T 1 fcS Coairt. ojlr'?art of lw fall Ten t r?'r,T rCiupolToihi?wi nMhirm JK4ftcJl JiJl&ao(brt5otity October ' OuJ3m V , 4 - v' Li!TI : SJ JtffMI PI J . t . .T . Li. t. j a f t i n nn w. in i j-j'5.tn-it ; .Mitj i , i A?t.L ZiZSn.Jhil. ttiZ uJ fisifiri cifiiiriitbtt Si5"l&t dieeJ cktos iUk. Ibc itciri (r youpreier.; jeutnneviXijcpOuPeHim, - fiaaui " . . . i. . . a ! I . i. - .- . . . r l Left aiDoVH'aiiw h d V) 4 ast lui 3 4 ''4inckitoaeanrm;lCNQia3 At a recent Whig gtiiheTing iuRtth JQ t na fljasenaions and tfi viatona of our' oeool wie irrtcanaitableihosrjhtyf ,perinar&iir( .faoiirir-JritHiAelall cua the speaker iUustrjted thttattiil her uoon her Ddreavetnenf . mnA , t kHi.- Li ' Abrarftm' .TT?Vif IWeigB, having eatabliahej Hsv WILLIAMS, for th4diMaetingf a -DotWii Ei change an4trarU ,how aiatnaWflertrleta hi errtcea tor u lraoaiwf tfikay tHWina feH a January 21 lp44ii?va tt! rv a f f3kft,V, 1 : 11 filio DiacK obh ara wailing. - fi 1 a - - . 11. . tU&rr Urcifa M "price toul qntUUJ. are ttmrtAVmrchiet-iX llaw fliiiili dfiltaTC and Otocki . . t fancy goods; harhwase & jcbisa.; ' Pfn ifllfinif TlAnrra. la I'm faaklmi lai wintar. yjil.4k: Baikal Bunm.OmiSm H Widl ardaV-pallxt BaUn tfleiwHtm Pifeketbooaa, Ni?hi Taper, femokiog'Pipe, frrioe. - tpngViVa&i Motan oauiba. uwaaocy amj DiU ai. nii'.iu tki Dk. nnituH m.mk i m lima nil Knam ami l aimw I UaMMwiekaj Applea. Uraftea, JajOtlf JNewara - as a a i m r. k v . matam, Cologne, Florida and Lavender WaterM bing apap, Ewac, OpodcWec, BarkaawiK piok rerboafdaT Gokari,' FTageorettea;.riieaV Flote Clwi- Ahnanaii Pritbera,' febcjlific. Pwtarii 'and jSonir Bobjaeogratiea, Kf of HeaeB (Catfjolk,) fin. graving. PapRfeaa, Qallla, Ink, Iokriaiuli. Ink powuer, eejing-wai, ijetterUmpa. Wafera. I JopeaiiBelJatLJ! jtfCitmz i&Jivi .4sT TiolaeriS fInUfti:ff atnnanla e alea 60000 wit amw whl mrfti. wcmi .uoraDK. .in ocim. IJbetfaBSfrfa 4in)Udtdh1nVTrrJnk.'wiMe ioiB4JitliWpIhHi ilit3a:LniMii(aetulBtt laneytoya. ajaoturavawei ueuav'-iu.'i .i?cj.& t-a m i,.-;ij..t , ir . tnieref Fayattewma and Hargaw StrfeYf iijaietgi vee. iaswr-i if tj ,iu-t:B 'TfylWGHVlQVGH&JKepi icon aafclrw Ptgha, tgMto nUb rttrPrtU and H1" a : Mtb ftfa.; U TSaii Fay eWMil Jlw pbtW life PoatOeel and nertdoor Wibe New RSartk Flannela, white, re4 yellow and 8a&fctrjfct AJaa, ( l?4Meh GketuuBeWae ettle fan Wiai.r.- ) r , 4 1 . . - i - r t ifWrreneh andnsJjah- f?ivl jaU3 irtnar kar;rni mvu : .l -. 1-.; ttr,aAYZ;TT-SFJLU:)8TRCSTj:-.b: & nf I,rrifi f..-,a.,fM? V. -Jt ACPITO ftA gdrttneai If fceaWtnl ' eraint Carndin'at acted tb R'lherTm ? --w i - - - v a . . " k wsttre ti. tto lis;4AUCJTOWLCS. I UldeT, Att, rorter, ?00 aantfl UtiUou' tarnVJSact-1 Braobs; Wlule and eat 8peBOtkJAte.i:'.,:' i 1 'I JfoHa; SWolHGlwea. Waa&HiBrepttt dt ivn r izi&LEiQnrAzvj" ITIairiei wjn'ta-, (hit Hh oreQdaat, Mtt 6aciiwV(;Wrfd$id; atid r&fMktfieir mttBuidf Wade'af taa t&6t&M4&Wf& Sheftff 5PClMa!f boaatir. foifb1inilSelikhin tdpr'a aftswf'ie6aH' ttM .Ililal'BiiBMaVllli rdradvfcyjtDJ CMirt, thtl aotue tfenin llw Rtegh Kegirtbr.V nevcpupeir V111 U ib 8i ibwmoniba, tha Midxlefofculiot; iohn B4ieklterlittoafl tbe jmiJ ipf at lh Superior Court of Lr,tott boMen forUiaioQOtT irf Xtaam; t the Ceon 'HotM 6v i PUtaboro't otykadurd Monday trth next, Chen J wf wk rfeiat aawr i ta ibojauflon oV Milty Bqtkmto for Ourorc rfha MmojiriU bo; taken pj?a?fls,W lli5ni.attxdinf K (a Aciof ih Go Aral, Aaaerikpjj in acl aae Jnatlo 4 .v j Witney JeanThomtMon. Xark.- of rthe Saoerior i oroVUHLttum Hotulay of optetoher, . v. 1849. V C v rV..-i JON J-HOMP Cv8. - rr. a 1 I00-3nk naure BuiUIinea 'and Merchandize, aeainat loaa dr damage by f re.' at prerniaroa to wt the rimea.j -L.-1 f iaW of Jheotdeal .iwl bf rnsuraa'e Com panWin tha United Statei, and pay a it loaaea prompt Applicationa for Inaurance in Raleigh, or ita H iMa;.tM3i?-! :Agetrt iALUABLK iPLANTXTION Is of abeaU'vrisbhisf to remove'to n-more tf oirth ern enlaateofiera lor al the Tt or 'Laan, oa whfch he" vesidea, tmiated about 8 ttilea from TaKa haaaM, ht Len Coontv;' 11 There' are 1609 aerea eori- lained far thiTra;eyy !ar pTorertion -Of blch ia tof wy aanor qoality .J-hi plir ia pJerjUuJlj watered. r4t n tleenent arater and t oat are not Inure tha i80 aerea isf rarttf lan4 lnbrtktdj, AbdtiK 7S0 acreasf Jand ate cleared; from whkhv hh. fores of forty-five if fifty fuandahiufaojahlBaeaaonsOOor S50 BaJea.fiCaitoa gan-be prodttoed itta acaaaw, and more ,Qra than Taoold ,r.e .ihja : PJantatioo. w The iaiao8ituad.tbatitran.be4ivUedinlotioaer ja TraJifpMorreJ.Tbere ia good land eactogS pet terminus at ik bmii Road. . Iradia2 from Taltk ' , ,Tb impraTemeata, includjos' boiklin w ol evenr de- artitt faftifly 'tanT bie wmturU acmodrtedVand there are Cabiaa enouch for the eonveDient aonmv- fniodatltorf of Woof 80; b? YheVe; fa a ffamij erectetf bin Hooae pn toe tce, with all neeeaaar leoelefy of the neighborhood is of the most de airable kind, aild the Iaoda adjoin the Ptantationa of IbeMeaara. Oeftear and" KThompae frotu NortS CarTinai7hete are' ibrf aeveral Vburchia, ctwve nient enough td attend; ' v 'i; r;4 ;,v; ;4AMCS fL, Ti LORIMER.' : ;-r .m nsr-U! -si I Laoa Coovty.'FleriJa. j Nnvetther t&. 1843. L.T , I su f 95604 1' r o . . . . . - .. . .:.. . 1 l ' . . yv rivjastcome.tobaod,' at tha Worth (Uarotau 1AA. Borate,; Baieiglk If. G t Geratatew, a tieqnet I to. the yterm uf Pjwia. A Nmtia f iBB Travel Sonora af& Weatna Texas, hy CipV JarryaU C,B, American Biography, by ieremy. Belknap, B. D. id 3vola: ' Tbe'Eneid af Vircil. with EnaUah noteal eritieat bneXDtanatorvJbv Uhaa. Anthoa. iJLi D- f raarylf a ; :VVf C 'Criv 1 r no cmtMcabera nave tuuday enter 1 edirto aopartoersbip, nti Jer the'fim tt V.. . .. "" Ill- 1J:'t t -7 SUth k reacod, forthe pttTpaof eorni ioaneatlcl Drnaa fcwether with everv variety of Paliaiu OiUJ Bye toiTatfbttiy; efirgJcar Irtalrririeaia; 4 , ta iijcfi thaintiteHh'a a4 Wrgh andiuvkfcoy.r 4Ur J.a..r6.ia. .e.i3 4 d l.y M Peaend araafkierUCWrtiboth of wbotn bate haiiJnanVearB etperianceia thia depaitniet; dtapatcbi at aft UwaC the wght r-jft 1 4 , .7?tFrt.i-.: "iT4r,vyij- ,,;aaoary 4,1844., .vl 5vU LTO bwy-iber. have, Hjeicev7e4 Ufr aapply At fMth I iarrion riower need- trajn .a ceieoraieai wLm .r MMBMBAletijae) fAtme"' . i -, ".irtjlt? t.'?: C. if?JU ZZa Xtlcr'a wwir.wrac baflatwrabiin. eanfcvii piaea, ano pe mhwccw ng lenna; onftn-j: f,?ir! J4jt"rti rft' i MU k. thMd m f.1mtf tme a th beU f Qrtinen fti'thw fiM. anil W'ttiM 'rlaM ofH r. JafcdiarnW rhan'a warforXeaaly or daraWity. 1 1 : 3 ve4,arli5ea t.inehaaBaiaf hf ,WiaaeCoh trbe-' AH'6f Jeri Trota'a diktanca attended tp 1 wfelflirraida 0n ddoV, hetow-ttfs. TACON. -liittWidandahWeab UMl am iJul V 6TftATD lrd4ha haeriSen, en ynom.abaaeveAyrara old,, wtth- ji amall ur in the iW, eo'me amall white apota.pi the I ill K T tl ' JQ artfbrtl. 1 Conn., PSm to aneuog ine urvz ana itpowecary onaineaa 1a au ua varieii Wnchea; W1? rt,. lVy(Wm4ei4ekata( weir procctw Km iraem- t weipy ma Aianta for the MahaftcrorV.it UAlIbnibd at themsli nraetdrjhr V'' ' th hot ut e. Tbow tbU watruinte to retad a good article, wouia mweii Majw 9 t-is TURNER & HUGHES.i4 JJJrEerraleful to Ike citizens of Raleiffb Rt Iheirfvary ltbTai pitfonagextended to hintor. g hja feaideoce amoncataheiohaa the oleasuTe of jrorrnjng thern that he haa retprried to thia place,anI ppeaea fat AXS mr Wr ; Bnjanin Smith a fctore, fieranfay.alwayafae &n)d 4 from olclock-M . hu edneMhu-pricea lo tha fulbtwing terras, whi n tpe power at ,vary orte V eecore tbeirj ffS fMP!ftaT fine et of arufiaal onea. ; . , j , , 'f DR. 8TRINOFELLOWJ? PRICES FOR DSN TAL OPERATIONS. t "s " Plo'gting wiA gold eachlplog "- 1'0 , n u lm, ' . " ' '50 :8eparatlrrg W firmr, c" - - .A-k a 6ir? pivpta,each -l i f i i Otttinptovedirld'plveta,' s" 800.' rtlne'gy-'plateV; ';iSii-r 'o?8 ' All operationa warranWl 'to-be of thf Bttett and beatraataiialherwijeiioriarga. r;t Term CASH ' 1 . u November 2(khv 1 843. - c r ' Han, Geo? E, Badger, TH ! - i S3- ! f i Judge RaUtf, , Raleigh. , j P.CPopa ,f . . A Win. Pjutnaw, Eq WarTentoB. , Gefu Uawkina,'-t! .,,1 .,- : ..... ' - : . 1 ;Dr. Witeox,f Halifax. . - " l 4 Dr-Bond, S jgBTATB .OP NOrtttl CAROLtiHA -AVake Oouoiy , Court of Pleaa and - Quarter eaaioQa overapex 1 ermt a. u. i 04r. v . , ',' WtiuarAfinaUinga,inhiawq right, anq aaaaaignea J - . fMB JnngF, ( ti mU t. . Lemnel SnalllDga, Calvin Sneltinga. John Bneillnga, It apaeanna t the eatiafaetfoa of 4h Coort, that iddeiaftt LefmMpUug Calvin .SneJtinc ae John. Srwlliogs; pendants, . are won reaidta.of this Bute : It w therafore entered by the Coort ihal advariiaement be nude in tbe Ra)eghKegi4er. for si wcekfi (or the aforesaid Lcmoet rSoeOuiga Cakin jneKiaga and John Soellin toba and appear at (fa next Court of Pleaa aad Quarter Sessions, a ha hekl for (be Cetfnty ai Wak at.the. Court iHoase, in the tHiw4 rigo.on, Hie vf ro inooaay oi ternary A l. J 844X11 thn andjtbiere plead jtr 'af answer sajd petiubn, r it iff be heard mi parte, aa tajthemi ' . AM5 T. MAKIilOTjr, ! aw.wi-isfT'":fw;-,-i . 'T '-.:r. ' -.t V,--f- S 'v; Cotinty-rt"f; Pleas anJ QuarrSeasionai November 8eaaionri843i. J, r t ' .'; w ; I Jphn V'ar4, Execotor of EJxabeUi rerrslL dae4f Vaveai f 1 be jaat W rU iad Teatunent jpf The last WW a Teatarnept of EiabUrPerraII. deceased, a produced inpn tafwM pxobatahir Joht JrVrd7when Jthn3 A4ajrja and Jaaac Adams caveat aaid.,VVill, whrnnpeiitrhe Coort H- I recta an jiwoe to be n paperwriuiigjuiin conuan ioetiaswuanaeaBnani of the said EUzabelh FerrerLdeoeased V and it aooear- iog fnrOiM.ahat PhO0pann LbKKber Md eis eeasejr, are rn-resipenUpt this State lUf therefore ordered by ihe evrtV.M7lt Oj?wl by tne iiern or i&ia vourv in ibb Kaieign ftegwter; fpr! ifx weekAibf the M-Phinii Aainaid7lJudith; mHytf-tel?Uhiitffl iff the? CeaWof f leaaahd Qnarier'SeasloWto be held'lbrrhe' tcodnty P Wake, st lb Coort Hoqw in iBe lry of ale ofttha third UoMWtim&Fk&l i9yana anow canse, u any rey nave-wnyineMUd will is not the last will aMkaswUBtttaaPaatd! - Witnesav Jamea Wartiot Clrk 'of said Cowt, at Office, the third Monday arNoverabe. A . DJ 1843. Ts4ff biiABW-'MASlUOTaVCfi.itXll, .I 1 .11! 'wf'.'j' lftyl'fruw !:! (in .- am. ww bjaa, vaawfyva iy YVf vv friavaj vanawavvvf to uif front Gaston, vuth greater ierchan RT5 Y liiLH, dxia iiorl ft&tt end iitf brodt nioihaahVhbhr; KidatHhiaerit' The 4aie ef Wnssrtallao blih redaan Verai ef St) P eea4.xOntliAh;Tena;18ra rlea aAd DrV42oone,tbe raitflr'oeW 29cena pef:t00 prn6VbweeaGasTOw and FesraM.aThaatea f.e fW Passengers havevidso beer reduce- onu u Ooa Patettbusg RilL Uo. r f f cr '-v ',!"!. u'ui ti 3 Jaruxary.X, 1844, S II J ,:lr hj. rr M ' hi H n. ...I J.." I U I' . . . . 1 '. ' -JJ ..'.. XKff'LHfi a iV'Ji tt 430ct .rj-i ,-..- ' .. a-T' " ?fJ .-XiWftwV rXf,W.I0H U XfM! yTOUNTRf 'Uterehahia and nfteriitf wantof affv VliJnf tbs'above srticWswin EnJiUny estabTi4uneht, toe CtOBvoeal tahlalitocs Fbave' ewcueted; ttrdah tyTcutaLptuei. in& ea'frbaa 'my o 4rienJa and cseCumere aoiicMd i x. -t-n9 a so -i5j ,R3&focT4b nveaienQiSpf i;tke J RaaiaTaa,baildiii?a. next" door feQLPIIBva. jbzracfBig teem or rooia or teetn, eacn ou ; ehiUrenVterth';.' " ' ' ' L"" ! ' 2 ' Wng-beat mmerat incorruptible teeth on ; 1 v I : Mvota.each ' r ; : . . f i ' yeafjp hejr rafda,agW$a' and ears' ipetleiEcr- posited in tne iiepot at reteisourg; up w j.Mn VueidaVsTh atSay jrlUW aehltfo rtfYJrtxIt..Y'h. I.E i f A ..tl w , .v.. a-ift fi, 11. ure fb tbi. Siateirvraa sold al tlssaJB by ihe'Adtamiisira, rwiiiini'j mu n, narmsoB, woo aoi uua to Pf .Vane f itha ha nnaWa on tke ibwrthi f la- tv, was taken up tntfeia .State and committed -UJil i CMfljam. aniaay-ti Wd Ja wm hurr oB jSaidKfgretia a siout black num.6leet.-1 01 inches' bT5b,arul weighs 178 inda .bicanj heavy abpot are off to the first tofntM aaVa frost' bitterr aboat twryearannrla pvke,1 nrite,' f;;Hia owner is requested to eorae, prove peeper y PI bwges-and take.himawav or bewiUtedealt' 71 r ; k "r jacob 8vVmjmLL, j.aii5; 4 . , Sf , Y OB, I fCJ TATE 0E K0R'i'J4 C A R0JLW A Piu Crti- gty-Cocrt of Plea and Quarter Session Kot.T ' : Hardy Seafbbrough- wife and othcrSi' !'-J U Petition &r jmie a f Skua a " ? It, appearing to the satisfaction eftna. Court, that T the defepdan U, tbe said; Hardy Scarborough and wife, Solomari rPhiTiM and Vife. Enos Kewelf and "wife Ind Gray Dirakr are B'reUdihMthtt'it 4 ordered by nbe'iniri, that pubHeatkVnbe rrisde1 irr the Kaleigb Register for aha snccssaiva w'k. notify trig theMtii MMie to appear t-tha neit: TeaB'f xk Conjt A be held for tbe Cooufy of, pittaf Lb Cpbtt I jouae in Green viTIe on tbe first Monday id Febtuarir next; then ajM'llreri ptednr demur, or jndg-1 ment pro estyuw mflie erMeretf againat tbem, and tbe FttitiMliieree m . -fi Wimeasv Archibald PaxkexClerksafawr said Cens at office, the fifjt Monday of oveniblBr-, A.-P843; Wake ForesI Pleasant Grot bfl rjjniu ttiuaieea are. nappy- Tg-inioTm ids rrienda Bwen WW w sn - .. . . . . . - 2s and f atroaa onhisjfitajion;, that the Bi cises Wjir'rWnmed on TehroarT fsL under, i Bxerf tbd eareoftlre lbirlhitffAlTeesf fas Mkrthi Bich afu Iff ra hlif) hih quaUncatianof- Miss heSek)0 etterrtiori Iwavs ueed. Public examination at, the close of session. j i . r-Ttrnfts- rtk 8xssio; very low tesulffhe times. &ngusa, . eo-teB w' 2 i Lwgttagea-Frenchi fjafin, Greek, ItaUanV 00 Music, . .16.100: Drawing and Painting, .f.;:ip fei1 . dosto cap na nan in gooa an TMpectawe laanitea ' 1 'SfOrtff LmoJxTsWrtiy1 1 fi.'Janr'IflS44.aft-ii 3t sT? K nfl4Lp f r. f. Bu fr4 Wfu,BDnnn wul.le.bapr lahc cnnia)ote4lr.ef..lhoarderj W 'nr l' iKs! 4 0 tandaVd till lrt Pebniary, P ! rfTHE Mysteries of Ps ndeifADISue Sue , transiaknt fretn,he French CT H.' jnwn Perilons AvenXrjrea,nItenYarkalnlniU severance, Cearaes andarinriaE:. ha R A'.l.Darerj poft.,The,fmaitujeniJr tea, plates, ptwf&.umiMl:4m.Jm' nrimbe of Al&otfl Europe." ITie 3i&Wmbcr 4f "Me- WaJtochXHaetteerY fAbo, Sie Girl's ffeadihgi Book hioatryTMRfPreaai hy; Mrs, Kyorneif. For sale by. &4 isus h UTVRHB& A, BVGUEStfi- -4: KC' rwjm -ifiJt.. til? .ISriiOiltlo COtlC HEisripe.StBSTnboat, C CAHOU TASwitt ItiavB City iPemtHitaet for BaU'inpre,eim;.Wj:axan pr itnrnediaely efief rtbe aalif'.tn.arf froniP. tersburg, ifwrwitt land PaaaengWinlBaitpore, tb next evenma. The accoramodations on board these -patt,fierto tending Returning, will reava Baltimore every Saturday Afutn- BaWmora, 11; IP, 1843? 4 Slj pgTriPfJBWSHEDsTHEt PROCEEjDKfGS Siil jg SAJfTqqHMTEthio Bladen, BrhswickV'artJ Comberd--rmbracInfe matter: f the most interesting- tharacter. connected taij to raufy tbe inhabitants -af Miose JJaanieai as well a the dtiWof tEe feu no covreu, uit poiage or wuica wis net excesa cetH, urwijFvw-v(ji ir iprHiTifa.Y tfundreJ eoo". ! 'Otden Wdrassed te Tnimix Lotm; OfnefefThs Imlependent, RaWrhrffceMm pawed by iha Cashv will tha above an receeVcopy' bf the Work in payrnenf. ltfiafcfthl aahndry 1, 1841 i wtSt 1 If JW HI- TAtB J3FKQBTH ItURQUfJ A-WAYKE Uonmr Conrt C Pleas And; Uuarta Aesaiana. yTingllfhS'tssfe of this Sute. It is ordered that publication be maoVfor ikr wekaVtn':ftale1glr fractster; notijT.. ttem to appear, at thVi(ettConrt.tff Ptdas.and. Quarter Sean skma. WhehelJ tor said Coenty.atiheCeartJIoQff in Wajqesboro, .onbj third Moridayjrretrusrj 1 Wf. theh and (here lonT&ll. answer 'is demur t.il b vXitnesa, J AJi Gteeny tJlcrkof tctiJ Cottft t oka, tbe 3d Konday in November. A: D. 1843n and strict fidelity in her SchooL. The cewaeiof in4 structioo ixebrd.diorou.h and jMplete-t'iThe; latest and most approved Text Books are a Tbe price ta Fifty Cents for a Bgte.copy. Fpur TJolf.ifor-fr4 cbpfestanT&y WSWone Tte&mttVtL llj4AMi& KmAr. a: s U ;s , Dr. H. Mill visit anv Dtrt of the filita vrmrw - nig services male required. ; ; f t r - ouraa J JJLir ieawai ana Bergies? instl-ectton to prvpmre wosest oaeniswno wtsh W visit theorthertf Cef!eget & Allpnfii 9lndfntfDijlaix irstonher) ifepo4.M.edi al Coef sjvn. wro. o oatrger, t, .1 " t 7'- Dr.iBeekwlt,li HmHi i'-ai ; tlrleaiIwlVi'Eli.iTTJ .ial- -H , ;l r Hogh, addeli. EsoiBjtlabdreughH " gt- The'Suosctiber ilto jfticpbatall llijija '.v Of Wood also, all Paintin Pawr-bantW. fUaV iihgaiikfGILpmr4w eererar dacrip(iott?tn MlfeeVrwc !yret& attended to it theboirtesi olfce,rand dme lot a afep. oar' style jrf worknianahfp. U c- sisxs ii iiMMrJaBlrilLAGjiy lUkfiSRayniliteI. ny entcd; WTeaUarrtltJabtttet Warelloom of tlh WiiKant Thnhinaen- jaaanetifc ifca tnrfli fut.fcnt Uf,tbf Captiol eqwe, coayxpecxtnhrre itdaanW ti t5L-iu'C 4Iiti . s.THE Srjfcatriberjh nohanatrdi istOfiftsnl f. wanuactuf ATCiyty( 0wipUexi; srpa.lt ; A very hrga Xnd beautiful assoHmeri'i -of CAP alsDn hancft whlcJrv itf abaniuua1ly Yawrf Alo . It iarfjaraaittayM nianfiirHnjtOh (heir, parchases elsewhere. , : ' . , t - ftJGttsLWm allaierghPprb.ix843. :J?abiW ctajiJ Di 150.000 Fur krri aranted, fbrrwhilA tfia ' highest Cab pficejwill si? lcari-jba, Mini. Utt4. 'Beaver. KaccaonMuskrat and. other Furaalaa nted.-j-ersonf s,t a, pittance, having rut ckina hirul wiH pWe fvrward tbebi (6 RaleigK where g1eaCas!rpriceWahee for the!r on the tf-Mfr,"' A ,"--r":Ti?J V.V.jfe?-Wires imIaskfrWJ tihrvn jstry in HsWidrr ttf.AteuftUar PbsUIy, ipstoataeni v a ijj rati a it a vTt , first number pf tbs,Lil jAOtifJjKwlliStiy f DaTaitrrr f:,f infft.iT fr?,i'n" hit Oia.T lyathart a rjr(tciv4iv.;irr lapce, jnnkluJ1yjriidprr nrtb$ CaTURKEBitfriF lpf8TMaaM A.aa .af- ul... fl k f tbber Heio', A. r.'l843 prepare r 9 a ana vvrrni piuxjisuonaH-eyj AnjoaDpai-nf 1st fiuiobeT of Miilrhan s Gibbon's Rotna, iuriea 85 eta; I5i TJumbeFAlisohV llsnatrr MereViaittfi numDerort!cC:ochs &mteYmtfAe. Ctieyan'tf VTta3 trft lMTliit Wfei rsitiUaonB. Jflbn Jwn,; Hlfiinialrofc ef f5arh,Xotini, lies' 9 r ) Petition t9 divide Slaves belonging U theestatecf tavt . ::Ttah,run faMM.?? aitS 'Wrt ' tbi(laieadabt,IloUttArttUVn Siat IjllrtibmaAaid U fnadiM tlsMglt fiateilrifii. wf)taV iftr.tkf ; 1 saidKoberl Toarig W he and appear at the next tern ' r i f ftlirr b-plexfana IQaartei; iSeaaTJnf W,be tie!) . ' mmWo Wiix the tJdW b6dae in the ' , A:,a 1844id pWadsarwer? w umtflt isU-pA exWrttuW him, ind jadgmept pro'confeir grxew cs-agalnat' Mnx.f.Wi,'V" c Witfiesv JailMTi Wifriatf ; Wfk'cf tIJ Cert; aa Offiesi th ttuid, MdndarM XlotmUr. A.J: ISIX .jiMwV UAMES!.TAIQT&,04Ckci' V Prv,,& 62$ ;'3w i l J PRUDENT COURSE 15 AT&T3 E AV BESTy Sinee-ihere are so marry dllTerent ma- kerff JPiano JTfrte pn& each one tbinka his own inanufartera the heerwc-' I it t!cV te.tl r.,:r! tin- -oxht course for those wiiir!gtriic!?a pit' 1 1 :ri V . sh2sT 'icsC'it' titdrry'n" iiv -,ef t'i.-Jf i .Wn at ' B U 3 rears er' . d --y-f i tic I j . 1 1 o is&e jneci. pon. nai, oetore raaKin j apof.uva pur enalefCiTLa1Subci?r 'fir fc'iJ::' -icq-J-uJ . wlihIlilliatar xiJ q-.Jity c7 IX'i.,s:. ti eiertdra?c.,hoset;;-. r'Any crla';;LcvZ-;'-4 AUrgaj;tl.v.-jirwJVeJr- - t",xv.f ri:ti i:r.;v.;'i .t:j:'o, .... , . . t ... II ,1i mi) Wi ii i . i 11 ." r J .V:- " VjJ'y of KLmimd11t'iT-:r.Ta,s, . it ' . a t. j LouU.bere'rs wiU anViH 5c L-- v j BfMwhkb rnsv:be"ehtrustj ti I ? t?..t - , ! nesw whicl majLeentrustj tn I or.nore. anv wbere In the f-'t, ' i.if ., u;i.fer V SetW.n:GaTe, , M " -. v O. A. CKZtf Clera. Sept. I, W4 ' X 4 C.- . .-." .

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