I';"' I If ill' 'fit ssg"wSPMffaBr'gesMWe ' .Mif 11 Oft INEGROESh And? i vituABtE f plantation fTTlHE SubeenDere, aesuvua concruw. &etIU NEGROES; Tnnt Rvnt Oon. '.'fiiHjC- hf. C- 15 oinestear-jr,"., 71 " in one fdhiaininr iwi jiwwf -f ftIe. frornJVt,; i clred. well ditdiedmod M teS-of which shout 400 acres k pom Sw mp lend chiefly diued recesTte 10 Bbts, Com and 000 tI 000 1 foe. Cotton to tb erev Adjoining the steered land, is about .SOO-. tfcfM ef same quality weR Wni "tll,ir aM Mv tdtara and dear. Nextto this. It about 100 ere of am' qfty in its nate- rat state. ? ue crew- hjm- - - - for Cottdtti Coro; Wheat, 4c7 &e. and when tended w Mf. Pei.0:; pfoiftfeed 600 to lOOOUw Cotton to -toe acre, ana toe vrop uu. jrw wm -lb- o the f aerei Tbere arel two Creeka . running 'through the UndV on the banks of which JJmeaone and Marl, ia thejgreateei iounaanee, n to be eanly phtained. j Atooy a good Saw anda Prist Mill, on a never faiKifg stream ; a handsome two story Dwelling House, end all neeeasary out Houses j v two atory Ovenaer's House ; several first rate'Banu j an excel lent Cotton Giir, Iron-8crew Press, 8ublec for 30 horses, Cattle houses, dee. &c all in good order. The Land can b divided in two or three ernallet Plantatiorts to advanUge. :8ea going YeaseU load at the Landing, two miles from the Cornfielda. The Land will be sold on, a credit of from one to ten years Negroe one third Ca-i -balsnee on a liberal cred it. For farther particulars, apply to ekherofthe SabscTibers, or to Mr.Taos. Hall, who Uvea, ad joining, who wm shew the Lands. ; v H. , BURGWYN.7 w w r A ? ,f BDRGWyU, PoUokarille,?; C. mmn. thoench and bar. w - ;TORNER fit HUGHES, would beirleateTeB ,? pectfully lo call the mttehttoa of gentlemen of tua above jnoiession to tne large and general assort mem QtLAW BOOKS." Among which may be lounatne-rv'r'.j-' - ' . f English Common Law; Reports, in 42 vols- The socmen ted cngiisb unancerr Keports, in 14 vols ? and also, the Law Library rq 35 vols. Each of the t above works are atul in eonrte of PaUieation. ' They t nave also-sanders, on Pleading and Evidence, u t: iChitqr'a Blackstone, . i 1,t Tidd'a Practice, v i Williams on Executors, -: Roscoe's Criminal Evidence, Bonrieu's Law Dictionary. ' . vniny aueneral rractiee. . ' 'Smith e Chancery Practicer ;N ArehboU VCixU Pleedmg, . ArobboJd'a Practice, , . . .-.. Clancy on Hirsbend and Wife, 'Stenbens Nisi Prias. fa new wotk.l ' Kinne'a Compendium, .. ilJ KD6 On Bailments . vr . Do.-.ori Pleading;" ' ' ' i' iJfa. ' iXi Partnership . HoBmao's Legal Oatlinet, Ditto Masters in Chancery, Starkie on Evidence, v - (it ''if , mirb,s Leading Cases, , phniptr on Evidence, , - : -vssh- (finos Digest of Missachosetts Reports, :Ttltiaen"oXrmiea,r,,..; ' s-Roic66 on Civil Evidence;". -.: vt Tbomaa Coke---wiih many others too numerona 1 iSar mention ' hr'thie adrertisemenr. : All we ask is tbat yeo will call In and examine oar collection .'and you may rely upon u, they will be put low, very low for the CXSl v iiv r; TURNER &. HUGHES. Raleigh, Nov. 20,i 1844. 4 r 1 t : i'L' 1,1 ' " .Pmwii .numbers 4f tbe Alexandria : Xotter7, Class If o- 41 drawn Sat- nrlay, 33d November, 1844 1 .: . iff ifi, U, 12, 62 6i, 47 64, 1, 41, 5 16, 7. The Capital prize of 25,000 dollars, and also a prize of 3000 dollara in the above Lottery was SPE.IIDIO 1.0TTERIES. IJ G.: GREGORY & CO.' MANAGERS. ft A lexandria IiOttery, .,4..; . .-.-W'.CiaaTOialSr;'---. Teie drawn St Alexandria, D. C. batardsy, Dec. T. "-f-- - . :srvEsma scheme. ,i. M , -, 30,000 Dollars, .10,000 Dollars, 100 of 1,000 1 f i lOO of 404 I nTickeu $10 HalTes $5 Quarters $2 50. Certifkatee of Package of CO Whole Tickeu $140 .a n do---do- ? 20 Half lo - -'-'70 do r do '?-t-- Quarter do 35 Alexandria:Lottery, ";Jcs:B44; rekl844.,; , T9 be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. Satorday Dee. 14. l-H drawA. Noe, out of ,75.:. , ?0,C0 JDollars, 10,000 pollars, I 6XX) Dollawi t & t 6,000 Dollars, , Ticket $10 Hal-es t5 Quarters S2 60. Certificate of package of 55 Whole Ticket $180 ' Do ; , do 25 Half do 60 -V' Dor: ' do ! 25 Quarter do ' 30 i iAlexandria lottery, . :iZv .dass 45, for 1844. - To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, Ds- .;.crtlJ844,: . . ., S0,00O Dollars! 10,000 Dollars! -;'jOOO DoUara l . 3,140 Dollar ! 8,000 Dollars! v 200 DoUars ! I 2,000 Dollars! .-.v Ci ;;,.) Prizes of lXW Dollar! ;iTcket $10-THalves $5 Quarters $2 60u; - Certificate of Package of 25 ; Whole Ticket $130 ,,v&DoA'd 4ft25 Half , t . 1 do i 65 -Doi'.r j '.u-do-' i ; 25 Qaarter .. do . 33 411.111111 . in iiiiinni-4 i : J Alexandria lottery, J' .; CUa46,lbj 1844. v ' , To be drawn at Alexandria; D. U. on Saturday, the z9iQ oi uecemDer. 1844. , , , T8 Number Lottery 14 Drawn BaHola. ' ! DTI V T sl fP'Vt aflTfrVsl . Splendid prize of 40,0001 . .1 1 do do ,12m. r do u .ye.ooo. da 2,50a do ; iS.ooal; Prize :do do. 1? 1 1 ; 2 20 -T .r-.-i.v da do do do do :elowil500.i do '1J250. da' "A-130av - do do --l.OOCC' . Tkketo lB HaVe"05-Ciaarter 2 50J J' ;; ffleateeef packige of SO whole lkkes $130 J A 2 quarter s do , 33 ' t -Orders for tickets and aharea and enrtiftMi. 8t Of 'tfpackaze ia' Ibe ibbv sptendy LoUeriM will r;.. he-most prompt attention, odan ralaHni of -? wefl ttrawiHg aevt immediately alter it is over to all r.-i.muff ivy oroer (icjLCHa iiwn U. Addrsss . - . -., C: i' - : ,4 . CKEGORY 4CD.naar. Tint t na i ft' BOT8FOBD will receive and .repair; fine Clocks and W ate be, ami warrant urm io per i 1 . j . . . well, i Hk- maleriala. ) and macluoerT for mt 4unff new parte, aurpaea any ether to ibe 8iaie j he toererofe leeis connueni oi ftfing wtFnwpuoB. , makera who hive not the conTenieneft of making Mar - alualt ninlnni nntlino- in Term . or LeTer Staff, will hae eeryjitteaiion bestowed upon work that they may favor hun with; and the usual deduc tion mtde to the trade. r !' 1 OC Letters aekinginfonnafien moat be post-paid to recetTe alleniion. - - ' S. pr.'BOTcrOKD. Raleigh, Nov. 9, 1844. ; -5 v u , . . : TE8TDI0NIAL Mr. 8.' N. BOTSFORD having been employed to repair the Astronomical Clock, Telescope end other ... . . - . . a. r? . apparatus belonging to tne i ruateea ana ine universi ty of North Csrolina,nd of some Electro-magnetic ap- paratua belonging to myself, f commend him to the conndence ofsuch as may need his services in tnis una of business es not only a skilful and ingenious me chanic, but poesening a very competent knowledge of the Sciences of Electricity, )4sgnelim And Electro Magnetism and qualified therefore by his acquaint ance with the principles on which their action de pends, to do justice to apparalu which may be put into his hands for repair ; or which he may under take to construct. , r E. MITCH ELI, v Chapel HUt. Jane 15th, 184 4i . 91 C. B. ROOT, HA VI NG visited New York and Philadelphia, for the purpose of adding to his stock, respectfully inform his friends and the public, that he ha just opened a large and splendid assort ment of JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, consist ing of Gold and Silver Lever Watches, Anchor, Cylinder, Vertical Escapements,GoId and Steel Guard ChaihsKeals, Keys, together with a large assortment of Breast Pins, Finger R'rng Ear Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Thimbles;" Medallion, Gold Hearts aud Crosses. " . - SPECTACLES. Gold, Silver, Blue and Polished Steel Spectacles, Perifocal Spectacle Glasses, a new article, to suit the eye of all persons. Vry superior Flint Glasses, tbat may be adjusted u any frame, at any notice. SILYER AND PLATED WARE. Silver Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt and Mustard 8poons, Ladies, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, SUver meunted Coena N uU, Castors. CandleaiicksvShuflers end Trays, Cake Baskets, Coffee Grrques, Britannia Warein sets or single pieces. ''J.FANCir'G'OODStS: Mantel Clocks, Gold and Silver mounted Canes, Chess-men and Backgammon Boards, Steel Pens, Gilt, Steel, Glass and Satin Bead, Jet and Gilt Hair Pine, , Jet Combe, Segar. and Card Cases, Purses, Chapman's Razor Straps, Toilet Bottles, and Ladies' Toilet Work Boxes. CUTLJSRY. A fine assortment of Roger's Razors, Pucket and Pen Knives, Colt's patent and Revolving Pistols. Corhprising Powder Bote, Cologne and Lavender Water. Toilet Powder 8having and Toilet Soaps. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes: '-- ; .MUSICAL INSTH CMEISTS. Spanish Guitars, Violins, Clarbnetts, Flutes, Fifes, Guitar and Violin 8iriog, Extra Violin Bows, Ave Watches and Clocks repaired ml a auperior style Aa his otto personal attention will be given to ibis department, those, persons hairing articles of this kind to repair, may rely on their being well and faithfully executed. ' " " ' ' ' ' Gold and Silver manufactured to order, with neat ness and punctuality; Highest prices given for old Gold and Silver. November 11, 1844. , . 91 DOUSE and LOT FOB SALE. The Subscriber wishes to sell his resi dence in, Raleigh. It is situated on Hillsborough' street about 200 vards West from the Capitol, and is one of the pleasantest situations in Raleigh. As it is presumed any person would examine for themselves before Durchssinr. further description is deemed unnecessary. WM. WHITE. Raleigh, September 21, 1844. 77 A GOOD BLACKSM ITU, TO hire for the ensuing year. J Apply to PETER R.nrXT!S Raleigh, Nov. 15. flOL 10IJACCO AKD SEGARS. Superior O X ronoko and Aromatic Tobacco. GENUINE PRINCIPE SEGARS. And tnn. ply of London Porter, folr sale at the Drug Store. of wil.i,iams, HAYWOOD & CO. October 10, 1844. 82 SHAWLS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Veslings, Fancy Merino, Plaid, Thibet and 10-4 Black Merino Shawls, at Four Dollars. Two pieces double wove Beaver Cloth, and a few pieces Plaid French Velvets ; also, Cashmere, Brocade and Silk Vest ing, which will be sold fow. H. A. BADHAM, & Co, Fashionable iiReady Made CLOTHING tr E have on hand, a large assortment of REA- : DYJH ADE CI)THING,consUing of Dres. t row, uvercoata, Rack UoaU, Cloaks, Vests and Paintt; all of which will be sold twentv-five per cent, cheaper than they can be had in this City, W war-. raniea. uall and see. at - I OLIVER o PROCTER'S, 5 doors below Williams. Havwood dr Co s Drug StoreFayetteville SC Raleigh, N. C. )f ovemoer o. . , . 95-i MARKETING; FTnHI? SubscriJier returns his; sincere thanks for II the liberal Datronaire Be has heratnfnr snd inrm the public that he continues to carry on ..w .wutmiu his iRiinwjucrtuiu in au its orancnes; The foUowiegjirehis prices t ..x. - s ' .., '-1 ? ,rc heft tek and Roast, for Cash, or payable at the .end of the Session of the Legitlatnre,aSM cen per MadWr ,:t -:.-m . ,.Jw . By the quarter, ibr Beef, two and a half cents, and e anu e nan per. poondwpayable ts above. ; k - rJMntWai end; Shoal twiff he sold according to - the oe rates, and the very oest wiH W furni.beL n ' JJb Subseriberjrprepavea to eiaoghler Beeves mu aogs at a row a price a any person' whatever r WILLIAM A HARRISON.) ' Nov. 1, 1844, 9Z-tl form Itsssi s E2 rlROTHER & CO. 3 JOHN STREET, NEYV YORItj :Cririiia Isitstsn' ted sale BMafTtrsxl. tU 6ettniB8f Also, other improved CAMPHINE LAMP8, 80 LAR LAMPS, GIRANDOLE8, HALL XAMPS and LANTERNS, and dealers in ASTRAL and 8QLAR SHADES, CHIMNEYS and LAMP GLASSES of sll kinda, LAMP WICK, PURE SPERM OIL,; CHEMICAL OIL, CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID j; all, of .which are offered at Wholesale and Retail, at the lovkst raicz ros September lfi. X .-. v76-6m NEW G00IIS NEW GOODS. For Pal! and Wint At the Raieigh Cheap Cask Store. Before buying elsewhere, purchasers are requested to examine our Stock, and know our prices. Remember it doe not put us out of humor to have people to ex amine without buying. H. A. BADHAM & CO. , , One door, below Williams, Haywood & Co. FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. r Willmms. llnvwood & Co. are now receiving from New - i York and Philadelphia, a large and gen eral assortment of . '-,,, - Drugs and Medicines, Chemicals, ; PAINTS AND QlLStJ) YE-STUF F St km GLASS-WARE. PERFUMERY, &c. Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians Merchants, and others dealing in their line, at unusually low price. Those wUhing to buy will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Particular attention at all times will be given to putting up Prescriptions, as well as the dispensing of Medicines, Raleigh: July 1844. 57 6m FALL TRADE. 1844 An immense Stock of Drugs and Medicines, , Faints, Otis, Dye ' Stuffs, Perfumery, Fan ey Articles, Brushes, Spices, 8c. c. TfIY ARRIVAL8 from Boston, New York,. 4 lp 4c, we are now receiving our Fall Supply wf Goods embracing a eery heavy Stock of everything id oar line. Our Goods were selected ' with especial reference to tne H'aotK-ae irocre, beiogol In e&BOic sbt Qcalitt, and bought ia large quantities at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. ,'We are therefore ready to compete with other Houses, North or South ' We respectfully solicit a call or order from all Merchants and Physician i who are in want of any ot the articles m our line oriH)stnes, as we are deter mined to bkix ass to firask. ' Below we enumer ate a few leading articles, all of which, together with every thing we sell, we warrant to be of the BEST t-jUALITY. and at rKIUCo WHICH CANNOT FAIL TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Epsom Salts Alum Vefdigris (Dry and in Oil) G. Camphor Opium Umbur, Lampblack Vermillion Sugar Lead Cream Tartar Bionzes Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil (of Tartaric Acid best quality ) Aloe. iTannersOil (bestqualty) Calomel (best) 8upr. Cor. Soda ppanish Brown, Venetian Red Khubarb, Ipecac, Jalap INDIGO (best Flotont and Magnesia, Quicksilver MorrtUa) Soda Powders SediiCB do Madder, Copperas, Blue Stone Balsom Copavia Logwood, Comwood, Red Castile Soap, G. Aradie wood Brtmstone.rlower Sulphur; Cochineal. Red Sanders Sulphate Morphine Culogne, Florida, and Toi Ace.ate do Munte do i let Water Extracts, Otto Rose, Fancy Sulph. Quinine Soaps Castor Oil (in bottles andf&tushes of all kinds barrels) Pepper. Mustard, 8pice Sweet Oil do do Mace, Nutmees,' Ginger, Spirits Turpentine do do Glue, Inks of all kindr, Uet Salad Oil rutty. Shoe Blacking JJfnoria (best Cololna) Surgical aud Dental Instru White Lead, (in kegs and ments and Medical Books dry) Litharge, Red Lead Crome Green Crome, Yellow Crome Red Paris Green . Prussian Blue WINDOW GLASS of all sizes Coach Varnish Copal di Uapan do Jtc. dec. dec. TYLER & HIIJ,, Wholesale Druggists, Sycamore St Petersburg, Va. PORTRArreAND MINIATURE B. JO : PKWDER, respectfully an- uounces rnai ne nas returned to Kaleicrh and as arranged a small GALLERY or PAINTING8.- -next door to the Episcopal Church.. . The following ib vui uib cwwciioD, viz ; The Restoration of the Blind, The E 1 terminating Angel, i Joshua commanding the Sun io stand still, Uapid. taught by, th Graces, , , Portia in the act of killing herself by eating burn ing coats, The Sleeping Beauty, 1 The Sleeping Beautv. awakinr. Fancy piece MUs with Cat in her Irnu, rortrait 01 rrench Labourer, . Landscapes, PortraiU, Ac LT dies and Gentlemen are -requested to call. Ott 44, J844. 86 A LADY is desnrous of obtainUr a situation, as Gbverne;- either in , . - mh5 r amny, or in a School 4 She is rnattTo : ." .... - r , &lfe5fWt?,h" nEngtih Edueaiion . v 006 M a conununicant of the Pfotes- MDi episcopal (Jnurcn, and would the Moral and Religion;. C Yp$"VZ pulara.referencemay be made Wthe Bishop of the Nov. 28, 1844. 95 it a m . q .vy ' ne i -Mawjawi jmyKUILVS RESTORER - a ." tmAnt Cure of Liver' Complaint as commum- caiea 11 Drake, He wrote SBrasTskraTrnl I A that thet "effected a cur' which seems to liave baffled the skrit of thepnjetaana m uns seciion iur a year twovfTheubectiMr., Nathaniel Newbey, who hai beh afflicted with he Liver eomplaint, together with some other complaints.; r lalulence and irys pepsia: i' IT has token one twltle of the Reetorer, to gether ' With'1 the " Pepiirativo, Powder;! He ' aaya in twelve hour he'felt relieved, and in twenty-foor hbura much relieved. He has so far recovered now, as to follow the avocations of h 'larta,.'witu .litttaor no difficullf . i He says he wants all who are afflicted to use your Medicines, and w n commending them Io the afflicted, dtc Signed, ; ; JiW Ai Drake - Dri KTuht visited A sheloro, ; oh thi 1 2th tof Tb. 1844,'and had the gratification to learri, that Mr. Nath Newbey is well, and recommend his Medicines tn the Wghst term. - i -':L w: ; Extract of a letter to Dr. J Ktihljfrom George R. I . Barr. Esq. Abingdon, Va, " I have' had several venereal cases, which - have ieen sqccefully treated with your, Abyssinian Mix- li&C ot AnUXypAiUUC' Syrup, il .will mention one for three Inonths, but witboot any abatement , of ibe dwease., j Your Medicines was procured. and the dis ease. whBh appeared so obstinate, in a few dajs yielded td your remedy, dec i . - . "Signed, utSli.- K. UAKK. - A' Lady of Bedford co. Va. for about 17 year af icted wiih contraction, lameness and nervous head ache, caused by taking calomel jand getting cold on it, and after otng the whole time the prescriptions of the most eminent physicians without any enect, she sank front year to year, but was finally, successfully treated with the Restorer, UoW Mine Balsam and Ar omatic Extract We have omitted the name of this lady, but If anv particulars should be desired, we refer to Mj. Wm. Left wich, O Urbridge, P. Bedford co , Va. 1 ..v 1 I Mrs. Felix Huffman was suffering for some y ars under Consumption, dee. .She. used numerous pre scriptions without, any benefit. and was declared in-! curable, but was cured by the use or the Restorer, Gold Mine Balsam. Aromatic Extract and Universal Plaster. Reference to John Read, jr. Esq. JeflersoD- ton, Culpeper co. Va. Richard B. K Lawson, Esq. of Gloucester county, Va. iuformed Dr. Kuhl, on the 6 lb of November, 1843, as follows : Dear Sir. I wish to inform you, that my wife was about 6 years afflicted with a pulmonary complaint, inflammatory .rheumatism and general de bility, and, finding no reuer during the whole 01, trial period from the prescription of the most eminent phy sicians, sbeliegan to use your Ketorer of the Blood, Deporative Powder and Aromatic Extract, which cured her in a short time, dtc. Signed. 7 ' , ;RicttABB B. K Liwso-. Mr. George Erbart's son was very seriously afflict ed with Dropsy and Inflammatory Rheumatism, and after having tried tbe prescriptions of a number of physicians of eminence of that section 01 country, without any benefit, sank from-day today, and every. one thought death inevitable. Mr. Erhart concluded to try Dr. Rubra Restorer, Aromatic Extract and De- purative Powder, which gave the most happy result, as communicated in a ' letter to Ur. Kunl,- tnm Konert Gardner, Esq. Chrirtiansburg, Va. eflheAth June, 1 843, in which be says: J he Medicines be got proved entirely satisfactory. ' The young man. to the ereat joy of his parents, from being in the! most deplorable situation, on the very grave s verge, now enjoying good if not perleet good neauh, aud your Medicmes have tbe credit of curing him. r "Signed ROBERT GARDNER. fXj The Medicine may be obtained at Dr. KUHL'S OFFICE, opposite the Banks, Kichoxd, Va and 0 the following Agents in North Carolina B. Oatea, Druggist, Charlotte, . . J. F. & :C. Phifer, Concord, n Jenkins 4 Biles, Salisbury, i James H. Enniss, Druggist, do . HumphrieetdbGaitber', Lexington, . .. . J. 4.R. Shan, Greensborougb, J. M. A. Drake, Athborough,, .'. C C. Henderson, Lincolnton, 8, Perry, Kernersville, Stoke county , James I Borne, Pittsborongh, Peter Foster, Louisburg, - t - " . It. W.God win, FunklintonrFiankIin co. ' Brannock & Woolen, Wrntworh, " James Rrannock. Wat-rloo, Guilford, R. W, Lawson, Yancey ville, , James R. Callum. Milton, . ' Benj. El Cook, Warrehlon. SflTH & PESCUD, Druggi! 1 Sole Agents for Raleigh. May 21, 1844. 40 ly Important Discovery ! Richardson k Co.'g Celebrated Imeri tan Fanacca. FTTHIS article ia all compounded from Vegetable II matter, free from any adulteration, and warrant edTree from any ingredient detrimental to health. It is the most in valuable discovery ever made from the Vegetable kingdom, having never failed in airec gle instance (when taken in accordance with dsin. tions,) to effect a cure of the following- diseases, to-wit Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Ulcerated Scrofula, Brtm. ehitis. Fever Sores, King's Evil, Fistula, tory and Chronic Rheumatism, Piles, Bites, Ery. sipelas, Scurvy, Chronic Sore Eyes, Pains in the Bones, Scald Head, Blotches or Pimnles on the face, and all eutaneowdiseases, Eruptions of the skin, or pains or ulcers arising from an injudi cious use of Mercury, or an impure state of the blood. i . .. , t The curative properties of this Medicine consist in its producing sure and effectual alterative of tbe whole yatern. In alight eruptions of the skin, or re cently contracted diseases, pne small bottle often ef fect the cwie, while the experience of tboxe who have been cured hy it, of long Handing and obstinate dis eases, is, jhl,it requires from three to four large bot tles to effeci a perfect cure, and no return orthe dis ease. It usually produces s tonic effect, while (in most cases) it also acts aa a gentle cathartic, increas ing the appetite and general health or the patient, causing all sores, or ulcers, to discharge more profuse ly than before taking it, and inducing a perfectly healthy action of tlie blood. Enough must be taken to effect an alterative, and aa is the' cae, with all Medicines, h effeeta will Vary.as the several consti tutions differ, from each other. Therefore, those using it should not distrust Ha efficacy if they do not ret ceive Immediate benefiu , It;b prepared with freaf care, and the extracts brought into sd small a com- pass a to require nsuallr, but one able apodnful each day for an adulti " ': ' . .fti: . ; It is now in use by the first PhyiuVians in the conn. try, and pronounced by them the best snti-'mercuriai medicine known j and tbe most efneacibusin the cure rail ; cutaneous and scrofula sffitibnsVTThejrnres fe'edhy f?r sstohishing: siinay htfcrihj reforereihec .onof all ,he Agenu. beeWfoond pffiy efflcacrartag Menses" In Female, and has been, taken with great benefit n pulmonary diseases:. & . . . , . - f 4 .Those In (he use ofit should aWufn from sUmufa MootsrO, snd sll highly seasoned ooa. i o be. obtained. r .wUM .r t -. T? Genera Agent, No SO. Pine 'street', ' op f.rLi07 HQUtt w 'York, ami" at retail u. v . rx.oswpeeial Agent. Raleigh, N.C. where Certificates nf ery happy cures may be seert i : $ . August id, 1844. ' "6T-s-m' 'CHR rJJwv H nr wm:tm V A Fresh Supply of that very supenorisun. jfcU. tnred. Chewing, Tobacco,' from Lanrhorne A Armstead s, Lynchburg., Vs. t'And also, more of that supelbrSmokinsJ.Tobaeco. this day received, and for aale at the North Carolina Booksiore. Arid-ihey act a Agent for he Mahufacfory,1t Is afford the man ufacturing price, the oox or keg. Th.etha: would lifce tp reUil a good article, would do well to 'I II j TURK BR 4 HUQHBS", i a icfierfe DrtKtM. frimM.Ai y yf , ir awtver V.rJirMVIL SURGICAL AND nElCT-r WRl JSsq. o. a. o.iAooro , iy . w T iTcnuTTf tifa-TQ Xrir att . s.Mlow;'Dr.:J.ltuhr.yoa Medicines ' 7. . i&mmimnr WTTi ry ' i.k. aiari id this Coootv. from the fact, ' ' " KlHPWnrQHl Al KB E ,S n : A:E ri ruiTn-Kr. jkHrn.nnfrrnTin T'r.DlCINES: PAINTS. OILS PT,nn. ret I " ITIlIIYSICIANS. PLANTERSMERCHANTS..AND OTHERS w.nlinjr article-ir IP ourline.NEED NOTGO jfURTHER NORTH IN FUTURE, TOGET SUPPLIfI) ' . 'ii-jttn.:, i.i JiMr 1 ihW will find that the nn nnt ;tk ti. -r . f bbtaiiIShHitt this IItate. w' ma' cimh , r .1. in' rtnid from the NORTHERN MARKETS, who,, k. h.. u . , orthe MOST EXTENSIVE and CHOICE SELEtrriONJd' MEDICINES, Ac. ever offered in Stateon such terms s Win ensbfe its to givrENTIRE SATISFACTION to our friends and customer? eeiraeAPsV; end attieJes W4seoo nmeAnj WUITP. T.RAD. LINSEED D1L, and COLORS All we ask is 0 me. nsvninii rT" w -.- www, tuai we eon and aril' , - .Mattfl ''mm.. a-a HAisa, in DlAk.kMi .1 . IVetoke thisopportonriy erf relorriing to theCitbena of Raleigh, and tbe ublic generally, our unffi.. ed thanks, for the very libers! patronage we have received from their hands, since we commenced busing - eodhpeibywictetlenuon to busmese, w corriiiiue Public. - t. ; V . j?4:fL : August 28, 1844. -ii; GhiwestWiifti City iAiLW! l;-rwA,iT7rci ' 'ATitr Tut Trtiii w s- a' TO MX'Ulw W.H'ur1W:imiM!'!n,i udmv;. ; W . ER ES IIiMPO tt TKD '1 OOP S. . -188 GREENWICH STitEETP,1 NEW-YORK, ' j aoaN gR iiqn Offer for sale on tbe most liberal trms for CASH -or CREDIT,; ferj extensive aBgoriment of Goous, among them the fbllowMig,lo APOTHECARIES. Opium ' Camphor. 5 Cream Tartar Castile Soap Liquorice -Balsom Copavia Rhobarh Jalap - ' ' Aloes ' ' r: ;.. Flora. Chamomile Gum Arabic Castor Oil i Quicksilver Magnesia Manna . . PAINTERS; Window Glass of ail fJONFECTIOjf ERS;0lSTlLLERa sixes and -quahtiex AND White Lead drv ahdochivieat Hed Lead fin oil li ot mega.- Litharge 1 Mace ' WSpiriu of Turpentine; Cloves .;..'..:- Cinnamon Putty Whiting tCassia Verdigrisry and in Allspice lainglass Chrome'Green ' oil (Chrome Yellow i iGumTraeacanth YellVOcbre,Frencb G am. and American ; Prussian Blue Gum jOilo( Vermillion, : Rotten Stone do Roll 4- Flour Sulphur t do do do do; do do do Alcohol..' Ivory. Black ...j Gum Copal Borax, refiu'd 4 crude! Calomel v Red Precipitate Corrosive Sublimate Aqua Ammonia. , 8oirita Nitre Duilci Paint Brushes, all Rose, Pink (jssaj Lamp Black ... British Lustre Glue, all sorts Super Carbonate Soda Gold nd Silver Leal j ariauc y ciu. , ; Epsom Salui ( . ' , Laudanum . Senna ' . ; 8ulphate Quinine' ; Oil Peppermint, and Gdld o- Silver bronze Rose, Copper Bienze Peach IChatk, white and red! Vanilla Pari' White Ponqein Spanish Brown Coriander Venetian Red,, Sand Paper ' PoinTce'Rlone ' Cartway all Essential Oils (Artis Seed Gum Myrrh ' Caritharides ' y : Gum Tragacahth Cork of sH kinds Powdered Bark' 8rsaparilla J 1 Sporiges coarse end fine -" ; ' " ' .. -. , f Uojube Tar and Rosin U'earlash Japani Copal; CoachjSaleratua 4; Harness Varnish Saper Turkey Umber Terra de Sienna Red Chalk " Soda Tartaric Ginger, Gum Shellac JGreen Bright Varnih ' Sash TooW, all sizes Black Lead. PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS, Balsam of Honey Turlington's BelsanV -Bateman's Drop -' y PAPER MAKERS. HATTERS, Ac. Bleaching Powders . . Powdered Blue Smalls 1 Haruem Oil and British Oil OU Vitriol Copper Galx Sfidhdtt Powders Stoughtbn Bitter Extract' Sarsaparilla CephalTe.Seuff r -j A ndersifn'a PflU . fjeeU".i'f.dp,'"": Hooper's, do - -Tiell Le Alcohol Bitract of Logwood ' Nutgalls ' ',. Blue Vitriol ! J " Verdigris , ' Opodiidocteerf and liquid. Copperas Soda Powders .1 Godfrey's Cordial Anderson's Cough Drops pal Ammoniac Antimony , SOgar of Lead Thompson a Eye-water ilurn, &c I .. . -4 DRUGGISTS GLASS-WARE Common -Vials. Colognes, Fancy Pungents, Druggiau Packing Bottles, Castor Oils, Concaves, Magnesia, Blacking or Varnish, Demijohns, Flasks, Inkstand, Jare, Imon Syrup, Mustards, 8nuffs, 6te &e. ' Ac. ; Chemical of all kind, French, .English and , American. -.All kinds of Paint and Colors. Every de scripiion of Drug and Dreggist! article, and Patent Medicines, Prrfnmery and Soaps, gmeral acsort- 03 All articles warranted genuine. The promptest attention given to orders from the country. , September 21844 A , . - t..,.L -H-i rn-.Tr , ?;. . 73 ly : - - - . '. . : i . i ' r . - i 'i ' . .. " -j rmillS 'JETW AtKStltAWCE COBlPA- JEl) srribers keep constantly on band a sup 11 NY,, or nartrord, onn. Onr tot ply f Beekwiih iPills, which they will sell on c insure Buildings 'and Merchandized Sfirainst loss or emodatine term at wholesale or retaiL damage by fire, at premiums to soil the timesi This is one of the oldest and beVt Insurance Com panies in the United Sutes and pay sits iossesprompt- ly. ' ' ' ' vW; I;t- il Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or ito y cinity. to be made to. ;;'v'!' - " 8. W. WHITDXG. May 4, 1843. 1 - Agent. BANK OF THE STTfOF NORTHfiAROUNA. Hhe Annual General Meeting of the'Siockho.'. . ders of this Bai.k ':, will be held at their, Bank- ing House in this City, vn the first Monday m Un, . , . C 'DEWEY, Carter, RalerghNov. 2S. ;1844rft-l 5i i! ! 05-tm jtvst RjqcpTED. : wimM-'Wl--! brt r-VwF J iioi2r tfelJTOER:&8Pr: -'RaliNgh'Nbvgym; gja-j-,tl .96-4t 'ttiVtiLi;Jt vvL m J.4 n JM't' TOjWtttleaea pf hC FrnBEREIsnow tJie JUHeW .lU&oUcctio; of Medical Books. U the North Car Una Bookstore, all hew, that ha eVer time been ottered to tne . rroiessjon in this 8tateJ- audi wntco.axa ottered at unusual itvm nnAM J UKnttfi 4 HUGHES. Raleigh, Np-. 27, 1844. 96, Hible and l?rayer Cookav A - Splendid collection in the greatest variety of iidr Binding, VerendGlI an asmeni of cheap Bible for Schools.- Call in and look over IhedleciiottC at the Nrih Carolina Bookstore.' - mm-rvnHiiRnvGaE-. ivaieign, rvov. ST,1544'0ir;.rii , AitmfiDi ;Tp)AftAIE at the Oafrftol 9qua c the first 8ai- -U- :, ", ""7 ueeemoer neit, at U o'clock. All duea to the Companf will be required to be paid on or before that day or executions wdl be issued against all delinquents. By order of ibe Captain, li , W.j3. fUTCHINGs;o,8. , Nov; t 1844.- - ri) -7t-: o a&hmtfriptxu, but fittle ttesd; JAMES M.TOWLCS. 'l -V A-C Vo t House in Peter.burg and this State. Our Stock Tit V t h ia very large, and we are selling cheaver than q V ! 1 u w reewv-i a ponion et tne pstronsgeef a - STITH & PCSCfJO, Drupel 1 , 4, 70w which we would can tne auemion ot GROCERS. i MANUFACTUR. Vouiir Hyson Tea 1 EKS. BAKERS Hyson Alum Blue Vitriol Imperial .... Gunpowdrr Copperas, English 4 -v4 Hyson skin American Souchong Oil Vitrol Bobea , Sugar Lead Buds French. Brandies Bleaching alts Spanish ?egars Cochineal Pot and PeailAbes Aqua Fori is Nutgalls (Starch - Arabic.Turkey Liquorice Ball Annatto Gamboge ,, Bath Brick &oda Ath Rose ., Saleraiu Fig Blue , rot and f earl Anhei Peppermint ExtractLogttood Wintergreen 1 Powdered Ginger Tartaric Acid Lemon i Cinnamon Orange Bergamot Antsaeed ' Absyntb Catraway Inniiiri Alum f Root Bichromate of Potaih Olive Oil, in bettie(SaI Soda and baskets (Gum Shellac Nutmegs jCudbear Saltpetre, crude and Wood refined Pepper Sauce Macaboy 8nuff -' (Grain and Bar Tin iFullers' Earth Madder, Dutch and Orange and Scotch SuuflT . - French Waters Mace Indigoes of Beng&l, Bean 'lndigor Flotsnt " Carraccai and G etemeral Beens Castile Soap ee& Clove ij White Tartar Seed Cart.r Oil, in bottles Red Tar Ur Alcohol Glue Psto Epsom JBalts jSumac Cinnamon Lac Dje Starch. Friction Matches Carbonate of t Jarhonate Ammonia! Prussiate Potash British Lustre . Soda for washing Mustard, London Cayenne Pepper . Powdered Nutmeg Gum 8enegal Acid Powdered Currumt white Jama-; Powdered que S rutin Ginger, ica Quercitron Bark ppirtls Nine Fortii Powdered Cinnamon AaUpeire British Gum Nitric" Acid and aire Acid DYERS AND .MANUFACTURER Logwood Braul Wood Camwood Fustic Red Saunders Hate Wood Nicarague Red Wood Barwood Hypernie Wood Peach Wood Ebony Wood Gum Asphalt am Sal Ammohiae -tit "OILS. OILS. fTahnera! Tiain, Linseed FalXWinter and SumrneijNeatroot,01ive (or sweet StrSined 5perm t " and oea fciepnant iSpehn aud Stearic Caudlei Refih'd Avunrefiu'd whale fcardOrl Prwcription Vials, Patent Medicine do. Acid Bottler, 8TITH d PESCUD Annuals for 1845. .fTTibe Xadies jtnd Gentlemen are mot tUrt rest ectfully requested to call at tbe North Car ouua Book Stvrc, dr. examine their splendid collection of New Tear, Birth-day. Holy-day and Christmu Piesenta. Consisting of New Annuals, Albums, Pic "Za&Z, avertisemenw. torial Readers and Toy Books, nd a great variety of numsrua to be mentioned in this TURNER & HUGHES. . . Raleigh, November S7. ; 96 E. H. Whiiaker, SALISBURY STREET. I Aiiawuaiacaiaieij u ue rear ei ir. w. k. uaics. S L a e 1 " a M mm mt va, r 1 . mw laomra at iar nanus, auu wouiu rc-pccwunj , execute ,mi OLE WORK s.Ontrms as dUoiiif not caaarsa, than wn be j done in Raleigh. 8he is prepareil to makeT.APiEsr ln'MlsssDRESSES, and indeed every thing by JUdy Seamtrirs. the patronage of her - firindsnd the public generally, promUing to give in ing with the hardnese of the times. Raleigh, No, 1944.; , .26 PER .CENT. LESS. 7TU8T received from Ncw.York, fresh supply of Cis Cashmeres, and D Lainea, which Goods bas fallen at least 25 p bss than they sold for on month ago, " Also, .'X ' ; 3; VYOrmf0JAr 8MJC HOSIERS OxfoTd Hoods, ' x SopV Kid Glevssr ; J?mt$, ; Ptvilayr; Alapsicas,' . ' Large lot Flannels, from SO cU td op to 65. Canton Flannels," Kslinett and Kersejrsv .Blk Satin ainl ilk Vesting, ' Cloth and Caeimere. ; Table Cloths, Tare DispeT, Ac With many other article, which will b told et e fvrf assail advaeee. ; Call sad iBMa ear Slck, as W Sre determined I sell Cheap. ' ' J. H. BECK WITH CO . Fayettevril Street, few danrs above Mr. R. Smith s atore Nov. 1(L o3 it .1 E - -Sua; ,-Cotri iwillhe wf 33i tot adv ,Ad nois Jtree ol :3vr ti 99 J