vvciavio ear abroad thar4et what J ' t ' ' ' ' ' iJimmmWmA J ' " . f v' 1. " 1. 1 o! rtairi ii r a thuiaY. rlrcanik,-iRfc thVvf-ianf! . i .'.. - ' i i - .biui, iiiie cu u ivuru t nanuK tu ui 1 Cent tor earTi vote tfcat CW ieatn PdTk -id A kiftKVMtftMi-MbMii tfxKfe'Hr'viLt r. 4witSAiBraikr:Hit!-ii?il i4..i.r.. honorable reputatiou. &iTber ore is in i the X J MtSmMtitiiAt Z?ii&f..S. -f BnrleKftdrk ibet'insK lb'jfeWoW I ID0Utb very North Carolina. Yet Wit T 5:f. vtto - . . -i i :xif p T'TT- TT.-; pxvi, mniruf ni uildlvrt. ' ...... ' .COTR reBZW. 2 r.uv.iU-T: ''-' rry true. njrju me xstater H nuovBe t . r-tt'7 1 "Sfff atty 'onMTltiwjtn ft! 'UnKiv$r. P.1, "ut !'flls4 wwfr?f Honort-d ann, JohihM- etrvu-iHut; ueiurt; ine pecnjie, rtfuUtwd did not afetgfith a voice due to ptnt I .1 1 e f km. . 4artv ;irage lo lice luce l owsfim&nLx4 iii tiyere abnk frhttbMls and of mav ofltbP uakettan 1fbTffl8H 7 7 Vs Mapdsttlcy ta i mo a. f$ Vim W ll? . - .y?rw always a f-' I.WiH eireone huaJrrJ dollars to nttrien J of TFnnfi r tbntr iwii.jf rtat titf tfcett a-aaaaan mH w it 1 T-ii f mitMn'5rfcl4jTf .Atf. Uocrrttu W ntm Irr oared J-.u: 11 n 1 its -KL ms - ;-'i'jarsAs watewf. - il l n .; mi 4 1 nux&T '- L'"' '7 ',;'fl,fM.'iA hialt.-? lie-, 7;tx. -..nfcih.i" "' , ,. .. 1 . - 67 roii-I ndid1 II CT C3ctIo oj SJoadaT. the fourili .-".i aftiifrtir-.tirii 4h7:2VrttiA II. Washington. . 5 do , DANtEt B Bake: Cth do Maurtck Q. WddilW 7th do Joh KfRR. s 8lh do AOGUSTtNlfCfSHyHRpU 4 10th -i do Jn$ATHA!,lfR.XOJU 111 Ii do John.BaxtB. 1,. 5s. Tir'xl : grjte fori.che are cotUemliog, CTfrie U,? reived to do duty, And Jit. whole -.ti ifv VT:-f t s UTi tvV dutjiMi lbo 4th of November, oblige lie, by furmahinthe earbeat, jpoflybte, u Un.i :fn..v . returned tb4leti6ft.rih'aiKW ! .,. T fT. ;...?rf.!7; r'e naVWVecenxJ ioVd VrthVeveral in: . -. . ;t - , 1 nMO'iJe!dtoJearM,bHUtIieuirtioq is tiialgaiii. de rdropa I bat u lUtcir on rou. gament a," , and NovginbeVoe xt. ."I'be C ".fV'gf tic ti come froiri tf lAatfd from tbe courUejLf nd7hiStiwlyf "k'H s Coun try, and pledge to each other your onitedjabors for the grwfe.re8ta74f 6iwlove4 eounlry aa identjfjdvriti tbeaJiocea?of rine plea. In their Jiefcalftlte b' !ralty; abd achieyt? a triumph under that brighj barfcw, which. ed in leieur oC Hvipf yghf vthe giprioue of O'Jl i -vl rL i 1 tiMcnbed name H ENH V CLTAY. H ? I i? i'! . If vou have a Whig neighbor w hoc ia;tpo o; or infirm to, vvalkoliejhv ipdwhohae no, nwana of-iiiw,.-iof geltiagi there,- g4obHapn the morninFof the eleettea Ttfnd-lnari 'Mnryftr wrifwrh. nU-M ofyouVrCeti Legialatore, we bora .rr-rv.; r ".v.-."f ... wagon ! ' Evefyvote countayand?vry Whh must be brgbt:ut 1 A sbifeypelecteiAMpfTOM Gov ernor of Maatachdietts, few yeitaao. Think of thia, WbigVrthmk of jtdj Let evry man be brought dtii. See thaVnetaiitte Whg- voli'is ppiomir .fef pecti ye 4treta npro- ber, that a fuirvote ia-all that ia wanted, to render our victory cmnjete. iVOTE' EARJLY 1 1 - Every"i!sthoul1 c.ppi.hrt.ofe in ihe ballot-box at an early hour, and ...then taet bimacjf at work to'perpaade eoine 'doubtfot pr wavering voter to aupporitbe VVbiginMUte. A word to the wiw.'&di' . TAKE NQTICE YOliN- iiEN ! vil ,-t.H .... . in helping ttia ageu ana, hiq-ui i?g v'ue r. Let the youftgitiveandnthuBiatia to this dutynsiog' briirht a4 early,' . about the work. Giver one dayr-anuV;tb'efjservUJee of your, hands and'h&ttsito yorjiclW - t. ! ; X - ' ... I .rl LOOK ou r. iRiWil ihV'it was in Oct. 1840, that the name, of General Hawon wa; FOHGBD to a letter tmrrjcrtmlrtrfaddressed to the'ABOLi TIONISTS, &i exfensiveJy published in (be Iaoo 7 .. 'a-..j?V fido papers in be ISoutli. The same base tricks will be agaiaTresorted to are resorted to-j Remember that Locofocoistn is making , it;i dying kick; and, in . its desfreratioi have no acruples. -.THE PENSION 'VOTES; It turn ouu after all 1 he noise tnat ia uecn tnide, Gen.8AUSDEus' tatter aud all, that James K. Polk voted against Pessios Bills, on the di rect jueatioft ofUbeiripaSaagf a iilow: MarCbSi3.18! March xo, W28f ! FebfIlifW0'' And yefi by parading to in W nf ft. nrtnf-Biluwr. ha. riild !foteff:iflsV ine bdi. tna liico roco newsDaperjiuuefp,.' kolster up ibis maai VVere cowpeOed W fcnaraci' . - . 1 , w. i r,(-i ivfcju. - y terize chcohddc al noting ess iKinlFmck fraud upon tbe people and;tle old pensioners. CT Let the AVhigf i beaff ui mmd that, M month, lF4M'miaii tate Etec tions thatMt'ave oceiiifred far&Bfaiesflhree. Wi? ntorj, t&$ttfes.M Ultm, and a reJucwUni9M the last previoa feiW-thinWllg "mo, and 4,000 in -Nw Jerey X tav M A 1art obmhew peraotirwerr lit attendaike evejrv oijOiionu barak. forth in atkth the Mill boy of the Slaahea" i held by the rit. izena of Km. hinond - Wbet Ih.finerry cheering of the crowd ha4 aubsidcd, Jobii Wr Canjeron, Era., delivered an aropriae and afrimaiipg fddreatvbiti (ion. If tahnnMeif aod prpfed b.ibjy gratifying to those kvhi heard ?Mm. Wlten be concluded, long and Vu$ aM1ferft .Henry Clay.'! aSm ecapeu Jrpy. evey Jip Aik4vther company dis perapdji eacS returnifi2 fo hiaVoine fin 5 rnil v K v.-H in abajrd, while tlie LieuKMdit? "are iii hUuispirit, and. dctenuineit u eeri every. )iibiHra b'jf.. i uEu -ence to secure the vote of tbe dute for ivoLK.nd Dallas. -We find the fnregoirrg irr the -Cherav Ga xetleindjtt in fbaViHfe laVe impressiona. are gotten uj.r 'b VVhigs itever were in rrigher j)jrtUpr paore jjconfident oi victory, than at thia nienL , Aiid we say nowyun ihe,jreryve of the Edonf Mr. GrVmAjerity. lioes not reach' $,UI w Roj-tbf IJarolfnawe shall be, indeed, greatly Aiiaappuinled, 1 arkanaWaL RIGHT! There h6''oiSbtHr rhe lionfrrnia tory ?ac counia, mat i;r. utsspjj, xne wpig caua'Oate tor Upyeruor, t elected by a triumphant rnajQriiy.'- j,pai!. ,. Ti:v V bay e .not a full rei urn, though e very , Tbi tig look bright and promising. It is said to be a fact,bat tbEdu of the Standard" har fiof amid aince Baturday laat, vvlteo. tb'enevV8 was receiveuV Af. t'erMonday' nexC tie'lfVieler laugh again. " .'ft- TKNltesSEE iTeuoessee, in Gov. Jone8 of i-Teunessee, io a letters to tire Pjesident of the Cby iiubot Fbiladehphlartap: fOue word as to TeWewee. i She ia. firxid a;nd immovable. P Th6 -political tempest may blow i-lhe rain of falsehood descend the flood of cal umny and .detraction may j gather around iier unmoved and uabiaased ehe will stand firmly by her'principlesand vcaatber vote for 4:Henry Clay." -l ET Pehnfiylvaiija and Ohio, giving'49 Electoral votea for,Prenient awlijyice President of the United States, o'pen f he ball this day. -On Mon- Iday next, fifteeotberfatea. Fpie . p v 1 !Co,Focos hereaboutsrwbaiose moiey-Ott4he ro- It, on Hit to sue ifie Editors of the 'j9tb'diird ,f and Signal, lor damages : as they are .induced by their repesentatioQ, tp hazard their, inoney j The only plea in abatement we beheve the raw- yerscail it, which the Editors couldput int wtJuld be thia L fV;W dfrM.you in August, aiid you deserved to lose Jor believing us again.n U The "Standard" has not yet published the r2ltra;fr6C51r, CLay to F.P: BUiBcontairnhg llie proof-as it ha often asserted, of the charge This great Ijric ofoco leader procatnted, in llie Senate, at the lata session, that DlStJf ION lSftATTHE BOrrOM OP THIS LONG CON CE A LE0 TEXAS MACHINATION;. IN TRIGG E ANA SPECULATION CO-UPt ERATE ; BUT DISUNION iS ATTHEBOTf TOM, AN01;DENOUNCE IT,TT071IE A MExiCAjS7PE0pLB. . UN D ER T H E UJ A E. TEXT OF GETTING TEXAS IN TO T4IE UNI0N7 THjrCrf EM E Ijj TOGET'THR jli nave mnv iuuiu iu piiww " . fretn iavc Gorrespondettt that ?ouTi.tile:.a-jd elo- uuent Elector, ftl r. Venabte, ctMnpjete iy temoi. fslrtsd-Alr. Gherry atliabiaxun yesterday; week. " "We" wish thatall niiii patrMV"co'uT nrnafint to bear liovy kfc Cherrv used u b" M r. Vna wCptn fw oeo cano tOiie c jecior oi reads the ntst$ natural-!iEPJT. Res.) K.iSf' " -.i SorJTn Carouna,Cokgkess;nal Election. AH f the old members, witiiL lue-.exceptjQOr- oi .Geni Campbell, 'who -declined running, bay been re-elected te Congress, 4ix f- R Bi Rhetf, -I.- E. :BIack;'ahd'R.'F. Simpson: ";AD."Sima,' serect over his oppouent Geru McQueen to fill the place ef f hmpiteft Wi majority f4L ! Hlro. btheIMn:baairrlDuSr iriHttfiicrp $jiiia i.wjti)e.viorat, eqttons ; ? tletl 4wonjJ?i2rtnn;fvhi-b h& sonooojiljr aid ooio ly iipi jeAit. p itUincHtjon, by a State and Uosef jpeafije8,Wtbe latitiof the , Un iwH - in jlXtrr u, )rfe(4idtai urt St ate "f aitl i, and, Jufy&ia eefcllttg-ro-i:W, itrAfniid-.ajre6r. i)y ajmoghig AipoiVitrie oatinna4reatyAioIjitiveof oalionaL-fatffki tiairieAberjn- acid ptunderinn' a no auauujrmcoiiiederacy wiih. anojd miStf irt' debt. It is (his gpirrt which thrcateimthAHr throw bf eietf 5'eonsliiutuuial bMrierrarid. if not trate, m -ita iicmitimie'oWcr''eVeVf' nidral senlW mi and th reptibhcan YioWa of Ifre a'e. - f Ttef.priiceedings-'ir Ba h irhorev which 'resulted in lerch mg Irour obscuftr y a 3 man " without . any lWfbiAba4oi Ife tharacter Vif 3 iifireiqhan'. Sfti- t rlbutteeH the yrty to' be- a mere fajutpni:fich with;a weigjii of ctraracter vvhich mijtht impact rhdeiienderice' to lua' Executive ''conduct,, jougbt. to raie up an ins:ruinent to serve aslbe iViefCKt tbof fr the; factwfi:.T!ie ortdtrct of Mr. 'Polk, iv)irr 'Spea feeF dftfee' Ho'uie' of JRc)reertt at ivjta, 1iU"tfd liief 'dhii4ble qiuilinaftons; for the un holy oljecii t 'Waced ibere 'iibputerif, be wn, llie eijiptel',ton1 iif .parUssan profliirtcv: aod.it placed in the IreKlenual chair, be WjiLadofnhLi i . . c i I' '"v'.-f j" iis vv Bjnif ym m aciiou. uy icaatng on a lactluii which ftiuiid for iff future purpose? bwi iqlich of character and tirinness in Van Buren an4,Bj)cha-: nan, Stewart and Johnson, C'hoiib autTCaks. . Around ihiii man. msigiiitlcaht as be.'iv'thep-)rTy have gathered f aildjare' btU.ing or triu:nphover tbe '.tirat Statewaao-of the. laud., Wjmut any fixed pr4nc'pie, except the.pt inetple of ppithiL and "ihf cohesive p-er ot puoluvpiuadfer.'.' thpy change lieir policy to euil the prfjudmes and fol ings, and iitiert sts ufe,ery section of t.h Union. Tbe South Carolina Njlliner wiih-.hi'a sword dniyn on tbe tariJ"of 1842 and the PfnnHylviirua peuiQcrat. wjuj. voied against . i:srepal .or ioodi fiqation, stand leagued. , together ad niJe bv side, stand ChU)ouu and" McDamV with Ingersoil a,ud:,W tUiiis, -all going, for Texas the .farmer he e.'tue it attiiBxaUou will sireogi lien, artdllie lat- Iter. becJtuejt mil -uVstroy lh& iostitutiofi-of ety .rtor.nave the noimuees more sympathy in ibeir. op: moH8.cn the constitution and- ineastrrps of Government, . Polk holding the- u neon ti tut Kmi - ality.-nd Dallas net-er doubting th const if uHori ahty of a national B.iftk-Po!k ngnhtst pWtectlno at the' Sou; h. And for it at the North.? nd QaMa tor it every wltere. ' While this extraordinary Ctnl- rariety of poiicy. disgraceful to the'partyuand to freenieli, exhibits itself in the cunning rnanajiivrcp ef a desperate fact ion, how prond niust the Whigs be indeed, wlioo they lurti 4o examine tlierrown gallant ranks, fron ttiose". who bear tb'eir banner, to the huuibl.'st ifikn wthe line. AJVhlirt in a set )i principles ami measures, anvocaieu, pmc tised and approved. by vVYafhingVor, ml-4f-n!vo-luttonary successors in offtlfe, Ttntf JnoW( Vpborne by him who har!adorne'av every pagVof American h:story tr thotnirij otacenmry. 5 'J'he Whitt! of Eagle Rock can and da appre ciate 6uch a inatr as lle'iirv Clay, who, born of me numinest parentage, nas risen iron) tn pen niless and iriemlies condit ioq ot an .orphan, hoy, o be the pride, and ornament of the mightiest re public; aud io be known m the; distant Jands of the earth, a tbe most eloquent rbampton of the rights of man L A maa wbo bs peen.Jionored by Ireemen for forty ears. and, without a ciiange of resKfence, has had the unlimited cotifid.;nc; of two generations of ;nien, and wq jtow,- amid a hurricane of calurmty, stands shielded by the love apd afleciiou of his neighbor, backed by -the voice of that noble State whom lie has so gloriously and faithfully served, and who in the darkest hours oil us life, has given. him lier kuidest smiles and ner warmest uanu. , m Mvj. Gtd-. prispervonr 'righteoHs cause and smile brightly on the day "of yourjg'-dihering. '' - i - Truly yours, : : . -M.v 'u:iF- ioore. . -To Mfssrs: rM. N. J.-Yousg, and others of Cdinmittee. ' . ' ' .' ' ' "' . .... . ,5-;Froii bc Greeiislr0r Patriot. - ' "t.- THE M ASS M E ETI N G AT J A ME8TO WN. V Tie-Greensboii1 Guardsf 'ac'companied by a Jarge nuinber of citizens, depirted early yester day morning for our sister village' of JaiTriestovri. They were jtftned on the wa by fresfi accesFidns -t'roro varkius -sections of the" Count fy,""in3 when arriv-fd at tbe appointed grotind, there were a sPmbled a crowd of citizens of Guilford , and the 4joii-ing Counties far.Very far, exceng all ex pectation, Considering the I dtagreeable , -vegitbfr iif fliel'rndrtimg. '""But the raitiy iiiorrtlrig was-succeeded by a bright 'and pleasant ;'day . "..The -crowd was entertained lor -ii while", with the .mabeuvres bf fi Guinis. after-wjiiclj aUprj'V.eedetl, hatld by, Geii,. IjOan and his sajETin heir spfendHi uni-f6ru,"tcttl-.e grove, at the ,twesl rp.;the? village heVe jw''pe.akc7. stand, was .invn'ediately sur rpuVidedJjy the large, and.dense mes,of people eer.tt,he!thftdisc.ussiuo ofJ.be day.r Nathan tiusxJEsiivpresided,. assistod Ity several. Vice P:esideit8...iietters were read from- invited giiifsis, wbocokl Kfmfc attend i person ; after vvbtdi Jjphs A. Gilmer,-' Esq. deiivered a -short and r anoyslcd address, liiunerwas hen' artj iWu need,, and ttfn btuft!fut: and "well prepared barbecnie attacked by kungrjt W higs ' and bettrty Deimwrats, with -an apparent detehnmarioh 'hot' lo "leave a pe"a-rthe ilisb"7 Orl 'agahf -assembling around the stand the "Ohf North State was sung iy a'stnfdriari choif oPGoifford sing ers.: Tie best itart nf ;h evtirpg was then occu pied by oneofthe-ribest efforts of duf gallahl tSiectorafcatWiaaieJOHJi ivekk, rstj.? ne ,.?"r deepest, .soyi. ,J he i t. t .t tn a'ou we Ttive to give the whole naoie.") came forth, a well meaning person, no.doubl, hut toe w.arey:ehele8s. g?af'ibi"rivtht? polity soFliea.atce with whic1i!tbttedKm87dewag Jby J ibe1ciwoV.7W;Uftt-! it-r- A- A. -i. '-'t- 4-T- 1 . - -fc- '.t .7j1j. fs-- egageU in tbeviiercpiea 5ai-,;pivviBg -oia Tsru to be jbe salyatkmV of, tlie coetry -f'-We procured the reply of Ma J3dger,tothein vitat-ton of the Committee, and hasten. t- jtrTni it 'or the sjjec'iarvb.ittefitif ourGoilfurd-voters. s ,-" lit, r rr f.M 2 r -p'P'PC'D ' RAtxiGmOct. 17, 1944- '- Gentlemen Xreceiyed to-ay yo.ir letter jff toe 15'lii'iforrnitl me that tbe VVhig Alass Meet mg of GiiilfordyiU be Jietd ;ftJIiitestown;on. tbQ fth!,fand lnvlttngme.to , present. -Itj,reply.f fhaatenin thai ? Jtattrulv -rratiSed to laafti, tWal the Wh'igs oT'ola Guilford are arousad and stabd to any Democrat jdfaior wrjojiitigb- desire sjeAlflWhen. lo ? ishi'tWjTJCiH'tOK John . 1 " p """7tY 'f -fir 'yjMZ dread the flNsif'rer atwTjli, i , These? tinr wherhlr welff ill founded.! ere 4&eJied.by.tbe Jreent.uiovetnent in J-uui u'iMTayi aiwj we hai -,ienr.Jtuetjnce fH1 uouowy .ajwinfr pre- fyjaiie,d vdM ay? portioti of our-Guib'oril brethren. It is 'ioio ae suceeoayittw anafzea:lfbs. ;ivffonsfaie Vhig cltBseJjicleW-wa: cu.e fcui p emtst trf warBieiBympatny anriu-v decree, tbe tm?t erRetent aetion of snci Wnigs as Guilford presses ll Polk and D-1la siKTcWed, w ihust ekpect a renewal of ail the measures a-; IlTrti irjes, Aa-'i trk aMompi'ls&fceiui ot tbisie feiitfi otirea. es,.Uie 6ttf,.gaj ions oj good iteighborhovdiao.ttlitest iati's arftliliH . peace of our country are uj be sacrificed: ' Arid whit te,ihe 'rnighfy h'epsirtg for WltiC'ftVhisffearfiilCprice'is to bep'aulf Hre;' the fiimith, it U-allegpd to b.ihe xterii.ion ofat;iverv . to orher arid distant regions anj ,its.aie'rpe uaripjivto theTemorest generation. An.l is this the docjrino of tbe VVfitg . tti is ,te. object; of the. -Ut.uph ttblj!u4l'rufrp of thp.Coiiirituti m ? AuredlVsnol.Sloaiiitjajlutoksidute' ojhtrol of ttie Sfais over. thM -iosw u) ion where it edsts. We rep'3ltlifeYTfei o7orrie arid of Congress Vitb tte.-siag'cUv i Yff5bif tbf. J ft of on r ow j prtmeny aijtl resist t b; we who vtou id wrest it,- jn jus,.or reodor its tenure insecure. ;rjiis is tjiil grojuffd we occupv;, Burwe andeiiake i jL . ' ..'i . i. -.ii- n uru!H(i;a io pnjpHgare. Slavery wnere J ll inoes not now .xisf. We-nre ott-willHig to. sapiitice tlu; fah aidj lie peace of our couiKry--r-to Jiijure a HrP iguaTioii and involve.Turelvfs in the con seqtieneH f .an unjost-aad ofl:ou wa torKHread abroaxl tbt .insftUUtoii in "other lands, and to -give t . H an eliieBsioJtitiai lothe western conUincnt Sod a-dral.iooilastiu as lime. hf .cms! Hnljon deci tod, yet mod'erat IrfldTop- aosfd to alVultra opinions n .either side, 'fir; . Can th'e Wbi;.a of .North Carohna-cafjk the Whigs oS (luiuord. hesitate or be indiaererff be t wen twjf site W parties- ; They; ca Mint."' TlV'n let Gtiilfrtrd speak m th? tones o 184(k aod let 'be TeifefSi-' 'Rpoiters' BeovertliVoVit by a defeat wbirfr' afelV crotif "thefii-f -forever. - Let? tm one Whif' ubaf' 0fle 'mirity4-- tieiibsem frow -the Kli!. uoress from absnfnte fiecrsSrty; bbj re. his count .fy and his whole tonntry." I Inif win Guilford tand prottdlv erect in her'sithp rpajes. tyf truth and p'athotis'm. and thus wiit-sfie wly aid, in the; discomfiture of those seltjsh and a-rihf-:ious xl'u1icrans, disunionists and Texas lat5 job hors whqarepowseekitig. for. thejr owffentds, to inislead afid ruin our country. j I pray iou, gentleniEiVifO'rtake knownkhese sentiniefttp to'iby ff How" AVbtgf of Guiif'jrdio sucb otatther as you intty-djccAu. most suiublp, ad believe ue most Uy!y youcs, : ilC Vt:?r!f .," ; .GEO E. BAt)GJpR . . ,MessTS S, G. CoSin atd .others, Comtnittpe. . ''5 , . ; Sew York pet 27, 1844. " We cjpuld hardly wish things to be working if:. better fori'h V fiigi-, t nan Uiey are, Acre. State iaeJruwi for CiiaT.' , r - fi .1 - " , ; . v ' r. . The I i . : PosTsii o-jTH. Va Oct. 24 , 1B44. To the Botvf-.-tkt.RnleighRegter.ir '.- Sir.: ljirervrt m your pafwrot ihe lSih iniit. that Capt. Kncls E - -Rives; of Li'ttvton, Sussex' Conn iv, "Viit-iijii 8 v wi ice-bi bs udiMmoii to A pijty u ilie Lriiisajnrf of North Csftama ior the -xccie ol ciianeretl lirivile"!! on a portion of tl I PoimdiUti mid Roajiiike Rail Road. U Wonld tFiws liruloC the l)flief Aiatt hn bus chattgeti bis uroiiRil. 4 mi no longer feekj 10 leiroy. ht .io. H Road." Tins idea i no doubt, inuoflucetf t jJtis time,! .in the vain hoe if -ijro-titinfiria the putihe, who heHiHs so wrought niiit outraged, at by praclising iiijhson' onliiy. ainefioraie jliejusc sentence that a walls him. Thoa whotliave" read in y reply to bis wMiuiiuiiK-a- non to flie 'jbublic "cao rt-adiiy peheiraw bis iiouve j3be Siiiior 1 frjurt of. La and 'Eyiy,for ihe ponntyiol' Jortlinmiiioo; Wvo'ii' upon ii nift' jiiiWsi-- ijatioo of wl (he facts. tlecKWd that OS jtirc!Vaed no thtnW vhatsfeever in the Ko?i; 'it tsrinoot le' pt-rt'eiVud hovr -tiie Lekia tore-cab lor a no nent tolwu'e -ttii-i- Hprli-aiti;inl it cetiaiuty can be-rtfaaidtfdlby th public in norotber tisjbi 'titan a irwrr a,rujii;e. I am, vt'iY respe-jtlidfy; yonrbVreiv't4, 1 - - - t 1 1 AV'AJTK a; 6 W Yfi Pres't. Portwnonilrdt Roanolte'R. R7Co P. S. - This EdiiorS of lite Petersbnr Befaiblican Snd Rrcliinuiiit VVbiar. are re raflei fully ''feninSstad to 3 ' . W; G." ' CORPk)ftATlONROcEEuiNG.. T ' t' " Raleigh; October 29ih. 1844.. nlilev- l."-ay WirkKt Oeore VV.'HaV WdSoili, David VVvSUwi?e; and Janu-a t.ncblbro'. Coiimiisj-ioiiers. 1"' ' ' Oh'f)utaAa,'Jabn Ci Moo'ra and Willwin T. 8ub werb a jifHjiiiieJ additional AiiciitTieen' Utr the City.; t'loft ,eiccoijli.uV,eJ"idrTIie A'pi oi. A!fm-bly,-4i ui-bciase!" ntatte add provided; ' ' A oaa-iiiiMju;a!afai'w'B" read, fron; VVUlP-r tirayiiig; w.baye iliai poriioir Of (lie 04-;. iiaoc adofae by ttie tkiard on lti Isi iuiami a"-tt pernuts the dfivhig ot a wajsno at ia(ii ftasitJ waii, to dVbvef vrootl, rescinded ai iwiitcMjaiyya repeci ilie sale walk iii Iron, ot Jlr. Lovfjoj- ' aiul -ins own preiifjneB. Up inonop ute saioewa gwoo fn Hie tabie bout the regular iiieeiiiigon J jiesUajt, oeju. An accpuiior!g5l rtmtSO cents', tii layOr of j l. K.irkiianj fifr?-itdi-ry tiSj-iir on'EnsMie"-fo4 j2,Wks preentel tor jiayment. 'ThV'Bciaiil bt hiiigecilHi l rcM'ted Hot, nt am btri-ted' aiy biie Vdrtmrac-f irTihc itpairin bi iiU Litgute, ihe account ua iutahiri;0u ty rejevnl. f If? i Mr Huudtins proffflseii'iha lottewirGrdkiaw-e : ' Be it Ofdmaed by the Cvmmi&ignerTrfJhcrCdy vf Raleigh, and it i hereby Ordained Zythemtthdr y afurtsaid Thai 'he Of'itoaBt'i;An Ot ilmauce to-."-ujjp(!nbe riiininjol' Hojt.avi. Iae,"io the Guy ol Raleigh,' be snxiHriuled, and that isaut Or- Uinaiic baveito lorce or etfeel unlit Unfebrstdayyof adjoufnW. JAS. J, UTCJBFQR0, Clerk, uutiibers fee 66 fo&HGui$kmL . ienco .-oft ote.MeajMSIrbt btrl4 ISmi Jky,lxragam-e, cofru1theiub i rt&storyijMr -il rlnsert's siitnoliianl' urtay raasoaablyj be agato exjjecjed s Bat-tjiegr are not all.' VVeU&a iij itint;ciip. J Jexas-fiieiat annca : ion" of I e&as. is the loudest war- rv 'of the iariv. . j ufse aTe.oursejiiiinents iiui tbs our. poaiUon -igamst'tHe 6w 'slngby' affirmative' proposiiTorr of tii f precn't democracy; Ours-fs Ke posuipn of ' Called rMeting'ol "the Boafd QVCoHVoiissiioprrs ; present Vtoo R. 'Galea, Eti7 riiieudanji ojlPofice, W HhaVn "AliteV " W it lia-ni VV title. Joliit Hmcnms, VV .' k . '! Wr-U-inf jn pewr tieHirptioi Me i rti ft j uf ieceleit Si W.e XoVdi, tHjna Book;!Hpr I Aes ami, Noes were f r Mnfbmud tu-taine was ,1 ;lotoW K r.lril.ffr'tt.,ain. ni... on motion, tt le Board 1 TWli&K fcUbtjUbS. 1 L -Tim n.ti i'i.i!. .... .i.. J u...l - .i.i..- inv, a u)st owoue .Heetm atiioliy' veiii o?wglu wM?e;liaveSeeajo Uc4iieeHH fiere for ; itwnberp, torlpii lhasiae fow rwe C klijipMice, irince the evet nieiHOtabtfediiya o 14( MwJ we teel in our brt?faitf tt - paEit, barnin m' yof0!fWteal1ayed,wfthmil a tfiuttfr'iirug gle. daily Sndflf'attfteToTivd bv th- fifstd ttf favor iff ouTrjrittciples :ourp;a?irt" our cani!niates,.ad oor country. ' . hiijI lh? ; PreSsdj&u.lvofhe liut: and Without d.s- .crtiMiiuating whorjr aijijvt aji w et"e reloquen!, we' eanf btrt express flk cn v-ictiit, th if w e have a-1 un)ngjwr?oseaaceesTWewo;frtiflein our, coniit ry . apJs, rt .gen.ioa ajidloncej bt 'liieM-wuh their iniriufir.rfrdA?- fV . SeraT capital VVidg rapgcli , The nieeitiig'as.adcj!sed,af lefigtlinv measrs WeinVxZ lt,WrWlrcli, Eu7- - ward 1 Wiaskiw. JhuUUnslknllJ.s tfrfrll. J u oue vou (iff afiuiH'ariy vvuispirus nao'tU)eii.ui aiiu uainmrre. ia W'r a'wjww prejilired no' less than f fur Tra ispateiiliSjfljlejd shKie; by tjiyjit, wbtjre; wur . Fiaar flitts vby dy bre others- werea-rranged .in vtew ot -theiJuWn Hail arid,, w were glad to. -sec, that bfs4des, ih National FJag; vthwft floated mer 'the President's ihair. there was placed m lront of it, "a fac sim ile oj that uahner, -with ihevinscriptrr.-',(ylay, FrelinyhrvsetL. and t liG-ITtiiim ' "which some in-. cendiary liiid tnultilated ai'Hpi a week or tw1 ago.- Ariose who lrttnfe-ribar honored Banner-1 l -u.j .lt"i I '. .. !.''....: 3':. hotftire'd at least by all pond WilTgs-wejfe.notdis- courageil by trre oufrUge.of.one m,df'h phXser, any. niorp than the' VJi'jg parVy coutJ''V'i.'!iPi inehr .cotrnixy vvnen 11 ten mio ujp iwuus ui me spiiiftjr or the Traitorbui jjey eej. ,t' Wof and repatejl the damage, as the VYfiigstutend to .re, pair the damages which the ShVp of Stale has suffered during so 'inany years of unskillful or pu-atica4co.iiiinand.?acr Qbserfpr-. .; - REAitKAljiJT PRoWfECVV7 ' " s In tteA.Je.xaudria GaEette,of January. 1840i 7 - ' r i i t" " - i . i .7 . " appearea uie itiiiovytngiremarKaoie- leuer iroiu Washington. Who, was the author 1 jl ; v ..Extract -of letter dated 7 : ( . - s..-..-V-i ; WAstiiNQTonj-Jan. kl84 I. have every reason, to believe, 'wbateViTin-ay be tbe miyeoienJs ot Benton and Ca ltouri W the Presidency, that atolhttf jersva bds beeu desiglla te4 .tor te successiony General Jwcksontsand j that Mt7ViU Bureu -, himself '. is . inciiopd- jhe fsane wy. . I jiatother .pQrson.ta-Jatna V- ilU late Spei-ser ; fue .iloose ol Repreaetftatives, ana now; uovernor , p -Jienncssee hnnseif, has pretensions, w witt xir jjtt, ?tiiu nu tnt DttnuB condinjj the Suggest ions nia son. The party, of course Mr Van Bureh at - the! ne: they 8!icceed,in six nmntbs, ihe p;urtj,W4!l "be broken u.X4.acattered to the foifr7wi'ids f Hp-iven. yVe shall 'then have Beuloo. men,, and Calhtmn men, ;iiwljTOrhanan meii, and 3lk-nierr, I tell the Whigs, then, to persevere irte will -come, af laat.- I "finnlir beiibve that Harrison wilf be-'eiected, the next fetfeCt'ion Bntvea if lie' fattef tlie game is tfo with" Mtie ""In .'DavidsonjCounry, on tbe.49lb instant, -Mrs Mary EUis consort or John Ellis,- Esq- .and on. Ly dauirhter. of.Col, PhilovtWhrte. She has been only a wife some two mom hs. -? - A' In Tetineasee, Mr -Elijah Rayner, in the; 6th year of hirau;ea n-iiivetof rBertie countyy N.'C '.Ondbe-lOrh-jef October; in Gran vtMe county, Mrs. Susan Hargrove, consort of W'illfam- Har grove; in the 65ui'yearof her. age. 'Mrs II has been a member of the Meritrtdisf - E' Jhtitrc h for upwards of -forty 'years, -in Whioh Sh'fr'arltwne'iJ her ptofession as a Christian,, and, died in full asfurance of an eternal. rest .'- ' O a F Lump. Crushed and Brown Sugars, di'f lrnr ffiMtrt es,- '' " O l iva,4KWira. and -Rio OoflSe, f Vry beat Inipsiial. iiinjoviief,-;d "Black1 Tea, f- Aiok Cheese, a superior a rude, &.e.dte, ,., v--- - AhVit), - ' ',- -':""-Best winter Rtrairtrd LBinp"Oil," ; '"Cliefm aljd good mould Cstidlcs; nin ths Box of Wiiidow -filaas. Putty Ac. 7 7 f ' Heads of Famibes would do' well ffcail nd?i!ee for thmsehres. ': - " " - - . " FAMES' TOWEE3 '"1 Not. i.. v- -- - -v;-- jsr- r ' .' -I' - . j;,'i.' V .'i'" ' ' ' ' "Br7JORJALE, good PlrjM4-, bui Hi! 4h T :u.J..i .JAMES M, T.0WLB.- Candfdatc foi tfie apiiiininumt wf Ei.gros.mg 4'ick, PKlVAt E ENTKttTAINMENT, - Arih Pnlliarh andMslcrs - !T5 EBPEtF&fctVlhfcrni1 mVPuo. thaljhey JiQJatiH etpp at tbetr itW tartd, hi tbs fear- of la baoaiot-4Jape Fear a Iltt tlie Of" 1? ntcrf a iM tnent) -Kacce Brder wiO ie acoattodated ty the day. vy,-inotithor-sM -Vva- r-n ' Having; employed a gsirtijpmanto pmn!e,lld -the flodse, they ill ajljprepftcl to.baiiHl I' frpa-55 80Tflirj ihlipriiiag.WsiVlS, tue. at profs sup-it, u loe.t'OU'. v f - -v.t (Tj tSiar and Standard. the,, name Olqyy t?rwnghuyssn,jdiulltei V$fn vyti ura.wn up to ibe4ead oiY0f VV.b"g.-Poi, o 1 !Vlm(i-ri of 'rbe fji;il(StufH ,f Norwh Garouiia..-a a ,WM in i i a u .... ' '7-.- T. - A :Rf.E EOT t'KyTTlL J;e1 iAV WOULBt- nriladlWT'y; 1hi retail.;, l Kn4vJ,?,'ww peawntr targe anspjdid " . ' 111 i.iii-i i'i !'"' !U I IS L. i'lKT I M 10 RT ATI 02fe 8 H u'ckerl itiio oariHOK. fV&ut: b)sd td ubdw 4 "St,T V. r - . ,' Of ui oi L, MSlmmn. mQV. r- A- FaH and. WinterSpyti,(a7 VV bicb Apj jirft dtcnndyi4;8 a l.QW:.t.ny h it iKiheLityiif sK rtecf-iH.':stabii'ittr)' tMbti;bdr pudntake io wirietber tbrif GooHcriougbi Wutre-ihe tie ut ;aOr.ihbisHt ibaawol ttwie- lrtei danU Uie ii lH'at wrei of - purtbaMnfe gboda Ctitpr Mth?NcCbem markfts, tshp rpfliitaun 0t Ca- pvBnf'abd hB , if thciisui-p wwammytcutM?(,QVBa old byHfvt i netsbboHw- hdtsjit.ftsresittryjlii adj noihi2 un-wv. th3nmpeciiuil''fc invite irBrettaV wn o cad and WVETijAl AUWtaSaialll. bur the aliry. and pf ice- of thetr vph'senl CS retiib aelecteV.aii4; -e xiuiy e asiv t tnent wbib. omplaM alnht every iattit la soa a-pt ia'-Btc kikamil the taete .r vautaof .Liu(teaeenile-re4 " Tbsy khow thV iind of gd6dwb(ch ardHWi4 Vet m.eh; Oener 4hmtt any icem rrsidtug" hi'lhe Koft br. and arsarefnF t fttsp their BMttropnt itcpftni islred wiih uch; fls may be i-siry msinds'of people.. al-t1i towM -wicfi bAfia&nArneM requestnaUnho Je -who;tir debteif it brniebnt f.r-tt 'arttt 4 close their account by . csh or potes. Ttim.oriaiic of attetvduig tor hiafgfj imtftfIate Ivmust lie - read iivsrsb and felt bv all who faafa. an kriowte-r&dt 'flieiniilftif ot fa-raaoHK buua RaiefghT tVrt 184. 4h AO TICE HERSH YkGIVEJX, alt kj 1"uc"t tftweiitnt jratstutacn-w-!g. mentis to 1 'he'- Idie fir 4hvlry .libtil rMxSf& which bs" hiis recei ved '-at theirf Air Pilk.rfnHAT appiicatioh wiH b&iuadc to. lbs, Dx4 Le- hichJn dneVire. bet U giMature, fpr anidugBiltto rmd-; . d. by General, Jack, ontiiiisry rt?W ;tls 'W a eleciioiu iujf .1 BViWrMt, 'AW i. lor tftAvXl afborfsiirir tbIfeiiitiJiSif Cottnty Vr--inW.ih1tf'tfi; Deeds Ivsn in Moti?goinery,Y r?ta vui me i itvufBi j ui a ,ti-s vivyaiiO, J riding Whip. Vor aahv at lbJKs-ooJb Store,, 't v, ,0. teJJ$YL&lii THCStA-Tl BY Vii tue d( Wecre bf ibe iJoUri f Equity, for Fraoklm bounty. tBads ft FallTerATl-44, in thscasB Ausustu J"1 -Fosbsr ad4 ethinlr j faVUt Petjtwi'r to selfd t.id"uVr at b ftdlovr.-ng ibnes'ad. -pfie? and'sn iha 'A Qatsntity-ttf Valuahl T?edl. pri-rrytlofim J to the , heva, of pet P, ter le cd. 1 o wU'WtW c-w-!ytHid:ay bf TLwc;ibluMr neti, beins the,9".liiday of the month, and fir.-t itayrtf the 'btyU-dit'J-at th'e" tJoufT neust? br tbe 1 o h " ot Jfwirruf g, ITns . rflL-fiftfivnSeB of fHmjl. ert-lhe If it k Vac Btfjoirtit.fr the Lamb-r'of 4. urn, loir aiiiiiiiiri FviawH Biiu .ptricif at ruimUm mS by Sti-maifon 74 aerea.'-ifl'.jbjrWr frncr in Mid, ;.fu..t adiofinnfls the- Ftia-e)lP;iliitaA?' Ka'thanlef .Vtaron. Dair f.' 41 and hMMW tf arfo-ineiwB tf'eiat-df burchasedfby tberifaid Feef Fot. r . f J.mtrwk Onbaiied-WW r-wn oM-rtutstnirg. being tbe -entper lot itf 'main slit adjoiniriti the l-tt Af Mrs. alaGi-y, occu Tnd by the aid"Pter Fostefat the time of bis I. aih. a r trtt-rrertioiife?- At U ohB'Olherlaige and valuaiile tfarl of l.ud ifl aattf J-urity. adiomina the ry N.-per and mltervo-uaro$by : esttrnaiion 470:,ti$res" add camntonfy raiIW:fBeljcTrsct. on ' c men njHfi ract pn.ooiai auira or ine .maitj TOaa " ides olih Bear waoiiprf' k, from h-efr.lo (bul - milcf ffani Louis-borR'.- ft naa hi ii a large jf' J cOtt. -tenie nt 'fwo St-fy Dwelling, about 60 y arc from ; the road.jvith l pcemfj apt HouajyQ"c,;rdy V'iney:ir,l 5i.' Srlib fcn ccelienr nSer fanb,, -x ' aboui 5 or 60 v:r';mth d-'bing '''lMii-ev wiiji acoiivmen- BrlEtntptZ. rvu'!V'e iir. , Mry-t-r-rtTkh-f- navmc t - ' -an kif .i -otpur- hMnf are rtuied to call and kw ne premiaea ieiie inr vmy oi aaie,.- : ., --:;. - IKi the t;ort Hodei!. the j;uy jTKaWnh.orr Its-. .'-L ' I . if.. 'Si f . SV-. i mm ux j'i . urrrmDir tifii: . are, Ve v' Vafoilile bra itt-w lbJ is never anv aot . ot waWC id ley 'aru'-atd in the . ;iJi! p(,uitt haj a not a mwe hejbhjr taaiinn and, betler WfWrA, a itfira -any Tni-vvt abi iitesnausiutie quaqiiiy oiiue vbjj oral ueart tlhe luaL the 1st tomlayV being ib- Ctb day of JanvStJ flex , TeaM oi land in lbs County of. 0y,i-ri i of trierKiwpof lveed-cwkr ajo tSHtis Mine r. nienoiar jw ea, ' w v t-na i otherS eontwrnfiir byTjiafm:uh'l500 acte.-. ? i-Acrfltt Vf TSrirtWtbi;jwll t sie;t on Hbe rtSetei Tract rtfikTtaicf of 1 8f - sere, the 't era bous ad T.rf n J Wiibhrfc, and the land MJ.Granvi:: ilnt and two Jfara trtSjij. en MW! MUPTa 11 Wakej anu On.-jy ami itree. yeara-Treoti on tna r IJmTrJct nHanktin'Bi-iiis "th V-rtide--"--! - terest from late. J ftat t.-y ct Uctower A. y. PAtTEKOIVC. IL1 - KsWr 1 , 1 44. ; , V - Tt III If : - a-"-.T