I! - .; - -ii -.. -5-. ir,--(i . - -::rv' "-if viiyH K a 'A-"- " - i r I. " 1 j'r . - - u - 4 , -v L - ' I I - - !'4 : 5: fu-'- .. "V f " - J e'f - 4T " - s .jr V T.r . '. AN NO M:k-M OITU , - v .iitDfe Oil "5 nif EIGO CXASSlCAt, lATTXE- J. M. LOVEJOf. ,fti w P TIISBROW. ' 4 . .' :i. M-tl-'- Ir I in b. eoch , th. It : "J lUM r a . J7. ,ewu ,M" W I,Ut!d7:r7..::i1 lioo skM Tp'n 7liTh rui .nd II a. .eqamof a tbcougb Engliah, CIcl ao4 Ala- tM BiiK1 . , f. I p-.f win preprd I enter to ; '.Him w 1 !uy Tin rrnv. TERMtf ... r.r.S ml Mathematical Studies, w - ' "'sT-ioo.: r. - - J5t0 ITiin Greek. Trench, 8panih and i..t... Ijinim per 8eM0n " fSO 00 Military Tactic, taoght to lb PupU. fro of xtf CIssses mar oorsu the Siodie of ,b Cl. pi .e ttodie of the Cka. U which ibey betona;. Isleifh. Jaaaarr 1845.. . - ... piKC 6 6m TUG JST.X4 IXSURA!fCEC031PA- v r iff.irtrord. Conn 'Offer to aSrBW'A nJ Mercbandix, egaiiwt loee er JsiB4tby&r,( premium to suit the time. This is 00 of lb oldest and best Insurance Com- f.mu.t iB th Uoilad Siaias.and pay a its loeeeaprompt. AppUeatina for Insaraac In Ralefgh.erjt W eiaitf . to be mad to 7i , 8,Y. WHITINO, ilay 4.1 843. , , . . Agent. snoi s shoes ! r SHOES : XI , TE 1TATE just leonved and ofen- ed a large supply of Snoe of every 1 Jeacripb) and quality, i n luUewing sapms ear Suck in part, mi; . , id ilippars and Tiea. ? Mrecde. , . d -. . : .-',,. ., 1 MiMt Ha)fGailre, CkiUraa' do. J. . - ' . ' do. BIk. ilarorco Bonis. .- , " V Col'd asJ BIL. Abl Tie. ' , MKkl asd Calf Slipper; ' Laiiea Watkiog MbM and.CoTJ Caller. . Baj's thick soled Shoes, araily boaad aaJ aaUUn tUlry aaaJe.. ' t . .., . - Gi-eaiMa Boot and Shoe of different qoaliue Oar LaJies, M'wn sod Children's Shoes w had auJ by T. W. VV ilKs su of Ua)troor, whose work Car oaatacs aod darabiLty is'seewad to nope- - We shall caouae to sell low and pre lo those B9 kav beraiofor favored as with their custom, list iestsad of riag ia our pricrs, a ia generally predicted T New 3 Urea, we aboil rsiberall Jowet as mm hive bad aaese acqtatntabee with the taste ef ta Mopl and the kind ef Good' sottaUe tor ibi Market. V - ' , : H. A. BADHAM oc CO. Mwch 24. . . ' 24 Spring Cabcoes, . rU3T S.eivd and far, eirty'e "seventy fJP Heces ''priag Cabcosa which w oCtr at price to nit the times. ' ... , , -1 - . H. A.BADUAU 4. CO. March 24. v ,'; , - U. . For Salty or- Kent, TWO splendid oew House and lot en Hilkbureugh sCreei, .leading from the Capital te tbe tSeauaary and about half way betwseath twew Oee la tiuny Cm by aighteen with a partition ie the mid 4W, Kb fur room and two fir places, ana abov ad e4w, and portico ia front. ' Th other is forty fcetay teeaty, with a Us Loot peesai abov and be low, aukiag all tb rooei private, each of which ha red aiH eoaiCjrubl fiie elaeee, and base portico U frmt. There is attached lo eeb ef the bouses a 9oJ kitchen, smoke houje and dairy ee-; and early three quarters of an arr b(mgwig teeech lei, and !er a new rUnk fence with petiint in front Bth f U bouses sre nicely finished and painted -both id sad eat; es also the out hoee raad.paUiag. Thar is dcodsdty the b4 wail ef water in or about lis City, CMiveaieiM L lb use of bib lou. . Tbiaia ee a to be tkemvat pUasaet sad fceehhy. part at a ay peraoax wwktpc; to ptircna. Of, rent, ifl auke application te the -Subscriber. T , r - - ---A, Q. DRAKE.. ; , RIib. N.C- March 19, 1845. ,r . 2Stf ' BECKWlTn'8 TheSub; fribtrs keep constantly on hand.ip. Hy of Btckwkh a PUla, which they will Ii ett ac oaawiLitiog term at wholesale t reUiL trriTH, w PESCUD IHCCIC AND COTTON MATSESSEsW K5 ry eperior snide far SaOraaer Bdx for sale. 27 Hair .1 Mee Matee-e repaired, end ds tqoai to DaW. ' Apply to the Sehacsiber; or l Cwftij'! Silk Building. In ths vicinity of this - t, v y r J. Cv 'MATHER. 1 245 ' w . . :S2 .Look 'to y'oiirf Flowers, O ECE1VED and U ! Ker.of TThale rML Oil 8oaf, for washing Flower aod Sbrub JJ. which effretoay dWoys all lmcts.tcieunf f-Hoiiee. 4 Thia n tok premhim at a lloe- r-"ri Doetery Tu fy beyond a detfU.' .'"oral Boeiery tu Nw York, which place Hs cf- Fresli; Garden Sfiftd.v:"! Car Saia -v si ie Uref 8tee ef 1 1 " i i i inn,- : LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY Arm and Equipments f ornlthed by tne Slate. .. ,x . Clawiei. Entfkh. et J " ' R. G R ATT. El"wChwnUtoy ?8.N.D0TSrORI.! - terms r ts'tioir or nn months.. CUMCsiDrpvtiDeat.(Uotlegit tout, 'w rN clMtaffuU EnLbtuM, Witt MU -uvica.) ? -vn -' "-' v, -$20.00 EncMb do. ElemeDtanr 4 barter branehec) l UQ Mitttarv d. .(! ofaotrr 4 ArtiTUrj prsctioe) no charg - Tb coury f EJucttio.n I ibvrooghpncUral aod fl clcIatra to oualilT yuih Joe Ut various uuUe , of urn, wbriher oceup)iof paoue or prtat, ltil or Military station. Th raoraf aod intellectual facul ties f kept severe!? ia actroh, but not at lbs ipene of tho bbTsical. ia vnfbrtaHaielr forlba boalih 'of our children too cuaunualj lbs am tbrouguouf tb Regular ana ajttematte Unitary Exercises, as Wei! aa Practtcit and Scientifi i)iieratina, ioifoducing uHivrf nil uiu with aaUK lucriiiiik d buuvii kwtou lb. UeoW unprofiublo T.ls, 'and required of all u dfni-e uaW air kr t.f daily rteilatiem and The CaJrTs, in roiat.. dWbarg tie dtrtto Jf BM CommisiormJ Officer, Officer of tb Guard, rf Adjuunu and Comma- ftis 01 raraoa ; anj tar in wurpM 01 renoering . - it a -1- uwaa aaore pen ecu occaaronauT . act as .aatuiarj to tmcior. ' v ' ' !" " It baa been found from experience," that tbia beau tilaV Gymna$ iavigoraiea'boih mind and hodf, and bj ioducing habits of order and regularrlyi contributes much lo menial rmprovement. f ; V Wdog attended tb Pouteness, neatness in dress, and strict punctuality A cheap Uniform Is adopted Dree Parade days, Monday and Friday. No dedoetbtQ made for absence, onirss In ease of protracted sickness' . Hoers of Recitation and tudy. from 10 IS. A. II , and from t re 4 J, P. M., in tb Winter. Board and WaahTng, in bighly respec table familiee from 8 to I0 per nooth. ) , '. ) V ROBT. GRAY.? pn-ht.'-: --w O A. BUCK, j RsU'h. Jan 33. I844. ' ' - ' -Vy'T A CHEAT ITATIOXAE TYOnK. The Failed StaterExpIorins Erpcdltloa Commander of the Expedition.: ' Wirb'itlustratWni, in five magnificent large imperial octavo foJumea, with an Atlas of large and extended Raps.' This greet and truly' National work is issued in a style of opener magntficence and beauty, containing, sitty foor large and. fiiiiabad lido engraft gs, embracing scenery, rlraiU. manners, eotoma, dc.' forty-seven exeuistte steel vleoeUe' worked 'among th letter press : alot two hundred and fifty finely 'executed wend-cut inostrationa ; fourteen large and small Map and Charts, and nearly twenty stx bundred paea o ietrer pre, - - ' 7 - This splendid. Work lias josfbeen ferued from the Presa, and receired ibie day at the Noittf Carolina BooseUro.' ,:. ' - t. r : - TURNER dk HUGHE3J Ra1ign,April 24. : - : 83 , Utley'sPatent Wtisher, . An entirely new Article, ' Iannttd' T fiRAr UTLEY. Chapil H1U, J. C. rtnilW new Vy ashing Machine,-erievented. and II - mum m rr.nl nrw.. aiino. la ao aimnlm in' ita cbaracier, that e!e a chU can wck ilo cheap in price, that every family wiJTb able to own One 1 and te labear-esvmg ia its resslts that it muaf com mand aalee, when ita menu are know. ; . ... The corutTMciion I so simple, that with a pattern, any Carpenter and Blacksmith can mk one. and it ia wot easily put- out ef .order. Tbe dHhee to be washed are pel in at each eed of tbe Washer. ax) crank; worked by one person, put to .motion .tw Coller. which by gentle pressut aiuUuiitum,lbor ougbry cleanses tbe. Clothes ia so JsdtMy short time. It will wash twelve Snlrta, percny n JUieen minute. atJ will prorm,ta acey, thokfeevVI. . . . mm an expert Washerwomen. ' The price l oni f. Yen Aoiiar. . It i m. deemed neceyaary to to. into as efaborat deecriptiooof the Washer, as, h i ow getting into use nut naieign ina ' ticiomj, m iu w vc- rbsee'wbo want en article of the sort. ' ty- Icr on. are at liberty to try the Machine, and return IU It it falls to ffive atU- f action.. . ; - 1 . - . , i GRAY UIXBX.. : Chapel Hill. April 24,1845. :,V f " 99 2m.: - WARRENTGN - - SEMINARY, riTllIE Summer Seeaion of tbia InatiUitwo.-f wfjlrtt ' U.. Imm iii aoeeeaaft,! oomILs. for h;at - . . , I toae-reertO wiU eetninewre Ute first iooiaym JUiy, anal elne ev .be last, Fr'idav in November. The SchoUati year U divided iaui.xwo sessions of five motitba eh:Tnruction i given'in' eve'ry" branch of knowledre.omprhended in a thorough-and' ec- compVshed Feinal Education. Tber -arefi' In stroeUw et4.yd'iaHtth-verloo oepartmenta . of study, eoonecieo wun tne ocoooi. is eeugaivrvi thee wb wth4e spend tn summer si novo-1 t;aor th vvhite sulphur-springs, wdi be received upon the same terms as other" pupi!s,"snd charged eely for tli rime tbsy are members 'of th School. The location ia praveibtatty beahby.' AH tbe eeaisry expertae f-tbe yr. attbut Music and Ornamental U ranches, do not exceed 1 1 3d 00. Wnh Muskv.lbe atinosl charge $172 fill. On applicstioo to the Principal. Catalogue containing particular tnlormation may b obtaifledr 1 ! " N.Z. GRAVES, Prin "? I May 28. IMS; ,- v t-42 t AP0THECARIE8 AND DRVGfilSTS, FATtTTtTntK St-. RatuoHj FEELING under' renewed obligation .to their friend and tbe public' geoetallv, frlhe Cleral patrooag which tbey bav reeelved w'ac their Com mencement in buineV wad tJveir srtentieci fo theexteoaive lert ZtiTl- , - rdeIlcineav Paltttaa Xre Etnlfa.:c Which 4hey bae op bad and are daily receivioa. and to which tbey particularly call lb attention of Ptiv eir rans pnd Country Merchante, fsalinr assured that lhy cX3 gfMb' Inducement both as regards tbe II quality and price ti their article., tosecor. tbeir fu-1 tore or Je re for ell artkles Latbjir hoecf bunaes. Precriptiens fd Family Recipe, carefully d sc. cnrarsly prepared stall hours of the day end night, by a errrcoced Dwperw. ia a acicpUfio BManer rmHE-N.rraU of the United Vci Exploring n,'?J UneaOen Pereta C. . Ml E.pediiiou.- during .ho., yeer. 193829, HBro6V WITH Cf! f lMOVlslland 1842,-b, ChartoJ Vilkes. U.&.K. v .H-B..TCWBS& ' ' " NOTICE WE HAVE JUST, OPENED room oj Sprlnur and Snmmer Goop. ; Which wi will mII at extreme' low hucti. cbaaeis will please caM,s wo are detirrolrai U tell trearbarffninaT Our stock consUta iO part of ' i "' ' Rich primed Bsrsjes, from 30 cents up Ur'$ V?4. Dalxorines and MusKut-' U. -Orgsrtdr and Bordeaux' Muslm, (wew atfles) iHr. vtUcik BtrtpeJ and lattl Us r-t Kid Gloves, Hem-stitched aiid Refer Hordl ' L. ti. Handkerchief ; v - Lac and Gimp Collars, il.k Oil Cloth:, J - Jina rJnsuan Uoitan Hosierr. do do OUKcdO , Lil'and BiHibin Lacerand Edgings, Gillies p . San bades sad Parasols, Bjack Bonibaztnea tn J 1 Alaiaccas 8ecbnd and des mourning Balxorines, DLaaea - .. - . i' . . ana caraga . v,--.- ? ; fcr-c -Taylor', W and Hugbea' SpooTCatloav-11 JMrg lot fancy Prints, from 6$ el yd 10.25.. -Pink? Blu arid Straw Colored Plain Xwl) . 8-4 ami 10-4 Damask Table Diaper.1 frisK jir!jns 7 4, 8-4 nd 9-4 do "do Clothe, Brown! Men lDiaper -'fif:'- L-i- . Tine DdaUe. Damask Napkins; Towels M - .Craub Raw Diaper, Hotkaback. JMapfr' X Furr.injre Dimity. Cambrick do, Bicachei Co on : vtaper -m t - , -; j;- 4-4, 5-4 and 12-4 Hamilton Pheetlmja ? j! ' Black Venetian tlfolh. for Coata and Pants Yf Striped and Plaid Linen Drillings, and FreOb -CaMtmere -: c ' ' '- "' Plain Striped aqd Plaid Gsmbroons, Browit Likn Mateono l.atstriHg- and titnped ro d $4 T f rem h Worked "Collars Polka Capea I i 1 j Granada and Casbmere ShiwU Grass sV'rts : J - "Drillings ... , . vv H' and-Candi wicks, Clocks, Britannia knd Iron White Line) Driinnara. Grass Linen. S-4 jndtU 'poons. SjMir. ' ' ' ; '- . : , Supwinr Black French Cloth and l WrreJL FRESH CONFECTIONARY dc GROCERIES. Burlaps, Cotton Denims, as low a lifer yd.f , '300 ll.a. fresh bandies-10 bl Pilot, iVater, But Naukeeav, PeiiCsyNania Jean, a cheap Goodster ter.Soda, and Iemon Crackersr "Sugar and Gin- . r" Pants ', .-1C IS ake, constantly fresh. 10 keg Malaga Grapes, 'Xfareeiliea Quilts, do VeFttog, Bleached Sirtln;' 6 Boxes Lemons and Oranges, SO tboxe fresh Kai 4 4 and 64 Bed Tickin;. y' aina. Pickled and Smoked aUmm, Smuketl Beef. Also, so sssortment of Hardware, which we vfjlL Tongues, Hertjngs,Sausages.Sardi.ns,Figa, Prunes, setl vary low 1 t: - :.-:JJflr Curranta.Datea.Uitr.FilberU.Palm.WarCPeccah, Trace Chains. Carclina Weadrng MoeiJ. Katrjfit Scytbe BladesvlCnives and Forks, Pccke&Knie , Pound Pine, Cotmn Cords, i, 9- and ,10, Wilso fa Coflee Mills, Razors, Razor Simi'Tkf-potS' Kentucky Axes. Enamelled Kettles, WireftSej. Krrfttinr Needlea. Weinman's ndTsvhrV5!?BarJ?i". bhevets 8cissors, Shaving Brushes, Tooth f rushvjs, Ml A fsw doors above Mr. R. Smiths 8to thern bleached Tallow, amaH Wax Candle for lan A writ TV - - ; 'r :'v. v i j . 128-iT A terns- " . . " 1 ' " , . ... . . . . . - - S.v I- iiaaaiiL ntmvon.!..-' n -1 w i- v. LOOK HERE ! TH E .Snbcriber will; Rent. orireaohah.ro terms, for one or two i Jreanya TRACT CP LAND in Montgomery County; containing-" kjy iween foor and five hundred acres, ptirto whjh ie deared and onder fence. It has two fine M .1- dowr, well watered, two. large: Creek rtjnn' through the Tract. ' Titer ia lo,.a rt rtfte Mtlt eeat; also, line bpnng neat tne uweiif )g House, which bas been built within the jst tix months..,; - ,.- :-. ' I will lo lease a Tract conlaini?22i lrcir in Moore Count r, near Shields Gold Mhr. ,yo tbi Tract, Gold haa been found in Urge Xuart.i tie by panoin. ibooghbut limited experimaf f harts been made, as lfiodit ihcunreaient.for t4 work tbe Mine, to advantage; at present.!. 1 flit to myself; lean show the best specimeri C&J per Ore Jrorn thi Tract, eVer obtaiaed'tri fftt State. I will she w the "abo?eVrract5rWtdi pteasur, to person aesmnr 10 ' I - ...... , . n..nlftAliaK( Raleijrh.Dec.24,1844. :Dr:JoIin fTTfAVlNG -removed to Peter rra nr. Virginia. m lace of RdsideMce msy be purebasednpoti ery terms..-. It ia pleasantly and coesenientiy attuaieUjin the first Square west of tbe Cprtol on Hil Street, and beside ih Dwelling ha an Qfllcoon f be i jol ukidm lorn i UTeiain or mwt. n Gtae W.rMihpicai, Esq., wUl be aMthbrrd . . , . - . . Raleigh,- Feb 1815 i f ii-i; - - . -, -a - . i i :3- FORWARDING & COM MISSION MERCHANT: V"1' If OOTOtiX,!-TiW -1?V: TTTiRODUCE of Merchaijdixe consigned rijle If or Reshipment, shall reeeiVr prompt lenllfn and liberal advance made thereon. rf-u rli Petehjburg.ar. .Branch T, Hurt.E; 5 , "TT:.' .7. A -si H ..v" fl!' . ' Messra' Jne. V . Souths!! 4 Co., rNfolk. Va.; Feb I.-1845 . . ' uM. ina V . Houtnall ct t0. murireeyiDort ?. r, ITi , ltt,,'v , 5.; -t r t.itJ - n'wM'-y",vr" - 1 Tfjatman db DrotW Patent Pefjf umi- Jji ITIatche-Jast r eived anethV 1df;of those cekbrated Matches in ten safe. V:Si "AUq," Alamtyntrft fffrixtdiea, sffbe ,Mfior to Wax or Spermaceti: , . h fk . .: , jar, ai. uvi; jaT jg - - ' ,? -x - -1 n J9 f rrpIHE SUBSCRIBER, ttavieg j ust returned X tbe North, where he has been purchasing h, jrge adddtbfn to bis formerstock. lakes pteasurft: inTr- tor rang hi most aincere tlwnka to the ciuiens ombs Btt. and hi "friend generally, tor the, ceatinted Olieral palroifage which he baa.lhua farrecei-ea, nd moat resoectfullf solicit a tontinuane ef tb le,' rusting that with hie'preVent oxtettsive isonr-0i, he will be ablate gl genrral atilction,''2 fi - . - ComrtanUy n hand, a general, assonireris t m RPMnnT. ROOKS. BLANK uOOKS.srATi IJN- VU41UUW W W-t w -- mtm i rt - "i ERY, MUMC,' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTfc Orders from tb eoontnr earnestly alicVA abov R. daub's f t ; '"V ii'iJS41 r an d I ent copy. tt rrciiArxT Mat CALVIN fI.W4LpY; I . n.r-t mill Oliver ih next Antfial VtU Mofil isLRrary SocieUe of Wik tori eat Colfeee - May 17. IS45.J .: .... JOB PRINTING I i - m m " v r . -t ? . ? m. lexeafftai lirtimmPtl ln IAT1 BIMI 1I1 II7.sX OI IJnilal 1 -; . -.--ar . . STILL IN SUCCESSFUl-Of ERATIONp : 'Sr"'" glff" , ; . ORANGES AND -LEMONS. rn) ECEIVINU 25 iJoxes, ftesh and in best order. LLlL Countnr Store-keeper can be accommodated bjrtlie Box tf hundred, if low nVlces. and well .-KaIe,gMarlA18w:,A.t FANCY ARTICCESUSICAL INSTOIIERTS JTEWEXU311T' AWX TOYS ,V-: : WKNE of the Partner of the firm; having just re VaLVturned from the North, has brought -with htm a larer and better uoit bffreab Goodw in (he above branches, than haa been kept in the 'establishment heretofore ; all of - which, Tn prices and quality, lare i well worthy e be recommended t our numerous friends and the public generally r ' Fancy Goods and Hardware. Fine Artificial Fiawers. and Hair, Ladies' Fan- cy and VV ork Boxes, Bonnet Ribbon, . Writing I iesks, BaskeU, JSnuff boxes from 5 cents to let nft . i it: -. j-- ti u.. S3 00 : . rraveltins bass, : Pasteloards, Umbrellas, Oombs, of. Tortoise-shell aod others. Pins, Needles, Purses, Pocket-book,' Pencils,. Button. Thread, ! ,Maphea, Twine, Hatters' Bow-atrings, Thermome ters, VValkrnc Canes.Hazors. Dirlu Pen and Pocket Kaites, Scissors, 8bavmg, utensils, great variety of ristols, tirks - and Cadet Utins, rercusstoo cops, OQt andohfttbelu, Birdbags Powder Bask, tpy tilasses. 4pectaelee,Looktna:-glasee,rVoni 10 ct. to '1T ClotbnTeetb, Hair-, Hat, Shoe, Dustia and small Paint Brushes r Bed Cords, " Whips, Cow. bides. Fishing- Utensils, Night" TapJ, -auiokioe; Pipes,- Slates,' rihoe-lhread, AU, Sifter, patent Balances, Cotton and - Wool card; ; iroSee-mUbii pfaht and painted Mags, Lmp' GUss,Lamps, Co- conat gourds,'. WaUera, HfOoms, Buckets, Lamp I fJbesi aiul4;ocosnutS,A1moBdi(Nutn)eg Cinnamon, Pickres.-Drandv Fruit, Tomato . Catsap Proper- sauce, Raspberry. and Currant Jellies Preserved Pine Appl Preserves, Chocolate, No.l Ac No, 2. Liqnor- icerJnjube paste, Muatard, Honey, Salad , Oil, Lemon , eyrup, nppins.- . : , - . . U Tbbds. bti?af and Motasses, varioOs quautiea. 20 aack CorTee, assorted. " 'K !: 1 0 bis, fine Crushed, powdered, & Havana Sugar, I .60 Loeves fine and-coremon Sugar , : j ; - 'MA f I " - u - T I . a - 4V uese lyauuies, pen onerm, iiuu patent, nor- 4VW us. i.aii(ioo,Tii, jciitMw uvwicn, ajuiiau 1 Daitv. Pine AddIo and common. 3dO gatloee of UIL via:1 best winter strained. Spefm, bleached Wbsle, Fuh Oil and Lard Oil a new article, never- having been offered for al here before. , ' - V - 'r 100 lbs. TEA black. Imperial, . Gunpowder, Yooog Hyson and green corrrmoq Tea.' . - 500 lbs. SOAPS Castile, white and variegared, in -ban, dark Snd light turpentine .Soap, and per fumed washing and shaving, a great variety, . ' 50 bote tiigats, warranted best imported Principe imitated . ditto, Trabuco, Yirginia .Venelo Vicl. ria; Canbnes, ai3. the home' made common. . : 26 Ibr SUFFVt' ' Miller's in bfadder, and 400 Ib.TOBACCO, Tet Virginia hone ew chewing, common do smoking assorted.9' 14 jars pVeserved ' Ginger. ' ;.-j -r ' Ground Ginger and Pepper, vand ' whole do.Alt spice, Canary Seed. 'Rice, Starch, 'Indigo, Copperas, Madder. Bfacking, 3 boxes Urogana and Boots, : : Cr ' m. Me ' " . ' e a are - a rrj Sola only oy tne measure out oj me noute ...lfWMBoy, MADEKl A tWI.E, Newark boiled Cider,' Porter, ni wl vieyv iwvi - .. ,4 ' Perlnmery, H v. ' - Otto of Roaee, .Macissar, Bears, Antique Oils, Po- matu m, -. t logne, F lorida and Lavender - Waters, Essences Bergamott, Cinnamon Oil, Opodeldoc, pink Saucers. s " k- ; ' ; ...-'.'- ; ' 4 s Musical Instruments. - Violin bows, strings., bridges, screws,' Fin gerboard Ghitara, Flageolet tes, Fife, FluCes, Claris oneturAceonleona.'Dulcimo'Wire.''; v--. " , '--"-v.?V'jfiiUOaanw.' -? Almanacs Primers Spelling, Picture "and Song Books, Key of Heaveu (Catholie )v Paper, .Petfa, Quill, ink. Inkstands,, riik powder, Sealing-wat ; :Fenctng and Jioxxng Apparatus. , .. Foils, 8 words, Gloves, Masks, Hats, Breastplate : - - Gamei.;--1. v pominoa. Chessmen, Backgammon, JCeno,Ten prne, Rollet, Cup and pait, "4c,.r t ' : Jewellei:,;rr Of Gold and Silver, as well aa German Silver, and ring, Thimbles, Tea Bells, Table and ies Mioiie, Wesrtl Khivs and .Forks, Meter Uombs, Celt. ... ... 7.u lt: bi. k.;- n;...H..t....i. buiiw -7. 4 v.k wjiwut, watt and Diaca jet ougie ueaua aaaorteaixea ?i V -j --Toy;r::r-.:: j A large 4 an(fcboe supply :a Frinting Presses, painted Children's I Trunks', Wheelbarrows, Bereeus, MarblesHainmiBg.tops, Drums, RayJes,; -Whistle, inouih Organs, Hdrp,l rumpeu, JUagic Lanterns, laiiii poxes, magnetic i oye, raise acea. cannons, MateW.dp, Microscope, 'Pewter- and ' wooden tea AIIML iJISt. I BA1Z0RINESAN& BARASE. tN hand a laree assortment of Balzorlnes Hara- r; gee and" Lawns. Also,:Barage add Granada : Snawia, which jfr wHI sell cheap, r nrJ :tx. o xj o i v tin tw TTJVLBOIUH BRANDY - it1 . , MADElRA-WtN'B, V tfii":p.aftv" do: 4 -:xrt :? S - VUi LOJDCUf: BROWN. STOUT From constant -application fr, end aoticnation 'to. keep a giiod article, of the abore, for Medical pur-; poee w have been ittdoced to sdpply otffelves-. which w oETer f.r sale at inSderate pricea. - f t n T- W WILLIAMS, UAYWOt'D CO? -rjk m m . , m. . - v -.. o . , s- sake T iflMW ! "r-?"sli 'I-;.- C:-t----H wrt rn vr - Cfentfe tne nVSiinane"r i 1 Coots nnd eaoetvf-A new nti-3 snppty of firr Philadelphia pork v "r- t-V ..r ,rry descripuonv ; 4Uf. v-' PrnnefiUx- Gaiter, of th -ery best qoifiry' i;nnfianHATTQ nir wuiuvuuyutuj, . Splendid ;. Lotteries;;; V k - f J, CU, CUIEGORT & CCN, ipjUXSLCext Alexandria 10ot 'etf To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C on Saturdaf, ' : ,apiL,UANT, scheme : , Jh-s , 35,QWJDorlarsl ;10,000 jDoJlars! . f 8,00a Dollars 1 (KJO .Dollar t . ; - 4,000- Dlfara J . "3,a)Q Dollar I 30 Prize of 1,5CQ Dollars i ' . .50 do . " 500 DoUars! , .::.50-.da ' ; 400 Dollarsl, ; . 78 Number Lottery 13 Drawn BaSots. , -v Tkktt 1 10. HUTJat5, Quarters 52 ,5: ! Certificate Of packages of 2i whole tickets $130 D de - - 26 half do 651 Do do' T " 26qaarter do 82 $0 . 1. , i : $30,000 Capital. .ii Alexandria Io i tier y Class for 1S40 ,,y , To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, , ... 14,184a...;i( It; . sri&SJii'tAtriAtj ll ' v.: X K . 39,000 Dollars . 10,000 Dollars ' BJOW , Dollars!. n ' 5,000 DoJlaiil 4,000 Dollars! V - 3,970 Dollar I i: 5 5 25 220 do d do do' ' 100 Donars. L00 Dollars; : 500 DollrJ- ' 200 iDollara; f r ; 75 --Nor., 13 Drawn Ballots Tickets U0Hatvee td-Quartera f 50. Certificaie ofackages of 25. whole tickets f iaO Do- do ; . 25 half J.. : do UL 6e Do do 25 quarter , do - ; 9 t.j it 30,000 Dollars ! -'Al ex a n d ri aXot t r i'V ' . - cla!?s 25, rojt 2845.: : X::' To be drawn in Alexandria, tDC-on Saturday. June 21st, 1845.- - GKE.AT 8CHEME.' ! $30,040 UIO,000 4,367 ! f ' - 2 Prize of 2,500 Dollars f 5 10 50 50 50 do 2,000 DoJlafs ! 'do . . , . -.lOO: Dollars I . sr. do 1.000;4)oUr I do 600 Dollar ! do ' ' 500 Dollars! - 78 Nos. 12 Ballots. ! Tickets $10 Halves $5-Quarters 2 SO. Certificate of packegea 26Whole Ticket $140 Do do.. 26 Half do , Ytl Do ; do . 26" Quarter' 'do 85 40,000 Dollars! vXALtlXANDRlC f '' ; : cutss 26, fob 1845.; ; To be drawn in Alexandria D. on Saturday, J "-? : W?" Jun ; 28i'1845.f f 940,0001 $15,000 X,v $6,0001 : ,r8i ' ,vW " " M-.:."j - ' 25 Prizes of $1,000! i , j q as . rio 'i doo r , - &c .'dic. : -'die'" ' " ; 75?Nore;'ilkt.w Ticket $ 1 0; Halve $5, Quarters 2 Certificates of packages of 95 VV bole Ticket 8SO r Do . 3 do : Do . do 25 Quarter do 31.50 ; Order for tickets snd 7 share and certificates of package ih the above Splendid Lottery, will 'receive the meat prompt attention, and ah account' ef-tb drawings wilt be sent immedtstely efler ti -i over,' to all Who order tickets from ua;fAadrea . J. G, GREGORY A: CiL. Manirs . j- J ;'-ff.y- Vi:J; : ; Washington i;ity, IX'C. -. PRITAT13:CTTroIWraEItl ! eANN B Utt tM & StS t E R ft t; Respectfully inform the public, that they still conttnoe lo keea,:HOUSE.OF. EN i EflTAlNMEN T at their w41 known stand, J wing to the scarcity f Ban ner, tbey bare made ; further redoctiop to ihetr si feedy mixlerate iirices, apd erenow prepared to board Families by. the "week 'or-nioritbf TravcUera .by the day, or regular cusfomeat by tbe month rjear. J HH' fit iWX&ifATt frbrntbscbsciiben living in iStanly Countyj N. C bonbon day, the 131ft pru ..tast., a negro man named. JXnuricK, about Z5 years of aae. fiaht comolected. J feet ' ttt finiehe htgby watts' ect; -Uoutmiit,DtI Inclined to Smile when spoken to lta th.je tian barty be ba gone o&.wjth .irbiWnan taelK tT wagon, and making bis way, to awme, ire otale , A ' liberal r- Q x8ppG0C2Wrjmm EQUlTiVt t -si y-- Keiia A vcock arid'wthe'ra.l b.t james.Pene. and wife" Patsr Garry ; Simra. and i ;Cbiidten and Heirs-fL-Lawof JSdilhBurtiam ; TT:ppea4ng t'rt atifattion of the Court, that 0 the Defendants in thiS case, aret resident of the otate of Georgia,' and beybnd ' the jurisdicUoo of this" Court : it is ordeml .'lhst publicstiott be made for' six successive weki.thf Weekly 4tIighlfegister,; tht the id .James Jope end. wifeK Pabry. -Garry Suncu, dfJ ihe Chtlarea'audlJerr at-Law of Edith Burnam, appear at our Court of Equity ,rio be held tar thaiCoantv of Johnston, ei the Cuart House in Mmithfield, n ihe 4th Monday Jm September next. inen nu x&ere-io who, awar-w!iwii-w ui uo retllion lor paruu)i,wMtw ya-wayeraer lot Court, el ofSc - In Smitb'eJ, ths 4lh Monday iu Msrebl845.. . L ... ..v "witv a j:or:aaa-c. xvr. .;- a 1 1 r-ta awisaean inr nta aiotiii waiiu wi i awvo ax a - inartition should-not be made as prat ed .former i--' 2 I n,ii nni ermfetxa wJHIj 'taken s-' fnal ihnm " .". itriee;4Wit; H. Meaatse, Clerk cf 'Ejir said , mm?? w.riZZg? ' 0 Hrala lrto Rico and Nsw Orleans Sojaf, - y f?;'! - d vr do.vrMolat44t;, w ur k-ujjbt, asoricj qumuitss, k , IS'BbrsJ Powdered nd Crushed Bogar," V': t 80 Boxes New Bedford 8prm Candle," ; i ZSv Ao (;.'0pv',.-,p- "f 1-V.?-,: 40 Case Madras Indigo, best quality; . - 600 Gross Stephen' Fxictioo . Matches, 25 Bbl Il homsoo' superior 'Past Blacking, a . :;-.ortrd,v;r; ' '. ' - ..v Bopefior Gunpowder, fmnerial ' Iml' tJhick Tea. lb cheats half cbssts, and U lb. Box. f .. - Togetheewilh a full sssdrtmaot-of Groceries i for ! by vf FRBELAND.&.HLL -, 4 - A JSu. 69, Light Sireet -Wharf, , , ' . t . f ' - " -;: -!.' Baltifflor. (Ch Refte to R. UaW Eq.; -. t - . " Msya44,w;,.r v ., . . ; 48-181" ,f , E D G E W aji TH ;--: PROFESSOR MORGAN & LADY. With Assistant Tefchen eminentlr falified la" ' ; weir t espccUTB oranencs , ne arrited and taken charge of tbfs popular Female ! ;Mln.titution.'-'----:f-'. ..-..i y-r; v.f Tb Exercise of the School- wilt commence on -f t tb 28th of May, ; jkI continue 'for fi v aomb, and -i ! -be resumed after a vacation of two weeks, for five ' nloriths m.re, at the end of which, there wdl be a Pub he Examihkrion. " 4 J - - ' Th Course ef Studies wiU b divided Into four Department or OlasMs with apreatriats Sibdiea signed o each, so a1o give to th Pqpils who may r take th whole course, the best opportunity for ia-.(; pruvernent durini their ty. ' " ,. ' ' .',, nion, war afford bet ' fer opeortnnttie lo-acquire 'a' thorough educarion than thia. , pi. i- a u r y . ." Proieeaor Moui come recommended by aom tef the fiKt,Literty men of thia countryt as mint- ly qualified for the 'position he ow occupies, at the bead of thfe Institution : and te those .who hsv rad - tbe djrcnbtif aJdresied to the public, it is evidrnl that : the pUn of Insfructjoflilierrporated out-, is wlLes cu fated lo-d vanre Pupil wUb. rapidity, arid mak , , tm An. M.hnlar. ' . 1m . ." ; The Proprietor, therefore; eongratnlie bTmseIft and tne Ctttzena 01 tins and th aJjoiolngSUtes, that so good an.1 convenient an upponnbtty fofa tb0rokh'n" education is now efiWdf and at ao cheap a rat. ' - ' Persona Wshms any ulfermalion rslaUvS to the 4 School, wifr address Professor Jn'oxaas.Qrecnabor'. i N. q, . ... . J. m. morehead, 1 " ' ' Pronrieinr. ' ' T - G r e eii s b p ro u gh - nnilE TlSl'IICS have! th picasur to ,. U announce 'to the public th opanm "of A ' Scbiiol dn Monday the 25th last., desienad to be 7 inferior only to the Universiiy. Tt Presbytery of Uranga Having deemed it expedient to remov the Caldwell Instii ute, tbe citizens ita a aaaxnanimous educational spirit, resolved to build, bpoo a new organization, an JnstKution worthy of . extended p ron age. -We firbesr.to present' a . catalogue of sd. vantsges however iut and appmpriate, attendant upon our Schotd.- Erperieote has tested, and. tjm wdl disclose and confirm them W with- eonfi. dence invite the" attention of Parents and Gusrdlsna. The ProfeMofreiigaeed to take lheharg are'th ' Rev.' ELI W.'CA RUTH EKS. the Rev. JOHN A. . GRETTER, Xlr. SILAS C. LIN Dd LEY? and Dr. t JOSEPH AvMcLEAN, who wiU eiercis a joint V supervision and control, aided by tbe Board ef Trua tees. Th Claisical Depart meut will be under ths ! infmediale care of Messrs. CarutherS and' Ltndslsyi i th Maibematicef D'partment- under that of Messrs. Uretter and McLean; whilst the- Enhah Depart-. ment will receive attention from - all th; Faculty a a ' ; due division f Jabor-msy dejnand . -. v, W give to t hose who ma fvor lh Behoof with their encouragement tb assaranc. tkaf lh hearty " co-operatipn,ef lbd Cititena of f be foWB. and the ' Board of Trustee, fstnd wilt be given to th FatuW ' ly In furtberaneei of b purposes of tb Institution. -While an nglkh nd .Classical educatieh is the main object of a feasoii spent within the wn ef lb , school," yet othe'raj esteemed, by os of high importance' : wilt be prosecuted with diligence. Th mortl and ' religimia Ihstructbm of all bottmltielto-our car wW be guarded witb'onxtetyv ?tt.s v V-. v . ! In presenting to the puWio (he Dord of Frtuy, j mirhl-.iMll tiin nliarnjut Atlh ruunmnl'iun Iti i,-" inj fo enurge tneu.repjitatioD, ware ws to speak of their ujflficatien-' The Rev. EC W. "Canithers Is known fsr snd nea, and needs' not a' word of eonv: fnendatiott from tbi Boards ' ThhT:r. J. 4- Oretter ' has a.reputa'ion with Which the public ia familiars m he ieone of the ocigiti! Profenot In tt CaldwU' iHi'iuj uccu vonevwu fuu t, rijm , years out of the nine ef ttf operation, Jlr. B-C Linidstey auperintended the'jfJteenaborbolh Academy fir yera". . prior to the commencement of the Caldwell latituta, and remainedjia that lostitution'ddring its wkol ton-' finuaece. prV.J.-A. McLean, from bla suecee ia teaching, haa acqnired a character . jprpmtsiaf greit ? usefulness and We phrol his'bsme, with pride, among , nor Profewr.v ::;.- - V;';,'.' . . The price "of Ddard tndToition will b ss uinal In T the village, i Th f anion w3l be Ct tadnihs, com 1 ' menclng ih lmy nd November.1 -The present Se-K .. tiorf begins Or the 25th Inst, end wiU termiott 111 ,' October. ' r " -T --. '. . . " t;- ir'-! WILT4ArD. PAWLE Yi Pre H ' V NOUN M. MOREHEAD, i V . . JtiHN-'A. DlLMER, f . f " JEDUTHAN.H.LlNDSAYi m f f johnH dick. j; .v Xr JAMES SLOAN,-' r' i IV-1 dreeoslKro'. Gailfetd L'O. May tt,4l5. 411 i ':- 'National; WAn vTirnurrcLAnDt : ' A 9 theexdimeolhasvdied.aayf gnd f'S T-irJa, ItUL C ln people are.quiet. a ja ta, we wo ,'J.:i their -attention to some splendid Cigars tl" t . a lav' just received, eonaisting' of the fol'owicg- Lrandii ' ESPEKAN2A REGALIAt EL MALAMBOt V lit' Vb' l ' ESCULOPIA PANtELAfit, . - EtSPARTi r.b UAACORCi t " ifJUSTO -6ANZ PtINCiP . : ' " STEAM LOAD '."DD.-- ? r PUE UTO !;?;: do.-:. -; ! -i f .;j;UBRY,;YFRNCR, IJATAO, ' I 'Call In at the Ch! Ci-"r. L . tiJ trr ee-i an4Jud fbrydtitelveA -. ' . l.:;; ;T,'YFayevi':.Vt. 1 - fav 23. "V -" "7" -a, 4f - - ar "tr BLAI DnrC, Just Lruted-acJ for 1 Calamitr 1 . :x xt critx.'' -Y.: f t fi L v .WUA14S, HAYWOOD- da . Wh. Feb. mf. . , ... n-1n . ; ' !- iZsJoigh. Afrit Ttt, 44. -. ':t 24 -i .. Jl. 4'.e "S .:"., t ; t,'1; -.'-, "iv 1--r War II. U4,:Vs- r:r : vS? Pr ad, R.Ci-.;.-, ., is ,2-.ir Awfrf rated t uu voJr,;,.i 4 a Tt 'Ts-i--;,.: ; trri f i 4 ? V - '! '

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