1 P 0 E T I C A L To Travellers, Valuable' Farm for Sale? i, - Jayne's Sanative PUIsi oo 00 NEVER LOOK SAD. " -." ' ST T. Bt BarLKT. .. Never look sadBthinf so bad 4 , v Aa pttiaf familiar with sorrow . Trttt hhn te-day lo a cavalier way, Aad beH seak ether quarters to-morrow. . Leu J you'd not weep, would youVut peep At the bright side of every tnal: Fortune, yoo'U find, is often most Kind, Whom chilling yoar bopoo with denial. Lot the sod day carry away Its own Iittlo burdens of sorrow, ' Oryoa may mioa half of tho bliss That come La tho Up of to-morrow. Whoa bopo is wreck'd, paooo aad reflect. If trror occaoioood yoor sadaoss ; If it bo oo, hereafter youll kaow Uew to steer to the hsrbor ef gladness. w ' 1 i To Country merchants and Phy sicians. . . ff XX LBS. Epsom" 8alts Up J 4 60 Gallons Castof Oil. . '12dsen ' M in quart, pints, anJ ha!f pints. Received aad for oaf at redaeed prices, at the Drag Store of WILLIAM?, HAY WOOD 4-CO. AotnstlX ' 67. FRESH. RICE, MECEIYED and for sale at the Drag 8tore of - WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD A. CO . Aug. 11, 1843.. . ,63 The last offer, & no mistake ! To he Sold rItliont. reserve THIS Turuci THE Uaasasiesis will sell positively, without reserve, oo Monday, tho 17th of November, (bo tar tho Monday of Waks County Court.) thtt -valuable Property in the City of Raleigh, known as smith's brick -building. It Is shoaled oo FayettevtHe 8treet, at the corner of that Street and II arret l. and to nearly 60 feet square and 60 feet high, forming two of the best ten ement La Raleigh for any kind of business. It has wPasatee8 Jeetthroujh the centre, from one end to tho other, opoo each floor, oo that every Room in tho House may be approached without having lo pass through; one into another.- Beside the pastas, on the ground floor, two elegant Store Rooms have been constructed in the very best style and at great ex. penes ; underneath are two fine dry Cellars. The 3d and 3d Stories are divided by passages into 2 ele gant Tenements designed for Family residences one having 4, and tho other 6 airy and commodious Booms ; and in the rear of this building, there is a cow Kitchen and other Out Houses. . This valuable Building ts covered with Tin, and is no of the best, most convenient and elegant estab- IlaomeoU in the Bute, and being in the heart of the City, with a slight alteration, might bo converted in te a splendid Hotel. It cost in its erection, together with the groond, tho sum of 1 1 4,700. ' TERMS : Approved negotiable paper at the Bank ethe 8tata of North Carolina at Raleigh. ' WM, HILL, THE Fare from Gaston to Petersburg, Is S3 ' The Faro from Gaston to Baltimore, by the t :' way of the Greensville and Roanoke, , " Petersburg, Richmond and Petersburg, " and Richmond dc Frederickaborg Rail "; - Roods, the Potomac 8toam Boat, and ; the Stage Line between Washington ' and BaiUmore, is ' . ; J$9 The Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, by the . ;: '-; same route, with tho subelitolion of . tho Rail Road for tho Stage, between Washington and Baltimore, is - $1100 The Fare from Gaston to Baltimore, by the Greensville A Roanoke, the Peters . . burg and City Point Rail Roads, and .. , James JUver and Bay 8 learn Boats, including Meals on tho Boats, is ' ; f 9 00 The Fare from Gaston to Norfolk, by the same, is" 1 - 1 5 00 Those Rates are the same, as from Woldon. .' t - JAMES GRESHAM, Agent, v - Office of Greensville and Roanoke R. R., Ao?. 2, 1845. ' 61 rr Star, Standard, Milton Chronicle and Dan vrlle Reporter, each no month. - . - ., I TATE of North Carolina WAR REN COUNTY. Uoperior Court of Law. A- .Term, 1845. Mary A . T. Alston, Jesse A. Alston. Petition for Divorce. " v - BEFENDANT being called and failing to ap pear, it is Ordered b j the Court, that publica tion bo made in tho Warrenton Reporter and Raleigh Register for three successive months, notifyinr Do- fendsntto appear at the next Term of said Superior Court of Law, to bo held for the County of Warren, at the Court Hoose in Warrenton. on the third Mon day after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the Petition, or the same will be beard ex parte. . Witness, Bess ami E.Cook. Clerk of our said Court, at office, the third Monday after the fourth Monday La March, 1345. BEX J. E. COOK. die. Warrenton, April 28, 1845. " 34 3m " (Priceofadv.su 55.) CJTATE of North Carolina s0iY S STON COfiYTKIN EQUITY". xi.eziah Ay cock and ethers. Jsmes Pope and wife Patsy, Garry 8imms, and the ODiklren and Heirs-at-Law of Edith Burnam. Petition for partition of tie Land of Joanna Alford TT vL"JE!. ?B i ' ffi? rpHESE Pills m.ye lafen at alt ftinWdin ".7: r. , " 7 ? " . - n.:. . V" I i"r f mo ? in tnaammatory. latermittent, L""" vuw "i'R. " rem ttf-nt. bilion nl everv form of FEVER Jaun . Mmngwn, coniniK w " 110 'vmvmm - . , nbranlifnt.-; Fr Dvsriensia thev are d rutins, I oiler ah inweWnokt sarfiLst ' vrcirlneill . Kanirtnt t ria vm j Musnuaviv iHVroajiciwiisiiy (vumuaiM0 tsv vitiated secretions of the stomach arid, liver, and pro- auciogi ueauoy acuon m iqobo imporiani organs. nitey are very valuable for diseases of the 8kin, and for what is commonly , called impurity of the Blood i also, for Female Complaints, CosUveneaaV occ. and In fact every disease where an Aperient, Alterative, 1r purgative medicine may be required.' , - r Dyspepsia positively can be cured by a persevering itse of this Sanative, especially if the Tonic Vermifuge be used in conjunction. upon it a Dwelling House, with seven gooc each with a fire-olace. and has excellent out-h arises. The land is thought to1 be susceptible of high imple ment ; and is certainly valuable on account of it uo cation. The Spring water,neartne uweiUng,taery line, v a--. '."-v V. ;t a f ; .--t. ; ? f Persons wishing to purchase, can address 9eat naieigo, or can in person, ana i win taae pieasa e-n snowing the premises. Possession will be give&mv mediately. JAii uj sucfAri: j Joly t3; 1845. ' - oSf.tTv HARRIS' HOTEE CONCORD, NORTH CAR0LINA - The Subscriber has the pleasure to. inform hu old fiiends and customers, and the public generally! that be baa recently purchased the large 3IUCK HOUSE adjoining the North-west corner of the Court Hjuse, in the Town of Concord, and has fitted it opl tor a fashionable and comfortable style as a HOU&32 for the accommodation of the public . His house has been thoroughly repaired his rooms sre large and conveniently arranged, and his furniture is entirely new. xiis liosuerisnot surpassed by any 'in- tne State. He flatten himself that from bis long experi ence in the business, he is able to give satisfaction to all who may favor, him with a call All I ask, jts a fair triaL Call and judge for yourselves. - KIAH P. HARRIS Concord, N. C. May 13, 1845. ' . 40 tf - TAKEN UP, and committed to- Jail in etat ville, Iredell County, N. C, June ?0th'l845. a Negro boy, who says bis name is JOHN about SO years of age, 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high livery black ; tolerably thick lips 'talks quick and prompt; some scars on bis back has on a pair of.tow )nta loons, the balance of bis apparel very trifling.-iJohn says he was raised in Annapolis Coanty, Vitua, by John Hall, and sold to a trader by the nafto of Scott, who sold htm to a Mr. Gibson, in Alabama, with whom he stayed some three weeks and, depart ed. The owner is requested to come forward, prove ptoperty, pay charges, and take him away, otherwise the will be dealt with as the law' in such cases pro viuea. ; - AUUljCi IM . At 1IL8, Jailor June 23. 1845. (Pr.adv. $7.) ix eh ; THE WARH WEATJ V'Tt,. .i.u.1, t,.n... .r ).. .l:. MW vwuvv v.Min .u nvMUO, UHllUg lull season of .the year, exhibit a most baneful effect on the ; human system, debilitating and prostrating it. The stomach and bowels become deranged, givios timely notice to all, who are; inclined to give atten tion to the; warning voice of nature. 'At such times f'Jsyne's Carmioatie" 'never fails to afford immedi tc relief, checking the disease and restoring the pa tient to vigorous health. Mothers cannot be too cau tious with their children during this month, and the month following, and in the earliest stages of this sominer disease, whether from teething, oppressive eat, or otner causes, t bey should at once resort to this never failing remedy. Hundreds of certificate from respectable persons in this city, are in possession of the proprietor, ready to exhibit to all who may de sire to see them at his omce, No. 8 South Third street, Philadelphia; ' :"v rfortli Carolina V XITERARY; SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY'' Arms and Equipment! ftirTiishedhy Next Sesefon openi on the let of Julyswitk ad vantage vnurpae& m' any Preparatory School in the :SoMihJ: :r:f:.--n-;l .ii.v 4; Classics, English,etc-5? fl, R. "GRAY, i " Hatknmofita TsaTi tsrf saf ssri f fJlTM- f TEKMS r EJC 8&88ION QY SlYX MOIfTHS. . JaT Classical Department, (Collegiate course, in- ; . j eluding full English Studies, with Mathe-" , H matica,)' - " . v. " --2q 00 English do.' (Elementary o higher branches) 15 00 - f.t t GENERAL AftENCY.i I rm L8MITH, late Register .f the Tret il . and A.TH08. SMITH. Attomev .n..' sellout Law, and late Chief Clerk of the Navy S psrtmeat; have associsted for the tTanslction "'iAgei.cy business at the seat of Governn,, of the United 8utes, finder the firm f f i j & A. THOS. SrVnfrf, end win altepd to the proaecuUoo sad eoIleetio , claims in the several ExecuUveDepaitmenu an?fc? fore Congress: to the receipt of unclsim .r..u. T on the fold, funded debt and the new ioas . Z Ik refundment of moneys paid for duties under prciw to the settlement of public sccounU id elaima onrfJ treaties; to business ronn with the French, Mexican, NeapolitSn. and eSJ indemntues t to preemption and othr Ua J? Military 4o. (Infantry Artillery practice) no diarge- to.ihf rocrjng of patenta for pulUc lands, and ,1 , ,, j ur coaniq.Bi juuucauoa is 11 well calculated to qualify youth of life, whether occupying, public or private, Civil or MHitary stations,": The moral end intellectaal facul ties are kept severely in action, but not at the expense of the physical, as is unfortunately for the health' of our children toe commonly the case throughout the country. -i 'ri ivfeV!!' -tv -Regular aact systematic Military Exercises; as Well as Practical and Scientific ' Operations; introducing Surveying and Civil Engineering,! are substituted in the Olsce of unprofitable Dlav. and reauireJ nfall tn. dento the usual hours of daily recitation and ttudy TM charges will be regulated by the nature of tK bcinz invariably left distinct unintcrmnitA L I busineee Letters most be post naidl 9 fX7! References to the following gentlemen H is thorough, practical end W Bsefnl inrendofls ; , to ihs ebtafnii,, S mh for tbe various duties I ; to the purchase and sale ef real estiu wcaotciana io wnstever business may requiik: T" " ' -i .-. v. The Ions exDerienca of ih mmL . in their late official connection with tU n " has made them familiar wiih the forri. ,a Z' ?n 1 vwhiku in too Irani....' of all kinds of public" business.' Inl ail.!;,:!" .lnuM. Ik.. ... 1 1 , . " 10 'Of , - f-- "israeu to offer pledge e prompt and faithful attention to all m.. . - 1'L ?.,.. . . . . L being invariably left distinct A uninterrupted.' 'M:' LECTURES. ftt. m m w 11 1 -aiar ww w mam. mm . . ..... - 1 . . - i 1 v w m rws riirii n n nn - vv . mm aa . a . . 1 be lollowing genUemen, desirpns of eslabltshmg 't'aajmZT h! t? h. i. R. 17a!.. P.. .... .ui0, ,vii. . uiuiT, non. a. h ji ii 7, XIFJSf c -! jf, ' 3m -I : s ITT sppearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that ii we Defendants in this case L Sre rcidenu of the State of Georgia, and beyond the jurisdiction of this Court : It is ordered, thst publication be made for six successive weeks in tbe Weekly Raleigh Register, that the said James Pom and wife PaUv. Uarrv Simmi, and the Children and Heir at-Law'of Edith Burnam, appear at our Court of Equity, to be held for the County of Johnston, at tbe Court House in Smitbfield. on the 4th Mondsy in September next. then and there to plead, answer or demur to the said Petition for partition, and shew cause why order foT partition anooiu not be made as prajed for, or judg ment pro eonfesso will be taken against them. Witness, War. H. Moanine,-Clerk of our ssid Court, at office in Smithfieid, the 4th Monday in March, 1845. - , WM. H. MORNING. C. M. E. TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Nash County. Superior Court of Equii mm m "Si..- " j. .aiarco lerm, ib4d. v liolen Mellon and wife, and others, IsaaeBaM, Executor ofDenjamin Braswell Wil liam Ross and Polly his wife, and L'lizabethTha- ney otone. . -s a Original BUI for Partition, $c. ' ' In this cae. it sopesrinflr to tbe satisfaction f tho Court, that Elizabeth Thaney Stone's resid,ece is unknown: It is ordered by the Court, tht pitfica lion be made as to her, in the Raleigh Register, fof six weeks, noiifying the said Elizsbeth iTianex Stone to appear at our next Superior Court ofJq4i ty, to be held for tbe County of Nash, at thefpoarf House in Nashville, on the third Monday ,of Stem ber next, then and there to plead and answer th complainants bill, or judgment pro confess?, w: be entered up as to her. " , Witness, James Harrison, Clerk and AfUfer oi XIFJGir XIFEIII " All that a man hath will he give for his life," so we find recorded in tbe most ancient and best ; of books, but aa we see thousands dying around us wiih Consumption, Croup. Cough, Asthma, 'Bronchitis, Spitting Blood, and other Pulmonary affections, we are led to doubt the correctness of the above assertion. Si especially since it is so wen known tbat a certain remedy may be obtained, which always arrests those liseaes. i ,: - '. i. . r ... . , - .. :r j Dr. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT never fails to give relief, and cures after every other means have failed. - This can be and has been proved in thou sands of instances, where it has effected radical cures, after the patient bad been, given up by all his friends and physicians. ' V . -;!":'; 'y'X:'-y.' a taste for Literature, enlarging the usefulness of the - A Aorlam r an1 niAmAltMM ik. am.m 1? t...f have kindly volunteered to deliver, in.tbe course of L?'"?0": 3'Jhnfa' 0n- T. H. Bea. the Seesion, Lectures connected with the Arts and From the Norridgeworh (Me.) Journal. '' L We publish the following; as among tbe many ey- wuim nww wo i cuiisuiuiir icci iiug oi me in creasing popularity of Dr. Jsvners Expectorant. We have no interest in "puffing" it any further than we have a desire to 'promote the health and happiness of "our fellow-creatures, ' who are wasting away wiih those complaints, for which this medicine is an abso- icuicut.. nu iu caning- me alien Linn nr in. dis- Raleigh. Aug. SS, 1845. JNO. BUFFALO E, JNO. BUTCHIN8, DAVID CARTER, B. T. BLAKE, W. L.' OTEY. 67-ui t g3 isrn. North Carolina Fsuvk- Saperior Court of Equity, Spring I TATE of tin County. 1843; la the metier of Henry N. Jasper dc others, ex parte. :. - -. - ' -. . and ' la the maUer of Wood T. Johnson and wife, and - othera, ex parte. Petition of Richard T. Yarbrough, Jxkhard J. Fanner, Stephen Outterbridge and H. IT. ' Jasper.' In this case' It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Richard J. Fanner and Stephen Outter bridge reside beyonJ the limits of the Slate: It is ordered by the Court, that publieatioQ be made in the - Rakigh Register for six. weeks, commanding the said Fenneraod Oolterbtidge to shew cause, at tbe next FaU Term of thia Court, to be held at the Court Moose in the town of Lou tabu rg, on the second Mon day after theibanh Monday in September next, why the prayer of said Petition shoeld not be granted, or the cause will be hesrd car parte as to them and de. eree madsv accordingly. ' Witness, Yecae PATTsaser, Clerk and Master of the Court of Equity, for tbe aforesaid County, at Office, in the Tewo ef Louisburg.. tbe seeeod Mon day after the fourth Mondsy in Mirch, A. D. 1845. , Y. PATTERSON. C. M. E. rr. Adv. ti.ttj. ' . 6t-6w To Hi Heir at Lav of JOSEPH IMLLCIZ, deceased . IN tbe matter of Wiu.uk Paac'a, Plaintifl; and Jssv M. Pssca aad others, DeCeadants, pending 4 la the -8ojrecB Court ef North Carolina, for the i sale and partiliea ef the Real EaUte f Joseph Peace deceased. TQ)URSUA.NT to an Order ef the Supreme Court XL iiona usroana, direciieg the Suiecriber to rrpHE 8obscriber, wishing in future, to devote his JJ. aitenUon exclusively to his Profession, oners for sale, at S3 50 per acre, the valuable ; TRACT OF LANDf on which he now resides, aitoated in Henry County. West Tennessee, 11 miles east of Paris. nr ih. -Sulphur WelL" (a valuable watering place) and containing 1500 acres; 1C0 of which are in cultiva tion. Vhe rest in woods. The Trscl is aitnated eon, veniently to navigation, and a great portion of it will produce, gier acre, 1 0 barrels ot Corn, or 1500 Ibn. Tobacco or. Cotton, and Wheat, die in proportion. There are. on the Tract, two settlements, with good new. buildings 'on each: and an rrrllrtt .St. r. . . w ... Mill or Factory. . , ' letters may be addressed to the Sulcriber at Pa ris, Tenn. l. b. powell: Henry Co.. Tenn, Aug. 1845. - 64-w3w riinE SUBSCmnEII intending to remove A to his plantation in tbe country,' offers a great bargain in the eale of hia MeriUille Tract of land immediately adjoining the town of Oxford. The tract contains a 15 acres, with n ample supply of Umber and fire-wood, and an unoaual ausntHv of mrmfl i..l I 3 -w.. , ... . . r 7."" Br'"'"Bn' ne uweuiog, (orthe largeat dimeosiona) is ju.t coraplfled in tbe most fashiona ble and neatest style of erchiteetnm. and U ifnataJ on a beautiful eminence within a mile of the Court Hose. .Tbe town of Oxford is distinguished for tbe healthiness of its location, and the refined and moral character of its inhabitant. The schools are in a flourishing condition. Should the above premises f. P0 bT lhe montn 0 December, they wiU be ofiered for rent the ensuing year. V ' . .. .... JN0- u TAYLOR.: , i.eo. . . . . , 63-lf public to it, we feel that we are in the faithful charge of our duty : ' ; r - New PoaTLairD, Nov. 4, 1642. Mr. PriA.TT SJrt I wish you to'send W mm 01 jsynes fcxpectorant and in this connection would say, that I deem it an Invaluable medicine, a an article that no family should be without for a sin gle day. ' I have used it for two years in my family, arid have always found it a quick and efficient remedy for tightness of the longs, produced by long protract ted colds, 'Which produce the short backing cough: the premonitorof Consumption.' in which it so fre quently terminates in this etimate. If properly and seasonably administered, it will effectually break up the most violent colds, and thereby prevent the many violent fevers, so frequently Consequent upon them. I would most cheerfully recommend this medieino tn STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA rAi?i1 lbe PubUft,n CMe of that nature, as invaluable REN COUNTY" knrMA& JOHN -H.' WEBSTER. " "K w. wvm . VI ml lit A T tern . Vl -Vf rpru a erui, io-ax. . . - Henry T. Dole, Sciences, Agriculture, ; Commerce, LawWarr Po litical ivconomy,: Poetry, &c. The evening of-the last Friday of every month being the time selected for each discourse, due notice of its subject will be given and the Patrons and Friends of the Institu tion especially invited to attend: ) ,.f a ' W. R. GALES. Esq. H. W. HUSTED, Esq; H. W. MILLER. Esq. W. J. CLARKE, Esq.- ; - - -Gov. IREDELL.3 -f;y -. On the same day. within the regular School hours; an Examination of the Pupils in their various studies will be held by the Board of Visiters, before whom will be read the monthly Report of the punctuality, conduct, of every ' individual,' thus encouraging the assiduous and ambitious bri their ' arduous' way , exciting the languid energies of the indolent and de linquent, and preserving a high tone of morals and character,.. -m. ;s v-.....: '.. ; " :t ZTISITERS. . Rev. A. Smedes, Dr. Baker, Rev. D. Lacy,. Dr. Ilill, - riev. a 1. uiuge. w. It .lialef. r r -. i E -,B. Freeman, v . Thus. J. Lemay, :.Geo. Litile, v. W. J Clarke, Esauires. non. it. m. csaunder,j; . : . - -,: - - Letter-writing, with English and Latin Composi- ? ? IS ' S r ..:.- - won, wni do closely attended to. June 6, 1845. 45-3m Rev. J. E.Edwards, Rev; J. J. Finch, ' Hon G, E. Badger Hon. Jas. Iredell. Filer. ! rflH5 TA IStnANfJECCIrlPl. -u. rVipi uartiord, Conn. Offer, to insure; Buildings and MerchandizV.jjsgaii.at lo.or damage by fire, at premiums to uit the times. This is one of the oldest snd best Insurance Com. Piesin the lJnitedStates,and pays its lobseaprtinjit. J Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or ittj. ctnity, to be made to 8. Wi WHITING ! June. 1845. . I Agent. M . , r A cheap Uniform i adopted Dress Parade day, me 3 bottles f- :st.d ' ;i f1.! edicineand No da:t,'on m& fa fJwenee,' unless in cases of A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Graj's fami ly, at the common price. -,: : ' . i National Loan Fund June 12, 1845. Tl n UMl p. n i 1 oar MIU wuri al onjce m NaahTUIe, the ihirMou: ' W .1 JAM. JAMES HARRISOV H. VeiP! - - By B. H. BLOUNT, Dep. C. MJ'E. Pr.Adv.55 62. , 6wi Save y our Corii Gobs & v.. w. EIizabeth Doles. Petition for Divorce. BEFENDANT being called and failing lo ap-p-ar. it is Ordered by the Court, that p iblica won oe made in tbe Warrenton Reporter and Ilefch d ose, to grind CORIV. COH and SIITJf;K. CHOLICS AND FRETTING OF INFANTS. i,nU m?lfor Hor8e mi. csttie Hogs,&c. there- TO THE PEANTERS AimICClX- 1 LERS OF WOBTII.CAnOEIWA. Q rrn HE. undersigned has obtained Letters Pa"tf nt 'JJ. to enable common Mill .tenet for rocks) now ;' .ki.: u 1 mrty days allowed after each payment of premi. -1 I a ' . a . Assurance Society of London. U i tJ.. I Empotcered by Act of Parliament. f riPiTir. rsnn nnh vtvbi ivr n'h .rnK viitiiuu ,uu,vuv oiujkLliiUf va BlfWtl)l, J yniHE following are among the advaDta t beld f 11 j ont by this institution, which Mill be Lun.1 f, most; advantageous to the vasf urcd, and such a art JF i . . 5 1 ' S . m rte peculiar advantages secured to tbe atwurej ht uio riucipie 01 ue x.oas xepanment. A lery Jarge sum to be permaDemllj invested in the United States iu the names of three of iLe Local Directors, as Trustees available alwUs to the arfo ed in cases of disputed claims, sboull any crh ariie. m ne payment or premiums, annoallly , hafyearlv, Every mother should have Javne's t.'arminat;.. It is the very thing they need for their children it" immediately cures the cholic. and allays all irritation of the stomach and bowels. f - ' - ; - t - Jayne' Expectorant.- This is undoubtedly the I . . .. . J I KittEi iul inm nrjrHiji mAit it. nAiif.ii 11. i niun niniinM. I mm i r I. rTiuviifAWi h . 1 . r , . . : MMJj.r.j5 e-i ,. . . V. " ""-"'J uc raw pnpniari 1 ings or extn fendant to appear at the next Term of said Superior on of its kind, ever introduced in this Slate. Mills Tresh Court of Law. to be beld for the County of VWn. I Tbe deml for it has been constant and ineri.,inT ,J', t at ttoe Court House in Warrenton. on tho ihitrMnn. I from the time it was first offe! f, k . .u ' I .V oay alter tbe fourth Monday in September net titers P me i nomemus testimonials of its real worth and there lo plead, answer or demur to the P.Oition, antl oulness, from very many of our citizens, might or the same will be beard ex parte. . . - ; be produced, but a trial will satisfy all, that it is a Witness, Bbhjamiit E. Cook, Clerk, oflnr said Pij core for Coughs, Colds, Influenxa. Asthma ! w j ' lu,,u wuuaj aiier icciourto i."ny 01 cioou, ami ail kinds of Pul' luuuuav in wiarcn, ibio. - r, 1 monary Anections. JSangor CMc. ) JJaiVtr WXiV BENJ. E.COOTr.fift Warrenton. April 26. 1845.; f . . 34i i3m' rinAIiEIT UP, and committed to t he Jail of wuuij, on me zyin 01 May, f-tneero v Frous the Rev. Ai R. Hineklev. FaAWKtur, la , Marc& 19; 184U Dr. D. Jayne Your medicjnes have been in near by saving more than one third of a crop, which is an important item with planters, r The machinery used for the above purpose is simple and durable, and can not, with fair means, get out of order: It will last as long as the Stones last, with ah expense of 50 cents every five years. " To enable the common Mill Stones to grind ear corn into meal, requires no new build- a power. . : It can also be applied to Horse ing Machines, Gins or any given' power 1.. ir:n ...:n .tstLV- " ' i wiu gituu ouq-uiira more 01 y the introduction of this Machinerv 'and can oft cnangea irom grinding XJorn end Cob,, to grinding. Cor p Meal in the space of thirty seconds . Vprn alone,, when fed to stock, is said to be by the most practical and scientific Planters, constipating in its effects, producing founders, chotics and various other maladies which are incident to stock. Grinding colw with , the Corn,, makes a food, congenial with their mature, and cannot produce any of the serious results aoove mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, are deprived of the benefits of distension am becomes due, without forfeiture of colicv. Travelling reave, extensive, and liberalt and extn premiums on tbe most moderate sea's!. '" Venditions in the -policy less onerous to the luur. j ed than usual in cases of Life Insurance. , jTfce actual and declared profits fwiLIibed in 100 cessive Reports) affording sure datai fnt calculation! or tbe value of th' bonus" in this institution. ' : Its being unconnected with Maria or Fire Inta- ranee. ; - . 1 r ". r .. The rales "for life with profits"! are otwtbi those or any other foreign Company! effecting Lift Insurance in New York. General Agent for the United Siaie$, and Briiltl AorA American Colonies. J. LEANDER STARR. 1 ' - Resident in Ifew Fork. Office 74 W A LL-STKEETL New York. Sub-Agent for the Slate North Carolina, Gxoisi Lams, Raleigh TV 1 r man, about 85 or 30 years of age, and asjs'be be- f 'J-? case successful, especislly the Expectorant I nece8ry the proper health of animals,) by longs to the Estate of. Samuel Purguson, a Isle resU I 1 Dave receiTl much benefit from the use of it my- ,1he,r Son'e to eat a sufficient bulk to produce 6 I RUNAWAY, TTI ROM the SubscribeV shoot the firs of Msy last Jl his Negro Man, GIDEON. He w..Jp0r. uent 01 tne Slate of Louisiana. He is about ?feet 7 or 8 inches high, dark complected, tolerabti etotit boiIt,had on when Uken up, a mixed SaUnrt coat, Blue 8aUnet Panu, and White Furred Hs t He further states, that be waa purchased by a Tr.ider by the name of VVomack ef this State, from a join by (the name of Lewi. Dicks, of Virginia, and Carried South and sold to Samuel Purgusoa. He says his nsBtei. REUBEN. , . - W ? . Tbe admirable system of Life Insurance which lbs instuution has organized, and which bus seror4 self, and one of my nearest neighbors. who4iad been I '8tens'on before the animal becomes gorged.- Cobs I eoch marked' distinction in Europe, klae obtained for chased by me from Mr. M.ry Tajlor. of this Coun- VTr -i "ti? mofuFbrey It, while in the Jail in Waynesboro'. T Gideon b about X years 01 age, yeUow eomplexion, stout builfand rocks considerably in walking " M. k.. u ... . . 1. ... V. . . . - wth iura- wui in una county since be absented hi smo i nJ .te. t "1. I. . . I uam m7 service. unUI about three ue rieaomgs named, uvmr at the time ofhia dMth lm.Z . ? . 7 - aerreii. neatso a . tela - ' The owner of said Neirro ia ran nff o1 in . e. prue propeny. pay cbarrea and i.L. Ki. way, or he -will be dealt with as the law directs. ' ee-j: - WIIJ.IS ELKIN 8, Jailor. 'onreru, rfune 2, 1845. A , . 45-6m , . STOP THE . . . .- . - .u liucto uiai he at this time e.ther In Wayne or Wake County. I will give a Reward of Ten Tin!!.,. .. who wiU .pprehend the said Negro and confine him in any Jad so that I get him again. - I ir- v-v James e. metts. r g. iffn. . .... j . 63-lm. to wit: December 3, 184J. and'wfaeiherfoy of them are since dead; and if dead, who is or are their Heirs ei Law, I do hereby give aetice to all persons, claim ing to be Hias.at-Law of the said Joseph Peace, de ceased, to coaae in and make out their kindred before me," at Ike OSes ef said Court, ia the City of Ra Jotgbg on the second dsy of February next, as in do fault thereof they will be excluded from alltnefit irr the di vision of the Real Estate of said intestate. T . E. B. FREEMAN, Work. August S3, 1845. 7-5me ' Ci The - NsshtUlp Union.- f- MoUle Adverti- S,reet, in the City of Ralei, h. fc . eer. and tieMissusippiaa," will insert for 3 months copied by Doctor John Beekwith. J "V"' P"! during th. 'nmJc MM will be required to be paid in tZ"'Sr!i?.. K Bk of ,beP State . y vwmwh. mi umh uitt mm prmrjliAn l n.m.u. u ninnw rt.wa fl .w . - - - f w I . . J UIO r.11 STiLB'RM THOMAS HANHAU N. .f k.. - 1 vJ7 ureeavnie. nit i:mint in ik. u(... ? ILSB BJ a . a . smwmm awu aiu am l . v J a euo r2.?.-,9l -E.; Becon of 87, 9th in.t.at nigfl, th ee . a ut some reasons to belie va thai io wit North . three affljcied from childhood with the Asthma. n ..!. aa pearly to .uflbqate her during the paroxysm which .oiuiucu tuvui once a weet, naa been, to all appear ance, permanently cured. v i , ,, ; . V: , . . . - :": - A. RHiafCJCX,KT.;;l ? -; Oweoo, N. Y., July 27, 1841.' 4Dear Sir We want some more of your medicines particularly the Expectorant, which fives nnimml satisfaction. Respectfully yours, . ' . Stoasow dc WitriAws." JJr. D. Jsyne. . -t BiyeHixrroir, New York, May 31, 184I.V' Dr. Jayne Dear Sir' -lYonr Rrr.rnr..i great demand and sells well, and inucnuaeu, as also your JSanati oK.TjAxiir uaxasi. ve ground with the corn,' produce this necessary dtsten. sion, without any danger of diseases arising from overeating. Corn and' cob meal ' is improved by scalding, and still more by boiling; and yet more by a partial fermentation. All the preparations facilitate I digestion for Hogs. Bat Horses and Moles will not eat fermented food, conseauently thev will rennir ii ij paruauy wei wim coia water tJorses, Mules snd Uxen, when fed . with unground food, void much in an undigested state,, which i of course' lost for allbenefieia purposes.-mffj Read the tuk'oinedcer GO Thtundersigncdcan beadfrcsstdat and all calls will be attended to punctually and wiih utwyiuca uy Himsci.or Agent zj v . j ;, - - . .;i;vKV;:tWM.'r. collins: J:.KaietgD, r eb.50, li,,;; -j r i; 7 - .v-'- certificate. - Hn8 been aoliciied by Maj. Collins to have my it the highest favor in America. Dufring tbe short period of its establishment in the United Stiles, in principles have wph the unqualified ariprotal of mm; eminent men; and the patronace it has receied full tests! the public confidence Srt it. favoft '" 1 f 1 : Example of Rates for the Assurance ef f ICO ''-PREMIUM8 'PAYABLE ANNUALLY. "Age. next Birth Dsy For ohe year only, For Five Years Without profits NUAI OR L IFE. With ff It! i I Mill adjusted to grind Corn in the Ear and Shm-fc f I ;i CO" Prepared orrly by Dr. I) I.n. w,. e a.i. I consented that he should do so as an Trwn'mnt . I .. 4AROIf 21 years of age; about" 6et T61 etreet, Philadelphia, and Ibr.atawwr-'--.'-i I r'ble to ssy that if grinds Com in the Shock at ' nedimZn t- l un,.mM. ne e slight iiri.l . Williams, Haywood de Co 'i 3 I.t. uuaueui per nour; and the dressing of pediment in his speech; especially when aaitfieto V- - - x ASStJ? i f tonee is so improved, that it erind. shells 1 w f aArrj.aooutr 13 r..pfhr . 1 - - - -. 1 more man twice aa last aa " 20 ,25. J30 35 40 ifiO . JC5 '60 $0 77 0 66 0 2 3 98 21 46 61, 72 84 34 78 $0 81 090 05 64 64 78! 06 9f 25 ! 1 1 2 2 2 47 68 93 22 54 93 3 47' 4 11, 6 28j 6 68 LOIt SALE.-W1II be sold on-lhe J4 premises, on fealurday, the 30th day siuawe liouse and Lot on neartive feet high, light complexion, atout mHde.Tas good countenance. , 7 Girl DOLir, 16 years old. low made? hd li icate, fine hair which she um.11. i,..i ay of on lhe.forehead, dk eompferek . . - I men. ahn ! I ... . ... .. ... .7 , ' . yiuvauir LBCft in. K.il 1 1 . i .,- " iiuaviai ine. f A iAR?B i general assortment of Perfumery. Jtii,FancyVArUcles, d? received and for sale by1 V , WILLIAMS HiV Wnnn'j. t before, and hv mr w-ioh at the rate of 15 busheWpe'r hour, and the meal finer than usual: I deem it a valuable shall purchase the right to use it. as it wilf afford m. a speedy way of feeding my horses and cattle, and save mucn mereDy;- - h -t c -r.K.... : WM. BOYLAN. '4i 81 64 1 87 t II 2 46 2 80 3 38 3 IS 4 68 5 16 7 41 .cf the period of publication. Important to Teachers, A PICTORIAL HISTORY fir Tn'p riv-tir fK!" of otrer poAion. of "OrT, 7. "oouncn, euthor of Peter KaSauaT - ' - with numerou- O AcX1 m" frsnc for Schools, by S4 r "r.naJ7- Ulu.tr.uW ' r raOAL ELC Zr-'t . Ttt , r7-Bil IWesaoi of Met. 3!?.' CredJl9f lw J"" will be given, with interest from th t.. r ' i. ... t.- j. wilfb;: W-title, in LC??Ven,eP VP01".1' A ,iberaI rew beVi v "J?P?:!?y the partieslr RaMgh, July 15, 1845. GEO. W. MORDECAL"' OB lawtds STEv?" Rsleigh, 26th Aug. 1845. " The Copartnership; heretofore existing under- the firm nf N.i.n .'n.l u - - s . l . 7. . . rt-Th. ..,iT ui.it I w una cay uissolved bv nSr'n B,hrPperar parUcuIarly the V New coaeriu; 1 Orleans Gaxet.es will please notice. . 4 " , . With a siew of closing, the, buamM.:0fS J A JVI.EK, . on eommteion: 'Peeay,. possible, theBooU and gecounu oaveoo nand aheaw 8mlr h.:-.:-i . rut Upper Leih.r h'u :YT f ' " "c7: whicrCo WILL: pECK. Biu. 67 6f -e "iWiinamPerry dt others.1.-' : Robert.. Perry. Daniel Pm Wn.i j T , rerry. sons of John Pra . : It sppearing to the aatisfiiction of the Court that the above named Defendants are not "rwidents of this SUte. It ie therefore ordered .t n...:... l6 WfU iB Raster, that the next Trl? VDefelM,v'nl, d -Pf" e next I erm of this Court ia K. r. .V . " 1 7 ' maw UAL or ELOCUTION nhraciog. Yoice and Gad nr. LjJ?.. An,Um. .o ivn. . r .r" ,or ocno4e, IW wilV.rfL1 m for Private Faro- physic, and PoIiUcal rW,.r S tVE:2 e, v . WW? ORAMMARTf-5 S "V'J , r imooi ia cotnpoaiibn are JUv. Bradford Fraxee, late Priocipil t EirU,KJ I Academy. Wash -.ut. .r Ptnl works lor School, are tor 3-M Ue North Carolina Bookator " . distance promptly attended U. ' ' TLRNER ft-IIUGIiES.'. SUGAK HOUSE WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD d COy 67 -Aug. .22., uave ueen placed in tbe bands of, W. J. Cluk Ehq. ror seuiement. to whnm i rannn. gainst the late concern, will please present them for adjustment, and those indebted vill .please, make im mediate payment r v. v,--:--;---, . ' 1 V- x, i,:. V,N.;L.-8TITH. T , . ; F. TV PESCUD. ""July 30th 1845.. 5 rVfi-?.' '?- 'V- ,f w' 'jj'r t.'i i ' - ,e ' .i - . - ' ' ' I.- ' ' '.; ; " - ' T vvDXBsisvtn having purchased' ht fN. T. ' Stub; his entire interest in the lata HERMAN & CO, : HAVE received 1.000 cases, bein- th fil.Lkr thnlr ? , x -eV v. i.-j , i There aretablea lot single lives, joint live', ""! vorships of two or three lives, endowments forrbiM dren, Ac&c Tables also for ANNUITIES, W" immediate and deferred.' All these tables bars be" calculated from sterling into dollars snd cents. Za al)0e. mDlt j be made to the Subscriber, who is prejbared to fomik all amJkaBl -W irAvmalUM a annl .an!iaV lhattlltf V)f require.;K;u:; - GEORGE .LITIM", irB" . RsJeigh, July 21. 1845. iVA5cV4f,trM,e :trtordi W loW prices - "WT" " "ous to lay in their sop Ply f I v K:., iJti v:.r-i, ;-; rvv:. ftriiS 5 ; x BOOTS, SHOES, WOOL HATS, ' Fav Cpf Tini lather, &c.;&c. w til do well to call and examine Our atock before bu L . ',""' "uu uiuucrmenta to purchase of us. that canno be ..flVred elsewber, Oul long acqusm- rv,tk "'npiion oi good, requied for the North Peruana and Virginia trade, enables a, to have I So 1, - 'Aug. posspssiun the comfortable Jttwellfiiir lniZ irr the .Western part of the City, oeennuut li Ml. T f . W.i Anolv at tDIS w ficeit is 4rt ..i.''.---; ; !- -:J Ms 12. FOII IIENT, a SniaU Fa Jly Xlesldeiice, in ths E'1 v lion ef th Citv. and faCUJg mo v.r L Possession may be had iaimediatelf 1 r Apply to "s ' BaTeigh I8th July. : .wrrT.f PECa- FENCING. . j vrosikS. V kriil i. . X " ruaimf. Bill. h. a-wFw ? 4 JICTrafJS fes-flg sa i-giS ' -:' -rri i rfrse atav . l a . w - . wa vtmuu tji iht itwaniiriajirsi in mimf aa- ... , . s- inrn VirtAafl ik;. .ia , . i aa coarsa CnAn .htr -j ? t TTiiu aa uie iaw 'directs. v 7 u Wl2 K f 'i0 BARNESJailorI st day of AoM, 1845. e76mi the Datrflihir uv likoraHw k.oAl ' - . I . Corn.- :':v - P. P. PPttftttn tJbfy0tb;4848; '-f ys?..-r 'I" o. uooua uenrered m Petersburg, Vau, free. of cfia ro purcuaers. vAugust 26. 1845.W ' 'r. Tr - Tts! . ' - . . ust printed and for sale 't fe . at this orncfc " 8uperjpf artieje, 'at a low price! jt ree and lor-sale at ibe Drug Siore ! - - t . W 4 .i, WILLIAMS. HAYWUDU 'JlSf :CNW. have pte TmelK ebavitiff CwiWii ty of both these artiefea now. and nrrt M;.:t:Z 1 1 W r . saajinff . . ,vt qt .U eettiemci . June 1 (fcirn nWIc LY the: UJ; be made fix I W "'-If 67-lmni 4f IM.Mf.Mil, An. i -Vl"" PE'5- petlumal.in.llientcomlK.aD.I.M I. ... Virginia I J41y t: ti w th e tb M r 111 Sat Uli Fli Ne 67 3t -v - - . STITH dc rdu'-