- - - . . . -J - ' ; t ? - ; : V WVv! vs. J ,. I t T ' V, 1. ( ; - -V -. it i - i puis l!..- 1 I . . I ;.;. 44 Mm is J' l.ti- 1 m l . .MI - S .... -W u ti4-d rf -4'wi4- "-- VJi-. tw,W rirtT iJH r 1 1 LI 10 4 hdl '-iiv J&r vHivi. i:uia nti wV, II sl .-3. . Jt-K '. i3ii lid's Triwj- .rPl h w?ii xi.-TTrTj. r . m : 1 ; j , .- . . .- i J-.tt'i tim .tr, fi i. .. r-r ., .r. .. t ... ( r ... I J mi .it i.i I j i J. I. ) mi ii- . . mnti j .t -- - " - - . f. c 'AdvertiwmeBJs, ,ii9efteI in' the 3CM-Tvcm. janes irora ixaicisu, auu uutuvuiaitsiy. au:viL:i' Tfcl ' The liwiiing .Houiixoraia rojm )elw snl Vyft taif S.T-wijii' f PQazu, as en, Vftototo$uifr$ 4fe .3Kiai: ite&iui: neJtjihjM.d the tfblHr federal! veiRicuiiyjt eee- winapji autgnul agh l . LA(IfM4. :. ii.P"t!ftfifPJ?'.1C.--i i And AH JtioJu X Dmetic Matut(c(ii Cirr,'A! the ji into iihocto tSer iXJt Kafir pceei y.$U h..Jbife id f9i6.,AU.arfaAU4BkJUUT feceiwrtl, uummevranmns- in wit. otito wiiiihiik ing VVell of paro water iut lo tuoil and en Orchard of yelt aelected Fro itr,'r6eJrtcation ta hei&ftWid the Sodetv eood. v FeaTcVa Milia. hcii.ir'.itolver. tweti ia'oeaoid in rRa1eihAlbndaj the i(5th.Deefflti- berv tonyerpa wiWo gtuy the 3 ill? there-fc ftow.ttfpnbrutiuif yf lUiyiirgdiuda.pieaant Residence ju at: bajidt' ApyUittlwriFUef,r to AoeoraFwaTiWaiweldvWake Cuniyi Wake Co NUKwriaUvvf Clt direct iroi; i, j orzi ttfla -,rauawipfl4Bv --w . aigj KBftrtTfRf.v intitinM fb Iai (!l1Mt th 4b tit IBII DMHli f GeWihith1rr dftheioei 4 ( VHi sftftfttonabto and t Icbeaiiaty lea: Thea7Mod hate beert tAir- chatied aincethe great jJecjme, hih 11 nble her to ..ffer sr'reaf ihdietoWfalld ittiaMrlilti;' Al..the iafifMliidneW Head t JmamenUi1 Har aarortmehf U much Itfrgtr thud asoat fetid AbnkToo many aIttfehssieir ate in an adTertiiksneatiS &km . Oct- .2, fejs.Ri.34t 8T- I HAVING Jmuehj Execmiato.aafe Uibtipajct orthftfr?ariniotl , AiKoaaolie Jtail.RcwJ, which it aituatad . in ihflGvCM t between Margaretaville anj the Uouttj iin?to(:li?k ifax at WWejiJIaJla4)plybnjel4e of the lat of.North (Ja.olin Ur a jcharter..Ui ena, Me uie tft coJlecttll ihert50ifac e.uaiMjoriaiiofl of- per0fe. and proJ ucet at UuMC?i?P m that i authorb. uibe.. gitrn to tUe PorUmouil St jKoanoellaiload Uqq- pany. i-&4ur?&&$M&8 Oct. 'MA&t 'ir yi f i-tMfl and elassicaP Iteidrt difierei.t'aiieV itrut tiritf 1 rtumdelpB -conaist i ng ori Keadfcrr ; and he TouOg This aeries uf School Bitbka of :D D. Emmet tori t ten Utely kritwnln NorUttJaroUWa,te anyeeaaMuejttioa4r.idi -vm eyt-ive intr odueedahem into due 3aebdjtVlen ear atnee, atid bet are now ip gnaeral nseAbrouighiiut the- ite;i V e haie ALL. Ihe aeneeK 6oek uaad mc thft.. Common. and District Kdwol uf lbeittsnd SUtef New York and alse a great valietyv rOoniinodr And classical U mka, that are'osed ell the-acH6o!b ad ' Acade (mes in iheVUahedrtiaWs brticulailr ailoer Unfvet aity at.OlialietNHtlly and thes college andAcademies throughout the tai ifVaL,Aaokna3ui Abo all of Peter Parley Tsi MrieftiefKUbeka-sji-veH'a? iftooiied of the Untied ttates Greere iBn aland klld-r France, Anthn a aeries of claMical Wooks; siko Sjonutr Scb&lBooli 'J)teiiifil&4 A If you need atfy-Hvhool Books of ay other.)kkB4d wisbjloptir- haenCoap3iWi1t Turner'&'HugSer NShtf CiMaWMin A N AitjoArnedlSenerar feetm'of Stdckhofd. A er in the Raleigh nd Galim'Kaif U.'iad. Com- Vsu.yi Will be fa Vve fffica'df ihe ompfrUerj in ihe jattW'RafigVj0 iba Jthl Mondat of'No vcrnber next- . A puncioal attciidanfe, cither tn ier neM of great importance to the interests of . the, lUom jy.UexpeedtflVmeiefore themicting. pany K At Flannela i-. - OREATATTR ACTION -EitraordiBary Bargains at - New Store,; ,THR Subscrihcr ia conataotlr receilnr rorh be North ftetkt i4Iitiotii3 X h Jpe.d Stock; ofrI)pwic1 iie iWggla. toel 20 per cUJowjhaiie hia forin9r,r8r ,,Hw Stock' consisla Woart. aaiollqws: a; u 1" l-1, Cloths of every color, from SI 00, J. 50 20. Extra fine Caaioieree $0-75S&MQ' 1 75,4 lbwd:B6dBjrJ TlinrVWt i r- I iwvuii rn -"j Ffn Srlk anfiCBtef veUestibg'.fl W J 75 8aiiiieik'ill(ri'fi5i;'75il 00' II ,AU?i )Bov iPjaterf in? Afi!i'of. WHous MndelAttninetiWrieft tJonfltion 4 one DU AMOnCTU' PI t TTTT73S bare lust received a freah auppljetf WViHratatOe Med4cfne.Bieh WtiHWatfJiifd f lUitoption; ffeflaeliiarcrtdy, 4nditwia, l?ypepiai Heed Ache, and i ne of fuUa m the butk' pari tatf Hea"tiually ihe. ay pcto of A novJ?iyj Jauplicey few Mod' rtffwfe biiiu; carleL ltlHiai Voot. iKheumauam. KeptlKaeiwe'XUteir .JUa- plfei M PMoty ,a4waril i ,Wfrakbe,Drpf fiHn.4f ba(jH4ah4i vAoljc UMeea,,Mtv ";'ftX",I.'WWT. l lie. !lll iun-uiBft ii uiit taucf ra, 1 fniJ5teiJ-todv Leg Pfes. f w. - j UHY ; HOC Hit I tSJ fN3 bf )ha Partners ol 5efif having jual riw VJAurn. u from jliedrtb'haalU'hifwifh: Ujin a. larger and lx-tter aopfly of rreh Goods lia rhaive branches, than haa been kept the'eaabiuhsieiit heretofore: ill of which, tit jirices anf 'buaKrV.i are wdi worthy o oeretoniniended to our numerous friends and the nobli aire-ereVVell f&fetoSell aa low aaaoittoreffiatftr:1 ' EM f7TlHE ProptieiowoftheSrage limafroiltrm- Gastotk:RaTt Uoid Comtmr.r take? f hfif rnehrid vf irf- larming' the pobhc; (bat they havereduced tbe ftrelor An ent Haudkercl irely iresli hiivOrYmenlif etpeclalfy Caficbes UiiV. oolieisTijSveV lbdi!6lock tng Muakral and ,imj&afVkhlt febeeftngtYaad eyetptar.ever FAMTyOQDS, Rf4?DtVVirf0Vt)'HIi ! ;onrfiUr Fine rfieiJPlKKtOBlt8, (iteaY '1, Alao, PranWrefh'f rTnihiehC for s'ea, ?lli'nif. artificiaf Hatrj Ladies' Fancy? and VV ork Boxes,' wun'dif. AVnt.ni Jeak& Baaifhnboer frt ' - - WJLfPEUKgent. lUanea. fitieaf Razors, Shaving uttnalfsLM.'Peg Kahnab;; May W M8W. nd 'Pocket Waives , or freat "Raleigh. N. U. TUHEJCHliGHES. Htt1: YrtftiW lflMiWd' fmrwria! . ttnoAwder. berta,Plni,Vt: aJJ and Cocoaauia)AaoydtPfesrte SouehWOf anoVMj;MlhYg. iilHlwdifierBnt UnUy Fruit, OrangM,bLeflaonHpper- qoaBliesinvry variety nfkaeWi;- i - r.-nj ;iaauce,..DOcolate, XNoa. t a Maaaropi, lrraqts. , t -, , i. ;; j r. . ia. tt i LIQOOlbjU''- .' .r!?.-i I in. nuimeffst juofJlce, mummpn, jtnu44iUDhktyiOara. DwptryCk Mao? M,uanJ, Ufcb, Ta. UW,04rgi4??rnu,aiMl Igow uoryT ummpaigne. anaaaneryot fnerrencck r vf,jiu,?fwiff T.JMv.-juv.?.cgp.t? . rani.i.arili. Mtfufrr Kim.Jimiiira Knm. Hal-. UU ..iioriuniBg.: iJjewMfi a.omoitint; t oonrco. aodU. te4 .i P -rfit; . t-ju o ( !MPe.J!0cqe; !pt4her ,gar aua.aMd-; MadeirPale w -1 mr embra43jng;aJiU mi & f i . i :- r ar na. v.-!-" i " aot nnwtt nti rnm -i ;f . at " T '- " . 1' a -.J--" j i " 1- ' F " K ' - H W IT I I UTC W V V r THE V E ftxtE WS4 fi wnicn hepnera loell to tJasn oc punctual Uatom"ra. aa low as aft i Maffeedintliw marked All he ask of his (ViendsTis notui be decevea,, by out-door prnfefciona of rhmiufbtiio Lallan J examine hi Gtfodf it the counter. 3it JD'IT -.ft Uaf-T5fr i.A'ift4lwt of t : tl T fTnilE Subscribeis Ukvpleaanre.in infecming lb. JJ citoens of Ralfigh anoVthe awrronnuine C'nlry, that thev, hae receite.1 her exteoaive. supply , pf r preign anu uomeaue ury uoooa, suiapieu to tne - f& y- v. .!?. -t m ,V'Z -t-a "n ejpmw4t5 ano emoraciDE aimoai even, mrucie nsuaiiv , tn ttioilar establishment. AVe enumerate ih parti .Silt and Worsted Mitt-u, Vienna) Hoodsr! Bilk UuT Sattinetfj, Mnleskine, i Tdlea,? Mm h Uriwr tch Pilot Uhs Kentucky; Va aod Glas- eow jeans-, t ai: Whra, .Ked- .aud i Yellow 1j V s 1 . J - Bedttpkoig,- A 0ron ebecka -anav? ? . 1sa Biswa and ftlcacht-d. JdrUiuaahilMou'Jlinfs, Cat.hroereSi.Al- V a. "!." lCahnero. J LakiesiiXih Cottoa Oznaburga,8uflblk Ptaid Lmasva.Gala.Plaj.la- Damaak' Diaper,, Damask Daniaak and unbleached aTeJlecIwbiyV?S atecdnd, Mouming;.Cab. BJk Blfc Boajbtuine -.fcfc.ka, g, j ijoeraw. ... . . up " -..:.:--i:iit -iv: i w aweiiPviiM nra i a .. L . . .!.. !. f ts rn r t - t.-f'T-hr bv t atea ar conaidUrab'y leaa jtbjtB by, my otner rouie, sml the same exe,uin jlforded r;:i .PajweDgrleaTirrg'-aoy of the' aborre oientioned poin -end takmgHhia route; err i e -at Hht poctiort,' eighreeei.tnttea North 6f VVeWoni bethose1f any' :ft Travellers aire par wolarlV eadltohed BraiWsir arfetv . Sciaora : n I he1i.i"ihp if hrf-.vni viiv- J ..uv Rw-4WtfctJi iJ - . - I rr'-r -f vK"! , ieu persons agumst toe ivaieign ozuasiou Kan noaa. l9WMmJBanf!u&as. and etbelt4,'Uirdbags4 Pi.wdeWa!? J (imti and j. navi.,s?undeon " trsgia iri-fcHimu I 'VToiNiiit:flt Miitiiir(Mc?faftZr.-rA-i. ww tJ.-2vr ::u-i.u;ria.f:;r ARVISCRYMSBR &GBIlMOND U thread Spursf Cloth, Teeth; Hair, Hafnkl fct Uh!Mt!t( f Persons. deirous-4if -taking tbV Pertamotub Jtnd Bay rputejp Balumcvre,, 9-ad; jy takjug the Sug line a.trSfpoa (near,Gujn) arJ paa.ing.Oer,4? W eUBHH a distance- M vwixe nule,' wbewtbey will connect with tbeTlaianAbei i'ortaooutii awl liuan oke JJail lioad.' Wtf iaddivionalbarjte ia jhade for the Stage Tobte4ra- Passengers aratal' flitt StKusa's to" Baltimore at' the same price ' a fnm Weldori. ' ' ' " ; --f .;.:--,t .w-u''tv -i.-f-; ' 1J3 Trawlfers'eoingFduth will be taken at ihe' i w x. .u'nV..-- .r .,.. i.:. i.-ii.w. k,ti.- iuo imc UEinsru iit wi tup uuiuiaauvi LUCM null ed', v Tliose wb-hinii' Ihrtnigh lickitk 'grifns Swiuib. can To southern v -Lift 5il' Ii). --.A:.-.jK. !TW. -... V-.-. . .. An I r wic.y vi atiraurs. r ivifantfliif 1 rnMM ' aftrl. ,omfninr S.Vfhntif: 1 brusties .tart Fih.f hnsir . ...ftkU.or..,. 'beUSraDnV'anU ' AtlaSt'S In r f tLrl mm i w.: i.mr . i. . . I varmna .;. .iu. .JSi,' iiw n.J oti B.! DiEnfnher4o eerie t ? , ;. , r, T , r p.k,kAni.. iu:.i.. -c, r.i.- t:jj tLi iuWinii ITTrAyE cotiunirr on iand,sapd'ofifrror sale, i, r f.: r 8 'J? .'w!": ttttlostotfanttt ItllMf! V- 'LnrtiL-:rji?, Z2:!ini'Vi-:i. Corkscrews. !Vl hiue? Veneil. Uottoha. fh lnin . aVd,d a ttlia. kAiWfr,rav-;. Mu MotemOinis.ilsVVlirs.I.Ano -RatdwIferk.W?A-:iS J Gla,ses. Turwbleri V xiA fW.r SuUdil. Porfr- Rjcoj Ouba. -Wl!eVlCfeTil UUWUBCTiOJIARTP Wfc GimERfE8 with douiilS aid ainHo rt'.' Loaf n GrSahetl: Auar Molaea j '25 fhish fartcy end tt;. k "'.!',,!, ?(yFFEt-fJ'eIiv" fcr'' ,Uji; jotber ''andief .odajJBute arid Water tUredrtrs, )lonSirtti(Wavm.Hliaira;-6 Dohtini n,' Sugar and finger Cikea, bee. Prne' Ap 9 i T l I eas . -it- ra at w. . ruste! 'tio wrrRiB!! i'wJ-.jviT; r vi.Md :,i loiiMMteo i onrues.oaasareM.riirs.rruBesAiaiee.(Bii us . V - . Jr (VP EJf -fibf rs' have jusVrpeeiWibeir Fai and .4 frr Wjnte( Stock o(.Dcy Cc)odi7iware,putlery -WflFL Mwrjriw Vtock pn hahd xors pr- r iQotha, Mfiii;SaUnetts. Vertinffs. KatlwA ua LifjieHyyai,!, is . jy.ndiliioi and priu,-.Casho:tfe da Ecos9e.-Merinoa:Mous!ine de Lainea, (iidlyajJ i;jassiai-8tblceberXand on bteaehjfd CUoflao(f aualitiet tn prieer Virghiia OjS.aboigaf,Shei& Saddle BJankat' BLri irfcin: Tii.r AiWoi llZ. Wrkei and ef tiw'i: Iknd itIrean? IKiiiei Hindkei-ciier-: PinW: V-turni- dtfes; -ool CoUon. alnubeW f Coiiiib Gloves. Itoa thi TpolIaW V 'Hfcteioetr kinds rReadyj rbClakhTnafidaftrartitteaiSS , line. OO ledimia tn flnnnfiW.t,".I is ; 'r- wi Hardware ancl Cuacrr . s Picket, pert Ti-hcre1 and T)UtcIierKnivea : KhWes and procure them "Vw OVnt tbe Pers'talyati; SrryWtojifai ! .Tpetre Pfr, t ng 1 Vg prasi. 4-"gwooa, ,m qjier J,aHp and .diflerefttftaaalittea. .Akofrinf ii UlVf A lXr,r t3,t4nl'? Xrn wewojydjay .that airvrderr enUuated. to our cate, : ' S . ' rtfKrujvnsKi-. T vr30Se4 vfitWSpmp4ni ind.ctlitV7 Ortb Roe1Waisalea.q OilW aoveW articles matum. lologAe, Florid4;iH LavefelferWa.tefy. twoWieao be; Liberal advinci. fliad t on ConaiSnr- bving aoajpl Casenceaj Opodeldoc, Bergatnott, pink lift- Fine Violih, bows.'strlnsr, twidft a, crewr, Fin gerlMUU-dsi5 G iursr Tlagablei tfesvFifea,- Fluten Ulaf i oneits.'AwordeOHSviBra.s.Trdmpista. ; " St.t ! r 81TAT10jtAIty. M w4:' Almanacs.! Prirmsrs.rSpelfinr, Picture 'and Sonir Books, tieoirapbies. Key of Heaveu ( (Jatbolio ) st gravinga, Jc'aprc, Pens, yuilISv! tnk. inkstands, Ink powderSeaUTtg-.waX.LeUeT atam, Wafers. r u Foils, Swords, Gloves. Masks. Hals, Breastplates iectuilTmounce to i ' lBinoa,befBakgimtt. Kenoa-Ten- i? a-id tfre airroundinr Pn, Cuimnd Ball, Gracesand Batyvdoors, akipping connlry, that thjBvy,-Fartnerabip in K'Off. ?Me , , f - , .1 ; f ' ineatMiveJmstitesii, anu. are nownrepare 19 execui . , . -i . - . all orders iirninTlliev flatter themielvea ihey Tfhe goMbd srfcer, as wellas germftn silver, and Coach Ulakihg andRehflirmgr. STHDHE iSubactibets would Tespectfully announce to pJg-the Citr-fnaof rraleigh. win pe anie 10 ewe genera, aaiiaiatiiun 10 an wao may h"'"-"""-' ""'i ' .-.-.....-. . . ... .roriise tWm asieriiav;. i.rlbVer. ex Vr-rivf ltbt,btea Table atid;'I Kpvona. De Client Blacmil1itr.V-ie aet KittVatHl tFo eM CoBibs, TetBeU-. menfehgaged ar ih(ini t , .. thiniwryea ' , ; .1, . ... -T.X?.'! 4L,w.V - eW aalisfactioutoallVhomy cite tnem 4 trial! Alage" Wnl Uolce Supply as Printing Praaaei , 4 ' rfe . JtrHNsitiN AHARKISOX. ne-rhhllWSV Titotokk, At berlbaftrow. Bilreaw, V,l?aie1ghtlCu", l ' ' " ' - " 7 JaVbleaHnmifii iDn) RatiW v'niitaa. X jf-f Ahachf Han... fo wferR rtAcfe bafrlagea, alAh Orgajia 'HarffaJI ttntegi.Lamarn8. su'ehas BuggieS, BarouchMCfiarlo'tees; i,J " Paii.t ox.f I maneiict Toj? ; false a,, t" anaona, y-Mi-'-'l ; " ' ' ; Ji i.y fcttcrpspopesl China aejits. Drumineia, fan.cj tqya. a;'4' ft-d-Kii1: 8 ?rt !;? W Bed Twikfrrg 1015 .n-i;s -35. rr:Aw "S.tsM-J-a rt.;Wiil Chan-elin 4t Bjde,do Silk Worsted and; Cotton f? HPMrry, Irfeblinena IoncJaarea, Bwhnv.&.FreneU Lawni 4llaidlwier adiicoacMl lC.t HJkfaJ; (plain and HemSftl.) Garrriehrrn3 "FiifftttBre kwu wv. , -w, . , a i 1(11 4 UeaWht'BlankeU fi.reryaot8 t782?V00 1 -QrettwraeuotMortnHua-a4- Cltuaao ndraoeeJ-aneav5f - - " . k. -TV ' j h I s ! L . a .". Alpacca iii1ii.s(r. S.V45. 55. 60.75. rOtl ' iuMvyiW -tr w , T ksa .-'-.. . :'i 12 is, w, y SB da i ddl T?TltmilirCdoTOt, ts, iti ixav-u 3 t Jr -i IT. '1 V b'tlimi w w V V . nraWi French Napkins ; ,J8ne SnVand Yixnor i French NaDKiOS t ,Jaie S Cotton ITmbreJiasr IgHWHKftJfe af rtment bf , , . . . s vk r8.r-!.! j-fv.f"nJ-UJJ " APXE-ANCt PJ-NCK DRY GOODS, leash artj itaykiiMty .s-ii t i next cloor below. A Ralei or..?. Black and White Mourn. 4. Prfnts: J tCajnbrick.-aad;' Frnirare ?ilk Lacetit KbawtVMJa. Thread Mtid.BoMiAuettLa- G-eBars, urXbt, Unt i; ap and ISeck . CambTL'and hi5 fcdc f ltngs M Inaertings. fihawta. ' --."vilftfcn Glovea, . - Ladiea Fancy Jf'fjfiftt Naqkw. 1 peenvunrtecessary to jrThUcare na w amui.aarwH3ie4e,ap eise- whemaa: r e.f n deitawfff 70 sen at to uncest po$ tihle mice foaCaah V- . .'-":' : .- " i.nni T . .lt. - ll bsev iral ifi3MMHV?f7.f &nMt& ' 1 iiL..,-.!:ii.ajh;.h..r YILV. ioj i Raieight, nnm. iu AL... thn Iiurol.bv Lemnda. ." Or '. - Iai. Wir V. a a ' : a kdo ... n r Av Tt r- TPiTmr. .j- , .- - ' - 7'Sii-V'i ri lyuavvv w us sr . ji f f"vi v Mirtti aaMuveh to-omaa logolaby, P.IW enrj ; V6tiokiialid 3Vro7WWTot ic1o. vings, by CruikaMB.avJ"' "l" Prcw CPB?T GENDLYB VRtN' TPErIJAIL8Andop. m .. - .: .. -a,. 11 ,Jl Ta TJ'L '?. I f .-.. . " - - J . l aies 01 utautra-:-oy J." iw; l auiurnKDrvarji,, ni. of L dOT.P.fisalettbe Dtytf JWoreTol ftfr.fWf-Vfw'r iiri9C?al .Af ;- a . LW 1LLIA1! HA.XV0QD & JUO ottnerienrtoucermenp nimHJiirrn t,m r October .,W, t . .. k. ... . - . a k n - I l P Crnptfni Fetc8burg;H V or 4)hegetant Gaston Rail Roadi . ' .. .., " : .ra-." Vr; HpLLfssf ER;8uptl R. AGvR. R.,f, Notice itg Travellers gonigiXvorth ?. via Portsmouth jtnil it. K. lioau AndJma ti ,f wtld respectfully auta k the tfavAllkfg urlX KubUct tbat .wara: disposed,-and lwl ay. themaaucbeap' as any other- line. -t Poitemooth -Our Road b rum over with a mach tsuCceafraa any-j ! . U JTi . . . Tft t. ... a- a a a' -r- ' 1 t i P.aT " l.. in ineeouniry our o oh is on me uay are or lirenrsr ?Shea. !&Tm aiatri,1Viee Cbafh Ooftv comba t A wl blades. !8tmWSn.rcuHfTrct.-'btiA ?Tble;atid Tea boons TIMflLlfiWfiaDd. tea Kettlea, Wagtflajx4flir Frying Paris,' Ceff&rt&, Bltackirirf aridhoe brush ei Nails and ! rote a 1 feefelbe With 1ark6il)ther"a.ti. ic-bviiifiliwImtJf to' kffrl!'w.f?f'.tw Tina arkf Jflucr.-fcll kinds Pfflii ai.tr4)lKpi kind r CJ rtateatPttcAira.logTWe preaned and plain 8ali aUuda, Pepper Wxfea. bowlv all sizes ( als, Britannia Castors. Call and examina fr yeurnelvts. -for' . we hae a good Aaaortmeut (U Crw.kcfy and Glaaaware,.fi. I v-A,i -t -.v.v.tis ; Sugr, brown, 1oaf, a hd rf fined t Cofiea,1 laVaCCa guira- ahd isir Dutningtf ; Mbtiaaeef tall?t3uhr, A lorn Mtd ia varpo&v Cbtaae; Seapa.of 411 Jb V CianUea, Talk hd Sima. tdar ladaf VhW icenund Budcei Badoia. BJd4PIought W J b ats, Capa t.Mieec dandl BmoU iLeat harola ; and Upptr. Hemlock andjOak-utUiBboeTbteatl, lodigot Clue, Copperas. Madder, Camphor, 8alt-petre. Ahint) Sahspaniah Bown,j!4erati4a,,ppt)per, piee. Gln- . ger, Horse C(Jlarr,,Wag.n( W h'rpvilorae.Cird afidl BlX3(&joB,,CardsSiea Pota, (Writjng Paiet Oj, p. iTipoaition, powders, t Casjor Jpil, M ustardt Vjnfgr, $naCT,obacco!.' Brimatone, Brewing knUea Axs, Hoes,' and every thuig of this sort usuallykept.., . 4lALS0 B'acoti. ayd IrdMeaf anCorn", Peaa an Dati; 'Totir, Fiab;' Butter,' Tallow anUeesMi-ax't kfid'all ItihOa 6TroulbtrV rWuce will b Uken fntar-. ler, for any thing w have io aell. , t , 'r-Hf t A V arrdetermlnei to aelf afrloVaiin'esUbi ' -iw1imenhheJatywihepB lo;erefvei liberal V fkf ;of p1ilickudag TfiankTut for" .tbeenrduffc, aeiaehV we baTe'riready received. we bopety close f aikl diligent Mtention fd buVines, and by selling o'nl1. ' feftod article sUIHo merit rtcOUrtgetheti and adp-. BUFFALO K.- class, ann ritmrnnmlpfl hr PTiprf(ri-fi1 'itfiil nttiilie'l Wddoni 14-. irUea.Y artt gooddri vera dbligittg. and 1 ''- - -r the road a good one ; and the Uaveller may j-est 'as sared nothing lall be ,watitin6 ptt-Hir part tp jaaake larir inpprent aiwaie. ,irr ,. , . . kf , We ahi jwtvMg0??'1! b wtp.befbfirged ; the Ira veil eijom paaton; to, BalratM-. bia.whah! is chargfd, from Wjddao3. i.4 .-. .,,:....'.. w Fare, at . reept from Pledges'; to Baltkmorer, $9, (meaja included on the Bay Boats. ,",--.- should any farther redoi uona be made byourop ponenta. wit1i'jaievrtrt-drvert; thb travel frqtn thia ioorf.rial.le ad ex tedititua route.-w ak the -travel to come over 10 Weldrtnfan:l twillofy Wchatged from Slcdg. , vba otberaiaw IromUhi-. plUCe. , .Our not defaming; tbevjupj!.ritqulefe..Iam -aaliafied, will not . d viitleqre to ih feelings, of the tfayelUng community. . Wa-cannot piy.ituph j 4tan.s vWuh meis to secure patronage is not iancUoaed by.-he . Com paityud ni-. flArsO sii tx jrH'i PaiMenaeraaaia guarded aeaimttr-'wg TichetV jn Raleigh 4hrQUsK4o t&Te- M 4hyi fhutdd jrhmqge th-irToOte-ale.;leivine Ral-feh: tfiy astdrt lao at ariBe 'of' flWj6on?ftt-Hv ckrfyj:tberrr fWrttfci i;Gati.r1itmieHlwT' ai ' " i ..i.i.i- a.i'..u list ai-tMiJt.twfc-aiiiik.iBif irvfi.a' boi..ih x. If d r'.i I Veldt.h.ft C- Jly ::.4aMf4. ., fcs. t i ftkt V. t)Vaflier i. ile U aied -W A Iso, Harper'a Pictorial BiWe." P" :e 25crnu aruimbeV,. ,1!!'- tfr.w i? T e r. .v jivyt r, SR. HUdflfes ,nnn5.nfeJ. fittad, P. tbe .fit .iu..-. WKZryffiffii? rWim aJuWrifljavlng. just fitted ' rmetaVheo the 'Citf Su- Ho eh and hovrprepafetl . -' (i Zi -:w'k,U-ri-l'!M ylfdi W tbC'Gbort Htfnit.. fa nowprepaf eu IVCIY Animals. I CW A0nonM4ilWHMSb bMi.daf,week i4n oiear.raml fTOR - o : y'dr hajfeiitoMrtir liam 0 -lAafc-Hmsai: fee- tia : 1 ... ..-it.i.'' t.,I ' v .-.;, .. s f I .. . -.. . . ... m. .!. rftriBflWa-Iksif4tisda!l oflier Poems Edited b Rufiia spleijdKHy.bouV.di ' , TTiJ GHl; 3r Wfcai?and New Year t !)-.- 3.I1- j! ;ntend to have aiwava on JbaniL Carriaces. Butrsi aa!!aH!Hi.;s. to biVe iVMamkh i'buVfnWMirir? foi nri1iulTfefi0 Hbe beautiful "llluatratiAfia: 1 ' tltheirR efusitibTi15f :thrsehfcl efe cfia'raWtMf preseitwitb L hiOaUebjdberict Jpr.naT aK.11 the sruu :v& I I'nrirtoti wiU be tad t-siveenU saltafaea. TheiDTiSi,mtfrvttff 'HorM'jfiiYeiaLfHvjAV fa-SP'!W errOainxf.uecrueuiTB iicwiwiihwiw t n.qaii(na .aiiu.rt-auv aae iiw. ivt,?s.'? JfJ liletKiilMnt.'??'.1 -KOrH tnll -" T , JD M?B D ft A JC.O".- !, 1 ' . 'J 11V lttilWtW AWaT, ,tot-i.aW "J,.! t tisariiamiuviwm ; v riH B:i4oltefibera ban nor it hanJLandro jeiv Itoto'at vrjr4t ,9ro V ES .bf .eVnry d- iption. comprwing the beaHaatettaeiitfveraiSradj aerir JV 1 V lUUi v'iii'i imun twy ww- --r T." - - - n - 1 Hate.FraftktlftTotw)d:trrc6ai ptafflafla vpai- tere.Srtfy?MJJlUft l irwoiii.iinar" thalar.ijHtt aizea. calculated Ti ra wscjroa? t:Ra7..TTVi: rs-r,Ti flst-yravi-H. t-hurrhea 0 other larae rooms, ana every oiner Kinik AM.! m.i1i Ia APiiAl1 . . ' . oiher articles fir Tiouse-keepiiigiwhvch RMP boTd n in 1 he heat manner and bn the lowest tefma-! ijriip kll2i;Urt liiiirfiitidBrmodaM0irof Tin Umilli MVI""''." ' " " - JL I Intended fa tfmi&m&tt J9Wt9 CAN beeeitred ktkla 'OfSeA a'i" K.. . I : !.. .-v.i .TVr int Ira- 1m Jjvn iPetaona wrolttii Fiv &IlaIlilm!ailWJX!t fortbwUVaenttothern; t " liilif'tlAiitAI ? tcM 5tl pjSialt5Mciaftic,i .'.l,'-V yr'aW .AU itolnd ilaaa FaitaJT HoteV Pfii!iiiiKar.4.'3t'fMt :94i-5t, "a iop.-rtN.fia I'Xi ort-wl fra8soruaerit1Wv?Viir (U grain, alt wfie-; leveu iid elegtnt Tfff Caikrt wTtoWyaciiih or Anmim as ui Rajeigiv, JVovr. ir?4. , L ff? rUihf .-., O." L C liE V ELANDS Kaieigh, Oct ' - . g.ni) 'nit' 'J WJCT. Ijawrenre; E. ettuated t tbecoriM fj jJf ttinaW fHfltmrif. or "nt. - riu. 4us0 ciTOMUspaeveii rooms r wrn : v nre- & . , ar . ... .H-Aii-iii- n; m nmw & - ue&ae. roaaeasi 1011 giT-ii iiiiuiTOic-(iii r "ly1-.1! W 1 ljAMHfA-WU--;U fTSHE 'afeFllriMllf ?attighi fol Cattail r M.. r K iiKfcjx..u:;j-:JLt.. m wajnurgim, eauior .,iiui.j, uH iv thereto Raleigh via. VOJeedviibyand StamMia&air The Book contain $mM&fmW oTPanrnitnia? tmreW. u. i note, on B. B. pihltlv- PL Kaieianif tbe paper J tan .tfar.pecifj , A Literal k Hb Bohl wlth'tHi"' tifctri. mm m Banka and 8100aII reward ttrflf S Iftte f . TYfnr w W.KOTErTr3 TmriLLlA'iVf AWALKERJ f UesTorf C?jiI VV U-ty. reeict'raly annaancei 'hfmett.totl Mecabera dT thtirfalatata irf'-NiWtn. Carelins; aam thLrfalatata ." . y r T.z-r y . r' -t.j- .- - 1 n - .a r-. -r p.J.ifc-;-M.v fi Ml .--jea.i(' 1 ! siwsr4-t rfi t. ly. .!. l'i'-i. '-. rlll" .'." :' .pyyiyiyur jpyigjiiuat juytvcr4c y. y.; J. G. dttfiCORY & C0 sMdriogrti A CM A ND RI AJ OTTtJRYp. w J To be" irawn at ATxandri,?lX oi featarda 1 prixe of? f25.000f'l jptttMr otrttH$2,20Qr 1 doi loxwoho -ido' ' :u,ooa &S'p '.'i v, tA'4Y rt1 66 aumberAlot'fer. 'liJalrawtt balTot.t? Certificate cfpackfcgeoft hda tfckeUifJlOtuT"' .Dou' f'.r s-ida 2z half rtdo wmjfiJk'aity' r Dn' -if'- .!dD.33uIrer.j!o tH7,Mi ' I 1 .9. 1. 3Q, .4- f pmu.C drawn at . Alexandria B, C, SaJurdayj,, fov t W -tf fMPj t $30jOOO 1 ,A.do , ,-12,00 t ''o ' v -6,600 V . A--... . 4 . t . it Rftfa : ckefa ; t - Tfcti' j. ilii. 2r.nII rirt - US roers jor -ucKeif iiU; aiiares. anu cenniciMes or , il' I -.-- i.'j:'t' -i. .-.&! i Anft Cti b I n et F a r tt I t a V evnt m . : ! J-LL-iW-y!a'Ji f iTLEiW;. 1, T. iwii'tH In Ih afu-tvA irlni1 TAtlwrIi -to ill ' ' the moat prompt ktteauon, and an oEaiat account' of. i eich araVli.g sentmmeiiatel after it ia iit 'Uf tl r; . ."" ; i1 wEb&aylvS tfcketf rora!txa Atldlw i"1 1 'f t -? w f Gi aREOORT & tO.' Manager J . ' tio,- Fn .WMKinffton"CitvV D- C? 4 ' . yr.j Hi i hi ii . ..ii.li mi .ii ... n j ml ii i ( a i j t 3lOtiitflt?T8l4 Hi of Noftir tJirotitia? l ov openeain tneaaou. V,'A, !s..,ifj4lit- f .iirw.-i-.tJj.'t..'iifl) AU.1- V- ic nan "i aiegnT oi-uw owium vi '"W1; .! rriiv,tUiir!-WijtW:iiW - i! M1.V tiO'Vneir atoekfoMhe sttwis Gtodai whKhis6wiil4u Sl.I,'.jr.,t .!!' .naM.II n'lkl . tllfetliWinflW r , . ...,' . .i ..-.. v.r. -.,. . taa or uatoet viTire,- itM tw vBIIi w'flwe,w ria 5iyiHiWAKRl0Na Vf B&rV4ry' l.a1ewh ia tslirneTfSce Vd lR Ve$t- vet 3a itba A Jell. h ta jes l.encflJaRafeHWj-i. Itjia ,ailuate4a) .Al . :H I. nlth Ae It liAatlnafl bM MVafMI kindiHtbey frieAbeS6eNtliar 1 ih eubl..hmer,r orerstreifIVidlentrt.rpuixh.V.s.ihan 4tmM&&U Iml W tbl TotbeaJiointtrstatlii frfteS.ofk Bitf IBifaciurer4aiB:ara !;: .TL ..- ft . r i ...' .m.. Mitia va iMna WA..nf f 4Li wu,5f 'vy.j'rv-9'je,v h" t Also, on baud! Hair.t:lothkPai)!W,Uajttlnga,Ha'f. TrriaikaciibftwishaUj aell the llonse and t'Ok - oining the Covero- Cbaa.-JJar."?, Zti7 The (Wiioriih4Q(eetbrr3ty S3,hM, ' Wr roome with fire-places, a paasaga in tbe fj.l Jle - ;WTOlrWfir "W. back.w mo-t ple-nniy artoated,and surrounded by an orchatd of wellf'-?c . tad)ed. the SaiokeHonre ana Kitcbrrt cf brie, t r.3 e- moatcpiMrspirttiia an. the prerawea.wi :q f .1 i-:5frti-ft,;rf - - - M'-tW Tb tract, on which it U ailuatedl conlama Twc-fy ' ... '-i.jv;'Liia.j..ri.i Shuck. andJMaUs Var- - Oct 2 fSj.vr-;4r..ttrJ,JJ 85 am ffntSiR Snhscriber iaW tHbberiyo ferTng V the' dtiaeria nPRileiilf'tbat Waati&tfyon riTUaric'Mrg6ytt iaonbf Utieenatt tHitalaal hiaOyat-f wSU W01 iff fP!!iSS mMiiim . -Rn inn eiiH win- irw w vnn'vviiiivHja ai WaVin tAvfc0VsW. "1f i1n:4to&ion!jTiie-i tlvW. ahdW ?hi mfca rt ahitold Tdecive' rhetubl.c ... . . M. , ..t.J L. .i,I ui:c4)rtsU-lUvraiaf an namriresttx i,w.i feajrt! wiU,.f)artpM- PtifllilWt''.'i r. .t;m! AtiMi'in tht nanersi " t te -x,l , 86fil'efettelile,S neaVly poaitb tb Pdai'Offica ''Tirtnavm&6datjr one and twoesra rrv r Gonda bertng1nteNt; j0HN BUFFAL07i " 4 AugUatoMiMi :t i-.iiVr M . i ii.T, ... at uViiiiil jt Mitt i ia '. ii , s ,i , -. -r .-..-..... ::i .!..: . . .a... i . t?- felaveU-TWUivill be Ubouleavrvf,' cad U' " . airyebf nbatttntkn".of J peraoiM d3iKa . .:..-. ".j. -.-.. i.-. . nrf r u t-- , jl w- . - w - -. ?' yS-g- mfftma,Mu it.-j.iri,T .mm uii,i .... J utensils will b disposed oVa&d tba.fr tanU:. r Praon,Visfeji tt: iSr" : . j- eahuwJKiUingpr Manafacturir g in t" f . ; Carolirta, aTe par Uculariy loiUJ- ta lands. A ihet ara.believed to tr. J r"t c fk T .- if .!... . 1 duce-CnWitt'altlbeeteperU. , . j iinrdin:Hhiaiielgblrt.o&J f.r . 'r'. iriia fot tha excellent' 'wells of VVfc-;f v, . , r. ' ' '. . . ..4' . ' - . S

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