- a . , . . - ' - V N -1- .-.- A - - ' y ' - ' .v. a- 'rtind.wipe. 1 ...-., , f .- . . . . , I, I ' - 11 . Pf"" " ' ! jj -' 5 if I L -2luXJtiu-' " V'i tiw.0d Map of iho-d lnuieV'.- And entpP0,Wwmit.kgn.0epVV4a ubtedpt fnclu,teat toWb,t6erbu..Bes.., uireA? JV .''TtfoP tiZnTr?''' ' UMhl Pp.rtent of of tbo4JmdWl.ie ffi.H-; j ifol.ta offiri.fconnWfonVnb tl.i Goxnt , 9 . y -4 ( 1 ; I i - . . 1, 1 4 w i 5 i . t 1 I 1 . I . -" Bit own . . V7U tT.Mo7. er;,kladly word, aft T a . IJ'j uWMf one Ivrjot, Ani raroU bliibeff al a Lird - Z 'toota.anay .fot TbaeUlJ mho BA. at inorji and 1 : IapT.yrril.tioy voicoi . Wbo griai fclHjaeWit. p.rtgiUff . ' ' wba S rdS v'-' la wboo brigbl aya yooag Caoloa gTawa, . 'Wbao.boart.wiiboinaMot, frh aid jmrt a. 8osafc.ra roao ' ' v ?-Tbat ebil aonny pot.';. V !, . ' ...... - V . V'J??,?"!? - .ttb orto bJf forgtt in lolf VtV. mrrnmw timlf oT9tM 1U load. ' . "V V' l;'ArJiMn bo loom llw: ',. . Jieadahiplnoy wnbor, toj dacllna, . . . , ! Oar ebild bia bonor blot J 'jj' Bot 4UI oodimmd.lbat tpot will aliaa-TT, r' JKauoioa Cgbu tbat atoU f . , v - r. : ' .' ' It lie til Ccart ef Fortnw, 23 Ircifwijr,., 4 . . "'NEW YORK.-'0, 'v .V 8pfa! Agr ncy of ib City fffew Tork, arboro taiUioo b.va bea diilribotc J iolbo fortuoaia.' Tba .ubi bet would in'.. -iha early .t ten tkmjof ad pervons donroib of aeljaoca io any of lhe'!low iorCUiot Xcbauro iooo IJ bo drawn. and tbo maaaftmont of Umsts. J. O. Oirgory Uo ao'o ' coMora U-Meaan: TaXea 4,WcIni;ra, fl3 5(e. XL Palo 4 Co. ' : r : f J Ccry jnwa oruerirj tweta or ibe bjentr wilt iWia u. Sc: Iraanos, pubWxaa in Uto Builana . ritwi?ptX paptr UI alao contain a Ut ; -of KtaJW abeaiLT , , ,Z n . . , . liooey 00 all tba aolront loutka ia tbo United r Sutoawand ('aoaJa, received at par 'for ticktU oold - at tba jU Uocrt of FtMtano.SJO, Broadway iod .Vf tia otaga t al wafa paid by tbo aabfribar on ail IrtKro ootaioiua S5 and uowarJ- - Lrry- Umi r.a bo sent by mail wilb pet fact aaft- vTy.ml ail .lotiofoara jnTaniy oayru loiiamf day aa raroivei. All comaanKatioa with tbi. cl5ce f ..btriattfiroitUl.', . .'. ' V. BoparUcofar.and-addreao.V A iOaCPH HOCpil,0Broadwy.!j A Qrand CupUal prize of VALEXANr !UA u LOTTERY, . r . - - i. - . ubw torus to. 4 To k4 diawn al AUianJ oa tauardayV SepCTf .J:tt.pKEpOXY4 Co!, Xonfgwt. . , 1V( SCHEME. ; - ' ava'- -..X.piixf of . $73.0fo D4llari.lt 'T3,000 25.008 r 15,000 l;)qf. il- :. 20,000 A . 35,000 --'..JOO1 v-30,000 ;-!.. 1.000.- ,00i '- 1 ! L5X 1C0 80 70 50,000 85,000 Zo.UUlH 150 I 0,750 6.5Qd ' 600 . M.550 3,900 ' - e.eoo 17,400 540,800 - -'65 C5 4485 27,040 60 v - 50 . il 40- tar i '30 :'V 32,396 Priiet "amoantlng to $1,198 J97 Wbolo. )S0.Halrea flO Qatrtrre $5. . , A Certificate of a.Packag nf 58 Tktete will be hit i 5 0 -JJbana. in prefeftioo;- v f 1iEW JERSEY. STATE .LOTTERY.' r. 'I, r . l L'a, V-- , "-I . " .10,000:; ?;r : 10,000 -tOOO -V,r 6,000 -r-' I 5.000? . - - i5,000 . l""- wWtt: -i 4,000 . 10 i:'.sVr.V;: ' 5,847 . Tor the benefit of tbo 8ociyj'for tbe encooracenirnt of LWul-M.aafaetury. CUaa 78C 1845, to bo . Crawo at Jetwy Ciiy. J.) oa iondiy, Augmt iirjf44;- i. v 'v.t.f.:;- " ' i ?- . ?g Naraber- IS Drawn Ballots. J . ' ' - - -tT .JittGREOORr-A Cow.TMaaagoW. ' V SCHEME." . lPrbae. , .2a000 Dgiiara it M 20X00 -. 1 : - r laooo f . . r.-. 104x10 ri 3.000 000 1 ,4aooo "V . vk 2,000 a140 '1(460 J 0.000 5.000 3,000 4,000 3.750 19,400 350 2,600 14)50 14525 f 2.600 150 4500 135J200 : - i 10 -x ' f 1.000 ;:-:..-10; r-.ii- .so ' -.20 f; '20 300 200 H50 100 50 40 30 25 -20 15 10 5 a--1; 4 - i'J . aJO rriw amontinr4 tl852S5 Car; ileal of a Paokago of aa Taskata will' bo . awsjfar JSOT-btnra io yroportWtj . - . j v.. ; : lAa-!rr anra. cf9mmM.iw4 Ticietafitbo amoo at of rik oaW I inChf WarJi, tao aZUrraco betWran the foil ef atfaakaca and twfarcJ? amoooah co paosihlv . raw-.aaaw ttxmm ara-riMroa Ua.dnloUBfi r wnfy -teat a wmhL--WkM atogW.Tuktat ar toawfea. ww ai at M vneloed. i AD Dws.-Uttorr laraalwAJy ea-w&.bytoi.jjf aroMifca, JOr?n"!!OLGr r J 3 65 viS, ' 65 -jj 1 , 130 . - 4J530 'J-w 27.040 ; : v .In.aV:-' ;: r W , 1-J43- ?rc,,!"8A !;?L.lyJVS S;JuT .-Sorinrlnir. Clit rdilftoeji..g,,re.auWtoted in, Pa.fom Qallon Woob talilmpre,- f LhTcVmav U entruBfed to their .w m"Ucr'J I for - n";4:.R,.;.n4Tn&ndrtt:. . I-; -;J AugMt-o5t tnwwp J"'Sf.of onDrofiUb0-plaT.ana otair IXZ&Jttevllwz to. Baiamofv-',; : IfThWnii.!.! k. ...... . . I 'iWotflcl respectfully Inform .tpe ttlbi.uwihi a BAnpnYjwv ty;oc Uooaa. Comkf, near YBooiroB". IloteJ. bera I liitehdiici'-y'on'Vle a!oenamed bustnea, ,Un all ha varioo. bearer . My Uakery U now -in r '....n.mKMr.rfiliA fill AnIr4.rom' the. M'Uoutry;wd.oppli:F.r.i!ie.ipthc hquantity of article, jo tAy.linjvafeach tjrfSa a. may ait tfleir contenieoctj. ueiny i-iuingiMuen;, would reapocafully abakut aHwbo jaaj wWb Tf0 " . . V m . a..r.ilf - mKtu Aril- A wppIjTof the aTalramedVrtic!c..wnibefonndf P. Sat Havine been Mueriil.1aterroftteKon Ibe I eubiecU I take thia modoof .tanWpry,Akari f- i . i . J1 it . r i i .1 . .i.k. .. belong ttncll J ttrtho liaHtng WWHftia. J.Jl. .v . ....... . . i . MXrtXOXIAIfDA of aKcsIdenceai - tbe Court off London, 'compriamcr laeWenta. official mad pcraonat.'rwra' 1819 to I82S4 inHdding ocgotian'ona on tbe Oregon Qesio,Ynd other onaetilrd.queMiuneJ between tbe Cuitrd xtatta and Great Orvain, by Kichard KusbJ Envoy Eltra ordrnary and Miniairr Plenipotentiary frcm tbe Uni udSlaieaV from 1817 o 1825. . T - L .ill.torlcal I?IeaioIra".of lUy 'XHfli Time,' by. Bir . W. fJf..WrajaH, Bart, rtilior of Poatbomioa -Memoir.. 'VV4 C '. Xliev.Poeli-nn4;Foetry of Enropo, witb introduction ayd biogfpbical noticcby U. W, Longfellow. " . .- . . "IlleJDoz anl thC-Sportrraan, embra ciog tbe uaea, lralning'Jiwv . '&c ?f D.g,' and on aeeount of tbo diSVrect kind, of .Oatno.-wUh their habiiay AU6, hinu to Shooter., with variioi. rocipra, &e., by J. 8, Skinner,, former Editor of the Tuif Kegiater.&c . ;. . . . Tokcnla or the TTliilc IlOsc, an Indian Taleby C.t5eaUficld. . ' 4 V ' For aale at the North Carolina Bouk.tOre corner of Fa Tenet ill. and Uarett Kireeio. . , .. V - ;r . TURNER dc HUGHES. 53 VPS CAIXBS SODArUn Cask Eng: Sup? Carb t Soda, jut to band. and for .ale cbrap by . bTITU. dc PJ38CUD. Jont V V! - . ,t &i- tfATE'OFNORTU CAROLINA I ?AR. O REN COUtWTY. Superior Court of Law, April Tartn, 1845. .,"-... . ' , ;.IJenry. T.Dolca, , . , - vs) "y '.Eliiabetb .I)olea.- " V': petition fr Divorce. i ' TTKETENDANT-lwioa called and fajUnrloap- IXJf, pt-oc. ft 'Ordered by tbo Court, that roblica Jj,!,.- for'tbreo 'aocceiiva aaonih.,.n(titjibg De-. fondAot q appear at tUneft 'Te'rp of aid-8aperiof Court at Jw. to a beUI for the County of Warren, at tbo Ooart Hoaao to Warr.nion, on tba thif-t Mon day after the foorih Monday in rptember next,'hen and there to'plT.J.'artswer or demur to tba Ceiitioo, or tba aamo will bo beard ear parte.- - w.. i VViineaa, Biuimii H. Uook. Clerk -ofbarmid Court, at office, tb third 'Monday after tie fourth J If I . S- - w tr,lm L - - r i mufuvuj in iaxGM, iota..,- . , J -1 : BE!fJ. E. COOKi Cl'k. nrVtrrenton, April 86. 1845. 34 3m v- , (Vricepf adt. eil 25.) jfSTTATEapP KORTH CAROLLTA War A, Coanly. . Court of Pleee and Quarter beaaiuno. May Ten, 1845. ' , . Tbomao.Todfdrk.- and Tboma J3iard. aefl A. T. CofanCwW Rfchad Waabington, antl .farahal P. liawid, aad William C. Bryan. rr Alovaitder Orerman, jS'eedbam Overman, Joaepu Overman". Levi Lncaie fixl wife Abigail, bet - mj Ovewnaa, Cornrlio Overman aad wife 4;har ity.'Barna llowill and wife Sarah, TbomaaOver , tn.nrand Williarrt, Ji.hn R.,.and Polly Overman; '. 'Wire at law" of CbafLTy Ovennarr, deceased. It appearing to tba aatiacUon Jbf tbeCourt, tb.( Alfiandor Overman, one of lb. Direndant above named, ia not an inbabiuat ofbi. 6ute :"Jt i or derrd. the re fore, by. the (JAuit, lb at publication,, le made for sir work, in- tbo Raleigh' Register, for bint lo sp pear before tba Justice, of the Court "of Pleas and Qarter Seaaiona, at tboaoort House in IVaynon bofo7on thojthirJ Monday in Aoaaat next, then and there to ahaw caoaeif any; b baa, why tho above named Plaintiff should tvH have judgment and exe cution against tbo real eslato of Ufa.lkry Overman, deceased.. ' c --S ay ' Witness, Jdo. A. Green. Clerk ef said Court, at Offioe.44.- -' JNO. A. GREEN, Clerk'. " ' Jdno 3T. 1845. PK Adv. $ 5 - 6 6w' , . COSMETICS, &.C; fHENULE Englwb, Brown and tl bite Wmd 4JT or Soap, Gow land's Lotion, Rowland. Kaly dor and Farina Cologne at ' r ' j (67) sTFTH fe PESCPD-a.V ' Iddexi Indelible Ink,t - STTTlFoc- liemnpt?.' TTTT7 r.tareDaIsajn tf Wild Cherry VVTforaaJoky 5.1.BTITH & P3UUOt; fVquaW perbaps to tn. fn tho United fctatet.V' f 'foraaia by: UUt aaiyefTT.x,T-r- r - zs -Te-C'aab'ja nadotibLed rloef -&V - 4r': iiitl cs a fdia iftirt aT tbeStore- ,Tabitha.JIoyle - UV ' xjt7A1E rreceioed our alocMt Pased . efipSntS W 4. -.Henry rfojle.. i . ; . . fe a GoIREfiEtU ir. JypoJiilfp. Wobao ob hand.' tery. : tiootstorc Rale,eJ, N. U. OrJ Sf"Ir SeiliSo rieVtioe InW ' ' ?P a,pfvng to tbo aattafaeUon ofttbe. On-iKesame day.VitbA. tbe jegular gchool hour., heavy aasortmeteeiraiingriJeaiwWe in Abe Drugi from a'dmance wromri!y .tte, ded fo. if DrSv.? ScSoeWwVla ttl ilanrF Jlea, tbo DeTetfd.pt.- reVidea:, 6 pj tleir on. .ttidi. b?ii&L ia aitxir 4? ' SrVf TURElt & ECCI1E8. SfrtkW tbiiwill bo tfaked. W ,' . lim.t.fthi. SUta; t .. therefore ordar.,,, fc ,j byeByiVbeiorelrn UWo capraolioitol from onr:dWPtieBa. Sw .j v- - . - M fdllilot a NavV.."' i'.'T:''' f at.b.ibltioo bo made m tbo Raleigh . Rfgta jwil, ,4l4bo WStily TlepOjiaf 0ooncftialiVi and-lbwrj,abHeg-enera1ly-iMaring:Jh ,v W.,.-. :, " -lJIiCuJtHei arojepatbioflerihent'groatcr itiducelntoiivthaa a aokerBa.terXrv' L-mon ncWateV tloexJ Term.ofonr .aid Court. . to tobeU,tf fcteiMuw M , ' nSiaoTiaml aheVoAbr Jobns.on.-at the; Court Hda.o inergW. o ibe idolenrjind! f 7 - , 'SW&v V VfkS Srud.otberoortbMondayMAup. t ,l aan uoura. ai inc ci's-r'Lij ui ius uv uuugs, larlra.'e'ad at price. lo auU le tlrrwa,; w - , . . . i i,r J0I1N HARDISCT2V. 'V- - 1 'HRSlVquality, df mv 'cwn v -r AT 2 v -L Vair ,Troln- lbPelfiGd,lf J o . v 4.a tnir r- i. i t r . ; . . . ' - - . . . - c ,-.r-it j DnfrrTDP3. 'viif i inu rwinr iticiuueu on a me t)oaia ui luis aiijc. i w- PiiinMtm nn Will u i ' i i j aT j ' ; ikj .i jihiA or t . r i n a . niiiff 4. '- . ij&ui u - a. - j - t o - " t w . iiiauuuuii i lit inviinnii ' f 1 .- . uorcbaeo mobcT lie iriven. wiih-iutcreat from tbo da? of aale. 'wttb epproued'aeft4ritJ, 1 An .unqueauoutble 3EO: WMORDECAf? llalcigb, Jofr 15, 1845 15. " - ' ; - -56 :lawtds ATJ.toff Wortti CaroIIia.--JbHiV . rilit of fin nVtwo eT vin'A ttMlor ijinraiurei cmareingwiJiwiuinwiw rr""'" r--" -r , "7: . : .i L m. .uiirmicr wi rmon n.ii u.Tu u 1 1 . . j:... J-.... ,f,Vfc'4.wrcMay.of ojefyipOD TXKOUNTYf ' -Uon of Plea, and Qneven and the Patron, and FiendV pf tbe Instil u tea aeaaiono. rMay lerm 184a. J 4T;nrT rfnlaliv invlii 0 attends ' ; LTtTTTE are now read for the. Si infftraaerUajfUE I -. , rl uau.h a siiuo,- -.a ditto. the prayecof tho Petiiionerebotild .6lbeVantedl&c lr , j a ' . .. M 1 rkrva iioniBV arir iii in 1 . ihiii imiui a. . . mm at omcei-ioeaoima itmujin - w iir h .-v; . tkatif Airriniv. r e rSoTfoU lG. Campnor ; j ScABoryACr ofXIeaafindaaotte v V : , llaTernT.-?45;r -r-V'- -A 1jrfiaM tredell.-rterf 'J1'48' Su2ar Lead , ; ? JameaTaalur...,' OrlirlwrtUchinenV.W.H Cream Tar'tari 1 v v ra. - .'T!' H. H, llach unvnotd VtCt IM'wriVng, iwUbEngli a itaaOApoai-J Tfte Aci,f:',; ;! AG. Kco.'v '- : .Garnishee. . . t lTaf pea rins 1; t he aaliaf sction of fbV (ioiKj Jbal A , G(keeo ia a uon-realdenr of vtbTslate,it.r ordered; ihat pubTicauori be made. in ihjrRaleigb-Rauter foli aiwct-Ca. natif1nj binvtorbe ami -appear before' tbe. num nf nnr-nixt Curt of Pl&aa and Onariar Sem nions. to be held for the County TT Chaibain.'.tafie.Xly yourt HoStsein Pttborovon tbewjeond MonJajfhVv Anruat "rieH tben and thof to answer. nleaJ Or do mur, or the .kl Prfnioo will le beard ex pere,raa;ta bint, andlndgrnent euterad accordingly, i s 1 - . . 1 . . a. . Witnera, IN.than A. jtnrdman'. pleil pt out eaid-4 . ' "vPiiti'OH fur Divorce. fTKEFENDAKT Wng called 4nd faninjlo ap; M peaMt J. Qrdertd MMhft ;ourt,tbat pablicav lion be made in tbeAVarrenton Reporter and Raleigb a. r ... L . - nraitucr 101 mrra ucccmitl inonui. nMiiYiRar fcnJantto apeai,attle next Tein. of said Soierior athe Court House in yValrrnton'on the third Mon day after the fourth Monday in September nexr, rben and tbere to plead, .answer or demur to-the I'c?iUon or the same will bo-.beard ear pMe. - f !-. ?.-..' . . t iuir9, UiSJi4i7i ia. vieit ui our iu (Jourt, at office, tbe third Monday aQer the foQrtb Mondav in Al arch. 1845.- . ' V I .. - BEWvEl COOK. t:rk.f Warren ton, April 26, 2845. T. , . . 34 3m ' : ( Price o adv. $11 S5.) ! T MTATEof North Carolina. Wt jr S County, r Court of Pleaa and Quartet Seasiona, May Term. 1845. ,t, ; . v Jn Hooka and Jno. G. Barnes, "i , ' . . . r . 4 . - : f -. VUigmai It appearing o the ratifacUonof t!I Court. 'that a Wk ' . -' . - . --. . , tne ie tend ant naa remooeu neyond )ao nmtt.'pl tu.i Slate: it i. ordered, therefore, that publicatiod be' 'na1. in lit. . .1 rr P..!. La r f(i . .1 lTJ . HI HIV l.flCJBIA ill.Jl.1.1 IVIHAIVIIH.flf VMH1 ing him lo appear before the Justice of the Court of Pleaeand Quarter KeiW, at tbaCoortHouo iir . . .jire.iviw , vii iuv .J 1 1 w .vnw. u nugUB. lie A then and there to replevy or plead to iaaue, oriudg' perty levied on cotjlemncd toatibfj. pjaiipiff'. de mand.' lV; . ' -r '., ., v -1? Witness, Jno A Green, Clerk of our said Ci)Uj,t, at Office, tba third MoaMay of Mayi A D. 1845.4 . - i- v- iJXVA. GREEN, Clir .Pr. Adf.JJ5 62J.t.V . , ; ,-; ,61.61 :MEW0AL';COLIai:GEp "V, : Ef mcnaioxii, va. Vjj;.5 " '" ' . " "" t r?? THE Winter Course of Lectures in the Mdfe4 Department of "HamJen Sidney College Vrfl commence in Richmond, on Monday, the .27th l.y of October neif, and coniinue nntiftbe teSfoF Feb-" raary llowin, 'Tbe t ew College and "Hoi-pi1 Edifice' haa been rorODleted. and everv tmnir(nu. T baa been made to aflorj lhecStidcnl ajrtbe auan a;awbicli are obtained in any institution in- tbe.i.'V S. To audition to tbo usuarr Lectures. tSurrical aivd Medical CIinigue$ will bo, given' regularly .attb) ColIege'lJ4ispi'taf, City Almikbouse, Penkeniiary and Afmnry ; .by which the Btmlent w'Ul have tbe opp. tunity of. witnea-inr the disease incideMt to tbe Souih. and which bee will bo called upon to-treatat tbe com-' Dencement el bi. proteionaUie. v Tbo number of m.jor.fend mior Surgical opertftion. which have befen yearly performed before the Medical Clas.(ba. Al ready clarraed for tbe College the reputation of a lend inff arhool for Sara-teal Inatrnntinn. . . .i : i iTj ;j JOHN-CULLEN. M. Professor of tbe TeJ' ory and.frscuee or Medicine. V . r ? f w i -L; W. CHAMBERLAYNE. M. D ProfW 01 1 Derapeoiica and Materia Medica. t - ."tr vfe:;?. iijf Surgical tniarurnenia ; i . Good board, includina U7.T 'V. t :V - 2 V T' ?Twt.. i; :.- j , tleola rsaale.wiil fee take for TlckHs.V :.. : -.v-'Vl .tt-r am ... r. : NATHAN V 6TDMANr(i C.C4, rfTfrHBRBAon.-'fiolan srsklaiopfibo Cou,'P TTCTZZZr TZ imv. -wia.f.Av ... .r... j.-u- 1 i. 1 I Cautof Oil fin boltlea and &jUiul.h. u lLr. lucrcwuu jtiuiivbst iii.ivt. .(... itr iiivr.Triii.irrv 11 " I. ji i r rii ir ill nurm mil inn. i iv u . in ill.- " .-tf . . -vrr. .1.- ...1 . t I.. ..- iojh ih n : il. f f.il j .... . ... ho x. xa 01 norm varomrii ir-iv.vf j.'1 'TOiaiaMuturSriii ituri 1 . . ; -ifJ5V COUNTY.i Superior Codit of Lftvj Abifote Matthew R. iloore, a JuaMca'oftbo Peace for - J,avl f iti-" - ' rrrt loidv T.- .. h-1J..Ji',U ;.k K..:n nr. ti.A 9nK V.r t..ni 1 Sweet Oil dff; do Y . c Af.r. A . T AlJtnn. . . ; LalT'd C.unlv bf S!o6m. feroniousfv kilfed and. P,r,, "P41?0 d ' " 1" . irf .- ;.T . . . . - . . . I ninuorice rlesl fialitbra . i K. 'L. BOimKIiAN, M. D rProfeasor ofObtie- D? ornituref fAny-parson rnsn.ng to eonawita-l.tnat I)a obM.a6satMrinaat 1 and require W C H GEORGE LIT! LE, Agenu tries andttieaea of Women and Children -fl "w ffW'!--?' l1.8olac,k; I am. able toiay Ibatit-tlbfninthe Shuck at P-ieighrJnly 2Y,-lg4B. ' y V 71 iVatife. '-TrnrTtwif-- Chrmi.rrand Pbirmacy t -: -fv 1 "' i,-WAfc'T. .PEBRY?.iM': attho ratavof 15 biiabUbiur iotne-lfinar 4 Hilir 7 b1eomfortabU IWeIIIitf Anwopiy, . viJ-; V,?.:-, will. boTtvided to accommodate those wishing toper- otfeeakmxaahjaU T ;,JW'7H ' JTbeabundance or materials, fot diMection; And tfie ' chase-' r - - V . f ' il s. w "p-i njucirry; i''- U? - --" -. OIL Roa Sr 5&sfr or, bo-ndacademyndVtVomotiiig Jbo wiiso of Edpeation;, IbloaaioMaVo kiijlly vofol.tetred to deliverm tbo, coursof -nflio LmureaVin bcau f.rcio)iceV-3igrrcunoro;oinjcV; f.8ciitW - 3agrrcuUoro;oin I lukai Economy. Poeti'y.&c .'I be oyomnr oL lUe , Fftdav of evervmOLta..beiii2 tWUnje eiecteu yisiTER ; rets. Paraile d.y, i i,vr at ...,i t- . i. J.. t . .'i l. wr...v. iir .i. .uj i aioifof the .aid Hula- Si,k for tbe Murde'afohsSid J Cibaf.be,-tho aaid' HnlaiV'SUaa'ed from justice, bikI ha. prolmblt escaped beyond -the limit ot this .State. h. NW to the end that the said Hulan Sisk may be apprehended, and brought lo' justice, I do hereby is sue this my Proclamation, difering a teward of Two -Hundfad Dollar, for hla- apprehension' and" delivery to ifce Shenn of ;Stoke Cuuntyorfor hi. commtt- mem same G aa ficera dtthia butc, Civil and , Military fo use their best -exertion, to arrest and cause to be arrested tbo f dgtuvfaioreaaid. v v ' t - Given .tinder my. band, and attestrd fmfi -tvtho Independence of the United States, tno.um. - - . WIM. A. GRAHAM. x Py the Governor : t t . . ,4 .. ilaamT WIJJrihajc, Private Secretary 'i)ESCRlPTION OF PERSON :;Tbo,sai(J Hnlan Sisk ia a man of email statof--taighr person, weighing; 130.or 140 Jba and is from 25 to .30 yeara ofagej The oalyr pajnioular . fr Star and Standard- insert thre.weka. Lands, Stockj .:&c, '&c; "FOR SALE; -'" TnH B UNDE RSIGN ED, legally authorized, will LI offer for .ale at (he residence of Sahi-xl Pkr- rTEaqln Jhe County of Frsnklin, on the 30th day o: f Julv. at nublid sale, ihfolldwina Tracts of Land.- to-wu , -41 x ' : w a I t una x raci containing atmut ' oaaa Vfinrfl.''".' vv r . a . a Adjoiging hO' lnd. of -Elijah B, Perry John -A w'l' ointr iract in me ivountY ox warren, con- l tirtn.' wift hi. rl(tdlv atiemled to. M A"cbeap Vniforn ia ajlftptedI) T.r.BE ' "V. ' - . T -V f.Xto'dedoietion njade for aUence, unlesa in case, of f Khubaib; Ipecaef J.Jap& protraciedkhesa.v4 !',:-' 7 V MaineaiaOulckanaerr U A- few Pmilcanbo bbardedin Miv'Qray'a fanui i 81Cw:.Pflwdia":.'v--"'- n4 comoKjipjlce,- jf, ,t. i r ISedlittndo V? i ! l.' 845r ? v y, .,..4 , , ,. . Balssra'CopaTla ef 1 1 1 1 iowiny jail id ine unueu oiaieSv, proyiucu -anw 1 kJn .im. w ST' mmm al a-i . ac-v, t - . - . . , - . . ... lr-- be.more than iwo-Tiuadred m.leo diafanttftom Oct V Vr.T.vl UJL" .V Ul ll, VUUS, PWj.n ne most moueraie ac.ie. . ermanton, the Court Hotiso'of the bounty afore- I . . CJKtVlrrV- v Jywumon. in tnepoticy less onerouf 10 u. ...ur- r. - . . ..-i . . . ....I'..- ' fill. I C . I iu) ih.n nm.l in k.. r..ir. ln.i.iu. 1 ma (K rememoereu anoui nia person; liftman wen i uwwu.u on' the , bead. Wbjn last beard pf,4.e Vaa loitering 1 om mesTbj tO( about the Lead Mines in Virginia. . '- h 1 can,be-changed July 21. : , ; -"' 'uU &7 grinding Con tawing, aboo,,"-- ' , - ' !, undigested , aiate:it,cA t of cwrtilott fot y, ,.:.. -, 40O,ACKES, -;ji ; !w aUhentficia purpose. Read ike subjoined cer whb a-new Two SforV Dwelling jlouse. amd out- lifieuU-- M v jgv y ,-. s. AVca. adjoining tins Lahda of Mrs.. Mary Eaidn,rJ "i" jvcaiucj anu uiucjb - liiiauoigunaiira I J htabov lands are f lb mUeMIphur curtura of Tobacco.4 s Will alMroffer' for iu iub wrigiiuurufxiu ui onuaco auu .iud Sptings, and well adapted to the cuh wiwn,, w ueai, torn, otc. we wni aisor-otter for 1 Alao-Pniatronuten8ilsoLsvery 4escrtrd,-Hotoae.t v l 4pieottJt JHeiitctnaUWteri UMbt.fim iho 4L1 -. 1. .V.-l. - . . h - .wrv u - -nno-rrice.i4! - ; . t- rr 1 ww 1 , . .-.,-.j'J4-..- - . -rc r: r , 1. - - -a -...-.';.- . c . - r .. aw- a h r ar e r sr m vai m aw. - . - 1 TnrT w rj-sm- .w . -a - r . - y . - r a jpr. -4. - e -. -r ."- . 1 .v ,v ' j- vaawar. av, W var aaVS JO-SI'S m a-" rom )iP ! tWMV-;SpOpY, Agenh- y4Har; ? X.v. ? - Welow, , . y. J-uiyMo? warrant to It tbo BEST QUALlTY;aitdVaf PRlCEvHICH .C A?tKOT FAIL' TO fil f 12 Pam Green- ' IJfoaaUhiBluri::. Verdigris (Dy and ttfOil); lerra w eionu -'-J'. Cmbtar, :taiapbla'ek, 'H lironzca i . si umrmnt to m f . ihfl lit h iviji j ALU x. aita rv: - a.; i '-v i kva Linaeed-Oil, amp Oil (of j TmBi ETTl A I N SV R A 17 CO 51 Pi uibestqualitvJ: s . v.vvUia''-ollJIArtord-f Cnn.,Ofm 1. Calomel Jbaatt-v ;C) Tanner Oil (j)eet quality) sjianist -crown, y pnettan f!Rod,tV.Xt ,i INDIGO (bcafFlotant and 4Iorrilla) V I , Madder w . Copperas, lltlue, C.sUle'Wo.p,' jG:A radio..- BTiai6ton',Flower Sulpbur.Iwood, Comwood,Red '.I r , . . tB Jl It ft .Jr.. I T - J o . i.t n : .1 . 1 Cologne, Florida Mid Toi let W ater f , - Extfacts,Otto Rose, Fancy soaps jh -ft;i Brushes of all kinda'y; doPepperr. .Mustard Spice, Arace,-. W ttmeee, Oinger, Glue Inks ' of Jill . kinds, WAte H&cirim ke and Putty. ?5hoe Blacking - otym,'v" - "'Jjv;-" nirniHieror unu. l': Lead " " WINDOW GLASS of all I sizfi 1 : . ; - 1 r,n?er", - - 1 Surgical and Dept.l Inifru- I ments and .Medical Books. I ' . AVX" r , - . ' tyler miA,;. r 5 Wholesale Druggists', Sycamore St., Petersburg, ; Va ' ' '- : 18 Feb.. 28. 1845. TO THE 11. AirirfiR Ai;OTi .LKiis-oF .Ci;td.caiiojlin a; fTGrtnp.,!:! k.Jl k..:.! ! t ..f.x. I ri . . . . r j ...... in nee, to grind COCIV, COB anaSIIlJCKf I& meal, for Hera, Moles, Canre"Hoga, crtbfro- by aaving moVb tban ona tbrfd oracropwhfcbiaW linoortant it am with rdantera Tho nukcbinerv nat-d . . . va Ana n. Amnn.n aiviiv .Mnda .1 . w w v a 1 mm r.. lli .kn nrt.nng. i. .Im..!. .tn..il. ...I ..I.. l not, with fair means, ret out oT order, h will last a. long as tba Stones lastJrith tr expense of" 50 cents every,five yeara. iTp enae.the'otnmoi Mifl Stpnea to grind earTqprtf into, meal, requirea no fcew build ings or extra power. It attao Re applied to Horse, l f . 1 1 . i. u : ..!.: -: : . H.uBlniwui grinoonviuiraiuip,.. s mtroduotion of this Machinery, a ud I froni-grindiog Cbm and Cob. tol. Meal in thecerthirty-Beconda.-. ft, torn alone, when led to stock, is atd tp; vewybe:L their n at ore, and ctann6tprodoc6 any pf.llhe" aerios j results above nktftjoried?? 3tock;w1tD'fei att.'COrn 1 tf.iateniWn - be6.ra ,tbo aniUHJ becomes gorged. Cob. . : - - t .- . 1 Ttith the corn, produce thia necessary disten sion, without any-dagger of , diseases , arising from' overeaung. vrn . faoaoo fleat jui., .mprovcu ,juy, Bcaldinff,' and still more by boilina, and yet nvbro by' a partal .fermentaiipn. All the, pre'pararioha facilitate t .i tt i.j r r w 1 'The undrrfiedlumbt addrtssedatlialeish and all calls mill be attended to punctually . despatch by himself or Agent "- - 'WMP. C0L1 aBieh; Fab 20.1 8451 s, 1 o ' una Cl and toth .. . . j COLLINS."' 1 Ttaleiell. Feb 20. 1845. 5' . ' - 61 J ' MiU adjiiataE'iTbraJttWlaaH iind'- ale fci ' I-TILLI. . oM&"CCv cacr ra? v ..r. ji ;rcrl3v--AIm4, mem auoacrot x-csn i,aarc,;af.j a ntgaiy 1 a. ----.. v-. v f n . . ; - -rt- - . j. - -1 - - ff. . -" f 1 TVf ii 1 . ai.a i r . , : i . -i ravening leave extensive .anu iiDerait ana eiin moawpraciicai ana acienunc r laniere, vonairpaiHig infc pritciplef have wpn-lbe unqualified approbate! many itaoflecia. prodorins-fobnder.oliina varioua eminent tnn;Vnd tbe i-atropac'e it;haa feceived full other maladie. which are incident loatoekf 'Grindinf ,ieau the boblfrj confidence in hif.Vcti'V V 6l. with the Cora, makes a! food dfingenhilAvilh 4 -' " , -" exclosivetv'.Vre debned of the benefits of diatenslori r ,vfi 1 -i- (so necessary 'to the proper health ! 'of animafsd j7j' f "FREM i heir being unable io eat a rtifHcicnl "hulk to ioducel a .. a May.il-iC: mbwIqn, j. Ujichanan, Hon. T. lilfi tott,Qalea dsSeaton.H. H. Ifyh ester, Eq.4c rjuuo6. 1845. v 48m n if Comic Almanno,s. rSnotfKE-rs ccrwic almanac ror i84g ay en o 'oino.- ' auto. I inauto Buihlings and Merchandize,, .1 lower J domaee by fire, at premium, to ujt the time.. ' I Thw i. one of toe oldest and beat Ineuraace t'om. panfe.mthe IJoiteJStateand pay.it losae.prompi. .'Appliealiona for Insurance in' Raleigh, or it. vi cinity.to-bfrmadoto 8.'.W, VHiTIKGf r i;Nati()nal ;:loan Fund Assurance. Society of Londim. Empowered hy ASTqfParUdtnenL :. CAPITAL 500.000 STERLING, OR;$!$0M fTJlHE following" are among" tbe adf.ntagp. hew, LP oat bythia imtitDiion, which will be found most' advarrUgeou'to the urcd, and such u tr. rarely offered, vizV '' , ' " Tli. peculiar advantage, secured to tbe awured tr the principle of he LdisDrpart menu ; it Averv farca -aum-to be . Derm.nentlv invettsd in the United Stale in, the name, of three of the Local DirrctorsTa Trustees 'available always to the suor pd in cases .0 disputed claim., should anynurb iriw. "' Tbe payment of premiums annually, half yearly, Thirty ay. allowed after each pajrrient ofpremi. um becomca due, without forfeiture of. policy rrt " t : . 1 !! 1 I -The actual and -deelared profit, (pnblisbed in wa cessiyev Report. V afford'ng wre'data .for calculstioof i.r ilia w.Tiia C ttia KntCn" .Sr. 1i 14 fnatitnliin "I .lbi herns' unconnected- wi:h Marine or Fire Ibis ranca. 1 ... ioijvvi . . The rale for life with profits! are W Am of anjpther foreign Cnipany ; ef&cung IA lOTurapciireW Jor, ..91X, - . f General AVcni Tar the ITniled Statu 'and Britllk " .1.?Xr'LX -X ' ' ; 'i-'-JT. LEANDER STARR. - j-vi, yw---$Tf --f4r Keaw-ni in new jom. ?f 0i5ce 74 AV AllTREET iSaw York. Sub Agen) ' for he State of North Carolina, Qxomi " ? : ,'. ' JiiWlK. Raleich.- ! - . vThe admirsbTe svstem nf Life Insurance wiiien ni In8ytbliori 4a VrafiixeoV and wbicb b.'s ecaM - h - anarbed ditinrtmn In Enrooe. ha ita'n rd (or .k hi,het -fovor in Afneriea. During tha M period of ft. cslablbbroenV in tbe-United State, it. Examples of JZiduforihc .Asurantetf " i '"" iJt-' -' ia Sin eh LifeX IJjMS PAYABLE ANNUALLY.; For one For FOjrLIFJ-Vv Birth .Day year only. Frve" Without PWitb- pfw' Years! profit. H - ' 5 15 ' $0 It : 0 86 ' J) 98 ' .1 2. 10 81 47 ;1 93 0 90 25 30 1,05 t3C 5 22 35 !"4o' rjBf 1 64 I 78, 2 93 A 47 ' 6 28 6 68 H:;.4.v - ro;?; i" "IS " : i 94. 2 06 2 de; 4t25 150 V ) There are tables for, single lives, joinj lives, jvofihip. Of twooV three live.,-endowmrht. Uchd' V ' ... a . vtco,'(c( ail i .um uw ivi 4-i.'t immediate and deferred. All these tables bar. fceea alcolaied from aterbnginto dollars and eenU. !aT- tl-TTf..4 in the Easter, sec- Hi!!!! V tfo f the Cltyj and Mltg, thef tJapiw J1 M 1 ' I Foaeeaaion inav U had imiediately. - Apply t Uu ia 'vt.iiSWiLUt, PCK.e ...'54 iaieiii ibth July. ...... ... I. ' t- ' 1N a its . 4 1 2 I ln , 1 ani , 3 F5 I ' o r 4 C8 ' I 6 I 1 1 !4 ;: V- l A-1 Alt irmlutittan fir In.nMiM-e as UH, F'u' to havo tn4bo madf t tba eubscril?r, wboj. prepared to famJ ind Sliuck. I i all necessary information to sppiicants, ido Rat fro' t "fin fin of r J , tioi for of I a alo to ' I ch r fit tb. xiy i fro " tb. - A - am bui Mi .. wil COt " 1 tlal I ,Ou ma for wh .tbi pri a i the M. a aisi Br Sal Bii Fli Ne VK En I4i v Ar JAr cm Ian. thi -rec iTi - 1 T? of r A j u. j ; t-t- .a a .Ir'r'r w r.--' - - - -.- TrrH pescud: : 1 Pcrtuff-'J sotheni&tvuiioj. t -v. l v - r -v . ' jyeu 01 tao ractrityf i rof tileat7thla OlScaJ . - - -- ' t .-?.- v, .. . a. . . - . j July 22. - . fj'-M.' fuj, - .v--ytr'rrrrfrt t A . Jii4 -" ' . : . ..- - - - - .'" - . . ' . -a