t' ! flU V '.r1; (Vi.ti SlrT t - IP i: sELfcn:G-6FFf inn - negroes -IIS, AND-A-VALDAME QUOTATION ; . ... ... . . ' -r ' ' .t. It tie kcnr'ssi CI::? to; Peace Estf."-;. fin HE SuLcriber woutjVke tKi Opportunity ig their I vli .T totU citiieut f Ralefgl and its' jjj-y I wropertjt en tno uu ne is now coning on n i r jrJ", . and ex- Trent Kiver, . i . shmotc uwohkk, w " . 7 formerly milct frdnr Newbera, cooUlnin j aooni iwv w- . T. V tfcv ne inJ J cheap V onft nf -hi i-rleariafwall AtdM WT cent, in tha dolUr caUwj , " V, f5? ITZJSUM iStt.P&- I 8Uw.Pe.ceV Row, T in Swamp lanawejMt IP -Waeei ioJSSCom end 600 te 1000 Ibe. 52SS of eminei quality we I ditched and --aeadeo an J now1 readr to oom and eleaA extto thie, iceboat U0 aeree rf eame quality in ita naW ral elate. ; The cleared eptand ia of excellent quality for Cotton; Corn, Wheat."e.-dee. and when tended by Mr. Poitot. produced 600 to 1000 lbe. Cotton to the acre; ami the Crop; ihby ear, will mTerage 1000 Ibe tp the acre.- There siretwo? Creek nnin throosh the Und, on the banks of which ,Limetone end Marl, in the greatest airanaance, is to te Uy obtained.-Also, a good Saw and a Grist Mill, on never faffing stream : m handsome two story DwelUng TfmiML and mil nvtesnrv oul Houses ; a two story Oferseer'e Hoate; several first rate Bra ! axc? ut rntiiur nin Iron Serew rress. Blame iuc w hM. CmttU hAHMiL Aju dee. ill in eood order: The1 Landi cart be divided in jtwo or three saallei Ptahtatiohs to advsnUg.. Sea going Vessel load st the Kandingrtwo mitea from the Corn i fields. The Lend will be eold no a credit of from ene to ten years Negroes one third CaX--balnce on a Iiberal)cred K Fof i farther pankatars; ? apply to ithv tf the 8ubcriben., or to Mr; Tnoa.- HaiI, who lives ad Wnin h will ihew ths Lands. 1 . - ,; WMWIJI i'fiTft ti .' lvi- o v icv win, kw n.A a. Stub; w ; . 7r Washington Dee. 4.1 1 8t - a-i MILES. 8 tf C; BURGWYN,fc;rr' W;C. V ff J BORG WTN, PoueksvilleV 3 w-? - Nee.-i; 1844" O' ' f te 89tf.. 4fTQ JHE BENCH AND BAUD : rnURNER & HUGHES, would be leave res. a pectfally to ealt the attention of gentlemen of tbe above pro tension to meir targe ana general asson ment of M LAW BOOKS.9: Among which may be found the f ; r j - . Enslish Common Law ' Reports; in 42 vols The Condensed English Chancery Reports, in 14 vols and also, the Law Library in 85 vols. Each of J be above works are still in course of Publication. They have also, Sanders, on Pleading and Evidence. Chuty's Blackstone, 1 iTidd's Praaice- Williams on" Executors, : Foscoe's Criminal Evidence, Banvieu' Law Dictionary. ' f CUitty's General Practice, ,.. .-. Smith' Chancery Practice, .Arcbbold's Criminal Pleading,; . . Archbold't Civil Pleading, .. ArchboIds Practice,, Clancy on Husband and .Wife, . ' Stephens Nisi Prins, (a new work.) Kinne's'Compendiuin, . Story's Efjoiry, -' Do. on Bailments, Do,. Pleading, , ' Da on1 Partnership, Hoffman's Legal Outlines, " Ditto- Masters in- Chancery, . t vStarkiet on Evidence, i. Smith's Leading Cases, .-.. Philips on Evidence ; -J Minot's Dizestof MassachusstU Reports, WBnsseUonCnmes , - -.- v Roscoe on Civjl Evidence, e l Thomas CokeVvitb many others too numerous to piehtion in thtsadvertiornent. -All, weaskistbat Von vill call itt and examine our - colleotmnj and you may rely npe h,' they wiU be pntiete, very Jew Pot thes,CSflIhrfs"--n' t'&ttki'?-' -' iH ,.4mv V,. - - TURNER ev. HUGHES. , RafeiNo. 20, 1844. - SPLENDID LOTTERIES. it n cRcnnRv a nn makiacpr - ferf i. --4.tjfi i..A. ?A1 eiandria Lotte x ;J ... ' v cuass 45. fos 1844.' -t To be drawn ia Alexandria. D. C. on .Saturday, Pe jr v tcembecSlst 1844,. ). 3 .! . t. ttiri-?Bli 5r':: S9,000 Dollars T 10,000 Dollxtrs I " 6X Dollars r ' 3,140 Doflare 1 "T 'OOO'DolIan ! 2r Dol&M.t . , , f 56 Prizeo of 1,000 Dollar 1 - , $&C. "j &C" die ' ' Tickets flOHalves $5-iQartcr SS 50. Certificate of Peckagea of 25 Whole Tickets 1 30 Do do Jo SSHalf; do 61 15 Quarter r,." do ' 33 40.000-DOLLARS! .,'1 Sff : - ,. lexandria Lottery, Clas 46, for 1844. - : To b drawn of Alexandria D. C. en Saturday, the s '-' SSth of December, 1844.. . '! V T8 NnmbeVtittery 14 Drawn Ballots. A. . , . , . . BKu.tXA.KT PBIZES. ; ' a iaenaM pr0 of 40,000. WFI.FS WASTED. ANTED to porchase two or foor good Moles wen broke to work." not exceeduuuix,years- old, for which: Caao will he paid. Enquire at this oiHeV Decembef 5th. , JX- ' - 98 i JL GOOD DLACILSMITn, fllO hire for the ensuing year. Apply to PETER R.HINES. RaleighNor. 15. ' v ' 92 WARBOTOJr ITIAMf ACADEMY. XlZELi; A. Mi PRINCIPAL. : BOR the convenience of Patrons in; the Eastern parts of Virginia and North Camlina, there will, t . j w m k r . m . . in lUture, ok no vacation tn inc mown oj vune, ex cepijt recess of a few days after the semi-annoal Ex amination. ' The, session ' will, therefore, continue for ten months, commencing on the ISth of January next, and closing on the S 1st of November following. The Principal returns his sincere thanks to hi friends ' for their liberal patronage heretofore, and hopes that his untiring efforts to please, will insure a continuance of their support. He occupies a large and rommodious Dwelling sufficiently fpacions to accommodate forty boarders,' situated within a few paces of the Academy . All the studenU are required fe board in the family nf the PrtncipaVand to attend some Church, at 1 he discretion of the parent or guar dian every Sabbath. "They are not permitted to visit town except in company with their Teacher, or by l a a m m - . a a - nis special leave, nosiaaenioi immoral nam is or of refractory disposition will be admitted into the In- stiiouon. TERMS. For board, $8 to $10 per mouth, according to tbe age ot tbe student. For tuition in the Languages and Mathematics for the scholastic year.- $30 " . in the Elementary English branches, 25 Fuel the only extra charge. Warrenton, N.. U. Nov 27th, 1844.. OSw J. 11. BECKWITH & CO. TTTI AVE on hand a large and well assorted Stock U U of Wew- Dry Goods which they offer to pur- cnasers at reaueta prices : Large lot, Negro Keseys, from 20 eta op to 30 cts. Yard wide Brown Cottons cts yd. White and Green Flannels 20 do. Bed Ticking 0, 10, 15 and 20 do . ' Canton Flannels 10, 12 & 15 do Mousline de Lames 18, 25, 30 d; 35 Cashmere de Ecoose 37 cts up to $1 00 yd Bl'k Cotton Hose 10 cts pair White do do 8 do Furniture Calicoes 6, 7,8, 9 dc 12 J ds yd Calico for Dresses 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 to 25 cts yd Linen Cambric Hand'fs 16. 20. 25 and 50 cts ns Lisle Laces and Edgings 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 15 cts y cotton Moulds 12$ ots Gross, l et. do. -Worsted Mitts 10, 12 18 and 25 cts pr Gum Suspenders 6 J, "12, 35 and 65 cts pr Silk Hand'! 25. 37, 50, 62 and 75 cts ps 8-4 Damask Table Cloths 1 12 cts ps llt Alapaceas 30, 37, 43, 50, 65. 75 and J 1 00 yd -rMMl and stnp , do .do . PIsidLiadsevs 161, 22 and 28 cts yd Rich striped and figured Silks, Bl'k Bombasines, Alt- pacca Aprons, Bl k and fancy Satin Vestin. Valen- tia and cut Velvet Vesting, Bl'k, Bro , Blue, Green and other coloured Broad Cloths, fancy and Bl'k French Casisaeres, Ky. Jeans, large tt striped and plain, heavy SaUineitsT some as low as 50 eU vd. and good. English Silk Hose, Dimity Collars. Kid Gloves. Silk. Points, Gimpa end Silk Fringe, dec. dec , all of j wmcu, wun many otoer goods not mentioned, we wilt sell at unusually low prices. Call and examine. A LADY is desirous of obtaining a situation, as boverness. either in a Private Family, or in a School. Sne is capable ef ctvinir instruction m tne-ordinary branches ef an nrii8h Education and in Mosto. She is a communicant of. the Prote. tant Episcopal Church, and would spsre no pains in tbe Moral and Keligious culture of her Pupils. For particulars, reference may be made to the Bishop of the viocese, or to me Kev. a: Shed is, Rector of Sr, MarysScbooI. - . -h Nov. S3, 1844.. . v ., . 95 6t IU5L .l-PritO;-r 1 20 ; . do do do do do do do do 4o do do do do do' 4o do do do do do -.3 12,00a 6,000. 5,000. 300. 2oa 2,000. 169. 1,600. 1300. 1,850. im 1,000. 50 TleetrlO-HalTes f&Qaarten $2 50. Csrtificates'of packsges of 26 whole tickets SI30 VJ??a53 W f ' oV-e-5 ..'Dodo; 26 Quarter do -32 Orders for UckeU and shares and certificates? of packages in the above splendid Lotteries wilt receive the most prompt attention,'and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it is! over to all ; who may order tickets from us. Address , . ' : wasningion U,ty. D. Ol. , Q4 JavsUgutrayandWo Con p i ' " r 4K?M unPw. BlackKTeast Box Cheese, a superior article, dtev dtc ' i V- 4 , Best wiuter strained Lamp Oil, 1 V : (nnd good mould 9udle.,b, Box oi . wwwdow Glass. Putt? -Am ' f m ti Vuidow Glass, Pnttv! &tL . Head. oCtFamili would. doel! tcafTaiee "for themselves,, f , , :. - f6 m JAMES M. TOWLES 88 Nov, t. . .. . ficre j tie Subscriber hav f S. Tins aoaliAf i. tratbf on the estate of Willi;rff?,,?!r ihose having nttg4rnti! w Payment. -; : r . "ame toprclntthem w., . o-n. 3TATU oflirortIiCarofItia.-HAi.iriK 5 Connty. In Equity. , James Sunmons and others; ! ; ; " ' : Original Bill. M. H. Pettwsr. Trustee. S It appearing to the satisfaction of th r., it Joseph L. Simmons is not a resident of the State: Ii Soraereu mat publication fje made in the Kaleigh eglster for four weeks, notifying the said Joseph L Simmons to appear st the Court House in Halifax ...uimmonaj wier tw tuurtb Monday in March next, and plead, answer or "demur, or the bi.'l win ue warn pro con J ess o ss to him. Nov. 27. 1844. : . 964w O- NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY CHEAP Watches, Jewellery, and Cutlery. . J. C. PALMER nas just rei urnea irom toe XVortb, with a very fine, assoitment 50 per cent, cheaper than ever offered before, end now opening in the brick house third f door below To a n e ca, Hvoaxs' Book Store. rnompson as a Jeweller's, but more recently by Mr rentress ssaTailorins estalrwhm-rif. k - - a .... uow and sUrer ladies' 'and gentlemen's iever . Wajches; ,f.; ; Gold fob and guarj Chains and Keys. Gold Breast-pins snd Finger-rings. Gold Bracelets, very fine article. Gold Pencils and Spectacles, collar Buttons", shin Buttons, Medallions, Lock, Clasps, Hearts and . Crosses .'f4 lf - 7 . Large' assortment silver and steel Spectacles Silver patent Perifocal Spectacles, new and Im proved article. ' . . . ' - . ctay-iiid other silrer Pencils. 1 1 ' -t Silver TnimbteM and Butter-knives.' - '-ii i ts.c di a I - -.. .y.")'f -sk-:,'' 'jc1' Alsoother improved UAMPHINE LAMPS, SO LAB LAM P8 GI R A N DOLES, HALL LAMPS snd LANTERN, and dealers in ASTRAL and SOLAR SHADES, "CHIMNEYS and LAMP GLASSES of all kinds, LAMP WICKr PTJRE SPERM OIL, .CHEMICAL OIL, CAMP H IN R and BURNING FLUID ; all of which are oflered at Whujesate and Retail, fit the iowkst puicks roa c&sh. , -. - ' ': Septembrr lit. ; : 76-6m FALL TRADE. ..- 1844 !"; fln immense Stoclc of Dirties and Medicines , Faints Uils Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fan-1 ey Articles , Brushes y Spices, 8Cc. 8Cc. TTDY ARRIVALS from Boston, New York. 4-c. : LTv 4;c we are now receiving our Fall Supply of Goods embraang a very heavy oluck of everything in our, line. Our Goods were selected with epeciai reference to the Wholesale Trade, being of the (Jaoic est Qualitt, snd bought in large quantities at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. We are therefore ready tocomitele with other Houses, North or SottlA We respectfully solicit a call "or order .from . all Merchants and rhysicians who are in want oTany of tbe articles in our line of lustnes, as we are deter mined to skil asd to plrasr. Below we enumer ate a few leading articles, all of which, together, with every thing we sett, we warrant to be otho BEST QUALITY, snd at PRICES WHICH CANKOI FAIL TO GIVE SATISFACTION. Epsom Salts Alum G. Camphor Opium Sugar Lead Cream Tartar Tartaric Acid Arees ' Calomel (best) 8upr. Cor. Soda Rhubarb, Ipecac, Jalap, Masnesia, Quicksilver Soda Powders Sedlitx do Balsom Copavia -Castile Soap. G. Aradic Brimstone.Flower Sulphur Sulphate Morphine Accate do Monte do Suiph Quinine Caator Oil (in bottles and barrels) Sweet Oil do do Spirits Turpentine do do Boot Salad Oil Lifnoria best Cololna) ' - While Lead, (in kegs and dry) Litharge, Red Lead Cromo Green ('route Yellow Crome Red Pari Green Prussian Blue Verdigris (Dry and in Oil) I : i vim ue oeinnv ' Untbur, Lampblack Vermillion Bronzes Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil (o; nest quality) Tanners Oil (best 'r natty) ppnnish Brown, Venetian Red INDIGO (Ie8t Flotant and Mornlla) Madder, C.-pperas, .Blue Stone .; ' - Logwood,; Comwood, Red wood J- j Cochineal. Red Bandars Cologne, Florida, and Toi let Water Extracts, Otto Rose, Fancy soaps. Brushes of all kinds Pepper. Mustard, Spice, Msce, Nuimees, Ginger, Glue, Inks of all kinds, Putty, Shoe Blacking Surgical and Dental Instru ments and Medical Books WINDOW GLASS of all sizes' Coach Varnish Copal d lapan do . Jc. dec. dec. Important Cure of Liver t Complaint as commun fealedkktletoTKuTafro . Drake;l$so. C. $. C. Ashtorv'N Cif ti TYLER & HILL. Wholesale Druggists, 8ycamore 8U, Petersburg, Va. PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE TnTTR. JO: S. PENDER, respectfully an- XTJJ. nounces mat ne nas returned to Kaleigh and has arranged a small GALLERY PAINTINGS, next door to tbe Episcopal Church. 4The ; following "iuuiij uis coiicciion, viz . J be Restoration of the Blind, The Exterminating Angel, r 7. h ' Joshua commanding the Sun to stand still, 4 Cupid taught by the Graces. J . " Portia in the act of killing herself by eating burn ing: coals, '-- The Sleeping Beauty, The Sleeping Beauty, awaking, Fancy piece--a Miss with Cat in her arms, Portrait of French Labourer, , Landscapes, Portraits, Ac- L dies and Gentlemen are requested to rail. i J. S. P. Oct 24, 1844.:, 86 CAPITAL, $300;000. THE NEW-YORK COSniBUTIONSHirFIRE INSUBiNCE CdiST, t OEFICE, NO. P(, WALL STREET. Insure Dwelling-houses, Warehouses and BuilJimraT ' 1 , i w ' lain " , . , 1 in general, ciercaaiiuiss, nousenoiu rurmture; Ships building Ships in Porf and their Careoes. and everv description of personal PreperijV - ' - ' - i AGAINST LOSS OR 1IAUA61TBT Pnt.' : J"' ' J SMYTH ROGERS, Vediicrl. R. VV, MlhTlirt &wyy, , , , rD. W. STONE, Agent, At KaleighNC.g May 16,1844. 40-w4we0lypd' County: In EquW"iM1'"WnAM"X ' , ' 'V JmerSirrimon snd others. " I. ' ft:-'. - ... ...H v , -j $ fJl? Troateel ' '.: As directed W rjl- lr Af . iudge'of th; C6"Li?WS IfsrWrbte as foHows.1 br;:'ltuhi,'your; Medicines ar about to takra taT inthli CotIroarilid faa, that thejreflected cure hicr eerS o tavobaffled the aUU cjt&s-idijfiiciansia tbuHsectjQri fof syear or two a Th euTaeet it Mr.- Nathaniel ,Newliey, ,who( haa been afSicted with the Liver complaint, together with sent other ,eornptaisyFwuJeHca . and Dys pepsia , He hat Uken-one rbotlle of ihe JlestdrVr, to-geiherWi-thCputftivePqwderfH in twelve hours he bit relieved, and in twenry-lour ttours much relieved. 7 lie has soar recovered-bow, as to follsw the ervdcalii'ns- Of -his" tamr;-witl Jilr no diflicultyHesays pe wants all who are afflicted to use your weuicmes Dim w nsuuiuwHuuig uh iu lheaffliedr&ct- fe-gnfcd : M"A. Drake." Dr. Ruh'visiteJAetorooatM'xin oi reo. 1844, and had the gratification lo earn,-t hat Mr. Nath Newbey is well, and recommend his Medicines ul the highest termss;v:rt"'C -r.. ,is - , ' Extract iof a Mtitrto pnJ, Kuhl, froni George R. Marr,&q. Abmgaoni Ya. . I have had several venereal eases.- which have been succesfulfy treated wHH jour Abyssinian Mix ture of Anti toyphtlttic Syrup. I will mention one case, which had been treated with the usual "re medirs inr wree inonius, om wunouijany aoaiemeni oi me disease. Your Medicines" was procured and the dis ease. which appeared so- obsiinate, in a- few davs yielded to your rchiedy.'&c.-1 " Signed j rM ft GEO. R, BARB. A Lady of Bedford co. Va. for about 17 years, af flicted with contraction, lameness and nervous head ache, caused by taking calomel and getting cold on it, and alter using the whole time the prescriptions of tne most eminent pnysicians wunout any enect, she sank from year (o year, but was .finally successfully t seated wUh tbe Restorefj Gold .Mine BaUam and Ar omatic E x tract, LWe have omitted the name of this lady; but if any particulars should be desired, we refer to Msj. Wm.'Leftwich, Otterbrldge, P. O., Bedford co , Va- ." "ri ' " ' , ' krs Fm Huffihan was suffering for some y are under- Consumption dec' She -us-d -' numerous pre scriptiotu without any benefit; and was declared in curable, but was cured by; the use of the Restorer, Gold-Mine Bslsam. Aromatic fixtract and Universal Plaster. Reference to John Read, jr.' Esq. Jeflersbn ton, Culpeper co. Va. Richard B. it: Lawsori. Esq.'of Gloucester county, Va. informexl Dr. Kohl, on the 6th of November, 1843, as follows Dear Sir, I wish to inform you, that my wife was. about 6 years afflicted wiih a pulmonary complaint, inflammatory rheumatism and general de bility, and finding no relief during the whole of that period from the prescription of the most eminent phy sicians, she lgan to use your Restorer of the Blood, Deporative Powder and' Aromatic -Extract, which cured her in a short time, dec. Signed. -Ricaaan B. K Lawsos " Mr. George Erhart's son was vry seriously afflict ed with Dropsy and Inflammatory Kbeumatism, and after haying trietl the recriptions of a number of physicians' of eminence of that section of country, without any benefit, sank from day to day, and every one thought death inevitable. Mr. Erhart concluded to try Dr Kubfs Restorer, Aromatic Extract aud De puratiye Powder, which gave the most happy result, as communicated in a letter to Dr Kubl, from Robert Gardner, Esq. Chrintiaiisburg,' Va. of the 25th June, 1843, in which he says: The Medicines he got proved entirety satisfactory. The young man, to the great joy of his parents, from being in the most deplorable situation, on the very grave's verge, is now enjwyjjng good if not perfect good health, and your Medicines have the credit of coring him. '" "Signed ROBERT GARDNERS OCj" The Medicines mijr be obtained "at Dr. KUHL'S OFFICE, opposite the Banks, Richmond, Va and of the following A genu in North Carolina B. Oates, Druss'isl, CharMte. J. F. dc C. Phtfer. Concord ' Jenkins BiteSanslury; S Jamei H. Enniss, Druggtst, do Humphriedc Gakher; Lexington, '' -f J. 4; R. Slosnj Greensioroogh, r , r , , J. M. A Drake; Ash borough, s , C. C. lIenleron. Lincolnton, 8." Perry,TCernersvilJe, Stokes county,4 ' " J a meal Home, Pitishorongh, . Peter Foster, Loa'sburg, - , R- W. Godwin, Fr4ukliiUon, Fianklio ca Brannock dc Woolen. Wrntworh, . James Brannock. Wat. rloo, (iuilf jrd, R. W.Lawson, Yancey vifte, ; J a ires K. Usllum. Milton, BenpEi Cook, Warrenton. STITU& PESCUD, DruggUi, - Sole Agents for Raleigh. May SI, 1844. 40 ly FRESH: ATiriVAD OP- 1 DYJS STUFFU, UKUC.ll, 3UJIU1CAI. AND DENTAL , ...... s- -.-.flVt".-iVf r INSTRUilENTSt-dtc, &e,.AT-- : ;"f I)RUpWAnEiHOUSB,-FAYETTEVILLE ST., JLf urlweNEED NOTGO FURTHER NORTH IN FUTURE, TOGETSUPPLIED If they, will call and examine, our prices, :tbeyi will find that they corn spond" with those of any WMILAR ESTABLlSttllJT-IN PfeTBRSBUJRQ' RICHMOND, OR THIS STATE- v One of our Firm has jurt reVurned Irom tits NORTHERN MARKETS, where he has purchased one of theMOSTjETENbl VE umlCJIOIUE iiELECTIONi, MEDICINES, d e. ever oflered in this Siftenj uch iermJ as1 wiul enable 0 to give JSTIRE SATISFAtn iON-tO our friends ind customers. vA'tt we ask Ufsfriaf ZY?j$Hfi. io lef the people in the Obi Notllx Ptate kftowtbaf we con and wilt sell as fcirmnd.Wicles ofas Our Stock of W II ITE L E AD i Lt Nb ED O L, and CjOLORS ia very large, and we are sefling chttrper than ever. We take this opportunity of returning lp the sCUixens of Raleigh, and tbe public generally, pur unfeign ed thanks, foi the very liberal patronage wuiiave received from their hsmls,' since we comnwne&taines ; and hope, by strict attention to business, to continue to receive, a portion of tb patrunsgeuof a gnres v'-- , - .1.' .. cTiTif a, aas?tfi--TV ti-. PUW1C,, ::i r , ,;i'. . vi;uf iinisiinn. t -August 28, 1844. . , . ,r.:.t CheapestrStore nntf&orktu. ' Tu My oldcustomerV TriE public. ' 5 i: ; FUtSIl IMPORTED GOODS. DRUGS; DYE-STUFFS, lINTS, MBD ICINESG ROCEft 1 ES, 6fc, w 188 GREENWICH STREET, NEW-YORK. ' J O HN C . MO RE I S Q N Offers for sale on Gooas, the most liberal terms for CASH or CREDIT, a very extenaire assortment of among; them the following, to which te would call thdaitention of ... APOTHECARIES Opium ' Camphor Cream Tartar Castile Soap Liquorice ' Batsym Copavia nhubarr - 7 ; JaTap "'. " Aloes Flors. Chamomile Gum Aralie Castor Oil Quicksilver Magnesia Manna Roll 4 Flour Sulphur Alcohol Borax, refin'd 4' crude Calomel Red Precipitate , . Corrosive Sublimate. Aqua Ammonia Spirits Nitre Dulcts Suer tJarbonale Sodr. Tartaric Acid v Epsom Salts Laudanum. Senna. ' r. -4 . . t...'. Sulphate Quinine Oil Peppermint, and all Essential Oils Gum Myrrh. ; , f'antharidea ' Gum Tragacanth Cork of all kinde Powdered Bark 8rsaparilla . ' . Spongrs, coarse- and ..fine PAINTERS. 1 Window Glass of all sizes ami qualities White Lead dryland Red Lead, , fin oil Litharge 1 T Spirits of Turpe'titinc rutty Whiting Verdigris,tlry:and in Chiome Green ' foil Chrome Yellow. VellwOchre,Frencb and American Prussian Blue . Vermillion ' Rotten Stone Ivory Black Gum tCopal CONFECTION. rv-0ROCER8 E RS.DISTILLE Rs! Young H y son Tea Paint Brushes, all Rose Pink .,. Lamp Black : British Luytre . iGIue, aJI sorts Gold and Silver Leaf Ujol4 4; Silver bronze (yonuer Bronze, Chalk, white and red ParisWbite ' - r Spanish Brown" Venetian Red r S Sand Paper 't". Pumice tone, ... Tar and Rosin Japan,' CopaL Coach1 4 Harness Varnisb rorkey Umber -Terra de Sienna Red ChaJk Gum Shellac Bright VarnUh Sash Tools, all sizes Black Lead. AND BAKERS ItJocbbieal Nutmegs tMace Cldyea - -,. (Cinnamon, . trassia Buds AlUiice ,.x Isinglass , IGurn Tracacanih Gum Arabic,Turkey Gum Gamboge k)U of Rosea , 'do .Peppermint do jl.Wintergreen do; Jjemon ' do I Cinnamon do .Orange do Bergamot do Anisseed , do Absynth doCarraway do :J unifier Rose. Orange and Pjeacn Waters Vanilla Beans Tenqnin Beens .Coriander Seed Csrrs way- Seed" iAhU Seed - . Ltujube Paste ' Pearlasb . - Saleratus "jaoru ;,,f:...v ImperSl . uuiipowder Hyson akm iSttcboag r S 1 ,.-9 lBohe; ,v French Brandies Spauish beg are PotandPcaii Abes Starch.; , , Liquorire Ball Bath llxick Satrraius Fig Blue- Powdered Ginger Alum . fKoot Olive, Oil, in bettie and baskets Nutmegs 11 Saltpetre, crude and refined Pepper Sauce MacaboV Snuff "' Scotch Snuff v , Indigo, Flotant. r Castile Soap doves).i.1A . , x Castor OiL in bottles Alrohol ? -Epsom Salts Cinhamon , Friction Matches woper- Carbonate of Carbonate Ammonia a . fTarUricArid Ginger, white Jama-1 Green Ginger ica British Lustre . 14 Soda, for washing Mustard, London Cay enne Pepper MANUFACTUR- Alum Bluo-Vitriol Copperas, English & .American Vitro! . jSogar.Iad . Bleaching Salts Cochineal . Aqua Funis . Nuigalls Annatio Soda Ath Pot and Pearl Ashe ExtractLogwood rartaric Acid Bichromate of Potash SalSoda GumWhellac Cudbear Woad Grain and Bar Tit Fullers Earth Madder, Dutch and Trench Indigoes ' of Bengal Carracess end G -etemeral -Whhe.Tarlar Red TarUr H3lue jSumac . jLac.Dye ( t- starch i; Prussiste Potash Gum 6eqegal Powdered Curcuma Powdered que Smalts Quercitron Bark PATKN T M EDICIN E DEALERS. uaisamoi Money Turlington's Balsam - -Bsteman's Drops Harhem Oit and British Oil Seidlklu Powders StoughtoneBitters 1 Extract Sarsanarilla . , Cephalic Snuff Anderson's Pills Leo's 1 - ; lo Hooper's do El PAPER MAKERS. j H ATTERS, Ac 0 teaching t'owdera Powdeied Blue Smalts Glue Oil Vitriol Copper Galx v . bell Lac Alcohol Extract of Logwood Nutgalts . Blue Vitriol m Verdigris :i . ;. . j.Si, '.-it- Pbwdered Nutmeg itfpirit Nitre Foriis f owdered Cinnamon I t'altpetze British Gum Nitric Acid' and alic Add v ( , DYERS AND MANUFACTURER LKgwoou ' (Brazil vvootr isones, ocaia, ncaa, violcats or Pimples on face, and all cutaneous diseases, Eruptions of stun, or pains or ulcers aristae from- n. Important discovery ! Richardsoa k Cos Celebrated American Panacea. rTTl HIS article is all compounded from Vegetable 11 matter. Tree from any adulteration, and warrant ed tree from any iagTediect detrimental to health: It is the most invaluable discovery ever made from the Vegetable kingclom,haviMg never failed in airec gle instance (when taken in accordance with dsin. Vi .(r..i . .... .r.L. r u..k' ?- -" rTr .ivnia, j iu vuis ui me 1UIIUWIIK UlSeaseS, lO-Wlt Salt RheumV Scrofula, Ulcerated Scrofula, ttrnn. cliitis. Fever Soiree. King's Evil.Fistulai btflanutud trim. rt..A f !. Ul... J .. n. T . tipeas. Scurvy, Chronic Sore Eyes. . Fain in the the the wist eious use oj Mercury, or an impure state of the The curative properties of this MeJkine cot in its producing a sure and effectual alterative of the whole systern. In slight eruptions oTthe skhi, or re- vcn.j comnro msesses, one small bottle often ef fects tbe cure, while the experience of those who hare wrou PPW prtlg atamJing sod obstjnato dis a, , inai requires trom tbiw to four large bot- Mi eueci a pertecl cure, and no return or the dis ease. It usually produces a tonic effect, while fin most esses; it also acts as r gentle cathartic, increas ing the appetite and genera thealthfoMhe patient: Musing all sores, or ulcers to discharge more profuse ly than before tak.nsr h. 1 ;n,i.,.:' - neany aciioor iBe blciouV.'Bnough must be taken f wt'an;altejraUve, arl ias is the case with all ...cutrau, in enecie willar. a K .r.i uuonsuuier irom each 01 hir. I'K.,.. .1 : wJi jeificar ,l IIVt Hn ni care, ftrtti iK tro; tJ:j t t - -T,-iT OpodiUlor.Steers and liquiq(pperas- Soda Powders " Sal Ammoniae Godfrev's Cordial I Antiroon' - Anderson m t'ough Uropw I nompson a Eye-wstcr ugarbf Lead' tllllt. A, -i- Camwood Fustic," ' "; , X icarsgue " ' ' :' ' Bar wood Njiom Asphalt cm 1 Sat Ammoniae " ' ' 'Soapi';".s,i',l;5ll1,-'- J'm Fatt. Winter jind Sotnmei Strained SpernT RehVd A ufirefin'd wbaM Lard Oil?-.: Red Saunders ' Hate Wood IRed-lVood ' Hypcrnic Wood Peach Wootl ' - Ebnjr "Wood' TannrsTrain, Linseed Neatsfeot; Olive Or sweet i "and Sear Elephant SSberm aud Btearic CanJIo r pasa as to require, usualtv. eacn nay tot a mdqlt. , ori , uu. muu coeap uncj combs, and i Neck- -n . mouni oi moHies in tbe hand of tba 't'"Vri"5'" ?-s.JT'f:r? T of Joseph mmonsrisbTTbe MT. --er iw and -Hate Pin ,s 1 . . I uwiv. ortb ifltk r as 4 . ,..--- -. sask S' a. - -1 Neatly executed at this Office. baow Purses und Wark.W. fCbapmsai's best Metallic R.xor Strap. -SarB ssortroent of CUTLERT -r " , .f . etnera. - - v i -Best .iyade and Butcher's Jiaaora. Rogers' best Scio, . . - . - VValking-CSBes, &c ; in fac , article- k..t would -maksibis advertisement cost tM mhT WATCHEWp4ired. sod wantft Uke so account of ihe BahiUii- t J? FJ? SW of toreConrtroHhiVo?: Baal bonds, et whk-h im lit ..- iJl , , . the said matters tfieh ta h ..nluJ l ' d to Come forwardV make tftown' their clafnSad produce Ihe necessary evidences to support them.V Brr a tcuor. in the greatest" variety ot Raleigh, Nov. 27, 1844. 95 Into ad smalt a coin- but one table spoonful It is now ir, use by A, firsi Physicians in the coup. T r n:onUDCed b lPnHi bef 4na-mercurfai medicine known ; and the most efneaciousin thecdre of all cutaneous and scrofula iffections. The cores effected by irairtu teen by ifIrr?.it?i!beaW,fic,lnd Ponisl. in posse. theAgeniH.Hh.sbee, found pearly RS "JlTIr",g "gularity of the iKnse. in CinksVB DRUGGISTS'. GLASS , WAliE-fmoW Prescription, VhJ;Pafct MsdfcirH. ioAcId Bottles, Colognes, Fancy Pungent., DrHggtst. PMkingoTttesto ., 1 Ung or, V , "Jfwp, jriosiarus, onuCe,iBtc Every ds- neral asort- .Cbcmic nit kindslc riwion f Drug, and Druggists, atticlft. anTPatent Medkiafs, Prifumcry and Sosi., a c. ent, rc. Ac.. ' ' -': .;- . script ion ment 03" All articles warranted genuine. September 2, 1844. The promptest attention given t? cf0frcjn'thc'wntrT. lii ill. 73 ly "." -';FIUB-4?sri.fewi, r. fTNHEljiSTW INSIXRAIVGliS MMPjU't 11 Jf, of Uartrord. Cnnn -mfcim A minnr Umlillnol ,nl U.k.nj;.. a:.". i... - -m ..yn.iiMiiuiwBgmm loan or damage by fire, at premiums to suit thetimesv -rA i i ne Xtdies and Crcutlemen are most respectfully requested Jo rait at ihe North Car. r-ii tT it2? . r?0o- .iiamine their sptei.d collection . , ... ,...,EW,, .riaenu. vjonaisTinti nr nnn.l. tn,m.v;. ' , . 1 Finn lri!l.. l,m nniti... .. i U ...:.'.! ! .t- ctnity. to be mttfe tOi ' fay 4, 1843. Bi WHITINGS : -Agent. adveHiseinVnt.' TURNER- & UUUHES. BANK OF THF STATF nc wnilTU runni imi the Annual General Meeting- of; the !ockho. 4 . fr 0,ni w.w hr held itmjir Bank, in HorjeJo this C:ty,Wttrt-MoitoV in ian nary next ( ; By order, : 7v , . a DEWEY, CkrxAt Raleigh. Not. 2aTl844 f 4i S5-4m agbvembet1 . '" ,? Jl2 98 II uu ii .! limn- ! 1 w -ifli- um.nnaj MtwccJI &gjei20 BBd TARBOROjjqifyo, and t wvwieiy aojoirueg .t f lit Aj4x't old stand, is I ow n for ttie reception f TravallM. ' nain. 'I i "OT0 xwe end Jniost General T. tT"r8-' ireifjo render . this flo. Ji Collection of fa&W m rwMjssi wo traveling community,, Enen wee House room IwTwelewfoed Stables for Bsc. ses, end large Shelters fof Carrisgee, Bucries. Ac. otannjpe, w. V. Hov. 3&, JS44. - 95 w4f olina Bookstore oif ne; that has ever, at anf ene taneiheem oilered tu th Pmoion i. Allf which, are offered at nua low priws,- JSaJeighNov. 271844 4 'M &&, d9SJ '- 5w,rec0if jng , ln! J sjTork: and Philadelphia, a Targe andjgejrji MS ' J ..tfwuiwia.., reiww-i 4 paints and oils: d te-stupp! . t."GLA!rVVARE;PERFOMETiri Jke.' ? "Which they Are preparedto sell wholesale Snd retail 10 rny.ianir, Merchants and others deolmln their tine,' at cnusuaJly low prices ' Those wishinir to buy. will find ir to tkii; ni.U KSH1 f11 xnine before purchasing elsewhere. i . fsrticular attention va all times will ha tEdward g;;L1itt6ffoB:T i ry-yjnjom A puliuf lAat ht kms ' - " J.ti, 9 . . r ' i ' f r I tr j... Wwiir. uu, t .--- - -opens m' - fsv i.-.i" f a.? mm . 'uritet wisheVioaeRWresU F0RiVAn-:M3' Ar:3 C2,',"'-'l U'f L 7 ',,oogh srreetalKuT'Jnn.ju Htfu f n'i V UESteStcjj, Tt9C - , iVesif,othrja j Whtrebe 'wouidhepleasedorrake purchasel.-WMl nnttEjasessionl th. ,,JX tpnirol f the present iastroctopv will commence on the 6th of January Mt.hiiaVy b loca- swgaetuasiom lUOr 4, yeiy btalUifur fi'Shuothid,and orjeKsuiTssf. by . none for the mornl and intelleetma. characiei, of the chixens -W bile the UlioAr exempt froeathbs foducemenis ic and orrnpuon that nbt ia too. Towns sod Villages, it possesses the advantsgfa, of a debating Society, eond acted by the etadents, instructor, and wr genUennerJwicinMy. ' Young nien, wish ing to prepare for College, a for tbe ordinary busineas of l.fc, will find such Society very teneftcnil. Strict auenuoa wiUbs pajd w the mor.l deportment ;of tbe Keaenw uosra can n sad r f9 per. month; con venient to the Academy, in the fsmiSe. of CspL Jn. Daly , Dr. Henry L. Plumraer, Michael CoJlins sq. BisjeJWwio.p.jpre T;ioJ 1 p; 3aon,:aexxogio. the stBdies pnr fed Foc inroimauvn enweroin and quaJ'tScainK; of the . instructor, Jie fefero the jniblie mil ff CfiijH TJIMrte- and patrons ef the school l-X 5 Just printed and for aler AT THIS OFFICE. 3d

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