an abun dant supply of Wood, and much valuable T taber. . The terms will be accommodating, and made known when the property is offered. J.lt.J.DAINlEli. 8ept.25. . " 77 New Cabinet Furniture, aso PIANO FORTE WARE HOUSE, MECHANICS IIALL, SYCAMORE STREET, Petersburg, Va. JO II I HIGGIA'S & CO. A V E just opened al the above stand , a large and elegant agsorUnrnt of Cabinet r urniture, f lano rortes,&c. Consisting of Marble lop Dressing Bureaus, Large and small Mahogany do do Side-Boards, Ward-Kobe, Secretary and Book- Cases, Marble tttp and plain Wash-stands, Toilet Tables and Looking Glasses, Marble top Centre Tables, ' Card, Breakfast and Dining do Mahogany, French and high post Bed-Steads, Patent swell beam windlass do Hicu and low post maple do Mahogany, French and French Chairs, Fine maple cane seat do Rose-wood, painted and gilt do Ruxh seat and Windsor do ' Mahogany, plush and hair seat Rocking Chairs, High-back. Nurse, Table and Children's do do Office, Desk and Store do Venetian Blinds and Shades, Sofas, Divans, Ottomans, and Foot-Stools, Piano Forte Music Stools, dec. c The above goods are all of the latent styles and best workman ship, made by the Subscribes, embracing as fine a stock as is kept in the Northern cities, and will be sold at corresponding low prices.' Our Piano rortes are from the best Mew York and Boston factories, well worthy the attention of purcha sers, who will receeive a written guarantee with the Instruments at factory prices. Expenses of transpor tation added! Mahogany Boards Plank, Veneers, Knobs,-Tame-legs, Bed-pots, Hair-seating, and Til den's superior Furniture Varnish, for Sale. JOHN HIGGINS & CO. ; .Mechanic's Hall. ; At Petersburg, Va? October! 18431- 79 3m jsnora-siioES FALL SUPPLY, OClbBER 1843. JAMESM. TOWLES is new receiving direct from Philadelphia, a large Slock of Coarse and Pine work of every quality and description, which he oners en the most reaftoabU terms. Cj Ladies fine work cheaper than ever. . ' Oct. 19. - 84- . ii 1 1 f , BLANKS v For sale at this Office 9Tf iVliMBER.SO. si DR. HENDRUE, ' r-- PHYSICIANfFOR THE EYE AND 'i; Aft K AND OPERATIVE SURGEON. Operates for the relief or :i Deafness and other affections of the Ear i s Cataract, Pterygium, Crossed Eyes, &c ; Enlarged Tonsils and Palate; . Club Foot, Hare-Ltpi Stammering; Stone, Stricture, Fistula, Pijes . ' . Deformities;, Diseases of the Bones Hernia, (a radical cure,) Aneurism ' f Cancer, Polypus, Tumours, Ulcers, And Surgical Diseases in creneral. J '4 Dr. H. will visit ahj part of the Stati HrhtM his services may be required . Raleigh, Jan. 23, 1843. . BR. IIEIf DREE will give l regular Course of Medical and Surgical instruction, to prepare those students who wiah to visit the Northern College! All the private Students of Dr. H six in number, graduated with credit at the end of their first sessivJI, in the Richmond Medical College. KKFEaKKCKS t rehrad, Manly, Esq. J Kkfeskkcks t Gdv. Morehead, Hon. Geo. Dr. Beckwith, Charles Manly, Hogh Waddell. Esq. Hillsborough , PJIIJYTIJVG, The Subscriber is prepared to execute all kinds 0 Imitations of every variety of Marble, and of all kinds of Wood ; also. Wall Painting, Papef-h&nging. Gla zing and GILDING on Wood and Metallic tilbtfancei of every description, in the late French style, &e . attended to at the shortest notice, and done in a supe rior style of workmanship. MILITARY FLAGS and BANNERS painted in the neatest style, on the shortest notice, snd much cheaper than they can be done elsewhere, rr Re fer to the A(Jjutaftt General of North Carolina pr. ;a: r.:.: . c i.j 1 I mauiwg . milting fl Bliy UGSCIjpilOI iption.exe' cutecl, by calling at the Cabinet Ware Rodin of Mr William Thompson, opposite the South East cornef of the Capitol Square, may expect to have it done, to their entire satisfaction. C. FRAZIER ' Raleigh. Jan. 14. 1843. 5 ti LOST OR MISLAID, a Pocket Book, containing 1 Kcceipt of Wm. Rhodes, dated Mav 1843. for $280 - Note of E. P. Guion, 38 or 9 338 J ' about Jam 184S 800 Henry Rhodes, 1843 30 ' J. A. Spencer, 10 A. A. Southall, 18 810 State Bank of N. Ci $1 25 cents Charleston bill R R. Cd. $1 and 2 Virginia Bill. Memorandum of accounts against W. H. Simons', Jno. Murphy, Wm. Paul, W. W. Alston. Wm. H- Haywood, Wm. F. Collins and others. All persons , are notified not to trade for said pa pers, or any of them, as payment has been stopped JOHN RHODES, 8epL 27. 71 1 ....... ., , 1 nap PEACH TREES fi The subscriber offers for JtLJ" sale a choice selection of ' .iL, Peach Trees, to ripen in succession from 1st July un til the sajddle of October. He has about 40 varieties of first rate excellence, amongst which are the Early AuAe, Early TilloUou. Tuckahoe, rd and whit T7' . , 7 !Dy. -; r itry, Morru tred rare ripe; Royal Kensington, , . nr. i afrdalen, Canary, Baltimore Beauty, . Belle d., K, . , October The Treat-are nn vear old , th. bud, with rtrcmg and vigorous roots'. , They. will be securely packed snd forwsrded.to aoy part ef c the country. Price per hundred $15 for 5d or more, Id cents a piece; for a small number, 20 cents a piece. ' Also, fine APRICOTS, of several varieties, at 25 cents each ; Hotel's seedling 8trawberry at $4 per hundred ; Keene's seedling do., and Wilmot's superb at $ 2 per hundred; large Dutch Asparagus at 75 cents per hundred or $5 per thousand ; giant Ifbubajb at -12 1-2 ets a root ; Raspberries of the best kind at fi per hundred or 6 1-4 cts a piece. Orders may be left with Messrs. Tyler, Jones A : Hill, of Petersburg, who hsve a catalogue. .-1.. .. THOMAS B. PLEASANTS.,. Petersburg, Oct. 12. 83 eow4t S' TATE OF NORTH C A ROLIN A, Ci RA N -In . Equity, September VILLE COUNTY.- Term. 1843. David J. Young. Administrator of Margaret H. Dan iel, and of Charles Wilkerson, and of Martha Wil kcrson, and Albert G. Moore and wife,' - ... 4- tS. : William Thomas and Washington, Thomas, Exeeu k tors of Thomas Daniel, Sen. dee'd. Mary . A- Wil kerson, Eulius Wilkerson, Green Y. Wilkerson, Elilah Wilkerson. Jonathan Jones and wife MiUy T homas Harris, Nancy Hafris,and4Thomas Daniel. This BH1 was filed against the Executors of Thorn as Daniel, Stn. dee'd. for a settlement of their admin- istration account, and it was referred to the Master . to take the account, who reported tho balance in the hands of the said Executors, which balance tho Ex ecutors were directed, by an interlocutory orde.ro lha f Court, to pay into the office of . tb Clerk nd Mas- ter, and of the money so paid into.; Court, the Clerk , and Master is directed to pay out cleveo-lhlrteenths y to the parties appearing upon the pleadings and.it is further ordered by the Court, Uat advertisement ho : made for sir successive weeks In the' Raleigh Register and for three weeks in the Nashville Banner,' in theF State of Tennessee, warning all prions efaitning1 to be the legitimate children oi Merrlman Daniet, dee'd. term of this Court, to be hehl in ttjoTowM of OifordT' on the first Monday bf March ntt, and put toHlnd ' verify their claim, otherwise the whole fund will b paid over te the parties now in Court, and appearing to be entitled, - ' Witness, 'lVttos B. Liulej. hO, Clerk and Master, of the said Court, at Office, at Oxford, the first Man . dsy of September, A D. 1843. , ;.; s. . v ; , THO. B. LirrLEJOHN, JA.B. . Pr. Adv. $6 50 ... .-.:. . 846. , , , ,- 1 1 11. 11 MiiLI r rt oow, ixok, tbotL lii i w bookk ; ILl NEW BOOKsJust received ihulay. at th. North f Carolina ' Bbokstbre Raleiah N. C, No. I, Fayetteville Street Change 'for the American If ote,- in ljeiters irom Lonaon to .lew.imi. j t can Iy.- The Neighbors, by rrederikk Bremer.--. The Works of Wilhatn Shakspear,complett,at:W? - cents per1 ntunberi Fer ssle by " 1 J 8epUmber 1 -':- " : ' ' 71-v-; JAMES MARTIN & E;D-, BULLOCK, . h ... .,- ATTORNEYS ATIW.L Will practice in all the Courts at JUoluta, and in tho ; Counties of Washington Clark and Monise, ALbsnta.-. Mobile, April l&VlUX.v.i- ! s .3 Ytm