r RALEIGH - l.' l i. 4 til it .1 II J5BAD rCESJDEJJT. i " T fir Hans of frit deJyrlUfiU pewter: m Cuwarfd kf frty rag td RALEIGH. N C. Frirkv.. March '28,: 1845 STATE RIVES. As tbia Cm has excited ft ap interest thro-tgbeut tb.r-.trr. w. fmbtt-h to-4a. tbe Opioimaotu Sapreae Court, eo the question t W 1 statement f -be r51- -j : ' The M Star aed 44 Standard." of this City, have fallea into tbe aniaUntienal mV etatiBg;that this OaUiea is adverse to Mr. Rites. 'Ultimo that the Jad-ms-l of the Ceext belew has oa kEnneded -neat; bat is all tbe esaeatiel. of his elaim,-will Le eeea by the OpW f th Chif Jastiee, be has beea fully d eBeetaaliy sast-aaoa. , . ANOTHER ALARM. , About 7 o'clock, on Wedoesday moraiag last, the Store of Mr. Jon T. Wut, next doer to the City IlftO. vu d-eevered t be oa fire. ; It being in tb midst ef high market, the flames were rpeeddy exile guished.t-ougb Waxing within three feet of keg of powder. We regret to otato, that tfe .c-rcuaietaneee atleadiag thk alarm, le aw Booobtoa oarininda, that tho ira wai iaUatiooally kiaoleV Oor ctttfon abodd U oa tb akrl Lot oach maa katrh bit own preauota. Cantioa ia tho paroat of aafoty. WARDEX8 OF THE POOS. Tbero vu quit an rzcitod contort for WardoBJ i of tbo Poor, oo Monday lart. wraica reoaHed ia lLo eboico of tbo followiaf; geatloooa -bfiag Um old Board by a majority of oorao twoaiy Tooa, Tix : WUIlam R. PooT, Xaaae Hodjoa. Albort Stith. Robert HaUibaiUa, AUoa Ada ma, Daaiol Scarborwjh aod "illia F- Smith. ' : ; fj Of tk pod, r bat nod." k (ho old bjmI ptf ebUoro -HdW witb' tho'ooai. ad iu roieo Vbaaabool am tbo wiUoj Um k Bat vbaa tba YaWa of aaanttf ilocadi tba Toico of trnth tba tfaaiafbfeb jfcatb Jia. aet tfafMBay U banL. .ItJo U thai apint.tbal tho last nwnbtr of Iho "DoaKcrali.BoTiow ,opookof .Uo piIUcny doU PraaiiW lojr TrvMW oit alotio br tbo of tbaaa wb aojaad hia Uu political l.Wlif uoaa warn naa mat m set ptpj. nag vriMwt,aa poc, ba dM witboat rrtrtr and bat Ufa and death forni a foaaoa ta poHtlcal 'ttuitrinLI ' w. - i Tba filftct smTiealioai of.tb ml trt.Uarv tba Feooral patrvaa. ta (bobjooi of buriM a V SUPERIOR COURT. Tho Sfriar Tom of Wako Soporior Court will bo bold aazt woak, Hio Hoaor, Swif Dief, aoooidinf . -1 bora roaow tbo alodft, barotofora ftTaa, that aador pa ctrcumitmrnrf, will I ooaaeat to aorra a occoad tonn." - - Tboa apoko tba larooatod IlinaM, ia bio Iaaa rnral Addroaa. Why ot Mr. Potr imiUto tbia fraakaooa, aad mako a nmHu docJaralkm T Waa bo not oloetod aador tho baliof, that bia Admiaiatratioq woold bo eoafiaod U a oiajlo Una T If ba iatoada to coafara hia prmctico to hi proAoaiona, tboa bo ahoold- bar apakaa wat 'Kko a aaam, aW aaid aa. Aad it ia a fair iafaraaeo from hia aBoaea, that bo la- toado aaia U bo if cadato, aad will aa compact him Adouaiatratioa aa boat to promoU ba tmws of ro o!octloa. i . ' oaftra way bito aooto bind of walcotae or aoerptio V! Frt7 wlueb ba oooka U fortaa tiimoatf, pro. a J 1 a... . . . aoTouy in our pomica. . X cortaialy wroorbt mrmt amooai of roiachief. It acattared broadea Uirouh I bo land, aeod of dfrooralixaUoo. which could ocareoiy Utl, almoat r Tory whore, to find at loaat a lit tlo aoil adapted to their too-ready rnniuition. ' Er- orywbora a certain number of porjoao .wer to bo Canaf. nrrod pedjaps W iboii bmcWWo, ac litUo dia- paood to b oeruMloua in aueb aiaitrra. wbom a little jsldiciona, dangling pf1hm Laha' beforo their ayoo eouM aoarreiy u to attract, with an oafernaaa liitio oXopoood to carrel wW tbo baad ram wHchr thoy war to drop. Unprincipled aaott weo alao at many placoa ta bo toad orha had little difficulty ia poJntinf theavolreo olTupotf tbo'fadr and foolbAr confideaea of Mr Tyler and bb family aa tboir opecial friendv iM a parooaa or artooiahiag xeml. activKy and local iaaportauc, ia arbooa haud tho local nanaraawnt of t a r a i w a umr laicrcna migni aaiciy do repooeA la-genaraJ, abie to gel oaiy the lowest aad wont to IraUrniZa with them In their load-motuhed part tranship of Mr. Tylor.Tbia claaa of poTMaa, at anaar aoonta, and aa pochUlr a tbo Cueo,.ouecooded ia getting together Buoarao uium anou at poroona, raraiy mora uui anj ficiaat ta fill tbo bar-rooni of aomo mean haant which eoortitnted their head-qaartora, and tbeoa ia connee' Uoa with tho higher incumboaU of tbo lucratir offi- coo, coaatitttted tbo party . worthy of thoir creation- and creator, tho Tyler Party. With tho aid of a low newspapers, supported by tbo puhlie patronage and by a heavy system of awoaod taxation upon tho holders of office, these KlUo. pot-jtouoo knoU of M tbo friend of John Tyler," were constantly astoauhiag the couh try with mass meeUags and M great popular do mourtraliona, of which it it need!oao to say that thoy rarely ia numbers much exceeded that of the officers reportod to hare presided orar them. To what oxteat thli system of Uutnbliu; the most impodoat, auecoed ad in imposng upon Mr. Tyler, so as to make him actually believe in the exbtence and growth of a groat popular seatimontla his behalf, we have no meanaof knowing. " It Is, at any rate, very certain, that even if deceived in regard to the imaginary popular aoati mt ia hia favor, manufactured by these persona, ho could-aot have been ignore a of the great fact which Constitutes alike the chief characteristic and tho worst eru and esgraceor ots adaiiamrauoa, that k was mainly, if not wholly by tho active plying of tho power of hia aatreaoge, hat tho orgaaiialjon of his frieads as a party" was constituted, aad s attained to tho point of real or fictitious xoal. And thta is tbo loading feature of bis term, the am ploy meat of office and every manner of patronage to create a party, and keep hi up to the due point of stimulus. , We fear that a deeper mischief has been thus wrought to. the pelit Cal morality of tho country, than would have attend' ed lheeiging of fifty charters of Banks or Banking r.Tfftoeuera. Amon jco Sjtrnicras vAtTtTiJcb pale at 2 arw A circumstaoco ahendlnir tho elooa of tner!faat i(-.-;-,3l.2Jj . .tjrJsHS-lfil.-z' a..K.a. .CTf-;.'2,..iJ Air"'v l"9 ,armg Ifar F year im one iot WtothkKU aflt appaitK; isitiaV Cpnassiafieail anttraloCitlHi' 2aSaloWtrw ittj-toal rapurt : - ", , trim tuirig off tho uftrfing ihtjnm are held, aad the J. J m-.lt a , i aS a - m4 ti.- VV.Yi -r p ",--Trrf.I1s mniHsamiaiOT moo bOttldtbaVo JJresWeDt b aboeat ot, lJoUytbii.:-(Vriuventioniseorfa af merino;. Tho raan matter perform the yoiitiom of 1 ad fdr" fa fo add ntiotnar Rf ti ri:fjatf V fcW W .mad. , , IUOl mont. ubject iulMMs luiih T I Km " .J a v a VHaajsajt m -.w mm w 'aa 4T7 mywm. Ant wimA tfasaeMM AfffU VMvfi in 1t--- y of ih rrw iwiiw ax ey noj svw v aaatraae) ni w oaejej Baaraai Mar&etln fTTIIIBibar IJ. idPCi bw but tfts no btalra.nd ctiMa rWJ m fW W the best t.e. Bee6 Iri, Makten, etva4 tho lowest pnces.and Mtba.tnoetat. Aioa, aw ba'ndiargf enpply of an iu.nrrrgnuin ia i ua c.auiiwv 1 i tho set of Congress which relates) tbf o-ivr' dec lannr thai are eaea of removal, ilsih. VtSITATION OF THE BtSHOP Or vau vanvbinAi , ' 1 Tl M J I . I V . . ,. iwro . na nays lonowwr as uie Aeetor oi;;aiva. stj v-nui-co-niay appomi. CScod, Xztrd, ana Corta IQftialr fc ' 1 vw.A,BAin.rsoN sta-tf. .. March 4845. aliall b SO raiant ff the tnafv rnoay m Aprtr) tiatesnJIe morning. . Mnoakep x(tUm If'. rJ RnroMntstivoe ,t ihl -- CHUidav after Cantor, Chrwt Chtirab; EEiaUth fitoa Uii. A2r' icf;.a' PretuUnt, .tfeei 'ednolaV rtAY fToHfiwA:- U l vU& until th dixabtiitvDt removed or a itnl tit A ITiltJ Xtotm lt4eA. ThceaofSpeakorifibHoi-9ofR)raa - fltrre.-erwrsat t L. i-rminat ion of eaf-ht'WoSLiS ' mB "7 Bl- lfiomM WWCb W.nd Is tho eontinrenrv of .tho death, &cof bottba President, and. Vice rreaidant. in tKe? feces i fftt- Spring- and- SuiflmeKfitfods. pr eMi ounavr ULiriUtproi. rini t. ninrn. rifnTAa i .n m ri ar i tm ii teoai and w- a iianab aiaffeaa .tTs-onf .am - -fc r ' - war IT"" . " ' oh wvsi a illiuw vrp vunfW i" tt 4,h May ailer Eaeteretligrew a CJhipef, Lake HJ' thio market from the Factory of Acnns a..d timing the. aspiration of a term of , CongressV.tba orSca of President of the United titataa mtr, thcrafiw.' onlesa tlicra ba a Prasident fore of t ha Senate, Temara until there rart ja .a new election of VreJidant by tba Pennle. Inc Tbia usuye waa no. raraVdba tho VWarea idaot of tba United 8tataa at tba taJa xiraoc ion of tba Senate. s Taking the Chair, aa h area proper be a hob Id d at the opening of tSaaesion, ba kept it tb the end, and in peranri adToUrndfie Bmrnta fimdh. .fbett i therefore now no Prea- ident pre temvort of the Senate, upon trttoth ; to dantiva tho dutieo of lh Preaident of tba juSited Stater hr tba etaut an event which ira ataierw- y trust there is no danger 'Of ccurrieg i the death of both 'President and Vice Preoidfat : of the U. &atea befdre Coh'gfs again Msmjtfee C Rogation Sunday, Grace Church, Plymouth. KogaUoa Monday, (Uoth) St Lake's Church, Lo cust Groye. ;.'--.,,,..,: t . i, Ascension day,(May 1st) SuThoma Church, Bath f Friday, (2d) Ziou Chapel, Beaufort County. Sunday After Ascension, St. Pater's Church. Wash hngton.-r . . Monday (5th) Trmity Church. Benfrt County. rvesoay (ota; tireenwue, fltt-vouniy. , Thursday (8th) PugVe Settlement. Pitt County. What Sunday, Christ Church, Wewberu. . t iscaaa, Nrw. york. has lust arrived: I has full IX, octaves, with beautiful Jteva. riih bowerful t.me. nu ;wrj easy aiwi aireeaiHe touch. .Tbo exterior ia ot splenJid pattern Uierbi SnisliedU Pontons in want of a superior Piand. gre1 invifetlfo'give it a trial. Also,a.Piaire,that haesen but dtife service, made i by.Neav aud C'LaaKs, New York, of fine finish." uoe ad touch. Enquire of the Edilorjof the n.oitTkn. March, 1 845. ' ,J ; f. l:51 . MERCHANT TAI10RS J :Tv jTTtAtrfi jusf ., received- and are now epenihg - ef. UILL theii store, five doors south of WDliatns. bay. MikideV Go'rlJnia Mora, a comets te and eleaant'ae. oartment f.Gooda in ibeir line, to1 wfutfa-Cry invite aiiuen,caJMacing Utte, black and fancy CLOTH8 voy.uecriiid.ui: ulain and fbnev C AtSSlUERES. d-obledaiidalngled milled; DK A DTE, plain and fitfed,ur e-nmmar Uoataand Pantaloons; DRILL. hVCttof avory variety i eCH ALLYS. 8ATIN fixttred ttlLXsnaa4 MARSEILLES : tontbor with a cenerai aaeottinent of j, , !. ViamrjIATUeleaV l,-: - ta yii ; modts,j8carf. Kork-tiea, GUvea, 8oredafeV HhirttJotlari; very elegant,' eke. AW ' 1 ': 2 '-' Tbe'abova Gm1s will be menoflierared-to order at thb stitinest notice, and carl be racommoDdod withT great confidence, harms; been eelected by Mr. Otrrae: in persun in the Neftkem Marbeta, within tbo leaf two weeiai and wilt ba sold from twenty to twantr. five arcefir,"1csetbanv ordhiery' erodit prioea, Ks- collect (hat Ott y tw ok PawCTaa have reoweed fie pricet Cf c&ithitrg in tbia City, aiaea iheir cemmencev mbnt id bQsitiesi; twtntfjtve ptrttntt -t :t V enw retorrrttranks toour numerous frienls fr the very liberal support we have received at tboir baadv, eucrbopei: by attentlitn and a oosrre to please IJ rneril Ua roinihtnuica. ' ' f 1 . j QfJTEll ft PROCTEIt. V i P . The" fjietl London, Paris and Worfttern1 PaaaioBjist at band. ! ' ; . ; '- . ; Ksleigb, March 15, 1 84 5: ' - - 15 Br 41 WATCHFS. WATCHFS ANf! JFWH RY!t -s" p.w v-vwobiv .ns ereaea Sis V f a VhiUun. Tuesday f!3th) Kinrtea . Thursday r (15Ur) Waynesboro'. Trinity bottday, fcft JameaV WUmiJon " inHmnf ywv w mj v.. will. 1st auday after Trinity, TiskatioA in same Churefa, Or tination, dec. ,' ( iatechum, cenunaauea and itoiy uommunion as le li, U UWMTUi IM WW H1 VI WIIV WI pul J-ophsrs, was condemned to-dathnneirthe fl-e ac 4nsation ef corruptiug tho minds of the yoiith, and e-- fU"' thiaenligliteoed age,tlie apirit et-baebarism still . iWttllSt Sfl. t abanifests itself in coudemning untried and ohheard, SAYCf C THE PEOPLE TROUBLE. The DemocraWo Central Committee for Ashe, (the omeHest County, by tho way, ia tbo DuArict,) have nominated' Ilea. Ditto S. Ran, of Rockmgham, aa a eandidato for Con 87 The "Standard" iasisU that the English M'av siea was offered to Mr. Citnoc-. It may be so, but it waa deobtloes done in so uarraciouo a way, as to reader a refusal necessary aad proper. NATIONAL EVILS COMPARED i . - t There is aotbiag perhaps, that ought to male us more eeateal with our own country, than a coon par isoa of its advaaUgea adlb those which ether nations eajey. Ia the ordiaary course of life, wo may fiad maay ia which complaint about the scarcity ef mo ney may be beard. . Dotressos occasion sUy happen among tbo commercial classes, but what are those distresses m comparison with Enrtish eufforinrT Ab selatsly nothiag. Deris g the present condition ef so eiety in England, when a trader fails, bo may be coa eidered mined lorever. The somber of aspirants pres eTiffsewajd apuu him im the same course, renders H ahaeet impracticable for"tibn a to to irgaln hia g lound Whoa a maa baa failed ia one kind ef boeiaeaa, It is next to impossible to attain equal rank In another. Hew dlSoreatis the prospect with aa! Letatradiag maa, become anfertaaate, ba baa numerous . other chaaaele to which bo eaa -tura bis attentioo,' al equally bvitiag to industry and enterprise. An la dividual of the meet bumble faeuhiea may not only earn with ease, the necessities, but maay of the coi forts ef life. Tbo oxteat ef out country ia so great. that aoao need ait down and cry there w no hope al to barren. And if our eitizoaa have not tho over grown fortanee ef tba English Nobility, wa want tbo oquaEdaeae ef thoir poor, the misery of tboir artoane, aad all these trains ef evils which spring up ia a eo etoty that ia overstocked with pepulatM-a. FOREIGIt CRIMINALS. ff oaastimo since, a report was currsat that aa ex tensive plan waa oa foot to transport largo numbers ef fbreigw criminals to tbo U sited States. iTbe do tails ef this project were spread out with eeaaideraute miaoleaoea. aad aa earnest appeal made far Govern tnsnt interference. Within a short time, two aire, cioes murders hare beea committed, at the North by reeeat oontrraata, one -of wbom m bettered to bare beea seat here a a ceueirt. On aanbjeet ef ancb yitol taUreei to tba cocntry, there should ba no need bos delay oa tbo part of tba Ceyeenaseat, in aecor taiaiag tho facta aad pwvidiar eJt a.e-ssary ssrfo- . -'. . gaarda. ' ' "..." , ... j ;4 WUly avioUstfloedaatho rirer, m Jjew York. It iseemewhai aaoouisx: the aoenueritiea ef the xeal evinced hy the inhabit aau to nave what each bold mcedoaj Am am beakmeut in dsfenee of what is eaflsd at Rochester, - the Island." wee brsksa throogb. AU wocenstsr aslien la a roecaeaL We foCew copy . "One maa, who had a litter ef pae us hie -a so soticsto-j8 aheut those thai baraa oJT -ut nest to the jmd. and barmgeeeawe rnea tor tue -childrsn. . Another first aavyd hie brralefl!ev,aBdtbehlf' wjfr , ritb - M. Galxs : liaoy of roar readra will be gild to now the following extract from tho. Boat oa " Christian Repeter," of Ixst Saturday. Can yoa find room ia your paper for it ! V - TITUS e " Gr$ct siam2lanetm9 Temperance Meetitg, On Toeoday araning, 25th atttmo. tba Anoiver aary of tbe frienda of Tempera na waa celebrated at tba Tremoat Temple with uncommon eclat Tbere war upward of three tbouaand persona preaenL la fact, it was by far the greatest mea ting which baa trer been held ia tba city of Boa too. It waa truly a glrioaa demoosiratiofi 6a behalf of bununity. Rank and atation,' jeniue and talent, learning and virtu, religion and piety, were actively engaged on the interest iW occa sion. Among the distinguished personage who were on the platform, were iiie Excellency Gov. rn Brigg; the Mayor, elect ; Rev. Or. Pierce, t Brooklyn; Rev. Dr. Gannett, Key. Mr. St et on, of Medford; Rev.. Mr. Hunt, of Peoosyl raaia, (formerly we believa; ef Raleigh ;) Dr. Chaaniag, Una. 3. Fairbanka. Mooes Grant, Eexj. Hon. Samuel liter, of Concord, Six. &e Along the front 7 the platform were' arranged ear era! beautiful flower pole. Over the Organ waa a ban ner. oq which were inscribed the following name of the found re of the Maasaehueette Temper anew Society: K. - Dexter, N. Dane, J. Pierce, J. Evarte, J Proik, J. Iluntingtoc, J. IothrOe, The exerelsea of the evening were opened with prayer by the venerable and Rev. Dr. Pierce. Oa motion of Mwee. Grant, Esq. Hia Excellency Gov, Brigga, waa called ta preaide. He dieeharg. ed the duiiea of President with hia wonted abili ty and urbanity. His speech did honor to hie head and heart. We regretted very-tnach, to see thai he labored under a severe hoarseness. produced nc doobt, by his frequent attendance awi speaking at Temperance xneetings, and by coeeeoent exposure ta wet and cold. Hia course itfa regard to the cause sheds a lost re on the Gubernatorial Clair of the Commonwealth, does infinite credit to himself as a Christian, and fur. nisbea ah example which cannot fail cu effecting jxlensive and permanent good. The highest per sonage ia the Commonwealth ia a teetotaller, . . 1 " .,' ,7J,nT oevr system er irupmrriweii-, n mwr vm luyo Man TILLED bt AM ErtIitrT.---A5 girhtr?rrtan Bm. revels in the system and triumphs in- who came down tbe river yeotarday. inf.ue ne ttr "tTr,"!? ""ay"' w m" ,u. -.- .l i.--. ' l-i : i..l:u- ady ; but still ."facts are-stubborn Uirag; and show ' " u nZ "V w , -.i " incfuaryely that soon incurable diseases wiH be nun & Co.s Menagerie, whrrb was lrj ii-tbiCeity wih'h thi g that were which killed one of tl keeneratmSaturdajr, near uhte.i, .kjn. i, Ww eueiftually ttoug, where tley have heenexiitttTig. ItfMOiemd pennaneniiy oured by Sanu's Sxksapamlla, and that the Menagerie wae on its way tit Bayou 3ar, fj.u dsea-es having tlieir origin in an impure state o. a -a . a a a ' - - - . . " . . and tnat one nt me Keepers, wno wae on i onre- he blsoJ, also chrome constitutional disorders. back, was goading the elephant which so nrxa-r For.liu.iber pHrtii rttarf ami ruttcliiaive evidence of perated the animal that it knocked the keepr oil superior viue ami thc acy, e pampiiieu, wtuch his horse, lifted bi:n from the ground wii its f"s be oMa r.t,l of stbrrt-era rls. ' ...J i.S i:. 'j ,k- .,-.. u, r: - Prfnarvd and sohtr wliotesele and retail tiv A. R. Price 81 per bottle: six t0tile TflE largest and meet splendid asaoriment cf ,Watclie in the City, is lo be found at the Subscriber; as he is cjnstsntly reeeivuig all de scrirmon of Gold nnd Silver Watches, of the newest styles, from tbe manufacturer its Kiht- famf. Prance, and Switzerland, he ie enabled to oifer a larger avonmentjmd at mut-b iese prices, at Urn tail, then any other house in America:. : (Juld Watches as low as 20 to 2n Dot Is rs each, ' . t at'cHes ifttd Jewelry jt chanted ot bought 1H Wn4tlits wurHBted to trto foetJliEfc ir THE Ml)i KY HrJ'FtK.N ED. V at. hes arkl Jew elry repaired in the bent manner and warranted, bv the best wnrkmeu end much rawer than si any oihr place faohl and silver Pencils, (ioW (;bsios. Keys," and Ladies Bracelets. Pins, nod. Sterling ri(ver Spoons;-Silver Oups,-Furka, Arc, for sale very low; , G, C. Af XE'V, Jmporttr of. Wvtcltii and Jewelry? Wholesale and RetaiT, . . . jia. lti. Wall' St., New Vork, (Dp, stairs an. 14. ' I . 3m ImnF ei ff daail lafeae alv.ABkO.ts e tmA rVsn sol'll via a alUllaa saaaA UWlrUU As J 11 III tllV Bl'i SB live lllisu r- s f v . , ' . him .. Ani t...b. eill.i hlMLtANDS At fT., Dintt5ShManndCliemis,273 Broul l. : Bkm tkS stantly. After doing this.jhe, ehraged turihaHrreiV seized one of the cautels, which it beat, tossed por- Mj i ' Hamrd University Williams At If ay wood, Ralrth.N. C -.1. 30 dead, and at tbe same time tusking off throuehH'' tne . woeos, oeartno; too. ratnei a King, ana occa-y SMinally throwing it down and trampling en tt-- Our iofonuant says that all attempt a to capiurt?v ibe infuriated elephant being uieflectual, much - alarm waa created, .and tbe military at Btnvf Roage were ordered, out and .went in pursuit :? 1.a- AS.ue.eSi AKA.saM.t- I La u.m.m.m LaA. - BBm I. Ta wKw .h.i -a.a ... -..-1. L .U ESTATE -IN MIS8I88IPJPI. "r-j T" . r-' v LOWERPOTSi! DOZEN nseorted eiaea, itfe day racerfed. euU lor sate at tbe Drug Store ot r WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD Jt CO. March 17. 1845. , 45 CHAItCERY SAXE1 OF REAL, virtue of a decree of the Chancellor, entered Jackson, on 19th February. 1815, 1 will sell places, by which 4hy were finally enabled Jo seJy cure it, which they did or cuajninr it to sowe- trees in the woods, where it remaroed at bat ac1 a iommwatooer, on ihe.34.ih April next, at ttie coonta .V. O. Tropic March 10. H Offiee of the Aeigneo of the Commercial end flail - . : . ' ;. . , i .jp i; 3 R.d Bank of Wksburt. at the Rail Itoad Depot, at A IE1UTTTCI. idea. --At a late public ni?elinl4 m f Mymw atarae amount of Real in New Vork, aays the Telegraph, the. Revfeuxfa Estate, beiuog ng m said Assignee, C4Mwisting of a'ot 60 Lots a d ria vf ikma tn icbburg ; many of I bo in itmtroved with rHotee. tteoidencee and a r, Hotel ; ever 3.000 Aero- ef I.a.-d in Warren County; J. Span Wins; dwelt a few momenta on the death less nature and extent of moral influence. jA?r; way-among tbe Alleghmies,siid be, thr tVj ii . l . . i . a eprmjj mo amaii uia. a Minnie w ii a tumrnzr r day tould drain urfry. it steals its uno&trueitreii way among the bills, till it spreads out in the sand miles, leaving on its banks rrre-than fihiiiM drad villages Ahd ciUa and many thousand rtilti vated farms ; and bearing u us bmmm nidrc thtN half a thousand stramhoits. Tlfti ioiirith Mississippi, it stretches aw ay ami away Vane hundred miles or more, till it fulls Tu'o the grea emblem of eternity. It m one of the tnbulariG of that ocean, which obedient only to &d, ahalr roll and mar, till the angel with one fool on th -j .i.. .1..11 i:a harul to Keaven sitd wear that I tin hull ha ruH 43. . t I ! T. jill V longer, oo wun m"i, iiyiucncs.- it is i rui- a rivulet a riveran ocean, boundlcsa.aad"Uv thomleaa aa eternity." . . BT "The following is the concluding" part of an able article in fi Atnericea Reifac,on the result- of the late election of President. 'After noticing all the occurrences connected with .the election. and the low. despicable means resorted to by eur opponents, the WW in exhorting the AVuigs hi stand fifto and immovable, aaye : ' -, . ' M Let nalhen abide our organtxatmr rur prin- eipfes, our leaders and oar name. Let aw cherish the convict ion that whatever food can be booed for our country, most be accomplished through the agency of the Whig party, tn tit pretentform and Constitution. Let new light illuminate our counsels, new vigor confirm our strength, new ardor inffame our spirit but let no short-sighted policy comout us to merely local interests in prejudice of our 'da ties to the whole coanfry let no false sympathy, on the one band,' enlist us in a crusade of nhilanthroor throoeh' resnone hich the CoifSTliXTtoa has forbidden us to in. vade ; rr, on tbe other, let a fatal lust of aeq-Isi- tMo engage ua in a league which may rend asunder the booda of our present Ukioh. Jo tbe past we see nothinir to dishearten, tn the future every thing ta rbeer. Vigilance now and until tbe end, unless the enejny sow tares wbiM we aleep:" active energy from the start uetil tbe goal be won, lest be thrive in our idle nees t these we muetra-oJve on, and these will L lb MarMC isaighbor's and gave the alarnw. ensure oir triumph. -Tbe altar an which tbar fire ofourentbaeiajro la kindled le tbe altar of Pria- rip!o ira Camea ar fed"ith- the pore oil of PalrtotiArrn and the vestal ctaratana. Liberty nd Law, keep twty watch over ha embers rkry d? Mi .-aejt 4w4 il We Itave been shown by Tliomaa T. Patton Esq, a Blanket, manufactured by Mrs. 5teplten;' ef tbia county, which, fT texture and iiuish, it a qual to any article of the same kind that vce hava; overseen manuracrurea eisewnere. vnv ta that, with the ability to manufacture almnf-t evst) ry thing w a need, we still depend opnn tlr Ior : them Htalea fur eur woolen and cotton fabrics n Sure tbe day is aot -far distant when Hir.peop will open their eyee to their true intereel'lit ihtj respects i-Amd Metfrnger. Howes and L ia Clinton-; J60 Ac tea ef land in 'Hinds 2outtiv ; 480U. in Rankin; House and Lot in Vernon i 40 acres of Land in Madnon Coun ty ; 640 in Holmes; 660 in Ysxoo ItHiO in Oarroil( 400 Anrea,and Twn It 97 in Granada. Yalohuha Ootty : 40 Acres in TsHabatrliie; 40U0 iu Sun flower . 640 in t-oshoms ; 14) 0 in Bolivar ; 3000 in Washington and 6000 in Issaquena, some im proved, but the greatrr part tinireprinred and frrtile lends, a detailed I ft of wlin-h lo published in the Miwiiptan at Jacksmi.- ' Informal ion' as to littrs. quaii-y. e-, can be bail by apptirstton at the OmVe of the 'Aeigiteee, who will have Mans, I Jertificate, oc, preHired for inspection by the 15th March nest, or by application to . - I KOACII, ' Commissioner. 85 Commission' Biisincss. TnE eroAd TernVef the LA W SCHOOt, in this University fcw tho present Academical year, will open on February t, 1846:- , The design of this Institution is to afibrd a Com plete course of leral education' far gentlemen-intend iftg to rrartioe in any of the Unit ed States i end- a systematic - course of 1 studies in commercial ju rWrDrudence for merchants and aim of bosineos. - jNo public iBstftictlon ie given in the loc.l or peculiar ju risprudence of any pa-tirular State t but tbe library. connistiog of neafly 9uOO vjumes, furnishes ample s" a a S ' m ' a a 'a - e means tor tue siuoy oi local, law anu praencn ; anu the stutrelita are privately assisted in these studiex. by the professors, as occssfoh may require. The active lalmrs ofirMUUctioa ses shared equally between Mr. Justice trmax snd Professor GnaBabaar, who has' the immediate superihtrndeuce of the Law Sch -of. No particular course oi pre vtotnr study ia requisite for adthiasion but every student- is required to pro duce tret imoniata of his good moral: character f and forgive a bond of $200 to the Steward, with a surety resident in Massachusetts, conditioned for tbe pay mentof all bollesedueet or instead uf a bond, he may deposit $ 1 50 with the Steward at the commence ment uf each term, to be retained by him till the eiid of the term, and then to be accounted for Ne -stu dent ia matriculated until such te4iieonials are pvo. dured and security given. The tuition fees are e50n M?It; at twice iia cost. A BAHfrAIN Iff A RALEIGH FARM, MAT be had by applying ta the- Subscriber eat the premises, or ta Isaiah Reaps : Esq.. in" w s-hii.f ton, in tuw create. In that haiidtome, healthy and well .improved Fsrnr whh' 970 scree of land ta a I ody, c aTlrd Margaretla ; arltmiht fliS City lands, and only a few minutes ride ur walk dtrtaitt from the Capitol, Pnltlic Offices Coutt Ilouse,Datiks. Stores, Churches and bcbools ofthe City f Raleigh,, having the City open to eiew. Than which, there ir nor a more desi table fkmtly residence, nor one caahle of greater profit near the seat f Qovrriiment 1 be Landscape is leautiful, the air balmy arid healthful. with delicious spring water issuing from the Itodf in the lAwiinear the Dwelling house. This is a weir buiu well finished and showy bouse eontaiirig seven tood remms, each with a fire place, beside cellar por tico', niazss, closets and. China presee, and in the rthlst tdsfictoaV, well shaded and urn-nieiiifd yards. The out hou.es are namerotM bimI oxcelb-nt of tbeif kinds,-' 'J be land in its present neglected ceodttiueY ie cVpetila of making SbO barrels of corn wr year, bo aide orh-r cropoj. ! . r - : A little pains' in a' Market .Gardn and .Davy would enahle its owner to elt in tho City, every day in rba yeai, f 3 worth, or upwards of Milk, Cream fruits -jand vejrrlahlee. 1'he farm bands, at leisure times, could make oti the farm f 1600 worth of bricks, fur Market. At a very smalt expense, a Cri$i MM. fitted f w irmdmg Jtfeal end he, Cora aij .. Shucks, can be erected n the Mill branch. li the rartn where has been r Milhsiul the dam aid esonae tra srill there and bemg M by Spring$ it rouid find 8 boors out or svery 14, and pay ali-efS3 i totl'dtily.-'' jh ' ' - . :i , - I: rk Ctitrers say that a twfate Qiiarn of the t nasi building granite can; bo j opened in tbe front field which would pay a rent of several hundred dotlars a yeat. A ruCk wall enclovea a part of lbs front of the larrn and may cheaply attended at' pleasdrd There ie wood enough on the' land fbr the use of the" farm, and some say. $1000 werfh lostsra . . , - 'Mr. Chsrb-s JParrish paid for this laud, in woooV, thirty years a to. mora than ' $6 060, as his Deeds in my possession, show, and he certainly ei landed more" jhan $4,000, In its improvement. His Otsreeef saya ' he rained on the! Farm aome years, 350 barrels of tortt and 40 bales of Cotton, beside crops ol heat oetf, pea aa! potatoes, alt of which, and dover, grow well on tKs faod ; and it betflg mostly rrsf land, it ie suiee ptibla of high at.d permanent itnprovament by proper cul ture. Any man who will work it right, can support tha family and j stork on the farm and hell f.OPO.a ysar from its yield and j the property is obrixed to steadily incresso' in value As a mere invutinoJ, . it would be htgMy profitable property, of to a gentle man in the sickly country, ho" bad", of had net chiMren i edueoft, and jdesirioa fro as well as htallh, h would be a very valuabb aeqisffieA, of for the Deaf and tflind School , no placa couCl'tUTpass it, and certainly none can be had, that woId answer so fTnHE'UEIWiaLD, havu.t lormed a-c j II icineriliio With his brother Mr. SaxcBi. H. Goanw-t. of Falm'Uth, the luM.e.A of the concern flt, in future, be condweted under the style aud firm or w. ot b. n. wuiiui'.'. - i WILLIAM GORDON. REVOLTING ATTEMPT AT MURD&cL The Auburn (N. Y.) Journal furnishes thd'pat ticulafs of an extraordinary attempt by A' man ej the name of Lorenzo Patrick, to make wayi witj- his wife, with whom, it ie said, be had never pravl viouely exchangee a single cress word, lie went to bis well, and whilaythere called his Wife ip help him in getting a hen out, which be raid bad fallen ia. While she was leaning over tbe curbV k9 caught her ayJhe feel.aml piungec.ner ovei, head first, into the welt, which ia about 23 fetf deep tbe water coming up witbia some 4 feet r f She retained ber bold of the rope for its ho length, and finally succeeueo in , citmning n, gt i out of tbe water wittr ber feet upon ins e.one, ara acreamed for belpr.' .'.-.. .v,:;-'-1;- Tbe morisfer then got a brht, the ne whiaji they had havins? been but out when aheVentinta tbe well, and next took a bard and anjieriookf a a sat " A jam her down m the water, one sate;, -tAorrnz-fc for God's eake dual murder me 1" and bf raplifd - I won?!.w II then got oyer into tbe curb arf let h'tmeelf down so as to put hie feet on her leA and f ried ta noah her foot from the stone Qtt which thee were place4.Now abia clencfied Jui boU et his pantakyNMt and by Jrit help raised haret f eo that abe gut IwId pf.tne'eura.At the aatgi time he get et of the well, and taking his kni cot off the rope to .which be supposed ebe w still holding oo and be ear a Iw Jevef aaw hr come out of the welt' After she got out alia rjjn If re. Patrick ie a 'worn a a of deliealb htmtfiy tkej have been married abnot IryeaTa-j ire rat far from 29 and yeara of age? bartVf children, the yowtgeat about 9 months eld ; a; d they have always borne good characters-, Ths services of the House are tendered for the SaU at ToIiimii. Wheat. VI Mt' and Cotton, tm I which JiheiJ advances will le wade. . Mr. H. B WovTAOP ooutniuva to superintend the sales of ait'Tohacoo conehrJied t the House. . W.dc.S II. GORDON. The Suharriber, with pleasure ran say to bi, and tbe friends of Mr.,Wat. Goaaoe. to .North Carolina, that the w Tirm witi he louml most acceptable to Item In all matters of . business. Atul, lor bimelf, he, can but offer tbe whole of his time for tbe promo ti B of their imeresu in the sale of Tobacco. Hav. inn been a Manufacturer bimself.be asks for a por. tion of that kind for the Cu-tiMners ef tho House, Those wishing advnere on Toliaec fr this market, wdi be accommodated y Meiwre. L. H. Kittb 4- Co., or Meaers Uutlbb 4r JUav i, f Hen.!erson. H. B MONTAGUE.- Ricbmon.1, "Va March 56. 145. 55-lm. EPISCOPAL WORKS" FOB SALE AT THE 5. C. BOOKSTORE. fTVWHB Cburcb man's t;ompanin in the Cbet, or U a complete MauoU of Private UevulfonH edited ' -Tbe Karty English tlhotrh by Edward Choon. r, A...wwh a prelace hy tho Kt. Kev. L. s. Ives, JJ. t. Bbh p ot IVortb Carolina. . '" Thoughts ta Past Tsars by the author ! of the 'Cathedral. t , ;f T ' V A disuoure concerniiig Prayer, and the frequent ing Daili Pablie, Prayers; by Simon Patrick, D. D. The Temple1 and Country Parson," by Rsv. Ceorge IWlien, with hia Life; ; . "Learn to Live,, by, Christopher Sutton, U. U. An A tmtorr for AastiJai Onief and iu Advocates, in a series ot Inters. adilseeed to tlte Rey. Jno. M. : Mason. D.D., by. Rev, iehn Hepry Ifobart, Fwscopacv ttstad Ly Scripture, by the HQ Rsv. II. V. f InderUook. a term, ami S25 lor halt or any trsser traction or a term ; b'ich entitles the etudent to the Use of the College and law Libraries, and Text Cooks, end a free admission to all the public Lectaies in the IJn1 veraity. Instruction msy be- had in any Foreign Language taught in the University, f.r the additaonai fee of $ 10 a year firr each language studied. Thene-cca-ary expenses of a student, who resides all -I he year in Cambridge, wit! net exceed the. following : Tuition. Si 00. Rent and care of room, with use of furniture. everagHtfr, abnir$7.; Board, from fill to $182. Fuel. Irom I5 t8M.-Wadung from 15 to $30--Total, S299 W 40, exclusive of clothes and what is termed jockel money. ' In regard to the amount of p cket money, neither expediency, nor the usages of society require that it should be large: StuuVnti who have pursued their studies in. this School t'.r three terms, and Aitoineya at Law who. af'er having been admitted to tbe bar in Stales where a previous course of etudy for at least one year n re' quired, have pursued their studies in this School for two. term, are eh titled, upon the certificate and re commendation of the Law faculty, anu after passing a satisfactory examination,' to the degree pf Batcbrlor of Laws. -;-':; ' - (T Ant'limtions for admuuuan are lo bo made to Professor USEKM.EAF. at Cambridge. Cambridge, J-n, 2 1845 10-2m.4 Ly ra Apostolte. In T vol. -Takw of the Village, by Francis E. Paget. kf A. Wreaths endBWhe for the Church-by wyotttig Lady, rvoir r'--.-t : -f TV History. Object; ar'prepev etawi-anta or the Hots afeo-vr Lesr. by t ber Rev. Vtm. fngrlSan Kip. If. A. Eectof of St. Paors Chttreh. Attauvy. . , - -j yaiinn vt mwwum To the Medicaid Professioni fmURNER & HUGHES, would reepeetfully beg JJ leave to rail the attention of Gentlemen of the ab- ve rofession, to tho - subjoined. Im of new and valuable Wurks, and solicit their, ordere for the same, vixt - ... v- Anatomical Atlaa. iy Smith At Horner,, imperial 8 eo.. near 650 rig urea. . , . , ; , Alison's lut lines of Pathology, ia 1 vol., 8V v. -. Brigham on Mental Excilement ' aad Cultivation, a New Uork. .'' . r t Jhapman oa 1 noractc snd AbUopiinal viscera, 1 volume ' 'tl,''Y'-,'' -. , Do. on Fevers, Dropsy, and Gout, in 1 vol , S vo. fJorpenter s Humtn fhysiulogy. t- i Sir Ailey Cooier on Hernia, with plates, (New Sortie,-1 -A ( ; r Wtto m the Testis and Thymous Gland. ' r Cpndie on Disesees of Chiklreri. in 1 vol. , Churchill on Prmales ' "Ditto Midwifery. v j -Druitt's Modern 8urt;ery, - .... 1.. ' Fergusone Practical 8urgery. ; -' Graham's (Jhemistry. " 1 " t ' , - Hope on the Heart, Miller's Surgery.. Lawrence on tho Eye, - ' Milter'a Physiolwgy. - ' " Tee lor 'a Medical Jurj-prodonee. ' - OujV'-'--"i'ddJ-T 'mi. " - j- Wetsons Principles and Practice of Medicine. Williams latholgy. " - f VitsonV Human Aiatmy. - - i - v i: Mcintosh's rraeticeof Meuicine.hy Morton J Cooper n Dislocations sod Fiacturea.. . Also, all tbe works of Dra Deweeo, Homer. Eoerte. Do nf hnson. and others, with all the saw works as iKm ,r. t&.ruHi fraKH thm Paaaav .6Vdr from a distance, , thankfully recerveJ and promptty attended to. -X v-,.-.- v TTltsCR T rTUGlTESv "X auieusaare Affms, Thi entire iMroperty. with firm title and immediate peeeesston, csii he bad at 13.000 ; ons thira laeo ia hand, and one and two years credit on ths balance", with Jnierest -or a(f w.old be taken in North Caro lina Bank Stock, ot fti Rail Hold Rdnde' endorsed by tho Siats; or ia approved Notes, .of aume bev yondlUO. . 1 . 1 ' " ; ' ' '"r Ot ss the land can be fdvanftigeously divided fmV three parti, I Vil eo divide and sell each part sepa rately, if soon spplied for, 'The front Utnt to the Mill branch, and up the branch (oioniain 100 acres, with the Mansiot) house aid iu out housed including the mill privilege and granite ymation. On shout ef which. 125 barrels" of corn beside other crops, were made tliree year ago. - The price ef this part separstely, is fib par acre. payaMo half if Cei b slid half in one year, at interest, if well serun d. 'A'Ubo' Mr. Panisli paid for much of if 044 per irre, vtbea in hashes, end lends adjoining ii baversrenlly sold from $33 to 555 pet acte, whhi Utile or na inrtprovenv ritr on them. The land eati of ihe tmnbraneK, ttm'e about 520 acres--psit of it is finely wooded, snd has the Overseers bouses, two Granaries and Tbreshtiig , Machine. The tenant now there veipe fa id' raiaat luo barrels of corn beside other crops, on less than half the open land this year.' The City is open to its view, it s fins spring Vyerj convenient. It may le 3aJs a beautiful family residence. Tbe price of tbVpart, . separately, ia f 5 per acre ; allho aljoiiirns; lands Have lately sold for SI 5 per acre. Tbe flurd division would be about JSQ acres on the Rare -Tract Road, adjoining Mr Rorke's and Mr. Deyfad s lots ; thers ia a handa.me eeite for hoildimi on it, eoWr d with a grove or forest trees, the lead i excellent snd wouU m iks a fine farm, and when Mr. Hdylau's lot le cleared, it would have, the city in .view. Tbe price t.r ih'm part separately, is $15 jer acre, half in rssh mnA half in mm Tmr. ! Atltoimflii lands have efim m.A ffom ejtn tn 50 oer acre. uiiMnnroVrU'. srwl wilV do it again. .m ' . JOSEPH B. ML I Ui, genr Marpb 1st 1845. J0-oawis4w Raleleh. N IIOLSC fiad )LOT FOIT ' The Subscriber wisbrs lesell bis-rei-. dence in Rsleigh. It is situated on Hillsborough street about 20 0 .yards West from the CapitoL and ie one of the JeasaatSa aitoatioos in Raleigh. Ae if 1 presumed any per-ow would examine for tliemeerves belore purcnsauig.' furtbet dsscriptioa is deeoxJ unneces-ary. ,-. ', , ',-.. vv ai. . w, -a t Rsleigh September 184i. , Tf TfTflTIID STATES of Atactic uj north Carolina DioTKicT. Vnitei Stole D'tMiritti Court for thi iDtfnct of Tamuot' in Bankntpfg-ith Vonday in October, I M4. Notice to shew caose a gal net the Petition of Evan dev E. Brook, ef Chatham County," Farmer, far ate Discharjre and Certtficale as Bankrupt, af Nswaeia . oft the 4th Monday in April next. ' 1 ' ' ! JCKB. lUUVv,uici. BeciST. I844.? J ' Iu4-t8ds. UJ north CArollnnt Cttnttaert, ..cm of ABrrr H Hifi, r a-lNnkvupt of Granv tlte tJounry. for hbr Disrbargs and Uertmcareaa m . rant, at Ivewtrn on the 4ih vi "r "r" - ewtrn H. POTTER, Judge rjliHlewStatoa Wistrtci, onn et

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