Jf f -A iri,-. -a i - " . POETICAL-, lCbambare, tdinbUrg JoonuL ' - WE ARE GROWING OLD. . ? W. are pwit eld-bow the UioQgWwiiirwe,'. Wl a glsneo as esxrkward c - - J la the mine of the past j . , . . i . . It Mir be tbd shrine of our earlj eows, Or the brnb of early tears ; ' - " Bath seslikea far-off WU- ,: - I th atsrmy sea af yuifc y - . ' . Oh, wide i wHJ art the waves that part Oar steps from its greenness now, And wo mm tha joy "of many heart, And the light of many a brow ; V Fot deep, o'or meay a stalely bark v- - Ilaro tho wbaleaiag biflows oiled. That steered with us from that early mark . Ob, friends," wo aro growing old. : , t - . x ' .". OTi ia the dHnneoa'and the dust ; OTMr daily toil and caroo ; Old iatbe wrecks of lore aad treat . -.. 'Which ocr burdened metooff bears; . Eaeh form may .wear to the passing gaxe The Noam of life'a freshness yet, - r . Aad beams may brighten our later days, - " Which, tho morning nerer met, - , Bat oh tho changes wt have seen. Is tho far and winding way; Tho graves ia of path that haro grown green, Aad tho lock that have grown gray ! The winter still on oar own may epera -r ' - Thaaable or tho gold ; , .v. - ; But we aaw their anowa upon brighter hair ' And friends, wo are growing old. , W hare gained the worldTa cold wUdom now, "' W baye (earned to pause and fear ; --'" Bat where are the firing fount wAose flow s Was a joy of fieart U heart . : Wo haro won tho Wealth of many a clime, And the lore of nuj a page ; . Bat where i the hope that saw ia time But ha boandleaB heritage? -Will it eoroo again when the violet wakes, And the woods their yoatb renew? We bar stood ia the light of sunny brakes. Where tho bloom is deep and blue; -'Aad ov souls might joy an too spring time then, . Bat the joy was feint and cold, , For it ne'er coald giTe as the yontb again , OX be arts that are growing old. : " " Faxscta' Baowxe. - - THE FREED BIRD. . Among the superftltJonJ of the ScnVcas.is one which for ..its' singular beaatyjia already well known. heii a maiden dies, they imprison a young bird until itrst begins If try it powers of songrasd then' loaning H with bases and earessesthey loose its bonds over hsr graro ia tho belW that iTwill not fold it wing, nor cloat its eve. until at boa flown to tho spirit land, and delvared itrfradboi burden of aflection to the - Iot cd aad lost.1 It ia not unfrequent, saya the Indian hkassiaa to see twenty or thirty birds loosened ai . once, orer one graTSw . . - , . . Booed awayf speed away 1 on thy errapd of light I' There's a yoang beart awaiting thy coming to-night. Eha will fondle Jhee close, sue. vut aeJc tor tne wvel ; Who pine opoo the earth auc tho M,Dajr Surj has . rored. She wi3 aak if we miss her, so long is her stay ; - - " "SpeedawlyUpeed awayf- "Wlh thou tall her, brighrsoogster; the old chief ia : lone: " V . '' That ho aits all the day by bis cheerless hearth-etftie; That bsi tomahawk lies, au-unnoCd the while, Aad bis thia tips wreathe ever in sanless smile ; That the old chieftain mourns trer. and why will she Speed away? speed away I Aad oh ! wilt thou tell hsr, blest bird on tbo wing, That her mother hath ere? a aad asog to sin? , TMt khs BtAndetn iIam ib Lbe stiiJi oaist airkt And hsr fond heart goea forth for the being of light Who had slept in bar bosoai.-bst who would not stay ? .. v. frpeodaway Jrpeca away X . . , . V Co, bird of tho aOrvr war ! fetteriess bow ; Stoop not thy bright piaioa an. you nfonatain's brow.; Bat hie then away o er rock, nrer and gfen, And fiadan yooag Day-SUzZ are nikt clostu. Up? onwaSnet nothing; Iby mliuonVlelay !' . Speodway! speed awaj t " v wivbrsimv; OTIIIE Public Annivcrvtry Ilxaml- j$ najion of tbo btudaU of too Uort emf of Xonh tJarouha, wul be oeW at Chapel Uu',on Mon- " . " -v. ss aa "a ay, Lao voua cay ot Jiay ensuing, ana do conunuoa from day t o'day, ontil Thursday the 5th day of June; being the first Thursday In the month,' which last mentioned day Is appointed Tor tne Ann rial fJOtn mencemeat or the college. r-J. . '.I ! v - ' " "T- " w"rr"--w r, -v.J W-a r,..-.. .n-l. ...sri Ifis ExeVWAC-aAi GaAnAX.'lesYeaysjSiTo. Hon-DAVitf L. Swacf.LL. V;Prettdf College.- Thomas & Ashe, James Iredeh, " Daokl M. Barringer, ' Thoaoas . BenBehan WiISam'Aa'Bloant, Th'orjvta'.Bragf, Jr. George W. JeUreys, James Mebafte, - Bartholomew F. Moors, Froderick Nasbr -' Charles -Cbalaes Taaaa Settle, Georzo f. Deridsdn; - WilUasa 1L Wsshiortoo. . .WUhaa Eaton. Jr. Nicholas L. Wlllisxna, , - Bargesa 8v GoJtaer. Jabn C. Williams, . f . ' Sofoeooa Craves, ' Patxick IL- Winston, , FrwdetrickX iliilT j ' v.". L. . 1 , T 1 Ail other me- brs of tho Board of Trostoea who may attend, wkl bo'coaaidered members also o(4hia Comnaitteo.- Uy ooler, .. CUARLES MANLV, SureUrf.' RaWgh. April 25, 1845. ? . .. ; , . J. 33 - CT StaxW Standard.' , V ; " ; a . . . 1 ' . ''' "' yWhlfe Sulpbur' Water, r ' Rcclrrxl and far Sale rery low. by i ,if vtJjc fSjoziiTpr tingle bottle. t TTTXTlHa ve'also hla'de. itngements by which we V V :ca furnish it vrtJa abort nwiiee, by the barrel, HOJ-oarrel," an J in aall-in "deniijobns. ' Those do auirrg the Medicsf virtue of tlhis water" for which seeramphlets 'now have a chtnca of receiving-alt its benefiu,wiihoui the expense of vtitinj( the fprinre. ". , - WW4AH3, IIAI M JJUU UO,- A CAKDr -V; U li b P'dto-al Services to thVci as sir l25 ti'-.- ,lr" PWrfrW4shatTm. sj t rsta. - . vgt "s 'U't ,J J-Ui L-DUiCfl & UOfaJ TUMXmSlLMFm'OP i(AP6lUZOXV- Country Tf.de.-- .;; V' v : ' 1 fcT ptif4o. wnfWheariMtr as'to' themfdg- JShawls, Soarts noflery, &c, Acs ! fmttB'MdU wteaaseraCOLU tZZiiz&'n Z Vk flTlHEIliato-aof- Ciosuhite nh. Arife m$, Vf, inntereAacalyV feplendjif' ilkBarage-Chally 5d Mdustiri de iii:aiHUtJA0iTA,J.1s been oel ' 1 ll11, m?tr.W- LST.-urlW .- , ' v1Wiiaw:--W1lli.n aVa;.4J.fc:.ftfc: ShkwBrf Hertsfii Ind tJ.ragalMarni, HrWeTr Bpthi. Sriaw ttow mifjof Uttbl sJ J ?- sWtirmiodt Z.?.5 r beHgbmpleofbr 0' r 1 fiV ieomSiS V rLsenjonx.' - -Tl arf the hjj -T1li'glip.,a7l,f -; Narndeon. Josephine, Duke of Rtcbstadt Eugene I Tft odit Follilt ildW:Vc(V -Pr Adv. $5 62. ... , , . , 28 - Kid, sod Cott9ii, Gloves. Pie-nhv Uer and most comrorlaf4--odta to. Baldmoro. WtaMa.rtic!e. " I'v s,z Beauhsrpois.'Maria W-a.WeV 8ot.lt. Moral. 14 UJ Oie Season. an 'from greatfln- The TffV F VT WF5T of thav n?v?rHl - jTZS n.lfa-Oelieifi bw.aW'J.nSpr a compWevTirJ 10 nomberaS PMlltfacrHriery;Tc rMiltiWV V my-PiVPf W t;S5wB;0 aowSr iTVfiMOtf thNorttfCarolitra W iAlAd add-m1ta fnraUr iu&iohB: L-TI!Zt- J'lr ; lord.t .awentogt, at 6 Vha.. - , . rlfU-aurJellB BookW;-.'TttKSt & 'rtt70tfsV'. -i . aVILUAMSrHAYVVOQD Sa JKTald TW.&tWlt,P, t Priat Warehouse r- " " IN NEW YORKv. To app'y tho Chy and Inferior Trade, by tbo Piece - c ' 'or Jckage,' ' : ': - K ' . - - ; . RE n O V E D r l; ; ' " From tJ3 Pearl Street, to . - T TT CIL DIXE1T8TER ge' nolica to the J j Dealers "in Dry Good, lhaMbey Tis0 remold their V srrhotwef-rPrinted CalicieseiclusiTe!y,froin Pearl tp U Cedar sUeet. : Bf eoniflnfng their alien. h liiTrini, ,lnt. L. &. B. are enabled to exhibit an ss-ortment fsr sotpassrng'aily oVer before ofleied; in Amerles and to s4i ai prices ss iow, j and Cnhrinir. embtarhii eery sarieiy of Amerleata ana n-ore 15 mnis In BBartetmany styles of wBleb aregot op exclo aitely for their own sale,-and -annol ha baaVeiso wltero, eicept in second hands. ' : 0 Dealora ia PriMs will find it for their interest lo azamino this 8uck before making their purchases ihey will hare ibo. adranUge of Uarning iba lowest market pnees-aati eompartng ait looaestraMoaiyies in atarket Jo bw aide. " . .. . , - Catalogues of Price, corrected with erery rariation f tho Market, aro placed in tbo hoods of Layers. September 30. 184. V i si " 78 - LAW SCHOOL. ; milE UNDERSIGNED proposes tpopen a Law ii Sthool the Town o( Hillsborough, on the first day of July neit. To young gentlemen who are desirous of engsging in tho to3y of the Law. ho will eie instruction during the lime be is nut ' necessarily atiending bis Courts. . v . . ; J. "L. BAILEY"." Msy 30,1845. " t ' 43-gw To Visiters to life Virginia:, SPRINGS, iCATTJUAr, 1XRIOGJC, Ac, :fTTlSlTEn! to the Virgiteia .Sprngs, . Kataral y. Bridge, die are hereby adtised that iheir mo.4. pl aMnt and expeditious ivute, is by tEe Petersbnrg. and Richmond and Petewburg' Rail Kads to Ktch mond ; thence b the Ruhmond and Fredfrkksttorg and Looi Rail RJ to. Staunton, passing through CbarluttesTille. and in view of the celebrated Unier aity.of Virginia. . . , ; ? The Cars for Staunton leave Richmond at 8 P. M. Passenger by this line, reach Chtrfoltegvilla to' tea, on the osVof ihrir rearing Ri-bnioiid, 'where they lodge; CtoTerdale the second 'dy, 'and lode ; and the White Sulphur Springs, passingly the Warm and Hot 8pring. early on the third day aroidlllS utebt travel eutirelr,' and fifteen lionrs ahead ol the Canal Rode. Fare from Richmond to Staunton' f s'"'' g ' 1)0. . do " ' J White Sulpha O ' . 'V " ' ' ' Sfrihgs, onlyS- ,TII( SHARP. Agent of Transportation. " Richnvnr. Fred & Pel. Rrl Road Office 3 43 Ki bmonJ. S4tb May. 1 843.' V ' J' 'i Admlnistrator,ft. Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER, having taken out letters of Admioistration on the Estste'of 'Jacob H. Jef treys, deceased, will expose to Public Sale, on the 17th day of June 1845. at the office of tho eaid de ceased, in Raleigh, the following Property, (vtz.V Library of Books, Medicii.es and tfurrical Instru menu.&c.. Horse and UiIky, Bridle and Saddle, and other articles annecesary to name, belonging to said E.lete. . ; ' - - : ' r - ' Ssle to commence at 11 o'clock, and terms made known there. R. N. JEFFREYS, AdmV.. N. B." Any berson or persons, who may have m their possession' any Books, Instruments, of other Propertv bel.Hjginr to ssJAEsUte, will plea- leave the same with the Clerk of tha County Court before tho day offfsle. - ' - . " ' r - - . . May 86. 1845. ; ' 43 St IMPORTANT SALE. BY Virtue of an assignment made to motor tha parposo of foreclosing a Mortgsgs ntado by Yi nu M. Alston to Thomas Alston and f record on tho RcaisTaaa books of Wake County, I abaJI pro ceed to sell on the 18th day of June next Tat the re sidence of William M AUtoh, the following valus blo property, tVCwit: That vefv TAX17AIXI,E TUACf OF LAN I whereon he at present reidea, lyiag within Jess than one mils of Forest- villa Depot, 00 tho Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, in tho County of Wake,, and supposed to contain one thousand acres, omre or tess. The Jlansion ITouae 00 this. Tract is large and cofflmoilious," to gether with a large number of necessary out houses. Cotton Gin, Screw, Brn, Bt.bles, Ac &c ANo, One' otacr Tract of Iaud, imme diately adjoining the foregoing, on the waters' of! o'mith a Creek; and estimated to contain sit hun dred and nineteen acres, more or' less. "Tha forego ing Ttaets of Lsnd. aro well adapted to the .m!tia tion of Corn, Cotton, Whe-t and Tobacco, with' suf ficient cleared land U woik 25 or 30 bands to ad vmatage. 1 '. ; 1 ."j- -t ;:-t . I j Alo. niffiiteen libelrlYesrroes.. consist. ins; of Men,-Women; Boys and Girls, together with a large Mack of Hogs and Cattle ten Mules,-two Hor - s w Mara, two- Waggons, two joke of. Oi-n, The term ih Sa'e are one . and two -yearr credit on me iou. later est iron dale. All. the ouier pro perty will be sold on a credit of aix month with in . a a. . m a terasr fro n date. , . . ;-.-.- Iond and approted Secnnty wjU be rrauired. - ., JAS..D..NEWcitiMa .' . " .1 . ' . . Alto. 10 fact. - May 28.18I5. - . J : 43 w3w "The Dlj Bear of Arkansas. atHEBia Beaof. Arkansas, aaJTolherTales. il luaUaiive of Characters and lurUnts in the th and South west; edred by W. Porter; with . - ? 1 - . a-. ' .. ten original engravings, arom uestgns vj Uarley . iirtce 50 cents: Alrt "V" v " f ' -? Tha i B.tiTe of tho Factions, and other Tsles of Ireland,' by WiUum Car let. n. ' author of ' Fhelan OTooIe s CourUhtp,' &c prira 25 -cents, 'V' UhirieaTyrreS" or "the Bitter Blood, fcj G. '. R.' James, Esq price 25 cents. T f Tbo Man at ArmV or HocVt De C'erensVljr Cf. P. R. James, Esq. 3 vols, irroheiirice 25' cents - " - Zoe,rt ths Historr af two Lives. K Oeraldine E. Jewslrary v ,-:.., t t '.. & t ln.eaiiofis of tta Creator.! br William Whe- well. D. D. Master of Trinity lkge. Jko. dux,- . . . iTkiibova have just ben published, and aro for sabx-wUhcssnT other new and interesting; works, ar the ltorth Caroliua Bookstore. JO idem from s dis tance promptly attended to ; , -J. , , -j I , TURaVER Si, HUGHES. ; 'BaleigovMsy SO-.V:-., v : j -i;.tV- fXj our, rHanuanj and Independent. V-V' 'Apply t this OfSoaw: tsicy, ."X- It n 'loir -y - . a . ;.; 43 Ut' fl AliOfJlIa. we believe., is nnoaually ihwlacstpostnt. - ...:t . ; sesrea in WILL, PECK - - "-. Raloih. May Jk,.- f.-.v...-: 4J.H it r ) Ililladlplila &.Ifefra,irrjrfi A nr our Sfiring Supply of . J ol' ORUaS, MEDICINES, CHEMICJLS, 'Tf : PAINTSl 0H9, OYE-STUff SC. which roakes our Stock largeand cotntf.yooi prisinjr alujostvery ;tbinjf bet in airhHW Vjtab liabmeots, which wo offer for sale.atS'EiCfi 1 .iliTsirfansf Connti"'tIpJer: and others, wilflindlt to their interest fo exa tine the qualitr and pricta rjf xsut fstocki beipr&.pun ebasioar elsewhere as we are preparea sana'jieei assured in saving, that tie can offer Uidut?tpxtl lhat cannot fail to please. Air ordera 4 pro&pt ly Farhily Medicines, wb'tch will be carefFyJte coted at all honra bf the day and nihtth.eaU bess and accuracy. . '"..- if ?i - ' " Williams, hay wood - MANUFACTURING JEW E Li ill S, Military Goods--Gold Watcn1, ijc. supply 'of M ilitar fods, consisting of Swot is, tTU letts, HatheH, Pluses,' But tons, L-sce, btar, f-iaiq, . Sword Belts and iie&ce. die, is flaw openfnie we oHVr for .sale .on Ahe: post - reasonable tenna'.i-s' vAlilii!t received, a second supply bf fJot?' and NNer Watches Chsins, Keys arid Seals, Breastpins, Tinaer lirnes. Pencils, tSpeclacles, C.rral r?ec;-Jace,' 3t.l -n,lKil.;r 1tbinibres SHver R Uculo- ti-.sD. Bracelets, and one, very hnndsomo SttVelry, eonMiting of Necklace,' B.acelet arid Breast Pfi, to- setber with every descriptlort of goods usually Ksurrd in a JewelrV; and Fancy Store; ' 5f -1 Til- ll I l..bV haw . . St IT n ft. i a a-.v tmra a im w a TniKfi fi-n of all ktiHls, carefully repaired and warranted f, per- form-well.5 .Jewelry .fa ki.Ja repaired ftbadt. tjderr -Old Gold and live taken in ngo r. . T. E COSBY & i0; Syranjore St., Petereluji;a. April 29. ---NOTICE-'-M-' TfUST received, anl jecaivinjr by every rrialvef All It,. .ttru) fMtn r ot V nrfr m la .rb M. -Itionol fashionahfo ' . i" Ready made Clothing of the Iktrst fashion 1 f? lfsdies Bonnets, latest tyle ; Artificial Flowers; (Iojjoxen Fur and Palm Leaf.. Leghorn, and other k ft jds of S'un-hade ; -Nerk 1'ies. Stttcks; Nerk-6sf41kerj chiefs and OHcloihs ; 600 pair of GentJenwr and Ladiesr, and . Misses and Children's B hoes, topers and Boou some .very lino, A f arge assrinifftfof Fiirhilv (rroceries. Molasses, Vinegar. Hani ware, China and Crtftery Ware. Iron and rteel t Solo and Upter .Le.flber; t'alfskins and Lining Skins : Medicine ; ft tome Green, Dye Stuff, and Siarcb ; Ssleratas and 'jrtilte Lead; Cigarc,Candles, Powder, Shot. and ad ; :kif fiod I solicit a call from all my old rastomers' a'nH aoth era vuitng Kateign. Oall at ny -ft tore be lor. pur-' chafing elsewhere, as I am 'determined to afjl rr 15 a - mfmf a mm a a . ' k ? HI . per rent, oifprtme cost for eashrwbU-h will ihsj' my 1 Go-hIs -the ; cheapest in the SUte. Don't ihiUH to j call, two doors below Williams, Haywood eV Cw. - . '' ' CALEB AlAlJl , Raleigh, April t5. 1845. V !84t ! : 1 ' tj . ; aCdacatlon of the Ieaf & JnnVb And Blind jof iNor(h;GaMIi1ia. rrp HE LITERARY BOARD iaWaUloaka JJ known, that tha School tor the Deaf and Jrlimb commenced operations in ihe City of R-.leigtt, o1fee Ist inst., under favorable aoxpices, though t ras to regret thai so few of the County Court', bavn, aiyet, acted on tho suH ck in accordance with tbo irt ct of the List General Assembly, as requested in a Aimer Advertisement of tbo Bosd. .r; - ".. -.il . . It has bo-n ascertained by .jrbrrrspondene iajt a School fur the Blind can. also be eslaldisbed 1 eVo, ui-on lerma more economical, than those of Inifu lions without the' State; , and such an- One? w-'l be opened as soon as a sufficient number of Pupils: thsll off-r to justify the undtalusg. The Chairro'n of tho Cunty. Courts, Sberifis and . Couiiy. Solictors are, theri-foie. resjieclfullynrged to bring iluVgt a. foresa.ul to the attention. of. lltr Court-,'rid,oJktt returns to the President of the Br( of tfi ,aitn k ber of Deaf and : Dumb and Blind persona ;$h-:heir Counties, between the ages of 8 and 3U yearly af ear- COMB AND FANCY. GOODS WAREHOUSE. TFJT A VB fot sale by tbo package, or in' lots lasrait sav Hi U U the VV ern and Southern Trade, - A fuU Stock of th following Goods, wnici wfo be sow very. iow -w Lasnrvn 1 i':?rttt.,u i,s "S6 Cases Ivorr Comhs, ' f3,700'dox. i. 'i.i' 2.500 dos. Shell Combe, i. : i " T.eOO dozen Mock TSheli 75 Cases of PinOyP iind. Ounce, English andU?er- Combs, 8000 dox.Dressing Combs J ; man, - r, -i 20 Cases Spbj.t- CoUon different makers, c 'cV i 5 Caea Keedles," Hfnia SI c. " : . mga. ovoona..' ,,V!gU, ft Z3 CaecavKni uing ' 1 s, 13 Csses Hsoka and Eyes ;. ; ed Corset Eyelets t rapes. Cord audBinne, Scissors, Pen 'Knives and .SilverPencils and -fniin-. .. Baxnrv A, : Jilesa.i, MVNLt Percussion Csps & falls. SilverSpoonscj.SpeclacIes, tsp and Bonnet Wt;!,,, Whalebone Goods for Bonnet Dresses, SjajSiitca, Whalebone and Rattan Goods.i A lull assort rrHst rjf r.JIa.ing.reeenUy receded, ttn'l ' t"ANCY;J0B TYPE U f tic-.'--a ia:-fc. i-ai .-. v"- fV . ; uu uuu: jlicuct a-rvsa a'riuiinr x Saddles, Bridles, Manigales, Ginbs, Whips an'tBri- cocaing, cawsieei six oarrei revoiTing- rP 1 wu. o tT" r o7 - t ' V dle-Reius ; 4 Carpet Bsgi? Cotton Cardsndle IbnertoMo any kind of Pistol for z eafa guard. J.A" K'.wwrand Wicks, Kails, Potty, Hemp and Grass Ropj'ittm- ' Merchants will iind it to their interest, to call ".(nd: l!iro r --' v dow Glass, Nutme'and Matches before purchasing elsewhere. - - ; Corded Skuei,blever.men Thread. : . n.u r . 1....C. 't,itrij:- Now VV M.h9S ';-M:?(L-t Jacnet. Cambrics, Glo-es, Ac. 4te; r U; t ly as practicable. . , k-f Ii n"1,r.V.. -.."'S) o.ni-inning.io Pj4 - r-----.. -, , a.Thu at-pealJo behalf pf the deatitqto apdnhrta- JIi P,,r; Pedby ,h C6urt. iatiublica I r&&:1&.0r4 . !t".i . .u-1 i.ir?i ' I lion Tie made in the Warren ton Rerwrrir smt RnUifrW t r- . .-. ". i . ' ' 11 a is win, 41 ia nopeti, jrri n iu tisnua pi jeae 1 " : r , , . . - , . ... : . Officers,an attention eaually prompt and flTeiias threat sntcesstva . montha. notifying -Be' t R0SS ft & t S K ft 11 tne duty fiad oeen impoiied Dy law. ' ... -Kr.-. - , .u ni -i.,. --, i, '"''r - ,r"a1 .lTw ...i, iiJ Court of Law. 10 be held for tha Cmmiv f vrn 1 t nTOtlLD reectfuUy inform the. ' 1 Prl.l mt r7V l.ir hJ st the Court HoW in Wairent-m. on tho thfrd Mon- . V V aleigh 'and the public u.a K.K ioj . , . . o- dav"anf the fourth Mohda 10 Sphti.mrW t 1 n sr. sis. a -' - -.a ' '.Wr -a hi sfeaatal 1 Iiaba Sa am.wtts' b1ao.I a !.-. ika . 1 satas Ia sasnt toKslit - - -- -a, -.a, . v v . . - - - r- ' . - . - :. -. 1 r. - - a . j . .. .. - -. ... . -a i.r . 1 aa. .7. . -. . t . ... a a .7 i w . - - v ' ortant; to, Travellers. Daify" ( Sundays excepted) pw the City Poinl R . . Jtoad, James Kier ana vueppcm.i j ; i ' .v- 'Steamers.' ..:v The Balflmore tcam ickei Co; H A V E, fii connection with tho owners bf the 8teain T-Curtit Peck, placed oa 'the lino 'tho following. Steamers! -' :, VJ-tiW,, kJx On Jam, Rhxrr. ; ' O tUJZaiu Curtis Petit, Capt Dasis Oaorgia. Capt Cof&y,' I-. ewess, Capt. Sutton,; Herskl, Oapt Kuasell, Boats that, for WaOtyprpeed and cmnfort, aro not to bo surpass on aiyv'luiev jTbe'pSiceni ace fkilful and courteouai ' Tbey are "so': win; known that the announcement of. their names on any liue, bespeaks; for the. route "a "hearty sujipbrt,' and for Tratellers, every comfort, -- -i-'f--J. . -X ? .v ' 'J o the former patrons of the Pprtsmopth Linnand the public generally. .wo recommend to tbeir. favora- hie notice this line a-king their support lo keep down a monopoly '4 hat would be established should this" route not suaxed.; -??r-- rcg KDtrtE Leave weldon 1 P. M. via Peters- . bars and ii. Kail 'Road r-' ; t ; r Leave Petersburg daily (Sqodays, excepted) ,m City Point Rail Road 10 miles) .'. : ' ' . : Leaves City Point at 9 Av MM reahin Baltimore' neif miming, at ff-A. Rf. in ttrne for either of the" morning lines to Philadelphia. . - - !? 1 J - J , Fwm Vrril.m lo Balumore (Meals included f 9 Off Petersburg toBalurnoret -r 6 00 Fowd Parage, -V r.; vSOft . ffj Lino d than this wulo, WM: Mr MbODYKAgenl. 4 lln .rAnw lwa A I'llAclklliHV a1it (Tt P- S. Omntbuaa will bo iq attendance ai "ther of the Hotels in Peterbu'r to t jke passengers free of charge to the City in Dep..!, .; V ;, . ;. Pass-nger, will breakfast in J bnrS before I leaving, as in n win tu rro lorjitsueu TO ITlEateiltAHTS GOinVG IfORTXf. ;A.W,SPIEa & C 0 ; 1--; - r importers of Hardtrare, Cutlery, : fuinna. Kifies'i'istols- &cf rom -i? . JBugland, France and . rf W , RE prepared lo sell, on the ;mo8t favorably terms. CUTLERY of all iinds, jnctodinff : -Knives and .Forks, of every. description and uazore. Scissors, Pocket Knives, dot 'do.' ' Gnns; PisTbls, Rifles and piusfcetsV " dot -i tGun'Smith'B Tools f-i;? -do. defc -if". : -Anvi! Vices, Hues, Trace Chainsv&c- &c. i ..Trunk. Chest, Door and Pad Locks of aJJ kinds. . Scythes, Saws, and -Tends 0 alj kinds. i, ,4 - Jijpannery and Britannia Wares. J, j . ' Brass Goiods, of all kinds. . ' Matheraatieai Jnstrumerrta.5 -; - J k r Fishisigf and Fowling Tackle, &b dsc. " - v A: W. S. di Co. are Amenta for the Patent self- tate of Norlli Carolina FRANKLIN County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March Term, 1845. Martha WesJray . I . .... m . .... Dante! Westray, Lockey Wistrsy. Jr., Littleton C. -f.'V.w -Westray.T 1t - " - Petition for. Dower.. . , In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the" Court, that Lullel6n C. Westray, one of the. Defend- ants in this ease resides beyond the limits of the Mate Imp ,y -;U-vU - Vf lawdored thar pubheaiion bo mado for x,kKading thence to Hilltborooh, ' The Dwelling as KaW BVatTskasvH Ifsni it air riA ifwinr ftm l.a anitaas sif T v - . V t ; - w ""J- '.v bur nest Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be rheld for the County of Franklin, at the Court House 10 Loutsborg, oh the second. Monday of June, 1845, then and there lr plead, answer Tir demur, or the said petition will be beard ex pari as to him, and iudgv nent entered accordingly. , x .;-. ' . - . f Witness, William T Perry, Clerk of oar said Court, at Olfice, the second Monday' in March, 1845." - . r .x Wt- TPERRt, C. R C f : Prr Adv.$5 MJ. - fi?'. y. S.fv ITAT'E of North Carolina WAR- a . .a, a. m. . KIM UVUPiTX. Boperior Court of Law, A- pnLTerm, 1845. i- -Marf A IVAkrtoD,: ; Jesse A.' Ahitofla Petition forpivoree. W J - a - - . atnTthere to pfea'J. armwer' or demur to the ' PetlTion or the aarjio. will bo heard kz-petit. ' ifit '. w Witnesn. BcjAniir . Coox Clerk of our said t'ouu. at office, the third Munday -after the fourth Monday in, March, 1845. T: v '-'r-" - 'y ;:- n : BENJ'EV COOKtJIif : -V WJrrembnV A prH iBf 845v7 fe;a4.3at uwy- :(pVieeof advajjl 25.)-- o'ii avs tate of Worth CaroIina-F7AKLTA Connry: tourt of Ple.S s Quarter Sessions. l41aT..m lOAK ... ... iC i ' 7. . . .. l?AbrancFerio and wifo,Bichard Nobl and wije, fe Bnjam DoAnyt'' Aaron l Derany' and" John Do. ir-v. i-r sa? any fid Otbera.-?l .f..c:' H-il i .-...petflseai 4oDibi4o Jbnd&?.45 In this eaae.it appearing 4v the astisfaction of the Court, that. tho Defendants, Benjamin ; and Jphn De- ,vany rextdeMyond the limits of-tins Mate : It js wruereu. us iruiuicaiiuu ue uinuo intrje nateiirn its- t 1 r-. p i r v n tvt tij !-:: . gisieffpr sixreek'i; no'trfylBg tbem to Sppeafat"bur Tarlabn" Musirni, Alpacca, Lustres, Organdie and next Court of- Pleas and- Qoerief Seai4ona; to be-held mgham Lawnsy Barlstun and' Manchester Ging fat tbCiruntytf Fraakiinr attha Court Mouse, hi hama, dec. ; with an excellent ajaoltmeniof Moritr T i.'nt ijl y in 1 UJJexiJbws s, this day dissolved; by, mutnar consent H; Blackman is attthoriied to close fliie hasinesa'of tha VCSAT TIWiW -qri. 1 . . ! A. ?ss SpDCTa-It t -:a ma t--r-sn o l. flit y ij. ii -V.-i. rieaJ-ana Quarter Sessions, MarcbTerm, J845 f. Lucy CaroUne' Person,' byterVGuardtaft' Joseph "A . , ; , v . person. - r-"rf. ' - 1 Isaae Davtsl and . Levin Perrr. as Executors h Jonathan DavU. Huab Hays and wre Evelina. 1 Ltvi.i Perrir and We Tsrtbi." Blafr Barwell and I wnVMarr; Nancr GrDafisenrys Davis, and - Joseph Davis: delendin by biajGuardiana, Isaac h: iaviaanaxtovin rowj, ano,B hii ; figntand Ury yavts wtKw 01 jonatnau iavis. - x ' TetitiM for Ktllell l It appearihff to the sattfactiod of the Court, that the Defendants, H ugh 'Hay and wifis EveHnav: and Henry Davhv reside beyond tha liorits of tbo. State 1 It 14 ordered 4haJ pdbticaUon be in.ade in the Raleigh Register Joe sis weeks, noWy trig them, to he and ap pear Before the Justices of our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessirtislta be held for tho Corjnty of Frank lin, at tttfCoort Hto id Loutsborg, oathe, Vnd Monday of Jonsv 1845 fhea-nd there fo answef plead or demur,, or the axl ,.1'etition . will. Da. nera cxpartt, as. io. them, and Judgment enteral ao ' Witness; WiUfam TVPehPT. Clwk' of-Mr said Court at office 2nd Monday in March. Ai D. J 845 . s -." 3 W.T. FERRIS U..t-.U. v TTJf the present depressed stau of the. Farming in li. teresis, a favorable ppportunity U nor ofiered for tbo profitable investment of Capital. ;'1he ciuuacri. bers' having become sole Proprietors of the .-. - ? r a fc ToiiVi a m d 1 1 Lf ar At the bis TallsT! Tar tti'ver, i T Are desirous of extendihtj tliei business, and for this I purpose are willing to sell, oh reaMinable ter ms,n pir lion; of their interest; r, they, will receive Subscik bers for, farming a "Company, (for which they "have a favorable Charter) if so preferred bycthose who wish tp invest their funds in" Matinfacturing iMterests. . I The fitness of the locatibn for all kind of Manufac tures is sa welt known as to render, a descripUoo un- neeessary .'sr .;'rfrf7;'i Asyr.h :2r';J;:-J"4- Those wishrog for further information on the sub i 1?itrra.tmK (ilinlir W. H. & B. D. BATTLE, k: -'t r - , ;: 3lSm - March 3, 1845. SPBtNGiGOODS1845S HALLDCK, MOUNT & BILLINGS. 173 Pearl Street, (One door abbte Pino Street,) '; ., NKW YORK, , REJ now receiving by late, arrivals from iirope and bom Home Manuucturers, a large, assort ment of JFailCT and. Staple-Jf X IsQOOi, a- dapted to the Spring:Trade which they lofler by tho piece or package, vn favorable terms. Their dtock consists in part P J Cloths. Cas8irneres,Satttnets, Yestings. ? r-- AnTericanPrinis;of all atylesr a h; v 4uf B'owd and Bleached Muslins, I various -styles an prices, -v -r'Sf ...-v-.;;-..- Irkk Llieh, Lrnen Lawn? Scotch CfinghsBa. -,--f Printed Mpslhis and La wns -new styles' J BafzOrines; Alpaccas, Xostrwv-H7 f s ndk and Cotton Work. vJ -4 v Silk aiid Ctrttori Velsets?" :-"f$.. '1-; Fancy Trench arid English "GimbiTooris.t'7 fpina Tweeds single arid double. width. Check Gftnghams and Merino Caskimece Urab. U files f.r summer wear,' American Pantaloons Stuff. " Brown Hollands, Sifesias and Paper Catntrics. - Merchants baying goods for Cash will find it lor tnetr rntorest to buy ol us, : -.4 March 7. 19 4mis ijanfllbESiale. TITHE Subscriber, wishing to remove to tho Wear, ' jJL offers to sell, on accommodating terms; the foK lowing Tracts of Xand, in Waktf County, via : , v. -::!--r-- ; ' .;-r'-.'-'The Trsxt'wheWbo lives; containing 280 Acres, situated 8 miles Worth-wst of Raleigh; en the, Road hm baafiva Itooms below, with two fire-nlncea, and ono fire-place'sbover . There is ajs, an excellent WeUcf, Water in the yard, 'arid all neresaJy out booses, witjir a.good; Barn ; and Thrasher. -The Or FrixilIi, Coovtt. Court sf I "aa-"' chard of Fruit. Trees cannot, be auruaased. as it is i tifb-nU young and Utajifty.- 'iJ. , .- ' J" ," ; ..'tiermtdeanle'oddreMdttt Ualdgk Awont waei i na oqi Aicaoa yfeei, ox zpu i ana au tmt will be tuienaca to pttncnuwy una iru Acres, six miles from, talvigb., AUms one 'Other. Tractof 130 A cres, six mjles from Raleigh, on HsreSnipaV ner the roada-(v- . . .... ' Allnf heabov will he anld oo reasonable terms, by applying to the SolscaibeWv , U ." j- WILUAM8MlTIf.. y 'May 45,'l45---ij'T; -ci - ;-. 37-riw . , ., , , , ,-r,-T.- ... , ! . J. a consented that he sbOoUfdo so as an expenroent i ano- -'r. ij? - " - - - i. ' th tnaea is so improved, that it arinds shelled Com SPRING AJSTJJ SUMMER citiunsof generally, that they selected supply f roreigii and American ury voods, tsr which tbeyr invite the. atteotioa of aends ot(anu lies and'. all others being wefl . assured; that, their stock caniMit be surpassed ia this section of t he Stt( eitrrer tor variety or cheapness. we envmeTare (in I y , - 4 . Cloths. Cas-tmes,fcrmo Jeans, ryTws T.T4 iee. Americs,nJVatAeens.Xaroa Cloths, O-mbrvona, c. Bleached and-Brown Cottons, Bedt'ickins, Apron Checks: V tfu.rlas' r3Tirgfnii Pzhaburgs Ndrtheri PhitiTs'find Stripes. Blackahd Colored Cambrics; &c : Jaconet Cantbricsi t 'ambries MosiittCbeckad, Book, Swiss, Medium and Lace Muslins Bisbfpd Jong Jjawns-; bobbmeits, Swiss and Cambric I tim minaa andlnsertions .'Grecian Netts t Thread Cam- Tiricsj Jacouett anil furniture Dunity ; Corded. Grass intfAlteghariia 8kfts!i Green Barages, Black rThule, Mourhins'Veila wC' Mn-Ak t;j-?x -M.ilaasiie7 ores.ooaari-"A'---: .Rich and. matnificent eWks t eleaant Balzorinea mit uwxsjk ucutis uusnuuccni. r isncn .iiwnb May 21V 1,845. -4(1 lOt 3 r:i-j'! essnWateiv lnQtMrtatid Pint B.ttlea, received and for sale by Ihalozen. at1o?Ii ltlecconrrighu j.- j WILUAMCIIAYAVOOIr A.ca I a-Y; - if i -XVE we now ready for tha Spring u-sde. I.. 'VV. received 'our stock, just purchased. T. " ,( of 1 0ur firm h personi in .thsr beat jtoarket and .1 V heavy aasortment cXvolTt'lhliig dearrable ia the D" business. AtioFMs'T.tiT.Votitf. ; We respecHfunj aolicit a call froin our o!j f j and thejpul.Jic. ganeraHyr assaring , tbem thai, ftre prepared io-pCer them, greater inducm,i. .1 ottfor Cash or an the uUI credit teMnetasIn . -BelowVe aanmerata a few 0 oar leading trti,t M of which, together Ufiih every fling tct teL I Warrant to U of the BEST QUALITY .J1 E6m Salts Paris Green Brusnian Dins Alom I G. Camphor,. ? Opfom rrardtgr (Dry and in Oil irrra ie semnu Umbur, Lamvblack Sugar Lead ;. Cream Tartar i Yorinillion - SJ SJII bCBB .V 4mmM Bronzes' ' r ' Linseed OU.Lasip Oil fc best quality ) v Aloes vT"' Calomel (best):, y eiupr, Uor. tNHla llhubarb, Ipecac','"Jalap ' fTanner s Oil (beet qUljj, .JSpanlsh Bwt, Vcnetii, I J Red ;:i . MSjtneSia, Quicksilver . Boda Posrdera. ; tiedlita . do ; IKDJGO(lstFlotint i JHorrilla) Bsloom Copavia ' litadder, Copperas. IJ!U Castile Hoap, G. Ardic Stone IvOg wood, Com wood, Rej wood Cochineal Red 8andert Cologne, Florida, and Toi let Water Extracts, Otto Eose,Fann Soap . . . ' Brushes of sll kind Bnmstone.Flower Sulphur Sulphate Morphine " Anetata- do M urate i da J , Sulph Quinine . Castor Oil fin bottles and ; utrreist ; iUweet Oif do do Spirita'Turpentiite jdo doJPepper, Mustard, 8um oevo,nu mi,, jiviace, .uimees, fiinwr Liquorice (st Calabrt) phie, Inks of all kindt Whtte Lead, (to kegs andlFulty. Shoo Blacking W 1 ; ' ' Varnishes of III kinds Litharge. Red Lead WliVDOWGLASotfai; Cromo Green ' I "sizsa ... Crome Yellow Surgical andDcntal Instrq, mentsand Medical Uooli Crojno jJedv TYLER & HILL, ' Wholesale Drugtst-, Sycamore PsUisburg. Va . 18 Feb.;28;i843.-: Sfiyo your Corn Cobs & 1 - Shucks. TO THE PLMTE11S AND MIL- LERS OFPfORTn CAROLINA. FjfpBE undersigned baa obtained Letters Pallet ' jl;io enable common Mill atones (or rocks) ntw o use, to grind CORN, COB aud fellltli, into noef L for HorVea, Mules, Cattle Hogs, dec. thetf by saviajg morsjhan oris third of a cr. p, which is in important item with planters. Ihe machinerv tad for tbe'above purpose is" simple and duisble, ami an not, wkh fair means,' get out of order. It willlwiu long as the Stones last, with an expense ot SO cents every fife years. To enable the common M ijl biooei to grind ear corn into meal, requires no new build- j ings or extra poser. It can alao'be applied to Him lM4Is,TresbingMachiiiesGina or any given poacr known, rhe same Mill v. ill grind ono-tbird mors of Corn, meal by the latroduction. of this M a bmery , and can, bo changed Irom grinding Corn and Cub, to grinding Corn Meal in the space of thirty secdnds Coro alone, when led to stock, is said to be by A most practical and scientific Plsnlers, coniifiattn ia its eCVcis, producing fouiiders, ebolics and vaiiotn other maladies which are incident to stock.' Grindinc col with, the Corn, makes a food congenial with their nature, and cannot pioJuce .any of the serioui results above mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, are deprived of the benefit of dwtensioa (so necessary to the proper health of animsU.) br Iheir being unable to eat a sufficient bulk to produce distension beEnre the animal becomes corsed. Loot ground with the' corn., produce this hecewarv disten- aion, WIlOOUl any oanger ni llirsasea srning huu psercating.". Corn and cob meal is .mprovea ij scsldme, aod stRI mora by boiling, snd y r t otors by a partial-fermen ta lion. Alt the pepa rations facilitate disreation for Hogs But Horses anf Mules will not eat fermented food, consequently th'ry will require it dry'dr partlaliy wet with cold water' flors, MuW and Oxen, when fed with uneround fbed. void much in an uodigestad slate,' which is of towtefod for allUneJlcia pwppter-G? &ta4 the tubjtxnea to- dewatch Sir himeclf pi Agent W M. COLLINS. 16-1; . i CERTIFICATE.- TTsvinvbeen'soluiiied b Mai Collins to have my Mill adjusted 10 griod Com in ihe Ear and fehurl. I tho stones is so jmroved. that it grinds shelled Corn nor- than twce aa fast as before snd ny mr wa'cn, arthe rate of 15 bushVls pr hour, anrt (he msal turf than nsoal. ' I deem it a Yaluable impt6f roei.t; ni shall pdrcbase the Tight-to tse Jt, salt will snore sr. a spordy way cd".rcediflg my horses ai d taiils,'w W M. litll b.ii'. a.-r a W MORE PLrOCGH. t TTUSTreceived-a new sopply of llicbmrfnd Self oil Sbaroeiilnsr,'(having sold (ho fir-t lot r tn-eleJont.) jAH we ask, is that oar, Fanners wt . ' a aa, t,a.aaSira tfvoham. as in everr instance beard trom, ncj Jighlr approved, of. end must come into encrl osr, s - . . ft J'.- ' ovu - - ' i . " " ' I r arI.V.-j i ..-t . ! it - af-K rv Vt-fia K 1 .nT Purs W ftlto Jeao jUVlP 400 Gallr JJn Oiiralso. Pain Yarniahes arid Coloors of very description for Has- and Sign Painting. Receivel and fur sale very ai-thaDvna 8torsf , ' . cj- , WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD k M . d -a v4 t F.R F I HHT'AHll P AStSAUc --1 - . b aw a, a A r Prom Ietrabnrs 4m BmlUmm .WHXria WlSIa, For CookWl ' 8uperior ankle, at i low pries, jost r . 1 . a . . . a g jw ano? tor sans at .na urwg ototo - - ! VVI LUAMo, dIWW" May 2. 1845; i i ? BLANK8--- '. PAIPB1ETS, CAEBS, fiiHDBIllSa-Slllc. 4?3.g ; L Mar J For sate j this "Offics' isfl-V". 1 1 ftaleigh , May SI , 1946.