: . ... ? -. - ,Mibbwwss"'"' ' mi i 1 1 f ' ' m lJJ " '" - - h.'S;er:ap,;.:- V w ' TTTERSON3 desirous of . oreedHij from Bullion rt tbe pare and mo auihent pediaree, of ftoVactioa anil symmetry, of f muscular power, and of fW Mmpw awl ond constitution, hav now .k. Mctxmit of doini m i nd on ,tba mort The bov named Horn, the property of Charles Manly Eq rich orrl, with flaxen Mane and Uil. and ia appearance very like hUgraodaire Sir Charles, .Mra fiU. will stand the ensoinr Season nmendna 1st March, and ending let July', 1845 - at tha Plantation of Charles Manly, Eaq. three mile . east of Raleigh, and will be Ut to mares at 1 en ii. jars tbt Season and Fifteen to ensure. Fifty Cent lip Cnaa far eixeA Mart. ' -. ' H ! " t ' will be -furnished Mart, if desired.on the osaal Trm. Every precaution witl be tikirfW preot accidents, but no liability i a- ThaPedire6fStraDi here rienfr tbe infer- xution of Breeder ; and for their gratification re itreoee U mad to the Turf RegwUr and 8portina a tr. i 1 ,ni Ttvwt fat the Memoirs, 'rwrraiw, and racing History of hi Ancestor, where IrwiW b IVIiOl u ', . Hi oedteree mar Urtlied on as authentic, end v.i. L.-, -jTui- the Public with eret conn .ft iha riuraicke' BrcoMtrr for .k- f stock, intended rttbet for the Torf, the Saddle. lh Htrne. 'Jh l; ' , SAMUEL LEA. . Baleiih, Febrnary 19. 1845." r 1 ln ' - "aaaMaaaa ' : ' '' T' i ' PEDIGREE.,'' ' ';; . STRAP wa got by the imported HoiW flexible. rich brown, bred by the Earl of Egremom ; goi oy Whalebon oat of Themi by Sorcerer wa impor tJ nK VirinU bv Dr. MerriU & Co. and atoed at Wilton, in 1838. . For extended pedigree, - deerip- tioa and pertormtnce of thi Uor-oQ the LngUan - TbtC printed BUI of the day. .. HTrr A p'h 1b m Lama x a torrel mare wiin aSfbt blaxe and on bind foot white ; bred by Dr. r Pat kinaon of Va . and wa cot by W. U. Ji'hnann'a dltinuiahed Sillion tnd race Horae Kir f ;htrle, that wa by Sir Archy.dam by imported Citixen. 1 Vol. Torf Regwter 473. - ' STRAP'S Grandam waa Luereiia i well kwmed aorrel mare, bfed by CepL Doj. Ward, of Va.; foaled in 1807, and wa got by Imp. Hore Boxxard, acbe tnt that wa imported into Va. by Col. John Hoome, in i ttai. and waa b ; Wood Decker.- dam Misfortune? by Dux dec dec For Lucretia, aee Bponaman' Herald, 310.-For Boxxard, S. H.tt: 1-T. Iter. ll: S T. Re U, 3U: 3 T. Re. 13; 4 T. Kec.43. ' i Hi Great Grandam waa Camilla by Imp. Diumed, cbesnat Horre by Florizel, dam liy Spectator; iav - ported by Col John Hoomca, 1798, and died in 1808. 3 Torf Reg. 531. .Gf dam wa Indian Sqoaw, by HobLa Aagaa ta. a aorrel Horae owned by Kai'l. Hobb ol. Va, that wa rot by Old Clodiiis, dam by Spouwood Apollo 3. H. US. 268. ... - , G fe g dam wa Indian Qaeen by Uead Old Filgrim i.H.l64v IWian Qoeen waa the dam also of Belrill aniLthe Grind dam of the JLce Horae 8ir WilCam 3 T; R.175. ' ' ' Gf f ft dam waa by Imported Jans. Jano - waa imported aboot tbe year 1752, and died m 1780, 21 S4 years, if wa a cbesnat Hers, 4 feet, 9 inche high, wiih a blase in hi face, and both hind let waiee.: Tho Stuck of Old Jano for power, wiflnee and durability have been eqoalled by no other breed of bone. EA.a remote cna of him in the most superior race Horses of the present day is gene rally esteemed indispensably necessary.' S. H. 39,214,158310: I T. Kejf. 176,463. Gregg g dam was by Imported Jolly Roger This Lj the first horee that, gave distinction to tbe racing Stock of Va, . Hi performances and pauigreo ar record! in the name of Roger of tbe V aU."--He waa a cbesnat and commenced eosering in Va. in - 171S when be took the name of Jolly Rzer. He waa get by Ronndhead, that was by Flying Childera, ' and his dam by Partner, 8. H. 40, 3103 T. Rrg 19. 307,313, 574. t - ! - Gtr rrtt dam was by Imp. Valiant, a Dan llerse, rot by Dorraoase, dam by Obi Crab. Valiant : wa the 8ire of the celebrated rnoninc horse Brim mer.-3. H. 63,3103 T. Reg. 314. - . v Gircfif c dam was an Imported Ms re. la STRAP is thus united oa the part of hia Sir. the-Uood of Godolphin Arabian, Herod, Matcbem and Eclinee : and on the side ef tits dam,, the blood of Godolphin and Darley Arabians, Flying ChUJers, Jolly Roger, Jano, Diwmed, Citixen, Sir. Archy e. 4c C4 naave that have distinguished the blod Horse ia England and America, for tbe la-4 century. , Important to Southern and TITISTEI - fTnHE Subscribers, Wholesale Grueeri and Com 11 mUtion ilertkanU of the Chy of N E W YORK, bamg on hand a large and well assorted Slock of Good, are ready to funish any article that may be wanted in the Grocery line, or attend to aoy business entrusted to tbeircaie. They will receive all kind of produce, cell it promptly at the best market prices, and when the availa thereof are to be invested its Goods, NO COMMISSION w!l be charted for sell 'ing. uTh Goods sent shall be pat at the very lowest pfjee the market will allow, and a a guarantee for this, any article bought of them which doe not give entire satisfaction, either in PRICE or QUALITY, may be returned, and the money will be cheerfully refunded. The rule that ahall govera tiirm ia all their transaction, shall be tbe old motto, of M doing to ' ethers in all things ta we would have tbem do to us." They will furnish Good for Cash, satisfactory Notes or Drafts, and all kind of Prodoce. This givn to I. distant Merchant an opportunity of getting their geod from the fountain head, without being charged . with unreasonable prices. All aritrt shall be attended to with promptness. - They will ose theii best exer tiona to advance the interests of their customers, and by prompt attention and tbe strictest fidelity, hope to rrcsive the patronage of all those who like to see just and honorable dealing amonw mankind. . v , , . dow & walsh; . , . i 53 Front sL, Kew York. . N. B. BhoaU aoy . person, before ordering hi goods, wish to know the state of the market, it 'will, be given I him a soon as requested. . . . Feb. 31, 1845. 16' SPRIXG IJIPORTATIOX 1S45. ''. - ' Steft ilPamMO?ElnTHSWlBf CEUi k CllSSs ' -trCXMOXZ JTKtXT, FETEgSBPgC, YA. 7 bll AYE received by recent arrival. Jireet JUL from tha Potteriea, a portion of their Spring supply of Earthenware and Ch'uia, and are expecting Jaity, addoiobs which wUl lender their assortment complete. " ..'-...! . - , -, - : . t. Glamrare, . -i-' of every variety on hand, and arecotuuntlr receiv ,io addiiioos from ile Mannfactoriea. . -v . - -, . Stoneware, . - " 'of superior quailky, beside many other anicWa wor thy ol attention. . , T . aVV00 wpectfolly solicit Oar friends fioai ( Nortlt Carelini to examine our Stock before parch. Ing. is w" iaieod oaring strong tniliicrmenis. for . Cash or Ciry pir. f JOSEPH StEBBINS, BENJ.K.PULLEN, ' . ; , " ' formerly of Raleigh. N. C. ' ' I'ersLwrg;. Feb 25.1845. 18 1m. . DR. CHARLES F' "JOHNSON " Batoctfully ofiers hia Professional oer. vice to the Citixen of Raleish and of ta sarrnsjadins; eounlry. - Hi 8hopisoa Hii!aboro t in et, Uulj occ0piea by Dr. Htilf . . 4 sn o .-.-. v ; .... v j , Save your Corn Cobs andr ' it c 'V" 'S Lilt-.-'; W" hli Aim . tt wr niKUni.. h. Ki.nAivLitera Paten 7J "'fcM- " . II Ia Mikl mfMiuni if ill atones Cot rocks V' now in ose, to grind- COZHf COO and SnilCH, into meal, for Hefev Male. Catue ogs. br saving mere than om IbiW o a cr.r, wuiuu Imnartant tlam Wilh bUnter. 1 H .IDU7 OW r. ih..h. nnrnnae is simole snd dursbte,aud can not, with fair means; eel pulot rdr. , It wilt last as long as the Stone laatrf with an expenseot.tOcenl everr fi yer. To enUe the common Mill flone to grind ear eorn finto, meal, requires no new boiM- t. tranoer. .It can aUo be applied to nf Mill. Treshmg Machines, Gins t eny gt V9t known: The same Mill ill grind one third more ol Cora meal by the Introdoction of thi Mabjnery, ana can be chanced Irom gnnduig :Corn anu w ""b"1 V " r.v. t: UmI in tha snace Ol .oj"J wu. w .. . .rik.a M Corn alone, when led to stock, i. d to be by jhe most practical and acien.ific nanleri, cooitpnunf in Its effect, producing founder, choltc aod variona other maladies which ar incident to atoek. ? Grinding cob with the Corn, make a. food c -ngenist nth h.!r n.tara. and csnoot oredoce -any of the eriOS MMiilia abova mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, are deprived of the benefit of -distension (ao necessary to the proper health of animal) by i heir beinff nnabte :o eat a rufficienl bulk to produce iliairiKtion bf.M tha" animal liecomes E'rred. Coba PTonnd with the corn, tiroduce thi neesry disten. sion, without any danger of disease' arising from overeating.. Corn .and cob meal j .mproveu scalding, and till more by boiling. nd yrt more by . a partial fermenUiion. All the preparationa facilnate ditfealion for Hor. But Horses and Mules will not at fermented food, conseouenttv they will requira it Awm nri.i1 i arii!) en 111 water. Horses.. Mules and Oxen, when fed with onsround food, void much in an undigested etate. which is of course lost for w" J Jr , w , j.,i tr Te undersigned canle addresida( Raleigh, lu . & m m - - j- r despatch by himself or Agent. '!', rmrt nil mnllm tmll lif HI IHIJIM. In TjHIlCl Utttl T I 1 14 . .' Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1845. " 16-Iy v " CERI'IFICATE. I ; ' ' Havinr been solictied by Maj Collin to have my Mill adinstad in rnnd Corn in tne xar ana anucE, 1 . m m . as. a v consented inst ne snouiu oo so as id njienmcui uu I am able to say that it rrinda Corn in the Shock at r... . . ii : . i ih r.ta of 30 boahela oer hour : and the dressinr of the stones is so improved, that it grinds be!l'd Corn more than twice aa fast as before, snJ by my ws'ch. at the rate of 15 bnshrls per hour, and the meal finer than usual. I deem it a valuable improvement, and ahali purchase the richt to use it, aa it will afford me a speedy way of feeding my horses ami cattle, and save much thereby. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Wilt CotnrTt. In the Court of Equity, Autumn Term, 1844, ? . William Peace, Plaintiff, 1 j .. - ; Against " J :--; John M. Peace and ethers,: Defendants. ) fTnHE BILL, and amended Dill, in tbe above en- U titled cause, seta forth, ia substance, that the late Jeseph Peace, of Wake Couuty, died iatestale, and without issue, leaving certain persona named in tne said Bill, as Defendants, bis betrs at Law, and wiib the Plaintiff, entitled in certain tights and proportions to bis Real Estate that be died possessed of certsin ands specified in the bill a a tenant in com mon with tha Plaintiff, and of certain other land in BeveraHy ; and the bill prays, for reasons set forth. therein, that tie said land may be sold, and the pro ceeds passed to the parties according to their resprp. utv inwmu is iu mw wuu. . . And, it appear in a to the aaUsfaction of the Court, that certain of the Defendant in the said bill named, j ar not inhabitant of this State, and ran not be served with process, that is to say, Exektel Fuller and Naucy hia wife, John G.Barr. and Msrgaret Uarr, Robert D. Potter, William King, Campbell and Elix j abeth (late Elixabeth Juog.). hia wife, Zacharuh Harmon and Harriet bis wife, .Pleasant M. Mask, and Samuel Mixon and Catharine , hia wife, Thomas L Moore and Juliet, hi wife, 'Christopher C. Hall, William P. Aga, Duma and Martha (late Martha Aga hie wife. Hardy Clements, and Maria A. his wife, Robert L. Peggees and Harriet K. bis wife, James O.-Bogga and , Elizabeth N. hu. wife, W but C. Lyon and Lacy D. hia wife, and Charles C. Piggees. Il is, therefore, on motion, ordered that an advertisement be made in the Raleigh Register, a newspaper published at the City of Raleigh, for six weeks, notifying the said- Defendant of the scope of 1 tbe said Mils, and warning them, and each and every of them to be and appear in this Court, at the Court I louse, in Raleigh, on the first Monday after the lourtb Monday of Marcn next ; tnen and tnere to answer, plead or demur, otherwise the said bills will be taken for confessed by them, and beard eat parte. Witness. Pxa bib-Bcsa KB,1 Clerk and Master of the said Court of Equity, the first Monday " after the fourth Monday of September, A. D 1S44. 1 PERRIN BUSBEE. C. M. E tti ii t a 1 r i I Yaiuauie TroDerivi ior oaie. " I .... was ,wmm aj nmr in n a v -mx -mn wm . I I!f THE CITY OF HAEEIGH. mi rILL be sold positively without" reserve." on IT Tuesday, the 1st of A pril next, leinrf tbe 2nd day of the Superior Court, (if not previously dUpored of at private sale.) that large 3 Mory Jfcw Ilrick Uulldlng, nearly 60 feet square, and 60 feel high, on the corner of Fay etteville and Hargttl Mreets. in tbe centre of the City, and forming two of the best tenement in Raleigh for any kind of business. :-. It ha a Passage of 8 feet throtigh the centre, from one end to theothcr.upon each floor, so that every Room in the House may be approached without having to pas through one into another. Deside the passage on the ground floor two elegant Store Room have been constructed in the very best stv Is and at great ex pense; underneath are' two floe dry Cellars. .., The 2d and 3d Stories are divided by passage into 2 ele gant Tenements designed for Family residences ne having 4, and tbe other 6 airy and commodbu- Booms ; and in the rear of this building, tker is a new Kitchen and other Oat Houses. - ; , Thi valuable Building i covered with Tin, and is one of , tbe best, most 'convenient and elegant es tablishment In .the estate, and being in the beait of the City, with a alight alteration, might be converted Into a splendid Hotel It cot in its ereciioo, togelh er with tbe ground, the sum of $14,700. ALSO, one other new two 8 lory Brick Hltil ding, on Wilmington Street, likewise in or about the centre of the City. On the first floor, there are two excellent Store Room, and above are 4 comfort able Rooms, divided by a Passage. This House is so constructed, as to afford accommodation to two busi. nee men and their families ; and cost together with tbe (round, opwarda of $2,500. . .-. ' Tbe whole,- or any part of tb above derribed Property, may be had at private sale on application to either' of the undersigned j. and to aecommitdata pur chasers, will be divided and sold in separate Tene ments iftbey should jneferiL i . ""7 V'l TERMS : Approved negotiable paper at the Bank of the State of North Carolina at lUlcigh. -,' - . : . . . . wk. hill, - , jno. buffaloe; jno. hotchins, , v DAVID CARTER. B. .T. BLAKE, -W, L. OTET. : r Raleigh, Feb. 4. 1845. " ' 10 U To all whom tills may concern. -Tf UT received, some of the most-celebrated Brand tJ or Chewing Tobacco; also, Mrs. Millers Fin cut f Thawing and smoking Tobacco; we deal in noth ing but Cigar and Tobacco - and consequently we can afford to sell from 20 to 50 per cent lower than any other house in tb City, and none excepted. Call at the Cheap Cigar Stoie. if yoa want a good rticle. KKAUSB A. MILLER. 'i ; Fayette ville street, opposite City Hall, j ; ..North- Carolina Jnstltutlo ; ar or j.st7 fTTinl IriMitatVonwilf be opened forthe rec; I Have DCCM.WWiaf.UCW, i , . . t, - . r . ' , k..;n'ohiI.lfn r fiiends. who a'tt t'tsJiM f 0nfS,Hna class.: wUl oe -a)f,ractial.Aftlo ie. class.- will 'W practicable' mean jft to a bereaatiear the timeof opening thf ft fI . present. Pupils will be received at wiyjise, I otf ihtm i pifo I . P... iK. nfcacnL - .) i - ,;h aiul tktrtv 1 The Pupils wiU lives -in Mm0 wil priacipal and his family j d wJ, 8nder.hMi rare and direictWBrr- The female Carpi! will be tinder liw especial rof lh ijfafih Priacipal and the MatrK,jin.d 4 bttt- mnct aitention will he itiven and ar taken, to ejre tUt eomCirt, .d bsiness. as- well a the .iatpr)-, Porii .rhe.ttnto jthe Sesslbn of tn TOwt& illbe Q - btmiired -nt rWlsrs. f Beare jVVasn Jg sr. a and Taiiiert,' Inclosing the uecesry Dooka ami; all . . - . iM.ii... - -t kStiK.1 aMi1ifti A i eipenses,eiceH u-iotmnjj mim payable, one half semi annuany in advance rneery tesi asfc" ci:urr i"vm a the number of Pupils may - require. Th prere time of opening the School will be ' meuttorjed iMa future Adveitisement.', . "1 , . r . ? -m.. All Comrriunicsti.'ns on the subject of tbe.instMa tiftn. astdressed to Wwtos R. Gstas, Esq "tf0. (postpaid) it after toe 1 st of A nril, to tne rnnwri. rill be atteixJea to prouiwy . ; , ,.f . .., -r:.. All am1ications for admission 'for Popil, whyise Parenu are not ab.le to support them either in fulor. n art shoulJ be made, to Hi Excellenoy, (At. GaABAX, President of the Literary Hoard. W j .... WILLI AAtllt.iUUiks. rrinqpa-.,! : Feb. 3. f845 .wr'. .Lvt Snlendid : Lotteries, . . : i , 4iv-- 'if J. $30,000 Capital, Aleiondrla-Iotter; jf To be drawn t ' Alexandria D; C Saturday Aiarra to, oiu. ..- fitnn 1 0.fifiO S.OOO S.COO 1 91V17 t Tickrts 510, Halve 5, (juartrra $2 BO. w Certificates of packagea of 25.wbolo ticket flSOf; .Do do. 25 half - do Do do 25 quarter do ' .12 :60 30,000 dolla i s, sa; , " Alexandria Xottery,'; "'liM ' " Clas No. 12, for i 84 5. To be drawn at Alexandria. JX C? on 8aturJs; v .. March 22; 1845,: Jl!$ . -' n9Pt':-acasxiB.'. '.'-; $30,000 lO.OOO S.OOO. $3,tf O Prizes of $1,5001 -.-m m a. jmt jnav vv rira aranv as A nrrix CT fc Ms. W arCV jJvV wa TIP lULiti&j MJf iijsr sJtos4o Va dee. did die. Ticket 10 Halve $5 Quarter f2 $Jfc-W Ccrtifica'C of package of 36 whole ticket 1 Do - . do - 28 hair do ' Do - ; do H - '26 quarter' do 135 30.000 lOlsliAUU:; ALEXANDRIA fcOTTJEKir, 11 ;;-"XTaa I5.-for 1845: ' To be drawn in Alexandria. D. Clt on Saturday V : :, ... ; March:29th. 1845. ; v f .'. '. ' .Fifttez Drawn BaUots,: . '. . ; truacDin raista. :i $30,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 3, V0 -f,5J0 '$2,000 1500. 9 Ticker's only 10 Halves 5 Quartera $2 a I Cenificale of Package of 25 Whole tirketa 1 120 do do . .25 Half do An f'':'' An. k ' 'fS'Onartrv do 30 Oidersfor ticket and shares and certificatii of rackaces in the stove fplendid Lottrriea will receive the most iMOmpt attention, and an-official sccotrt I of each drawii.c sent immrdiatelv after it ia over all ..1 i-- .: r. ... .1.1 .... vr,- - i J. G. UKfJUOKY & UU. Alanagers, r Waabingtnn City; D i. 1 , Turner & lTnches have fonia'e. OIKSTI0.1S UK Ihir KUMJ<m rrcommended by Bishop Ivxh, 'as VWt exed'ent in itself, and particularly aur alde 'O ib sea- son ofLenf Price 18f cent-. Alto, SeruiOji of ant Episcopal Church Price twelve and a half I'-.kxt. Also, Catechism,' by same author, to be taught" efyily. Raleigh, Feb 17, 1845. . ''r. f uU : .risii a-ti4ites at uover Bet5ti-r w x n . a a kew - ttmuii-t.ifag MA otore of ' " . ir:. WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD &C! Fb..23. .Female; School. MRS. FINCH will open a Female Boann; and Day School in the City of Raleigh, orjjhe Ut day of April next . A pleasant situation tis'i'cvn selected for this purpose, on Fsyetieville Street, a jput uiu-waj u,wwh un fin, i j uu, mutt ius uuri i a residence. " -The 'Scholastic year will be divided j.iiio laayA Masslsr f fHaiSB) tvt.u.lkc sav Is . .- j Pupil will be received at any age, fronvS tU0 year of . .. - : ,- TERMS. Board,-including every thing, . 960 per'Ses( tn. cupelling. Resding and Writing. .6 8 . 10 Grammar. Geography." ArUhntic and Hutory (with tbe above,) Natural Philosophy. Compost ion -and Batanv. Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric and - Chemistry, -c . 12 Moiic, -;j : . , 20 French. . . , "- . ,. '- -: . 10 Parent and Guardians responsible .from the un of entering, till the cloae of the Term. :7;'i No deduction made for absence of Pupil, excecrin esses of protracu-d illness: .. ; , .' ' iJH . Etamination of Pupils Semi-annually. ,1 ' Payments to be made at the close ut the Season.. Mi. F. having leen engsged tor several yearsiat' in tne instruction or iung toadies, natters jietpeir that she will be able to give setirfaction .to tuosejrho may patronize her School. . ' '- -'"v-H .7 U is her purpose to embrace in her course . ofcin- struetion all the branrhea of a thorough and aco. 'nr- pllsher Female Education, and a the position u wtri- Iral and healthy, and the terms accommodating nho hopes to'be encouraged in this attempt to ail v'fAce 0 li.oj s o . . ww. . : - s cmaie coucauon in our oiaie. 1 oe sincre lion will be pa;d to the moral habits of the Pupil n tneir nettgious privilege anu connection wi&fe. j gulated according to tbe wtshe of Parent and Uar- Mr. F. will give such attention to the8cbool aiis professional duueswill permit. ";ir Raleigh. March lsU 1845, 7V t 7, TO TIH3t FARKXESS OF.:.WaJK4 i . , and adjoLtiJris CounUes. j -.TTUST Received from tb factory near MiltontjN. q) . C. Ricbrnond'a newly improved seif-sharrjen-log Plough, which cannot be surpassed by atiylm plement of the kind ever offered in the State. ' ?f hi Plough, must meet the aiprdbation of all bblV 11 test it as to its ease of draught, durability, but pe dally its cheapness. 7 J v p A liberal discount made to tbose who parchasrlbv ft: U ;f lxtptie. o lQ m V I M . iftt ol Raleigh:: Plint cmujodio toTWg t 't-l-.- -u..:.t ..r-ir is esrnesllv'desifed Mat No13 jQHNSTKEEr;Ev:TORK, CriiiwllJitfntpri,8J!d fi!cXii:?factKrci cf. -siji. eat;vo 7 .Jt!a' " 5 t TaIso, therJmproved CAMPHINE LAMPS, SO; LAR LAMPM. GIRANDOLES, HALL LAMPS Vnd LANTE KNS.' and dealera in ASTRAL and SOLAR '8H ADES, CHIMNEYS and LAMP GLAKSE8 of all kind, LJWMP-.WICK, PHRE BPERM OIL, CHEMICAL OIL CAMPHINE and BURNING FLUID j oth of whidi are pflered, at Wholesale and Retail, af the lowxst icxs "roT CASH. 1 September IU 76-6m TO THE CITIZENS OF RALEIGH 'And tHe Public CJenerally. ; rrnHE Subscriber take thi method -nf returning Ii hi thaiik to his numerous friends in thi Chy and the State at large, for their liberal support, daring the time h ha been engaged in Manufacturing I'ianos lie feel assured toat a genereus puouc will asain allow him to oiler hi erviwe to tbem fullv persuaded, as be is. that in all case, both in fno king, repairing, and tuning Instrumenta, he will be ens bled to give entire aatisuction, . or, .maivc CHARGE. To thi who will engage with him to tune their instruments by the year, be offers to keep their Piano in perfect tune, for a small advance over the common charee made by itinerant tuner, wuo do their work, and are off, before it ia tested. , I have on hand a few PIANOS, which I will sel on moderate terms. -They ar h k w, and well finished, with extended soundinc board. . Orders from a distance, not too remote" .from. lots City, for toning, will be promptly attendedjo. 1 Raleigh. March 1st.; 1845. - 1831 "in ROM the Suhgcriber living in WsaLington H1 Counlv." Mwsissippi, in Jane If,J r yeflow man narried SIMON, about 23 yea raV age, five feet nine or ten inches bigh, rather lieax-ity made, Uut very active no particular marks remembered he will I. per ha pa endeavor tu make bis way to North Carolina, Franklin Coooty, where it is believed lie was ratseu by a Mr- Thrift, or to Alabama, where be had been hired out in 184hor8.- Any person delivering him to me or securing him in jail so that I can get lmn, shall e liberally 1 warded: K V S: WORTHINGTON. 'Eggs Point,; Washington Co., :k -Mississippi, January 30.1845. ) 15 A - Treatise on the the theory and practice of LANDSCAPE GARDENING, adapted to Noam Ax sal c a : with a view to the improvement of country residencea. Comprisitig HUtoncal notices and general puna plea or the art, directions fur laying out grounds and arranging plantations, the description and cultivation of trees, decorative accompaniment o the house and grounds, the formation of pieces of Artificial wa'er. flower gardens,' 6CY Wiihycemarka on 'r.-i V t v-'1-- nVRAL ARCniTECJTlJIlE. . . Second Edition, enlarged revised- and newly illus trated by A. G. Downing, author of design for Ct tage residerrre, $0.- ' . :' ' ' .. ' For aale by V TURNER & nUGHES, , t c-.'i , ; y Publishers' Agents. , Kab-igh. Marab 1st., 18.45. . 18 - 7? SPltUfG 011845. . . TTTE are now ready for the tfprtng trade, having f V received our stock, just purchased, bv one of our firm in person, in the bst market and at, the lowest possible prices. AVebave on-band a very heavy assortment of e very thing desirable in the Dug business All or tb bist o,t7AiiTT. ' ":r We respectfully solicit a call from Our old Friends, and the puMie generally,": assorini; them that we r prepan-d to offer ihein greater imlurement.' than tr,forCash or on theusual credit to punctual cus-tim-rs. , - V 7' '..7 . .. ' , 7 7 " Below, we enumerate a fe w of our leadine articles. all of which-, together with eteri thing tee sell, we warrant to be of the BEST QUA LIT V, and at PRICES WHItJH CANNOT FAIL-TO GIVE .SATIttFACTIONfT -.v V Eiom Salt .. Paris Green. i fj ; Brussian Blue 4 . : - Alum '.r .". . G, Camphor . t , J Verdigris ( Dry and in Oil) ' iTerra De Seinnu " Opium Snar Lead ' Umbur, Lampblack Vermillion ,'7: fuif Cream Tartar Tartaric Acid l7;- i Bronzes' 1 f Aloe i vvv' Linseed Oil, Lamp Oil (of best quality) . 1 Tanner Oil (bestquslityi Calomel (beat) j Supr Cor. Soda ' Kbubarb. Ipecac, Jalap Spanish Browc,Vcneuan Magnesia. Quicksilver.' Red - 1 - ? - , Soda Powders Kedlitt do. - :' INDIGO (liest Flotant and Morrilla ) f 4 4 a vU 7 Balsom Copavia . Madder, . Copperaa, Bine Csstile oap G. A radio cttonei:- I", s: Brtmstone.Flower Sulphur Logwood, Com wood, Red- Sulphate Morphine; A, -WOOd.' ; U 'f- Aietate-. - do -7 Murae do -. ' Coehinesl. Red Sanders , Cologne, Florida, and. Toi Wulph. Quinine : 1 let Water . Castor Oil (in bottles and Exit acta, Otto Rose, Fancy iSoap 7.- 7-. Brusherofall kind V ' barrels) Sweet Oil -do .- do spirits 1 urpentine uo do Pepper, Mustard, Spice, Mace, Nutmees. Gimrer. Best Salad Oil Liquorice (best Calabra Glue Inka of all kmd. White Lend, (in kegs and Pouy. Shoe Blacking '' Vamishe of all kind : ' v dry) Litharge,. Red Lead Crome Green " WINDOW GLASS of all size' ; '..'' Crome Yellow '" 7 (Surgical and Dental Imrtrn.' Crome Red 7 Imenu and Medical Books TYLEir li' HILL. ? Wholesale Dragiristi 7 Sycamore St., PeUrsburg, . Va i f Patriot and Hltlsboro Recorder . Feb. 28,1845.; "33 Greensboro copy. . 77 - Window V Picture Glass, w . ?, & ifh BOXES of oissorted size from 8 X.10 to 421 4jf ,30 X 36 in Store and for sale by - . - JVILLIAMS, HAYWOOD H Cbl f "Feb. -25. ' f v ''7:-' t l$i-2w;l--- 7' -vj " ,-, '.r-r-'V s. w V 5 p' ttffc 'fn- Ktt. b.. .JL', 'Yl ' T Lhls ((niB r.. v f n n n r- . - . - i ai n a s rw? t a i 1 - - i "TTHY S f CI AN Sj' PU ANTE RS,- M Ef?J5fR rSrJrn'fi ?pm f' ' In oar line; NEED Nr GO FURTHER NORTIipFU URD, TOTSUPPLlED,- tf thrv will rail Aft diamine our pncea, wjr )f ... . v.... ... . . btate-i-on sucti : terms as wltl enawe us to give sn r'.T;, I U. . V ,r, . -Allure ask k triaWt want tolet tha people-in tb Old North Suto kww, tbatwe can Djteia .ell a. JbtD. aftdartkle . .o, quality, aa eny, Houe n P'ii tKltjS WHITE LEAD. UNSEED OIL, and COLQKSwwy Urge, and we ar sening toeapet than crer. We uke this dpportunity of returning to th CJtixens of KaWisb. and the -nbiie generally, our nnfri ed thanks, fot the very liberal patronage w have and hope, by strict ttention Pablie.' - ' : August 1844' Cheapest Stdre. - 1 U IVi-I4 ULiU bU9 I UJnnna.Ai. tiiia.i wwo. i x.i FKESH liflPOKTIiiJJ GOODS. MEI)lGlNES, - rt sit: J O H N C :' .Offers for sale on the most liberal terraaibr Gooati among them the following APOTHECARIES. Opium . ; ; Camphor V' Greain Tartar, r , Castile oap iquorice , .. BaisJm Copavia Rhubarb . i J alap i , vr J m?'st Aloes. : 7r; Flors. Chamomile '', Gum Arabic 7 57 Castor Oil r f ; r Quicksilver - Msguesia v -Manna ,,' ... ; PAINTERS Window Glass of sll : she and qualitid White Lead dry and tied Lead fjh oh Litharge ' " ' Cochineal, j.!- Mace ppirlts of Turpentine pioves Potty'3 (Cinnamon A ' - Whiiingp ft; '-;..; Verdigris,dry and in Casaia Albipice Chrotne Green oil Isiuglas Chrome Yellow (Gum YelPwOchre,French Gum - and American Prussian Blue.' .. Vermillion ;.. . Rotien Stone ' Gum. fli ot t r do do do do dV r do - Roll 4-Flour Sulfur Aleohol fybry Black Borax,' refin'd d crodetefum Copal 5 If Calomel 'iW.-;:-?j Red Precipitate 7 -Corrosive Sublimate Aqua Ammonia Spirit Nitre Dulcis Paint Brushe. all Rom Pink ' v, : sized Lamp Black . . . British Lustre 7 - do 4 do do 7 do : Glueall sorts tr Gold and Silver Leal Wuper Carbonate Soda Taruric Acid ; f Epsom Salts 7 ; Laudanum Senna r ' 7: 7 Sulphate" Quinine' " Oil Pepperintnt,; and all Essential Oil Gum Myrrh: fJantbaridear- ' Gum Tragacanth , ? Cork of alliinda ,bx (Gold 4 Silver bronze Rose. Coouer B'onze Peach rCbalfc , 'white and redj r . - -j ' Vanilla Pari Whiia - fonquin Spanfah Brown Coriander Seed Venetian Red Carraway Seed and Paper An is Seed '. IJojObe Pasta , Pumice Stone. Tar andTRosin rearlasb Japan, Copal, Coach Saleralus , 7. 4 Harness Varnish Supers Powdered Bark ! , -8raparilla 7 ' Spongr, coarse and fine- s'-'-: - Turkey Umber Terra de Sienna Red Chalk . .: StHla jTartarie Gum Shellac - ' Bright Valni.h ash Tools, ail sizes) Black Lead. PATKNT MEDICINE PAPER MAKERS, 'H ATTE RH, dtc. Bleaching Powde'ra , DEALERS. " Jlalsam of Honey . r ti 1 urlmgion s Balsam.-. Powdeted Blue Smalu. Baseman Drop i; Glne.-'i... Oiiyiiriol Copper Galz 0 Harlem Oil and British Oil Seidlidtz Powder 7;?v( Ktoughton'a Bitters hell Lac Extract tSaraspanlla , 4 Alcohol ; ' 7 Cephalic SJnuff V r-j k Gitract of Logwood A ndersoti s Pill - 's Xutgall s; . Blue Vitriol ". ; Lee's - i -do--- H- Hooper -v do - ytrJ Verdigria Opolihloc,Sters and liquid tjnppf ra !w Soda Powders f ' Godfre' CJordia! 1 r7 7 Anderson's Cough Drop Sal Ammonia Antimony ? Sugar of Lead Thompson Eye-water lum. c." DRUGGISTS G I . A SS W A K E Common Vials. Colognes, Fancy Pungents. Druggists' Packing Bottles; Castor Oils, Concaves, Magnesia, . : - . - . -making or Varnish. D-mj'hns, Fjasks. Iokstauds, Jars, Imn ' 7! ' .V"-'V7 '7i?i-.-'v!,.'.'. -''''8yrupMtard,t$niD'Ac.''l&e.. dec v -c -' ! , -.-.-r :; Chemicals of all kinds. French. Enirtish and American. All kind of . Paints snJ Color. . Evsry ds- scription of. Drugs and. Dogguts articles; and f . B7- a. - "r - ' ' T . (CT All "articles warranted genuine. The promptest attention 8epiembef,2Jfi4.:v,,,:V7 4i - ' Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, W 1 4 Jtl -IT rt .iiM t ro 1 iil M. ; Oltf FAYliTTJETIMJE 5 STI1EJET r JiTTHR NK IV HJI I-S 1 tJHlu. fTnHE Subcritrtake tbia; method to inform the Jl citizen of Ralfigh and; vicinity thai they bae taken the old etai opposite tbe I Market House thepurpove ol ManuTacturing HaU wr nave now on baud a large assortment of Hat and Caj of i uperiorquality, and the latt styles wbith will be old at price that cannot fail to please k ' - We have just receivl Irom U, xr a celebrated Hat Manufactory, iu Broadway New York, an assort, ineut of hi Premluni Oats, which thd public are Invited, to c,all and inspect.' We hav also JUSt received ae assortment of. it which will be eqld very cheap. VVe repsct fully in vita the Public to call and examine oar good before making their purchases." 7 " - ' '. ' ' v 7.7'-V : rWANTlED; 7 , - - Otter. Fox,1 Mink; Raccoon and MoskratJ Skinr. In large or small quantities, for which the highest Market price will be given, and CAS IT paid on delivery. 7- Opposite the Market House, 7 7l And 4th door North of the Post Office, f VALUABLE AND CHEAP LAW-BOOKS J fl r Engliah CemmoXlit-Report,H jTTJnbDUCEor Merchandize consigned! for 8sl at the aatoitishing low price of $Q pciiL Reshipment, ahall receiv prompt attentie 3;j ft iue u,toing tow price 01 $4 pi -per volume. Well and substantially Bound. 7 ! Veiey juiiiois Chancery Reo7 Wita Sup.i. ment completeiand American Note by E.'Di lugra ham. Esq, in 24 voU, in fresh, and auperior. Binding Price .350. This work ha torn void for J ICQ. 1 .. co vols, vt juaw Library at fj per volume. Vi : , Chilly's BlacksU.ne in 2 vols Price $5 M Peters' United States liepbrtt ' r ' y 7 Peters' condensed United-tatea Reportav f7l Peters' Digest f United States Report. i Howaid: United State Report, in I Mumer i f Stepbens' Wisi . ffias, a .new and very popttar - Phiffipsn Pleaclng and; Evidence. ver tnn. wsai, aiso-jsTynBUsani3 7ii Martin and Sjd Haywood by Hwt W, IL BUl (JepMitoryand1ter Te IporfV'bj Hon. W. H. Battle.: : - x?? .f. 4th of Iredells Law, (just oat) - 71" JT.hn," r hen furnislied. vols. i vorm trolina Iteport inXaw andEqahy.SI V -j; Vo are prepared,, and will famish Law Book as low toiCask, as they can be bad in any pert o the Union. Call and examine our extensive' Stock. "'''rt'f s?-a fTURNSR'ft' HUG1TE8. ' 2t z . wx ate-caa. s . a a ' . s s wsa.. ----r --- -iuai .u. uuvidvu ATrWAtnilM to our friendaaail received fronxlRW nana. ince we commenced Dunn, i Sf ITU & f ESCUO,' DrUaTttlall. '. - - as.' wiar4B snVT aW ssr . a - ' i I 70 ih New York JCUy GROCPEIt4ES, jfc: ; M O R R I S O Ni CASH of CREDIT, a -rery extensiye kfaorimenlrf to vThicjb wef Would call "the atrention of ...... CONFECTION- GROCERS. 'UtVltPl n-n ... Ioianvrnvi ta r.- ERs.r SRSDlSlfLLERs yoong Hyon Tea HyoKr M..;; Alum Imjerial?' ;r Blue -Vitriol Nutmegsl .;. , .s Gunpowder , Copperas, Engllth 4 ' Hyson skin' American : ;7 . 7--; Souchong -1 "' " Oil Vitrei j Bohea - - - ; -French Brandies, Spanish Segara Sugar Lead Bodf i n7 Bleaching Kails !a.c.,;f.;. Cochineal , f v fotandrearl Asne Aqua Funis Traeacanth tarch . Liquorice Ball ' Nutgall Annatto - ArabiC.Turkey Gamboge Bath Brick -alerslu Fig Blue 7 ? Powdered Ginger raoda Ah ivosca i . Pot and Prl Ails Peppermint Wintergreen, 'Lemon- Cinnamon 7 Orange ii'ivi Bergamot .; ExtraclLorwood Tartaric Acid Alum ' ' TRoot B ichrn'm ate of Potatl Olive Oil, Inbettie, Mai Soda and baskets IGum Shellac,' Nutmegs ' , , , Cudbear Aniaaeed Saltpetre, crude and Woad Absynth j Carriway ' ,!'! Jpniper 1 refined Pepper Sanco fc7 Macabory Snuff Grain and Bar Tin Fuller Earth Madder, Dutch iui Orange ; and Scotch Suaff . . French I 17 ;Wateraf Macf7- r,:tf ,v Indigo, Flo! ant Castile Soap 7 ' ' undigoes of Bengal, Beans Carraccas and 0 eiemeralt"! Beens . Cloves r "-f Whit Tartar ' Castor Oil, in bottled 8d Tartarj AlrofaoJ - v-; v. . K5lue,-M. (Sumac ' Epsorn Salt . . fr,; Cinnamon . :' iLacDj' Friction Matchea Starch Carbonate of t'arbonate Ammonia Prussiat fotash ' British Luatr tGum Senegal Arid 8ola for washing . I Powdered Curroba iGinger, white Jama-jMustard, London , fereen Ginger ica Cayenne Pepper Powdered que Soitltf Quercitron Bark Spirits Nine Fortis rowdered rtutmeg Powdered Cinnamon saltpetre 71 British Gum Nitric Acid and . A alicAcidH: r DYERS AND MANUFACTURER Loewood! Brazil Wood Camwood ' Fustic-' j '. ? Nicaragua- -Barwoodj 7- Red Saunders 1 Hate Wood Ked Wood Hypernie Wood Peach Wood Giim. Aspbaltum Sal Ammoniac , Soapa"': 1' ' - " OILS. . Ebony Wood 7 " OILS. TannerV, Train, Linsred Fall. Winter and Summer' Neatsfoot, Olive or sweet v Strained Sperm and Sea Elephant ' ftefiu'd dt unrefiu'd whale. iSpeimaud Stearic Candle Lard Oil .a. Prescription Vials. Patent Medicine do. Acid Bottles, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Sosps, a general assort J . " given to orders from the country. s r . . ...7; -:. 73 ly r- - ; LOOK HERE! SiiKsriSr will . Rent "on renaonabTe 'I U j ' I I i - inwnn An i " rmay for one or tiro year, a' TRACT OF ! LAIMIi :n Mnfgoroery Miunty, conuiaiog D. itween fotiir and five hundred acre, part of which fortis cleared: and under fence. It haa two fine Met aowi, wfu waierea, two targe ureeas running through Ibe Tract. There is also, a first, rate Mill seat ; also. k fine Spring' near the Dwelling' j House, which has been bnilt within tbeJ last six . ooontha. . -. - . - , V" j f T win also lease a Tract (cnntaininr 225 Acres j0 Ajnore County, near Shhxds' Gnld Mine. On rihraTrark flnU loa hn TAnni in l.rrJ nilsnlL tie try panning, though but limited experiments 4iave been made, as 1 find it inconvenient fot ia L work the Mine to advantage at oreaenfi I flat- L tcr myselrt I can chow the beet specimen of Cop - k" per Ore from this Tract, ever obtained in (he -5 state. -1 vvill shew the aboye Tracta with - pleasure, to persons desfrincr td Ieie. I - 'J. , k ) ; ; - . J. fj. KIRKH A ii. JUleiaJ,,Dec.241844. 103 ; I R; A; Worrell, FQRWARDINQ &" COMMISSION MERCHANT V J RORFOLn, Ta. and liberal advance made thereon. Ufr ?;-siTEKiaiCE:.. Meaars Patterson & W ills. . . ' lv- 7 Branch T. Hurt. Esq' $ reW,0Ur"? T).vjd 0rter, Esq..' Kalelgh. N C. ; ' . '-.MeHf Jno M ttouthall 4 Cai Marfrbro . - Wrfolk, ?a Feb. 1, 1815. , .- -10 Neapolitan , Bonnets. FTnHE undersigned. Patentees snd. Manufsciffren JJ. of the NeapidiUn Bonnetsv. respectfully inror'n the Tratle that they are now reedy to supply tha stays ,0c , - 01 ' P,nof ,W , 2t . otj warrant mat tnej can alter ana. Bonnet to appear equal to new. . 4 . t the kind ii the market. f TJia etnuine arttifo M which are received the &lzr Medal at the last Fair :ef the American Institute, ha our Ticket upon it.) " I'Pv ? poroas.Vysa, 172,Jearl Street, or at Mauufactory u .- -0 . PATTI8ON.NOE&C0, Nd Delmey street. NwYrkFeb..l7th; 1845.': i " 18 tm ; beank deeds; ' Jnst printed and for sale Ji