91 ili'SVal'VceUf. lilet tXXi&it Sasscairriosr.-Fife Dollars per arou haUb - ADTKaTif cm awTs.ormy' Sixfem1 Lv&l lijaejtMa?a Delia ; each la bK'ioa insertion, T,rett.r-fire Cents. , j ...-....-.- CouarChrDifwaand JpstcvAL ADTnrrfSHCvft a-.llbe ckarzI3 per-cpat. Ingtr i butpdedtietion if 33 J per eeat. will be made from tbevegalar prices, (ttdtrti94HTliJMT.-' " . -. Advertisement,- Inserted-in "tbe-SaMfrWl-aXT KtsiSTsa.witt also appear in the WcaKLr Paper f.-ee of charae.;. r - .v. .-i-. ' ' Leuera to'leo E-xoroasf bo TOfT-miB ' Sherwood's k- Vibratory jiAii.i italic; jaciiic '-rr-' Clascal :Mat&ematIcal-i:and aiUrTAUV ACADtZXT. . 4. Q fubtitule4iar le Koaryla tnsr Mc6ina,Jbf tits subscriber ; sadewa it with ai4TX travel nary aope- rUiitj ertr every form ia wfctch.il kaa been -const, uc- uu. It u cum pact I j tuleu togetlte wuh u battery, wires aJ other epptisnea,in neatmahogany caaea, f several tre-raljawerf, a$10v (tw& sixes) SIS, (14 aad il$c& ; a4 forwa4Jr ro,oilert(i say pjrtat the Uuhmi, tip Canada West Indies oipuU .V:rQ4W : ,..;- itj,t.v.tl. w - Ejch case is accompanied mlh a AtaaQoI fYlh ed- , pp. 44iaa j tnciucnng a complete Aiano f ibe Practice o( Medicine, with 1 very fell G UM- bOO at trjgiia clear cod ample directions fur. the ase f lis instrument jo the varioiis'diaewe which it U??"Cbe,"ar.J which are fvnv,by the successful lrctice of haa Jred of operators, 6 include the "most prrnSot, as well as the moat pecli'iai ao J 6b$(inste that are ktewa to the Medical 'prbfcstifoaV with "the pnoer Medicines for each'eas.r T." " : ' " H. ; SHERWOOD '".- ;10aCh'ambf ret,4 Ntir'ToHL, r ' t JJatketMticul jndt UiliUry Department ;r T.THE-year wttt be divided laUi tr8earioD of Ce Mntha eaHl rhe firat Beveion twrmains on the fitaf of January, an J iha.eecond Seaatorx. on the first of Jt bthe Jeain-of the IKeceptof; that ihta. Joatitd- ueo anall not he furoaaeed. ta toe ad van ta sea ailord- eJ for tcqwiqnsa thoroogji XoUh,-Claaal and -." PpP'i willja. prepared ta utee the J'laiorjClaM otanx Cellegeia he .UoUdu?e; i M .. ; Tfi RMS OF TWVJLQNC . V . ?er EngK& and ilaietoatical Studied,' " . . . f7nroTC. these imblesoiae aif d 1 1 . daiureraiia iahabitaitU of the atbmac'h a id tfie fiver' vhfeti io ofln Impair the he9lrii:andde8U oftAll3re'ni:a'aJaTnB:Tomc' VernjifOa j ceataiii and aaf bifc Jratlon for eteiiovaPxrf .varjooj kuhlrof Wjsros JL)yepepaia Boot &tQmayM Wa'ntof-ArDelUe. Jafautila. Favetwand-'Aews aitdl DiceatMii: 'Fre'Mred inlv bV Dr. ft. Javhe": NotL SdtoTbtra'Btreel, PhiladefphiaVl- : - ' fit ipuity .of th Wood ;r other,fl8ida of tne optK i red onfjr by Dx DI Jajne, 8 "8odM Btreet.ThOadelphla. - - m ma ropiM to act. m c&sexif emeraencv. arrjaicera. i . . , ,t f prppfrrn the VVeat Point yatem of initrarUondl be carcfuU rIfT. fb'" foond decided "bcnCfiu IlU nealtlU " rH7' 'V'6 "T.vcu, UoetW than fr aeverafocare- pjjsl.'and nia aopea; f-awnv a il -equipoMnta wiU be furoinhed by the-St-nc, bol Parentfrwhe- nhtt (heir MUtrary Department wjQ be veuVtae pttcxibol-VtiiSoTm. Kaldch, Aug, ?, 1 man uf.thhi have been curedl-mud .other a sireiLlfA ' BikrreninaUoctadJBrihlM.- 'i" ' : x. fii1 .1 reo aired ta provide tbetaft ' - - ' !': ""i - , - - 1 : I 1 u . a lAtflll iJC ASOI wai eaa w iv J D q1 ni rVrv , Hnctnn '.I)'n4I PnAit rttotartid.e. Ufny-rpectaleptfr86na 'BltebSsT AVUIUIII WUIWIUU llttUXHaUltnelreertilieates-iB fvv of yowrVipectorant; ,1, j j brKeve.your medttioea t t)xe LesVprefMkratiena thar I nave ever leen.iarena in uunncv lor inc ruliel or :.. . --iibe'efllicied,- and for the eyre of Jie; diseaaea fa -. " '"j'wbica they; wetc intended. -. - . - 7J tMbfh UTprtfe? of .Xr7JGoods j ijULaHiy mfl w vx Cost; for. .CasliJ..,;.. eanehtfy: fijwer than ai'atry-wner'Sfore In': thta ir I aOaveoda aW; & GRIMMB.V 1 9iAtoUUH0lwti teittelOKf TfVJE TravelIfnablic.arerepect6Hy Wormed ' Vb ihat 'tbis tine ia still . ih-tncceietoV-OBeratinn. ARE oftrti W$d 16 a jSprnaoba Habit of4bdyi af 3 j leavios Peterabare DairjfSapdaa xcepied,rt X be removed. ' -A tN-;.-r v' J direr Meamera. Curtis reck and ewem: ajticieaver Aiuretl to lh nuhlie. naaoeen iounair-i ver; aria oalv to cdre Scrofula, loridef iVU ''iMvii'M of Cancer. Kine'a Evin GoTkeWfiile' Swelline. 4 Lton rtbada. ao thafc th o-Miieiib-Gr: will tarm ir; B!kiu, bflt also loTetadve the dipoaition ef tendency to d( I njpre next tohroinff bi. G, A. 3f Ttatldnsr jPAt7afc&4i : o-IaUp, Ureek, French. SpanTah and o x ' MDiruetpne in .ina iiaiuiaor porea-ox iD.;aiq. r . . Iiahan Language, pet Scasion, .20 jD9.t'Vkitt. : The advanced Claaeea naav Dtfrauelthe Stofteaof il' ' leP a lowef PajTnz onff for ' Ihe' SluJiea of the Third i C(aae'C vMehlBcT belonir. ' : t;' I-: L ' ;' r;- '-" ". !" .. ii - Milifary-.Tactica taujht to Iho TopUs. free of extra IMPORTANT ASXlf MA.CUK&U.. ineucaipi or tWM.rittry pepartmrnc betnrio nr . pr. Di jaJCe,PcVl8b,rrPoctor Helmeck .1 -1 nd.SaU jnon fiifajrer, &ago Cheese, Smoked Beef and' Botojrha Saosajes. -1Tonnto at8uj, Capter8,Pepperrfau fee,' Chocolate. 25 ,10 OiLr Anchovies. French Mustard; preserved i2"4 Jara drv fn'Saktff' aifdvrai: Orecn'SaD A. W. SPIES & COr Importers of Hardware, Cntlcry .Guns, Rifles, Pistols, &c. from jv ti ,;:',' y JEnsIand, France And a' .5 ) t- i Germany , ;RU prepared to el! orliho most ravoribT! IL. . terms, CUTLERY of tU kiBda jbcludj i Knire4 and Forks, . of ererv: deacn'ptioQ imt- w &xpevH;, more comfort, and tvdfitmaiexptdt-i r kihVko-nri VeaatiVifVf nVTiaarit-'l "5w pcl?I? rocEfli ft-MTesy . .TXo,irCtv; r jion e two taller cities, -. ' v niwtuiuiuBgivflfcttwviwiMjjiw. - iuaiii, nsioiaiuues ana Muaxeu, -do '-k The BrfBW3rt tine art th; t -rvrWEliai'-A r':: Gun Smith' -Todays , nr?i do. do " Wm, i ScrtoitpHcrald. 1Hpiw.i j J'boiATvTCT hand 'irTStorjw. Jr'runk, Cheat, Doot and Pad Locks" of aJJ kfodaS ' i cFaw from Gaaton or Weidoh; to Bafilniore: f ! Fet ftii' rloVre Tools of all kinds; ' L " f K Pereraburj to, Balliindrf j WorU"BQse, Bonpe Ribbon, Baskets, SnnlTboxe 'Japajjuerj and Britannia' Wares. "r? ; i sForwariI CatKnV.. ,ii -'.'.4vy; Xw$lmi:Utik CoibjImv tFihVXeedlea-T.Ptiraca;. -I Ba;Gxde7 kinds, v" " 'fv s T;.! -' , Ff5 PeteWbarg lo Old Point er ?JrfblV,2p Pockei-books. iVneilaBnUons.JThre ?' Itathem'atical Instrumeptsi; ' ;'Vr:- i ; "UrJ ' i" Mafe beiay Rcldejrbo'aH f hVoatV.rhu Ltoe-; TJriijeiJUtiers Bow-aring Fowling Tickle, W&k' 'V kuinSi 4 .t-,,0i J s - c.lT-- T?. . . . i ..-i f W. o. & Co. are Agents for the ratsntseif- vww v m r k-f miui i vu . . -s : ir i iiuTi CTaT.a RBupd. a-rvriK pffice-,j;pea River. &..ffay,Xine;'-;:'ylL"i-- Cfothi wA capsHiK wui!iw ... 1 .4 fi-ia. .i MercIiaWs VUI find it to thct Interest, to colli, (.(r-iuinf iuwnp, uuu niu,au HJiiuf i v"- " i It."' . y ' y The last ofleiv feiiia mfetaU e 1 To be Sold Tri tnon t- rescrro' - - - - Till Tf.Ui;! ; , rrtlB Uiaiajaaa-winelfp&;.Wtf;tDaaai X rotrtt. on II ondey, ha 17U, et JNeverobeiv'Ch- ief ue Moaday oLWaket Ceonty Coa'rVj.tbat val. a!4e Property ia,h City, of Ralegh, kAowai m SMinrS.iJKlCli.BUILDliNU. It ia akaated on. FayeUsvilJe Street, at the corner af tkat Street and liarreU,.aad m nearly .61); feet liire aai 50 feet,hijb, fonnloy no of the beat len eaeau ia Ra)ei$h oe any Jdnd o( bonneaa. ,: It has a Vsvi0 o3 feet tbreexa ths ccnue, from one end to tLe ether, nooa each floor, eo that tjtrj Room in the Hoe so may be approached viihVat having to pate nrojh ora into jaoother. Beaide thf paaMge, on Lm treqad floor, two elegant Store Rooms haye been caoArocted ia Jhi my. best "style And at great ex peat BaJeroeath are two foe "dry CeHara. Ths 2J and 3J Stories are divided by passages into t ela pst Teneaeote deeineilfer Fainify rewtdeecea .one IViaf '4; and the' other 8 airy and -idmmodMisa KaesM ;and U tha'rr ef thie boi Klin f," there h a aew Kucben and alber Out Home. . ; ; ' This vilaabie BailJiak; is covered ri(h T?a and ie m af the beet, most eofxYeoistor .and etefanf eataV RAoteateia the Xtstv beins; In- the -heart at the Cy, with a alutht alietatiobf Mghtb cofKlrtad, Ta te a rUn Jid Ijotel. -it seat ia its erection, together rrcta thejcreeod, the spat tftHJOU, . i f TEKit : Approved .negotiable, paper at the Bank of the 8uie er Kerth axeiDe at Ralegh,; i. . - r. ; n . - ,.W)r -illLU'. ' :. iO. 0UFPALOB,. JNO. RUTCIlINa, . . . . imi) AVID 0 A RTE Rrf . ,.B.X BLAKE, ' - . W..rV JLI t ca. KaVigh. Aot 23, 1845. V oT-te LATII'OIiL bvt'qnuUtr.- : A t-'res Sapplr Prime Rice, jst reoeiv J and for u!i by JAA L TO WLEiJ.r June It. , . . t. -."'. . -,4T-: G r 0 c e r i e s , v W f n e s ,' '& c , BAGl.GevernAt Java Cpffee very aopenof : . , m 60 Pockrts Java Co flCoC averasinV SO Ibs.eachi 300 B.g'a Rio, Lajn'ira dc St. Domingt Coffci 25 HbJi. Pecur Rio Snzwt, atxkUy prime ; ' 30 do,y I da. 'd. mediniq'qdaiity; 30 . d.i. ' !Tew Orleans i'doi. .-. bright and dry ( 13 Bbla. Crushed and Powdered Sajptr; ' Loates.Famil foei; A, A' J- and 9 Lroat 10 HhJa. Porto Rico aad N. OWeaje Hlolasses, dov 80gw lloosa 8 frrrpf wcry supcriori 30 Half CbUsperio Gunpowder,-toperialasd i"cqj Hyaob Teof;. . ' ' t 25 f 4 t3 Iba. Boxes nperiotGavpowdect'ea 3 OO Rie. (Joeapany .1, Sot ITIesr 1 3000 !ba.otoa wooble reej Salt Pctro, iabaUbbUaf. 0a Ibe. eah'a , . . Isaee, Clnoameo, Allspice and Pepr peria qsammee t suit ; . HO Dorse New Bed. lord and tfmtoUst Sperm 1 Q3 BacTSltOt.' aseorted sixes. Together wiih'a Urge aaeort.aeutb(Vine and BruadJeV.'whkh we. warrant in. their origioai fuuir, ara roe oe aniie.. . -1 . Tit sale oa pfsaainf tettns, hj - FREELAND HALL, 4'! ' - Vew M, Light SU W barf, BafUmorei -Sept. 843. ' - : -7T-lm: ZT. . ... - .1 m1..j .j.r. 1-.- ' v -"a -- orr rsin .-'i lay el day of JY.JSef . is n s . v . - a Km ui 1 atin, m. sasiasM vera m au us v uiviuy eve vmm ihb TT!V-..t. - o...lrr r--i itw . Inaammauea tf tbs Itinci, OnwiroplWn. stamavl.tfj otbebuiidmaa neewsarr . hh -a- Pirmf sr "aft ft 1 rni?nlT nv. t iwrt 1 vivitrvxfattJ Tll SKBSCltlBEdtlere-fot safeBU larVwhipB,-FiUiinffUten8Us,VN Sjliokiftg PrpesV iJatesy febeetareedAvHsftexe, t'crUon 'afld iVyoi -cards; 4 painted MOgSi liamps mo- lampj stocks wanecs, Ct.teJs;; Brilahfiii and Iron SpoonSrSpura, Pad 1dck, PtidletsTicki""; 'fr. -GROC&RIE TSb. da andU SuiartlJiacS;e re, Sitgar" antf wriger Ua : es vranges, ivaisina,,. f igs, befora'nur'clwsiriff elsewhere. 6r 41. iSmm-M c j mj mM mjm k mm m . .,vi.. U Thursday, the 13ih day of, November t ' .shall ex nose at iublifi Ksla to the hiehest hiL.1 ar'adhev late residence of MfruAKt.- 1'aaiHoa.o . deeM.'sboat' 15 miles North-west of fiiteifth, 9 v, miies frowr Roger's X Roads) 'dA r :j Uilron, F(iibVafcpAWa J eqihraeing Boys; Wornen and Children,' , - & Imnha! 'iCnlmffira .". Tt run- 1 Tkn flla Brill lia orilknnt ' am A. a.ll . niaui 01 norai Carolina, ana naa,Deen onos)uerei one t v. , , 4..ff-- rv yWtte moat'vatuiiblfi Cotion FarMs m Jtf'nrtt. MiB4 dy Fruit,1 Preserve Juiabe-pa ttftard, SwetJ SUowU'. f r , f ''t - ' .... -A ,..i - j- - j i7h6liowiog.iia from a PP JIQIAN and m ub wpp!". u i 'iAV-'x T TJBOM PSONr 'i - . -M m m w a ir aar w sr i. . a a." i i iii -i r TJxa;TraeteOBUins;720' Acres' 440 .seres- in high state -of eultivjlion-rsnd 64). acres deadened, wcn can bebrpHgnj hq cmiita.inav ,hq in tie birjs, for the nccommodationof 70 or 60 Negroes' uswa hi ui av ww. v" . v - a,v aui an aar but at a m i iit a . a : . j. 'i. it kS Mdrtisgthretofjre -exectned fy: the" Raff irh and mT'.- i Z wr T'" -.v -(ew iDe wat.r is goflu uom, r otiuer an stoesw Caatoo JCM'l Road Company1, to indemnify the lUt PAIJf k - ; s every descnptibn wilt be sofd, tther foryawh.or oh a ilcsrfehl HabiiitiesTor paid CAmpany, I wiil tl Ul- rVcS aTrublie AetieAi thoLVorrUoie doe In thp ! '.W -V . -3 ?- E r,.- .r r?!-iR. tn th kSoIims tLUar. ,k-u v . T - : J - 1 T first payment may bo a- small one, if not eonventeel VIII a awe-M - wsvav Al W I Jtlolasses Coffee, Sugars, alsree qaa ttty-'oa fcantfiH-- :?vf-".iW,;uviT j.- vX-'.: -" 'Candlest est Sper northern -Tallow, and sirfalf Wax 'Jfbtvlanteras" V;' wiU' rft -WiLr C H HEB, Pine Apple and eomtnen si . v , I OfL; bet55prmi VVbiie,nd FisbOil. vCj 5.- TEA'-4Baektr I mperisi, Gnnpivder.j. . '-J'i- 5 SOAPd-Csstite, vsriented, darX sndlisht tor pes tine, and perforoed Sharing. 1 .-f '-,-f: CIOA RSl-SN n F P and TOB AfJfJlr. r -? :X sn., :0lofar. 11,1844. '.Ci fc -i't '-4a -8f. WINES,:BRANDlES;v&c.-- TpD cscrve Uladeira Tlntape of 12(V. ITft veff auper ior . ".,. " . . ,-!.. ; ... I ,putfGofdon Pale and Gold SirE&lT WlPX i Treble, Cuap POi.T 7A.E--warraned direct,,; importation sbGnsj if 87 ttiles ar Wait tcoad, reachins; trpp the Cits of RalsttVto Uastoo Roanoke SiveMB the direct U Petsrsbars;, 4itj .Poistt,, City, Baltimore, &c -Ac t Depots; Workshops and Toole, Stauons. lvagtoea, larm, x. f ai I tiathaf -sanl Pirt Wi AwT SF4 f ' - Ma Hi SS w ww on band,' and. an othet VUdes, . r i : : j t:, n , . tnnsirtaiiea sn the same, -From the nature of the . . I ATO; .W tU I UrtAIXf i property, it ViUbaaoldcjnoire, . -:"-V'f line-parcnaaers, oy tnej. terms. ne ieereej.rs.M .a a . aw . a . -s " . aar - 11 a UM ACt Asthma cured ftojr Dr. Jayne7 El pay M :,The Tract can hoehlarxed, if desired; May 13, 1845.-: j t oundmgeV and Pepper and whole fc.A. I .DWsbnlad FiUSNCKBBpY ; Jtard Jhipsy 4- uo, and ilsmeavy Co. srarraniea r iplcerstarchl Indiko, CenpeTas. Madder.'BUckior, IilJ,H'ii-xi'; iow hi Cnatom Hoose wviif vMy yjf flic uuillG yui - ty. nc , iiihe . a dro cumr ui ABUibuu.-n' . r.Ar.i.., k. . 1 o ion-, v; - .f Ar-t i i uviu vats vv ic wtic vt - v ibi . jjiiwb . r . . n . ... . . -.. m. f mnr. h.V aiohtean.e.raUnnanee.b the De . ' V ' , ' - BEST PORT. MADEIRA JlfUbCAT WINE.1 LL', v aisuawac, J donbted verackv. and xeouestedto make it public fotK. nH. , or Package- : .; -W. 1 Cirrus- 1 . . w. -L ..iT. -i'.- i:t , i,J., t CkJTLI- .K-rt10110 f..l.b!-: 'REJIO VGDft 4 i Ywlms. 1owsv stnn brideweeresIire . Pearl Street, 4o:H.4ktes;Fi " -V ' . . m fc B : At. ,MA-tM f . M M-mT Afr- It. B - . I DM WITH . . -. "Vf --i. . i , .. 1 Hi.'-- I ' t . '.- . - '.-'s.'i.Nffil! JwTT.T.riM SritirrT ' Ii ': come. srvko! the frsnehises. possessed Charter le'ges sps of the fn'ost advantageous pa ay, and mi J lie tbund at larg eooUfted fit the Id. Volume bT the flevfied St5taie4 t ' WeeBteeiaF rJeasure to be able .to refcommehd . - .j ' . : : .LstZr.:SK iLd Dtsilflttl- Dryeod that they have remoyed rr .W.T ip fodo. a body corporate, by the nanvs and leetamavof ..l:hto.-t rem. v W.!" Tf Pearl tii Ced stVcet:' Bv comnninc their aaeo- 'i ' 'Fencing and-E f.the presfnt company, aos vpm.-aeoaiyo einsT. --Tt p.;ntt hnlv.'T.: A. B. are enabted to exhibit an PoHS, Swords, Glows: pr vileees, nghU slid imrnsnities now quae. .aMismsuiqne.. era iSll 'an1, ;a3ki,-.t r-hafoiaffiirail ni fiilssi aZ byjt, forths of 80 jiars, bl . a m ar. .a i -. . aai sa nran uin n in vairiau. biihj tuffwauciBBiirvii a . m aCi uj run. - j ucvn j PictQre ndiSedxobksy Key of Heaen Csth- 'oartrtrAflfYifisr. ; Hats BrsastpJStes, -- ! ;rore hy;vYEfiliAN0 If ftw. - f UaU1a tas . ' ' -.. i. . 4 -.-vwwt .oi; g '.. r ISMMsMSkSMBSMSaSaaMaai ? well ae Uehnari 8t!efi nd "TSrr 1 1 iV'Z lriiVn lim i.4Br honsea-wHosa atfenuoa iadtTkIed-amooS f inChback,viiBrastpHH EMvrings,FenIi,f'inr, 7$ " i frl . "'T'T V.7 " t -rr-y.g:,-"-.4U Urga.-arieliT of articles.,,. ; fi. rhrnibIesfTr BeUssble-Bndrea ?Spooiia ofFdUgrni Metafr Coass;sltreV.eai -variety ol I Lhatua. GvDffiimadjaiteand black lettfnzlel eisu t'nnis i ueatis,4papitai izes.u Zx, . j. .... v .'..-i - - - - - - HE"SubseTlbers are eDeoihi an! extensive asaor me nt of Z?R y b00D8:cr..Ute3 tt Z 5 rvt .tTLCfeSofalsae tnd VteMataY-Vataiaeu Coemlcali ln irreal rarieiies from ror, UnuUn, jikewiss those the moat aiaperior mam Alsnmadurt hsvs been-received-end wia be avid on fieitting tense by tSe ubcriler,.-vixi lo w ; Iodide ef roo DeoU (odjnf oif ereory 4 Pro- iis Hereary ; Iodide. 01 rouses j .oiry comae ; atriast BalokaU. ArttaU and Man la ef Mor pWcs . Naronin4rv PipsriBS; , CypP,1Potaaass ; ute iron ;.UKrat Qoinioo .ajj.. iron; mo I1 Iron; Protj Chlor, Mercury; Bi. Chlorids i Torpeih Mineral Uhjrjat.'Tarti.Anticiooy Aeooiuoa . Mojsoa'a) LI f(iU - Silver in chrjaUls , JUtcrium t-MaC BaryU; Qude' TJa;. filnlpheret illdrpcyaaie Acid; Bromine. 8ie.AU a f rTa menuosed chemicals are waaanted rtrai, & be aag nnoafoctarod by the most r Hebrated chemists wiH fl to gireoniveraal satiftfCon, ' PEysicians'ars ,rpectfully reqnesUd to test theft purity,- f ; . P. F. PfisCrJD; ' " . . vWhotosaleoftd Retail Droyjist, - - oTNorth CarnliBS,-re5eiS.'wMcJileto- Be seen at 1 1 ui. jiyqsiw-tK" 7 . r , ,J.A' - . - v. 'rc - the-Se'ats hfsernmW.ndin mostVlfia PoWrb itb,UrissirdCe.d! ftI JT1-'! Hhefiretiky;ls f LeeofthSrf.eslhe-lJpron 'fri IpSfpUfn Waf " -.6fli.ths J90of October, 184? ; one foartb of do. Epect6raut t.s eficted a cure in toe off.;, , - ' . , f , . . -WVfyW' -W ,f- , ' ,, " . ,1? Wltblo, 'w AvJiUI i Tbeeo-t ef this-Rail Boad and PPWcss; dUtressjnjr complaint. I' December Drn I ar w Tr t TTiVl r CTI'O -SS 1 I sOea4fiaaAlO.Cm . eompletedopty firs years since, waa fWOOOQO wieerxed.vvith? great 'severity by. paroxism of: -mttCiMiy VXll iU4airy Unf ftgo' ,nd (MSsrtflrtir ' ' SiiebaloC-thich wMowed;?reatiejr.-4ebt ArfBIBar f -dsVjth which'l,hsd4 fnfSeSi? bearins; inlsrest, .ouCailare to pay wficlr, a .tahaa foWDa0y pTpisU., It waaaUended wid, hosrM rCoffecf4f WT1HE BREACH OF PHOISE, a npret by, Jrf a ' become neceeaary .The.gTad.og-. Rridgev.Dapoi, ne end irenels.of thf lung, and throat, tothas ,Tca,;-41? TlyvT tjl' efhe JiiU-CGeoffrej Ac. ifftl ' . d.ex-catainsfcellent.;yje of workman- w WfrlSiSmirsa ship. ; (ra ran d.ily'overtit.eas the &oS4'bdnfs?a ? theJnitedeiCiiheipa part of the Southern Yble oT jour fix p Mlitaitrotttea at C'oompediaUbiil.of $100 per tWala IMH mikiX00,-r.n.;A.d.t - Je Cottoti lane, -.--j . i;-h v.'H.A.Wit-.v r- Viva '.,-i.' I -iKaselsIUVftBvv0..T..fk-. X4 evt. .. a - a . , i - . - a ai w- rin ' . trm 1 11 f wm r . - 44 bbws, mea bsb. a. .. bw wtv .w . 2WW.'V0 W"XS-VJiK 'iIIWvrfla 'ii ?ri :frA"rT y-Miahce of LandsTeriemerUs or Ueritar:! ; . 'P. pIfMpMMXlj: IorA J?o&ia janjlto amjnistaf . an 0t j r f' -' fm " r JgSA t. i'ar 6pnalonT,persoii wta-shairbf wimne orV-C:.. ' - riu.,x z .ixsj 1 s s Diii'va u 11? an LiiM'f i bv r'wav iwi ra : n v i -'.i 't a- ! "r-.T rT '-"-T vi- rJaillMUa "fplWTmUWIWIfcla.7WIUIW-W-alaaV' and Merchandize, independently of the. receipts from I ga-j 2y .returil of rt.r .fr.mrt tnkiJni a.nifnn i A inu nnlf. 1 1 j i t.f ' v -.r . .Lr.;v. ' n.r in-M arnrafit nn Rail Rtudr. . Thotiffft not. I .i.-.!tn..AL.i. ii'.ml.AM.IMy-Mr.l - vvmV jellies, c,, acc. i , oow. vietdlritf a profif on the largs sum expended to I r -qLI not nart with them iOtJcn duthoia ir-iK'ti-W. -4...'y.-A iv:t ;v.-.i'. ; V mvwiw".v.'i . --- t C9CA 1 JL.ui Vj'4"'Br.1B'''"r'.,J r v some time past, ano u is connoentiy vtxxexea inac-K wonld OTodaee a rtsboabJe Tetarn open S' oTe-mo derate ambvstof capital io vested in its pafchase: TherSale will be made ttHlJuntf rtterrt , a t the firae and place aforeaalJ at wbkh those htclined to par. i-da. am' rMMinIlv invited to attend. . - i Tba MMbaaswrnoQeyesAMut be eeeorea oy- wilh spproved SQretiesVJ9TbotiUewitrbA.ve a further enrety until the 'pay ment of . the p mavoeyjbut possesatoo gien Immediately j ' . .i, . nw . . . 11 r xt .r.- ikf . . - tt;nAllf!ry0.tJLjA3Li V4.. ' "oWic, Ireasurar)! .; vbna, aud .Specu JUIeigb. If. C. October 6, 1 8U. X.tte-TUlCacy OJ WIS ejrzuijl prpjnniiuy u imuuii,-i-i.A.- .rj'.-.r: row in otioo Ja n usiu uiiwh nui? n uuw i ...... - i. . i . . ir. " i. f.iii:'. wnere tne nairiae- jfto wuhi uu irvra me Otlhe lesd. bir the- careleasipracttce of arryTnc'thitigs 1a IheYtawn of the .hat, it .ia generally. conaideTe diifich,4f noClraposaible. torestom Jt ;s botv4t i tnun4 oy ntmerpas exaznp.es. iuif ,w" 'ni.. "if if-Comnioofilhel tffo' jeU?n.W , . 1 the IaJies.tt bemr lair presrunpuon toai weir oatr j - .v-"r.-v - t ,. i v ' .. ' '..v. it. li.J t. uA.ui,.cuociia lora i eacneryana wniiiui lud eeverarTears experience id' teacbin. is de-1 ft ITU. U prifltunug pituttivn u UOf TDCM III B, ln- ate family ."eiUier tq Viraia.bc NofthCarohliai. lo ad JWon to her diploma SUiiFat . Otic" of the most distinguished Female College! jnilie (Tniorf, she can prod ace from blHer aoarces; the mSst satisfactory tteUmoniafs ai to ihoJoagh coipeteTicyT all the a rious branches ahe professes to teach, c?be 'would assume the eharee of any. respectable Fertjale Acade my in Virglafa brrrorthCarblihaf oV sujwrinierid Jny bne fntereated in'Thls notice, "should embrace the present opportunity of setdrinf .the services efsq amiable and accomplubed-JJy.and an "experienced instructress.. 1 . , , .J. -4- . . - . jr Forjorther information or ietms, ; apply AO J. A. VV Qhettct Town;.Knt goontv, Aid- v -. , Oct. 14. . ;o -; V Raleigh, Worth Carolina. ," blanks ; ; ; For tale at this Office. is alwava in ftttt luxuriance; at least ft slwar srferi aoYVery gemlemsD'Wh. finds- bi iisrir growing. too thlfr.jor becortMng. loose.- suouiu piace,a.ix)u t- I- ' w 1 1-' J"'l-. f. : 4.:. .Iln. oua . ni.'? lay nV Hair Tootc jn ;his dressing case, and appT ft wtih a free .use or tne . nair-Druao, every mornrnL rbjti resnlvis'nl he sifull; string, and healthy bead J haif .''Ths ease' that -have fallen ondfer our Jowd o eervattia wanjnt fU fqlly (ntarsefrinij this,"; ; ; k.d $&&-,rzekl gri: - XSJ Prepsreionly by t Dv Ui Jay no , Jv 6. 8 dutti ThirdstrsetvPhiladefphSa.ajitHbrtt by-: ;lv Williams, naytvopd : jfe o- Kttr - j'-.i.v:--V- 4ff9nls l'gi .V Hstuij 'recently ieceired a fresh ;;upIyof M e tre newpreparea-10 execoie to. a pngejiorpi 1 Job; and feetter jLreas-jLntXins PAMPHLETS, C1BBS, ILlSDBia BLAHS, reus to mate such Qath or A&rtnafion befotfl w.-V-1. nRtVNiaiflnr ri?5rtrW . W "i.lto .tatoikHionat,od iso;mi AVItnef es. Vtw rmH&OlBcer, Members, and Delegates, arehere- GE AS SwWAR'Bf FER FM c. W'f(.i.a'J -" If . hv nntiGad that rf.e Ann theGrand Jjodie of North Oaf&lifftf.wili be' held'al the Masonic Hall in "'the !eil'of Raleijth, W Mnday eVfhmg, the first-day of Deceor nexV'aVPalpast ttVckck;and will continue its sittings until ai ,the. bunese trhich ma? cme. -befpre it diallbs disposed of. Officers of Solxjrdinale Lodges will expected al Communication of t :-Wfcick'theY fceeprepii-ed toselKiaholesJrio andTetaii t Physiaaii8,Me?obaKjn4jpibe dsahiif t yieir to.attccKl in person,' ox cause "pjr..0fjega'ie" to';'bf t Medieinee appointed, i sasordiDg. to the ConatrtaUbn,. atid-ye Laws pf the Grand odg. 'v.f; f ffr- 't'p-ift Grand Seertiarjf v Raleis1, C.t 0ct: Igy 1845 'firr, f?TIie tTnderSafgned ili "attend regutarly ' the COUNTY 'snd iSUPERIORftCOURTS, of . - va tna 1 . w a - r-o!U-iy akei Ufanviue, r ran.un,4ionn stoh, and Nafch. ; All; liusiness entrusted tohisare wifl be promptly attended to,j 'iiVi!r iviCi !V4-W HENR iVMJLLER.4; Raleigh, j . -v . r - t v- - j- . . v' v . , -r .Thosee wisheig. to. jiun y ill fipd ,it lo their interesl to call shdexamra lfore purchasiiig efsewhere; - Particnlif attelttibtt af H "' timerf: wifl - hegreito puttitof up Prescriptions,? is retf as the Vlispejasiiig of irtrnmvERY SUPERIOR lUvv;oried -Bands jvst?j said ie- v i.'x'ii-v-i' - -j.- --j :; - WILLIAMS. UAI VV UU CI ' VOi m sjiv of the Cotirteof the State, of I cfth Caro'.i ha, relating Winy cswiiSpflndihfOtto ljairociri in sny of ibe said -Courts. K4tiy husi&eas bnder saidt - m -tc -a . aw ia . sw - fc . . a . w . . oncniMon wnicn ids i-uijucaay as4re,4srU tut tend tr st net 7 and lartntutty, - f.'3 'vVt ALEXADES DCNKAr. v :-!''.-:-rteraho V,d V Pfrofff ; Vs. OcfJH 845. ! ' ' f. 1 TATB tif 'If drill Carol IrraTa a s lu lin Conty; Wis taken p by Vt XVeod- Iwardrisii commmed by ;Wm. "11. JcyBer; Cd.;af ' .SEGAi1v I the Jaifcf thuftJounfy ori tlie 21 day of this oon!V ceiveTjind for js NcgtormafrM CIIARLL0 . .. W I and, thaThl beto-gsto tTeiJjainiiT Ricks' of-Msdisoti :$eptenaberI8. CntvMlssisslpiii'. 'Ile is about' fortv- fears old ' latge hndlikcjy1fatd has a larms; mouth; hai on d COrse.CoUpri !iUii'lrizttAi.ntioaiK Tie wnWls'reoo vtith the 'Law.ojrthtaie reapecling JU: -ij c -! i''r4. 734f ;f f AN OTHE R eupplTeeeiirsd an J iin 'jjale at the 1 4)r-gStorabf .', "; iel iv4WIUa4AUS.IUYlVO0 r J0UN 11 A . .. - ;f,,; Aii.:tjiiv;;& "

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