- - ; " " " " - t, . " . -t - '; , -.''. - ,f" : f T . - . ' ' ' - ' ' - - !,' -'.,1 -T- T.w fc-' 'frffws w9!watfT'wr?B5r-.-. vwrsxr---' -r "rr-'mns prT. tz-z ; -s: --i-...!-,,- - -rr-. . j - , . -, ,,m - ' "jl" "- " 1 : ... .... . . -.j.;.; ,t j r : - v r ui ret. 13 V 1 "!:: TOU CHRISTMAS ; 1 i k Y JO K)US, g hoc i: HIES, 'MtlSIC A L INST ii V M ENTS, k; C H I NAf J EWELK1JY, FANCY' AUTICLKH & TOYS; TKNt: of the Partner of the firm, bamj jot re i Ujim. dom the North bu brought wah him, i larjec tod better sapplj. f ,i"K Good, ia tho abuire branches, (hit4iM been kept in- tho eubliahraent V beratofora ; a1 of which, ijn. prices end quality ere well worthy to be recommended to our numerous f? friends i and the puttie, as we are very well aiU u sell low as any Store in this City. j . p v mx r goods; ' ' . " ; i f Anentirely fresh asiortmeni, espedatty Calicoe, Handkerchiefs Woollen Ci.wkU, uluves 'aiid tocK ltiira . M ukrat and HeA skin Ca:. Wbtetinjs and K 8hu;tin;i, etc. ' ' . r ' A ; FANCY GOODS, HARDW ARE & CHINA. . aFine artificial Flowers.- latest fashion foi ..winter. rtifidial Heir. LadW anc? and Work Boxe Writing desks. Baskets Snuftboiee from 5 cu to $3 50 1 TaveUing Bags, Thermometera, Walking Canes, finest Raxors, Shaving utensils, Dirk, t e and Pocket Knives of great, variety Scissors ; J terv larce adbplr f Pistol,: Percus4on caps. Shot and Sbotbeltay Utrdbsgs, Powder flasks Cotton and Wool cards, patent Balances, i Kitten., AwiMioe thread, Spurs, Cloth, Teeth, Hair, Hat and 8lne .broshes j Slates, Fishing Utensil, Looking-glasses, . various ... sizes, Collee-milbj, Pins, Needles,. Purses, Pocketbooks, Night Tapers, Smoking Pipes, 1 wine, Corkscrews, Whips, Pencils, Buttons, plain and painted Mags, Mohair Caps. Clucks, Waiters, Lamp Glasses, Tumblers, Bowls, Plates, Capsand-Saucerg, Diwesv Pitchers, Cocoa-gourds, various Lamps. FRESH CONFECTIONARY & CROCERIES. v 1 Sngar, fiofiee, Molasses i 250 Us. fresh fancy and t ether Candies, Soda JB utter and Water I'rackers, - Pilot bread, Sugar and Ginger Cakes, be3t Pine Ap- pleother.Ctteese,8molE.euSaliDrtn,Scotch Herrings Smoked Tongues. 8aosages,Figs, Prunes Datea, Fil. berts.Palm, Wall and Cocosnuts, Almond, Preserves Pickles, Brandy Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Popper - aattce, Chocolate, Nos. 1 and 2, Macaroni, Currantsi Raisins, Citron Nutmegs, Liquorice, Cinnamon, Masard, Starch, Tea, Olive Oil, Sperm and Fallow Candles, - Soaps, white, yellow, variegated, Castile ' and perfumed ; Chewing & Smoking Tobarco, genu ine Principe and other Segars. Scotch and Mrs. Mil-' Ier Snuff, Canary Seed, Allspice, .Pepper, Black ingj Indigo, Copperas, Logwood, Madder, Lamp and Candlewicks, Apples, Grapes, 'Jujubepasle, Newark Cider, Ale, Porter, 200 brandies Cotton Yarn, Buck ets, Brooms, Whaie and best Sperm Oil, &e. GENUINE PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, old only by the measurt. ;s; . ; PERFUMERY. , - Otto of Roses, Macassar, Bears, Antique Oils, Po natnaa, Cologne, Florida and Lavender Waters. JBhaving soap, Essences, Opodeldoc, Bergamott, pink 8aucers. - ' MUJCAL INSTRUMENTS. FbestYiolfnsj bows; strings, bridges, screws, Fin 'gerboards; Guitais, Flageblettes, Fifes, Flutes, Clari- onetts, Accordeons, Brass Trumpets; I , , STATfONARY. - 'v Almanacs, Primers, Spelling, Picture and Song Books, Geographies, Key of Heaven (Cathelic,) En gravings, Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, Inkstands, Ink powder, Sealing-wax, Letter-stamps, Wafers. " Fencing and Boxing Apparatus. Foils, Swords, Gloves, Masks, Hats, Breastplates, : 's:t :-V GAMES. ' j . . J.Dominoa, Chessmen, Backgammon, Keno, Ten pins, Cop and Ball, Graces and Battledoors, skipping ropes Rollet. f--. JEWELLERY. ' : Fine gold and silter, as wefl as german silver, and pinchback; viz. Breaslpins; Ear-rirjgs, Pencils, Fi'n-ger-ringsV Thimbles. . Table and Tea Spoons, De sert Knives and Forks, Metal Combs, Tea Bells, Spectacles, Bell-buckles, Keys. ' u Zi:tA - toys. ' - A large, and choice supply as Printing Presses, painted Children's Trunks, Wheelbarrows, Bureaus, Marbles, Humming tops. Drums, Rattb-s, Whistles,! ..." taoath Organs, Harps, Trumpets, Magic Lanterns,; Paintboxes, magnetic Toys, false Faces, Cannons, Microscopes, China setts, Drummeis, fancy toys, - and all sorts of Dolls. . J ; G. W. & C.GRIMM E, Corner of Fayette ville and Hargett Streets Raleigh, Dec. 1, 1843 96 jr wr nooKsjrEir books. fmHE Mysteries of Paris, a novelty Eugene Sue JU translated from the French by C. H- Town Perilous Adventures, or Remarkable Instances of Per : severance, Courage and suffering, by R. A. Daven port.' The Constitutional Jurisprudence of the Uni ted States, by W..A. Duer, LL. D. AUo, the 16th number of Alison's Europe. The 5th numW r of Mc Culloea'a Gazetteer. Also, the Girl's Reading Book in Poetry and Prose, by Mrs. Sitfourney. For sale 7 ' TURNER & HUGHES. 1 December 7. . 93 Passase to Haiti more. THE superior Steamboat, COLUMBUS or PO JAHONTAS, will leave City. Point direct for Baltimore, every Widshdit afternooni at 3 ocl.Kk, or immediately after the arrival of the Cars from Pe tersburg, arid will land Passengers in Balumore, the i next evening. The accommodations on board these r Boats are very superior, and the passage, includin" meU through from Petersburg to Bliimore, only S8. .Returning, will leave JHltimore every Saturday after- 1 w uv .... 1 ' . l: X J; BRANDT, Jr. Agent. - Balumore. Mar. 10, 1843. 22 ly C C. NELSON FAS UlOtf A OLE TAILOR, i (Ona door 8oaA of Dr. N, L. Stith Drug Store . FAYETTE VILLE.STREET, ! c RALEIGH, .V. C. . X? His charges will be regulated by the Umes. Cbttiw done at reduced pricea. v Dec. 6, 1843. , 93 tf IHiD " t . " Atot or neavy - Ul Brosans Extra Sizes. AUo, 4 Case of heavV ewed .Water nrflnfRi. jr t k ,W JAMES M. TO WLE3. Raleigh, Dec 19. tmi r , w a . Freih from tlir. nM. -' ' A"llS0Na Hktir f Kns?AA klv.: 1 f ' fdUion ; bj Edward S.Gold.Er -!;5On.?L0l"0 100". frornihe Frenl W;Roorrienne. his private Secretarv. , zJll hMe: ' T, . V . varu ia forming a perfect e timata. of tb. peoon.l character, of N.le .7 T'"a w M present, in iu graphiedelinestu, r character, fs Bowell'a I Jf f 15" x aha Book EstabUslunent of TT For sals at IT US T RECEIVED, another, supply of fjl fresh and desirable JDrflG Q OdHv which we offeir to , purchasers v anusaally ? low p;a 3 y ards wider Hamilton Cotton Sheeting, v r -. 5-4 Heavy Twilled Englislr Fitnnels; - t ! Crape de fon;i:husafi aiid Atapacea, - V Uem-stiicbed Linen C. Handketchiet,! tSM ? , Watered, Cardinals and Maiililla Bcaxbi !! ibt . Lile Laces siidEJginps. ,4:; -V -f Silk Fringe, Egvptisui M'U snl Cashmere Hose, Fancy 'prints,' atarge assorimen C 4 ' And many other Gooiis, to! an examination of which, the attention nf purchaiiers is in viteL , , , . ; , J H. BECK WITH & CO. , v, , f . , Eayetteville fctreet, . " ' " A few doors above Mi. R. Smith Store. . Raleigh, OH. 24. ' ' 86-- , . . November 25011843. . NEW STORE. THE Subscriber have just received a very Urge lot of Goods, which tbey will sell at unprece dented low price: : , j"X ! t Rich embroidered ?t ipe Shaded Si!ks,Xnewtyb) Fis'd Ambre ' Plain and figured Black and Blue Black do. Stripe Cashmere de (ast, ' Moulin de Lanes, very ebeep, , and Hgured Chowan andOrleansFancy, .Superior Black and Blue Black Alapacca, Black Satin Stripe Satin de lihome, Calicoes, a Lirec'aKsorimenl, : 2 eaes Furniture Calico, j Pent'y Plains, (for servants, ' Caroline Plaids, (for Ladies Dresses, Superior Watered and figured Siik Cardinal, ' Mantilla Scarf, wadded, new article, Plaid Stripe N H and figured Shawls, large variety, A large assortment of Domestic Goods. 50 pieces White, Red, Yellow and Green Flannels, every price, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannel. 144, 12 4, 11 4; 10.4,9-4 and8-4 Whitney Blankets, very low. Point and Duffle do. 5-4 Si ,12-4 Bleached Sheetinss, Brown and bleached Sheeting and Shirtings together, with many other goods, all of which will be sold extremely low, fur cash. A J. H. BEOKWITH & CO Fayelteville Street. t Pieces vard wider Flannels, 22 JF Jf cts. yard and upwards, Yard wide heavy brown Cottons, 6 cts. yard. Bed Ticking, good J at 9 cts. do 150 pVs Furniture Calicoes, at 5, 6, 8 & 10 cts yd A new style Chusans, 35 cts. yard, Plaid Lindsey L 14 do do Calicoes fur d reuses - 5 do do All Wool 5-4 EnslUh Flannel, 60. cts yd 5-4 brown Sheetings, (fine) 12 j cts yd Superior black Alapacca Lustre 60 cts yatd do Mazarine and Brown Lustre, Striped Cliamelion Silks, Black and Fancy ilk Shawls. lhe above Goods have uMteen received, and are oflered to purchasers at but alight advance on North" ern prices, fur Cash. ; J. H. BECK WITH 4 CO. Payetteville Street, r A few do:rsalove Mr. R. Smith's Store. Dec. 5; 1843. 97 PRINT WAREHOUSE. IN NEW YORK. JTp F. LEE -'formerly of the firm of Lord & ll5Lees Lee& Babcock,4c.,and U. B. BHE WS- IMSK, umler the firm of LEE & BREWSTER. have established at ' 113 PEARL STREET. Hanover Square, New York, a Warehouse on an extensive scale, r EXCLUSIVELY FOR To supply the City and interior trade, by the piece or package. By confining their attention entirely and exclusive ly tp this one article, L. & B. are enabled not only to exhibit a more extensive and beautiful assort ment than is to lie found elsewhere, (there being no similar establishment for prints in the United Slates but to fell always at prices as low, and generally low er, than those of houses whose attention and means aie divided among a large variety of articles. 1 he Mock, embracing Some Thousands f differ' ent Patterns and Colorings, including a splendid assortment of French l'rinls comprise all ihe la test and choicest styles, to which will be constantly added all the new and desirable patterns as tnev ar pearin the maiket, besides many which will be print ed exclusively for their own sale. Purchaser of this article will find it 10 their inter est to examine this Stock before buying their Prints If they do not purchase, they will at least have the advantage of seeing all the new style, and learning the lowest market price. Catalogue of prices, corrected with every variation of the market, are put into the hand of buyers. ORDERS. As L. & B. Vill keep this great assortment at all seasons of the year,. they will, of course, be able to execute orders even in the depth of winter, (when other establishments here have no stock of goods,) in ihe best manner, and they solicit the attention of dealers to this very unusual advantage, which their establishment offers, 1 Tebms. All goods are charged at net cash Drices. as per Catalogue, which will be sent with all goods ordered; and4f time is siren, interest will hn m!lui Oct 11, 1843. 61 ly New Fall and Winter GOODS, fljlUK sAt.Li, at the Commission 8tore of Subscriber, Fayettevdle Street, onnosit ih Post Office, and next door to the New Market House Prices LOW, for Cash. Among the articles just received, will be found Flannel, white, red, yellow and Salisbury, AUo, Frenrh Ginghams new style for Winter. Black Alacca. . Mooslin de Laines. . Merinoea French and English. Calicoes a great variety. Lisle Edging a beautiful variety. Bilk, raw Silk and Cotton Stockings,.' Also, au assortment of Groceries, 4 c. &c. JOHN T. WEST- Nov. 14. 91 if FALL SUPPLIES OF . Jlusic, -Musical ins I rumen ts FJJVCr ARTICLES, See. Foa SAI.K ir' E. P. N ASH, Sycamore Strget. Petersburg, Virginia. CrT5Y Mrre,hant n oiheu in wantof.nv the mo, destrable slock I have ever offered, at ereaJ. ZZt?1''"?'-, frm old frienfslnd customers 1 solicited. SjOR REThat convenient Office in the . v S6,,T" baWtngs,next door to P. H. Bus- (. . -'T'l'l Nov. I, 1843 T , ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIRn it n. Not. 50 ,1843. 93 6m ScIrnLtX r heavy f0. Mgratn Carpeting, -t lo ,nh ih fiimekf ? R.Wsh: JfUjs. JAMES M. TOWfiES.' : at ; - GREENSBORO', N. C. 1 m; ! rmHIT Ejrereises of thfi Inrthnt ion, bT which Gov ft y emor -Mehead is' Proprietor and Pajron,' will be resumed oa the 9 ih. November next, under the peiiott-ndence of Mi liyeK aided by a number of accompbshed'Aiit'wtant 7'eacbers and xJlbe Session wiil continued ve months, at the terminstion of which, there will boa Public Ex kmmatibn; which" it is hoped Pari nts and Guardians will attend. ; "' i ' " " The Ituiklings are iiew and exnaie the accom modations good, and the pupils wHl i board in the in stitution with ihe Tutoresses, and ba constantly under their aperv:toii. , ' , , . Of the ibilitv!; zeal and fidelity with which those in charge of this School discharge their duty the best recommendattn i "to found in the advancement of their Pupil,to which reference is cheerfully made. Suitable Chemical and utLer-apparatus wilj be i ruvide.l , 1 . ', The f.illowina Branches of Education will consti- lute the regu'ar crturse : Rhetoric, '' ' Asironrtrov, Reaiiing. Writiiigi, Grammar, Geography, with use of ( 'oinfHwiiion, Belle Lettre, Ariihcaetic, Algebra, Natural: Pbiloophy, IntrSk-ctual do M inert I gy, . Botany, fhemistry. Needle-work. ; . Geornetrr, Atlas and Glbes, EXTRA' STUDIES, ?ER SESSIOX Music, (Piano $20,Gaiiar t5 Drawing atd Painting, ' . Wax work, . , Shell work, Worsted flower-work, Italian, I profj.Mor', charge. $20 & 15 10 8 5 Latin, Greek. - . 10 10 The School U divided into appropriate classes, to which each pupil is assigned, according to her schol arship. ' -r ' ' The classes are so arranged, that pupils may take only a part of ihe regular cour.e if it be preferred, and any part of the extra ktudie. . As it may not be convenient for some pnpilatotake the full course prescribed in this Institution, the In stroctors would be glad to know the probible length of time the pupils will be permitb-d to remain in the School, that they may prescribe to them the course most advantageous for the time they may remain. Terms $75 per session, for tuition in the regular course, boards washing, fuel and lights. For the extra Studies, the prices affixed thereto,- Dr. Wilson, the President of the Caldwell Inst tutc, during the absence of Gov. Morehead,: will visit the Institution, examine the pupils, and ascertain their progress. Communications relative to the School may be addresstdto M. A. HOYE, Greensboro', N- C. J Three or four excellent, well- toncd Pianos or sale, as above. RKFEHKXCKS : The President and Professors of the University of N C. The President and Professors of the Cald well Institute. The Judges of the Superior Courts. N, B. Stage fare to and from Raleigh and inter vening points to Eitgeworth half price for pupils by ar ranaemeiit with contractors. Oct. 12, 1843. 1 82 Office Wilmington Raleigh R. Road Co. .Nov. 14th, 1843. J THE Georgia, South Carolina, and this Rail Road Company will transport on their respective lines emigrating families, their bassaee. &c .on the most favorable terms ; say, for ten members of a family and not exceeding twenty, at three cents per mile, and twenty and above, two cent per mile each ; provided they start from this State. Furniture and extra bag gage in proportion. E. B. DUDLEY, President W. & R. R. R. Co November 15ih, 1843 93 3m. EW LAW BOOKS. Just published, a new edition of Martin's and 2d vol. of Haywood's North Carolina Reports, in one vol- ume with notes, referring to subseauent enactment of the Legislature, and decisions of the Court of Con ference and Supreme Court, with marginal abstracts. and Table of Cases renorted nnd a nrn in.lBT i.v ).. Hon. Wm.-H. Battle, one of the Judzes of the Suoe- rior Court of Law, of the Stte of North Carolina. Also, the 3d volume of Law Reports of the Supreme Courts of North Carolina, and 2d volume of Eauitv. by Hon. James Iredell, Reporter of the Supreme Court.- Also, just received, the 1 3th volume of Con densed English Chancery Report, and the 40th vol ume ot ing!ish Common Law Reports. Stephen's Nisi Prius, in 2 vols. The first volume of Howard's Reports of the United States Court. F snle hy TURNER & HUGHES. November 9, 96, SPLENDID CAPITALS. 1- $48$3 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 3, for 1844. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, oa Saturday the 20th of January, 1844. 14 DRAWN NUMBERS. GRAND SCHEME. 40,000! Si 2,000! 6,000 Dollars 5 000 Boilars 3,500 Dollars 2,500 Dollars 2,000' Dollars 1,969 Dollars 2 of 1,250 ! 2 of, 1,200 ! 20 ot $1,000 20 of 500 ! &c. Tickets $10 Halves $5 Qarters $2 50. C5 rtificHtes of packages of 26 whole tickets 130 Do. do -26 half. An ft Do. do 26 quarter do 32 j w ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY. Class No. 4, for 1844. To be drawn at Alexandria, D C, on Saturday, the 27th January, 1844. BRILLIANT CI1EME. " 30,000 Dollara 10.000 Dollars 5,000 Dollars 2,387 Dollars 2 prizes of 1 l00j 5 prizes of 1,250 3 do 1,3001200 do . '500 &LC. &C Tickets SlO-HuIves 5-Qua'rters $2 50. Certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets $130 go- do. 25 half do v 65 r-r-L, j 25qnarterdo. 32$ For Tickets and Shares or CtrtiJUates of Pack, ages in the above Splendid Lotteries-address J. G. GREGORY di Co. Managers, i . Washington, D. C. ti uW,n!" "nt ,mmediatery after they are over to an who order as above. ! PORTRAIT, MINIATURE, AND HISTORICAL PAINTING. .' lOfi JO: S. FNDB. t a 0F NORTH CAEOLXNA, HuViD-TUitf1 Europe fot : the purpose of perfecting himself in his profession, is now prepared to execute . .! Portrait TgiPiatnTeg, &c, Those wishing t., avail themselves of hi profession al "mces, are requested to ll at his Artellier on HHsborugh Street, 100 yard West of the Cap tof where rnen, of hisexecuUon may be seen. , wrpi. I.J, 1BW. 15 R 1C'N ANU F1.6UR.A g. sS: -iSu WILL: PECK. ,9. . .? . m-)o. ri n vi a "in 1 S "t1 Mo"4y 9th January, 1844. in th K!u;- i.ii ' Haywood, near the old AciuW fmian. Raleigh. January g. g ' Il l IO Eel the mnnn iK.i Ti - " . t , - j mom mo row. II' It. - li (I., i' li. - Win 'aiUia iriiyt'l v Vf!- APUBLC BLESSING.., , ,e Tk. T;ii hnvA I.mer been known and apprecia ted, for their extraordinary and' immediate powers of . relOTjng perwc 1 pearly every kindof diaetq which4he human frame , Is liable, . .. -' ''. -. i r'""-ivs.- They are:particularlv recommended -to sll to e Mronrwho"arifilicted With any Mnd of W cArpic ' '- or neeringe0npldit, B ihet im o medicine be- -fore t he public which has natural and happy efloct and to me formation ol neaitny cnjie auu iuervyjf pu rifying the blood " A , .' .'j .t They "are 'acknowledged by the hundred" arid thou sand who are using them, to be not only the most mild and pleasant in heir operation, but the most per fectly innocent; safe and efficient :medifin ef offer ed to the public. .Those who onc e make a ril of . ' " - s a t I si. C " iheRe Pills, never afterward fee willing to be wituout them, and call again for more; which is suuicicnt proof of their good qualities. ' 1' Price25 cents per box, with full tlirclions. : The -following is from Col. James Porter, a respecla bl citizen of Gibson Co., Ten- Gibson Co , Tenn. December 0, 142. To lr. Sfbjscer : Dka Si n : This is to certify, that I have used in my famfy within the last eight months, one dozen boxe of vour Veaetab'e Pill, and I consider them decidedly-superior to any other Pill I haveever used I have been afBicted for the last three or tour year with a severe dyspeptic and liver affection, accompa nied :it times with a " nervous head-ache, which at time totally unfitted me for physical or mental efforts and for the enjoyment ! of the common blessing of life, and must acknowledge, that your Pills have o far restored me, th-t I feel nearly as well as ever, and I really Jhink that the further use of them will make an entire cure. I was also troubled with a bad cough and affection of the lungs, proceeding as I suppose, from the complaint, and 1 am entirely relieved ftom that. Some of my neighbors are aUo using the 'gill with the mon decided benefit. The Pills' cannot be too highly recommended, - and I candidly confess (hat I have derived more real benefit from them than f om any other medicine I have ever taken, and I think every family should always keep a supply of them on hand. JAMES PORTER. Pine Grove, Macon Co., Ala., Aug. H, 1842. Dr Spkvckr, . 1 , - It affords me real pleasure to certify what T know of the unrivalled excellence of your anti-bilious pills. I have used them in my family, and know of their being used in very many families with which I am acquainted, in complaints tor which your medicine is offered as a remedy. Tbey have never failed in giving entire satisfaction. They are considered by us who have used them as the best family medicine with which we were evejc.acquainted. BENJAMIN BAIRD. . Dr. HULL'S COUGH LOZENGES are now ra pidly superceding all other preparations for the relief of Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Ca tarrh, Tightness of the Chest, Bronchitis, and similar Pulmonary affections. Price, 25 cents per box, with directions. ALSO pR, HULL'S Are tlie suTest and sa!et Worm Destroying Medicine ever discovered. It is estimated that in the United States, 100,000 CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY from the effect of Worms alone. . This vast mortality can be almost entirely prevented by the use of Hull's celebrated Lozenges. . Price, 25 cents per box, with full directions. All of the above, medicines are for sale by Wil liams & Haywood, and Dr. Stith, Druggists, Raleigh. E. J. Hale and Samuel J. Hinsdale, Payetteville. Janes W. Carmer, Druggist, Newbern ; and on en quiry, may be found at the principal Drug Stores and villages throughout the Southern and Western States. Oct. 2, 1843. ' 79 6mo BHANDRETHS PILLS. PICTURE OF HEALTH. Health is characterized in an individual by the absence of all p-iin. suffering, or affection in any part of his body ; by the free and regular exercise of all his functions without any exceptions. They con sist in having a good appetite at meal times, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without looseness or cos tiveness at least once in every twentyfour hours, and withourheat, dryness, or. burning--at the passage ; the free issue of the water without acrimony or burning, and without a reddish sediment which is always a sign of a present or an approaching pain ; quiet sleep without any j'agitation or troublesome dreams: no tate.of bile dr other bad taste in the mouth upon ris ing in the morning; no sourness or disagreeable ris ing of the stomach ; a clean tongue a sweet breath ; no itching, pimples or spots on the skin; no piles no burning heat upon any part of the' bbdy ; no ex cessive thirst when unexposed to labor or other known cause ; no interruption to any natural evacuate, nor pain at their periodical return. .Where the state of the system does not harmonize with the above picture of health, it is of the greatest importance that nb time le lost in sending for a Doc tor, or in the use of foolish remedies too often the re sult nf speculation ; instead of this course let a dose of Brandreth's Pills be taken, which will not deceive, but will at once restore health to the organ or part that requires it. - All who wish to preserve their health, all who are determined to defend their life against the encroach ments of disease, which might send prematurely to tse grave, will without hesitation have recourse to the Brandreth Pills, when the state of thei.ysem does not harmonize with the above picture of health. They are in general use by the Ladies in many parts of our country with the happiest effect. Those who live in a country where contagious or other diseases prevail, should often think of this true picture of health, and observe himself with particular attention, in order t act accordingly. The wise and rightly directed willfollow this, advice the unwise are left to their own destruction. WILL ; PECK, " . . ' Agent at Raleigh. October. 184S. - 8&ly P S. I have also Dr. Brandreth's celebrated Liu i ment for sale, with certificates of remarkable cures. :' ' - - ' - ' ' . - W. P. 8IOCCOSJPRWJCiS FOR SALE, fipH ATVaraable Property SHOCCO SPRINGS 1L vWth all the Land adjoining, being 450 acres 1 am .fesirouvto sell. This distinguiaheo watringiace ! "3 know!H th i unnecessary to deSS Yr' yP;ovfets are sufflcient to accommodate fro fin to fihanred persona. In the hands of a gentleman calculated to manage such ah Esrablish ment, .Is profiu would be reaily increased beyond what a lady can make there. , I wUleell ihe whob? es iaWwhrnent upon liberal terms, or exchange in part for hkely negroes. My f,ieds, Jon, D. HawxWo! vviliiam K. Kf.arnet, will aid me in the negotia tion, to whom I refer, and offers are berebv invited to tr at for the property. Address either of the gentle men named, or myself, though the Pt Otfir at Warrenton. If I should not be able tosell thi fo erty I will, as usual; open the boue next Summer ZvZA"' ceUnt condition for Useir comfort and convenience. . ',' ' ' 1 ANN JOHNSON. Dec. 16, 1843. 101-tf li.rnr, m.Timis; mini1 JXMKJifcjMoauamaCTniiri iff mtfA u Kill! II in mini m 114 r.i mini II II To tlie American Public BMPRQVEMENT in whateyerregards the happi ness and welfare of bu r 1 race is cimstant ly on the march to j er lection ,iand with ech ucteeding day some new problem is solved, or a;me profound secret revi-aled. having an important and direct bearing over rhu fitgheat "destinies. If we take at4 retrospective view over the past twenty years,, ho w-i lhe mind struck wi tli wonder ! V hat rapid strides has science made in 'every department of civilized life I particu larly in that which relates to the knowledge.oC the human system in health and disease. How valuable jand indispensable are the coratjve mea ns recently die-; covered through the agency of chemistry t ; Jiow does the imagination kindle anl our admiration clow as the ingenuity, the near approach to the standard of perfeciion. of the present time ! Through ihe elabo rate investigations of J'hyfiology, or the science of Lira, and the Pathology of prevalent diseases, much valuable practical knowledge has been coined. " Iu consequence of becorning acquainted with theorj-ani zation, the elements of the various tissues and struc turea of the system, remedies have been sought after and discovered exactly adapted to combirie with, neu tralize and expel morbific matti r, the cause of disee and substitute healthy action in its place. The Lew tiful simplicity of this mode rf -treaiineht is not only suggested by the pathology of disease, not ouly grate- rul to the sunerer. but perfectly in consonance wth the operations of Nature, and satisfactory to the views and reasonings of every intelligent,, reflerting mind. ft is thus that Sands' SarsaParilla, a scientific combination of essential principles of the most valua ble vegetable substances, operates uion the system. The Sarsaparilla is combined with the most effectunl aid, the most Salutary product ions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and its onprece dented success in the restoration lo health of those who had long pined under the most distressing chron ic maladies bss given it an exalted character, fur niching as it dors evidence of its own intrinsic value, ana recommending it tot the afflicted in terms the of. meted only can Know, it has long, been a most im portant desideratum in (he practice of me-'icine to obtain a remedy similar to this -one that w:uld act on the liver, stomach and bowels, with all the preci sion and potency of mineral preparations, yet without any of their deleterious enects uj-on the vital powers of the system. The attention of the reader is respectfully crflled to the following certificates. However great achievements have heretofore -leep mnde by the use of this invalua ble medicine, yet daily experience hws results still more rt markable. i he proprietors here avail them selves of the opportunity of savina:, it is a source of constant satisfaction that they are made the means of relieving such an amount of suffering Newark, N. J., Dec. 13, Messrs. Sands: Gent. Words cannot express the gratitude 1 leel for your treatment to me, a stranger, suffering under one of the most loathsome diseases that nature is capable of bearing. The di.-eae with which I was afflicted commenced with inflammation of the eyes, in the year 1836, which caused almost total blindness. For this I was treated and finally relieved, but the remedies were such as 10 cause the deve!ope ment of a scrofulous affection on mv left arm near the elbow. " The pain extended from the shoulder to the end of my fingers, and for two years my sufferings were beyond description. I tried various remedies and con sulted different Physicians in New York, and amongst mem tne late lit. Uune, who told me the disease of the arm was caused by the large quantity of mercury taken to cure the inflammation of my eyes. My sufferings continued, the arm enlarged, tumors formed in different places, and in. a few monlha dis charged, making ten running ulcers at one time: some above and some below the elbow, and the discharge was so offensive that no person could bear to be in the room where I was, I then applied to another distin guished Physician who told me amputation of the arm was the only thing that could save mv life, as It wfc impossible to cure so dreadful a disease ; but as I was unwilling to consent to it he recommended me to use Swaim's Panacea freely, which I did without derivinsr but little benefit. For three years I was unabb to raise my hand to my bead or comb my hair, a ltd the scrofula now made its appearance on my head, de stroying the bone in different places, causing exten sive ulcerations, and I feared it might reach and de stroy the biain the head swelled very much, ae- -ccnipanied with violent pain, numerous external reme dies were recommended, but did no pood. About a year since 1 was taken severely ill wish a swelling of the body from head to foot, so that I was entirely helpless, the Doctor advised me to go to the hospital, fur he did hot understand my case t for the last few months I had been afflicted with a severe pain on both sides, at times so hard I could scarcely get my breath. A hacking cough constantly annoved me. and thi combined with my other maladies, rendered me truly .... uvu, (.hihsujcu, utiu ueen my situation C r 1 ' f t . lor seven vearsoi my uie wnen Jl commenced the ns nf your rarsapari!ia, tmtas my case was considered hope less, and the near prospect of a speedy dissolution seemed inevitable, I felt but little encouragement to persevere. The persuasion of friends induced me to try your medicine, which in a few dav m-mlnr,! . great change in my system generally, by causing an appetite, relieving the pains, and giving me strength ; as success inspires confidence, I was encouraged to persevere, my pains grew easier, roy strength returned, food relished, the ulcera heated, new fleb formal nni I onre more felt within me that I might get well. I have now used the Sarsaparilla about two months, and am like a different being The arm that vmxtn h amputated has entirely healed, a thing that seemed impossible. I can scarcely believe the evidence of my own eyes, but anch is the fact ; and it ia now as use ful aa at any period of my life, and my general health- is ueuer man 11 nas neen tor years past. Health ! what magic in the word! how man a fhmi- sands have sought it in foreign lan Ja and sunny climes and have sought in vain ! Yet it came to me when f E,ven UP to cue, and as I feel the pulsations of healtn coursing thmucb ray vein mvhnU and soul go forth in fervent gratitudt to the Author of ... our sure mercies, mat tie baa been graciously plena, ed W bless the means made bse of. -Trury have y 00 proved yourself the good Samaritan to the aiBictedi for next to my Creator my life isindebled to you for rather) the use of your invaluable Sarsapartlla. ' The value of such a medicine is countless beyond price money cannot pay f.,r it. I have been raiced from death, I may say, for jny friends and myself-ihouebl it impossiDle 1 could recover. And nn. ' "uffe o addjinoAhrer proof, certified" too by my fnenda and arMa. as a ust .irknbw1edgtheni it T , juur ueaHQ-rMinniiE SarsarfilU. That the afB.cted.nuy ab use 4t, and njo, the benefit, it alone canonfer, is the heartfelt, fervent wish of their and your. friend: 4';- .:-,'C: MARTHA CONLIN. ia kdow Martha UonUn, and believe what aha atatea in this document to be perfectly true. JOHN POWER. Vicae Gisimi or New-Yoik, Rector of St. Peter's Church. oGiven at New-York, thia 14th day of December. - I know Martha ConliB, and have known of her aufi icring luneaa JOHN DUBOIS, Bishop of NevrYorlc:- Iplace full confidence M th atatament made try Martha Conhn, having knwen her th past twenty tit lion wuH smb iv iuuw wmu uiMj - wisn loribcT it., formation. J- -' - - O. . m TV nno,.. " I.: 9.,nir;rt'hrt!a ITnrnm f'Kl; fl.A..- i . .1. WUv. m-.m.- hwuim. jniiwil ASyIgi& ; rijtstreet,Xifw-Yrk1r c j Dae.1 14, 1842. i I have confidence ia Ihe renrese'nlaUona' mads Martha. ConCn, and have faM knowledge of. her rati 1 ; . -ELU All P. PURDY. Aldennaln it! 0th Ward S1 lha City of Near-Yo.k December l4,J84iT r - - -MarthaC.mlinnaTivi-d in my family thaltst yearaf and" I hereby; certify 'that ihe foregoing statu nienimide by herself i correcti '.; '.' . f. v - f , Mr.: M A RYB. LLOYD, NoI OI Broad at. Newark, N. J. Sanda a Sarsaparilla will 'alsOremeyp yand permw neutiy creHjiJiieii.-baving:yheir an impurt ptate tf t1ieUkrfMJ, andepfayed -cohditroji of the gen. eral constitution', viz i'tSrrofuIa, tw KlngV Evil in fa various forms ; Rheumatism, obstinate cutaneous eruptions, b'otclies, biles, pimples, or pustules on th f ice, cbronid aore yesrWgworm or teller, scald head enlargement and pain of the loes end joints, tub boin u'cers, svphilitic symptoms, diseases inning from an iiyudirioes one of Mercury, female derange ment and utbe r trwitar complaints. , - Prermred and ild by A. B. Sarrds & Ctr , Druggist, and ChemistZGranitei buildings, Wt Broadway corner of Chambers-s.t New York, and for sale by Druggists throughout the U. S, Price, $1 per bottje M'befltee fof f 8: ' The publiclre rrs'ectfully requested lo rememhtf thtat it ia Sandys Sarsaparilfa that has and is constant' ly achieving such remarkable cures of the mot difii cult class of diseasea to which the human frame ii subject, and ask fot Sandss Sarsaparilla. and take bo rviher.. - ' Vi illiams & Haywood, Agents by special appoint, ment for the Proprietor,, for Raleigh and vicinity And for Sale throughout the U. S. 1 April, lS4g. - . 2Sly OS!' OK MISLAID, a Pocket IW containh'p ; Receipt of Win. Khod.ee, dated May 1843. for $280 Note of E. P. Gruibn, iS or 'a 1843 184S 338 J 300 30 10 13 ' - ' about Jan. Henry Rhodes, ' J. A. Spencer, . A. A. Somhail, $10 State Bank of N, C. J I 25 cents Charleston bill R. 7L Cav. SI and 2 Virginia Bill. Memorandum of accounts against W. H. Simons Jno. Murphy, Wm. Paul, W, W. Alston, Wm. H, Haywood, Wm. F, Collins and others. All persona are notified not to trade, for said pa pers, or any of them, a paynent has been stopped. JOHN RHODES. Sep27. . ; 7l A SECOND HAND CARRIAGE FOR jfjSALE. A grr-at ii&rrnin may be had in a Newark built Carriage and good Harnt.se, if ear ly application be made. It avifl be i-ohl for almost nothing, considering iu value. Applj at the Rkgis- tkh Uthce. .;, ' r ' ' ertvior Sale. In theriivof Ralelsrll. The SubScrilw, being de sirous ot moving to his Plantation, wishes to ae.11 bis HOUSE AND LOT in this City. The Property ic situated on Newbern Street, east from the centre of the Capitol. The House is a large two sto ry building, forty-two feet by twenty-eight, with a vat- sage through the middle three Rooms en the lower floor and four above, with Fireplaces to each. It has a basement story of hammered Kock the whole extent, which is intended for a Djnirtg Ktom, &c. with afire place at each endthe basement Rooma not finished. J here is a auperb Rock Statde. two atones hitth. twen ty-four by thirty feet square; also a Kock Smoke-house nu goou irame ivuenen; ami an excellent Well of Writer. The Lot contains from ait to seven acres of ground,, which have been highly improved. The. House is beautifully situated on an eminence, near the front line. :All the improvements have been made within three yeara, and cost the builder over six thou and Dollars,. This desirable property is now offered for fonr ihousand dollar. Time will be given the parthaser, but the notes will draw interest andsundoubted secu rity will be required. Persona,- desirous of livfn in Raleigh, have now an opportunity of ourchasins- a desirable residence, at a very reduced price; E.P.GUION. Raleigh, August 25. 68 if jjTATE OF MISSISSIPPI. wax Uoonty. Mark Lindsey . t. u x, John Hodges. Attachment 1700 dollars. Whereas, in the above case, the Plaintiff hath pray, ed and obtained an Attachment again! ihe goods and chattels, rands and tenements of. the said defendant, returnable to the Circuit Court for the county of Ita wamba, and State of Mississippi, at a Term thereof to be holden at the Court House in the town of Fulton ah the 3d Monday of October, 1843, for the sum of seven teen hundred dollars : now, therefore, unless the said defendant, appears, pleads, answers or demurs to the claim of said Plaintiff at the return term of. said attach ment, judgment Will be rendeied against him. . lest: A. ELKIN, Cleik of I .irntr rAiwi J- December 2d, 1843. -4vrp iOTlE TO TlY7IIrI. be let to the lowest bidder, on Saturday. VV 20lh of January, 1814, the building of a FIRE PKOOF JAIL, in the Town o?PittsIroV l.,h.m uuiiiy me nan ana snecificationa f rhw.h ;n . . . . . a., . . . . . -... be made known on the day aforesaid. Bond and ap- oroTcu econiy win be required from the undertaker, for the faithful and workman-like performance Wf ."nia contract. AUo. will be anld on th wanta Iaotr and what materials of the bid Jail that may be on haud. . . .. r: . J t. HENRY A. LONDON, WILLIAM J-OOSHEE, WOODsON LEA, O. A.8TEDMAN, ED WARD SNIPES. t . . , Commissioners. Cl.atham Co.Dec 14, 1843. - lof it ; HEW ROUTE, ', Via Stage from Sledge' to Weldon, and thence by Rail Road and Steam Boat to Baltimore, ' fTHHE Travelling Public are respecaully informed 11 that the follow inn rales of Tare has Iished by this Line t v : 4 From felfdgeVto Baltimore, $10. (Meala inclu ded on the Bay Boats.) . . - . s. r rom Biedge a to Portsmouth, 5. ; By this roate. Passengers will be put ia Baltimore. i kml. for the Cars to the East oV West. - v -i f The Portamouifr and Bay tine has been ma with aa much suceew and regularkj 4hia. aeaaon, aa any Line in the country,. .. .j t-. . ' , Of the aiority qfthaa routeAe iak ft e travel ler to give it a trial, and ha will h .ki. j-.j r. himself. ... ;. . , ... -,.' f '"-'. 'ft WM2 M: Mfirrnv r: a Officer Portsmouth & Roanoke Rail Road & Bay Line S. Paasencera ; leaving R.b;h ",i.i 1 ...nt BalordayAitlwai; any deiay .'mrm, ; m - , R2 , O-M2T The commodious Dwelline with "- r jinu aiuiciieu. peiongmg to m r. iwn .r i l . j . . ...iww cy, ana nuw4 occupied hy, J ,mmon,E. - fl'he 1 improvement arm ames jmc- are all in first rate repair. PoWssion fc be givn the 1st of Janu ary next. For terina, eptdy to v yi SS. JAMES M. TOWLES. Raleigh, Dec. 19, 1843. " 101. ts T Issssl S