It 9'h S '- ' , ' - - ' ' - ' ;:L- ; . . y - . -' -' ' " ' '' . ' ' ' I ' " - ' , . -A k Si.' X, -v v RALEIGH REGISTER; m Urj'i by jNtrfjr rage to toe hie seedera RALEIGH, N. C. Tuesday, June 3, 1845. : THE LATEST FROST YET. r OsSeierday raoraiag last, the Slat of May. we Uaeek. a. '?!'-.' Can ba ".Mart inhbi- goth of the Palaeaae, reco.d aoa Oceania f atwbua porioilatbaSaaaaat ' - ; SUPREME COCRT. " ' sopreoa Court f Ibia Stala. wOT atnmeaea ia SuarTana b lb- Uij. ao Moway aan, wo FOURTH OF JULY. AtaliajhaJd Saturday laat, atjbo Cily Hall, U WJawia eithaoJ n appoiali a Coo mm, la maka, i. occti with tba Co-milUa rf tba - RaWt Goarfa," all Boeeaaary artaag BH-nti fcr tioappropriaU , abaarfaaea X tba awach in Xatiaaal Aaairemry, m: . ' ' ' -CB.W.O.A. Buek, It A. Dadbam, M. A. KeiM aad Cbar!e Dwy. Jr.. E-jaire. drnmU-'lf I Caara-Liaot. 8tart, Cam m'mrj Tacktr, Sarpaat Grimaaa, A. F. Hajbea aaJ L Procter, Ej. ft Oa atatioa af Mr. BaltJa, tba Ccdatr attaebod U tiatwaMaUary Scbaola, wtra ioVHad U mnka ia iV (Vlefcratia. I CT Tba Cammittaaa ara raqoeatad ta aaaambla at J ti. CtT Hafl aa Friday aijbt aaxt, at 8 o'clock, lar tha porpaaa af ca!utioa aaJ aeiioa. t TOE MILITARY ACADEMY. Tabaat iateadtnf U apra ja atber Scboola, are nj, tbat oar eoaMaaaity baa raaaaa U ba ptood tba czcaHcot L&arary, ScieafiSe aad Military ScboJ, m eaaaoctad by Meaara, GaaT aad Bocav WaaUaadedlba Eiamlaatioa aereral day of laat vak, aad want aa rtrengar aTidaaea of tba abSity aad iodaCaitable aaaidoity of tba Iaotractara. or of lia iuborvilaatioo ad iadwtry of tba PiraOa. Totbo mptctabla coopaay wba boaored tba Sebool wilb thr arcaeaee, it must bare bean maaiTeat tbat tba Exadiaaliaa waa aot deeigaad, aa k too eftaa tba eaoa, for aarada ar diaplay. A Ctlla am of tbia iadaed, raid uqgoatloaably bald ant TMter attractions fa mtan. Aad, ware erery Stadeat made preTkwy wan af tba pecaCar paaaaja aa wbicb ho waald ba auataed, bo auxbi abotr af always te adraataga. Bat tba tyatem af araaaiattioa adopted at tbia School, u a laaa jd teratiiiy late the Sudeat's caaaral ba- WuafappGcatjem. It foppaa-a hiaa to relaia ao iaH mxU aa acqaaiataaca irtlb tba whole eeofae of atady praotaud darier iba preriaas fire aaaatba, at least, u U ba ready to recite ad aparfaraa Ubri.' Baades tba tody of aacieat Lharalare, which is capiulry Uogbt, a pramiaeat ezeallaace of tbia School, tba jraat attealiaa paid to Mathematics aad the pbpical Sdeaees, -aioo with illastfaiiena of their praetieal apptieatioa to C2tB aad MSiUry Enjiaaar b, aaa the Mecbaak Arts. The Military diacipliae af tba Sebool, too, a of the higfceat (rade, aad the praeiaaa aad order displayed by the Cadets la their anlia, wsold reflaet credit oa voteraa eoldlera. , The Ezaniaatioa cloaad oa Thondayaifht vtih a Boat cbaate and beaatifu! Addreee from Wnxiaa J. Cutx, Eaq of this City, delirered before a crewd ad aaMmblage af both aazee, who testified their eatia faetioa aad delight ia a auaaer toe aaeqarrecal to ba Botalea. Tba acxt Searioa will ceaineaee, vadcr the same Teacbera,oa tbe firat of Jaly ANOTHER. COMET., ; f . A Cemet can be seen ia the ifirning, at between tat aad foor e'elaek, ia a nertbaaatera directiea, BMriHgto vardstheSna. Tbe ancleue aad tba whole ftke tad b viable above the horizon, and w21 be ae tvs or three mxniap to came. . Tbe star gazers afl ee area te impreve the opportunity as it will soon kt last te tbe vie w of the inha af this portion f the earth. - ? . v,v W abeuld like te knew what Comet this b, as ws bars seen ao sjoticexf R in any af the papers. COB AND -SHUCK MILLS. V- S Mtjer Wuuab F. Coixm, of tbie City, who has kee iotertsted ia KaewLTon's Pattat, for grinding Cwa, Cob and Shock Ute Meal, has porcbaaed, ia ailitMa te North Carolina, the Right of tho Patentee ' "lowing states, via: New Jersey, Maryland, rTnia, Georgia, Alabama; MiatisaippiLeukhuia, Ktacky, Obie, Iniaaa, Illinois, t naeesee and Ar TbamoratimpTaiMBtb tried, tbe bet , a ULst., wQl baar the teat of examlaaUen. OLD POINT,, eelirbtfol retreat far tho haahJiv awn iaTa!kt. is about to bo re opened made favarahU ITlOli ml m. t m .. . . '" as wui 00 seen trem tne Adver- aeat tbia paper. TRIBDTE.OF RESPECT.- 'general meetiag of the Bar of the Eastern part tbe 8uu, and the aaaearoue friends af the Hoe, iv W Cutw 3 U hold at Edeaton.oa Friday, tt I3t U8t, ou wbieh eeeaaiea Caaaxaa R. Km tt. Eon. win deliver aa Addreea,wpoa tho life, chai awt aad eervices of the ramented ecaaaed. edenton distmctI- . : .1 "rt highly graxifiedto state that Col. Dv af Bertie, has been naanhnouafy agreed oa the Whig CaadilaU fcr Ceagreea, ktbo pUee of fBat Cmamar... Hie oleeiiea wo'eoaatder eer. J wo befieva if the leaeatod dead cJd, W bae dictated eefeetioa, CoL CwtlaW a the r1.. U WW bave named. With laieata of fbiciplee; anyiadlng as a granite tL!z!U Prr U bole a iwicuj ascuu uiat n cuiaeaJ Ttu. "M mpeteo U " Jary, becaaao ia etwarr, a part of tbe Unitsd States. THE PLEA OF INSANITY. ANe'ene. wbo has paid the least alteuitaa te the t4I sT CrinainaT cum, la our Court of Justice, can haveuiied ! u itom how very frequentl insanity W ta eicoae for Muroert'Amfc It a is plede4 maaer ec bo wua hwbwhph w?ulr .,p upright Jariae often admit this plea en gnwada the frfrolewe aad aboard. : It is time that the Press should raise its reice agai&st this preraJeat aad ia creaatajly preTaleat plea.9 Far be It from ni to ta fiict oo ooa, whom God haadeprifed of reason, tba penalties of a lawmada for rational araataree.' Bat let aot the carlaf Tiolator cl law, wbo, recUesa of ceoseqdenoes, or rather, hardy enough to riak them, abeda the blood of a fcUow-man let him aot, when detected, shield himeelf from paaiabinent by pleadiaf iauauty. Take any maa wbooe paseloas roused aad who le thlrstiaf for rerana oa aa enemy, aad bring Lie conduct te the standard of raaaaa, aad he nrast be ptonooacca eaeeae for the time. - Bat whit haa, for the time, xnade him a mad man, Bpcrninf the eeaaaala of reasoa aad reckless of the penalties of law f It la hie ewa (railty aad dangaroue passions. Tbe rery thing which the law was iateaded to restrain or. to poniah. , ' . - It ie worthy of remark too,4ht.tbie plea is very eeldem set op when the probabShied of aeqaittal are ia favor of a criminal j but lei the evideace be dear aad aniapeachable, and the crime be ooe of mark ed aad aggravated character, aad every ether plea faQ, the trie ads of a Prieoaer bring op his conduct, prior to the crime, to the standard ef sound reason, aad it ie forod that be acted very eefoiy, there fere, he most have been insane; because aa maa governed by sober reasoa, weald have acted as he v.. -T"; aae jasa oeea uieo ia new x orx, vwea calls far tbeoe remark, t A maa by the name of ZUiMt waa aenitUi laat week oa tbie greoad. af the meet diabolical Arson and Marder, 'we ever recollect to bave bkard of ahnply, because it was so horrible, that the Jury eeold net believe any anna maa would tbae have acted. The evidence of the two principal witaeeeee .for the State we herewith aabjoia, and mak any reasonable maa, if, a wretch, capable of each a dead, ia fit to 4ire any loagar among-civilized beingat, , Jajcxs Lax, Mviag near Uanlia's, tastiSad as fol- bra: H My attention was railed to the fire at the hoi of Haafia. It was between half-past 7 aad & I was earning into my owa'hooao freea the atorew Mr. Brawn ehoated oat fire. ' He pointed to HaalioV. Tba fia'mee Ware going in abere Lbs roof. -Woraato h. I saw the little boy Lawrence inside- of the win dow, crying. I tried to raise the window, bet could ooi. It was the kitehea window, aot the bed-room. I brake down tba window, aad then called Lawrence to nee, and palled aim eat by the collar laroagh tbe window. Oh ! Mr. Lee, said he, my mother will ba homed.. I asked where she waa, and ho said in too bdtitMm. .The boose waa ee fall of smoke I could not vsntare in through the window. Tbe. fixe was raging through the porch aad door. I went to the bedroom window and could not get it open as there waa a shatter to it wbieh booked inside. West to the rear, bat feu ad aa windows "there, and coo Id not get ia. I retained to the fremVaad paw Kteunhnade of bis house, with bis bands on the window sill, looking oat. . I asked him for aa axe to break the "window shatter. He had something in bia hand with some thing black at the end, with which ho made a thrust at me, aad told mote stand back. I cannot say whe ther the large stick' hero ahown, with the Mack rasp or pike at the end, ie the same or net. He was stand ing looking at tba fire. 1 went and got a pieoo of wood end broke open the window chatter. The ameke was ao dense, we couid not get ia, aad went round back and broke through bearda, and laths, aad all. into the back oart of the boose. I saw the wo man lying ea the bed, bat eeold afiurd ae assistance, I was 00 weak and tbere waa so mnea stnexs, ana called to men to take her oat. saying that the woman waa doad. They broaght her eat, and I saw her ly inr down en the outside . I alee saw the child. I came la front, got in, aad tbrsw water on the firs, the ihagbemg in flames. .The deposition of the murdered woman, taken in exfrvwoe, was allowed to be read, after some arga meat,and was aa follows l ' Ia the wife of Edward Hanlin, and resides on the North side of 15th street, between 1st and 3d a re noes Oa Sends t morning,-22d Dec Andrew kDeim te mated to ret eat of tbe door,' but Kleim drove mo beck by stabbing soe ia tbe left thigh with some sharp instrument ; myself mad son attempted then to ret out of the window, bat Kleim drove as back with a board, aad jumped on soma barrels aad swore aa would cut our throats if wo attempted to get out; I went back to tbe,bed room, took my child, and be eamo inaenaeble; Icaaaetsay wfaea, or by whom, I was taken from tbe huee ; the said building' waa inhabited by myself and family, and waa wilfully set fire to by Ondrew Klaim.: ; - . j . ; THE U. STATES, MEilCO AND TEXAS. The latest news from Mexico eat sblisbes the fact, apparently beyond dispute, that the- Government of tho Republic of Texas, has actually, entered into a negotiation with the Government of Mexico, in tbe event of the success of which, annexationw to' the United States, thoogh then far advanced, will be in definitely peatponed. ' - ' ; BH Watuhee tf the Mexican Congress JUne ea Ubriaad the president U 'enter inte ntgetUtiens with the Texeaa, , - ..-. i r ; It as also atatod,tbat Coanmieaioaors oa the part of Texas bad suhorqneatly left Vera Cm, in company with Captain Elwott, eeeriag teill them an me- ImewUdgeinent hf Uexiee ef the indepennee 0 Texas, provided the latter rejected, tho measure of annexation. -" ' "' 1" . CT A violeat and tnest deatrnctlve Tornade and haJ storm occurred in. De Soto coonty,' (Sliee.) about 16 aw'.aa sooth of Mempbia, at mnUigat, en Tneaw day, May 13th, destreyfag every tbifi g a ito course, lie dTreetion was from the east, and spread about mile ia brtadth- .It passed over SoothaS, Manning, Stokea, Smith, and Alaasoa' TrigVa (recently CoL t eux lewir pi&ntauona. -. : '- . ;. f it'ii SUICIDE. ' t. A'yenag Uwyer of New York Darned: Rivera & Wilson, daotreyoo;. his life in that city ea the' 37th ianC, by blowaig Ida bnuns out with a pktoi. :- PeCa aiary ambarrassmeaU are supposed to have induced the act. 1 He left a yoaag wife and three children: to ha aneiaachely fata. ' ; . " S r 1 IT We regret te leara that the yoaerost sea of Mr. Clay has become deranged and has boon takes f to a loaatie seyhxra. ' Mr. Clsv bimealf has Wtenw, I a member of the' EpWopal Church al Lexmgtom , ' j::!. Niw Yot May 23; 1845. An active bosuiess continues to. be done ia cottoo. (The" sales yeaierdeywere Upwards of two thousand bales; and to -da hey are aa large. Thefuices' here: average aUt the sawess at the South, ewing to the great depression- In (he freighting- bdsioese. There Jw.aa s 'slight flarry iet be stock market trt-dayj and souoe singuine specalators anticipate a rapid rise. iIim t mm mnA tralr na T waa Blandiov I - - , ; , .7 omy a manor 01 weuoer, uu so courteous a i m c- I saw Kleim smashiag ia tbe front door with an eo extremely rare, for a Democratic orator tJ tn at aae: the fire waa tbea eomiiir into tho door; I at- bkopoooenU with' respect; that it ie notstfinalfe ' 'i'''EAWiT HARVESTING.' V A gentlemen, who k u extensive planter, lsU din; few miles from Edenton N. C commerced I cutting hie wheat on Thursday, thadof May Jbe hage three weeke'e J narveaung. w era not tnrormea iMjbaefioa I Sentinel, whether tha geathunaa'a crop Wafab-jiae or not, but . we da .net know, that the wb6at ; generally, ia this coanty at least, ba been gristly bjaredby the cold and dry weather: and peps Una may aacwaat for its ripeniag so soon g i ' CarLTT --Tbe New York Express baa crfallfra. jeered ceatribtitioa from, poetic eorr$adrit, wuwm cthi I urn iu imww - . if'. And as the bark that bore them Wan vanishing from view, . I felt tbat where my Sarah wast, J n Uk to go f rr4 too." ill.. - EDITOR'S . CORRESPONDENCES fl LsiufOTO!c,NoaTU Caaotwa Tie had "rf.' This village is the Capital of Davidson County, JH milea west from Raleigh, sitaated oa tbe weerV&of AbboU's Creek, and baa recently suffered tbj loaf 'of a fine Cotton Factory, by fire..Tba Town W small, yet very aeat ia its appearaneej Ia tbe Helan be seen a large collection af MinaraJs aad Ops fom tbe different Minea, in which this part of the eoQaftry abonnds. It shows good taste irf tbe keepefc'of tb hoose, (Mr. Maaar.) in fitting op-a CaWnef orjhe eonvaatence of Travallera, who may not ItiivfcJbe time at their dupoeal, to visit the Mines, .l.-i- There are aa many haadseme Ladies, axce yufV uao Rpia(iua, in um Tuiaj(vaa ca uo iwuiu tuguj other place in tbe United States. . . . Jifji ,'TTbeyonng gentlemen have an ailernoolj gsme it . 1 - a t il! :ii t here, catted Xeag B&U, which they jJay for eierrjae, and these is ao doubt but jt contribntee lar JeJji to . t 1.. . : 1 t . & nix. " . weir neaim ana mnacoiar Taiopni.u . . p pe ie played whh two Iron Balla, weighbg 2if)otJds each." There are two parties ene aide agaistHhe other of indefinite aambcr. Each indiridaw VfuT oisbed wit!) a leather thong, about half an bfh wele, and four feet in length. The Captains eh eah aide, commence tbe game. Placing the leather stnpnth a noose around the wrist, they wrap the iron tfkll kh layers of the strap, until the whole of the atre? ie around aroand the ball, and it rests in tbe pal Sa ofSbe band.' The ball ie then tossed forward, or -rolledi aa a ball an a bowling-alley, and ie permitted toVrtdas far aa k will go. Than tbe Captain en the other de, rolls the ball down the street after the first ofie; 'ry iag all ia bis power to excel ia distance. A$ Jk ep to tbe balls and commence where the otbSr, ;sop ped, and make another roll, taking torn in e pjay nntil all have rolled. The distance osuaUy tl:eti) is a mile and back, and the party wbo can, roll tlrail and get it borne again, la the fewest nnmber f nil; ie the wiaaer. This game ie intended for exei iciato those wbo lead a sedentary life. Aa aimpIeamXbe game is, it affords n vast deal of amusement. -1 Uiav I Jearn, pecnliar te this village, and the oldeeJnb jub ilant cannot tell ita origin. u ' ' J lF j - Wear thia place ie ut. holt o naatation, -ntis cultivated on scientific principles, and too mu&qv)n aot be eaid ia praise of hie public-spirited 'iff jto. Those, who would wish to see his graunda,pihfUtd erase at - Trading Ford," I think it ie' ealle, Hid they must necessarily pass them. The stivngef ;waId do well to pass over Sander here.. and so to ihu:h. He would hear a most seal -stirring sermon, and mTj$t, perchance, steal a peep at the bright eyes, at4,beHo tifolly dassie faces of the Lndiea. ..... :'ft Youra, - NORlVf ANv SmitkietdMey 21 fir?' Mr. Gaxu: The Democratic candidate foH Chtf greea for tbia District, appeared before tba- . - - - r xm 1 thts uonnty last i ueaaay. ns pouticai inenep wtan I of eoursa in exlacies at his performance. So ai ti iy 1 always, aceordinr to order, and so would theffbeilfl their caadidato ware the veriest demagogue wrjaft- ana pes in creation. With regard to Mr. 17 Pa: 9f however, their taste ie net to bo censured. Y It . . . . . that even the Whigs listened to Mr. D.'a efforTpeh a degree of pfeasure. Ia the outset, be avemd t at ho did aot come . there to play the dmagogWk4e ehould deepiee . himself if he were eepable Si itl- Tbie prelunmary remark,.! thought, made sfne.if the piping-hot Democrats of these diggings w&eejj a little. Iteeemed so en-Democratic ae 'Whiggith, indeed, that eome of them for a moment lookJi af if : they had mads a mistake, and caught a "TalarU They brighUoad up considerably, however, aalhe aT vanced. and sitcued it into the Wbir doctenoa,'r-1 Tbis ho did so reuUelly, however, and'wiUr ipa Mhd I and indulgent a spirit towards the Whigs, Cmi Ig j whom ha eaid were soms of tbe beat friends ha r hid on earth,) that it was really refreshing to lheWb. ga themeetvee.' Mr. DoBBiM is a fluent and .e jncTe speaker ; and thougJi weak in argument, is vtrga ficttoosln niostratien, which answers very eilll.r tbe Democracy, aioe-teotba of whom will tfteaiit most cogent and eonclueivo- reasoning. A Wliig Re marked that thia waa tho first. Democratic 8pefteb,.if ever heard, without beg provoked into naaskea. $t we are doomed in tbk District; to have a Demwrei ic representative, Mx. Dosaui a certainly tbe leV at Ex ceptionable one who has been epoken of inceaeko with that oflSca. ' If he will direct ba eflbrti ta ) own party, and not be insinevatin himeelf isalo fti afiections of good Whigs, and coaxing then?i awy from the good old Whig faith, I, for one, wiUhn God speed for tits one- tfv hoping a chaV mty . . ... .. . .. . .. i '. soon eome or drubbing turn to bis bean s epnfnt. IBs principles are radically wrong; and tfjsttl. the neat two years, he doee aot find them fi, e 4 eonfesa the corn, we hope after that time to j-Ji at je to read hka each a lecture as may open bis eitW i If elected, he may probably the of hie DemocratiettontJa and hia Democratic associations in WaahingU uCit f, where Lam sure he win not find hmwelf e ir I nmV ' It troubled the Wbige hereabouts, to ndfi. stand hew such a man ever was a, Deanocrat. Tf problem waa sol vod by tbe aesurancei - that " wps Asm one. 'or ha would surelv have been n Whirr - v. rem tux axciavxa BISHOP rVES' SUMMER APPbaNTMENTj s 7th Sunday after Trinity, T(Jnly SU Jotn tlia Wtfderneaax f : --i - - tvi fl ft: 10th July, Rotherfadtoir, Rutherford Co ,T ; 8th Sunday after Trinity, St. Luke'a, UneIator r 15th July, White Haven. v - ? 'T;$ 17th. Cbariotu; ; C- ' "V , 9th Sunday nAer.Trfnity, SL Luke's, Salury 10th - ' M and previous ;vabV wt CarwtUhureb, St. 'Andrew, Kowan uounry, ntu af-rtriti- nLiM tim,: u n.4 l eVoirerv . f- ffttipil!cTinlrtttiveinter:meddIihgtrUh nthnr peo Other appointments to be given in daa tian .l ?' THE 1IACE FEIGHTFtf L ACCIDENT! Oa Wedneaday.tbe second triat fW supreme cy between the cete betted racer fashion and - 1 iton took place over the Camden Course, op. tJik time, XeaW 1 reioro, nav tng won tae race in twojieats, jibe djy wann and the track Somewhat hear. A friend, wbo was preient, eivaa oa the foHow- in brief account of tbe race j ' - After the dreadful accident to-day, the race between Peylona and Fashion came oiE and Vic Ury restored to the brows of the latter, at Cam. den, the laurels which iter more Southern com peuior naa enatchea irom them at the Union Course. Thus may, victory; perch, alternately. on ine oaonroi tue aouih ana the Werth, but may the Union be perpetually The story is abort. IjT told, thee: . -. . , . :.; ', First Heat, fasbion took the lead and kept iff time, 7 48. r , . ' ; Second Beat Even, as if tbey had. been a pair of Siamea tsina, until tbe 7 entered the first quar ter of the fourth mile. Here Peyton (the favor ite at the start, $200 to $ 120) fell back Into the wake of her unfailing competitor. She, answer, ing to the motions of her rider, looked back with her big eyes at her rival, and, seeing she had it all her own way. led her in several lengths' ahead and pawing the Judgea' stand under a pull hack, in 7 577' ' .-r-'A,,- '. , Of the accident above alluded Xri, and concer ning wbiclveur City waa yerterday filled with I Qmwmg rumors ; we copy the following j account from tna ftoiladelpbia laqmcer : V Yesterday was a dav of much excjtement at the.Camden raco-groiind and ita vicinny. - Thou- B4uus paBBu over ioc nver, iroin me cny, ana .1 1 . .-? . n w oe hib nreai race oeiween ramion ana rey tona. . ' v The race was to take place at one oc lockand as thai hour approached the stand became ernw- dd, and the-excitement deepened in mtensity Oa tbe). principal stand there could not have, been f, , fi, hunArpA fur lB gtrength. teen ounareo persons, lar too. many When Pytona and Fashion were broaght out. and the race waa about to begin, there was a ve ry sodden movement a sort of general bending iorward,u catch a view of the celebrated horses Thia movement produced ah extra strain upon the stand, whicb wavered, tottered, and cracked At first' it parted and fell gradually at least, suffic iently so to give a momentary, and only a momen tary, warning of danger. Then the whole centre of lb p-n(kroua'mi8s, conuiiiingtwostorieavand more than one hundred feet in length, fell with a tremendous crash. . . , v The ecene that ensued beggara all descriptiofu The cry of panic and alarm was truly appalling ; and it was impossible for. a' time' to discover t he extent of the injury, and the belief at firat was general that a great many lives had been lost roles were promptly obtained to keep ine crowd back, and to remove the ruins and lumber. The li-Ondnd floor was ocupied with eating, drinking and gambling tables, aad contained a great num ber pf people, some of whom "were among the wounded. .. - -... ,, 7 It occupied about half an hoar to clear away tbe maaa of. rubbten. Meanwhile, tbe reports were of the most exaggerated character, and. by the time they reached tbe city the number of kil led was placed by several of them at over one hundred. As far as we pave been able to ascer uin, no life waa immediately lost; although a boy was. carried away apparently dead, and it was feared that five others were dangerously if not tat all y wounded. : The names of some of ihe sufferera-are' 5Jr P O. DinieU Mr. E. Ovenshine, Mr 8tratton, W. P. Way, MrJklcElmy, Mr. Price, James Tofbert Garrick Sharpe, John Kiaely, Keubei Hainee, Copeland, singleton, Jimee McMau ! Riley, William Beebe, Patrick Quigly, Tho. I Reynolds, Thomas J. I iuaxh, Samuel McK.inney Win. Calhoun and Win. Franks. . The wounded in all will amount ps pearly thirty, hut the major- ity of them, we are glad to say, are in no danger- mosi 01 me euaerrrs were cuii vcjeu xinmo, anu. ml ' . r . 1 A . 1 I 1 while on the groond, were attended by Dr. Mc Clelland. and aeveral other physicians. :' ; - At first the excitement was so painfifl that it tboughf the raee would be postponed altoge ther ; but tbe alarm subsided in some measure in the course of an hour, and the race took place. The Philadelphia Times says that after. the race another match between Fashion and Peylo- na was immediately proposed, it is said, to be run over tbe Canton Course pear Bah i more, for 820, 000 aside, to fairly determine the championehipv It, will come off very soon. pRKsBTTiKiait Church Ciscjnw ati- The unfiniahed bueiness, the discussion of the roar? Jrieee question, as resumed on tbe 22d. The motion before the houee was one made by Dr JunkiOr indefinitely te postpone the report of the couKhiltee of laat year, in order to send an over- tare lo the Presbyteries whether the provisions of Ihe book of. discipline forbidding snch mar- nagea be stricken out. Alter considerable da- cussioo Dr. Junkia withdrew his motioo, w,herer upon ut. cvice moveu 10 ponipuue wr.uviwuiiB e resolution with a view of introducing the follow ing resolutions: Whereas. Tie Marriage question after being for marry years the subject of discussion- both in tbe lower courts of oer Church' and in the Gen. era I Ar-setnbly : and whereas, the General Ae- eembiy.has uniformly discouraged and opposed euch mtfrrbfires as are in our confession of faith declared to be prohibited, and whereas te 1826 the questioa was sent down to the Presbyteriee, whether the1 :4ib section of the fch chapter of our eonfession ehould he changed and whereas of eiffhtv-eiffht Presbytenea then constituting the General Assembly, only eighteen reported in fa vor of said change, whilst, city reported; against it; tbue expressing the solemn opinion of our Church tbat tbe Confession ought uot to be chang- j ed, therefore, ? - r! : 1 Riiolced. That, it ia not expedient to overturn I tbe Presbyteries on this subject. . ' , J Resulted, That it be. and it hereby is solemn - If enjoined upon aBour Mimaters henceforth to abstain entirely from solemnizing or encouraging such marriages ss are declared in our confession of faith' to be forbidden by the word of God ; arid that U bo, and it hereby is enjoined upon all pur sesaidns and. Presbvteries to aonlv the discipline ! of iho Church te all members of our Church "who may hereafter contract such rnafmges; and that they refnae to receive into the Church any per son aarelatedv . : 'C w; The motion was' 1osf by a vote of 84 to 80. v r The discussion was then resumed on Mr, Gold-: smith resolution, peodiug which the Uoiiae ad- Among the anecdotes Ifloj trativs of VVeatern character extant, we recollect oneo a rough sad ready Kentockian, wo(H riding up, a stranger, to a gathering of some fifty or satv . Hoosiers or i VVojverjnes engaged in general fracas with clubs, fists, tic and an oceaaioual pis tor or bowie knife, inquired, "Gentlemen, ie ibis a free fight!" j If it- were,. he; wanted a chance with the real j but if there were any thmg selected or special a- 11 ... it Li. r 1 t ; - .u.u -t . L' . i j. .f J, ,k Tmn. ,7 tiAnkt .n im oiveraion to incarring the imputation, of so imper- Vple's aBairs. 4V. Y. TrWffie : - A HINT TO FARMERS. The grealeat obstacle to the. improvement of Agriculture ia New England ia the propensity of the farmer the mania, I might well call it-o ova more land than he can tm to adoania And it ia than that we. see-acattered over Jhe countrri targe iracts 01 sierwe, unproaucuve una, which, under iood celtivelinov would yield bmintifat tnd valuable crops. . Not only tbef d ctates of sound philosophy, but numerous fact drawn from ex perience, arcfxonsUntly and IcuJIy xalllnj opbn the farmer from every quarter to odcuvv e small farm and cultivate, it JtelL :r I wish tbat this admo- nitton could oe thundered into tbe ears: of tbe agricultiiral popolatiop of Newx England until a complete retoiutiaa ahould be, produced in the farming aysteta. , -'. . . j Tbie great truth is already beginning ta be vn. derstood in other countries, and ia attended with corresponding adrantagea. The densest popula lion in Europe-may be 'found in .f'laridera and Lombardy,. where tbe" land ia divided rate small farms, and being, thorough fy ; tilled produces a bundant food for the inhabitanta And tin expe rience of a quarter Af a cehiurv in France provee that, by the occupation of the country under email, work tog farmers, the land ia prodncing one third more food, and support ing a population one third greater, than when it waa possessed iu large Theltvr is nnitetaal-it aptpliea to evert eoun- try. th4t the secret of success in agriculture consi8te in tbe thorough cultivation of a small piece of ground, which, well manured and well worked, yields up tts treasures in prodiaal pnfu aion. in almost every pan ot New Enhnd one capital error runs through the 'whole system.' A great deal of money is invested in land, and a very little money employed in tts cuUieaixon, And H w aad to see the'owner of a large -farm pride htm laelf an the nnmber nT-aiirp. vbu-h oniM9f-. 1 - : j v. . 7, r janAundertake tocultivafe the eon wnhouiteoffl. ctent means. Bach a man bas been happny com pared to a merchant who expends alt his capita la building for hie own ose a large roomy store and is afterwards eeeo gazing with coaiplaceucy on, his bare walls and empty shelves. f He has chalked out to himself a hard lot, add voluntarily enters on a state of servitude-j worse than Kgyptian bondage.. Hr work is never ae coinpltshed. He toils at all boo ris and yet is ne ver ahead of his work, and hie work ts never ha! done. He has not time to accomplish any : thing thoroughly, tits house is out of repair; his barn dilapidated ; his cattle poor : bis fences in rums, his past ares overrun with bushes ; and acres of land which, under proper cultivation, might be made to yield a'rich harvest, are but little nemev. ed from barrenness, perhaps dotted with mullen. burdocks, thistles, or fiiled with sorrel, white weed, and other noxiooe plants, which root "out tbe grass, and eat the lire of the soil, without af fording nourishment to man or beast. What a harrasscd, unhippy being muet be the owner of surb a farm.! He has no time far rec reation or mental improvement. He is doomed to the treadmill for file ; with his spirits depress ed, despondency stamped upon his haggard iinea tnente, and the worm of discontent gnawing at bia heart, with bun There are np pleasant associations wirh the vast : tbe present is full of anxiety, care, and hard labor, and a dark cloud rests upon the future lie reminds me of Hood a touch iiiif ohJ Song of tbe Shirt, and it may he well laid or sung ot bjm . . . , - Work work work I r : . .. , From weary chime to chime 1 ' , Work work work 1 . As prisoners work for crime; Plow, and harrow, and boa I Hoe, and barrow, and plow ! T3I the heart is sick, and the arm. benombd , iAndmiseryf stamped on the brow. . '" I Such hss little reason to pride humaelf on his extensive poasessiona t and paradoxical ae it may appear, he would, m nine cases out pf ten. add to his riches as well as hie . enjoyment by giving away one half of them at least. 'He is, in the true aense of the word, miserably poor, in fact a slave z.apd, when hie eyes are opened o hia real condition, it ia no wonder that be is fflad to. emancipate himself, by selling his farm for what he can get, and escape, poet-haste, to Texas or IOWA. -Sleeper's AgrcuMural Address, ---- JOHN J.CRITTENDEN. Cel. Barrow, ihe editor of the Nashville Banner and a highly distinguished AVbi of Tennessee, commenting upon the merite of leading men in the Senate, holds the foilowiogjanguage : w ' John J Crittenden is an erjitor by nature. he speaks directly fnxn the heart" lo " the' heart, and as nature, in her unt ranitnelled" state, rs said to he graceful and her passion eloquent, she ir. we suspect, entitled to much or the credit, ob tained by theauccesa of her fa vofite child We much question if Mr. Crittenden ever atodied be fore, the manner or the very words, in -which a great assembly was to be addressed. Grasping. with a powerful intellect tbe strongest views eta subject, and seizing with singular felicity the weak points of his adversary, he guard his own poaitiuoT with .- judgment and skill, and attacks those of bis opponent, wiip all the weapons afar gument, sarcaem, and wit. His noble vuice the tones of which seem now like the tones 01 a truuu pet, to send forfli defiance, and,' ancni, like the soft mortnunngs or the lute, to breathe forth no thing but subdued sorrow of requited and eoirten ted love hie intelligent eye.' now flashing with indignation and then melting with pa' bos the workings of a face every lineament of whkh seems to speak ' posaesaing all these qualit ies and characterialica, m addition to a soul that knows no meanness, and Bayard-Tike chivalry, what wonder is it that John J. Crittendcfd should be es teemed neof the tirst orators if not the first- and one of the besomed of the day 7 l it has been our good fortune to see much of hiuj land from our intercourse with him, -we came to the concJu- sion that uo man ever lived more calculated to obtain womaufs undying love, or man's devoted frieBdship." .... . An Old Bcaoot Negro. Tbe editor of the Rtrre Gazette writing from, Richmond, Vs-,' says : . Tbe U. SCirca it Court U now in seesioit here heW w- ChW Jngiiue Tanev. I waa present at Jibe bpemingof the fourt onXnday aiki observed 1 .n a t .H ku.a- ' ..u eJotbee and stocfemga,' knee buckles atuliHher characteristics of fashion "sixty years ago.?' vAs tbe Chief Justice entered the doorttbeold fellow rose and was greeted by the head of the Jedicia- ry with: as "much civility as if he had been the j a e . - f aaV '- m " ae 4 -cbtet execuxtye magistrate." me uniei jus tice and the District Judge shook him Corduily by tbe hand and made many enquiries for his heahhTOn Hiouirv. I found that he was the! slave and favorite body servant of the late Chief Joe; lice Marslrall, wliose meinory the faithful jnegni cherishes in most affectionate remembrince.-s He ia hut a nominal slavev nowi preferring like mahv others here, not to he free.. He dresses in nreewelr the ! vie of his former diatinrniahed owner, .and insists on being at the) doof of the court room, u in days cf yore to tender his ser1 vices to the esteemed successor of hia old cufier. He takes the bat of the Chief Justice, CJIa his glass of water and doe several Other Ccca at if he were the titled chamberlain of a king,' and ia treated: with as mbch consideration bj the very urbane and popular juristM bis old Baxter cscld have doneL : . ' ' -'-.. 5'.'. "; - r - ; A Fat FKUyV.daderfanl,asy Tariffile, that.Thaddeas Stevensi Ew. a worthy praev taidher at the bar of Lancaster County Court, lately in aa important case, received a very delicate comptv aaeat to his abilities ia the shape a CSCOOts r- . ' ---t . '- - I ANOTHER DESTRUCTIYB FIRE -" AT PITTSBURG. - - . Thirty t Fatty destroyed fire brokr out at Pittsburg. 00 Tuesday eight; m a stable oa an alley, renning from Coal lane to Foonuin street, juet id tbq rear of Seventh street ; and be . ' fore the flames could be eubdued between ibht and forty, bouses, inostl of frames of but liltle aiue, were destroyed.' All tho booses from the r on Prospect street, cp to? Wathington, cot -bwi sides of the street were entirely consumed, me bouses were occupied by a large n amber of poor families. . , " ; . : , Cbec Cousst-We have aaaumed oaf new -duties, with tbe fixed determination teact witlf the fiourtesy and firmnets which become gentle-, meo. We are for peace and good feeling towards allbut, if forced to retaliate in self-defence, w can stats positively, that nothing shall indue us to degrade our own standing or lower the dignity of tbe press, by angry personal diecastlons ut thsjr newspapers. A political journal baa higher and nobler aims, than the personal bickerings of its conductors Questions of vital importance to ev. sry class shd to every intereaf tt eooataotly springing up which by courteous sad calm dis cassiona, may be made to confer information and benefit upon tbe community. This it tbe great and elevated object of a free press and, as fa ks io os lies, we will make it our rule bf actiort. If a different policy- ensue, it shall not be eiu fault. Richmond Enquirer. . U.;, -v v;- . I - ' 1 " . A Bad Bite Among the city Items of the NY Tribune ia ihe following, whxh shows that QtU tliam ia a great place fur fiah stories, as well as some other jthinga. The Reporter says I -. T ' r We were very badly bitten yesterday by t dead sea-liorse in Broadway.' We were to gn at . conooisseura in monsters ; but as near as ws) could judgej from i mere soperfieiai em!oaikmi tin is constructed by drawing a good number of cod.fbh skin over an c.frame. ! The teeth art pieces of. bono sawed in two, and each end fa ' tetu d to the upper and lower jaw, and fit admi rably. Tbe tongue is very neatly fashioned of red booibadine.". s' .v...., . CORPORATION PROCEEDINGS. ' v v- r ' Raleigh, May 80. 18ft. ' At a regular meeting of the Board of Cotnmla- aioners, preeenV WesiofrB, Galet, Esq S ire," In tendapt Police ; James Litchford, D W. Stone, Jolib HoTchSnF Wim. D. Haywood sod C WVD. liutcfaringK, ICiiinmisabnera. : ' : . Wm. F. Collins, Eq , who iris elected a meat ber of the Board, at its last " meetinjr. was auiW iSed, and took hie Beat. i . Mr. Stone, reported that Mr. IL Rand bad tu greed to receive. tbe advance payment 00 tho City Boruhf held by him, and allow the interest and that the money bad been paid over to him. . E. B. Freeman, Eeq , tendered his resignation as a member of tbe ,Bosrd, "whkh was accepted and Dr. F. J. Haywood, was elected tt All the va cancy as a member of the Middle Ward. . Mr. Collins moved to rescind the ordinance fee lative to Doro which after tome discussion waa 1 rejected, j 'v v , - - -i, : . k .f r - .. ,: ; -An account rf 51 25 In favor of Wot Ctfoa narh was presented and allowed. . I he Bond of the Collector of City Taxes, wee offered and accepted.-- . v . . ... . , . ;. fia other business -commz before the Board, on motidfl, the Board adj(urned. r : - . - WM. WHITE, do. la Rntherfordton, Dr. lUdaut Mnia to Mies lane' Hamilton. I ' i. . - , ;- v' In Wfiminrbrai Mr. Wm. Nerrisj ef New York, to Mies Ann McGovern. . ' , . ' In Barbour eoQnrv. Alabama, fbe Rev. John L. Gay, to Anae Elixa, daoghier of Dr. TJaamas D Parke, Ute of Wadeabofo, N. C , , - In Tarbttra', en the 26th huA John W. Cettea' Eeau need S3 He was born end raised fa that Town, but for a few years past bad resided near TaN ahaaee, FIoridafrom whence fee bad just returned to settle m hie native land. He bad tor some years suffered frenv bad health and the malady which se long preyed lea him, .St length terminated ha ea uleuce. f "r V ";- -, ' ! - . -I - ' '. J fTniTE FI.OUD we wasted, is tome to hand, II or pat af if, ;. v -J ! ; .V". ' ". " ' L.-; WILL PECK. . Raleigh June T T ": f U-U ' OLD POINT HOTEL. THIS celebrated Watering piece bsV ins been eterii?e!y improved and newly furnisbed. will be oprp for tbf rerepfioo of visiters en sod af- tet tbe ltfthof Junet Its mea'ne of accommodation '' are anvpk,- and its .Proprietor hefs''epared Jto ef peMse ixrrendrring if in every, way ae desirable as,' Dy 80oer retreat on tbe coulineul. The VabUe' will besopplied with Hog-PislH ttbeep's Head, Hard and Soft Crabsv. Oysters. Tutlea, ami Terrapins . eervett op by JAUJC afeRAE.f Petertbofg. whose detoiton to tbe Shell ebd Finny trilie, s s guaabtee' he will oefer let tbem pjee from -his bands af fearing; otherw ise than, la the gtrtieat advantte. To I bio fut, every ether delicacy of tbe season will be added-' The ceflais have beeo etnfed with Wines. Brandies eke., se'ecisd by ooe ef the brat judges' In tbe coco t try an in variety and quality are ensurpassed byv any eiber ouWwbnvtxt. - , , v .; , . v , New and commodious Bsth Houars have beta eicted- err airgrc elite fbr aorf Bsihbf for tboee who prefer ill and. Hot Bathe for laralide. .. Thee" have, wroogbt many wonderful s in cases of Chronic Rboumatiaa and artl caaee cf debilhy. . Nd place eanofler cre eoereesol amuementtbeib' ; ing ie tfosurpaeeedhotrtine itt tbe months of Aa gust and September ie very 0ns, the scenery beeeli- . Ail in'tbe extreme. In sitrht of tbs -Capes and ba three or four boors sod ot Torkt6wn end Jamestown," h there ere pleasure efrursjons (at those who desire them, besides the daily arrival and departure of Steamboats k "A floe Band of tfosie wiU alee te U sitendadce, end bo exerUon whatever efaall be epared . to render romfortabl tWe who may vhul as.' - ItXir. T. JUL KAIGtSEa', rmer!y ef ds -Parmer's JfeteL Fredericksbbrg, sod lets of tbs frJiiffsbrook Bote, Petertlxirr. ill f Uend to the reteptionof iVisjfbrs and to their comfortable t$" comoWUiioiw r.--, , JAS. 0. FRENCH. T CCT The New Berbtan will copy fotr wttks an(lTrward acomnt to Mr. French b( OlJ PoIaU nEIIIFFS ALtl wP.l ul u the ' Court HoasehtCanbsse, llooro Constv.oa the 'una Mondey of July next, the frlbwint rrLci ' of tiiudo. or eo much f Ureof aa will satisfy tSa Tateedue'tberSnn f ' the year 1 1 13, a&i ttscsaX ' gent expensee of stlj Jala, vhst - - " ' l No. Va- lee. Ace : Tr;re ttrs'n.' Dan. taua tt law; eX .e"J L'Iej ' IJeskh Check, i ID i a 1 f7 1 7J 'SCO SCClCamuel Clacs, t. ?.UZ-'nb critk WetCieek ZcSrw Crec!; lisk da ICOfArcb. Hncaucken Sv 100 ,200 140 William Godfrer. 50j Edward Ticker, J flmr. Yi nnsV,F. MT Urr O lOCUobA McDoaaJa, Lilativtf- 0 dlUames CanJaer, JDef? C3 5, .. iiBte CoerU ci floors w CTr. Atir.fl - ; U to May SO, IWo

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