i i mi j t ir r ''I'll in .i.. haneficence ' of Providence," to Become again the political saviour of hlf eoontrr jod the na !rilladdnew)uatetoita crollof Presidents, W in leo living light th name of IIewrT ClaY. . . , :-; Resolved further, That we will support for the ffice of Vice President, any true and thorough. Join Whig wbo may be the choice of the Con- Andb'i fur rfsoJreuVThattbui meeting cordially approve of the propoaiUori to hold a Youn Men's Convention in the city of Baltimore in May next, and earnestly, recommend. to the vounjr Whigs of tin County, to meet here at February Court for the purpose of appointing dele ffates to attend said Convention. The Resolutions having been read, Mr. Nor wood addressed the meeting in a very brief and impresiive manner, enforcing the views set forth in the Resolution by striking and happy illua- The question was then taken on the resolutions, ,i thM were unanimously adopted. In conformity to the first Resolution, the fol lowing gentlemen were sppointed by the Chair man Delegates to the State Convention : Catlet Campbell, Hugh Wqdrfell, John Cameron, Gih-s Mebane, Henry K. Nasb, fjhealcy Faucrtt, Samuel Holt, William Carrigan, Jno. H. Young, Chas. Johnson, Pr. Jus. S. Smith, Ceo. VV. Jones, D. C. Parish, Abncr Parker, Jas. Graham, Allen Etlwartjs, Wesley Snipes, Lnflin K. Pratt, William Guess, William Atkiis,Ueo, Moore, Sainuel Phillips Jolin W. Carr, llai W. Nunn, lm uel II. Mebanc, Handy Wood, Iaac Holt, Eli Eulis, Logan Vincent, Ilnnry K. With eMpoon, JosiahTurnnr Sr., Edward IJenson, William Duke, Tyre Ray, Wjlliam jWtee, William Murray, Sr., Alexander Dixon, Edmund Strudwick, Win. Lipscomb, Hen- derson Pariah, Paul Cameron, John JJ, Lea ention in the City of Raleigh, e the x of. Decem ber next, for the purpose of nominating a suitable can didate for the Gubernatorial office. 'Resolved, That we appoint the fallowing gendemen to represent the County of Carteret jp said Convention: USVKl S ones, J u rJowlandf 4 W Morgan, Wm H Arendell, JE S,Bh J6hj F Jones E W Pigot Isaac Kamsey, 0;ArefHlclI, Geo L Goutd; Car A Canada?, n;t'ert,;B lrW, jt, S L DW.JT: White, H ticifcu, nviieq.uea uiu. w, J ones, 4 V inan- oiy.B Leeralt:sr f olier, Pr 4 Maqtiey,- D w WhitehUrat-W Denmsw A S Beil. R C Bell. W ' r - the 6the7lrTbipw to publish tnem N tt.9 5 ; On motion, tfie thank f lH iWetrrHv were ten dered to the "WScetaU After which; on . motion; the meeting adjourned. . .wa3 ;?AMBSnraLBORN, CVa. S. P. Smith, tSMntnty 9$ Manson, Dr M F Arendell, Cant Pike, S C Davis. vv. watKiofcit, ' Melv,a Lvi, Jfatbaniel Porter, E Garner, jr. y Howajtfantl Ed Hill. ' ' ' 2esose,.Tbu coosklerins ike bold stand which the Hon L Stahly has mtjirtiijeil in defpnee of Vfblg principles, aqd bis Untiring efforts to di;loe the corruption ottbp Loco Fpco party en)l biia q our piteference above all the qther disunuished in dividuals whose names have been mentioned in con nexion with the Qubernatorjg qjppp ; nevertbless we will support the nominee of the Convention. Resoked, That we so 5 for HENRY CLAY, of Kentucky, lor nest Pretipt pflhe United Siates, him first, tym latt and him all the time. neioivtd, I list the Uctegates appointed by tin meeting to attend the Raileiyh Convention, be re quested to represent Carteret Count? in ihe Disirk t Couven'i. o to be held in Washington at such trine a the Clay Club shall designate, for the purpose ol ap? pointing a Delegate to tlie National Conventiftq to be held in Baltimore, Resohed, That the Whigs of Carteret, always willing to refy on the virtue and intelligence of the r0 le, well knQwing that a majority of litem are with us. and Lelieving that ttui prosperity of our country de -ifnd npnn the maintenance of those principles which the Whigs ol V6 so nobly fought (Or, and which we have been so long sirn)ng to place beyond lite reach gf Loco Pocqiirn, will show in the contest of 44, that Carteret is still erect ; and we hereby pledge oure!vesr that when the struggle shall come, we will tire every man to his duty ; we will pick oar flints and give one more fire for our Country, for STANLY and for CLAY. On motion. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting Le signed by the Chairman and Secretaries and publish- For the FresideiCT ol tit tsS'fpd Statei, pF pOTUCKY. - Our'ttfttic pity Hf fairy folfgk&Htji teat. tlfntDto-p'd by party rage, to live like trotti?. RALEIGH, N: C, thers, Richard J. Ashe, James Harroxl, Wm. d o she rtewbernian and other papers fneudly to the o WnC.v. Willi. R:irher. John J. Free. W09 mating. IUW WU'VJ i " - ' ' " ,w land, Jamrs . Craip, Win. Ruffin, Sam. N. Tale, Elijah Pickanl, Win. Thompson, Le- v-.:. v ii:.u...i Tin uanmcnaei, cvauriei o. it-a, antiwci Shoffiicr, John Stnffortl, Geo. Hunllc, Thos. Marcotn,T5r., Joseph Qoulh, Aaron Marcom, R. A.Stanford, Duke'Glrnn, Alcjr. Morrow, Joim Wilkins, Sr., Jesse B. Geer, Fielding Leathers, Walter A. Norwood, Joseph Holt, John Newlin, John Nowton Clark, Silas M. Link, John M. Faucett, Nicholas Albright, jGeorge A. Ellis, and David-Tinnin. On motion, the names of the Chairman and Secretaries were added to the delegation. On motion it was also Resolved, Thai all the VVht citizens of Orange, who m.-iy be disposed to attend, shall be consider ed a ijjemberi of the , Orange delegation in the AJonventioa. In conorinity to the third Resolution, the fol lowing geolleinea were sppointed delegates to te District Auye;itiou ; Samuel Holt, Giles Mebane, Walter A Nor wood, John H. Young, George W. Jones, Priest ly Mangum, Paul Cameron, Rtch'd J. Ashe, Hugh WaddeTl, and Abner Parker. Iogh Waddell, Esq. was then called on for a Speech. He addressed the meeting for more than PITT COUNTV. i At lqeeting of the Whigs of Pitf Cgunty, hel at the Court Hbtise in CJreenyille oh Tueijny, the 7tu day of November, on motion of r. U. Sat terthwaite, 13. r. hborn was called to the Chair and W. J). Move appointed Secretary. Joseph J, Worcott mqved that a Coranuttee of I i ' ' .' . wiiia.- ioiW three bp appointed to prepare and report Reso- mssssrosr , a o ao. lutions for the action of this meeting: whereupon the Chairman, appointed Jos. J. Norcott, H. F. tiarrrs and r. U- oatterthwaite, wbo reported the foltpWiasr Preamble and Resolutions: ' Whereas, we, a portion rf the. Whigs- of Pitt county, assembled at the Court House in Green vuje, tor uie purpose or expressing our apnrooa tion of a proposition that has been made to hold a state Convention in the Uity of Kaletgh, on the 7th of December next, for the purpose of appoint ing two Delegates tp represent the State of Nqrtl Carolina in the Rational Convention to be held in Baltimore in May next, and also to select sonie proper person to be voted for as Governor at our next election; therefore, Kesolped. That approve pf the proposition to noia 8&ia uon vent ion in tviieign, ana appoint uie. followiuc crentlemen to represent this county in the same : Alfred Moye, John I Foreman, Jsaac Joiner, William J. Blow, Henry-1. Harris?, Jo seph J. Norcott. William u. nlove, James b Clark, Burton U. Albnttpp. vv uiiam Albniton, John S. Easton, Charles J- P- Holland, Z. II Greene, .John A- Selby, Goold Hoyl, Germain Bernard. P. B. aUerth waiLe. William J. Lauzh- inghouse, Cornelius J. Van Noorden, Caleb Smith,. David Clark. Lewis R. Pugh. )len PaU nek, John U. Burney, B. r. Haztpn, JtjuoicK Carnev. Samuel C. KeeL Churchil Perkins, Hen ry A. Jourdan. Dyjd L. Perkins, John Moore, Lewia U. Lattle, L-Tiarlea Koundiree, iticnard Jtt. Blount. E. J. Blount, Jesse Hadlock, Jame Mc- Clure, Abram D. Moye, John Joiner jr., Jpsiah Barrott, Marshal Joiner, Richard Williams, R. F. J. H. Williams, James J Cobb, Abrm Joiner, Arthur Forbes, U B Whiiehead, Henry V. Brt anL Lanier Ward. Enoch Moore. Beni. DanieL A. SAMPSON WUiMTY, On the 21st November, a FSrije and respeclaWe portion of the Whigs of Sampson County, assera- Hon. EDWARD STANLY, we recognize a pnre 1 . bled at the Court House in Clinton, when, on Patriot, a eomd Statesman and a steljng Whig being threatened wUb instant death if he descend- The meeting resolved itself into a Carteret County Clay Club, and proceedejj to elect Offi cers. ISAAC HELLEN, Ch'mn. J. Lucas Howland, ) Bejan Hje:llen, S Secretaries. WHIG CONVENTtQf?. The Delegates to the Whig Convention are feguested to assemble in the Hall of the House of Commons, qn Thursday the 7th inst, at II A. M. at which hour, the Coijyentiqn will organize, and proceed to business. ARRIVAL OF DELEGATES?. Several Delerrate to the Whig Convention h,ave already arrived, amjJ"g whom we ajre glad I seemed, had not any hand m brpg t to welcome that whole-souled Whig, Michael .11K)-ilii. follows i Pbancis, Esq. of Haywood. WHIG MEETINGS. We put a check on our own contributions again. and omit several matters of interest, that we may crflwd in the Whig meetings before the Conven- tipo assembles. But with all our efforts, tfye in cotnpressibility of matter forces us to omit, until Friday, the Proceedings ia Caswell, Davie, Ire- dell, Rockingham and Stokes. LOOK OUT ! The Cjty Watch, it taking their rounds, on Saturday morning last, when it was raining very bard, and q dark that a person could not see his hand before him, stumbled across an elevated lad der under the window of Mr. McKtmmox's Store. One of the Watch was immediately depatced for a light, whilst the other remained at the foot G. Jordan, Henry Harrington and John S. Dame). I pf the ladder. The plunderer, hearing the noise, aavma mat w irA a a nwAcn nvi r lira iris . wutiu, iit uui laic ivcjiicsfj.iwi.f , .w mado hlg lDDearance si the too of the ladder, but motioaof Mr. John C. Slocum, John C. Williams, amj respectfully recommend him to the Conven- jLjvi nda taticu w uie yiii any wsf iuvvij v1 lion 9 a buimuio pcreuii WUXS BUUHuavcu tf t"v I vitf Uicaui Clji iu UJU KrWvuf . u itjomas u. .ueares, r.sq. rranKiio oueea ana office of Oovernor; pledging ourselves, ai tae pjtchy darkness, effected his escape though vigor- Henry A. Bizzelt were appointed Secretaries, The object of the meeting being explained by the Chair, on motion of Thomas D. Meares, Esq. a Committee, consisting of Thomas J. Morisey, John C. Slocum, Thos. Ashford and Hardy E Roy al, was appointed to draft Resolutions expressive of the objects of the meeting. The Cooimittee retired, and on their return reported, through Thos. J. Morisey, Esq. the following Preamble and Resolutions: Whereas, we, the Whigs of Sampson county, being warmly attached to North Carolina, and alive to all that concerns her prosperity and glo ry ; and believing that the principles of the Whig party are those of the Const itotion,and best adapt ed to advance the happiness of the citizen and the and. in the full an nour m one m am uapwiw i? - 1 .nr 'r Sr)ltp therefom spoke, of the distress of the country produced by JZ ZmnS the .t r .u n t;. -rt U.K.t with 1 fUMice, i nai we approve oi me me in is i uie ui i iic j , - y severity John Tyler for his treachery to the Whigs, and eulogwed in war.n anJ eloquent strains the character and services of Henry Viay. A Resolution of thauks to the Chairman and Secretaries was tbep adopted, and tbo meeting 4 adjourned. same lime, zealously to support whoever rnnvention in their wisdom mav select. Resolved, That the long and illustrious services of HENRY CLAY, hi incorruptible integrity, his brilliant talents, always devoted to his coun try's pood, render him eminently worthy of the Presidency of a free people, and that be is our first and only choice. Resolved, That the following persons be ap pointed to represent this couoly in the District Convention to be held in Washington, for the pur pose of nominating a delegate to represent this Congressional district jn the National Conven tion, to be held1 th Baltimore in May next; Alfred Moye, J no L Foreman, Isaac Joiner, E J Blount. Charles Roundtree, Louis B Pugh, J'H'B'urney, John Joiner, Jr. A D Moye, Redmond R. Dupree, proposition to Rich'd Williams. F B Satterthwaite, w j Lugh- hold a State Whiff Couvention in Raleigh, on the I ino-hwnne. Chare hi 1 1 Perk in. B F Eborti, li F 7th December joext, to' choose a Candidate for I Harriss. Wm J Blow,' Win 0 Moyel Jos J Kor nig w app'im iwu tyw urc i cou, v"r,Dln Uruarv iWJUutm a oriujr. State at lanre to the IMattonal Convention, wbich May, ously pursued. The most daring feature of the case oweyeV, was, Ujat whilst the Watcl, and some citizens who bad been roused by the alarm. were in the Store examining if any booty bad been secured, tfya rogue slipped back and carried off the ladder, which might have led to his de tection ! " CLAY FIRST CLAY LAST CLAY ALL THE TIME." The Clat Club will assemble to-morrow night (Wednesday) at Q 1-2 o'clock at the Court House, when an Address will be defiveredby Hen t W. MuxrB, Esq. on the character and services of Mr. Clat. Rally Whigs ! rally and let us commence our organization with spirit and zeal. Third Monday 1 rf Noceinber, 1843. (hEfORTtD FOB TItK BEGISTIB- Alexander M. High artf life of Nertb Csrofiua - ' Bennett Rowland'. This was what is technically iylled a Xhti (am. act toft brought bf th plaintiff; Hixb, against die de fieodant Rowhuid to recover S2,000msa penally in curred under onr Statute aaqisi Ptury. Messrs. Q. W. Haywood and D. If- AeKae, AbiW appeared as Counsel for the plaintiff, and Ceii. R. . SibrnUerf for tb defendant In the cutset pf the investigation, the plaintiH s Counsel informed the Court that bis declaration con Woed fftyeral planks not filled apt that be, Ifj. Me Ru, rDongbt tt rfw 'material that these blanks should be filled: but that if the CouYtsbourdtHhtdrflerently, he then meyed fqr leave to nil theih ; which motion wai oUteteil to bv Gen. Suundefsfor the defendant. on the ground that they were bound tbedWaat ion, such as it was, especially sines the Jury bad teen charged with the cause. The motion was not pressed 7and they proceeded wiifi tbV vjilepc . " '; Three witnesses were examined lor the pfamtiir. viz : aivhi Auston, ruatuan ouiiy anu ureen usoni but the principal witness was the pt pained, who sp neared to be rather an unwilling witness. He had borrowevtbe inouey of the defendant, bad partictps ted in (tie transaction auegeu to oe usunons, oiu, unngms ine sun, or giv- pronecuuoa. The facts were substantially as follows : On ibe 10th day of February 1540, Wrnessapnjied to defendant to borrow mony-t 1,G0 .'offering btni 10 per cent interest. Defendant said that was more tban-be was in the habit of taking. At length, how ever, they, made an agreement flmt- Witness was to give defendant 6 per cent, interest and let turn haye the use of a negro at $6 a montlr until lite money should be re-paid ; and on theratneday Witness ga his note for the $I,Q.oq with his father Ureen Auston, Security, ezpressiiis in the face of the note that it was only to draw 5 per cent, interest, and due one-day Sf ter (iaie. The matter jested so until the 13th day of May fol- lowinsr. juvhen ile iiarti? met again, and entered lino a new arrangement. Witness took on the orilrinaH note of lvtu feb. unu gave a new ope ion ue aem to uraw o per cent, nsieau oi u ur uiemioutu , aim defendalit at die sauie ume execuied to Witness a note tor S$3o, lor tne nire ot saiu negro o inonins. n fur ther appeared that about the 13th or 14tb of Augttst fol lowing; this $96 Note was psiid up by Defendant te Witness, and tlie same day tlie same money. fco, was banded back to Defendant's little child as a present from Witness ; and on the 13ih of Dec. following, Witness naid op the interest on the f 1,000 Not S51 2& ; and shortly theieafier. the principal of (hs Note was also paid, but not within lb? lirnitsoi vake ucxmiy. i uis last paymn j''(yit u 4'" of Johus'on. It further a'ppearecf, that, since tbeconv raencement of this suit. Del&tetlairt "paid back to Wit uess the 36 : or fattier that Dfiptulant! boy, who had received the money of rV"itnssWljove stated, went jo Wiiiiess hqapa and gave badfeh' iMJ apparent ly as a present. These are the material ffcjs is xhr&fcft. Wo shall omit to state any othe grounds taken mrgoment,'for die ceason that, although tue case was agimmy anu forcibly arzued by the Counsel for the PlaintifL we did not have the pleasure of hesring Gem Saunders for the Letenuant. VY cannot uierewre staie, whu juapce to both parties, the whole of the positions assumed by Counsel. . . . . . - . The Jury, in a very short tune, round a verdict for the pelendanl An appeal to the Superior Court was jakep : but, inasmupb, as Ue lacts'gra lew and simple and none ortnein controveneu.we see no impropriety in aivins publicity to die case : especially as the sub ject matter is Usury a subject that team is begin- ing to attract a good deal ot attention, in pieces, uur inn tbe proeress of these hard times P. S. It' should bave been mentioned in the body of this fkt that the Defendant introduced -no neues ; and consequently his Counsel had the right to the concluding peeo1i in argument to the Juy ins, and lalc'i Appty io w ,. .....jWLnuflin piibuuu .-..Bo t .1 JK C b?Vl Bed tickuii. ,'s-ood) at 9 eta, 16( pVs furniture Cal', at'lL A new style Chusan J. yardj tlatd Hodsejs ( o tftj f 'CaJireeafirrdrMSM n da An wool 5:4 Shg&h FbiMeL to rii yd , . - -64 brewn Sheelrngs (flne) lt ets yd f-" 3 8operior black Alapseca Lustre 6Q ets jaci do Mazarine-and Brown Lustra,.' ft Striped Cbamelkm Si&V . .. Placlf and Fancy Wlk ShSwU. , .Tbe abq Goods have nut Wen teed ved, end are offered to parebsierS M ut m sbgbt Advance ta IVortB erp jorCflaf V - J. H.-UEUR-WITH vUf'.;"''.: ' . . fayrttsvills Htreet, A few doors short Mr. R. 8nuW ptfrv . 1 Dec. 6. 1843.: .. 0;;;?: VI ; JONE3 COUNTY. At a meeting of te NYb'Jfa of sones County, teld pursuant to previous notice at the Court house in Trenton, on the 17th of November, on motion of N. Waplcs, Esq., John H. Hammond, Esq. was called to the Chair, and on motion of J. C. Bryan, Esq, W, WfPrattcfc, Eaq. waj ap-1 tricl jn the NatK)nai yyhig Convention which as pointed Secretary. Uembles in Baltimore in May, 1844 : and we fur me opiect 01 me laecnni: v" v . . . . r- nr:n. meets in Baltimore in Resolved, That we will appoint - Delegates to the Raleigh Convention. Resolced, That we will support any good and true Whig for t&e oic.o (jyernor whom the Convention may nominate. Resolved, That this meeting appoint r Del egates to meet Delegate rom the other counties in this Congressional District, to' appoint a suita ble person to represent this Congressional Dis- Resolved. That these proceedioffs be aiened by Afipcd begtnnrtjg is half tjpe battle ; then, iet the Chairman andfc.ee retary, and published in tne cveyy Whig he at his post. exnlained bv the Chairman, William Foy moved that a Committee, to consist of five bcrsons, be appointed by the Chair to draught and report-Resolutions to carry tvto effect the object of the meeting, which motion prevailing, tbe Chairman announced the following gentlemen to constiute the Committee : Messrs. Wm. Foy, Nathaniel ther suggestthat tbe District Convention be held in Wilmington on the 22d of February, 1844. Resolved, That we heartily rejoice to learn that HENRY CLAY will visit North Carolina, and that be is our first, last, and oU$ candidate for the next Presidency. The meeting was ably and eloquently address-1 fbe Committee retired, and after due considera- North State Whiff and Raleigh Register. B. F. BBORN, CWn. W. J). pye, Secy. " ' ' WAKE UKAlNCtf CLDB. According to previoys notice, the Whigs .of St. Matthew's Disnct met at Jacob Mordecai's, Esq. and on motion of Edward Chappell, Sion Rogers was called to the Chair and Reuben Fleming appointed Secretary. Robt. Seawell, Esq. in a brief and appropriate manner, made knpwn the object of the meeting; when, oh mo tion of Rob't. N. Jones, a Corpmiuee of three were appointed, consisting of Jacob Mordecat, Si on II. Rogers a!nd Rob't. Seawell, to draft and re port Resolutions for tbe action of the meeting. ,FOIt BEST OR ?ALTJ; M ssrssion fvrn rBwfltWehf, tbai jiu vt-nirnt Houiw fof a f spj residence,: situated nea Mr. p. D.V.Ta's Dn- UPisdp ffece Jird wie Flaniic&53 tde ncavy bresm Cottons, 4 cts, yard a New and Faslifonablo TaUoHnff MA YE tsken tbe stand formerly occupied by O Ltvsa dt Pboct. nt door to Dr. N.'-Te. tith' Drue tore. and ate nrepafi) so eiecote all orders in their line, withneatund Asmalch With ' a prrn Tejunre on a generous puntx anu snici aueu tion id bustossSr tWy hobs to merit a share of patron- Tbe importations of tbe merchants are raH ana cnmpleie. We shall confine ourselves to manufactu ring alone, and would be pleased to serve- any one tn the selection pf Goods, yrhp will Cs'Cr ps srijcall, or sdfdress ut-a line. M " "... ;4: All clothes tunned out J u yarTjted o fit, snd wjli bp well made, and cheaper than bjr spy other houB in the Statei . . CUTTING reduced to half the origan) prise. November 82. ' J?7l 1 OxTord Female Academy, f THIS Institution; situated m one of tbe most plea- sant and heathfal virlse4s in tbe State, has been under dre care ot itk present Principal fot tpe lapt tJ' three years. During that time, it has received" a very respectab'e share of patronage, ami, it is oeitsveu, nss riven general wdisfartion. It is designed both as s ' boardine: and day school. Tbo residence of the Pan- ctpsl h very neSr the Academy, anl is strspteu ro ins sceommoJation of s tr)nsiMble' nfabeV "of hbaWers. I Pupils who reeide witb his family, rereiv ayeiy at terojion to heir htaKb and eomfbrt, and art htorenver -t ... ... Li'!..;..i ..illili i siioject ue constani surperTwiun, nut uniy o u Principal himself, but alee of tbe Assistant Teacbersv . The first 8ewion of the next year will cotnmebts en the second Monday of January ax4 contibhs-fiis , TfeRMS FOR THE 8ES$lpN. . B-s-d, $40 ; Tuition in Eniish studies, 50 to $12 50 ; French. 910 ; Latin M Greek, each; " ; Pino-F(Kt8,f20 ; Drawing andPaintkif, $jd j War, ' Fruit, and Flowers, fit each. BENJ, 8TJMNER, Prin. . faee.. I. $7. ' GEORGIA. A bjJJ t?s palled both branches 9f the Qeorgia legislature, by large msjorities to reduce th,e number of members in tliat body. ed by Thus. D. ijeaxes and Thomas J. Morisey, Atr.l-xs-' 1 WT 'll...1s.l Wm tfiifrrrina anil Pill. I yin Koonce. The Committee having retired for jn conforinity tWith the second Resolution, the a short time, returned and reported through thr f0jipwe Deieatea were appointed to the State viKiriuau me iuiivv ,' ' i uonvennon ai rviietgn, viz : adopted : Resolved. Thnt to' yhigs of Jones county highly approve of the plan suggested by tbe Whig Centra! .Committee of the State to hold a Conven tion at Raleiffh on tbe 7th day of December next. to select a suitable candidate for the Chair of tate after te expiration of the term of our pre sent able Chief Magistrate. Resolved, That although we have a preference from among the distinguished gentlemen named fur that office, we have full confidence in the wis dom and integrity of those delegated to the Con vention, and will cheerfully yield our warmest sup port to its nominee. Resolved, That the Chairman of this meeting appoint ten delegates to represent the Whigs of Jones county in the State Convention. Resolved, That from among the many able and distinguished Whigs in this nation, Henry Clay is our first choice for the next President, and we E ledge pur undivided and warmest support for is election. Resolved, That the Chair appoint five delegates to the District Convention ; to assemble at such time and place as may hereafter be designated. And that they are hereby instructed to aid in dele gating no man to the National Cppvention that is not tavoranie 10 uie nomination 01 iitpH. wl The Chair then apnointed 'tW following gen- tlemen as the delegates to the IState .Convention, viz : James C. ?ryan. Win. Foy, Nat. Waples, C. H. Foy, R. IJ. parsons, Amos Jones, W. V. Francks, John D. Kincey, John E. Foscue and Samuel Hill. And the following to tpo district Convention y Wm. Foy, C. II. Foy, Samuel HJl, rw it ar sons and Nat. Waples. - Wm. Fov then moved that the Newbernian, and such other prints as were favourable to tpe objects of this meeting, be 'requested to publish the proceedings, which was agreed to ; and op motion the meeting adjourned, sine (Lit. J. II. HAMMOND, CVja. W. V. Frances, Sec'y. . Allen Williamson. J R Draughon, Wm Dawson. Garry Draughon, C HaU, George Draughon, John Darden, John C Williams. William llarden, John U Slocum, Davjd Underwood, Daniel Williams, David Morisey, Lewis Carr, Hinton Carr. Thomas Aubfard, David Qati A Ifred Flowers. T D Meares ' Samu-I R Ireland, street Ashford, Dr. E M Hall, E'sktne McKay, WIUam Ashford David Dawson. Lewis Tew, Hardy fZ Royal, John Underwood, A Monk, Oweri Hargrnys, Thomas Underwood, Joel Parker, Benj Hargrove, Hardy Clifton, Needham SUephens, MarhII Kornegay. Henry varnao, Uiram iarit. burn, uey Lee, U plackburn, jr. t 8 Bonsqn, Franklin Sneed, Lewis Tew, sen. Dr. Jvhn Owen, Lewis Koval. John Fowler. Wm Owen, Willam C Butler. Wm Blanks, frl. Thos $ Morisey, Mses Cox, F Westhrook. Timothy Unde.rwo.vd, B M Her riug, Furnafold Wrstbrook. Wm H Bryan, Gen H Bryan, Hannan Ma: bis, J nomas J Mariwy, John Clifton, James Oates, Thomas Clifton, Henry Ste phen, W G Alford. A Blackburn. John Carr, S H Lee, A Patterson, r uiackourn, yicason reterson. Henry A Bizzell, Daid A Btxzeli. James A Btzzrll, Elam Goodwin, W C Godwin, David D&wson, Wm Houe. tion, reported through Jacob Mordecai, E?q. the tbe following FcfiambR and Resolutions: Whebkjis, tbe approaching Election for Presi dent and Vice President of the United States, is one of vast importance to the nation, we deem it not culy the right, but the duty of every free citizen to give all honorable assistance in hie pow er to secure the election of the nominees of the Whig Convention, to meet at Baltimore, in May next. Resolved, That Hpnrt Clay, of Kentucky is our first and only choice for President Resolted, That we, the Whigs of S Mat thew's District, do' form ourselves into a Clat Club, for the purpose of discussing Whig meas ures and for rally ing pur force? for te approach ing election, and that we recommend to our lbig brethren in ear. Captain's District throughout the courrtvJ to act in like manner. Resolved, That a Committee ,of five be appointed by the .Chairmap, to rame a Constitut.on, and make such Bye-Laws as may be necessary for the government of said Club. Pursuant to the last Resolution, the Gpair ap pointed the following gentlemen : Jacob Morde cai James D. Royster, R. Flemming, R. N. Jones and Rich. Seawell 1 who, after retiring, reported through Jaqob Mortfecai, Esq. a Constitution pd D" W are happy to learn, from the MgayanaaJ? Republican," that Gen. Domcas L. Ciinch has been nominated as the Whig candidate to fill tbe vacancy now existing in the representation from the State of Georgia in Congress. WHIG TRIUMPH IN MOBILE. We have lu8 satisfaction of announcing the triumphant success of the Whigs in the special election held in Mobile county for a Representa tive to the Legislature. R. C. McALPJN, Esq, the IFhig Candidate, was elected by ao overwhel ming majority ill " -a KENTUCKY. A great Whig Convention was bekl at LouvilJe on the 13th inst. upwards of 00 Delegates being pre sent. Wm. Qwsley was nominated fox Governor Atcb'd Dixon for Lje-ul. Governor, a Ticket for Elec tors of President and yVice President agreed on, and 12 Delegates appointed to the Baltimore Convention. The following, which we find among the Resolutions, is a good idea : Resolved. That each Whw in Kentucky behind hereby s appointed a committee cii ofae to wajt on his Locoloco neighbors and jovMe ahein 19 come out from among the enemies of the country, arul, enlisting un der the banner of , UJay, Uwstey, anu utxon, inaren At. his residence, in Wake County, on the 20th instant, Mr. liarnaoas rfones, tu ine twin year 01 hisase. Also, Mr. William Cutts, a soldier of tlie Revolution, in the 97th year oThis ag;e.- Vrm tk, Lleol Casrier Departed this life, at Jhs residence in Ljncolnton, on the 21st-inst Major Law son Henderson, m the 70th year of his age. The deceased was ajiaiiveof ihe county of Lirmotn, born during the tioublous times of the American Rev olution. When he grew up to " man's estate," he was accounted worthy, I rom me superiority 01 nif -Vellect, the energy of his characier, and exalted repuia - C ! t . n fill 1 1 1.1 . -.1 n f fAflvrftr fAiirt llOfl IOI IIUCXiHjr, IV 111 HIS VlliVC VI VUIIIIIJ VUU Clerk : &t)d a a later day be was chosen Clerk of our first Superior C uri ; a pot that he filled wiili envial.le reputation for a series ol year. In ibis capacity, he acquired, in a short time, a fund of legnl learning. remarkable for its accqmcy. . soundness anil general cor- 1 1 1 1 1 . . ... r rectness ; anu inis, conpieo whu imriry wi nirjiup-. TEN djy after he 4f befeof, I shall apply the U. . pietrict Cuurt efi N, C. in Bankropt ry, at Chambers in rayetSevr'ajt jptqer to dlatri bute, en tbe 3d infi- (hfi it? habbto 1 credit of tbe fcases Joaepa 6. Hinloo, Willisii If. MtKon and' W. M. Mason otCo. Bankropts, of. the County of Wake, W. J. CLARK- V Gent. Assignee for Wake Coon ly. December 5th. 1843. .... J .V " 67-.l0d APkllDENT COUK8JB 18 ALWAYS TUB B E8Tr Since lhere 4re so nasny different ma kers x4 Piano fprtes, apd each ope thinks fih wn inanutctore the best, would t p.ot U ihe Wsl , u-, SKHTceurse fur foss wanung rticlps ol jbjk iinja ff Jtske rjtem upon trial, before makihg a positive pnr-i-tjase ? The. Subscriber is snfficiently acquainted wiih the character snd-quality of his instruments to 6ffi-r tbcra upon those terms. Any ..one thsrsfele, , pho may have doubts about their quality can Jtravo those doubts removed by rutik.' H ha been eight t yesrr an gaged jn husinsis-hfis sold a&ut jour ' hundred Piano' Fortes and never sold a bad onav A la ge additional stock just received; . B..flA8H. December 597 Pelersbnrg, Vs. Executor's Saie. ... asalmost invariably Sry8n, dee'd on the 2 1st day of December, ISO. tbi legal difficulty, his Tract sf Iiaii,- ' on which the said Dennis G. p'Bryan xmtej at the time of bis death, containing about ?0jt Acres, lying in the County of Warren' rforesa&'virOt&inf th l.inan ni wm. nays, in. jnoHigumnry, pyujKatm. And in conformity tothe fourth Resolution, the! Bve-Laws which ware ttnaniroously adopted. irii inv nr insiiee and undisferiihled-nhilanihroDv. jT SHALL OFFER FOR SALE, in the CatontV greatly enlarged the sphere of hU former usefulness. II f Warren, at tbe lata residence tof 'Dennis O. 6 Between contentioas names, ue was the arbiter, and in all matters of nninWvn ami assistance were earnestly soucht for. On these occasions he cheerfully acted, and eajously en deavored to reconcile the ddTerencea and snlxlue tbe angry feelings wh,ich such contests had engendered, and these services' were oten, very often, requited with success. Many there are now enjoying tn quiet, the resuli of those, benevolent jabots, who will long gratefully ememoer tne jnnq assistance tuey receiver at bis Uaods. ' tn social life, he was tru!y a plain gen tleman of the oU school. ' is dewrtmettt ws. mias sumin, bland ar?d courteous, and he'idways pnrsWed the even tenor of his way'' witlrout giving off tice ven 10 the humblest. Jn public respects, favor and" andante anended him : in private,"' ho was greeted with tne tones Of enuiusiasiic irienusuip. uuen una the waiter been delighted and edified with his vivid accounts of the older? tinie, drawn from a storehouse renletewitb 'such treasures.; and, the animatioti and chceiifubiess.wjth whwh'be wnparted his information, "1 1 . L. vT uu.li int.rvii.ivft . ... . . - - w , . r;.i. 1 Early in lite ne emoracea ine rresoyiennn mini, nnu firmly adhered 19 it till Uie day or his death. H is de vntmn to the Snwe me Beinz was founded on a just conception of hiaoperations in the works of Providence, and his unoouncreu conmienee in uis rcveawu wm, '' . 1 rV.:. ..inn. .fcVtr Vha fnl follr ana ue nuniue wuuwu " f '"-,- . f t . 0t C n. .1 fiii..nKfl nar years ot 111s ine, no wi niin.tv 1 reef, lie became so infirm as :to be confined o hh dwelling, patiently and resignedly tearing hi amio- following were appointed to the District .Conven tion at Wilmington, viz : Allen Williamson, Wm Ashford, Wra fi Butler, Col. Thos K Morisey, Thomas D Meares, James R Draughon, Hannan Ma this, JohnC Blocam, Frapk Jiu 8 need, and Thomas J Morisey. On motion of Thomas D Meares, Esq. On motiouofE. Chappell, the following eontle- meu .were nominated for Officers to preside over the future deliberations of the CluD,r'ytf.- S.ion Rogers,' President ; R. Fleming, Jameji D. Roys ter, Vice-Pe,sidnV) acob Mordeca, R. . Jones, Sectaries. MdRtch d. Seawell, jieasu. LEQISLATIVE DOCUaiENTg There is on hand for ale, at tbe Reoisteb, Office, a few copies uftb. is work, embracing every Report, Message, Bill, Resolution and Table, or- ArA tn hit nrinted bv the Legislature of 1842-3. 1 .1,. , vrim death seemins to pause in Iris vocation, as n- ,- i. p-.-i ' T : 1 - . - -, . r It will be found ofereat use to such individuals! if rel.ici.ot to m' 'rLT f lVJT Resolced, That the proceedings of this meeting ler -all of whom .wexe duly elected. be published in the Fayettevifle Observer. JOHN C. WILLIAMS, C&Wn. On motion of Jarjpes f Royster, Rich'd. Sea- of either party, as design appearing before the people as Candidates tor the Legislature, next Summer. Price, full bound, Three Dollars. ID The following admirable Impromptu was written by a true Jarted VVhig of this State, or. Fbasklix Sneeo, H. A. Bizzexl, ;Sec's. well, enry Mordecai and E Chappell, Esq'rs. witnessing the spirited movements over tpe were appointed to eiect a suoject tor ino Country, in favor of Mr. our : CARTERET COUNTY. Pursuant to public notice, the VVhigs pf Carte ret assembled at the Court House in beaufort pn the night of the 20th inst when Isaac Hellen, Esq. was called to the Chair, and J. L. Rowland and Brian Helleo were sppointed Secretaries After the object of the meeting was explained by the Chairman, the following gentlemen were ap- wiineu a ooujuiiiioB lur 1110 puijAmc ui uijuu Resolutions to express the views of the meeting : ur. si. r. ArendelJ, 15. 1 ferry, a. waters, a. Canady, John W. Morgan, E. Vv. Pigot, and Da vid S Jones. .. ' The Committee, reported through Dr. M. F. Arendell, the following Resolutions, which were unanimously concurred in by tbo meeting: Resolved, That we are fully aware of tbe expedi ency, and do cordially approve of tbo proposition .mads by the Whig Central Committee, to hold Coo WILKES COUNTY. According to previous notice, the Whigs of xWilkes County convened in tbe Court House at .WiIkesboro on Tuesday, tne tsi tnst. ud roo- tion, uie tneeiinffwaj, ujrg4uicu uy opAuv ment of Gen. James TjPelborn, Chairman, and VFilliam W. Pedep apd Sauiuel P- Smith, Sec reUries. Tpe pbject 0 the rpeetiug having been explained by the Cbairihan, the following. Reso lutions were iotj6duce bj Dr. lames CaHuvwy which being read, wetfl unanimously .adopted : JJesoZrerf. That the Whigs pf Wtlke.s entirely I concur in the propriety of a WTiig Cpnvention to oe peiatn toe uuy 01 lutieigu, uu imc win i December next, for tha purpose ot npna mating a suitable person' for tbe pffice of Goyernqr. Resolced, That tpe Chairman of this meeting ap point nine delegates to that Convention. Tpe Chairman named the following gentlemen as delegates, to w t: Dr. S. Gk Jones, J. J. Bryan, Joseph T. Bryant, CoL James Martin, Col. Peter Eller, Gen. Wil liam Horton,Dr. R. C. Martin, Thomas -Robards and Andrew SteeL . Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published ia the Raleigh .Register, and that discussion ,pf the qext meeting ; and, after retir ing for a short time, reported thrpugh Ricb'A Seawell, the Character of blenjjr Alay'-' for the discussion of the next meeting. Upn motion of Gray Strickland, it was unanimously agreed, that the next meeting should be Jie,ld .atCaj)t.Page On motion of Henry Watson, the .tha,ns o,f tjie meeting were tendered to the officets.fqrjh ae manner in which it was aonsucted. on motion of Joseph Andrews, the' Whig papers of Raleigh' were requested to publish the proceedings of the meeting. On motion of Rich'd. Seawell, the thanks of the meeting were heartily tendered to jacoo In ancient Fable, it is said, That gating on Medusa's hesd. Would change the gazer, blood and bone, Into a mass of solid stones Looking at TvuaVs head, they say. Turns tbe behokhHS.ail to Clat. years. Wsrrenton, Dec. 2, 1843. R. A. EZCLL, FrincipaL Extract of a Letter, dated WaBBEJfTCfflc, November 29. W held a trloriona Whiff meetirn? in old War- . ' ft" g v. - w w . ten jrestarday. I never attended a roeettng, whe,re raw eal, good feeling, and uuanimity preled. XT A pleasing incident occurred JaitsJy in the 1110 iucciiw iiuid '"J 1- .- - . , . . , 4 , ft Hfrtmtorai. iRan. for the liberal and hosiKtable man-1 Georgia JLegatlature. A new XJounty had been f r -r . . 1 . . . r t . - j a. : . 1 r- . .tt. . "- mt.' i ner in which be entertained rt ; and, on motion, laid ob ana several names w.tre orown, i, touke tbeut pndtpeir own Wf " TTs INK OF THJSBTATC it was agreed that Rob't Seawell should deliver among them thatof Habbisoic, wEen Mr.er eounyj. high tod J Jnimr Address before the Club on the 15th arose and rented, that be hopedl the other. -I ? sSVSSntf the fMockboldr. o iB. TV 7 ' . -' December. . Np other hostnesa coming before tbe meeting,! risott was) it was ordered that the Chairman and Secretary opposed to - s 1 siffn these nroceedings. i good man, R. Flimwc, Secy. .-.fill mnA astfrnnhirv. As be. lived, respected a esteemed, so has he died, sincerely lamented by nu merous relatives, a,ndjau tnat tnjew mm t-xwi. ALWAYS SOMETHING GOOD ' VO 11 THE 1VII tf8 1 FfTkHE gjobscrtber has prepared a lot of Ppt&S UT'Oysters, especially fur tboe who mnj attend the Whig Convention. They are put up in such s manner thai they may be earned with safety, either in a trunk or otherwise, tbey are secured in atr tiKhtrCanisteTs. Tlieyean be had on appuealion to me, two doors from ue jtosi upice. JOHN WILSON. Raleigh. Dec. A. 1843. 97 Look itttt riTHE Subscriber residing withinthrpe- H quajtea of milo of Midway Aad- yjato H. lOaWOOB .IS rOCipai Will ooaru ohhiciii. hi prices according With the times, viz i $6 60 per monihtexf losivn o Candles. Those who wiah to bos rd-their sons with him, will please inform oimy letter or otberwkw. 8t,odeits of dissipsted .babiu. without a speedy reformation, will nobe .tonlinqfed, I hnt their PaU y GiiardUns will advised by On this Land is a good Dwelling House, an all ne- " ceasary Out-boosr s, several good Orchards, and it jut feinsrksbly well Wsttred, and abouj otieHbird JtopptsW ' ed to be woodland. " , Also, at lhsssje Vftie lnd plajce. T : FsVeS VALUABLE NEGROES, all the crop of Tobacco, Corn, Fodder, Oats, te. . Stodt n Horses, Csyle and Hoafl te Household ' and Kiichenurnitbre and Plahrstron Tools of every kind, iticludinjf Carts, 4c. Ac. - Tbs J4ntf wW be , sold on a credit of two years, snd the btfancs of the. Property an twelve tnontbs creHiL, ' f- ; ..Warren Caotar,0e. jt, y-v.'.rjJT'ii Watrjentn Pale Academy. fSIAHB lxre lon tf thk In.tuotloh will cobs ; II ' at j . 1 ha .a sS?'iA Im S - SKit-nee onTOOjway.ine eon uay 01 Januarys i.es. ; tertns of B- ard and Toil ion are the Saba as bars- I tofore published. . ' The undersigned takes gre.ai pleasurb ih inforlning ; te patrons and friends of the School jind the pnblie -gHoeiaiW, that he has tented the large and pomsnodl': oos building brmeriy occopied by Mrs. Jebkins ss a ' BoardhgKHotuse, rfusted immediately opposite to tbe Acsdetay.apd j,hSl by ibV hieaty. entbled to board is roSby oudenis as jUaay 'be. sent to the viJU j lags from s distance ' He pledges himself to the bub- " iic the hiura(i of ,flll lh boVs'Tntrusted b bis . irtmedTata' car jftnd eon'trwl' AaJI b strictly tts Wsd. and.rt aecomplish this desirable end; Ho otudent . . frntri the Boarding House saau visit ine J own, exeepc t oosnecial occasion, snd never withobt thb' permi- finh of the Teacher. - It fsdestrsble that all Boys, who have no near relatives in the Town or its vicinity, shall board with the principal, upon whom devolve It -1 1 lt.'J 'T'ir ftft , the great rrsponsiuiiiij 01 preservings moiaia 01 uie SiodtDts' It h i m&ikpiAj boped tpat the well sfctsb Jislird character of VVarrea'on for heahhi Its contigo- - V XT .... , ftk, dmmtt ity to the lower regions ei v irginia ana xioru Caroli na, ii fiiyio ext,by theJR peritnee of tbe 'ltclr n.ths profession towhiclibe . tipvotss his undivided time and attention; the rtastna- II ble terms 'ot the lnsiltotion, scdlb hljh otder of t - metals bfprfed, will all eornVms Usetar n)tns -k Hrbobl a tar'ffe and ceneroos natronace. i For siiy in 1 Students at omattoflnaMoa w rro.Pty,. the Prmctpai, Mnwu most repsciMifiwi.6u"- M men to tbe Trqstees'or this Institution, aeli jts to , those r the filctnlsltu' Kck M Nbrthato'ptbn Acads mis., in Which he has Uught rWthsx Jaat ttUwa 1 87 4w A.NK OF THE STATE OF. enr jaahh,:iUt V beatc?cwithdrawt nowp more, tbat tnoagn jucauy f 5 month, v The fmnZ "T & bun, be had always regarded him as a , goin-comh Mobday ( af W . . . , , . , .ruMJ t and revered ha memory. Thereupon, . w j. brakch. r -rill 1st Mbndav fa4 ' 't. o?t ioil ' aT.ftj.2ai 1 a -r-V" .rr f;Vt . .ui,.. j -i. Hipnar, next- V , f , I the other names .proposed wart withdrawn, and Harrison adopted.