I ,l - - " 4 -, " ( 1 s - - . ; , - a - - : , , . , tJ. I: t 3?iIl"-Ji2av l4 riif 4iMTi VrtiiiwTSJ fit i5 1 fi "I'TTrHi.; t rrmr r,v. g a ft'' giaiv 7 iiimT iiiniiiiii in i ' .-'I V-rti nJi,,, rwr mmiim half 1I will be i , , f ,uiww,,iar nricea. for advertisers ttf iT--- .-'t'nia4-J LGiniiv Will Ut-0?"i,j Letters to tne tanur - - r- - - -rxiB. j i PROPEaiiY.jm Anrfii 1 ILL BE SOLD' M b'W.W ... -J.i.;-ni- in rhe on of MiRon, Jbrth Gaj'olina il The Uolton ractory building. aiuT ali lUeraa cliioery contained tn.?t Wtdrigiht!1 Ttt biiW inSWch; fa-iieatlf iie Ubriekknd 5 a1eer hw 4r feel wide, four etones high, and rattagl(rt, a vcrv supefior fjndcqsilyhewp; stpneondatioaj: The Whole fioildirigrw fcbneirafcted hi tW test style d .L r.unaKiik. nf iIm vrv Wat aatuaU. and is cov ered with a mefiir rw. "Tfie" iriac&iieryt rad by kr Meaws. Kogera, neicaum anu uvwr, ... . . son, New. Jeraey-io their Uefiakyleand on the .tf mostmoderarpJaB) ia !aa nearly ipikla , excetj i Spcedera, 3JJraFtt roy f'j. jlTuiifoa id FrenplilT; "T V. " ,3 RaiIroai,Head ' , . Jft j lrflkfpsicbnUe'Pia o Guitar, 10 Frames containing 13arpkoj.miej , I . .,t r.i l: ! I.' t ..... a ll. 'The GriMill oI;omUttug?M- 40 feel n.!tv "hree etoriea htfjri l ham. oiiue-l materiaii. - coniai: p-i.ti..w wnewtw -Wheat, and I pi GoIotie dittollua fJecttitbi'Ail the usual machinery and appurtenance. hejtigid large tnanuractormg millar. tniieS?ft.4Jil- i4jom4 in; ll Doth i Wa F(a loathe ndl-KodlN Af ' r T (n Smiirin paratk fessoiir ; " 250 With afl the ariou8-geerog, aojmwy aa .appi P'r io Drtwiiigkiid PatntihV : WTl inaneei-neeeaaaryto- perat4M rdewi - rf j j itF"i1o2fafi AJiiitriretlaijr fik-ofali(mefat ni.''?it I id. The'Gria.-ndirttaft:lM.-fauiit -wfj nJ ?titit htiw ti i A .oft ae uriPjnuu -anu iconrjjw iur iww ww oeeatoti( wiii be optncd at day a, without the ex of the MiHtxJbi tjiosjlajilofffl f weaa.aanctKm. of nawaiiJi e?uafdianUThe :ReH- All those Mills, -ii the Cin. rbfan avrf j gioua aervieea of Sanday, tina bUM4beChapel of Mill., and4he loitoa Om. ara drwea-iy aler powe ihe Jjwtitulion bV the Hector PdpUa ay? rarely, oc bdmeind la ibeQTnpaBy;rd Khachtiai bBlBetd v,. n .vs;t nfi. .mVtn idkink. ttir ia all baeauaUaanv m tUia section, pt countn"-.,., vi '-HtK.it ik.. ...ir- tu. .MaivmI m orornt ini Vs.' 8ome or.:l...bwliU il&StaWlWa attached for each) rdie,;fiaiili9iftr. Ky 4fU fflWfj raeml-era are employe; tiihe establishment ; nearljJ all of which have been erected but. w.jearf i ll addition twbichrbre ia a sufficiency f unoccupied ground belonging to jthe premises liclMo WW n. man morn nrb luinaM as ma I VfeftltL' - As it U preadSedrHiiat -4i6 ireWweWil pafrAaatji Btirh lnll rtroniirt witbrtuti. . WroiSl atamina I li,,. . r.irihpr.lMffrihlinn'.ia darned rMt-iai S and'the DirectdriorlAgen National ratelligencerrand tht? an timeswith pTeasureahevF in.proetylo oae4JtoWahinglrr iy 38omnern Ghurchman who may with to . purchase, or give any tutor mauon which may be required. Theentire property will be -4J :o crWit: ofone. two, threecfour and 6e ireawreoua! pay'menta, apd the wMetobearintercat after oneyea? frbm the daj of fca!; The title 16 the above property s onqoee. ticcable. By orJeKof the ;Presidw.aud Directors,. J. WILSOiY, Agent M M. Un.;t Milton,. C. Feb;. 20, I844:f f,t q 1 16-wlOl rrj"The National Intellii;enewHf publinh once a week until day oi iale, and send account toltbts oi (BCaV A VALUABLE PLANTATION is pf iereij for sale, near Tallahase, Florida. th- hassee in Leon County. There arfr600 acres con tained in the Traft, a very large proportion of which isnf veru mnriAt niialilv- '1'hft nfji-i i nlnntifiillv watered, with excellent water; and there a-re not mdre I than 30 acres of waste land in the body. About 750 acres of land are cleared, from Hvhid&T with a force of forty-five or fifty bands, in a favorable seaeonSOOof) 1 he Subscriber. wiuhiDff to remove to a more IS or em chraute. otter a Tor aale the '1 micf or 1jAXD.-0u which he jesidevsiiuated about 8 miles from Tatra 350 Dales of Cotton can be produced in a sea, aadl.oer offered in this market. Our assortment is corn- more Corn than jwpuld serSie.BSd Piantaiion. The land uso situated, that it can be dtviOed tftto twosep- arate Tracts if preferred. Theis? is god -l enough I to employ from seventy-five to eighty hjaoda to aid- I vanaiaee. The natural erowtb is Sweet'Gum, Poati Oak, Red OilcUberry, Ash and Dogwood, Thejjup-1 icrmmux oi uie aa nau.iauiag irum x sub- i Th fm,:. Ti7froyT,CTn.;. kf araT.Tsr1 white family. there are Cabli erected Gin aprjendaires. Thbsociety of therietgiofinl caBjoe cpmi.tfjapiy accomipieuianu 1 -, .7"rOTU,,,B1,.ll.l-u .- ns enough fV "the VepidHi a wbni-LTy TJJrT a n ai r-; M- House on the pl.ceYUhWh AVANr wrauie mu, anu tne lands ailjotn tne riavntaUonso l ' the Messrs.' Gotten and N. ThompwW- fri thl01?1 Carofiha" There are also several Churches 'icohVerSuSpbate Quinine. .CampUot or Chemical do. nient enough lo attend.. ,)w. J U ' j , i JAMES H. T.LORIMBlt, fc U : ) 1 Leon County, Fleida.' November IS. Ig4w. 93-6mV L.. .'..' THE inhabitants of Raleigh are hereby noli4e1llC,omeI,suf that I shall attend at the City Half, on Salur Wckilver, Jay, the 30th of March, from 10 o'ctoVfe AM.'tb 5 rfabrb M o'clock, P. M. fori the purpose of jFevfiywi ajietf laeir, l axable Property. . t T Tri'r Pce, ioimegs- -411a. .viua, . .inuucr, Persoos failing' to give in tbtfeJstof-Taxable JJg166 Gi Ckwea. GfaieJBllm8tone,P.f. PropertVi as reouired bv law. williubiect toemserve-.TT0,BPnian Wedicittesi FiceJ5urphurtG 2 to a fi-iaof Two. dollars. ' I - W , m : VVESTON R. GALES, Jamn'..1''1' bb. w Prtratetatflo.: Indeldde do; March 1, 1844!! .1, , i IfS td f (jFaiicy?opa (a gfiot va tyjTha Star, Independent and. StaffdwdrwUUnVTAX'l 1 .PBUM daietygf -:. sert three weeks. I l - 1 :' '; i t fi ,m 11 11 IA FUSE ! 1 jKJV.?r - COm, iam-.-TlTr'r --a- , . -s premium, w sun me umea, a lowoneof the oldest and betInsuraneaCari.il:tj tlk.t. niiw.Ui'i ' '. -f P.intheUnHedSUteaJandp.y.iulosael May 4, 1843 t . . ,1..4. i. ,j t Inal . CARPETING A good assortment grain Carpeting, at prices to snK ti v 4 U sM??lf OWLEIA rfo:eawjC'tCBACCO:df oi thS ft Ve'ry- tmporfanf tfnd pariicularty reqcrcatBd .?hi.okj& J adJ Id ftSJn fid! tt ifilnaa ,boui 90 fcetfcv 60. Ihree stories hi trh. with basis. menu illkt wng are or granite,. 36 feely 30. arid, grmin. ?n h initm W ail Oitt GrevSej of nrorly - So vit turn- uv ra uio.uuriu nuij!Kn' Hiuailoi! perfectly LealttVu I at a tleUoiHMC the eaf. i ,k- - n'4 L".k- "t." i 4 ue uurwiiunc are ui- ni Tea Chapel ia.farQtshed- w?th Drgaa,. a, Chaiv, I c9, Mnlil kod Moral Fhilosobhy; arid may bfc j -purroea inny untncaana w mi jj . extent, uaai foajr tfttrottnat W "whlth iVaaptres ,ayftoiIHTiirtS i3)Vklci HJlA Tor prf inlaadr6SwViPcilitbe. Klh I W ';i(h 3' W for tli:U of th PiaiieV " " .. . - 7 " . L jf, B. Bed airi Befctfcjar School ; PittilMjjnuedUftJ-lcniah their own bedding ainl tefcr;j be Ioihin2f PpiU ahould; he d?gtinr.t!v rhrt. wttfi ibe'owner'a name. Mr. Bkkita Will ''waliiliidtMtiiMjfi. YitutMtkrtiii' .h'itoetf iftii) faite Cktjr but m iIaUw OifrUlti.jmS WjaeyerrTpr eng.iwrJ,heyMaP0uwttfea .eeinaiheii &irads.and eeiktas eaattof manner in-.ietyvat.the iSuec, whrcicawaUtedly held dur - fag - the aeaaiou. -7-r eirt frattjh, lat, 1844, 19 1-rr ,CT3rllie:ChaTlealotfrS.:C)F Coarlefi lhe Chartea. ton;Go - pl Messenger, the .Mobile (AU) Adtertwer U'Tcreb "l iucu, s. im. i.hi. Sre inaertion, fward a paper toritoihinjrq U Mf. $ia, and -end their CMia;the;pci of the Register. - ...-:; - r TO COUNTRY-MERCHANTS AND -H . itw,. r '.M i ! iral JL Wl.fLEAi?lS r fTtrW 17! TB St TI T 'WHOLESALE DEALERaiNitoUi 1 . MEDICINES, PAINTSOM,E ; SPICES, CIGAKS, TOBACCO I?fiqiUl " AND DENTAL INSTRUMEiST'Ac i? SYCAMORE ST.. KTERSBURQ 9 ,SA( TTTTfE TAKE tWa method Wformmr-' yyfeiansand t'ountry UeaJfSfcii3We ifealt, oy"tbe first arrivals from Boston, New YorkndoiheT"p4rU receive larce additions to oar StcfcoT GOOvSi ma king: our tirirrg supply equal if kibi awferio W aaajt pUie, embracing every Awg' nataly ,fpupia Drug Store, together with a variety of abetter, amt Uap Paper.Wnd many articles of Stationery', Grocer jw A;r7 tides, Hc One-of our firm has last tetxtraed fronvibo and baa used the greateit tare in tdtcUng 4Jood f me vest qvauijf. and egua to any Hijb rQJIfN :4K l" w-r-t!rw MKuaiaA.i-iiai ineus iiont m n a w. . r w- araik . - - A a ra r . a i m matkeiraveTyrfevfc months, and. as we purchase All V A i VfiTH C we enamerateaaew of pf leading Articles: jCaiior,GDm Arabic, Sidltlia.lauJeri nl bo(. l3ugarjLead, OpiumrMttt t ,ttesfct , fcream Tv Tirtaric Acioamol4 fctick, ( cm ;uftetile Soap, iSasenUafcJ-ttdvrooa. grouna and in Sit TJT t !n rli SfMla.'.irHOeraiF. Bluest arte. .AMllOi UU yitriot. j 1 gnesiap f t a Indigo ilaraccas A j J0 & Sedleiu PowUerJuiftw;laniHa,X!l r Aium Epsooi Salt. ,8riiBg,Ink,blktadhlua, r5weei uiu dcbIBirarif.!oE all aaads. M Aug vril. 1 UCH tlUltUUB 171 1 b1UAA1bl4 .1(TM. t?f and Marseilles, .iw- ViWuidnw.'fJlflgrf. B!?rr flPetre, JH aft frbriAftf A f ri?. Oil rABViWl4CAHAMJAAAriAl Dotal I wVTintfer Snerm OILil tUmmMrl o EilHiiVoIe Vigor 5cS 19-law6w I M 1 ca6e-OKTH TXn ion.au p. i... 1 1 -i ii. 1 . .. CHBW1NG1 and t Wholesale aritl.Retait Druggists. la.Vrn'r;i,uiHWilathpmaticff.1thei - ft im fthfi aim T thA PaMaf Ia m ia f A wrtf '.lanort. 1 tiaiiI At hiA NpTiaaI i rv ,K trrt friinv o n I f r. run it" emtritritfy wbrtlii of ihe.'patnonagft' U enjoVa, ? v 5' il.A.uttiao in ethariiurin -4ilaaeiLn . ,i.-..W..oo- r V . - .-- ----- I a . ' IMtl alllMv. UlaVA WTUXM. WIS aftftS KUHS IU KU MB :' ITAGE OVERTHOSE "WHO HAVEUOUGHT b Umesr"-5 ijfi s.i rriTWiakWPESCUD. J.f.i POQTHB.the. . aulfferingof bu$ariltt ! atnejierafenije oanfetf of' 'tieM':tiLrlitmnA iect of Trictileal seiencd. Tin' 1affirfiiahtttf 'miai. strated in tlteaiiu4irtbeW 6f DK. -BENJAMIN ?BftANlRETtPepiLlTbe ebtvS teltefeted by thiailMIellDWttldl'wII fitsas.Sr w;T rt : -,V te'bn fndigeatiel aarit artVssf variou UAde-, fined ant Irregula Nervoua 8ensalionai "A s . Uj, fiitaviaMill at first, grbwr lagr froni delay V;- : j -.1 Atidalowly cat theur aad and cankering way UbSiffivM ly aucreasive 4hroe,Jthe frame. & tixn, w '"Tillliealtii' and peace of mind alike re feone.'.. . ?The nervijf ef theibdmaa.bjtiHwe Receasry anrayrtefiouiragentajih;iefe connect Ja.wthteriial ttatwe ar atngadjarly. prnje to bajre their fuqclionadieodered. by aapppreiaed coiidition of the stomach; the rirrote termination of tk: on if je erve espanijej tipmi. the organs of. de gestionrconveylng the mWbid impresitioa to ahe BraihC Ana although,' the ' Head can. undoubtedly. ike, other pfgaris, be tlie 6?at bj primary disorder, yet, "V'JltreaVjinfljorit l&bre'experieb'ced are sy mptomatic of disoidered Stom ach ; and,. further, there is abundant eviJenclo prove Ih'af crudhiesln tbiel Stoma 4i aiid'BoweJseanvin ev- cry grade of human extatence, give ' rise o prpasmodic a'ctnln1 "every trrgatfiof the body and Whether we aurveyitib the agonising form ef Tic Doloreux the alarming convulsions of the ' Epileptic seiaii re or in that irritable condition of the nerves of the heart -ocea-aioning nervoui tatpitaion they -Can all frequently be traced to tbe soureo above mentioned, and I cured by anUde-vaimaat and tonitr remedies 'i rertove a sta'e of so much suffering and dwtiess (in wbirhbody and miud alee participate) BRAND KETil'd PILLS ara .confider.My recommended j as by combining aro matic 'louic land cleansing ..-properties, they remove all oppressive accumulations, strengthen the, Stotn- Jacli, induce aheaiby i'ppeite. and Imparl tranquility to ibo nervous system : and it faefi;by their geaeral purifying power upvu tho -blood, ert,a:mot bene ficial influence m all casesuf disease,..' .'Read .the ful- i t .!,i EHSi0T03r"t ,pec Sth,' 1843. .IJear .Str wish you to add my lestioipny to the host of others that you have, in favor of your valuable ri" , in iu year 1,30, i aa uiaciceu wn mat dUaeree'abie complaint. (ha'DrspKpsiA. svh'ich o af- ftcted me ihat I could hot 'take the leat particle of Tootf;w'iih"cntlhe most unpleasant irid" uncomfortable sehsatton In my chest head andbce.. My chest woao"' arB tha? fcodtd tool: beaV 'the slightest' p'res- TAiVerable man physicians told ihe' ; Ihet Ihouebt I "Wa in fbe eotismuptrn; and rhat u I did not give upi my busine, and change climate, I jcould live bat a short time. ; 1 tried every thing in' the shape of medicine, and consulted the moat ekilfu I physician; -but found no permanout , teller I . became tliscouraged, gloomy, sad, .andjsick of life ; and, probably.:. ere thu. should hayebrea in mygrave, had l; ao felf in with your precious jmcJ'cine. A friend of mine. (wbobid been sick of the sitne complaint.' advised, me U trv vuor puis z.ouu nayiog irieti mosi moer meaicanes witoouc oniainmg any reuei, nau dui iiuie lauu naivour PHta wbddlte of benefit; tb;me ; but at his -earneft solicitatioavI prepared a'box pnd Cwnmencet tfiiipg UW, X.'...:., ..... i ...u, . Y . ,t-' , The first produced. lit tie or no effl ct, and ' I began to'Uesptfnd: fti- fear that ybttrrnedicine would prose j likt'oihers I have faked bill my frienda argued that one was tiot a lair trwl. and I , iturcuased a second: and before I. had takenT the whote'box ' I begin Hcv exo pejiehee tV cbaVige ; '.the paih in my 'chest v liegan to be fet's'paitiful. and my food did ot distress mei4 roadi aaiormerly, 1 lwer(t: on taking them intil had takeii ait boxes, and my Dtspksi a was bojtk,' and my-expectation of art early death' vanished, and I felt like a' "new creature." I was then; and am cow, a health 4naat I have never since been trou-i bled wtlb; the Dyspe'psiaA 1 P hava-' administered your PiDi to titermernbetsof my family, and to my friendsj and inaH oiaea'with good success. Yoa can publish this if it wfrthoof any -ase to-yon-7' (..It j ,'J f.lami dear Sit, trtdy yours,, -., ;. . : I 4PStfiifnft-tbD if! wSii! JfLfCOOIC,-.!..!.; Mti-;'itJ.'& T PubUshfr of the State Bapner. Braj!jr.e4hV Ppaicip4 Office, ,241 Broadway fork;" Sold by WM. PECKi Raleigh, N. Cj lSew apd by one Agent in every City and Town throoghi .0Maehi 1844 iV, r ..j; V,' ; i9fo Xo.. 218. PEARL 5TBEETMJEW J0KKi5i tykfiENEtoiu 't vtA XEf J us recei ve& t ,thef r kBprtng f wpw ta ronsis whicht. they: ofier, . ,bx, aie iPU, ,th?.,it?a AP?9t reasonable jerais,,, ... " Feb. 28,44: .ii. Na 50, Cocbtlaiui-Stkeet, New York, TTT EEPS.eohstantly on hand an extensive assort Btn Medicine Cbtinieals, Bye Stnffv t'c it. wuicu can ukb purrcuaseu on-tUB,UM acwmiuwaiiuii terms. Trh. 28,1844. i !) im ij i. ! i. .i 1 .Jr:AArWATH BAA - . AJA , B B . s-THE'SiiWrilaar wishes to-diipae;or -his FaJnili vesideneH situated -on 1 Hiitsiwrov street, containin g one sere of ground, a fourth of which -is a betittifa n- r i.M. n.bALyott)i(ir thim -till uui mil m ViVTV AA Al,A.w T ' au anuer me nuw - nw. ,- cdledt wWKwitKlntiyWte fardw cbtitaini I tbobt ftatf 'iati qacraj rtdace- well, AUAlv"tnWatic4To&Irttb atJal flowers.-4 aaaa. . tl-.ifj kU-j.rtiA it wtAft tWAUr .riA fro1 aaI - liKlAlll l a'.tAlttM tain ao aluabla-!aBdUgiblv residence.-- Persons wishinff M Prerj. ffa? T" 108 Prop'1' I ". 'iil'r.Vtl MUMnaiiin. Im kail iWmXTf -V... -f . ,, ! UJ-. TV-V'-TJHjJl RajeigfaMa;! , l - v -KKRAiAKII III Iff IV ' t KEltNARp DUPUY, Ol'' ('fi'.l. Jllf.Jt f--l Jimusry? 1844A .'J' tjfii ie-ft j!!t S T I lfilil f gfesa: lab,.a vmpW itfiSCOWS W ItmThfe 'HlStofy iagihai He,aitjiave4r th Geve.iimn Jh smsaasaa -femSyoK ning rooms, and j three bed ch ge.1-T1? 2M4 WliamH;p -'4i-e''rye r:tf,:.o --r-tt ":V 'roooa, and .m , r-fl,fV?w withhtills;in4f arlallW would mm 11 fo ealAat the Northj Carohriat Book- 1 iwirrsfj aia!f..i WAti iKfl.sii'Aiwi sture. and obtain a copy.,, Jroi Sale, by - .... - , . , ? OTIGEi-rilBi eartnerahtp-ireretr)-'fore eifatln hrWilie8lbT6VuniIMHii style of Wi H. ;MartIt-'&"t?eV;,'haa beett tfisaoIviitlaAd the liability bf thb uhdereigned ' for the' 'contracts kf W. -ll; Martiriaa-cIose3.H 'J 4 1 --is. v.v t'w 5 J ra:t-j.H'U'B. -is. -'MARTIN;! mm F. T. PEET & HITtHCOCi-i!. !..f( o-: C-? ao 'o IrA- Opening a large and, aplendid assortment of J EURO .PE AJ IPMESTW) JT GOOttf, rbich have beeo purchased under,peculiar utgea before the pricV Bad advanced ; , and,ara prepared i6 sell thcni a sucl a profi it an object to those who ar? pqhasingv to caM Wn examine their atock , cHarffbriie bhth witf tmulthe iaste and siyie.ov'' their' 'Gbckfs' purfyadatedi to lheif ibarket.'' Orders "for fJoods are attended o Wiihthe vmrlct;te4entyi, Those' purcnasing lof -fsho'r prompt ;rr tnbnj ha pay;,' wtlf ! lo Well tb try them.-i They beg'-teave toTefer fo; the foHovrlng gentlemen; as an asirrince hat bttslhesa entrusted l them will W faithfblly attended to - v ftf 1?; l?i Pearson, Eq. lkf.orgnnton. ; C. C. Hender son, Esq. Lincolnton. J. McEnlyre, Esq. Ruther fordton; L Murphy & Son, Salisbury. David Parks, Charlotte,; Ni U. ' tJol. U. Dunham, . Greenville, S, O. -a C; pii Mills; Esq.; Brindleton, N . C W.' J. MeConnell, Esq. Greepjiboro', N. C; . Scott & Mc Ado; do..' bay "-:; f ' . :si ',',-; .. :i .- . ; -v : Febv 20. 80,-: pi ,?: yt-.Ji;t 1 6 w3m : kew firm; :' - . .. j: :; a : LITCHFQltb 4 SMITH, i TCTPFTOULD respectfully inform ihe publicj that V V 1 they bat-e commenced the TAILORING BITS11VES& io this Ciiy. three doors above Mr. B. B. Smith's, and nearly opposite to Mr. T. H. Snow's Storey Fayetteville Street. t ; ;, - . : . .Tbey return their; thanks to .their jold ftienijs and customersfor the I very, liberal - pHU&oge : they have each uuiformly - received , and promise thai . nothing shall be w.anug on their pait to merit a continuance of the tame.' - t .. - . . - , JAMES LITCHFORD; BUR BON bMITH; , Raleigh, Feb. 2.1, 4344, p ... 4 ; , lfi-4w HANDSOME CITY PROPEIVTYK ,i .- :-:, IFOR StfJbE. ; f TTNTENDING J to-remVve to my Gold Mines re jj cently purchased in Montgomery County, I ahall otfer my present resufence for -Sale, without reserve, on the 1 5th day of March next. atl 1 o'clock A.M on the premises. A lo A part of roy Household and Kitchen Furniture, such &4 cannot be conveniently carried away. Alsor a fine large Durham Cow and Calfr of the best stocky and frw; Hogi Also, a Garden .Engine, very .useful for watering Flower Gardens. A : yjn rf ,: I , : ,? .- fj;g. t, . ., The- above Property is; situated just beyond the corporate limits of Raleigh, about 3t)0 y ardi East of the Goyefnor"a House, on th Rad leading to Smithr field, commonly known 1 3a , the Hollman road. 7 Jt is inferior to no property in the vicinity, whe ther regard .be had to h'alth location, general ar rangement,' or style of Architecture." The Dweffitig House has five Rooms, with a Ffte-place to each. There is," also, ah excellent well of water in fhwyard, and coptigoiuis thereto '4 Bathing : Room and Dairy. Also, two Kitchens, and every Out-house, ueceesary for a Family -r-a!l well constructed and conveniently arranged,, v-' u.y V . Persons, wishing to. purchase Propetty, so desirable every respect, are invited locall and examine the same. A bargain can be bad. if appucation be made ltefore the day of.sale, and a .liberal credit will be giv en ; or I will exchange the Property for. young Ne'. T will alao sell a HOUSE 'AND LOT, near Mi. Wttiji AsBtitT, t "reenl occupied ' by -Mr. MAaiscaAt. It baa three Rooms, with a Fire place to each, and comfortalde Out-houses, presentmg a most1 desirable location for a small iamily, with the donvenrence of a large Garden.' ' si : 11 I will also sell the Lot adjoining; (supposed to con- lain about'half an acre,) either separately or together. RaMghVFeb. 22, 1844. I'&r.iKio-, (I6-t tS i i liL. I'MA 1 . A At ' V:' A ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCRUTHe dee'dr hereby gives libtlcelo sill persbni indebted to saiu CiHiaie. 10 uibkb iiumcumic way iitciit. - nv iuupb uavillK ciatuii vuc lueieiruiu, wui icaciih lucm nnu- jn the time prescribed Jy hw.jbr thia noiiobilr tie plead ia.bar of their reebveryi' 1 : -'uJ a t i i .. ijSAl'H'L. CLEGG, Adin'r. Feb. 20, 1844. 16 .6t jjphe! door $oui ojf Srj! 1;. TiTas Drug Slbfe "(13 H cftargea'witl - be regulated by the timea- Currrtrrf ddne at reduced priced 98tf siRALEIgH,;N-C In No.4:cH8, 93 6m -i-, :: , ti ,hrr? .1 V EiV; ns vmm vt- nwrn-wni 53.-. j -s ATT O R N Elf A T L A Wi jirTt-.! tts ila's terndo Mia1 Oi&eto ShteritT Rbom j . Raleigh,. Mren:;'f m. ,t . !.- .t .a. i 1 rA , nttiog on' the bbdv and bfood liemanf Leslie r Pai iat tale;' BurnetV History of Ihe ReforthatLHt;- The aboe Books; no w for sale ai- the Book SWr stAndarJ Works mthtf Church and ijught to be pbsf 'aese ah tbeVishJtr '1K" ''8yrntrWlmby 1 A M)ebler w aWfcr sale here; i arSd is a rriost raluable book; ai-aficurately etebitUtg thv'doetririal diflerenUs" sbeCweea' Romanists'? aad ProlestaBUf: -rt t j ft ,4 ?t?.v'iV . , em . .fj 5J.f .f LjILLtMAN IYES, t;t , fc.rs.it t;-! Bishop of Diocese wNotth: Carobitiitt - tu Saleigb:, Match 6;J.84tt a isi f;itti rQ$ 'fiinraeralloeC Febrwry Termjof Chatham County; oeelftL ministrator upon the Estate' of Barrttt ! rlkstfia, 1 r fhsiiQ NEW MXNUELOF : DETOTIOaXS t JL Brrl- Family Prayers t CWgy mana Cbmf panTorl ' HobarVs Apotoey fof1 Apo-tolie'rOrder t ATaiuer - ijcwimiuiicu 11 t . umtv of the.' Church' f Ratrani on the of oor' lAorift the " Lentiri fast f 1 . 1 cbfeti Shewing i'obaeco; fronr JUangnorrre cc ArnMtea's, Lytierrforg?;V superior Smokiirg Tobathiv4ay:recebeila.f aaie4aihi(ilKCMiUn as A gen,U fbi ;the. .M auufactor yiti8aff6rdW tihe tmani ufacturing prices.. by .'the bpx or ,kegV'. Tljose that would like to retail a' go, article' would 4 ,wl lb ?UW!? anlixrjhit able Quarto. wr Mao., .mwcaiou, mu, i?urA a rj. s , ' t-k". nit.'iii;rii,-i.L'i.,. it-.-ii. 2?wv ' Int4resuTiablesl' small socket volume, at SI . . ' ' ' :Bofh neV add highly" a'ppro'Ved frorks: - Fof iale atfisGfficev-1- - 9ii?&iiC3 fc-sa iaa L ft.CH ACRES DP ffllSSISSIpPI 4 yob II cj o tjt so t;x wos Pon SALE:.--rhe So acres,, eitoit'Kd in i the Court ie pf f NfealmbAK-Atai Winston Carroll .and- Choctaw.. jT.hee .krwere selected some years aince, by ax jycEp'CoTTO Ghowsrs, witlv.spewal reference io? the 'tpiality 'of land, healthiness of ekdaiion; and ' eaay icommhrtica tion to market ; located " from ttree -to sevear miles from the-County seals..,. Aautfh; they, are 'iow; of fered for sale oh the Btos:5t0d. portiiMi of the. purchase, money, may. remain on. Bond and Mortgage ajpei ceolt jper ipnum To any party who today wish' to Purchaser the bp pormnUy is a rare one, so Tar?-a;ai;jna7 investment may secure a large arkl valbab!e: E6Uei':'Th$.ft'rne will be sold in lots to suiti purchasers- -For further -.1.1.-. , , . , . EDWARD YIN CENT,: 29 Pini Street; New ToAV '. -Fuary 24, I84f v' '' ? fV NOTICED rsre-rv'i f - ,. f: - , r g H E subscriber now offers for sale," delivered in j Baltimore,1' and at prices corresporidrrigTwihtbe hardness of the' rimea,LBWls H.Mavs's portableJt'ast Iron, TH R ES H iNG, i.JVJ AC B IN.ES w;i,t hreahin W heat, .Rye, Oats, -and, smalt seed, .and,.-cracking Corn in the ear for the purpose of preparing it for food for cattle. , , . ' ' The improvement "whicli roaitMthese- Machines saperkir to any now in' use in the Southern and even Northern couiitiy.is because of the, bodyiof theey Under being cast in one or two pieeeJ? with t)ie heads 4 teeth or poinls alj cast together, being a solidjnaaa there by giving to it additionarweight, and obvfaiing , the danger of the f pi fees flyirig but, as sometimes happens with thewooueii cylenderi-which'greatty endangers the Hvesof the operativee.7' of Unf, j'-. Mr.ij io Of these Machines no feiKS peed be enlertaiPedof their performs nee; for thffreaaokqf their having been succeasfuliy tried. fcr three years past, and . as yet no objection has been made known to the Agent. Being the only Agent in North Carolina, "to dis- pose ot said Jttacntne, and living as l ao in a remote sectiotr of country; I feel if to be incmnbehi on mo to give notice through, the columns of some bf the Jp6i lie organs,. that the farmers and otherl" may supply themselves (if they are so disposed jwith, said -Machines..,. .- .. -.. v L They can be transported oh One wagon, bat more conveniently on. two, fi'o'm one farm to atiofber, and unci iriitiug bi tun prac wiibib iiw; nvtu' is iu ij executed and set in oieration in less, tuba tban-fifteeo fhiottteai - With four good horsey and: eight Standi t these Machines will thresh'0 gww Wbeatfour hun dred bushels per diem. ,, - . i now propose to sell tne four horse power for 91 3D; and the two horse Tpower", built ! after the same con stroction and upon the same prmciplei fov $95edA, deli vered as above stated a ' Iwil t, if tequeed-by the purchaser, order at his tr their; risk from .Baltimore, said -Macluneacemplete;and ready ; .tor & work, (sar (he keyers and braces that propel the horse power,) to any point on ihe Raif R'oad that he or tbif may fared Oriitiiot Machines will be forwarded to. my ad dress a -soon as the purchaser makes up his. mind , to bur.jfn larder that J ma have them I cast) aod. seat to Btlttmore in time for. the bo yor io get them Jwiht rn-ooe, iaspnrcommancapons f TOwr stiojeci jwjMt receive my earliest attchiian,'if directed ars follows; 1 niu , .i DANIEL A. MONTGGMEVP. M." '"HifrZLt wilt take occasion to1 state ihaMesea- chines have been cast in Cbhamif56hltTO tfiiB State, fend thatsutt tsabouttobe broiJghtJotdarlsiges, against all tbx6 makrng, vendibgybr ttig:tbeajne, ..a . . l i i i ' A wiuaotunm Ecocormj arignixaaajenur, Jan. 17, 1814 -w5m J V A, . ? H E Oeneiltl lAsseioVly f North .CaroJjna at ;the b:Af t iheref&rt' iehacted,'My Jthe Generai , Astern blyef tke JeyJtAAChrolmwtditp i by enacted by tA autkorUy of the amty That the; Intendant of Police, and the . Commieuoperi of the City of Raleigh; shall Jhaye 'wek-tdteirayof not more than t wenty five:centsnri theOo Hatklivd. DolUrs wotth of piopertyA and, Ooet "Dollar nn-ach taxable Pull, for iha purpoiie of hiilrlg atSuard W Pa trol for said City, to belevied artdcolleehacherl 1 taies are now levied and collecled r Aou tne uuara, established. ";t)iidetthvWl 'ili "eplbyed darig the eaf i;ai3?asit1b4 tinned lAt iherrular meeting of the Vbmrtiswor' kctvi til revnioita wrre urewuvru 'ui uw1 umvy vwhi fortod agaihi the 5'prosetil mode !guarugrthe Ttlapf VAKArAaf4.aLsaW , va tWn; t.n riMVaaA latsf Mninina in a satrsfactory rnafmeri the senW -f the wifitena if vil T a nviVUirVHt tVt' 1UV faai pww yjaa PwsAiMMasja Kaleigb erf lhia-qaestioD, ; ttaifbUowtngr iXesotutiori was proposed and adopted, viz i JVii'iaixi 1 vftwf,Thrt the-f nteitdant ba teqoestea to cause' a Poll to- be opeied at he Courl Hos4. for the porposb" af aseertainipg thS aanse of the citizens of ; Bafeighi'. aa to the propriety ofliiriag. Guard for the present year, si provided for by an Act, of Aasem My, paed at tlm Session of 184 J-'43 , - , ; nPursuant to the ,aboVe FMlutiDn, I hereby give Publfe WoticeAjlhat (k Vtft 01 be opened at the iJoctt Rptifetnihl Cfrji t3aj.nrdayr tlm 33d ofAIarch instant; for tr parpose of. aMrtaiiiing jthe, sense pf the jDitizens on ha ateva.-pb1a.TJ,lot. anenetl at 1 tt o'clock 2 and close, at spnb wn, 'Thosa ytpp fraJ fayc ,bf rpp present yew,-and. of, levying a ro ana rroperiy 1 aa for that purpose, will vobf'WiUiA printed or written Ticket l.vi&Wt ...A- ' . A. ' WA ' .' . .rcv '.r. ,4. lvfr5lAr,ri! ifeliF- '. '-) tat. If-: T..-it-,, ".ItS.v; rht,A W1M- :X- Sesaiori oy 843-yttt,9aaaA, the Iiitendantof Police, and the Cbm'missinners of the City or Baleighlalef y a'Ipecial r tJuaru" TaV fdr said Cityof Which Act r the 'ilorrnf t the trrbstJ matealcittsvftifeiJsKHi' bA ii jkmi-u t'tAW j bu cujjiujrcu, auoii usa an im puncis biiu tuuiiij belonging td the City .Watch or Gt?akl' arf heretofdre V' " 'i -u WESTpN Ri tJAtEbt5 i eighrM.fch m? : r - soww ,1 - , ?' i'.ni i.n ...,i-.M7 1 ;,-,-r if-1 1 1,1 1 . 31 UIUAJUj JSJIXf MElXTSr fTKNE of 4he Partners of Ola EL; mT having juat re- weli worttiyrrtpf bel icmmlErfeAto ourttaraeroiia trietida andtha bljci Lftjse Pi ftt'.aajt as lew as anv Store in this Cut. .. . .. . , . jt : ".-r---S6 ' . A-. r. . Shirtings, ec,'5 TANcir'Gl ; . 1-. r , T t t . l r. aa i.iw w w aaa a, a . :Fihejcil iaro.,t4n arAciarHaWLadie oft5 Wlrttltsg t8BaskeU,rioJ-boieai aWhvtaH $tj0Q$ UraseUrrig-Bsg. Themaineterav VValkibg PM.i alaoi5 Sbjtvjng uteiisils; .Krk, Pc Bd , Pocket . Kivc f great ajiely 8cisibrVvb HrI ,ame opp't P .0to..TfVcssion capsShol ind fcblbeltaymrdb Wbc cards," ja?ent5Balha"feiftera, a,, thread, BparCloh;reeh,I1a1rp Sfatni)9 8Be bfusbeag SJilesi iFlhmg i Uie hsils; : lokmbieaet) Loinfei.: FREtefl ' L'dNrECtlbWARYi fs4gaiiotfi ether aridiea ?ouaj ' BdtteaViiaatercWckeri?, Pilot bread. Sugar and Ginger Cakes, best Pioep pleicVeTAv'bseAHmokeil Satrat.Sl;otea' Hmaa Smoked Tongues, Sausageigt, Projte Date.! FlU i berts,Pahai,Vv;all apd Ceos.pii!s, A lajomJa, Prfe&eives; rickte, Brindj lYu' Ofwges? tf mops: Pepber3 saticej decorate, Nok f Krtd bhibiaaisi iuuiu,, vihvu, KutuicLi, uiuuoiice. vinnaiuOBi Smoltihk: Tobacco; tens ina-Prmgipe, atid her SegarsSrotch apcLMrs MiN lerV Snufr,. Cah4r eed A4eV :Pep,eVBiack inlJi&grrj OoWrasy-Lgwc lismpfati CleckaiApplesVGwp1- Ctder, AJe. Porter, 2Q0 bpidtf'CoUoji Yarn; Bock eU, BrdoiBs, Wbiia api jr-iV m ti GENtiii MpijRT AND MADEtRAr WiNlii i . -a; .v s$ohl;9nlyily.tkcifM . PERFUMERTF nU ( rjtCh id of RosVsl lcasaarie matam, Corogne.-Fldnda and LayehderiWitefs' Shaving soapEssehcea, podeldoc.Bergataott;jinl, Saucers, rj-ivi .uUp,?t li-r- ( r 1 -i -jr gerboard8. onetts, Accc'rdeons, Brass Trumpets; 1 t. . ."at. l IV.l A X i , Imanaci.. Piimer&r !DeUiBi7. Pud ark fil, SUbaV ' . . t - aWv jvj w ' i s rri-TTT" s . Tv-i. -rr-"rajar Tl I 1 TT . f TV .a . uooiLSMeorapnies, jey oi xieavett j iattioitcn, jsi tfOTrtastplkie?; pinsV Cop abd Baf 9'HlceirfiiSa BaxUMoM aUpt$i ropeavl Ralietaii tn2o"or tiritevrtv -ly. Y JEWEaaLEi :o 5.-t,nil Fiae gb4d ind sil ver.aa well as gehnanail verjiy pphladt, via. B reasi pi bs; E? r ringsj Pencltsia Mr-rings, ThirnbW.. Ta'de and Tea Spoons, Dtv seri; Kiuvea- ariif 'Fork TWeuf CeterBHll Sp&ic,e;m;r 'VKf, If ',. A laree 'and choicafcsaoVvsJPnntiinVpre pamted CbildreiVyruiiiaf Syheeiiarft)Wf;;Bbrrasi Maf Wes, Hhmmiivitsrarie Raitlee'WiisilesA month Organs, Harps, .Trumpets, M agicoLarifofha; , PjKt jcetV, yfcjfacfgolfcb j Fceii tCa$$bns; icrpsabpes,-Chin Spiwfs-wWiBisii.if ' 1 fH4W.fetieTtrIe ttaVietf Blreeta MBtftfolkilWi8aT&-biMiLtl t4t)ifr a j i na nisiorri - noroe, Dy - j comas xveignuey. Also. Elemenlt'eT GebtV Jibr f ha vtfi ScbooM ind AOidtmies; bylPot WmWLJAJidWi. Qeblo- gisu a usms, lenna, rrague, qc. crc. oy w AvOQf, 1 (Ftf8al bfM ttTU RN EUtttyGBEdi i -xfjfj Star wift please rapy f'g-"- - . . ... 46Xt lUl.etjtyji iiliKl 93,11 t-ji.y. :.'vi Passage to nAaltimoft?i 7 fr.wamediam f he iCars from, Pa- tersburg, and wilt UadPassehgemiD Bt!nmot. tha next evening. - The aeeommodanohaca uoatu .eia Bc4ti areVerJ ih-prtoyV f-Ha-'pieV'ipell, AUWAIAU(A.WUA . M I W VBH1UV V WA11 1 1X Re'tarmnk v$iH' levei Balumora everf Eafurday tTtei-' 'Fortea Within vlhe batelihtvaariv ioiJ.. haaV.ter Handkrehjefs. WollentUapd8AfjIov6i Aiul'fitbck Corkscrews, .Wlups- PnciB,, Buttons', blajn ah3 Pkttioij MSgMonWclutfil Wauelr4 GKssWs,mimil&s4slJ Disht ditchers? Cbca-ohif iriousmba.! M itardatarcbifPaa; Olive Oil, rm! ad:TMWw QaadJesA P'oafeijiteyellow and perfumed ; Chewing & SBWktefcTobacccJ eenue ! .Finest Violins, bows, rtnogavhHdires..crew Ghitars, FlageolettH Fifes; Flhtes. Waii- aothoVot Charles O'Malle?,' erc feenfeaiaiDWemp a&eH0.al -pE ul Stambiaii ? t CAHONTAH, wiirleiva CityPxafit .lirefJr Baltinioce; evitWsjtaaaaM -aCuarooopA. at 3 o'clock;. ,3tfMmore,Mar.ip, 1843. .t . . ,-rj ! rTfrlE SubsclieriMi riea'r f-ur t L.Z '.si tU& I ktdnil4x :'yh&ti has mUkimi&'i f had) oe-f nd jif . fettbittief hojkl,itrorjd ncJpif fuSera la tl.-V.rkt t.AV tt,. ..mK. Ii Al A ?I A 'fi I, AAT.lt . AA. A FA. .Vljy.forsMaoiniAilE tnja;OrdskddfdtthVls : promptly attended 10. J - oU a tiii : - " ...:.. f .s--?; - . . a...., . -t .-.- . :' .a .-a a' ' -lifsY - :w 113bJtna PJfB.Trt Se'!i, f. W M- I fd ' 1 Orf . f!0 'U a:J rff ,bl;?"'ttl - f Si i if. 1 ft' .1 i. I: f 4.' . . - - -- -: tf,VAJ-9 A' --; - i-. I , 1! " A