L., .- Z.- IVc nt ? Rice Prl ' & . . L ft 4 T'y tolli J J ' jity ftf wT- . .jTsi rnA "s Our r 'pbnuctr ddightjhl jptaej4. Unttarp'dWarly-rageita lire like brother a'-" 1 :&'.- f. , 1. es.rf.--u HFM IT I .. . : 4 juujfecoipD, i VtJ)e"Laiovr cf v j5ouf. liur lb tods? tliTaCt pife: SN by &n increased tn?ioriff iMref the Govei- Locd I'ocF inay gaiaif Iftite,? in NeWHasore Oaaioir,; durrjtack. Lincoln, Rockingham, and Stoker but then they are doner vyhle wo ,?hal increase oiur vptejtreoaendoqsljr Jp ihk Jyoptaiip District, and considerably iff tcral pf iheCpu. I iep j$AMisc-,-pjr trict vDat p4 Randolph in the WolofSE'pistript) Craven, Beaufort, Ve ujotiW be tified in; shout in j yictory nowriH t1:e et eprt of atn. but we prefer to wilr)flur hevrirjevVromlbe plorioug. WefternRserye ; ff Cuksif Dis trict alone docs -not increase btfr vote lOOOi then we shall be greatly djsappouitcd .Satorday morn-' ins'rf mail. Jiovvtr,. shrincr f ult retoroW Io the mean tinw tur Wlilj ifriendartf 'aay-ii ' Hi Eartietf'Kfcf 2 Bladen"4V.?3 Branawlcfc; ISahcombeH CabafnisV' CardwetT, (Taniden; CaewfelLf! ChathaH(ret'V CJeaveland r CetuntbW Crave nV-rf 1" " Cu)iiberk'iofv ' 1 .. 1 '076 ' 252t S081 401 108 .ail 371 ' The 4 Loco PocW crour: tery "nvacli over Ibeif ptin in thia" County ancetoo, August Electuin When tba loir.booka eotneio "be aifted,whici we understand ft' is'thV determination t)i Ventlo- men .91 the Yi3 party, to 4jv .thj ejfsprel pt thw extraordinary increase may, perhaps be discov. ered. . At onejrecjnct((person nown Xo berom a ditTereot Cnty, "were alW'ed to Vote, without4 V'1"-" i-vjV"VAi 's-4,,f -Jit-let or hindrance4'ADdwehate eve0 reason lo believe from what we hawiiejLrdtnai sojnepet "sons voted .'twfcfjpr ihric i Ihe Pou?ty; t: -586 But the wonder is, not that ibe partj; do not make bead wayv but 1 bat Iher tin main tain their strength .t aH to iWaJtwln" jibe fae of the powerful opposition they bave) to encounter. Look, attbs Various OScers wV have WsJdent'in t the ConyyWlonginV td thtpj tA'Senatii' etlw1- United flutes. Marsha V Postmaster, and District Attornev 1? a Member of Congress; active and indefatigable , fligh Sheriff of ihe Conn- h";,'.'. xy, sua neap " uejjuiicji ut uuciwi County Court Clerks, and all th Constables of the Coanty with a (ew exceptkms, and last though not leases Clerk'abd Master ioA Equity who is aisOEdir''lent'part man exercises Jan aosensiblal influence fri t bose 1 he comes to contact with, ef en though he may J not .me e.C(ts. Jlo 4 so. : isut whenvne- doc use his inflienWto tnaae : converts,1 as h is-very tatdr. al be should, wbeq bo a direct interest in their poritical biasit-may be- easily seen how great an engine 4 of prosclytJnt, is conUQually at work. We aigrliol complain of these gentlemen, for we try It'Wof 4,1101110 ipnerev Ujii culcate Wblgr sehtimentSt as they do Loco Foco doctrmeebvttbd Offices wbfeb they bold, 'bnngU in? many of them rato closajionnectioo with the embarrassed portion of the community, who are niore likely to pe aficted by favors done or as sistance wilbheWlnvesU them with a degree of influence w'hlchtells' sensibly. jftn. tbe; people of the Ciunty, and is-ahparent Id the 1 meat ropewcial LFORI. VjEWISB-5 ; : 'Tbe iorioas .Ol'DdnimibB, ae 'tJmlford is sometimes called has thundered this year to some purjwse.fcrbeEdgecomb thunder bicb the tanaaru,jieiai.jqTvrcw H,.?.jf.w8i but a pop-ganvcpmwrewith U. The Xcp,t'txo majority is l$es than that obtained by AmtrKSToH r .''J J.. t-O iSi' over ctTAXLY, ana ymy vote larger JT,o.vwi than in Angtt8tL$ "TheisVSTr gentlemeniaf pointed toscrttfriitfo cbiinty, overwborii-sueb'i hullabaloowa pi made, may have Uei spUtta from the Vasty deep1, bat they didn't corner v Mr Dealt Sib : The -Rubicon is passed, and Maiedr Iotriumphe RichmonUWe 4i not vet lost the breed of noble bloods, but cling with affection, torpid wfw'eU ried faith, The Locos ought wUb jriepkapetation,i bu tuey leu j iuw ipuwwiwi' -OT- B j urFE,1 abused bis privilege as PostmisreyTJ erki; and'flo6d'ethe;Coi appeals to Southern prejadice garbled 'extracts from Cur'a ii-oioiM,'? ifK0&&Pi.sVm ion of truth (otherwise ycleped lies) ; nd witb Aee iwtsdnetl weapons-olkismougbt-v What tfd again Io iriumphe Rlchocpd 1 1 IRIcVlilONli ALL HAIL l i "r ThishiuWiBantfCountyl6 onontK Carotioa, batf covered herself with glory 1 bhe has iocrt'aed jWAVhls' vote istyietfc' sipeea- $84 283 514 Pranklin, " GranvjH'," ' iGuiifordt(repd) lHalifaxa4 ,1 IJaywooda t: Hertford , . i Iredell ones,h?V-;' Lenoir. ? . , Lmeolnjrr BfsrtW " Mecklenburg? Montgomery,- Moore-""11 "ij New Hanover, Northampton, unsiow.; Orange, tt Pasquotank, J Perqutoious,', Person, Randolph, ,. uichmonu, i - RobesorHjl V V j Rockingham, - Kowan, J rvnerfprd, 402! Siampson,r -Stanly, Stokes,' v Surry. -5 TyrreH,'?- Wake, t- v arrenT ' . Washington ih Vayne(fvi ; Wilkes, . - 'vtr "t v37 271 r75 ;51S VM54 X3l ; i.-137 lilt i 0 246 CH8 361 '559 f 4489 -309 $477 v;;74 5 241 1UO' V ; '342 1070 485 am ,t t 710 "".381 - 199 ..463! -378 iV206 269 189' 3o6, 17T3 M756 .593 -366. ',287, 607 -J0821 r ,,678 m' 449 ,r54i A105 J 1032 A073! 1127 217 n475j if-" 1 1?!1 ,Vl26 '3361 285 v. J ' ' t lM'a it- J iel 523 1242 , 107 f.513 ;tiioi V178IUJ&53 622 . . 441 t 113 m7SG 5921 5881 43-A -727 ?1165, 7 "1023 -rl37 1271 ..716 846 ? r 74 T383I il59' 021 ? 55581 533 .167 615 , 1043 128 trt 39433 6 . 4o6 655 ;-"S94 1113 117 530 860 1374 810 v JOHNSTON ELECl'ION. i !JK56V focSe'uatorritbrsConnty, stood follows : ;McLeod,Wh'ff0 i4co majority, . T EAGLE ROCK. 396,-.. t 'r'350' il We did injustice taKegaUant-Wbrgs ; bfUbis PrccTnct, in onrlastpaporr The true, vote 'fwas si .7 - For Polk,' 136 r 17. . WHIG' POTAT0 1 v; a . We ha vej a jSweet oUto Jf ou posseesion, raised by Mr. James tBosBEE, of -thit Coanty, wnicQ pieasares and weighs 8 1-2 pounds fi". Beat this who can !r .1,; 'rzfii -Ciii jASiisilxfc' 'LA Vf vateterkftSttt K te of booM go bble s - yflJe'aUftjtfl4holte of Gen. PEGgAM 1 8 al?infcbe wiiliirtit Srwr mnd Im vi' "lUit? Lonisvdle Journal ofthe 23ih says: " offtu.tO.s-i.Ll ZllttJf V? . "The Cltv was filled ri l. r t? irT. iM3. WJAr'eK! 1 1 ySfleW -aiJE. KlUrt4 AU.Lfir;, AfiDi snJtja useless to give- tediousdetaiis but returns Trom 23 Counties ; in" bhloC sh"o a Wgatn over tiaJate , Governor ,"Eleciiortrbf VTWEN TT-THREE IIONDRD rotes V' The present v.w'S.jccrny : lairea inousana;?igta jnndred riwf ingf It absoTufe1ycettTri;iitBatTtheWEVTT thbee Electoral votes or:0hio iUca't or Clxt a nd FfrErixcti d t si "n Thi will do tb beinwitlvtff --v-v yesterday iottnected'wUH the explosion and burn J:tf of the'Lucv WaJkfri - f.i&r Aviii;h firtoon dead bodieg liad been rfecovered. VVe heard that nje of tjmip coultf beecguized, and theu again hat all we're rccognit but- one. The bodies ff Gen. JPgrara, Nichulal ford, SM, Browrn; Willis. Z. Hughes, MoesKirby, James VandeiC berg, lhe;setuud ffeilk'tbe second. mate, ami tfie bar-kejeper, have" nbj been. recovered. ; Ui JlTie body f M15 Gpefiengeiieer;wa8brauDjtt to3liw city sndenered yesterday; Tba, Rfc f6uJEcie,o,t returns -have, aJaoQ bee ,rer eived, p show that Marylahd tort, IiasHsYodd by 'thereon - tfXH.Wil lvStaiesmane soldiers good and it rue. The majority-' w bleb she -gives fbfretla.WUi&chr for ovenora feW f iebksTago. Bet do n iier EIGHT Electoral rotes also, for glant lUkar! 449, -being a reduction of 773 ainco the4 Govern Cj Virginia Coming!, Tha retorna from'this State -are few4 in num ber, but ilieyre truly Vucoufsging j. WejjSave gained in every County beard from over the Vote of 1840vwhen the' Locos carried the State "by the meagre majority of 1393 votes. -y Oaring to the inclemency of tbe Weather, 'the Polls were kept open three days iu many of the Counties, which will retard the , receipt of the final result in the mean tin?, ' we' hope for the best ; In Richmond, we'Jearn, many bets have been made tbattbe State has gone' V big. We! give aH the returns; we baye, - and 'will add In a Postscript, whatever may be received before going to Press: 'CwartVs.' Clay. 'Polv Jlarrison. V. B.' Henrico 408,,' 2Q2. Ricbniond; 824 - "276" Peters burg,, - ,40m t. Chesterfield, 338 i 597, '- ; 130m 0 445... 404 in .398 Hanover, J' 1738 1075 ,293- ! 588; 12m 3 ja.., A ;iQ7& 1 , 1147 1015 1015 132 if- 663 , ; PENNSYLVANIA GONE.-,-1 We4 have but little doubt from the fntelirgence received, that this Stat$ has gone for .Polk and Daxuis, by some four or five thousand mar it y. The BpectaclV nre&Cffittd in NorA!banvf bv the dead'and yjng .begga rs descip,tion.''The cit i. J lc"?w.?iwn navasnuwn tuatnOdt conimebjl. able bospifSalliry, and U futerosrlhybave man: i 'ested In behairtoflhe 6UfIMrt1ibove al) praise. Their places of bu'si'nesi' esterday were closed. vucu uuiucruus n ig wer lowered, aud mourn. inrt'and'glSow 1Sfo4VutillS "r- The JouJrnit of vesieVdaf tars; - " "We-tinderstsndthatrthe bodies'of' Nicholas Pord, PhUIin Wi!H,s:M. Brown, and a;Hule girV skiUedLbJr,thc expJrkJdnofibc'Lncy Walker,' were a.ken;ifrorti.;the1 liver, y4terday,:near tlW scerie ofhe accidek", rJ ' 'lf .f 'J Some'thrilirnl idcidenfrfortbe calastrdphe" mentioned in the papers. We see no mention made of General Pegram; except that his 'body bad not beenrecovered. A' young- lady mho ?was ander his char; atvi -ihopv'ps rescued (roqj tbe pvjtr, intowhicli she was -thrown, is said, in a private lette'r; to hjvt seen: Jiim aftet f ilie explosion with his head, rnuchr jcut, lying upon i sofrfn the cabin. Tbecabi tapir fire HiirneditelondfburWunliJ the'.boasnk, and the, conclusion if, that he per irsfifd'ra the flames ind luiik" with the boat T" " " .-t- 'ETThe Standard thought the fast Regis', ter' looked sickly,: because we did not Imitate the course which ,iL pursues, jn crowing .prgtly loud, witbotit bavfng any thing- to crow'abom'iWe do inpVn7nVetarns;' and ban1 'ofc'bnrse;' fa asyait their arnyLlye Jope this nemberof Jhe paper will be better tfu tieu to ueiuitor;s ustft.-? HOT The ' Edeoton Sentinel" ? thus ; speaks of the Speech made by Mr. Badges, last" Week, at that place says : , ;il Si r- P1 , .. p. Tbe Hon. George E. Badger was then intro duced upon the Speaker. Stapd, , The jieart that feelsaod the head that-dictates, t Are both too feeble to sketch a graphic portraiture rf 'the sensation 'produced, by - the eloquent speech of this gentleman. Asta popular oraTo fiestands unrivalled without a aupefforBol and' iritre pid In positionrfeiergetip anddtslipct in- enun ciationempbat ic and felicitous in gesticulation "-zia. 'eloquence thrilling, fervid, and impassioned: be stands a mental wrimid in tbe solitude of time: 'tiUtehtmrA tbeyfenETfems lips, appositely". atid ffitbout?nesifancytT abounding in i tbougbu .thareauie, am .wonis ,lhat,bpro were ripe for' the press.without eraendation ore- visalcarrying conviction ' in confirmation strong as f proof -of Holy Writ1 to every doubtful tnind: vvalib-ud rsnfc ana peauty ftaog: , " V pou the muaio ol.uis tongue ; . .f The TRijtJMfcET or tbe CuaecoalmA. Honest Jiiwny,Cfearcoall li i rprnuved from .heuick, and nuiub'ered with those who have jumped from the shoal l lime into kingdom come. He was a chefrfuL 'good-hearied citizen; "and thoughbe did hot 'move in 'the v first cirrle yet he spread light and beat wherever he went not by bis per eon however, for ,if there was a man who looked like a plenipotentiary, fresh from the court of TopheU Jiuauiy, was thaU individual.. Well, as i have, jaid-he-bad a ufwt vociferous horn, and un remitting "were the blasts which he protruded through the same uon the general ear. JVt last some eviKdisposed citizens having no taste for music, -went to his honor the Mayor, and lodged grrevouscompl-diuts against the- distinguished hornist (I use a musical term) setting4 forth that he disturbed the public with his soul-stirring instrument-- ..After such anaceusation be was brought before , the municipal func:iouary( and received a4' srJern jiDd awful, reprimand. Jimmy stood tbe febuke'as ifSaUn had not only altowed bim 'his owtl color, but also his courage. vIIh re ply was .iogent and; conctuf ivd : Looki here, youV honoT, ' saidbe "4 ha'uV no disposition, by no raeans to complain of them 'ere people as has complaineSi of me., Folks in my line can bear upwards of considerable in the way of epithets without changing color or gittin mad. Bu( I do say t axes tbe im, as charges me with making tllil milpfi 'nniaa Itl tlia 1srr14 i.tKi. fliAit Kipa nnt ud such anTanliDathv'Sjrain' mv horn4?1 And I should lik?lo kiwiw, if my little tin affair troubles mem so row, row luev icit jeeLwaen iney coma 10 hear tftk big trumpet thai is toblow at Die (lav of jiomf7uf.cauin)g:iueru jusi as ineiy as not jo a coai.Aoie a miguty eigut olacker tiian the One .l comejroiirtj? rt. ; went twanging on his way.' The officer could no more stand his logic than his opponents could his horn0aTM((ani. - .Pi Uisr Hr We did -not ' see JMr. Cutr's Letters to BiTiiB in tbe Slandard-or should not have charg.' ed him with tbe omission to publish them. We sbouidJiave ibonght tbe. Editorexercised iin'ore candor nd;janess howeverAad bepubusbed thenfat ipeffci earry enough t6'rsabus4 "the public mind as. to its previous tiateaeirdf,-. Ar"EASTWAr .Tcw'Tajtcs Genealogies-If you'have no distinct knowledge of your ancestors, tbeir babits, charactcrsTpr inciples ajnd'occupations, get nominated for some prominent office and the opposition prints will give you your genealogy to thefartbests remove, iney wiULteti yon wnat your great grandfather preferred for dinner, wbeth- i;t Old firimeVTitfie-d toVeaf tonV black eoaViaiTvbattoAed !4olw'i&ir.ei whether in.he . " , j .1. 0. ixrwu. k: tersvw neUnerwnetner ne was a uaivimsira Mthbdfsrc a Baptisti wis Bpiscdpanapi'Wheth: "We assure our friendsv that m Novembe'rv Ba) tiniore will briftg up-her Denwcralis majority to that which sirs gave- on the 2nd of October Uahk i.!' Baltimore ' Atneriadtu , jThu spoel Ui8.irgan of Loco Focoism jn Baltimore, a fortnight ago," Li'se its coadjutors in this State,' It Veld heword of proroiso lo Ui ear, but broke U to the bope.' Instead ofrmg inr the twenty; to 1222. they btoughtit tienvh i.in i "t'-'p'l gust.'laTlhe'snifclnumberi that-she can give- Some'of ber precincts rfvatEa'gle Rock and Old Trap; ! Look! "Upper Pah Grouni "; ' 1 ' C57rV & , . sTEP ViM'aref turv tved Ue doom tiropbesiea for thtf whole world bf Hbeir delude ana ueiuuiujt pui re passed, anuine oreatning woriu uiiwio- tpfore nitAWickedness audjt vjrittesicruaer, its self denialsr-and its ctedtiuttf ' I ant to. It will 1 . w tlinff to ciesciDe nis ,onyunc ii nrator as n soulless mariiai4 :V.'Irliayes ftey vfiAme -nerson hold ; to f the opinion Ibat I. i. 1 .u-. U.aA:.a f n('At aflM nrttf human i . . ' -.i... : knm ml lht.lhi soul enters antl animates; the . neui-twrrt babe.nNow I havermade'riarttciilarand pfnive inouiries concerning' mf fippq- ,;;Vi.. tr h'U nativitv nobQdj- died ! Fellocilirens, you mlf.drzvr thy. infc- St bruu4lly :atte MM f bareb an day or only naif a'dav or not'at all, vvhelher be' was a profession al man or ainecbauicwlDr I18 WaP.. a."lt or a. dinner, in shorts whether he was a wise man or a fool f 'and tnenuraw: me jc oac iusion-- wneiner his tjescenuams inneru s gwu wr .ow 4uiiue or 001 u or iivii-Mci. :t influence 'pfyVhrneiCTh United States Gaiettdktves this pleasahtlllasira tioaoC lbft.jnflueoce,tiWoraen: 1 h-s-. You remetober the accountptthepon tMt htitween the atlendantsof aKincas to the erentest-&heiher' it was 'winethe KinAvomint uth? ' TTttfe King, who go verntn-eru,' ana, cou rs, vas uiiwimn); to cnfessMl,iecided that triilh'tri&iH Harx rufl ueen tnc-greaiest wiLh he Vwomld have confessed its influence, bjrgWfngl rmnrnments in social life, anathe influr ence "ofJreligiop, hurt Ued 1 cljntro: versvr Ave nowfflTB w n? iu i6 j.uig, and the truth te wom a n , a nd th e nr;. e very honest inan" will be xeady ttTiless, that Iwokkious ttEPi.r.-Whydo yoweon. UniiP rtf ail m1rItUOUS fiflUOr? 4 " " lows would riot come ia.wy stiop.aad I should havftochanw-togtvthenttwef UiensiU b, dUppwd 6T-t ad. ihs . raptaiioa of. vrenou. wistunst to powuo ,tt) tbuujes.of Agri, caj-urf'i,l!Ml0J AtnufactjrinJ-4a.iipaitfLNwtfi Viroliut, are ,frUcuUjljinVitcd ji riam'ma jtbese tuuiu a inry are uelieved to fiold ont uncommon In- -docementsinaU tbes respect, j Thev- are bkvtb ao.to-. ine, evceuenj. weus of - Water wowb lteyf. f'-J. ;3t 4 JaSiOWi f? ME.MANUV .Aewbern. Novs 5, ' 844 J ;.yot "? 4IWD .-fir4iN,?LE-.R rniHR Smcribers take pleasure in ihfdrwin the U citizens if Rafeighr and the surroandinf euuntry, ttiatibey hsvet received tbeir xtenive tipplyJof Fortixn aad ttemegtic Dry Good1, adapted io the j t 'd' Fall -aiM Winter; Trtul; 4 J compMsuvc ;a clip?tea, Dtf eeneraC MMtf tmet ; aos crabriteios almost rfvery articis. usual; Jkept la sim lar esublishmtV AVe enumerate w part Caslmcres, 8ttineU, Mii'estiws 4 " Uravrr and PiMt GUtha, Kentucky;' Va. and Glsa- Whie, Red ik1 Yellow Ftannels; - it',r(- BedtipkinsV Apron cheek, Urown and . Bieacucd ilo- meat ics, --s-"" '- Cotton Oznaburgs,i5uaolk Drills,- i . Plaid Un3ys,Ga7a PlaiJa. iSUfc and Worstey .Mitts. Vienna lbods,:lSi2k2ir- Caslinicrs.; AI- ' :paccas . . . - : Cssbuiere ; D'Lainea, Te- sana' , ChuaSna, Mouwtlines, Second4 Mourning Cah-i 4 doeresji 4 - Blk B filk Bombaaes, do, , do.' xlo. ' " . 'i j&lks, Damaek and uableacbsd ' Table cfoihn, " Russia. and. Bird Eye Pia- Irish Linens, Lona lwns, Bishop & French Lawn, llaid, Swiss and Jaconeti " Muslim. - h. fj. Hdkfs. (plain and hemst'd,) Garment arid Furnilure Piinls. Black ondWbile Mourn ing Prints. Cashmere and -Scotch Sbawlsl . . Ladies Fancy fravata, TTTBi'CDIKGuHni tbSreient monUa-Vam-XX. ber) to remove to titanbopen Pi ash County, Lwill sell o.i accommodating ernir the Premise where T reside: - The Tract of Land contains 170 Aerea. " tying tin both sides of th Tarboro Stsea Coad. 1 7 mtle from-Raleigh. Uml immediately adjoining AJET Foster GHst andUSats Mil la, on LiuleaiiVer.Tbs , lnd a a body im good, containing a good proportion; s well Umbeied Woodland, with several ?b fields. Dwstts.Hoaaa j eommodlou Containiag''4 rem beloar aiM .3 abor-JBukit, miih S Piaziiir ai Pantiy and eicebenx CeiaT.Tbwsisa gooKitcb a,CiTue-h(oe8tAWearoW iag Welt of puro! water jat ta band and en. Orcbant of ,weH selected FruU. T The location ir bestthy ndjrv the? Social y rood : Mr. FoSTKaV MUIsbeimr ad tised n bo sold in Balelghr Monday th 1 6ih DereuH oe to any person wishing to-buy 4ho Mills, there is nasR -ppor tunilv tf baviiis c Land ant) h1nn - lesideticejBat at band.--; Apply to rhe StuWHtervoe' muu, vb i wtiiv aieneni' waae toaoiyi - -Dircet froratrweTork'aiid niladslpMs; ll DarriaskiaperDamaskiCliatgelion 4- Brocade ddl. Towefaf . ; J ' Cor Jed, and' ; Imoerul "f V ? Itespectiolly i informs 4hevla-f i?T? mi-ne ta in ium posses' y; on "of; birr" Fall and-Winter TV loodar which are of-tba nost- laabtonspl sod richest Tyfeif; Hies' goods . have beca pur-J chased since lbs irteat decline.' which wiff enstfa bef 1 to offer- great Inducement.' lo purchaser. ' fehe it vites tbe . Jjailies to call and eiainiH Fur themselves Also, th latest fashions for Dresses DrcsaXJapaLs Head Ornaments. - llSr assortment' i much Jarger " than usual and embraces -too many 'ankles to ehumas ate in an avertisemejit. 1 u 4 JL',- Ut- 2, k, , ...... . Hobes, Silk, Worsted and Coiipn Hosiery, - , : Cambrick and Furniture. . JJimtiy. Silk Lacei. 8h4w! Iin84 Thread and Bobbiaett La ce. 4 , . Green Baraze, Bl'jtTbule, Uonnt't, Cap ..and JVeck Bibbonsi ' " Fancy Gimps ftfidFnngea, Cainbk and Swiss Ldg- injrs snd Insertines, Kid. Silt' and Cotton Gloves. iCraceletts, .Necklaces, .And man; other foods which we tleetn unnecessary to specify. The Public are invited to call snd ex amine oar Stock before aupplymg ibemseWea else where as we are determined to sell at the lowest poa tible prices fur Cash ! ( fttiSSEU. & E3KR1DGE, j. . . t , a ,next door abova; lli Soiitb's. POSTSCRIPT; I ' - E it raofcUpary. Bargains - at the New Store, THE; Subscriber, Is consUntly receivmg from the .North fresh additions to his. already splendid Stock of Day Goods, vvbich he now offers to sell 20 per cent, lower than bis former prices. His Stock consists in part, as follows : , , Cloths of every color, from 1 00, 1 50, 2 50, 3 50, 4 50 7 00 , - - Extra 6oe Casimeres $0 75, 1 2a, 1 50, 1 75, 2 00, 250 , . . 4 - -Ine Silk and Cut Velvet4 Vesting $1 50, 1 75 2 00, 2 50, 4 00 Satinets, all. Colors, 50, 65, 75, &, 1 00. : a ;? an- " rrr j A large lot 01 rverseys yu, iso, cis. . Linsevs 14. 16. 28 cts. - Rpd TirVinr 10. 15.20 cts ' 5 Bales Brown Cotton cloth 5, Ci, 6, 9, 10121. 2 do - do ;' Cotton Oenaburgs 9, 10. f Superior double and single Mill Flannel 18, 2o, 35, 45, tHI, 7o. Red and Yellow do. 25, 30, 45. Heavy Point Blankets for servants 60,75,85,1 00 ' -. f -t . -- r--J' ' ' Great attraction fQr.tJAO iadics l VIRGINIA. "Thd returns come i i still very' encouragingly "rom Virihia, but niingdefiiiite. i ' . CONNECTICUT. . , The, Vhig Electoral Ticket baa. succeeded Jo his land oi steady babis, by, from 2500 to 3000'! - '' OHIO AND'MARYLAND: The good news fjrom'Jbee'StateVw fuByk con firmed. . ,uf c w-.Jtff;4 tv t. 300 pieces4 rich1 Chinwr Calico 9, 10, Two pieces double VoVe Beaver Cloth I3, !8;.;.::;" I!,! at, M and a few PieeVPf.UI Frerich'-VelTeltV iJU - 00 'BIT? x urimuic au. v7. v3, 0, xvr3, v Real French Linen w. Jn Faveitevilie, on Wednesday evening last. by the Rev. Mr. AJurduson, JVlf.g. Tower of Pittsboroogh, to Miss Mary,. cUUgater o Arcn d MClaucnunsq. w t , e, . s Ih York. Gen. Edward J.Jilallett. of Pro vidence, Jl. Island, to Jane Granger, daughter: of In Orajnire'i county, ?Misa (Sally Hardin eldest daugliter;w,CoU Joba Har4u3r bi Jha 25th year of herage4 s h ft ? lo La Grange, after'a painful. Illness 4of- six wee'ksi Mr. John VV. Jonos," formerly of Moore county, N'U .,,'--; rlo Orange :Jtuntyii fAius i'armeia vu iinacL da'uffhtei of Mr-da,me lodd,iu berSGuvyeit.,- .In Greensboro" Gniifdrd co., on .the 23iOcL flnoch T. Shiplbf Washington county enri-i He.bad been itt tbe' lower part of tbe: State ,wltb a drove of-bprses, and wa Ukeo sk witb jphillf and fevec aud wMth dimculty gotupere. oy uis - v t-.'c." 1 1 l. : i .r. s. la Dunliu Coanty r'on'fho SOib ult, -laniba Persall, dabtefTWUIuuti DaaJ -Sarah' Parsail.. aged sir nioniBsii .. Sutter Jatla vtitltlreti to qorao-unio me and fcrbid iliem not, "for; of sucu, U abe kinjjUom .of .1 SJ"- -, fe f I s Jialf after O. s , b .-, - A I 4 - ' By order of th Csptam; .-- - - - - -fe - t 1 Attention f Guards 1 FAHABfi-af the Sapitoi 'Squire at S : iial sA.balf psst'S.o cloeiUf'-' m.'--- pMff UatTn tha rehlnr rrruirfi- ai ! - " T" -5 . V r--;-- T Q 8ALB OR KErVTr-Eight very eomforta ht 'and' lares Rooms, near. tha'NeW Baptit ChurcaJand atiscbedto th Washing! Hotef,' T purchasers, a Uberal creait win pe given. Appiy 10 ; -"y .T. R.' W; HAT WOOD., - S'TSriv.-ialStt?1" j-.r r. r 'c"-." 44-89 35 WOTICJE A GEB ABLV t an Order ofba' Codnfy .CoarET 2jJLt Cumberland C. at Jbne Tenn,!l84r will proceed to salt for Cash l the Vourt House inf Fayetieville, on the first Monday n December bext the following Lota -of Iiand, or so ; mucb ;lbeTeof aa7 will pay tbe Tares duo thereon, together withafl'' iocidenul eipensev i.a ' 1 Lot Hay sueet. listed by Barab MelierlvsicfatslI tat 150 iev-S. 'tvrWjtC UntLle'd atid UabU to dovh& Tdx.l I lot, Gillespie at. E. Bailey, valued $7G1 tax 0 50V I d 60 acres en river, do 4o- ,60r'.JAA 3U0! 8 do Lower Fayettevdle, G. Jt xp-d Barksdatej i , f ; VU -U00 1 fl v J 03 1 do Bow street, G. J.Barksdale'-doi 100 '0T 2 do Mumfbrd and Hay streets, - i-i5 owner Unknown, v do-MA .-d 1 4 3 do Hillsbore' street, forinerr j-, i;?. ' -V:W' Mary BeWile, ; .r, cddftOO- daCCr Several Lots oii jOrangef Mechanic Frmk', aadj'' Chauncy Street, owners dnitiawii, valued $2, tajri 10 cents each. GURDO-J)EMING, v Pr. Adv. $6 -i .. vCwUactorir . FayettaviUo, Ott. SO 1844. . . V -. ; - -8' IVcw Aiiniialftty.'AriliiisiJlai 'FOK 18 451 rrMIE Illustrated Book of CTiristian-sBalUds' and' JL other- Poems, edited by Rufitt W. , Unswolii" splendidly bound. ri The Gift, a Christmas ibd Ke Tearf pffettrt t beautiful itloatrations - jriji ' f The Diadem a present for alt seasOcs witb spteadl il engravings;decidedy th ripbestAnnoaloftb season . The Friendship's OJIeringwith superior engraWgsV and elegant binding. , , ' - ""c ' i - Tbe Casket Tbe Hyacinth or A0ectfons Gift, ' beautiful Juvenile Annual together; with many ers, f.r sale eheap st the New BooislOte.. r4lh tftti from R. Smith- - O..JL..CLEVCLANDwf v Haleigh, Oct. 1844. . ,..,",.-,83; ' nr mar and Standard. '' 1 i . ... ' i jii iii. i) ij.iji.iH1-. Grand L.odi?e of Worth Carolina. fin HE Annnal CommontCattonortbaMrandLOag II of North Carolina, will b MKfhedln the Masbn. ic Hall, at Raleigh, on ihe Evening qf Monday th1 2d of December next,: at early-candle-ligbl.; . Ra!eiirh.Oct.,26, 1844.- J. ...87rf-tm Extra. Rich Cashmere d'Ecosse 35, 45, 65, SHAWLS, CLOTHS, 0ASSIMERES . 1 00, 1 25. - - . - ; - . Vestings,FancyMerin6,Plald; Thibet Chusans and Crape de lories 20, 25, 30, 3a, 45 T c , Affl.:n- cu-ri If li4;, Rich new style S.iks 65, 75, 85, 90, 1 00, 1 25 and 10-4 Black Merino Shatsrls at & ottr Alorraa. all colors 35. 45. 53.60.75. 1 00 ' Dollars ' : ' ,4 .. -. ..... . .: w..- . ; I i ... . -.U ...ill. TJ 0r.l - 'T . . U, A, xA U Jti AM , . LP. -t IIOUSC aadXOT r Oft SALE. . - The Subscriber wishe lei sett hbf reeVi denca Sn, Raleigh. It "is situated sofll HllUborouah street otbout'' 200'.vstd' West from tba Caoitol. and is one of .the fdessantest situations in Raleih. As it is presumed any person would .examine fbr tnemaelves Tielor ; pntsnssm g; 25;35.T5.1 00. Nl 25' Shawls of very size "and price , Velvet Points ; Cottoti Fms";' C6tton Cord f a Urfe lot of Ho siery i Coat .Trimhiing3 ; Damask Table Diaper i Riissli Diaoer f 'French Napkins? fine Silk and i Cotton Umbrellas, &c, togetherr witha.ueautilui i STAPLE AND iFANGYDRV: GOODS,. which b TespectfuHy solicits tbrj Citizens of Ba- 1 furloer aescription is deemed mineveaaary.'a leign: ana us vicujiiy, lu tiiu uhu ciauiiuc, uciuici purchaeinjr elsewhere,?as hi: Goods .are much I ower thart tbe AUrkeVprices. " rrGoois bought from me, tbif do not suit the buyer4, will always be exchanged," or ihethan ey refunded:: 1 ' ' " t" ' '"".?' , - .,y- WASHINGTON MILES, 4 . . '.l ! i. 'i.--'aaafa-tttritl r sit ' 4- ' V - next door below W. &'A- Stith:1 Raleigh." Nov. 7. ; ; ' : 90tf Raleigh. September 21, 1814.'? r. A; ti&Tt , Sfiort-Uoracd ,t?uiv liarti and IVcrth t6nCJitttlc.Tbe Subssrfe ber baa tbe above stock of CaUlo br sale,: among - which are fconlo $o 20 Devon. Cowsrln Calf bf fine half Devpn and half Durham Bulb i.'fri&Z a li-r.' n.n ttiin. -nnw.fli f uh.' .' ' ",. Also. 8 or 10 Very fine half Dorbamand hau Devott Bull Calves, cot byonooUbe finest Durham Bulls - rilHE Subscribers nave now on Dana ana are recriv- ever raiseu in me;unuea oiaiesr du ;ancesrors, on; JL" ins, bv "every PacketSTOYES - of f every de both sides, bavo takerf tbo'-first premidml fatltZii scriftion, eomprisina tbrbeal assortment, ever offered Buuert beauty sispi lte.r tbe Caul sboWt at tbe i V Viav aaas 'w a aasmr w y Avwaiut. w iw s w T: T,:"l , T7' " - . 1 l,A. rMro 'feA.!si 1ms Iks) as4SsspUaJktaa AT siMsV mamam ihA , ami ujcia ra iu run u umu veiniE all sixes, inciuoios, iaa iaraei.iz.is..Bw.vM! i t:..j nri.-- i ... -ti : -n' Cbyrcbe or other larg rpom nd every ber kind f vcnjbef jjt, that being (bo best time toxempve thcrt. desirable for tbu market. SIOVE PIPE onr band I gBji ca"vear will be fit for -service' in Hav'ot and made border-.- -v trT "T ' V . I June Bext Tb price of the. Bulls Vill not exceed AlVfaia rut japarinedjTinTare, Urilannia I dollars, each, ;Tbd Cowt in Cair, eed Hei.erB, WareJ. Jabaaiicd. Waiter. Fruil Di-hes, and'sasny I w;tb less, savftora S2S to f 3d each. -at have: been other articles for, house-tee pin, which will be sold I improving my stock of cattle" for4 15 years; and tbirdf IOW at WWSBieor"Jlfc -,. f I, -u i now iuve, iu rao 4euii uu iiuuun, mi wu ,ocif -Alao, Tim uoonng timtsrtog aaa joaoing . gwior oi ; ,auw lor iae pfwK-i.ianuer tw America. v Aim ' ally don in the best man iter and on th lowest terms, -wbd my neighbors hsvo bee selliagiLfcir Cows r rid T; PlatSJheet Zinc; Sheet Iron, Copper, .Iron Calve ! for ,M i jRMava en selling to ro4 , wiraJwavsottbandforthoaocommodalionofT j "y half Devon. Cowa.n4.Calves f,r 1 .u Va.It ,.ris iiov. voi. rovwg,.rroprieior oi me i; ' UKU .. , . 4. " - . . V.w Vx.l. ...1.. r h.r: v , V i - BOOTH r rOKTLlta. I ""T, ' r".1 " "'-- i --. j-e . .--7 - . .. 4 -:-?,. ?-f i r'Aiii. a1 rrm. mifl Mn inuirm .4im - tvTii mnw . a. oppbaile'MCcban:'-H.1lt.trri rnnJVTw -Tf '. r. j h n i. .-.f -i u ,.iai r .- i . - a t 1UJ UCttT (;IWUU I AIV' I ..WS.;t -1 "-"l v ; ' S Opfp mnr5 niy - pfMiw?Nov:4r-7 - r ; St-M , ;i ill M,l II I t , v K FOR SALE OR RENT. ' 1 - iir. 'r"- I 1 n-"-r " . 11 u tavwav vm :(s. w,w .s''-" --a lr Lawrence.'Esoi stunted at. tbe-cornel oC-Vil- NninatortaDd Martin stfeetsis for sal .or.0l.i? f Tba -Honao comsios aevon -.rooms wun x "- plaeesdVldoasardly'-situated Sot a - family resi- oeacT jroaaasaww ,h,ki s WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. r November t, Iil4.-vnv .-V ,80 Si, II I II ... if . ' ,r-:. 1". : tv V HV a uu jvexa- iy s.raa4 . WitU alarge Sloes. it ' inzvt i omona,-v7tl Co'. K'.'C 15 "J . 4 ' North easr of ;italeih. t3.eow4ta v I . ... x r. rATTNG booxht at-BxetSntlnn aat 'airif'.it oi.ia- orismcuia c. iioanofce Kail itoad, wbk brMtttated Jnnha Cour'y-of North-"'--i. t between Margaretsville and tb CooMv iino cf il.U ."avis .a . . . '' f . r. uax.ai wciuoo. suui apciv to J&e next Lr .j-ir o u wtus vi. iiviui vniviini yra tlial: , ID ' "' i bio jnatoeouect J-ons lHeroo Mi he trasi rt on. Of persons and, product; st4 th sac: rat; - : . ;:,3; of iyindoWiGlassand Putty- 1 that is authorized t be'eharged "under-tls cL r.'c v,sale by. W" 1 givrni'taib Portsmouth- no?nc!ir-:i Pr ". riiua.ntvurAATi i I'n- . - . V( S rT t t - ., -- - - , "TTTIjEGAB for Pickling, f Also; prim LamftOjL 1 Jest received and FLRAr;ci-3 i:. ' i -. f ' 1 .. -U5uUi-r---', i-V, JtoV- Jmber ,7. ft .a . kt?M8 ! ! iewartsviile; vjt ,ir st"- v reqec r

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