I u un iiJ " ' and J0 Iter arh nd '7. ic tof iia V ;d Jot? cle;. ntf ens x md rs. ora... !k. dedi L f 2D .Alt one this lera. mil i of igri eea; TOUS JR- Uhea otasS Tin i and Bngal, ruma i?mali rk fortja ,d Ox- sweet t ;wdle 3ottU erj i-awrl nen Tcuy. f LaJl- jarolio UBS. 99 OF ofJ( t kndr , well nice." A ft t liTti em k fTi. -o remrSirff'!?, sJ vat tWrs hV the Vr. v , ; .4 i IT r. A V. .rn.j J. . aSwaei vlfc.JCS- .vM uon II nsonmant far ttatpas-inz, stirrer bfefore oflWed ift lower, un atnnnV',wuu u wwku nsny a large vneuw rji.-i--,j;- j . - -The Stock G9nji iw kvpikl h&incbof Pattern and CobMiigttii! . Amcriqan 114 Forpljrt lVlatabn iely for Uufw -lAd ,cuniQV; bet .ad jev : t't. "i- r j . , . . " where, eicejn iw wecuuy. unu.,-1., .f-r -. ,v k. 7 DIm in iVnt wiU. bita 4t-wr ,trterjattIo. examine thi Si.k lefare making. liiir jMij;cUase the? wiJlliate advaiiUoClB-TfUnff ihe kwft f markrl pnwa-and comparing an ine oeiMJiejujiea in mama! hu?. - - Ca'.alotue f Pr ires, corrected wiU-eTefTriatloa of th Market. wylwejjlh,,jiandarf September ZQ. 1 8. , y , t fv ..,-7 4 .In , . Mil . Talnable Proie? tr Sale 1 1 TH Bt?oTcribelr 'wwhea to wlltllvHaUM a rLo on wbkh henow riTardailiittflt lCdtwn metu House, and ttw resileaee of efeaTMajHiEw The H ouse U two Tories higlji 4 a feet long bj w? m four rooms witfi 'fire-p, ji:;pasffffB iii ; the "ttuddle. Portico in fmhUarrf tiPtit Wki 1 p1aiftly wtoatetT, ahdurtStaftded pfimrfatbiiSM-Mtmilf- I frail. There are alf the neciry'dofcawe a ached, the SC.dfcrf Ha" KUetreA Of brick arid a most capital "Spring iaj6i &M?fteaati ? .authini fifty t steps of the Dwelhog - - The tract jortaehif ItiiteeoirtaiiiTeiit7 Acres, or dierealwilta: -p Terms aceoiflio4aU6g; Zmtnm twotyeari ctedit, panda beartogHntereie 4 JOHN BVFrAVJW? AogaaC SO, 1S44. y.1 :y..-v-f7yrtg-- - ,, ' ;' - ,.,.. ! ' - - - j. Two piecq d ouble wo vc Bearvr Clptb, nd a few tiietfes' Phid FencttilCeltctn ? H..A. fi A DH AM,& Co. ifax UiHinty,.! leave mpeejtfiii t:.4nforta the MemberVoT the apuroieh m Irfii-farurel thaltta j Candidate for the ;-appotol0en, f , .BMWaia CHEAP Gdailsx isiioQtts u HAVE this dj rect-ived rreah M'jrfittifey; lryi Goods. wbH4j'wili be rold" great bafraios I kicu Fancy 6tlka;a beautaul style. 1' (astmere de Eopostv . : ,r .-t 1 1-4 yards r tie fnc Laras Cloth,, (for ore Black Gro de iutiw Uhw tilat t Jo do , Worsted MittKSUIa'Wr'Oia-' vi:- Bugle lo ; (W UaigteUa liMrea-do Black cilk Glove4 tadiea'.Meiftiainei Bugled Collar, Lace aaJ Dimity do i VtTet and Silk. Pointa, - ' ; ' Hair pins,tfead Dree andGrrdlei Colored Merino ilk aose &M arttcle.) Black En-liih Silk srul Caahoiers Ho, Children Xrtt Capa, Ladie do 1' Corded Skirt l 0fUnaiTehlefs, hem 'a kid do (very fine,) , , , J: . Bugled Girnpe, Lwfo.Laeea andEdstliga, Striped and PJaul Lace Mulias, Plaid sjilk warp Alapcca, ! v Plaid Tesana. Bocha Shawla, 1'urktah Miiish figured Preinnea Cotton FrwgV Bewri tiotoariaa Lnw rancy Silk MausMeooetAiambriee4 . ; -'-v.?lin.w ow.. .vw. -r p-.- -. , v .;i.. -jv , .4vrj our rawnr--p. i v. uiiH Mil anv Gooda oa t disttHctlr-inarked wtth" the ownera nam tt.-vl .w t) , M at very low price h ' - J tf B ECK W IT B 4 wi a " - Fayeuevdte Street t A lew doora aoovellr. SoTirtiVSbrer V G;N U1N B PK.VWli5 6W a ivh. ,S Pjot London Vorter ,,ior eaie w,.": - ifajMboiHaitloaia wJPlRwawas. v. : "mKjC .7 ' JUA. U tbeeitwene Raleigh' ihat be aehis day eom A WILLIAMS, lYWGOPT- .rfibjv -fy tfJfe. ditiwn f ww9r?BA,a: V ' '"'foTt iaS October asaia'anta.wdLnevev have oeco loplam op g; L.jwfejK V' 'HIH! T TfliiiM W f ' 2 a fV-fl 'MaWiaAV' - Wj etJ:. Jvr .X ,t . . --2V? " f v"1 F , jT rjUU j-. . .y ; k ,'n. Tmrta; ba carried roa-d the ;jtv era m the Kaleighnd " eveo,jit. .They VW vippoffjpoiljf or aeeing 4nr r, einnmodis loo 'ST 1 J intd jsWj JVeah I - Pi, Adv. . ' J ii l. .l .... . . . -c . ...l - a MijvifBiuM s 'w.r&.7a5itfii:!l.7c-r, -t. . ' .t. .t -w ., iiwanara imt tv w ininmt pww - -j ---t - r. 1 1 me t;uy of KavWgn.jLW tBOiaiaH .at . : r . twtf b4fliaajdr4nw.p? rtiaii,.! Noj great iiAnoataneelto rbointweavofc fV rs H latotva ftty-ia erniTJto amo lNn1i-aVtiiaKaMNMj I WtPl-f tv--- -rT " " l SehtHtu to be neeo ew ommyw-2iwvv)-. "pw 1 cooragemenVBDe ua Turr v".",3 , kJ rr ::. i IHli T. Txr 1 TiX&i-T-' ? aVaiaii-aiftTlfim' l -RalelH,'rt. ?a,l.t)44, . - ' - M 1 Itw.l too I L - We srewepaedetr - Mortll ljratSaSaV . 1 40 fier areit llIPHLETS,CW)g1CllfftAJm BoirWWiryKi!?rfb HjaOctlS-. II , ;Wjnter.a43twUharibn Stat dnd Standard jineeTt.on, , , ; ; J coii,avcrtU W opened in theaso (Aha tne Uyeat 1 II ,na yta no-wirmJin3Ctr4tMjw;tJor at Kaie'gn on iuo oyeuii u mvua.,, V . .. ,-r n :,T"T.L' .vfrOtngnanii ihrexe fw; ?unda :inhim Cftnl A RP4 1NGS - g JTSS'Jf of-Ilof December iieat At arW. eandle-firtt.:. than tiaoal nd ' rtr.AN'TfEErjS. . .Tis:0 iNicein adv rorm, AjhoVuI Ifowers. anl we:ryj .pain, nr-w,vw7f-v ; fttSltARRl80l4. ?rW SKrilaf. latein an advertiaemen. 11 - -M ' VJjxi lr I .l,V.;Ui rttril farBidJan. s -r I wtuwwn. , ' 'S"" -mi oaJiv- Oat-2ff:i844 TTT ri V-T" pens tf.tlkvlKpN-' rewr jvw Bntjjston-,Ffower Sulphur UoebtneWl . Red 8adar V tfiltfate SWpbie Wf1EulKMTf- Twrreki. ,' ." iPevper. Mustard. .Siios. aeel pil do de j.Vf ax, Natmaeav Ginget Spirit Turpentine do dtJiGtap, 'IJt 6f alf kioUs, Qeisarad OH v W rUtty, ioeIBfaKing Yfhiler tWwi kegs sndlmetiw n Hadirar iJoftkr aiiuargr, ; acu Lteaa - . "ize cft iedU -ilapaa . . do . t'. ...' - . TTLER &- HII.L, . ' ; - 'VI(rbsaJ.r3broBiM i j - 5." Sytmoje;Sit3Peteiabarg,-y. i TTTTTE wouWrespeetfdtiy- inform the CUIxetis I V"V ' RafeiRharia thrtPinHic generally. tht have on eiar !VHnaftTy in Raieigh, w ootaitly Jceep on haflA ar falhsortiiwcrtTljigh flavored, imported Cigarefinel Atig- ' ; l REGALIAS. . WERNER, cazauohst - . Havana; - v-'v 4m' -c-Ske': Ac i? ' " And;U kiifls of fJbmestitLJQefnnd dgr. A general, aaaortment ef aoperior Chewrng Tofctccol MaceobaCvilgrese. pare , fppee and- SnsatcA -iSnarT,.fJigr Cse, Soaff-4kes, and all articles tn theine. which we o8i ttilevt Terk price, by tne wholeauie awd retail AU Of dew thankfully received And artemlexl to witb dispatch.. (. -V ..r.-v. RarehaseT, and the lover era good Uigaj and 16 liaccd, will alwayrbe furnished mUh tb beat kjnda, aatied to the taste of tKe eOnooisiiear. Cl and try at KRAUSE & MtLLfiR'S, . FayetteviWe Street, ofjoartee' City all. " July 23. -s. ' f- 59 ST. MARY'S-SCHOOL, v-j , ? r.RPifr iitiiftiM iA: 7 v II commence on the :tst December. . A PUOoUUkl i atuiidance4if the Pu4is -M txu&xXx. rfpiea$: Xerrast, payaW In aUvaqce,. pf before tae ciysa e.i For Board, and EngCsn Toitlod. pef aea- $if0 OA tpni vt v aun uv TattibA1 in Ffoncli, ' " in Moa on the Flano or uattar Z5 (HJ j -. , '- wUhT3 rbPtef the Iwe of Ftano: . s 'rt oniheHatp;' ; 0 ool .;itiv10'ta4h aiVoteNnientfc v 3f& Tuition in DrJawignd.,PijdnUog 15 0J V .1 y ' . 'P Boijwdrdcevdttr yaeaMon. 1. ' . ;,N: it Bed and hedseadat are farwftia&by ibf i 1 !a. Siaj.aMytn.i.aQftajWrwt WWIfaJJk .4evca& had llWe.l.Ue,! mtj tiawBwrww'" w o acea witt W op exjNoeseen&tosof 4aet , oardnj LlL'Lf' ' ' ' j'-nutv haVeinilreir aetoarhoVaDfiH ,r She flatters herwtni&em toery Xb r r-A AlekCCDerf - .-, - . , JLry y.eiobf ter 4 TetJW. nh!.n of fctt Wl. : J pWia.:iiriy4. Inward VViaknea,Di?prt-wnj bu; Gravel, Wnrm.. t?mterr. I)ei1he-Kmeinr J4av w-Saurt- AftioB Wtlffti Jtt .fdi-! Whk tea. LW OAjen; S2l iirihi ICQ southern .$, If Vmt:frc.al 11 U either for Cash t aOtovt1 r diU a laree anf caivtufljr wIckkI itnwitoT Groe",t feaiJlS . SuCrdfr. Porta Rkio. Jjubsu aad-Jtew )rfeoa. wjtti don ednribMLoa and, 0eixtd. iWd oWntneftf IvIKlofjigoira, Bt! DpmUi, 4ysa- ,ytug Hyjinr' imp?rivlGiMpotd( r -rl5 TjrM 1-" ' ' f. f 'WwSr- ii -r;;- Glory ampfegne 1ind, of her yreiu ; . " ;v . t:-, irJ',er rorer, jsw ftonutes vottoii' i arn, Buck1 aKMHvmoa fedP.permenCaasiaJ WndindW9neWdiL r 1o4f derint h wnDH uv inu imi.il Miinwwr in nnr viifB hi eaecoteo WUtt proaaWiJe ana amct iiaeiitv. prprta wj. umiil avuw nwra-WM vvaaD jnajgn mtF "prod nee. n- 12 ly Intended for Public anA Priwile Idbrjtriai Vas oofwoeotw ai rota auacev , i' t ei ji Li 111 t. . 1 1 forthwith sent to them. July 20 J844. 69- Coach faatWs'tt BehaWn dJM thii-Cttiiens-or Raleiah. and tho aUrroundinir I eouoiry, that they have uned 7 Co-Partnersbip io 1 abovoltioa aijjdre aniuer.j ueit iio. ii ii.utr iiicui!iWrej wiwswewgijireiH!i wiwwruiiu win .nawmaj BSUhi!l? toku uwauiiiuirninii'in t-nu, -b riL- t ZTLT: .r:::l"wl' fyH"V " w ' hiwwixiii wiw iiwj uwh. t- , Juarneror r ivettevuieaBa ntrceuoirwu j. i j .:; i . i ti. naieign,Aus. i. M .I- acna, ,i.iaal rtaVir . , f trUh.. dr-rit nl ju frt" Alao, oo band, for aale, Really made'CarKagea, auth aaoggwatTarooehes," Cftarieleea, &e. r' c"arv Store. "Vie have on hand, and more expected, a large lot 01 SnUsKeheys, Fianndi and Wwieh Goods 0pf every aescrtption, "ch" we wilt eel! lower than oAjMMie ?Ue lu town.' , . ., . -a---v . - ".' . CO ARDIiG FOR MEi?! Bllt. .jrmibaVB'ribar. Wpg; rented ihe large ooe JJseafli ot H. Gaj-ib. on FayeUevilto street, fceently occupied by.'Cajrt Letawwill be prered "Ww&ile'witbi bflard 15 to 18 Mem- ifmtlia.r with or t attlioOra. tjoraea writ also, be fceft by tne oay, . i: ; lfrMpwMiaU thovitn ' v - mittakUavtjn---hiaa.;ilaa1H cJ'V''? f? , lr4I-7r.'-r.TJi;i:lZ ToKTl-i Itiona by -arrlvata Wonr tne xvorinem :"HT...? .rSTOriT whichr respectfully-Invftas the iOiNB Of thePaH.iwra cftoffr aaVbtgc jtMt re- Hturnt-Jitronjieerttxrfia' tfocglit whK btma brattcbes. ibsn h fiMn ton in thu ath ejlETore of witb, ii ces and quoiUy. are weu srotf tny ro b-r coram ml ed td 'ouf ntfiperous tr4eod and the pubttcs u 4 ief well able to tl as jow- as any we lar tto-Cy, lAn9tirBiyiatmaiftli epeciay Calico. Haamterebiet Woofte daUtovei and Stock pngs. Atuakta arid JesaJ. kin feheetHigs and AISCY" GOOPS, HABpVPAEC 1J Tin AKTIFIfJiAL FLO V K: lret fshioni nieiail Fancy JaotF !rVorir Boie 3'laUpyifiagi TJIermonrttea, AViIkii and FaBt'fcat ' K(li if mwni varittr SMunn. . vry hirauppry of Ttatoia. Pcusion opvShrtt aii.rlsSoifeelcs: Bi&PaWdafla! bread, pura!6t6; Teett; J lair Hat d!8h0 fW Puaaejsa pcKewooKa , Jvigtrt mok,Mrg Piboj,!' wine. ipam - id' f SfofaatJ tAattitf&VifiW nera eowfs, PJata CtfpaHd anef. UMdHgaPiuvhers, Coeoa-gourda, wtoe Lentos ober Cituttt and t Wr rackets, Plloi tread. J8uffj and fSincrM 1 latrna. liAal j'iMa A r. fcf olMbre1fed SairjiScoicK fierrmga 8eTtJiMtBau;re brti.PalmiWaITand4HwrisrAfiAendPrew 1 " W. Ctocorat,oa J JJ,'MacarontwCya.nia, J n WaUnega Liqaori,. ,anna.mon. rri 13 -mU iktk i , rv,.T.n.--r I ni f r... m.-..-. - a -.-.i- n t -Nha Vtflr litan V.maJnJt 6ha vtnit eoan. Elsseoceo; VDadddocu BeriraTBoti. wink Fineat Violin. bowaTatrTna. bridiresscrewa Fin . . A : 1 !. r-'- WSSMabT ; ' '"- AlnrIi&te4W;nid &no ttH K;lf-i If'M-It. atC V t-v 1? J I t B.wt (vtiituii juu- powder, eJealing-wair , Zetter-tfamp; -Wafefa,- - f cncxjig tam JJexing Apparatus -Foils, Sword,Glovea. Maaka, Hatav-Breaatphjtea Fine gold aad niUer.aa well as teraJan.iHver, and r - " ' ; ' TtlVs TOTS, " Jl fae and eholctJil-a Io9un4m. ftJTAyiNGiooghtnt Eiecntipn. aale. alhhaf part W'J' mItyyiW?' ;mt"ot.n.,iWoBUi Jfe ,BoanW JMi Road, ropea, KoTTeC ' . , wKMi Ja'lBitad i . Mie -dn(y Northampton, -v 4 : "84rtt Ma(Wel Hubibhib topi, UrMM. Itatllf., VfilltlM, month Urjnnillifl).. T lombrtl. MtetC UBiermvLJ ?5 "fntkNnoedada, of November net, m u-r2mron8. unma setts, jurumroeis; lancT iots. IillM4T'ilttlKlfc. ,- . . i AS now, in ablte.n weHaeleeiatfassrtmeirt Gj'6cjBrte,embraajjpearJy e nte ie rrniar ad.li - 1 Mtrut. ip attMionoftTendtrv I lrchantfc - Anjenta-800Mm , j - fa iiKl. Ki, tw-nul p.mJji Ammm. . r J 75, . 400 35 A Salt Petrei Fenper jwieo and Gingeir 53oai.. ttrown and Pale WaehkiOF and Shavinc OandlesSperm Mould and! Patent, .. ; SegaVariotM BraBO'lfoatard. . TaUe SaUVsialV3LSWa,'', ' ' Brooms. Wia'd0a;VfidOT&, : ' " Wines adeirarChnnjatn .. Hofland Gutf rene and Antertcan Btandyr. . Bm Wtv 'Hilda and Bbls. , '. - 'CoriiKaoited', d-e7 I" . . 0 "'; r All oTwVtch wUTbe olTered on moderate-tefms. fSRORUK A.5 DAVIS. . ' Wrtatet5tory Conimiseioft Merchant. i -t, . Uaiuegbrooa. aureeij e rpt. 3, i.,:. ; :3?n a.-.. n,..fi; -t i- i jn " i " -iv'.jajaijwai- Boxes MWaLifLianp Crashed o ' - iirvwnvv -a- . ,awtf Bags Rwfgneyratnd, old lav Co r"rr l,w V " A ode Molaaaea; WaeiirBacon; - ' " ' 1 .. V; W. UAxyvuyu. t . oo. . -i , . Variety o7 WraM -WBuJijePii,l r . . , , . . , 1 Vnsree. L wt' ; rial O.m PAw.lflrS ahd'YHUnir Hvarijl 1 easi l ' ?WO0eT OlD, I B. as- iguuw pi - . - - tottif4tye$ttii&i iMf.JSona vool pporutity Risey, .pnssee. auvantaces i-." &w imV' w. eopnected wiM a bouae al th.Korrh.:from tirhenca he vera tk tattst atyVot llaMaifltolit &1it& Below feVfew of tfeeartiele ' '. Wbftur'ttoete;mbd--Vih vf cooi: aidpricar: Uanetai. Kawbk Jetaa ar J J0, :?r,!- end Jutos ltv Rf ieci?fa . 14, I lt Iz VVltMneV fiktikea. Point BkA. B?ownV iaCjrB fifcfaiKniei. rench f apxtna, jjotrt Cfafft; stttona: tSerfri Siik tf'atedft4f Chwto H.wtv.-30. S2. ttitaa Iiicbtrfied adgored eiJkVft,o u $1- 35ai- Un Usan feom 25 to 44 emu r a Dle.dil iMomwnf oi pimp dib smj- jjfoe uik Btrtpea T-bHU, Bgtirro: sntf lfigatXr fro5f TO f l:ft l,. aTfrd MoalsiinalSaahowreaijiiMi .ltfloJSrjd CJUw. l-ivet fl4 ticbfd French Lines Uaabrfe Jladk w . f urn.t ve tfi. fito T io 25, w i andJDifi), In f rapt anr Fane Drv Geoda, ihfelrfai rtsdeetv AjByr avf ieito thoCitijteti otRelvBi and; ienily . II . I ? . ' x . - iBwiaa wiuu; vchi jcuatui :,wrs Ire.&efo raatiVfied that iHsJnkeaare so low AhamU ho looE twtid bScW, ". ';- -. r-. j-.- " - in in .aii i 'iar- a'"-' etii6or balotr W.&f rth.'5 Xlct . 14. iii V--tfr rpHE. Ilttntfaied Boot of CLrutio V BaUada and A orber Poema, edited by fitifuo iVifX. GriawoU, opfend id ly-boi) nd. . .; 1 he JUift. a Jirh'tmae and New ) eitrs jsreaect with beaotiful jUluiArationr : - -I i r: -I Tbe JJiitdem a Of spfrt, fiMraH waw;e3witJfpferdid egmgajdeeidedr the cjatAnbli'sej TLfi Frieadihipa O&rina. with aupeVipf BaMine and elegaW bdfng; -.c- - . ' ' 7 lltat Casket JTbeHf acinth or ArettWa Gift. bnaiuhnl JovenhW'AoRt.'tOaeths. -svittr n0v th- ory, f..r ale cheap at thoew BoMorav 4th dor Ifonv K, Smith. v i Q. ,Jk CVeiVAKU.: j eigji,vfci , --.., grj cuar and otan Notice. to Builders. , B.udwiKned liiwtttee. mpintel-ey fho Oeonty Coart efWakHto. svpfrinteodlhe bild. in of KrKln-o antua lhi. iVii-t; KiMr t Jf.,atfM Bridget ttie-rwdieadf burg;8 Wilt ofe Sattfrday,Hhr tft -day of other 'WvMihat.let ydin of On Jbaf dy. . ' ALLEN fiOGEBS.Sr: SETH 3 ONES, . ( JUYCUS WHITAKER. October 9, 1844. ecntioti Ss.Roa ountv betw-een Margaretaville aind the Oouiay jirie of al- ifaT vjAxni .h, ht, fa ,t;. ti,1.t.itt. i- jl. ' .A." Ii:.rt;h - PrtiA,ti4fc BiTD.Rrr: f ernrii ' " " .v. r '..: "o ." '.. - - I IMJTTCTPC.fl Cil f .1 ij . . i ' . m i mtaetbeHaadl tpartof Lot No, 8in Kltelia PiiraituMVaaft tber'Hida conveyed: ey4raMg-d2e ' DumJba ri j . . . : . . : - . - itrms. I ne woase ana Jbot ,wm pe Mia on c tea ii or iv witimm, wucrtn jruut tit uuy if oi fn whtenntfnd ahd MUsfactory seconty will be a fir which tond and vatwfactwy seconty will be rwsad. - Tbe other article wfll be sold for reaJy l Otonev.' .- s -. - v- 1 1A K S JO an iruer 01 ino von my uoari of Cu'mhertapd N. UatJ.ne Term, 1844, I wnl proceed to sell lor 0aah'attM Court' Hotte.:tn Fayetieville, on thfe Scat Monday to'Decenibef bet, tie following Lota of Land; or so mocbr thereof ae will pay the Talea de dienea, together with all ibeidenial epenaea.-vh - v 1 1- Lot Hay atreet. listed by;9arah..MelverJ;. vataed at J 300, tax SI. 50: , 1. Unlisted and liable to double Tax. 1 i fot, Gieie af. E. Baileyalued $700. fag f 5 50 1 1 i r oo ovocreaon-riTer.oo- cw vw w - I .1UA.J.I..,,. J. . . Jflfl. alA IW i d tfoWHrtreowM. J. 0arjxada ado JumfbrdandHweireata, . f -owneS- do m It a?oVHillsborolsVeer,fdtoierry - - - Miry BeWife; - -do z00 do Hit .,yettti:o'Ofife, MeehanterijA, and. Clntre trajxnwcaoi. . u ;i-wV,rVT"J.K.is.J T.t.'j - s . 1 flinadcii)Mt.":it lain any it -lntotm-1b L4-1 f inlofl t.aaea.i ;ralt and Winter .K r f the -moat ineae-gjaou "T ' r-' i-ii jnk- Kih ientlatiaTl in" fliente powharw? ifrbO ia n aha exatnine nnemaei vea- lions for, D. esaear Dreta Oapa and Haf. asaortment U much Jhrgei 4SlieW Jl WiafellBtrrtJt ehorajaeeiafci The aioa4iaii4ottT w e too follow im 1eiclf to wit V . - . Ketteya aJlaniclea , FIW?WP4- Eceeset'WeJftmjaijM aoaliqa uvJrae&JLiiaiiafaattl i;iitaa8lisa.lileacbed and ri.iifc-utf.-ii-.-- : Saddaf Blsrltkitifij"TiA'TTT -.. dfefc Blkd WtOtt. nnnhera tCamtort a '. iiWejilini Coains.TraceChali.siaBdCoris.rnTnkf a.iia.. - lafctnw att-Qi tj!mblelX V 7- I Wiuni fKMItl, MmRW 'liBH.ilillU. Te Jn!wiiijsa; nf iandTiandJisd fyfjpoflaia t mJ!.id troideAer: toWolha. -ana and tracer,il triKd Ptaf-a airf Dlitt tjL.ffe,lm fkiotoVob! ' f reao; anjd im'-m w.- T "J.mi" vpwra c vaoa.zenunejt, -fof ydbretvea,fdr; we have' a "tood aaabrfoiani' af V ' reiefyiBdKaawafe. v ..-.ar. Sliear. browh. Joaf. and rvfincvf; Coflrt. t.i- v gfra ind tfc Io tnfngo Wolase;; ilGwandi. -Alom arkl Lipoei; CBeeeeBoaiaarair inki flandlea. tallow and petwO0dertfcea1 irop-Domm cocKets, jjen:ef aa-an rjougfr fcer jf- 1 Hata, Cp8;noea ahd Bla., Xeartierr rofe rnd iTrtnm- (f-mtAifir th,t n.t u fcjk nvl : "u" opwrraa. w auuer, vyampaori, oaii-perra. aibssu: - - j t;paiiariii1Sate gatrfaf,jWt !uei)ea&oUo!CiEdsi CaPMiWrirbii' Pir - . i - . . - 1 " --r. aw - Tr'W.r- Aiffs, H bteaj and evjBryihfnrof ,?htf Vtoaoyept - ;' -ALSO. Baeotf ahdtaid. RealaiidCdrn. Peia inal , ana ui inj cotratrv- vumvat win n tsJ:ea fn bn' v torny-ipog wsaiis'fn!tr '45; whraent hi the'fJty.wo fifipMStmmSffi f.em wrKve flnflsdy ielred 1ba. -If" ' -f i"; fvi-ww.! 1" 1 j .1' r11. r-. c;ri n 1 n .'naiii i ii.H.n- m t -it- t- ' if V:. tn Six JPntea -bf (DX)61 dollar oaaVti': -ALEXANDRIA lOTtBlflr.- (JltwaiYo. a, tor 1844. .;- - ; t i t-- BaliLllMT SCHEME. 5 prTBei of qPrO.WJO; fcrtaunUriiT to 600,000. priso of $3,W01 ZSprlieaof UO Z,44U1 09 OO . c ' V9 e. ! C w- . flta. Tickets 10-Halvs 5-QuarUrf 50- rri r x f .. . t r o , oo ; -. -xo naivea t? 40,0000,000 $10,000.. - On, Saturday, thfr 16th N cmtr, 1844T lhaVfv 8jPLEN0tD ALJCTANDKU LOTTfiRT, : r, ChuaW for.1844. -' Wm be dntwn arAleaindrff, Dl C. A ' T8 noniber.lottery, 13 -driwrn talloto."" ' , i GRAND PRIZE3L -.k "v 1 prise r J 404K)0l. r prias of. V - ft . X1 -- OO ZOOOOl 0. dav I.0C9- . Csrtificates of packages rs whoja tkkeU only 01 M Do t . e xwielt urketo - ,i.,; tf Do do vtft nortei: tickaie ,Vf AL , .1; , Claaa No. ir.for 1344.1,- To be drawn at Aloacndraa. DU. sTatrarfv V prito af a pnxa atr 1 e . . 1 . ,J AA '.. a, f ; .; ., "i.n;'".? f.i , . y i.'rr.JiJr.-vJf7r- vrr - tieEetji-i C " toAl?.0. - aj. : 4.1 1 p Mtiartatf do ? - r"'- - .y ! -:.ii-tfK-4'K till - A K nr.wn B r hhuhh " i i:- i i . siianiw 2 a w r . . l-prixe of 'i-C3.CC0 i dv" -lacsfl 1 V -' - . ' '' m. ama oo stJvw 49 oraaao v ,,,C00L- - ' &e.x V tLt, : TLcketa 010 Iialvea CSgrtefar 4. I Ucruocafaa of fiaeJtazef ot xo wboie.txcsera ci;s tt I -. - . -: ' . . ' rV V , xntjeta lor ncaeia anu enarea-ano carueaxa ci 1 pacgagaw in we aum apienoia ieriew w..i rocsiva, wnw j?mpi unui vM..a .w.- w j each drawi. eent imnwdUtelj after it U p'4 rli; I who. may order tickets jfraaano. Addreaa sj.ii v Lt t'r .- X Jfc' ' s' : -v o- . " v.; I !

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