a v"4" Ti I3 r'. 'f 5 . . i i . - W . - . -i - : itKvK.-i-,,-.! M .... . : j. :)::.:. r. , - : : I j ,. 1 ' 1 '. "" -- L"w??jTr?w7W- - - - " -iii it... ar h. . r ; f rmnB AmHku Almanac end nepoaiiory of use. -r 11J-lL'V: i ,5 'll'i.r 144 tirtfi witlk 11 uer JUSCISIVEU. airesi eupp'yot eestraat ;': - - iattkl iTnmilf Cor the meridian of Kaleisb. and made I 1 ; ! ' - -- tm tkV nwwI fitiwili ' nf North far.ilinj. - . vaiTiviM wm lira (i " Thy can ba bad by the quantity or atngla one. at ry iadaoad pricea.: 1: ATo. tha Ctay Aimanae. - And (feat variety of other Booka of every deaeription i ail of wbidbara oSered at aTerjgreaidedarfionfront foriMr priceg for the, Caxk. -Call, and examine for Touraalrea at ibe lMorth Carollaa BookS(ore. Tobniarj.L. 10 nnniS DAY CAME (TO hand at the - i41,yNrthTCarolin Book Store, Raleiffh 10 The tkHtfa and Ballade of Thomaa H Bay ly. . Picture of Private Lif, by Mra. Ellia The Birtbrifat.'b7.Mra Gore i- The Gtftt a aplendid an naatfor all eeasonaJ! ,TheRoe of Aharon, a religious nnoal for 1B44. Marco Paul' Adventorea inpor i auit of Knowledge. y the anthor of the Hollo Bioka The National (Way MimtreL -Tha' Poetry of Love. The Younf Commnnicant , 8t. . Nicholaa Gift for '.Children; Abo; the ChikTa Gem: Alao, he North Carolina Almanac for 1844, at wlioleMle or retail, and the Clay Almanac; all of which can be bad by applying at the North Carolina Boolf-8tore." ' -' : ; - , L . TURxiER dk flUGHES. . . ' " Feb. t.'-.. " - - - 10 TmoOKSl FOR TflBTIMfcS. i be Life 4D d Speecbea Of ilenry Clay in voLAIao the Life and Speecbea ofJoha C. Calhoan. Jt ar rifed this day. and for aale by i . ; a II TtJRlNER dt HUGHES. Jan;31,J844. I; tr.:4 I . J 10 , COPAItT.EItSUIP. ,THB finiMr.Klr fttatva. tKUrl.. aamfaa. I Q iDto Copartnerahip, under the firm of f . , .. . . 3.o o& .reacuii. iwr me. purpose ol con ducting the Drug and Apothecary :biineaa. in all jta TarioQa brancb.ee J;-r ". ;l 'Z "ZV .They will keep conatantly . on hand, a large and we aelected aasottment of . Foreign land Dometttie r i : g together with every variety tof Painta, OilV rftimm.rw finronal Inalptimanta t- t whjch they invite the attention of the citizens of Ka leigh and Ua vicinity:. . - The dispensing of Medicines, 4c. will l conduct ed by Mr. Peaend and an efficient Clerk, both of whom have bad( many years experience in this department. Prescriptions pot jnp with accuracy, neatness and diapatcb. at all hoars of the day and night.' : ' N. h. 3TITH. : . ' ' !; . . " " ' P. F. PERCUD. . ' January 12, IS44. ! FRESH GARDEN SEED. THE Subscribera! have jast received their aupply of Freah Garden and Flower 6eed. from a celebrated Northern Seedsman and Florist, which they wilt uis- pose u on accommoaaung terms. 8TITH& PESCUD. Jan.34; To Southern & Western Merchants. JARVIS, SfJRYMSER & GERMOND; TTfTAVE eontUntly on hand, and o&r for aal li!!. either for Cash or approved credit, a large and caully aelected assortment of Groeeriee,' Teaa. Li qaore, Vt'inee, &c. among wfiich are the following 1 SUGARS. ' 6t Croir, Porto Rico, Cuba, and New Orleans, with -donVla and single refined Loaf and Crushed. - ajL : IX)FFEES. ,; r Old Government Java, Rio, Lagnira, 8t. Domin. go,CubaV4c' k -"I'-- - s : ; .'; v ; i ' ' TEAS. Hyaonv Yoongii Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder, Souchong and Pouchong, comprising all the different o.ualiuea, in aery variety of packagea. f ; ;V ' liquors. l- wJ 8eignette, J. J, Hupoy, Otard, Dupuy 4 Co. Mac-! GTorj Champaigne and a variety of orher French Brandiea; with 8u Croix Rum, Jamaica Rum, Hol land Gin. &e., j ..- j- : i : , , . . . I ' wines.- ' . - :! ' : Madeira, Pale Sherry, Brown do. f enerir. Port, falaga,Mneeat. 4. a full assortment of each kind, embracing all the different qualitiea. . Also, Principe and Havana Scgars, Indigo, PppersPimeoU, Cassia, To Merchant, ordering Gooda from New Tork, Wt would aay. that all orders entrusted to our care, will be executed with prompfme and strict fidelity, 4 y 'ttcle ent away; shall be exactlv what "it purpATta to be. Liberal advances made 00 eonsign- vents 01 proouce t x-- ; ; t ..Teh. 0.-1844.4 ... .J,. , ,..j7,;, ..12 ly TTTtJORMBRLY of Raleigh, having established him- !!. w.'wew aora, in eonnexton wiift W. H. WniTWAasa. under, the firm of WHITMARSH & WILLIAMS, for the tranaactin nf nm..ii. V- change and general Comaa'tMtofi bMines, tendeis his 7rr" flJH" "nnnff anj pustnesa in New 8 lm -;'s k Refer TO Hon D Cameron. SaJMirh. N. C WnuBoylan, Eq- - v, J,4 Valuable Lantt for Sate. mflB SUBSCRIBES. Mnv JMiMn. MA.LL Jl pto the Weetj ofiera hie land for 8akv .There U about mm thonaand acrea Ia one. , body, twelva milee NofjhifRaleighon the two Fall Creeka andNeusf Elvers ,There are two seUlemenia ;' thehdme planu ttoo hae . good !dweltiog : bouae.. .five rooma tiefow aatra, and two, above with a : good cotton, ehi -and wheel thresher, bWkroiih's ktiop, wiih stery nut houa thai b neeesamrj.. j The other setifeuitat haa gid .dwelling hooee, with good oot-houaea. There era two good mill sites, oae . on each creek, thick! neverwea. known 10 faiL There is river and - creek bottom Ian4 aaffideot to make two or three hnndreil. hartela core; every year, with improved and - fresh lad to make SO or 80 bales cotton, , The wood land I Mrong and well timbered, in delighful netgh- borhootl teamed for itr heallhinea. , One half the amount would be taken in: likely .young . negroes t tbo other half cash.. Poaaeaaioii giva next fall, i ' . 5-4 r v-w JA VID JUSTICE j' . -Wake County, y C. Jan. X2, 1844. 12-w3t ; .yaluablt?- Property fbr iSaicJ MAYING eVfcided 011 removrng rto- the Wear, I ow ouar for sale my land in the' County of m, N.C.Mr thewa W W.rrmt410, end in ' neighborhooa q pas by Bone.Thia Tract con latna, according Id my deede, about forty-two bun , . dred acres, and ievwdl known to be equal in fertility to any land to this section f country.' Itie'how in ,0 excellent condition forculUvation,rthe Sobscrilrhav. : ingbeeaat eunskleile eipM in canalling, There are ix.lare field, with good enchmares, ready i for eoItivation,besidee fresh land & loU,now in Clover, , and in mptrpfo forTobaeco. A latgepioporifon - of the Trac if In wooda, and is of the , best quality. - There are twoaett!ementa on the land, one jny resH - ence which u new. Urge and eon veoicnV and could . aeaice! foil to au it the taate of any one, The Plan ; taUon where my Orersrr rend' h houia for ::. -mm ..vi, j-tumy m will ipwwuiMW' eavn i'aaufaejuring ril a w 'MUI (only There teaU two miles rrojsertT c.'t rsrehassra" Person. desirous of Dorchaainer. are tat.&I to examine for tbenwelvee. " AadthoM at a; "!;Vn enmreni; mh pt JBohfby" when , - vimk urv eiuw wivtvii aaa sas x.t ffmarn ttt rw ftKaatintv BUnket, Cabal, Nett and Cashmere Shawla, Flannels a very large a-ormeot, fc v, , At theNwbToax,afewdooraboTeMr R Smiths, rv : " j.H.! BEcKwrTH & co. CLOTHS, CASiSlITIEnKS QTpilB eeason for the above mentined articles be jng far advanced, we ofliw t porciiasera our pre sent supply at prime et, A ruo, a very large lot p wmte. Ked and X enow r aaaraaaakp..-,.- v ? 4 8-4,-4, lI-4, l?-4 Wlutney BiasKXTe, f :is. Rich Striped Cbamelin ttiike. and Crape de'Ceat ,. Carolina, ami other Worated Plaids,' : BIa k and Fancy Colored A lapacca Lustres' S yards wide Cotton and Barnstey Sheeting, Furniture Prints,, a large asaortment, " Moualin de Lainea, Surans, ,4rc. dec ... J. H, BECK WITH dc.t'O. ': ? y"1 r4 FayetteviIle8treet,; 1 ; A lew doors above Mr. R. Smith's 8tore. FeWlst, 1844. vr 5 -.'Mr.- 10 N. B. Ttlur f5n ' Frinn Tina Rnvlidi fjir Cloth. Shirfinir Cntlnn Silk KhasU rBrlila. Hem Stitched L. C. Handkerchiefs, Kid Glomes, f. j ; 1';..' ...' : . ' J. H. B. dtCO. - i RALEIGH STILL WITHIN V j 40 OF IXOUFOMi !! fTTHE Subserilier continues to receive F K E 8 H I ii Or AT E RS , aa usual. He would remind the citizens of Releigh,' that the Oyster season con tinues to the ltof May, in Baltimore and VVaabing ton, and at Norfolk to the 1st April. There ie atill the rise of two montha to expire before they will be Ollt nT uniinn in ihia tils In on nan jif tKA va.r are Oysters considered in a better state than from this k u, wuiwiiuvi itiaiiftiui jvi riHHiajciucui hopes atill to merit a continuance of Raleich's patron- age, as well as the neighboring country. ., t , PRE IT FISH will lrii1Kr Inirn m PrtAni tviQliincr in i mlii eya In tKta liiTitro are requested to call immediately open the arrival of 10c vara, . j He has on band a fine lot of POTATOES, con atstinf of Mercers, Ladies Fingers, Yellow, round, Arc. The aesortmrnt is of a superior quality, and cannot be beaten either for Table use or Planting.1 JOHN WILSON, Opposite the City Hal!. Raleigh, Jan. 23. 7 SPLENDID LOTTERIES. J. G. GREGORY i& CO. Manaokks. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Clasa No. 8, for 1844. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday the 24th of February , 1844. BSU-L1ANT SCHEMI t S(X000 dollare 10.000 dollars . 4,000 dollars . 75 Prizes of 1 ,000 dollars f ! 84 prizes of $500. , dtc. .. ... .&e. ' dec. Tickets 810 Halves 5 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $140 do - do 25 Half do 70 do do t 25 Quarter do 35 Order for Tickeh pni Slums and Certificate of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries, wilt re ceive the moM prompt attention, and an official ae connt of each drawing, sent immediately after it is over to all who pider from us- address, ! - J. O.GREGORY & CO. Managers, Washington City. D. C. F LOUGHS PLOUGHS. Kept con sUntJj on hand, a suppl; of Richmond Cast Iron Ploorh. torMhr iih rt slides. Experience is the best teacher, iml hrMPr heard from, these Ploughs have given universal satis faction. 80 try them, gentlemen farmerts if you pleae.5 - JAMES M. TOWLES. November 27. , 95 GW. GOODE, Arrossir at Law, (former , ry of Richmond, Virginia,) haa settled in St. Louie, where he will attend to any professional busi ness which may be entrusted to bia care. . . . ' Mr. G. will attend to an v claims amounting in S5na. or more, any where in the Sate pf Missouri ' Refer to WestOn It. Gales,rKa!eighI St. Louia. Missouri, " . .. i Sept.1, 1843. S 4 6m FALL SUPPLIES OF JFJusic, jriusical InstrttmentM, FJJVCY ARTICLES, S(C. roa SAta bt E. P. N AS II, Sycamore Street, Petersburg Virginia. COUNTRY MrrchanU and others in wantorany of the above articlea. will find in.my establUhment tbe moat desirable stock I have ever offered, at great ly reduced price. A call from my old friends and customers is solicited. , . UNA WAY.--Taken up and Committed JLto Jail in Beaufort Count vj October 1 1th. a Negro Man, who WyeWnlnlnOHN'Md that he belonga to Dr. Samuel Yance, hi Kouth Caro lina, Union District that he was formerly the prop erty of Lawaon Alexander, in Mecklenburg County in this State ; was sold at bis sale by the Administra tor and purchased by John R.Harri-on.who sold him to Dr. Vance ; that he ranaway on the fourth lifja ly, was taken up in thia State and committed to Jail nObauliara, and aays that aiJ Jil was burnt on the C August j jhen on fire, he Was taken out and earned to Hillsboro!. he rraaiDed in Jail 3 daya, when his owner enme fter him nine miles from that place, he got away from him,. . .. , r7 . .- , .Said Neerivis a stout black mn s r. tni :n.t. highland weigha, 178 unda j thick and heavy about the neck and Jaws j hU two trnall ,io. on left foot are H to the first ioini he aa vafrot tiiit.n .iwn. two yeara since. Said negrow well acquainted in and ahout Charlotte jn thia State, and , an read but not Write. Hia owner is teauetl n tyi y" fharsea: and take him away or he will be dealt iu utae raw airrcu.' JACOB S WINDELL; Jailor ' as tt Oct: SO -1843 Attention I Wake Cavalry. Tp)ARADG a tb sWte in the eHy of Re U'wrt onf the- 22J February, aj lOotloak. A 2.r Jlder of tbe Captain, . . fc -o - . . r :,.-. . . a w. J. HUTcHfNns. n vnd, .1 . 1 . . . ,.L .aan . - TI a.T Taaarw . pr - lid 1 rirn 1 feVry lYP 0 HXR A I t I A T U It , A ill! XliaiUftlVAli fAlniiiia i 3& JO. & P2JDZm. - 'i'- - OF: FORTH CASOLtNAr . ' - Having visited Europe lor the purpose of perfecting himself in hie profession; is now prepared to execute . -rjortfaltt, MinUtnici, &c: " Those wishing to avail ihemservea of his profession al services, are requested to rail at hia Artdlier, on Hillsborough Street, lot) yards Went nf the Capitol, where specimens of his execution may be'seen. ' Sept 13, 1843 15 PRINT WA UEHOUSK. IN NEW YORK. P. T.T!T? tttrmnrlv nf ifta firm of T.nr1 At .Leee. LeedcBabcock.dc..and U. B. BREWS- EK, under the firm of LEE & BREWSTER. have eslablubed at . 113 PEARL STREET, Hanover Square', New York, a Warehouse on an extensive scale, EXCLT7SIVKLY pos 'V: To aupply the City and interior trade, by tbe piece or uacknee. 1 r o - 1 . .. Bx confining their attention entirely and exclusive- 1 . . 1. : :' . - 1 ,- . n ' .1 ijr w mil one arucie, a, oc d. are enaoieu not only to exhibit a more extensive and beautiful assort ment than ia to be found elsewhere, (there being no simijar establishment for prints in the United States but to rell always at prices as low, and generally lout er, thin those of houses whose attention and means ate divided among a lare variety of articles. The Stock, embracing' Some Thousands of differ ent Patterns and Colorings, including a splendid assortment of French Prints compriea all ihe la test and choicest styles, to which will be constantly added all the new and desirable patterns as they ap pear in the market, besides many which will be print ed exclusively for their own sales, , Purcbesers of this article will find it to their inter, est to examine thia Stock before buying their Priota If they dp not; purchase, they will at least have the o vantage 01 seeing an toe new styles, and learning the lowest market prices. Ca'alogue pf prices, corrected with every variation of the market, are put into the hands of buy era. j ORDERS. As L. dc B. will keep this great assortment at all seasons of the year, they will, of course, be able to execute orders even in the depth of winter, (w hen other establishments here have no stock of goods,) in me oeet manner, and- they solicit tbe attention of dealers to this very unusual advantage, which their establishment offers. Tkrks' All goods are charged at net cash prices, aa per Catalogue, which will be sent with all goods ordered nd if time is given, interest wiH be added. Oct-11, 1843. 61 ly JAMES MARTIN & E. D. BULLOCK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will practice in all the Courts at Mobile, and in the Coonties of Washington, Clark and Monroe, Alabama. Mobile, April 15. 1243. . 33 y NOTICE.- THE ubscriber now offere for tale, delivered in Baltimore, and at prices corresponding with the hardness of the times.Lxwis H.Maus's portable Cast Iron THRESHING MACHINES. f.,r threshing Wheat, RyeOaU, and smalt seed, and cracking Corn in the ear for the purpose of preparing it for food lor catUe. j The improvement which makes these Machines superior to ahy now in use in the Southern and even Northern country js because ofthewdv of the cylinder being cast in bne or two piece, with the heads A teeth or points all cast together, being solid mass there by giving to it additional weight, and obviating the danger f the spikes flying out, as sometimes happens wiUi the wooden cylender, which greatly endangers the lives of the operatives. . Of these Machines no fears need be entertained of their performance, for the reason of their having been auccesafully tried for three yeara past, and as yet no objection has been made known to the Aeent Being the only Agent in North Carolina, to die. f pose 01 said Machines, and living as I do in a remote section of country , I feel it to be incumbent on me to imvxuai iinuugii me columns 01 some or tne 006- 1 L'e orenna. that thk bmuM . .i i t - o uiucia II1U V BU I'Ltl r vuruioci.es 11 tuey are so utposeo 1 wttli said Ma chines.'" - ' They can be transported on one wagon, bat more conveniently on two, from one farm.to another, and after arriving at the place where the work i to be executed aitd actio 0rstion in less time than ff.een miHutea. With four good Aorae and eight hands, these Machines wilUhresh of good Wheat four hun dred bushrls per diem. ,. : I now propose to sell the four horse power for $1 30, and the two horse power, built after th n atruction and upon tbe same princlple, for 5. cojAJ ueiiverea aa auove elateu. 1 will, if requested by the purchaser, order at his or thei risk, from Baltimore, said Machinea complete and ready Y for work, (save the levers and braces that propel the horse power,) to any point on the Rail Road thai he or they may direct. Orders for Machines will be forwarded to my ad dress as soon as the purchaser makes up his mind to buy. In order that I may have them east . and sent to Baltimore in time for the buy or to get them home in doe season, communications 011 this subject will receive my earliest attention, if directed as fallows DANIEL A. MONTGOMERY, P. M., ! , . Albrtghfs, N. C N. B -I will take occasion to state that hce Ma chines have been Cast in Chatham county, in this Stare; and (that auit is about to be brought for damages, against all ihose making, vending, or using the same without first procuring right for said Patent. ' " ' t 'L., , . . D. A. M. : Jan; 17, 1844. - 8-w5m' Wew Fal I an d Wi n t e rl I G O OJ1S1 IF OR SALE, at the Commission Store of the uhscriber. FavAtiaill :i... r.. . 1 . T " , vppowte tne ' V; na nei "oor to tbe Nw Market House. Prices LOW. for Cash. , : : f . Among the articles just received, will be found Flannels, white, red, yellow and Salisbury. Also, French Gingham new atyle for Winter. ' Black Aliacca. ' ' ' ' ' Mouslin de Lames. .'.' ; MerinoesFrench and Englisn.' ''' '' ' " Calicoes a great Variety? " -Lisle Edging a beautiful Terietj. , Silk, raw Silk and Cotton Stockings, d;c. ' ' ; Also, ad assortment of Groceries. 4c Ye ' F'EL62ZEAN SCHOOLS-MRS W,U P?n on thrift of March-,' School 6fthUnante.Herpupilwi!l be taught to Omio apeak eerrte i with? t.j w-pell cy WrUing; tbgetrnriS metibethjmenur nd practice carefully taURhff: and the Rudnenu of CUammar.X3eogfaph Geome try. Aatronomy, e. (which will be the itudriof riper tbejrthMmiiid.t Tb4iaacredScriptu will be a clasa book, and made aeubject f daily insirurtioa t M ZlT Pr110 tbad..deftl pmfully reoue-ted to pjake themielvea acquainted Feb.-43y 1944. i I- ,:' -14.M TTU8T RECElVtD: and-for Safe cheap, i ca8fc W fwpnWTtn1erttratnedSPElTM OIL, which aa-warrated nottothi'lin the roldeat weather - . raicaary t,i4 a iiT j .t$-s t; . , c u t :- iZ-Jw " 1 X r ... ' Ti i: ' n,, - - -m ' t - e 1 f . 1 " I lUA? PUBLIC BLESSING. ." r These Pitla have long been known and apprecia ted, for their extraordinary, and immediate powers . of reatoring , erlect health to persona suffering under nearlv every kind of disease to which the human frame bfiablei-'-'f!5 -- They r are particularly reciTmmended to all thrwe persona who are afflicted wjth any. kind of a chronic or . lingering complaint, as there ia iio medicine be- rare the public which, baa o natural and nappy eneel upon the system in correcting the stomach and liwjr, and to the formation of healthy chyle and thereby pur rifying the blood, .j . . j " They are acknowledged bj the hundred and thou sands who are using them, to be not only the most mild and pleasant in their operation, but the most per fectly, innocent, safe and efficient medicine ever offer ed to the public, The who once make a trial of these Pill, never afterward feel willing to be without them, and call again for more ; which is sufficient proof oft heir good qualities. j Price 25 cents perbox, with full directions. , ' The folluwifig is from Col. Jame Porter, a respecta ble citizen of Gibson' Co., Tenn. - f Gibson C6 , Tenn. December 10, 1342. To Dr. SeancEK : - 'j . " ': Dcab Sra : This is to certify, that I have used in my family within the last eight month, one dozen boxes of your Vegetable Pills, and I consider them decidedly auperior to any other Pills I have ever used. I have been afflicted for the last three or four years with a severe dyspeptic and liver affection, accompa nied at times with a nervous head-ache, which at times totally unfitted me for physical or mental efforts and for the enjoyment of . the common blessings of life, and must acknowledge, that your J'illa have so far restored me, thitt I feel nearly as well as ever, and I rcaUy think that the further, oae of them will make an entire cure.. 1 was also troubled with a bad cough and affection of the lungs, proceeding as I suppose, from the complaint, and I am entirely relieved ftom that. Some of my neighbors are also using the Pills with the most decided benefit. The Pills cannot be too highly recommended, and I candidly confess that I have derived more real benefit from them than from any other medicine I have ever taken, and I think every family should always keep a supply of 'tbem on hand. JAMES PORTER. Pine Grove, Macon Co., Ala., Aug. 11,1842. Dir Spencf.b, ' It affords me real pleasure to certify what T know of the unrivalled excellence of your anti-bilious pills. I have used them in ,roy family, and know of their being used in very many families with which I am acquainted, in complaints for which your medicine ia offered as a remedy. They have never failed in giving entire satisfaction. They are considered by ua who have used them as the best family medicine with which we were ever acquainted. ' - BENJAMIN BAIRD. Dr. HULL'S COUGH LOZENGES are now ra pidly superceding all other preparations for the relief of Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Whooping Cough, Ca tarrh, Tightness of the Chest, Bronchitis, and similar Pulmonary affections. ' ' Price, 25 cents per box, with directions. ALSO-1 BR. HULL'S Are the surest and safest Worm Destroying Medicine ever discovered. It is estimated that In the United States, ' " !i ' 100,000 CHILDREN DIE ANNUALLY from the effect of Worms alone. This "vast mortality can be almost entirely prevented by the use of Hulfc celebrated Lozenges. ... Price, 25 cents per box. with full directions. All of the above medicines are for sale by -Williams & Haywood, and Dr. Slith, Druggists, Raleigh. E. J. Hale and Samuel J. Hinsdale, Fayettevide. James W Carmer, Druggist, New lie rn ; and, onV en quiry, may be found at the principal Drug Storea and. villages throughout the Southern and Western States. Oct. 2. 1843.. ; ! : ? 79 6mo BRANDRETH'S PJLLS. PICTURE OP IIKAIiTH. -Health is characterized in anjodividual by the absencf of all pin. suffering, or affection iq, any part of hi body ; by the free arid regular exercise of all his functions without any exceptions'! ' Thify con sist in having a good appetite at meal time, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without looseness or jos titeness at least once in every twenty-four hours, and without heat, dryness, or burning-at the passage ; the free issue of the water without acrimony or burning, and without a reddishtaedlment which ia, always a sign of a present r an approa cbing paio ; quiet eleep without any agitation of Uoublesome drefma: no taste of bile or other, bad taste io the mouth upon ris ing in the morning; no sourness or disagreeable ris ing of the atomach ; a clean tongue ; a sweet breath ; no itching, pimples or spots on the akin ; no piles j no burning heat upon any part, of the Jbody no ex cursive thirst when Unexposed to labor or other known cause; no interruption to any natural evacuate, nor pain at their peri.diCaI return. " t Where the state of the system does hot harmonize with the above picture of health, it if the greatest importance that no time 1 lost in sending for Doe; tor, or.tn ihe use of folish, remedies too often the re suit oft peculation ; instead of this course let a dose of Brahdreth's Pills be taken, which wHI not deceive, but will at once restore, health o the organ or part that requireait. ; ..; , . F ,v,.r , All who wUh to preserve their .health, all ;whp are determined to defend their life against tre encroach menta of dieai'e, which might send prematurelj to the grave, will without betiiati'in have recourse to the Brarrdr.;2l)eVwene. state of Ihe sy siem doearuMt harnionize witbthe above " picture x( health'.. Tlej are in general use by the. Ladies in many parts of our couhtry with the happiest effect!' ? ''' r ThoaW who five V'inlnr- where eontagipuaor other diseases prevaiffahoufd often' think' of this' true piettrre of heahh; aiSa!obsehiirtfSrilK jpirn'eular attehtkin. in f ordef io' act Iceordiogfy.' 'hrwise aod rightly directed will fbUowihrs adyice-the unwise i are left to their own destruetiorr: ' - ' P j I - ' I- WILL: PECK,' Agent at Raleigh. October 4. 1843.: . ; :, ... , j 80-ly Pf S. I have also' Dr.' Brahdrethy Celebrated; Ljni ment for aafe.wnh certificates of remarkatfecoreav FTpHAT VafuiW Profterty SHOCCO 8PRrNGS, -JJ.1 with -'all the Land adj.4nhig, being 450 acres, ! ara desirous to adf. -This distirigoished watering place ia eu weU kjidwn;ithat it is unnecewary to describe . Tbe improvements are fcufflcientto acceonmodate (re-m four to five hundred persons. In the. hands of a gentleman calculated, to manage auch ait stahliah "f ah ,lu. Profit would bev greatly -increased beyond what a lady can make thare, . 1 vriil aeR the whole 'e JaWisQroerttupOrt liberal terms, orexebangeiiri part foe .WWIt KtaawxT, will aid nrtheegoUe-. Hon. to whom I, refer, and nffers are hereby innted to trrat f?thd property Aayrs e&her rhe ele hstieroed,' or myself: through Hhe t4 It ffff. Warrvntorii It Ish..old nt be able to'sell this ;rl their comfort and convenience,; ? Z DteMt, r84i " 101-tf 4" ... Hi Hi Hi -To the- American Public.' If MPRnVEUMT in vlitTrrrlith hanni JU neaa and Welfare of ouf race is'cortstantly on the march to perfection 4- and'' with, each aoceeeding day orrtA now oriitilem i saled. or soma Droibund secret revealed, having an important and direct bearing over man's highest destinies. If we take a retrospective view over the past twenty years, now is: to mind struck with, wonder I W bat rapid strides hcascience made in every department 01 ciyiRzed , lue s particu Idrtv in that vcfiifh rl.t tn tha lrnnwfwf atk of thtt human system in health and disease.! How -valuable if 'f . a . . 1- ana inotspepsaMe are tne curauvameanareceniiyuis : covered through the agency of chemistry ! How does tha ImairinatSriti tririiTla' ant Air ' ailiiiSrsti An nlnv It the ingenuity, the.near approaetrto :tbe standatd'of A-t- aa a . a. a a perrecuou, or ine present ume 1 J nrougn tne eiaoo rate investigations of Phjsiology, or, the science of juttk, ana me t'ainoxogy 01 prevalent uiseadea, mucn Vftttl1la) nreiatSfsml Ir nTJBrlo1 rrsa rmm kaavtt eminsuf fsV consequence of beaming acquainted with the organU 1 . - r . 1 . . . 1 . . suiiui), mo eieuieuts 01 up various ussnes. ana struc tures of the s v stern, remedies have heen anncrht after and discovered esactly adapted io combine with, neu tralize and expel morbinc matter, tne cause or diee. and substitute healthy action in its place. The bew -tiful simplicity of this mode of treaiment is not oply suggested by the pathology of disease, not only grate ful to the sufferer, but perfectly in consonance with the operations of Nature, and satisfactory, to the view and reasonings of every intelligent, reflecting mind. It is thus that Sards Sabsaparilxx, a scientific combination of essential principles of the most valua ble vegetable substances, operates upon 'the system.' The Sarsa par ilia is combined with the most effectual aid, the most salutary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetal.lo kingdom ; and Its unprece dented success in the restoration to health of those who had long pined under the most distressing chron ic maladies, has given it an exalted character, fur nishing as it docs evidence of its own intrinsic value, and recommending it to the afflicted in terms the af flicted only can know. It has long been' a most im portant desideratum, in the practice of medicine to obtain a remedy similar to this one that would act on the liver, stomach and bowels, with alt the preci sion and DOtekcv of mineral nreoaratiansf vet avithmii S J any of their deleterious effects Uf on the vital powers 01 uie sysienv The attention of the reader is letectfully caHrd to the following certificates. However great achievements have heretofore been made by the use of this invalua ble medicine, yet daily experience shAws results atill more remarkable.- The proprietors here avail them selves of the opportunity of say ins, it U ft source of constant satisfaction that key. are made the means of relieving such an amount of suffering. Nxwarx;; N. J.r Dec. 13, ,1842. Messrs. Sands: Gent Words cannot express the gratiiude I fed for your treatment to me, a stranger, suffering under one of the most loathsome -diseases that nature is capable ofbearins. TIm iIumu ith which I was afflicted commenced with inflammation of tne eyes, in the year 1836, which caused almost total blindness. For this I was treated and finally relieved, but the remedies were such as to cause the develope ment of a scrofulous affection oa my left arm near the elbow. ' . , "The pain extended from the shoulder to the end of my fingers and for two years my sufferings' were beyond; description., I tried various remedies and con sulted, different Physiqians in New York aud amongst them the late Dr. Bushe, who told me the disease of the arm was caused by the large quantity of mercury taken to cure, the inflammation of my. eyes . -.; My sufferings continued, the srm enlarged tumors formed in different places', ebd in a few ' Inohtha dis charged,' making ten running ulcers'at one time, some above and some below- the elbow, and tha ilih.rM waa so offensive that n person could bear to be in the room where I Was. I then applied to another distin guished; Physician who t4d ine amputation of the arm was the only thing that could save any life; as il was iiupussioie 10 curehs0 ureadiuj a disease but as I was unwilling to consent to it he recommended me to use Swaim'a Panacea freely; which I did withou deriving but Kttle benefit. " For three years' I Was urfablo to raise my hand to my head or epuib.my Aairr and the scrofula now made its appearance- on ,my head. de. stroying the bone in different places, causing exten sive ulcerations, and I feared ft might reach and de stroy Ue brsinA-the head swelled very much, ae companied with violent pain, numerous external reme dies were recommended, but did no good." About a year since I was taken severely ill with av iweliingof the body from head 10 fiiot, so t that i I waa entirely heljdeaa. the Doctor advised rxy? to go'io- the hosr.it.l, , for he did not understand my case t, for the last few months I had Wen afflicted" with a severe pain on both aides, at times so Jilrd I could scarcely get my breath. A hacking cough cooaiuUyh, Pnojed . me, and this combined with my other .maladies, rendered me- truly miserable. Such, gentlemen, had beentmy situation for seven yearsof my Jife when Itorxftnewced the use of your SaTsaparilla, but aa my ease waSconidered hope less, and fhe; near prospect ,of, at speerly dissolution seemed inevitable, t felt but little encouragement to persevere. The persuasion of friends 'induced- me lb try your medicine; Tvhich in a few day prodoceda great change, m my system generally, by causing an appetite, relieving the pains, and givjng metrength ; as success inspires confidence, I was encouraged to pe"eere, my ihs grwr easier.'my strength, returned, food relished, the ulcers healed, ,orw flesh fonnedi and I pnre more felt, within m thai I m;k .-n t have now used the SarsapariTla about two months, and am hke adtffereril; Keinr ;To nhftiXyWoi umvuiaica naa entirely neate.t. hmK.t impossible, 1 tcajwljt.iB mj ...cBwiD iact ; ami it is now as use ful aaatanr Deriod of m fif AAHM'i.rxii. . . -. , . 7 7 : j f. . .curia) UOIIUI is better than it has beer. v or. ... ' t-i ieai wnainagie in Utswordl bow many theuf "" -"yreui h in loreigi? lamls and eunnv climes, and have sought in Vain ! Yet it m TA nJ t,i1r had beetf given up trVdie. as ffeel thpufeafima J.?orlfo forth fervem graiitudt to tbf Au0ur of H""'u MORHnEuimna nv wtamm ( mm ahnu - - - -' a -. 1" .Tr" ucen graciously pieaa- ed to Mess the-mearrs madeuse bf. ' .rrufyhaye you proved yourself the good Samaritan to the af3icted. rather the iwa nr.nnf in..ln.kL o -.Jt rattier) the use.ofour invaluablef8arsaparilla.'. TbJ value tffbhinMd.tny U'-amTjLi -ii H "t r,,- - "MMwcB LTj ono once. meneyeannot pay f it. I h ve ? been taiTrom iUmpmMelcQuld reco.e.,vAnd now. gfmtleroen. iufler-me-tAaad4Khi-iiikrre-i-r? r ' uoo too ov my tbe Mik w itand anjoy u benefit, it IStZlS???," fervent WiA of theff nd yourfriend. -i'3 . -,Y- MARTHA COJILIN. -.a..-.------ ti?T Hwk C0ra "d whot she etatee i 9nt to be perfecuj true. r H . ... 'T- hcicA GawVaAX- ox NaW-TbV " Ml :da,lt .Rector of St. Peter's Church.' 184 New,Yki thisHth Ulay i bf; December, I know MarthtHnnlin .nJ u '4 it0f ferine illness " ' 01 ner UI- X9v TOHN DUBOTS,TjfAhp of ? ! ....! JJ - j - - ... . . I place full confidence in.ib, atatemeni mlV hi 1 Mth. Conlin, hav knwWifr Xrtw'nJ 1 y earsr i js-ill cheer Till3Zrrjttlituli: aa-- ttostte hercas t,tkose;who may ; wish furthsr ia. formation. . l 7 ' Sr. ELIZABETH, - Superioi of the ft JSh -Catholic, Orphan Ayata Ptoe-ttreel;N.York.;, DscJl. 1842 I hAerOTSdeneoinlt by Martha Cciilia, and have full knowledge f her n,. U,: .4 ejVuah r: purdy, Aldfciiril Cth Vard c4 the eity o Nesr-York December 14", 1842 1 ' MartbaTPimlin haeUved-in my famiry 13 jws,a men! i 8andarjariiTyiir also rerJiove 'nd perms nentlv curscases"having iheirJorigid in an impure state of e jo3 the gen-i eral contftuioni 't aahvoVfcCig's Evil in it various forms"; Ieumalismbssnate cutaneous eruption, blotches, biles, pimples, or pustules on the face, chronic, sore eyes, ringworm or tetter, scald brad; enlargement and pain of tfie botiesahd joints, mb'i botff Ucr syphilitic "sympti-ms, diseases arising from an injud?eious use of Mercury, female derange--ments and- other strnilar eofnplaints Prepared, fnd arfdVfa A.J3. Sanda & CoDiuggistr and liemists; Grahfte buildihcs'. 273 Broady, corner of Chsmbers-t New Yerkv-and for sale by Druggists throughout the fJ. S. Price, $ I per bottle, six bottles for, $ 5. . ThjShillcarorsiiectntl!rec toremembef that it, is Sand's 8areape ril!ataA has and is constant ly achieving suchrrmark&Me curee'oCimott diftV tttl rldaa nrjliaoaaa fn jkKi-K linman Tram, id subject, and ask lor Sands'a Sarsapa'riUa, and Uke ny -.1. ' - - - - - - otner. ... ....... Williams dr. Haywqod Agirit bjr ypejcial appoint, nt for the Proprietors, for' rkfeigh' arid, vicinity. ment m And fnr.Sale throughout the 1 'St- . f SH It. "II OS'i; OR MISLAID, a Pocket Hook, Receint of Wm. Rhodes, dated Mav-f4S. for f 2P0 Note of E. P. Guion -'S8 or 9 . 338A about Jan 1843 300 Henry Rhode; 1843 30 J;Spencerr;V7 ; io ' A. A. Southall, It ftlO State Bank of TV. P. $1 25 cents Chirtestea bill R. R?V. ft and 2 Virginia Bill. A ;Vi " . Memorandum of accounts against W. H. Simrrt J no. Murphy, Wm.Paul, W. W. Alston, Wm. H.' Haywood, Wm. F.'Collins and others - All neranna- am .noti&ei not la Irsds for am'iA . pers, or any, of them, as payment baa been stopped. iaum niinnr..; - , vaii nnui'LQ, Sept, 27. ". "" 71 A SECOND HAND CARRIAGE FOR SA LE;AV rea t barirala rhav hf had in a Newark burtt Carriage and good Harness, if ear iy ? application be ? made, it will be Fold fur almost .l: :.i . I . .i ,, iiuiuirig. cuuaiuciiug lis vsjub. VV ai me iubis- 1 xkr urnce. 1 ciij svs- qaictiu, xiitsswiiyoi ? nalelSl, 1 he Subscriber, b. ins de sirous of movine to his Plantation, wiktim ; LamtHl hia HtllJiSK ANI1 l.tl l" in thi r ii Tk. Property is situated on Newborn, Street, east from the centre of the Capitol. The House is a large twoito. ry building, forty-two feet by twenty-eight, wiih a pi sage through the middlethree I Rooms on the lower floor and four above, with Fireplaces to each. It bi a basement story of hammered Rock the whole extent, which is intended for a Dining Roorn Vc. with a fin place at each endthe basement Hooms not finished. There is aanoerb Rock Stable, two stories htffli.tnin ty-four by thirty feet square; also a Rock 8m.ke-houu Ant crnwt TramA Ti t ti art . ...1 .L'..M.ni A7 1 1 i W.i 1'K. T.ni ..no;n. ry -t-m -:"... ..... .r ground, Which have, been bighrv improved. The4 IT . as . a .. - T I. aotise is Deauuiuijy suuatea : on; an eminence, near ; the front line. A II the imorovemenis have heon mA, h within three years, land cost the builder over six thoa i rvn r ....... . :, . . .. .1. - . i, ..This desirable Drooertv ia now tffriA fnr(mt mousand dollerf. Time will be given the nurchastr, I but the ndtes will draw interest and undoubted ecu- rilT will be reauiredr Persons, f deairnna nf lidnr t in Raleieh. have now an onbortnAitv: osiraBurreaiaeucSjOi yeryreduced price. , - . ir: -;- -r " - a t imiciii, n ugmi Tklh. 68 tf ra 'ar 'tevav .' - i- wo xcTes of Lan.l attarW l,r,fffr,n t.. M V Matthew Shaw; and- aitmwuiiAJQ James Me-1 "niBM. gThe .,imprQvenenia are all in first ? aryexC For ternlaanrd iff i: ;,i 4- i9t.s4a,ft!u. asjA-M Rfit irnt'T.ii:a. ' aleighDeo4l84afj rteiW a 101. IJjright of ePATBm', called xairKU vcrJU H1VJB, ibT : the Stt at North i Cafolina, are now, prepared to dhrpoe of iodt ryFtP1$.Mj, righia on; favorable terms. Tbs wmYWuw wu iiw ixia uay cr warcn A. v. 1841 ? its j vnutrea itaavaL .. cju.. . k anatrucled wthdraiweja, Jmaninw j&r the $ OUt disturbirrsr the "Be, ah.f al a'k.o .. . MUC. IUII UU IM WIlMrtWri sat raw lima aanllt. fieetualry pfotecilhem egains iWw ii of ten yery desuueflve ur them and the jroducu of thru Lndustrv : it ia alsn an a removed from one bjye to another, or to any reauired distthcle Hhe iftjrlfor hivWt movm tey thm extract 4he ihonei irom ibe hi. - - - - laatBiiir f alisr- .rrn! TlaHiMcifV. ill tin inwniveispeifectlj plain. in'iite ' construction, an. 'Its BTirmlirlfv ilnJ .:..-i. i .. 1... ages. nssinauTed te success; wherever ft has beenrio- Witlim'l It'll IIIIS m nii.Hl...ii. k. Krt inglaM and Western Staiei. and w have recoBK mendauoha from the citizens of; fb'oVe 'Stales' aigneil ? he, !w7er werebahtKrmer tntf inethanie v of the highest 'espeelability that-kuve tested the 4 nOe ftWr v ?wmples of lb pwbre for TuaharlaWpfes-e add.etf Wnminglon, Jn. 10, 1844. U ,5 3m v 1 v on ..i. riini jb u ai i hut. tV.9 &M"TCf Europe, abridged from tw last London edition U a Esti Merrjoir of Napoleon Boniirtet from tbe Frend wDe Bourrienne. his private Secretary, Ac, 4 . v.wvB in wis. Aver, one C9if reau nw JaSiwitheiAi being convinced of, the truth of J? fwtfajuilog a perfect w 5!f rW,J'anpIeon....J'1 ML? ur p" language 'whtcE Wa.s any ca. psMon wiiii ine preaeAt.ln-itt graphic delineations ''W. ForsaleK oe jieoB. caianUsbtBenrof iats ! t . y :rJtteyilj SK.JUiuth. N. ft w2!ad. 4 tTiuern oeeosmen. Warraiitea " - kowth of iwa. jd4WuWUM . - V,' Vf Febru. rrnarner lleueiiavovr-eiveda V Li nf Wnln I lisihssi r if ria sanffTT "Z r f MSMVlSSJiaaaaafBI tfj g J t7III VISB V " , tins? hv Xm.I. It .. l-. l - t i:L..ief! ii7 s& tiOTRMEJlAHlIGHJSi Jan V waa wSE-aj hi lfijj j ' ir ' - w It .-jfv.