1. TV1Yorwwaetolen 0,1 milia from aoen wit In at Mfjr riXe - rl mama n3 IaIsL SfSTl &t4 indhigMz " r ihlleft bind boof bwkea on J2!H.kJti . and nnnsutUj reSl tomZ ejidta remarkably recker,- VH'-'.V,"-1' " A verasbW, N. C I . , " ' : 8S if October :,THEVKaY.NEVVEST! 'ASICS iTOTTW oS' VTl k;. F.rf.HnrJv of seasonable DTtYGOUU. KiHSC to Mil to Cash or punctual customers. k,of". frinds. I. t to beared by out-door. cheapue but to call and examine hi. Goods at ins counter. tn ?. .;. war w v- V, T r 82 A nowl of Punch.' nUST ftECEIVED'tu tWNorth tlatolina Book BtnrM A BoWl Of Punch." with Upward of asVeuty iIlostrauone,rby: Lwjwha, lh, Eeqk price 66 eto-t-o. fc" 0f Mirth and Marvel bj Thomaa Iofobbymh engra mm. bv Craifohank Leech, sq price 50 centa, TaJeaef Gfa&bervSpa' by J. K. Padding, Bryant, t others. : Memoirs of Vidoeq." principal Agent f the FrencVPolice, written by himself, to 2 vols, at 0 cenia,- Electrotype Mampalalion,, by Charles V. Walker illustrated. -Aleo, Nos. 8 and 9 of m HarperV ttctonaJBible," price 35 cent a number. -.- TURNBIT cV HUGHES. & gtar. Standard and Independent will copy. CnOOI DOOKLS! SCHOOL COOI1S!! SURNER c HUGHES,. Continue to keep on band an immense stock, of valuable School a, consisting, in part, of the following, A.-ft V Book ; Prtmera and Sclera of tenons aundeArithmetice, wiety of authors; Common and elassieeJReaders ; Geography and Atlases of different sine and kinds; B. D. Emmerson's series fomaoa School Readers, published in Boston and Philadelphia consisting of 1st, 3d, 3d and 4th claw Header and the Young Reader; Emerson's N. A. Arithmetic,' parte 1st, 3d and 3d, and also the Key. Tom series of School Books of D. D. Emmerson s, are too ex teaely itnown in North Carolina, to need any reoommeodation from us ; as we introduced them into thia State about ten years since, and they are now in general nee throughout the State. W e have ALL the aeries of Book need in the Common aad Dirtrict cheoU of the city and State of New York ; end alo a great wiety of Comown and classical Bka,t!jst are used in ill the schools and Acade mies in the United States particularly at our Univer sity at Cb pel Hill, and the colleges and Academies throogfaoQt the State, of N. Carolina. AUo. all of Peter Parley' series of Books ; Russell's Histories f the pnited States, Greecei England and France, 6ruathw Series of BistOTies axJ School Hooks Anthon'a aerie of classteal Wooks ; also Sunday SchoolBooks; Dictionaries Ac 4c. If you need ny School Books of any other kind and wish to pur. ehase Cbeap jjuat trsnsmit yonr order or call at SunetJa Hughes' North Carolina Bookstore . . Z',.,, : TURNER A HUGHES. Raleigh. N.C 83 Ctdteof Iv'orthCarolloa.N'Asii Cocx- J3r,"TCourt of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions Aagnst?rm; 1844.J . PUgrim T, Winiams, Matthew Stalling,, wife and others. ' i remum luvirnu a mm. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that J5Gbeth Baine'John Terrell and Prisciila hia wife, Mark Strickland and Celta his wife, are non-residents Of this State.- f lie therefore ordered that Publication be niad In the Raleigh Register or six weeks, noti fy big'them to appear at our next Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sesatdnr, to be held for the County of Nash, at lheCoort House in Nashville, on the 2d Monday Mh November next, then and there to shew cause, if any they have why" the prayer of the Petitioner shall not be granted.- '- Witness, Franris M. Taylor, Clerk of said Court, at office this 3d Monday in Aoguet, A, D. 1844. FRANQIS M. TAYLOR, C. C. C. - " By WM. H. SMITH, Dept. To tbo JBLembew of ttie next House f , 5 ef Commons. THE nndersigned most respectfully announces to the Member of the ensuing House. of Com mons, that he is a candidate for Assistant Door keeper to that body. He is a true Whig, but will, if elected, keep enough fire to make both ides. warn. , JOHN C. MOORE. RaleigK Sept. 25, 1844. 78- nOUSE and LOT FOR SALE. The Subscriber wishes to sell his resi dence jn Raleigh. It t is situated on Hillsberouah street about 300 iranU West from the Capitol, and is one of the leasantest situations in Raleigh. As it is presumed any peraon would examine for themselves before - purchasing, further description is deemed unnecessary. WM. WHITE. , Raleigh, September 31, 1844. 77 tHjsT RECEIVEP. av Jaff jm4 wlloiiea eli stock r Domestic and Fancy Goods, 2hL 'inn bnrchased for Casju with h oal de- doctionof fi pet cent gnd wHlb old lth ttCTll. anew passwte jprwnK jrr r prbnng.in part, e foilow: : -; .-H Rich at ripI and figured CaAmere de Ecosa . Striped and figured Plaid,; " , . Black plain eol'd AUapaccw, a serf rich article Striped Silk.ftew style Silk and Velvet Points Sa'perier htei-'itohed'pefi CmbHHeBrdifc.- Black raw atJk Hose Black ami eol'd Enghsfi do. Hair Pin "Black and coTdl superior Kid Glove Cashmere and' Worsted Hoaei Cotton do Ctoths Cnsslmerrn nnd -Saline ts. Plaid , Striped A plain French 4 ; Eng Cassimere A large lot of Satinetta, at all price - - Brown, Invicible Grwmaiaek 4-Blue anp. Clotha Plaid, Velvet and Casimere3Te6t!ng--nw-tyle - Black Satin and fibred Sitk do?. Large lot of Kerseys, from the lowest npwsrds Tweed grey Catmrea, i Drab blae Satinett Clanfeets Iltanhets. 7-4f 8 4,9-4rl0-4, ndlS4 Whitney Blankets " Larte lot duffle . do Bleached Cotton. White Flannels. Red do. Canton Flannels. Bird's Eye Diaper, Hockabackdo Crash; Damask Table Cloths do 8-4 all linenDi apers and other articles tsnmenUoned ; all of which wHI be sold very low. " ' . ' T J. H. BECK WITH & CO: FayeUeviUe Street, A few doors above Mr. K. Smitba Stor THE AMEallCAST XlETIElf. IT liaving been detenhini'd to establish a Political and Literary Monthly Review, to be conducted in the city of New York by 'GEORGE H COLTON, Esq', and devbletf to the permanent maintenance of Wme "principles arid improvement of As ante kx Literature." The -undersigned, Whig Member of the Twenty eighth Congress, from all sections of the Union, most cordially approve of the design, and Urge it upon the Whigs or the Republic for their unwavering support And that confidence may be e tended by the public, assurance is hereby given, that the continual ais tance of leading' men of the Whig Partv ha been secured , ahd that full trust is reposed in the views and abilities of the Editor. . 1 Members of the Senate. Net: 13 JOHN STUEETP, NE W YORK; 4 Willie P. Mangom, N. C. George Evans, M. J. J, Crittenden, Kv. J. McPhereon Berrien, Ga James F. Simmons, R. I. Jas. Alfred Peurce, MdT, Richard H. Bayard, Del J. W. Huntington, Ct. Samuel S. Phelps, Vt. Alexander Bsrrow. La. J. T. Morehesd, Ky. Wt C. Pives, Va. Wm. WoodbriJge. Mu h. Ephraim H Foster, Tenn. W. L Dayton, N.J. Jihn Henderson, Miss. Garrett Davis, Ky. Charles Hudson, Mass. . George W. Summers. Va. Ssmcel T. Vinton, Ohio: John White, Ky. Daniel P. King, Masa. ' K. Rajner, N. C. George B. Rodney, Del S. C. Semple, Ind. F. Hi Mom, Me. Milton Brown, Tenn. Members of ihe House, Washington Hunt, N. Y Henry Y. Cranston, R. I Charles M. Reed, Penn. John J. Hardin, III. C. H. Carroll, N. Y. James Delict. Ala. WiHiam A. Moely,N. Y Robert C. Schenck, Ohio. Alex H Stephens, Ga J. Phillips Phojntx. N.Y. Esrnestly approving of the plan of such a national organ, long needed and of' manifest importance, the undersigned agree to contribute for iis pages, from time to time, such communications as may be requisite to set forth and defend the doctrines held by the unt whin Party jf the Union. Hamilton Fish, JJ. P. Kennedy, J. t.'ollamer. John J. Hardin, W 8. Archer, Kufus Choate, Alexander 11 Stephens. .' .GREAT BARGAINS IN PIANOS, - And C ablnot Fa f n I ture, at oar Tf are Rooms, fflecbanlc's Hall, : '- c ? Sycamore Si, Peteribwrg Va. TTOHN HIGGINS dc CO. respectfully invite the fjj attentiorbf th Citicena of Raleigh and vicinity, to their stock of the above Goods, which is now com pieta, aBeing extensively engsged-4 in the manulae tur of Cabinet Ware, atofa and Chairs, of different khids; they flitter themselvo that this establishment 4Sera greater indocement to purchasers,lhaii any oth- H.ioh of the kind in thw or the adjoining 8 ari. m .Out PIANO FORTES are from the most cefc wed New York and Boston Manufacturers, and are well worthy the attention of purchasers, who can ob tain them at Manufactorer's prices, expense of trans portatioB nlj added. ; , ,KA,ott.!na Hair Cloth, Paper Hangings, Hair, ? Matrasses, Mahogany Knobs, Vr.' George P. Marsh, D. D. Bamard, J. R. Ingersoll, E Joy Morris, T. L. Clingman, J. Macpherson Bsrrien, Robert C. Wintbrop, Tbomas ffutler King, It is unnecessary to ret forth the reason? that have led to this design. J hey are many and will present themselves to every mind. But to the above the Edi tors have to add a word. It is known that the same enterprise has been two or three times before ai tempt ed by others ; and that they failed as signally as they were weakly begun. We care not to investigate the causes, but their failure has stood greatly in the way ot the present undertaking;. We can only give on qualified assurance that this Review tciVsppear eve ry UiOnth for one year at least, from January. 1845. Wbetber it shall conttnu e longer most depend upon the support of those who can see the importance of such a work, J his support we earnestly request, believing that the work will be in all - respects able and Useful. ' The Review will be published in the City of New York, to be called Thb America Review A Whig Journal of Politics, Literature, Arts and Sci ence. Tiuii : rive Dollars a year ; paid on receiving the first number. Each number containing a hundred and twelve pages, panted in double columns, on tine paper, will consist .of a leading political article,, with literary miscellany in history, biography, criticism, fiction. poetry, statist cs, science and the arts, from the ablest writers in the country.. No. 1. bearing date January 1845. will appear preliminarily m a few days. It will contain powerful articles from various writers with two 1utifut mezzotint Engravings of Mr. Clay and Mr. Frelingbuysen, with sketches of their life an character. Every second or third number sfterwards will also present a likeness and sketch of some dis tinguished Ameriaan The conduct of the Review will be under ih; con trol of Geo H. Coltn, associated, however, with o- tber gentlemen of known standing and attainments. To Committees, Societies, Clsv Clubs, dec the following terms are offered : Five copies $20 : Thir teen copies for $ SO. Or any person becoming re sponsible for four copies will receive a fifth gratis. Agencies are invited for distant places. By Isw, remittances may be made free, through tne rest master. All communications to be addressed, postpaid to ine cuiior, i. n. cotton: Uttice 118 Plasma i t New York. Ma. & Mrs. BUR WELL'S F EM A. V E S jD II OO I , H I LLSB O R0UG H N. C. f - (ZTE HE Winter Session will commence on Thnrs fjeaday, thejUih of November, i Terms for Board and Tuition sjs heretofore- payable io advance.- ror psrticularsJ address Mr. Mrs. Burwell. October 19.1 :85oaw4w ah,-&e. dte. Oct; 1844. 88 Sm BU.pIUf lon.-The public are hereby inform ed that,lhe F)cni,beretofore exiting under the , WtcM dc BoTfAus, .hubeea dissolved B?:w,,i'T.' fi"n, wW , pleeeall immediately and settle op their accounts eMbby aaahjHrnote. ; . . W JOHN A. WICKER. i G.BUrFAJ.QE.. -' : St 86 . !. Oct. 1844. - JOB PRITSTlvn- -T! F1 t thia Oflke, Afeo, other improved CAMPHINE LAMPS. SO LAR LAMPS, GIRANDOLES, HALV liAMre and LANTERNS and dealers in ASTRAL and SOLAR SHADES, CHIMNEYS and LAMP GLASSES of all kinds, LAMP VVIUK, flnrJ SPERM OIL, CHEMICAL OIL, UAMtHiniS nd BURNING FLUID ; sll Of which are ottered at Wholesale and Retail, at the lowbst raicxs ro CASK. September 1. " NEW OOOIIS NEW GOOUS. For Fall and Winter. Mihe Raleigh Cheap Cash Store Before baying elsewhere, purchasers art- rpnupKtprl to examine our Stock, ana - ' - ". ft I M. know our prices. Kemember it does not put us out of humor to have people lo ex amine without buying. H. A. BADH AM & t'U. : One door below Williams, Haywood & Co. .CAPiXL, $300,000. THE IVEW-YOnK COST R1BUTI0SSHIP FIRE INSURANCE COSPiXY, OF.riCE. NO. 57. WALL STREET. Insure Dwelline-houees, Warehouses and Buildings in general. Merchandise, Household Furniture, Ships building Milium Port and trieir cargoes, ana every descfiption of personal Property, ' AGAINST LOSS OR UAMAGF BY FIRE. J SMYTH ROGERS, President. R W. Marti j, Secretary'. D. W. STONE. Agent, - At Raleigh, N. C. May 16. 1844. 40w4weotypd FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Will in his, Haywood & Co. are now receivinp; from New York and Philadelphia, a Targe and gen era I assortment of Drags and medicines, Chemicals, ! PAINTS AND OILS. D YE-STUFFS, GLAS3-WA41E, PERFUMERY, dec. Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians, Merchants, and others dealing in their line,; at unusually low prices. ThoM. withies tn hiiyjautl find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention at all times will be given to putting up Prescriptions, as well as the dispensing of Medicines. Raleigh July 1844. 57 6m AND EXTRACTS. FTT1HE Subscriber have just opened a beautiful U i selection of genuine Chemicals and Extracts consisting in part of the fdtowirig, via : The various preparations of Polaspeum, Morphine. Iron, Mercury, Mo.-ia, Cinchona. Copper and Iodine, also, Pipeline, Veraitrine, Strichnine, Elaterium, Bromine, Urucine, Kreosote, Naptha Ptasetim, Musk Emetine, all kind of Acids, together with a great variety of the (bllowins Extracts : Bark, Ioz-wxkI, Stramonium, Hyoiciamus,Colacynth, Sa vine. Tare licum, Gcntion, Jalup, Cicuta, Aconite. 4c. dec, to which they invite the attention of Pbyorcians and others. ! 8TITH & PESCUD, Drugeists. Jnet received a large supply of Sulphate Quinine, and new crop Turkey Opium. a Jfr P Important Curt ef Xicer I CompUtu&iti tommuni lcofafan q letter touDrt KUhl. frwt J. M.A 4 ... vJBrektt&a?$.p?AskbiwrN:Cr H wrota a fiiUowe tik- J. Kuhl, your Medicines ara abot to take a aUrtirl this County; from the feet, that ibey ejected a cote which eemto have baMed theakiil the uhTsiciana ia thiectk)B for ayes or two, Tnihject UlMr athanUd ,Newliey 4fb jaa licted with: th4. Liver,coinplainf, together with aomeother complaipta. .; riatuieice,Tanov 43" Ht naa Ukmneiottle pf the Restorer, to gether wiUt the Depurltive Powder. -.He iay a in twelve DOurj no leu rcueveu, awu m fwenij-wui u ftuc& relieved. Ha Itaa so far recovered, novy, as xo follow the avocations of lhts farm, with little or no 'difficulty'. He says he anU an whp are amtcied to usrYoor Medicines, an is reeommenumg tnera to the afflicted. &eV Signed, J. M A. Drake." Dr. Kuhl visited Asheboro' on the I2tb of Feb. 1844. and had the gratification tolearii, that Mr. Nath Newbev is well and 'recommends his Medicines in the highest terms, r f Extrtict of a letter to Dr. J. Kuhl, from Getfgc K. Jjarr, ;JStqi Atnneaon va. I have had eeveral venereal cases, which have been successfully treated with your Abyssinian Mix ture at AntiyphiUtielSyrup.- I wilt mention one case, which had peed treated with the usual remedies for three months, but! without any abatement of the disease. Your Medicines was procured and the dis ease which appeared o obstinate, in a . few day s yielded lo your remedyl dec. "Signed, i licit!. K. if Ann. A Lady of Bedford eo. Va. for about 17 years af flicted wiih coniractioi). lameness and nervous .head ache, caused by taking icalomel and getting cold pn It, and after using, the whole time the prescriptions ot the most eminent physicians without any effect, she sank from year to y earj but was finally ' successfully treated wiin the Restorer, Gold Mine Balsam and Ar omatic Extract. We haveomiited the name of this lady, but if anv particulars "should be desired, we refer to Maj. Wn. Leftwich, Otlerhridge, P. O Bedford co , Va. Mra. Felix Huffman was suffering for some y ars under Consumption, die. She used numerous pre scriptions withoqt any benefit, and was declared in curable, but was cured by the use of the Restorer, Gold Mine Balsam Aromatic Extract and Universal Plaster. Reference lofJohn Read, jr. Esq. Jefferson- ton Culpeper co. Va. Richard B. K Lauison, Esq. of Gloucester county, Va. informed Dr. Kubf on the 6th of November, 1 843, aa follows : ' Dear Sir, I wish to inform you, that my wife was about 6 years afflicted with a pulmonary complaint, inflammatory rheumatism and general de bility, and finding no relief during Ihe whole ot thst period from the prescription of the most eminent phy sicians, she began to use your Restorer of the Blood. Depurative Powdei and Aromatic Extract, which cured her in a short time " &c. Signed ; i RiCHiHn B. K Liwsnj " Mr. George Erbari's son was very seriously afflict ed with Dropsy and Inflammatory Rheumatism, and after having tried tile recriptions of a number 61 physigana of eii.ineace of that section of country, without any benefit sank from day today, and every one thought death inevitable. Mr. Erhart coirduded to try Dr. Kuhl's Restorer, Aromatic Extract and De purative Powder, which gave the mwt happy result, aa communicated in a letter to Dr. Kuhl, from Robert Gardner, Esq. ChrUiiansburg, Va. of the SSth June. 1 843, in which he ars: "The Medicine he got proved entirely satisfactory.; The young man, to the grest joy ot his parents, irom Demg in me most deplorable situation, on the vey grave a verge, is now enjoying good if not perfect good health, aud your Medicines have the credit of cifring him. "Signed ROBERT GARDNER." (j The Medicines my be obtained at Dr. KUHL'S OFFICES, opposite the Banks, Richmond, Va and ol the following Agents in North Carolina B. Oales, Druggist, Charlotte, J. F. Sl C. Philer, Concord, Jenkins d- BilesJSalisbury, James H. Enniss, Druggist, do Humphries 6c Gaither. Lexington, J. Sf R. Sloan, Greensboroygh, J. M. A. Drake.-Ashborinigb, C. C. Henderson. Lincolnton, S. Perrv, Kernefsville, Stokes countj, James I Horne Pittsborough, Peter Foster. Louisbnrg,. Jl. W. Godwin "Franklinton, Franklin co. Brannock & Wpolen, Wentworth, James Brannocl Waterloo, Guilford, R. W. Lawson Yancey ville, James R. Callutn. Milton, Benj. B- Coak.'Warrenton. STITH PESCUD, Druggist?, t Sole Agents for Raleigh. May 81, 1944. 40 ly A Fresh Arrival of Groceries from Baltimore. llIPR BROWN SUGAR, CRUSHED SUGAR, LOAF SUGAR, BLACK TEA, IMPERIAL DO. GUN POWDER DO. PEPPER dc ALLSPICE, CHEESE, dec. dec. The Subscriber, intending to keep constantly hand a full supply of Family Groceries, is determin I . I ,i i r I . .i . A eu io pieasc ai wno may isvor mm wun tneir cus tom, both in quality and price. Call and see for yourselves, all who -wish good articles for a little money. J. R. WHITAKER. 7 Oct. 19, 1844. 85 4w on w LOOK AT TUIM! 711.1, lit: SOLD at the late residence of Joshua Jones, DecM. on Tuesdar. the 12th ui November next on a Credit of nine months, a I RAC'l OF LAAD containing between two and three hundred acres, adjoining the lands of Beth Jones Eq., Wm. Hedge and others Also, SEVEN NE GROES; one Man, one Girl, two Boys, one Woman ana two Children ; one yoke of Oxen, one Ox Cart the lrop of Corn, Fodder, dtc. and all the balance of the bttate of the said Joshua Jones, dee'd.. Bond w,tn PP"ved security will be required, before the ngni oi property is changed. Further particulars win ne maoe Known on the dav of Sale, by CYRUS WHITAKER. Ex'r. Oct, 17, 1844- 85-3t. TAPPED WHOLESALE GROCERS, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, , 82 JTaier Street. Neto VrJk WooM respectfully inform ibe Merchants of Raleigh and Fayetievitfe. and the surrounding country, that they are prepared to sell Gtwjr J..- c Cash or approved credit, aa they can be bought in anvJ li. f'li wu,,w "uu w receive an cinos or f KO DUCE on CnrgirmenLI Conntiy Merchants in tely upon getting good artScles.und 4ipon getdngthe best market prices Ibr Produce. W h.-pe, hy strict attention to btt.ieiid hbnarabU dealmV to marit a soar f public patronage. ' . - . , 'wafor psrtienTara; PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE "PAINTING. MR. JO: S. PKNUER, fespeetfully an nounces that he has returned to Raleigh, and has arranged a small GALLERY or PAINTINGS", nest door to the Episcopal Church. The following' nre among his collection, viz ; The Restoration of the Blind, The Ek terminating Angel, Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still, Cupid taught by the Graces, Poru'a in ihe act of killing herself by eating burn ing coa la The Sleeping Beauty, The Steeping Beauty, awaking, Fancy piece. Miss with Cat in her arms, Portrait of French Labourer, -Landscapes, Portraits, dc. Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call. Oct 24,1844. ' fjgL , ON COMMISSION. P'ntor I srosa amal! boxea ratent perfumed MATCHES, Very eonventent far family. tpe, withovt sulphur, tow for Cash. ' Maj 87. XL LIS a o fox a t itle &ii c e d B r c e s I f rTpHSbscriber vrdo A -respettfuHa timing to the;Utttien3 of Rftleigh, ar4, State sekction of 8t an an Wpaxs, School Boo,i bus, TiiTixtsT and Statiosot, cc. which he Witt sell si greatly reduced priced foif CabJ Haf inf. been in th'e4itisiness foraeteral years, he flatters him. eelf hat the qoatoy k4 the-iJnokav as wall as tb to pricesonot fail to please. . e humbly soliciis a share of ihe pnb,i)c ptronase,4tpd, pletlgea himse f la gia, geM sattetaction. ti "J'- v TIm' art'oteat compnaea ln IbnWingt viz. Aiieientiad:odeitf,HISTORT ThofctIcal, Medical and Law Books, Family. Few antr Pockef BIBLES arid TEX4 JAE NTS,--' great variety V Bouke 4 Com. M ON-FR A YE Ri Hubrfcated ainl oihr 'extiliona; puny V-4anpleidid1f honnd MethodiaV Watu' and other HYMN" BOOKS;hakspeare'e and Byron's Works, varions edition etJ borAXji,.pOC.Vl 8, pQ. pf RlT.dtc; beautiful Library editions 61 alt ihe" British and American. Jnetoribfce ef ir Walter' Scbtt. BolwerV Marryatfe Dickens; oopertaraeltTnd other celebrated Novelists; Latin and French GRAMMARS, Greek and Laiin LEXIC()NS University edition Webster's, Johnson's. Walker's and Vvlorcester's DICTION ARIESTMeadow'a French and ErtgUnh Dieiionarv, English and German Dictionary. MmnAl. wnRKS.Iintffflkiiiori's' Bell's and Pereiras' Thersnenttcs and Materia MedWa. Elrle'a Pm.' lice, Paxtou'a Anatomy, and 4be wh ks.of many other,dUtingu'iKLd Medical writers.. A good assortment of 8lHOUIi BUUA.K J nvenite, opening-ana neaaing pooas, uvniver ni uuoe, Arabian Nights, Parley ' Tales; rand otherinteresiing Books for the yoBng, by dratingntshed authtrs. Mitchell V ankl mitha's School GEOGRAPHY and ATLAS Large MAPS of the tJniled States and the Woiid. Smith's GRAM MAR Oxford. Juvenile and.IaneaV DRA WING BOOKS and Pencils. Ladies' ALBUM 8, ANN UALS, Floral Dictionaries, uVifully bound and illustrated, together wjth many other STAND a rii .n.t utscF.I.I.ANROIIit BOOKi. too itameroos for insertion. here.. Also, Blank DAY BOnKst irtiruv n s T..i RfAttar- ind Mtmaraliim Books. Red and Black INK. Blue Fluitln. f..n.i riUUIItinuvi wukiv. M.ww-, - -. r , - t. v - r , : t . and A LI OS. PtNS, Gold and Silver ever poinlcd PEN CllA, M'atcH'T Kes, aed lAaina, Spectacles, Steel Pen rid PehoUera, cheaper than evert Tooth Droshe,':RAZOKS and RaaofLtrapahatiBg Soap, Lsther lox ewand brashes, Gcrmanand.Ra&sia Quills, Vaferi,'Sealing Wai. Letter Stsinps, Drawing Pencirs,Pen nd Pocket KNtVES, PISTOLS, Shears, isaori, Ac &C 10& different kmdf Litbegisphir PHINT8. Also. FLUTES, VIOLINS and ACCORDEONS.sPiano and Gi ar MljSIC, Violin and Flute Preceptors, 4-C. Tn aboie comprises a part of the Stock now on hand, to wbkh I ain making addition every week. littler a irom Bruu, uiiu.iuhj imvuji ......w. .. . j , Msiurui to anv nart of the cootitry, as per order. All book uougm ai ibwmhkhwdhicdk wv warmmea pertect. . , r :i' O L. CLEVELAND. JAMBS M. TOWLES Important Discovery! Richardson & Cc's Celebrated American Panacea. ... FVflHIS articlef is all compounded, from Vegetable Jl matter, free from any adulteration, and warrartt edfree from any ingrediect detrimental to health. It is the most invaluable discovery ever made from the Vegetable kingdom, having never failed in airec gle instance (when taken in accordance with dsin. tions.) to effect a cure of the followintr diseases, to-wit: Salt Rheum-, Scrofula. Ulcerated Scrofula, Bron cliitis, Fever Sons, King's Evil, Fistula, Inhantma tory and Chronii Rheumatism, Piles, Biles, Eru sipelas, Scurvy, Chronic Sore Eyes, Pains in the Bones, Scald Head, Blotches or Pimples on the face, and all eufyneous diseases. Eruptions of the skin, or pains er ulcers arising from an injudi' cious use of Mercury, or an impure stale of the blood, I ' J ' The curative properties of this Medicine consist in its producing ja sure and effectual alterative of ttt whole system, in slight eruptions of the skin, or re cently contracted diseases, one small bottle often ef fect the core, wjiile the experience of those whohavc been cured by itjjof long stlnding and obstinate dis eases, is, that it requires Irom three to four large bot tles to effect a perfect cure, and no return of the dis ease. It usually produces a tonic effect, while (In most cases) it ahro acts as a gentle cathartic, increas ing the appetite and genersl hearth of the patient, causing all sores' or ulcers, to discharge more profuse ly than before jak.ng it, and Inducing a perfectly healthy action of the blood. Enough must be taken to effect an alterative, and as is the case, with all Medicines, its effects will vary; as the several consti tutions differ frorp each other. Therefore, those using it should not distrust its efficacy if tbey do not re ceive immediate! benefit. It is prepared with great care, anrl the extracts brought into so smsll a- com pas as to require, usually, bat one table spoonful each day for an adult. It is now in ue by the first Physicians in the coun try, and pronounced by theta the best anti-mercurial medicine known!!; and the most efficacious in the cure of all CUtaneooa and scrofula flections. The mm effected by it are. truly astonishing, as may be eu by, reierence to tne,fertuicatesand testimonial in posses sion of all the Agents. ; It haa been found peculiarly efficacious in producing regararity of the Menses in Females, and bs been taken with great benefit in pulmonary diseases. Those in the yse of it should abstain from stimula ting drinks, Beet, M ostard, and all highly seasoned food. To be obtained, wholesale, of Taos. (i. TAiMisa, General Agent,' No 20. Pint Street, op pote the Custom House, New Fork, and at retail of WM.PEeKSpeciaI Agent. Raleigh. N. C. where Certific:tlps of 0y happy cures may be seen. August St), 144. H - ' 67 -6m CMlEnMJYC TOBACCO. A Fresh Supply of that very sapenor snn cared helping .Tohacco, from Lsnghorne At Armstead V. Ly rchburg , Va A nl al, mure of that upeiiorSmokif Tobacco, this day received, and for sale at the North iarolina Bookstore. And as thev act as A gent for the Manufactory, iti afforded at the man ttfaclartng :pthsftfy tjboibr? keg Those tha" would like to retail a aobd article; would do well to aT. I I TDRER: c HIJGHESV n en j i wz n . merican plain, ruled and gilt edged liH t I Kit nAJiiu rowscap anu j wsue, raper. . rt iKTFO with lock and key ManifoU Letter Writers, (Tarringtoo's Patent Par lie I Rdlersa. a nuperior article. 'JiKKSsING CASES. Fanev WORK BOXES, Drilletl-Eyed NEEDLEr, Gold KINGS uu ! Raleigh. Jane 1844. 49-tf A NO HUMBUG! FRESH AR R I V A L ' OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PERFUMER J ! DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES, SURGICAL ANDDENTALr I INSTRUMENTS, &c &c, AT - 1 STITH AND PmCUITJS I DRUG WARE HQOSK, FAYBTTEVILLE ST., iTiHYSrClANS, PLANTERS, MERCHAmS. AND OTHERS wanting articles our line, NEED NOT GO FURTHER NQRXH.jN FUTURE, TO GET SUPPLIED' i If they will call and examine our prices. tHey wili find that tbey corr.Bfond with those of any fcUHLAK ES I'ABLISHMENT IN PETERSBURG, RICHMOND. OR THIS STATE I One df our Firm has just returned from the NORTHERN MARKETS, where he has; purchased one ol the MOST EXTENkIVE and CHOICE SELECTION of MEDICINES, Ac ever offered in this State on such terms-ae will enable us to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to our friends and customers. All we ask ia a trial. ;We want to let the people in the Old Noith State know; that we can and will sell as low, and articles 4f as eoon quality as any House in Petersburg and this btsie. Our 8tick of WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, and COLORS is very Urge, arid we are selling cheaper than ever. We take this opportianity of returning to the Citizens of Raleiph; and the public generally, our tanfeien ed thanks, foi the very liberal patronage we have received from their bands, since we commenced businers ; and hope, bv strict attention to business, to continue to receive a foriion of the patronage of a g nerous Public Sl'ITIl & PESCUD, Druggists. i August 28, 1844. ' 70 I Cheapest Store in New York City I . TO MY OLD CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC FRESH lMPOUTfclW30aiS i DRUGS, DXJpTUFFS; PAINTS, j MEDICINES 6ROCEItiES, s?c. 188 GREENWICH STREET, NEW-YORK. JOHN G . MTOREISON Offers for salp on the roost liberal terms for CASH or CREDIT V very extensive aasorlment f Gooas, among them the following, to which' we would call the attention of APOTHECARIES Opium Camphor Cream Tartar Castile Soap Liquorice. Balsom Copavia Rhubarb JjaUp Aloes - , Flors. Chamomile Gum Arabic Castor Oil Quicksilver Magnesia Manna Roll 4- Floor Sulphur Alcohol Borax, refin'd d- erode Calomel Red Precipitate Corrsive Sublimate Aqua Ammonia Siiirits Nitre Dulcis Suer (carbonate Soda, Tartaric Acid Epsom Salts Laudannm Senna Sulphate Quinine Oil Peppermint, and ; all Essential Oils Gum Myrrh t'antha rides Gum Tragacanth Cork of all kinds Powdered Bark Srsaparilla ' Sponges, coarse and fine PAINTERS. Window Giase of all shea and qualilie White Lead drv.and Red Lead fin oi! ILitbarge Spirits of t urpentine Putty Whiting Verdigris.dry and in Chrome Green oil Chrome Yellow YelPwOchre.Frencb and American Prussian Blue Vermillion Rotten Stone Ivory Black Gum Copal Paint Brushes, all Rose Pink size Lamp Black British Lustre Glue, all sorts Gold and Silver Leal Gold 4 Silver bronze Cooper B'onze Chalk , white and red Paris White . Spanish Brown Venetian Ked ' Sand Paper Pumice Htone Tar and Rosin Japan, Copal, Coach dr Harness Varnish. Turkey Umber Terra tie Sienna KedChalk Gum Shellac Bright Varxiit-h . Mash Tools, all sizes BlackLead, CONFECTION- rJ US, DISTILLEKs! AND BAKERS Cochineal' Nut mega ,. IMac'.,. Cloves ; Cinnamon Cassia Buds Allsjice . Linglass iGum Trasacanth Gum Arabic.Turkey (Gum Gamboge bil of. Rosea u do. Peppermint " do Wintergreen do Lemon do Cinnamon do Orange do Dergamot . do Anisseed do . Absynth do CarraWay do Juniper Rose Orange and Peach W aters Vanilla Beans onquin Beens Coriander Seed Carraway Seed An is Seed (Jujube Paste Pearlash , Saleratus GROCERS. Young Hyson Tea Hyson Imperial f- Gunpowder Hyson skin Souchong Bobea French Brandies . Spanish beg ars MANUFACTUR ERS. Alum Blue Vitriol Copperas, English A American Oil Vitrot Sugar Lead Bleaching Salts Cochineal Pot and Pesrl AsheajAqua Fortis Liquorice Ball Bath Brick Saleratus Fig Blue Powdt-red Ginger Alum Root Ojive Oil, in bettie and baskets - Nutmegs Saltpetre, crude and . refined Pepper Sauce Mucaboy Snuff Sretch Snuff Mace Indigo, Flotant Castile Soap cloves Castor Oil, in bottles Alcohol Epsom Salts Cinnamon Friction Matches nper Carbonate of Carbonate Ammonia Soda Taitaric Acid Ginger, while Jama-; British Lustre Soda for washing Mustard, London Green Ginger ica ( .'uyenne Pepper Powdered jNutmeg Powdered Cinnamon PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS. Balsam of Honey -Turlington's Balsam Hateman'a Drops Harlem Oil and British Oil Seidlidtz Powders toughtona Bitters Extract Sarssparilla Cephalic Snuff Anderson's Pills . Lee's Wo Hooper's do Opodildoc,8teers and liquid SiKla Powders Godfrey's Cordial Anderson's 'oogh Drops I hompeon a Eye-water ' DRUGGISTS' GLASS iNotgalU Annatto teoda Ash Pot and Pearl Arbes ExtractLngwood Tartaric Acid B ichnmate of Potash Sal Soda iGum Shellac ICudbear Woad Grain and Bar Tin Fullers' Earth Madder, Dutch and French Indigoes of Bengal, Carraccas and u etemeral White Tartar Red Tartar Glue ISumae Lac Dye Starch Prussiste Potssh Gum Senegal , Powdered Curcuma Powdered our Smalts Quercitron Bark Spirits Nitre Fortis ? alt pet re British Gum Nitric Acid and 0x PAPER MAKER8, HATTERS, dtc. Bleaching Powders Powdeied Blue Smalts teloe Od Vitriol Copper Galx betl Lac Alcohol Extract of Logwood Nutgall, 9, Blue Vitriol Verdigris Copperas Sal Ammoniac. Antimony ugarof Lead Mum, Ac. alic Acid DYERS AND MANUFACTURERS. Logwood Camwood Fustic Nicaragua Barwood . Gum Asphaltum Sal Ammoniae - Soaps t. ; OILS. Fall, Winter and Summer fcSjiained Sperm Brazil Wood I Red Saunders Hate Wood Red Wood Hypernic Wood Peach Wood Ebony Wood OILS- Tanners'. Tiain, Lmserd Neatsfoot, Olive or sweet and Sea Elephant Refiu'd Sl unrefin'd.vrhale Sperm and Stearic CawU T -.. I WARECommon Viala Prescription Viala. Patent Medicine do. Acid Bottlr Colognes, Fancy Pungents, Dmgists' Packing Bottles. Castor Oils, Concaves, Magneia, i Blacking or Varnish. Dem.hns, Flasks, Inkstands, Jars, Lemon Syrup. Mustard, Snuffs, Ac &c. Vc ;,-t; Chemicals of all kinds,-French, English amd American. ' All kmds of faintsand Colors. Every de scription of Drugs and Druggists articles, and Patent Medicines, Petfumery and Soaps, a general aewrt roent, 4c. die.:.' - vi; .-. j - . ,: ' J All articles warranted genuine. The promptest attention given to ordere from the country. I September 2, 1844, - 73 ij TOE JETTSA INSCnAWCKCOMPA ilY. OA Hnrtrnrd: v r Ann nfr... Mfnreltoildjoand Merchaodixe, againat low or damage by fire, at premiorh to'uit the times. ' This is one of the oldest and Wsr I nsorance (W paniesin the United States, and pay sits losses prompt- Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its.vi iriity. lo bemadeto. " ! Splendid Ukenesfniie non. lien iS TJ Clay .Portrait, of the Hon, Henry UJ fiainUKf h 1 w: tW .n;i;n...,lhv H.S Ladd. It is said to the moat correct likeness of him ever u ken. copiea , of. it ean he had. at the North Carolina BooKstore Ksleieh IN . rj Ctriity. t May 4, l43. SW, WHITING. Agent. arnhtra keepciosanlly pn baml &j. oT BlecMbV-nila, .wblo&'loj'Vin aett o ' commoaaitng terms ax wnotesaie or retail. ir TURNER & HUGHES. J. H. BECK WITH & CO fTTf A YETon nand a lar lot of KERSEYS and LQ1 N EG KO BLANKETS; also. White and i RPIaQeIsV pwrhased previous to the late rise, 'd will sell them at their usual low prices. Largo iotTiotirhnjiea, Biearhad end Unbleached, bogbt-arly in the Somrner, and will be sold for attout the same dtumss auch Goodn awoow selling tot in New Yorkl Fayetteville Street, u. fi .tMM Mr. R. Smith's Store uTITir 83 VrlV;,' Oetaber 14. ' x