North Carolina,, gff , ' an i A message was received fr t)4IoV4M,teCounty Courts of Yaucy county, Commons sutin iWhnE recede tffWe,t f nd rffefteltjiciary Committee. proposition to prifA-tenxSukJ ffvr-iuiyifmiua- okl the Lersfnturfref tha H 1 ljxce Itf n - cyJheXftWni6rtltfaVrt;toh ppbsrttdti to-eVat WPE'vVfSaoWcry, UWSfiaoj?6r'lriim?thaf print five. ;. ' & T aiJcaoSJMsfiktwaarerr 4 tathe committee o$ nf M.inttromrv Sniiitvtrurhirh 'iva referred,' 'DroDOBtnerlnmixc i?wtrfr eleet cammittee of.iiie. -J - tzi v m w ti j- t , " t nondm2hi4ililU?aii(lectitiiikiilieS lilk'Dec .'onexty'tb eld:t4dffatiHi'tdipitoacAncye4 casiowed -b Thedeaiiyof John tDoreraan.f Read r- V5euie JUtTHW w'tiic reaw ivrun ctjutht w ""Mr. Juyncr presentod the following Resolution. is relates be referred ------ ; -... me wnts. &o muth as relaief MTOft JWWiMlJlii''i34;'it? could suppoxtthe adoption re aerrea to tneaiiMee o ucatwfiw fAh'a-otinty-WrnVmiiA sed its first reading RJ-,iU? W .a MlOJclTerisbn ip" rese nted ;Wl Id layof aiidi es4 tablielrtla'eaunty tob cUeO. 'PfMSMii JtrMt was referred Whe Committed much a relates to Aylwi,i'rejred toSeictiCyjvjP C,amme: -And tht miic r j rela.l thr UiAt-COmfn!ttee of ten, was iwiiunr. tn sA?Li(lnilit&r -V! Vl f I ih tih for the exootbtmarot bf Air. Boa-le nresenteua UTSl to lav oflfand esfab?r tiefee?ftrily, "ofirAltwi'fepoTts, jilt (I UrtevanceBi'i WtjU ... fcle9!ll4,prwt!MVJ8V''r uieuiia-,itavy,.Ts ; Asifca' received 'froiq th House, greeiriftt'tlinipos tkm trt ywtO JAt 12 o'clock for Solicitor orth'eS:'xih Judici CiuTt. The fol JovinggeNm:iri were thsn putrt' nomination, v z ? !lly tfootkV' W. Odio- Hai-iiiton C Jones,1 James O'-lforrie'am'RSD: I IIC OCIl4te IUCII HWI.CU tlO 1U11V1VT. BoydenCqwpe!,;Bkckery,,Ettnrt?EffieV l homoson. i amnasoBi- usou-vna ortah-sn:T.M Foik jmWk)Myiemt. .'Speaker, EHiotti Lindsay, Pharf, SfltiiUl-' amUiAVaikfeK Foa J.' R.: Utswdi. Messrs EaQon, Gwynu ... Ttr...'-ij.r:n,. - .: vo n w!-.f-t iim-Ari.':imi-j Mr. WI:fU.p?! I'TanklifisvtlXa Uaa Air. B inresente ' Which manrttrred to tiiWudiaai?yiCom Mr. JeSbn preaentedtlbildlprohikifeUies- levymaf i executions said cnJos'aile tm'atuL' rViMnmirtoo nftlKi. Jinltr- 'Fn 1t.ftTMtL-i.rx. AhAMftorrtlTUt1klfriirA fund set -anart for Commoiy; S-bouls '.ll? 1Yelvii1' filt 'Sg'ibtlft was preparedno meet it ; he iwou hi ihs- vj-Road? and that lie' saone o referred to Stlhhs, Btow, nayloerlwiiirli himihr l,;. ...,..;.,!. ... i. .,. , , h el .BJHJporalb ll a am y.inaaa TOjmwunw rd in the eouuiyrpf KandphtieiasurM. d-ra,Bilkraitffa(U:ujiilr. proposed ,to be.retereq.Ayotiia enattre a pimcttiir The Sen9tJreed toruit.theqljport of.!thef hV'wWWJse to Ijiy ff apeMr Treasurer. " m.mmm' licnuflty "by tbjaaineGTraham, out.of JQ Cpuu-? Mr. Halsfeaoitl-d BtltWtptect the PofUMrtreiief squurg, fW W aifriJoydeuwesenteo!iHJf waiter me uivi- tjwa.; mmnmmi Miimo'-'intuwc Eslou1It bweiVth- tbeSenaterlJnemg to taVbXj bn'HtTr.tH uiuttA ,ta;4lRtist.itri'' 4!ect ConimitteB;.fftve.oft;Ml4ary Agkrs " U i mnti&y&A r BoyleL meslr -ivaa'mt ' 1 b 1 be If 'pjpDf-ti' i gtfftfoM-election of J udfif.oertoT'CWrTlWDd Equity, to supply ytJip' vacancy occasiion by ihej resignation ti the I.Syi. jrederick Nah, on Mofiday next at 1 "Smjsi: . iv&aifc'g &if ctocK - Wiaii:: Tbe folbiiyteg RAsutioutifferad byxar was read aii4doptii;i 9M3iy-j, eMeArAWMiVoninuttee on tiijuaictary inquire iuu.jepujqcy pi gn Iaw. iuriiiiictiw of' equitable c uot exceeding ia amount the um of $53 Durooee ot- erectiu.? vSu. fidrme HosBital, which was, on .motion of Vifr. IlcHen, referpdtt9 tlie Committee on the Juiciary. - The hour agreed oil by the two Houses to vote for Secretary of Statej having arrived, the tlon. Wm. 1 1 1 1 1, the present incumbentrreceived the ... : . f..l..ts ,' . ,8HptTs1OF.fftap9kj Mr. Adams , offered a resolution proposing to fauns' abd " demands Bsndat messagd to the Senate to raise a Joint Se.l'Graves, Gee, Hawkins JUWt MUie.Puryear, leCtiOilbitteof threes to otBiaren the stotoa cast in August last for Governor of this State, which- vasarela3 '"t'r rj!iis t: t. ,. ''AMr.U'oin Jester offired a reso'ution in favor of XwiT.rZTerftrrffftnkeCotmty; which wiirWe!Ly ibfeaPfc'attfeniCOs f ; s sTIftfipeikMKkef-ehfi HtfeA ofnjma- " rtionmttt the TreasurecSiAhe XU? of t wntch, on m tiuftjiof tM&:Gttthri? wa8?jdipfiB3e'th; rani'prJoHitiaijseiitto the Senate to print said A' rei authdr-J IZI02 'the Clerk f o lurniii trac-ii iiimuuci h a nl-lMr1 last , li-jgishtureVifeat rchniembet;of tfterefjent 5:-M .bnftk'.4 i.;4irio Trvlariis." thereby eiiaalrng tbeioto act nibrVin Jerstandfng- iy iip iJi.tliWcwVii tbesVre: k ir'n.mii nil1, ill in ii in n a Ltf.ii wa i.isNt'w uv-wV Rir. riiiepard, iu sudlmiagrVeslift teredjpW tbfi history oupesejOjipers, . amreierreu tii.86uiiiinrun2-melaiinwMjnnciegwiui.uie flairedwhethef'itt5reinu,e(iitwcM)perapai . .. .Jf.tti.j'a r nit u(.i..v, " . - . .T.i UVH I J 9 i W V - to wniKff hMt rfifsrfedsojmach bfciMAoer - nor 'I'll n i.rWrfeilrbrilOdBd'Oltltete Oe - o tav ; - r --r . . - . a . t:ff a CotnMittee 6 VftiMmtmni atleliMhey. : a - . j j 1 . . m of the Mess-igekas-jtelates dates tAt;tiero&ee oonas. t . . t ri r . j 2 111 siJomt select comnuiTec. -Jrt.fHii Jr.. Moore adJresairifr the CEaif, sa Mc. i raves, 01 oasweu, ninuo puiu? iffu l'TlUISLlIIC L LU US. ill I mi " l I ker, Mr. Scafts myed that taitf!tio M oTYli,::: ' iheubte WmrtrirdMecrlotts forl bi decided. ..-.-.j-L ' 1 ',"jo (tvai joiol ? Ctfitmltfe $&9fowmito n.. my.t&vik! iAfM 1-4-Pmm1rr. leave of ab- V . , 7T71 '. v.-r j., , sauce was rotediuntiI iMpadty of xU . .U L-1 tloh Was aoreed to. - i -rf tSiie hdTr",Jrii Spejernn . 1 r a n 1 1 'airn 9 n J n nrt a r no n I ti. I hafi otrdrWfC .1 . . 1 157 s'MSjf-tJA.rtt.A r::,-' M For mtrodjreod ax Kesointion. wmcn .waMat read and-ftWilta,tlie CofmaHttee on uiatms, iSJlHQfftJt wax paid by MeMrsGaefiand' f inLvliV. eilrvov rf n Tract of Land, ft nr. wnvni" - j " r. - . $Ix.MYiIdre&aied a. aiemorial from limo. rrfoskif efrstmiem IW'I --' tT i.'t -ml r-v i Tj i -1 - -; u v. li w A i '-l - ?e4t4o t! lUiirft)adau4!bpir.fioaciai.i:tn 'AleOv to iraisa, 4omt iselectjcomjnjttee of, tJUrre i& th4 part U Mtmil?te&lQ& 8h4H be J'Awo.f -tv W'te tmirtB ot.-iwee ne pan of each floiise to wlr mi shall be referred so miich of '8ai.d,jMes8are as relates to. Wfuf Cent iaryi. TVBoTtrt rajse a crmrmmer pf three oa the part ,,(j jqu trt; ; . 7V-- -h -yg, ,bli lleliult9uf-offered by hia iehtifrW Ulifox with the Exception of the first. oertince htd taiiglit own, that the smaller the isiness and therefore and he would, r. fppV.!??? 1 hat Xlpf ciuynuttee pused . J;W olWioiiQiih :oave pefore tTiu, toM- trspf tbs JSI,aigravet iuPrtau9e,,iMh a-ipttojsibHjtieS; unkejlaikeuj on behafle.Rii RatM by the 'brate-i.vAIiV M. thought !tvkasj -. i- eirawe tanayetts coiqauiee asp ractic-. bie, 8f that the concurrrice in comnjitteihey. should be so fortunaie miht have a due vejglit, 'I', lC- tvtth 1he tiouse.tai proviaing ior uiese responKi bviitiefe; said 'MniaiippiH:attQU uf a portioo of ! be 'wcessary.v All - would klhuU Abnl, charge .constituents dellierihei'WijSiH'k mom. Tratomeritd. He" admitted, that erenera-Hy ,( 1 aite 'M6- hould'be H a compromise wit fi :'!Hn in L . r - ; t . "F hinf tti r.iMnmWi ri member of thlw HnR(. ' Iran honor Able ta 'bb-W meet hi j oV it'etHbar-, -S ," -.fl- . . -1 Jt . , V . . - 4 I t ndance of air.tbe:icbramitteeV tT6 6xctbe, propose to ainVuii ihei''ftV , , i ..fl'Jr r ..-lirtv.' a Mr. A t k i ns Her eu. aoJi 1 1 to amend an Act. rc lative to theiFayettevHIe RiSemeu. Read add on motion dfeMHawkins, laid on the table. A message w reced from the Senate, an- nouncing that the hour had arrived when the - iwo Houses agreed to vote ror ooiicuor oi uie cs.xtn i udi?Cifailt;ttod thVeWeTveqWyote on ..utMnanHuirin n returh-'bE Us? messenger. yberauivihe House voredV8'fottolf . . miu mtkUin . i.i.F4f HAKiiToxCi'JokES.-iMeff itdt9wlAjHme. Bareo, D. A. Baroelii. Barnes, BeamiwMWr'1- gers, Brogdtn' BWWuV'rBN fir S!'"' Collins. Cte,afFrt, VV. JDickspn, : jjO. Pjck son, Doak, lloutt Edwards. ElluaUjn. Gpljl.uig, Grist. Gmhrie. GuYiber, Hackney, Harasfca.rjison, Reinbardt. R'CrjajfdJn. H. H. Robinson, KM,-San. iters. Scale. SttwpsySfhaw,- Shepatd. Sihirti;'Si6fie, Street , VV liitevJ1Wttitetmf4t,,r!iL Wlliainws N . WiIsoiiTVWifc6i64. m&Jtt'l b.. ' -''For Mk OsBnitB. Mesirfc.iCJaytan,rt;l)uiin, Ei n tneriort Fng? jUeorga; HkirgUioO, Hy J JCe 1 1 -er, Kirk, Lemnio,;Uuleioifti -MeLMauPb4ix.Kul, Koane KobUMOUfVl hWu;: wfe wauaiu , Foil Mr .DoDGfu-refsrs. Brame, Brown, Runin. Church. Cunuimrham. Fleminjr, Gambill l aiiaierro, iu riii.inioTTv i -. -i iiiv n l- r n n 117 1 Fos Mr Guiox Messrs. Caldwell yatsA,,YV. Dickson, EhnoffhausynEaucelti e;Fyj i Iamrick,r Jacksun, Leathers, Mehifee? Mills PratUfrenttss ;VashmgtonrWatter-And ftlrSpeakef. 4tt ; Mr. aioore ofiared Brtto amenu me ifvieu to Ifpiidt?rson. asked leave to Dresent a Biir to car-, .? vji rrjrr ..fvT.T.-. r? . .kiju' .i ry out tlie' pray&r1 of the ' Pe titioners," hldli was read and rf (ejred ComnhnfJ'ropoai tions and Grievances." n. "... . .Mr.GambilL introduced a fiill for the relief of honi ! iiVA' lonesf Tn'solventt)ebtors, whicLwas referred to the Judu-iary uommutee. y ljrj jPbor? k mtrodecl ;BAlriaUvevto xe. culioiisT whicli was" xpferfed to the Judiciary iary b( :?Mrl Wad Waddill,- the House took a r recess to o u cjoch. . ,3 o'clock. cA)r. tjiiriiiguaus jcop4ic . -v!j' s- Admir inistratomrwhtch was reterrea 10 tne yom- 1 wra fuuivmiT. jiHsa?e fromitbe Senate transmitlm 3 un Hrvf flI.ll4Utiaj831UiUBBlorutl OB5 ouuu i uic suut! ?Ttir nAinbi; tlon Was: agreed 't- -The iiouse now proceMed-tuief eiecuon or-J - ..w - I , W . . . ' . tate..rThe. tlon. vvm. omeceiy- lllillilK?. Ul vy 1 v. n JW'iRibAia"1 1 rricrm; Arid H Wf ! ni- 1 fttf;M bhtTi a dsidared ';"t"a llIT' HlPfMfMK - - i ij.. . .. -T-adiij . WjJ a,y i t .!j m l.Miaiit I la . . aL -.a J a... L. tkui 4avT JtAMlArMui' jwr'9Mr n.:!v.,. - ; --i--- , . wammw in t n 10 jt- ruion - . , t a .1 LntaOUpa tr-i fWWtM"&m9W " "kjxi k;.iafStiinJnadwOiH to change the lofetfl hion of the Court House fof. theiCaty MJ(ftfliaH. l,c"1"v' aa T"3 ble and be printed.;, t . jT m iVam i)a f fiuM informing the Sen-: execute ibCprder.on, ha r&uru er.ffien- CainerG$wpe mm ,rtiw,!r 2iiJy.t;HarG' Jndsay 4i (tiat Mr. Tiv(leiij on the p.rt oDhe. CiHimmre, re- On niulion of Mr. Boy den, a mpseage, wa Rgnt lo; i,le ,iiise,jpTPpaBing to ;ogsmcobb me tiouse co!K4Jfrmgijne eie procteueu 10 Ttei4wiu-j.;. 5js-' 'inyrt.$6s :.?. J I . Afr.' vSiUasii-J' Albright Biggsj Bogie Boyd,1 C5aier, i Co Ktper, i Dockery " Draktv Eaton, Edrard8i ?Eaiott, EimttEthcri4ge.Eimil jpUvia, Ci wynn, Haiey, Jlargrave, Hester, Iloiuiea, Jeffreys Joy ner Iindaay , A-elvin, McMillan, , Smitb, JSpeigbt, ,Stalms6t0KevXiiyloe,f Lewia -Tbj?mPSft Q Thempou, Tomlinsoa y,ddell VVkr . andt.yil- fcoilf.!iM.wtfe8srfBpydirt , jcor,mr. iuessn.. yjgu jwvucii,. entirely too largelpjjjuhiooM Modj. iAIr.f.Voodj-nv on the part t ue Senate's Com mittee to spprmtend th eletron j:eporled that Mir. Gaither had received a majority ?i ie whole minberof-votea iveniand WAfrUoly eleeteuc .--m ; : MrVwriited of Jthw Ii ' GhVisliarti- feeSlierifR trfMototgothefy Codi4ty,vA'hieti?-Whl 'feterrett td'the Goiiimtfen Proptisiiioiis and Grievances. " ( ' 1 riiJnmdarvRirn1ttee Vcfe rnsftuctd to inqnire mroJ t he-expediency- ofierecting a Eight h J udivf ii-Cirbttit1 for fbis State,i trJa4ieBoltttioi, offered by 11 RH. Wofd6rt. i.ur . ..w-j ; " 1 Mhlloyher'pTftpented the-follovvHig Resolution, vctiUu? Vad ahrfVMftCL'' ' ! ' . i Resolved, That the Commtte on Internal Ini- iirt-itgF i;fcbarged ' from fee coHuRderatien ot re taies ioivau a select Com mute; lii 'irtdftl i 'fife's eht ed the follow trig Regulation, tfiflclfWiis adopted." - ' fr - UsaLzeil. .That a message De.ectH to ue i-ouncrui ppiiiiis, propoejpgt to cou-swi oi uiree uiemoeis ou in.e iian ui .-au to mmim ire iptolho expeaiebcy of brlngjiig befbrc-Coii- jrress the subject bf eliand5ng the Branch Mint at ,s tjn'ipoVioh bf Srn WsV tbe'Seiiate adjbikpbd i .- . r " .... . ... r vti-rtrthf niif vn " svtd y -jcme ia cjuwen, uqi jh,t referi:edVto;tbe CflnuniUfftr ou -PfOMOsjitMnwshd GdeMncetnme? tttviiacorporate itbe ,Towxt of fiUy8lknAabe4her' pfaying araiajof hivjan Moore, from the JadiiaryCojmitteruade wpft!favprabJe.toat Bill t aAotwh tne: wm;;oi Kxecution. commontyeajJeOi'anwsrM- oajui n waelar"by3ile8sr8. Mo6re,candJ Cherry when it was read: the. second time and passed Mr; iMoorefroiA thasaoe,Cumm)ttee;,rejrted t" fhat thetorertjeviedioB,KlerKxe- . : ; . ' . s ;if iir a nht brinr ipprai - -r" ; - - - o two thirds of its appraised -'vahiev1 there l4ll be no sale, but a stayofnifixecutWar.tor twelve months, o.l&SaiBSllapHitpoo itssefcond reading, and on motion ot aafiisnrtertuaeafiiie lv iwstrjoned--yeas47Vnafl32,i Mr. R P. Vffl?a'msOrhV)rehte 4 nieraorial from ibeOffleersfof the85th Regiment o Militia,- Mr. WaddilU a MembriaFiVonTlllfetm'egi- nient.ieifiBff 'imefiainenft fttt-he' Mihtia4 Laws. These papers were referred to the Com nuttee orrlMiliiatv fi&m.n " a7?f! Mr. R. T. Pained presented a" BSH concern ii Ciuenton Acaucuiy .nu. . . Mr. Clavton. a Bitl to. ameftd'an .Act Wkeep openbefrebclBrjoad River n 'the County of 4t - t'J iUlf i.itViAi riiM ' Duuconiue, anu me eui-n '.' . vf i'w nf'Havwooil. for the nassafTe of hsh, passed in J -mj . , CJ - 1 lift par.lSi'i. Chaoher llti.. t . . i . . m TheSe'Bifls were read We first tTme and passed and refe'rred totbe Committee on Private Bills. On mot ion of M r.A'. kins, the BUI to amend h Act to, incorboratethe. Fa veuevulelliflepienof the mite KftiiUtafy4Hra.y,. ., , li ,i ;! . ; Mi. iVVhitehurst presenLed. a, , peUuqn,rQm sy n dry cUisenftofjCurtefetjCowity. praying thathat portiourat-sajiiilicfQnvjrii uowh as cracocnioe ttacld to th CuunW of Jiyde : ,u4'.i MCt-Ato Hayes pteSenled pet ititm fria the Stock- holders of the lliwassea uoau i relation 10 uxm. i TlreBCpetitioivs were referred to the Committee OI ITopOSIUWIS BUM uireai,cr. . , . 'Tl-8ieak'r laid iieforethe House rfCommdni- cajioii from Weston R. Gales, Esqw lotendant of PbliceV tendering fbe nso ofthe ' Bell attached to the Town Clock, as a signal for the meeting of tht Assembiv. 'The i communication was read, and bnmbfrdq of RfK Guihfie,' a message was sent to the Senate, proposing to raise a Joi nf Select Com mtttie br two, who shall comet together upon tnts subject. ' inesse'nger.. W.ber.eupbn, e(lobse Vp as fol ajtiRr Bwiut-Mes8rs. Speaker,-Breo; U. A!. Rarnfl.J. Barnes. BondBrower Brown, Calloway, Cherry Cburph, CocbxnCredle, Payenport, Davis, W- Dickson, J. ,tiLicjtBOu, jjtpaa.Aouinit,awafasi Ebrmghaust Eaucettv: Foy! Gee.Geprget Gelding, GjitJirie Gnyther.i Hackuey,. Hamxick , Haugbton, Jackson, Leathers, LUUejohtt,.LocieLordMebane, T. Paine, Poindexter, PraU,,Puryeat, UeyT. Bob insnn. Rash. Sharoe. Smith. Street, Tbrasb;Trull, WaddiU Wa.VhmgoK Wattersl; mileWC bd, IV to3cM Slia,jard,to --m v. w.-iliamsnn and IL PWiffianisoniw40.r 4 Ip4rMfr J&8MeWkt3aytorij diirye8,iKceW r XirJi?S jmtttond? Ma'ngbbv MNairv iPpsntiss, taqn; e,pone4ibat no,, .KWfr J ! of tbewDoinutnuefAtaif 1.31 A-messa2e was-reeerve irom tne-enate-pro- Calloway rt. lavis, Edwards, iiir IfffASVoSTr irtiSiS . wefeinfonned by message or tne nour narymg ar ri!ed t;wtmn ihe Xwo' housrleto Vote 'for .icUpri.ibf Jurficial' Circuit, anil that u" il,.VicttVTtll"frtjri4infiieiljateTv on return of its rrTkril4 BrarmBVId f R6nins. CtiMihsrham, lJUmi. tans, limerBon, ragg, eMngi'GarnbuTJ Gatlmg' Gfesr Grfet Hawkins, bm feylMakm, MdrphyMeIhtyri Mc WefPbifer, lle1!!! Kankin, Mcinnaiuoair uuiu-u. MTonpr.frorrwllie Committee on this elec- Hpuseihertvoteiw foljofi d , j -J A Per.iHr. Bws-MeerieakeT, AdarnjriBaroj MpNsiTi.OdQannj & T FfmreriBoisdVxtan Pratt, Pre-. life 1 Puryeaiy ttaWn& EottnM7 KoH ington, Watters, VVhiteburst. atfci . For itfr. Gaither Messrs. Atid r- LI r j rt j. r mao, i)rani onagers,. jHwaeo. ourcia. vaiuweu. i Clayt, CoirmsCunilSwftim, D.unn, Ellis, Emer-1 sou, ragrff, lenimiuar, teamDui, ijraiunff, uravej, Leromond, Manguui, Majtiu, Murphey, ftlcliityre, McNcfll, Pfeifer, ,i RegaH Reinhardt,- Richardson,! Roane, H. Ilobinwii, aamlers; Scales, Shaw, btowj' aUamsou aud N. Wsi4f8. j feMr.Gaiihcr havuiir irtcehed 8G votes, it beln: hr-majority of the wiwlejMiiinber cast, was decfaT ajonty libi.ttiiinber cast, ed duly electedf s 1 M i Mr. Hanhlog ifcfrki Bill f'r the rejie apd beuojuM' (Jrpbaasfsiicll was referred tolhe judicisiry w&TfimM -v: S f i T, Rlr.i iHiobuisouireteld a BillJor theS- meutr a ljrdt&PAricn!tur wliich vas iefpjrred tnlMtiiiJbgicattitre. OU8 :jM.4i If V1 ilr. 1. mhmres fori the wholell iiedd day for iVfuSyfnf Saturday, Nov. 23. fri -Wr.T'raiicJat pretexted :bs memorial of Gere Sotherhnff the Cnumy oiClieroKeraytiig tlie L'ifei lat are! to'cfottttixfa' I hb -prlinJejge-ofi Working a'Silver' -Uide Macori CoutityV upa -certalit j.ut'inioi la'iit -aftit tkiiDj tli.pMmmiVtd ia on1 PropOisitidns bnd jGrr(iahcP8.W I '3 i i ulThes fSpeikef J andnn'ped Messrs. VVooaSn, Francis, Walker, G. VV. Thompson and Holmes, tTie enate 8 uiinonuee on u-neniKee iKwios. - -MessrafpeVs, ttUb"taodHesfet tlio luttonof the Senator from UnsJow. Stockholders k the, Upward .'Qap '1U pjnib.ejCom4 pany, praying tbe'LeistattTre ' so tp aniehd' theit Chaftfef.' aa t tbr thS State io take iti &uaT h'tuoifnt of Siock wiffi'the sbaVeBokkfrs.'; i Referred totl6 Cffn:ui(teo pn ipf?rua1 improve brent a. . -jj.i Un motion ot Mr. .gw,.tlie1piJl;aod,a;CQU- nanymir diaiiJiieBU reUtiVQ 'o, -the' erection "of a new Counioy ttib, namfof Gistoa. were re ferred 'lib iUe -Clmimitfee enPropoeilHons and Grievanfsvuv. ,f .vjr nT' r ' TrB'dehprevertttul t Bifiitdiprevent frauds In fevrlaifirixexMioaslAsuefliSf a singJMajfisf tratejpoii,taJi "Si5atd toencfluragci aiuj jf4cUtite re efkmjfsurj or property stMzsu Vu-t$ .r-?4!fP4V5, Aiuau aou referred to the Judiciary Committee, fc un rno'ion'oT Mrvwinn,- itm'ornpcrmrer 8 f the 8Sm&.1''t;"v' ''i vtiir .'-in:,i 1 ' Mh K3 wyrrrf, ' f rohr't He Commitl ee f Prbpow, tions and GHvances"r?ti8i iAnfavoTa?y; totbe Bill.o'taV 6ff'lnd es'ta1)K&h,!a'C6tinty tb be called Moreheadrfbihtne its rejrcfiofij iJThe Bill MonaTnelt'' r rU: ' I .,Tbe Senate adjourned to, Monday, mpfnng,rlfj HOUSEj OF, COMMONS. , The Jourtial of yesteVdiy bbfirrfread, the Clerk an nounced, Messrs. Haye Keener, Fleming, Mills and Gambill, the Commilte3oit "thalpart of this House, on Cherokee Bonds. regi Bills pfSaJ to incorporate thATuees of Uie Miltp.a Female In stitute, m'thefConntiy of Caswpll. VRead and referred to the Comraitteb on Private JBiltfci , Mr. Lirif, a i CJiaignn baXppmrxrittee on Propr ositions ind' rievancereportea without amendment the Bill to de portion 6f RtithWf drii Gbrinty f iat of HeudefetiAwhetf th' Bill 'wis pnt upon its SQond tr -flin Tddd iHi'UmditoU, raowd (before the twadin? I of'tlife BHl, that it be re-comnriUed to me Committee, in -ordeV. that hia petitmruV offered, en yesterday, frern citoetB of McDowell Cbnhtyin jeference to this BUI, way, b beard itrCwtoitfeo.dn.. & .e. , vli i a JjifeVj Afi bxipeA.tbt -tba.gerrUema not Djiasihis motko, but Jet th Bill pass its second read- ftg, anl-if the ,Commite!j.j:cp9Atc4 favorably to fbe prayer ofete. pe.titioaiars,, which, pe uaaerstooa. 10 pe, that of leaving tb Count v" of Rutherford andrattacli ing Ihemsvlve to thaitxlaf'.!Mcpow...why,'4e,ljbe mtreducer jtf tbe. BSf, woijJd bjaye no bbjecUonJto the 'Bl being arnfed in .tRat way whicli the CohimjtteS nutrbt recpninieud ui theifJ report 611 this petitl6h,.i)n its third reading. . ; .',. ' Vheruon, ,Mf. '' Caldwell withdrew his nation, and tbeiBill piaiied'its second reading. to;" f. ' , Mr. Lord fr6m tbe same Committee, to wfieirif the petition of Jorial Rariiett was referred, repbrted'a Res oltitloii m his'favor. feiThe same Committee fepbrted unfavorably 'to the petition of David Pehuigori;nd aked to1 be dischargisd from the further consideration of the subjpet, - whicti report was coucrrrwd tw" -Afr. T. Wilson J from the Committeeoif Claims e ported iavoraol the Resolntidn in favor of Leonard Ziglar, Sheriff of Stokes. Tbe- Reisolutioa was then put upon second reading, when Mr.-Poin&extert to better enable the House to vote understapdiugry, ex- blained the nature of the Resolutiouk It then its second reading, and Mr. J. moved it be read third; time. nObwetioa be2 made, the motion was 4ilrrthdraW-J,.qa-ao! f ' 'in':-:.fV. .ii;-:. The Hoiwie i concurred m a proposUien ftom the Senate Jq raise f jpUt -select Committee of tbjfeeoir the purpose of fuguiring into the expediency of. laying before Conisress the aubiect of re-buildinff tpe Braucb Mutt at Cbarjotttj. , Also, a joint select Committee of hve pn tutSsuojeci ot cnanging in lucumjn ui uie fTniirt Hm'tse 'of the" CountV of Lincoln. '" ' ' ' " ' ' Mt- Hamrick presented a petition on the subject ot thti'dividint Jfine.ljfeiween the .Counties 'of Rutberibrd and Ulerelanu, wnicn was reierrea to tne wwiuutivc '.. . ., ;a bit TrbposftionS and Grievances. ' ' A ' '", " - JfrefiiT presented a Bill to. establish a ne Countv bv the name bf Williams.'1 ! 1 K . - Mr. R-ianeJs Resolution in favor of Win. Dills, of Macon Comjty- Referred to the Committee on 'Pri vate Bills.; f ' ': ;!: ' ' ; Mr. Moor, from' the Committee on the Judiciaxy, rpnorted with dbrtain amendments, the. Bill toaraend the ReviSed'Siarates cbncrninff Clerks and Resr'isters. Said -Bill wkseadv and on motion of Mr. Mebani, laid on the table.,. M s' 1 , Tbe,BiIl 19 establish a, new County by the name of Graham,' was en motiou of MrJReU, taken'ttp and Teferred to the Committee; oii Prepositions aud Griev ances., Nr.chM,Mi Kirk picseuted sundry nn ntftimis. telatlnfr to the estabhsltment of. th Cbbaty, wboch : were-' ui .their 'motion, ( referred " MK'TriB presebted allesplutron Fot tlie establish ment of an additional TRegunent of Maiti n the County of Union.- 'Referred td the Military Vom Imittee; i S-'''''--?? A vessatrs'was 'received- ircrmUMr- Denawoisa greeing toi the severarrepeeitiSnsfi thee House to raise: Joint Select Comntee on tnff tveral portions of the Governor's Message. Mr. Mdore said, he regwtted anchTtbe the Senate to thenrttpo of. tbfr. House.- Joint Seiebt CBimUteevuporUbaubjecl.prfJosed and especially uponiblpcttjOjX pouCejaing the Rait Roads and thebancconaectioni jyiti the StalR,. 14tf,aaJthaVXlu retMK wouiq. emoarra the actiott of the Leeislature on so important and pressing 4 matter. It was highly durable ha,t tbe tWO H0ll8e88il00ittO- UV--p08MS0B -UUi uZ foratatiool audvtewsi- ?yjiichwaji mote;uKeiy w oe attained throuffh the asrcncVof ,8Joinr tmirmwee, than tfcoitgbsepArate-aud dbH Commltteea', hav. TOfAWTOXi Jam ni WlntMt tft Ralf ttoads connectwip wiffi the State; Report enorfg Ntr. JstHb37' as ordei-ed to b3 printedfothevparpTC'of"pWser a trcord o Jtfrre8ute4B;UI, ta.extftud mfttima for idtenrtg urant, fJceaa, jot iviesne , conveyance, and Deeds f Gift.' MA ?aji Bill, yTered the following Resolutions iu . .2.1 , . .. ! Rcled;Tiil st macTdf -th'e GoVeTbor'stes- .im'n. ,ii.ntii Ta Kn KAads and ineix rinauc sue mtmbere t , arr: us. J. Barnes. Bea-1 four. . A.i l'JS . " '" Jv.i-- ' '.r.' auuibu iiitityi saia i.esja?a-aari.uA AsyluaffQr, the. Iasano a4 Deaf and' J)amJ, i lerrcu iiiaoviccv ujmiiiee;oi im.-'.v KesoBition, Committee.? Committee was appropriate only purpose' of ltb4referencc waa to prtvid the wnva unit manna trt mft fhfl (n(rrements of the kft!polfeTr beiBbnd(J 'liiPCorifcai,; ter. as it aIItiiatWy? cbmtte4 viilk itd'4LMm.l what(n 4etithevrillmattwhicTri ; eolfimfeflubjactbf'inresd " propbr 1 inquiry into tbej ubj eehy in vol ved (judicial ! koottsumcuoa jot xaeAcia v ,cwiv-aai' -p-u exnnw iop jxliefutor iU Rateigbi iwi.Go Road, and thus much therefore, belonged tovtnftit-onUttOiiW Ijbte; made to me3ttfs Bgagft Tor interest and principal which ; would become due on the ippAs duiiigrth8.nettwo years, and this part wai appropriate to the Commit tee on Finance. Aad that lastly j it involved an en quiry, iato .propriety f ,kcpaiigop and scofmu iii ff the JImkL. jAid t bin Dart of the suliiect was. Decu- Jmuioyemeutlrlfrwould aotsau, Air, m, thus di vide, the, sybject nor . wuid.hje refej btp.a cjinittoi I ,cbarged with so xriany; oueroOs' dtfes. 1 Jlle comiait ,iee o;jance, wbofin 4tteswe"Jotoite tb ;Trpasu's" a couiu rioi. report on tue suoiect os-,Juau9 uu very iie ia' fBe'Session'if at alL'He.1'. WariV: luquiry'into the condition of the Roadsr, &&& asspe'dyj a pruvwiuu us pussiuic ior tuecung urc uuuuiuea ov mo Staie.'i'"'"" ''""l "SaHOU e?fpili ;. tJHfr. M7lh, bi;i epJnig the amndm:6nt, toolf 'tlie same yiew of the matter as did MrM$dreKyj K) 9st j &lr 4xtiirie was opposed to dividing the reference,i lW said be, there .might, b niembWi; of5-the' other; branch, who were ou.both the Juiernal and Financial Committees i that ; tltfy wouUU Save to act twice on the same SmmecV 'He thouerbfwhS tne.entleman Nrom HalifaiJ that tbrf. beat reference wooMhave been. to a Joint Sel'ot Commfttee, biit njjnate differs iu this: viewV- he thought the iixt-oereference to be, as, the Resolution proposes, tofaeiectt Comtrutted of this House.,, k:.ii J-f k ; uMtiiMoor asked divMon'oifllfe jye1tioji. - i .ThetSpaaKe aujuounced ibjlte auestioSfwould first bft quifriag 041, ftle tbettated'tBe qnesJ tipa, and paid m Ma&fT?l liWlBmistie iue4bn eutiem. a, as many as arof tb opiuioa V'Jge Sje4ker paid the Sdnifelxiired that wlien theJ Teas and Nays'are caned for, on' aiiy'qnesti'ohit . IT Mr. Shepard" asked 'to be-'heaid'on .that matter; The Speaker 'replying, -hie wouM ;hearttieige!ritiwnan wirt pleasure-, though he hud- Bo doabt on tho poiHt, - ' M. ' Shepard contendod-llie qnesttori was ' not put until tba Speaker said f ' .f hJkie -who are of a eontra rypinipnV t1 f, -r-. r . Mr Mobre,' with a maghhiniity 'Worthy Hit imita- tiony arose and Said he J hed lliat- the' gentlmaU memberof the.HmuNv in Mvingife YeailatidNaya recordsJ o tb J0'"'" atla It had by some, Mr Mooce alluded. tMui Editoiial iu the last Standard .written with, tbe usual caudor 1 .... .ii ..-A:, .in;. .. .Jl 1 1 J erlik( the RblbS td fctrt off ireBtWmettkBealI foitbAve3ftd Woes.' And now, said Mr. fll.,'aithugli the-Speatser had found the article himself; and the conseqaence Jof the application of the rule was, thM4he'1renuerruui s vote could not be recorded; yet.ira besought the House 11 .1 .r-----A h'l- r . . 1 lj to aiiow ne genueman tne, iuii peneui oi tnecoruea vote of every . mari. And ' since "an.un'gcnerdu8 'cqnii day, he hoped .tail tfiei RepbrtiBr'wtinld note this aLsoi f meiii usu peeu uiaue upuu xua uiurcuiuui uu a iunnc Tbe Speaker, had fio, hestt atioft .ia savuiff; ,tbe: Tgent tlemaa from Wake was too later but by ;gnea4cpii- sent, the YeasaulNayca ne prejerrea-,, , .TOV..f , Vr;-iff On Mr. Graves beethK to the amendment and declaring he would not' suppwi i&v Mr. -Wilder, with? drew his motion. faereupoivlw RWsoluuaaipe- sed-as intxodacediby. MrrMoieciD Lun jd:i!.W :d: Mr-1 laming pmsented 1 sundry petiUpn Crtuens of iYattey County r eltlng, to tijabdi3biug)f tba Jury Trms oftbeiriCoanty Comts,' ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. f,j aThe, Ilearfution preseutod by MA'eJS.JTela- tbe Indexes to, the .Colonial Documents,, was ou muLiuii ui .tax. uravo, ifit.iii.-u xuyuiv yuii;i op tne library. ) 31 ; . ,r . -- XI 11 motion, the House adjourned to Monday morn- ' - Mondaift Dec' 2. ' ' ? STf 1W " ' 1 ? 5 , Mr. Wrtk pjnled, Buljte e,itcnd,l.e idjinis ot anJAct,.pa8sed1at the ''Sessibti briotlintitled an ACt.ror uie renei 01 sucn a perBons as may siuict from1 'destrtSoaofHlB'cbras ot Hertford jbiSpf iy oceasioneu. oy uie ouxniugox lue van nuiuse any CitiFbOfiite of said county, to, extend the prpvisiong or said Act to ine cenmies oi xwpTOgomerj;ajro otanf ly. Read andi;efejre tp Jhe mm Proposi tions and Grievances'. . T - , . 5 Mr, JfeWSresenW i Hf fstb :tf ieHnVbuf of M1he Speaker appointed the foiiotfiniz fomthittee n.tliepart of. the feeaato -r . J Y' ' ' A . . T-.". -' On Lunatic Mwfwles$rs iJoydcn, feyl, ayloe, w,wy.uiV.HawVH ! , ieMrj(r5 H'M!!1 fd"! a4'.ujYf Ili.Uy , . ' t Agricuuuve, ceoica grmgp , iTaiirraI Surrey of the StqieMBwai HaUtey StaJlingSA " OrCfilitdru'A Pastim-and Gowpef i .asrio 1 OacBfiA tocaiobf LlncmQamtmtuei xaessrs. oiowe, oiauingi, jrancis, r uuuuuau ' it delL ' , . Rebtiildtng the-Sfiincli MintMiam'Tfr orth, y.aucer and. fttowevi f u r 1 &.mi a! . lfss On Enrolled BiUa.-Mes?f- Albrigbt andjBiggsv 1 narewaa"ui:iee. And on motion of M r. -Francw, o wuchr s Teltttee tosdlteripr the ifmo of holding ptectiom ui bif jStatei, A Mr. EUidtfreterBHkc1inc1irtaig Jury triali, which wadfrni fciaftotion, Iefexed46e Committee ithe Judioiarjr; .bn!f nff.ff n'TlS?'? 1 -aTbo hoftr- bavib kirVlvfed' Jivhisi flie twoCHsdS; agceed 10 vote ior diulgei the iSMpreioe Coueti me Senate seu a rnoauar trthi 4l0iae-iitlQring-tbtin ikat bey sUoald jyoeednu tletwctioifc op ,ntUif,of their inesttijiijjer, W lurcinon, tb SeuaUjyoted M follows. J?W FteilericU . aA -iMfSsW.. IS peakerr B iKgs, r, wofnerj IVXmb, ellen, Hohtws Jefferson, Jwri'reyJu.. Joy tier. KCICD, irlpTisattTiHVbtW oviitt:44 Mert AlbVjglii and IlooJy! were.aUen. Messrs. '--a-nr ti riiinvntnr i?f tjttt: election fbf mae Nash'.' StHite bof'boe?ms?em fallows xor l...-ir.-0f8Afcaows!iiewie?-o diiilieM0?Iltr)isi BHiiBnljeTVatieis; ax Fto lJ!begMei f 4t W'lKwageBivirf,tJwf rt,sJsey Hesferr HbrWeo sStaHins:e.T!idnipsoVJWt? wane; omunson i a jctUer.-WileoTi.StJ s n'l ' MfilW vitei tWwUm. Wright,Ea, f qrL callm? for tlierAves.audjNoes. , . ...o v. anajyeraciiy 01 mat print j oeen, very uageneroustj auq unjustly insinuated that Otf afornier diy hef Katf kcon trived'r in air ereher like'tbi HondinTkfele in - 1I IQUUUn Ol iAf.JAUUKCry WIUUVIIU nicuuicvn. or's Message as 'telates "to fncTosing tfie tCalo! SqnarWaSteefrba1t44W EatdnfEdwa-rds, Elfiotti 'Eriiieil, Jfbridge. raticU. Gavin. Gwyiiu.. H.aUyHarrav,il wt.imi ! lJndsav. Meivin, MrtWnVM'a&teitf-air, 'dissent off iHHjielit, Stow'Tjyioi, Thufsoa,r Beitie, 4fii raise UJ Mmro. fi) wate,llomMHaou, vvaoaeui .mcer. The Clr -iWrfnt YcfilovTihinmhM. ir ?W JOoiiJ ,fi vr cooiei for ih IIniv.. 3 DatiBed lt. Mmlr..i.l.K.w s. . . 1 . . l ... ill 1 ,T. , ";"v"iuvi fwjraiuvnwi : idTOd; wd ifaifeiy side iHibnleiotfiGrfy of the Cfeutwbef inl Vd ?iMn,Tatnes fro6hCSMm1ttc art Etatb Bin L poftedaudf6iiiHiItdU ruwgs ' W wjr-4i!Sj ri.,;tnrta ocohstruct a Dam across Hiw - Bui umiLMoiulav. week. a Uavr abed o bav,cMi utaat VSn orKiirtierfOrd 'uuYvt 'adverse tb'tha atthebih of part of said CtmfiSptpKtuhhA Cemqite.qnoj3Bst 'The CoVrirnutee to IkJ' wrfi'Wft-red the setting apart tbenififeoHwWnrint irWtWcasV for Govetoor in;Augu8t hut, repotted A Reiolatiou'wiibb Was adop KedesipflTn The B 01. toxisM tbe-timV ror WfAerins Grantt Deedp(rtjViesnCeW bt ppnwjninffaenie jrj&JfJwK o,;ba, Judiciary ooWHtteis k?s . .The.gijt,dMath :tlsiiuW WilGams, oaf of pari$ of Iredell. Surry and j3W iike the secuoatbqrwoj; ojyEa;jil: svjeil The hour of 12 arriving, il Ctittotired thevtlooi that they would proceed to Jbkit Order of me two Houses, 10 eleq -e Jad tX eth ?So)r6m Court to supply t1ieaaiMeiusedil of the late Judge GasintiYr&KtfssKi TfJ VX JVfr. 3fiixere.rdse4Sa3rS ing : I moved, MRlSpedrtr'T)lu3aay; f'att that as tbe selection &sk$fa&tfi& matter vitally affectitthiHifejTiW of every citizen ia, .North Carofn; thatrHHi setioa be postponed, for funhfeT;'fconeatoit4 Iy'.'iotkni said Afr. JlfrW8:di'Wr9Wsaisre the distinguished gejitieifacjl)e e&W from the Governor and Council. bii'with ihe'e'arnest desire, that the attention df ' Wm& 'snould,i)e di- rected to otheX of the sbns"otbe;'01dd,ol now sq prominent De'iore podyT.S:' " 1 now state, contutuairj f tHS tisfaCuon of the House, that a lerias ie.e3ibl''i'itf a gentleman who is uaivfersally; posBesS in a pre-eminent degree tbqtificapw necessary for to fUl.. withjhpno to hin ests oAlie JState.Hbs seat 'receutly,' death of the iHustriouS GtTtime i boen IJiffjiffi ta receAvepiyierjw. 1 they eletiop jpo poft$oaeauat4; lo4)oUry;tiexti;-tdt that message -be ssaAtdnSaifecW ppBtponemeijt also of -tbwj election of saJudg? .of the aupocior voun uuxii tue swff j?gU;j -7 Whilst -Mr. iKrwttsaddresge rduse it! ' op jMiotfti tfase niofiSnaifc msage' wreclvea front iHeeatenfltrs4stnW proceed mm'4Mg4XUA of , iiiiiitdeig i or rreaencJt ,ic4A M essrs.. .-.Sdei aence ivoSA--M essrs.. peaker -A u sms, Atkins, D. A -Barn,-.Jy Barnoa, .Bond,Bram0A well, Callowayr-Cberryi-Cboreh, Glaytolir Cocb son , Doak, Doutbit DumV-Euwards, Ehtlnhaus, Emerson, raSato&U,tJafiujl( Gee,GeertA Goldioa. Grat-Grist.aii;Wrreniamrick. . H erriA llaugUtorf,-Htklh8iHyer4Ckg5nrJjD'lCe- er, Kirk, Lea, Leathers! Lmt&ott,LttUejobnV Locke, I.od;:Mflifgurn;:Maftin, MebkiiWif.- WtJcbell, VIqa' iMcltyreMcr Pratt, Prentiss, PuryearRahkin, Kegart. Reid, Keln hardt;. Richardon,? UoTie, RoWwnA trab7 Shw. I JSbf pardj initbsf 9tmnU Street,.-Taliafeno,'iTrai, iddill.I.Washln3Di8 Wetter Wbiuhurst N.L. yi" mitrvla npot; rrerorhmgrGaOiibf .TTellyV . SMeriP'---Mes.-CW.'ctirtrir ind Hrrlm foT15e?tX HeV.'ryV Mr Woh,;adg uaiiey-anu air42mjj tot JUOjoxjaiU.vw,x' , iet to 8enaj.miaS AJ body;thaiAagus. Uf -jWoote, of iWotont- 4gd beeflomineted 4flU the vacfrrsyil the JuJseAVotabfcHpfcrior Court. to which Mr .J3Hbf, C owait added tbe name of , 8XUharU.m iv.t oT A message wis Tcevb Trorii the Senate, inibrnv mg me 'Hras itrat me same-Arsons were in nomi- ' rto4tif4hitody.wi J '' I f luw uour- or one, me nouse proceeded: to TOM for a udgdi)rtbe .Superior CMMUkielifiUNi1'tel bllows: .15 :!fJt! " Brame; Brogden, BroWSrV Brown, Bargin.Gafd well, CallowiJy, Ghb1i:eiaytoiliJcWhTah; Gfcj'. Davla. r aucenei 1 icmminrj r oy.uamtHU, tieore: troIJinc. bneTril61m-4j:eiAtit on. 6ir. n For "Auziulu AW-:Mesrs.A tkins. - fiirea. D A. BaruesJz Barnes,' eVmaft, Bgnd Bridgers, Cberryvebltm8,5lCbnnifigbW;4Len i. O. Tti-t...A'tf1-AA.- Lii4-r - . vKunnii vuHO, liuwiius, jGiUilllguaWfUauingf UOOg GravesBOylher. Hsmrkk; Jones, Kelly, Kirk, lrfe l.cmmcMjMlgtfm. Mfcrtifl; MUcbellj Murphy, Me Inty re. IVuen. R. T.. Paine. Rankin. t Rerati lllh. ardson,,fan)b0, Sanders, States, fehiW, Chepard. Htone," I aluterro, Wjlder, Jj. Villiimsorf, T. Mr. Ifatfikoa. voting for Mr. Voabfor' - ffaetioiirD. F. Csidwell 'lAStihg received i"s jerity of thE whole jbiiinber of votee given, ,'wso do- . . . ." . .... . S .: , . C ..- ' : i- . ' ...v;--.,. : . -. eiarea eoJ etectee, r Theouse then adj.txrnedA.t, : . ' -J Jk SJ. U A . - 4 0r FridVfi Alrt 22d ultito6,'4t fist fc:!.': In C&barruei:coanff kllf rJ.'Eriabelh Barrir. feltet 1 reqeiveu i4,vutefv,anaLwasinereiors nuiy eiected,. L On mption ftiWiimD raiMA. uesn 'ce. was tiibi. nicinByrnwrwrnwgmwi, nawKingf 11 ayes. Keener, MSffSvjn LocEiTito?d,? M!abe, Miller MHlHmiM Icf; MeNoil, Pbifer. PttpdMterPraitrPrentw Reiiillafulc,Ild tresi, Thsshjfrill, Ws.ddin; WsshJngtoti;, Wat- f of the late Oenem Paof BafriiTef, n-cd wi y earsi Lltftlnf n'rd.-tity: V Ei.3 waj ..V.Lji.forv ewweekd:wnba'iiMst painful. .;.-,-. ....... 11 j4!jgfMkwf'4tU tiroes exprdcT.-" . ... I mission WrieHMner, Vtr-1 f! u , - l .i .a....j:.i Vl -i t . ; -a?".. . the noperOT apeaeeiur siw utssea ham; . i - 4 5 . -.t, .v- -. .. , t t 1 1 n u iini rvnw inii vn'