- - I 1 J I ' 1 i .,.1 i : -Tv vr j "N:: V ',1 i v a - r 'Ml ,t r, :.; r? 1 - ' TUESDAY SUNK 10. 1845. . . . - . ... 4, ' ... . - gBSTOK U. GALES, K . . ' -.' ( , .: A. I 1 4." . ..J'- v?t j I A. ' - .1 f 71 - - i I W IX mm If 'I OTA Klii Sini-Weetlj ltltlik lejliter. . .wrtax. Fir DUar per maun blf in AJci- rr AMrr Sixteen LiMct, nHf"WMt- " XtfHj ... fnnuiiL Am KlTllUtmn .7. . . t.-,.J 23 Dcr cent. lmcbr I uui ueuucnon V tJl oet wot- will U mxmd9 fnu tb wjular prices, t.ot;rl, w.ll lo prer in tb Wi.t Paper Jj. Ltir io the EJcor moil be rcrr-r RALEIGH CI.ASSICAI 1TIATI1E- ACADJE.TIV. CUssical Department J. M. LOVEJOT. IfiJianaiktl mnd MUittty Department. .( be diJJ iato iwe HeMiona of .1 . . .i. . o iki. f IhM nH fj " " " ... MJiM-alltMi. it " ; . . ... V. T r-... I P-prf i L . (() Ij-HiCi rr EnjU-A aiJ Mathematical SuJict, Mon. $15 00 rr L'in. Greek. Freodt. WpaniA aa4 M.hury Tactic taught to the repita, free el eitra Tn"lne-d CIMe may poraee the 8ioJb of at ,mtt tJU. ptH fo de f the CUaa lo which ih' balJ- ' riitii! I r lltrtrMrl, Conn. Uiivre te isMir BHkLoa mud Mercbaetltv.'afaitiat loner i4mti J 4. P'ateiem- to -uil the timee. Tat i ie nf the oUeat nl kmt Inaa ranee Cm Miteaialbe IInitaJSute,and pajaiU loaaeaproopi. Applieaiiona for Insurance ia Raleijh.or he i eiaitj, to i-e maJa te 1 8. W. WHITINO. yttj A. I M3. Agaat. SUOCS! SflOCSI! SIIOESIII WE DATE juat received and upea ed a large supply of Saoet or every lc&Jeripuoo and quality. The fulleniflg ca.aprMa our St-a ta part, tu : KhJ clippers and Tree. ' M'woere do. do Mmm UalfGsitera. du' lrtn's do. do. do. Blk. Metoeco Boots. do. CoTd and Blk. Aukte Ties. Ilia- Kid asd Calf Slippers. La-fiea Walking Kh-e ad Cofd Garters. Boy' thick soled Shoes, needy bound and substan tially aaa-le. GfU Wovn'a Bonu and Shoes of different qualitiea. 0or Ladies Mree and Cbildran'a Shoea we had ataJe by T. W. Wilhama of Uallimore, whose work for aeat-reaa an I durability is eeoiod to oooe. Vt ahall continue to sell low and prove to tboS mht bava'ttereiofore favored as with their cnatom, thai Mtaiaad ol rr-ing in oor prices, aa is generally predicted of New Slurs, we snail, tatber.ell tower i ws hive bad tne acquaintance with the taste of ths people aad the kind of Gooda suitable for this Mrkst, H. A. BADRAM St CO. Mirrh2t. .14 Spring J U1T Roeived aad hrsala. aitty or seventy nece ""pring Calrcoea which we oiler at prices te suit tLe times. - f : II. A. BADHAM A CO. Mirth 24. ; J4. For Sale or. Rent, TWO splendid new Houses soi lota on HilUhureugh atreet. leading from nil j 7 '' 'P'1 to the Semiuary and about srTTT a haif way between the twrx , Una btire to thinj fret by aighiera wito' a pniuA in the mtd le, mtta four rooru and two fire places, one above au brio. anJ portic t in freot The other io forty tsy twenty, with a ten foot paeae abort and be uo, mak.Bg all the rooms private, each of which baa l"J artrf comfortable fie places, and baa a portico 1 I'M'. TVre ia attached to eack of the bouses a rl kilcheo. smoke hoe and dairy e-,aMd neaily threa quarters ef an arrf beUaiBg to each lot, and a-der a ar pbw,k fence with pailing iu front. Both wtbe hotMes are nicely fiaiued, end painted both JjJ-i Is aad oat ; a alao lbs out houses ' and pai ing Thsrs m decidedly the brat well of water ia or about lbs t'ujrcouvenient ta the oe of both lots. This ia ra ap to be the nvwt pleaaaNt and healthy part of t'i'y. Any person w.ahing to pwrchsee, or tent, iB auks acpiicaiion U the Sabecriher. A. U. DRAKE. Raleigh, ff . C March H, 1845. 1 t3tf BrXKWITIl'S PILLS, TheSub. arnlHM keep constantly on hatul asup P? of Beckwiih'a P.:U. cich they wiU aeJtwa ac iidjitng taraia at wholeaole r retail. STITH PE8CUD Beds! Beds!!. IjjJHUCK AND COrTON MATRRHSES-ya ee b3 n o peri or article for Sammrr Bed for sale. Aiao,,aj Hir a rd Moss Malresaea repaired, and Js equal to new. Apply to the Subscriber, or at j1" Conway 'a Silk Buikjing. in the vicinity of this L7- . J. C MATHER. AprilJt. 1845 i 51 Look to your Flowers. D BCEIVED and for a. In a Kef nf Tfbale M Oil Soap, for wadvag Flowers and brub fj. which ecually te-troya all insects iafestiaf Hewt. TbisPta.diarfetMiHnataiJse. Ji Society iiw Turk, which placeatUef bejead a donht. . ; x . , , , u WILLI A My. II AY WOOD Jk COl Jhf 13. 1845. , . 89 Fresh Garden Seed, - Or the Crop of 18 14. jiut received ed for Sals iths Drag Store of "1 B WILLIAMS HAtWOOD'ok CO. Kllh.Fab. U4i. ' i 12 4ato. v ' North Carolina V' LITERARY, SCItNTIFIC AND MILITARY Anns and Eqnlpinents fnrnhTted by " cue siaic Ctawca EaglWi.etc " ' ft. OR AT.' 1 MatbemeKa.Tartica.eic "' O A. UUCK. terms rtm stsaroN or rxvK months.. Clamical Opertmenl, (Collegiate eiHire.' io- . rlutliBf full bnxltab theJies, wita Iatbe maica.' :.V I " $t0 00 Eot'ih do. ( Etementanr 4r b-ffhar brancbea) 15' iH) Militarj do . (laljutry- Artillerj practice) do cbyarge 1 ur roJie o Liiucation m ihorough praitiral trnd veil calculatnl to qualify voelb Utt t(e arouaduUee of Jib. whether occupting peiwie er private Uiilr Miliurr ataiiooa. . The moral and intellecteal lacul tie ere kept ererelr in action, hut not at the eipeo of the phjutcat, aa ta unfortunately for the health ot our ruiidiea too cmininrj the cae throughout the country. Icee ular and aystematie M unary Eieretaea. aa well aa Practical l cien.ffle 0ratHHi. mtriduc"uig Surveying end Civil Enginerfinf, are auhhtuied .! the plare of unproCtahle play, and required of all atu deuia tie usual $lx Aour ttf daily red tat inn and wtudy being invariably left cLuinct if uninterrupted. I he UaoVte, in waltou, rii-charM tte autre f on cofnmifai.ind USi-era. OHirera of tW (Juanl. and Otfieer of tlie Day. nf Adjutant and Jommn inu dnt f Parade; and for the HtMpoaeof rendering tfaem more prcfecl, occaaionaily art aa Military ! atructnra - ' It ha- heeaf feand from experience, that this beau tiful G if m mum invigorate both mind and hIv, aod by iiidaring hahiia of order and regularity, contributes morn to menial improvement. Politeneaa,neatneaa in dieaa, aal etnet panel uauly will be cloaelv attended In. A cheap UiUdirm ia adopted Dresa Parade, data, Monday and Friday. Nu deducti on made for absence, uniesa io eaea of protracted airfcnes Hour of Reci'ation and itudy from 9 to It A. M , and (rom S to 4, P.M., in lite t inter. Board and Vahii)g, in highly reapec- Uhle fanuUea from 8r to f 10 per tnintb- Raleigh. Jan S3. 1844. .7 6m A GREAT RATIONAL WORK. The fnilcd Uilu Exploring ExpediUoo. fTn'lE "Narrative of the United Males Exploring I XL ErpediiHjc." during the 3 ear 1833, 1849. 1840. Uit and 1843, by (Thanes Wilkes. U. S. N. Oxnrmaoderof the Expedition. Wi h illuaifaiiona, ia ire magnifieent large imperial octavo volumes, wnh en AiUa nf large and extemled Mape. Tbia great and truly National work i'raued in a style of opetror magni fire ore and beauty oontalning siity foor hrrga sod fiiuabcd line engravings, embrsdng eesery. portraits, manners, cvtnmA. Ac lorty-eeven exqaiaile eterl vUncties taorked ainins ths letter- press t about two bundred and fifiy finely exeeoii-d woai-cat illuatratiotis ; fourteen larte sod small Map and Cbavta, and nearly twetUy six hundred pages of letter press. This splendid Work baa just been issued from ths P'eaa, and received this day at the North Carolina Bookeire. " TURNER A HUGHES. Raleigh, April 34. ' 33 Utley's Patent : Washer, An entirely new Article, Urniti Ij GRAY UTLEY, CJiipel Bill, 5. C. TH ISnew Washing Maclrioa. jot invented, and new in au.ceraful opr.aibrn, is so aimple in ita rbaracter. hat alm.t a rhiki ran wo-k. it so cheap in prcn, hate cry family will be ai-le to own oue J and so labour-saving in its reault , that it mutt com- j Maud sale. w:ten iu merits are known. i ! The" ctmtrurtion i so simple, that with a pattern. any Carpenter and Blacksmith ran make one ami it is not esoi'y put out ol order. The ebohea to be v.abed are put in at each end of the Washer, and a crank, w-rked by one person, puts in raMinn two Hollers wbkb by gratis isesanrs and fr tion, thoi- oughly riearwes iba Clothes in an ineretnbly snrnt time. It will waaa twelve butw penecuy in oneen minute-, and wdl prrform, ia a day, the work of sev en expert W aberwitien. Tlie price i oniyxcn voiian. ft rs not deemed neee-sary to so into an elaborate deecription of iba Waaher, as h as now getting- into ana abel Raleigh and na vicintly. sod can he seen by those who wani an article of the sort. G3.f er asms are at liberty to try the Machine, and return it, if it faila to fclre aatis taction. ' H.i?'' Chapel Hill April 34, 1845. , .. 33.3m. WARRENTON ! " TH E Summer Ser.ion of ihis Ioatitution, (which baa been in auccssful operati ni for the htt four years, will rommriti e the firt Monday in July, and elo-a oa the laT Friday iri November. The Schol ratie year la divided into two Sesatonsr of fte nOn t b each. Ins ruction is gyaen ia every branch of knowledge, cnmpreliended in a thorough and ac complisbsd F nisle Fducatitm. There are 4ie In structors empl yed in the various departmenU of rudy. couneced with the School.' The ds.rgbtera of those who wish to spend be Summer st mIIOC CO or ths WHITE SULPHUR SPRI.VGj. will be receivfd upon the asms terms as other pupils, and charted only for tl.e lima they wra memb- rs of ths Scbo.4. Ths leeation is prwreilHalN healthy. AM thaneceaaary expenea 4 the year, without Maaie and Ornameatal Urancbea. do itof exceed $128 , Oti. Wih Music lbs annual charge. I $Ti 50. On applicairon to the Pri-cipaL CaUlogues containing particular ioiormalioa may be obtain d. N. Z, GRAVES, Prin. May 36. HIS. ,.". 1 43 Sw ' STITH & PESCUD, APOTHECARIES AND DRUGGISTS, - f ATETTRVILLB OT KAkEIOH, - . v FEELING under renewed abfigstions to their friends sad the paMic genetabv. U the literal patronage which they have received ainee Ibeir om aseacesaent in bawaiiw, woo d repectfuly , intite their attention t ibeexten-ie selection rf . . . . Kledlelaes, Paints Dye 8tufiAv which they haeonbanlaird are daily recetvint. and to which i hey particularly rail the attention of Pl L tana and Country. Merebanta. feeling asaured that they can give such inducements Jtmtb ss reginls the qustity and price of their a'ticle. a to-eeuro ihoir fu ture orders for all article in heir line of buiriesa. . rrecriptbms ami Faoily Recipes, rarefutly ami ir curatsly reparvd at all hours of the day and night, b) an etpeneneed urepener. iu a aaeauac xnanner. si-. BaJeigh, April Sf, - NOTICE. WE HAVE JUST OPENED. rw meat of . . :y - Spring and Summer Goday Which we will eell at extreme low prices Pi r- rbaaera nill plea call. we are- determined to anil great bargaina. t hir mUKk cunaifU in part of . U H$ Kch primed Baragea. from 3H centop to 1 y - UIxrine and MualHiS , H Organdr and Bordeaux Mualm. (new stjfei) ;S ' Kirb Striped and I'taid' Piths" ' C ' X ' Mateoi.a iMiMlritig and h'iriied Pq de Soie Fren-b Wfked C.W!a. Polka Uaia ) Uranada mod Canhmer Shawl (iraaa Skirts . Ktd Glovea, Hein-otitched aitd Revere BehJed I. f;. Handkerchrcta 1 : - U- Lara a, J Gimp ColUr. Wilk Oil fJloth . & Fine English CJruton Hosiery, do do Silk do Ltreawd Bobbin I.are and Etlgtnga. Gird lea , r Sun Shades and 1'ataaoJ, Blck Bombaziuea va3 ' Alapaccaa " : Second end deep mourning Balzorinea, De LaTrjfc . ' and Ba ages ' ''-'S' Taylor V. Iee V and Haghea' Hponl Cotton harge lot fancy Printa, f'rra 6i rts yd to 25 , ;4t Pink. Blue and Straw Colored Plain Lawns :V 8-4 and 10-4 Damask Tab's Diaper. Irih Lfno) 7 4, 8-4 and 9-4 do do Clothe, Browtl Linn Diaper : .. Fine Double Damank Napkins. Towels - Craab, Kukhim Diaper. Huckaback Dmper , ' Furniture Dimity. CamUrick do, BieatheJ ( Uiaper t.i o t ami 12-4 namilritii neenngs j : pj B.ark Veneriati Cloth, for Cuit- and Pants V .f Striped and Phid Linen Drillings, and Frrrjp Csw4mera n Plain Strird and Plaid (ismbroona. Brown LinVjt Dntlinga , y White Linen Drill ntf". Grae Linen. 8-4 and 4 Superior Blaek French Cloth and taim rea i?' Burlap,' Cotlot. Denim, a low as 12$ ets yd ISaukeen, rennsjlvania Jeans, a cheap uoouaft Pants ' MaroeiUe Qudt. do VrHing, Bleached Sbirtfi&. 4 4 and 6 4 Bed Ticking. '. , Also. .an asonmeut of Hardware,, which va w4f sel very low : ' '& Trace Chaine Carolina Weeding Hnea, Patent Scythe Blatle. Kn'nes and Fork. Pocket Knives Poond Pins, Cotton tords, a. 9 and to, Wilii Coffee Mills Itasors, Razor Strain, Tacks. Cil'i'iO Kentncky Axes, Enamelied Kettles, Wire tvr. Knitting Needier. Weghirnand Taylor's !pal, rhovel Sciaanra, Shaving Brube. Tooth Brushes, BhI Cords, leading Linea Comha, Percuaioo'Cap, Hair Uruabea.ocu. die ,c . ,f- J. H. BECK WITH. 4 CO ( Faveiteville ftreel, " A few doora above Mr. R. 50110 Stotn April 7 S8-' Dr. . John Beckwith. MAYING removed to Petersbarg, Vvginis.h place of Reaidence may he purchaed Uf-on eaif terms. Itta pleaantly and conveniently niusteu fej .t. . c . wj - . r 1 1 j:iiik. inr urM mjuuo wrn ui 1110 -vui, un ininwr rtret, and hetde the Dwelling ha an Utfice Of f I Lot, Mutable for a Physician or Lawyer. '. ' j Giomi W. Mo ao xc ai, Esq., will beaarhoriztj o make a title. . " ..f: , Raleigb. Feb 6. 1815. ! 11 ,f R. A. Worrell, FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANT NORFOLK, Va. 7 , RODUCE or Merchandize consigned far Sale or Kesbipment, shall receive prompt attention aud liberal advances mails thereon. r - . - KfFEBEKCCS: , Messrs Patterson dc u ill. p1i,ri- ti Branch T. Hurl. E.q 5 Prry?' ! David lUtter. E-q Kaleigh. N C. 1 , if Meaara Jn W. etouthall o Ce. Murfreeaboiof Norfolk, Va.. Feb I, I8t5. . 10 6mjf . vr Fatwan dk Crot'. Patent I'erimr ed iTJatche. Ju-t rseived another lot tboss celebrated Malches in ten sate. l Also, Adamantine Candleav mU tos superior iw u wt wwimiikiii. -, tije i JAS. M. TOWLfiS. j'-May 18... - .... , - -;3 NEW BOOKSTORE STILL IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION! ' s CHEAP JETTi TllAJf ETEH i fTilHE SUBSCRIBER, having jut leturnrd froa jj the North, where be baa been purcb wioy'targa adoitions to bra former stock, -takes pteaourv- in re turning his mMii sincere thanka to tbeciiizns of lbs State, ami his friends generally, for the CAmtiniittil liberal patronage which he baa Ibua far received, arid moat respectfully solirita a cimtinuanca of the ai. trusting that with hs present extansive asaortttiet, ba will be aide t give genrr! aatisfMCtioo. 'x ' in constantly on hand, a general aarment) M KGHOflL BOOKS, BL .K ltO0K.Tf.STA 110 ERY.MUIC, MUSICAL LVsTkUMBNTS; &c Orders from the country, earnestly eoliriwL smt promptly attended tor si the old atand, 3 . above R. Smtibs. . ' -. ' ' ' " O. L'. CLEVELAND '37riij4.' , - ; y ,-:3i. JT lr, cf artuaru man inucjiruurn, vopj. til Nntinnal ralamitv . WAIX WITH EROLAIHTflj AS the nt th S the excitement has died aiay. and tbe niiia '- r I .t .v their attentiou to aorne spienoiu u.iKra umi u iuat received. coniting of tbe follow ing Biauds: r : J2SPEANZ:IIEGAJ4A, v . EX. MALAMBOT v lHt. 'S. , EAGLE - . .,11CL.,-. XSCULOPIA PAXTELAS. ; Ujig . EPAKTERO CAZrDORES, pi JIJSTUSANZ PHINCIPE, STEAM BOAD I DO. l?.m ' PUERTO- ;-v -.1-DO.v.- Vf3 J CUBRY. WERNER. HAVANA, ; " ' - dtc -Aci v- -;' 'IH CaRTn at the Cheap tgar Store, and try ttera, an judge (or yours Ives. , ' i'-Wi fiKAUSB A MILLER, - . ' : ' - Fayettevnle Stifjet : y e -s v . Opposite City Hall, Raleigbt- -M.yt.--- - j. .-faw- JOB PRINTING. irw t - at . m frmm K an rarJ fjr r' V: , FANCY JOB TYPE, .": ''9 Wa are bow prepared te exeoute in a superior stj, - Xob and JCetter lret PrinUn & PAHPiUITV CUBS, -BUHPSim iBUIIS, 4, -ORANGES AND UM(jNa. V, rtD BCEJ VIi 35 Botes, feh andio bevt oed r, UXL Unnntry more keepers can he accotBfnottaae' ? toe Uog or bundled, ai tow prirea, and wetl iack ed. U. YV.6VC.GfflMMK. Raleigh May 18. I8t5. ' 39 HrA-orfoc ) va 1 utyt ivOJ FANCY ARTICLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS JTEWEtLERY AWI TOYS TXNE of the Partners oPthe firmhaving just re- gjriurnrd Iromths .North, has Imrught wttn him a larger and better supply of freb Good, in the above brancbea, than ; ha lieen kept ui the eolabliabtnent heretoAire; all of which, in prices and quality." are well worthy to be recommended to our numerous frieuds and the public generally. 1 ' Fancy Goods and Hardware. Fine Artificial Flowers. ad Hair, Ladie', Fan cy and Work Boxes, qioniK-t liibltoii, VV ritiru leaks, Baketa, llul' boxes from 5 cent a to $2 00 ; I'ravelHng bg. Pastei-cnrd. Umbrella. Corniw, of rortoie-htl and others. Pins Needle, Purses. -Pocket-booka, Pencil. Buttons.. Thread. Matches, Twine, Hatter' BoW-tnng, Tlrermome ters, VValkufg Cunes. Razors Dirk Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shaving utensils, great vrieiy of Pilol.' Dirts and I'edet Guns, Percusaion' cop, Shot and htiells, Ijirdbags, Powder flask, py tilase. SprtScle, 4rriti-glaees, from 10 cts to $70; Cloth, Teeth, Hair. Hat, Shoe, DuMinu and I small P4int-Brnxlies : Bed cord. Wbita, Chw hide. Fishing Utensil. Night Tap".-, -Miiokifig Pipes, Slate. hoe-thread, Al, iMfter'fc. patent Balance. Cotton aiid W 00! cards. ColTee-mill. pfciin and painted Mm;. Lamp GIats,Lainp. Coco-nut gnnril. Waiters, IJrooifi. Bucket, Lamj ami . Candle wicks. Clocks, Britannia and Iron SftooMa.Spnrs. I: . FRESH tJONFECTIOXARY & -GROCERIES 300 Iba. fresh Candies, 10 Id. Pilot, Water. But ter. Sod, and-1 jemon Crackers. Sagar and Gin ger Cake, constantly fresh 1-0 keg Mabtga Grape. 6 Boxe Lemn and Orange. o0 boxes fresh Rai- aina. Pickled -and Smoked Salmon, Smoked Beef. Tongues, Herring. Sauireardmea. Fig. Prunes, (Currants. Dates.Citmn, Filberts-, Palm, W all. Peecan, Cbei aud-l Joeosnats, llmonds, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Pickle Brandy Fruit, 'Tomato Catsup. Pvpper sauce, Raspberry and Currant del lie. Prevcrved Pine Apple. Preserves, ' Thocorate, No. I Ac No. 2. Liquor ice, J ujuhepaMte, Mustard, Honej, Salad Oil, Lemon Syrup, Pippin. "' )h - 7 bhds. Sifgarand MoTsase. various qualities. ' 20 ark toflfce. asaorted. 10 bis. fine Crushel. powdered. & Havana Sugars. 60 Loaves fine and common. Sugars 40 boxea Candles, best Sperm, Hull's patent, nor thern bleached Tallow, smaU Wax Candle fur lam terna. 2000 lbs. CHRE8B.vit: yellowOoaben. Eagliab Dairy. Pine Apple and common. . 950 gallon of OIL, viz: le't witter at rained. etp. rm, bleached V bale. ' Fih Oil and iard Oil a new article, never having been oflered for sals here before. II : ' - 100 lbs. TEA Hack, Imperial. Gunpowder, Yung Hyson am) green common Tea. 600 lbs. SOAPS Castile, white and variegated, in bar, dark and light turpentine Soap, and per fumed washing and hav:ng, great variety. ' 50 boxes Cigars, warranted nest imported Principe imitated ditto, I'ra'.Mico, Virginia. Venefns, Victo ria.Cauones. and the home mde common. 350 ibs,NUFF, Mrs. MUW's in bladders, and SCylCb. j. , r- 400 lbs. TOBACCO, bet Virginia boney-dew rhewinf Common do ainoking- assorted, ' 14 jars preerved Ginger. s " . Ground f Jrrtger and Peeper, and whole do.- All spice, Canary Seen, frire. Starch, Indrgo, Copperas, Madder. BUrking, 3 boxes 1trgan aud Bots, ' rr Sfirf only bit the meaxure out tif the House positively froh this date, UKiHUlAE rlln 1 AINU MtADBKIA VVfNEj Newark boiled Cider, Porter, Muscat and Grape Wine.!.,. . , Perf nmery. -Olio of Roses, Mae issar, Bear, Antique Oils. Po malum, tlogne. Florida aud. -Lavender Water) EiMencea, BergamoU,Ciunaio OH, Opodeldoc, pink Saucers.- ;. - '. --': :. .- : - TfXaslcal Imtmittents. Violins, bows.' string, Nbrwges. 'screws, Fin gerltoards Guitars, Flageoletle. Fifes', Flutes, Cfari- onetta, Accordeona, DsJctmo Wire. ; tationary.; Almanacs, Primers, Spelling, Picturr and Song Books, Key of Heaven (fOholie Paper. P.-us, Quills, Ink. Inkstands, luk powder, Sealing-wax, Wafers, Letter- stam . .Fencing' and Boxing Apparatus. ' ' FoUs, 8wofda Gloves. Masks. Hats, Breastplate Dominos. Cberinen,dackgamuvan, Kcno, Ten pins, Roliet, Cop sod Ball, 4;c. . . JTewellery Of Gobi nd Silver, as .wetl a German Silver, and Piachbaek,i:.Jreastptus,E-ir-rti,Perctl.Fingr-nnga, Tbiniblsa. Tea uVlls, Table soil t ea Spitons, Deaert Knives end Forks, Metal JJornb. Belt- brieklee. Watch Keys, FotChin, Gypum-beadsr white and black jet tu 1e Heads, assorted sizes. :T " ; 'Toyii." .?fij.. T' A large and cheic upily as Prtntirtg Pressea painted Children's Trunk, Wberlb'arrow, Bureaus, Marbles, Hutnaiing lops. Drums, Rattles, .Whistles, mouth Organs, Harp, Trumpets. Wagic. Lanterns, Paintboxes, msgne.tic I'oys. false Faces, t:annons, Malescops, Microscopes, 1'ewter and . wooden tea artts. Drummsta, fancy toys, and all size of Dolls, and Doll-heads. ,.- t -'-,s ,;- ,. n r G. W. & C. GRIMM E, Corner opposite M r. Uicbard Smith's. k Raleigh, De, ember , 1844. , t w 96 j - APRIL 21st. BALZORINES AND BARAGES. Ovf hand large assbr(metrt of Balorines, Bara ijjpr es fthd Lawns. Also, Barage' and Granada Snawls, which -we will sfet cheap. ' . . H. BECK WITH & CO. ' - 'r 32- .IRBNtJH BRANDY,- ' . MADEIR WINE, .1 ? - ' "'; v 4 "h LOXDN BROWN STOUT. Frtrm constant 'application f r, and solicitation to keep' a jg od arttcta ot ibe alKrve, f.w Metlical pur poe. we have leen induced to supply ! itirelyes which we oSer tor sale at moderate prices. ! 7 r WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD COJ i May 15,! 1845 ::r.S ';iZ. ' , - , Oe n tl em e n't Sammer Hoots and Shoe A new snpply of fitMi Pbiiadelphta work 'o " every description. Also," " JPrtUetta CsdUrh M eery bast qustUy. llay JVljr4A, Ljtvt e;'-'( r!nnfArtnnQ wr Will y lVlltiA J c&na3 Splendid Lotteries. JT. C CREGOUr d; Co Manaitalrfc 30.000 Capital, A 1 ex a. ndria Lott ery, C.as 'Zl. h.r ls4o To be drawn at "Alexandria. C. on Saturday. Juue 14, 1S4.J. , 6FL(NDir CAPITA LS. 30.000 Dollars! - 10.UX). Dollars OH00 Dollars J 5.(100 Dollars 4000 'Dollars! v s s3d)70 Dollars ; 5 5 25 25 220 Prizes of 2.000 Dollars. da "'W Dollars. - do - 1.000 Dollars.' do 500 Dollars, c do 200 Dollars. ; &C. . ttf. . - . &C. . 75 Nos., 13 Drawn Ballots. Ticket 10 Halves $5 Quanei 2 50. Ccrtifita e ol puckagea id 25 wi ote Jckes $10 Do do 25 half do 45 Do do 25 quarter do Zi 50 30,000 Dollars! Alexandria Lottery. . CLAS 25,' fur 1845. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. op Satorday. . . June 21st, Jdlo. GtEiT SCHEME. $30,000 $10,000 $1,367 ! ! " 2 Prizes vf 2.5U0 Duilarsl, 5 do 2.000 Dollars! y 10 do 1,500 Dollars! 60 do 1,000 Dollars! 60 do 600. Dollars! 50 do . 600 Dollars! &c, &c &c t 78 Nos. 12 Ballots. Tickets f 10 rialves $5 Quarters S2 601 Certificates of parkegea 26 Wtiule Ticket $140 Do lo 2K Half do TO Do do - 26 Quarter do 3i5 40,000 Dollars! ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, CLASS 26, FOE ltil5. To be drawn in Alexandria, Di on Saturday, June SM. W45. 8PLEMDI.D FRIZES: 940,000! $15,000! $6,000! fivoou: 3,000! 35 Prixes ol $1,000 ! 25 do ? h 500! &C &.C. diC. 1 75 Nos 13 Ballots " - Ticket. $ It), Halves 5. Quarters i? COj Certrfu atea of packages f 25 V boie Tickets 30 ' Do do 25 Half do- 65 Do do 25 Quarter do 32 50 aTl 1 - a -" 1 a a . jm 7 w Z " 'TH nUrn"roM'ni, heiepsre.lioar f. kagea in the above Splendid Lottery, will r.etv . .r.,.M.-w. ihaVv Uiolore. and asaoro thoa. tbe most prompt sttemion, a.'d an account tf tbe drawing will be sent immediat. 1 alter it .is over, to all who order trent-i froin us.' ' Address ' f J. G.GREGUHVA Co., Msftagers, " F '- ' ashtnstton i ity, DJC. PIUYATE EWTERTAlI3!IEIfT. L A NN PULLI AM & SISTE RSjC Rcpetlfolly iuhrroi the puldie that tl.ey atiJcomrinue to keep a HOUSE Or KM EKTAIpiMEIHT at tbeir w. II ktiewo laud. Owing to tlie se-rcity of mo ney, they have made a further reduction in iheir al reidy moderate prioas, and are now piepattd to board Families-by the week or month, TmVf Hers by the day, or regular rutotnea vy tbe inotitu or year " Kaleigh. May Sn. lM5. ; 4 5t . RUNAWAY from the Sulwcriber, liviiiK in Staidy County, l. C. on Son day, the lUth April bwt. a negro jmau named JKeudrick, about 25 years of tae, light romplecteti. 5 feet 10 iscbe biajh. wetkaaect, stout-built, and inclMaed -ta smile when spoken to. It ta m.re than iik4 be has jgoue ot with white man, travrihna; wkb al wacon aud making bis way to some free-. State A lneral re ward win be gicn for bis delivery to ma at Centre, Siattfy County, or for hie confinement iu any j Jail, so that 1 can get him. '.4 '' " " I ' ; whitmon h. smi nr. Stanly Co. May 16. v i V 4l4w MTAlii oi norm u-roiiiiu. wi x- -mmmm mm WBBT 1 f tT mT STVN CUUXTY IN LQUi I If. - Keziah Ay cock and others, Jame Pope and wife Psuy, Garry Sim ms, and ' ' V- Children and Heir-at-Law of Edith. Bun.aia. . Petition for partition of the Lands of Joanna Afford ET appearing to the attla tion of the Counithat the DefeiMlaiits ru this ease, are rexid lit ot-the Siate of Georgia7 a.id beyond the jm indie ton ot this Court i -It is ..rder.d, that iblication he made Jo atx uccewive weeka in the VVe. kly Kaleigh Register, that the ,5said Jame Poie and - wifi, I'alfv; tiatry Srmm. " atd the Children and Heir at-Law of Edith Burnam, appear at out ; Court of Equlli, to be held ir the County f Johnston at the Cart Hoe in fmithheiu. on me vu iwonuay iu eruiernoer ,nen. fherV and there 'to pead. answer or demur taber-tid I'eutiun for partition and r.he? caoe why' oritr fot partition should nut be made as praved lor, or jodg ptent pro conjes&o win ie laaen sgaiusi rneto. V ime, vyK. H.Mossiso .Clerkpur said t'ourt, at office in Smilhfield, the 4th Monday in March, 1845. - IV-V.-- . -. v . tft ' rt unnvrvn ir - v, rM A. muniuiu I Pr.adv.$5 MJ. . v . X Ul "lillll'j rKHscasion ifiven, the vomf'tfiabie lwel ling Hottse In the Weatt-rn jrt of the City, lat. ly .MTowed by Aajor T. L. Was. Apply at tm Of Ms 12. It45. - Sherifffs: Sale. GREEABLY 'arf thder of Heitdersnn tUoan- l oart. at its but Term. I hal .proceed to sen - . ' m - sia a ' newre tbe t;otirt ,Houe door ID ttei.iersoiue. on the 4ih Monday of June next, the fot owing. I rsctoi lmi.Wo rotieh thereof as will satisfy a stout Tax f.r 184.Wgawer wiibeosisof a.lvertwng.vit , . The interest of Uayin MrtssHeitsiii 656 Acre '7iiig:ottioUtsi.ler :-.'f.MUfa River, in said Ownn! cettied by Ihilip BBtmin,sod sdjointtig Jtsei K ng and oiber valued mi SoS-rl'a t-fieoi amuuniiog to 143 67. W- - ... i. n-.fi t a r e - Jit 43. 4. lJWVU -V . ...... ' I II : Mittr, V fSoCifi) A0S Ltrir Do,Biot - 00 B .ga GovtrTBfhent iava (warranisd) dlj AO Ilidi lurto Itico and New JliWaia Muaar, . : .,80 d.c. j do , do ', ; Molasafsa ' 1500 Loaves tigsr, atorted qualiiies, 15 Bbhti Powdereti and Crohed Bugsr,' ' 80 Boxes Sew BnJford Spe.m CanUles, -L 85 do Sov. v "-. ---J c. 40 Ce Mm rasa tnligrs beat quality. . . . j 6ti0 Gross Siephens friction Watches, t , , .' 1 25 Bbl 'Ibumsou's superior. Pasis Blacking, aa -aoih-d, ; w- " v- f -Snpi-rhrr GunprtwrJer, tm he rial, and Black Tecs, in tbet. hall tfheatai and 1 3 lb Boxes - - ) Together with a full aasortment. of Groceries 1' for sale If j FKEtLANDdt HALL, , ::f . ;v... No. 69, Light S.reet.Ubarf j j 1 Ilaltlraore, 't (t firfef to W. R; Gates, Esq. ' May 4. - : ' V , 43-I3t -4 ...... , - ... EDGE WORTH PROFESSOR MORGAN & LADY With Assistaot fcaeheh emintntlr qualiflfi u . meir mpeelife brantuH, Have arrived SU(1 takeu barge of thi popuhtr Female In tit u ton . " ' V ' " 'The Eiercies of (Be School will commence on the 2tb of May. and continue for five months, and be reumed afier a vacation of two week, for fie month m re. al the end of whictl, there wib be a Pub lic Examination1 .." . . f t The Course of Studies will lie'divided into fouf Derailments or Cla-ise-,' with appropriate Siudiea as Mgned to eactij so a to give to thw Pupils who may take the whole course, the best opportunity for iot pr-vetneot dunns IheiV rltay. " ' ' Few Schools, if any in the Union, will afford bet ler opportunities to acquire a .thorough education than thi. j Professor Mhneiir comes recorarnended by soma' f the fi'Kt literary men ol this country , as emtoetrt- fy qualified for lbs posiiioii be now occupies, at the bead of tin Institution ; and V those who btve read the C.rcular addread to the puldu', it is evident thai tbe plan of Instruction iliere pointed out. is well. cat en la ted io advam-e Popils with rapidity. Slid make hem fine Scholars. - . The Proprietor therefore. rongraiBlates blmaelf, and i be Citizena of this and the adjoining Slates, thai so good and convenient an opoerl unity lr a thortrgk edu ation Is niv oS-red, and at so cheap a rf to. - , ' Persons wishing any information reUi.ve tn the ' Scho(ft will addreas ProfesMtr Moasiir, Greensboro. N. C. i. M. MOREHEAD. ' ' 7 ' . ' Proprietor. Greensboro', May 31, 1845. -4t4w WOrtTrt CAROLINA WMte Sulphur :Sprln, Warren county." " THE Proprietor of this delightful and"ea1uMtii Kurrrmrer Ketreit, takes plesaures in inn uncial1 to his frieuds and ibe public, that hie Hoo-a Is now npen-f.r the reception of vuitera.aaid that DO reason able troub'e or expense will le r pared to r. ndr eoo f triable thoe who may favor him with tbeb compt ny. Haying sded a iarire thref story building with many ciifltinallT and. pleasant rooms to bis former' who may be rti-poed to patronize him, that his Ta ble shall be equal at least to n in the Stats. ", ra isfactory evidenre of the. Mrdicinal pr pertej of the water mtgbt fie tven,. bbl he deems it only necesary m say thut r recent Ctmirst Anll bf Profeor Hardy, prove It to eootsirf the Mmwtnf Gae S.lts, Acin qoatiiitie amcly stifncient fr nijoeful Hirpir-e.vixi Sulphuretted Hydrogen ami t'arbonic Acid Gas : Sulnhaie of Mane:a ; 8it, b of I ime ; Muriate of Soda j Oxkle of Iron, dec. , v The wler is peculiarly adapted to the cms f Tls eases of the Liver. Kidneys and Skin, Dysjpaii, feeble Disestkiin, iaundirs. Ac.' ' - ' Such srrancemeota will be made a will nabla those who travel bv ihe Rail ltod wbiclt runs w fe rn 12 milea to obtain, at all times ihs meaua vf cos ow.rtf tA nr fr..m thi. n r i n ir .. ' CHAMOIS WILL BX At 1 ratio wa J For families per m -nth, 1J20 IV eacS.' it " "work, 41 oa 1. 00 s 25 D0 - . Single ptrsofts per monih, r T week, t u ' - W J M J .y. ,;.'. 1 Children and servauta, half ptice. Hosespsr tnonth," ' - f 10 00 1 80 ; ,r, j ' -.... . :-ds. ,! , WILLIAM D. JONES, Pfbprietfr. JoDe4, l845, , , i ! 45wlsr;j R1IIERIFFS BAIJG. Twill sell at iba kSi I'ourt Houselo Canhage. Moore Counte.aa the foorth Monday f jn'y nexi, the following Tracts of Lfknd, nf sn much thereof as will satrely the Taxes due theen for the ) ear 1843. and tbscoutin- gefit expenses of said SaUt, via t- '"' .. ' .' " No tVa-, Tax AVllne Prnii names. Tsrafion. Due. 300:1)C b neir at law ( ef Neill Bute, Upper Little riy'i I 13 404 300 JoeiaK Cheek', , ISamtiel Stone,' '.: fsck Creek McJiitosb creak Wat Creek -Bufialow Creek Lick ' do eo CO 200 301 liiO IOC 51 & Arch. Hunsncker, William Godfrey,.. Edward Wicker. . 4 53 80 70 100 500 I Ai Geo. Il nnsucker, sr. Dry ' da 65 3 l4l 10( fohn McDonald, i .ii tie Ritsr - 75 .41 Dames Garooerv. ; Deep da - rr The above lands will be sold for l!ah. "f - . I ALKX KELLr, t-V J LatsSberfffsYMooraCV May 30. U58. jfPr. Adv. 1 60) 44 ta 3tate of Worth CareUtuu :niTiai 5l t onn;;. l outt of Pleas and Quarisr Sioas, m Term. 1815.' ' . '- v . ' Ebjah Clark and wif Susan, and Derapsey Johnson, Adminttraior of John VV.and Francis C. Bynoa, Complainants ... t Aagustus W.IBynom Exerotor Of the last Will and Tetment of James Cy num. dereasaii. uray ov-, " num. Titotna K Bynmn Thomas Hatch and wtfa ' MarV. and Ransom , Ward and Wife Tabby, Pa- fandants l'etitiforACQTitjtnd SrtOmHa t tt appesrih to the sibsaett'i of the Court, that Thomas ILvrh and Kineoi Ward aad wi l aohj are frmreaideBts of this Mate, it is ordered it at pab Mitoobe ma-!sin the Raleigh Rel:.r for sis weeks, , notifying them Io be and s pe. r beJiire iba Jair of .-or rext I'otfri of Plea and Qoaner. tslon-, J lie beU for the County of Chatham, at the Cesit .: ioaa Hi PittshorH aritbe seeoDHIridy n AD rust next, then aiwl there. anwer. pe-d " ihf sald ;Pet .tirm wdl be l esparU nd Judgment enfeftd aceMiii$ly . . . ; tir:.i V-iM'i l MrJoilK Ca i ii ( t oart mUHZe. beswid Monday i -. ;,. . J Ttf ATM AH A. tTLDlli-. NATHAN sV. tTCDy Tr.sTxJt:p3r f V ( 4 n ' ' ' if J l: "1 i