il Si r t ; t Kit x:o4:llna;'Le!at3re. SENATE Mady,- V- I!r; tfridaay, (rom.the. Committee on th Lite- mend the Acts hereiofae passi on Ute tjub jeet of Common' School., .j . -v ;;n -. Oo motion of Mrt Speight, the vole, bytwbch was passed the bffl ieJtua to .prevent the imnfiaonmeot,?of Uowfrdebtorav wat recon- V 'The'n:.'! was 'tlieri; read again and jtaaaed- ye f" Noes JS3L--? "' " . h i:- ! t -""--; : ; Tj' 'hate'toolt'np s;tttt'l bill eothorizingihe 1 5-Ayjlr and Raleigh Rail Road. Company to 7 issue Joiiia tbllbV amount of- $IOOJDOO, lo w tleem a la amouni iano issuaa uoaer tne :Act, en?uled an Act lor the relief of the-Wiu ';'r:- wingtoa and Raleigh .Rail Road Company. V : M r. Ca me ron jrnoved to amend the hill, - ding Jo. ta Jir Section, the following. PrbvjfoVt ' t . lrcrtfri.'Tbat ia addition to the mortgage which ? ihi State- fcas.npon.the . KoaaV, tbe Stockholders in '' aid Coinpany, Shalt give'their iudividuat Bond to ? - the, State, in a aura or inmi safficicnt to.-COTer the liabilities of the IndirUaal Stockholders"for lha amount 1 :: which the Z'.-J. 9 baa already advanced on account f- t ujo uoad, and for J " -. a l?i;ckLo!der in aaid- liet! : f;f, with the accruin - C Lis T-endmeTil ciic ited- considerable debate? : ?t' u it peH4la, 'When theSenjile' took a Te- 1 uRiIl-3 V:1ocL:.'i-:fHr 1-0 f ' ; enaie conimaea me jCamcron'f amendment- to the bill relatia; td the Wiimirtoa trad Ralctgh? Rail'1 Rpad iCotupany, which wa after aorae time apti nt thereon, adopt-' ": TjBAa--Alrsr. - 6issi BoyJi - Cameroa, Prake Cioo, EtlfarJs, Eilri.ljrf, Cxum, Gayin, Gwynu Hrfrave, Hef r.'H ill," Hole- JSy. , Mel'in, tciliJ!n, Pftear..JUitli, SjiiliSiallirigSio'we, ,Tkomiion,.of Wake, ToniMon, Walker, Wirsoii. - ' Nr Mir. AUf;Ut.Boglc.Boyden,Cowrr Docfearjr, Eflloti, Krnct, Hly, Hellen Joymrr, ot Hslirax, 'Jotne. of Pi t, Ltnlrtjr. Mool, Pharr, Shprd, Sipith7TaylThoinpktf Bextie, Wad- dellR WoocTfin, WorihZIi s " ; n,Tho b31 wat then rfrcted, by the following -ft,. VkI - tat the law; as to rive to any. two - Justices o . vC'H ;r i"trec.oi tnia state, lunsdiciion or, an cases 01 1 L i Mem. 'Albritfiit. . BouTe' Boyden, Cme X ton, pdcky Hrttmr,, Linday, PUair Shejpaid, ;-.? snuui,'-i atioeWoQdfia-i2,'; - A 'r- yT' Nays Messrs B-t,rBoVtt.' Cowper, Drake, Ea L V'-ton7':dwa'rdstVETJou, Etharidze, Kxum, Francii, Js .Carin, Gvryno, HUy, Hurgrare Hrllen, Heeter, . Hilt, JeOVaye, Joyner, of Halifax, Joiner, of P, y -Mclria, McMItan, Moody, Paatenr.) Reich, Speight, . Sta!iie, Siowra, Thompaon, of Wake, Tomlinaon, ' Waddeit. W alkar. WiUon . Wob,4 84 -1 CHOUSE P COMMONS- ' - . JJfr. Mills from the Finance Cbmmittee, Tepor- -. ted he following Resolution, which was read the rst time and passed : . i ; , lUsolvtd, Thittbe Public. Treasurer be and he is Tluireby authorized to borrow, from the fond set apart I ' for Internal Imprere3ent,.tbe Literary Fund, r . from either of the-Banka in this State, such sum or sums of money, from time to time, at six per cent, in- tereat, aa may be necoa?ary , toj meet the proper '' charges Authorized by law, against the Stale, Until T the next meetinz of the . General AsaembJy!. . Proyi- f. ' cled, that tha amount so borrowed, 'shall hot exceed !r ; ae hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and provided . : farther, that tho aumor sums borrowed under the an ? '' thority of "thia. Resolution, shall be, repaid ; bythe V Pubiit Treasurer, as soon as the Treasury shall be in ; a condition to enable him to do the same. ' i '. Mr Mills moved that said Resolution be read - 4he aecr!d tiiaj;v which was agreed to, ; . ? : , Mr- Ellie said, he war willing to borroT? mo- I " ttey to meet the liabllitiea of the" State, which will fall due on tlaa' 1st January, 1845, but, he wae T :.--l)0tedtliTeli thuTnoTty TrndefTthe Vc Besolutioo, to meet other liabilities subsequently. he would, rather see some permanent proposition, by levy ing a tax to pay thi? debts. He therefore called for the Yeaa anj Nays. .' . "Mr. Mills said be could not aecocat for the oppo sition of the gentleman from Rowan. , He is witting to meet the-present liabilities, but witt not extend the authority tf the Treasurer to borrow moaey to pre- eerve the faith and credit of the State, after the first of Janoary, 1845,; U the credit 0 North Carolina ' worth preseTTing now ? then it will be equally impor- int to preserve untarnished the faith, awd credit of this good eld State, "on the first of January,' 1846, and '. ; . throughout: all thne to come. Sir.-ifretwdiation is , ." eTeT is be resorted to in North Carolinai'iGod forbid ; H ft aver should) why not commence it now ? Wliere r "C ia the necessity for eherwhlag ui holding sacred the honor ef the Ktate for a day or. a jear, if it is to be a surrendered or abandoned,' and not worA' presenring the next day or the next yearl "Why, sir; North Car--: olina becomes dearer to me every day of my life ; and the Ionjer;we:preierT'hcf fair fame'from" even the . breath of suspicion, the deeper, would I deplore that vaat WhicS inay detract. In the slightest degree from , that high character heretofore a6 obly sustained. -1 trust, in all tha). is sacred to man aad State, that the time may never arrive in 1846, er,ny other , time, when we, the represoatatives of an honest peaple, shall -saffer the State to be dishonored. But, says the geatleman, lay' a tar to extinguish the' debt Vf'hy( then, does the gentleman, net introduce his measure rrehefr; 4Vhy stand here idle, opposing " tha measure proposed to meet the crisis, and save the ' State from disgraee when, sir, we.are- within two ! vdays"of witnesstngr t merthe horrible and degrading : scene of repudiation in North Carolina, which miut ine-ritably be the result, unless we act, and thatspee d'Jy. Kir, we have too time to send out Tax Coliec - . tors to bring iu money to jfueharge the State debts to n:rrow. lam wilting to go for anything necessary to p reervo the faith of the State, in all time to come. Pas this Ee3olulia$ and It is safe. ; : North Carolina Wi.1 aLiu occupy that high ana enviawe position which she now malntaias alassng the States of . this Union, '.and we shall have the Jii?h consolation of being the . trne'aons aad faithful representatives of the proud tate of Worth Oaroiuia, rtstng m tnumph over every ; t diaicnlty, wita a character as pure and antarnwhed .aitwas when coofided to our bands. . -- , : Mr; Jooea of purrituckvrenjarked) at one of the ,-v' rmance ; C ommittee, that he did nope ihis Keso , H IntionwUr passJlle was decidedly ; against re- ,j pudiating, and for one, so long as there is a shot in the locker,' he , would vote it out . to s-lve .ber left in her Treasury he woold give. the breach J - : Mr. Ellie perceiting be could not bring his partjr hrto'the Opposition 'ta this Resolution, withdrew ) ?IXI-i e n0? There Was one, j boWevel (MX Barnes cf Edgecombe who bad not I Pte aa much foresight at Mr. Ellis io the matter, P1 renewed the call for the A jet. and Noes and 'himself and Mr.' Fleraming the only two ijrf1 "ihst its adoption, Mr. Ellis himself to . '1g in the affirmative jP. '" Oo nwtion, the said Resolution - was read the third time passed and ordered to be Engrossed: " Mbj from the san Committee reporteJa r? -t uthoH: V - Wilmington : an(f Ralegh ' ? "Te 1 " issue Eondj to heVraoti nt . Of 100.00(V to redeem a like imoont of Ponds ' lnat iml .1 . . ' :- - ' . - - l : . T"wr w act entitled an Act. for the re-t c im ot the Wilmington & lUleigh Rafl Road Com fMJI ordered to be printed and made Jbe spetial crder of tbe day for to-morrow at 12oclock; ; ; .S? Pea,,er ,aid "eretbe'House acommuni. i m from II,, Excellency the Governor, iramr: ' L"5? ff9,2f ti0 of George E, Badger, at a ... Trueeof the Uaiveraity 0f North Carolina. ...The aaid resignation wat read and accepted, and ordered o be eent to the Senate.1. 1 The bill extendlosr the time for rarfitrtirtr-tit ) to andtjeretofore entered waa r4d the third iiowr passed and ordered Jto'be Engrosseii 'Mr.'Kirk who toted in the, inaj'ty on the qaea tion b whiclr thBilClo locate ia r8idence of J lidgea" of the Sopertor ; Coirta .s hereafter to be elected, wat rejected, now-moved that the House do- re-consider that vote.1- Mr. RT. Iaipe moved that thia rnotion to re. consider do lie on the table, and ; this motion pre vailed. 4 I A i it 4 ' A communication was received r from bit Ex celfency,"the -Governor, pon? tho subject of a correepondence printed by order i of the Senate, -between himself 'and John 1. neeier. robiic Treasorer. Mr Cherry roored that t he said communica lion be sent tojhe Senate, u-iih a 1 proposition that 1 ft "be prinred and referred to a. Select Cominitiee,! confietinff ol three' on the part of each' House. : upon tnw motjon, a disQassin arose, tending which, the House took a recees uuiil .3 oclock T: On" motion of -MrJ Haye"?:i-'V t Itesolvtd Thaf lha Judiciary Committee be in- aiucuu- f the As sault and Battery prJAttTajs in their respective Counv ties, and that Ihey report hy bill 01 otherwise. ! . The .House resumedktut consideration 1 of the ubjeclin which it was engaged pit taking .recess. it bcing on rfeferrinof t hel coin -nu uicat ion : of H is Excellency, the G6vernpr,ti aJSeIect Commit, tee Mr. Cherry .being entitled to the floor. "Am this debate has been greatly misrepresented in the iSanJard, the epariatin j 'Speeches 'cf Mnr.' tnixkr and Fajint ahallVpUear heirlfisrj-r'J v ' An A. ;SlTE.Te;2 til. Mr.. Cameron, "from the Jiut Select Committee, raised to'uflVr some lestimonia! of respect t the lamented ' Gastux, made the following Repnrtg 5 the following Rojjort, adopted and ordcred to which wae unaiiimouslr adopted and ordered to he spread ipon tho Journal ; - The Committee to wlmm wasreferred the solution. in Trlatiou. u the death ;of Hbe late f William CastorC have had the matter under con sideration and have instructed roe to .make the followi ng report: t '': , r " - The legiiitature of Nor'h Carolina in General Assembly convened, have learned that, since their last Sees ion, one of the most difeiinguiEhed of our citizena has died. , r i . .:. . ! .1 f . ' ' On the 24th of Janutry last, William Cast one of the Judges ot the supreme uourt ot Aorth Carolina, after a iiiness of a feuf hours, departed this life. - ? . - 'r I The General Assembly of ;tbe State, from the unsullied character and inestimable .j worth of this distiiignif hod ctttten, is conscious that w acts or words can express their deep veneration for his character, or 1 heir sorrower hi irreparable loss. Storied 1 urn 6rnimatcd bu8L'.rarnot' remind us more sensibly of bis exalted worth, for this is impressed deeply on every heart. - Literally bip-, tized in the blood of ihis' distinguished ancestor,1 who fell in I the; revolutionary j struggle of our country,; he was early impressed with an abiding love of his native State; and jdevoted the whole energies of hiricbdiscipliucl mind ti its service, jln all the varied stations 6f imptirtance to which; he was called by the conGdeci of hi ' Fellow-; Citizens, he devoted wi h untiring energy, all the powers of hit mind to the promoiion of the public weah . - 1 If; : As a man, he was exemplary in j all the rela- tions of life a devoted husband an aiTcctionate Father as a Statesman, Jie jwas pure, and jpiU riotic--the honor of bis criunfry, waa the chief obiect of liis heart as an advocateYhe wasJaith- tut ahd'rJBatous-i-aa aTudge, "he was learnedahd impirtnl, and he died, as the: whole of his life had. bee.n ape At, in th service of jhe ' State- When such a nan dies, the Siate niay well tnourul The sensation caused by his ;deutj' testified Uie estimation in which he waa heliby his coun Nothing could excel Jiis long, bright and glo rious .'career in life,- but the tianqnil manner, 4 which' he' left iUy-.f.-r-v ' : j We are inforincd tbv the proceedinjr! of .h Supreme Court on the. mournful occasion of his death, tht, at the moment of his 'dissolution, hi mind was cheerful, an.J. hia conversation met rue. tive. r ull of years and full lot 1 honor,; ne iu without a struggle or a murmur, a world of gloom, for an eieniitv of 'slury. Trijilv wa it said by one who knew him well, that he as a torxl man and a great Judge."; .' I I ! , t 'The General Assembly of llt'e State of North Carolina feel their inability o express their own feelings and those of their constituents in view of the loss which the State has sustained,' yet they deem it due to the memory of 'departed talents and gratitude for bis long and faithful services, to offer the following resolutions: j ' j f j ' ; "J Resolcei, by the General Assembty of the State of , North Carotin That in the kleath of ; William Gaston one of the Judges of' the Supreme Court, the State has experienced a less of one of its most patriotic citizens, a faithful public servant and a leartiedand impartial Judge. : : '; - '.it I That in the course of . a long land varied life, bis bright career is left to us ao-example worthy of all imitation, and bis unsullied character, one frtk IwtsvKt Aoft aUAltf ni llis t3tt I . H . " . I . ' That the Governor of the Stale transmit a copy of these. Resolutions with the Preamble, to the family of the deceased, acid that they be spread on the Journals of both branches of the Geuecal Assembly. . . . il-'A-r.-iL-k'l .- Mr. Boyden introduced a bill proposing. an a-t roendment to the Constitution o the tefate . . Proposes to elect by the People a Lieutetlant Governor, who ia (o be President of the Senate, le bill more effectually to secure the debts due for Cherokee bonds ; and j to 'facilitate tl collection of the same, was read the second time, amended by motion of M r. Francis, and passed- Yeaa 24,ay. "AdVf Jf V; a , 0a motion of Mr, Francia, it was read the third time,: passed and ordered to be Eogrossed. - -- r. The bill to lay off and establiali a-Turnpike Road frenT Raleigh to the BuncombeL'Purnpike Roadod thence1 to Iheline JoP ihj Sateof Georgia, waa. read, the eecoivd'time. ; i? I f Mr. Woodfin made an able and eloquent speech tn adyocacy,w the mil. tF?H Pending the question, the, Senate adjourned untilS oclodcif ?tW-P:i ?Zteb&Utt&-u& EVEXINO. SXSSIOX4 . '';v'i-..'.y The Senate took up the unfinished business of .-m the morning-, being the bill to lay off and establish a Turnpike Road." The bill wai rejected by the feltowing'Vete.; -rv-; Atis.' Messrs. Albright;Bgts,Boyuen.Cameron, Dockery. Edwards Elliott, Francis, Halsey, Helleff, lefiVrson,- Joyner. 'of Halifax,-Lindsay i McMillan, Pharr. 18hepard, smitb, Taytoe,' Waddsll, Woodfie, and "Worth 51. ' - : ' yyi'r.- Nifs Messrs: Bigjs. Boyd, Cowper, Drake,' Ea ton, Ethe'rldgS, Exunr, Gavin, ! Owyrtnl Hergraye, flsster. Hill, Holme. Jenrrys Jotner.ot nn, iwn, M.vwf -P.toifr. Reich:TSDeiebt,-SiaIlin, 3 Stowe, ThomDsen: of Bertie Thompson, of Waks, Tomlin- goiC Walker . and Wilson,-27,;: A V:j7C Mr. FranciV 4lh Instalment uesoiouona, re oVlV-r questing the payment or the amount 4un utder the deposit acV ttakeitifiiJ HAIr, Biggs move4 to amendlbe xVeambielfnd Keavlutwnsv by strife ing font aU after the Preamble and insert as follower h w Basis, , I he ueneral Government ia nt.;ia debt about twenty-four mUUona of dollars, and aol 9e appearaby the lata Message of the Prt-eidei of m umwa o'aies, ini inere mi tw in ino ireaf of the United Ktatee at the cloaaof the, tiwai 3 about aeven miinoiu of dollars wbii h baa unneoi rily a-cunra!atej uruir the oiration of tho ; prr high I antr.lKjt which can t appiiu to thepaytnnt of the national debt ky the creation of a sinking fuuid for that imrpoae, atMlatt - unnecesary , turpi us to fo tore .can be reTeiited by a red union of the taieiac cording t the recoraraendalion of said mesaae, and the report of the Secretary of the Treasury . and al though the present Ok-rteral AasemUly ' is somewhat entbarraaeed in ronaenence of payments made an(o be made for Kail Koatl,yet North Carolina is wilftng: fnJ f?" baalwa,beento nieeTjh liabilities witbo'tii ruOlicatineVtha Gfnratr Govern menit far relief. v:':' $i&mJr? - lie it therefore fRftihed, Thti the Senators fiHni thia State ; be instrectpttr "and the 'Representative! re queried to ne their.'fuimost exertions to' ri-duce jhe prevent Tariu"to tkej wsnU or the Government: nomiraily adtmnUtered, and to apply any surplus! in the .Treasury to the extingutabment of the preains national debu x? - k). -ti'i"'4 : Mr. Jeffreys wa 'addressing the Senate jn advocacy of this amendment, when lie gave .vj t for a motion to adjourn, .a .-.v- ' j 1 . ..s,.,; . 4' V:....Ji jl 1 rHOUSE OF COMMONS." -Rlfi! : MrV Guthrie, from the Joint Select' Committae on the Library to whom was referred the MeuSa rial of the Synod ojf North Carolina, in , relation to sending a specinr Agent to Europe, to proenre ct?pi cs tf Offic tal Documc nts relati ng to! ho HistrVt y "of th tate,1 repprted that it Ja not expedient at thi4 tune to make an appropriation fox this ptir-r poe; 1 The; Report was concurred in; I f ' On motion of MrL Mills, the House nroceedjd j'to the; unfuiished business in which it .waB;eiii t gaged on the -list Adjournment. -Whereupoiijyt; igagpd on the last djournmerrt. Wh : was ordered thai the said Com'muriica : was ordered thai the said Com'muhication of Jja. ; 1 I riXceueney ins .uovernor,-pe. rransrnitiea ioi;je f. re-1 Senate with a propvvition that it be printed, at A 1 rm(m rr oA in m Toint Rolot PVmiYlif fpo rf ihmp i i lit the part of each House. tyi;MW. . ... r v j. Tbe bill to authorize the foreclosure of 1; 3e mortgage of the Raleigh and Gaston Kail R1d Comjpany was reM the third time. ; f; ; On motion of, Mjr. Barnes of Nor:hampton,'tlp blank in the 9th Section was filled ep witb tf'e sum of $400,000. U.--S.. y n U, .VJ', n mo ion ot Mr. Alebane, the bh section w nended by slrik nir out thr President of U Bank of the Stated and the Cashier of the BranHi of ihe Cape Fear Jiank at. Rale-gh, so as fo leap the Governor, Treasurer and Comptroller to ctj stilute the Board, bs men'ioned in Sectjiui 4th.; Mr, Wilder roved to add o the 8lh Secticp the following'-prpviso : ' : Provided,. That t Jte Governor shall not sell the Road for a les sum than Uiq State bids, ft ir the same. ; N j :; ; . r ;'rKf ; ; This amendment was opposed by Messrs- Eirs and Graves, on the ground that if within lytp X years, the State, should I ehj become the puhlBarnBrame rogdjm;Drowerf Brown. Calloway, ser, couia not sea me noau jor .ine sum 010. t i, they, rather than make an appropriation for rf pairs; would 'sell the Road for $100,00a v Mf. r. 1 . : l: '. nr.' IMJ ufaves wascuisiiorv in uw, reuiarn ur ir. t;. der withdrawing ms amendment, remarking, tfit 1 he recieived no favor from any quartjf h r The bill thenj pjisted its third reading1- Yef f 63, Nays 49. , " " ' . k' ; il f The bill to authorizo tlie AVilmington and R-4; lelgh Rail Road Company to issue Bonda to :tf amount of $100,000, to redeem a like amdjutjt of Bonds issued under the Act, entitled ;anAis' for - the relief of the Wnmington "and Italeigfe Rail Road Cbmpajnywat. read.c theffecdnd ;tine.i I Mr Flemming fnoved to amend the" Bill by d-s ding after tne 1st Section, the following i ; " Be itfwrtJar enacted, That before endorsing f aid 1 xonus ay me . reauror, iuo ouith.noiucrs nau g lye Bond aod Security for the indemnity of the St site against all lom, in consequence of such endorsement, to be approved of y the' Governor." - lv Mepsrs. Fleming and Brogden-advocated ijje passage of the amendment; - , ; . j if.ij. y Mr. MiiJJt in reply, said,Jie hoped the ainendnmit proposed by the gentleman from .Yatocy, requiring l,i private Stockholders to execute their individual bowt a to secure the payment of the debts of the Companvi, would not prevail, because he believed that tbee'ffej jt would be to defeat the bill. If we were now guingf guarantee a,new. loaii for that Company, he would for the amendment, or for.any other indemnity ni t cessary to secure tlie State against the possibility), IfWM r hiit. Mr. Soraker. IhU bill nronoses to create t i new debt, to incur no new liability . on the part f tro oiaie. vyb are airrauy. ooubu jur uir iwciupiuu the Bonds of the Wjlmingloa and Raleigh Road Con pany, and the only question. -now, is one of time.";. -Jt will be recollected,! that under the Act of 1810, tb State guaranteed the Bonds of that Company to..ti& amount of three hundred thousand dollars, (jyu,ilW the "interest on" said bonds has been regularly an promptly paid by tie Company up to this tiuie j-fV $50,000 of tho principal lias been discharged, and tht remainder of the Bouds would bave been redeemed a i they became due, bad it not been- for the heavy Jos es which the Company has sustained by fire arid tie avoidable accidents! within the lasf two years. ' H alluded to the destruction of a Steam Boat,' and tbt' burning of Depot land othef property,' to the amWtf Che believed) of $100,000 to the rebuildiner of Wbicf Uie proceeds of the! Road have necessarily been if-w plied ; in consequence f v which, tlie Mate has befl. compelled to redeem a large amount of those Bondv i on which," however the Company has promptly par j the interest ; ? Fifty! thousand dollars of said Bonds f4 due on to-morrow, and a like sum 00 the first, ofjaij uary, 1846, which Mie State-will be called npOn ti redeem, ana umi too, -whuouv uio wcwu u iwiic miry to do it ; Now, sir, said Mr. M the object this bill, is simply to extend the time of those two paji meats to January 1848 and 1849. Will it not be goot nolicv on the Dart of the "State, to consent to the nil dulrrenco ? 4 Can an v ffentleman on thia floor. wii has read the Reports aud Statement! of the Prcsidei of , that Company, made to the present General 'Aw sembly, doubt for a ! moment that , the Koad will ,61$ pay,thft interest on those Bonds? Have we not every assurance, "that with the indulgence: asked for, that tbeyi will be able to meet the, principal likewise 14 But, shVshootd the Company fail, w a in bo Wors condHidn we rah1 but pay the debt ai last,' and that we are already bound tojdo, without the means'todo it whfHe asked fw' tke'tlsj matter to 'themselves, ana see now a pmocni mtn would manage his rWh private affairs. " Sdppos,M Speaker, said Mr. Mnia, yon were bound as the see4l rity of your neighbor for a debt, which was now aboi It tn fall due h was riot nrenared to meet it, vet he had paid ap-the interest and believed, With indulgence, t could discharffe the wmcipall inscreoHor wuun to Wait if yon will consent, and you hare not tbemoJ ney to pay the debt yourself,- a asa, woma you oor row the money and pay the debt.oot of your awn; Docket, or would yon consent to oths indulgence, to see if the principal eould not pay, and if he could oot$ ; to piaee yourseii m a w hjto h. -nnuunk bamming yeur own ebnditioa f ;Wonld'- not everyj prudent man. adopt tbe latter aHsraatrfji T : This, shy L mtrwit;:un nmr it id even a at roaster Case thai that- The State is bound for the redenqition qf Ihose; Bonds, under the Act of 1840;.au Act lor whirja ne together with the gentlemen from Wayneaad Yancyl Toted.'; If the. Slate is in duSeulty we placed hei and those with whom wa acted. He dodged no nW Ha Excellency. G'.v. Graham. ; After which. aponsibaity. , Ha stood there ready to meet tt aM called upon the gentlemen to c'dma forward and take their share ef the responsibility. - They stood side by :.t- t.i tJi 10m " .t: - tn-i mum wuu UJUJ q AOrkVf III BrUIJiDg IUIS BOUUy HDOn the State, as yye ValT thfen t thdnghti forltho public good; V He appealed tt the gentlemen to grva him their aid; again, and let as be found side by side, en deavorin to relieve the State from' her embarrass ments What,tSir, k the object of this bill T It is to relieve the State frum the payment of $100,000, the security of the Wilmiagtoa & Raleigh Rail Road Company before the meeting of the next Le gislature, and to prevent the possibility of the public faith being violated; ; And, Sir; if has another object In view r that i, to throw new guards around the State, and take! additional seenritv for her indemni- fty; Jlti3 true, that we todk a moi-teace on all the property of thelRoadin 1840, but we have no lien on the property, acquired since, to the amount of $100,000. Thjen the object k not to increase the liability of the State one dollar, but to take a new mortgageon $J 00,000 Worth, of prbperty,!consistbr m a "newteambot cars, and other prppehyr en which we i hav 110 lien, the , bill . carefullyt providing that no farmer lien shall be at ail impaired, W makes provisions for enforcing themmore edectualljr, by a foreclosure of a$ , the mortgages, Whcneverithe Com pany fails to py the "interest and principal of the bonds, or any part thereof, and applying the proceeds to diacharging ajt the liabilities of Uie tate, of what soever character. ?Her waa the proviaioaVand be invited the attetionof gentlemen to it, and asked them what hettor seenrity could be asked. (Here Mr. -Mills read 4 portion of the Bill.) Sir, lit will be seen that the Committee bad an eye to the -interest of tue , whole State, and haver' made roost.ample pro vision to secure! )t against every loss. JtTlie'Compay are, willing to accept this bill, and eivo . us additional ecy by a Pledge of rail the corporat? property notompl ol now. bound Ae we to say, that because; they. wiUT n kvaXJM wui iMB nojuingr , jiow are we to meet onrcoustit. itents and tell them we were offered new Uenf o the amount of $100,000, and refused to take it?. Hare jfe Ay ' right' to expect this Company to pledge 'thef pnyaie property! ot the StocXholders, .for jthe debtsi of incorporation in whieh the State? owns .6fino.OOfl of stock. Wby Sir, we ate all Stockholders, and might with as much reason and justice, bo1 asked fori our bonds, as those who are actual subscribers, rje asked the gentlemen from Yaucy and Waybe. if thej'i had prepared tbehr, bonds, for the 'goaraniee of the! debts of the5eoVK)ratiori. f If they had not j wky'ask! others to doitit He had hoped that thia hjU would! meet the approbation of every, gentleman, on this! floor ; he bad'thpught that if was so obviously rightj and so strenuoudy demanded by the iaterest of "the: State, that no one could object ; and least of all, did J I.. v . 1 . r J e . 1 ' 1 1 1 , r jo i'.pii;i an vujcvima uvui ujtw wno nai mcurreu the liability of 1B40, wluch we are now providing to rmect. Can there be any fear of loss, when we haver a route of Rati Road and. Steamboats 330 piilcs in length, aud all their .property to secure th4 payment; of Jjj250,000 ?j. There can be hone. ; Suppose We're"-; ject this bill, aud'sell the Roadj wc do not; injure the; Company, for "they will hny it in at the amount of the debt, and ta!e the whole under a new corporation,' $600,000 will' be- tost forever, file trusted that gen tlemen would paiise arid reflect, before they rejected a measure of suc-h vast importance to the State J In the language of the gentlemen from Wayne, -he had hoped that all parties VonI'd unite in tbiWmott im portant measure pf the Session. Sir, there should be' but one party in his Hall, when the interest of the State is iurolTcdi Let us all unite, and go heart and hand to secure the -interest of the Slate,' ;and save her trom tne dissraco 01 repudiation, and preserve that faith which heretofore has been held inviolate The question on the adoption ofthi.4 amend--ment, waa decided in ' tbe affirmative, Yeas 60, -Naye.V fl n':' ! . Yias -Messri. Adum!. Atkins,: E. Bafne?, J.' Ct41ins,CuiiningEiam,J; G. Dickson, Douthitt, Dunn, Edwards. Ellis, Ftemruing. Gutting, Graven", Guthrie, Guy ther,Hackney,Hamrick,,Jacton, Jones, KilyKirk,Lca,Iiemmn, Mangum, Mariiri, Mitch ell Murphy Mlnlre, ' McNeil, Nixon,; Pr-ntis. Rankin, Rtgan iteinliardi,: Rich-trdort,' Hi BJ. Rob mson, Roh, randeis, Scales, Shaw, Shepanl, Smith, Stone, Taliaferro Thrash, W hiie, Wbiiehurst, VVil dit, N L. Williamson, R. P. Wiliamsohj N; Wil-snn,'Wobdward.-60. ; . '-' -"; :t'ri,ll WaVh Menara Barco.D. A. Barnes, Bond, T)ar--cin, Caldwp'.l. Cherry.; Church', Clayton. iCochran, Credle, Davenport, Davia,. W. Dickson, Doak,..Eh-ringh-ius, Emersoh, Fag?: Faucett, Gainlill,' Gold ins. Grist' Harris, 11 auchion. Hayes. Keener. Ieath- en, Littlejohn,. Lpcke.. Lord, Mebane. Mills, Monre, Mclean. iScKair. K. T, I'siue C. L. Payne, Perking Pbifer; Poindexter Pratt, Puryear, RHtt, Roane.' T H. Ro(.inson,1 Sharpe. Street, -.TroU, IWaddill,1 Washington, Wajtera, T, VVilson.- 50. T 1 ! -On "''motion, of Mr. Moore, the bill was ordered to lie on the table. ; p ' il'f frn- The II0U8O urianimnualy adopted the; Report, and Resolutions pf the Joint, Select Copimitteei rained to oiTer some testimonial of respect to the lamented Judge Gaston, and ordered tlie' same to be spread upon t ie Journal. r ! - On motion of Mr. Moore,: the House took up for consideration jthe Bill relating to the Wilming ton and Raleigh Rail Road Company, . and the question shall it pass the second reading was de cided in tho affirmative. 1 A vts.-Mefsr. Atkins, Barco. I). A.Barnesj Brower, Brown, Caldwell, jCalloway, Cherry, btirrih, Coch ran, Credje Davenport, Davis, Doak, Uouiliir, Emer 0(n, Fag. Fauceti Flemmina, Foy. Gainbilfe Gewge, Gotding. Graves,1 jurist. Guthrie, Hackney . Harris, Haughton, Hayes Jackson; Leaihors, Locke, ' Irfird, Mebane. Ali tlx, Mfichell, Moore, Mprpby, Mclmyre, McLean, McNairjN ixon, R. T. Paine. C. Lj Payne, Perkin, Phifer, Ppindexter, Pratt, Puryear Regan, Reid; Roane, T. HI RoiNnsort, Ruslt. Sharpe, Shepnrd, Bmiib, Street, Taiiaferto. SThrash, Trull jWaddilL Washir,gtin, atjers. White, VV'hitehurat,T. W il son 63. - " i Lu- J .;4?4-Wmf.V J.iri; NaT. Mesira. Adam, -E. Barries, J.; Barnes, Braman, Bond. Brame, 'Bridaers, Brogdenj Burgin, Collin; Cunningrjam, W. Dirkson, J. G. -Dickson, Dunn. Edwards. El'' Galling Hamrick, : HirKison, Jones, Keener; Kelly, Kirk, Lea, Lemm-n, Manzum. Martin, McNeil Jtankin,' Keinhardt, Rich.ard.ron, H. IL RolHtni&n, Sanders, Scales, gbaw, hitiae, W iU der, N. !. LWillianiisoa, 1. P.' Williams.n, N 1 Wilsonj Woodwa'rd.-41. f "iC ;-'"!." - -' ' -";.-'" " -- On motion of Mr. Millg. the bill was again read the third time. lr. Guthrie moved to strikeout of the bill, the Section land; amendment j offered by Mr. IflemminW, ajad adopted on the) second reading of the ;nll this, morning, which; rnotion was decided in the affirmative. ? ; ! H ?Yas.Mesart Bb;Df Barnes; Boh$, Brow, er, Brown,' BurgU, Caldwell, Calloway, Cherry, Chureli, Claytottf iCochran. Crwlle, Davenport, Da vis, W7 Dickson, t)oiBbrt, Eineraon, Fgg, aucett Foy, AGambitl, ., George, GoMing,; Grist, Gutbrie, Hackney ; H arrii;!H a ugh'ort, H ayea.Jfeenef, LeaiL , -era, LtttlejoUn, Lbcke,' Lord, Mebane,' Mills, Moore, kins,. Pjiifer, Poindei'er, Pratt, Pwryear, Reid:, Roahe, X H ; Rdbiiiwn, Rush, Sharpe, Snmli, Street;Tbr"iih; Trull. Waddill. Washington, AVauers WUitehurstj i: ; KAtsMea'ri'rAdams,cAikni,J E Barnes J. T. Wilson. R8.1 ; rr::,r ;N-;F '- Barnes, Beaman.Brame. BriHger. Brogden, Collin?, Contiirlgham.- J.'Dkk'fOn,' Dunn.' Edwards," EHit, Fteitiming; GatlihgjviGiBves, Hamriek, 'Harrison, Jncksoit, Jones; Kltyi Kiik. Iea, Leininon.ManiiiM, Martin; Mitclll,'Murpty, Mclnryre. McNeill. Nixon, Rankin, Regan,' Re inuairftj RkbardKmj H H Rot, inson, Sanders, Scalea, SHatv Sbepard, Stone. Talia ferro, VVhiw, Wilder, N; "L . Williamson RJ P. WU liaouon, N. Wilson Woodwsrdrf-!. .r ;'rf "- ;4,fv y The bill then passed its third reading, by a vote ' - t ."a T -? ' - ajroosi me same at. tne preceding one ;S Mr; Waddelli ftom the- Jiidlcrfrr Cmmltti, ".Jre'pcrrted tile bill to amend t)ie fifth .-"iTj1e''.tibri of the Act d!lcerrilnthe powirlandjn- riNiiciion or justices ci iae reace to which: me j Senate" eonitiried.' ? TitU'T- -; I . J be Senate adjourned to tne f loose rt uorn- rnons to witness tha recepl kin and qalificatir)0 t fliejntariMitf jand;"',wt ttp .-Wl;ttttCrning Heeds, Mortgaget nd AssignmenU m Trus'Cl wnicn was oo otion ot n rrancis,indeJSnite. ly ipost ported.'; 'VUrM-i If3 ' - The bill to exempt frbuj fridictthem thePele'rsI burg Rail Road :ompanT, frr bavhi obstructed the navigation of Roanoke River, "near thb town of Weldot't, by the1 erection of a Bridge across the said River, wai read tft6 third time, amend, ed, Dn motion Of Messrs. 'Joynerj of Halifax, Shpard and Frahii, passed arid ordered to, be engrossed 'fi ;.iv ''lj i. :: 1: On motion of Mr JVancis, a message1 was afent to the House of Commons, propiwing: that the joint Resolution of both" Houses td adjourn ftnt aie on xuonaay the utn tost be rescinded. On uldtibn of Mr. Thompson; of Berliej the vote by which was rejected the bill to lay off and esUWish a Turnpike ; Bjd from Raleigh ii jthe Buncombe Turnpike Road and thenee to the line of the State of Georgia .was reconsidered, and laid on the tablev,;. ' . '-;"', ..'''." I - ; The Resolution requesting the paymeht by khe Genera! Government of the fourth instalment. due under the Deposit Act, being the unfinished business of yesterday, was taken up;; The quesv tion was on tlie amendment proposed by Mr.' Bigg. M r. Francis called or a ', division Of the question,' uto itrike outf which question was ide cided in tbe negative, by the castinor vole df the Speaker: 7 ' - ' f ' a fjj . : : . Vas Meesr.: AlWigb:, Bogle. Boyden, Cowper, Dodcery, ' Elliott, Francis, Ha1ey, UargraveJ Hellen. Jefferson, Joyrier. Of H.i Joiner, of P.: Liiaisav. jcMillan Moody, Phari Shepard) Smitbi Tayloe, iTbompspn; of B.'.' Waddell, Woodfin. Worth 24. , - IS ays Messrs: B igj;s, Boyd, Cameron; prake, Eaton, Edwards Eiberirtse. Exitm. Gaviri. Gwvnn. Hester IlHt.LHelrnes, Jetrreys: M Rekrh, Speii1it, Siallin. Stowe. Thomnson. bf Wi Tomltiison, Watker, Wilson 24. ! 'p;: Mr Riffws moved that the Resolution be dosU pone a untit Monday next, which was rejected bv the casting vole of the Chair, the Senate voting a a on ine former motion. rr i - r , f? Mr. Cameron moved to amend tho first Reso- liitioti, so as to read Senators from this Stale in Coiigres9 be instructed,'-'! Which was rejected Ayes oVNoes,!,23y MrJ; Boydfioti with the . The Resolutions then phased the ir second and third readings, and were ordered to be engroased ' ' ;IIOUSE OFCOMMONSi ." Mr. Millspresenfed the folia win? Preamble and aResolutionSjhich passed their first and second reading, and were ordered to be printed, and made the order of the day for Fridav next at 3 o'clock, P. M. - "vrC:-; a- :--; r' - ...... " .' " C - -.!- ' ij , , I " ' Wlerea the people of North Carolina are'aniious te have within her borders, Asylnme for the deaf and dumb and the biutd and the jnsane Jd unless the General Government will pay over, the fourth instal ment of the surplus revenue, as provided byvaact of Congress passed in the year Ia36, and. which tbeja- iioniu iuitaaoanaa pieagea 10 carry out, tneae numana. iniiniiniu rannni nt rrnnw an iimit nAaw i.t.i uuv i and whereas, it now appears that owing to obilgations entered into previous to the meeting of this General Assembly, . it becomes indcwpensably necessary jto rake money, to meet the said obligations, without-a resort; lb taxation : .-J , r;.';.j . t; Tterefore be it Resolved b the GenermVAstemllij l of the Slate of North Carolisa, That iu the opinion of this1 Legislature, it is the dutyeof our Senator and Representatives in Congress, to use their, efforts to procure the payment of said instalment, amounting to $477)19 3J, that the finances of the State may be relieved from embarrassment, land that the State may rbe enabled, without taxation, io establish the charita ble institutions demanded by the people. Sis ,v 'ff ii. Resulted, That the Governor of, this State be re quested to forward a copy of the resolutions . to eaeh of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, with a request that they lay them before their respective bodies. K-r v- V " H-si i r '-A :A m l Cotnpany, : Mr. Moore wan addressing the Hoase'irrfavrir of. the Bill, when th Chair; antiounced jthai the hour hd arrived, when ' by ((he joint order of the two houses, the qualiiicaliori of the .Gm-ernor's elect was to take, place.- ffi'f.: ': ):;t'::, 1 '.-', Whereupon a message was pent to the Seriate, informing that body of t he readiuess of the House to receive the Senate to witnesathe inauguration The Senate .thereupon appeared -aiid .were re ceived by the Members of the House standing and uncovered. ' The' Speaker of the Senate took his seat on the right of Hie Speaker of the House. When the Governor elect, attended by the E4 Governofythe Judges of the Supreme Court and the Joint Select Commiuee appeared before the General Assembly "ah'd. after delivering an Ad dressKtook the Oaths pf Ofilce administered by the Hu. Chief Justice Ruffim, and was thereby duly installed Governor of North Carolina for tlie ensuing two years. . 1 jt. i The two liouscs then took a recess to ; , " THKEE O'CIiOCK. - i v " j M Mr. Wilder from the iSelert Committee to PrVhum was refer red tbetii! to authorize the buat- i)Ci?3 of Banking in the State, of North Carolina; reported brtfayorably t!iereqn..-4 The billon Mr. Jones' iiiotibii was read arid laid ou the table un til the; 4ih of "March next.;; "( ; ; j j The debate on the bill providing for the organ izatiou of the "Portsmouth and Roauoke Rail Road Cotnpany, was pending, when the House took a receps until ha If past six ' o'clock, at which timev the bill was made the special order of the day for to-morfow. - - ; -'.h -(p . ! ; ft -:--- ,HAtr past srx o'ctocx. . -" '-r ;i I The House cleared the Speaker's table of bills on theiir third :rcadiog; sitting until near ? teji o'clock. POSTSCRIPT. In the Senate yesterday, the . Bill to extend the Bonds for $HX),6o0 "toj Twiiogtonand Raleigh. Rail Road Company, passed its three readings and was ordered to be "etirollefl. This was the only Important matte'r .ictednpoij ia this body.,;.4;s;-r;: : In the HtiUset the Bill ' for the re organization of the Portsmouth aud Roanoke Rail Road Com pany, was under discussion near the whole of the sit ting, and was finally killed, on itt thifd read ingby a-vtte:of 58 to.5flyr.-j! WjSi'jM.y:&4 9 f In thWCityj on New Years niirfat, by Revi Prnry Lacy; Perriu Bttsbee, Esq.-Attorney, at Law, to Miss Anno. E. G. Taylor J v j c.yil U-..:J;u ift fJTATE OF KOItTII 4J4ROIiIIVAt f3 Wayne County. COurt f.Pieas and Quarter Sessions, Novemlier Terml844.! yy-rs r--;;-s K" " William, H. Holmes,') im.Pbtt?&Z:U& li , ,p' ra.kOrujmafAtttcn . . i x: Jams Martin. '-, Vfi:.'-;,.;.Ci-U'.;' t'vi-'v J It appearing to lbs satisfacliop'of the Codrf, that James Martin, the Defendant is not an inbabuant of this States It i Ordered therefore, that publication bs made for atx weeks jo (tie Raleigh Register, notifying said Defendant "to he M il appear iiifdts, the' Jutie of the Court df Pleas and (joartcf" i(essiona.fur tbt County of Way b-', at tha Crfurt hduse la Way iid boro', on Ihe third. Monday i0 February risxtj thsa and there to replevy ttr plead to ioe, or, ju.Ijmert filial WiH Irt re'nUered against btul. arrj property tevied on eoftdaUBued to aatisfr Piiintifff r Jalou'.i l i Witness, John A.. Green, Clerk of our said tJeafi ai Offiee, the SJ Monda iaTioV. A: P. 1844, Pxi -W;'r;:'-5::;VO-- JNfJ. A." GRECn. ClAit" 1 . J he House proceeded to itlte ronFlde ration of the Bill providing for the re-rganizatiou of tlie Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road Company, i JinonB CAW ptEran J ifoil ctocli XVJX 'educed price lor ca&a i lnx ;vii In. I; ; V V':- '. ', ;A iZ-:rr--. ,;tnurf r&Ui. RaIelah, Jan' -K-Ti y"'3V'-'V ..'.ff - t r WsVna Coenty.4 Conrt jpf PUas ' 1 Qaaftar" 1 Sessions. - Nbvsmber Term. Itii. J ; Jonathan Pike, i ) ; t ' s H. - -;wu vOrigioal AttactunsaL i Barna Peaeoek."' a- Zrhf"' -.. i.f "': IA ' It appearinartd tbt satifactiott"f the Conrt. that H t- Barna Peneock, tha Defendant IitChia ease, is a 01 as inhabitant f this (State! It ia thrraf.ira ardered, that .v publieaiien be mads for six weeks in the Raleigh Rs-f C. g istfr, notifjiojr said Defendant to be and apuaat bs-' ; fore the Jastter of the Court of Pleat and Qoartrr.M Heslnnvat the Cettit bobse ie -WiyneboroVon ihs ? j ' third Mondaynn February natt.tbrte and , there t r replevy or plead to issue, or jndg ntent final wilt be.i f tendered against him and property levied en. con ; . detuned to Plaintiff Clainti t -r . ; v!.- i : Witness; JiiOv A Green, Clerk of oar said Court V a OfSceihs third Monday j in Novembar, A DV j 1844. -torf&'-i v JNO. A., 0 BEEN, Clark- . :: Pr AJn $i es .: A .y. iKi-." . '" '".. ',1 n.(. -. ym, I '.1 1 .1 'I' 1 n;j 1 ljr-. , R1T4TD of Kortti CaroHnn Watnew 3 County.- Court of .P teas and Qoarntr i$eipos November Term, 1841, Joshua Barnes , . m. '. V'Oritlaal Attachment.' Barria Peacock. S H - It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, thai f Barna Peacock, ''the Defendant; io this ease, is not ear; inhabitant of thia State: his therefore ordered,, that 1 UMicatlori be made for ait weeks. In the Raleigh . tegister, notifying said Defendant to be and appear before the Justices of the Couft of Pleas1 and Qaar-:, Witness; Jrto A. Gream Chirk' ef ddr laid Court; at' Office, the tbmf Mottda in November, A.D. 1844. ;,'j ISO. A UUKEIY. fJWrK. i' rr-. r: Adv. $5 tti: r 1 Vi . - - .n. t : , r. -.mi t. - i7 County viourt 01 rieas nmiwiw wwuni November Term; 1i44. 'f.t: Y-r ".""-': :" Sam. Perkina and JoaLua Barne-i '--''"I-:;"':J"ti4ra4 Peacock"'; -":'-' . Orieirtdi Attachment. It appearing to the aatUtaction of the Cotirt, Barna Peacock, the Defendant tn this cae. Urn tblt not an inhabitant of this Blatei It is thetefore orderad. that publication be made for sit wetjks in the Raleigh Rs gifter, notifying said Defendant! to be and appear be fore the Justices of the Court of Pleas and Qutrter Sessiohs, at the Court hooss in Waynesboro,' ntbs third Monday in February neitj; than and thereto plevr or plead to issue, or judgment final will bs renf dered against him, and property levied on condemn " " T .1 -. , - ij,- i niivw. -juh n w w.-m w at0ce;tbe third Monday in Nuvember, A. 011844 X . JNO. A. GuEEIX, vleraV Pr. a jtxA mi: t "'T.'.-" -;v-' " 1 1: , T-1 TATE 1 QFORTtf '.C AROLf N A W ayn , 1 Count r. -CouKof Pleiu arid Quarter Sesaiooe. :' the third Monday in February f next, then and thsrt' ' , . to replevy or plead to issue, or jedgmept final will ba'-vf . i ' . rendered against." him; and prepmyi nivied ort eon T ; demned to Plaintiff's claim;.''''-,'--ft'?:l' '-fr'.ya .-Msjor Copelaodt; ivi " '' '"-ii 'r ' . -:., i t-? -kvprigirtttuchmsm -;. Barna Peacock:""; j';-l.;i'-v.'l;.v- - i !; ' ' It appearing to tbe saUaCictirin of tSe. Conrt, that' -, Barna t-cacAck, the Defendant tnabia cakev s mA an : inhabitani of thisSut i It is therefor ordertN tha. J . publication be made for six weeks in the Raleigh; Vs . gister, notifying said Defendant to lie and appear besv fore flia Justices of the Court of Plea and Quarter Seeions, at the "Court house in J Waynesboro, on tbe.-r. third MohdAy ih Febrtlary neitj, thsnsnd there to re." v plevy or plead to issue; or judmm final will be ret , J.t l.iiiul him ' Hit tirMiwrl latriA An Mntmmtla Z ed to PlainliffV claim; ; .' 1 ;U.:' -:" W:f A A' -ifT"( Witness, John A. Green. Clerk of mot said Court, at Office, the third Monday In November. A. D. 1844. . .,y.,K. : . -. ,r jflo. Al. tJREEN, Cbwk. ' ; ; Pr.Adv. ga 61. V I .jr-k r -vv:'.'! 1 ; fl TATE ol 2driti ckro!lJiii--Beiu- kS fort County; - Court ot Plf as irid Quartet 6es smiiy uecemner Term, i4i rx.w;?., -;-..; Franklin Grist, by bis Guardian, Reuben Knox, Anh Colii Eiizalth BrrukL flrMrtiov , ; Stickm-y and wife Harriet, and Bryan QrisUU.V: a - -.. ! tt appearlnu to the satisraetidto of lh t5ottrt,"'ha?;v JopbHCtrrStickbey and Wife Harriet, arid "Bryany Grist.are Vesldents of Alabama R was therefore r- dci-ed by the Court that publication be mad in ihe Raleigh Reginter, for six Surceejlve weeks, tor Jdteph , B. Suckney arid wife Harriet.; and. Bryan Grist, to ; Ippear at tbe next Court of Pleas and Qzirir tee . tiins, for Beaufort County, stt the Cdurt Jldu'S in ' Wa-liington, on the. first Monday In March H.xt,? then arid thereto pl ad, anSwer! orjdcnrdr, or., judg-., toent pro ionfiem will be taken; against "hem. - j ." i r'y BQNJ. M. ELB Y. C. C C. ;-" -..'.!. - -. t. J - ., rr. iuv3,..i. - u j.. ; ; j..-. . ' L TB THE? UNTER3.vr, Of North CaroliM; ''1- ' ' 1-' 'l ' j 1 ' . '-.- --' :-i 1 iCXTTR Advices from Ldrtdonahd Liverpool, are svK - j , U V defaUy ol advantage to the! growers of Tobacco, . and it is 10 oe uopeu iui nmmnj win oe lacatng in tbe management: to secure the best price, that the wants of the ' different buyers ma justify. J Front What I saw of the crdp, during, jmy trip to ih State In November, tha present ia mre desirable thirl irty. made for ihe last four years; the improved hWa cf curing, and. the extra pain taken In ihe general man agement is very manifest, and 1 hsv nd dooU will amply repay the owner by an extra price Tb 0an lity vrantej by tbe French Go ernment ba already been announced, and the amount nearly double th qoanti'jr of Vifgiuiit leaf to that or last year, f for VI the preseni year about Tltlttyiscrcn.Iitla-' j drcd Ohds and only half a mdtb Kentucky r I a they tok the lat This preferene for pur To -batco is highly tfratlfying, arid if it la properly man ageJ, the compeii:bn will be between th French ' r ) hbyers, and our manQtacturers,'fir which latter, pur pose Weehitl want in Virginia, Hill Is thort (If any) f 25,000 Hbda. Virginia arid North Carolina Mb thought will not. exceed 15,000 : Hbds. or oot ,.; much roore'iban i ctop, thus caVirif' Lit, tb aup- - ! ply of other rhatkrts, h-.t more than 0,CCU bbda. ; should the present not be mdre jtbart ,a tffcp, tbi- tVoutd Oct seem equal to "(what w may txrlct to be) .-' tlie derhand.y "Te Frtnch now our iniauficlu ring Tobacco, and run that as far, thrir costart willallow,hersfof the finer Ijualitiea ; the mannfactn. ; rera take it up. ahd carry it to j a price which tb ! Frt nrh generall do not pay. When Tefeiko ii ef fered, having all the working qnalu'e. frith ia.sin ge obj4-tloM of iu being fired, ii. Owner U l. .1 with out tb aid of lb thanufactorz'r, and r . :'t b U.l I the Fre-ich. aod 01 her buyers, and fre ; z - ' 1 1 rfK greatly surprising to the Planters, I ti-. J.ivor-' J for the last Uueeyeara, (a Itf a tcc-j i. y I'snr to do.) to slier tbe stale of thinf a 1 y err t la of eurin? to some ettent . " I have tae pt- surs cf knnw' idg that I haVe succeeded, i It ut I .ais .to rerret (pahlcutsfly this year)' that the irr. prove-" err I bis not been trior ceneral , AVi wait the ."tuhatis i ytar tf free Uaf. I 'Would temark'tiat Tt". should never b bulked CoWn Until lie order . u t ficient to justify its rrrhainihg till the time rf pr':' There is a sweetness In th first bunt that ycai s ' dMfovcf in the second bfaik after r-haneir.';. piling sbovU ni.u aJ th Ue;i.r: 1 near is eahli IZTJ KttV. lltfpir j : r thm may b tf srtica I rea!t; wi;U : " yocicLtstra'.;': fv',;"' "'r.'-" .' n. c. 1: V IHch"incJayii, ICfC vaera n TifUUi. to tr i ,1. . ' ' 1 . ;ta. if r- i ' ' A' jr !'r ' i .. .- ; il?

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