m r:'.i,;4muit make sorfe tcifleCbt'di9 ofeacbmuit nS.. iniona. nThey must find some coaaaon peB"" wbfch both can Wand, end reflect that, "E has obtained llha iVfdeaires, jt tias f n? i metbinsr and what it does not retain c uTTn gotten by its friend and countrymen. Terr ew wuvwcm v piuiu Th?f. .w if DWfelh' federal iiJVenue:ought thai, i f . iflMi;n ffifioortsL nhout tesort-1 b :.,t.rnai ta "ration." Here fs 'a basis for ac- 1 to eaoUiircbjef b tliplJnJTvQeml woy eai, or arms, ciome or nouse ourselves, because monarch perfornfljiese operations t I suppose myself th course1. of jrue i;wiad'om and of common sense,to be lo dra from their arts, sciences,and civilization, and political institutions, whatever 4s good; and avtiid whteveris:bad.Ji Where exclusive 'of those W1i6'oppfose thees j tabltshment of a tank of the United State! iipdtt constitutfonal ground, dof. wVffud: the greatfti)p--' position to it f; You are; feHpwti2eniipfrhap8 not possessed of infoVniatipn,r, which! happen to hare-4 aeiiredt'The aiesfoposltion to a bank of theUtiited States :wiHeJ folirio to arise out of a foreign influence, and may be traced to theLbanfcers and brokers of Wall Street in New yora,w&q are wielding a.foreigcapitaL Foreign PoWers'ahd foreign captUllsee, with satisfaction whateye) retards ihe growth, checks the, proa perifyor arrests: the progress of this country Those, who, wield that foreign capital, find -f torn experience that they can employ it to the. best advantage, in a disordered stale of the currency, and when exchanges are fluctuating and irregu lar. .There are no sections of i the" Union which uecd.a uniform currency, sound and every where convertible into specie, oo demand, eo much as you at ibe South, and -we in the West. Ii is in dispeusabie to oar prosperity. And, if oar breth eru at the North and the East; did not feel the want of it themselves, since It will do them-no prejudice they aught, upon principles of eympa thy and mutual accommodation, to concur in sup plying what is so essential to the business and industry of other sections of the Union. It is said that the curreucy and. exchanges have improved and are improving, and solthsy havr, and are. This improvement is mainly Attributable to the salutary operation of the laritfbf 1842, Which turned the balance' of fore igh trade in ou r favor. ' But such is the enter'prize and. buoyancy of our population that we have no securitv for the continuation of theamountaoa uisjraoiuiojn w gf?i?-J wis state oi tmngs.; rne balance.. or. trade Jiiay hroutiout tna,woria, sucn a convcriioie paper is taice aaoiuer direction, nev, revulsions in trade i- ..'..In naooKtiir Tt'itthat in not an nnpn 1 mintntn nltn' 'nU ' r J:'.L' - .1 1 ' ' question. If it were desirable that no such paper rassment we must expect jpoaa any body be should exist, it i not in the power of the ene- lieve the focal binking system, of the United ral Gjv?r;iment, under its present institution, states is competent to meet aad,proviJe fos; these to put it tiowu or prevent u creaitun ana circu-1 exigencies T . it is tne part of a wise irovernment latioa. Such a convertible paper; has- existed, to anticipate and provide, as .far as possible, for does exist, and probably :will always existiai all these contingencies. It ia urgc agxinst banks spite of the General IxovernmenUr 1 lie twenty-1 that they are often badly and dishoncstly,adnin six Slates, which compose tho UnioS, claim the Utered, and frequently break, to fle injury and right and exercise the right, now not to be con-1 prejudice of the community. I am far from deny -trovsrted, to authorize and pwt forth, such a cou- hig that banks are attended with mischief and vertible paper, according to the ir own sense ot some iiMjonvenience, but that is the lot of all hu- .uIp .nfrtivp. interests. If eveh a larre IDa-I m:n inRtillltinna. rrhn mnlnvmpn if itoim UJCll . - . c . . --.-j- w; v . u .u-wj v. OlkUlU H jority of the States were to resolve totiiscontinue otten attended with most disastrous consequences. the use ot a paper representative m specie, ioe 01 woicn we .nave bad recent melancholy exam, naoer would nevertheless be created arid circnla-1 pies. But does anv body, oh that account, think ted, unless every State in the Union " abandoned J of proposing J.o discontinue the agency of steam iu use ; which nobody believes Is e4,er likely to power cither oh the land or the water 1 , The haoDan. If some of the States , should continue most that is thought of is, that it becomes our du to employ and circulate sueb,; a ' paper, it "would ty,tq increase vigilance and multiply precautions. flow inUN ana oe current jn miier ptaiea mat i Hgainsitue recurrence ot accidents. As to banks. might h ive refused to establish link . And, in the. true. question is, whether the sttm of the in the end, the States which h'A them not, would i conveiuence of dispensing with them would not be Sod th3i033lves, in selt-deteace, compelled to i greater tban any amount of which they are pro chirter tliem." I recollect, perhaps, my friend 1 doctivel And, Hn anr; new charters that mav near me, (Mr. B. W.Laiga.)if he be oUenougR, be granteuV we' should 'anxiously endeavour to may also recollects be introduction oi iJanas o provide a it possible restrictions,,secnrities and our native State. Virginia adopted skvvly and j guaranties against their raismanAgement, which reluctantly the Banking system i l recDiiect,! reason or experience may snggest ' Ml wben a boy, to have been present majtf: or , Such are -niy views of the qoesSou of estab'. 17UJ, when a tieoae ccurrea,,in;uis Virginia Ashing a Bank of the United States. They have legislature ou a pmpujiuuu, umjv,m rvoi Deen Jong, and honestly, and sincerely enterlaia. new me wianei ui a , . .-J eaDfTOQ..; cut l do notseoK to eutorce thetnupou uisi. uiai. j any oiners. Aoove an, i uo not desire any u utk mi it was warmly opposed and carnedcwithl cf the Unit. Staia "attAmotd or Mhi;hPft. ?om2 difficulty. Afierwards,-yirgiBiar filling aoof until, it w imp6raUvey .demanded, as norsen surrounueu oy orates tnat naa tmoKs, r b,i eve-iiemandeiL-it wi 1 be. by the ooiu ou o; niences, wn3iever iney raijjnt oe, rsuiveu w uoon a Tnore exxensivo scaie, i0 todatiott, and :mutfla! saWsfsctida. Let the c0" .-hich Is reqnisite i'for an econotnical ad ? . ,!:.,n of thri ffoerriment.'when we are not nA n war, be raised excIusiyeJy; oo foreign enSrts,and jo. adjusting a .Ur'ifif for" thaVpurpose, t such discnmHuouiw;i.wm.wr5 u,i pneourage our own; domestic industry ..Ail j liarriminations' fok orotectiba. In thus. JS.iin this rreat axidisiarbing oues.Uon. in a rtirit ot niutua4cuuuwBioiiw: uivwi i wur !minise, we do bu follow . the. noble, example of ' T - . i . Joptiou M our .present nappy, vuuuvutiou., : it; fj i that benign spirit that presided over all their liberations, and it has been in the same spirit jiit all the threatening crises, that have arisen ,;rinfr the progress of the administration of the constitution, navo ocen nappiiy quieieu ana ac v . .. , . . . . .i Neit, . it : not -sjUBetior; in importance to me uestion of encouraging Ahe national industry, uthat of the national currency. I do not pur. pose to discuss thfepoibt,whether: a paper rep resentative of tthe precious metals, iu the form .f hank notes, or i not her fortnsconvertible into hftse uietals on demand, t the wi.i or me nom ,t be or be not desirable knd expedient 1 be- EI . .... .. . . . . i .... i lieve it could be easily snown, mat in ins actual tale i me cominerciai wmw, v""i'"J 1 3 one who tloojbts o desjres to obX?n fuRbvMforoation about my views, in respect to that ohfortpnaie Ques tion,! reter him to Mr.MendsnUall.ofjticbmond, In I bspe and belieVe, feUOW-cltizens, that' brighter days and better timet "aire approaching. All the ex InUitiorit ot popular teenng-r-aQ :1b ipanuesiation ol the public wisbes thi cpontaueOus and vast sssem blaire deceiv oi.if the cene and lUe trieinorable event of 1840 are il f ofrig fo be renewedaAd re-enacted. Out opponents ednitf alia ot the means which were employed to brine about that: event. .They attribute tueir loss oi tne poono connuence to tne popular meet ings and . processions, 19 jLe .isplay of banners, the ust of log cabins, the Wfiig songs and the1 exhibition of coons, which preceded the'tjveiit of 5 '40. '"How greatly do' they" deceive themselves! ' What titife knowieuge do jbey display or bumanr nature! ATT these were the mere 'Jokes 'of the eampaign. The event itself was prbdaeer, by' " Wng, de, and gen eral conviction pervading all classes, and impressed by a dear bouzbl experience; mat a change of botu mea sures and men .was indispensable to lue welfare of the country- It was a great and irresistible movement of the people Our opponents, werf unable $0. with stand, and were boms do.wn.by , a popular current, far more powerful than, that of thf tnighty faibei of waters. The symbols and insignia, bfr which they complain, no more created or imnelled that current, than the ob jects which float upon t the bosom of the Mississippi give impetus to tne stream. Uar opponents prpiess to be great friends of the poor," and to take a great inter est in their welfare; but they "'do not like the log cabins in which the poor dwell : They dislike their beverage of hard cider. 'They prefer sparkling champaign, and perhaps their taste is correct, but tbey ought to reflect that it is not within the poor man's reach. Tbey have a mortal hatred to odr unoffending coons, and would prefer any other quadruped. And, as for our Whig songs, to their ears they appear' grating and full of discord , alrbongli chanted by the loveliest daugbters, aud most melodious" voices ol the Ignd ! We are very sorry to disoblige our Democratic friends, bat I am afraid ibev wilr have id reconcile themselves, as well as tbey can,' to our log cabins, bard cider, and W big ! songs. - Popular excitement, detnonstiating a lively interest rn the admmisuatioa ot puuliu anairs, is tar preferable to a state of stillness, of sullen gloom, aud silent acquiescence,, which denotes the existence of despotism, or ai state of preparation for its intioduc lion Aud we need not be disturljed, if that excitement should sometimes manifesi itself, in ludicrous, but in nocent, forms. ' But our opponents seem to have short memories. Wuo commencea mat species 01 aispisy and exhibition of which tbey now so bitterly complain ? Have they already forgotten the ctrcumsiances atten dant on if.e campaigns of 1828 and 1832M,Have tbey torgotten the use which tbey made ot roe uog tne whole hog, bristles and all? Has the scene escaped their recollection, of bursting the heads out of barrels. not of liard cider, but of beer, pouring iheir contents iuio ditches, and then drinking (he dirty liquid? Do they cease to remember the use which they made of the hickory of hickory poles, and hickory boughs ? On more occasions than one, when it was previously known diat I was to pass on a particular road, have 1 found the way: obstructed by hickory boughs, strewed a Ions it. And 1 will no take up your time by narra ting the numerous instances ot mean, low and vulgar indignity, to whieh 1 have been personally exposed. Our opponents 'had better exercise a little philosophy on itie occasion. 1 Hey nave Deen our masters, in employing symbols and devices to operate, upon the passions ot the people. And, tl Uiey wouiu renect and philosophize a little, they would arrive at the con clusion, thai, whenever an army or a politicaTparty achieves a victory over ah adversary, by means of any new instrument or stratagem, that adversary win ue sure, sooner. 01 later, to employ the same means. ; J am truiy glad io: see ouroppbnents returning to a sense of order and decency. 1 should be still happier, iff did not fear that it was produced by the mortifica tion ol'a jjaj defeat, and die apprehension of one that awai s them ahead, rather thau.any thorough reforma tion of manners. Most certahilyr I do not approve of appeals to the passions of the people. W'oif tbe use of disgusting or unworthy Tneens 10 operate on tueir sen ses or their understanding. Aiinougn 1 can iook anu T ghnnlil havA 4ifVn rrlat-! fftllnor.r'itixflna- if? estaDiisn oaa.u upon a uioro exteustvo eCtti, had time and trengtlH to make , m expositidn iod . accordingly ihdestaWwhJwop view4 and mion9 uponallthegreATmes- with branching powers, to secure. to herseltwhat- ever oeueats mi-jnt ari3e jrenn buwi The same necessity that prompted period of fcamsTn, exuMence;;tiift iy. ma be tacioud ed, happy and prosperous, and that, whesi tbisrnortal career sbair terminate, you may bw translated to a bet ter and $ brighter world-. . . . . , 4 Fare weir. Fellow citizens, ladies' and gemfemen-in fiesuantet'fiuNmltt' to ilfof ypa; '"f -vr 3 M Out's are the plans of faxr delightful peace, , " Uimarp'd by parly ragetty lire lite 'brothers. Tuestlay, June 25, 1 844. d U POWERFUL ALLY? i Thomas Lobisg, Jstj tot man years" the Editor of the NoTtCaroHna; Standard, then, and uowUbeouthiece of IjC Focov pa in this Slaitiq and h)nuei8Toaofhi4, pairriygtves notice, in the huVnaoibefWhis " Independent that he Will, next, week? ran up the CutT and FasLiNGHursE!' fiagWecoialry welcome our old HUcal opponent into the Whig ranks', confident, if he displays the game ability and vigor in defence of Whig principles, as he has dplj? ed'heretofore in support of theirVropositefthii effort will tel:vtli eflffe thej gtntst nowgoiiig on for the 'maintenance of popular rhia. We consider his change of , tenet aa most re markable illustration of the soundness of Ihe a horism, Jthat '7VSgaui li&va& It will -take the public, we have' no doubt,' aa it has taken the WbigS here entirely fcy anrprize ; as we are confident his new position has.'been assumed without consultation, invitation, or any knowledge on the part of the Whigs, that such would be the" rise, until the Editor had made up his mind in .view of the alarming crista to which our political interests hare arrived. . ; The space occupied by Mr. Clay's Speech, prevents lis from saf log ; more at present. It would give .us pleasure to publish the whole article announcing this change of views, bat must content ourselves with the followins 'preffhant paragraph: . t 44 The Democratic Convention recently Jheld at Baltimore, has developed Incidents and characters , , , MIL CLAY'S SPEECH. t We are, at , length, enabled to present to our readers in thU paper, the Speech of Mr. Clat, made on the occasion of his visit to kaleigh, in April last We had prepared notes of it, as soon as we could after its delivery, and trans. mttted them to hitn at Washington : but, owing that demand the attention and scrutiny of every m hi- in,ft nt -n.rrw.nt- .WW h-,. and fe.n K fw Here ;we, beheld Bank and to 6ome confusion in the notes, he could not re vise and correct them until his return to Ash- land, from whence we have just recehed them in their corrected form. ; ' We are sure that oar readers, notwithstand- ing.Uie delay, will be glad to receive now, a anti-Bank men;tJhionistsahd Disuriionist; Repu diations and anti-RepudiationiSts; Tariffites and anti-Tariffiiesrnet toerether in a spirit of mutual malignity ; and after rejecting from their support every man of mind "and merit, we see thiTn vjfett to hanrjonize upon a man'of straw, and auda ciously hold him up to the American People as a proper candidate for the Chief Magistracy of thir great and glorious union. Is tins the Democratic farty 7 Is this the freedom of the Public Will 1 corrected by himself. Extra copies of the Register, containing the Speech, can be had at this Office. FOURTH jOF JULY. We are pleased to see that, all over the coun try, proper measures are taking for the celebra tion cf our National Festival It would be a -,t , COMil6NSESE. The following ' Resofutimi, passtcT hfl thr Wfalgii of Cfarnden cdunty, GU commaaicited by.Qeufral, Dancaa qhto'JUar , Intelligencer, as expressing his own Viewtv o4 so lairahe wquauia WsilamU the . Whig part: of tht Sooth. "Ttere lf nUini ; -goodtfrnmoo fteasv in these flew wtird than irt , have yet seen else where in ten timet their coxa'-' pass, n any thingsaid upon theubject f H ) y . - - yj'.tsfactM. Resclved, .Ttux iipoa.wtaUj nexation of Texa we, as Whige and citiaenif J the South, are in favor Of it under proprireiim : stances of time and manner ; bat thai, 16- ottr U opinion, the sincere friends of the question shoaki regret its introduction- Jrlto the party poIiUcs of the day ; that this course is alohe calculated to defeat it emireiyv by raising up a powerful partji in the" country ta opposition to it atthe ' period 11 when it ban be successfully accomplished." produclioaso acceptable, which, besides the in- te,e, i. co,.iM. ha, U4 VendaUon of '$$23 neing tne omy speecn maue ny Mr. lat, ou- demagogues 7 lor one, we say No! We ring "his late Southern journey, which has been neither submit norbecraventy silenL And wuira wc it iiucr our iieari-ieji manKS ana express our warmest regards to the many pure and honest men oi the democratic party with whom we have been associated, and from whom we have received many kindnesses, w utterly repudiate and de nounce the course ol the leaders who hold the desti ny of the party under their conrjl. From the tri umph of this combination of selfishness, demagog uism and disorganization, our country has-oothing of good to hope, but every thing of evif to fear; and we believe that a consistent regard for the purity ot republican principles, will be best promoted in burning Bhame, were its commemoration to fall j the support of Whig Candiddtes for the promi- i-i- -a k,a a .;,w pent omcrs now aDout to oecomo vacant. ; 5 f , -. . 44 We shall, therefore, irtoornext numbed place resuvaiSi ana tne course oi louusiry ana pains- the names ot Ubaham, and Clay, and FrelIKG takinrr nroceeda with less intermission from I HtjTSEN, at the head of our editorial columns, and , . , ' , ! .i J endeavor to show that the safety and prosperity of year's end to year's end, m this, than many other the country require lheir election." country. In our own State hereafter, at least, we hope t . S. . .1 . I--4 t.ua Mr.. I rrktrm tf infill. laugn, ai u,e e npiuyuien u, wg . . f tK Trklpnhnr Dla. ence ihe etcercise ol the elective iraucnue, i suouiu oe - r ration of Independence substituted, on this day, JAMES K POLK. In 1839, Cgress eing about to adjqurn, the usual , complimentary Resolution was offered -to ?uOT!f"inat-; sures and questions that, divide us, and agitate our country, I should" have been happy to have rompted, at that'pe- . . -,..n. sv;-..i. nod, the legislation -of Virgmw, would hereafter d . and measures of our opponents, if we could influence States having sno, hanks, but adjacent fi , nnt wh,. thftv rfXiX wjm- -with to those which had. m?ft our own. J mearr them ha disrespect V I would there are and probably always will be local banks. .. , .-s-i-.j j i.r Thesa hr.al tanks are of retlT'iyals.' not onlv--act- - .r.i. . . . - - ,.J ing without coacert, but f jq ?coU.ist , other, an J having, yery impenect iae general conaiuoaoi ine wnote the United States, or the state relations with foreign Powers. coiHenuence must be, irregularity menu disorasr-and unsoundness ?m the cur- . . i mi ; rency, ana irequeni explosions.- ne ejneteuce ratfoilieeu intolerabTv abused that it has dis- local banks, undar.the authority and control turbed ihe balances of'lbe ConsUtution ; and f the respective States, bets a.neces y for lha fa iu encroachments ; upon the co-ordUiate United States Bank, under the authoatyand bft'tt e''' GorWoioeK' riwa, become V01llllUA mtvtr has, dd ring the two last and the present Admin re there- Constitutional . i Kiime lo ne pmnniiiranv Tnp rrieiina m inn. nen. t niiwvvi anu ireacucrv. ui uiuu uraurs, wui i aonertains to the federal' government, ail .l. 1 -rii - i 1 -.i ,t Ar.ni. ;hh mfturm t IS limited and local to tnq State governments. , , rr.u li tr. mni mnA min. mfln the Deonle. distracted and - - 111 IIIJIL i? XL' 1W1U AIIS. r. kl'.HHNI'M. - H II-V iril WW- W IT I B8Tr?- I i -" ' I T - - ' " btates cannot bcrform the duties Of the gen- - ... . -,. ..t,ri- :te I t.artenH at home, and treated with contempt 1 government. obloquy abroad, compose ihe sad features, daring b i nris?wi in wiiil'ii s uutuvuiciicu ui wui uiiiuiiimihiv sssm glad to see iLem entirely dispensed wuh. 1 suoujd States deliberately cohsideriog and determining how tor tne at tonal declaration , or, at least, asso- gpeaker of the House of ' Ifepresentatiyes ne can oest. promote tue Houuroiiu-iiwei.M ciateu witn it. zvery son oi mo ura norm uT.MM v pftT Th vnt stnrwi Avph 04. couuiry; by the exercise of his' inestimaWe privileges, , , , , , : , t J . y j ;n W W ?ql(t .tt00(l Ajes 4 and comtnjjio the nulls unaffected by ait sinister exer- should1 glory in. the fact that she led the van in Noe. 57. Such -Resolutions ordinarily pass tions, amd there independently depositing lus toHrage. the great work of National emancipation. We unanimously even in hkrh nartv times hut ao lBuonldkfini:elvorefertosoecalumBy,talsehoodand L . .. . . . . .. . 1 . .. j """"0ZiSiy, eten in 11 igQ party times OUt SO detraction totally abandoned.andinirh.sineeriiy.henof have too long allowed tbis bright incident m the flagramly partial-and unjust to the minority bad and good faun alone practiced m an our utscussions ; history of our State, to be dimmed by the be- 4r Por k's cchdnet rjeeri: thit ' thev "admihiatef. ..! 1 it.mv I m vemnwiio assure mirotmoneotsiliat. ... . . .. "v ..91 ? ccnauci Deen, mat uiey aam mister - . . .. F' tnln A " 1'T7k ' fir tka' MthantUrj I . . benever they are prepared 10 conduct our puuueurs- "'--"'J ' 1 ed to bira a rebuke as pwoted as. it was unpre r set- Speaker, will not fail tcf be intolerant, proserin uve ana lyraunicai, as rresiuent. our ... ' O afr.' PitlSfe, of Alabama now a warm; ad- vocal e of Mr. Pole's election to the Presidency, A .TEMPEST IN A TEA-rOT. , I is declared to be the author of certain articles m A Mr Jobnsos a Loco Foco member of Con- j the Globe, written many weeks ago, opposing his gress from Tennessee, harangued the citizens of J nomination for'the Vice Presidencyv r Among this place, on Saturday last, and, as wo learn, many important objections, was one that Mr. made a furious onslaught on the " great Govern- Pouc could not get the vole of his own State,' Vfiat We lack in Presseft. wb will msir' nnV; public speakers. , There are men whote tonguesi are armed with eloquence and truth.who will soon be heard in every Sute. The pople4-the honest ' people Will listen toth true history of this Ad minisirauoo, mie wruujuuiciea vu. lueir oest . friend, and will rebuke With scathing Indignation the machinations of the PrasidentVneruev : tti : : J, JLadtsiottiaTLt , v The foregoin'paragraph affrds the cv inost1'; probably to Gen. SitrnDKits' stump iJgebieiiti,' , SUMMER VISITATION OP-THE BISHOP' ;.. of north Carolina Fourth Sunday afkerjlYinity JnB's'itifci inghamCo. - Fifth Sunday after Trinity St. Matthew! Churchi . Hiifeboro'' ' 'V: ' f-:WO Fifth July Fridays St. Marys, Orange 't&Ws Sixth Sunday after Trinity, (14th,) St Barthok) - mew'ijf Pittabbro. I? ; a ' v. u' gfe Seventeenth Julyi; Wednesdayi mornrog, ixlhg toni' . "; ' fK ' '-.-i ighteeniht Friday, White Haveta, iiricoln Cof A. Secenlh Sunday after Tfinityj (21stJ fit Lake's : Church, IdncoUitonV ! Ordiuatloht . . Twenty-ikird 7 CJct',; f Eighth Sunday ader ;.Trinttyr Stv ?ohnt Jlat ROCK, " '-V ..a,!' r-::,' Ninth Sunday after Trihity, Morgahtooi Burks)- SixA AuguiK Tuesdayrih Ca ifcperua, Wednesday Valley of Yadkbt . , Ten!!' Sunday after Trinity, (August lltht) the . head of ' Wataga rivefj Ashe -Cov ' 3 - ? . l- .i Thirteenth hUrhV Wllketbehrt ' w-.--: SHitemhi Friday irhlng. Huntsvfllei Sotrt. Ctk Seveneeruh xastAi MocksvuleV ", .. . Eleventh Sunday after Trjnityi SU Ajaetr'ii4,I Rowan Cdc- -.--V .'nf' Twenty-firsti Wednesday Christ Church, Rowan - CO. -.'' -f - f'-' ,sj!.jstJ5iirTs: Twelfth MutidyWu Trinity Sti Luke'sj fialui- Thirteenth SunJdyiftetfcmfcVdf Chiite Wadesboro : Fourth ptemWve1'i vatecnismi conaruiauQu ami uyi pouuauuuui as usuah '' -- v- "".SSte Other appointments to br announced in pfopet . ... 1 nriH nr mnrn : nnr 1 nra roQ 1 ity ann 11 nurT.rTxn 1 u vwiwmw rv-.. . ... . . vi tuc uscvfticiivuic 1 ucbiai0wvu m ?.With.facn. iffnorantof Uierneasarek of nuhlic nblsTv which ,Le FJP1" ? ?,"!f! lil',!, tn i,-.; . f.t. knowledge ori ? . . r " r ,v' , r "j, ir will oe at prompi in lonowmg iuwi,buvu uwnpie, m-vo... j iAlbVhf !hcy are. sirotlf to, prom2U.a.eatabliah. ,;tI .bev owand reluctant ta imitate their bad toA WvhlL lrl nfl hl " knjw what thee onnnaft. I know that 1 hp w aland : u .u-.i, .k...M i ww" "J w..Vw. r The aedtable I n d!rect opP0'1100 to every, measurer whick. the bappy.tbah I should be to see an parties united, as undef the direction, and by the authority of - - 1 a. Ft r rn aarwaia e? ca nnr iu 11 ot 9 rar inaip vsarairiimA 1 . . 1 s a Atnu nn r iiuinvvn rn nni rv m at . in their xnove, i. . ? ."''v '".,P"v-bir3 . Uenerat Assembly, at its session ot iSJU-iJi. .skuu ii 1 1 a uuiii. 1 u ? Luik kiiu m-mj.j im ii , in is t a i w iiu ai ircia vx- a v 1 what h ever shoold be, the great.tnodel of self govern ment. the boast of enlightened and liberal men through out the world, and, by ihe justice, Wisdom aud bene ficence of Us operation, the .terror and the dread 01 all tyrants. I know and denlore. deen,v deplore, me de moralization whieh has so extensively prevailed in our country, during a lew past years- It should be to every nun. who has an Americau heart, a source ot the deepest mortification , and most painful regret. anon ss- dis-1 charging us both with having interfered in his and r , ; period 1 tional picture. I should rejoice to see this gient coun- tue past 1 penetrable nave only rhicn won . , . ' I a V.AVA it.. I f n.iqm niwl til liixtrtrV fit :t3:S W?. & J .hroudedin a dark atul'h, n:.r (nraCZ 7 ZZ -XiZZirJiZ puWicatisot '.taught by the latai exam- veil. And why shall we not see it ? We . n'juci'"ii.' rwiiB.iuj.iM -v, rviga of all hiatorv. wAnttiealoiM am! jiistraatful'- to will it. to revive and cultivate tbe spirit lC V Pf T " -0aU"nf of Executive power. It vas of thlt tlepartment for us, and bequeaihed to us,.the noWe heritage which The duty ,ot supplying these .Natiooa .raens lb4iJtbeirfeaweiB excited, and against that we enjoy v we bave only to rally around the instiio 8afety,co:ivenienceandpni3pertty3n'lstbe ecu- tlie;r vit-nce, wa direrterL Tha fVderaltst ifons and inteiastsof our beloved country, regardless ted by the general government. it wilfcreraain 5?!?!? hhS ofevery other cbWtderation. to break, if necessary, the ocglected Ind unfulfilled. .The several States TiSt! chain, ofpany, and ri. in the majesty, of freemen, can no tnore supply aational currency thin OteV w J ' honestly believed that an(j (lUt andstsnd up, firmly resolved to dare all :.,! Z-tT"?TZ- the Executive was the weakest branch of the iwrfvirVa-HiiafeMrve.'m'bnsiiltied wirltv. and neme yau uiuyuie armies, anu iidvtea lor iuo uwiuiwi n : i uroveruiueui, aim iieiice or of North Carolina," . and our humble self and that in a difficulty with Mr. Wise, he had not shown the spirit and courage of a gentleman. But the tune is now changed. " Mr. Polk is tjual The precise charge against Gov, Morehead, ified for any station and Mr. Polk can carry his wasi that be received a letter from Mr. Bbowx- own State. H ' CCT We are compelled to postpone,' until Fri day, the communication giving an account of the recent Coai mekcemctt at; Wake Fof eat Collegei I of local banks, of ths respecti i United State control oi. we usnerai uorertrmeire. i ue L,- j-Ji. n,.uft; whole power of overntfient is distributed in ( "... 's. :.l ,.1.;- uiu oiuiea oiaies oetween i.ae otaica uu rt . i:Mi,, ;b,.. -i,.. federal GovernmRnt All that is reneraland na- .- r.Vwr.". VrT7 tioaal. ths The er, ?Z , ft o,T fWii"" simdar ground with ihs Tories pf England, they confided to th3 State governments,. We want a . .. QJ f a . Drer0ffatjVe alainst nrtvi low, of Tenn. pending.the election, asking in formation on certain points, (which the Governor fell bound by all the yules of courtesy and civil ity to communicate.) and he did so in the brieft pr msnnor noRsihle. without comment. , ? . . . , .. ; - D"There will be a Meeting of the Clay Club f . 4 j at the Court House, to-morrow (Wednesday,) at ntoa tt n,uinrr iiirriRa imnn rn;n vpri arro in i . . .! . . . . . . . j;- ,1 .r - - , ,... '.i.:u:. i r6.r"-r rs- i hair nast two o'clock, uoeecnee are exoecten mL. i c I uuisi iiiu&ui, auu uciibc uicT wcib UI9L.U9CU iv i tiiAtft nniiTinaireci. me nooie luiiernancc, w u wu m our i .-.!. . ''-:.-' ' -i 1 .'. .'i d nnfwH tfc V U. Jr support and strengthen it. But experience has birth-righr, and sealed ia us with the Wood ol our fa- a paragrapti, jtftat b XJobnson; Was present in frora Beveral gendemen from abroad, amongst instifnKriIA.f Vh, ;A J Raleigh on a particular occasion, when, in fact, tjiem orre or twombers ,f CongressLET siiti, ; " V 7- v. iii. . Jineun nave unuea wita tne wings. Ana tue . One word more, Teuow-cittxens, ma nmaone.i , : , . .,.!.tui.u..,,- u. iv.. v.,, 11 tl great commercial nations of the worjd have Whira ape n i-u.vi..i.Sn f .h- t .-1, JSt Iim-a ratification from he was not herea statemen; which he pronoun- tkk Whtgs RALLr. meir banks. England. France. Austria. Russia, r imo m - mu- a7j jL.i:'iiJ Lt.i. .. V t.u.i .M.U.,.i .h 1 j aiM k:. iv. u... ' " - 'mm, ana an me srear rowers oi rjurooe nave i . . 'L.t-.t , . -..; peir national banks. nnv. --1.L-. Li'J :i i I llcuiss, IIU lllcj Jtr r-c., .iiiu m,tl lo emuuuy'diiu conceiuniie ii. iui.ti e..;.-t:... iwa'n .:.u j:p tak. is to ce pm.Mri dangerous power. ESShoVS S'SEr3STW M 'f ....od Ji we mav saarch the rctrjrrtt nf hitnrv nnrl w 7 .4 . - - -y o V' " 7 I nacsed tv none in aeVOUOn to uie causo v Jiumau uu- m find nomstance;"ince- the flrsrintroduction 5iilI!i !S2SL ery..ndto the Coi,itutkn and the Union, its best w uaw uay.mi ucjum vuc yvi vu i secilTUie& Only Oil CircUlTOiance Da Happened 10 duninisb the sattsracuon or my journey. vtruen s reii mv residence in December, I anticipated the bapp'i- " . ' . s - r mAAJ,nv umAncT rvttlsr. VAIir liAiTOIf. UiBil II ving. I had known him long sud well, -haying served htm rnjustice, we would cheerfully have correct with bim more than a quarter ot aceniuryago iu iuc , q errorVinaa public manner as the asser- pro lefence BOE AND TRIM MED HERRINGS Rock Fish; Hess Rock; Rtek Roe in whole and half Barrels ; Sturgedn in half Barfals'; Ocean Shad.' : .Ijk&&--:v: x-$;-i4 xiU Just to hind slid for sale br. u - ' WM PECK. . Raleigh, June 8Sth -1 844 ; .. 1 JH tiATV iBcbooW luurvrnf comriifittCB on ihii tfctof JtilV. : ECefSnt assistants have : been employed in bpW$be(s jene iu..i3'. .. f . ty. vi'i CE Standard and Tarboro tesse'ach tiCej nnO ELECTROiTYWaitDSm: i 3J DAGUERHt At,t Sunarnf have on band a well-selected assortm!nijif Chenaicslsi suitable for the above bperat6rs,eonUtihg itt part of the fullCwing articles Nitric AfcW, PrDia(e' of Pot ash, Muriatic Acid. Cyshhset of Potass, Pofaswom Sutptv Copper, Chlorate of Polassa. u AUoTsitch-: maker's OU and Brushes. . , " "',, June 23r i -rj iOs Th CKEG of WeChereir Philad. White? II Jy. -Lead just to hand, and for sale er tow -' by, ' 8TITH" it VZSQVt, .. . ;:-'irV.,!: . ALSOi , a jargeuppljfif Crft$V?S." 0lNTMENTfcrsale: lr jhe gfw or.singlelba St Mahuiiacturer's prices. " v ' ":?T T".. V-."- June S9.:; pi bankinir institutions, of any one of them having 3uglnto subvert the liberties; of a country or to create confusion and . disorder. , Their well being depend upon the stability,of laws and legitimate regmar aammuirauon oi government. , it ( were true that the creation of a bank is to em Jy a monied power, .ia not such a power in the J ouhi be which they .were' ever carried by their predeces sors. Bat I am trespassing too long on your patience, and must hasten to a close.. . 1 regret that 1 am too much exhausted, and have not time to discuss" other inter esting subjects. that i engage tbe pullic attention. I Donstbilitv. recollection of the circumstances, under which I axuvu. v. it ju k. By their new posttion; the Loco Focos back fiereJ ft, 5e true at the time, and this is tbe first out ,ft,r old ueS of and are attempt- intimation we have, ever received, that it was not i"g to throw themselyej upon new issties j but it .n. Tnatead of treasurimr un this naratrrabh so wi,lnotdi- The people have had enough of their long, had Mr. Johnson -informed us we had done aPP"s, and wttt po be gulled any longer. (iNFORMiftlM eFHUMPHRtrr WILKESwho formerfy rsw sjded at WhltemTh, in BMdenmnty fiMA i Uaryi'ma, tad who removed from there some 8 f 1 0; years since to some ether Cooffty of tba Stats j as Is beNeed. ' 'Aire inTormktie'Oi that fa lead Id bis)-' present residerJce, communicated to ihe Bdltot ofthe 1 RssisTts, will be thabltfttUy received by hnJ family. JuneZS, 1844. - '' " filsr-r JDST UECEITED AMD OPESTEIX , Direa frm ' NMiYork;' ' ' Ml 8pr1ng tnd So mmer ' stock of . 8unU and, Fancy " '3,il "V4 U4!it --'- consisting hf parr of the following articles u nnu D.nMuniaiiiM Hrt united alt tbe nualitiea t.u.h iwHnm.mi mmmi and admiration blandoare. I tion was made. Moreover, he was m this Clt V hmJ e i uiiiu w ,;ir iiau w Muimi i. iww mi iii vu i - . , . . I . Jjnds of the general government necessary to the pahlk domain ; W 1 have often, on the floor q pau-iotic, eloquent, learned ai pious, and was betov . i t LlTCHF0EI)'s Hotel, for five or six days before r--.uuUi-j peopie agaiuai. iBsctiiuiucu jwwer in tue senate and on otberj public occasions, tully ex- I "7 7r- n 7j Ti.. he form of hnlr;n-,.ntintMMia netha .aeAral ti tt.-m i i:i-.''i. .u mmn ..mndnv r I submission to tbe wiU ol IHviue f revidence, wbo.ou- States, and in ih BVieSmt Grtvirnmaai the nation an.l th whni- 1 ir.v it in rioa the piogresi offmy journey, has called, nun from VV;.k .. . . & 7 . . -.l-V .": . " r. T.. hi- r.m:i. o.i hi.nntrv. we cannot but Jeel Wch;;c ir U. o. h,. would b. H ration between nations, should wenoUabor ousHl diribmed.utxHiW ,-r, , I - mftt e-randiloouent oart of his Soeech to make MKYAr!iV eiptesi5amoog alt the State.,- old 5aell as new- W:tK&lam WH LlP 'ltj tiiZTJ kM mev uauineir banks? ,W6 ail,re-l Itnbat be not done, there is much eroond to appre- Never aiiain shall I behold this assemuiea mutuiuue, i wnu, , ; u t.via l tn Raletfirh. - I de-1; "t -rx; II . . . . ' 1: -5 The Loco Toco party are . welcome - to all . the Broadcloths, Casdmerea.' Kentuckr Jeansi Ganvl t m wxrn? . - . OToona, anennoea, lapcy . uiuiutw, paiaannesi ngnrtd. t O" fn 1840. it was common for the Whir. tn MusUnsGingbanif ..MoUaUn deLainea, boobtt Lawn. I Ansv at a Mil fsXiflrss e Isim Ak skaf IcanM DrUfa-' sflr give barbecues, and mvite friends and opponents ceW oarda;lk ejd to a eeneral discussion. In this manner, an im-1 and white cotton. Hoee 10 ctsw end opwardfcti!a- n,,M,dd ofgood W3Etti pnipuniuu ui ngin. uiuubbu. yy e wouiu recom Inljar(r.Hardare.-:riilr w I mend the same course now. We would propose fa wlk "fjLTT! sf T ' M-ai f . . " , I siaigf aniaisan si si an rsfisTsi nrfas nrtrtsasl f iaiiiaiaTTiai Tr t to our friends in every County, and every neigh shades Saddles, BridIeadrii.Ccl!ars.taVtx , .wau m os wiotsxr a iirje A oana auq t&ey had their banks! .We alre-' If that be not done, rthere is mueU graond to appre- Never again shall J behold '.this assembled nultuo joilect, a few years ago, when it waa alleged tQ bend, at no very distant period, a total loss of the en- No more shall X probably evesee tbe beautifnl t w the pQhcy of the bank of England to reduce the tire -dotnun Consulting ithe other abundant end of the Oaks, Neeit more, shall .1. m ingle in the price of our great Southern 'ccomplish that object, r8iiur to-discount the fnglish houses engaged U t bank nf thn Ilnitod atanle. in order, to! fcxhauttieM resources w tue Ueoeral Goverameut, L I Jiehtful circles 01 lis bospuacse ana areoinptiwica ir; ; , the oolicv waa adonted of Mhmk.4ba Jb .proceeds or the aals f theiPublie habitants.T But ;yotf will neverpe louen iimuis benefitethat jnay i . - -rT--:i ...aTi a .k. . to.-. .. i . i 'a m mam is an nncir mi . -i -- notes and bilU nfranv I-WWF w !'. w.p wavera utiea, noan oi mine. s rviLli"- flj --ir i : -7V- .T-.--j nrdia.i i,v them jo neneneem local nhwms in i m i;& t .it marrv-witn meeverv -wriicic, nu ci- i vuiu mm m tne American trade. 1 rrrri:nz;' i i "lr nrr "yL"tt! JT...'arwi en.l r v. ihnn nr intarnai taxation, toe omv lormoi raismeKav- t iinn nrrhn kindness, irienusuip auu uwimBw. -w accrue from the obscenity and uch Orators. .. '. - -V inj .t , i """wtioft but there was none, ment of tbeir debu W hasten the completion of i in nce at thit time, it could have adopted ( v S BCW1I the bank of England effected its ournoae. " has been asked, what, will you have banks; themselves.' are interested sod wilt ue oeneniten. fnerplw Kn . u: r n . 'I On tlwa iil.ir nf Aijoliikin.-I am oersoaded it is .k. .J muiiaremea ui xuurope nave I .7- . 'TTL il Ji J- t:.M 1 " i-.-.k..' R.-mMnt f our 1 -TlT-jv .tj, ,7: th cry-al hereaf JtU evident, howffer. the basuW IfeavS with yoo all that Sc is In my power tot who WOnseo that'll' -V And j ' ' nere nave weea immenser mass meetings mr rurare wr or oeauny, in re-1 0r thm Wliiea. neia in varioua narta of the Iuln- taut cbjeets. m; wiuoo, ,u.rwnsr woo, w weu aa mentorpuNicsiaiioiv rthe laat;ilbrtAifflir. , bat'af:baM as vrsy ;or prwperuy, y 1 naniDie out zearous co-onertaf w u. . gnace iq rccora toe ueiaiia, we BUY ao o VVhv' nnt-alan intrrvlnr- trteie K"lncr T.J- no necessary to say ons wora 5j ... 1 wiiu I 1 1 - -. v..i.rnn MmrbMii ""I Lommnno onJ thai. ..!9tn.M.1 TH.:. :. . ""'""S"' : wr o miwi w I"T" . even to those en.. ... ' " " crv chill 1 . - r t . ii. "naiiuw nnofl or reasnmnrr. 1 mirnr oqb. in it I mm .... , - -b expression 01 it was one ot tne a 1 --'ir. n 7 htim r i j . ' i - - . ... . . . . mfjsono iDjiuiauim 1 not receiviii:! the nomination as a canuiuaw jui iub -11F T rtt. I 1 . . . 1 1 .. - ""j yuier nauonai institutions or taws, oe- Senate rC lh ftnitod State ft few Years 8KO. and expression jjf it was one of the assigned causes of tny J offer, my fervent prayers that one and all of yoo may be crow net! wuh tbe choicest Diessioasi o ncaveu, But, if theie be any that your days may be lengthened out to tue utmost Presidency in December 1839. Every where, the country's risin . ai For Hakrt CiuTand Fas-ii.tCHurSKX . THE TEXAS QUESTION, ' i 1 fc.siHesmnfppei No report waa made by the Committeeof x . The alKurieacyS reign Relations'tpon' the 'president Mesaage my stoewere purebsseA with csib,tt3 r:U tsiilji Texas question. It is understood that a majori-j produ.l: Yon will do wrll b call, iad tzasuns t.' j tj oir,thslcnntte deeidedly opposed 1 25JfrrH5r fa,et1tI 05mt list lfeasi;i: r-n! the eitiefeRs!r'-,:.e-j t! ' any action on the subject. CT DAictin. 0Co5ttx Bis been sentenced by I T the Court of Queen's Bench to be iroprisdried for 1 tr'K twelve calendar monLhs, to pay a fiue of 2,000, and tante into securities to keep tbe 'peace for seven yeanixnself in X5,00Qnd two sureties of 1000 each. copei CBoreb. Y k JenetB, 1844. C CJ- taj ana phmhwo, m-fM, Mi 1, I' i 1: -Jl ai I: Ii i 14 I 'r'i' il. p5 t,i vr ? . ' .' i r - f r, 5 I

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