t ' -W i - - t ., . , ' . - , I - . - , , 'i , " "A .- ' . - -Jj ' - , , , H .atr- l e 4, ' , " .- i ty . . . ,? .. . . . . -. - i t f - . .. - - . , - , - j'j-- - . i . f't-" , r-.f" " r-K---- 7 "' f t -rr... v - .-,.-,..,,..... J- ' . 9 f . . u . i " 1 1 1 , iv n't tr r !53f tir V"-'i fl"siJ '' 'A. ttil tw'i vsa Inrfs it! 'r.sf?sf9 AT law scuooii irs iiauvaho upsi- tf - rftTft t bin rtr-a 1 U'U 3 iff i uT u p. 9 it r ; ew e- hist as:l ft u - Advbrtisiihcmti. For .yerjr- Sien X4c first ittertion, One Dollr; eaci tubscquenl insertion, Counx.09jti9i tnd Judicial ABfRTiii:ifTt rilibe "chrgel 2S wi ConI- Uigtier,; but it deduction 9r 334, per c 'for fell tettise Ad RccHSf Cfc,wiU also ppar in the 'Weckl.t Paper 63 tettero tbe lucutor mni ye 7osttav. j , I H 1 If .V.lOik K. r'onrl HnU Anrf ui Ik. IIWf D.l.i.k':..! I 'II i: -V. '.! ' ' A. '.f' . toil ..Jlfii v.Tl' ii.-,;.;-.'.vii. v . 1 "-4- ent. wilj be merto iron) ilireguir pneetg verHsements', iAserted in tbe 5imkWku.t TT c of Acrt'en4.jU Iots. ,. -,f J A mo a at of i'axeg. 3 fj VV k 4tk Itmta' in Pulirnaiv nt the M!wiurTrUolr jUndor ; f xqwiU. cieof , 1 Vm ..uetjeTtiei due treoi for he Yev . 181 Peryppe N in." ' Weill btggs;' ' ATe.Melb4teT:1 AlexiG4breh; t t;brle-OjtendioeJ Bb JJrqwtv Nejll MWn; V4 Dan,e'n'JMcLan, Joiab Retell . Eiite Stone,' Whe.e tdaid,No.Acr. Tei.i Suge Koeif. I JmDei:' ! m j. .JUS; Ve ISA I 99' M)7. 797 J- 2J Charloe B. JoneeJNearSt. PeeU ' i"6 r Unknown.? j Rockfislu rr. .ntO f r -10 ; L" .;: V jpiARaWIiAND, 8briff. f Jennerj 16,1844. M"",n,?T,5t' XyiA" r5 re W Tr4on,j W tlience by Rail Road. and. Steam. JRoato R.'WrAnhlphr lilt k wattit ' MrtQ BQtaV,'t ?'f Ales. Blake, Da?id Clarfc., .?t. B. P. jGuiou 1 . -.1' dO, . .! tit; a0. J'K."jb Ngncy Iftrfmee, 'i i ? v-Ueo Tv.-:. for 'JudgeGatn.'' t v it A. M High for Mr. oCiTUobm-, Aaron JOBHaon, Wittfe VVioKnsen, ' J J.H.Kifkhtm. y.iyh Henry,King VA Ji Daiid Roller, ' " , Jani Rke, ' H im rrtl ITrttt. -i " JMafk Mciibania,. . i. t4i pi I L I . . , I li i -v f 60 13 684 - t ' 1W W i. - AotWl GilHaui for hrjra Be verl Danict't Btaie, f B. Citrell 1 17 n part 58 aiwl7r ; part 22& inJ 211 I d(.i',3 . - . ;Ji : ..'."- .... -...'i a, i if. ' I ir - pan lift 190,191 urn '". pirt 87,14130,723 :4CV145! Levina Bell,. Hanriatr Stuart, - " AnnNelaon,: Selb Jonea . uhn JJutehiiw for,It.Foaiter, Jainea Terry, " "; 114 1 ;8S,99,lpO ul3 - parr 190 I UNLISTED. 126 V i 2 3.4 "i 17,;-- 54 00' ' , . - 14 40 ' ! ' ;'-4-60", , M -"'I 0-i .to ' bO 69 " ' ' 4.501 c . A4 . h V 28.';i'v.. 3 8 60 ' tr-84 310..:.' 2f3:. 10 28 '6 4ft . ,4 83 'PI 8 72 it f Raleigh, February & d844; ' 'i sr ti i .FVBuxdle CanH fori Salt II : rpHE SUBSUBIUKK.: bring deairou of moving ;X lo tbe-VVwt, tifiers bia laiidj iot Siie. TJ&eie U about one,tbouanf jierea'in , ene body, wetve jnilea Kofik'of Raleigh, on ib'eiwo Fall Creeaji',Hd Neu-e Riveri There are two Settlement t; the horoepua! fTrHETrt?"inS Poblie r reapecttnily inforipad " J. tbt he fiirltuwinjt rale vf fare iae.becn.eatpb Iiabe4.'bj Uut,Ltnej!.,T' .'JA! v f";. From sWje'a (o Baliinore, $l0n .(Meaif jnclv ded on-th'Jlay Boatia.) . . , . . From'SleJjre'a to PorttmnatfaJ 16. Br thin rontf. PaaageT will be put in Halinioie, in ampia time tioa kmW'g i'dMnfVihk97 ftt1rtpnibVlur- torthe t;ara o ju JiMt or3iiy w, .-j.,. .t,,. ataira, uif wnDMHa.ai iw ctowi Sih'wj The Portainootli and Bay Lino ha een.n with actew, 'ehea thresher, bia krmab aliop, wkb- eery a mac& aucceaa and regrUjr",jhi aaon, a y out boose that is necessary. The other aetUeinent Line in the country, f v .. i: , ; baa a ooddwelbng bouse, with goodut-hoqaes. Of ihe superiority of this route,,., we ask.the trrel There are two good niitf aites, one po ' each 'creek, give It a trial, and hi wilt be able to decide for I wbicK n- ver was known lb faiL There u mef and ;. . .- . - . ..j-: vii ti Jcreek bottom Iandteamcero mue iwo er iwee r WM3f 001)ir,'ir.lAf nUf f fcunilrad barreU com every Teariihunp'roed hnd Offi f$9ttt .Spaite.fU Rat4c Bay Line fresh laud to maW 20? bates cotton. , Thf wood of Steamers, , Weblon. N.O. Oct. 9, ,I R43. land is strong and well iUnberedJir a deligbful jwigh- Ps. PaesensMni leavinsRalelgh daily, (except borhood, famed for lisbeaUhinees. ( One. hetf, tbe SaturJaTiVj wittifo to'liew York withot amouhl 'woufd" be taken in liely 'young negroes t anrde!aj:"A f'--' ' : 82- thelpnilf twhiPoi . r ; ' f. ,'' .ts..i .-i -Mr' .tJlAVID JUSTICE. ; VALU ABLE PJLA NTATION -is of- j Wake ConXG, Janagi844? ?l-t: fered for salerieelWtlahassee, Florida. a- gifahtri & WYstem JKcrchanta. ler to lna.t...l. n ..J MAil.iif.i ? There are 1600jKf eon-i riuuicwuc urura ,unu voutuasuuu iucimoiiis, ery Urge pwtion of whicn 1 ' " " Pfo- 8U FroJit St. Jew York, . and. and oQer lor sale. JTbe ubicibrw1sh6& Jig feiaeve ti EinbriSifliiS- ern clim.te,ofliuribe fT wrnicn ne leneea, wnawu awnii mu iim ; baaaee..m Leon County tatned -w. the Tract, j is ef wy euperior qnahtyfte; puce is ptemuuiiy TTrTAVE eonsUntly en r h watered, with fxceltent water; and ibereare not mr I ffil either for Cash tf abpfOed crrdit ralafee and tha30exwwla tlelrHlyi careiully selected arrmwir of Grocwie. 1 . Li acres of land are cleared, from which.s with alorce of 1A ine, Ac. tmonc which are the foUowirig : forty.fie or fifty naod in a favorablesesson, 800 or ,tmQAKa. h - fctewiw 350 Bales of Cotton can be produced a season , and SCroix, Porto Rjco, Cuba, and New Orleans more Corn lhan would sere the; PUntalion,. ,The Mith ana aipgW refinrd Loaf: and Crushed. lanaieae aiiuaieu; inai ran dc uiviueo mioiwaep- --.-w.' . -v. iQppEgS ' , . . arate Tracta )f prefetM TbrrtU gopd bnd enough ou Cownaient Jatav Bio,' Lagnira, 8i; Ddroin to employ from seventy-nre !o eighty hands to ad- go fjQDat 4;- r - vanaiage.- The natural gtowtb 4a 8weet Gam, Post i -,..-. 'tf-JZ TEA8 .;; ' : ? ,;- Oak, Red Oak. Cb;irAs.M4 Dew or- Hy.n, Young tiyson, imperial; Gnnpow.ler, ttr fermttttt of the Bad Road, leading from, Telia- 8,, Ponchong, comprising all tbe different " H1 qoaUues, in eYery rariety of packages. ; t Railroad tstwenly-three mibs long. r), : i p- -v - ! LIQUORS v t i ; iTbeimprovements,indudirbudings Seignette, J." J.Dupuy.'Otard Dopny 4 Co. Mae scription. are extensive and convenient. .-, A large niv. ?k-T.i;n -n,t-r PrrrK wiVniJjran lcomfortably aomrnodatod j and Br-0. bl. Croix 5 Buai, Jamaica Rnm, Hot- .mere are auins ng r ue f -- land Gin, &C . ' modatifm or about j8p;,olavea,' There w pi. newly I f j WTXES, ereciea vm new w u.f mcw.j Made ra. Pale BberrT: Brown do. TeneriCe. Port. HE? Spring Tenn of jhis bchool will commence on February Z?,1844.v r---y. '.5v ; design of tbUIntitution is to afford a comnlete course of legal education for gentlemen; intended for uojuar uany oi me uniteu states ant also ays tewaiic course of. tulie , in .comuibrcjal( jurispru dence, (or those; who intend to devote themselvea x clusively to merntile uusioei-s and pursuits. . -TW course of instruction for 'reutlemen intended for the Uar embraces,ibe various branches of Public and Con- J stitutiohul Law. AdmiraJtv. "Maritime RatiitvJ knit I -V.I.UUUUU ubw, wiucu are common to anne unitru states, with occasional itlnatraiions of Foft ign Jurist prudence, ,'fhe course of instruction for trentlemen intended for the mercantile profession is more limited, abd embraces tbe. principal branches only of Cotnmer cial Jurisprudence, to wit: tbe Law of Agency,' of rannersmp. ei n siiments, i tsinsAt tiicttsng and PremisoryNdtesI Of Insurance of Shiijuint. NaVil gallon-, andctber Hathime 'concerns,' and of fcialesl and, if the student desire it, also of Constitutional Lawi JVopUbJie instruction is given in the local or per uliae nunicipti jnrispiudenceof any par lieu la State : buf meewuenu are . assisted by the frofessora, as ioocvt sien. ay requtre,- in rbeir private :atndy of the-Uw; and practice peculiar to their own Slates.' ,Tbe active labors of instruction, are shared equally by Mr. JuAico Mtokt, who is Dane Professor of Luw. tn.tiieTJniver sity, and by Kit. GatWAF. Royal Professor of Law, who has tbe. immediate, dixectiou add qperinten4ence of the Law School., , , . ' , i , IS o. examination end no particular: course of pre vious study aie necesaary'for ndmiMion ; buttle tu- dent is expected to produce testimonials, of a eooil -J.l il : i : ., v,--. t Bionti jjuaracicr. ne aiso gives a nonu in ine sum oi t.uv iu iuo vnwiiih. witu n aurviv feaioeut Ul ifias- nachusctu, for the payment of College dues 1 or de posiies, a i uis eiecuoo, piov wiia ine oiewaru, at me commencement of each term. " '. tstudents may enter the schooLin any stags of their professional studies or mercantile purseit. 'Bat they are advised to enter at the beginning of thoae studies. iL : : ,1 . . i : i f . . -, - a I f - . 1 a .: V rawer tnan ai a laier penoa, as uet non nserui to themselves; .They may also elect what particular studies they will pursue.' ( - . .iv - ; .-: Tbe fees are at tbe rates of $50 a term; end f 25 for half or any lesser fraction of a terra i 'for which sum, without any additional charge, student! have the use of the lecture rooms, tbe Law Library; con Itininir nnnianiit Af 17 SUl f nliniM tnm I lntrm,i .1. " " I wi , rTr' .suMs'r rfu-f. J brary,and the , texubookat and they, are- admitted :.?- - 1 r , .thk. MS. 1-. t.KTT:. IM, nlan atinlv inu f,iimi lnnn,ir, l.n'nKl. in Ka i.JMt 1 University for S10 per annum. The price of board faSSage lO llaltimore. ' ; varies from S2 25 to $3 50 per week,, and of room liwp rent from 75 cents to 81 25 ,r week., PoeL. pre- "W' CABONTAS4, wW leve City Point direct for p"ed for U8e' W J Reward,, if Baiimore;every'WMMATaiternWnV L or tmnMdiaiely'after,the arrival of the Cirs from Pe. Auemical year, wicb commences, on the tersburg, and will land Passengers la BalUmore, the vm?v new evrning. The enunodations on boar ltU - Boats are very snnerlorr and the passage,' including l W?)TK, wrT- . ' . T H" meals throneh from Petersbitre tb Bahimore. onfr 8. AU".uue"" w.oa aaT" Pureuea. uaie "e Returning, wOl leave Baltimdre every Saturday after- oo tor turee terms, or e.gnteen, montn. or I ll'J 0 dock irS3TT ;if;fwoT rli l;un wuw. aiici uaviiig iecii suunicu iu mc uar, u P"'" vBaklmore, Mar?l0n848. 1 r ty?Jettiitieu, upon the cenmcaie anr recommendation ot Valuable Property lOr Sale, j t-ambridge. Mass:. Jan. 12. 1844. - 9-4w . HAVlNO'declddii-tehwnhg ftJTATB OF JNORTH ' CAROLINA. Craven now efl fosale toy land in the County of County, Superior .Court . of Law, Jfall Term 109 , part 162, 148, part 160 ... (2l0 , . 18 00 . 28 80 . il 130 JAMES EDWARDS. Sheriff, ; : By WILLIS dCOrTv Depftlt. aapendesei tTiis ..i. - - I w.i . iin.. a- . r.,n ..i M.fi v3r.f i rjje society; pJ theeighborbot embracing II the different uaHties.' Also, Principe ;r"T ,n,,"uu. YTTJFTiyr- Vfrzr and Havana eegars. Indigo, Pepper .Pimento, Cassia, th M-.r. nmunkml N TfiomiMn from . North 1 j.- s .y .. . .'. .... t Carorma. There are also several ,Chnrches, coe. ( To M,rchan,v ordering Goods W New York, n.ent enough to attend j ' - ' we wouM wy. that all ordera entrusted to oar care . . Leon County, Ffonda. 1. . . .j. .... .k-ii nti t.t it novemeriot18W. ft r., a,. n-rorta tolas.. Liberal nnr. made en conaiirn. mvnu of produce.- , ' ITTNITED STATES DISTRICT court of U J 0RTH CAROLINA L BANKRUPT-1 Cx. Notice to shew cause against the Petitions of j t&e lollowrng PeUUonera' for their discbarge and cer-J uncate aa Bankrupts, at Piewberai oa Mondays the SMauay of April next, to-wu.tl -r'i ! v WAKE COURT Y. 1, Feb. 6. 1844. ,12 ly '- Attention! Wake Cavalry .... . .- i... : Henry FrankKn Farmeri Burton Gill. V'C ' James Rogers, ? - William H. Mead, late Merchant. it 1 Jesse W. Simpkins, Peraier..t t :rv .... ? . I - J ) jx Joun rerrill, Farmer,, .. , , , . I ; t CT Jj ; . i . PERSON COUNTY. -Thomas J., Evans, Farmer: fuiw' v . . CHATHAM COUNTY: Vf itntm Davi; Farmer 1 ; , s 1 V Publication ordered, .i '?r ;.Jr " " v." 1 ; v ; rr HrppTTERjRnc. Teh. , 1844. V.: ..jr.-... .. if IV- AKADE at tbe State House in the city of Ra leigh, on the 22d February, at 10 o'clock. , Bj order, of the Captain, ' - , . - i ; ' ,CV W. D. HOTCHINGS. 0.t : - - iv, A: Wllf-.IAH1S, i -TTTIORM ERLTof Raleigh', baving estebtished him Jf wlf, in.NewYork, in conne. ion with W. H . ,? -fu k " A ft' j. ( ' i. timtfiii tnvtji. pnat be belongs to-Dr'. Samn "HiTM.asa. unuer u.c mm ot fr H"""11; " I lin- tf.in.ni . . t,rf ,K. mn WJLLIAMS. for liie trance or.a:pome.UC Ex. fO UNAWAY.Taken upand febtnmitlcd llo.tn Jailtn1 Beaufort County. October iitn. a Kearo Man, who says bis name ta junxv. anu ef Vance, in bouth Uaro- vrwu. inr in. innnnimv ni n w miciriisBS ill x,ew I . . ..... .... 4J.hoary 2218U?; toe end furcbaaed bv John Ri HarrMom who sold bias j -rt i ;tv. -n wafraiM.-o.uiat ne ranawaV4tt ineiourm oi i ;tnii 0 fu1 l, was Uken ep in lhia Stale and committed to fJtt. a t j'i j ' w tv. wasaaaen ep in lnia stale and commutea o JaM RsrSR TO i s-1!-- inCbaxhara. and aava lbataaii J-Jl vu hum t on the Hon D ' Caneronv Bjdeigh, N. C - , .' : I 28th of Augusts .when on fiw,be waaUken eotand . Wm. Bovlan. Ew, . (carried, tn Hiltsbi;roherernained in Jail daTfjwhen i .ay..- ., i , .., ,. .ii )!' S ayaaaaaaa--aaaasaasSi 1 A " AMtM1 Jku'mA,llfie ttlM Sh titpia SM1I&&.S. ik m .xr.Ko v. ... . 1 Q away irum uuii Of I be -WAatB. CLAY CLUB " r Said Negr. is a ftoul black itianj 5 feet, ,104 tncjief I peraeverine r;' "jjenexirj VKiufiiTi,vourtuw. vr; r.ecK.ana wi i. nia .tury. nuui ioea on nrtriuot, ieoknrieniaii ft:cC" 1; ? - AiFreSh;Srtply' of thatvety; superior sun W i enred Chewing Tobacco, frdn-Langbome & Ar.uutead s, Lyochburg. Ya,j And aiso, more of that superior SmokingiTobacco. this day received, and for sale at the North Carolina Booktore And es they act as Agents for the Manufactory, it is afforded at the m,an ufacturing1 prices; bf. lhe box' W' leg: "Those that would like to retail a good article, would do well to call mi w h. Lr o v-l"UUNEU dt HUGHES', i IU STRI NGFELLOWv-OENTlST,-JiV. Ever irrateful to the citizens of Rkle'tfrh. for their jvery liberal) patrenage extrnded toe him dnr- ing tus, residence amongst, them has the pleasure of i C ' .l . i a - . . i - . a s luiuruiHig, inem. inaine oaf returnee 10 mis piace(anu opened. an "Office 6ver Mjr'njamm femiibVi .Store, where h nW always be found from 0 bctocl ALM. r-rilil 6 P. M.' H woald-alao'thform' them lhat be has reduced his prices Id the following terms, which place j, Jn-rthef power ef eyeryj one to seen re their te.ejo, or tave a hne setoferufical.oaes. ti-B DR. 8TRLNG FELLOW'S PRICED FOR l)EN- V - u TAL OPERATIONS, t Iwr . hi. PI ugging: with' gold each plog , . 1 $ 1 : 60 v t--' " i-t Avi t4i . , to", i-, J - 60 i ' Beoaratinz bv filimr. . ..JiOi' Extracting teeth or roots of teeth, each , . ., 50 .; n,s chridreVs teetbr""-"" V" 25" oeiiBg oeac mineral incorrupuDieieeui on pivotseach, - T.- ' 3 fc 2 00T .i;i0.a improved gold pivots,.' - -(i-- ?!i-!S '300 . . An rrnll nl.fa ... . .. - I ,.Jt HA .' , All operations, warranted, to be of the finest and wi., uMwiiwa, uvuerwtae uo vuarge. a vf late wjavif a , - i I, ' .' , - IT tl I i i . ' l ( ltt:iItir'OB8r.10B.OBlfj&'' JlTjsrCAL INSTHUMENTB, uHijjtvyKwjfLEny. f.cIOT,CES1& Tom: November 20tb, 1843.- 'i.i.r i 93- f Hon. Geol E. Badger, Jod Ralslgn. Battle' Vt BN:k.wfth, Dr. PC Pope 1 ' - Waa. Plummw, Esq. Warrenton. .Gen,. Hawkins, " . r$r--. t Cob Jo? ner.) , . . j Dr. VVilcox,y.r;alifaxfc ,ir Dr- Bond. ' S . " .., ... . , i-X i , Fresli from the rrcss- : 7 A ND jost come to hand, ''st the North Carolina' Bookstore, RaleighrN. C. t'Gerafoieiir,' a Sequel U,ihe Mysteries iif Paris., .A Jfarrative ott he Travels and. Adventures of JWonweur . yHdet, m-j (Jalubrnu Sonora kud Western Texas, by Cant. Marrvatt. C. B American BTntrraptiy".' bVJeremy uelknap, D. D. in 3 vol. The Eneld of ; Virgilil wJtlil .English notes, critical and explaqatory, by Chaa. Anthon LL.D-- ror saie oy ruKWisu cc ttuufxxix . January-1." ' --. " - ' TT?r AIVED tOvOOa in Fail Road Bondsl V V guarantied by the Stile of: North Carolina; for which the money will be paid? on the transfer of the Bonds at the Treasury Office. Ralejgb, N.- C. '-." - : B. W. STONE. January 22, 1844. . 7 -4w . QJ Standard 4 weeks. . - , ThNE of -iheJPartttert of tb fitasi having jost te- , UJ turned from .tbeNorH. ta bivesbtinblhitnvi. largtr and letter supply efreah Goods, in the, above hranchestban ' has" been kept' in the establishment E7reU)for af! tof which, Id prices shd Quality,- are wmi wormy to- be recommended 'to onr .notneroaa friends and the public,' as. we are eety Well iblete sell " M bg any Stare k.fJjia.Cuy. x't i-r An entlreli freah assortmani. saneclaiTrf "Cefleoea Handkerchief Wen Goods, Gloves n Btotk- ings, MQ&Krat and Seal skin Caps Sheetfeg vad Shirtings, etc.' " - r FATVCY GOOHXRDVVaRE & 'cfHINAii Tine artificial Flowers, talesk fashion, fa , winter, artificiaV Hair, Ladies Paney :"and ;.V orkr Boxes, WritiM desks;1 Baikets;snuff-lipxes from 5 cts t $3 60 ; Travelling Ba, Thermometers, Witlinjf Canes; finest Rors, Shaving-ttenaifsi Dirk, P?g and jPocketc Knives f great ariety,.Scsstn,sf4 cry jarge supply ot pistols, , i'ercoysfon caps. Shot and Shollfelts, Birdbags, Powder flasks: Cotton and Wool ttafdsv pa'eirt Balances, 'SiRers, Awls, 8Boe- ' thread, Spore, CIoth,fTectb. 'Hairrilat and Shoa- briwbefj Slales, Filing Utensila, Looklngrattea, various: mrses, uronBe-rauis, rats' : needle,- Puftes, Pocketbooks,Nigbl Tapers, Stooking Pf-es, Twine; Corkscrews, AVhips,.;Pencil9 BattonsHin lend ' painted Mugs. Mohair Caps, Clock a, Waiters, LaqiS U"""i oinoters, xiowis, nates, dups and canceray Dishes,r ritA-Gocoard'tw Sugar, Coffee, Molajsps . 250 lbs. fVeeh fancy and other Caddies Soda. Butter 'arl Wtr trkr, Pilot oread, Sugar and Ginffer Cakes, best Pine Ar2 pin oj'otber Cbesss,Bmoked S'almon'.Sdbtch Herring g Smoked Tongwas, Siuaages, Pigs, Prune; Dates,' Fil-' brU.Palm, Wall n4 Cocoaonls, AJmnhda, Preserves i Warren. N. C near the town of Warrs nton. and in f A. D.1843. a neiehborhood aurnaased bv hom This Tract con-1 Susan J. Oliver, tabw, according to my dewls,' about forty-i wo bun-l . S- Petition for Divorcer died acres, and is well known lobtfeualm fertility jJonn a. uiiver. , J. . , to any land ia this crion ofcoontry. i h is now in- . Il appearjug to the Court that a Subpcena and excellent condition f Cultivation, the Subscriber hav- Bubpflma have been duly issued In thi case and ingbeen at considerable expense in canalling, dec. bat the defendant; John S. Oliver, cannot be found, There are six large fields, with good enclosures, ready and that proclamation bath been publicly made at the .1. I :.l t u l..l a. I n. 1 frtnrf tluiian dnnr Ii lb KhrilT nf t'.nwn f.nnnlv fnr iy vuiuTuwu,vnivci iicru i,uu u. iuu,uvw in uiutci , i . "V . w.... - j , . . and in a fine, state for Tobacco, r A Urge proportion be said defendant to appear and answer as command of the Tract u ia woodaJand is of the ; best ooalitv, by the said Subpcena t It ia ordered by tbe Court There are two settlements en the land, one my re4- that notice be given in the Newbernian and Ualeigb, . ' . I r . v. .a-. .-. a dence. which is new, large and convenient, and coukl Kegisier, two newspapers punieu in mis otate lor tnree scarcely fail to suit the taste of any one. , The Plan- months, for tbe said defendant John Sy Oliver, per- tation where my Overseer resides, has bouses for aonauy to ne anaeppear at, toe superior toort oi iaw Negroes; Barns and Stables of the best description bolden for the ; county o( Craven at lbs Cturt in short; every thing in complete Girder. There is ai- house in Newbern, on the fourth Monday after the son Msnufacturing and Saw Mill (only two miles fourth Monday of March next, then and there to ptend from Warren ton,) on Fishing Creek, which is a never or answer to tbe petition of Susan J. Oli ver for Di failing stream ; and at thistime, has a fine custom ' the same will be taken pro confessoand This property wUI be sold altogether, or divided to beard accordiog to the act of lbs General Assembly in suit purchasers. Person desirous of purchasing, are such case made and provided. , invitAd to ATamine' for thimIvea. Anil thn at a I iincaa w uuaoi . owckieuev, vwni oi uio cuua disunee, can correspond with tbe Subscriber, when "r Court of Law for tbe jcountypf Craven, at New the terms can be made known. M D. TURNER. Warrenton. N. C. Feb. 3,1844. 12 4w cry Ths Standard and North State Whiz will each publish four weeks, unless countermanded. IX T. bern, the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday of September, A li. 1843. 1 ., .WILLIAM. S. ULACK.liHJ2, i,e. U November:i8,1843 Pr adv $9 84. 35 3m - BOMMER? MANURE METHOD. flHE UNDERSIGNED are the Proprietors agents JL for vendingrtghts te indmdoala for making end naing the above named Mane re, in North Carolina.- RiTAT OF NORTH CAROLIN AJohnston County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. November Term, 184. ,-.- David II. Holland, Iaac Monden, Adm'r.of William Munden, dee'd. ah ereera aaoresseu to us, pow-oaia, at Jamestown, Aslinn hf t).ht. Adminitraur nada "fuilv admin- iv, v,.wm rerave pvotawemMMi ! : 1 isterrd no assetsj' which pleas are .admitted by JOHN SHERWOOD," NERCUS MENDENHALL. Tbe terms on .which individual rights-can be eb- taincd are as follows; ..; ; For a Farm not over 20 acres, .- " "100 : v " 200 L:.. - PlaintiC It appearing " to the satisfaction of. the Court, that Needbam Munden. one of tbe distributees ot the said William, is not an inhabitant of this Stale : It is there fore' ordered, that publication be made in the Raleigh Rezister.' for Six wet'ka. noiifyinjr the said Needham to appear at the next Term pf this Court, to be held for said County, at the Court House in Smitbfield, on the 4th Monday of February next," and shew cause (if any he has) wby the lands to hrm descended, from bia ali ancestor, shall not be sold to satisfy Plaintiff's Farmers must doubtless be Tully convinced of the ; WHneaa. Willi m H. Gov. CleTk of said Cocrt. aC great Lss unavoidably sntaini by tbe cimonHrocess j office, the 6th December; 1848.";' -:- "'' ni making manure, on account oi tpe eyaporaung innu-1 : , . - uM: H EN iGUv C. C j C. enceof sun and air, and the teachings and. washing off $ 6 10 . 16 T J J - anrt 'OA Over 400 acres In iny one farra,v . J 25 '. bv rains, in the exposed cbndiUon it is usually suS red I C2 TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Nowbamp. to remain, untile large portion of its most enriching 1 O ton County. Court of Equity, Fall Term. 1843. ptoperu s lis raits and iiassex ere entirely lost, so that ly tne urae i te ;ususny soostuerea nt to oe ipti-u to land, little remains bu a mass of vegetable mould, of comparatively little value in communicating real proouctiveBesa to we aou. William C. Spilbnan, Samuel Cajvert and Thomas - - 'i M.Pterce. . , .rW.l Howell Peebles an J Marv S. BoVlun. In (bis case it appearing to the, satisfaction of this .. '.i.L . ' a I .-J t :,L.l .1. I r 1 . . 11 if ' 1. 11 I It will ne seen irora tne aoove nonce, tnaia patent uun, uwi iu umeiiusi nuwuii ictwiw, m uhi baa been recently granted for a disrovery, by which s auit, is a non-resident of this State. : ' It la therefore eomplets decomposition of alt " vegetable substances ordered by the Court, that publication lie made for sis may be obtained, in from fifteen to .thirty .days, at a successive week in .the Raleigh' Register, a newspa- trifling expense : Jhus. presenting -farmers with tho j per published in Ine3 City or Kalelgh, noutying tbe majtsfor ereaflv increasine the ouautity and im-laid Defendant to appear at the next Term of this pr.v'i,fig"tfie quality nf 'their manure, from the same I Court, to be held at the Court house in the Town of amounf of vegetable taateriat ' ' ? 1 Jack8n. i the fifth Monday; after the'Iounh Monday . a- . 1 - f- it,1 mat . l .. ar a. a i v l j. -t -a I sTn etnciency oi tni process; m eonvertmg straw; t or marcn next,inca mu iutsra a pieau, vwwer or uv- rubbish hay, weeds. &c into manure tn a short tlra,T mur to the Plaint's; bUl or il-WtU' De tafcen pro mm have satMiactortry proved bv- two experiments! lJ against bim.v7 t?. anoof; iU saperorexcellence we 'hay. ne; d-uht I T Witness, Henry Peebles, C'crk andTaster of our Neither '1tlewe Sny doubt ;lhal et erylindiisinoii, I said Court at'tJfBcein tbiTowt Of 'Jackson, tbe fifth . - . T - mm Emm -.-:.-'. m-m -Tfiv , T --t' 1 -" m - . m I ar a 99 6w farmer; who may avail; bimet .of iafHS I wonaay otter tne rormrt wonoay oi ewpteuinrr. A . wii Qinmatery find nimaeii more man mwy I oi , v - riiADiibo, v-. jw, ted lot Ate investment. ' vw ' ' : ; v I . tiw.'a ,..--. - vl."b'tj.'i,y'H-flt' f x. ;ci are, i i ATTORNEY1 ATtiAW,5 "S 7fv!a4nrfc srarw 'TarTriarTWillenTm Our Pce being supplied; with tbe greatest variety of We i 4ie preparedta exe?at;tirj Paxphlsts, Cards, CiRCCLkfca, Handbills JTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Chatham Count v. Superior Court of . Law Fall Term, A. D. 1843. - MillyBuctner, , , - !- VS. ' . ' 1 ' " John Buckner.' l ; ' v Petition for -Divorce end. Alimony. " .'' It appearing to the Court that a 8ubpcena and alia Subpoena hive been duly issued in this 'case, and that tbe defendant, John Buckner;' cannot be found, and that proclamation hath been publicly made at the f youn-bouse door by tbe Sheriff of Chatham County for tbe said defendant to appear end answer as com- mandul by the said Subpoena ; it i ordered by the Court, that notice be given in the Raleigh Register, a newspaper printed in lhia State, for three months, for the said defendant. John Buckner, personally to be and appear at the Superior Court of Law, to be holden for the County of Chatham, at tbe Court . House in Pittsboro , on the third Monday of March next, then and there to plead or answer to the petition of Milly ligcfener, for Divorce, or the same will be' taken pro confes80r and beard according to iheAct of the Oen eral Assembly m such case made and provided, r- u Witness, John Thompson, Clerk of theSapfJnor Uourt at Lw, ftr the County of Cbatcam, at Pittfr toro', the third Monday of September, A. D- 1843. JOHN THOMPbON, C. 8. C. w w '-"i "----- viMf wtasw aauivvt Candles, Soaps,- white; yellow. variegated, Castil and perfumed l Chewing dcmokiua; Tobacco'; genu' ine Prindpe. f potbetpegartujficptf hand Mr,Mib ler'a 8nuff, Cabarjr t eedV Albice,, Prpper, Bilk ing. Indigo, Copperas, L'ogwqod, Madder, Lamp and, Candlewicks; Apples, Grapes, Juiubepiste, Newark Cider, Ate; Porter, bundles Cotttm4 Yarn,' Bki ets. Brooms. Whale and ; rut 8rw-m,n;t 'A?. uui 4 a GENUINE j PORTLAND 'MADEIRA ytlNE. , . '. ' . 'wVr,- - ' ,ft ' W Otto ;of Roses, Macassar Bear, Antie,ue,QifcfcPet malum, Cologne, Florida ,end Lavender, Waters Shaving soap, Essences, Opodeldoc Bergsmott, pink. 8aucers. ' ' - " X 1 " - MUSICALINSTRyMENTS..1 . Finest Violins, bows, stdngW lrrJd"ges. screws,! Fi gerboards.' Guitar s', FIa'geoTettea,F4ies, Flutes Clark onetts, Aeeordeons, Brass Trumpets. v ' I wATWf!Anyi.Jt:,n r,fi a Almanacs, PritneTs. r Spelling Picture snd Pflnr Book, Geographies Key of Hesveit (Catholic,) n-a gray Wigs,. Paper, Pens, QuillsrjJnk. Inkfttandn, Juki powder. Sealing-wax, Iur-a'tampis Waers,,-, t - Feneing and 'Boxing .Aprqtii Uc Foils, Swords, Clove's, 'MafekW Hats Brea.tplalee 1 ' 4, - '"), i203?i e t-- . i.fcV.L ft ifiil -tit. r.rt K fiTV Dominot, Cbenmen, Backgamrrvon; Keno,Ta piHn, vup aou, can, uraces ana UatUedoou. aairarun. ropes, Rollet. t ' 7 1 ' " -'. jfePt ' JEWEtLEte 1 1 .TIFt'f'faa well Mgcrtoanne.r, and. , pMicWwk vrb Br"asrj)insJ Ear-rings, PeBcila. Fin-! get-rkigshJiBbles. "Table inTe 8pfHirs,ibe set t Knives jind Porks; MetaP Combs, Tea Balls. SpectacltfBeli-buckles.Krys. . K'tt-m i it rniH08E desirous of receiving instructions in, the Ii VoixATTpa process of Gold and . iher plating. can do so by. applying to' the Subscriber.' 'His 'recipe is made up from actual experiment!, and tbe instruc tions, are warranted to be highly interesting and satis factory.,, x j , iK ..'S ,,. s ?. . Medical Helices, for giving shocks from the sincle Battery, ( and Magneto-Electric Machines, Ljrill be made to erder ' The. Magneto Electric Mschinepos- seees many advantages over the eld electrifying ma chine, aa it will act in; any atmospheres and' being wholly metallic, of course, Jess- liable to be broken or injured by, transportation.. iT! ' - i H,r. - v,iuor win v9 tuaua.iuuj recrirau. . ' , '" ' ' ; ".' ' S."N. BOTSF0RD. ..,i " At Mr. Yarbroath'e HoteL HRaleieh, Peb.-5, 1844 II Sr.'1- t: A lartfe and choice ipily ', at Printing PressM. painted Children's Trunks, Wheelbarrows, Bureaus Marbles. Humming tops. Drums; Rattlrs,, Whistles,' mouth Organs, Harper Trumpets, Megic Lsnferns Paint boxes, , magnetic Toys, false Faces;: Cannons Microscopes,: China setts. Dromjaeis, fancy toys.: and all sorts of Dolls. ,4 , . , . , ..... g. W.AC. GRIMMER Comer of Payetteille tnd Hargett Streete ; Raleigh, pee. U 1843 ? Jt 1 ,-flr. ' ; W c ty, Fall ;ij4,S7J titer T7pR SALE,; at the CommisaioB 8tore of the Subscriber, Fsyett vdle Street, opposite 1 the a Post Office; and next door io Ihe New Market House, Prices LOW. for Cash.1 ; - ; Among the articles jost received. wIH bi found u i Flannels, white red, yellow anil Sab'sbury r : AlsV French Gingham-new sty la for Wihter.- SrAjf?..rtUiw v T . Mousbn de Iames. . . , , , - , . . s ; MetlnoesPrench and Ebgusb. i CalfcoeWe greai vanetv.4 fc j Lisle Edging a beautirel earie'ty." . 'v4tr,;ft Silk, raw Silk end Cotton KtuekinJ.t-ci 4 Also, an assortment of Gioceries, 4;c. dte, Vi-'' Mtrxxr vnnir jtx 8ubscriliera are new receivingand throughout JX. the. months of January end February ue to receive, by the European, Packets, li stock or BRITISH TRENCH GOODS, selected expressly for tbe North Carolina and Virginia trade.by tin' long engaged in Vrrsinem at Richmond ' -Also, on heud, a full stock of STAPLE DOMESTIC V RY GOODS, to.an examination of which tttef -would re-4 spefifully invite tbe attention' f.MerrJante,visiUBi iv aw, i ora. inrtneir our ma auiiuiirs. - - - i j i 1 1 1 1 ii j.t m , ,v j. i n : inuM v ,iiiim. " JUST PUBLISH ED AN D POR SfALEl ?4Tt AT- THB WbPf h Varolii ia ttteZ&er&lZl ff'Vl by Mrs. Gorei A Cbaige delivered to the Diaif ' 1 rwr sjum, bt mtnef reitu Aieuivaine. A 1. : b-il f New York. Jaiw-13.- 1844r No, 121. Pearl Street, t . h - Tfnoa i?nnri?: ARPTING -A good adrtmeni nf heavy, in ViVeTain Carpetan, at prices l suit the timssl, i iv v ;:y? vua t elffWTiOV. ST.- y ;1-........y-J. .'Sf Rat i j. OffSSE .hyilhe;JIcs.heed nf-i f good Tbe Cburcbman warned, against the errors eftLt time, wit b notes, by Rev Henry, A ntbon, D Dv Cbet) & ,j u ,w 7inuvi Hvffiicurg,aii(i rnyaaoioKT i.j yuuuiJUCtuig, jri.a IHJl A 01 St 4 A. IPS "nt number ef the LiTeTrAn3rew Jackson, Military - -and CviUwiJQoatratkeis.by AmoeKendalt The 1st number of MiWman'c Gibbon's Roms-r priest eU. 1 A th number ef AlisonL Europe. tb jrumbef, Hsnnafi More's Wcrki.i'4ih number efHTeCeBocbV ,r Gasaiuer. "'-y '- v" " : J,r I We have aJsetjaatlwJiWe &esi: aortccKt eif'T Clasaksl ajs Fcboot CrcVt - -Afl -itejtfia,'. Itance. thai ifil.'y rrcdved nJ r .cr.'j r trr M My for the Cash M IH:.. J2 & : wwL a' .4.'-.."-' ;;i?la,jj HrVlP rs ' .ii- - '! . i . : . . i i . .... .-. ., ...... ..... 3 V

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