r 1 V A3 en cm "V : 9 JLtil.XJ.l-a 111 IX JUJUIVili "OerVare rte plana - VnioarfJ by' party rage cffar Jcligkfulveact, : ' rase to lite lie Brothers." RALEIGH, N. C. . ; -: ; FridayyJanuaj-,!.; 1845, r-TT i WTER ELECTION. i' " Out aflnaal Caarter Eleetiea took plaeeOBlVJon- eay, aad rreunea a ; ; 7 ; , j . ; Weston R. Gale. ?.1 Scattering, ,i i 26 riirtt Wiin Coiixisiiexeaa. ' ) r- William D. Haywood, ,: " John Hut chiiu, f ',-58 Scattering, David Stone j James LitchforJ, j. IL JeffJ, -James McKimmen, IL Findlaler. l; ' " " -Wsrcu Wiaiw J. A. Wicker, - , ' C. W. D. Hui3u Albert Stlth, J. IL Coble, E. E. IlarrW, - J-..: -48 35 35 33 2G 22 19 12' Elected. - CITY AFFAIRS. 7 . The Bawl j electa J Hoard of Comixtlssioaers mei ea Wednesday eight 4at, and vara duly organised j by taking the Oatha of OiEce. Jamcs Lrrcuroao vaa ra-appoiatad Traaaarar. . Wilua Wn waa alected Clark. , t. "Jam IL Mcxaar waa re-elected City Constable. - We refer our City readera to tbe satisfactory Expot of the monetary aJ&ira f lb a Corporation, contained m to-day paper. Fur the first time, in many year. oar City ia nearly tree of debt, and will be entirely o, Uforo the year expiree. , "1 j ' HOGS, OR NO BOGS T For aome rnontha, enr City Authocliea- bar bean Hog9ttr Hogt1 Thf kbe qoestion ; Whether tie better for (W Tows to euffer,- " Too dirt and odora of tk awinMi moltitade, . ..Or war againat there to the knife, denounce. And by imfuadimg, end tbern, . . Tne tjaeatioa waa fioaUy decided agtout the I left, on Wedaeaday night lat,"and afte the firat day of Febraary, no Hog ia to be allowed to perambulate the Streeta. :,. . . . ; CONSTABLES' ELECTION, i On Monday last, Jooa "A. SixaaT waa elected Constable for the District, compriaed within the Em he ef the City. AbmI :. " Wiuxaa IL Ftrrxcr waa elected Constable of the Ealeigb Dietrich , . r : THE RALEIGH ROUTE. - T v ..... , ... The New Prleane Picyuiu remarka, that the " people of Charkatoo are exceedingly indignant at rha change lav the mail rente, if their nowepapers rightly iuterprei their feeliaja- We can only aay that we yesterday received or Northern and Eastern mail, in precieely the eaiie lime thai wo did before iTSe 'chan'e waa made, and aa ' the danrcra of the aaa' aro now raided, wo hope to bar a regular mail henceforth ia aa good time aa ever. - -; ' SPLENDID MAP AND GAZETTEER. W hare jost seca a pohle Map of the United Statea, TexaJ and Canada. pakUahed bj leaariy SKiajcoi wd SsnTBV'of New York ,IV decidedly the' beat Map wa hart ever aeen of the United. Etaiea ; ia aix feet by seven 'projected ew a acale of 24 milea to thr Incbr, and la certified on the Map by Mr. STaioaa, thr frindpafK' Cfcrk of rreya" at Kaiiiftio, that it embrace ell euryeye made by tbe United States, from the Atlantic ;ocaan to the Amer$Deart, or to tho, 33d degreo of Weat longUodo. It trouid aeem to be. authority on all boundary . qneationa, from. Na tional to Township- Uaea.- Tola Map ts particularly VaJoabla fat' its 'correctness la regard W the Western and Southern 'States aid Terfftofie Tixa "base me ridian and township lines of the Ujt&ejdi-State?, sur veys aw given and those owning, landa ia.asay part of our country', with the' Map' before ;theni, may. pf their finger on any section', and see the streams, lakes, awampsfc A', pourtrayod (rom actual survey.-4 lo ad dition to the United Statea, tho'map conUina a repro- aenUtion of the Canada, TexM. jNoTth and . Central America, desirable improvement vym the ahadowy oolUnenliifretolora givenwV-j c Si . i ;,Tho coontrieo set, apart by. -the United Statea for the nee of tho diderent Indian Tribes, and their Maaea, refl given. Aa. a . work !of art, this Map m uouestianibly aJtigja achievement. It is wholly tftgraved'ea ateeL'ia aplantlidly bordered by scroll worki jWithihe ntroduetioa, at proper places, of vig nettes of Cities. 'f "i f' r i f : !l ' .Accmpanyhg the Map s a Gazetteer of the Uni ted .States, compiled by. Prewident: llkexxi. and J. Cautix Satrra. Geocrrapher. ' It ia well bound and contaiaa nearly .800 pages octajof .and upwards of 6,000 names mor than any other , work of the kind. With a particular deacriptiou of every "Town,. Post Offiee, Vdlage; City, Pariah, iCounty, SUto and Ter ritory; Mountains, Rivers, Lakes ; Internal Improve-' mente and curiosiUea ;--alao','an abstract of the Ccn aoa and statwtic of 1840, .with the substance of the late Geological surveys made by several of tho State. It ia Intended to exhibit a complete view of the Agri cultural, Commercial, Manufacturing and Literary condition and reaourcea of tho country. It baa been compiled from a multitude of sourcee, not the least of which,' have been information furnished .by .the Port Office and State Departments; and agent and eorreepoadenta ia every part of the country. - -. '. BX, Mr. JaCKsox, Aept foe the above Works in this State, will aupply order for them at Cleveland Book Store in Raleigh; or forward them to any part of the Stale. " ;- ' I r ' WELL. SAID; 'The LJncdnton Cooriet, of tnatSUte, rKm- ocrafie Joornal takes (he following coinmon 'sense view ef the conduct U hi political brthrea int Es KETT'acase: ' '":J - ' "The Democratic- Senator prepared a Protest agaiawt tbe reaolutioha that expelled' the meinber Crem Lrnaiow, Wm. Ennett. It will be i remember ed, that though duly elected, he arrived in Raleigh wkbeut his certificate! ; white there,' aome one oam te hie room and left i certificate on which he wa emlified, and which! afterwards was fpreved a for gry, by the arrival i of Ihe genuine article. "The friends of Ennett contended that he waa ignorant of the fraud (which ia still anexphuned) ; that be waa V empletoa, any how ; that he did not know any bef ter, And if let off this time, he'd never do a any mere ; but be wae eipeUed. au election ordered: and the Senator elected, again, and qualified wtk 10 op poB'njr vptea, fWe ca aoef. agree swith the party this matter, for if a forged, note ia found ia the hands of ..a poor -devil- he ia broutrbt ud to! the' scratch for it, and puoitdved by the criminal, law'of the land ; this protest: might at, least have been let atone unleaa the lawa are to be printed ea India rubber paper, aa the i Yankee proposed, a that they may be stretched a JbH wfren a rich n.lprit i haul ed over the eoal.C' Jf Senator Stowe's predecessor had beeri returned ast election, -we should tot have heea supneed to find! kU name attached to this dto- of the diaerent Indian Tribes, and their plausible ;reaaona, - Tliere ; are black sheep f every woca, nowever, ana we. can onry . regret. that the able mantle haa fallen en a 'democrat ! out it is sata uie teva in not as black. a ha is. - yiToJis Customers tiie Tublii IP Thomas JL, Fletcher, ar distinguiehed member of j the NashviUe Bar,-died in, that Tity of apoplexy j on Sunday wekJ 'He waa a gentleman unfveraally respected by all who knew htm1, and adnafred by nu meroa:peraonafrwndti? 'l of the Democratic party. ?; Clcmjixs SraxcH. The New York Corresn. e'i- CALEB J. McNULTY. 1 " The IIoum of Representatives, Democratic as it ia has done one act of which the whole country can ap prove. The epubon of Mr. McNuIty from olBce, and the direction to have hun sued and indicted, will be cordially approved by every honest -maa in the country. This unanimity contrasts advantageously. With the conduct of the Loco Focos in our State Sen ate. Taejr voted unanimonaly, that a Forgery had been committed, and then voted vaaawnotuy against even reprimanding the Forger! -j -f - , ' By the way, ahoidd tbe Sub-Treasury, which haa passed tbe House, ever go Into effect, this defalcation position of the cause that led to, the; defeat of the xx,,m uhuitb. -hainnir'of the end.- iVhie wU1 bcome matter of hislory HtaW - Ki,f a mil- 4rn. .-J .nA.Amt will J wav ww wa ivuvtuevu avoMaaia aasaa vauuifiaev aw aw a aesponse ia every Whig heart.n . . ' .v ' .We shall commence the publication) of taia Speech to ear aext. Ep.t. Bc& e w paontea. it; fV r v v HOME INDUSTRY. - vThe opisioa aeems now. to be gainksg groond every; where, that without adequate protection to Home dostry, w eaa expect .no sesetaatial prosperityno' uniform unprcveinenLTTithoat, it,th dignity of our labor mutt fall back ' upeaa level with- thft$ of Europe,' Asia," and jEgypt, where; commoa ; labbr crs are no more respected by the bign crden,:tlan brute. Yithout tKs Darner,' our laboring depart mow;iDut suMer ana lati, ana our unprweiDvp.ia in Mechanics and Mtwufactories. retrograde aatil America become degraded VWithput protection -to American industry, these evil will aa sarsly come,; as that the Sun rise jn the 'East and set tit the WesL The protection of American) labor. against: competition . ia Europe j is, however,! still unwisely opposed by some politicians of our day ; and if their views could be carried out the energy and vigor which Ww characterize our people, would be changed uuo waaJmesa, ana their prospect lor Happiness intol ine mouier oi me catuete 1 wins, and were m uncertainty and rlooml - J - U vi ' I app as to find a man who conducted lid direct- ! v .. . ; . "f. s ' ;! Jijr w ner,nou8e. un learning- tnar- we urougiit TUB DElP OF ALABAMA. ': V?? 1 I iniciii,gcnce respeciiny nerausenicnuureii, wnom gave us ai nearty mey ; Gas, CtaEtv and thc ExscxmtK or TjtxiaUrWe have seen a private, lette written -by a gentleman re sidiug in Galveston,' who ought to be acquainted with the political movement ia Texas, that strehztbeus the rpmor mentioned by u yesterday that GenD.iuT wrecn uaa niei wiin inauzerenc ireaimeni zronz cue Executive of tliat Republic- jit wit -believed by itne writer that Gch.reen'a Exequatur tiabema revoked. Captain ElHotW the Brilislt Charge", arrived in. Gal veeton'froitlthe eajtat eo the 6lb instaat. He is re ported to have taid that GenJXiff Green' difficulties With the- adannistratioa are of a aeriou character, thoogh he is ailent a to what tkev.seail v. .. The Bri- th,CliaajMjiy.Sa4igy,iFren are said to-be ia a Joyous nioti at something or other that haa transpired in the jdiplomaey -.betweeok Texaa and the United States, and both of, these gentlemen have stated that annexation is impossible for three yeaca to corned Tjie source - whence we have received these liema 01 intelligence impart great weight and authen ticity; to them. , Something ha gone wroogJ j. X-'-HviU ; ,t 1 5 itf CLPicajfune.i 'A, ILT The lower Hooseof the' Pennsylvania LgK lature have passed unanimously a' resolution instruc ting their Senators and Representative! in' Congress to oppose thd passage of any irf wht6h may hare- for it object any riuctioujuhatetier of the preeept TariiX . " g : ' -1- m- -ii -rfr 'i v A Sraoxa ILrrr. A vounir ladv tola. rantJemanc 4 j , & i i- - vv aw aaa waa uto awww i lu" r "vr tnimote. was- neany worn om, ana aaa-1 - io wecKienoargl-ountyi in the 9id year of his agej prices so far below their neighbors' cost rates.' that ea nimwnat reward She ought to have for her todua- Major Thomas Alexander, . The decease! was a soli I tber can sell at rhewe rate, snd make a fcandaomeV try. .The gentleman, in answer, sent her a newthim- dier of the .Revolution, who, by hi bteh character i wofiL Their aatea tn fhairf?itMr..ant1 ik nJ 4 J U: .... 1 I . ... ... .. . ' r. i ine CHiuaetDer, oecome very aautrtt etnafgeJ experience the trntlr of the maxim, that Mecklenburg . Hot wa. by Wood allied to the. two itinera kHrinhins? with .11 r,h whii-H ----- r . - - op Tor themselves a targe RTAJTTTT! TCI 1V ; The1 Ladies oCVbtniJa art'.jttMiHr wittv-mit icaiu: collect meaa. to erect a haadseme atat&e tci A T. do .f aodjmnrncen.ent of hes, To, !rrj OTtmmbf, apjMa&tg Jhe PreaideB yit;hj3i-j j Dye&tu&t Paiat Oil, Teas.fJroceriea, and atUclee dent, and Collector! fhrOUghont the State, anVl wfr for Afanuactureis eud Mercbandiee of every kind, re utio,blsta:d that 'fheU is no doubT they leiH sooa sendf I JuDi m resrclluf thank for fb great extent at pat ati'atfii lwWexWate Ithegltf f Iij fJ?we,J'ift ftl Miider. it I -i-w uiiouj 111a arrangement lor me ensuing year. . u. aiways been bs aim Insert tBe best articles at puces averairiotf eonaidtnhlw. Mam ihm ma,kat and ibM he has accwapiiahed fat the following reason-, and in the following manner: - x, I ! . 1 ' JirM.TB,jr th ?il of nearlv forty year do. eolion tobuiMneas.in New York, which haafven hhn apraelfcaFadvantageonequalled ' f I Second By a Saera4 systenratiza'tioal ef hie basi sss MMes his ewe immediate eye and superinten dence, swoidiatf therebv the errors and diflVnrA. Ik bargains, which: arise from a variety of managers. ie,y cukuxaer a aeaii wiin arat nonoranly, emuu Wy and lifeerally.1 i;vf,? ."'J;-. i -. , . ThirdBy beirf always watthfrt of tbe Market 1 i a. j. a 1 1 a . - ... w anru oy ooytng pie atlKfes wh9. depressed, so thai when the season of demand arrives Jiis regular CuW mm j la this County; saddenly, of ..T-pnu. lever, ! Mr. WilUam W. White, formerly of ; Hyde Also, ia 24 hours of each otheri his mother. Mrs. White. : -' Iri Alabama, eol ffie 2Sf6 of leceiier last, after 'a painful illness of nearly six months, William S. MhoonJ q. lormeriy j rubles Treasurer, of this tate. sThe deceased was a native of Bertie in this- State, .and frequently represented that County hi the legislature! I tomers do not suffer b the advance of the market oc-1 He left a wife and four children to bemoan his lossj Icaaioned by that deroand. but freauentlv eurchaae af .. t luecKienDura- xi was. by 0100a allied 10 ine two 1 f... -.l. 1- n -f - 1 : n I'.m I " .4v.-w.i . 4.vn44 14.4 uwuuwuwi I I) U Hi n eu.1 a lief honxfTi I Km. L...U fc Frf i MoTSMOrraSiJUnK J,a ' pal of Rev. 'Mr. Heroin way1, Missionary o Siam;j r , . '... j him U nraterfalty reduced, and be la thus enabled tw. sufpiy bis Customers at. a. corre$ioading reductiohl UilflseauentlV. Vr kiUiiinn tihU tuuinaaa tuiruiftt Sri'Trf lit PESCUEfc' k I bojth his jCustomers and himself. L , ' I . k l r .l ?:-f--11ir--vt-'l 7 ! Hehan rhaa La. -ntJ-VT td iW itUA UJTIa .. 4nd refairnh'e eustom, of thoxe who havebaded witbt! hiaV and topported his astablfshinent for a long tkne published in. tlM-Mtawortarr Herald lor J)ecem ber, give an accownt jf a visit made to ihe - mo Iher of the Siamese twine, j In f the - coursp ot ' an excorsion which was made by Mr. Hetoir.Way, in ootftpant ! with Rev. Mr. jBuel, throtfh a j por tion of the Si'am country,' in December last, t ! 'Jtl the progress of a inornjng.wa.lk; in the neigh bothood of MakJon, the- Btissionaries fell in with a very 'reppectable rooking ! niaoi1 who informed them thai be was tbe individual who conducted the Siamese (TwhiW from hat place t Bangkbk,. arid delivered them to the Captain who took them out of the country.; tie aUo told theia that ;the mother of the twins was stlHivin on the oppo site side of the .canwl, aitd laey therefore deter mined to; pay her a visit before leaving the place. The visit is briefy described a follows i ' j iarly ,jo the afternoon jwej went in search; of w.f .t.Ju' t; .I : l'e .supposed to.De dead, she .r'.ff. ?rKZ?,rg. I welcooie. I We j assured h hor I ho w i ivra; liviurr this State; that her indebtedness is 14403)00 uyhen we- laat heard frotn America, and that the? and tbe amount necessary tadefray the expense and had recently married sisters in the Southern pay the interest upon her debt as 700,000 annually: I Stales. .With litis intelligence I she was much This Stete has always been under the! manage&eat J ffratined,f and expressed much attection toriheiu ! v: r I as mr. xuei s relatives live in tne vicinity o her children, heotTered tor.ommnnicate, through them, any messages she wished to send! to the twtes. She is of lighter complexion tbajn irioet Stanese women, ami lias everv aDoearance o ! croppy just received and for sale by I January 23: -v. -U- V'p'-1 I. I lil 1 if 1 11 I h . . T 1 ii 1 "$ i ! rV l-rrv-V f "Trr W 1 V Jr tojadd number, of near one. te; fCfr CTFAT RARRllW5 Tf1 RrNffn f ITS, aas large hat of ua. (era and dealers. The ok! one dent ef the; National Intelligencer" says : - " There has been great inquiry for the Intelliffen- eer.of Thursday, containing the admirable speech df jut. tUMUUM, of riMorth Carolina. His remark in regard to practices ia this city at the late Psesidetttiid election can all be substantiates.: Hi! eloquent x- havingr once hud great energy of character It seems inai ooin 01 uer irusoanaa were vninamen, and that she herself had a Chinese father ; so that the twtns are in no sense Siamese, except that they were born in Siaih.' m OUR RAIL ROAD AViluam V. Vass, of Henderson Granville County, Aas bean elected Treasurer of the Raleigh and Gaston .Tiail Road, eice CoL S. Btaoeaix, restored by Major IIixto.' ' to the Clerkship of tbe Treasury Depart ment, from which he was proscribe & by Mr.WnacLr.aI ! i ; . NEW YORK SENATORS. . On Saturday last, Daxiu. S. Dicxixsos and Joabi A. Dix were elected United States Senators by the j Legislatare ef New York the former gentleinan to serve daring the remainder of the present Congress and the latter to fill the seat vacated by the resign- .r ' r If. w i , . uu..ur. ii aiuirr, wnese reguiar;ienB oj, service exUaoed U the 3d of Uarefa, 184X r -. . . ! -; . . . r D" ALaarrr a Gbccxk (Whig) has been chosen by Ihe Legulatnre ef the State of Rhode Island to be a Senator in Congress Irons that Stats for six yeara from tbe 3d day of 31 arch next, ia the place of Mr, Fraa- cis, who declined a xe-elcctioa. ; , : - M jyf Jo ax Fa'ariKLB (Democrat) has heea reelectsd, for six yearns, to tbe office which he newboldeof Seai at or of the United State from the State of Maine;' EDUCATION IN NEW YORK. The Secretary of State' ia New York, ! who ia e Jicio Superintendaal of Common! Schools, states jn hie Aaanal Report that there are upwards of one mil-: tion mj oeoia ia. the District School Liluaoes, and 700,000 children of all ages taught ia. tbe School. - : rt- ( ---"' THOMAS WDOlilT 1 ! . The Legislatare of the State of BJiode IsUady en Friday laat, passed an act for the h'beratioa from confinement ef Thomas W. Dorr,' on condition that be ahould take the oaih of allegiance to the Slate be fore its Supreme Court.- ; - ''. By the way, the Legislature of 'New Hampshire lately adopted Resolution relative to Dorr's i si pris on ment, and sent acoyy to Rhode Island. -The Rhode Island Legislature ordered the Semtary. to return them to New Hampshire, with a Resolution declaring, M That said Resolutions, aiacked aa they are by the gross set falsehood, ignorance and impertinence, are at once 'disgraceful to the Legislature of New Hamp shire, and iasulting to the Governor and People of Rhode Island.'' - Pretty atxerrg. that; j. . , 5, ; -, .-s,: JUGS. . . t The jug is the roost singular utensir a pail, tm bler, or decanter may be -raised, and- you may satfc fy yourself by opticaljnroof that the thing is dean, but. the jng has a little bole ia the lap, and the in terior is all darkness. No eye penetrates It, no hand moves over the surface: You can clean, K only ,b putting, in water, ahaking it up and, pouring it out If the water comes 'clean, you judge yon have' suc- ! oeededln purifying,-the jug, and vice versa. Hence the jug is like the human heart Ne mortal sy j can look into Us recesses,1 but you can judge of iU ; OAoru s. cars AT KM.!..- uucasaviiic, v- air. S, Ir43. Messrs. A, B. Sanda & j Cc4 Genile hien, -Pennk to addj another to th many testimonials in favor of Votrr SarsaDariHa.1 I was. about secen years ago, sick tor tnauy tnontks wilh a! bilious fever, during which I took, a great deal oi power uu ranuiCine. i ms ieu tue waaaianie ness and !parn in tuy jointi which: was very dis- tressing. ! I was at tbe same time troubled-with a; swelling pi ray ankles, attended) with, si) much infiariHaattoa as to render it impossible to bear the least clothing upon them. ' ly ulcerate, ant) discharge They would frequent- for a long time, when purity only by what comes out ef it. I theV would lieah and1 be immediately followed bt a violent Jever. 1 have also been troubled for a lorlo; time with a paip in thy sidei which; is now entirely cured, and niy othef distresses relieved. We aro acquainted with Mrs, !Bflaby7an4 con sider her statement entitled to me fullest con fiderice. . -' .!.:!r AVm. II. Richakj !i; . L!t... '".', :,iT-;. . '; .Minister of the Gospel.!!! ;For fenher: piwticulart and conclusive evidence of ita snperior value mni euicacy, see pampnieis, whiten way be obtained of agents grmt. . . ST It is remarked in tbe " National IpfefSgeacer, that more than half of the present session of CoagTefl - 4 ' . i - . ' ". . t. . T ' haa aliMilff iaul awav without a aintrl mft of air I ixinr 1x1 umuiucu ui agent Kinm -,UT. r . .1 - '.Jf i i ; it I iPrepareLand sold, wholesale and by A. B. censeqnence naving been ceusummated, except lbSAN)S &. CO.. Dr.au ami Chvrnists. 273 Broad- one relative to the" election. orPresidenJ throughout J way New-York, i Price 81' per bottle r six-bottle For saleV William It Haywood,! Raleigh; N.JC. I the Union on the . same day. - - - . CT Among the gvests at the President's snaaer party on Friday, were Mi-v Masases aad Mrs. IL 1XTOM, whoee copbined age is more than 170 years 1 Aletterw tUN.Y. Impress says5.: U I ' Mrk- Uaam.TO!C Is' older by iaot .tt'xtr years thaa Mrs. Mjidisom. She is spending the winter here upon Capitol Hill, and walked the ether day with the great est ease, from Capitol Hill to the President's House,' a distance of nearly two anil es from her lodgings. Pret ty, well for o I ? " ;, ?! j : . k 5 ; CT There are a set ef knaves In Philadelphia who go about aad impose tlietiiselve ipen credoloos peo ple sa Uieir'wIaives. yA 'few days ago a fellow al most persuaded an old couple thai lis was their son,' who had been absent from horae afne Jy- He was detected and kicked into the stneWbut managed, be- 1oT leaving, to steal a handkerchief and a quarter of adoHar.' f- (",Ji " - " V;,'Mi?"'f - TfY virtue of a Deed of Trust, bearing dale A pril IjP 25, 1844, exeeuted'to' me by NiHCf WniTS, iu lavur of Jobs Brfrrauiw, I shall proceed tesell to the highest bid Jejr for Cash, at the fate residence ef the said Nancy, on Thursday, the 13th - day fef February 1 845, the1 following described " Real and Personal Protierivi Itn-wit ; .f-r,'!f . W ' s-f'H i - I J r " Ii: ! -. " I A4tK4 A TRACT UF I LAND, on the North t-slde- of iTr,i owut urees, coniaimnz ov Acres more or :ieB, ea- jrting the land of William Walton; William Snetl- inga and other. Also, the following " 14 ' 1 Norwood, aged. 45 ; Buck, eged 60 ; Ashler, ased 30 ; Abram, aged 35 j Gracy , aged 5 Mingo, aged 30 ; Henrietta, aged. 17 ; ISdy, aged 23 ; Alfred aged 10 ; Racbael, aged 7 Helen, aged 4 ; and Guilford aged 1. ; ,-1 ; ') ' ;., ".;,: u !-j ..... ..ii. ::j j.i I will also sell at the same time and place, the fol lowing aiMitional Property, via ; I R.? II . J . . 4 . ' V r ive norses ana a irime ; 60 Head of Hogs ! Several fine Cows and Calves; Two Carriages and Harness; One VVasoa ood Cart; j Several Saddles, llridles and Martingale ; une r an aiiiieau ouuing tvniie; ; : A Bookae and Books ; H Que Clock k two Silver Table and Bedstead ; and Candle Stand ; 1 ea Spoons ;,tngelDer wita an assortment of Farming imileraeiits,!st)ch a ploughs. Hoes, Blacksmith's i.The whole On the Tools,' A xeSflGriadstones, dr c above described Property; will.be sold without reserve for ready money, and , such 'title given to the purchasers as is conveyed to- me by the Tiuet, which is believed to be unUispwie. ! ; JOHN A. WICKER, Trwte. January 2 Standaid. Bar 7ts Great -1 gairisl n Dny cood. : i 1 Tl N consequence of the advanced state of the season, J the Subscribers respectfully announce their pot- uose of selltBs: their txtennve. vbdl selected, Sird splendid stock of Gfo2 ai prices that cannot fcuLto give satisfaction f j We thfraforej invite purtbascrs in town, and country, to If vor us aim a can, and we will pledge ourselves to give then not only Bargains but GaaAT:BiBOAia!'"t:-L "v f''rj "rf 7 V : RUSSELL & ESKRITOB, : !;',;' v"!'; ' I next door above It daaithV Januarv 22V' 1845; n' ' ,""";7 5t. 'fDR. CHARLES EJ'JOHNSONjf, Respectfully oflfer iis ; Profewionaj ser vices to tbe Citizens of Raleigh and of toe surrounding coantiy. Hi 8hop is on HUlsboro' Street lately occupied by Dr. HiLt. s ?U : H . VT Wm eall tka attantion-ef our numerous leader to the card of Mr. Joimc C. Moaaisow, in to-dayVpa, per. It appear to be a practical explanation of a . ' i . ' j : a-'j. 5. ABSTRACT of tle! Report of tbei Committee, ; appstlttted fo examine and i andlt tlie AceouutA ol Uxe Xreasitrer oi ine city oi NKaieiga, rtirer for jthe year 1S44 busuies anan modeofoperaUon, and contains rc. DR. JAMES LITCHFORD, CiTT,Tl4iTKi; in account with the Commissioners sftU CUy of RalttgL 0f Kebrutry, A If. 845, when and where'i 1 oning which should have it influence ia making their parch iipon dealer r3 c- . INDIANA.' -' -. - " : The Legtslatore ef Indiana closed its session en the I3th inst. without having mid choice of a Uni ted States Senator to fill the vacancy that will occur ia the delegation from that State en the 4th of March rexU- For this act of contumacy, in disregarding a doty at this xnoraeat of. tlie bigbevehligaXioa, the Democratic members of the Seaate are wholly respoaf sible, aad it is not to be doubted that the people of In- ftfiana wiU bear this uf mind when they come to elect m mmwm I ul,IDM lift A lurtM nav, '1 !. - ' " SARVED THEM ' Karrn nrBa from tha North are new in Southern priseiMibraasaHiag -ta si rdi away1 frenVtaeii maiatenanfee Of hk Apolitical nion,n masfei;iTi,wia,ATc ?uttj MUIe! j S dents ia Dr.- Nelson Missioa-; Ins4itnter--are W , the Missouri Penitentiary under aenlenee ,jCor?i3 year; Ken C Te.-Torrey, of Alassafaasf ttv in. tbe. Peni tentiary of Maryland for6 veax ; Delia A Webster, ef FetTisiHiTjh; Yt. ia. tW Pemteiitinry erKeiUiwky ford years : Jonathan Walker of. Harwich,' Mas., in prison la the. Territory of Florida fo j-Jeani ; and a Ms. Boyd in the- Penif satis ry ef Sotuh Caro lina, for 4 years. ' Ia additiott totnese, the Rev. Mr. '- SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES. H ; " V-T; . ' - i ! - .. L-F r -'fit The Baltimore Patriot, in announcing the election. of Rareasr Johksom, Eeq to the U- S. Senate, the Lristatiiiw of M.arjlaad says : ' ' I J V j .' 'The election ef jour disthiguished . townsman ifp" . that body where th Whir party ef the 'nation is. a by common Consent cAnceniratmg the! best talents within it rank!, will be received with signal apprevajfj all over the Union far Mr. Johnson's reputation 4sa I , aaiionai one wis iw wuria rna bibwtwi pnae ana satisfaction than in this city where be has so ledgrte- talents 1 his naqueotioaable in fearlessness in ta Savewat po& and his ardeaftl partirjadi it great lader,JI conspire to xaadec, the- ehoice most fit and happy: one. Public opinion' will .ratify",.! without heairation, tie decision the Legislature.' ; ' it i - e t 1- tv.i... . : 1 t the Senate oi the United SiaiM, every ooa. will recol-V ; led the afpwbenaroh freqdenily.. expreased that that-, v Lody wadea'iaed, Kke tbe House ot Repjiesebiauvps to deteriorate inbe dirn'y and caciiy oi ks materiel, It was true that Evan sa Criuendeav arid other ian $ ; of similai ttampw.re still there, bot i was not to Le-fe expected that they eewhf tw op an plana ot personal j Ti i . 1 1 To cash rec of W. R. Gale, Int't. U 5Q u '? ' S.W. Whiting, tor-l ii .: . I mer Treasurer. C3 7ft ji for the year 1844. 'ii--.'- A Csi. it Foe arrearages of Taxes of sided. . llaV eminent tegrity 04' perfect . Th Loco Focee ef the. North. Caitoliaa Letrialalur bave uasjiinaoastv racoesjxmidedtaM Hon. Runolu, SM.Sauader for the ofSce of Pwtf rnteT General on- , mm -r i wr -ft F . . i - b.r iUTt. fOiMJwejrmue tLtgttver.f Tbi at arvS to tav Hu. Raov . ... t . r , , 4 v - I Va.VIVI ilea vwiiar, wf - i-nra v tv-vii-ii FairiwnkfVMo&a&t Clenlan, is "in jail at Lex- j advancement for the public1 good, and LccoforOiam same cbaracter.. t., Mr i t - i WHIG MEJbJTING IX DUPUN. . A meeaiag wasLeldat Keoansvilla oo the dxkiiaat., ! i sppatat Delegates, to i DiatricVCWentioa 't W held at Warsaw, pa the 123d Febrnarr, for the par- pose of eonsalUng together as to the pftipmty of ha Ting a Whig Candidate for Coagresa kx thai District tT Mr. YJcsv,.the" taember of rmgteat trom AlabeinW s axpelled from Caras CoSeze f Mass.) foit throwiag'a earrel of pickles Uirougb the window ef a Methodist meeting house. We do not remember to have beard fmJoirr trickl '1 I, r "j i 1 X e' u "a, . y r ?r: . j ....... - .. r ; VP -D. Hawkee, fonaerly of St. Thomas 's Cbarch, Tw York, has accepted a ealt from the Vestry of privt Qwrchl Vtw Orteana. i ington', aTy. "awaJalag, his taal od a J LATT2 FfiiOM. EUROPE. The packet ship Oxroan, ha airired ai New Yerk. She left IJvenioolaW taXlfitlS- I 1 si I V Voua i any majMaanea ed, and waaVloekjng bet i Steamer aailod, was fufljr 2 ; Since; the 13th, 9,000 bales bad beea sold at full prices. I I . xxxaaxxt was mucn agiuted. u tJonneu was u Dubi La, aad.had Jbeen Qaking . treiiadoaav speeches iafavU ef RepeaL; c-. ih-'M '. trlt seems that Masacfaiietts sent aOitnmil. ef the w, evrfy bow usd then, catHng1 home abmaman oC I soperio iaieltect aed . virttie, a4 substilating Urior mrrv hKB.'ia hiaatead.- -i A- '' . . -TiiV-yd'f r.'-f w44-" '"-'a-"."--.' i advance alrtartport- had purposed, to witbd ii 'i.Th advicjs "since the We wtole teraa.; Itsi; . .u' ,,L ii nM dulfiTibof taste which sioiier toLouisiaia (Hoiv'Hxara a tvSoaUv pa-oIiaa te test the extinitknlinrMility of j her laws, prohibiting the entrance ef free-.aegre l into berport; and that the -said Commissioner has ICll UN OiaiC. aeciinui IUUCU! ruwiHuw "4. tus missioa must ne zruuiessk' an in Unvrmnv hack in hi stead.- -i ( .4' ;'M"-:w1y -44 But we rejoice to perceive that the defeat 6f tbe, Whig pane ia iba Presklentiaf coaiest, is every wLer sirenfhaaiax ranis drtejrninatiotk te maker die Senate more worthy of tbe oonaervativ poeition; which the Constitution designed it to occupy. , M4 rErans who taw.baa resotveaV te serve out Caoaie, always- nxious.io ia-. dulre ihef' taste which aUrscts bun 10 bteratore ssthei than 'to poRtics, retires to give plssse to' StrA vTebeef'; John M. Claytoa eetne back; frotn Detawate, With ea much-vigor as be possessed w be rr,'m 18S3, ha wa one of tbe slants ot that seelmUy of cisnre, and wih a mors maitned and instraoted-WMem ;! aad Marfvl land, anndlul of what she ha been, aa te late eouU test, and emaloas of honors yet taSr woa, V, for ward Reverdy Johnsoo, rworthy ta take ttie stated amcsigat tlte suoneat and truest of ibe'mi all. " Wh the VVait; talent that is now in the-Senate and tbt4t wbielw stfie tbe 4ih of Match next ie toje added o k. it will not soirer id comparisotr'with ear ol H8"pr4- deceasors. and will be the point to. 'which, every irv-e WhL in.'Uie Untoa jwill iook for the iopnort aesfl elaeklatioo of that cause-, and those principle- which 1 1 m-m a.A l.4liA4il IA maa 1m ,Ia.4al. t ... !' ,, collected and paid over to City Treasures tta year;! Wm. reek. Autioaer. Money borrowed. . 1 For Taxes of 1844, ;, i Rent of Town Hall, Lewis WiOTams! rial Lot: itot Bo- 'r-i'i ,rA1t --.! h-.ii. : 1 ' - - H t Vi 186 20 ,!ll 805.43- - s ' :10 50 ' r tnn rut If . i. wvw w i;co a 55 SO 55 .-. It, 'aid,' Debts Wcorrea and payabfe in 1843 : mm ' m ! . j a ww T ' a" J- a na f lxeciuum m lavor ot n- leaner, ics a Debt to Bank of the State, , j 762 70 5uartf for 143,- p '".:.:',' lll'24'OO Sundry small debts, inclV J 19 75l f " : paid for. fixing Clock in f resby tesiaa Chureh Cupola, 198 94 2469' have been retained, and their baeines mCressed. ' :It w ioe mterert oi uiose woo purcivass to sell sgajn, to buy a low s pessiole, in. order lo increase their ownM bubiness, Country and f;ity Merrhanu who buy of War meet with p cuerpetition from fhefr neighbor m potni or cnepnas and excenescS fit taa arucie th-y 'ell: j - I -. ! ,, c .1 t -; t Lat tiui, BitAUi saortTs. ls oseat it-' on- to ircsisaas. This sentence sx plains the1 cinet eafffse or Che continued' incroase of the BubscrH I ber'i basiness. No purcha-er gees away dissatisfi.ed) eiijtter with jtaleqbelity or prires of hiaj goods. ' Fof j their convenipnee be has frott yeaV to year sxtendee h Uaolnew. snttl there is bow scarcely ' tin srticl of merchaadise thai be does not sell. . At hi eelsNiah menl the purchaiet ean ! complete the entire range of his puftkenesJ ! No Customer stand waitihf at hi eounter-fso! well are his clerks and packers trained tot his business-, that every evtler i laetendy axsctrtec) and despkte.!;;.:-.; ; fy ', j , j Hi hi so stocb: or eii eoe fox satr.-i Constant ana ready sales' came daily replenUhment of such jmereliaadiae ae ahould be freslv to be snp rior. An accumuktsd stork ef old goeds indicaW little knowledge ef what suits f&e tastes and demands of purchasers. ( It enmpele the feller lo esee bimsetf at the expense land ear ri tree of hi ttrslemera. IhV consequence of large sates at small 'pVouXe, hie stock, isalway. aw, suraaioa ass BXa'ia&sis, and1 M)' f'ustomers experience the' If nth- of this statement Its' ! ihe iapid sales of the good bad of bint, and ri fhet' freqnent1nereaity; bf replMbbing their atock ftoinv his eslaWitlimenu'l' i ! - If. '-" Ti " i ' 'f : i ' He flatters himself thai he4 6ae afaleJ In pfco tWt. the eaoo. toky' bi baa been enabletl to sett so fe markabry cheap, to give socb gmeraf satisfaction f ' and to rnrrease his iHisineas so rapidly knd extensive , ly. -He trusts that the fat are wilt beno less prosper, . rou to himself and bi Caetemers, and tnat the past, msy be regarded a an eavamK thereof. !. Hie arrange menu for the ensuing year lie .eo ' a more exlendedl scale, and mB these who deal wilh! bint i any o all) of the multiplied branvhes of ba baama, Irom wbat'i ever portion, el tbe Union they assy con, will find? him as ready as ever a self. e : tbe; cheapest, fairesa, and most honorable temas and to devets the xbdsIi rigid attention to their in U reats, w ,.m .-' 'i - J Tbe undersigned take this opportunity ef present ing the compliments of the Holidays' to those woo. have so-snerously given Mm their custom and1 frade: , --cheerfully adding that te them be owe hi proper' . ' ty, consequence end standing in the commercial world,' and wishes them aaany happy 'return of. Ikes . festive easonil'-i.- : 4 ,f t --.-j H ' To these Ediitrs sn Poblisners mio. nave given) him their; kind notices on so jnany - eecasione, he kso .f L . .1 i;. 1 I uers ms neaniea inanas anu.acanvwieufvaNiTis ; . I h. 1 . 1-I-: -Hl-i-r JOIINlC. MORRISON. If I Qj No. 188 Greenwich street, between Veaey and Fulton streets, on tbe North River sidaof the erty. V -jJ-New York j!DecVfM4. ' 4 A ! i i i i i m r IiT - in r 1 To all my Creditors 1 1 - ' . ' You are hereby notified that I have been erreeted under s capias ad satisfaciendum issued against saw ;: at tbe instance of Thomas R. Fentress, sad ret area- : . ble at the! next Cottrf of Pies and Quarter Sessions. Jto be held for ttie Coanty of Wake, on the Id Mos- , shall apply to lake the beu.ntof the Act for the re-, lief of Insolvent Debtors. '. Yoor can attend and ob ject, if you tbtnk propeiu.. - -Ar f. " I ' i . ' l-v-,Arj,.-.-f, ,0. L. TVVhEK. I Raleisb.JawiSaC' i Tranaaetiens ef 1844 1 Interest en money: borrowed" ui rrmcipai, uu J . R-Jfi tor Town CToA: v f' t 4-r Putting Cupola to Town Hall fot Clock, Guard for 1844, k :.".:- fjr Town Clocks - ' - - - - Expended on the Streets, tepair. of Pimrpw, ' &e. dee., for the year 1844, 1: ! IntendknfesalarvJ tl 8200 00 Clerk's salary! , T.iLT West y'r, 37 50 i liUXf- IitehtbraV4 37 58 City Treasnrer's salaryj ?s fL50 69 City Coustabie's; J':fe4 -Si ?! 300 .-Qt allowance for wood i v and candles,, . . 1Q 00 attiendms to Clock, 5 00- as Clerk of tbelar- , f let, for laytngloff' 1 ! Graves, ccc..fcc.'af-ir-', '. ter deducting recpC' 4 . f for sales af market, ! ", r!j i.id.:.ii. ft vT V a.fi.a A la. iWa. f.Uvr ' ' ' AjrnWUJ. m IM4.4MIVV Vi WMD14 444. IUV - iTeesnrers baads, ot ;;T ''f- ;-r -lA., ,cV 90 50 500 00 393 22 381' 51 45975 400 00 350 33 ,.t... i5 flo -5. fifii UTERAay. SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARV. Arm aitd qnlpmcnta fntnialted. bT Cfcnwie, English, ete . 4 tR. GRAT. Mathematics, Tactic, ete. . j .O. A DUCK . f TEKWS FEjf SESSKJlf OF flVT. M6TrlIS., Classical Department, (Collegiate etterse, io- n eluding full &aahso Btodies, with Maths' j 1 itiatica,! y,4' -?' -r 29 09 English; do. (Eleefenury 4; higher branches) !i CO Military do infantry ArtH4ety practice) n charge j j The cotfrie of daation i thorough, practieat and weir calculate d fo qualify yeulh for Ihe arise da ti of life, wht th it occupying public er privst, Civil of Milieary ststioa. Tbe moral and ia eUeetia! foeol tie are kept 4etrery in action, but sot at the expense, ef the physical, ae is OAforaitstly for he health ef eov cbildtea toe c.'inm.;nly the case tkfovgbent ike country. . ti .. : - - ' '-N - f . Raalar arid syttemsVie1 WHirary Exercises, a well as Practicol and ScieniiHo 0ersXioas,' iatredacJns; Sticaerlnc sad Civil Enginetring, ale sabsMtated ia A f the- place of unprofitable play, and required of all su 'vSKT dentswjki usual she hot ef daily retttatim mad - . ' J aia a mm a ak. . a . . a a . :': a? - !i-il floYr 05 r 431.29 6,035-23 The mrfemigned Cemmitteev to whom the.Tnasnrer's aceount were leferred, beg te submit tbe folio winf; study beinff imeriatty. left datinU 4r tprinierrttpttd. Report, vis t The TreasiireriiM. received from ill sources, since he came jratc office m Jaaaary, ( 1844, Th Cadets, jar roiatioa, doreharge lie eaueecl $6)35 as per annexed aeeeirAt aad he has paid out fos Debt and Iiabditie mcurred previous to the non-eotnmiasitihrd 0lS r, OCicers ef the Gatud. yeas J4r $3,46 58 that after payiagrfoc.ljh- BeO, the Town Clock, the putting a Cupola on the Town and' Officer of the Day! of Adjutant and Cotatw Hall for the CJoekv, aad thv rneidental and necessary expenses of the Town, as per aooyal SUtemeut, (for dt of Parade ; and ftr 1 the- porpiMe of rendering ' all if which disbursements the Treasure has exhibited saUafactary Toochers) there isa cash balanie in his hens motwperfocr, wwasioaally scta MHitary 'i srHictors. I-.; .W-J"- .t jf-1i 4 s.-9i - -' I It ba been found fcoiwerperient thai tLfa Besaw Uful Cymnmst mviasbotb snind and body, aaJ by iodocrns kabfts of orderadeegslariiy, ctfibaie much toatea'al iroprevsmeirt. ' - r f Fdhene, neatne inr drese, and strict rttnetstiti arWeloialy attended tav"'-. V-' ' .' J " ; " j iA eheap) Ui.Mirfln Is edVptd--Das Vssx. : -y-Mmidey and Friday.: t;'-..-? '. ijNo ddttcU.iti mdir for absenee. wrl-n b c-e ef piactekMwes?., Hoar. of Kea. y.aJjad: fronv 9 to 1 2 A : M ar,df the' WrweM Uoara sno. r'f'v :v.'" i a-44B' mtai la baaVdaef 0431 2 and beside this Cash balance, the Treasoser has in his bands, beloagmg te the City Fnnda,274 12,b Notes-b-Jiered te be good ; taken fer thereat of Stalls ia tae Market, aU et which are due; aad seme of tnent seVeral yeata past due; ihe balance f Taxes ,(for tbe year 1844) yet to- be collected and aceoonted for by the City Constable, after deducting-! iosoivenU asked to be allowed, and a eomma- non-eSper cent, (whicu is atioeraa mogr ler nouecuag ana pa-ymg evj vr """iv At ioe ..t.j LJiki 4.na4ir t i -Jt.. -Iv- :' IT', - -."-TT-t-!i3 . The CUy now owe debt ef ,000rwaicl wilt becotttedne1 aiitfimyableotf the first day of Ocls&er next, mMmU m tSumoht. W nmnr mmA marvetle maixaffeinenl eaii be met attti oaid olf at raa4nrity : aad besides .i- ei .raAXAA f , 41 .u -....-Jl.U.-.;r.iar rraf 1 .ra jaajl ant IhMnaiA. uus oea er v-uuu 11 oenevea uicri wo ire wu.un.mjtr ucu) i d, !1 .Hhl. . th. , Wf kli tlmpa fAMi am hand tat nadir ta eSsenaroe and par eff ay and every debt incurred, oo demand; all toe-small debts, therefore, existing end OTtstaadimW, ifany.1 are where the holders I of inch cjaiias, have neglected to' present them rof payment- a x our liororniwa are pieaaea. w wo aino p. seat a favorahla an, account of the monetary affairs of the City, and of the; praepect of soibejej entirely , relieved frem oeoc, wntcu so aesiraole I in therpreseat year4,y rtrs-- -IK h-i'': Salday, January iSlb i-ifie-yvrmer.?, ioaru w" ..-.,, . . , T0QUiney Dope loseeena Bejinacaa wiw? ssflnnwwi 1 - , . , - -, . j motnh ' - . ; ' i.m i . Ak i v

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