" " i : 4 -L'!7 : 1 a - i ( if t U il i. N Whm Caantj. - Coart of rkM and. vtaaner Seestona, N.ovmber Term, 1844 t William Hjlio'.m-,') I vs. COriginal Attachment. inn' If .rtm. All . . ' -' - v it lodtviiii to th eatisbctbm af the Court, that Jmm Martin, the Dafoodaul. is mo en Inhabitant of thm Suiei It U ordered therefore, that puwicatiou be made for sic Miki in tfaa Raleigh Register, notifying aid Defendant to ba and arpr before tha Jotices of" the Court of Pleas tod Quarter Session for the Coumof Wayne, at the Court house" in Waynes- beneVo tbs third Meadsy mi reoroary - next, uien and than U replevy or plead to issue, or judgment fiaal will ba rendered against mm, and property levied on will ba condemned to aatisfy : PIsiaolTa claim.! . ,- Witness, John A. Green Clerk of our said Court at Officei the Sd Monday in Nov."A. D. 1844. ' t - s.r Vi JWOs A. ORE BIT; Clerk. Prt Ad. 5 6t. ! ' - I' K?TATE OF 50HTU CAUOLltf A. '-JS.Wajna Coanty. Couh of Pleas and Quarter : Notice' is ! Hereby:! given r 71)0 WILLIAM MASON. Jr. son iof WILLIAM il MA80N. r. deceased. urxin whose Estate T am Elector, that tha amount to which be ia entitled of Said Estate la now in my bands, ready for dfatribu- tion,and tbat I shall not., expect to pay. Interest on the same. The. .residence of he above named WU liam Mason, Jr. .is not known to the Subscriber. He left this State about the year I8JS, and has not been beard from within the last 17 years. If written application be made on i the u!jecL Letters must bo addressed to me at tybapei H ill, W. U ; , , JOHN A.LMASON, Executor,! .": ' v, ..' : Of-William Mason, deceased. Chatham County, N. C. 5 Dee. 19, 1844. , L, LTTii'. f.! liars' 5- i rjgmplaint as commum- f 100 3mp North Carolina ! I' 8eianf- fk'ovamber Term, 1 844.. " Jonathan Pike, , . . , , ; : -. . Corifinal Attachment. -Berna Peacock. S . . ' It appaannf toxha saiK&cilon of the Court, that Baroa Peacock, tha Defeodant m thfa caw, is not an inbsbiunt of -thie State : It ia therefore ordered, that .pub!icau'o& "be made foe six weeks in the Kaleigh Be f ister, notify io aaid Defendant to be and appear be iora the Justices of the Court of Pleai aod Quarter Heaakxia, at tha Couit bouse io Waynesboro, oa the third Mbdday in February next,' then and there to replevy or plead ia tasoe, or judgment final will be rendered against him and. property levied oa con demned to flstnua s claim Witness,- Jrfo. A. 'Green, Clerk of our said Coort, at 'Office, tha third, Monday 'in. November, A D. 1844, : V c -JNO. A. GREEN, Clerk. Pr. Adv, $5 62k . 1 S.NBOTSFORD J H i i- i i Mona. MA1LLY. j CJTATE of Nortti Carolina. Wayne tC7 County.' Court of Pleas and Quarter Seasiona, NoveBj bar Term, 1 844. :;-. r Joshua Barnes, ") ' .. r W. L Original Attachment. Barna Peacock, V, ;. It appaariog to tha satisfaction of the Court, that Barna Peacock, tha Defendant in this case, is not an Inhabitant of this State: It ia therefore ordered, that . publication ba made for aix weeks, in the Raleigh Regiitar, notifying aaid Defendant to be and appear before the Jueticea of the Coort of Pleaa and Quar ter Seaaione, at the Court house in Wayneahore', on tba third Monday r February next,-then and there to replevy or fiead to wane, or judgment finaT will be rendered againat him, and propeny levied on cin doouiad to Plain tilTa claim. : ' "-. Witnesa, Jno. A. Green, Clerk of our said Court, at OlEce, iht thin) Monday in Noemter. A. D. 1844. .-JNO. A. GKEEN, Clerk. t,Pr. Adv. $5 6. , I ITATE of JHortb Carolina.- Wayne kJ lonty O'ourt oT 1'lras and Quarter Sessiuna. November Term, 1814. . - t " ' , Sam. Perkins and Joshua Barnes, V'rv', rr," ".;' .v. :', '";, r Barna Peacock. ' t- -1 7. : . Original Attachment. . Tt appearing to the aatist'action of the Court, that . iJarna Peacock, the DefaMiant in thw cae, ia not an inhabitant of Ihia'Staie: It ra therefore ordeVed. that publication be made for six weeka in the Raleigh Ke. fitter, notifying aaid Defeodaut to be and appear be fore tba Juaiicea of the ourt ot Pieaa and Quarter Seeaion, at tha Court house in Waynesboro", on the ihtrd Monday in February next, then and there to re plevy or plead to issue, or judgment final will be ren dered against him, and property levied on condemn ed to Plaintiff a claim. ' . 4 Witnesa, John A. Greeh, Clark of oor said Court, - at Office, tha third Monday in November, A. D. 1844. P Y , . JNO. A. GREEN,' Clerk. rr. Adv.J5 62. ., , 1 UTERARy, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY rrnnx: - antic of this iustitution 11 which present advantages of no common order. wilt be resuined on the first day of January . when the rjadeta are required to be in punctual atu-ndance. wasaica, r,BgU8n,eus . . K. .UKAi.! . Mathematics, Tactics, eic. O. A. BUCK. r.irvrininii Chnmutre Xr i ' ' ' Phifoaophy, "! : French Language, ; .Vv- , TEBBIS PSK SESSION OF TV71L MONTHS Classical Department, t including whole English . . a .a af -1 i - - course, wun aiatnemaiica,; l : f20 00 .nglisn do. (blementary b'gher'branchea) 15 00 r rencn. do, (io clasaea of five or moreV . j J 5 00 Military do. (Infantry 4 Artillery practice) no charge . j ur cuunvui uuucaiion ia ino.rougn, practical and well calculated to qualify youih for , the various dutiea of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations: The moral and ; intellectual facul ties are kept severely in. action, but W at tba expense of the physical, aa ia unfortunately' for the health of our caiMiien loo commonly the case throughout the country.'" ' . ' - .- '"p , -v r;- . , , j' . llegular and systemat Militar Exercises, at well as Practical and Scienific Orrationa, introdudng Surveying and Civil Engineering, are eubstitoted in the place of unprofitable play1, and required of all stu dents the usual tlx houri nf daily recitation and tudy bring invariably lefldittinet 4 - uninterrupted. It has been found from experience, that this beau tifol Gymnast invigorates both minJ and body, and by inducing hahita of order and reeularitv. contrihm. much to mental improvement. , if.: j, i A rrize, worth 520. of a Galvanic Ban Medical Helix, will be presented, at the cloae of the aeesion, to the rupil who standa hieheat in Chumi iry ami rmioaophy. . ; , , PoUteoeas,neatnesain dress, and strict nnnHn!ii will be closely auended to. I f i .... J , A cheap Uniform ia adopted .Dress Prn.V A 1 I I w t 1 t I . .. , J ' 1 ha Academy is situated in the ahur!. . . "u"wjcr ui -mo ny,, ana , oceapvin a building with spacious and airy rooms provided for the purpose.. ..-.). - i . , Paymenta made half in advance. - No deduction made for absence, unless in cases of protracted sickness Hours of Reci'ation and ftudy, from 9 to 12, Al M , and from: 3 to 4 j, P. M., in the Winter. Board and Wsshtrig, iri highly respec- ly'' iiuca irom oj io fiu per rnonih. I ; ROBT. GRAY,? I . Y . O. A. BUCK, P'jncipals. ; RsleTgh.Dcc 16. 1 844. , fi lot! Kni inn M-sTr.rT?NEv'YORIC. I Imnoridnt Cure of l.icrr tlom i? ' j !, r.nntn i v I ' faicq a letter courAum. i rom j. m.n - MIe WEofcaa Wllowi DrJKubl. Vour'Medictnea are abooi'ta- take ai start in this CoutTtv. fromtheraet,! tba they effected a cure which seam to have bafijed the akiJl af tha f hsiciana 'a this section for a year or I wo , I pa auhject ia Mr. iainaoiei, iiewoev, wuw has been afflicted with the yver cbmplarnt,''to3;eiler .. ,,, -.-" . . i . . .. t .rtx. '-' wnn socie -otnef comptaiBta. " r raiuieiicw im pepsia. He -has tn km one Iwttle of aha IJeworer, to gether with tba' Dtura'tivo Jwde&vtjHJ 1 twelve,h4urs he feUrelieved, oqd ioiwenty-four Jiourf much relieved. He has so far recovered , now, aa o follow' the avocations 'of his' rarmwfth 'little or -no. difficulty He aayt hawants'allwhd are afflicted to ,.-.f;.H-:. "S-iSW.'-! JO i. i r ; 3--.;v;': i t i.,,.a.U' -8Y :Y j;f ..: r.4 . ' - r. nvfaw - .f-r . -is.. ------ - -- r ' ' - . i . -..; i'-.t.i .--. j v fv ' . f are shoot to take a attntoia t7oamy.rromfneni,M es-M f ! : I j : i -- K-ii Y'J that thay effected a euro which .seam to' have baffied J j btir- r I l ' - r l - , fill - ' - . : 1. ,1 '.--.-- ;J A i J- '."''! Y7- I ;js O f -i-j.,.9' .-?-:l ?tAjuwX'ym C "t"1 a aaw ' i4 ,r wj , ' .- j a . a- , . - m .n :v 5h l i -. ... r - .AytaMta a mi i n art on wn -a a ii ,t m fiif - Jt a a i. i - i . . a - a at . - . - . 2 fyl 1 jrfVieJ7T, fTM?i'- afflic'fd, Acijgned, J,M, Aa"JJraka.s-i sell a and articles of as eoon quality aa any House in Petersburg and thta Btate Oor Stock r QtLJLr ii affr .S.W I PiS . DKuliliaita A; WMi WHITE jEAD,LIN6EED OILi and COLORS ia very large, and We are selling cheaper than eteri C'riiVrlvlin i YfJ J4t J TO -184, an4 had tha gratification, to learn, tj.t Mr. Nath , We taka tbia apportnnhy of returprng toba?Citfiena Yl - jil kHJ 1 yYYiY 1 Newbey is well,' and recommenda 'to;MeocidM ja elakser I " V :jf-:&SA. i mTt" r- iri " 'C lenns- Y- ' f H'Tft'' 'C .a-tofteiJte to contjuue to reraise W portlbtr' o'tha r-atronage -"of geiteofii ! -.--riJUH: -IfX U'anrl---' I hava- had ve;al, venereal ,cae, -which.. -hava' ---;,,- - - n. ' - -- -v - : ..-M-- ;i KE ;Kffisa:It H 'I V AX o f - FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, ERFUVrit mmmmuEscuirs DRUOr WAItE-IIOUSP, FAYKTTEVILLK If hev Will call and diamine 6rfr nrieaa. thn wil fin.l tk.i tK.. 1 t.L Jt . ..... ESrABXlSHMENTiNPETERSBURCHM v One of our inr has just retuned from the NOKTH ERN' MARKETS, where be haa purehaaed ia o the MOS'I EX.TENelve and CIJO Sialan iMh lernit u will MtM. n.M RNTtDP BtTiuvi i'fprnu Also, other improved CAMPHINE LAMPS, SO LAR LAMP8. GIRANDOLES, HALL LAMPS and LANTERNS, and dealers in ASTRAL and SOLAR SHADES, CHIMNEYS and LAMP GLAWSE3 of all! kinds, LAMP WICK -PURE SPERM OIL, CHEMICAL OIL, CAMPHINE and BURNING. FLUID all of which are oifered at W'boleaale and Retail, at the ktwkst raica roa September 1 1. . J ; . . - - 766m FALtii TRADE. IS 4-1 . ease; which had, been treated -with the twua!, remedies for three months, but ' without anr.abatement of tha disease. Vogr Medkinea was procured and . -the dise ease, which appeared I so obstinate, in a, few days j yielded to jfour remedy , dee; ,;r I Y ! Signed,' vf j yvGBO RJ UAKK. 4, Ladif o( Bedford co. Va. for about 17 years af flicted wiih contraction. lameness and nervous head ache, caused by taking calomel arid getting' eold;on it, and after using tba whole time the prescriptions of tha most eminent physicians .without any effect!, .she sank from year to year, hut was . finally fpuccesBfully treated with the Restorers Gold Mine Bafsam'and Ar- omatic Extract.'! .We have omii ted the niame'of his J Oninm iaay, dui ii any parucuiar enouiu d desired, refer CamDhor a 51)TU-KES JOINTS. Y&c tiREENtnCil STREET NEVVORKj'ii-YrUflV, J Q-&-N-&r M. O K K LS O N f Vi4 ' Offcre for sale on he roost liberal terras for jCASH;orCRE'DiTV of (Jopaa, amoDjljem the foil Wing, to whienvwewou APflTH Rf! 4 KTRSt : . 'PAINTERS. . d CONPEIlTIfliV. , ;' 2Rnf!Kn ; If A V ITl'yrtto f - . - j Window Glass ol all fiRS.UlSTlLLERs Voung Hyson- Tea 1 lEMttr. ; . ... f .h-- V- '-.'-.,;-., t9 Maj, VVm. beftwich.j Otierbridge, a1 tmmeiM Stock of JDntse fana co , Ya. ; ! . Yj Y y mueaicxneSt rainu, , cif, ; Stuffs, ! Peifumery, Jf''afii. ty Articles, Brushes, '..A ?- Spices, SCcJ $c. v!- V, TTpY ARRIVALS from Boston, New, "fork; frc P. O, Bedford 1 ;i we are now receiving our Fall SudiU? of Goods embracing a ery heavy Stock of everything in our una. vurrooua were selected with; especial reference to the oleale Trade, being of the Caoi c BST Qualitt, ami boughf in large quantities t the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. We are therefore ready to compete with other H ou sea , North or South c We respectfully solicit a call or, order from all Merchants and Physicians who are in want of any ot the articles in our line of duMnesa. as we are deter mined to be li. ad to plkiSc. Below we epumer. ale a few leading articles, all of which, toetiher ioith every thing we sell, we warrant To be 0 the 'BEST QUALITY, and ht PRICES WHICH CANNOT TO TICE .The Sobscriber.. h..in. XNI Letter of Administration from tha Coort f . a . - s Epsom Salts Aum G. Camphor Opium - ' Sugar Lead Cream Tartar Tartaric Acid Aloea - Calomel (beat) r a : . ... II wK.. 1 wJi. 7"vr ' urar'"' bounty, ac- Rhubarb. Ipecac, Jalap cord 1 sir t i.iw. m tit Ct.l r n 'i 1 " , L . V"ir;! ""'" I Msgneaia, Uut uecu. ana navmg obtained an Order of Court Io inai eneet. will expose to Public Sale, at hia late res idence in the Town of Henderson, on the 7th of January next, on a credit of ninn month I Y i FIFTEEN ORT WENTV LIKELY NEGROES. TATE OF .NORTH" CAROLINA Wayne Sffluh?: iovmber Tt-rm, 1844. Major Copalaod, p. f . " ' " C Original Attachment. Barna Peacock.1 t apoearing to tba satisfaction of the Court,' that Barna Peacock, the Defendant in this case, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore ordered, tha publication la made for aix weeka in the Raleigh Ke giater, notifying aaid Defendant to be and aDoear be. a- .a. a . a .a , - security will ba required before the deh'verv of th. "wt"J . , . rci BK I.. KEAVIS, j - , GEOJ J. RBAVIS, j , ' L I j Administrators. Henderson.. C. Dec. U. f I ; ) jpt.,- Quicksilver Soda Powders i Sedliti do j , Bslsom Copavia Casti le Soa p. G. A rad ic Brimstone,Flower; Sulphur oulphate Morphine Acetate do Y M urate - do j Sulph, Quinine ' Castor Oil (in bottlea and barrels) . . Sweet Oil do ! do Print Warehouse, IN NEW YORK. ! fora tha Jostices of tha Court of Pleas and quarter To supply tha City and Inferior Trade, by the Piece Seaaiooa, at the Court house hi Waynesboro, on the or Package! ! i REMOVED From 113 Tear) Street, to" 44 CEDAR STREET, Near William Striet. ! TT BEi i B R ETTSTJE R gi venotice to the 1L4 Dealera in Dry Goods, that ihey have removed their Warehouse for Printed Calieeaexcluaively,froni Pearl to 44 Cedar street, lij eomfining their auen. Uon to Pnnta only, L. dc B. are enabled to exhibit an aasorunent tar eurpaMing any ever before offered in America and to aell at prices as low, and generally lower, than houses whose attention is divided among a large variety of artieles. ' -! ! j j . iheJ?txk eooaiataof several OittotandetT Pattern and Coloringt, embracing every variety of American and Foreign Prints r In marketmany atyles of which are got up axclu siyely for their own sales, and, cannot he had else where, except in second hsnds.! I I ( Dealera in PrinU will find itffor their .ntereai lo examme thi. Stock before making their purcba&e they wnTTiave I he advantage'of learning the fowest market prtcea-and comparing alrthe desirable atylea in aiarket aide by aide. S I I . Walogues of P,ices, corrected with every variitfon Uie Market, are placed io the handa of buyera.1 ! Spirits Turpentine do do Best Salad Oil i , . Ufnoria best Cololna) White Lead, (in kega hd uryl Litharge. Red Lead third Moiiday in Februarr next, then and there to ra plavy or plead to issue, or judmont Goal w'UI be ren dered against him, and property levied on condemn ed lo PLiintiflTs claim. 1 - WitBeas, John A. Green, Clerk of our aaid Court, - at Office, tha third Monday in November. A. D. 1844. . . . .vn - . jNO; Am GREEN CIefk , Pr.'Adv. $i Ci - . -..-. ITATE of North Carolina. lieau KC7 fofl County. Court of Pleaa and Quarter 8ea auMia. December Term. 1841. Franklin Grist; by hia Goardian, Reuben Knox, .' Ann Cob. Eliiabeth B. Grist. Frad. Griat, JosJ B." . 8tkkaey and wifo Harriet, and Bryan GristOi Petition to divide Slaves. ' It.appeanng to tha' sabfaciion of tha Court, that Joseph B. Slick ney and wife Harriet, and Bryan ; Grist, are residents of Alabama. It was therefore or-1 cerai oj too ooit, Wat pubUcation ba made in tha Raleigh Register, for six successive weeks, for Joseph B. 8tickhey and wife Harriet.' and Bryan -Grist, to appear at tha next Co'art of Pleas and Quarter Ses siona, for Beaufort Countr. at the" Coort Hon in - Wiahington, on tha 'first Mooday in Msrch next, than aod there to pkd. answer or demur, or judg ment pro eonfesso will ba taken against them. ;"". .. . ; BENJ. M. 8ELRV. r. n r. Pr Adv. $5 I ;:u tf; ITATE OF NORTH CAROMA.H..,. roaa Ceo art Superior Caart of Law. Fall n Y u "'Elizabeth Williford, ' Crome Green Croms Yellow Crome Red Paria Green Prussian Blue I Verdigris ( Dry tf.ndih Oil) Terrs De Seinnu:? Umbur, Lampblack' i jVermillion t f 1 Bronzes - , ' I .f,i I-? '" Linseed Oil; Lamp, Oil (of oest quality) . , jTanoera Oil (heat qualty) ISlifimati Ttr..utt.-: V.inin.. Red ; Y: . : at -m m. iib. ' ISM 1IUU ((eat flotant and ' Morrilla) i'-v'- Madder, Copperiis, Blue .Stone . - . ..tifjY. Logwood, Comwood, Red wood " Cochineal. Red Sanders ' Cologne, Florida, and Toi let Water ; Extracts, Otto Rose, Fancy Soaps - YY. -Brushes of all kinds' . . Pepper. Mostard.'. Sticev. Msce,- Nutmees, Ginrer. Gloe, Inks r0f H kinds. futty. Shoe Blacking i ., Surgical and Dental Instru ments and Medical; Books WINDO W GLASS of all - sizes Y ' Coach Varnish ' Copal do Y-'' Uapan do ; 4-e. dec dec. ;. Y TYLER & HILL, Y Wholesale Drdg$ists,. Sycamore St Peteraburg,j Va.x Mrs. Felix Huffman was suffering for some y ars umler CbnWumption &.C . Sha- used numerous! pre-1 scriptiotia without any benefit, and was declared in curable, bul was cured by the use of the Restorer, Gold Mine1' Balsam, Aromatic Extract and Universal Plaster. Reference lo John Read, jr. Esq. Jeffersbn ton, Culpeper co. Va. j' '?;'"; . ';f vj- KichardB. K. Lawson, Esq. of Gloucester county, Va, informed Dr. Kuhl on the 6th of November. 1 843. as follows Dear Sir, I wish to iqform you, thai roy ; wife was about 6 years "afflicted with a pulmonary! complaint, inflammatory rheumatism and general AtJ bilily. and finding no relief during jhe whole of that' period frorrj the prescription of the most eminent phy eicians, aba began to use your Re4orer of the.Blood,j Depurativei Powder ' and , Aromatic Ex tract, j which: cured her in a short time," &c. ; . ; 'j Signed.1 ; f J Richahb B.K Lawsoic n 7 "t Mf. George Erhart'a son was very serious! v afflict .1 ed with Dropsy and Inflammatory Khaumatism, and' after having tried the prescriptiona'of ia number-of. physicians jof eir.inence :of that section of countryj without any benefit, tankrom day to day, and everyj one thought death inevjtaMe. MrErhart concluded to try Dr. Kub( Restorer Aromatic Extract and Dei purative Powder, which gave the most habpy result,' aa communicated in a letter to Dr. Kuhl fnwn Robert Gardoer.Esq. Chritiarsbu rg, Va. of the 25th Junej 1843, in which he says: "The Medicines be sot proved. entirely satisfactory. ! J The young man,! to the gwat joy tf his parents, from being in the mast deploraTde icuanon, on tne very grave a verge, fs tiow enjoying good if not perfect good health, and your Medicines nave me cretin ot curing him. -, . . . . h j . VSigned - ROBERT GARDNERV fXj The Medicines may be obtained at DrS KUHL'S OFFICE, opposite the Banks1, Ri Va and of the following AeenU in ""North Carolina! B. fJater, Driiguist, Charlotte, ; Y 'M 2 J. F. dc C Phirer, Concord, - . Jenkins 4 Biles, Salisbury, j. James HL Enniss, Druggist, do ' ; Humphries dc Gaither, Lexington, J. 4- R. !oan, Greenaborough, -i 3. M. A.; Drake, Aahboroogb, ; ' - C. C: Henderson Lincalnton. S. Perry J KernersvilleT, Siokes countr. Jamos I Hoirne, Pitlsboroiigh, , ) Y " Peter Foster. Loursburg, "' IL VV. Godwin, Franklinton, FrankHn co. Brannork dc'.Wootanj WrntwonhY 1" . James Brannock Waterloo; Guilford, t K. W. Lawson, Yancey ville, James R, Galium.; Mitton. , BenL E. Cook. Warrenrnn. ;i . . I j I Y So,e AgeuU for K sleigh. May 81, 1844. ; j I f :iy tfT 40 ly Cream Tartar Castile Soap ! Liquorice. . : Bakom- Cbj)avia Rhubarb , Y '; Jalap'tr"7": "'''" Y Aloes li",Z.fT- 4'i Flors. Chamomile Gum Arabic Castor Oil Quicksilver Y Magnesia . fC Manna s , Roll d; Flour Sulphpr Alcohol Borax, refin'd & crude Red Precipifate YE Cornsiyet$ublimate Aqua. Ammonia , 5 Spirits Nitre Dulcis Super CarWnateSotl Tartaric Acijl f &ri; Epsom Salts iifft? Laudanum Sennasv .. -i;.; Sulphate Quinine '. Oil Peppermint," and 'all Essential Oils Gum ' Myrrh v t'autharkles -;v4 ; fjiim Tr.wa.. nth 11 t. , - T. ' " .- i;orR 01 an kinua Powdered Bark i frsaparilla " ' Sponges, : CMarse and fine sixes and qualitje AND BAKERSf Whtte' Lead drt andlCochiiieal . ' -'' Red Lead . fin oi Litharge I f ' . Spirita bfT terpentine. Putty : Whiting jVerdigris;dry and ir Chrome Green foil Chroma Yellow .-. fYell'wOchre.Frencb and American' Prussian, Blue s. :u.( Vermillion , ; ; Rotieh Stone , Ivdry'Black v Gum Copal '.-. , Paint Brushes'all Rosa Pink LampiJlacK . -i ; British Lvstre t . Glue, all sorts ' a6ld andSilverXeaf Gold $ Silver bronze! Copper Bronze jChalk, white and red Pari Whiia y..-u Spanish Brown Venetian Red ."" Sand- Paper 1 ' Pomica Stona ;.. Tar and Rosin ' i v, f -.'-(:. ; ,. ;: i r, Uapan, Copal, CoacbjSaleralua Nutmegs - Mace.. Cloves 1 '' Cinnamon Cassia Buds Allspice : Isinglass -Vf Gum TrafficahVh ; "': Gum A rabic; Turkey Gum Gamboge' Oil of, Roses "Jt do Peppermint do WifliergVeen d Lemon . do Cinnamon ' . do Orange : j do 'Bergamot do . Aniaseed ; v do j Absynth v : do " 'Carraway, ' 'do' 'Juniper Rose,: Orarfge anJ bPeaeb Waters Vaailta Beans I'onquin Beena Coriander. Seed Carraway Seed-' Ahia Seed - (Jujube Pasta. rear lash w' Y Hyson Imperial Gunpowdrf'" Hy sen skin ' Soochong 1 ICUIU UKIIUIH, Spanish Segar"'" rot and Pearl Athes "Starch , Liquorice Bafl Bath Biickl Salerslua Fi&Blua PowdereuV Alum , 'Ginger Root I'. i.r 4; Harness Varnish; Turkey Umber" Terra de Vienna Red Chalk . Gum Shellac Bright Varnih Sash Tools, all sizes; Black Lead. Olive Oil; Uabettie and baskets. Natmegs : : 'i. Saltpetre, crude and refined. , i Pepir Sauca l Macaboy Snuff ' Scbtch "SDUnT. Mace '.': Indigo,- Fjotant Y Castile Soap i r Castor Oil, m bottle Alcohol ry Epsom Salte - Cinnamon h p'1.' uper uaruopaie o Soda. rTarUricAcid2 inger, white Jama ica Jfriction Matchea Df.Cari Green Ginger ri ''' 1 f PATENT MEDICINE DEALERS. Y Balsam of Honey . T Turltiigton'a Balsam .' ' BatemanVDropsV ' Harlsra Oil and British Oil! Seidltdu Powders u 4 toughton's; Bitters . E x tract Saraaparilla Cephalic Snuff " Anderson's Pills ' Lee's ' do ' Hooper's; ,';do Opodihloc.Steers and liquid oooa I'owcers . -. Godfrey's Cordial i : Anderson's Coogh Drops : J bompson a Kye-waler 1 I Y rii - rbonata Ammonia British Lustre jSoda for washing Mustard, lyondon 1 Cay en ne Pepper ' ' ' Powdered Nutmeg Pondered Cinnamon September 20, 1844.'- -" PORTRAIT AND MINIATURE . painting. mt: MR. JO: S. PEXDER, respectfully an nounces that he has returned to R leigh anl has arranged a small GALLERYo PAINTINGS, next door to tha Episcopal Church. Tha folinri are among his collection, viz : ' V - 0 The Restoration of the Bliud, ; tjfe , 1 . Tba Exterminating Angel, : Joshua commanding the Sun to aland BtillY Cupid taught by tha Graces, : , s YiYt- Porua in the act of killing herself by eating burn ing coals, . j 1": . Th'a Sleeping Beauty.' ' ;? Y" Y Y - ' Tha Sleeping Beauty, awaking, Y-; Fancy piece a Miss wiih Cat in her army, . Portrait of French Labourer, . . , . Landscapes, Portraita. Ac , Y " Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call. 78 ATE OF NORTH .CARnr tv CauHTi Superior Court of LawFall Term. 1844. Oct. 24. 1844. J. SYp-;Y "" 8- . - w ' i Noah Williford, ' ' -' - K--WTetitum--foT Divorce.- ; It appaarmg to tha satisfaction of tha Court,' that tha Defeadant, Noah Williford, la not an inhabitant af this State, it ia ordered that sor ivee months h tha Saleigh Register and Inde peodent, puUUhed in tha City of Raleigh, that the De fcdat appear at tha next Tana af this heU in tha Town of Wintai.on tha foartE Monday in "March next, and plead, answer, or ;demor, br the aaid Petition wUI ba heard exparte, and decree made ccoruing to ma prayer thereof. - " Wiineaa. Willianj D. Valentine. Clerk of ouraaid ' 7?-? eflWe lhe Monday , of SetMember AT). J844. Md itU 69th year of, Ameic 1 depaodence. , ' ' . ' y wm:tx valentine! C. 8. cY' TATE OP NORTH CAnOMIfA-1 T-Jr-. " ". 01 rieaa and Quarter 1 ""Tr-' 'vmoer leraa, 1844. ' ' c , vA. D. Northam, ? - . -. Ki. . Nathan A. WUIiame. $ YY? , 1U T J" toh ?facw of Coort. that Na thws: At William,, tha DafendafH in thil case, rasKtoa Myind tbc limiu of the Sute: li t therefore Ofdar ed that publiraiion ba md in the Raleigh Regiate for ait weeks, lor tha Defrodaat to appear at oar imu Crt, la b WU for the County of Johnaton at Thereon Hoasa ia 9uuth4atd tc rha foaiih Mawdayiof FeWaary oat than and these t sfaaw eva- why tha Uoda-ahooU not ba subjext to the Jlsvfitr1Ta demands; r' -k.-' r ;. j, ,,. Y- Witness, Thotwa BagWy, Clark of oor aaJJ Coart, ar ZcMi tka ITth Daeanrher. ..- - . THODAGI,Br, Cj C. 'F Francis Lowrie, vs. it ; Thomaa F. Lowrie. Jt appearing to tha aalisfaction of 'the Court, that tha Defendant, Thomaa F.. Lowrie, ia not an inh.bi tsnt of thu Sute, it is ordered that publication ba made weeaaia tna K.leiglj Register, imblished in the city of Raleigh, that tha Defendant m'nMr .t th. next Term of this court, tol held iri tha Town of nateigii, on the 1st Monday after the 4lh Monday In March, next, and plead answer or demur, ar tha aid Petition will be heard tx parte, and decree made according to tha prayer thereof. j t , r. Witnesa, Richard P. Finch, Clerk of our aaid Court at ones, 10a ist-TkioiMiay , aftr the . 4th. Monday of September, A. D.1844, and the 68th year of Ameri can Independence.'" : - r il -: -P, V i -- . j T ' - -1 RrnHanrvp vtvrn r a , .J J n..'.i.' i.-.-.T"' 'V" v!"1fc . CAPITAL," $300,000.! ; . : TllI3HEaT-YOntt Imporlaiit DiscoTerv! Richardson & Co.'g'Celf brated ImericaKPanacca. FWHIS 'article is a II,com pounded. from Vegetable i U matter, free from any adulteration, and warrant- . i - r. IT' i 1 . . 1 .1 "J nj tngreuieoi detrimental to health. r's It is the most invaluable discovery ever made from the Vegetable kingdom, having never failed iri airec gle instance (when taken in accordance? with dsin. lions,) to effect a cure of the following diseaw i alt Rheutri, Scrofula? Ulcerated Scrofula, : Bron thitis; Fever Sores t King's Evil, Fistula, Infonima. tory and Chronic Rheumatism Pile: JilU, ' 7?-..; ?e77Af,e 'fye. ins in the Bones, Scald Head. Blotches nr- P'mn. i - ju unaii cutaneous (Useasts. Emotion of h skin, or paws or ulcer arising from tfus ust- of Mercury, or an impure 'state of the i :ti,v.i:J 'Y:Y":, .r.-w.-r?-:v' .9; . r r" r, "P 01 ni Medicina. consist o H" nd ellectual alterative of the wjjelo system.-pin slifirrt erijDtion. .if ikL as. - eemly ontracted diseases, one malt bottle often ev L - x ?' rD"?iae exPennce of thdse who have at J.. ot long standing and obstinate dis easesisthat it requires. rbm three to fonr large bot PAPER MAKERS, L: I HATTERS.Ac. Bleaching PowJera! ' Powdered Blue Smalta Gloe -Oil Vitriol . . Copper Galx hell i,ac Alcobbf .'- Extract of Logwood IVutgatla ! Blue Vitriol Verdigris Copperas . Sal Ammoniac Antimony r Sugar of Lead DYER8 AND Logwood Alum Blue variat Y Copperaa, Engl.'ih 4. ' A mencan ', Oil Vitrei - ' Sugar Lead 1 . v ulearhing Salts . . Cochineal ' ; . Aqua Fortis f 1 ' Nutgalls.'Y.'Y Annatto " ' Stfda AthY ! ' Pot and Psar) AkEs ExtractLogwood' . rarlaric Acid - Bichromate of Po(ah Sal Soda ' Gum Shellac Cudbear Y Woad- Y " " Grain and Bar Tin' Fullers' Earth - Madder, Dutch and .French' i. jlndigoea .of Bengal, iarraceas andGv atemaral vY-' Whita Tartar Red Tartar Y Glue "'''. .''-'' Stimac1" : Lac Dya RStirch ' ' ' ' Prossiste Fotash " KJum Senegal Powdered Currumt Powdered que Smalm Quercitron Bark , f Spirila Nitre ForU 1 altiieira ; fc f British Gum ? Acid aod t -1 li t J r Camwood .-i-' s . Fuatie.'':;" v" : ,. Nicaragua' j-. ''. Barwood j Gam Asphalt am Sal Ammoniac '; Soaps ' 1 Fall, Winter end Summei Strained Sperm ! Refin'd cWnrefiii'd whal Lard Oil . i . I Acid- MANUFACTURER Brazil Wood . Red Saonders Hate! WooI( ' Red Wood ; Hy pernio Wood h Peach Waad; I Ebony Wood 4 Y r f ' OILS. Tanners', Train, LJnifrJ t eateoot, Olive for swtet f , idu era riepusnt Sperm and Stearic Candls t t ! t ri - ' aO (n F u no 1.-- :i ' ; ". v.' - , . . .. 1 - a 1 ; v v , - -.. . Ww.. '! .j . I i. . ..,., . ;'Y .l,..;.: t-;?-'? ? . 'j-'. .-.''1 M ;- te. -: " Y G lTS G LA SS- A RE-Common Vial?. Prescription Tiala, Patent Medicine Jo. Acid B .i11? or Va, Demijohns, Flasks. Inkstands, JarsTumoa. l-Jl t I . H' t du (oi thi wl Oh on bar mo (mi Ma W) 7T i ILC oyrUD. M niitards. Snnfl, A. Jt. lfl 11. 1 Li i ' n .. .. . . - '- ' f - -isiK-eirai ainos, r rencn. xunelisb and American . A ti rf'Aii w"-' ti$f.U;.-jC ?th-m '"-YiH -.ih it.ij ;. : II r All ArtlrfAfl WArranrAl ffannina - TU- .AMK.s i.i. a? .1 - Y ' . t - avstuiut m AA September '2,I844. : i A H amds of j Faints and Colors, Everv ds- asort e ie promptest attention given tordr.frera thaeoontry. . a "Hw recei,f i rig from fe -y rk and Philadelphia, a large and gen- I assortment of 1 Y i s- ' ;GREArr,BAROAINSdm: i v- AnacablttaatFurnlturiur Yar Hoomti, Mechanic's Hall. : jYY 4 'Sfwrnorv A,RfcriVA;' IT0Pl,1,I(N " eflyinVitah. til attention of the Citixene of Raleigh and vicinitT " lo tbe,r slock of tha above Geoda, which ia new coi pleta.Be,ngexrensiveIy engaged in the jnanufce turavf Cabinet Wm; Hof .rwl h.; r -:.. T". lbey flauar themselve that thi. vstabliahment ""7 B"-wHiuoceiBenta io pnrchasers, tbapariy oth er Housa of the kind ' in this or ths ctimni . 0uT J"A0 fORTES ara from the itastxela. ing the appetiteaml general health of :tha-.patienL causing all sores, or o leers, io dischrffi j uouio i,og ji, ana inducing n nfil. healthy action of the blood. Enough must, be taken o efiect an alterativ. autd aa. u. ih -:.u .n LMrf.c.ne.uafiects wdl ry, as theWal ctmrti. buttons d.ffer from each other. Therefor those using itahould not dnrtnastl,; efficacy if ,hej do not r.! cetvimmediata benefit, v It is prepared with great jare and the extracts rfrought into so amall a com yass as to reqoife nsoally, but one tabid spoonful each day for an. adnlt; .' ;, " ..Ya v-. Y It is now; in nae by thjr first Phykicransln the coon. ! try. snd pronounced by ibem the Aet ariU-roercurial I medicine known arid the most efficaciouain the cure fif tit r.ntininna ,'n.t itr...! m . ai: -m"Yi v"". "uewions. - 1 ne curea Cie oy 11 ara irniy aaonishing. ia may be seen -7"t"-"tomjea ana lesumonialsin Domcs i FRESnfDRUGiSi MEDICINES &C iVilJinms. Ilavwoofl & era! Driigrs and Medicines. Cliemf cats. PAINTS AND OILS. D YESTUFFS, Y )HGLASiWAR.P.BRFi;MBRtiS5 Which they are prepared.to sell wholesale arid retail la ystcians, JVIercba line, at ununuafly y Those wishing to. call and .examine . Particular attention putting up Medicines, Raleigh, Y HERE! r ire fldn, Iy Y f EN . 1 ! t i low, i nas f I V1 " oubacrt&er twill Rent on rnaann.ilila r A r? ooet ?r !w Mrp TRACT OF l-AND-jD- Montgtmeiry County, containing be- tweer, four and five hundred acree, part of which ia cleared and under fence. It haa two fine Mea- doWwl , watered, two- large Creeki running through the .Tracts Theresa ilao, a first ratf; Milt aat ; ilu. k fih,i h..L .l . n ,. " wi'iiuir near: ino uweiiin?! t .4 . ; 1 . t. . j. . 1 . r . 1 tiuuHEk. uiiirn naa iAar Hi; a.ny omera ueaiing in jtwir TIi.V: IL""" -'S T7 Ti -7.. "UV4 wm'o tna last six to. buyi will find it to Tihetr inrif Wt"! wwieise aTracr containTnvm AtpI i. before ljUrirhaKmv t.KA." 7 f it? Mdore.CoUnfV.'neaV fiuirr nm atf- r I I , at all timea win be " ain i'M AWcT, Gold baa aeeiL found ri l.rn ",.,anfL I I Pre8criLUoQ8.vas wellaa tha'ilisrUnYnr ties btr Dnnnirur. tfmuttrh hiit j;miiat -.f.,t. 2 I , is iMiai . vk, I-i.,: -.';. " t .. . jAaw tieen madeJaa TfinI ii ;n.nv.:.n r... 1 ulv 1844.- V., ... . ' , L i to worktbttfinA tn 4.nt. , i I rr , -. . f : - ... : . ter myself I can ahow the heat specimen of Con- BaiBflublinllf Sli ; l&T -THE NE TV'HA T STfi HI?. Y i pleaaore; to peraonraeafrih to -i 1 : . ' -"--T- .v -ara3 ; ... l .. --..t' -. i . i. , . i. V. -- I i 'vr v. -T ? f , W -t- IT - wa m. . a II . 1 . i -(.- J.rit ' K I 1 lr TWm mm OI4? FAYITTTETIXOS STREET; fTpHE Subscribers take this method io inform tba r U citizens of Raleiah arul vieinitv ihi ih t... taken tba aid stand" opposite thai Market House SotY Halcrgfi.Dec.!g4l$44 . 'i ! .. I tv ... -ruarJlt 1845. ha ibllowtng tdetirifcla' Pro. I f 4 t ;.' ? 1 I f T ' . wivtijjm iwa iai i b.'fP w:ll.mr(,.,,ii1 v,7;;J:v" f axijjt on irao i rr . BLANK DEEDS. "..T ottprinretianj f- tjla ----- amuoosea ana Buildince jn!J!? Le"b' -"MJ Furi-nra..hip; auddiog. Ships in Port and thetr t;r. Wiption of peraon Prr.pty TTW tain them at Manufactorer'i portaboQ only added. ' sl ara ob. o pnees, expenae f tran AOAaT lot OR DAMACS BT mE.' r J v V" MYTH,ROGBKS, PdenJO t vJh- WSTONE, Agnt, -t nw a a u a a pulmonsr, ' Those in the nie rif tthRjlJ: hA.i A- j.-JLiC.' b- tWff.idrinka.Beer, Mustard, and ll hiehlr h.? : rar.araaa,.C:aner ffeni. Ai,,ti. p; . t v cite, rm ' i retail where the purpose of Manufacturing Wats. W have now T?' "-,,v i"g5 awuiuuiiit. oi nats anu - uata iOf auperior quality,' and, the latest styles, which will I i W have ibsr receded 'iron f PLA- mt Uannry.M :.. O 1 t . meutof bu Pre mi am lints. hi,h h. 4.:h t"" Kaurigbi now M most ihoroab ' ". . - . . I'm miv Jf':'t'5..:1-,i. n - . ... . . . . o- ve invueu to caa and jwspect j VVa have alsol ; F ' i 7 i n,"',i be Machinery farmartemxKoci also attached which will be eotd ei'e6rfWrnd4 JrH MJBkiug iucir purcnases. WAlfTED, ;n Ira i W'W jo call and inspect i VVe have also "ft t $s 7-'.'1,fwun woramB. orders .Tt Zl? I received an as2orimt Af TO Mf? i U:d tha Mila ha. a, awr. safaitha A liih.,foB m in wntcn will h udi MW i.2 i : ' .. i . . ; l m. ruci uinn. co 'TED,-, i - !4h4i' sr Tract Of Land, containioa 2ft ifi will ba Void with ' " . ".. EP f , mt the most wuo xuuiiirBujoirjrng me Mill Traeafld To all Trtinnr this mm -71 SJ2?-- Kni .wjr wjKwins: i ooaceo i t 'M ? fCri.' tw Lent t'newina-nil;.,.T' - . v . . r "Til JL " "w Hr cent lwer than . A a. 1 a a . - lam. aaaa aianii. nsjia iain u. it . r -r - . i " . ot'7' pr naflgwaa.Hair.. postte ine uustom Hnu Ki, v ! 4.w4waOlnj I JTUST wi. .onMn. ... i -T -ni can a&rd an . 1 ruTef'a.il!. Wi . .. t "WW. - ""-.wTpooaita i.ajj HaJI. afaa - T3 ' ft slb, " ' -if'' MwiaitpcMoakimL rge pr email quantities, for whu-h ih. KUk it 'A .'f T' fc' OpposiiariliaJMarket U r " '"wyi wie rosi UKiea4 "vr ' 4 ! in ..... .' . peny wu; ba olu on tha Prem a and two years: ', , , ( nousc andxoTFOR s a r.K "lit Irrf'rtahTt faaiieated oril ''(HIWDOtOUgh wioated oil treet, balioaxV 200 .yards . : Wki 7 r "CT,'?wf o.yarda rrQ5K UJreaurruhI anvp f?"f.e! descr,Pt,n Vdmed tirWc-s j,, .j- it j ii j v 1 oro ruiMdelpliiaaTva wjj .upenor article of Uentlenien fihei Calf. Drf is. T 4&J 1 .aaaortA piDano-- k,U- at .,..f. t f 11 n - tiiw .a ..j r -if 'i'" I i tba same ifma'a placed .wUl'seU ta tddfr.on iSarnauaJ.nedit pfsri moatbi AcAe. !Nil-HeA bf jantify-af tm. .fodderOal, , fV! -j2HARLE!LiHINTON, E -r7- .- t . . ,.. r,tltfr printing .-;r a-?: ' : mrm", ?jm- aeirin ' Neatly execu

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