- if; iv:f:i..-'-7. '"f;.:'j 'Ur wxm Of the SemM-Wuily, BiUitVIf giste SoacirTios Five DoIlai'pcTBfWuxi-tltIfin ADtBKTiSBMKMTa.Fot evtrj . Sixteen fMies't teftt intertW. Oue Dollar cl a&-V4ueirtinriionf - CovarOaoRK9andJccxA.fPTcaTxaxMK(rrs Will b -chfirjted 55 pr ecu, bibber ; ut a deduetibo b( pit cmt.'rVb aJo from the regiAarpf ice, tot advertisers byibv jaat ' ) ZA , c 3 . AdMrtiserrtenu, inserted in;the SmbWitut ltBOiSTa,"wiII also appear in tL Wiiuy Faper free or charge. . ' frj- Letter to the Editor mast be rotrtrxtM. . OTlCEjrRAVEIiLERSi .t: t2. n jGOING-NORTHi 1 1 ill nr. VjL Prtamonth( and Roanoke Rail Road and Chesapeake , RaXUie Steamers. - r 1 . , ,.- w N an J after the I eta instMit tthe Boa oo the Cheselpefce Uaj will run on n1f tutr lime a wet-k. " The dteamtr Georgia,' Capf. CbQce, having tinder gone extensive repairs far. the Winter.. eerviee,' wilt Itifi Pertsmontb.'tbr Bjlumitre on Tuesdays. Thare- days and 'Saturdays, jra medial ely, n the. arrival of the Can from eldon. iiy thw route. fa.adexigera miy rely on a wrulnfy of reaching Baltimore " f . The Buy Company fcae engaged 7th aerviees of tae Ice Boat, whenever jhe Ic i ao bad a fo preveaf the Goria'a teaching Baltimafe shoold ..the i.Ice m Boaube onaUle to. ge through, tha .Paasfngera wil ' be lanJei at Aaoaptis fnm whence, they may pYev ceedfby Kail Roaj) either to Baltimore or Washing ton tlty." sl -t 'r.t-v 4 ; - - ...;'-.. ; r i- Paaxeneera wiahing ta lake ?lb popular mate; leaving Kaleigh na Mondays, Vedneadaya,'and:FrU days. -direct Truth IkinVtO" VNaturel; infAVE YOU PAIN r Be -thankful. It 4 a 4 L f igorou effort of Mature to throw cIT roorhinc xnattar.' From what may the morbific matter arise ! From' a bruise, or unwholesorue air which bas become 'mixed with- bloo!, ' fcot incorporated in it; but which is liabU t taint the whole -mass if "H,ot speedily: removed. I Or the pain -may aiise from bile wbic-Jx has Jiecooie, bad, rancid, pntrid, nx conse quence of the want of power in the proper wgana to discbarge it. Tats rata ra)ci so raiaaTt's pi'oLtH-Shly the symptom of the efforts of Nature, (or the vital principle of the WooI; ' t ixr ft the ha rfccCAioff'jMicaK eaaUer; which would other wise destroy the human fabric. Ail die-e are of the solids 0 flu ids, ot both.: t When we haveain io our bead, or in our foot, in our throat or in our back or bowels, let na but be satisfied that it is produced hv. the efforts, if urlb'ood to throw, out! morbific matter, and if this be a), If we can put be-' lieve and understand this our core r will be easy and generally fure. -For our course' will then be to help ' Mature to throw off the . morbid nutter, not to lake j away the blood. For the Lloed.' 'EVERY DROP. vv rv s wTrm - n mn r v 9 tarrfi n artr " ' w r; -t a vi: i.x xr it. u j a n ir gw i ti irmtjrtr. i;r T1MATET HEALTH to the body ; wo must NOT LOSE A DROPi neither must we use anv medi- cines.tnlernally which 'are' not perfectly harmless, if applied externilly to the body. ' So we most not ne any of the preparations ol mrcory, neither' mutt we uie ' any V vegeUble -roedkiue of ' CORROSIVE POWER; : . .V.t In order to discnmioale between Truth, watch. t eternal; and conjectore which is Itka a traasiantVw idn. we must be guided by Ihe- tight mf r EXPERI ENCE, r T what does experience direct Tot tha FKEE OSS OF. DR. BKAiXDtiE THX PILLS; in all caaea of bodily auffertnsVi As this advice is. foU loweJ. SO; WILL THE HEALTH -OF THE BODY BE The writer baa long iwed them and has never found them fail of imparting relief. - Irv all acute 'diseases let BranJreth Pill and mild 'diet be fised, and the patient will soon be restored to good health. In chronic complaints let the Pills be"used ' ai often as convenient; by which meana the vitality of fthe blood UI be improved,', and a crisis will be" - generally brought about ; the disease being changed to acute, a few I jrge doses of Pills and a few daya ' confinement to the house, will change the chronically die&ed individual, to a sound man. ; This is nrl fig. . tare bfjhe I magi nation i it "can WpTo'ved by' a1 tnoa-' and ' matter-oPfKt men "who have experienced iu REMEMBER, in all jcaie "of disease,' no matter whether it be a. cold or a cough whether ittbe astb-' mi or consumption 'whether H Wiv heumatism or pleurisy: whether il'be typhoa or fcvtf and-ague, or bilious fever : cramp or hooping cough- or' measles V whe'thexiL baJ.sftl.iayftosuaciaJi the Pills, known as Brandretb's Pills, will surely do more than all the tnedicinei of the Drug Stareei fori your restoration to health, and what is jpara will surely, do -you no harm. t.t . -; , ; , , , TRUST ? TO BRAiNDBBTH'S PILLS, 'take them so as toprodare k brisk effect and yoar sibkriess will be the afiair nf a.dav or two. chile ik.Me wbe ar too wise to follow this common-sense advice, will b,. "rtk for months 'Let the sick ertquire of the agent for Braridreth'a Pjll "whether :fhese4hiaga'' be ao" or riot. r Let there enquire among theirrrieQda aad : ask the same question - Verily if E VI DE.NCEI wanted it shall be procured,- tTe the'Sick, letrme" eay use me -I'- j-:-.- - .j, !; L ? 1 i. HR ATORETII PIsLsLS L Is the best advice mortal nan can give ;yoa'.; . ,, , -- Sold t Dr: Pradrjethprwcipalofi5ce, 341 Broad way, (X74 -Bewery-aod ?41 ,; Hudson . st Dr.. Bram dreth'a retail offices,) at, .25 cts pr . box, with full dirctiBs in ,lha Eoigliah,' Spaniah, Portugese ; apd FrenchlaBguageCi.-1:i"i tvii:A. MiVi ' SoJd -by real AffeoU in ;.yef j,oupntjHin he Stately 4 .-,:. ,iiii a 'rAi . . . -, WILL : PECK .Aciirr.il : Raleigh, Dec A 3," 1 84 4." Ar If .100-Stp ISUIiACC COMPA IVY. of Hartford. ConD. Offvrs to insure.. BuilJinjs 'and Merchandize, agiijstloWr damans by fire, at premium Jo ujt the time,4 '"" , ais i otte oi me oldest and best Imurance uom- ariii itrini nisi ?iikwm m r e3i7 wui nrdrppn i Af t ri'u l, -i j - i u:M,.ir ranrtita i - l.i a..e .11 s ....s.i n m... a .a - ji. i v ii i . - . . 1 . . ;i . - - . .a rtii .-ea - V . ' .- T i? I fa tkae? AtAe 1 .e sTffiiatftea I as ;f 1 sal Atav1 Wll t I .' 1 1 I ,:.W MM J .tL.f ..fif;L: R.M1raaff eMM .v. rJU f'LIra Wrllan. I O s- r" w-- I A R OUDCIiDCr UCCirra IIUUCU Vauimuutw I irn WUUIU Altai Bit Ufftf7l VCIWIM'CU .V UUI f "5. I vuwrMHi. uwutus, " omcii, vutiwi itts, liiivtuio, i ii fKi n;i T.ins .in U rNnmM irhr m thA Si. Wf u ae Na..f..i jr -...f 1 . jtjll .1 1 vm 1 --ai..- i...- 1. f z -..II a . a r 1 r J VY m u v-y - - - T V T w 1,1 I w 61TW -cuw oawiauwju. t , - - L9QU evcrf w'UUi vCUl iwij BUSH - ue OAabUY wiisbi n i iti r etuu.lc.uir OWVIW, vvuiu : .1. . I '! '' I 111.' i asat n var nna nnv as-a ear i a fraae m esiv. . ' . t s r . . . i . a n x a . v ki i kv ii -v . r i a i ; . . - n . , w a w v-V.i.--: 1.' k 1 J A.. ' purporiaiowe.jioerai avancea jmaue on cpoaign piUSHiiiJUN r JSCl'tU Alva xf UKUCJSK1JS9.4 S'alts ' '- r WM.M. MOODT. Ja .'Arrnt. r . December 3ft. 1&1U . . i- : i . 1 3t -I ir ..i.,j.. - , .. . ? . , , . r.i . 1 OiBcePortsmeatbdtlt. R. R.Co.? -1 n i. -r , .... , m .... Feb 6, 1844. 12-lvAm s,i ! .,rr.m.in. ,wi,.,s,..;.Bii r; . WdaoR. W.J. B. 3, 1. 1. IQO-M.lm ro . Awn'ctmimrmMIOlV.V . Sftlftftt riflRSlftal Sfthfinl. i- .1 6Bii Umom Wa.Or.ni.,.' 30 bosn fre.r Rii. Vi...i r"''u uHcuoiiie aou psysits tossespronipi jj , . ' , . ft. .'. v j 1 'H&Sf&rtwiivte U W.tokh; or TiT' elaity.to be made t'o.V' - "'-" "t if- Ci Mjy 1, Igia."" -V-t i '. fTTUE OffVcere of ,be 33tk ? Regiment fe.berebj If ordered to mert in Court Martin U. in the, City of HaleialWon alurdaj, the I5ih of February, at 1U o ciocKt I ne uourc Narui qavinj oeeu p-wiponeo w 1 : . Ma. k . m ontil that time. JJVO. II. MANLY, Vol' 4 . t To the Voters tf the District tRal- MERCHANT. And A sent Yor hMri 'Key' Puladelpkid JJne' ef Packet. irtterOur:' Va. : " ' ? Who ai keeps on consUuf sfile, Trash Thomaston Litnau ':i.t. kkcii'to ii v : i t Jan. I. 8i5. Pr. dy. $244. 1 4w ORE CANDLES, and .a good t..tk, at lw tl a reduced pnee fur cash ; ; bx given in . ' - A ' -1 'WILL; PECK." nalrtsh. Jarv t; . 1 !; V l-Sw" BRILLIANT;;Ii01TERIES FOR. J Alf ARY IS la. iti Jj' V. Q. GREGORY- &. CO. MANAGERS. ' . -: . V.t ' 11 " ;: 1.'. ; i:t' r- -Alexandria Iattery, li ;H : ..'; "i:- . r ' Class .3V for 1843.-v J.iU To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, Jan- y' uary;I8lh, 1845. i ,;if.ilf.. -'i ; t f . ..tl5 PRAWN BALLOTS, ,,T!.r .30,000 Dollar, . 10,000 Dollar, , 5.000lDoUarai ,. i 4.000 Dollars ! ...... ; 3,400 Dollar ! I i200 Dollars ! ,2,000 Dollars j. . .... 1,500. PolUfs 1 s ,.t ; 10 prizes f 1,000 Dollar ! J -Tickets 810 Halves $3 Qaarter $3 50. -Certificates of packages of 25' Whole Tickets $120 . ,Do ; do . : : 25 Half dov r go ":v Do ' ' doi 25 Quarter do' J I 30 ",,HIllllJl6Tli.''i": f-',f'i . . 50,000 DOLLARS!,' f I 'V. 'SO Prizes of 1,000 Dollars ! i V . . lexaudrla'Lottorf, . f;ft'fJtasr47'forI845 i ;- ; To be drawn Irr AfexaridrialD. C,1 on Saturday.lhe 25th of January; 1845.' ; " BBrtLiaKr raizEs". T r ' X Splendid prize of $50,00a 4 115,000. 4 5 I'-fi.ooo'.,1;'.; v .." l da . r i 'Ii..: .. ; - , 5 ' n t 1 i ;V lot . . dor;.. .,f 1' - doJ' doy i-i i.' - -50 PrrzeS of i ii. 2415. MlfOQO. 1i tf 50 do do, J. ' 20O..7! . Ticket 612 Halves 85 Quartets $3 u:- --v ,y "Eighths $i-50.:x-- t-ri?;V i?ftifleatei efraelrasea of 26 wbule tickels: -! tI60 Do t do- f ' 26 half j f do !--:'t-i-R!-:tl6 Do ..'-. 'J J., '. V ef iriartie):1e 26 eighth "do 7 50 Orders for tickets "and shares land certificates of packages in the above splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, ami aoj .official account of each drawing serU'imtnediatefy-aftef It is over to all who rdaylordterUcketrf rona uai ddrtss-irfj L f'. - . ?a.,J.iC.qW5GpR,Y. COManager; . -J 1 '-!" " MhihglonC.ty; D, c. H CTATfi-pFQRrH t CA RQLUNA. Joaa- 3 fTof. CtrsTT, Uourt or ,rteas an (ju Session: November Term. 1844.' l - - r Needhm8taten, f .'f .fr-trU- J-wnsf ';V- hdvtl ' f:t i'U j. I 1 1, Petition, fur Partition , jof, Lanae 'r ' -It appearfng to' the aktisfaciion"' of ibe Court;' thkf the Heira of illiam Stevens dee'd. DefenJanU' id this, ease, reetlebcyohd the limit ef.ta is State. it is bi lelJ for tltctUioery ef rJohtiiten;atihef Court Hpyie;iaStn hjfieldta lha 4$x VJoodayJof Februajrv next, tt)n. and. there SBev.csuse,.if any thoy ave' why ihe Prayer of 'Ihe ' Petitioner sfiould nt W granted.;, V Mr I U.,.ifi .jeriratasV-'UioniJs nasiayw l Jtric;or oar sautl Uurt theretora erdered(by .ihe fJourt,, lhat.,Publicatt0j) be made'in' the' Weekly Raleigh Register., fox six weeks.' notifying said Hvirs to appear at out next Cedrt, 't0 r-.Ttt r. -iou I. -flice lbe-001 day ! Decemlier. ,Va4i I m;. 7.. i. '' ,.v.tA .'i"-AvT I Ci tnetH -ftendayin A fll nejttA- t;5?w-l v . J .... A 8 the season lafar advanced we wtfreetl par h Woolen and- JViofcl gpoAf aV priinefCaf ttuyeram want ol S l. 1 1 li, e f I f f. a e a; e r , Q:anUptj. 'Flannebi. &c..outd do well io ceJJ, an we afe1detetmied f t ' ,ee g9r AU. a Jarce LoUof Cotton goods rgifl Oanaburgs, 9 cents a yard .4.1-4 Bleached $hirtrig ! Cnu yardi 4 l4 Bipwn Shirting 6 1-4 ceettyard; Cotioo flannels 9 and. 10, cenis,: yardj tarilh a- lae aortment4f ther goods. .All of .which will be aqd to uit the bdver. .' - :.' . " ; -"'... ' J.- H. BECKWITH 1 ; Favetteville Street, a few donra above - ! " Dec. 9tb; 16U." ' 1 : "gg1 To' Southern Western jtterclutntst ?JARVlf3. SCRYMSER & G ESMOND: Hfb61eiale;'Grbjeen- and ComialIon Merchants ' ,.,Nd. 81, rront St mwj.os. If TTAVE constantly on fcand. and otur for sajg, irtl either ftw Cash f approved credit, a .large and earriullv selected assortment of Groceries, .ft eas, Ll' qupra. Wine, etc, amomr which are , the follewfirt : ' . ' " : " slid R.sT - ' - go, vuua, q r.t, , ; ..... ... ,.-, , , -j'BS. Hyson,' Young ' Hyson,, fmpcriaf,-' Gonpowdcr Souchong and Pouchong, comprising .all thedrnerent .qaalities. in every variety ol .package'. r Malaga. Muscat. 4c a full assortment of each kind, mKnrina all th Jinerant oiialiti. m Also. Printing ana Havana pegars, itmigo, f epper, imejnio, vasaia, rc 4c '..is-aru'i ,.- I . 1 1 aievcBBBiav oruenn uifoo. srnt v.ew, , aw., FTTIHE Subscriber, having resigned his situation in jj theHillsborough' Academy, proposes to' open . a I'nvateCIassicul School, hair a mile south ot Jlillsho rniiirt, ' nn' Ka fircl Mnnilan f Jantlartr Viprt ! ' ' The number of Pupils will be limited to twenty;; and the price iof Tuition $25 per Session. J The course ing, will spare no' labor to prove himself -worthy of i ' . .a. the conlidence ot tnoee wno may entrust youm to nt care Board ir av1 be had for six bovs with Mr. Joseph Norwood,' living out of town, and for four others wiijt Mr David H art,' a boo i is mile distint,' and Tor'the ye mainder of the number with the best families is the town v- JAMES H. NORWOOD. HUUborough,AN. C, December; 6th, 1844. " " r;' ' ! REFERENCES. ' ' Dr. JamesWebb,; . 'V ' " v! ' Wm. J. Bingham, ' 'C Ilillsboroagh. Hon. Wm. A. Graham V - - - .Hon.. Richmprid.M. Pearson Mocksulle. y Hontiatbtas E.. Manly. INewJ-ern. "Hon. Pavid L. Swain, Chapel HiH. .Gen: Iredellv- ? KV : :. Gen. 8. F iPattersonJ 5 h.lVK d : . John Hoake, Esq.;;Faje4tevi.Me. :; Dr. John Hill, Wilmington. .-,. : , -i- New dpegajat Goods 1 ,; ; ; r Viv ajsjia aa araaai .-. .,- A !TE haVe en. hand an excellent supply pf Cash 1 V raeres'i Cashmere DeLaihes, Mou.lines, Al- paccas, and 8ilks, someof which are really splendid i to ai le and of the aery best q ua li ty . i f ; i u V rv; ALSO 1 Fincy Prints, L'crded asd Musljn Kobe. onawis,. vravais. r rencu yttpes, imcr vupa, uwum and Neck Ribbons 'Gimp; Fringe; GlbvesrMitt,. neau ornamenis, snawi rins, urate mis, ?iik vuruwF, Card Cases, Silk Worsted abdJCotton Hosiery, and many other goods loo tedious to specify. . '"-l'. As (he season is advancing we shall sell our cntli-e 6c7c which comprises a very gefter&l 'and exiensiv assortment, at unheard of law prices. , ; :W respectfully iovite" the ittention of buyers, and request, them to -call and. examine our: goods, before ; ' RUSSELL rKRlDGE,J :f :.i y.i .?fuf!t Next door above Jt.:SMiTith Ralci-h. Dec. 28. ,, . .I -V' 1 105 5t4i 1 1 tf ! t snnfi It small IMadders; M if : - - - - v , , 9 : -. r, ' fTU8lTreeeivl a "superior, new ftrlicleUof ;Sc4tch Qj) dnuff.wacTanteU good and- if not .approved,, may be feuroed fuid vhe.monejf . refunded, . price 25 cent ler pounu or pounus jor a uoiwy ivi at vya, Chesp Cigar St6re.: P U'gar iuT ?KR AUSE ' 8c M ILLE R,r- . V ' Favetteville street. oPBOfiite City HalKS S MORE BRAXDRETIl'S FIsLa.9. M TCiVf& hv joat rcevedartstrspply of: th VXVl falaable Medicine, whiph;l4 recommended Jjy tuousanae i .a ar a . sumption Head Ache of ha Jaumlice, Fever and Ague, Bilious, Scailet, Typhis the Snmt.RuvtareslnnamthstioQera EyeFtf Palsy, Dropsy Small Pn$f'f4wuptiltN Whoepirrg Citigb, -. jQuinsey.' lholie,' Cholera VMo't bukVtjraveJWwmsV Dysentery Deafness? Ringing Noise Ih the Head; Kmg'i Evir,eref6fa' Erysipei fas;i ahtt A nthony'. Fkfe. JSalt i Rhim,5 WMtf Female Cempliiirte id' every! littJpeeiatly bbac dom; tela t ations. dec' 1 rt 2 vitfumJJ i Stiii. i'u .,-WILL PECK? Ageatjvt Raleigh, May 14, 1844. : - J :' ?:'.:.-fi???ljO St?. Croix, FocURJco; Cuba,; arid NcKO'Ieana, or i in- nniiriifa artij jinrria4 Hitnr' ijoai vsmi jaTusiiMi. i . vnv Ofd Go7nmeaTJava; Kiol Lafeuiraf 8t.Dom1rj-1 4 1R.na;?Aiiticial Fly Seia-nctte. J. J. Duduv: Otard Dunuv ce Co. Mac uiory, inampaigne arru a vanrry wwuer r ibbcu i vism, uu.uig mouano K'ca I pressed and plain; Salt-aiands, rei Brandies, with St. Croix Rum," Jamaica IujnHo f Pistols, jDirka and :odt Guns, Percussion caps, u tiri also, Brtiannia'CastorF. j ana Gmj 4c." !. ; . . . ' .: .not and ahotbelts, liirdhags, rowder pask. fcpy f,r yooreelvesfoij we have a good 7 i-i 'U.iWfXBS r ; Gianni-Mpeet aetee, JEkibit-glaa'ses, from 1 0' fcta.: to Crockery and Glassware, j : ' j, -Madeira. Pale Sherrv. Brown do. TeneriCTe-'PorHi 420 j'Clbthl Teeth, Hair,' Hat,' Shoe, Dusting nd ,.: lls- I " . I i.. ciuiiiCT mi. ,.icjio...j ui. vr ice, jujuoe pasie, Aiusiaro, noney, paiau wn,i.emon share of public patronage. J Thankful for! the enroer University, and the instruction- -shall be thorough r Sjrap, Pippins, r ; y. y, - ;4ii' r f j ; . tt. agenienl we V,ve already receivrd, we hope, by close I he boys will be kept oufof thealfeeU and othef j , hhds-Sugar nd Molasses,,varioua quaHftes. s anfdiligerit'atteniion to business, an'd by selling only proper plaeeai and a constant, control, excised erV 20 sacks Coffee, aaorled.t , .fy good articles, stni to merit) encouragement! and scp them at all tijnea. tn and out of SchooU, The SuoA ; 10 bta, fine Crushed. powdered,, dc Havana Sugars, port. - . - JOHN A. WICKER, -scrilier, having devoted himself permanently to leach-f j bo Loaves fine and common Suears ' I j . vi.iS., .J ? Wit ti annsT4i.nn.--V l a - - - - ' j oi person wpom weoave curtu.nr -yw Jnfluenza, Cbld8, Tridigestiori,v Dyspepst. and a sense of fulmess In the.back . pa?t Head, (usually the .ay mptoma-of. A poplexf. Yellowy and common Feveri'.of. aJjindssthma? Gout Rheumatism, Nerve us Diseases', Liver Cowj1. Dlain't; PfeurisVH Inward 'Wakhesa;'Derestonr.ot ?we,Ijirj4,l Ilcers, jaome of tbirty r yearsstamiing Cancers. Tum-'W, SweVledFee amXtJeg?, , Files.Co, tlnwl kit Eftnii.insnf ihe Skin FrbbUbl Drestxis' AlsoBsridfetlr IVmiroentftfr.sesswelJins. orseinn the kbo've iri everV-Cdorftyt- SM - . i -r-1 tnrr MX a TV VL-t- Q ,M WORTH OF . iPrfGoo alii CROCKERY, ATCOT 1? OR' C A S Conaeqrtentlv tower than 'eem be bought at unv other . ; r f - Y - . i - r - - r , ? . . ? . - . r . . r"-'4- Store m'tto tXdek ! f'-i l The Subscribe NE pf the Partners of the firm', having fust re turned from the North. has.bruU'rht with him a larger aM better supply .'of fr Goods, in .tM above branches, than has been kept in the establishment heretofore j ail of which,' inprice and qujliiy, are wen wortny to do, recommenoea to our numerous BVUV,""T' . ' r tjiOOdH nna IlardWSre. - fcers, and Hair, -Ladies' Fan V -I 1 1. f V. -Of WI?UV,. u.mwv,.; i.K. - ' -t . rl .at - jcbKH, fash.eis, onuu. pujies. irum ar iu J. aa ' a a I r a- .ii1 t : aa i" ! ' It 1 i ! ' ir .uu: li ravening otga, lasieiKjar, umwetias, Parses, Pocket4jookr PencilV Buttons.'' Thread, M alAhAHt ff nt frv A a-4 IfA. , H.ii.linTJ r I f A tvA .-..Wf m wV.uu.s - uuc - ters.; Wklkina Canea. Kazors.D rk. Pen and Pocket I n&U Piunt Brushes ; Cloak tassels i Bed cords, ; f Whins. Cowhides. FishinT; Utensils. Nnrht.t aiv.j. l oiuoiunj x-ipea, oiaiew,, ouoe-uirenu, . nwi, onuib, i patent Bulances; Cotton' and Wool cards, tyoffee- u P"u u, j.v.,,r, sins. Pickled arid Smoked Salmon,' Smoked Beef, Tongoei, Herrings, 8aosage8ardraes,Fig, Prunes, C urranta, Dates, Citron .Filbert, PalnafW all, Peccan, Chest ejod Oconui,Almond, Nuttfiegs, Cinnamon, Pickles, tBrandy Fruit, . Twiwta Catsupi Pepper- Sauce, Raspberry and Currant Jellies. Preserved Pine Apples. preserve. fyhocolate, Wo.l &Tio. 2, Liquor- 40'bbxes Candles.' best Sperm, Hull's patent", nor-1 tbera bleached TaJfow. amall Wax Candle for Ian' terns'arid Adamantine Caniks. an entirely new ar- tide, having never been offered for Sale in. this place before, and superior to Spt-n Candle. ,.J,4V-.' j y 2000 lbs. CH EES E.v'iz: .yellow Goshen. Ennlish ! "Datyr. "me Apple and common. ;! A . 22d0.gaIlons or UIL, vizi best winter strained. Spofm, bleached Whale. Fish' Oil and LardfOjla new article,' never Having been ottered for aie here ; before, i - f -10 Ibs TEA-black.C Imperial, Gunpowder, Yung -Hyson arid green common Tea j j 500 Jbs. SO A PS Castile, white and variegated, in. .bars; dark aud light .turpentine JSoap,. and per fumed washing and shaving a great variety, f ...i, ; : f 50 boxea Cigars, warrantnd best imported Principe 4 imitated ditto, Trabuco, Virginia, v-Vepelosj .Yicto. na,yanones, ana me nome maue common, j ?- j ? 350 ITia. SNUFF, Mrs:' Miller's in bladders; and Scotih ; ' " ' ' -y;- ' r ' " J y: 1 IbaTOB !A CCO,J be?t Tirginia'lioneyew il'jJarsrfed 'Ginn-1 H;'!' :! Ground Oimicr and Pepper, ' and" whole- 0b. f. 1 j All- spice, Canary 8eep, ; Rice, Starch; Jndigo, Copperas, LogwoKj,'Madder, Blacking,' 3 botes brogans and Boots, genuine Wine Vinegar. ..' ' r -.'i r i y i -tf fSnlA hnl it i hit ih mtnmiTP. nutnf th'HnitJH f oute positive from thus'date, GENUINE PORT AND MADEK1A WINE, Newark boiled Cider. Porter, Muscat and .'Grape' Wine. i I"! Ol to: of Roses, M ac:iasar, Bears, Antique Oils, Po- mttum Cologne, Florida and Lavender $ Waters, Essences, Berganiott, Cinnamon Oil, Opedclloc, pink j Saucers. - "., i . f y v:j f . Violins, bows, strings," bridges,: screw's," ' Fin geirbdsrda. IfJuttars',' Flflgeolettes, Fifes, Fhttea,' Claii bne'ttsAecordeons, Dulcima Wire. -'-f - '' f ' ; "4X i oMiuvuari ,..,1-:: !....- Atmafiacs: Primers SneUiiiir. Picture and Sone )36qkJJ Kyfhf heaven (Cathollcy Papei Pens; luiHsl Ink; ' rnfestands, - Ink powder,' Sealing-wax. W afera,1 Letter stamps t . r - i J vS! ' 'ri'-- TV' - i Ji t l i-i i .. 1 Wv f encing ana , o axing , Apparatus. Kj. j; oua, Ciwotds, uiove. AiasKS, xiats, iJreastpiate j 1- .i-.,,bCraiBasA Dpminos,; Chessmen,- Backgammon, . Ketto, Ten- pin, 4j races, Kolle Uup a.lJall, 4-9.. i. -IrV ri- i- JewellerTd Of Gold and Silver, M weHaa German,' Silver, end Pinchback,vix:0raa8tpias, EVar-ring8,PeBcils,FiDg r ings, Thimbles, Ta Be!U,Tald and l ea Spoons, . - - i . - . ... : m i. . ... f A large -and choice supply .as Prtntingk Presses, painted Children's Trunks, Wheelbarrow a, Bureau, Marbles, Humming tops. Drums, Rattles,, Whistle mouth Urgans, J4arps, I rumpets Magi; Lanterns, PajH' boxes, magnetic Tys f jjitiuitii Malescops ,j M terpseppes Pewter . and, c woodee tea se.umpieis fsj'tbyfi Dolh arid. Doll-head. :. ,-:v1wr,i;tf,,.'-;j a-!1 3 I vorner opposite mr.ivicaaru oraiiu s, ! RM ighj Uecember; I ; 1 844.' fj ? TTTTED STATE t American IIJvNOBril tUROLINA DItTiilCri6rd States! DiMtntl,:CmH for 4ht IUtrUA ef Pamiieo-, hi i Bavfcttrplcgith Alaniay in Odobeei', Ntk to. sbevXcaute against the j Petition isfEvan deEi Brooks, tf Chatham: ,Cwy.;'aneifoijhif Difcbgi rM ,CertUicaie as a.BaokrVP1 at Nvrbeni . it- f 14 UhOse article a LaineChal ley sand tTircsssiW, bleached andur. 7"l -"W" w'ra I7W r, P K V? r.h ;r 'Jr Ww& aRlMlE. WeaarCWoiwJof aUqtuilitiaaijd jcWn College tiidabfluS the ..med.atanca from Balc.gh, .4S vfe- '-nWlwit, . SmUh furnet. Oznaburga, Sheeting, and Shirt mgs. Bed, NegMand Wore thanoneJhird of this Und. u first and I second Haleigh, Dec. 2, I8i4. JHA 97 Saddle' Blankets, Bed Tic&ing.. Diaper, Apron Checks. f? ". P't?,"t,!,f c of ,n P .. '-;.,i;'rtt.-.-r--t. :..; Blanket and tthawls, riik ancton; dre.nd UtlohtH0 WRTICL8M Bond; &?Srf e .r?re: r' 'EWEMERXAliTOYSl y?i'l fHfJT 5 PPSr' Limestone Boring wbWb-raie fti ft Is also aa! ii . . -. . ' 7 . f :- . i r n ' r : n i di.:l i :ii . -r ut.l k, noi-wamiinr xo ueai ,any. loneer in i and nnrL1. f Tashn-frn. dri Fn - Mcr mr Mousline I " ", v p "i -' .i;eftriuve. ami ;flrka, leUI. (Jombs Belt buckles, W atch '..'Keye, Fob ChAtus, , Gy psuiu-beadsi wbijteiand black jet bugle Beads, assorted sizes. W E Sew Goods sellltisrat rXoW lTrtctea. uberuera fcaajU8l.receieo ineii r ai anu rp y!;r, anu on inu smew oi.oig iJicaanu lau. i a . ara i l I l-Winler and Fami ses the foliowin tvloths, CaaBtmeres . Satinet Vesting. Kentucky y. KeKcy-U.d all articles ja 2i! line Calico lall pauena j earia..uIaoeey Woolsey the t ancy and Domest in' iin lpi!iniia jA rtiimornf" f ? t arawaro ana fJaircry. Pocket,' pen; oe and bulcher Kniyes ;Lkrii rk's, Shears, Scissors,- and ' Sheep Shears; I Fork ves an JHalte'r Chains 1Va(?e ChahtixHfl C . ' - - - w 4 v v - lasting and ejt Tuckiv fhtseU, Augers,! Gimbtete - I TaWeand Tea 5pns Mii4, cros-cut, pjlund hand 'liaff rii! Krilltirirr A(i-fHa. V1inM.. I.Mt Kullil I W ood Screws ; Stock, pad, drawer and che.U Lock? I Lastinas. nr" kinds I; Snadgs, Shovels and Spittoons, I M-nClllC9 F ,BJIff(rl'U16!(f IUIJ1T, .Vfltl VI t H 111 itllU ICU I ii .4 .:... ..' . , . 10. i r rying raws, tjouea iWllls, Diacking alio pnoe orusn 1 .1 t -a -.i-!- i . I ; i es j xxaiis and iron $' tegeUier-wun variotta vvbar artl waj......,,.,.., ; , , i ' v. i---. Crockery and Glassware. I ; " ' . ;ups and Saucers. a4r kindsiFlates and D ahesiall tin.t i..i.i ' uJ. . jper Mxes bowbi. Call and examine 'assortment of j' Groceries,! x Sugar, brown, loaf, and refined ; Coffee. Java. La guira and '$t, Domingo;' Molasse, Salt, Ground, Alum and Liverpool; Cheese, Soaps, of all kinds: iron-bouhd Bucket. Bed-cords "and Plough . lines. Caps,' Shoes and Boots j Leather, 5ole and Hemlock and Oak-tan. Shoe Thread, Indigo Copperas, Madd r, Camphor, SabVpelre, AJum, Spanish Brown, Saleratus, Pepper, ;S pice, Gin- orse Lollari", W agon Whips,' Horse Cards and is, ooiion varas, j.ouee rots, writing raper, Composition . Powders, : Castor Oil,- Mustard, r. Snnft-TrAtikera Rrimotnno llrawinff knivns. i iIH , ALSO,,Baco and Lard, Meal and Corn, Peas and Oats', FIour' Fish, Butted, Tallow and Bees-wax ; d all kinds of countrv nrnduce will be taken iti bar- ier for anv thin? we have io sell. ? f 4 : 1 I ;Awe are determined to sell as low at aby eatab- lishment m4he City we hope, to receive; a, -liberal Raleigh, Oct. 24, 86 tf. Jasto Sani Ciffars Afloat yrUST receivedf a Superior lot of Justq Sanz Frln f2V cipe, for sale -cheap at the Cigar Store. ; rV . ' V KRAT78E. ? MljLLER.-' ' ' Favetteville Street, opposite City Hall. or n vvn.L sell or lease the dwelling house, now oc JJcopied by me, fat the south, end of - arrentoa. The building is a very convenient and commodious two stoy House, containing seven room? and a pas sage, together with a basemenLor cellar divided into four apartments'.; f The Lotis large and well enclosed, and accommodated with all the necessary out-build-ings Kitchen, Laundry, Smoke Hoosei Ici House, Stables, Cow House, Carriage House, Crib,' frc.Vln the yard i a tasteful Green House, and! also a Well of excellent Water. All of the improvement are in good condition. The Garden is large snd produce tive,'and la well slocked with Fruit trees. Attached to the premises, is a small tract of fifty or si xtr acres of Land, part of which is in -Lota for cultivation, the balance having snffidentumlwr fr fire-woiKlI j - J hose wtsumg a situation for a ; health j and pleas ant residence, there iV none mue derable. It is eonveuient to the Male anij Female. Academies of the 1 own. . jjie payments will be accommodating; and possession can be had when required. !'." ' ' -: ' Vv,. W-? Mi; sJ.ifTHdMAS j WHITE: Warrehton, NiC. Dec.17 y-hel'X H JOS 4w. ,TH E FURNITURE in the aoove dwelling, which is of good quality, will be disposed of. either with without the House.'. ' '"" j";. -" ; " . j '; I .' fTJlO f IT 4The convenient Dwelling, with two ' jj j. acres of Land attached, belonging to Mra.Mat- thevtj Sbaw, andately occupied by rfosJ T. Hunter, Esq. For terms, apply to . ' y V i . ; . . . n jit. j ww uxjkj. n December 30; 105 TTjlEATHERS On hand, a it of new Feathers, J . which will be sold low for Cash. 1! N : V JJ AMISS M.TOWLBS. December 30. W wwai ui niius. aou uarreis, ouerea we, Cbeese 1f the cask. Coffee and Salt by the sack.' 'i i-a WILL. PECK. Rslaigh,Jan7. a 3t ' tSfVs't fTTIHE Subscriber wbuld' inform bis' patrons, 'that i JJ fillia supply-af Oystera will be daily, from and atter this dale Th,-recent 'disappointments which have occurred, caa be. attributed to an increased de mand in those Towns upon the Rail Road,- which left a Small supply t6 come 'oWif But vi' taf recent visit to Norfolk4 I made ample arrangements, that a sufficienVquantityiahoiild- be sent: every day to. meet all I demaada f and nothing but an accident upon the Rail Roads..eaq disappoi nt , my customers. nj-;A s the arrangement is extensive, it is hoped the demand will be const,ant - Td the Members of The sLegislaV ttireV and" others, whb;reside It1 (he ft terror of the Srste;! would say that I have Pick led Oysters, nicely': put ep in Tia XtllS. d hermetically seal ed, suitable lor trapspoltatioo. f--rhf -'A e araoeiJrepajjt?! tiectfts inj a9prpf iptjlei sajnaifif 1 1 iitock of Dry Good. Hardware, Ctftleiy j fei treek cooimmng about3,000 Acres, divided ip. ly'GrocerieH,: ' 51e stock on Uaiid tdmpri-J W three rarms, and opeit grofcind sufficient for' tbn 'aritilea 'kH witi'Jt'-WWl iv M I employment or fciRht bands tb dvantaeeJ Eacft e .. i ' ' I no '- -.. 'i i. :.-.- ."-j:;" SO o,Jo40,. -.: "' :.f ., h .-wjs-r IIMO.HIII.ii. r .i ir.t r. .1 . . I tM Having recently received a fresh snpply tsT i ,'if lb-tin HERE! fTt W & Subscriber tote hds removing to tha AVes U and ofler for sale his valuable XR A CTT f JUAH JD.' in Wale Coanty.Jlying on the waters ot Plantation js under coed tente.V The East and Werr 3$ 0Tn hiT 'j Jj? Jft b fji MUto whereon I hve h., a r'r !?JS4!7 P?re- exbelinLa staod and vacancy forjt Pbjticlan, aa any a 1 will sell the same low for jraah In part, ihd give libera I indulgence for ihe balRRce ' I will afso take f Nirro- or HrVKtk'rn Lflhd. in part paytaenti Tbosjf v i - - t . y. - t r - that wUh to boy, tan come arid iewfor tbemsel vesr before or a fieri pub icallou .ceafip,: as I shall not ad- J. CArtKA Irtntr V Dec. 9, I844.i; r. i IU0-4W rT. I I t I MOO -frCBMIDn Pi7U JI7 a ; . A Forjfc,) ha visited WaJekh foflfte pur i 1 . ....... ... . . l - pose of eivinar instruction id the Yooih tof both f I " ' T . I,f. ni..Bt M.r. f rV: ,;6 T-?"r. .7 T V . v 'T' may be inade to Her at yABBoRorjGn's HoteL RaleirrhDcc; 14. 1841. t f ' ! 101 (Mrs; BernacdI bririgaUha - tnost satisfactory references frotrt tiie fidrthj Ito Ladie and Gen tleinen of, this Citf, as. to per professional and, nrlvatA r(tnprtahiFirv. Ii T:riii . R m . ' (Jd Tilt HtUuvateuK THE Proprietor takes "this method' of returning thanks to bra old friends anH'aensaihtarice, for the liberal patronage liereiofore bestowed upon his Hause. ' and would respectfully infdmi tliem. Members of the Legislature and others visiting . the Sat of Govern ment this Winter j that lib lias recently fitted tip bis Houe in the very .best, manner, and will be prepa) red to accommodate those' favor ng bins with a call on the most reasonable terms, ."tit is foniIHed with a fine BAR ROOM,' irt large RBADlltG ROOM, and ' convenient LUNQH ROCJM. The Spr slutll never be without the best end greatefi.' yariet of Liquor which will be served up st all houil. . Every exer-. tion will be made by the Proprietor to Ice' t On band a good supply of flesh Norfolk Oysters, and other deli cacies of the Se&sdnVarid they will be, served up in a manner equal (if not superior WJthy : Establishment ' ir.uie vuj i.tbe City, , Raleigh, Nov. 14; 1844. ?. ' '.k.- JUMit JvAWe. T, 'nv 1 t2 . . : ; v tjOLORE D jDagileifee:IL 1 B. WORTI1, having recently retoroed fsom v the North with alj the improvement in this beau tiful Art. woukl resnectfullv announce td the eitizens i of Raleigh, arid the" Pebpfe genejraHy that he has ta ' ken1, rooms, in the third . story of B. B. Smith 'shriek . building; where, having all the advantage of a good light, he will execute Likenesses jby lira above process, in a superior style, f Gentlemen and Ladiefc are res- ' pectfolly .invited to ,!!; and examihe specimens. Rooms open from 9 A, M-to'4 P. M.t f ; f . j i. vNovember 19, 1844. rs.-1'.- f4''""- TATE OF NORTH CAJIOMJVA. BL ADEN COUNTY. November Term, 1844. jonn Dry on, James uryon, v v 1111am u. cryoa - -u-:ia f i;-A;'J.BryqnjtCii.l'i'''i; . '. . v .;:. i. . ., 'i :. ...:J m. :,,.' Yy v ,. ; , :, Joshua Bryon, and wife Elizabeth. Gcri. Hazard, ' and wife Mary, and Henry ' Wootea and .' ' 5 : -I? 4 i'U wife Jarievf ju r . f r Petition for Partition. f Real Eetati, ;. It appearinfir to the saiisfsctioui of this Ceurti that . 5 . -. . . - - - . ... .... . n ! w . 1 George Hazard and wife Mary, and Henfy ' Woolen and wife Jane, are'non-residentsf of tMs'.State, it is z therefore ordered. lbat .Putilieatibri be made for sis 1 weeks successively in; the Raleigh Retlster, givbg. ' notice to the saidnon-Vesidents to spprar at the. next Term of this Court to be held j'fcr the 'County of " Bladen, at the Court House, iri Elilabftb Town, a the first Monday-in February, ; fed, then arid there, i: plead answer or demur, otherwise, the Petition wllj . be taken pro yeonfeseo, and heard ri parte. 'J , " , Witnesa Dava iAmii, ' Clfetlr, of said Court at . Office, first Monday in Neember,l844r ?" t--'-- . ; Test.e .h-ii-ri DAVID Z.0UI8. Clerk. , ; ' Pr.Adv. - 1.2. : V ;; ; v ,...104rew,'j j-'-eal V, rJLTpHAniJE i Tf MUST again advertise, that f do not wish terredit : lloor articles, 'except to. the few who pay punctually '. in stiy dsysl V Thps V my thanks, snd' wlsk 1 still ! to have their custom;. Other iteeotinU I most ' -dseline making after a 1st install. ' ; ' "I - U i- f : Dec. 20, 1844J r . ; Pleasant iJroWFentale Academy, .; MlSS MARTHA Hi RICHARDSON,"; i THE eiercfses of this InsUtutibn will resumed Jan. 20th. Tcrtnw' osaaL I ; , . V " ' j' - i . ' - : . . r rv 3 e m . . . t . ciecretary 01 uoaru t ruaieea. Standard 4 ineerttons. i j yi- American Almanac Jor t 1 WnHis vatuabie production has been, received, and II. is for 4 sals at the JS BUOR-STORE. -Price $1 forVsAU at tlia N011TU CAROLINA, tore, price sl. r r''.' k : . .1 ... . . . ' Ll 1 ' A. I - CT" lr Slaridatil, aou Ihdependeht please copy iSTttarper Pictorial ITpIeV -t TVTOS1 15 and 14 of this sfendid workrhaa sees received .-jer, the North Caroliaa jBock-storsv Abo, t -5 ' i: v. r . -' Ni-nfie HIaiseV nf Romans vela. ' v - f ' "". ' A' Popdtat Trsatise e Axricultoral CleaaUry 1 , Charts- BOTlS.CtttAist. "' rsi' j-'"!7 - I: ' . ' to -' I - The .Aaasricaa. Cardtoar's CaJeodar, ky, tr.ta iicMahon;'.vv.. -v'v.v -Stock RaWb Mshosi; by T7o.Tr: r .v.:--v. 1.-. j- CaUle their Ersjrda, see t with many. 9&ta.V ..w I anj TheologieaL i.; ; iris a a 1 vavu net tm mnjA - i 4-, Hi 'it LOOK i -s.; wfiTrifior' h ' - V"' .'thoa b.oly, c.-tjcv;: 't;' l.r-,? ;-'T c '.vijijeni-! ' Trt'&A'tf 6tf ' W-? 1 Por sate 1ftifOfisVP'P.i tf.1844. ihs t79dfr V .1 -! t;;S r..lvi?y , .it .lu o?pi?irr?i.'7 tlv&i ia3i-y -5;:a trfiryt it3lW?&: j' j hvi-iit$ J34s4J lir es:'J ilf -.- - " -j. . . - . " . . .... ' .- , . - !."'-'! y . ' L ; V.r ft : ::''. - V si'" ..- " . . -".'V., : j ' . -At... 7 --;":;:.V-'.::--7U .3 1M : , .r ,-