1 . M. 1 ..;.,iC;w .1.:..' - . - A l . v;-; I If, 3 ( Li oi tke'Sini.WeeUi Etlelgk legliter, arstin-ro, O.e Dollar, .h w. 7" H "'Si ViU bi mto fom te nul.r price.. j-Letters io ,TV ; - NOTICE to TRAVELLERS I . fiOING NORTH,,, F74 Prtsmooth'and Roanoke Rail Road and Ctaenpeake Baf -Line y Steamers. - - Caeseapesle Bj will run -onlj three tiotea. a The Sieamer Georgia, CapuColfce, bavins under jone exiene repairs for the' .Winter eerrice, will leave Portmoath for Btlitnre da Toelsjs,Thtrr Jars and Jiurday imiidieteljm tfce irrWalef the Cars from WeWow. Bj this Mate. PaeaenKere , rai m e eeruintr of reachint: Btlxiraore- The Bay Company bate, engaged . tha eervicea ofj the Ice Baal. wheueTer the Ice w so baa ae to prevent the Georgia's ( reaching "Baltimoie should the Ice Boat be unable to get through, the Paas-nzer will be landed at Annapolis from whence they: nay pro ceed for Rail Road) either to Baltimore or Waahiag ton City. Paasengers wishing jo late this popular routs, leaving Raleigh ua Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri - days, and taking the Stage at 3leJgY. will proceed direct on." f xt " - -.-4 - 0 The Daily Line will be resumed ea,r1y in the Sea son, of which doe noiice will be given. ' ' . " VVM. M. nxJUuXf JB( Agent. Office Portsmoutk A R. R.ft,C. " and Bay Line 8teanere. : Welbn, N. C. Des.9, 18 It . , 100-oawtm J THE TJTiilSrsraASCllCOMPA-. ST. or Uartrord, Conn.; Offers to insure Buildings anJ MsrchanJixe, against. loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the limes. iri 'f -This is oue of the oUest anJ best'f nsnranee Oemy panies in the Raited States, and payeiu losses prompt ly.-,-: ' : ' " ':' f . ,-"." -4 - j Applications for Inaaraace in Raleigh, er-ila einity.tobemadeto.i, . , ' . May 4,1843. 'Ajgent.' : SHERIFFS: SALE," !.; 1 ' i, . ' i ' ISA ALL offer for sae to the highest bidder" for Cash, "O the 1st lrlsodayin March eir, beTwe the Court beuae door, in the Town wf Jackson, the tbllowiagTaacT er luaa, or aa.tnoch thereof a will satisfy a double Tax due for the years 18(3 and 1843. together with the cost of advertising, via: 118j Acres, lying on the waters ef Hart's 8 wamp, in Northampton County, adjoining the LaWda of Thomas Peelesnd others, valued at $178. Double Tax for 1841, -1'10 Do. do. . 1843, - : v - 1 0 18 20 ETHEL'D. J. PEEBLES, ltte sheriff of Northampton. Jan.23,1843.' Pr. Adv. S3. 1 8 Notice. :is 'hereby, ;given;;: jno WILLIAM MA80X Jr. eon of WILIJAM ii -MAtSON, Sr. deceased, upon wboee Estate 4 ana Execotor, that the amount to which be is eruiUed of said Estate is now in my hands, ready for distribu tion, and that I shall ot expect to pay Interest on the earne. The residence of the above named Wil liam Mason,' Jr. la not knewa to lb Subscriber. He left this State about the year 18, and -has not been heard from within the but 17 years.. If written application be made on the'-nlject-Letters most be' addressed to me et Cfcpel Hill. N.C , : j ; JOHN A. MASOX, Executor; V " t ! " 1 Of William Mason, deceased. - Chatham Coooyy, N. C. ? ' Dae. 10, 1844., i ; J0O -3m p 110 IJSC and LOT FOR SALE. The Subscribe! wishes to sell bia resi dence in Raleigh. It is.'sitoatedon Hillsborough street," about S80 yards West from the Capitol, and is one ef the pleaeatfteat situations in Raleigb.- , Aa U ie presoraed any perauo would examine t for themselves before purchasing, further description is deemed unnecessary. WM. WHITE. . Raleigh, Septem1er 21, IS44.: v . u 7T ' Executor's Notice. ; tflV SaWrrWr. bavHta: qeanfied aa Eieeator - jL of tbelaH .Will ud Tesumeatof Joaa Hia To v, sen. dec'd.at the February Terra of, Wake 'County Court, hereby gives ntice te all persons. having claims against eaUl Estate, to present tben ' for payment, duly authenticated, within the "time prs- scribed by law, or this fcolice will be plead irrbar of their recovery. 'And those indebted lo he: Estate, . are bersby AOtiAad to Aake, immrdiata payment of the same,. ., .., .... .'j :., , :.r Raleigh. Feb. ITT1845 1461 URGE STOpiC OF BOOTS, SHOES, MPER,iC. loriaeepruii nwc. , r V 4C C WARREN ioy iles tht sUentioq qf f V. J e Country li ere hmt a aodtXhera to bis ex- teosivo assonment of Boots, Sboee, ate., jost receiv ed from the Manufacturers, which be will be happy to sell both to old end new dastomertj - aTtill tuuat low Cash prices. I ....... . -; . Purchaser will find at this ifaTJisbment a larger vaMrty of roods, than alsewberv m Virglrua, and can depeod upon purchasing any article or (nuking op an assortment as cheap as io any of the bcrtbern eies. " Wrapping paper bf every kiza end quality alwsrt m band nd lor sale at a ronikleraUe rediieiion front f former prices, atse Cotton sndHeoripTwine.Broobes, j, . oiKtinj, aui a. iue oki sund, Siguofibe Msin Trnoth Boot, Petersburg. Ta. - ' J v.-if .. 1 t7' Bqni' thlj may concern; y of Cewhj'ToBkccof' Mir'-MUlei; Km ruttlhewiugtnd mowinj Tobacco? we 0:otfe-. uui enu odcco and veinee,uemJjt wel ujerJn,wantolJSnili ne ttjt, a.er suy R. can aflord to sejj from SO o 50 per ceo. JowerthanTRlankets,. Flannels, &Ci would del weij any other house in the City, and none"eIcptear vairer tneneap i;igr btote, o yon want a good nfclev ; w sKKAUjsE & MILLER, .. J . Fayetfeville street. oppoiiti-ChV hall' I .NOTICE." " s- . s A GENERAL-Meetieig e,f tnetocaboldere 'of LtU. the JiaJeij;!. and .iaston Rait Read CoeapMyi will be beM at ttaJSiate rLwse in the Uay of Baieizb onoidsy 15AMarreiA.' l;IJS? H. ?. , 1 he otockholdfrs f rerequexied to.send 10 person or bpiolf ; and all other who sijihed'BonJa" to the Bute nnderlhe Act of 1840-4 1 are invhedlb atWnd. - v , - - ; JAMBjJ WlfCttE; President. W m er w . w v ec v. ti. tv. umre. -j.v. , u,-7 5J ; ; SOth Janeary, 1845 V J vv--JP-r-tdomi TTTitllCil States District Court of U J .IfoTth Carolina at Chambers, the, 23d December. 144 in Bank- rnptcy, Mouce to, shew t-aus egainetitbe Peti-j lion of Allan H. H a 'arkPt of .Gf.nT.II J County, for his Discharge and Certificate its a Bank rupt, at XNewbern on the 4th Memuy in April aexL 2 h V ' : '- :- rUITBK, Judge - , IniteK&UteaD'utrict,-!torthCarofina., 1 January 17. " " ; ' w ' .it- aWJOd ,x n. t -r- iN .fi i, s t . T -r. w.-r.-r. 7 MAVI&iQ. removed t Petersburg, Virginia, his place of Residence may be purcbaed app easy tetma. It la plea-antly and eonvroieotry situated on the firt Square west of -the Capiiof, n Hill.boro" Wtreet, and lieside the Dwelling ha an Office on . the 1 -:.-Li- r- DL.JJ I . I . . kui, puhiw iui 1 ujiiam vi r ...'V.4 - , vKBai n,nutwiiiai4 VM uo auuiunuu 10 mate a line Raleigh, PAIiTIIG. -rt TTlT. Jflt l"Knim:'re.TeclfuHT an-' XViL ooojicea that be ban returned to walefs:h,lnd has arranged VnJl GALLERY ar PAinTING, next door to the Episenpaf Church.; TbeJ foUowiog are among nts coueciion, viz : - j : t The Restoration of Ihe-tJ Sod, The Eiterminating Angat, ; ,it-. ;i . Joshua commandintf the San to aland itiH, , ; ? Coeid Uught by. the Graces, ; " ". '" Portia in the.act of .killiug herself by eatinr born- ybeSlipTnBeautyi-4 rf t: ' i "The Sleeping Beaaty.'awaktng?; ? . ; . i i Fancy pi-cea Miss witbCat in her arms, ;; Portrait ef French Labourer, . Landscapes, Ponrails, -dav , . Ladies and Gentlemen are requested to call. . .. . . , - v- - - ' f Oct. 54. 1814. 88 North; Carolina UT ERARYi lElitlF Id' AND MILITARY ev -tAt4ait.ui. - - . s and luipmenU mrnltaeUbyj Arms Classics, English, ete t R. GRAY. I Matheinatics, Tactics,' etc ! O. A: BUCK. V-5frlT5"e6XSf-" c 8. Pf.'SOTSFOSD. ' Pbtfoeophy, S, . r . . . . , f"1- TKRat s rctrsissicne or rTK months ' " ClassicaJ iWpartment, (Collegiate course,' in . eluding full English Studies, with Matbe- 1 - i matka.) ; . I $20 Oq ti. .v j rn..).. a. k:.K..krKa. lit nri well calculated to qualify 7001b for ,Ue arious duties of life, whether occupy ing public or privaiev Civil or Military stations. 'Tbe moral and intellecto'al facul ties are kept severely in nation, but not at theJerpene of the phy-icJ, as is unfortunately, far the health -of our childien too conununly the case throughout the eouotry.-' -"J 7: ' Regular and iystematTe Military Exercises,' ai well ae Practical and Scientific Operatiuna, introducing Surveying end. Civil Engineering, are substituted in the place of unprofiubJe play, and required of all atn- deutv il&e usual sut hours of dally natation and siufy oetrup invariably (eft distinct 4 tMmerru, pte " The Cadeti, In rotation, di-charge tke duliea ef non-commissioned OlBcers,' OrEuera ef the Guard, and Otfloera of the Day. of Adjounu and Com man. data of Parada; and for -the jurpoe of rendering them btots Detfoct. occasiona.lv act as Military. In-1 striiclpre. t , 1 i 4 ! '" it naav nMn irtnrwi irnm ezDcnence. uiaasuii wemu- tiful Gvmnase invigorates both mind and body, and oy inoucma;BiiuiH QrtiweouroBu-!..,.".. 1 J i r-tlT. r . l J .un..:i. AAM..KntA - Poliieoe.H neatae in dress, aed strict punctuality will be closely attended, to. I . A cheap Uaiform.ia adopteJDresa Parade days, Mondsy and FriJay i ,r : t v.! 1 no deducu.n made for absence. Botese m eases 01 1 protrseted vickjiess.. Hours of Recjiat'ion and tudy, I from 9-to A. M. and from 2 tp 4 J,. P. M.,in .a ?- wa a i irr .a... l i w the Winter, .Beard and Washing, in highly respec table fanuuea trotn 8 to 0 per oionth. " ' ; RaTeTtb.Jaa 23. 1844'. . -u, y, t,T ,.m; Fresh Garden Seed. rfTvl E abriberahavw Jottceied ttaJf sopplf 1 .'. 1 ' ' . - . . .1 " 11 rttrtk Gardetr Seed Irom IjASPBith a ceie i bested EaubUahtnant, and other Northern Heed Stores. I c r s:-' f v TURNER & Jan. 23, 1845 TTTjEATHERS On bsnd. a U of new Featkerts U' which will baac4dloW ib-tJah.r:'f-wl rv.;r t : iitirau Ttitxrrw Aniu, at. ir i aauua j Uccember 30. f ; ... 185. JOB PRINTING, t ; . -!. J : Jlarif fneeaUyjeeoired a. Jeaupply. of t --f ArJCV JOB TyfE, C t We aieiow prepared to&ecote hi a superior style, v . 1 1 a .i : u.i. 1 7 1 i. : , Feb 6, 184S. "i It VI Swellings, Ulcers, some of thirty" years fi'ta'nfSagV nrTi itt i vrn a wizuv i C-'ncera, Tu ro.irs.'SWel led Feet ailLegs.Pilesj; -.r'.( -,. i - s j ' " tl n i i t FEBRtaEY if: O toe Ecsaon is lar dvanceavwel.wul- ocs UAnLtn kml Wi.lM snnld at nrllilA rSin is raft irri to1irrninMl ki rlatr Ainn trni id.iS If it be les titan Cost! 5 :tsVl 1 1 Also, a laree Lot of Cotton goods. No.' IT ii ainig OsnabuTge, t cenU,a yard Weaebrf&Utefcjn 8 cents y.ard 4 14 Brown bWrtiu 6 4-4-cenUj!ard yot'o" flunnels 9 and 10 cents yard j.vuu auargj. lUntiels 9 and 10 eenta Yard t' with- ssdorlment r..ther goodi. All of which wul ofsolw 'iSOlu,' lof anil ine buyer,' ' . vr-- r j.'ir. DECKWITff & -UfV .. i FsyetteviUe ueef, a lew doers abov 4 -ilfi -i jivi'hV-i Mr. iLfJoohhstiyfle.'; fDec,9th. a844 y, u i -Snnff In small . Rladdersw f s fTDSlT:ecevd a apf M-Ttfiew ?.ajticte f ."Sqejeb JhesprgarStore.-1 -fy-s-u. .f-- KRAUSE & MILLER,?, i Fsyetteville street, opioite City HsJi. i.M : JJIORE DltAXDIlKTH'8 PlLL5r ' eve just received ; a fresh supply of thoosands of persona whom they have coftd f Cjan-1 sdmpiion;' Ibfldeiiia,' Colds, Indigestion', DyJpepeisj:- Head Ache,TaaJ a-eense of fllrtes m ine back "Pbt t oi;tne,.ued, nauaiiy tne . ayoipttMaa -oi fApopiexf, oti t he,. Head, naually ' the . ay nptMaa -of A popter i Fellow, and common Teve rs of all kinds : Asthtria: Gout, Rheumatism, Nervoue Diseases. Liver Cnyj plaints Pleurisy,, Inward .WfaknesDepreaiuoh the Snirits. ltuotures.Jfhflammalion. Sore EvesjStftSl' I DroDsv. SfmaU Pnil Meaefee. Croup. ffth.- I Wheoetner Cogft Qwnsey, Cbolie Cholera f 4d-.v I . . I . . ... . .. " . r n.IS't V l tua, gravel, w orms, ajyseniery. ueatness Kit Sfveg i XMoisea.ia tne tleaJ. JUitflfs cm. croruia, Female Complaints of every kind, especially obiitivrer J ALto,JBfarvlrefb ijjniraent. fof sores, awelf nig woumla . dc&Vat 25,cents a bottle I here are Air1 nts for. seinqg'the above in every Cun1y in"ihie Slae. fr-" - w! -y :WILL PEK;! AgeiitJ Raleith, May 14, 1844. ! 39 IjrJ RAtEIGU CLASSICAL HAT1113. MATICAJL Alf Or itllaLXTARY Classical Department, . J. M. LOVEJOZ. a- t - ,,1 aaimUani Department' ' ' , - . . p rirhtfiivv I . W. P. DISBKOW. j THE year will be divided into two essioa of five months each the first Session beginning' oft thrf first of January, and the second Session, on th fixat fJulyfi ti' - - -vs. J It la tbedeaign 6f the Preceptora,lhat this I3tito tion shall not be aaepasaed.ie the advantages aftVdeiJ for acquiring a thorough English, Classical, anVj M thematical Education. ' i I PuDils will be prepared to enter the Junior lai 'if i w ' - Si':- '. ?! t or cngnsn ana aiaiaemauc. oiuwcw, . 'uer Session. . ,v.,:; ;;fe. jVli-Ofc 1 - ... .. t . .a t- a.. li . For Latin, Greek; French. Spanish and , ,: Julian Languages, per Session,-. r $20iO(l MiliUry Tactics taught to the Pupils, free of j8itr charge...!--,. ' fThe advanced Classes jnay pursue the Stotlies'of lower Class, paying only for the studies ef the Clas to which they belong. " Raleigh, January 1845. 6 6m ; QTJAITTITY Fresll Rice,newi "Ay crop.l last received and for. sale by "J r't - vt1 .-. i . "J : stith & pescud.- JaiMiary S3. it.! 7i ;;OR.CHArUEBt;j0Hf4S0Nj:: l ' Respect Fully oilers his rreteasionei s ser- fT- " t vices to ' the Citizens of Raleicb- and of Itte oircrL. iiu t dkddwu ot xjr, 01.11. 1 . - . ; - ' Jan. 23. If prrrtVITII )tt Pit I Thi.4. JUf srrtbers kHepconstaplTy ork ftand )'ip .ipieeciSe4Htwuik;aniie,.w&ieli 'theywiii-aeii.i a I eemrnodating terma atWhslesale ftT eetaiU:-irJi'.i. '.ItiTH.wPSC4B; ntinritin mnnrnrno i . ITOU l,ft UUs, iUCii7ti iOt cxW ' V ' Williams., flay WOOt) - - f- ' r , - -(.-- Co. a r . now .receipt ng. f r4t H& 4: Oi -j t York and Phdadelppia, a large ant . L. era! assortment ot ! fL Druss and Medicines, CliemlcnUs,?; I PAINTS AND OILS, D YES TVe!: I GLASS-WAKE, PERFUMERY, &e Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and Mail to Physicians, Merchants, and others dealing if thei 'ose wishing to buywill ibid if tbthefr irrterejrt to call and examine before poreha4ng4be t.PsrticuUx attention. sA.w!M gtven o oultiaar nn Prescrinlions. ju well aa the disperanngo ar v r r w . : s - ? - . - ; --- , ' KateigB, JoTy 1844. Vr ' Sgrn ifTnflE onder.igiied.haxe aaaxifiatedthemselvea , J . gethee for the purpose of conducting a general ttnjefe firm end style ef BifTie,i Wittrti-ts & - 1 WUIUU931VH M . VOUIU11SS1UU , $ t k house on Sycamore atreet.' fteit door to Messrs. Pannill & Lea a. Ke-pecuutiy ten dering thir services to their country friends snd tj pubbc fesneally in the sale efTebacce, Flmu-; Wbfe Cotton, drc, they pledge strict jweurial attention aJl;trusiness entrusted, in them wu,roae iiteraj aa vsnces on eensignmentsof GVoceries end Prdflujr snd gfve"psftldular"attenttiri to' recelvipga foirr wirdingxnm?erand:merthshdi8e.l4 w .: I v r SAM'L WJIJ-IAM; ' ril7 l 'J 9JAi-lo t VT r I , ,rr.,g.;:v 'ij";.- in, A 1 iOU ; UUl UVII V v u-; aTK P the Croo of 1 8 1 4. iest received and fof.Sale I V at tba tnr Stare . of . - 4 i ... . i law. nr oiuu aoiuoot r iro oiu . ivurum. , hub : 4 -txl i h:u ...JkUJkUMJM ... . vif, i- - iJi .s t:oi.i r i; . r f dDUDtH) f.liii' 0 ii.' 5 WORTH OF 'I 4 A:T,-CO.STlJP OR CASH Consequently lower than can be bought at any other The Subscribers not wanting to deal any longer in owre tn im oiace s : 1 .Raleigh, Dec 21844. J il.il ! j" li1T AWR TOYS. iiNE-of.iWParttiera of the "fie,. having just re 4Jriurn:d from the N'orta. has Wuught With him a laCger and -beUer "axrpiiry-of freHi uood. fit the abtree braiichee,Xhan.hJteen keptin the eutliihaieiit heretofore; ell of whicn. In- prices and uuatity,'' are w-ll Worthrio bef eomrendetF -id eur umerou8 Trienja and the public geueraliy.. - (-.. A : l . c l : Fancy Goods and Hardware. Fine Artificial Flowers, and 111 air, I ladies' Fam y - and W ork , Boxes, c tJennet Uillon,V Mtiait iasks, Bakeu, uutf, boxea from, 5 cents to $2 1 00 ; t rayeiling nigs, Pastel-burds.j tfrnbrellasf Combs, ofrortoie-ehell sad -'otheeav Pins,' iNeMiletf Pue3,t Pocket-bonks, Pncil, Buttons,! Tnre'ad M atclies,"i'wiiie, Hatter " Bow-strings," lliermMne ters,4 -Y alking tJ'tes, Uazors,' Dirk, Pens and Pocket Knives, Scissors, tiihaying utensils, great virieiy , of PirtoIu, Dirks and (-adet Guns, Percussion cups! iJ Shot and tShtttbelt", Uirdbags, Powder jflasks, Stpyl Ulasie, Spectacle", i.ookinft-gIats, from 10 cts. to $20; Cloth, Teeth, Hair, Ha.t, 8h.e, Dustinji and tfmall I'.int Bn.xhesr' Bed'ed Whips, Uwej nides, Fixhinz Utensil il TVigbt 1 aptr auiokiog PipesJ olatem, tboe-thread, Awl. Sitters, patent Balances.- Cotton and Wool: cards, 'Coffee-mill. plain and painted Muga. Lamp Glasses,Larjps," Ci cobnut gourds, VV aiters, brooms, Bucketn, Lamp and Caridle wicks,: 'Clocks, Brittfnnia andIrori Bpoona. Spur?.. - J ';',j"it;. ci Sii'sf iifcsW tsi-sJI' FKESH UONFECTIO.NARY & GROCERIES. ' 300 lbs. fresh Candies, 10 bis. Pilot, Water, But ter; Soda, and Lemon Crackers,. Sugarand Gin ger Cakes, constantly fresh'; 10 keg Malaga Grapes; 6 Boxes Lernone and Oranges, . SO. boxeis fresh Kai- ains. Pickled end Smoked Salmon, Smoked Beef; 'I' -" Uki.:..: W...... W.l.na VMW-S.'nji. Currants,Datea,CitTon,FilbertsPaIm, Watt, Pecccnv Chest and Cocrwnms, Almond, Nutmegs; Cinnamon, Pickles. Brandy Frqil, Tomato Catsup,) Pepper sauce, .Raberry and Currant Jel(ieC Preserved Pine A pples. Preseryes, oeolate. No, I dc JN p. 2, Liquor ice,Juiube paste. Mustard, Honey, BaJad Jil,lemon Syrup, Pippinsi l - , -v s- f 7 hhds.Sugat and Molasses, various qualities. 20 sacks Coffee, assorted. rt u . 1 0 Wsv fine Crushed, powdered, & Havana Sugar. 60, Loavee line anil common Sugars K i J., -J 40 boxes Candles, best Siierm, Hull f patent, nor- therrr bleached Tallow email Wax Cahdlestor fan- 2000 Iba.CHnESE.yiz: .yellow GpshTOlnglish aiiy;Pine" Apple 8rfdc6"mmonr "vf pf "'"? If" Daii 250 gallons of OIL viz: best jvinter strained SniTD,. bleached V half. 4 Fh Oil endtLaijjd QiJa "new'articler never havins been offered Tor aaie' here before, 100 lbs. TEXWldack. . Imperial. . Gunpowder, Youns Hvson and areen. common Tea. 500 W'SO APS Castiie, white and variegated in bars, dark and light turpentine 8oap, and 'Tier- fumed washing and shaving, a great variety 4 50 boxes Cigars, warranted best imported, Principe imitated ditto; I'ralnicA, Yiiiriia-Ye4eIosVicto na, v'auones, pnu the OQme made. common.! 350 lbs. SNUFF, Mrs. Miller s in bUddera, and 8cotch. aOO lbs.' TOBACCO; best Vfrgimat honey-dew chewing common do smoking assorted. I-, . 14 iars preserved Ginger. . t Ground Oinger and "Peiper, and " whole iSd. All spice, Canary. 8eed;:K ice. Starchy Indigo, Copperas i Madder. Blacking, a boxes urogans aaa. Boots, f rr Sold only by the measure out of the House positively from this date, GENUINE PORT AND ii i ncnii i iuitvp-,''.... iu r".,r n.t..' Mascet and-Grape, Wine. v. ii t -L-K3 --ri ' - . - . PArfnmfiry. . :m I ' s " Otto of Roses, Macassar, Bear, Antique pita, Po' matdra, ColognerFInda; and Irftvemle Waters, Essences,Berg4mott,CinnamouOil,Oj)odeldoe,pink Saocers '. ' ; .1 " Musical Instruments; . VWins, v-bows, i strings, bridges, ecrews, Fin gerboards Guitars Flageolettes, Fifes, Flutet Ciari, onetta. Accordeons, Jjulcimo wire.. ! s -. r ' siauonary. t - r Almanacs;; Primers; Spetling, Picture ;aad Song Books, Key. of. Heavei, ((Jatbot'c ) , Papert Pens, Quilts. Ink. ' Inkstands;" liik- powJerj 'Sealing'-wax, Wafere; LeUeatampe. - .-:' ,ff - ' 4 1 Tencin&laiid 'Boxing Apparatvs. FnIa, Swords, Gloves, Masks, Hatar.BfeastpIate Games. ., ; Dominos, Chessmen, uackgaminon, Keno,Ten- pina.iRollet; Cop anf BaU, c. ' 1 gifcwvucrtt Of Gold and Silver, ar, welt as German Silver, and PmcbDsick.vrz :tf reast pi ns,' E"J r-ringa', Pencil, Finger- ringS4 Thimbles, Tea BelUyTalde and Tea Spoowa, 4eaeit.Kiiivea. and Forks, .Metal - Combs, Belt- buckles, watcn rvys, ron intms, uypsum-Deaus, white end black jet bugle Bead, asserted aixe. - A large, and ehoice; sapiilyaltPrinting Presses, painted Children's Trunks, Wheelbarrows,' Bureaus, Marbles Humming tops; Drums, Raub-S, "- Whistles; mbntb Organs, Hrp ,Turopets,. Magic Lanterns, Paintboxes, magnetic Toy (alee Feces, t'apnons, Malesceps, Microscopes, Pewter and. wooden tea eetta, Drummetsr ' fancy toys, and all aizes of Dolls, tM 'JJull-bftada.-y- ivlhrCt:Cv -Corner bpposiie Raleigh, .December 1,1844 M - ,,f iJ,.-;-,r-,...f,,-i,i i -. ... 4 98 TTTIfiTJSR. STATJCS of America U IV KORTtl C I)LINA DlTliICTafe United Stalest " District jCourt fitr the District of Pamlico In Bankruptcy th 'Monday tn October.4 rl844! Notice to abew cause aeainst the- Pelitioo ef.Evan- der BT.t Hrook. of Chatham tJounty, Farmer, for hi .rul Uerlifiedl'e as Bankrupt, at Newbem Mondiif Itt Anrfl tatltr iT.-fi. -MWM r ,i'j t ttf -rt(OJBfi.;. BJiftW,rrfJCaerk "wv 1 aa. aav 1 - ! ' f A 4 SWA 1 UeCZ7, 1844. , ,'jMv.l'.iv-tfci, 3 f.;t t tAimtUHUJicin .. . . . . m .... If r ' ' : , ! : - .. . r- - lm:MMtoMami ClgarslAfloat, I -lTD81'-jweeiTed e superierlot f Josto Sana Prio 1 Oli cro'for sate cheaD af the Ciarar Store. . ; " 1 ! Fsyetteville Sirejitpositeity.Hafl. . KesaUa and: PJantaflotf TTUsT'received a auprioLartbf .iheabwe fV (Jigars, for sale ttliCheap Uigar More. , H i'RAUB MILLER ; Fsyetteville Street eppeajte Ctji HaJL v Raleigh Fire Conipanyl 6 HE Citizens of Raleigh are hereby invited to enrol llieir names as iiiernuers of ibe Fire-Co- pany, provided for by an Aot of Assembly entitled " An'ACt wc tne oeuei protection ol llie AJity of Kal- eigh irom- josses by Fie." persotiar disposed to tfe4 iinteer as members b'frbe aaine;.wil JtAvf their names with tbo City Consitfble, oaor; before the hist S'atdrday in February,, on wbic jday, if a' SuUicjeotamber ( IbrtV') 'have' not previously volunteered, -draft will 4jrqieetcob tii&wjtblfe number of Cinzenato supply the dehoient number. Members of.tue e uo Compa ny are vxempt, during their term of service, from Mi Irtiw ilwr. -J risWESjON R. GALES, Int. Jan 31.1845, '. :- .V .1 J 'ih'9- k vvi n r h d t f o f oK Tvf if ft cfrtw J -of pniKADFipiiiA, A;r ' JKFFER for sale, a general assortment of all UV. kinds of WINES,AND LIQUORS t;-ibe. fi- net '.quality, viz: Madeira, Sherry and Port Wine in Pipes,-Quarter . Casks, - or Bottles ; -Cbampslgmv i . laret, Saqterne and Hock W tnes of various qnalies; Brandy,' Holland ' Grh.l Jamaica R'um7 Scotch' and Irish Whiskey, ineasks or bottles. '' '' tiaf p'ugjJ.ea andi Coffe6 all warranted pf the rst qtialitylj put up to' order at the shortest' notice, .ut ..r it.- it. ui.(.. . 'i f " Philadelphia. Jsn.9, I845 4 3 m. SlierilT's Sale.- I - WILL SELL, at the Coort Houe in Carthage, on the fourth Monday in Marcb nextahe follow ing 'JL raciS OI, alalia, or so much, thereof, as will Mti.fy the Taxes due thereon for the year 1843, and. the coniingenl, expenses oaaid aaltftriulj ?. a. ralae r rhM f Liatesr 0 ar er vtiat Water Csane. lax D C Ac,, land isoiStiol i i owned, i W Hancock: i- i Ueep Kiverf SO 182 ,150 ElUsKily. 77; " 97 do do ; ;5 7 r? U.T UO J Wm.OIiyerl, .VeilTjonee f- 129 150 Patchet'a.Ceeek I 68 5 '05 1 68 125!" 80 Little fockel cr'fc 200 KOKj-flekwellXb r Itichland creek 200 .100 30b'I50 do, ..; do , , LttMeRryeifkf. 1,42 John J ones Little Pocket cr'k 1 35 340! 350 JohnvCole; 4iti SerieBrancKV" 370 34QJ do do IWs Uraocb.-, 120 150 Stephen P. King for self and ethers Serat Branch 5 '68 1251 125; RrderickandJobn 5t l nvinunH - I 40 282 282! James Jehiwon tfilletV Cree 1 6-53 ALE.44ELLTi ; Late Sheriff-of Moore .County. i4 CTATE.OPWOBT1I CAlTOtlA. 7 GSf iiJr L.pxrTi--CdoTf of Equity, , J Leonard L..;liigsW t Mi Petition for safe of land,- filedinOffictUanS 3,1845 The children and heirs at law of J.ba Hiffei,dec'd., . .ind of XeoelmHif dec'yl., and oTEIleuder John- sondee'd., auuof Cassander While, dec d. 1 ' It appearing from tbe" petition that alt the Defen dantain th ia-caac except e A Men Higga and Green Sttinioti, .reside bejpnd the liraits of this Sla(e,Y and affidavit ihertTof, having' been made before theT, Clerk' nd Masterofjthir t;ourt, according to Act l A seem bly in such case mede and provided rf Publication h therefore directed to be made in. ibeiRalelgb-Kegiatee, for six succetye .wfek, for the said noo resident Defendants to appear at the terin of this Court.' to be held at the Court House in the Town Oxford,. On the first -Monday of Marcb next, and plead, answer or demur, to the, said petition, or the same will be taken zro eonfessbi as to 'tbeoi, and beard ex parte. Wittnesi; Thonias B. Iwtthjohr Clerk and Afasler, otthe eaVl Court, at . lce the 6th ' day of January, A. D 1845: ' ' 1 ' rJl':f -XV.iW ii: v- r THOS: B. LITTLEJOHN, Cr M. : Pr Adv. 5 .62J4...U...-- f.' ' i 6w' TATE of 1 NortU Carolina. Bead- JortCotintyV i Court ol; Pfeaa and-Qdarter Sea- . " -r ewe 1 '. I- shmis., 1ecemoer ierm..4Btijay Zt4f Franklin Grist, bjT'bis Guardian, Reuben Koqx, v Ann Cebb. Elizabeth B. Grist. Fred. CI ri. Jes.-Jt ouctney anq wue n.arneiBnq or van urisv -u it4P4tiiMt?4iide Slfa r "'''f It aprjearkiff to the satisfaction bf the CJoart. lba Joiieph B. Siickriey and" wife. Harriet, and.. Bgraa ! Grist, are residents of Alabama: It was therefore or dereil by the Cquit, that pablication be made- In the Raleigh Register, for r succesave weeks, for Joseph B": Stick ney and" wifil Harriet, and Bryan Grist, to appear at the next Coartlef Pleas and Quarter See-" sionsvor.J?ea.ufori County, st Mh Court .House it Washington, on the first' Monday ; jn kMrcb next,J then and there te pl-ad, snswer or demur, ' or judg ment oro confesso will be taken against them. 'M ish SCHOOL. Commenced ibis day a RaDxtorroxrf ..lVAiikaii o miic, uuuwi ui iiBtcigii) vu. uie oiago Raad Jeadrng- from RaJetgU W Fayetievine.'Itw taught by. a Graduate ol the Unlveasity lof -North Car- oliua wire comes highly recommended for the Liter ary attainments, itnoral -habits and geniersl qualifica jtiona, necessary, for extensive asefulnees in a Preoep tor of such a School. Terms Reading, Writing snd Arithmetic, $6; the higher branches of English, 87 50j Classics, and .Matlhemaiici", $i 5, -'per ftession of five months, 'fj No Student admitted, lor a. less term than twb morn hs snd ; half, or from the lime be en ters to the end of the Ses-jon:- 'frt jm,. -'- - - - 4 w a a i be Acauemy is locate i ia a oeauny regiOD, ana n tbe tnidsiof a" moral and highly respectable neigh. borhood. Board can be bad con veiiienf,'"ln' good Honse. with respectable fanvlies, lor from S to 5 pY -merith? 4 WILLIS .WHITAJCER J, J?eb,3 1 845.-1 IJSm PropnetoH, -rs . Twentyflre dollars Beinirfl. JTp A N away, from- tbe Subscriber about the? last. Of IrQ November bst, amegto irl named : - t atxiut eiirhteen or twenty tyerajold She. epeaka qrtick, and ts radier ovef the ordinary Jieigbt of 'moai women.: I expect abe will try to pass as tree... 1 wul cive the! above reward jo any person that will deliver her to- m at my residence in Granville eounty, N- C. Mr rosftne berio aqy. Jail, W that I gelt be r v Rest denee near the, fetors of J&tl E, N. Carter. a 1 . syJ.:Ln U & Hi 4JOLEY; Adm'r of ". -- ,THOS. C01,EYi4e'd-0 ivrMDEn-io. BB. KUHL S RESTORER j Imptrtint Curi If tine Cbhtplciinl &eotrui. are aiaiQl tdttike-"a terrier AisCodmftoni the fact J that they eJfecte4a cure, which; seem to bav baffled), the skill of the wystciana ia tliis'aection for a vear or . 4wJ?Tbe eul)-Vlia Mr; -!vathrtiNew4rwhJ has been afflicted wb Jb JUyerjCqmpJiint, togetbart with some olberj complaints. Flatulence and DysJ pepsia. ; tie baa taken one bottle of the Restorer; to either wUh, the, -Depurative . Powderw sH eava in twelve hours ne felt reiievetT, and inw'enty-four boms mtk relieved (He bis sd far recovered now,ea foJ(flpf j c4arpa , jtLv ittl of pom difficulty, )e says he wants all. who are afflicts! to ' u ynur Medicinee,' -attJ ie vVedmmertdintf 'tneni ikefflo , ijigaedt.i .M- A PrakL- ! . Dr. Kuht vi,rte4 .Aaheboro' on the lltb Feb, 1844, and had the grafiflcalTW to fearo.th.l Mf. Nath' NewbeV IsiwelL land: recoirmieodavlua Medicmes ins the highest teiim4. ; , I" !' ' Extract of a letter to Dr. J. Kukl, front George R. If treated With your fatter 4liJyphililic Syrupl mY meBn; case, whic bad been treated with tbe osuat remediea for three months.1 but wiUiour. arryabatetncttr'DT' tbe disease. Your .jkfedicines was procured and the dia ease., which apieared so-obslinate, in few dajS yielded1 tOTrour fclne4f!&6S "j7. UyA . yjSigiied ii 'i &".'i ii EO R. 41 A R EL 1 1- ! A Lady J Bedford o. Ye, .for abeot 17 years af. Bicieii wiih cohlrac'ibnt lameness 'and 'nervous head' acbe, Caused by jaJUng eakmd;.atl; gaxtirrsU o, it, and after uning tn,e wbolbtime the prescr prions pf the most eminettt physlciaW whho'ua. ari'elfect.'sni sank from year toyeaivbat' was -finally rauocTBaafuy3 treated with the Restorer, Gold Mine Balsam and Ar omatic Extract. We" have omitted the name of this lady, but if any particularasbej Wjdedii,esTer to Maj Wm. Lefimch, Owrhridge. Pi 0.,Uedford, co . va. - f .-- h - .-: ; ' ' " T" ' MnlFel& tHktffibatt wa4 auffering 'for some y .W under CenpympuoBf Ae. , She, osetl inueroe- pre. scriptions without any benefit, and was declared, in- ' curabW, but'Wai cbred by tbdlse1 of t fie 'Restorer j uokj Mine Daisant Aitrmauc iXirscz-and universal, v Plaster. - Reference to John Read, jr. Esq. Jefferson" ' ,.Culpeper;cd.iVai.-tjs-,1fev ' RkhardB.KAlawton. T-sQ. of Gloucester country Va. informed D'rJ Kuhl.on tbe 6ib of November. 1 843. i fbllowe t'Dear 8i'r, I Wisb to irornfybii; tliat my Srcfo waat- aboitj6jrearstafl3;cted wilb a pulmonary- camplaiatt inflammatory, rheumatism and general de bility, and finding ho relief daring fte whole' of that' period from -the prescription ef the (most eminent phy aictana, she began p use your Restorer of the Jiloodf Depuratlve'PowdfTkrid AvbmaiicEx tract, 'which" cunMlbeftln a short time,' afce.'!' Ttl w , vr.'e n Signed. L .1 RtcnAanJB. K Lawsoic. i Mr. Georce Erb'artVaon'waa very seriously afflicL Via ctd MHetto PrrKtkt, fnm J. MAi ; r Drake, Jsq, C. S. Ckboro' tf. C, i 5iroie fiifoubt MiT . iwpt i r.m'W"gMrJ('Xt & .111 ! 'I have Lad several venereal cases, which have Wen" succiSful! treated with byit Abt'ssutian JiaN ed with Dropsy jaha" Inflalnvnaiory Rfieamansirr; and.' i &er ilving Mfd Jtw prescription 8 MWheg'.lt?' L puystcians oi etr.inenc otirjai seciion oi country without 'any3 befiti saol front day to a, arid every one thought daite insviutblwtiMT. Erbail cenenxdedi to try Dr. Kuhi;s Restorer; Aomstic Exlractapd J)e putative Powder which gate the'mon't happy result, as Communicated in a letter -tev Dr. Kublnen Roberf Gardner,, EJ. Chritianslare, Va. of the 25tb-Juue, 1 843, in which be says: " Jne Medicines he got proved entirely satisfactory. Thb young' msn to4 Ibe great' joyof bts.pa"tt frora.being ia fhe most deploral.la situation, on thi yery-grave's verge, ia now Enjoying gooldif hot perfect goiod health; snd your Medicines have tbe credit if coring him. " ( '. I nsin?i 7 ROBERT PARpNER,,! Tliel UIAWi Whl KUHL'S OFFICE, oppo.ue the JJanke, Kteswoai. Va. and pi the following Agents in, North Carolina ; u. uaies, urugeisi, inariou. VM dk.C'PaKer; Ceneordf v :.''-i'?J JenkinaJ4Biiea, SsIisb((ry. .ij s, -i. James H. Eaeiss, Druggist, do , . ' Hbmphriea oVGaithenLexiiigton . ' J. M. A. Drake, Asbboroagb, C. C. Hendersoii Lincolnton. SPeiry, &rjersyile, Rokts foaptyA V:"x James I Horae, Pitlsborotigh,., , v . v Peter feeri Iwsborg ? ' V" ' ' . It 'W,.0odw, If renkUnlon, Franklin rev 5 1 -1 , JSrannock 6 Woolen, Went wop b, ! ' JatneS BrSnnedti'Wsti'rloo. Gallfor(fk ' ,,v 'T R:WrLawaYiiieeyfil ' la aTS.t-al ft Ma '-; 'L . ! . - N Henj. E. Cook, Warrenlbn. A A 'i tivn-snTHdi pesoud: irtifri-ia(e ' f Ti r-if 1 -.nAmfor. Raleigh. Print i v v iuviiuuji;i To supply the Ctry arMMnierior Trade, by the Piece ti tib V '..i-w .traeisfe, - rt,.,'t, 44 wJBnn sTnrnT. Tf 'sR & RRGlTSTEli givr ntftice Wins li A Dealers jn Dry Goods, tbatiey . have remeve their Warehouse for Printed Calicoes excluaively, from Pearl td 44Cear Street' tf By cbmfining their "atient tion te Prints erJy, L. Vk,TJ. are enabled te exhibit en assortment far. surpassing any. ever before ottered id America abd tf sell at price as low, ir.d generally 14 lower; than-iiousee whose attention Is eividfld among a large vanety.,ar articles. r . . A..,t. u u 4 ii TlieStorkc6nBlst8bfperaffrt,tfoJV 1 nd Colorings; embsmg every variety bf f ; i j , American fkiMl Foreign Vlnt-; 4 In. market many styles of whicn are got op excls Sively for their own "j Sales, and -cannot be bad else Wliere,'sxceptbtecond band-q '- ij",-,.:, . Dealera in Prints will find- it for their interest Ie examine this Slick before' making their purchases -ther wisv the adyat-jge ef iearolnr the loweat market prices and comparing all tbe desirsble styles i,i market sidcbfsiae.Kt t i "' : :.) r iJaialogoeewf Pncea, corrected with every vgriaUoa rthe MarfceUare placed tn the jiDds of buyers., j eptemWr-SOj I84r jO r '.' 78-4 rr-t hi 3 -mhsm' aaa i tin a sr . aa sxy a TtiR iJcry-Yontx' u " cosTitiBUTioxxiiiP tm -Ksumcs CCr?JLT. i. . ' i : r . MlnsorePwellirg-houses, Wsrebouaes snd BuUJ'rs in general, Merchandise, Household Furniture, tuipe building : Ships uv fort and their Cargoes, asd' erery description of personal Property, -..' AGAINST LOSS OR DAM AGS BY FlllS. I . -v -r. .ti:trrJi.-n(i'W- trrnvr 4 retersborg, Va., Feb. 20, 2845. , JtU-4r : , ; - 1 I-. f n5a,5lET3f,'CUBS HlWBTllSj.BLms, f. Raleigh, Feb. 1845. 13 4mo' , For sale" at this 0!Ece. ViVb, '-tain' t . 13 4t . ii.-..r:;t-i T- 1 -sC... WILLIAMS.. HAYWOOD I at a jm a AT1S r . . ,t . M n a a ' E . . - JVaaawmuai ar - al at W ar V, vau A WMF w . sie. in . 'i w x 7- k afi 1 1 aas t tirsart i n ... W Jt - " T af- . ' a I J 1

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