,1' . . .s 5K ' 3 A too--; ' e:M.iLi -Vv,.vr f -i .'1 . ;J1' EUiL V- TTjd y.A"-V-:? ro V , ; , P .-f V.' ' ? J C . . V vh .. v . '.' . - J aft. r i I ' if ii . . ill i if i 6 rtii.: wilfalM ippeiiHii' W rioter f r i$T dttiirw i ' ; - -'- " '- . r -s' 1 1 fTHHEi aobacritwr bow offers fof vale, dfier4 i. WheAtJ.RTtf.datl--aAd.iaair''iee and crackmr Corn in theeirfei the mrpoel preparing Ufcr food Ttimpro'eBitJ whieBi. aaakaa- theae Jtfae)iHf i aapcrior tp ny ow ia ih in Jhe BoiuherBajiJ eyn witto the woodep fjldeihi eatry eBdiere j .,fin.iw:' lor tt rettai of thelf hai2 been t icce!uTlyUied for three yeari peal, and ea jet ae J le1lJli.bbell 4ifa4iiMWft to thegwifct-r.Hf . Beiag the only Agent lin North . Carol8iC;to die poe of said Machine, an J Hv'ujf a I doiatfeatpte hl thi MlamiMiofaoDieorihe'rl l toAfgatwAhid the farmew I fajid 'othera 'raay mp)di themsetvee (if 4hey fe ee dwpoeed) wkh said at v The-on be iraasboitel o&.eae waeeo bat-ewe WeweaUjuwtwo, from one ierm t anollier end I &et amins at Uw place where llie work to nei nut up eiid' art W oteretioiv tn leas tine than fifteen vmiitntea. Wiitt foarfuoa narsts emi-eigni antw, lhee MaQhirjee-will thresh ol geod Wheat four ion- hhkaa at the iuAea.Lswia U. M?V portable Oaat I W.' Ir TrtKESHING StACaUiES, f hwhifte O V " ', 'drea bmshele per diem. i-. . . f5j'-e45t: i l . h WW preppse. iw sun luwwne wyw 'P? t end theiWQ.horan jx?wer 'butU;afier the aeineeofw, atraction end poahe muw principle, for eiok. I eUVfea es enoye, siaieu. . 1 , I I purcttaeef oraer mt me or uwr turn, mwn oaiunorcr. aid Madunra complete mad rexhr tor work faae 1 tbaleeetyBd.bfeBe fhstiMitlMrhoretpowerJ.le, Wpethi ttoad Ordere for Machines WiH be ferwMed tomy 'd. dreaeee soon fa thejmichaeeV aiet up hU nafld to nu,. ' Iil order lhati may. Ihwd.lhe rtar andent J i to Baltimore in time forhe buyer ie get lhm jtome m rime .W" , 'cmamannntiorM -od taj eulneet wtU - Indue season, v earliest ellen ikn. iIdaTectedf-dowea , I . DANIEL A. MONTOpMEKT. PM., . Ni. B j t wilt take'eccesiWn to aflrte chat these M"a chinea have been eaet in' Chethm Wnty, in ton Bute , and that sort ie about to be brought for damages, -garnst aU these Biakia v-tiu.or uaiiigtramme, wiihootrst procuring aright fur said Patent, ft , TATE pFORTHUOLWAobn I Countv.-Court ef Pleaeand Quartes Seaaxoue. j T aaw-a. orewber. rernvTUS . , . j Z J? UT?! -I X - i MuidrB AAr..ynlmto,i,-. rfw- JIdmiBfcpfc .erra c, w, v N.IiiBst, aa4ebw MM f if ant he' bast wiry Abe laiiea Cumtitt , , ( . j-,...,! liT " , Jr 'r V u' V- t dT.-T .fore oraerrd.lht uble0B be ,mea w the Ragh Regwter, for we iMHify the sajd Needham "forMidCovntr;'attrartHo 'trie 4th Mondayof February flex.and ebew -cause (rf any ba ba) why tbe iaade to turn desceitded, from I i bis said; ancestor, shall not be aokl to aaj'wfjr Plaiuuff'a Witaesa, wuium n utrj, teiaocnid cetirttat OfScehe Ctli VM: SNv GOVl C. CC 's PrvAdvrfS2. awiTATE OF -NORTH: CAROLINA, .Craw -i CottBty,-SBperiur Coort of Law,? JFali Term I mdeeed that prJWkaUon be made in the RefeiaA R iXA, D. 1843. . ; -f v(, m t ; J IP V eix weekVltOtifjrm va. i ' Petition for Divorce.'; , f John 8. Oliver. 3 " Kl" ft appeariug. totha Court that a 8ubpni and iiCa Subpotna have bees duJy4sed in hi iea and j tbat the defendant, Sr OUvercaBuot be fooml, f and that proctamaUim batk been publicly made at i fae Court h.usedoer lirthetiheriiffortv the iahUefemlant to appeat knd answer eommWio edtheamibwBnars ltwjrdavdbv th Coori B notice do gie in the neweernlaa aod 4aJ4gn, Register, two newapers printed in this 8Ute foj three) monthv, for the said, defendant. John '.0liyer.p4rf eonatly to be and appear at the SupwioY Court of LaW to . Jkoldeh ibr the county of Craven Uouri house In Wewbern, on tho fourth Monday alter the Mourthl Mefcday of March, jaeat, then and there ta niead -or answer to the peutioo of Susan J. Olivt-for Oil t Torce. .pr, mo ; sajne do . laxerr ..-roj conteasoand - heard according to the act of the General Auetnbiy m .wh aaA a,mAm a art tihit:' ' "! V: ! ,WtA. af r. Aa aaoatxaf f!... .. a " .i ?;iIiAMl: 8a;.mhiV lfl tantW4i Ka.mArHLL at TATE OF N ORl'H CAKOfJNA. Chathnl 3 CountyCimriof f leas d0erteC cteasioni.1 iovember Term 1843 J -lU - 1 A h rr-n"'Dame1Boothei ,t Kpn&W Mtfchmenf levied n ?tegroes - ' j M Pf'a'l to the sattafction oUe Court thai rthe defehdattri the fd WiUiam 'fatClls rood real. ; soccovav.mMifjrng lao r, to appa e ftthe oeTerm of our Uottrt to.be held for the Coo ty VM&M,itoJ-Htto Piruboro aw' the b4 Monday of February lief. theo and tberi . plfadVjartaweVor;uu wilf be entered ayamaf hnn, sad tbPe4tinWrd ;'aeedihfryvr4-e , 4Whiwa NadafjCBldri. Ckrk ptwaaid Vm at ofiioe, the 2nd Monday of XovrmoesA. D. "1843L Pr. AdV. $5:6i - ::;'-iib4tw , a ' - .. .- . . - , 4 O ton lnuity. Court of Eqahj, f U Term. if Mitch iHai.ihndhm ttJKtewl, answer ir,t, fUuntiif i bill, r.k mttl be lateo Wk, tfnry Peebles Clrk rnl Mter Toar Mid-Uoort4(See,tUTwr$ Jidda, ibfif Momlaj after ttw fourth HUndajrf BfpembN AklX TATE bF siississipri Markv Lindwy - ' j - v-.v '?:-,? Jobo Hodge. ;? :' 'v : f " Wbmif IbT the aber caae iM Plaintiff hath defeadaot appears, pleads, soawera. o 3emurs le he elinttf d Platrfft the WHirn term of Mud attach- meittj juJgmDt will be aBOered ageinsx btm. .'TeetT. - f A? EfcKfN. Clerk Circuit Coort ef I. Peeembettd, 184S. ilr U W , TTa Stdgejfrbm : SfodjffifoWehlmM ttk4 &ne f iZaiZ J2oa2 iW ,B)ai o m uis.n:.. p.mu ...t-n- H refoTlewiMfitea of fare be been eaieV jjg by'tfkUlJne! vr 4 : ? f -From SJedse's t Battimere. SIO. f Metfa UtcItH From 8telgee U Portamento. $6i. By tnia rpote Pasmngera wtll be put 4n BaluiDore, in ample time r"th SShni.t Beet r JVeiw;. .. iJ CM-i The PprUutsath and Bay Line baebeen rnn-wOh as aracfci vcesit and regularity - thra eeeeoo., aa, any- Uhe ift the country. ,;0f te ,0,,,- of u; M!t the T. i :, i. jj. - ifaidff . t - w , f v7 ? V - - I Wn: MJMOODY.Ir? Agents' v nAU. eAHnrt. o Jt ui a r 1 !h. ffr - iirtw N. C7r9! 13 fpi. : i-!iHf fri., -Wett eiuVdayA-will' go ob duet 'v GJ u 4 ! - t to Kew Yort. withbut '" v,; .iT- r. 5 TATE OF. NORTH CAROLINA. Juhorton Caroline. - Court of Pleas and Qf arter 8eion. November Term,' 1843? !r.ij-,.,.rr . s mh&. .1a.' mi -v-. v Af V - e- r(f Aonunrsior pteaa ruiiy aa; mmiered, o tuuVwltwh Jpf, eie; edmitted by i.ift;MinMttililliA..M!ifuiia f1 f.aa tluW NeWto Mordent of the dterUmteee of diahi - wu& -ia .a -ams ahM.a ar k:. -,- . tiai tbfore oidered' t&iMlilkMii''isuM U thoHefeigh iS92wWtifr cifutoh Ketd IbfemSc'm tflUVi Cwwt HeW V'Stmtn&ld, WM Monday of February 3Uhim descended frm hie aakl ancestor, shall not he H. Gey.derVof oufid Court, tOmee.the Cth December 1843. , . , .. . , , 4 ,43 i- WM, HE GUY C..C. CL !aJPf- Ade,f6 . - , ... i OF. NORTH CAROUN A. Johnston 3 County -Cxrt of pieaaai, (Quarter 4Sssions. nvnner l ? rm, 1 843. . Hmton Vinson, and Wtfo Phebe k. . Heire at law of Natban-S. Alleit. - s 'Pftitimn fvT Partition Lund. It aermc to the satisfaction cT the Court, that John.TinaOB and 8arah hie wife, oefemlant m thia leaser are at iBhabUanU of this itatel It is therefore mtlhfield.M tba County of 4hrloril the fourth HomfttinmtjBexxAbemoA i0tvA CM!B -lew) w4iy desay Urnlsshatt not dirided. egreealdy to the prayer of Petitioners ; and nt;aee-rf failure, the said Petition will be aken oro rimW, Ireardexpm, and a decree rendered eecof ' ft ' ,,jf--it? - Vlrneaa, "WiRtam H: Gry; Clerk of said Coart, at 0nice'thej6thlay of Deeember, 1848. 1 v ' i j. WBHENT GUYCC-t;, 99 TATE DrKQRTH CA ROLlNA.-Chathain Swih Jo&oWnKo liarjef and Itile Ehxabetbi t- Ajiivn, oKgrpva vf u nooeri uneoq . ano -ue.jiuija ana . cuatuei mwnne;a,vMn' 1 I B O J OTBSOJT aDO MHDae 3DCItB, tMtBcao! iati, , l'wB Milly hnd;EdWani4ohriatB,lterB4 ' : ' aiVitj4tccYnrrtf Settlement. S?P9 sarstaril.t of ih- Jbhrthat kefondn-. Jhe said Johft BocKaer andEdward ohpsoti are non.retidems of this State It it order eo; by U. Cpurt, thai jmbltc. tion U made n4 f be Ra iwgU, Uegisler foe atx auceesatvf Sreeki notify he eatepenes teappw a t-.)hetJ for ihoCoumj of Chat ham' at th Court HoesornPkWbmooTrtk net t, then awl thmpJeW, armorer mBr.etjedg merr! pfrctmfetam$k Jbe entered aiaatthem and theVPviinTssi heard hecordingly. aeyjtfl r W.toem9HF(sts our'ss'id Coart at oScf ths. 2nd Woodsy of Neteabsr A. D nT)nOGAHS.WMtfeceivd efioe Lotofbeavv LTD Bfogans Extreiies. AUo.l Case of heavy 4eed weter prooi uoou.. . . ed. AV eter prpof Boots, ttEsM;Towr,EB. MCoutfv;oBrt of !Her jpd Quarter Sweiona, Jemle'Rucbner and hk WiGI aemWa.' Jisa'!ibiviif TATC OP NORTH JCAROUNAChaihem vounte.. Sepenor OooH ut lAWrn Term; " --'MillyBucknef . , . .: JehnRuckner. . , - -- i Petition, for -Diorce ejod . Atimony 1 It appearing to the 1 3ttrt, that ubpasna eod aa ftabpeena have beea duly . wud n this case. aJul that, the oefendafiCJohn Buckbiax, cannot be Jonnii, and 'that 3troclamaion hath been puWidy-mkiJe mi the 4fttartdHnre door by the'Sheriff bf Chaffiam Ueuntyi for the 9a id defendant 4o appear nd anawe ae eom mendjdby ihe said ttdpo5tta i if i ordered , by thf Court, thai notice b gWeu in the KaWigh Ucglsr, newspaper prinud in this State'for three months, for the said defendant. Jobp B'oekner, perwMiaVHy' le be arid appear at theSuperlor Court f Law, to be htdev foe the Cotmty of Chathant; at the Ceort Rouse in Pittehro,B4be third Aioaday of March nrtuthen end there to. plead br enwer to the fietUion 4 Miily Bockuer, for Djvirce. bf Uie same will be taken, pro ronfcso. and heard Accordi ng, tp . the Act of the Cjea eriil Awembiy in such case made andeded."'' ".. T WimiMii, John Thompson,' ''Clerk of the Sopetw Ceuit at Law, f.ir the County if Cbetfcatrv at Pitt. iore; be thud Monday of September,, A, U ,i84S, J K jIOttN TOMPaQNU,8.C. JPr. AdT.J9. ; lOO-Srn iitpTtW Ilnrtford, Conn. tffer to insur BuikUnce ' end Merchandiser-'- against lose or dmaxe by fire, at premium to uit the timea. . .,. . rbw t one of the oideat and best l4auraceJ;om r panics m toe Uiiiteu cstetes. end pays tu losses prompt. ty. ... .-v . .:' . r - ' Applications for Insurance In Raletgh, W ita i emryaohemadto; -: vr- . .' ; f-" ' .W, WHITING Vf LUA BIJE LANrATfON is hi ferfetffor kalp.rteer Ta Hahassee. FTaritJa.' Tbe ubscribw, wishing la remove lo a more North ern 'climate, offers for aate the' Tact or ?ar b, on f which he residee, eiroated about 8 mile from Telia nawee, wt Leon Coonty. Jnere ereontacree con tained mihe Tract a Very Uf go proportion ofWhieb ia of very superior nusliiy . Tbe. plre plentifully watered, wub; rxeefient watery and thereare hot mte than 3t acres Wf wvte lai in the body, Aboot J50 acres of fend are- cleared,' from whWi, with a force of forty-is v or fifty bands, m a fevrabW eeaaon, 300 or 34tt Baiet pf Cotton beproditced in a easan, and more Coca-than, wookl serta the Plintatioo. Tbe land ie so situated, that it ran be divided into two sep araie TracH if preferred. 'There is good land enough; to rmploir from sevenly-flve to eighty hands td ad- vanatagevV VThe natural growth. e Sweet Gum, Post I Oak. Red Oak. Cherry, Aah and Powoad. The up per rerwwie of the Rail Koad,- f trading from Talla basee lo Stewart s, la aly -8 rwlea'dutant, and the naitroati ie tweniyuiDeemiie ions. s l he raprovementa, tncludiog biuiuings i of every as- eertptten, are extehstye arid convenient. - A 'targe white family can ae comtf-rtablf aeromntodetedf and there are Cabineonovgh for 'tlo convenient accem madaitwnof about 8ft tJ!avea.Tber, 'n a , nevrry erected Gin House on toe place, with- aU necessary appendageiC, ' ': '"" , ' '" 'The soctetytn tk neigh borho.nl ie of ti4 roost de afrable kind, and the- lands 'adjom the Plantalionsof the Mesar.ikien and rN; -Thompson from JSOrth Carolina r There are aUw ayreraj Churcbra eu vev BtiJeWojigIjirtiwi3- .. ; , 'ewCodnlyldrMa. NovrSnber -rt. 14:- ' - - ; V 595m Jrefih Trotn tbc Press , ; - Cl) jnst come to hand, at the-, North; Caroline Ba kstore, Raleigh. NC; GeraUiein, a Sequel to the My tertes of Pwis. A Nsrrauye of theTcayele and Adventures' of Monsieur Vn4eC rn California . rloriora'aWd Weeftwn Texas, by CapUMsrryati, C, S. American stographj, y Jeremy Belknap; Ik IMn 3 tor-TbeEB4d of . Virgil, -With Ealihotes, critical and explaMtory. hy Chas. A nth on, IX. D. i;oreeieDy , . i VKSSCiK nyvtipx Jenhary I. ' 1 ""T." ' ' " ' 1 tTHBJfOKTHiCAItQUNA . UNiVERSITY MAGAZINE. It ae bee Jecidcd ta pni1S thie Msazine lor one-trear, and to ie&ue the am mimaer tnthe eady jpart-pf February, .... The puhitp&er wnllwif :toSR.rt9 MiaUcation for the period abgve-hameil, oa the conditioa lhat erierir subscriber pays in mdcaiuint or before tht recetpi cj yut jirsi numoer. must now -oe distinctly underateod, tofprtTent ause tofoffgnce hereafter, that wo rEHSot w Ul receive wrore than onettomber, rtatil the terms are complied with LNeucribertwiU hereciiad aftor tfce wwk. cwuainettceavexept Uros)0rVh"tJ(e itoo the. first numoer. vopie wu etxncs oa to euppiy uits Remand. The otaect ta te jhave Cite eitbeeriptioa year of air, to expire A the' same;.utfe.'so that if ttooe4 h-'eeceod year,' there mi -'be tto ddBctlfy j-t We cioaot tntppose Qii eaterpnte wM) -bde fejtted (w want of patronage.;; Theethciency ami jstreof of jthe fidttw paDerwiee0uia to t uiwerw work fltarher rlaini to the attention r ' the fiiti- jtenk bTNofta Caroil oa aud7 kdiatefii than antjra oai :jpter eSfjr!eret! witfeMfator) Pk -1.1 . U '..-M.-ji. ,a,JrTn-I J- 'M,MMiawt tondoct, enablci thopuhUsher to- cotomence tbe L work with ; limrted.,iubiripiioni;aJi4 tugt) thore meorne haxard attends th enterrwnse. he feela willing to encoute-ti. believro that Ue ttwof ea re greatly on t tie aide-of success. T ,; ;7 Those who have pbfseeij the Propectu are kformed that ttHfbiigkzfas WiU cdrnpTtse"4S Oca lavd 'paopulished 6ver montW "at 03 per h. l-. ? VTHOUAS- LORINa w - e ; rTbe f obacriler baa jtut reeriyed e jiaw assortment of Ldie- and Gear s tlemen a wear. vrhjch he Hatters turn 4 self, ie aa.froodas.aay.!ver)it oiler ed'in flu place; ahd wHl be sold on' as tcemmoda ting trrms fit C3tk.x -tk;:l&!nm$m. X 'Hi k..a.'ai la Mna,tfaMVtlHat fAMM! tMhopIace. and alte servn-e of Mr. JaaCtorn y"'ma,' . ame w wsaswssvsv a aaw -vw w iewaa T-Trpti-;iHvw eived?and BiteifWit'4beame by atiict aritih to busineoa. Alt orders frin a dwunce atteoded to with- weatness: amd;depieh.! Ono door bebuy Mrs. Raleigh Jan, 17th, 1844 . --t V . - ,t rTiJ AC0N. Hams, sides and aboulders at reduce iiin prices. . . . -WILL; PECIC.; tey;,who carmot be ejpad i-jhe tate on entle j&snfr wror fo beaut k er 4abilay? . T ,' ;i : vHeMihaokral for the liberal batr maga elJaste- UYdTKUrfV OYSTEU8 1 4 v II f D . -14. j- I ,-7.u,'"r pww w!w to bim, m bianneuf buswesa, lge reeve reepexjtlojbto J ..moaww tneminavo mteeaKen nouee ry. i , -rnwjr pki w 3r"! wnils on bm& Freh Otnteridiredfo ffrrm Nor-. Wfc. reeetreddedyand, Fr Fk m eem To J PWmMiaiieej. be BottSes tthe. puUiethaty t4 Oyetera wdlm4 rried rt wtu oe writor the; iiwena to chetge ..theirervant, I W.W?WwJ gee1:thenXcjUer in- r"??"7f!W itftsidf rfcVvW "I? tlut?rV . i "" ! B T'" VeW yefv?!', . 4 , Slrr. .'. affWn)- -va- wtA'- K:rJYw, OJp'CtK, , A JFrOStl Sapplyof ht;Tery superur unn- iA -cured .shewing tTcoaccey from Langhosrie &, armsteed s, lynchbui. Va. And alo.mreof tbat anperior ahnoktg Tobaeco, this day received, end Tor salajit the North ( WoKna Btbktore. A &d aa they act ae A genu for the Manufactory ,it is affordtd t the ran ufaetinnff prrcei, by the bo' or kes. Those tbet Would like taceUU.a good article, would do well to ca:i at r a ; , TURNER & HUGHES Ever grat-elui to the citizens of Raleigh, for their very tiberar pa(rooacioded to him dur- inrhre eodeoee amongst them, has the pfeaeure of I infirmflg them that h has returned to thni plaee, and i opened an Outce over Mr - Benjamin Smith 'a etore,f wnere ne may, always be found irom 9 o ctoca A iM. tjnul J p. Mt He toould .also inform thein thai be has reduced hia prices to the foHowinac terms, which plai-es it in the power o every o4 to secure their I teeitwor Ave apfteet of artificia ones. ' J DR. STRINGFElLOW4 PRIOES FOR mm T A l U PE RATIONS. Plugging with gold each plug, SI 50 50 2A . , -a .v . Jot, ........ Separating hy filing, - - - - - Extracting teeth-or roots of teetb each . duklren'ateitb, -aVtting best rnjnerai incofreptiWe teeth on pivot. each, , . On improved -gold pivots, L . . . 00 3 DO fine gold plate 5 00 AU dperationa .warranted to be of the finest and best mateifalii. other wim no charga. Terms CASH. . November SOth 1843. J Hen. Geo. E. Badger, Judge liattle, V Raleigh. Dr? Berkwhh, .. J Dr.P,C Ptil t , . WpPlumrner, Esq. Warrsnten. Grn. Hawkins, Cd. Jovrier,-) ' Dn Wilcox ;V Halifax. - tirBondi S . 3 jgrTATE OF NORTH ; CAROLINA. Wake kwCounjty,-Court of Pleas and (Wler Sesatons, November 7rm, A. tJ. 1843.1 - T w nium enetungs, in bis own vrehr, .and aaassignee- 4. of Lemoet 8neHiBg - l?,",fMSf 1 Cur 8,,eUi,,. ; It armearine t the satisfirction of the CourL that tbedrfondaHts ttmuel Snetliees, Calvin Sneilines. and ffohn 8delT1ots, defendant-, are non jresid of tlo ftaie - u is therefore ordered y the Court , that d.eniserD-nt riwde ia tbekiahliepat far-ix weeks, igr the. aforesaid JLcmulc.iielunga, Calvin e ' a.. - - SselliBga and John Snenings, Wbe and appear at the Wex vuuu ui f ivoa mhi ikih ccsstoiis, iv ue ueiu for the County of Wake, at the Court: House. Ih! the Cay of Raleigh, on theArf Mdnday' of February; f A. D. t844, and theft ant there pkad ' to, or answer said Petition, or tt will be beard ex parte as to- them, aud iddxmen Droconfes f nuKdsiiainst tleia. Wttneee, JaT. M.rfla, Cterfc of said Court, at Aa ' .11. .a . 1J 7 a, . . J-,. . .ra.a A utBce.t&n'U Msnoay tn i-.ov-Taiuer, t. v, S4d. " ' JAMES T. MARRIOTT; C.'C.C. a, i., , i. i. nr., , ,im j I,,,, ., , ,tin PATE OF NORTH CAROUN A-WAKE Coantyv Ooort of Pleas and Quarter SessiJns. wovein sstun, IM3. .. y, ,A -4 John. Ward, Executor of ElixabetE Ferrell, deceased, '' - -v ft,.,,' - j.. f John Adams and Isaac Adams. Caveat o f the laakWifl W Testarnent of Eluu' . ' ' '.".. .. 7 " Ferrell," deeeaeed. "' " ' Tha last Will and Testament of ETaabelh Frrejl, iTf raaaait u nrAiln.at in' AnsH tlAiiM nil , aRavall fur prohatebV John WardrwbeiJir Adams and lease A dama caveat said Will recta au iaaejjt be de n.na Yartn.,, l..lK nint,i of the said KBtlh fcrmll. dfteeasetl i ahilil amiMr.I ing forther,:that;philuAIaBjs aW'tate, brother and sister of the nd Erixabettt Ferrell,- de. coaaed, are imrt-iestdeowof tmetate : f ie therlbre OTflWml Ka tTmwt. tkaL a.UaW.ftiTWn ba' 6ala b tbeClerk of .thts Courv la the Kaieiati Reicist-Tj for si wa-ka th- ;-ai4 PhilllO Ailams iid' Ju.fuh I Wbltef to "ha anT appear a the next Ternrtof 'the f Uourl of Pleas and Quarter Sewfons tb oe heldfoT the I miiofv vtf W'.ii. ii th Cma Hcwia-: irt'tfca t!irv i?-(.i.u. :'.aaa m.:. I ' t.i '.w -.-:v,;j. ,.tx 1844, and show caoers lf any ihey have why heaid Witt Uiiot the last wm midleatsi bih Prr.-H. iWW. I.. r. ' 1 -n,!. 'w-i ar"l .., r . al. Office, the third Monday of November, A . D 183. ? JtURit v MAnRlfVlT: A'V.-i. - Poadv. $9; ,'4 v..-; v'i 3,6w ';' 1 I ': j ".-' '' ' - ,!ln Piaiitera mifl 1Icrchhiittt ' fmHB eteraburg and tGreensdie and wwtfeke II Hail Road Companies, hawing during; the pat Vear. tmiI their rdaula.- en?inea and ear in oeWeslor." deri and rtdwxd ihratc fJranfaortaiionin new natiicerrv khv -lUulilf orrnefchendke carry any ouaidiW to an J from Gasiottt whJt greater- rertaiaty and de spatch and Cheaper vnu ve. i A It rchandbso dr posited tn the Jlepoi at Pptt slmrf tpto 4- ft fX TAiesesj:lhtr sea to aaerase of 30 per cent ,.,Ort Cottorf, TobaceOa Groce - pound between tasron and Petersburg. 'The ta?es uf fare for PasAengera have also been redaccdr . . ' .. . r. j..-. ,..f.at . l wlwreupow too Court di-1 wi' "'IIt',0-".F''. xue,orniown i up, fO tiyiwqatlw.ta!?..? ! 775 and . .aa tawt a.;u ! ,..mM, i w no me jouii rroceedings oritier vomrait: I OaatoB onvthte foltowmg daya t Mondays,, VVednea-; I James Hit waonvend Petsey his wite, ar BOSreaidentS days and Frfday a j and aO pKdvc6 brbpgbt ie Gaston j of thistttatet tt is ordered that pcbJicalivn be eisa for optothe same hojif on Mottdaia,Wodneaxlayiayad faix; weekav4nVtbe Calatgh; KeWet, notify Ing iLm to Frhtsya, will be sent tOiPeterisUun"the lotfowm appear ;attbo east; Court e -dayii .i-f tuhiH K'L$K:t ttf ,eione1le;iMJ'j TiTberateanf traDsportatron. ave been rednee'sm iMVayeesbeyoo ? i-4kird Moolay4 February i TTJJ UN A W A Yv- TakVn tip-aiu! cothhitted i JLTL Jatr-tni Beaufort; Cotmlyf October i tth-e, Negro Mn, who aayalus nathie ts JOHN end na; Unfonlrict (halite wa forrhertv the MOD ,woaA1eiandW, m MeAbntbrgJtmDtf n 8tBte t a e .miawwB tor and purctrased try John K.Harrioto.wh0 l htm t r.t ir.n a i. Aia.iuLjij'. i. ift Chatham, ami ear ifmf uittiii we bUrBt on he 28th Attgwtt whenon firr a wa taken out and him i wmaMto thet piece, j d Jee w ia sioet Week man. A leetfOi inche fcigh,B-4 weigfe? 4HiBi:ildcJeliAk;aM keitd5ewi:,We-4w ll-e-lnol JerowOiotne firajt jormt-he eeyeroH Jytten eboul Ilwoyearaince,f. fcnera w weUecauainteJ in end lupblpjitejkilu -8u I write.; HieTfWtier u reoue ty, payarge, end lake bimfwiiy or he will be dealt with a the law direcU.;'V."; ; r 7 '. 'T.":: ! 'Oct.30 1843. v t W Sf'CATE OP NOnVf H :AROMNA-Pilt Cooo- Cburt of Pleas and Quarter tJeswons, Nor. Term. 1842. '- '- ' "-.-.. ' -" -Henry Drake end othere ... x ' ; i Henry 'Scarborough w3e and ethers.- ,; It appearing to the satisfactiea ? of the Court, that the defeudcni. tbe- said Hardv Xearbor-uah and wife. Wm Philips , end wife, Ehoa Newell and. wife and Gray.uruke are non residents of Uua K.ato: It j ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh, Register for aix. successive weeks, notifying toe smO parues to appear at .the next .Term, otour Gcurf to be Jbeld fof. tbe '..ountxf ;PitVthVCoi Itoate in Greenville on the 6rst Monday of Peltruanf next, tben and there fdead answer or demur, oijudg ment pro evnjesso will be entered againet t.oem, end 'tyJ fTPet V at office the first Monday of November A. D. 1843? r AKCH1SA11 rAKKEK, ;leTK. ' Pr. AdCfSi 83' 1 ; . - I0iw6w WaUe Forest Pleasant Grove H E Trustees are happv to inform the Friends and Patrons of thMJwutftmoe, that the Bxer. I -cise will be resumed- on Februari A st. under the care of the former IrrsUuctre-a, Mis Martha B, Rich anison. It is unnecessary to rarer the Public to the high auafifWions of Mis R. -her aeatous attention and strict fidelity in her ejchI, The course of - , ' " a .' .- . - a' . - - " ' " ; a. i,- -t... - t - a, J srruttion w clarified, thoMugh and complete. The lacm and moWl tippro d Text Books are al ways ased. ranic eiimntnoo ai iqo ciose -or session. TeaMsr.R exsstos, very fow tostrtt the tlmesi " Englwlr, : iiWMt0f&&to" Laugaaes French, Latin, Greek, Italian, 5 00 f- MueieA ' " -- .'iir "'15- 00- Drawine end Painting, 1 - c : . . . -ft qq - Board can be had in good and rerpectable families at J6 f)0per moWth.i--"- "uzf.$ m s. . JOHN LIGON, oecretary. Jan -t.l;i844.-- t;-, ; 4tlF N. B. Mr Wm. B. Dono will be happy to eo eornmodete t nr. IS boarders. .--f . ;. . . ; i (jy Ktitodard till tt February. r--ti..? ... , fntiv r t-: t i r u port. TbetJoestrtutiejwI Jitrisprodeoreof tbefJni. I ted States, by; W ,A.. Uuer. LL Also, the 16th I anmberof A&mn'sfuTOpo. The Sthnumber ol Me J Cullboh'e GaxeUeet. .AW the Grrri Reading Book i I in a oetry - and JTeae, fcf Mr, fi urney . ror aafe I bj ' , . .TURNER & HUGHES. I r 1 v - --f '-ffr-a'--r" December 7. 98-' Passage ta Ilnlticiore. - ' T HE superior teral5at, COLUMBUS or POi I 4JA HONTArV wHfv, leave Ciry Foiift .llNct for?f Dalttmom, every VVxbxbhd a v alter noon .'aloelockv or immediately after too arrival of the Car from Pe tersburg, and wirf land Pasaengi lUltimorehe nextaveain?. 1 ne accommodviionoQn aoard these Boats are -v erf eunerioraod the-paasajro, 4ndudm meals through from Petersburg to Bahimore,onrr 48, 1 Jtetormngy wtUteave liaiinore ovary Saturday after .J. BRANDT Jr. Agent. Baltimore, MarL10, 1S43. Tt?T PUBLTsHED THE 'PROCEEDINGS Mie vouw - oi vwomtw, uuuuii, wraww I ptAhemafi wrtAtig tnsracter frmneeted w ewy.waw-j or iTomiton, mat aaBSjot J ll tO gratify the ihhablUnIS of thoso Count, 4 cilixens e the Stale of North C-rOim, it 1 r JL'- f 4 1 6 IW v!taiBa.7a pset, xtealiy one to 1 atd corodi the postage of which wdUot exceed 2a fl cents to ady Pout Offibia Jfnrth'Caroljna. 1 a -The or ice ia Fiftv'tlpnta wia. atncla MBT..jVan," DoWara fov Tea ciesi and Thirty Dollars fot-Ooe - I'A r-.. r-i-.T 1 VrderseddroarfoTh" 1 TnitmrwiTntfrnf Palfiin-Ti Tnrriimn.rn.il Via ill. P.ih1 i.lt 1 prompUy auended ro and the. Pamphlet forwarded it Maikor wtterWtse, as may be directed. !.U:e -: Edirf M-.f.Pf Reinsert bMbose ahd rfcetve a copy ,o( the work fa pay meet. i Raleigh, January t, U44, '-".' 4 3C r r jTATE.Of NORTH ;CAK0LIA-VtYNB -ai-w.-'Li idi ... -'. " ;i, i - v. ? v"'L Vi. ' 'VV" 1-?.' ;Ala A 4 r..:. Qears ef-$imon Aycock, deed. 5 " 1-.! t I ft appearing to.tbw aeiiatactfon ef" the Comet, t)mt 1 next,4beis and there W trfead. ower ;or deoior t t , - . i r . - ... . .. V '.... r '...t...- I and art for hearing ejf pore, v I .' H Uness, J m. A . Green, Clerk of said Court at ; f AWD OPERATTVE CmGEON.- -j a OpfaUrOF:theTf!ief 1 -UiVi Stone, Stricture,. Fistnla; VQet ilJli 'hS .' ;Hierinai radicaf cnte,J Atrenitoii j t -' :Kirbaiindiim UteeiBV. -' i rAtnrgifaf DjseasesTn Wwral. '?? ;kMtlii any jj5A of the gtateN Whr , hnt services1 rrjaY be rneataV f V1 S r 5aj .-s. i. -Vta , , V-Qr w v' eJ-t of Madical and Burt icat hull attmn. Tb DTttra ; thosesrudetus vdio V$ishto visit tUNonhkrt.VnlregW t AH the prtvatt BtndehU of Dr,lt. H itt wttsab-Ty1 cTaduatedwIm cSedit aitke eaqof their firetKastrw j ni the Rkhtoond Mrdicai Collete.' f 7 Gov; Morjehr ad, - r . j : Hon. Geo. E. Badger J J Charfai Manly, Esq -Hugbaddafl.l3aq. Hillsberotijk. 'lPKm'w MtHnw mAa The 8uhil)er is Yreparfrfw-axert an kltws- & fmiratioos of every.varlety jef Marble, and of all kfctde, of . Wood also, Wall Pairairog, Papftr-hangiog, CJa-t, sing and G IL DING oHjYo6dMad;Mdaift9 tubtfnccf- -tended at the, shortest notjevj sod dowttvh wtpx rwr style of workmanship, f : ,ZT ?-.7"." . lIlLtTARV FLAG aid WNERimfouan th neatest aty Ie. jot the shortest inottcT, nd mucla $eBper than tfieylcah be done elsewhere, TtrY Ce. -for to the Adjutant Geneof NorOCyelV" Persons wbmg Paintmg 6f any- detcriptioote CHted. by csHing at qabi'net Wsrertoomcf tlr? William Tborapeon, opposlco' the &tuB. Heat tomer" of the Capttoi sremay expect 'fo bave It dona taf lheTr entire satisractioiu t w''fJ.TtA2lES.? -Ra!eign;jr: 14, 1843. - - ' i .ftaLif f ;o i' ) rtflltrn axlk . T I War m W A -1' am -at' a m Klergm r ... i. is r i-r re f;lf rt ,-THE Snbactiber has 90wrUaod,'aBd -m conr.act 4 ' ry mebufacturing H ATB of .aery .newniplie '. h noWjegera to the public jaf yucedtj o :; A rery no' viwsutifal ItoiinnCpf jc A Pfl also on hand; whicb ne will eeU chusuaJJy lowi tAbe : a large $uaoiftjrof Wool ItiTi. brdlivioBW1 , retail. pnidifc , ere WsprctfutTvtnteit to tall . and see bis home manufacUired stock before ciaSicj; ' tfreiipurcfiaseS ehewhere. j " : - - HUUH iAJtraz JTFfactlcaJ 2Jstfej Ty Hateigh, Nv:i843;ii-,;'t V v?l3-ai ' NvBv 4)00 Tur Skint wanted, ftr wtTeX tU? " hjftbeai 0a8prWlll WtitBI)ee utter, eeaver; Raccoon, mbsum ana ocem&tt wanted v Persbfliat Cdistaje, 1avteaT W tIia " on rrxnd,-wilt pb5e forward themlto RsMgh'wlterti . the fMgheat Cash toice w fit he jglsett lor theinv rij ; E!Baiar Wilk,eiXjto.a , reei Vy Mrs. Gdte.VA Charge deHwred to Xke'Dlon ' of Ohio, by Carles TttU-ttIaire.- D X-1 ' 1e Chorchmad-Warned vgahist lbs erfe rt ' bf tbe5 ' time, with notea ty Btf Henry Anthon'D D' Chcin-S istry ill tta sppJieation tA gneuftom and Pttsiologyr bydaaMLeibfg,K DThDfR.SU R J A.iThet first atimber of tha LJfe of Andrew JacksetlSitaryt ; end tnvBkidustmiooe byAteoa RLrndail. The? 1st eumbet ctMdlmSn GibbonV inna,prca 13 c'tsaf ' tftth aruml of Alison Enrorj HairtahMor-'a Work. 40) Bmber J4cCtch's: We have alee' rust rreei wjd frraa ssorlaet of , Classical aad cW Books; . All orders frtry 9 cV, tajtce, tnuiljy recejvea -Jtt twotftp.Jy aitrr.Srltiv November 27 V, ..-"J. -iW' OTATB OF QRTHl CAR0LINA----V?tl Conntv-Ctift ef Pleek'a'nd Onkrtor CLmaL Ne Wmher KesMOtisi A. XX 4843.. . tvr3. Etizibdh Yeo, Al-' Utteyahd t&i V7Ca -if, 5 TamrBM rmiM.Taiui...iT'iiiMttii avi iatm ryoemg, adiiiinlstrstor;ef Bm1xYstv-dee'd.r t." . smd Robert; f miDtr' iv. -rt-.. r Petrnoa ta mvideetevea belocrjl to the ettttf Cae .t'.t;i 5v-raa xotunt ceceased.' "i ' 4 t-i rl U spDeanstoM the setiafxctiBnof fbeCeqnV Cat the defendant Robert Teens a a eenWesident of. this. tatet 41 rsjthereloroojderWaiutadvertiscpsect Iw, made in the Jtateigh Jiste far aixweckta.fotit said Robert Toung to be end appear at the, nex t irr-r Of, tbe. ovrt f Pleas and Ifuarlf Besaiona fa be ttLL foe the County of Wakr sa the Court Tiasa iaths - City paleigh,;n the jUHtd Jlendty pf, FrWs Ai.Xi.4Q4i, an pieaa, answer or deraar is t l r li iKAwa' tt. a' MaA'lfnHifaV r tAaa ' -a-. -" jAMEsJlVirAtniCTTaC;- . A PRUDENT COtll .AH7AY0 TII A'BEtTr-Since there trar:ryt ..rj kera of Piano iprtesv and rtch rr tl ; L era mamifactwre tk-, best, wor!Xtt; Jict I a 1! ? t t rwi aaVcoursa fi thoeeVftniij srt!.! -el ll ? I'.z 1 tt take them opon trial, tefors nkT j a . dtasel t.Tf : RttoseriW K'tcCcic: . y ' r . T wirh theebvacter and cual.ry tt t.s 1. - j t ofTer ttrms'pcth'oBB lrn:-y!'; rv t Wbe lt2y have ' founts s!,ou.t. t' . ' j t f 1 loose doubia removed ryjrit tax,. :. . s I 1 yew rh jae'i tn itialjclr.s-hii : ! j w. kwiz.fcj Piano Fortes-srd tvcr-LIaL . A larre sCJitional Iilk j atl i::"veJ. : S Deesmber 5 ,-S7 " - .aa.ti, 1 ii In. 1 yf-iV 00D. Are' Urief'n . Loutsi ri:ere Ls vriH aneiJ t Be wbkitety te eatrr-rr -;'S!fi(J wUltUrr.Jtoarr ' ar more, ary er Iters in- tv s : Refer to V7io 11. Gales, 1. tnon and mhow cease, ij, any &e nas, mby y.n ar l bfgrotaves f the said BsrihTonn j,',iccsE " l T hot Vjoitided, or otnerwisejbVpctiiiad Willi 3 1.::. J ex parte'ef t him, andjadmerrt pro enf.;a rrr & ed asamkfeim." V ' . Al " I ' " ' fv " ' Witefss, JsiirsT.lltarrlott, Cl'Jt tfiitJC-nT i; irA;wa' tt. a lfiuiifav i-r tAia '.aJ A " I r -. - '9 I V Office PetPabug R. K. CV ;'..TVf': VaiU0'!- KoteaW.'A D.J843. : C?2"'l'l?A'&' Y -V I y-U rJiwary n.JSA; t r -. i ... ... , j iji- . , .... - " ' . t: - : . . .. . i" i a'! ' . .1. ' -r W" . .,, - ' w.-i . f "V' x," ' r - N . - v.- .Vr.v".T - , '. rr U.- V"; " ' ' - " ':V " ' - - - V ""'S-' . . M ... - . . sAA. A' , llaiergnDee.: Kaletgh, 12 Jstv , . , 1 VA dt -r-Ia J,. v 1