lis S V '. r 7 f -if 1A f 'V ?jr. L..j. : w.,lf I . .?.U -lTKt, tV.-.iV VV, iJ-V'.': Y 41" H' ' v - - "i 1 iijiiJi" r i tr r . - ' . if ii.'i ti I-- mill -r.iii J" iii-i ' -ei :'v in.4 ii in ii - ! " 'ii 1 1 v?.. r , iiimii t-ui r i - t i i-1 v v x r " 1 1 i it i ii i ' I i I ic i 1 1 1 -i i. r. i ii !-..( tniiii ?'-. .lilt ... . in Mil . . ii I ill . if ii ii r . ill , ii i ii i ill,. ii m I i i i v X I S-W 11 I II I II . Ii II III,. .ill III '111 II I i ' 111. ' I HUT L liri! In , i II It M I lil t.. Ill Jlf v-i, i4llr f ! 1 wi.-JJ I . '1. . . Jl. TK II V ' II V11 V 'I II Vi.. Ii. ..111.. II il ' 111 111- 'II VI.,- II Vm II "" III - lil II 7 111- I . . Ji ii vj . t ;i 7 fit "ii 1 . t '-,'AK. ft - Ss.'.- --i n SMI sjSj sj iMiipi ii i i pi i in i n ii mniVi i L-- 1 -n rm-wrnriri iTr""" iwiiiMMiBMjiiiijiiMLLil-i YL" - - ' : "i ji vir-nrTi-;- - pri r-r r -rr- - - r . -"J.- : ; :r, ,- S sl!!f!SSl!!l!mt'!m'S'imBmm'm oitw 1 5 1'lH "i'JP S CTBs.?Rir,TioJs--Fi v Dollar pr annum ualf in 1A.0T BRTI9 bmk rFgx,. e vet Sixteen Ltnci, fit inwrtipa Onp Dodui j ewib ui)Squem insertion, liOURT URDK ami JUDICIAL ADVE&T1SKMKNT4 HI iTciiafgWS'Wif'odnU higher i but I tledoction 4 r pi 4t i:i win. w y i uc nutitruui me regmar prices, f6r adverri&aWe AavortisemeiilirisrtetTn the S khi VmmVL!r RtGiSTKR, AvjU als5nffifeaT in the WBEkvir Pir CO- LeueraWtiCdhbr must be PICA KS! CIO A BS!lftX'BSU . more bnAKDhtTirSii,Ls XmTR would wpectfntly .'infoittTthe' CitfxetwVif TyTV he Jutt weefcred fmh supply f.tbU iV V .naleih. and the J'ublic 'rener-livl that te V luauie weuicine, wmctvu recomnMuded haVe owned a Ciar ManufaclorT in flateiih. where Prn whom ihey ha. eund pf Uon CAZADOREa, LAKORMAi HAVANA, Tellow, and pommon J-'?f ra of ali 'k .nUi Asthma. Goqt, Rhtumatiaia.- .Nervttus Djeeas Liver Oom plaintiypluriy Inwar ; Weakiiess, peprejpsion of Ileal thy location for Sale INTENDING, diHirig the preaeoi month (Novem ber) to remote. tb a6bop.ia Naah.Contr; I will Kcltn aecoiqmodatiitg lerHab, the Premiae . whew Ii now reside. The Tracttf Land contains 270 Acrba, tyingoft both aFJea of thel'arboro' Stag iHead, 17 miles from Raleigh, .and immedialety adjoininA-1. FoatevV Griit and1 Saw MHiay wa Little It ier. The Land a a body fi goodleantatningagobdpropottipn of well timbered Wodlandy with several fresh 64da., Tbe i Dwelling House '!- bammodioait, containing 4 rooms below and J abate Stairs, with 2 Piazzas, as 4 Pantry and exccIUmt Cellar. ' There is a good Kitch en, Carriage-house, Stable. &c. ' With nerer-&tf-iag.Well of pore, water juat ta hand and an JOfchaxd of well selected Ftah.(' Irhe :'locatreaiis healthy and the 8oeiety obdv i tr. , Post a r's Mill; being Jer tised tfr bet sold h (Raleigh Monday Che .I6lh Decenv be, to: any pewbnV wwhrng lo buy theji ills, there is iiow an ofpertunitVf.toying Land and a pleasant i evidence just at hand Apiy to ihe. Subscriber, ot to Aogcstu J; FesxaaV Wakefield, WakeNmr; -tWMj-MARTIN CRENSHAW. Wake Cm 1844. iW4tv ; Standard 4. VHikkAi , ,r teiUiaj RICH JANCYt AND MILLINERY mrcci. irim- xew xorK ft&tt Fhiiiacipuia. i liars Horasiiir pectfatly ' Tnlornis the .Law die that he'is iif, full posses sion of her ' Palt ' and ' Winter tGqoda, which are of the most ''fashionable and richest styles. .These good hve been par- chased since the grcal decline, which will enable her to offer great inducements to purchasers. ' 8he in vitM the Ladies to call and examine for, themselves. Also, the latest fashions for Dresses, Dress Cap's and Head Ornaments. Her assortment isynuch larger than usual and embraces too many articles to enumer ate in an advertisement. ', Oct- 28, 1844. 87- geril 'iMsortmliit?of .1 XJnewuig Thafcco ; .SpPwM Maccouba, Cungres'"' I '-rRappeeand Scotch, WAooping Cguiosej. ,vCborhoe tMpr: Snuff, Cigai! Case-pGn fJierfarticlesT6 &?!?yft JJP the Ihwwhich ef ateir'irorkrieesi by he XgMfWx whojexle and nWM&tl otdem U.ankully receded, LM tr $Wt Whlte andaitoided to witbdUpacb. , ,r , j; tnirWyeatanUiag, f nrehaaerarand the lover U good Cigar ajid Tp-1 f""' irT fW'T,n-w ba, wm always bernwbwitb the be Wled to the taste of the, connoiaseur. Call and try TT"1 91 rWW6 . KICAlJSK Ar MTT l.tell'S I-how, riaaaauyiia, owr. a ' Also, urandrelh's Liniment.' for tores, aweHingi, at July 22 KRAUrftl & MILLER'S, Fayettevjlle Street, opposite the City Hall 59 wounds, f.,: at 25 cents a boitle. Tlir are A genu for sellTng the ahve in every Couiy in the State o , -WILL: iPECK, Agent. Raleigh. Mayl4. l844. . 1 30 -ly rr T Western Merchants. SCHOOL DOOKS! SCHOOL. BOOKS!! lURNER cV HUGHES, "Condnoe ip Wp on ' lini ah Hmmnaer, stck of trainable - School Bookjii consisting in partof the following! 'a : - A;4l. U. Book i Primeraand Spellers of various kinds j. ' Arithmetics.' variety of authors.. Common tnd classical Readers Geoerauhv and Atlasra of different sixes and kinds ; B. D. Emmersen's series of Common School Readers, published n Boston and t'ndefpbia, eonskBting of 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th cUss Readers : . and' the Yoonff Reader Emerson NA . ntbmeiie, -parts lstr2dand 3d. and aIo ths Key. luoP VVines, Ac.sraong which art the following - - , . ' . w i i . ... iiin m. n Bmmersqns.1 tt Z- . -'wawn t TbJs series W School uBeoks of D. D Emmerson fcre too extensively 4uurwn in North CaroUna, to need aary ssaommswilatien nam a as woAnuodocedthem luto-thtt State about ten years sinoe, and ihey- are Dow in general nse Ukronghoat the 8ate. , We hav,e ALL the series of Book used in the , Common and IJwtrict Schools of the city and State of New York : and also a great variety -of Common and clspsical mies in the Unitetl States particularly at our Univer sity at Chapel Hill, and the colleges and Academies throughout the Stale of i. : Carolina. ; Also all of eter Parley s series of Books ; RneeUV Hisioties of the United States, Greece .England and France, Grnushaw a Series of Histories and - School . Books. ; A nthon's series of classical Wboks; also Sunday School Books ; Dictionaries, &c. 4 c If you need any School Books of any other kind and wish to pur chase Cheap, just transmit! Turner & Hughes' North Kail Koad Io lice. U'.-v AN; Adjourned GeneraJ. Meeting of the Stockhold ers in the Raleigh and GasUm Rait Road ,Com janyr will be Jeld-al the X )ffice .of t the Comptndler, in the City of Raleigh, on the 4th Monday oC No vejoober next;; A punctual sttendance,-either in r son of by ; prioxy-, is particularly" requested, as busi ness of great importance to the interests of the Com pany fs ex'pebted to come before the meeting 1 pp'T8i Fi PATTERSON, Pres't. K. ec ur Kail noaa utneej u ' 5 Ocbber:23, 1844; AiS:i - To Southern & Jarvicrymseu&geumond, , Wbolesale Grocen and Conuiiisxian Merchants, v No-Bl, Front St, New York, AVE constantly on hand, and ofler for sale. either for Cash or approved eredhv a large and carefully selected assortment of Groceries. Teas, Li- Sl Croix, Porto Rico, Cuba, and New Orleans, with' double and aiagie refined Loaf and Cruahtd. COFFEES. , V - Old Government Java, Rio, Laguira, St. Domin go, Cuba, 4. , TEAS, . . - Hyson,' Young Hyson. Imperial, Gunpowder, at. are. used in alllhe schools and Aeade- Souohong and Pouchong, compriaing all the different qua,uues, m every variety or packages. . , LIQUORS. ' r Seignette, J. J. Dupuy, Otard Dupuy A Qo. Mac Glory, Cbampaigne and a : variety of other French Brandies, with St. Croix Rum, Jamaica Rum, Hol and Gin, die. WINES. Madeira, Pale' Sherry, Rrown do. Tenerifli, Port, Malaga, Muscat. 4"C. a full assortment of eaph kind. GOO DS.10ROG K RI E& CH INy JEWrELEUY; iOvNBj bf khe-Partners of the firm; basing just rei Hjtornrd from the Worth, has brought with him a larger aittl better supply of fjresh Goods, in the above branches, than has heen kebt in the establishment heretofore e all of which,, in prices and quality, aire weli worthy to: be 'recommended ' to our. numeroos puunr, wenipicrj wen auie toseii as low as any Store in this Cilyi ' ' v ; ; , ; i f ' i5 Rt4'f..i - - OR F GOODS- N . '- An shlirely fresh assort inent,h rspeciaDy Clalicoes Handkerphief, Woollen Goods, Gloves and. tock inga Muskrat and Seal, akin! Capst Sheetings and Shirtings, etc ' " "'. FAY dQODsV HARDWARE i CHINA ' Fine ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, latest fashion, artificial Halr,v Lkdiea Faney and 1 Work ' Boxes, Writrhg jesks,- Baskets; Snaftbbxe from '5 cts te 3 fQ i I' Bvelliriff ; Bags., Thermometers. Walkioar Canes, finest Raiors, . Shaving utensils. Dirk. Peir and Pocket Knives of. great variety v Scissors ; n very large supply of Pistols, Percussion caps', Shot and Shotbelts, Bird bags, Powder flasks ; Couon nd Wool cards, pafpiit Balances, : Sifters, AWls Shoe thread. Spurs, Cloth, Teeth, Hair, Hat and Shoe brushes SJale. Fk4ung Utensil. Looking-glasses, varions , sizes, Coffee-mills. Pins, Needles, Purses, Pocketbooks, Night 'IW.4, Smoking Pipes; Twine, Corkscrews, Whips, Pencils, Buttons, plain arid painted Mugs. Mohair Caps. C!eks, Waiters, Lamp Glasses, Tumbler. Bowls, Plates, Cups and Saucers, Dishes, Pitt-hew; Cocoa-gourds. eupos Iamps , fRESUj CONFECTIONARY dc GROCERIES. TO SOUTHERN TttAVELLIiRS. vfJ--Vt$J ' rinHE Proprieibrs of the Suge 14nes from Colum- JLL bia, S. C. to Raleigh, N. C and the Rafeifch & O as ton Rail Road Company, take' this method of in forming the public, that thev have reduced the fare for ..... .... - .. . . . al through tussengeri taking l heir route, to the fol lowing rat eto wit : '"" v" j Columbia to Gaston. ' 4 ":"tj6& Cafflden to do ! I6,TJ0 CheraW- ' J'ffd ''.;rI.d- Fayetteville do ' ' 6,0 Intermediate points. South of Fayetteville, in the same proportion. ' -. . . . . Ineabove rates are considerabiy less than by any other route; snd the same expedition is afforded.. I Passengers leavirig any of the above mentioned points .and taking this roote, arrive at' the Junction. etghtceeu miles North of Weldon, befbN those by any kl a " oiUBTfine.. " . ':4'':C (TT Travellers are . par icularly cautioned against believing the slanderous reports circulated by intere ted persons agaihst the Raleigh & Gaston Rait Road. Hairing undergone extensive rt-pairs, and ireat ira provemenU in its machinery and Coaches within the last year., it is passed over with as much ease and safety. as any road in ihe country. ' ; persons, desirous of taking the Portsmouth and Bay route to Baltimore, can do so by taking the Stage line at Slxdok's (near Gaslon) and passing over to Weldon. a distance sf iwHve miles, where thev will Annect with the Trains on the Portsmouth and Roan oke Rail Road, No additional charge is made ' for the Stage roote, as Passengers are taken from K.,.. I r 1XI . oka it r L r llfii...'. tl.: . . . r i. wiP(vwninuiuKi , H. tresn fancy ano "--" ' w umiuuwi, m iue mug pnee as irom tbef Candies. Soda, Butter and Water Crackers, Weldon. - - Pilot bread, Sugar and Ginger Cakes, best Puis An- i (D Travellers going South will be taken at the pie & other Cheese,Smoked Salm'on.Scbtch Herrinc aame rates between any of the points above mehtion- Sinoked Tongues, Sausages.Figs, Prunes, Date, Fil- ad. . Those wishing through ticket going Sooth, can berU.Pahn, Wall and Cocosnula, A lmonds,Preserves, procure them at the Office of the Petersburg Rail Road Pickles, Brandy Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Pepper- Gompany, Petersburg, Va , or on the Raleigh ahd sance. i;nocolate. XV os. I aud 2. Macaroni. Currants, uaston Kail Koau Raisins,! Citron. Nutmegs, Liquorice. Cinnamon. Mustard! Starch, Tea, Olive Oil, Sperm and Tdlow ! Candles,r4Soaps, white.' yellow, variegated, Caule and perfumed ; Chewing A. SmokingTobarco, genu- j tne frincipe and other Segars. Scotch and Mrs. Mil ler's Snuff, Canary Seed, AlUnice, Pepier, Black ing, Indigo, Copperas, Logwood. Madder, Lamp and ivanuiewicks, Apples, Urapes, Jujubepaste, Nevvark B . L . McLAUGH LIN , Stage Proprietor. E P.GUION. Do, . W. HOLLI8TER, Sopu R. & G. R. R. To. August 20, 1844. . , . 67 TO THE NORTH a Link: Raleigh. N. C. I w m'S' . SSvl SS4 W4SSa vs svas) Sjia g V a " I , mm m . 0 a. whsSft amir yottr orders or call at embracing alt the different qualities. " Also, Principe Cider, A,le, Porter, 200 bundles Cotton YarQsWuck ih Carolina Baokatnre. and Havana Scgsrs, Indigo, Pepper, Pimento, Cassia, ets. Brooms,- Whale and best Sperm Oil, &c. TURNER d-UGHES. c dx. ' GENUINE PORT AND MADEIRA WINE, g2 Tp Merchants, ordering Goods from New York, , I told only by the measure. the very: Newest ! Tf AUH3S M, TOWL.ES is now. daily receiv qL ing his Fall supply of seasonable DRY GOODS, which he offers to sell to Cash or punctual customers, as low as they can be afforded in die market. All he asks of his friends; t not to be deceived by out-door proiessions oi coeapness, ouv iw can auu uiiub uia Goods at the counter. , " " Oct. 10 s 82 we would say. that all orders -entrusted to our care, I j PBRFUMERY will be executed with promptness and strict Vulehty, I Olto of Roses, Macassar, liears; Antique Oils, Po and every article sent away shall be exactly what il I matum, I Cologne, Florida and Lavender -Waters, purports, to be. Liberal advances made on consign-1 Shavingsoap,Essences, Opodeldoc, Bergamott, pink menu of produce. Feb 6.1844. 12 ly GREAT ATTRACTION ' Extraordinaif Bargains at! the New Store, TUB -'Subscriber is constantly receiving from the North fresh additions to hia already splendid Stock of Dry GoodsT which he now'toflers tafiell 20 pecet?lowet than his former prices. Ifis Stock consists ih part, as follows : , ; ; Cloths of everrcolori"trom $1 00, 1 50, 2 50, 3 50. 4 50 to TOO -i- Extra fine Casiraere' $a75,ll 25, . I' 50. I 75, 2 00.!2f50'-"' i-rA..r!.y-i V v Fine SiTSr and Cut 'Velvet Vestinsf 1 50, I 75 2 00,' 2 50, 4 00 i ' ;! ' - '' Saiioeta, ill co16rs,yt50, 65, 75, 85, 1 00. A large lot of Kerseys 20, 23,127 et. ' " Linseys 14, 16; 28 cti. ' " Y ' Ued Ticking 10, 15, 20 cts " - rf. 5 Bales Brown Cotton cloih 5.6J, 8, 9, IjO, 12 j. 2 do ' d Cktfton.Oshaburwa 9, 10.. ' ' SirbeVtdf aoubldUhd single Mill tFlannel 18, 25, kj, -v, iv. - , ; , . jr.t-;-, w Red ahd Yllortr do25. 30. 4 IfA " Heavy Point Blankets for servants 60 70, 85, l tX; Creat attract Ion rprtlie Laclics t Extra : Rich Chined,Ecbisei'r43i .55i'f;65, 100,125.' .: ' f'v'f:.'-'' ' Chusans and Crape def sines 20, 25,' 30, 35, 45 Rich, new style1 Silks 65,"75,' 85, 90, 1 00, T 25 Alpaccas,-ktriorors 35, 45. 55, .60, 75, 1 00 v 300 Dieces rich Chintz' Calico: 5,r6f, 7f 8, 9,' 10, i2,a5a82oKh Shawls pf every siae anOf.price ;, Velvet Potota Ladies Freneli Kid ; Se.wing Silk Spool Cottony Pins; Colton Cord ; a large Jot of lJr siery t Coat-Trimmings ;Damask. Table, Diaper Rnacia Tianr r Froncl Napkins; fine. Silk: and Cottbo' Uhibrellas,' ficc i together with a beautiful rfrnenr of Hl f " m"' YJAPffiA nthTfch he resoectfullv aoricits the Cit!zeps'xf Ha. IrifrH knd its Vlcinityyto call and examiner before iViiTifUainir Elsewhere, as his Good are much inwM'than" the Market prices. ' ; n-irrj? kniicrbt froni fne. that do not suit the buy.ervijl. ajay8 be exchanged, or-re noney FALL AND WI NTER. HE Subscribers take pleasure in informing the citizens of Raleiffh arid the surrounding country, that thev have received their extensive supply of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, adapted lo the Fall and Winter Trade, ii comprising a well selected, and general assortment ; anu emDracing aimosf every arucie wauauj ae ui simihr .establishments. We enumerate in part .- SUk and Worsted, Milts, t Vienna Hoods,' Silk Gir -dies.-;'- - ;' . Saucers. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTSi Finest Violins, bows, strings, bridges, screws, Fin gcrboards. Guitars, Flageolettes", Fifes, Flutes, Clari onetts, Accordeons, Brass Trumpets. - j STATIONARY. 4 Almanacs, Primers, Spelling, Picture! and Sog Books, Geographies, Key of Heaven Catholic ) En Notice to Travellers going North, via rortsmouth and K. R. Jioad and BayLine Steamers. f V TE. would respectfully sUle to the travelling V V public, that we are disposed, and .will carry them as cheap as any other line, to Portsmouth or Baltimore. Our Road is run over with as much success as any in the country our Boats on the Bay are of the first class, and commanded by experienced and attentive ry Goods, Hardware; truUety ? ttfwit Y '--w f WICKER -B0FFlLb New ' Ofltalngr and Famny'GroccriesVl sos the following ai tides . Drv finaiTB. ..r...o, waNiuiciCT, oHf(Fuavasijnga, xventuCs y.J o Jeans. LinsOT.WjOulsev JCcrsera.' and. all inuu. -,m ' F;MdPpm "4 W Cashto.fs.ilf Ecpssefc Merinos,. MouslinJ tr. . , v t : a Saddle Blankets, Bed Tickfeg: DiaperAprpn Checks; ! Blanket ahd ?N. bawls'. silk and eotfonf r .v1it4,J t Handkerchiefs: Pliis. nacl .s.ndtioVfl!'!V:', pocket Handkerchiefs. P)ifj8, paca .and poundilVee: dje Spool' Cotton, all. pumpers i Comtorts Gloves,1? Bbsotest ahd nara'-Heail'lrjhas ; l?eaily5 made Clothing, and man frtfcles iia .the ' Dry poods line, be tedious' to en umrattMT jU v.u . uu, u tfu lid ii i if r ! ... st, pen.'shoe and butcher Kn? If ntata anii '1 Shears. ftrtanra uira V4hMM,v.-C? 1 Pock Forks: Chains; Trade Chain.; toQ Currycombs i-'AwU' lui vyiiiscis, queers, ijim; Citts - i .,. . :T4bsnd118Nbhs MilU-eioss4irCtn.i saw Fifes 'Knitting Needh-s, ; Hinges,' Lasv ... I .Mr? " 6wnw,irag ana snorvnandied yirig Pan Coffee Mills, Blacking and Shoe-brush-If rNMs and.!roh4 tbgethhkaiiasthai - .. ..ii .-.7." vmw iu uin una., j , !.. .5fftJ8f-JMl r!Ari.vt Crockery and 'Giflbwcrfe, 1 Cuds and Sancara. ail Itimt lli.rwJ rf-t - i "d I. kind J t'ilp Pktes, Pitchers, Mugs Amblers, est? pressed and plain 81 1, stands, Pepper boiea, bowlivU all stsnr alsd, Banma'Castojs. nCslUndexkUnay'. for yourselves, for. we hive , a good assodhient f'f ' '"j -i.',' Y tSaHHcerlesi. r.m : U ,ff";-i-.iw Sfjffsf, brown. loaf. and refined ! CniTe. t.i2r guira and St. DoTningo -VMs4efvSaIt(Giro aiuw anu Liverpool ;neese, Ooapt Of .H Jundif Candles. Tallow anu Sperihi Powder, tad and Shot, won-bound Buckets; 'Bedads li Plough 'lines i Hats, Caps; Shoes and BdoU f Lecher, Aole sWd -Upper, Herntock ahd Oak-tsTi Shw Thread, IndigS i Blue, Copperas. Madder, Camphbh feakbt(rk Salts, Spanish Brown, 8alteatusvr.Peppefgblea, Gin . gef, Horse Collar-, Wagah Wbipiy Horse Cards and 4 Brushes, Cottbh Cards, Coflee Potk Writing f apefr , vunijjosBHOH rowuers,4vasior tJiJ inatanJf vinegar, SnufiTobaccq. Brihistohe; DrawttigJkiaves, Axes, Hoes and every, thing of this sort nrosUv kent. , ALSO. Bacon and Lard, Meal and Corn Peas and Oata. Flniir. Pi ndrall kJnda of fcoiihtr, broduce. wm b take In Ut ter for any. thing we Ut4m:fA i As we are determined lo sell as low as in nt Broad Cloths v CMlmeresy '; 8sttinetts, Moleskins, - $. Beaver and Pilot Clotbs, Kentucky, Vs., and Glas gow Jeans, ' White,' Red aud Yellow ' Flannels. Bedticking, A pron checks, Brown and Bleatued DoV nwsucsv Canhmeres. paccan. Coach Walking and Repairing SiXHE Subscribers would respectfully announce to Mi' the Citizens of - Raleigh, and the surrounding country, that they have formed a Co Partnership in the above business, and are now prepared to execute all orders in their line. They flatter themselves they will be able to give general satisfaction to all who may patronise them, as they have in their employ an ex cellent Blacksmith from the North, with other work men engaged at the different branches, and being themselves practical workmen,, they hope to give gen eral satisfaction to all who may give them a trial. .... , . ... JOHNSON dt, HARRISON. Raleieh. Anjr.19. 67 graying! Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, Inkstands, liiM 9f ,ne gf D 1 earns (between Sledges and4 powder Sealing-wax, Letter-stamps, Wafers. 1 "uon' nnies,; areoou-r-anvers rfDiigmg, ano Fencing and Boxine AnDaratvs. the road fW rW.?'.. ,y rest as- Fols Swords, Gloves. Masks, Hats, Breastplates nothing shair be wanting on; obr part to I GAMES. Y . their trip plMsalit andsafe.-; ff; ' We shall not be governed by what may be charged make Ai'iu b ,a yuwi;tiu lit umim iimiiiiim mm m mjrm .a pin. Cup and Ball, Graces and Battledoors, skipping KSf waJBton ;W"' wtoat ne ronea fiollet rr " is charged fronvWyon.- -.-.i. X ipwp'Iprv1 Fare at present from Sled(tea,; to. BaltitnoTe, .' 4 ,. t Jr. wt,ut,r.Ki. (meals included on the Bay Boats.) Fineigold we as german silver, and v Zl 1 1 JJ 'JT j . - ' n i. , : c. o :i . Should any further reductions be mad by our op- pulbU'ai.a i wii asipiiir) ui-iiii K ' "vi iff a is (Tj Also, on hand, for sale, ReaJy maJe Carriages, Cashmere D'Latnes. Te-1 such as Buggies, Barouches, Chanotees, &e. . - i - - . . . -i, ...... . sans ponents, with a view, to divert ; the travel from this comfortable and exrieditioqa Toute, w ask the travel to come over to Weldon tnd they Will only be charged from Sledges' what others pay from this place. Our not defaming: the upper route, I am satisfied, will not do violence to the feelings of the travelling ... . . . n ... ..... . IMUJIMUIIII1 . ... ..LW1IHH VIT KOUIO. . U MSrDxiuinming inpsrums, atur, lneunii0 Bre patronage .is not sanctioned by the mouth Organs. Harps, Trumpets. Magic .Lanterns, I, , , - .- , Paintboxes, magnetic Toys, false Faces, Cannons, aa . . mam mm m - w ger-rings, inimnie i aile ami I ea opoons, ue get I Knives and Forks, Metal Combs, Tea Bella Spectacles, Belt-buckles. Kiys, s Ti . Mro , . . lUlO.' ... .. A large and choice supply as Printing Presses, painted! Children s 1 runks, Wheelbarrows, Bureaus, As we are determined lo sell lis low aa mn m ishineii0nttheC.ity;W(. Buare or puouc pairpnage, -- i nanaruT for the enrobr agemehl we have already rec4tved( We hbpe;, for closet5 and diligent attention to business,' and Ir) seUitignly 1 good articles, still to merit encouragement snd supv ort. w u , i iogpjT M WICKER?" 5w ! " WiitAtkfirrwYttTTtK vsh s Raleigh, Oct. 84. : j-- ALE X A Jii ft ft A- fXh' . no Class If 67 41, for!I844i P s ti Tr be drawn' at AleiahdriaD: Mtitim '0.281844 ltto l:i' 3 prize of do do" - do Chosans, Mooaelliaes) Seeond Mourning .Casb-J .xneres.KO.t i' .u' lilk BombaJnes, Cotton Oznaborgs, Suffolk Drills; S&'Ste Plaid Linsays.Gala PlaUs.Uo. do. do- j .SUk. Damask DiaperpamasklCbamelrbn 4; Brocade do. r. WASHINGTON .AU-is8s.---.--f KcanAT.sTC,.;E .Ther t'-.tteeribers respecUuIJy anion 5.1 rnla mf ' , ? t i ft ir . ixn.iLi, hi - of-Kaieien an'i "... y i us : m--KTiaCen the OlifHaf .Stand -CJ wt 'of (heVarlce flbt, .er may htr. fiwinit general assortment ol ats" ana si, Cn.1i . .1 (Hr.Fim. of .all Kinds. . . .f !SrifA;wjvE . " Tl ."rr liw fTAr North . of thevlPavst.t)taes .11 0 bAr for (ie ansurng yWs 8 APP110.,1 it Metitra W tf .'PETER BHUSIESl iitZI " ay aar-J-r-- 'YaWasTviWiil A nrtlitfstloa ; will . be , jnade the Corded and Imperial Robes, Silk, Worsted and Cotton Hosiery, -i Cambrick and Furniture Dimity, Silk Lacets, Shawl Pins. Thread and Bobbinett La ces, . -.' Green Baraze, Bl'k Thule, Bonnet, Cap. and Neck Ribbons, , Fancy Gimps and Fringes, Csmb'k andv Swiss , Edg ings, and Inserungs, . Kid, Silk and Cotton T OlQvea,V; ,t ,Kv, Bracelatts, Jfecklaces, imlmtn other vobds which we deem unneccssarv lo snecify.'.l'he PoWie are mvited call and ez itiAinU oar Stock before supplying i themselves else- Where as we are determined to sell at Ibetowest pot t6fc"ritofsWfcti';rH;.Mi5- Vtr ,o '; .i-,r.; next doer , above. R, Smith's 'Towels,' '' Damask and ' unbleached ; Table cloihs, Rdssra and Bird Eye Dia-j per, ' . - '. ', rwh Linens, Long Lawns, Bishop & French Lawn, Plaid, Swiss and Jaconett Mostins. -; s L: C. Hdkfe. (plain and hemst'd.) Garment a and') Furniture fpiirrts. s ':! Black and: Wh.ite Mourn- wst Prints ' ; ; Cashmere - and .Scotch Shawls. f.Ga iee Fancy Cravats, Microscopes, China sells, Drummeis, fancy toys, and all sorts of Dolls, ff ar am nnr tftm j u. w . at j. uuimivict, j Corner of Fayetteville and Hargett Streets' RaleighVJnly 1.1844 96 fllODACCO ASD SEGARiS. Supeiipr O J. ronoko and Aromatic Tobacco. ' ' " . GENUINE PRINCIPE 8EGAR8- And sop ply of fLondon Porter, for sale at the Drug Store of WlIlilAMS, MA X WUUJJ C UU. Octpber 10, 1844. , . 82 s 1;HE FINAL, RESULT. rtTlHE Subscriber, having just fitted up (be fota- I, U bles formerty attached to the Cty Hotel, arid within 50 yrds of the 'Court Mouse, is now prepared to keek Horses by the day; week,' month or year, and is desfrous of keeping from 10 to 15 Horses, for the Members of ihe approaching. Legislature. He. also intend to have always on hand, Carriages, Buggies, Sulkevs andSaddle Horses, good 'and new, to-hire out at a moment's warning, for prices suited to the timno? -i h. orni.tiin nr ih NtniiiB. tn ifarii(.tcr Ol To supply the City and Interior Trade, by the Piece hig ftnd the strict personal 'ttf ntionW the Pronrietor. will be bound to Hive eeneral satistaoUon. I'cw Annuals, New Annuals Y -:' Y .FOR . V 1 KAjri' nnHE Illustrated, Book pf Chrutian Ballads, and I 'X- other Poems, edited . by Rufus W, Griswold, splendidly bound. ..-'. The Gift, a Christmas and New Years present with beautiful illustrations. . The Diadem a present for all seasons with splendid engravings-decidedly the richestAnnual of the ceasorf. Tha Friendship's Offering with superior, engravings and elegant binding. The Gasket The Hyacinth or Affectron's Gift, a beautiful Juvenile Annual, together with many oth ers, for sale cheap at the New Bookstore, 4th door from R.Smith. O. L. CLEVELAND. Raleigh, Oct 1844: ; ; 83. ,v ' Print Warehouse, : -i IN NEW YORK, l!Am'n.n. . Passengers are guarded against getting Tickets irr Raleigh through ' to Petersburg id. if they should change their route after leaving Raleigh, they must do s0 at -a sacrifice of amount paid to carry them from Gaston lo PCteruborg. . Fare from Sledges to Portsmouth, : ' $5 00 Fare from Sledges' to Portsmouth and re- - turn in four days, $t 50 WM. W. MOODY, Js , Agent Office Portsmouth ff R. R. Road Co., 7 Weldon. N. C.July 1st, 1844. . 5 64 10,000 1(11 d f 1) ijtfiOCh ,ooo waffi&vs ptiott . . v..? 8,0001 U do' b$;tiiimud:- ' 6 number lottery, drawn ballots,-Q dr Tickete 910-lfalves Stfartert feS'fiOjas Certifieaie of a packager 6f Xt whole ticketilltV.ilvy .Dot ' , : - do " 52 half i crdiii fiiSUnl Do, ; dff j gaeriaeMiTjtf Class No. 42. for 1844. a i . To be drawn at Alexandria, D, OJafGdayNdf, 1 priie of f do 1 do 1 do I do . f 30,0001 Jrif-S foM Y.6.000 Wriies'if'i)o5 " ' do - - &09 GREAT BARGAINS IN or Package, REJIIOVEP 'From 113 Pearl Street, 'to. 44 CED.m STREET NtAB- Wrtttui StkeeI. iJ Horse Drovers will find, at all times, goid accom modations, and ready sale for five or , six Horses, by imoudiate. application . ., ? 1 r J G. M. BUFFALibW. Raleigh, Nov. 1,1844. 8$-St 3,500 so: ; W.7I6r :SB?. 0tf Y .Y...&C, ..v&crf&cn Tiekets SlOIIalyej ,f $riarters Certificate of pac&agea of J&irhole iiiti$i(f ', . ' Do-; -do- ;.5'hajfe'tfv5;- Do,, , , dtf 0arte t Orders for tickets and. shws id ertL, tiles' ,,, packages ihe sbo splendid Lorrtes wi'.l receive' the moproiri'pt attenlionV and'an btcisj acconntof UJ UIKIIIIIK KJJI fUIIWUHWi;.UWI lb IB nii.r LJ ..... Who may order tickeirfrom'nsl, . Address 4 u ,-i - 1 GeREGOBTd6CO?Wana'sef7?.- - ' 0eteber- t. lM;frJjfrPtyip:b &wAi ' v . 6, 1844. Stoves TT Ul3 A '' BUETiySTER give notice to the j Dealers in Dry Goods, that they have removed their Warehouse far Printed Calicoesexclusivelyifrom , K: i 1 Peart td 44 Cedar street. - 'By comfining their attent r ieTJali; tibri to' Prints only ,L &B. are enabled to exhibit an 1 2d 01 December nriHE Subscribers havejiowonr band fecei-1 ortment far surpassing any ever before offered iri 1 inc. bv everv Packet, i STOVES . of I By ;de-I Atoeriis--and to'sell at-prices as low,, and, generally scription, comprising the best assortment ever nfiejred Umpt; than houses whose attention is divided among in Petersburg or soolhf BsJUffioreiig:-Cookvine large variety of articles. . f . ; Plate, Franklin's, for weed orrt coal, I0f t arlopf. pat- .TbeStockcprisirtaaCT terns, Vermont, Parlo,tCy Under, Air Tight, Sugar Colorings, embracing every warieiy Of ,; , Loaf and; Salsmandet Riovss . Box Stoves.-; of uf i a mhrtrAn and ForeJsn Prints ' ' su srzesv inciuomg me- is rgeat - . ' . t I . . ... . u .1 a h . ,J.K., W n .1 AJUUTClies or ouier wrgn roooia, aJHB-cij . . ..i-.Jii.-..l .nrl nttot desrribls for tbis market. STOVE. PJPEon;JiandlYJ iw - - - - ,,T 1 f , : I where.' excebtirt second bands, t vp ivi 4i ana inane w oTuevi..ri-evi.. i , 'ij it h( ... s ,-. Tt.;nn:. I ' Dealers toP-nota wiuT.nna loc ta Warp, i Japanned Walter FrtillJDibesr and many otheFBilicles fbrMbxBisekMPuig,wbieh,vi low at wholesale'or.retaiL '-i j ; i, 4-- uAfc,' tw stoonng. wawiriog .. yootu 1 " - " -fttea with everv variation And Ca b 1 n e t F u i n 1 1 ure atour Ware Roomx, aicchanlcs Hall, TTfmw HIGGIN CO ssaeIfs InStthe1 WW Gr-'-' Gkand Mdge of Kortn C llj F l.u,.l lnnuiiMliAii ttflli RniubLfldM nlol. in lb fftanOfnC t ?'",fV.r" r'rr5 I "rr"! bf North CaroUna. will be opened in the Mason- at naieten.. on tne luvenins oi . muumj, iu. i unus. uev nauer vuemstHves iuai . iu icember Inext.' at early' candlelight. 1 !i I Toffes aterindocements V pnrdisrsyfh'ia any eth W.T A. HARRISON, Grand Stertiary. ler H.e of tbekind in thwor the sinotnmg tsiatwrrf Ra1eigh.Get.26, 1844, ' .-i j GurPIASO.FOR brated New York and .Sofas and Chair-lbf diSerenU wlront. Mrrplee' .Of is'-eia&!iehnHW .lien innu. .lBn i uijuic ncccaaary out IK - r tsx&ed, the Smdke-House ahdKitchen 6T brkl, aAJ c SH AWLSCLOTHS.JP ASSIMHRES, well worthy the .atientW ; YeBlinas.laDcy Merino. rtaia. i fiioet i sm (nem(.Mwiui;iuir . rv v ! T..Y.. aJT -I- OL-i - .JTjrl ;.iloorialionoalv hddedi woiiara.: i ,1 . ' '-j n , r,t-i i :v 1 I Shock, and Moss Matrasses manogany ruioos, var- Two pieces double wove.lieavtur Ul.oln,! nbh, Ate. Ac. : M'6 TES are from t&e-urost cele- "Tr ;TV. ln 7 t :ZZr jZFtttM I rfw 'n trdbCon' hkff R iVVauiteo&aTris Twenty . n pi purcbarerrf. who. can otvl : - t -.s tOi'a!.-. ' I (Acrea, wi luciwun-ui.. ........ ----- --.; t.v-- 1 Ht and a few niecea Jaid trench .V el veU ;1, iriirs. 'which will 'be sdld lovr. dunK,)! v. trrnHB 'fir d -i.i-.H-4A. RAHMXM 'fc nU.f I U 86" 3m . Tern somtf IsMff etfi c. ; ITL bbhos beatrngipterest1 ? JOHN BUFFALO'V.r j . ; . . . -i. - . - m J , : v - .. . ' . ... : - 1 .u- i. . uaiaiocnes 1 ail iimis in in h mvuirr aim wn uts iwweai m" 1 . - .--.- ....'.. . .. . i.-i.. tu . lot tha Market. are Placed m UW nanoaoi pajera... t i m riaieoiM. f-.? - aI niW , . t ... 78- Ante iHiarM, aii Asna Mruis accofuinuuauoa as. a iu 1 ' r , . . . men is tbv country at New York prices.;, Strbscriber take W. LMJiWHW 1 .l-'-'B" y . , 1 meficatf nferftfin Gvsters dsilv direct from. Norfolk. - . . . . . ' a., -. ' ' a In order to prevent mistakes jus uystera- wui nt -iv. Important 6aUt'Sic4'ti i:ct 'jTt T l&a id dav of beeemberTieft. 1 ili t rini' UU PUiitiioa o the fat8".4Jodgeti Gsioi r1 -3r ' m 1 .Tul i-.l a. .:it Li . Lil.i .1 Jl 'd 'h liberty ef .inforniUlg t aewDBrefseTsw wawHi oi.,.aooqv 400 ?r rtha'bm ihwdav eor cnaesrsxn ' an 'ititi ,UWin ir Af" .":(t :i opposite Mechanic's; Ha&V. Petersburg Nov. d. .. f ' -- :' w "" imnW:1aeiSt Lot lately eeeupied by- AV J. 1 LaWrence.'Eso;. artaatea at tne corner 01 u mington and Martha atreets, is for sale 01 irent , ; The House eontainw seven rooms whh six fire- ULNI ext General, Assembly 4 A pass, an tAct, incur, poraWng jtlwTowst.of.s ?a.!J; f. Ti A R PETIN G S. A good assoftmerrt heavy in-1 places, a J is pleasantly ait bated' for femayfesU U 7'.rah'.Trira0i. narnetinirs. lower thanreTer of-fdenee. Possessiotf given IsnmetelrkA W , 4 T. .r?.-- Viiipo rnwT.v.a WIT.I.IAMS.HAW001 GO. eiebasiasi.- v-v.v v,-'- --trnLla j- 1 ai me same xime. ine- mov toca anu , t , . .. 7 11 M Tff'Ift''yA" inSute.5 8beitizflawilTneWaisfp etffor'saTe.;, -J , , rL,rid J- ! Hiusberough street, about aw.yards SIateTsT I intend fo orfbr onTy fresh persons, vrutlhg &pbrsne-1he busir.ess tf A -rr- Weatfrorn'the Gapiiolj is onebf tbepreaitotsst rtnfoSSS eukurS, KW.ot Ar.nuftUT'tngfn tLVpm . I , . lM situ-uW rn Riei?h. As it is presumed any parson gj J gjg JSKSB t aU 0 redV' Caroihia; re particut. Invid .Wis-. r furtherdesc ,f deW -. , thilrfiinit. Of tfi&, bowev,I. will TtZfT ' ' Rgb;-8e,Kem Vl ' Y TMfff 7TlMX&WtAt& iTiitctWitt vV.ter wL! . , f fered before. Oet. M JAMES M.TOWLES. 1. November 7 184 90 3t IflTJ tT lrTTMfJ Neatly executed at" Utia OSoo. Obl'ajettav'Sli & oppoaile the Port Office,! fcrdV v ft."' Tfedeiah- Osfc 2l 184. -!' d7 MJ NewUrvNev;ftS4d,stUA! mU MX. ilANLV,; i'r. x;?ja Jfll tnyi . . Monroe, Nov. f, V844; -! -J-J .1 7 1 '.it U J I ! .'