-.V - am, this orth ms !Cth ttor. res. dslei n ia nevh ilea, icaa juni es and sand own (vers been ie ia t re 9 the that ipor- jreat cv of Bat ie of wl to : an d hart Mbit firm der ns items efer ion ich is titu wun. exW j fled. e thf hor 1 i at f-l A ; . " ;s for .been ppeci- ('fond d bet ember ti .to? nroeot vthrei The iof.it: for til pacta aabe- iwiOi wtra sso XT' awtf : 1 1 ij-.u'a sc!J, L '-'A Our ere di plans o fair delightful store. Uwoarp'd by forty rage, to list like brother.' r?r"T sir t ' t '-i ;" . u - i , OPIORANGE COUNTY. fir the rrtxidtney. of - the Pitted lUttaV HENRY CLAY, OP KENTUCKY. ; RALEIGHrN. C. Tueadn v. Febr nary SO. 1 844. . Macon," a rrin Democrat ltan. in our next.' ... x and Ja- MR. CLAY ' . Will he m Raleigboa Fridy, the"12th.of April. jj . ; I-'- ' ' f'.' THE iATE JUDGE GASTON, ; We know fall well that the voicrof praise and coinmeodatioaa of Headship, hare no power to recall the breath that hae gone ; nor can the re eiul of claims;; to pablie honors and distinction proroke the silent dust of soothe he dull, cold ear" of tbe dead.' And yet it afford us a melan choly MtisfjtfUon, to chronicle from pape to pal per, the testimonials of respect and affection which have, every where, beea manifested for the memory of the .great and good man whose name eads this paragraph. Perhaps, no tribute to his public and private worth baa been elicited, more sincere in feeling, more classical and chaste in style, and more graphically true, thaa that which graces our colamae this day, from the pea of the Rev. Dr. Hoorciu of Soath-Carolina; one oi the most accomplished scholars of the South. ' ROBBERS DETECTED. On the 15th; January last, Mr: P. Dicxjksok, of EnoxvHle, Tennessee, had his trunk cut from the Hiilsboro Stage near this City, containing a considerable amount of clothing and other valaa ble articleai tito clue to ; the ' robbery could be got, until within a day or two, aince when by ftht sagacious plane of Mr. Jaaxs H. Murjlst. City Constablelbe robbera hive not only been detected, but most of the valuables recovered. t Foor free persons of colour, arrested on suspic ion of beiog Concerned' in the robbery, have been examined, and fully committed for trial. j EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. This body, having failed to form a quorum, have idjouraed, to meet again, in this City, on the 18th of March. The only members in attendance. were Messrs. Cameroic of CureberiantLTrrrs, of Warren, and Waxsox, of Chatham, all of whom have 1eenf detained here a week, waiting for the return of the messenger despatched after Mr. Watt, efL Rockingham the nearest absent Councillor. When the messenger arrived, with the iBforsaatioa, hat Mr. Watt declined coming, the Council adjourned ap above. It m dee. to ur. Mpui ts, of New, juanover. to say, that he apprized the Governor; of hut Inability to attend, owing te. ill hlth; but what excose Maj. Coxi xoE, of Lincoln, and Dr. Mebaxz, of Bertie, (to iy nothing of Mr. Watt, who waa sent for and oald not come,) have to render Tor this neglect f an importantpuhlie dntVr we are yet to learn. We know however, if the Council waa a Whig body, instead of the opposite, the Lbc'e Foco Press would teem with complaints Ion? and loud, of ablic money squandered,! public interests sacri- ced, lie because the Whiga were too, fond f fue to encounter a rough road, ' We will not miute their example: but add shnplv the' hope. fast the Dreient nvnmmM arill mtmlv tti ' T mL s wwsvaw wmw j wssiw. rwlatore, of the follr f focatrng the Cotmeil 41 fwt me uatt, instead of havins them convenient fctbf Seat of Qovernment;: Yf& ' SUPREME TOURT. ' v3'l? Opinions have been deliwretUi the lowing1 Mies? :. :. jl, Z.UlH- 'v:.... ' . : I",. i ' " ...?) By Kcrrnt, C. J- in den ex dem. Williams . ornett, from Martin, affirming the judgment bei ow. Also, in Crowsen si WalL in Emiitv. from Richmond, dismissing the bfli without prejudice ?nd with costs. !! Also. U M.ain L MnrAm !" afly ftp MooTe, directing decree according: o the report Also, in Parks v. Spargin, ia Eqai y. from Randolnb. rfU f the decree appealed from. Also, in Mot. 7 'ones, Andersosj V C04 in Equity, from -wi, aiamisting the bilL f : Alaoy ia McGee a. ICGee, (rom.apliaAradi .iba jaanaai4 Also, ia Skinner .Skinner, from Gate af rming the iudirment kaW. aw Ut MiUi W kinaerJroai GsdsLMffimin tK rismtn and4irecUng the ml toube oada BjDiwixXmW0 Noithaaw frmaQ& ird iSrmitw the- ioanMn J! v ;er a, Ellison iaEaaky; from lUndobi 'ng the bm rith coata.: AiaaVrii'ilfebla; e, ia Eqairy, from Lenoir, dismisting the lilL Aiso,u ttaUavGaaze, la EqaUy, from aa aeat,-g35!:ij 1 0The to'iBiBtia: Nfe PpoV Gr:fcraio ymiea statea, aaa arrived at fle york.;4 pE!tAGO.Gui3MopDnMociiACVtv , Of .'all the .hnmbcs Ji7i!i v Democracy bat I ocgfct-to; impose -upo&.tha' p?r cone lue beef more used and i- uWrstood by hose I who- have need .thm,;l&an the TartS? With the first class of politicians, it la ibtimateljrtoo- egate" to the Baltimore Convention, has addressed nected wit& the dCTfijJor iiatk)ns,theoterthrow a Letter to thg Chiirmaa of the meeiiflg. de of CoosUtutjoDsaritha'dUsoIutron of the Union I nouncincr iaa bold, eiaiily and Independent apiriti whife(hjar!ieeni terta&Jthe nnjtffo'w burns ciiiesVainke" In shprt, la the in- direct cause cf etery ilafy.lTo anlatten- live obaerver. it ja hard to eay.whether the course of io7)eacyoii thie eubject, if remarkable for noronet or vnpudeiin.- TfepeernarfiraiM We have before us an extract from the In: fttrat of one Mr. Bxaar. a new Locofoco Go i nr:k;Mn ;o-j r r.nfimnr Ternor m Micbian, wno instead jor xoaamng i-i-. j himself to mattera Withm bis ability, and atnd ing to the interests of lusi Constituents takes upon himself to disease and settle estiens of aationalpolicy. Speaking of iheaple of Mich- igaiw he says. ; the prwe of Wheat m this coun- try always will be regulated by tbe foreign de- mand ! ' And. of necessity, if there should be l-ri- a---i-.AAMri. CPLt "T r J? u M be Wheat crop, of 1839 m the United States was 01, 000,000? ushel, and was aold uf 'ihiifs country at an averaffe of 81 per bushel The etports to aU foreign countries were ! T . . i . tessman oajwxjwi busneis; ana yet mis ora - cle of Locofocoism tells us, that the price ef i i i - sal w the e&fy mtlliona .uf bushels sold iq thia coun- helm, cal upon the ahips crew to be god sai try, was regulated; by the eight ahons. carried 'SJJ? "a? whk?bhe " J . ' constantly reminding them, and leaves no discre abroad l --..vor frA.rkut.iKM. .;n.;i ru Such people aeem to think, that we export all we make r to England, and that if ahe should bay five millions of doUars less from us, this . - year, than ahe did ksV we ahouW be turned i on agrtcuiLurai proMUCtions or uws coumry loiwmcn a bare recital of such a proposition enkin- 1Q38 were nearly $300,000,000, and we only ex- ported 5121,000,000 ! or about one dollar in 1 ! ' . ... . , I seven, uur imports, in the same time, were - , - 8127)0CW)00, leaving ua six millions io debt! And yet, Locofocoism is preaching to us, that we ahould take the duty off from JJrtrtsa goods! We. have now before ua a paper which eonUina the stale and contemptible charge, that "Gen. I Harrison waa elected by British. Gold and British votes," while toe same paper publishes a British .r.;,iA rm . Mr-;trt Zu;n i article from a Untish paper, to convince the pee-1 ple of North Carolina, that the American. Tariff should: be repealed ! Yes ! the Englishman would rejoice to aee it repealed, no doubt, and aUheywould to'faee theomn d ia,J "UUN w w. uw wu,u" But theae are ttbt mrgamentato eow Ammca7u ahould volunteer In addition to thia, it is 'now generally under. thM'this, would not satisfy an honest ... w it.. - . i -i :" u I man, and more than this, (in the present aa stood, that aa English Association have furnish- r t rf . x w noWaRon to exneeL ed the funds to establish a paper in New York, which is to advocate free trade with England ! Another point, upon which the ignorance of Locofocoiam ia displayed, is the Tariff of Eng land.. A etateroent baa been going tbe rounds aT Southern Bsnerc aasertinv thai while oar Tariff upoa importa from England averaged S5 or 40 per cent, the Engliah Tariff upon importa from thia Country averaged only about six per cent! Now we hardly know whether to aacriba this to l igvvrance or impudence i but we oppose 1 : .-t., Ll I. rA tk. in nil .l.u. ? TSr-sT' 7i 7 T ' England has fevied a Tariff on the Tdbacco Im rJA Ink tWa fruntrV alone, of rsep. andakaytnMon saws) auv aw uviv v v vsasarw vw vwssss m w Bpoo RkeWeWaafWrW r TT ' r poru fr were, prevmaa to the pas of the Wh Tar abootAry-re mniwnhe ex,rtotothatCc4.ntryab r"'."" V.. . . J tto,,?- tnegimponep from Fice wererreof duty.whtle not a single article of American produce is Admitted into lw orHhnnt wv rfntv Ami t w at lUf aholi.h 4h Tariff! Th would . r vVy utl bejreetrotie with a vengeance: Another point trpon which the joronce and impwence w JjocpiocouHn are. win oiBptsjeu, i the effect of a Tariff. Jf their papera are to be believed, the Planpsr and Farmer, have been ru. wed and beggared, while the Manufacturers have become Naboba. Jsiatsfrse We preanme no portion of the South ie less favorable to the cul- tivation of Cotton than th!a portion of North Car- ,.. """"Mwishea repudiation toatandon the "high" ground but who, in apite of thb terrible "Tariff.", hare sute-debta tmght not to be paid at all It amassea nana-ome lonuues. ne are rejoiewi to aay it, and - wiah they may long , continue to in- .t... ... .mJ ;n:. tm ww u, " purposeaj-to admit that auch men are beggars ! Ana now wua nrgun v uw r: nwiMnuiici. rers.! If tbe Tariff has beggared so many Plan tera and' Farmery to enrich them,' if they reap 1 aaeh enormbua promts, why have the Manufactur ing Companies ia Noitn Carolina done a losing buaraessT They have the fineat water-power K the world and the raw material at their doors. Why have the Factories in Virginia been closed for monthe at a time, doriag the past three years t Why are some of the most extensive works ia the Northern Stataf now offered for sale at less than cost 1 And if Northern Manufaetu- rers make from 25, to W per cent, on their cap- IW bow ia it that money ia oCired ia New York y We can i per cenLapoa good aecpnty 1 not tell, bat no doubt the adf ocitea pf free trade can. The fact is. that the story of any particular ppsinessjteuuBgau immeoso prow jauue iyoun. try is too absurd for any tiling bat a Frer trade ar ; giime !IMJk thjan d'pirei in . IV ind compeutrao will soon destroy the ex- cess. .! '(ine quarrel wnicn tne advocates of free trad ae laboring to excite between the different claaw, the cot f the'odJ and JJnieiray!iaod by the time hey have cowriuced onev it cab 00 without the real; they will find the whole involved in one com mon ruin, 'ft: :vr..rt-'w . iv) j CT The. jbill to refund the 6oe impoeed ea Gen. Jicxaoot. fcae passed both- Houses of Cocgreaa and been apprdi d by iiePide r- . VpE::dchATic convErmo x? Waltt PLti, Esq. ef Ricbssond Cotrnty, for canj j cancsa tf t. cf tTa Jackeon Vaa.fiurei. part) ;f jTUiU CuteifciTkjeenWrai- nateir by ft Loco T4co meeting in Anaon a Del. thmawerjiyrhi kw projMto orgxokM thaY Con vntion. This letter of Mr. LxAxe'e, too, wat written' before Mr. CalhSun's recent Communication appeared! ehowegtnat tu views are influenced by principle, coatrolled.by the ipse di cit of hia greaMeader; The Letter ir long, bat the Wkinsf eajraftwai five an idea fef its leasoning .rf ! 5 5 "What, them ire the characteristics bf the Vsrgiwa or T. York platit Jf'we understand .i,," ,h.is;. hMm;J..i..M. .i tnenn tiler ,. are prominent arrogant ana cola. fhey: proaa no one moaeXfor ineir construction of the Conrerition; it is neither on the popular, & dertl .or the sovereignty principle, but is made to SJ .P! Whe,she speaks of the popular will, it is so arranged by tbe general ticket piaivthat the will lb f Wty is suppressed; and when to 4o thii she calls .in the aid of "sorereiffntT.' she usee that . sovereignty." not m its Tegitimate, con. national mode, but for the purpose of bearing down, ever.powering and concentrating herdivi. ded individual preferencea upon- one mao-tbus frm f?1" nBaJorny w I!.Weal58, the control of a convention of political fnends. m..f;n. . lit. Kr...kr. mirtj Ion a common bottom, she arrogant Iv seizes the fyou dtts Democracy? If so, I am no Demo. crat .EyooZifyia Democracy, tbe reverse m Fed r""r . I e fJvsm n VI aa jiAinmnri itnfrMfVa snifrHtiAnl. COQrte0uMo give vent to the"just indignat ion dies ; but we must be permitted to say, that it is an ttU "reu of the District s vstem. ,u.. , ,iu 4 s tu ivra wnai a an av twsj vauvu v vu aw make such an unheard of surrender 1 Not for the advancement of our principles, for judging VJ recew 4MMuow in wmgress, uiese nave dM of oar eonstitaUdnal fortress, and in the rear of which stand our domestic institutions is already tottering to tto fall. Free Trade has re- XT.,TCU ...a.. I Tbo8 as tbg8 tand, we are called uppn to teeomt th najBiiv instruments of our own Doliti- cal degradation. 1 "It such be the case, ana twe comess mat we 1 hate aome misgrrings, the soptter we set up for lh1tnlvtetha mancvf ourchotee. vet we shall conaciouaneaaof political rectitude to ani. , J p0P nftyself, aa the political friend of John C. I Calhoun, I play at no such game; if we must J3P. we ra08t 06 auoea L,e!?!, lo the atrength of -the party if it can be honorably 1 effected ; but if this be denied aa, then we prize nPJ m Mn " l?e Part ETCea. D. L. Clxhch, Member elect from the State of Georgia, took bis seat in the House of Representatives on the 12th tnst. 0 th 15th ra'1-Ae Present nominated , a . WlttUM WlLKma, of Peansyhrama, as Secretary W. Gror, of Virginia, a. fSecretarv of the Navr: which nominations were a ... . w - Senate. ItTlWe: notice that spirited Whig meetings heu in Rutherford and McDowell rj Branch Clay Club hat been wd ia uforl County, to be called the " Bath Ciir Ctua." Hon. Edwabd Stanx.t to CIob OB the22d lw. i . ,- : MISSISSIPPL ! By the last accounto from Jackson, the small Px w prevailing to anexjeirtthatthreanedto 1 break up the session of the Legislature prema- l,.i i.mwnrih.fl.n.tl Mr T,4 Ji.H f , the 30th uH. and several other 1 member were sick. The Yickahurg Sentinel atUcka Goy. Brown ae a traitor to the pure unadulterated repudiation j faith, because he recommended the payment of I the Planter'a Bank Bondsa debt created before the present State ConstHution and excepted by name in that instrument, from (he operation of goes for principles." Charleston Mercury. ( - r ' ! MAINE. The Whigs of Maine held a State Convention at AnffusUjon Wednesday " last. We have not vetaeen aa account of its proceedings, but under stand that it waa very. ' numerously; attended. JoaiAJt S. LVrrxk preaided, and Moses L. At- wfrwtiot ! jfe&gortlatfdDAsi; Augusta, were appointed Delegates to represent the State at large ia'the Whig Rational Conven- lion. A Mass vouveniioq, 10 iwucw Aogwia the ensuingi summer, was also agreed upon, and a committee waa chosen to invite Hehat Clat to visit the State, and. if convenient, to attend tbe Mass Convention. We are glad to see that the Whin of this State are becoming aroused and doubt pot thai; their efforts will be productive of good Ataumai Jniemgencer. Mil'r . 4-PENNSYLVANIA 5 CA frteneTin Reading writea lathe Harrisburg Intellieeneer that the bounty meeting held there on the 2d instant waa the largest ever held by the Democratic Harrison party in that county Resolutions strongly la favor of MrCtAfor Pre sident, snd Judg Banks for Governor, were adopted i Jess & Riouaos, Esq', waa appointed delegate to tbe.Natkmal Convention. The eanieis writer saya that-the Johnson men held a roeeUng on the 1st instant, at which a re. solution agreeing .to go ror me nonimcw w uie Baltimore Convention waa rejected. MAJSiaoTHHoti. Gamble, Esq, of Winns- boro& C-i jforaierlr vfr Gnnford eonntjVTatsed on hie farm nef the inost igr mals'luwi of- ft in iXarleatofper wa Ulj dioiensioos and weight of bia mammotb - hog Peter 9 feet long. 6 feet bight 7 feet round the bodyV'4 feet w iricbes' round the fleck, and weighs SW40 lbs. He hae been rrbfbhed lit Cbirleton abd Cohuabja aa a skoav a( aqoarter the sight. Oresnraore Patriot .CONGRESS; 11 s --'t , rfopenethwith a very activjs-iwiuht.Pricea fuHy. SraaMrijPairfield presented ieso of the Legislaturrof- Mamei lit relation to the JXhrn IV F!?. P?wpfiortplQQ0 whKh werere- ferred.tothecomUi onlf The Senate n .Xraandei dn Mr. McPuffie s the Confmittee proposition to reduce the dutiei on foreiirn im porta! Mr. Hudtmgtdn J delivered . at large f his views of the question ; which he had not fiaisbgd when the Senate adjourned. House ot REPBESENTATivES.Tbe ; House resumed the (Consideration of the,uufinUhed buSi neaaatuHajr, being the report ot ibe Commit- tee on Elections, relation to the rights to their S" MPyrf, SP New Hampshire. Georcna, Mississippi and Missouri, when a debate took places which conUuued until the Houae aaV journed. : Tuesday, Feb. 13. SEKATtiThe bill to refund the fine imi on Gen. Jackson, was taken up. After some dis cussion, the . question on the amendment reported by the Senate Committeetprovidin that noth. ing therein cdntamed shdnld be construed to em ply any censure on the judicial conduct of Judare Hall in imposing said rle, Was taken, and decided in the aegative yeas 18, nay 2ft " Afier some future debate, the conSiSeratibn of tile bill was postponed until to-morrow. -The Senate resumed the consideration of the Report of the Committee on Finance, which pro posei to postpone indefinitely the hall heretofore introduced by Mr. McDuffie for modifvinsr the dU. ties on foreign Jmporis; .when Mr. Huntington were then laid dn'tho table for the iu-esent. for , w the purpose of affording certain Senators an op. portunity of expressing their views on the subject. ' Hocse or Repbesenttives. The House re sumed the consideration of the question of privi. lejre, being the report of the Committee on Elec tion in relation to the contested seats of members from the States of New Hampshire; Georgia, Mississippi, and Missouri. The debate was con tinued by Messrs. Haralson, Bowlin, Stiles, Bar ringer and-others, until a late hour; when the House adjourned without disposing of the subject. " Wednesday, Feb. 14. Senate Tbe bill to repare the fire imposed upon Gen. Jackson, was read the third time, pas sed, and ordered to- be engrossed yeas 30, nays It). Hovse or Representatives. The House re sumed the consideration of the report and resolu tions of the (Jomnurteeon Elections, in relation to the right to their seats of the members from New Hampshire, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alis- soun ; waen, alter much disorderly debate, Mr. Wheeler moved tbe previous question ; which motion prevailed by a vote of 128 to 64. The question then recurring on the right of the Mem- oers irotn inc aoove namea otates to ineir seats in the House, it was decided in the affirmative. LATER FROM ENGLAND. York from England, bringing dates to the 16ih January, three days later than the last news. Cotton had; further advanced, so aa to make the entire advance within the previous fortnight equal to two cents per pound. Tbe London Morning Herald announces that Mr. Pacxekham, the newly appointed British En voy and Minister Plenipotentiary to this. Govern ment, ia to come out with full instruction to ne getiate a settlement of all the questions respect ing the Oregon Territy. His arrival may be dai )y expected, as he was to sail from Portsmouth on the 16th ultimo. j IRELAND. The State Tkials. On Thuredij, Mr. Moore. Q. C-, applied to the Court of Queen's Bench on the part of the traversers, that the pan nel of special; jurors be quashed and set aside, or cancelled, and that a mandamus, or order in the nature of a mandamus, should be issued, directed to the Right Honorable the Recorder of the city of Dublin, commanding him to place on the list of jurors for the year 1844, in the county of tbe city of Dublin, in their proper order, the names of di vers persons, to wit, of twenty-seven persons, whose quahticatious respectively, to be placed on the list, was legally proved before, and allowed by the Recorder as special jurors. After a length ened argument, the Chief Justice proceeded to give judgment. Viewing the question in all its bearing fully and fairly, the Court could not but arrive at the conclusion that the present applica tion was a very unprecedented one, and at vari ance with reason and principle ; and it wat there fore refused. j On Saturday the Attorney General moved, on the part of the Crown, for an order that, in the event of the trial m this case pot having term in a- fftrtm n hfnr th 21t iillinw ' that Tl,t'.Ja liW WM W. . w.w.W W .U I U MW.raaW, inw xsc oi r eoruary, ana every aay onui next term, or as many afe shall be necessary 6hall be fixed bv the Court for the purpose of said triaL and be deemed aod-taken to be part of the present Hila. ry Term. lie could not say the precise time that would be necessary for the trial, but he thought it wen to nave uie order made, j be motion was I I mt. ..:. aggregate meeting. i ma aasemDiage waa neia-ai uuoiin on lae 10m uuimo in me music Hall. Amongst those present were. Daniex, O'- Connell, Sir iV Jusmonde, oirJ. rowER. Sir Valejjtike Blase, And ibe Lord Mayor, who waa called to tbe chair. One of the principal spea kers was Mr; R. SioeL and, after several ad dresses, tbe following resolutions were agreed to : Resolved, That 'we, the Roman Catholics, of Ireland, yield) to no portion of the Queen's sub ject in true loyalty to the throne or strict obser vance xf the religious obligation of an oath. ; Resolved, Tbf the officeri. of the crbw nr in striking from the epeeial jury pannel all the' Ro man Catholic who were pWced t hereon by ballot, have inflicted upon our body a wrong and . an in sult, and that jt becomes our l uty, in the face of the empire, to vindicate oar. character for (worth, and honor ' j , . ' , : ' j. Resnlved, That the omission of sixty-three names of special jurorsj including a largo propor tion of .Roman Catholics as well as libera Pro testants, makipg up the special jurors list, affords grounds for more than suspicion that fair-dealing has not been practised, and ealla for a fall parlia mentary investigation. "i'V f' , Resolved, Tbt an humble petition be presen ted to the Queen praying her Majesty that she will be graciously pleased to direct her attention to tbe conduct of the Irish Governmentin carry ing on state proaecntkmsHBoder the circumstances aforesaiiL - . -4? -r--- 1-- f H " c Resoloed, That a petition be presented to both Houses of Parhament, setting forth the facta em bodied in these resolutions, and prarmff for ih- quiry into. tbe tacts- -' - v Lrrcarooi. Cottom . Mabxet. January 15 On Saturday forenoon, the- Hibernia, Boston packet, was telegraphed off OrmsheadV and the imeuujence ay ner waaj iooirar lor wiui consider able interest Its waa very evident the brokers would not. disperse until the upshot ae known, and no seoner did thy receive her papers than very brisk demand soruna up for speculator's acw eount, and 5.000 to 6JXXI bales were sold at full I and adraociog prices. Tbte uajroiajf the OiriLet wai.t0ithivpmini,fti.,K "ce hoHerYem 8tocki. ; cnsumenNiave beenjaken blafirprie, d it4ei W(niink tbb.SKh iX- AjuJvaaoin Ib.ns bepn ..t;kt; - .i M u-uZi.'M&r iv. it CottojI , aBXEWEMtREo1tThe market opened thia week with m moderate' de mand ; but since Tuesday; speculators have bousrht very Extensively. , Their attentioa.beinff directed chiefly to the common and mtdding qu-1 itia rtf Amt'Tiram tthH Snnf ' M Atarmr than na n-idaV IMti otjler kinds remain without alteration, Speculators have taken 2400 American.8 709 Egyptiani and 7J50OSarat. and exporters 450 Su. rat. 9u ne n. Mtr 100 bales Sea Ilaud II a 34 fl.f390 bales Bowed Georgia 41 a 51: 7.840 Mobile. Alabama and Tennessee 4i a 51: 18. 740 New Orleans 4i a 8. Total aalee 4&350 bales. ' SUICIDE. man and a respectable cittten pf this county, put . i,. - i . . . , . m . snenri to Hm nwn IitA nv hanflrinrt Htmcalf uth a I rope attached toone or tbe jd sts of his batn.. We have heard no fun berparticulars. nor any4 cause ass'gned for the strange ocaurre'nce i-Tho de- ceased resided in the North Western part of the tjounfy on tbe Head waters of uaraway-iert.ar wife and children was in prtttj good circtioi. :esfr&aoroK Citizen. i r . stances Amekdsiekt of the Ca Si Lat. VVe aee that a petition praying the Legislature for an amendment of this La; so that no man shall be seized with a Ca Sa, dnleai tbe creditor Wilt make oath that he believes hie debtor hasTradulently concealed his effects; or is endeavoring sd to do, nas been started m ttowam and has received the signatures of many most respectable citizens and is urged by them with great zeal. The power of ouo man iu seize me ooay oi anoiner, simpiy oe cuiiw ii5 vww lum money, is a remnant or oaroar- ism : and unless the creditor believes it is the design bf tbe debtor to defraud him, a Ca Sa should not in our opinion, be tolerated. As the law now I stands, it ia often a trap to catch a poor mans fnends, by meana of some slip of if is own, or his w.uCJr, w uiucer who serves notice, ana often causes the greatest oppression and ships upon innocent persons. We WI8h UCCess to the petUion, and we hope other counties will take the matter in hand, and 1 speak to their law-makers in a tone worthy of rreemen. aaiisoury watchman. Diabolical On the night of the 13th inst a most diabolical outrage was perpetrated at Clin ton, Miss upon the person of Mrs M 'E- Black- man, a respectable Dutch lady, about 45 years of' age, by a negro man, who, having ascertained that Mrs. If. s husband was from home, entered the house, knocked down Mrs.B , and while ahe was insensible from the effects of his blows, commit ted the outrage. He was apprehended the next day, fully identified by his victim, and after an examination before 'the Mavor of tbe town; was thm constable, from whom he made his escape on Saturday night, although heavily ironed. ft. O. Picayune, Ca?t Wm. I. Chafmak, an enterprising and intelligent citizen of Norfolk, lorg ar.d extensive ly knoffn to the travelling public from his con nexion with the James River and Bay steamboat lines as commander and proprietor of the former I fell dead in the Borough Market Thursday morn ing ias 01 an appopiecttc stroxe. ; Richmond Compiler. .Washington Feb. 17. Ma. Gales : Just fn time to inform you that the Whigs have swept Maryland, horse, foot and dragoons.. - r Whigs elected to Congress 6 " Locolooos 0. . Glory enough for one day ! Tbe Ball is in mo tion. ' In Orange county? on Che 13t! mslantj Mr.j Willis Smith to Miss Eliza i Roach, daughter Mr. James Roach- In Wilmington, on the 13t!r instant. Mr James S. Green to Mrs. Caroline A. Holmes. In Brunswick county. on the 8th lnstaut Mr. Wm H. Allen, to Miss Evelina L. Taylor, second daughter ot Mr. David Taylor. In Bladen county. 00 the 26th December, Col 1 McDontrald. to MlSS LttCVSHltOn. ' : I " M I J : I -tw" I In Wilmington, on the fith instant, Mrs. Sally jC. Price,, wife jof Dr. Wm. J. Price, ioibe 27thj I yer of ber age TIOIAIWST AXES. This day received snd U J for ssle by JAMES M. TOWLES. Feb. 19. is, Z BdOTS BOOTS. A new, supply of r rbiladelphia made Booia-warranted 1 ri and at reduced price. V0 JAMES M. TO WLE8. reb. ia. - . .- ,, V5 NOTICE fTfqHE 8abscribers having taken Letters of Admin- li istratton from tbs Ctmrt oft Pleas' and Quarter tSeswons of Granville County, according Ui !aw on tbs Estate of Lewis Keavts, deceased atul having ob- tained an order of Court to that effect will offer tor sale to the highest bidder on the . ""; .' ' t 0 if fair, if not the neit Cur day, at Jm .residence in Henderson, Granville County, the following proper ty belonging to tbe said Estate, viz : THE HOtlsEBOLD AND KITCHEN "FURNITURE, FARMING UTENSIL8, CROP OF CORN, FODDER AND OAT. THB STOCK OF HORSES, COWS AND HOGS. Also at tha same lime and place TWENTr, OR THIRTY VALUABLE JVEGROES, CensisUng ,of MEWOMENBOys 4c GIRLS. We wilt also hire otit the balajnce of me Negroes be longing to the estate for the biatanco of the year. The terms- of the aale will be nine toontba credit with bond and approved security. No property will be coasidered as oassed me rrchaser until the terms of the ssle bate been i imieffwtih. PETER h. RBAyiS, I U, , GEO,JREAVla. Jfrfc Henderson, Febf I.1844. " " 16 6t, . 1 M JUTE tf riCTOZZt&l BIDLC J tTTrARPEirff Ilmmmated and New PktorUl Bi- Cb. injble. ettbetftabrd wnh tftxieeo Hundred Htatw !rT..M!-M ..itA a r:.:i i ' chapter by J., A. Adms.rbafin4 Mtadatf ef tale1 snd Isabel!, ' w -" ';? ' vv -! moat pyinnnii wm iw I 1 1 1 1 I II j ma CSS Sir sih,wh .vaw. mww. , , oju a im rtona isrouoa iauutora. - . wwuia we ia isjl ssh w . v- - - . ' ' . Ttlftxrut At nnrlrrt. ls. t4akskeaiv. Fsel JTotUt to 4?ottnlrv sjtprc$ tile, JQJatoARDfi IMPORTERS AND DBALBRS . ' t WXEttfr Ato DOMESTIC" & " HAanwAaxi Cctttr, Siiwtiitltwaf oic: Respectfully to vite th aueatieo; sf .Copntry. Msr chants and hier. ; the iral tffaX "v..-. ttiMkivw ndrdrraro, cmiefr&tii " which tl,ey -irtei, id Imw imji? by the - Johh Cxtli -.! stber vsiseU ttntl from J AH erpool. - Our Goods 4ieing-purchased FOU CASH, in EnjUnd, wesre nablrtl and detr rmiaff fo sett b Csahi or to panetusT cutouM'Vt tow as sat Na Turk Houks. Merchants wiU pleas call thdmai.v ins for tbemelves, at the sMsnisC UuV Miff 8iw, Hew Granite Front Buildiags,' N6.s7jf8otiui vsi6s Wssr Main Street Richihonrf. Yir&bfr.' ""7- Feb. 15,' 1 844 - Tj Star will insert 4 weeks ihd fiHaldb1ll U RlcnmonO. SherWns Sate. LL BEOLDaites CrTuri Hodv iBVLubt -m t f : -a v.fl ma " "' w " .; - a L.:it ...:- X. ; t is k- -astim vr talt nin saweiy, mis a psvs r mvwh mv ww - " . - -t " ? w1 Permhs Names.- Whetb Mtaal'd j No. Actmu Neill Biggs, Lstaga Kosd Alex.Mcl'bstter Aler. Galbreatbf t3hrhfdteiMlin, Juni.?' ' L. aV W.8. Hogh Rrown, NeiA McLean; Dancah HtcLeah, J6imh Rifcliff, Blias 8tone - UNLISTED. Chllles B. Jones.l Near Bt Paul.1 Unknown. iRotkashf' . ; JNO. A. ROWLAND, tiheriflf. Jsnoary 18, 1844.- t "'.V7 wli" Price Adv. 13.,, . . . t. ... : .-, r j. pi ; B. ROOT has jiiat received a" neir and beautiful asjortment of JE WELi; RX,ni.ns, m. parr, of Breastpins, Fibxer Kings,' GoJJThiml.lea, Bracelets; Bracelet Claaps, GdId snd Steel Guard Chains; end OrnamedtSl Hair Pins, (u beauKfu! article,) Chains, VeiU, Keys, St., - . . . i i.'. q iirt frottxr uv 1..4-U . V - - Lrfei, tal.le sod Tea 8poodr8aU' ioons, ugav! tTTTTI f-Tax, 1U 1 28 400 t too t ja 107 1 03 114 Ml 7 737 t 0IT - v - .-- Toh&si Snd Silver Cups for Children, o new ptUlarn. fcard-fFine CuUery, Rsaors. Cbngres Knives, spdCdaunon Pockit ind Pen do. Roeer' Scisaorsa superior arti- ,t 1i:An hm.h nti fcortabte wrilinir desk, at 1 i..n 'l Raleigh Feb. 14. 14-tf WATCHES, WATCHES ' This largest and mnstspIenA did assorlment Of w etches in the City , ie to .be found, at tbe SuberibsrV as he'is coniubt! v KreiviiTf all dW ' 5-' 113 1V : senpuone 04 j,qiu saxau Sllrer TTatchef , t)f the newest styles, from the vmanufactarers in EncUodV France, and. Switzerland, he Jrnabled lo offer a larger assortment land It mttchleas prices, at Retail, than any other iipuaa in Araeries; Gald, Watehea u low si SO tq 35 Dollars eaeb- .v atcnesaod Jsj elry eichahged or bbqght. . AU Watcbss wsrrsauM. U keep good time or the money ret ura t Watches. ; and Jeweiry repaired in the beai manner and warrant led, by the liesT workmen, and much Jo wer than at any other ptace. . .Uold and iler. leucll.: 1014 ... - . 1 1 . . " . . f isnams, &.eys, ana neruog Oliver apoonvj , m wmtm very. fow. vV;. ; , ,, :.T,jvsW"i3 ? O. C ALLEN, Importer 07 Wai&cSt 'Js and Jewelry; iriiaiesale and retail, . sSQ Wall &treet,Nev Ftra,CP stairs. It A LEI Gil FIRE COM PA NT. (HE Citizens of Rateigh are hereby invited to enrol irol their names ss members oi the fire VOGV, pany, provided for by an Act bf f Assembly. uhtled' An Act for the better protection e4 'the City of Raleigh from Isms by Fire.'L Personf dispossd to volunteer as members -of the same, Will .leave, their names with the Chy Cotoetsble, On heforS 8alur day, the 34 tb ntet. on which day, if a 'sniBcfoat num- m firty) have not ptsvtouely vMuateeredv a drafr wit! be made Trom the wbbie number orctitxemrto eoply, the-deficient number.. Memtiers of the' Fire Company ire exempt , duruig their 'term of semeey from Mffitery duty.- 3 - ; . A BSTO If H. UA LBSj Ibt rWiee. HTB H J& onderaigbed has loft on the' way : bstwesh e Ashetiile aiulBurnsvilUt,;, three Notes of band three ofonlv Kepaes, or ttateign, true one. two; sna years from daut, for five bundred dollars nactj-dateal inr January, 1843.. AU persons are hereby fbrswara ed from trading for the same -n ';rn'rtt& . .. is:4il V i frtti -vol . ft BWXrlBiW- . Way nsavUhv JJsy wood. CwNjt? -5 i p j,wh - Febv I , ,1844. , j5, 'hi ; n " tuns-it tsk i44t A VALUABLE PLAN'rAajON irpf Tcred for sale, near Tallaliasee,'tlirida. 1 beuttKribn', wrahibg to tetnoye to a mors Nutth ern climate,-ofier s rrsle tbo' ltf4 e Ka, on which be rewdessiiueted about S'miles from Tsfls. bassee, in.Lsou "anty laersrsbPefres con- tained in theTraea erytafg'rop)rtfon of which is of verysuperior oualliy The plar 'is ptenlifttuy watered, with excellent water and ibeveare nbtBhirs than 30 seres of tvaste laud in the bndyv About 760 acres' of land sre cfesrrdt from which, with'a lerce of forty-five or fifty bimdsiln i fa vyr abler season, 800 or 350 Bales of Cotton ! psodoeed ina seSsbniSndf more Com than would ' serte ih Pfabtationt ThsT land is so sttttatedi tbsf it ran U divided into two sspJ arate TracU if preferel-'TbrW w good tend enoogh' to employ from seveoty-five fo Weighty -hsnds to ad4 vsnslsgei The rrattriai Towtb s Sweet Gum, Post' Oak. Red Oak: Cherry t Ash sod Dogwood- Tbs opT per terttiimts of the Had Road, leading from Talla- bsssebto Stewart's, is atdy 8 milesdisuuif, snd that ReUrosd ik twraty-tbrew totles longi J - . The HBprovememsnciodiag buuuings or every as- eeriplbri. re exln4a snd convenient. A larrei j white feiailv eatt be ebmlWtaHy acronmfodated t Snd ? thr ra.rAhlMii anHiiifor ih, convenient ICMIS''. - - .- a modation of shsotn d Slsves. There is a newly ' erected Gin Hus en ibe blaca, with atl neeessarr . The society- of the nagbborhebd is ef the most cV sirable kind, and tbs Umla adjoin tkPlsntstioni ef the Meeer Cotten and N,Th4pson..froitt,IfrtiC CaroliQs. There are also ssvsral, Churches, eouvc' nient enough to attend. , ;r ,j , ri.f m a , . ,.,.v JAMES n. T.LOCIMEO. e:4f , Pfpember lS, 18U. t r.-j . iowny, lonua.u- 3T "if i 95rm. V- COMMISSION ,MEUCH ANTSl ' PETERSBURG, - FA i - fa filVE tbetr' personal attention to the Recelvhig, MJIshd ForwsrdHtg alt kinds' of Mswhsndise;'scl linx iNrantrrtfodue. AufL AeT DCce on Uanfc ctrcst next aa-tbJ Exchafc. JAa.D.Scorn' .S 5 -Jan. 52.' s; :"-- 7 lm' Trj)RESCO VT M EXlCOThe Hrstory lF&f iiWCo&oeatJwf tlelrcm; with" i- j pr eHmlnsry view of thw AaeTTprC:;r.-.:-, And the life of ba tiaawX.X.nns C. t fp eVf ,. Mnn.i . j. - -,4. 4 a.-"1 .A i t ...