III 1 tejtex&m&ft'?:. -I t-f.-r . : . - ---- . ' " . .' "' tvm - . . . .. -. . I 3 ' ?Wl?n.VT pq V- 7J - "tT: I "'V- ; w 13 - "TUESDAY: ;APKTji30V lR44iw t: .vsnUr,r.n,-j --vrfv1 ; - I i 4- l f t a h I 1 IK a h tit .'4 thd? tsiW ate At ant a at Sold a" Si the Seal.TfeiUr Itlergh. Bilfit" Oi . 'to. SffBScaiTiof .FWe Doll-ir- pef wuwn-half to ..-rTKMKNTi. For yenf Sixteen Lines, arsViasertion, One Dotor i e4 .ubwtlMertipn, Tyrenty-five Cents. , , . I't CoiraT OBDf ind Jvici At. ATTMntif7i -ill be charged 25 pvt cenuliighr bo; deduction flf 331 perW.WUlinde&Qmbewgulrprice, rot advertiter by tUe yew. r j-fj ! S Sf Advertimeoi., inserted, in tb e S mAnur Rioute. will also appear in the AVkiu.x Paper free of'eb.are; y-, V' -V,. , ' " - - ' J l- ' flCl- better loathe JIditeF mnt bf FeiT-A, i St- MARY'S CHOOL - . - RALEIGH, N. C ? , klW'&'Bs; l. D.t Visiter Her. AliOBRT SMEDES,, Kecter. , , IrinHB Ihh tMeioa of ihii School will commence II on the IstofJone. A paoctual attendance of the Pupil is reqaeeted. . v For Board and English Tuition, per sesnon, paja- b!e in advance, . f IWI 00 Tuition in French, per eeaiioa, - i IS Oii in Music on the Piano or Guitar, perseMioa. ii'h; ' 35 00 (With j for the nee of Piano.) Tuition in Music, on the Harp - 30 CO (with $10 use of Instrument.) -N. B. Bed and Badtecd are ftr niabrd by the 8cho4; Pttpil r rquid: to farnieU ' their own bedding and towels. The clothing of roptw anooM be distinctly marked wi n in owner nam. tr. 8xs iil superintend any purebaeittvii aay auiKorite their children to nuke in the City,' t no account will be opened at any Store wuhoot ine ex press sanction ofrl'a-ent, or Guardian. ' The RelK rioui services of 8unly, beinz held in the Chapel of the Intituiin hy the Hector. Pupil have rly' oc-J caon to vUitthe City, and the plauiest atttre t U that t hey require. They are allowed to' accept bfi taiwus in the City for tb dsy; only, once a month, and never, for the evening, ' They hke opportonhie of seeing tneir frterulcsnd ' aeqviriqf; eee of mann in society, st the Soirees, which aire statedly iield during the Session. r i T "f ' Raleigh. Apnl to, 1844. ! . -j--' - ;S4 23 Standard, FsjettevUle ObsertAyilmington Chronicle. Newborn Spectator, Washington Whig," and Highland Mewnger will insert each 4 Week and end their bills to the Register Office.'"" ? ' 1 - S1 TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Joaw. sto County. Court of Plea aneT Quarter Sessions, February Term, 144. 3 -. John MeLeod,' : . . VS. ' -.!. Heira of WHIinm Munden. Tsub)cd Keal Estate. - It appearing to the aatisfactiott of theCoort, that' Nredham Manden, on -of aaid herrvteitle beyond the limits of tb State : It Uiberefore ordered by the Court, that pubiieatiott be made'in the Raleigh Reg I taerf.r aix'weHt uece.ivoly, noUfying tbo'seid Neeuham Munden to appear ,at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter tiesaina to be nehf for said Coamt? it the Court House in ! timithfield, on thn 4th-M. iiy m May next, then and there to plead, snwer.or J 1 .. .1" ' Witness. Thomas Bagtey, Clerk of said Com at 0ffie, tbi Mth March, 1844. 5 i ; t ' i THOS. BAGLEY. C C.C. " Caution to TraTeller. W E would respecifolly t caution rthe. travelling public azainst nusstaiemenu made to operate i a.in.l iK- i ...U OI. b. R.. I fljirf! tva. avw.l I aigfc on fAeornooi of tba Stage from SUdge'e andl IM Uars fn.m Wilminaton. , r.,. , ; , . We boe - Caution." bot recent detentions to Tratel era J aamx-k: -a" Wi 1 f- f I wBumg 10 u&e mi uinm,. .rnace n impavauvs 00 ;ua.Ji rassenKers beins induced bv the difference in fare.1 (50 cents,) to go roupC bjf the Rait Read, are sura to lw deity .-d $4 hours a the PorUmouth Train lea Weklon oaually by O P, M . being two or three hours befbrs th TiW .ka. fe. .Ki.h hria them around tin Gaston, tha JnnttioB. Gar'a aYe. PrMengera wishing to ar ilmsel of tbisDnpl i.r !..: -t- i-.r5. .ad Z TJ: " !Tirr .nd Nw YA. will b. pot on bond f FiU v. uiiHvi hi uvumvim aus pw. wwt WM.M. MOODY. Ja.. Acent. Office PorUmouth dc R.Jioad, Bay Line. ? Weklon, N. C, April 22d, 1844. , 5 34 1 m Highly important to the Walking public. THE Subscrifer would moat reanectful lluhia Calf Kkin Mnm. Seal and iSole Leather, 4c of the - best qoafity, to wuer wim new aeu ot liista. ttoot Trees, findings, eie.of the meat fasbionabla-style, and ia every way r'-fw 1 wtuiaav.aat mio ujj t o ana oaUi9,n -an ae made w th .United. Btates, - - Those who. - call at hu establishment on Harrett wreet next to Mr. J air kiss' Coach EstabUhmt the Baptist Grove, wiR Invariably come again. v usuers tumseir that lus leputatton aa a finished ow ana bum maker is tee welj koowa to T. mn "Me where he may be found. . ThtaSe we new evidence of hia abUity to-auU all tastes lad tnnl ,l.. t . . ' ki vaa ouMoese eattrery. mtti U;i . .. v. . JAMES CROMLBYvr Pl SO, , . vli:t 34 WET7 Rnorraif 1 ' ARR I VEP TH IS DAY . V HERETIC, translated front Jt by Thmaa B. tfhaw.'BA; of C Thai !r . ..T," om the, Russian, Cambridge 7r 1 1 I'.'nMM um, ZJ t f S?.!? r T' " ,,U c,,m B- Beq Llncolnton JMcEnty reEaq. Ku.her-1 W'llam StitP 'HWnS. to,7-iby 1 lordion J. Murphy & Son, Salisbury. David lrka. b ynloved One a domestic aturv law tt I -. sU jn.. i - iw n r.V lomnd iiih.,.. r .u ; wins, lw : nrwunmu, . autnoress or tha Cssnna. . I .-.... . . , ; 41 hysician. Country Merchant and other, with any BE NOW- RECEIVING from' tV Northern Citie, their 8pring supply of Gooda, making their stock L qoL if notwiperidr iau ever offered in this State, and on och term as to enaU them to furnish after "adding a email per centage for freighl and forwarding from Petersburg., ' , ' r ' Below we enameraie a few of oar 'article to which we invite the attention of Physicians, Coantry Mer- caams, xne ciusens of Kaieign end it vkitiuy. : Castor Oil in blila. or bottles. Calomel, London and Amerieaa," J . Camphor, Tockey Opimn rr, .. Quinine Uolpt, French and Americant ! Acetate arid Sulphate Morphine, Carpenter exH. Bark,' i Fiperine, Strychnine. Elaterium' Quick 8Hw, Prusa. Potaa,: ' ' '' Potassium. Gum Arabic Opt. "';."' t Rhubarb. B. L and ,Turky,( . j ; Acid" of evert tariey, , - - ' Extraeti of ailltjod, V March 16, 1844. ' ' 4 NEW SPRING-GOODS, MiTcci jrqm Jew torn , , 7MRS,,BAMSAY ba , just "received her Spring block of .,... ; M RICH FANCY GOODS. Macn. cheaper tbaQ t1ias ever oeen sold in the City, coDsisting of i Really Woolen and emit Balsarinee Lace,TMsialin and Lawn r, v ' i4 Bkck Lustre. Britteotre. new artiel for moor sing Black. Baberene and Batace - Folard ilka and other second moarning goods Black, slhile,- pink and: bhm ttalixn Crape ' ; Lace for CardittsJ 'f'Hi 'i.ui.f T'-! Dress Cap and Capes r .? s . . Edgmt aidlMartinf 'o; - ; . Fillet MUU and Egyptian Glove Cords, Twells. and ChernVsett , Dimity Coft ami Cellar : ' - u ' : 4 Fan and ntt Shade ' - ' Bnnetatd Cap Rtbbnne I French and American Flowers V . ;r V. Silk and Lawn for Bonnet ? ; .. ., . , Leghorn Bonnetr from 93 50 op Straw and Willow Boonet y Leghorn Hat for Children 'i- - ' 8ilkBhiwMand'Handkercniis j$ iCardmaf Cipe and Dree Cap ? " Olarr Braid and Carl r , - Cor;tt and Laortt ; .. Black Fringe and Black and White Teal . Gingham and Print - ' vu, Bw'iss and iaconett Mnslin r ins ormani ano 1 oiuuki .Tock and Side Combs : ;--f--.-, A general ortnMat of Perfumery far th Toilet. The Ladieii will please rail and examine for them selvts, as -he is determined to sell bargain, panic tarly for Cash: ' lUi fxi' " ' April's, 1844. ' ' " s 7 ". -V . - ; f HARPER'S ILLUMINATED AND . JPietOriai , 3tbl -, T tecood numtior ,'f thi apletidid .ork ha HJ - been revived at I he North Carolina Boolutore, Rateigh, N-C and or ssle by " i TURNER & HUGHES.' AprifK ' ' -'i : -- : T-- vCASlt OF SULPHATE OP. COP L.! PER just received niu) for sale' law by 8TITH 6 PESCUD. AptH4. v ; r :-38 AUo. a lot of Robinson patent Barley and Berrira- da Arrow Root, which they warrant to be fresh end fcantne.J w& 5 ff w,; ;g.QA? P - rfri, r?-TTr7 i-r'i 01 r r a -fPK- IL awiwSk if w JLP srribers keep const a ntlr on hand a sup P,v Bkwnh 'a Pills, which, they will sell on ae- uim a wwieausnrwii u 8TITH 4 feE8CUD. t APni . m- t is vr , w. V m THE LOVELIEST 8P0T r $j2$V 1 " . 1 1 Onhecriber wtanea to diapuae of, m. ramily wweBce ", nl0 .r?. containing ?S.! f0,,!;,, V, T0t??i 1 Grove of large Oaks, and under them alt laid out id frpt Tormprovmet.aroa bmMUKime Cot- i tt . . . n .... ? - " y ,"",!? place in each. Attached to the Dining room, is a large Pantry with two closets and a safe. ' The oot-bouse; era a large Kitchen, with two room, wood, and amoke-houaea, and a Urge Stable with three stalls, and a Carriage House and Granarv. all under the ttams roof. Also, a WU of , moat ex cellent water, with many other, conveniences The erarden contains shout half an acre, nroduces well. n rubbery tod flowers. bs just been repaired and It U seldom, that snch. a opportunity ofiers to eb- tsin so valuable and eligible a . ramily refMiencav Persons wishing to port Base, , can view tne property at any thne they may ealV Peesessien can be. had lmmedtately, if o'estxedrt Term anil be made easy. Rale'rgh, Msrch 4, 1844. 4 , ,19- . , P, T. PEET & HITCHCOCK, r Ko. 115, , Ptarl . street, . 0 J : ' HANOVER SQUARE, -A RE opening large and splendid assortment of mtultunSAit dt DOMESTIC DKY GOODS. I w wch have been purchased under peetrtUr advantages before the price had advanced f and are ' prepared to sell them at such a profit as will make it an obiect to those who are purchasing, W call end examine their atock. Purcbasora from the South Will fiod htai aodatvleot tbetr Uood peculiarly adaolad in ihair marked Ordera .r Goods are attended ti with the strictest .fidelity. Those purebasing for Cash or frompt six months pay, will do well to try 'them.-. ITiey beg leave to reierjto tne lono wing gentlemen, a am aWuraaee that bMness entrusted to "them: a I hb fsitblblly adwended.to x r t n- v s . I R, j. Pearson. Esq. M.rganto. C. C TT l- article in tbeir line, at Petersburg or Richmond prices, linseed Oil by gallon or bbl. ; .Tanners OH do do, , , Sperm Oil .. do. . ; do 8weet Oil , ; do, - j do . Salad Oil for tabta nseVCrj fine) . Chemical Oil or Camphine, Loa; Wood, Red Wood. , . , , r; Indigo, Madder,', A turn, ' . f Blue Sione, Copperas, r Glue, Stud Paper ."'' -White Lead in 25 and 50 It), kegs, fc. r. ? t A VALUABLE PLANTATION is of fer wle, near Tallahassee, Florida. The Subscriber i wishing to remove to a more North ern climate, oner for aaTe too Thact o Uasas on which b resides, situated about 8 mile from TaJla ha e ia Leun County. vTboro are 1600 acre con tained in the Tract, a' very large proportion of which iof very auperior qnaliiyclTne place i plentifully watered, with excellent waier j and here are not more than. 130 acres f waste land in the body. About 750 acre of land are cleared, from which, with a force of forty-five or Jifty hand, in a favorable season, 300 or S50 Balea of Cotton ran be produced in a season, and more Corn than would serve the Plantation. I The land is ao situated, ihat it ran be divided into two aep arate Tracts if preferred. There is good land enough to employ from seventy-five to; eighty hands to ad vanatage. The natural growth ia 8weet Gum,' Post Oak; Red Oak. Cherry; Ashland Do wood. The up pet terminus of the Raif Road, 'leading' from Talla bailee to Htewart', i only 8 miles distant, and the Byroad W twenty-three ttileai long4 t The improvement, including building of every do. eription, are exiermv -and convenient. 1 A r large white family 'ran be comf.rtably aerOmmodated ; and there are Cabin eoough for; the convenieot aecom modaiinn of about 80 Stave. There I a toewty erected Gin House on the jdace, wills all aeceesary SppeegW-5 .fci-.s-.-Vt r. ,'-itXr: The society of the aetghhorhood i of the most de sirable kind, and the land adjoin the Plantation of the Meawre. Cotton and N, Thompson, from North Carolina. There are also several Churches,, conve nient enough to attend. ; v. JAmES H. T. LOR1MER- Leon County, Florida. , , I November 15, 1843. 9S6m IFE AND SPEECHES OF HENRY J C L A Y.-A fresh lot just come to hand at the North Carolina Book 8 ore. I l . . , , TURNER A. HUGHE8. . Aprils.' '! r '.39 : TAE.TC7AX37LE: RCAE. TGSTATC FOR SALE IN THE CITY OF RALEIGH. rrjY virtus of a lleed rf.Trnst execwed by B. B. LlU 8biit. for certauv porpoaea therein expressed. 1 will sell wiikuot reserve 10 the highest Ittdder.at 6 and 3 month credit, on the 19th May nelt.at the Court House fn Raleigh, one new and elegant three lory Brick-building, nearly 60 feet square, with two tenement and a wide tnvwage en each Boer, at the corner of FayetteviUe end flerset street. 1 This Hevse rontatna J3 large Rooms, and way a slight ahetstton might be converted mid a splendid Tavern j snd be ing just in the heart of the City, with all the nerese. ry oothoues attached theretowould give it an ad entage in tht respect, over any ether in this piece. The whole estaMiahmeni eoet the proprietor $14,300. Also, one 01 he two. story Brick-bouse on Fayette vibe street, at present occupied hy lleb M alone a a Store, and is sn excellent stand for the Mercantile bnsioese, ' . v v Also, one other two story Rrfek-buHding, with two giod business room on the first floor, and a passage wuh foor excellent roeme above, on Wilmington street, immediately in the rear of the large House jal the, corner. . . 4 . , These valuable Boildinga are alt situated jost about the centre of the City." Person therefore wishing to secure engrble tanIs for 5onneaa of any kind, wonld do welt to attend thia Safe, for such en opportunity to secure valuable property, M this City 'may not soon again occur. . Approved papery negotiable at Bank, will be required of the purchaser together with a hen on the property at ths option tf the vridemgned. ,rf T . HM. 8AUNDER8 u , rt ..i. " r : --i t" THutee.7 April 9, 1844. . J ' . - . . . 29 fit TATG of norrra c AnowfJA. Fnmxus t'ounty. Court of Plea ox Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1814. -1 ' ; AgneaTJpehurch, LUtlebtiry Upchurch, Stephen Upxnreb, and John fjpeborcn. At tfarch Term, 144: of Franlllfl County f ourt, a easier wrhinc. oorDonmar to bei the last i WiU and Tealamentof Ctvis Upchnreh, decd. being ad&red for ptobaie bT Ames Upchurch, LiUlebury, tstepnen andlobn Uhorch sppeared la operr Conrfand en tered a Caveat 'thereto.; And K appearing to tne Court, that John 8aundereahd bis wife Lotty are noh reaidenta of the tat : It 1 therefore ordered that pub iieation be mad in tbi Raleigh Register tor six weeks, that the said John Sunders end wife Lotty appear at the next Court of Plea snd Quarter Session, to be held for the County of Frenklin, at the Court House in Louisburg, on tbe eeeond Monday of Jane nextand object to the probat of the said paper wri- timrtf titer tbrskpropereotodo. - 5 -J W T. PERRY. aCft Pr. Ad. 5 834' 5..286w " rf , TALL' SUPPLIES, : OF. . o oo c 2 a j?ra ffao.n n XTT Jdttifc, Musical tnsmiteiau, lt yjjwr articles, e, ; , ;,,t. ; . - . E. P. N AS If ,'t ; -Sveamore StritiTUersbmrgryirginim, yplOUNTRY Merchants sn.rotteratia wantofdny Hof the above anicins will find in my etabli4untit the most desirable stock I have ever offered. zreat rettwxa. prices 1 1; 4 call lrom( my 010 irienti ana cosDHnera is solicited. , - TO THE NORTHED AILY LtNE. M 3riMiiEa'AaBAitrij5Ml:iiTt i3-4; -v Via the: ForlsmouA RdM mi Bay Line. - TtjB wonld i&p f . V Public, ibatlbe above Line (despite all efforts to put it dof n;j is frill tn necbssful eperhtlmi, ran niogthe fo4bwihgsvhr3blt ' ' j'-vi; . Leave Waldoo, immediately-on the arrivil of the Stages from tftssea'siarid the Cars fronH Wifmingioni reaching BalUmore aa eHy as bjr the Great Matt Line; Paxsengera may be assured, they ? wid I meet with no deta by tbi Lin; a we will alway wart the arrival bf the Lines, running in connection with vs.il . We ask a share of patronage to sustain ut'in keep teg down the monopoly. . - , ,t.f : : We wonld call the attention of the travelling' pub lic, to the difference in fare, from Gaston m Baltimore, and: from Gaston to thi place, after the 8iage JUne waaputOB,' , .. ; . j r The fare from Supers to Baltimore, same at all times as from Gastoit Fare from Sledge's to Portsmouth, : , . $6. from :, .. , ; . do., And return within 4 days, l ,$9. I ; ; ; wm. m. . Mooor, j. Agent. OfSe Port smooth and Bay Line. ? . Weldon, March IX, 1844. 5 '. ' " Ifc EDGEWORTH, ciiENSBORCrvi c:; FTnHE Examination in . lhia Institution will take XL piece 00 Sd and 3d April next. . : Parents and Guardians are most repctlutly invited to attend. f The next Session will commence on ySSd May at wmctt time, it i hoped, Pupu will be bunetnal in their a( tendance. ; "' As to the merits of this SchooL t U only requested " to judge of the tree by It fruit, Sod therefore a full attenda nce at the Examination is solicited. r 1 Beside tb branehe nsnatly taught fa Female In- stttutions, this Institotioh , afiord an opportunhy of twrninjf foon 01 iqo org nrj Drmncoe laogax id our ft Ba a " a - - . m - neav ocoouis, aura aaaoiaay. vnamtsiry. aiainem- niMterAe Aei- i A - - v;: - .: : j tTerm per eaaion, f76V for tnetrnciion m all the! KnrliidihnBriM lb lyilni Mhini r.ilnJl lights; For the langaages, Mosie, 'Painting, hell and Wax Work, dec a moderate extra eharga. - Adores, M. A.' HOY E. '' - . Greensboro, N. C. Msrch 37. . . . , j 38 w CHEAP -GOODS. TS have just received a second snpplv of fresh V v i S&rtntr Mry OoattM, whfch wo offer at ucn pn a caunot faa to please pnmbasers. r r-ncb Lawns, 35 cu. yard. 4.-4 Chtnts,35eta. American Print from 6 at, np to 35. t Second mourning Moutlin de Latne,35 envyd. Fine Lac Collars, 50 eta. , H, EarUtow Ghghaan.vV4' 1-:-,-!'' ? Elack end ehangVable Alapacea Lustre.. ; - Bornbaxines and Moaslin deLaines. Laee Cardinals, Parasols and Son Shades. B lark damask Thule for Capo and Cardinals. Linen "Chusana, Chameleon. - i ,v ., Balzorine Lawns dt Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. 1: Plaid French CasMmeros. Black Pumnf Cloth and Camlet. Plrfid an plain Gmbroona, - . ., White Linen Drdling. . Silk and MarwUle Vesting. Birds Eye Diaper. - 5-4 and 13 4 Cotton Sbeetiiif , 4-4 f1 do 8htrting 101 snd 13 4 Linen 8heetiug, Bleached Cottun, 8i cts. yaid. ' Hmarn ' i 4 eta. " ' Ticking, 10 eta. yard ' " s. With manf other article nnrnentionsd, all of which wiU be sold at very few prices for Csaa. ' - ; a J. rf. beu&with r co A few door above Mr. K. mith'e Store. Raleigh, March 37. -.-''i-:- " I: ; 38 PRfX18 1844. Heavy Brown Sheeting, 8 cento yard 2JLssi(Siip.Ujn do 60 ; do v:..;. Gsmbrtions, fa good assortment,) from 35 up to 75 cents ; ' Brown Linens end Drilling f . v Btk 8ummer Cleth and Camlet, from 50 cents up toTe- r -sjm f: : y.i-v;-?vr-s 5 Y , White Lines DrUl'mg. White Gambroon, ' . Do. Doek do SUk end MarseiUea Vertin m , Kyi, wwanwaja, nan : .-?- .8ilk Scarfs and Cravaia ,.. f?:.w4 ; Black IiaKan :t.do',v . -4 Gem EJastie Suspenders from 30 eta p to 87 Irish Linens and Bleached Shirting Plaid French CaaeicQeree , , . r Very,faautUuiFjwehBa,lxerine i ' French Lawn from 30 cent up to 80 ; Linen Chusahs a new article , Crimp'd Foulard 8ik ' . . . ' Fancy Striped ', . do. Plain and fiuicy Moaalin de Laines French Bonibazinea end Alapaceas Black Italian Lustring . V4 blue black Po'ie de 8ol Linen Cambrie Handkercblefii 5 ' ' Fernitttfo Prints, from 8J up to 30 4-4 French DimHy, 20 cent yaid ' White Cotton Hose, 10 ceQU pair ' - Do "( do ": 'Wl'do; do i' ".'', ' t i . tfDo'" f '!do 13 de do-1 LsCUrdiesis, Laee tollars 80 cents.' : Parasole and Sun Shade with e number of olhet OTwvfaat Mtranu low nrieaa for Cask. h ft Is , J. H. BECK WITH dt CO. . Axew dorabove Mr. R. SxeitVeattore, - FsyttteviUa Streetv .Raletarb. Awl 11. , . n,'- ,. -. -30- PRICES REDUCED. 9TT1112 Strbacriber respectfully inform the I 11 eis,SJid the public generally, that he will make ciouie at tne loiiowrng- pnceai, .1 po mating plain Clotb Coats 84 , wjtn , bmding t cord . 84 60 ms king Homespun Coats, with binding fi3i plain, I 50; making ranis ou to , 1 a e cents. . . vests tne same. Cutting Cost 80 to 50 cent ; cutting Panu 15 to 30 reut cutting Vew the aarne t r ' "All wishing to gite faint 'a call, wilt find him on vVilmingioo etreet, (np stairs) opposite JaAKaa rorner. tie, 1 determined to use "every eCdrt V please those who; may favor tim with their eatom. . ,.x, t . r .ii ,t 45. .BNURTHlXGTOMr Raleittb, April .V?t SiJT,v 80 w tf 4; f:'fjt W 'AXTHD. 1000 buabeU 1000 lbs. Bee Wit FASnionADLC TA1XOIX, ' (One deer South of Dr.' N. L. Btxts's Df df Biers ;; , patettville btr eet' v ; 03" HicKarge will; bo reguhUed by the timea.t--Ctrrri ve done at reduced prices. r - . J ti j 1 1 - a : Pec6843-; . , ,Jt .98 tf , rmaEKEt manuelof; devotions U . Berrian's Family prayers t Clergyman4 Com panton t Hoban'a "Apology r for "Apotultc ' Order i Palmer' EclesiaaticAl History ;M Manning ;onM fho unity of the Church ; Eairam oh tha body and bl-d of our Lard t the Lenten hut i Bernard Leslie rf P5 get's tile; Burnet's History of the Refortiiatli 5 - The above Booksnew for sale att the.Book 8lore of Mesar. Ttraetn' 4 Hnej In thi Ciiy. ar standard work in the Church and oognt to bepoi aeeat-d and cherished by every chorchman, " ; ymboliam by i.f A. Moeblerj is alstf for sale here, and is a most valuable book, as. accorateiy bxhibiting th- doctrinal . difieranoe between RomanisU , ahd ProteetantsJ . s - .- v . ,, , IV, 8ILUMAN IVE3 - i. , Bishop of Diocese of North Carolina. Raleigh, March 6, 1844.' , , . ,20 eATES4S INTEREST TABLES. In tefesf arid Exchtrie Tables, 'Quarto; for Banks, Merchants, and others; fct f 4: ; Inttreat Tables, small pocket vblome, at $1 . I Both new and highly approved work. Fervle at tb'M Office. " P 0 R T R A I Tp MINI ATURE, xxn. jot s. rasmsxt) Having- visited Europe for the purpbs otpaslecting hioaself in hi profession, ia now, prepared to execute .. l Portriitt, Jlikittaiei, ; . k . . Those wishing to avail themselves of bis profi al service, ere requested to call at hta Artellieron Hilfabnrongh Street, 100 yard ;Wet of the Capitol, where pecimenvf hiexecnUon may be-seefl. ' J . 8ept.'13 t843'r fm-l-wykt nc-. ,n. 15 . Srarae'iM: HpHE 8ubribera have just received a lot of very ij&f!,?X?5 f'Swti. , March 16. :': :a : , tar- iCi OOIX WANTED. fTA jSuhscrihers UJ wish to hire for the) remainder of the year, a good Cook of moral character and who ha been accustomed to. Washing and Ironing. Apply to 8TITH 8; PESCUD. 'April 4. . ' !"' HE 8umer aeaaion vriH regin oo:Tbaraday . the .1 33d of May. . Vaeaiioas hereafter wiU be tu April aM October. . u Tsajia avAjt litr 11 asvack. - Board per session, ... V t50 00 Tuition,, 13, 15, and 17 66 Music. ,l 1 1 S3 08 Use of Piano, . " J ' 5 00 4 f Board can also be had fn aaapectabU families. ; lav. atxection given ia Iatin, Fmncb( prawinct.and PaUtring.T, ',;,: ',tikrr&'-l.i?:(t ' tn I "April 8. v ' ;t9yroaw8w , To Southern & Western Jtlerchant. JARV1S.SCRYMSEH& GERMONDi ito oiront ob ixew tors, -ji carefully selected sssortment of Groceries, Tees. Id- H ij i ,, , .U St. Croix, Porto Rice, Cubs, end New Grievn, with double and aingie refined Loaf and "Crushed. ;0FFEE5. ' " t Old Government Java,' Rio,. LagnttaV 8t, Doman go, Cuba, 4. - v , l - TEAS, , - ,t 4" 4 Hy eon, .Young Hyson, "JmperiaJ, Gsnpowder, Sdhchongand Pouchongj comprising .all thedierent i - LIUDOKS. Sdametta, J. J. Da dot. OtordlDttecrv Co. Mae- Glory, Champatgna and a variety bfwher Framhl Braodiea, wttb , su Croix JKum, Jamaica Rnm, lie faad Gin, Ac , . j WINES. 1 " - ' M Madeira. Pate 8berfr, Brown do Tenerifie, Port, Mtiaga, Muscat. e a rauessortment ox eacn Etna, at : ....a --a as t emoracing au tne uicenmt quaoae. aim, mncipi . . . a.-ai sls - a- .si ava. . ana navan ccgaxs, iatigu A-ejrparnmamotvawsia, To Merchant, ordering Goods from New York w wdukf say.' that all order entrusted to oof care will be executed with promptness ahd strict fidelity, end every article sent awayahall he exactly what it purport to be. f Liberal advance: mada on conaigo-J tri'J I i- menu of prodec. : Feb-6, 1844.- 0 Hi .7 12 ly ,CElEXy&JVG TOE&CCO. : : A Prcii ESTslT of that verv auoenor aon.1 J eared chowing tobacco, from Laqghom & Armated'Lyncbburg. Va. And also, mors of that superior Smoking Tobacco, this dsy received, sad for sal at the North Carolina Bookstore. And as they set as Agent tor tne Msanfactoryt macdraedattlmmanf ufactarin- prieea, by th box or keg Those that Would tike to retail a good articlewouCdo weU to sail at - .i .... TURNER ft HUUHCSV I attend An Address will be deSvered, and dinner ! "April 191544, - -. 84 NEGROES FOR SALE. TT'rifLIa B E SOLD st ubfie Aeetioa a tha I XViToWB'rfPiitatbftHigh, oa'Taeadaytae Ittb dey"of ifn'aea ih'xolleiingr Negroes Ufocj b Camr. fellow nt the prune of r. xJ saJl Lm. boot Pittbereoch; Amy. a trmaa cr sJvanztd Li i; I 1 - . " ' - 1 fmHE LADIES SOCIETY, lot the ttssieSf of the TTn AGCmnCOTfl CWTn teolrpoccJ ef . I 1 J EpUcopal Church, ta Henderson, ha v oroa red I 11 Va splendid vterreotyes .le. w t'J lla 4 7T many vaJoabU atd Fancy anicl, and design to bold hltureeof the Cnesl maU'.:.: AcLrci LfSsfi , ; a Fair in the Town of Hendemm, on Weda&day by tb famed CievtHir tf Ttrli, aii t;t j LiiJ let of May. Those paraona, dipoaed to eneearage slidetvTkis tssctia iililt!y trJcJ-f?ei Lorf ieJti th benevolent dewrns of the Sodrtv. ere fovitrd, to dohVppIy persoUlly orty latUr. totLL u C. 1IUY GOOlJSi OROOKHIESi MU8ICAL lNS'HlUflENm ; ; r china v a e WEtBnfec: FANCY ARTICLES 6,T0Y& v-'li..-i yOvNB; of tSe'PartaeVpf fhVxtrn; having Jost'rea VUtnrned from (he tforth; haa brought wu Llfa i larger and better supply of fret bf fresh Good, in the above brancbex, than has heeh iept inhe;, esublishatol neretdtore; ail of wjjcn; In prices snd e,nahty,Aare WeB worthy to be 'recommended 1 to our J tiomef bvlk friend, snd the ptiblic, aa we arb very well able t JL e ISw as ah Store in itis City, tutozap Atf entirfefv fresh aaaWtfflent "esneciaHv Caloiai Handkerchiefs, Woollen Gooda, Glove and Stock, ings, MUskralana Se'akm Cape. Sheeting afad , ,WC ,..v, e-Mr FAACY.GOODS, HARDWARE & CUIWAi ; , Fin artificial Fldwere, latest fashion fos wihtafi artificial Hair, fAUiek Fancy and v, Work Bdxeai ' Writing desks, Basketa, KnofiPboxea ireht S a to " 83 60; Travelling Bags, Thermometers, Walking. ' Cane,, finest -R4xer, .havmg utenaUa, Dirk, Peg sAd:.Phcket Knives of ; great varietj $ Stiaset f n very Urge supply of -PbloU,, Percussion, cbp, Shea and SBotfieUs, tJirdbats, Powder flaak ; Cottoh and Wool cards, patent Balances, Sifter, Awls; Shoe thread; Spurs, Cloth, Teeth, Hair,., Hat and 8boe4 brushes ; State,' Flying Utensils, ; Lobliuglases, varions sixe, Coffee mill, Pin, Needle. Pauses. Pocketbodka, Night Taperv8moklng Pipes, Twine, CorkxcrewsWIrij), fPencilt," BuUeiiauplaln and ' painted MogafMofiaff Cape, CtoekaV WkfiereLetn Glasaea, Tumbler; Bo wlaPiatea, Cops and .Saucers, Dishes Pitchers, Cocoa-g;ourda, vaioua Lainpa. FRE8xi;cri Ffccr ; 8agf,Coflee;MWees 250 ll; fresh fancy aftA other. Candie 8ode, Butter end Water Crackeri; Pilot bread, 8ogal and Gmger Cakaa, beat Pica Ap ' pie dc other Cbreaemoked Sa1mon,Bcotch Herjihifa . Smoked Tongves, 8anaage.Ftge, Prunea, Dates, til -ben,PalhWallandCocoaQht,Alh . Pkkle, Brandy Fruil, Orange, Leinehs, Prpper saoce, Chocolate, No. I and 8, Macaroni, CnrrantSa Raisins Citron, Nuttnega,, Uqnortee, ! Cihnamen, Maatard Sureh, TeeJOUve Oil, Srrm and TaTW .' Candle, 8oapv and perfumed ; Chewing & mektor Tobarcol eenn , WUt. - Lahin'aiirt anuicwicKs, Appie. u,apes, jQjuuepaate, Newark, Cider, Ale, Porter 800 blmdlea Cotfori TarBuck ets, Breoma, What odd teal Sperm Oil, Ac 1 . GENUIliE PtiRf; AND MADEIRA 9Ji6s ; " ,ERFUMERY;ri:.i;?:v ; Otto of Roses, Macassar, Bears, Antiqn Oila, Po-f malum Cologne, Florid and Lavender. Water, i 8haTfa; soap, Essences, Crpodeldoc, Brgamott, pin k ucer"U ' '? - ' - - H v-ts ,-,t -ttx 1 - a-.i:'l?8,M5NjtSt Jir f - Finest Violin, bow, Btringa, bridges, efctelr, .Fm t' gerboards, Gurtara, Flageolet tea, Fifes, Fibtes, fieri enetts, Accerdeons, .Brass .Trumpet! . 4 u t ?f i STATIONARY i-uii i Almanac, Primers.' Sfjetn'nir.'Tifclnre' and Bona'' Book,Oeoirphie, Key of Heavsn fCatholic EnT graving, Paper Pens. Quills, ;Ink, Inkalsnds; tnt, powder, 8eadmgwaxIteritampsv' Waferei' - rencing vnd Boxing ApparatiiS u 1 Foib, Bwdrds.GteTelfiakJ.Hats, BraaatpUtw? GAMES. ,Dominos,' Chesameh, Backgaimiirj.KehM Tnr pin. Cop and BalJ, Grecea-and CaUeaVcir, akipptcaf ropes, RoUet. 1 fei&ij U Uit a4 a-j's -mujw vpiioiuxe':?. - .t. , ilV , s V A large tad elmice nDlt a Ptihtife Pnwae tnouih Organa, Harps, Tnimpeta. Marie WtenuU faint ndXes. maaneue Tova. fla Fahaa. tifMMia.v Mkiroacopes, Chir; setts, Drotfameis,- fanry toys. ana au sons ot uoin, u ,r ,-T , W n 'ai , 0-W.4C GRUlMEr Corner nfFayettevtllb ahd Jhtarbtt CtreetK Raleigh, Dy. 1. 1848. , - , t , 'Mj FTTtE 8ubstribet has sold ntatWhusdred risxaes yet I w npd.ont tost re nas ever sow a tad hsa lad if? percnanc n ever snpuw, it wouia nttet c text be kept by the purchaser, beckbas he ia, weU kjrare . that the ssle of aaiDglb bad Piano wbhkf do him taediv t iohjit; tiruera aaureaaea io toe auDacnocr.4 wtu Us. H. . ' W ".. - .. . . 1 ... "'f 1 i. " Jli.! . 1 . ' ' r. - i .- prompuy atwnaoa to. t; . , j , ,v a wr,. L, . 1 1 1 - VZTS T.XVT. JAMES U. TOWLES. Z ga " f ! Feb.49.. -f f it) u .ITT WX3H to rent the Orcein the Ra.irrta bnTJU' U ' WP? WtodJry.Ps.gfc, Esq. And,! j eae adjommi. openmg on tt court freen V- Raleigh, March 4.' W. r'W V. . - . K H . . . ATTORNEYAT LAW, ; y ; RALEiafl,ir;rj4 7 ; rior. zv e4.. Deautn Esk'ib TTctsrcslir ITcTc! j fltl frea tbs Ti iu r rincipe ana oiner oegar. ocoicn ana Mrs. lei 8nnnVCaitanr KeiL AlLnfi P-irJ' t1 ing.f ridigol' CooDeraa. Locwood.' Ma2eri ;1 IJ-The GrMby r.Ii EMea Tirkerb;. cs'it?; v jSTithe FichWtla Jleirt-s - tc, Ctc. nella 3 1 8tco focant foa :kV Uistsry. ty J. II. P I t2i IL-1. ttdtr tf I r. Tal.s II;. ':. iVCiriftcii Cxrd h' r V -j,tz:sz e Cl' ti ' 'T, 1 Cvcry 7 f " A? C., lolsr t.:.a L I Pet c t? I r: : -:-1 rrr., Tt . r in I- i 1 ;i- x ) . rttOTEIk8EED foraaieat' . . STlTH A PESCUD. Executer of ido. Wiffiam, Csqi ded. 2- 16 w3mv M STITH PBSCUp'8, March 3t; ' S - t 1 4 ' ' ' Apr it Tw.WS.p RaW2,Mrta'3li.''; ; - r- . 1 Kor ..u u i-'0ou. ciq. ureenii'o . n. v. v woi ic-i fcirt uluft .i1""8- Ad. do a - . : ; M