'V'-M P 0 E T I C A L THE WORLD TOR SALE. The wostd foe sale hi t tbeaijn, ; ; Call every traveller here te ma J - WboH bey tRj brava estate of miae, 4 - Aad Mt say weary aplrit free t . ; - r going r"t Lneaa to fljsr Tbebaubls from rat oul awsyt -IT1 wll h, whatsoe'er it bring Tha world at aociioa here to-day T . 1 It m sr. gleriooe this g to see J . 3 Alt, It bu cheated me m sore I - " It b est what It mm te be I -.' , For n t It shall be mine no mart. ie, torn it erar aad view it wall - I weald not bar you purchase dear I Tie foiflrt00? I most sell J "V ' Yb bids! irha'U boy the splendid teart - ... ;(.: .-- : r . v. Here's wealth In glitlerriBg heaps of gold ; N Weeht-iaT bat let ma tell jo faor, :. A baser lot was never sold : WheTl boy the heavy btp f f cawt. And jtert, apread out in broad domain, 4 -AfoodlyHndacapoallroaytraco Hall, cotUf, trw, fild, bill and pJaib ' -' - WboTl boy biinelf a boxial plae f ' ' ' . .. - 1 . . Ilera'a lore, tha dreamy potent opell . Tbat beauty filorouod tbo heart; ; - I kaoar iu power, alaa I too well ; Tm fwnf I--foinj ! Loto and I ro oal part, Moat part ! what can I mora with Lore t All orer tha 'eochanter'a reirn : ! WWII boy tha rfame'ea, djlar A breath of biiaa a atorm of paiu t . And "Friendnh'p the rarest gem of -earth . I Wboe'er baa foaod tb jewel bkt , Frail, faU( and fickle, littla worth : ' Wbo bkia for friendsb p a ahe kt - Te joiay-goiBf !hear the call:"" Onca, twico, and thrice ! 'lia Tery. low;. Twaa obca my hope, toy stay, my all ; Bat bow, tha brokea itaiT most go I v - - " " . ' " " 5 " ,ti j Fame ! bald tha Tenant meteor Titgh ; Ilaw. dazzling erery gflded name 1 - -t To nailxma, mVi tbe timoto buy. " f ' IIow moch for facia? Ilaw moch for fama T Hear bow it thoadera Twould yoo atand Oa high CMjmpoa, far renowned T - Kow poxebaae, aad a world command ! - - And be. with a world'a'cuniea crowned ! Sweet ataf of llope! with ray to shine . 'Ia'aewy aad forebodiog braat, - . Saro'thia dapoadkit oaeof miaa; " Who bida fat anan'a Ust friend and beat? -. Ah,. ware not znloa a baokropt-Ue,. Tbia traaivra aboold my eool aastaia ; , . Bat Hop and 1 aw aaw at strife, 2if arer oaay naito- ajaia. ' . . , v f . , v . I - . m AmhiBonl'Jashioh! Show and Pride!- . I part from ail brtm o , Grief, ta an orenrLelming tide, : Uaa taogbt my banjhty heart Low. Cjr tUalht atarn aherilT, all bereft, - ' I weep,.yet hnzcbly kiaa tbe.rod;. Tba best jot all I atili bare Jpft , , flj-Ffnb, myt Bible, and my Goo . ; . - SINGULAR OLD SONNET ' Tha luor life, thi Tnftre oflence; T Tba mofe ojTeoca, the greater pirn ; The greater pain, tha lcsa defence ; ' Tbe.Iea defence, the lesacr gain . -Tbe ioeajcTgiio J;ng,ildth try, Whererore, come d. h, oJ leums d! ! The? snorter JI leu tounl I fiJ ; ;. ' ; "- Tba' lesa account the aooner nude ; '' Tha count "aooo cadei,. the merrier raiod ; " . Tba merrier mind doth tboojht 4nrade . ' Short Ufa, ia truth, tbia thing try," Whertfore, come death, Md Jet me die ! Come, gnUe Jei'h, the el b of care ; . Thai ebb of care.' the flood of Lie; ' The flood of life, the joyful fare ; . .Tbe jorfol lira the end of strife ; Tbe.end of atnTe, ttat thipj wUU I, : : jVberefare.'eome death, and let roe die 1 j (Frem tha Temperance Advocate. " " ?. . A WIFE WORTH HAVING. : - ' - Tha dittinguisb'ed William" Wirt,, within . six or eight ooArtis after bis first marriage, . became addicted to intemperance, the ef fect of which operated strongly upon the 'inindTandTieali'h-'of his wife, and in' a few : rnoalhj more she was numbered with the dead. . Her. death Je4 him to leave Ihe coun- - try-where Do .resided, and tnove to. Iich-f , tnona,-wnere ye aoojt rose toIiatirrctiorr. But bis habits hong aboik hin1,-"and occa aidnally he"was found in jolfj and.fft.jic ;aome spirits p tachanalian revelry. ' His irua friends expostulated with Wm, to con ,-Tince him of the iejary he was doing hirrj. elfC But he'stiU persisted.- Hia practice btgtn la fI off, and many looked upon hiin as on the sqra road to ruin. He was advi aed to pet married, with a view of. correct - tng his habiti This he consented to dp, if the right person .offered. ; He ecordinfflV paid hia addresses to a-Misa Gamble. c At terome months" attention; he asked her hind in'mirriigt..- Sfte'replicd , - Mr. Wirt, I have heea well -aware of yoor intentions for aomeHime back, and afiould have gi -you to -understand. that 1"' T',,' "Hewions Were n&t 'rjept. . ... V 1 not reciprocated ihe "affection . which pa evinced !for me ; BufrCannot: yiem my assent until you make a pledca never to U.te, touch tr handle any intoxi-catiadrmks.-" - ' t-?-r i -.u ' This reply to Mr.-VVirt was as iht'ict? , co... u wa, novel. - Hi, rrply was, thitl.e ..K.ruea.rt propoaa.on a bar to all fur ner consideration oa .her. . Her course to ever-Tg,4resentme cdurse of a fcw Vee f?in 'ci.'ed her h te cay, wnJa Irii.c in lliM rul.l f.j asr iuc city, near a Jitiie rnyi w w wilUaV irifaVanf 1 " s' v w ceaj .UruK, a TOOn Jad? -hrt It ; , ' , ccs.arv trt lI v.T1" " ne I J .I t' . . Ul K'UZ-IDOB. I J fosiivx int Vi I- urn,,,...! " ' u " wee - ... kun , v I a scorcbi m;? sun. -ua jcws.-ner Handkerchief, tt"HU her own the subiect. snd l-fr i PrilTerm. - ' ' - ' . - him was the aamn P '"MaryArT; AlstonV- -r' i" nTsnd ner1ectVIiKK - : v-.-v-'H ks.hdwent ag.in . 'r -C ! -ruL Luther reniv JT.I - Uvj.fftv Vr er mind u tna.T. - 11 T.--.: .. t nTVKrE:iUAIT be ns- ealfiJ and r.;ft Dat and regarded the terms propowiaa iSL'V" da-cd by Oie Court, tu.f publica salting to hia horrof and ariJt a u L ? foabeinade in the Warteojoa Reponer ad Kireigh tbft last LlliiU J ti should bef Kegiser foa tbrea' successive monha. BoTfyfeVDe. He liiiTti -drSr " f 'r have.ferHltto sppear at the next Term vdsaid Superior Jte look ;tjdrir,kti,r worse and worie, knd fha be field fee the Coomy ofYrUren; Cnr.ed ,to run headlona info ruin: -r Ceuvi Uvein WsrrreaNn.on ihe-ihrrd Mio. name marked -utori it. end placed it over bit face. After' Wb ad remained ia that" waj for.tome boars, he was .awakened, and bit tftirnl being to great, ba went jnto Hie litile grocer or grogshop to get a drrfik, wben be discovered the handkerchief, '.which be looked at,"and the harae that waa en'iu:-- Al ter paiiiihg a few iqtoalea, be exclaimed.:- Great God 1 who ieb thia wilh roe 1-r-Whoplaced it on my facer.' Noone knew. He dropped hia glass, exclaiming:' ' . Enough.! enough V; t V f . . ; y lie retired instantly from tKe grcery, for riinir his thirst, hut not the debauch, the handkerchief, or. Ibe lady vowing, if God gave him etrength, never taiouch, taste or handle intoxicating. drinks. !D. - . .- To meet 'Miss Q. wa ' , - . - . aa rr . ww rk w bis life. . If binielJier in fcercttrrjage. or on frtrtj hi vnHlH dartre the nearest corner Sbe at last addressed him a note under her own hand, invitin him to the house,' which he finallr. gathered cduraire enough to accept. He told her if she bore affection for him, he would grfe to herwn terms. Her reply My conditions now are wh&ttbey ever bate been.""'"'" - r ' :-.-.-: Tlien,Msaid the disenthralled Wirt"' accept them,, . ; n-,. -.- ': J liev were aoon married, and irom-inai day be kept hia word," and his affkus brigh tened, whife honors aiulglory gathered thick- upon hisbjow. His name has been enroWcit high in Jib temple of fa'me, while kbis deds, his p;itriolism and. renown, live after him with imperishable lus'fre. 1 How many "tiftble rot'iids miffht the young. ladies $.ive, if they would follow the example of ibe.beroine- hearled Aliss G the friend of humanity, ot her country .ond the relative of La Fayette.- . ; Soda . Water,! OvFiT Soda I-onni is now open for If Uthrrnon.aud from zrreat im- proveiuents in Machinery, Slc. for preparing, shall ht aLle to add tn ita former reputation. WILLIAMS, IJAY WOOD &. LU Sheriff Sale,:-: A GREE ABLY loan Order of Henderson Coon- 'J ty lU)urt. at its Ust Term, I shall proceed to sell l'nrt Hnn-door in ttenders.ni!le. on 1 the 4lh Monday of June neit, the folio winS Tract of .and. or ro m?ch thereof as will aatisiy a uouoio JIT IW lei, Wgi un wnu win'i u-v si TEa interest Ting on occupied King and amounting Miy 15. ' Pr. Adv. 13 50. All ROAa NOTICE. The Anneal eeting of the Stock bolJers in, tha Raleigh and (Jasion Rail Road Company, will be held at the Office of ibe 'Comptroller of talr; in the City, of Rs'eigh, on the first Monday in Jane next. ' A pune toal attend anca, either iu person or by proxy, is par-ticularly-requested. . - ! - - - . . WM. BOTLA.N, rraiH ' R-4 0. R.R Office,? v ! " "OS U " - April 30. J845. V " " . ' Qj- hundard sod Petersburg Intelligencar will copy till A June.; . " - .''-'" ;FRE!GHT-AND passage - From Fetersbxirg to Baltimore. THE large and afOendid Steamers COLUM BUS 1 and POCAHO.NTA3.have been newly fitted Op hj cpriBgand are now ready for freight and nd the largest saftst . - aeemnmodatwn t passengers. They are the largest and trotiret Boata on the Cay, and by far the aad most comfortable route Jo Baltimore.- V ' " j Passage and' Fare thr fh, only - -. $5 00 ( -The Care leave City- Pomt Depot every VI ednea- j day and Saturday evenings, at 6 o'clock. Forbrther information, aprJy to ' . -. . , VV..T.CAL WELL, Agent. P 8. J. Brandt; Jr. Agent, Baltimore, will re ceiva and forward freight free of charge. V . - . May 10. '; . A . SS Cm STiTH & PBSCUD, ' AP8THECAIUES AND 0RUEG1STS;'.-. . - FaVcTTSTXIXS ST RlLEIGB, . FEELING under renewed obligations to their friends and Uia poblic generallv, fir thelHeral j patronage which they have received ainee iheir cmo- . menoement in husinesa, woufd ropectfally invite lhtr attention to Ibe extensive selertmn of- - Medicines, Paints, Dye Stuffs 'Ac, which they baveon hand aft J are daily recei vine, and to which they particularly call lite-: at ten tion of Phy sicians and Country Merchants, feeling assured . that they can give each inducemenu both aa regard's the cjsCry-and price' of their articles, as to secure their fu- . j r 11 .5.1 . u . : t: l : ! T -f l 11 r n 1 "' 7 r . r.. "--r" ------v --- J , .j . . j O P an experienced Dispenser,, in a scientific mannar, ' Raleigh, April S8. 1845. , -" . 34 . "Popular If orcls Lu Chc'ap. Forui. Just 'published l and for sali at the N-C. Bookstore, j TP IFtJ in Italy ; The Iroproviaatorerom tfie U A -Uaniah orrians Chruuan Anderson, translated by Mary Howitt, . . The Gambler tVife, a.NoveT bj1 tBor ol f. ITe Young Puma Donne ' etc. dec- --Tile Ancient Regime, a tale'byJ. jp. r. Jam ps. Also, . , ". ' -" " IVo.; 23 and 34 ITa'rperV' Pictorial Hinm. - TUKMEfl IIUiHEM. , May 1-1 - f-ri . 35 ! RiTATE of ITorth Carolina WAR. after the foot ih Monday jn eptemkT next, theo ami a r , . m a i s a . . . a . . . ' V wja,u uiwib scaa asisFaaci arusatAS ucss a bsm a a bsa irt..- M lll.m. .IA k. L...J-. . ,T" ura j parte. - V.8 B.Coo. Clerk of ouV ..id teart nFwa the third Monday after the fourth Mood ay in March. 1845. arrenton, April 25, .845. : " - 24-Sm CPricfofadv.Slt 25) of Oavid Mreaa' Heirs in 656 Acres, Jfeady made Ulounng oi tne uiesr lasnion i i.aujfs. loth siJea f Mill- River, in vsa id Cohty. I Donneta. latest style ; AYti&ctai f lowers; ouvow By Vhilip Briftain. 'anJ adjoining Joseph Par -and Palm Leaf. Leghorn, and other tibdrM oihers aled at 5,965 Tax 'thereon J fashianaMe Hats ;'Coya" Cspa ; mnDrejias,.rarai - - i i HiiM An inrmer BDiriiL i rnieis ana uiicioins : ouu pair m urmicuimrM . - d . 1 . jm I - f ..vt 1 . . CAA - r- -f I 111 ... - v j as . . fcC? Ki XJUurrirT,"" SsupeTtor Court of Law.' A mi w rim Y 1 I 1 I I 1 H W 1 , I , V tU l' . g? -TTe bar recClFcd f ra r - PIinadelpMa & New Xoi Wt ) o I drugs. Medicines, chemicais, which tnalces'oar Stock large and totf pIetii'C u.rr, .!miMt ever tbinir kept in similar eaU fiabujents, .which we offer for sale at rlofio paicits..-- - - -"-' "-r'' J-l'' PliTsIcIans.- Country laerctnm and others, will find ittotbeif interest to e;xara je the quality and prices of- out Stock ,befe- pir chaaiopeUe where, as we are prepared ad el assured in saving, that we can offer indUCetoe. s that cannot fail to please. -All orders prpm&j attended to, and particular attention paid to l;e cofnnoundinir of Pv'sicians-' prescripliobsr sifd m m w - Family Medicines, wbieb wUl.be carefulfjrfe cuted at all hours of the day and night with net . . - ; WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD T. E. COSBY i (MM jyft N UF A CT U R! N Q" J E'VV tW ft??; Jlilltory Goods Cold Watciie &;; OUR SPUII!r aopply of M ilitay Goof t consisting ' f Sword", a- Jetts, Sashes, Plumea ' tons. Lace," Blare,? tJ$, Bword Uelts and I'lae, c. &c.M now open. Iwhich ife' offer for sale on tbe'e reasonable terms, .i - Also.'-jBst receded, a acoui auppty of Gold a?jd Silvov Wjrhia. Chains. Kevs and Seal. Bretm Pif , Finsjer Kinas," P'enciJ, Bpeetaclea,-0.ra! Nekla, GolJ and filter ThimWet; SiUw RcticoleCasSi, Bracelets," and one vegr hahdsoma 8el yl iewel!, Mnristiitff'ofNeeklaca. Bjelet and Breaa. Po, N- ethcr Fh every descrij.tion of goods jusually loXfyd in a Jrvselrv ami rancy store. . J : lei-e call in and look at them as it wl aflords a'pfcasuro to show our Goods, whether a f Urchaa ia matffr or not- - ' ' ir?-rrltTKS ATTD WATCIlJEfcj: if atl khula.-carerotlj repaired and warrant to ft.t? f..rm well- Jewelrv of all kli dsfpairHl; arjd niale 1 10 0ider Dtd-Gold and Silver iaken in eha e for H"ods .Call at COOh. 3 old stanii. T.U COSBY & C., v' ' Syratnore St PetersSura Va " ' ? 35 IjJ v " NO T I f! E - : - v J v , KtT-' e:14- li USI rccettrea, anu rereiTing: ny errry afnur tV direct Iromew . ora. a;urga se c. -1-. -i. V.nvl -it'; j 7"1, Ladies'; and Miasesand CbildrenV Shoeaircrj and IJoots aome,very line. A iaise asiriinejit!ui ; . Family;. Groceries, t; t' Molasfea, Vinegar. Hardware, China and Ctkgjy Wsre. Iron and Steel j -Sole and Uprjey--Lealhfi'; c;alft'ina, and Liniug Skins ; Medicine Pro Green. De Stuff, and Siarcb : Baleraiosand Wll Lead; Cigars. Candles.Powder, ShoWand,Lei1 -Saddles, Bridlee,.Martlsales, Ginhs, Wbipsand tn- die-Reins ; Carpet Bags ; .Cotton Cards, var(Se Wicks. Nails. Pultr.-Htmn and Urate Bones i W h- l dow Glass, JVubnegs and Matches. - - .f w w - t i . - a - M I- i ; This being a vrnaH part of my large Stnck 6l GbA I anlicit a call from all my old. cusuunera ana all ft. I era vi.iung Kaieign. fjall at ny store oeiore pir- chafing elsewhere, aa I am uetennined to seU-furc$ -par rent, on prime eat for cash, which Will make&y Good the cheapest in the. State. Don't -forgec' to tan, iwo uoors neiow . W'tiuaoia. nay woua olajOsj: - -tVX-: SCALED MALOE k Raleigh. April 25. 1845. S3rw . - JBdncaUoii of the Deaf & UnmV ' And Blind -of -North Caroliifji. ffpHE LITERARY BOARD ia pleaeoTio nte '11 known, that the School for the Deaf and Hi nb 1 commenced operations in the' City of Raleigh or ie 1st inat, under favorsbta aopices, though it ha 'Jt6 regret that so few of tbeCognt'y Courts, havaa1etr acted on the subjicU in accordance, with tba A4of . ' ibe last General Assembly, as requeaied -in a fbJex , Adrertiemenf,-of the Board.-' - 7 r- . I I . J L 3t -1 rtiT.- It baa bern ascertained by . correspondence thiJ a Schapl fr the Blind can also be esullihad.hvjre Qfon te;ma nvre economical, than those of InsOo- lions without the. bute; and auch ah one wilbej opened as soon as a sufficient number of Pupila atjartl I offer 10 justify the undertaking. The Chairnaeliof the County Courts, sbertfls-and Cou.ty tSotlcbars are therrfote respectfully urged to brijig the A&a. foresaid to the attention' of their Court, and to mfke returns to the 'President of the Board, of the nf jm ,ber of Deaf: and Dumb and Blind persona in lYpU Counties.ietween the ages of 8 and SO years, asar ly is practicable. . .- : . ' i , This appeal In behalf of tKe destitute and UHfou nate wHI, it js hoped, receive at the hands of tbse Officers, an attention equally prompt and eJfcciiveas if the duty bad heea imposed hy law! f ' l: Prea'l ex off. -fi Bnanfi May 5th, 1815. nnMff'AKin FwMHY.finnflft WARPWrtllC- w... v., w-ww r , , f Tirvvt - II nAa.TrS.PT-..rtA- Ml r.w ' .v J w .vvvta in. aa. .B iVi 1 I v i ,fi. ,ri: ISB Pearl St. opposite Cedar St.; Jtyr lom . ."' . ' i ' .V I iTIT A VB for aale by the package, or inMols 10 1 ait ii ii-the western and Southern Trade. A?" A full Btock of the following Goods; whicK wijAe mnU wr lnr ft , .- ;3 - m t t' t S .a ' ' ' Q -.A i Riirti rVmp 4 ' Z i - ,A ...vvw. llr "v,"'.ow.lThe. said, parties are hereby notified to have the , Combs. . ' " - JOunCB. PnI ah fiT. l -'.ij 1 T.u '.t.' ' . J , r..- , ; .' a AnrtT 'r r i ' ! ;7',."r Til" vv uaieone Uoods lor Uonnets. Dresses. Mats 4;e wa A - . ' , ' WhJetine and BaUaatodds. i A full asuortmenof Perfumery, 8oaps, &e., well adapted for the CitvKbd I Country Trade. J 4 r ; V j April 44184.55'' 34-2i 1 "T" TO SE WSP1FEB PUBLISDEES. i p fTnHE adveniser "desires emolovment fn- th n K'a.' j ii" city br Editor or Reporter for "a Daily pstta UO wuitu Quues ae uaa nau some experience; or he wl hid be pleased ttf tatte chargeofan esifcbrfshmerit Inf healthy town in,the middle or souther n estates oh if reulringHha frNeSlrerit of no eapitaton "bis parlZ. I t f or this latter duty, he is also qualified by some i t'tence in the supervision of an office and pfaciiq irT the mecharucal department'rtf Ibe business. ' Vrftia a VVhi tn principle, he of courae ohly wishes to t4 en- gagea upon a wnrgor neutrat aier.; ; f V -. Cominunlcatimis addressnl loALEXlSjllaldrore Post Qffie;will be attended to. 3 ' - f May t4. .. : - BLANK- DEEDS, - - i j Jo st printed antf for sale Oy': -. it tHfa orrrcE.. '-''Ji o.vwy uy,n.svwiM .wan. - v, . -1 rT .nd Master f Richmond Counts. forlaucW divfelon '-v 8W C.uoQi- 6 H mJ to account ; f Vr the -the Jfire aW Profit of the Jett and rornirure Vimity ; Vrded, Grass ' d.Teren mster - - - Inga Aonsf ; mta6 fid, ibc.Court.HnnM in the.Tow !?J Skuto ;Greea Bsr Black Thole; 12 Cases Hooks and Eye Cases Kninm ; I - irockinghan :s-Iliidy. the second day of jana. f11 . '.ai.d.Corset Eyelets, . Tapes.CwdaTuJBmdr; r ' . .' . i i '-',v,--Iadies' Dress OdosJii. -."- 8cors;:Pen Kuivea and Silver Pencils Tbhn- Witness jo1r vV;CaaVerir:an?M.et i 8e!ff8rU 'Dskthe third Monday "of March,- XlDsl&fjSf Bir&ad .'. .i!t -i. il r. I f?an and Bohnet, W ri! a&rnHN w- riuceAs u Vf . Gingham Lawna, Eariston and- Mancheaer-Gin?. ; Splehtd lotteries ? for May a S : ie. GREGQRa co.; masxgebs.: ; . Z jAXEXjjlT3lilAn Ja-TTIIIIIV , !. Class ffo. 22,-for 1845, - - -j" To be. drawn at Alexandria. D. Coa-Sattirday, : - j ; --. Maj:3iij(' Ul'iiflmcX.ISi; 1 do Sv 10,000 do-;-; 2.000 ' 1 do jrfv... .vAvmn vr" -1 -i-do' 1.747 ; f3,t)00 1 i do 5.000 - as .no 5S:;axja3aSt do ljOOO' 'dor -600 TitkU $ 10, H ahrea 5, Quarters 2 fiO Certificates of Packages as above. vC -Orders for -tickets and shares;and certificates of packages in ihe U tlendid Loflerlea will receive tho most nroraptaUenUonrSBd an, official accoant of each drawing sent immeaiaieij ancr ii ia over w,m . - V. . . a a t who may order twkece from us, j Address., : , j J. C. UKCUUKX a tU. inanagera, , ;-s:.-fy.- i Washington -City. D. 4X; importani to; omfortable Roctc betweca the Korth and, Sonth. Daily (SKnndaya excepted) tiA Jlhe Ciy Pjoint it Road, Jmer ;ITier and- Chesapeake Bay . I' v',v'-; rv, Stealers. - .' Tfce Baitlrnorie " Steam Packiii Co. HAVE, in conneclion with the owners of the Steanv er Curtit J'ccJc, pfaced on the line . the following Steamers - -.. '-... , " .-. " " ," On James River. " On the JJy,- ' Curthiefki Capt Batfii, J " Georgia, Ca4. Coffey. Jewess, Cpt. iSuttrtn, Herald, Capt Boasell, Boats thaW for beauty; speed and comfort, are ni to Ioe aarpaicsea nn any iraa. . i as uhiccib uihui and courteoas, ; Thev are sowell known that the i .. ' t- t'i cc T.:ir..i 1 announcement of 4hrit names oa snj line, bespeaks far the route a hearty support, and for J. raveuera, every comfort.' ' '.V ' i--'' -y , .' - ' "V"'; -!i-To the former paltons of the Portsmouth Line and i ho "public generally, we recommend to their favora ble notice this tine, asking their support to keep down a-monopoly that wonld be established should this route not s seat ed. , ; . BcniBctK Leave Weldon 10 TJ M. via Peter burg and R. Rail Road. ' vv ': : Leave'Pefersnorg daily (Sundays excepted) i via City Point Rail Road (lOjnUes)-? A. M. K Leases City Point at 9 A. M., reathing Baltimore next m -ruhtg, at 8 A. M. in time far either of the morning lines to Philadelphia.", ti' Prom Wejdnn to Baltimore (Meafs included) $9 00 Proro Petersburg to Baltimore. i 6 00 Forward Pasra'ze -. 1 - "J ' "ft 00 nTr No Line does or shall carry the travel cheaper iban this rqiite, ' " ' ; .; : -i v WM. M: WOOD, JrAgent Beware of cetting tbronsb Tickets; JPay your Fare to Petersburg only. . ! t: fx3 P. S.Omnibusses. will be in attendaace at either of the Hotels in' Petersburg, to take passengers free of charge fo the City P&int Depot. - '' - rassenrera will oreaWast in retersburc netore leaving, as in no case, will that; Meal be furnished on boar3 of the Boats. ;AVwVBNEi'4C0.-- .-'i:''-2l8Jiearl S'treett-Kew'Tork;r Imvorters' of Hardware," Cutlery, - Gims Rifles, Pistols, &e. from v ? England, France and X. EG prepared to sell on the oaost favorable ; terms, CUTLERY of ail kinds, including Knives and locks, of every, description, and qtiiryf ;i; -j. - - -pw BzorsSciseorocketKn .. s-ietuie, svinea auu uaatua, , ..... - I- uri fcmttha 1 wig, , -r -Co.jo.yz Anviis,. v ices, noes, i race vains, 0c oxc. Trunk, Chest, Door and Pad Locks of all kinds. Seythes, Saws, and Tools of all kinds. : Japannery and Britannia Wares. w . ' Brass Goods, nf. all kinds. : .-. ' ; , ;V v;. Mathematical Instruments. . Fishing antl Fowling Tackle; & &c''; : "T A. W. S. & Co. are Agents for the Patent self. cocking, east steel sixljarrel revoiving'PIS'TOlV fiDperior to ankind of Pistol for a safe guard, r .- juerviiauiB win una 11 w ineir jnteresi, 10 car before purchasing elsewhere. , - J X- r r . New York, March 28. ; , ; . o s , 26W I TATE of North Carollna.-2CiiF- MOND COUNTY. CIS EQUITY ?Hf . -.. -Erasmus -Love. ' r : :'-r 'i : Richmond Love,. Executory f William Love, dee'd,. ; . W alter F Iak and ; M ary hia wife, W illiam L- Cole and Aun Jennings. Original B0C frnHlS. cause having been .transmitted io the So Jj " prerae Court, by consent rtf parties,: for trial, and theeaid Court haMntf rdrl- ,Hmlrl erh ih.f.ii ih-'nLTv.; .;i7at ,iu -,wl eJ DrUTXh , -- - Vr 'i"r ."V'i .Yr-v-- j :rPP' ,iUlf M.". BMb?. 1 iinirnnfMKianornniiprituiir'vinimintiiMiMiiim,M il" "il.rL I stock.-nr the issue of such original atockasWas be oiealbed bjr Wiiriat- Lote; dfceased, srU to hia .widow for life, dcc,e&cept the slaves divided in J8ll with their is-ue. before thr said. Clerk and MasteTTat e- "W?'.1 ft viera snu Master do uivwe tne sara Slaves, orc ana psties shall aocount before him. for the Hirer snd Profits off ha said lata,aincethe death of Mary nOWrmt. td received. l,,t waves,-.wiiii ner ipciease, peiore toe said Oierx tate of North Carolina FtfiYAXiV County .Cojiri of Phjar and iuarter-8eaaiobai Mwea.Tertor 1,845.-.. yyUiX. i icv'i .' Martha -Westrsy. .J- W '-'i w ;V w --vVr; ; i :mm: In fhw ewatappearingih 'iDourL- thatXtrfretohf CWray.-efthafi'' satajn thia ease, reeideeheyend lha Umita of4ba Stttej n is ordered that publication he made for -six week'a'l r ""&",. uwiymg nim to anfteax. at j; our net ,ourt of Pleaa and Quarter Sessiqne to, be held for the County of Franklin, at tbe.Court House in Louisburg.on the second Monday of June,r 1844. then arid there in' nlnat .tun... a. .i ' : -.- . . petition will be heard ex varie as to him. ar.,1 in,i-: I ttent entered aecprd.ngiy.1 ; - - 77 .V? . vvnness, WiUiam T. Perrv. Clerk if n, U r AU. d Morty lit Msrch, 1845. NV"PB:tV rotivr. iCourt f " Plaaa Lucy 'Caroline Person, by bet Guardian, Joseph A. laaao"Dais5nd vJr.PerwayEwciitori - . Jonathan: Dasia. Hoah Hsrva and wi& Evelina, levin Perrv and wife Martha. Blab Bjnrwell and wife farr. NancV Davis. Henry Davis, ' and Joseph'Dai'defendjrfg tj hii Guardians; Isaac : Davis arid LevinvPerrycand Jaaac Dais itt hiswn , v right, and Mary iJavta.widew ol Jonamaa; Aavia, ilrJtition for j ailment ,' i -. ft appearing JU the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendants, Hogh Hays and wife Evelina; 'and Henry Davis; reside beyond the limits of tha 8tata: It ia ordered that publication be made in jhej Raleigh Rerister for eix weeks, notifying them to be and ap pear before the Jestfces of our next Coortof Pleaa and Quarter Sessions, to he held for the Coqoiv of Frank lin, at the Cenrt House in-t&ouisbsrgV n jtba, 2iid Monday of J une 1845, then -and there to I answer, plead or demur, or the aaid f Petition wSt be heard exparte, iaa to them, . ands Judgment -featerefiH ae-' conlinglj. ZAt.-': l:p-kf. : Witness. William T. Perry, Cletk of 'nor .said Court at office, 2nd Monday. in March,' A. D".-1846, ; -''W. T. PERRY, C-CC. Pf. Advrf5 tim-m 81 ewr it Notice to, EN the present depressed state of the Fanning fn teesls,.a favorable'opportunity is now offet ed f&r the nrofitaWa investment of Capital. iTxe auuecn bera having become sole PfOprietOf s of , the j . . ; FA 0 Tt r y A N 0 1VI J i t s , : - vAt tlie Mff Falls of Tar Blver,' A te desirous, of extending their business,' and for this purpose are willing (o-sell, orj reasonable terms, a por. tion of their interest: r. thevtwill reeeivaf SulwctH hers for forming" a Company, fof which' theyhave ia iavoraoie narieri 11 so preierreu ov; iuno wuy mu to invest their funds in Manufucturine interests; . " The fitness of the, Location for all kind of Manufac tures is so well known aa to render a oescription un necessarv. : ; :."irC'.'-;'- .-:-- I- -s - . Those wish in? for further ihfortnation oni the Vub- jert are referred to R. H. Battle Eq. Rocky Mount ' i - 't:r: . . w. Hr&f B. D. BATTLE.. March 3, 1815. . : . . : f 31 2m ! SPRING GOODS-1845, ALLiCKjJvlUXji 173 Pearl Street, (One door above. Puie Street,) NEW YORK, RE now, receiving by late arrivals from Europe, ' and from Homa Manufacturers, a raree assort- meni of Fane V end Staple Dry Goods, dapted to the Spring Trade, which they, oiler tby tha piece or pacaage, tar iauruoie icruia. -, .j Their Stock. consUta in artof Cloths, Cassimf res; Ssltinets, Vestingv. American Prims oTalf ltyle - Br own sod Bleached Mlisnris, various sty les "aa : ipneea, v? '--v-: f " . : H: ! ' ' Irish Linen's, Linen La wfV Scotch-Ging name. Printed Musjlns and Lawns new atjle Balronnes, Alpaccas, juatres. I Silk snd Cotton ork. Sirfc and Cbtton Velvets. ' ' 7 Fancy French and English Garnbroohf.b Spring Tweedeatngie ad double svUih. Check Ginghams and Merino Casaimere ' DrabVEtes for summer wear, j iV. 7 . American Pantaloona Stuffs. I I j Brown Hollands, Sileeias and Paper ' Cambrics.' 1 Cotton HoateiT bleached and brfewit-, ( - Fancy and Silk Ilandkerchlefk. Ribbons, Sewing and Silk and Twist. ' Corded Skirts, Table Coders, IJnep Thread. Jaconets; Cambrics, Gloves. &c. &r f r3 Rferchants buying goods for Cash whlfSndit fhe tbeir interest to duv- or us alMx !- March-7vy, ,iijiH':. i I8,4mi, HE'Subecriber, wishing to 'remove to the West, ' 11 offera to 8elL oa accommodatiag - terms, the fot- bwing "Tracts oi Land, la ; Wake County, I .The Tract whereon he fives, containing 2S 0 Acres, aHuated 8 miles Northvrest -of Raleigh, vi the Road; leadihg ihencertorHillsboroughr Thetf Dwelling House haava Kooma'below,wilh two fire-places. I and one fira-place above. There is als., an eicellenl j Well of Water ia the yaruV and aff necessary outr 1 houses, with a good ,Barn and Thrasher, i The Or chard of Fruit Trees cannot be eurpassed, as it is .L' J!.B ? 1 - ' .' young and thrifty. Hj' i'-My I Also, one other. Tract an Richland. Cteek, of 250. Acres, six miles from rialeigh : 7 ? Ahvv -one other Trad of 130 Acres. i mi lea from Raleigh, oa Hre-8oipei nswr the road;y j - C ?;- f All of the above will be sold on reasonaila terms. by appiyhig to the Subscriber -i f:- WILLIAM .F. SMITH. - I Jiay f-I845 ;K''v : Z1-r8m :New-Goods! New; Goods! ! p SPRING JLYlf SUMMER TTTT7"OtILD resjieetfully., inform ; the citizens of ;yy tf sleigh aud rba public trenerally.1 1 that bev" wv-.acaTO-tqwrawnaamaiw.Hawiasw Sn Americatti iry csoosls, 10 whichtberinvhethejwteouonhead-ffaml- kes and all others i heing Weil assured that their stock can fitf anrnaed hf thk aectknl-bf ih8fi.u,V .. ' ... ; : r r - either forvariety er cheapness. for variety -er-cheapness. v We' enumerate fid part only as follows . ?;-V''.f'v!!. is -.-j.'' Cloiba. Cassimerea, Merino Jeans, Fane Twveds, Brownr and Gra.se Linens, Indigoind Linen OriBs, American Nankeens, Lama Cloths,' Gmbreons, Atcv t". Bleached and Brown Cottons ItmflW4inri A nmn - i :- . - xz--- --.. Cbecka.. Burlaps, Virginia Pznabaig9 Northern tlaula and Stripes, Black srxt Colored Cambrics, &c, I Jaconett Cambric I amfric Muslin,- Checked Boolv Swiss; Medium and Lace MosliniCEishop and LongrLawhaV Bobbin'eitV Swiss artdCa'TObric Trim- mlhgs ad InsrtionsYCfeiaa Netts , Thread Cam- hams, &c. with aa excellent asaorlment of Manrn. iogVaad -Half Mourning Goods vompriaing 1 every ty la and fabrici t uu auru i j-'v ? , . f . iSItatFls, Scarfs, Xloslerv.&i rP"50! Ktlk,:BarageAChal! and Monalina. Laine fthawla Hernafli and parage Scarfc llpsierv 4 v - pw -.-iB ri great ivanejyA-large lot gjfti LinenairnlrrlrS g0"?: CP "ibbons f ToifeKJovers, ,Bir - ye. Kjassia ajid iluckaback. DiarjeraBroWo Pan,8k Table Cloihf , Mosquito NettsV'Hair "W811 i owl Combs and .indeed evary. arti.Ie ' muni vsiaousDoieni. j; 017 Pnrehasera' will nfeasaaiW'oflr Gods: before supplying themselves ersewhefe." , J' V J,MayS0IS45. 0 I Ol'.i 1 , ' " tl 0TAoc WrtTAtv f 1 :r VIIqI vOO: 1 1 ttMvl In Quart and Pint Buttles, received andforsale by thd dozen, single bottle, orn drabght WILLIAM HAY WOO I ii CO. and TU U B trriiw ready for the Spring trade, htiL VV received our stock, just porchaaed, bv 0. r our firm I person, in. . the VsVtnarkeu and n V tomtit possible priced' ;We kavQ hM(1 , heavy assortment of every thing deairabfe ia ih, rj busrnesa. r Alt er ni bist arfliTT. ' a? Wa respectfujlv-aolicit a call from our old Friend and the- public generally assuring them ih,t are prepared to iofTer Iheea greater indueeaieou jiT' erer,or Cash or on tha usual credit ta punctosl Below we enumerate a few of our leading artld all of which, together toitk every thing ret stIL !h warrant to be a-thaBE8T QUALITY, and! PRICES, WHICH AWKQT FAIL Tn im! .ol SATIaFACTlON. . ; . s , . - psom Salts Paris Green Braasian Blue Alum : r G. Csmpher Sy: Opidm. ' , - . Verdig"ris(DryandlnOih Terra Da Soinnir ' Sugar Lead ,, - Umbur, Lampblack Cream Tartar . Tartaric Acid - Aloes f ' V 'vt Calomel best) r; " V ll Vermillion ' Bronzes pnaeed Oil, Lamp Oilf0r beat quality) v S upr. Cor. Soda 5: ' ; (Tanners Oil (besi qnality) Spanish Browe, Vcneuia ihubarb;.Ipecac Jalap .. Magnesia,; Quicksilver Ked . i Sotla Powders 1;' .; ejiiuk, io yy ;PJDIGO(le.tFlot,nt,I,a .norriuai Madder; Copperas, BIds Balsom Copavla Castile Soap. G.' AraJic Stone - BrimatonFlower Sulphur Logwood, Comwood, Rd. oaiphate Morphine .Acetate . do Mo rate do V Hulph. Quinine , wood , Cochineal.' Red Sahderi Cologne, Florida, and Xoi. let Water Castor Oil (m bottles 'and barrelsl ; - v -.A Extracts, Otto Rose, Fancy . .Soap's . 8wiset'0ii vdo ; do (Brushes ofall kinda Spirits Turpentine do do Pepper, .Mestard, F,jrj, Mace-, Nu'imeesV Ginirrr FBet Salad Oil Liqnorice (esl CalaBrs Glue. Inks of all White Lead, (in kegs and Potty. Shoe BlKVinir ; ury) ' ;p Litharge, Red Lead Crome Greea; Crome Yellow ' Crome1 Red ' (Varnishea ol all kinda WIND.JWGLASuf.li sizes Surgical srd Dental Inrtru. mfnts and Medical Books. TYLER & HII.L, ' r Wholesale Drujcists, Svcamore 8t Petrrsburg, Vs . 18- Feb. 28,1845. oiir .Corn Cobs & : Sliucts. T THE PLANTERS AIVD IML- ; MRS OF If OI1TII CAROLINA. HftHE undersighed baa obtained Lettera PaUnt U to enable common Mill stones (or rocka) dow H use, to grind CORN, CCD and SHUCK, into meal, for Hortes, Moles, Cattle Hags, (Sc. there. by Saving- more than one third of a ovp, abich is an important item with planters.- The machinery usrd for the above purpose is simple and dutablp, anJ can opt,' with fairmeans, get out of order. It wilt lost aa long as the Stones last, with an expense ot SOeenia every five years To enatle the cemmon Mill Kionet to grind ear corn rata meal, requires bo new build inga or ex tra power.. It can' a Wo be applied to Horn Mills. TreShing Machines, Gins or any given power known.- The same Mill anil grind one-third more of Corn meal by the Introduction or this Machinery, and can bechanged from grinding Com and' Cub, tu grinding Cora Meal In the space of thirty seconds. .Corn alepe, when fed ( stock, isaaid to be by ibe moat practical and. scientific t'lamers, constipating in its effects, producing founders, chotics and vauoos other maladies which are incident to stock. Grinding coTs with the -Corn, makes a food congenial with their nature, and cannpt produce anv of the serioni resnlta above mentioned. '.Stock, when fed on' Corn exclusively are deprived of the benefits of distension (so nece8sary-lo the proper heslih of animals,) by their being uaable to ear; a sufficient bulk to produce distension before the animal, becomes gorged. Com rround With the eofh. prodtice this necessary disten. sion, without any danger of diseases srising from overeating. 'Corn and-cob meal' Is improved by scalding, and still more by boiling, and yet mors by a partial fermentation. An the preparations laciuraia diceatfon for Hogs. But Horses and Mules will not eat fermented food, consequently they will require it dry or partially wet with cold water" , Horses, Mulri ana uxen, wien tea wim ungrounu iuuu, .um umu in'an undieested stsie which is of course lost far all beneMa pwposu-Qj Read ihe subjoined w tifieate.l .-,V.': , mfVk 2zU calls will bejaltendcd to punctually and with despatch bv himself or Jlgent iislelgl,- Feb.fd, isifL.'-. y t A : 6 ly s)iM.f ' 'CERTITICATE " ' : Ifavfng been soRciied by Ma Collins to have toy Miir-adiusted to gtind Corn in the Ear sad Shock, I eonseiilevl tttai he should do so as an experiment ( and amaWe toaay that it grinds Co'n in the sum si the rats f 80 bushelaper bout; snd the dressing or the. stones is so improved, that it grinds shelled torn mora than twice aa Castas before, snd by my wa'eb, at die rate of 15 bushrls per hour, and the meal finer than usual. . I deem it a valuable improvemein. sim shall purchase theyign te nse li, at it will auoro ms speedy wsv of feeding my horses si u caiwc, . save mucn thereiiy.: , Vrc .vi.-1 -'i ! '.:.! WM. Btii LAn. VTfUST received anew aupply of Kichinnd Sell sHXf Sharpening-, 0'm W h rxt ,ot T iirely out.) AlLwe ask. W ibst pur Fsrmers w.rtiw try them; as In every, inatsnce beard from, tbey are hfgnfy approved ot, and must cme into genersl ssr, if either time or money iiworlb saving , : f.i c: : i" JAMJ28..M. TO WLES, Afvnt. ! April 8 184.5. ' Z - ' ?L PAIHTSI PAETTSII "Tt'fh KEGS ffo. 1, snd Pore Whits Lead, ' W Galls; Linseed Oil. also. Ps.oU, i ' r H rin y rir.'md ih latest stfles. which i J at prices that cannot fail to please , . I ,Wehave Just recervedfroin O. FMi'a "kbrtw I It Umiattenrw to firAadwav New Vork, as ssri; . - .. . . ., fricWt of h' Premium JXats, Wch the pswj are invited to call and inspect. Vs nave a-1 received an sssorimeht bf. - r which f will 6e sold Very cheap- Wrraapsetfing J itehe, PoMS to rail ahd-eiamine oar goods of jneking theic purchases. -A "' ' " " Otter. Tor tinV, 'llaecoon and'Mof ' kit larce or small onantilies. for which the highest Jl price wdl be given, snd CASH paid on delivery. Opposiie the Msrket Hon-. ' 4 th dior North of the Po-t Offi f -vtv . J.Aiaaxv.vl smiv - ; BLAJfKS. ' "" for safe this Office. " A C 15 v. 1

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