5 'a RALEIGH REQISTEII, I vol w Obt'i or ths fians cffirt4ightfylveace, l tfaaxxre tr?1 rage, to Zirs Kb eroder. " i RALEIGH, N. C. ' . Tucsday,;March- H 1845. ? THE NEW CABINET. Certainty Ui at len gth , taken the place of e'en!, aid Mr. rota's Cabinet Officers are to be as follow, TtX r -.,-.- Jakm BccnAJtAS, of Pa., Secretary of State,. , R. J. Walm,V Mi-. Secretary of the Treasury, Gcoksk BAScaorT.of Mass. Secretary of tbe Nary; Wiujax I Maacr, ef N. Y. Secretary of War, , Job Y. Maws, ef Va. Attorney General, Cava Johjcso, ef Tana. Poet Maeter General, i It witt Uiee be seea, thai Gen. Sacsmm, ef this State, to wboo rumor had as-gnedtbo Peat Office Departneat, baa been superseded m hie claims by Mr. Cave Jonwo, of Teane-as man ae better quali fied to 11 the poet, bat opposed te Mr. Calbocs, and that makes up all deficieeeies. While all mut ad mit that he friends ef Mr- Calhoch deserve no sym pathy, ws caanet help thinking that Mr. Poix ba treated Gea. Sacvdiss rery shabbily. But for hi presence and perseverance at the Baltimore Conven tion, Mr. Pout would new be a private citizen in, Ten neane, instead of Preside at f this great nation. Had not the two-thirds rule be a adopted ia that body, Mr. Via Brass would, uaqaeetionaUy.uaTa received tbe nomination, and, ia all probability, Mr. Clay would new be the President .It was not Gen. Sauxdess fault that North Carolina Toted against Mr. Pout; for he worked with all the energy of deeperatioa, to carry the State for bun. Of coarse, it ie ae buaiaess ef ours, to vindicate the General's caase, but the in justice deae hiat, ia eo appareat, that as aae of his inimedkte constituents, we caanet suffer it te paaa without a pretest. With regard te the Cabinet itself, it is rather a wishy-washy concern. There ie one tolerably tall figure, (Mr. Boch ahaji,). the rest are Weiiocrs all Mr. Maacr will be remembered aa the author of the detestable sentiment" TVtle sitters, htUng fie fm& aad aa having acquired unenria ble notoriety, by charging the State of New York, fifty cents for the' mending of bis breeches ! Mr. BAacaorT at a Scholar of high pretensions, but he knewa aethiag af practical, busiaess life. He has beea erery thing by turns, aad nothing long." First, a Clergyman, then a Professor, then a Whig, and then a Loco Feco. - .THE NEW ADMINISTRATION. That the Administration of Jakes K. Pout, eaa be noising else but a scene of wrangling between the d&oreat factions of which the Loco .Feco party is composed, moat be apparent to erery man who die, passionately view all the circumstances attending his election, v The Loco Feco party, as a whole, though numbering among ha adhere ate, many af the most high-minded and honorable men of the country, is, at last, but aa aggregation ! of factious, united open the Spoils principle a principle which, though it may unite discordant particles, for the purpose of electing a President, can net bold those particles tegetber.when the particular purpose has beea accomplished, for vhich that union was formed. Just aa sure as truth is omnipotent und public justice certain, no euro the principles ef the Whig party will ultimately and per manently triumph. . That party has, indeed, by the conjunction of cireametaacee, and perpetration of un paraL'eled frauds, sustained a temporary reverse, but it has not beea conquered, end cannot be. It ia still, ia all the elements of intelligence, honesty and moral power, the mightiest party erer organized. It is unit, bound together and cemented by weD known aad apprered principle principles erery where re cognised and acted upon. If, then, the Whigs are only content to bide their time if they will reject all new Barnes aad sew argaaizatioae if they will play M hands off with this new Administration aad. ahoro all, if thay will col Urate and act npea the sen- timentft.that a firm adhereaee to principle is more no diary under defeat than ia prosperity ia other words, if they will stand by their colours like honest Patriots tley tbet xst ax TxiCMraixT. - SUPREME COURT. - -Opinions in the following Cases, hare beea deur ' ared bythis Tribunal, since our last notice : ; By Rama, C J., Ia Dee ex iem. Kelly a Craige, from New Haaorer, rereraing the judgment and awarding a ventre i aeee. Abo, ia State a Hooper andaUles, from Rutherford, declaring there ought te bo judgment for the State. Also, ia Guyther a. ' Taylor, ia Equity, from Martin, declaring that the leracr was Tested aad aot cootiazent, dec Alan, ia Hill a. Jehaaten, in Equity, from Caswell. Also ia Irwhvdc Elms a. Daridsea, in Equity, from Meck lenburg, declaring the decree erroneous. By Daxiex, J.,' in Pariah a. Turner, from Orange, f eToraing the judgment of the 8. CM aad affiriwg the jodgmeat of the County Court. Also, in State av Caerol, declariag that there is no error ia the judg meat below. '' y Uy Nash, ia 8ute a. Patten, from Orange, af. -fimaiag.tho jadgment below. Also, ia Hedgepeth 4 Poryear aad others, is Equity from Sarry, Also, ia Jehaetea . Eaaoa, ia Equity from Edgecombe, directing a decree for plaintiff with leave to defendant to harean aaooont . Also, ia Ncweam a Newsum, ia Eqarty, from Wayne, dismissing the BOL " ... -- - ' a -, SAM SLICK'S LAST. , : , Jadgo HALuacaroa, tha witty author (SnSlkk, was hoKliag a Court the other day, and fat the com snaaeeaeat of the proceedings, it becamo aecessary to empanel a jury. One worthy, burgher open being called, requested of the Court to exeuaa him, on the ground that be was afflicted with the iuk, at the same time holding ot m hands te the jadgo and display ing the risible evidence of his cutaneous aCicUon- ' The judge ailer closely inspecting the hands of the juror, directed the Clerk as follows: M The Court do c'tdee that the juror's excuse is a raSd aae, aad'fhere- fere directs that bo be " e-e-r-a-t-c-h-o-4 off"' A Iramendaoa roar of langhter signiSed tha ananiraoma rerdtct of the audience thai his honor was guilty of pua. - . v- ; 'I .-: - : : ; ; NOSTn CAROLINA AND INDIANA. ' ' .Vf-le the House Was considering the DT.I from the Eeass granting Landa to Iadiaaa,l aid la tha cam pletioa of the Erie aad .Wabash, Caaal, Mr. Rayner renewed the aaaendment mored by hia colleague, Mr Barringer, and rejected, for a graat of fire hun dred thousand acres or public land to certain States aborod aamed, saodiSed so as ta inelode ta the grant eaerf SUU s fie Itee." . Mr. Pa m 1 tha man who. signalised : himself by making wir ba the' Chaplains to Congress "said that North Carolina had sold bar back lands sad pat the money tn her own treasary and used H for her own purpcees;' that she was bow probably 'poor and ptacled ia her circomstancea, and, ia ber eld age and doerepitBdr, wanted the youag Sutas of tha West to come forward and reliero her djatreseea" -n ''? ; la reply to this, Mr. Ratxes gare ' the -miserable scoSer a dose, which we hare no doubt,' made him sick at the stomach. , Mr. R. said ''that be did aot intend te go into an elaborate defence of his State. North Carol ia a bad not sold allJier back or unsettled leads aad pocketed the money. Ne, she bad made rant cessions to the United Sta or rewards If she was poor, her integrity had nerer been questioned, her honor nerer tarnished ; she was BMTtrUil for honestv and fair dVsllnir 1 tie hail ncm . , repudiated her -henett debts, and .ever would, but had at all times and oadsr aD circumstances prompt ly mot and fulfilled all her obligations. Her respoa bSitiee had -nerer been hawked around the world at a fourth of their value, nor would they erer be. He j was happy ta inform . Mr. P. that the Democrats ef North Caroliaa upon that subject were as sound as tha Whigs themselres.",1 - f j MESMERISM. That 'incredulity may attalu to the character of a rice, erea as Pride becomes Vanity, and the ' excess of erery virtue causes its opposite, is much to be la mented as a prevailine characteristic of this ase. Me. are accustomed to sneer at Superstition, in these oays 01 uniTersai euiignicnrocm, ui wnaisocrer lorm U may chance to appear ; and harmg considered An - hnal Magnetism in this" light, (as not able to compre - head iU powers) hare taxed all the nnfortnnato to- taries toitsbeUef.wUh being mere risionariM. To all such we would beg leave to offer the rery old and philosophical adage of." casting Pearls before Swine. What we intend, by this article, is to call attention to the rery sensible view, seemingly devoid of all pre judice, taken of this wonderful agency, (we knew not by what name to call it) by the celebrated Miss Mae TtNEAU. We cannot do better, to direct its claims to popular attention, than quote ber reflections upon its operations on a ehronie disease, with which she had beea afflicted for four years, baring in that period ex hausted all the powers of Medicine, administered by the most skilful Physicians. , There is about them an air of truth and earnestness, which must create be lief in all: ' " ' -v u-t -'i:; .- 1 V ' M Mystery can nerer fail while man is finite : his highest faculties of faith will, through all time and all eternity ,find ample exerca hi waiting on truths above his kea : there will ever be ia advance of the human u.i mai tiWai ikiiriniMi Anir.kii.i.kn. spent on surreundisg clear facts with artificial mystery ie just so much profane effort tpent in drawing minds away from tho genuine objects of faith. And look at the consequeacoa ! Because philosophers will not nj. tUm ttm rik.i m.hHi mmmi rkuk t.v bhm v suv a aay ass we was o mjrjrw m place ia Mesmemm, whereby the mind of tho igno- rant often rires out in echo the knowledge i oitne infor-1 med, we bare claims of inspiration springing up right aad left. Because medical men will not study the facts of tho mesmeric trance, nor ascertain the extra meet of its singularities, wo hare tales of Estaticas, and of saae osn going into tho Tyrol and elsewhere to contemplate, as a sign from heaven, what their physicians ought to bo able to report at homo as aatu ral phenomena easily producible ia certaia states of diwase. IWeaiao physiologists and mental philooo- nhrrs will not attend to facts from whoso rastness they puaillanimouslr shrink, the mnaitely delicate mechanism and organizatioa ef brain, nerree and I mind are tnrewa as a toy uuo ino nanus 01 cauoren a . a . m. a a Vrr. LT.. ""Si eyes of the many, of things which ought to command their reverence 1 V hat becomes of really cur me ia spi ration wbea the commonest people find they can elicit marvels of prcvuoon and uasirhtT What be comes of the reneratioa for religious contemplation wbea Llabcs are found to be at the command of ry uuhallowed-wholly uBauthorixedbandsT What becomes ot the respect in which Ibe'medicaJ proles-1 sioa ought to be held, wheo the friends of the sick I anusuuenng, wuu uxb ireungs an auve, see .me m att " r a a r . r it ii it i doctors skill and science overborne -and set aside by meaas at the command of an ignorant neighbor- means which are all ease and pleasantness T How eaa the profession hold its dominion over minds, bow erer backed by law and the Opinion of tho educated, L ".u , r -t- . X TZrL ed without paia, ia oppoaUoa to the wdi of tho doc tors, and in spite of their denial of the facts T What avails the decisien of a whole College of Surgeons that such a thing could not be, wbea a whole town full of people know that it was 7 Which must sue camb, the learned body or tho fact 7 Thus are ob jects of reverence desecrated, not sanctified, by at' tempted restriction of truth, or ef research of it- Thus are human passions aad human destinies committed to reckless hands, fur sport or abuse. WOMAN'S LOVE. 4. Ia the"d"amp and gloomy prison ef Perots, says the ' PhUadelpliia Gazette, where Santa Ansa is con- fiaeoV-hile former parasiUs nave deserted him, old friends-cooled. and those who shouted the loud cites to hbhonofhrheaia power, now cry "death te tho tyraat T there ie one attached and faithful friend iw -ni -k : i,;- .4 . .u sand little acts ef kindness and affection, toaooths hk sorrows that utsnel m nis young, vtjezj What a mystery is woman's lore and what depths of feeling are hidden In the wells of her affection ! Oa the last night of the lata session of Con gross, and just before the adjournment of the Senate, Mr. Walker said that there was Executive" businc before tho Senate which ought lo be completed be fore the adjournment. Mr. Benton hoped the Senate aid continue their buelnees. 'Was there any nom inee of tho present admlnistratiosu he asked who I afraid ta let his nomination lie overt, Did the gentleman want to take a snap-judgment before the new President came into office T If there be each one, said Mr. B-, and I was- Captain Polk, I would knock him ia the head. .. If there be anr eeatleman I Captai. Polk; Ut Mm take hi. chance for a re-noml- 1-. ..v. , . nation. Yes, let him take his chance: but let us i hare no snap-jodgments, and no midnight nomina tions. He thoarht tho eonntrr had hA mH nMis4i i of them already hi days -past, They were not in odor with the American people." ; The question ea the motion to go into Executive session was ' decided m J "1 I 1 .1.iU j . rn '. . I in tho negative. 07 A pile of 300 bales of CoUoa was fired ea the . -j Exchange Wharf, Charleston, (3. C.) Monday night. To extinguish the flsmes it was deemed expedient to throw' the bales in the dock, aad as they were borne' off by the retreatuvg tide, presented a morel spectacle j ia a traia of firs extending for a mils towards the sea. I - APPROACHING EUXrnONS. The' annua) tied ion in" Near 'Hampshire takes place j'to-day."-1 Four aaembeta of Conrees' aud- a Gorernor are to be choseb.i John H. Steele, the pre sent Gorernor, is the Loeofoco candidate, fof , re-, election. . , - Ia Rhode Island, the anatlaJ election comes o2on the 2d of April, and is for Gorernor and two members of Congress. ' James Fenner, the present incumbent, is the Whig candidate for the Gubernatorial The election la Connecticut for Gorernor members of Congress will be held on the 7th of April, . ' ' 1 " ' MORE THAN PROBABLE. " iuk jot vqwhw aam irrowu icicr "wui uwucurr ni us lastruetton nexatien of Texas, and in allusion to the rejoicings off jP h portioa of the Loco Focoism. thereat, demonstrated by theirW J - Major Dowjewo has written a letter about the An firing of Cannon," ho remarks" But some thmkjHi,ff -monsr the friends .of ihe measnr.. -hich e iuk wuu b mc uu law mi wjv uiiuj wui n iuu t.nm.1. the guns ws fired to get it apnexed, ain't no more th alternative, meant by the law to be coufcrred on tha. ."flash in the Pan. to the ffuns we shall luVetoih! ?JJ S fire to keep' it annexed.1 GREATi FIRE There was a rery destructive fire" ia Wasliiagtorii v I on Wednesday nkhL commencing ia the ' National- T1,i.UU t K- niok." .n Aiunniiiithe discretion confided in the act of Congress was in - six or eight houses, with the Theatre, on the opposite? side from the Globe. I The audience had collected Ins . :" l'.i mi "1l the Theatre and the perfermaace began, when the, alarm was sounded.' Great terror aad confusion pre- railed, but fortunately aH escaped without any serioug injury. No damage of importance was done t- tbcr4 Globe oSce. 'VIVE LA POLITESSE ! The following rules are' suggested by a ceplem poraryfor the coasideratio. of all true Repubficauaj whether Whigs or Democrats, who are in the nab of attending Public Exhibitions. Coucerts. &c.i&cJiJnHS over puouc or gorernineniai arranjreinenis. vve We know a place not a hundred miles from, Raleigh; where a little regard to this advice would not !!ilerf.i 1 iccuy aieagreeaDie. . ; - . . , J , n0 jmcctator be expected to , elwuld fc 1 choose to stand ; it being a gross iufruigenient of th; righta of aa American cioxen to attempt to reKst or . 1 at aay angle, oblique or acute, most conducive to comfort. jh , 3. That the good old national cliveruscmems " chewing and spitting ca libitum so deemed oot, polite aud ChrUtian : it being a well known fact tha' Turks', Indians, and the like barbarous, heatiienkl, tribes never practise them. 1 4. mat no inuiviauai, appropnaie more man si bills for his own use, nor at any time more than fiw feet three inches of any seat, for the accominodetiogtj of his feet, cudgel, dog, or other indi pensawe appur tenances. '' ... i. - .. ST That no spectator, whether standing, or sitttin, be subjected to the impertiuent cry of Hats otf front : to uncover, zrom a respect to eunor piaci or person, being a practice now urepuoiwan au idolatrous. . ; ',-. -.'.:. :' & 6. That any attsmpt to suppress loud , talking whoopinr, haw-hawin?, aad the like ancient, wes? established usages, be instantly pat down, as a' most flagrant notation of that great safeguard or the 1:1 r . u ... - ,' i it 1 Duniic. ins iidcitv 01 spsvco. . .. v I l . 7. That mil songs be encored, particularly shou i I tha singer so fax trespass on tho good nature of ta I auditory as to plead weariness or inawpomuon. s y.'?; . & That in the erent of a - set-to or other psaest I of arms between two or more persons present, 'i s - . . Vj policeman to interfere till one of the parties has bcii iw-aw uuwu w ihuwwh, mwi , m j- nate, mdereasible nrbt or erery true republican settle bis own quarrels in his own wsy. -i roa the aaoisTaa ' Ma. Eorroa: Whilo I freely own that Preside jt Polk has rircn us, ia my judgment, a much bel ir hiauguTai than I had expected, I fear it requires me mieht, to perform the prombe of "carr. - ... logout the prtricipUe of those who hareehoeen bu If they be not John Randolph s seven principles, t r am k man does not live, who can rat ' Mr, fr tho of their jarring political cree, what those principles' really are. CATol :.3 There was a fall attendance at the Coarpj- Convention, be Id oo Tuesday night. F.JL was unanimously uwujihiu iw ui umm uij. perior Court Clerk, and Henry J. B. Clark wHjh - . eauai nnanimny for that of fjounty Court Clek. YVe will publish the proceedings in onr nest r Tbe Court House was well filled and made by K- S. Doonell, Esq., and Hon. Eilwttd Stanle. which .kindled UD the Whieffnirit ap-iTai. reminding us of Ihe times when Uallant Uatty . . - . rli: "aId ve eaa ero w nviet The Whica of Beaufort are united ahd firhi, true to their principles, as the needle to tfia pf Te, A A ids m,n tn Mtniin AT t tVA i . . tf-. -I... mi Jilt, i" At the February term of our County jtm. I bald last week, no business of cspeeialntefsM was transacted, except levying the tsxea7 rel!Ved for county purposes for the. ensuing car, yhe report of the Finance Committee was jpiad,Jnd in regard to our Common Schools exhibited syne iniereaung w v.iiuh sysriu nu"' rf ep interest to the comrourfitr, M U if 6T1'fJins' 10 f'" that in Ora-Jge coumy n nas oooo .ouw w.vu smaii uerree of success. The Finance Committee report,! fiat Dumber of scboJara who attended Iboseacbd- was about 4,-H oi wnom 0,1 u were maiest-ana 1.624 females ; that the arerage period W wjgch the pupils attended was nine months and ?ne third ; and that the expense of teaching Was afl&ut one dollar lor each scholar. icerorder. Death bt LtGHxatxc. Mrs. Mary Wfoodf,1re siding at Cane Creek Factory in this county Jjra? killed by lightning on Sunday morning tbVl&d ultimo. She was standing outside of !he.)io4se, near the chimney, when the lightning vtruccthe chimney, tore a hole-large enough lr a mi to pass through, and killed Mrs. Weoda iiisietly. ona in the house felt the shock seventy, of them were titn.Hilhburu Hcc: were Inaugurating a President id Washing I the pood oeoole ef Alexandria were elect! a ? S rc didate, Mr. Eaches, was elected, m washe Whig Tiekat for Couucilmen, by a large rnaJWi- ty. A Whig rictory tn the District, whilethe Washinjrtol't is vtMw.stw . m ,7 ; ,. 'e..i.,ot,; rVitm . ..; yj. f The humble current of little kindnesses, wch though but a creeping streamlet, incessantly fMws although it glides in silent seerecy fithiotbe domestic walls; and along the walks f prorate life, and makes neither noise nor appearance in tbe world Doors, ia' the end, a nwre?bounsiful tribute into the store of faMtnaa eotnfortkna' fffic- ity, than iny sudden and transient flood of de5cfi. edjtounty, bowerer ample, that may rush 10 it ar-'jjj "t" ASa fSr r nT..Tb e Gjob.t recently tha vtalel sycophaiit Eiea.r Tn;. fu. t.t'. L if r....- ", w it- . wa u a, u rfc ' uiiuckmuu. hiu ; vurj Tyler mounted one of his relatieus, as aa exiresa, to hasten to commnaicate to .Texas that he, as' PresfJ pjent of the United States, had made bis election as to j known could not bars commanded a' majority ia the discretion arr power Viands.'" He knows wall that, if hm hnd nnmkirftij tha fiomminniiwi iii'im, Iw mi, nf iln 1 1 - h.i;hi lh f. Mot,.w-iwLt S - ycarry eat his inatrnctwns. lie has, therefore, sobtod the legtslatire enactment, which may mvolre future difaculUea aYael etiW f Ksa sWtiajesvwl hab z. ivuo uuun mm pappr coasiunmauaa. ne nas laaen litbe measure, from him, and given it to the : Texian Sieaecutive.. r. j-U j,- :V .r-, ; .'fY- But, apart from aH considerations of public policy, It what will the country think, of the propriety and' de- 3 corum of this attempt to forestall the action of the chief magistrate chosen by the people with an especial eye to this question, and to whom alone, it is notorious, jj wuuwi w i 11 u uciu ui f-.,.lJ 1.. t : -1 ;u- as Ittr. Tyler be gan his presidential career in virtue of aa accident, that he means to take the benefit of the whole chapter of accidents, to bleud himself with results having their origin in the conbsels of Generals Jackson and Houstbn, and which his inauspicious management has so far marred in their progress. Ulobe. JuLxrs. We find the following: ut the' Louisville 4 (Ky.,) Journal : v V " 1 ae nrst Juleps of the season were seat us yes. -terday by Walker the Great. A committee, appoint ed by us to test them, mads a long and eloquent re port in their favor.". 1 Ins shows tho vast -superiority, ef prirate enter- ave heard of ao juleps yet in Philadelphia, although the Government, at a vast expense, keeps up a viint establishment iu this city.riU. Gaz Nosfolk. March G, 1845. Fjbe We had contemplated wriimjr a pur- graph; descriptive of the beautiful hlwk of stores on Main Street, lately erected by C. VV. Newton, Eo. Tm creditable tt his cnierunse and irond fcttete,; ajid ornamejiial lo our town,) as soon as tbpy should be finished, ae we supposed tlioy M-ouId be in two oi" three - weeks ; but instead of it we are railed upon to announce , their partial destruction by fire on Tuesday nighl. Four stores cnfnDrised the block': the centre ones were rent- eJ 10 J. I. Blood ood & Co, aud Edw-arde Ife Ar- mislead, as extensive dry goods stores, for which purpose they were admirably planned, and fitted up in a style tint would have done credit to Clies nut street or Broadway. Messrs. E- &. A. had been sometime in possession of lheir store; that of Metirm. Bioodgood &. Co., a still more exten sive establishment, was unfiaished, though near ly completed. 1 be other twn, at each wing, (a bout half the size of the centre ones) were' finish ed and occupied the one on the right by Mr. Samuel 8. Daw ei is 1 drr foccTs st re ; li e other on the left by Mr. James Walters, Merchant Tailor. ' ' - .- It is a singular coincidence that this fire took place on the night of the Inauguration of Mr. Polk, and at a spot in continuation or the ground which eight years before was swept by a fire on the morning of the Inauguration of Mr. Van Bu ren 1 The sacrifice of property was much the greatest on the first occasion, ouch expensive illuminations in honor of Democratic Presidents does not become so good a Whig aa Mr. Newton. Herald. Washlxotox, March 8, 1843. The Senate aat with closed doors on Thursday, without, we believe, acting upon any appoint ments ; and then adjourned, over to Monday, ap parently to give time to ilj President to prepare nominations for, the many and important offices left vacant by the late termination of the session of Congress without acting upon them, or which it may be the intention of the President cow to racate. It is sunoosed that the senate will re main in session yet some days.--Xa tinnal Inleli. -. - V At the conclusion of the debate, in the Senatet on the Harbor Appropria' ion Bill, Mr. McDuffie rose and said that M he was so constituted by na ture aa never to be afraid of placing himself in a minority ; and he would here say, before ihe Sen ate and the country, l tut by the vote just given, carried by Democratic voles, be considered the Jackson party as baring BROKEN its COM- MON SEAL, and it might now disperse" t ! ! This bill, passed after an arduous struggle of two or three days in the House of Representatives, and afterwards taken up and passed by the Sen ate, fell through, as our readers are aware, by the. President refusing either to sign it or return ; with his objections. Alexandria GaieUe M TL MANGUM'S VALEDICTOliV. Sir. Bentox rose and said he seized a moment when the President of the Senate was out of the Chamber to offer residu; ion, which he was rery sure would meet the benny response of every gentleman on that floor : and benhcreupon offer ed the followipe; rcsolu!Mi! : 3 1 Retohei, That the thanks of the Senate be pre sented to the Hon, Wiiajc P. Muwux for the abili ty and impartiality with which he has discharged the duties of President pro tempore, of the Senate.! ' The resolution was unanimously adopted: and. after the intervention of some oiher busiiiets Mr. Mangum lnving returned to the Chair of the Senate, he addressed its members as follows: GentLkmEji of the Senate: Being about to terminate the omVul relations that have existed between us for nearly three years par, nd, per haps to separate from some idyou forever, I ca li mit permit this moment to pass wunuui giving utterance to the fociings which have deepjy im Dressed me with the uuifonn kindness, liberali ty, and courtesy tint have characterized the mem bers of this body, as rerorded in reiterated terms of unanimity : and 1 must be permitted to say that the recent unanimous tprf scions of good will and oariiali'.r have overwhelmed me withTsenti- j ,nnnU befimd the formal consideration of a friend Ln asSociate. They deserve from me return OI sueciion aiiu grainuuc. -; ; - : i;, rV If the high and responsible duties of the honor able station which your partiality has assigned to me have been perlormed with a due regard to the public honor and Interest, and Id the satisfac tion of iny .brother Senators, it has been owing to the ready and effective support uniformly extend ed to the presiding OSker by thenu and to that individual courtesy or which this elevated- body has erer been distinguished. ; . , s Having terminated the busine'ss, I cannot close the session without giving expression to my most earnest and cordial wishes for . the - continued health, prosperity, and happiness of every individ ual member, and tbat eaeh may meet the embra ces of his family hi the enjoyment of the same blessings. ' . 1 . now peffofm the last ofSria) set (St (hff ses sFon, by adjoufiimg ihe Senate tint die. ' ; 1 : 'The followinsr Imar be cafled a ref. d'eSuite answer wiiJyouapoos;iseorl5jht!gartI tUI - uve aiiernatrres contained ia the late act or Congress, tog's limvt curl one Jtttie rfiite, because it jras not Rooking to the admission or' Texas' into the Unwn ' rut off J&hjge dough WcurLlsyeft- the little tog add that he had chosen that alternative which it is parks he says, hoW wow-wow ? but! rett ? te pijr chair. ; is u7Zzzzr i. a wmt:n rn-.4 f ivf, rt. .rTL" . JL '' i :... . 1 "ae leiuynea. ran M JJH.JUL'.'LOMI lino lima frf mMai HJt i. 1 - -I I iTa little rita tor mit ta uTacknnta nn him ;. nnt fi aji la plxt"eT nia,w,'thiiijrtiriia ail jirer . w 1 -r . him . ;1 littJa.tcg a' tail curl vpncr twice, tree times, like te smoke from mine pipe; but teptter pull log lets his park off he goes boo.woa.woe- tot because m pnea te put he catches ta pun by te so fast a"S I ran ralk. te Intle toir jumps 'uppebind, to catch hold of tlie middle end of his, taw; and den he swtngs dis ray and den ho wxuSi dat tayi IiW-like-siiSert)t ybii J tit 4tt fbtmakte clock g? THE PROVINCE OF WOMAN. ;-. ir'"BT IIANAa-OOavJ' - Al some Tair rioieC loveliest of thelrlade,1 ,rf 1 1 hecs fte mild jrasTahce'da'the louelyshafde, ! : " .Withdraws its modest. head from public sight,' .Nor courts the sun, nor seeks the glare of light ; ' - Should some rude hand profanely fare intrude, ; 00 bear M beafftiis from its native wood, yS j ' Exposed abroad' Its languid coVf fly Jf " ; .Its Aftiu decays and. all its oiori dle " ."; t 0 woman born to gify retreat, '. Unknown to flourish, and unseen be great, : - To gire domestic life its sweetest chartnj i r. --With softness polish," and with'rirfuo warn f ' ' Fearful of fame, unwilling to be know rf, 5 ; " - Should seek but heaven's applauses and'h'er oWn" 5 r Should dread no blame but that which crimes impart The censures of a self-condemning heart. - O" Sasd Sabsaparillx. Durino; the warm season the fluids of the body are attenuated, the circulation rendered languid and the seeds of clu- ease firmly , rooted, and unless proper remedies . 1 t '-.'' t i ...Tit 1 are ninety auiuiuisiereu, me inyauu wui sihk ub: nealli the autumnal attack of lever, or some oth er equally fatal form of disease., The blood be inir the irrand source and fountain of life,, is im mediately concerned in transniiltinrj lo erery pari f ihe system health and renewed vigor, if pure. I and debility and disease, if impurel Purify and ck-anse this life-giving principle, an J tnati enjoys mental and physical health. For disease of the Diooa ana oner tmpuruies 01 me eyriem, enlarge ment of the bones, scrofula, king's evil, eruptions. of the skin, rheumatism, gout aud lumbago, d a- easea of the liver and other derangements of the system, Sand's Sarsaparilla has been found, in many instances, to be a safe and effectual cure I It purities and cleanses the fountain springs ol f lifo snd the patient is speedily brought under its j salutary operations. For farther particulars and conclusive evidence of its superior value and efficacy, see pamphlets, which may be obtained of agents gratis. Prepared and sold, wholesale Snd retail by A. u. SANDS & CO., Druggists and Chemists,273 Broad way. New' York ; Price $1. per bottle: sil bottles For sale by Williams Hsywood, RakiSl.. N. C. '-- V;- sneswowwsewssw tw - In Fsyetterille, Mr. David McDuffco to Slisa Xnn Elixa Ivey. : . . . ' . ... : In Wilminerton. llr. James 11. JJtckson to Mus Margaret Owen, daughter of Gen. James Owen. In Duplin county, Mr. Henry Broadhurst to Miss Sarah A., eldest daughter of John Carr, Eaq. "' In Gieensboro', brKerAVm. raisley, Air. 1 nomas Beard to 'Mist ElteabeTBGuuett: : " In Stokes County, John P. Smith, Esrt. jf Stokes- burg, to Miss M. G. Dalton, daughter of Dau l. Dal i ton, Esq. ; ' "J; ' -' v :-, '' On the 28th ult Mr. Jesse A. Isffolc to Miss Elis abeth Rich, daughter of I homes Kich, of uuillord. In Fayetteville, Mary Louisa, eldest daughter of . ..... -1 - a Mr. P. P. Johnson. v j In'Nsw Hanover,' of Pneumonia, Mrs. Anne Julia Devane, consort of Captain John Devane, at the ad 1 ranced aire of 82 years. Also, of Pneumonia, Miss Julia Eliza Devane, eldest daughter Of Mr. John C Devane, at the age of 19 years. ;-v - At Palermo, Uowan Coanty, on the VXH ult Alar tha Felicia Hemane, daughter of Dr. R. T. and Mar tha J. Dismukes, aged about' three years. Abo, at same place, on the 29th ult.,Dr.K.T; . Disniukes, 1 fta tm. mmmmmmM OkMk M J mA Sill II Ol (Ma HJ VAOH flUftV SB wUTCJQ tUXI4 nuuvvm ssaaesnf aajgva w j a-i In Wilmineton, within three Jwurs of each other, of Typhus fever, Miss M Sophia Gibbs aged 22, and Miss Susan J. tiiube, aged lo, daughters ot Air. 14o- bert Cibbe. They were buried inr tbe same grave. In Guilford, Mrs. Judith Smith, , wife of John A. Smith. Esq. acred 55 rears, near twenty years of : which Jime, she was a consistent member of the M . Church. , At her residenee ia Randolph County, Giseal liar per. aired 90 rears. She was a member of tho 51. E. Church, aud a woman of exemplary piety. In Kockiugbam County,, Mary Uaily, daughter of Kobert xk Watt, lSeq. v V 0. ZiIClXY Oranjfes on Commisaion. Ten boxes onered low by the box, or hundred. WILL. PKCK. Raleigh. Mirvh 11, 1845, 20 City Tax List. : ICE is hereby given, that I shall attend at a(Sl Vl.lt am Katrinl.v fH fllt ruh J v J . . . V . 7 . . .. insunr, lrom 10 o cioca a. m. 10 o o ciocn, r. m. to tska the City Tax List for the current year, as re quired try law." ' - ' t--" v:: -;' Psrsons failing to render to me, on thst day, a list of their Texsble Property, will subject thf-mselves to a fine of Two hilars r v WEtiTOX R. GALES hit. Pofice. Raleigh, March 10, 1845. v't 20 fjrj iar; IndejK-ndent and Standard till day. " SPRING DRY GOODS. By the arrival of the Packet Ships Oxford, Virginia, aad Uomnguer, at Pi few x ork, from -X4verpool, ' we are in receipt of a portion of 6uf SPRING IMPORTATION. '' : snd wilt in a few days have in store the remainder of our Foreign Goods. We hav eiso received an extens'rfe Supply of Americaii CSocMla, purchased of. the Asenu and Manufacturers, ia the various markets of our counirv,ander the most favorable circumstances. - Having daring : the past Winter disioed of ocrj stock then on haude ball be able to Oner lo uur customers an-assortmciil of , . .. - Entirely fresh Spring Goods, surpaMing in style, variety, and extent any before ex- btbitrd. t . ; ' t-: .' Possessing every facility for purchasing opon the best terms, either in our own, or the tsriouavPoreign Markets, and desiring to build up tbe Irade ef Kkb mood by making it the fhtereslof Country Merchants 10 purchase their supplies here, we shall oner them treat inducements. , Ws have on hand, ami win always uo supplied, with a complete assortment of Virginia Cotton Goodi, of nearly every style manufactured, which we-ptedge ourselves to sell below tbe pi ices ol taiurd for the nnt goods, in sny of the Northern market j i :f J Having a Partner resromg in rvew xork. wS shall bo ennsUntly snpplied'.with every . variety of new gvods appesring in thai market, rendering our aort meut at all times complete; anexamiivtiien of which is' respectfully, solicttt d ly . purrhase'rs visiting our City ,..t.r 1 . .-i .JtNT, WESDKU & 'AT WaTBJi . ISO. 77 Main aireet. ,, Kivhaw. Va.', Maich I istj. SO fit wis I . uiini spieucua ne ' 1 - tortmeut of- Gold xsacj Cllyer Vatch- -,JS n4town is to be found at the Subscriber's I be r . m A , coxrfianiiy receiving by T VT.'1 J each Sieamerfrom EaaJ' -," .' K-uif-m, .t "ftfh'd. effected tspressfy ,fuV( ' him by one bFihe best Judgfc tn Uverpool. ('; -Hi A few dozen of Sterling Rngtjsh Bilser rfpoone. klh ' sizes. A Wa few Pair of those rAdffi esteemed tfpee tacle GUses. (Peri-focal). More eipected nStt Kfesmer, togher with 4 full - assortmt at of OolJ Chains, Pencil Cases. OofJ rens,.Brfit Find and' Finger Rings, it) of which will be suhl rery chtp Id correspond w lib the ttmca. " ' v ; -1- ! TnOi. W; BELL, I. 1- :. . i M,..milM 1M tn Pelffsbarg, TsVMirch Hi . ; 20--4 1 1 $400, DOLLARS REWARD. .1 Cf rris:ExcEit:Ets(ir,.ViLL!AM A. GRAHAM t1 .i Governor of Jfot th Ctvottruu "tTTTTIIEREAS.: ANN HOrj.OWAY ;c of. Vw Joa'a, 1 roxLOWAT,, late of PerVpn coiu.ly, i 111 this state stands eh anted Lv an InouiMiiion talon iefdtt 1 Hsywood, Wijlisms, Coroner for said Courviy wth tlie murder on the 6th of Vbruary last, in a most ! cruel manner, of a Kero U oma Jate, named Sat' aAtf, the property of the said John A. Hollows; sad v . lbs said Johu Aj Hofloway is charged Jn like manner with being jN-esent, feloniously abetting and t ncousi. ginc the murder a'ow said: Aim whe suit has Uen, certified to, that the said Ann ilolluwsy and John' A. escaped bejond the limits of the State I, . - Now. tn ihe end that the said Ann Ifollowsv tnd John A. Hollowly, may 1 arrested snd brought U Vrial for the ssiJ offence, I do hereby istue this my Proclamation, offering i reward of two buhdreddolfali each, fur the pprehenibriJ aR'd delivery of either of said ofTendcrs to the Sheriff of Person County, or dvf ' their cmmitmeut toi any Jail m'rhi United Sutes.V-I provided lheseme.be more than one hundred raits' distant from Koboroush, in 'Peson l.'oonty aforwaIrl.'' And I do moreover, enjoin and require ell Ofliceis i.f j this b"i4le, Cii and Military, to" use their best ever, lions to apprehend, and to saue to bo srprebended' tKi fugitives aforessilf. ' : ' 1 ' . ' j J4, . -1 . ; ..... tnjtn$er sty hand.an'dutitsted icitV Great Seal ef the Stete, t tki . k DEscnrpTio.v o? peilsoxs r Jttav A. Hoi!tuwsTr u about UA vears of sce."f fert 10 inches high, slightly corpnleat, weight about 70 or 180 pounds, florid complexion, yellow, curly hfir, a little ibiii on the top of the head hands snd wrists large, and covered with Yellow heft i eves bliis or grey, a'hd laagbs' freueutly fn ordinary ca&xeTtf Asa Hoilowa Is' under the' common size of wim ' men, s good figure; ejes blus or grey, snd' manners' correionuing 10 s violent temper. ' - v . WT Star and Standard font insertions. .. A BARGAIN IN A RALEIGH FARMl t MAY be bad by apJj ing to tbs Subscriber en the premises, or ta Isaiah Respass Esq;,- in vt feOu.gton, m this Mate, in that handsome, healthy and -well impirored Farm iih 870 acres of Isruf in a body, railed WSrrtfrefis f adfoinina tbe Citr I lands, and ohfy a few mhtotcs rid or walk distant from the Capitol, Public Offices, Coort House, Baaka j Stores, Churches sad bchoo!sof the City- pf flareich ubtiiij; nn, v.i open 10 view. . a uau wbicu, mere 10 not a more desualils family, residence, nor' one capable' V of greater profit, neat the seat of Government 4 The" ' ' Landscape u leauuful, the air baunr and baalthfuli with delicious spring water issuing from the Rocks in the lawn nesrjthe Dwellirig house.. '.This Is a well. beiUv well finished snd showy house cootsiuiitg'seven ' good rooms, each with a fire 4aca, beside cellar," por . tioos, piazas, iloseis and China pressesx snd in the midst of spacious, well sbaded and oruamehled y ards The out houses are numerous snd excellent cf iheit kindf4 The. Lbd in its present neglected couuitibn ' is capable of Braking . 260 barrels 6f tori it jti't, beV sido oiher crops. -. . v. '.;.. -;. .' i' A li'.tle paiuS 10 a Alurktl Garden and Dairy would enable iu owner to ell in the City every , day in (he jfear, f2 worth, or upwards,' of aiilk, . Cream, fruits end ; vccrtallcs. Tbe farm hands, af leisure times could riiske ou -the farm $1600 worth of bricks, for MskeU - At a vry snrafl expense, a Grid MM, fitted for grinding Meal and Cobs, Cora and Shucks,' can fe erected on the Mill branch, id tha farm where has been a Mill end the dam and stones ' are .ti!l there, slid beina fed by Sprints If could grind 8 hours out of every 24. snd psy all of (3 ia toll; - ck Cutter say that s suffvee Quttrry At io finest i building granite coa be .opened . in the front field which would per a rei.t of Several hundred dollsfs a j year. A rock wfl encroes a part of lis front of the farm and may be chesply! eifmded at pfeasors. ' . t Hercia wuwu cuouijii on mo ianu lor lue use OI lus farm,: Snd some say.' 10OO worth to spnre - 1 ' ' ' Mr. Charh-s Parri.h jid for this Und. in' wood, ' thirty ttirs'sge. more f bn $6 000, as l& Deeds id ' my possesii'irei, sho'vr, snd he certain fj ef pefideo mors than $4,0001 in its improvement. His Oversecf says I ' he rsited o the Fsim 330 barrets of corn' sod 40 bsles of Cotton, beside crops ol wheat oats', peas snd potatoes, all: of which. and clover; crow well on the land ; and it being mostly red land, ft' is f uiorpuble of high snd permanent improvement By proper cut lure. Any man who will work ft right, csn support 1 ths fsmily snd stock on the frm snd net! SWvO a year from ilS J iehl, 1 and ihe ' property is obliged to j:i i .,--.- ..." T m hciou iwisiuv 4u aiue. nm a mere investment. it would be highly profitable property, or to a sefitls.. men in the sickly country, who hsd, or had not, children to tdttcete, and ' derfirtiig vrftfit i I well as - T health, it woe Id be tit ft raTualile rfcquisjiiono foil tbe VeafMa Buna ScAdols, no place could surpass It, snd ccruihlv none can be had. that would arxiw6r so rU,:at twlre ita eeat' ' v--r -'-"! - V" This entire property, with firm tills Snd itrimedisil possession Jean be bsd at f 8 0CO ; one third Cash irJ band, anil 4ne and two yesrs credit en the balance, witb-Jnterest -ot all w.'nld be ukrn in fVortb Csrw lins Bsnk 8tock or in- Itsil RomI Hoods endorsed' bv the Stale, or fn spproved IScfiis,' of Hon bo ypfllOOU-jfivr-?, 4U v..-r;...vi.-.,-iv!i-'1 J Or as the land csn be sdvsntsgeoosly divided into- " three parti, I ii! so divide sod sell esch ' part seps ' rstery, jir Sou sppiad rr. tm jroni tuna to the . --(-Mill brsbcll.eitd up ibebrencK to contain 100 sirree, . with the Man won bouse and its out houses Including ' J tlie mill orivileee end efsnile frrrnstiorL On alwrnt of which 1 1 25 bsrirU of corn beside other crops, L fere made thrve vrsrf S20. . I am Of Ice or fats nart separately J is fiS er srre, psysble half in Cash aud half in one year, at in (crest, if weft seen red.' AHho- Mr, Parrisfi paid for much of it 844 r srre, wbea ia bushes, snd redds tKMoituug it hsv re entlv sold front 933 to $53 per aeie, with liuU or no improvrmrnts' on them. iTbe bind east of the mUlhranek:AttAiiiLtt aboOt 22b jacres .pait of it is fiuely wooded, and, bed - ne uverseers bouses, twe Granaries and Threshing MsehinsJ The tenant now there, expects to raise 00arrels of corn beside olhe croes. on' fcs lAsw bslf tbe open land this year. To Cily U open to us view, dt s fine spring vefy eontehiAnt It ftiy le Aais a beautiful family resiflrceVXbe fwcref ibis part, sepsrtetyfie ?o per acre j altho's fjoiulni Tri 2 hsve ' aie'y foKJ for la per acre. Too third division OuM bo about 60 acres on the Ksre Tract lload. sdjoinirig Mr. Rtnke's and M."Boy Tan's lot; there U a osndsme scits for huildisg an if, covered wi& attove of forest tires, the land m sieefTrnt sad would make a fine farm end when MrV Boy fan's lot is . cleared, it would have th ciry in view.; Ths frits fur this pert separately, is f 13 per sere, half in cash and half jn one year. ; Adjoining lands have often sold from f 30 to 50 per ette, eniarp rvved, fnd will f U JOSEPH B,lIINTO Ageht -sleigh, N. C. Mart let, 1645,' 0 sswhrfw City of Raleigh, Hit 6th March, 1815. J v;-, WILL f AVOS.VII.VM By Hi Excellency's CimrnsnJ, ' .. v . -. . . 11. H. GaiaxM. PtitaU Hecttluf, 1 -i - i -" ' ; .... ..... .. . ; .j. .j. r "3' t f AH the Cotton was insured. . . .-with t Difhty aoaoa--X C Iftd. .... iK- ' ' ' ' - - - ; - I" - 0 - ' , , . ' 'V : '. .' I l

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