" - . ' . " .A ' - , " s. ' "' ; 0 tVMi LIN A- GA --v . , r , :a ! f ''''fill 1 vx ' W- -(iT- ; l - :M 1 I ! . ,- II I ;. Liiuw srr v a - - - WESTON B.OAIibb,. ... - K ike seni-Tyeiklj KiUISh EeiUte r lit- r 5i,i XM. Ifl lUcv- Caff" 0" JT. -o,. Lhf : bat a deduction I r , - -r- . - t. ...... AJertieuen. lnrteU la wm p ttV,.TC, wUl alo ppw m tb ,Wk WP' uiSTw the Editor mo.t be ,cT.FiiP. , TAGXETIC MACIinE. THE 7IBRAT0RY : MOVEMENT roceotlj utMUtmed tot lb Rotary, in this Mchm, by is. bribr. endow it witb an extraordinary aupe SitT ttt eery form in whka n " eonttrue 2. It U compactly fttud tof ether with tu battery, wm. and other appiiancee.in neat mahogany cae, ertl ee and power., at 10. (twe aixea) $11. 114 and 1 1 8 each ; and forwarded, to order, to any litiliheCnion. the Canada Weatlndieeor 8onlh A DcTcase u accempnied with Manual (7th edw ta.PP.l,3iJ )-indodinx complete Mann Tct the Practice of Medicine, with a eery full Glee-n-emo' fclear and ample direcUone for the ae rfieinl&omeat in the arioaa dUea to which it u ao5cabte, and which are found, by the euceWuI trSeof hundred of operator., to include the mo U!nt, aa wall ai the moet pecunar and obrtinate, list are known to the medical profeaion ; with tho Mnotf Medicine, for each caw. - v. . 102 Chamber 8l, New York. Sept. 19. " rATETT , . 1UU A1L KLrtJitUU FllTOtS. TO JTXIlCIIAIfTS COnG If OIKTII. A. W. SPIES fit CO. . - 213 Petri Street, New Yeri, ImMrtert - of ITardirarc, Cnllery, Gojxs SUles, llstol, Ac from . Ilailand, France. and . Cernunfi . VRE prepired to tell on the most faronble Urms, CUTLERY of all kinds, including Kiiret and Forkf, of erery decription and . ;. ............ v Raxora. Scissor. Pocket Knirea, do. A do. Cans, pistols. Rifle and Musket,' ' do. ' Geo Smith Tools, do. d-v .mm TriM Chains. Sua. Slc " Trunk, Chest, Door and Pad Lock of all kind. Scjlhcs, Saw, and Tool of all aioa. Jtpannery and Britannia, Ware. T Bos Goods, nf all kind. ; ( ; UithemUical Inetroment. Feihinj and Fowling Tckl, &c La. A. W. S. & Co. are Agent for tb Patent elf cxkinj, cast tecl $x barrel rctolf ag PISTOL, ti-MrAv ii n kind nf Pi.tol for a aafe euxrd. Merdanr will find it to their interest, to call. Vefore purchasing elsewhere. New York. October 10. . 81 in TPnt vnrletle from Pdrit. Lvtdtn, likewise thOM of the moet Boperior iwnVu ktiM-irlur h.ve been received end will U JJ mi term, by the subscriber, vix: le- &m;IJU or Iron t Dauto louuieoi tercnry j t ro il. L. kf . rm T-w TalLl. of PotaMai t Htrvchnine; Teruria.;aoIphate, Actate, .and- Muriate of Mor- fiic.; Itareoune, fiprm ; tyan, r CitnL. X,Mt . t:;tr.L. Ouiaio. and Iron : Pha rim. tr. Vtatn ChUr. Mercurr: Ui Chloride e.- Tarnmi Uinrml t Chrrst. Tart. AUnvy t AcMitin. rUariMt Nit. Silver U ehrfaJ EUtriaii: Mar. UaryU; OsideTint Bulphoret Ttumti Hydroeyank Acid; Bromine, he. All the a Us sawtiooed eheaaicals are warranted rest. A be ta? n.nnr-iaroJ b thm mt celebrated chemise will Lift tie antverMl aatWctioa. Phy.ician. are rwpifally reqoMted U le4 theu partly. ' P. T. PEC!JD, " - - -Wholeeale and ReUil Drag.Ut. .. , , Raleigh, Norvh Carolina. , Dietetics for the Sick, and Invalid. JvrJa Anew Roe, 8upnoe .V bite .1 apeea, feut BarUy. Bag. Robtxwoo'e Patent Barley, Coop era LiogLta Baruic Res. UiaffUei,. Jruh Moee, Cum A r.hJ Mi;nnrv Elm. Port Wine. dtC AO the abe mentioned, and many other little prep aruioa. L Tta mL mo necmetr tot the sick eab r as direct! by medical orders will be fonad SI ;7 f ZiaUUl O UTWW OimTVm . 8HXTII & BIGGS , a pp am-.tn a hm lot of Hcadr made A ClotXilnff, bought for eeh byeoe of the Ci, ia New Yort, and wiU U eCered to aQ who ewj fttoe them whh a Call at each price aa.will be awiHetr interest to parcnase.' - 8tteLI in. bmam ur.f.r sendinr their measure tethe North, they are informed that arrangement havaWen made with one of the most fashionable hoaaea Broadway, NewV York, by whom erdere wia u promptly stscuted, in the beet possible man. v. a4 at the to nri m( tea dot cent, on the cost K1igh.OcU IJ, 181$. i&l-i" tnr nnn shingles. mod twinr tha ' t ax sear incut wewbicb a liUral prwe ia Cuh will be paid, if de wverad at ttk R.ti b j r . . ..';.. Igh dc Gastea R. R. Office, ) I. Raieiyh. Oct. 57, 1845. v ; 85-4t I" " " V- - " D' A - BLANKS : . 'J. AiS ? vg , FRIDAY, NOVEMBER " : .-A, - RAIiEIGH Classical Mathematical ; and - ? . MILITARY ACADE3TT. r , t- ; J.' M ; LOVE J 0 7, PKcaTo;;;;;; ' JLftJUflMfjcrjii Military Departments : .v.. ;W . F . DISBROW vv-' .-THE "year will be divided Into two 8eeion of fire montba eacn ; tne pr.t oeeaion beginning on toe nrst of January, and the aecond Seaaion, on the firalof Juiy..r . It ia the degn of the Preceptor, that thia Jhaiito- fion .hall BAt h BiirnAaf. in lhn .Jv.nt.vM .fTord- ed for acquirine a thorough EncILsh. Claasical and HlBiUCUJttUbeil WUUtIVH at M" 1 PuDile will be ore Dared to enter the Junior Claea of any College ia the United Rtaiee; " ! " ' TERMS OF TUrriOri. For Engluh and Mathematical Stodiea, ' " T " - ' , per Bea.ion , " . - A:: '' ' V . ; ' " 1 1 5 00 For Latin, Orwk, French, SpanUh aniT Iielian Langu.gee, per SeMion, SO 00 The advanced .Ciaeaee inae Dnrane the Stodiea of a tower Claea, paying only for the 8tadiee of the Ciaae to which they belong. l- ' "! J Military Tactic, taught to tha'Pnpile, free of extra charge.' -' ' - - ' " " : ' ' The design of the Military DeparbLnt being to fit the Pa pile to act, in cm of emergency, ae Officer., the Weat Point tTdrm of instruction will be careful ly paraued, nor will the Army Tactlca be departed from, in order to exhibit the boye for the benefit of the Inatitotion, or for any other purpo.ee. vBv.n Art nf th. t.t T.ri.laliire. the neceasarr anna and equipment, will be fumi.hed by the Bute, but Parents who wUh their children inalructed in the Military Department will be required to provide them with the prescribed Uniform. -' i ' v . . ICalwsb, Aug. 7. I8a. a , . -.. ' p Raleigh & Gaston ? Rail Road FOR SALE. iTKTf Iffondar the 29tU day of Je U lcember next, by virtue of a Decree of the UOUrl OI JUliJ vr 11m vuumj,. iu nm- tnmn 8eion, 1845, in a suit of the Governor, for oseof the cute of sionn. uarouns, 10 lorecioee a Mortgage, theretofore executed by the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road Company, to indemnify the 8tate liabibtiea for said Company. I will eell at Public Auction, at the Coort House door in the City of Raleigh, to the bigbeat bnWer.lne whole pro. IK UaJei.h and Gaston Rail Road' Company aforesaid, f eo far a. tbe same is known to me,) con- Mine: of 87 miles or nan ixomu, rracoing irom uia City of Raleign to M.wen, on ine ivonn woe 01 uw Roanoke River, in the direct tine of public conveyance to Petersburg, City Point, Richmond, Washiotton CHy, Baltimore, &c Ae- tAgelber wih all Bridges, ru,wi. WorkahoDS and Tool.. Y areheo.es. Water SUiions. Kneines, v.rs, etc. etc , no, id mwvi tr- .... .t.;. tr Iron, Lambrr, and Fire Wood, which may then be M .,! anJ a!! other article, owned and nsed by said Company for keeping op eaki Rail Road, and transportation on tne same, r rom we nature 01 uio property, it will be eold en masse. a" ' ; purcnasers, vj iuc tonus vt iu the Act of the LegUlatore in relation to it, will be come, ipso faeiol a body corporate, by the name and at.U ml the prewnt Company, and will acquire ' all . - A t . .ml.mt aM tne fraarni.es, privileges, ngni. ana immupurci ii,.h im vet ia ran. ' These frsnrhi.es and privi lesee are of the most advantageous kind to the Com- pany, and may be loonu at large in ineir wavier, .Znt.;n.l In the 3d Volume of tbe Revised 8latutee of North Cervine, page 199. which Is to be eeen at tha 8eaU of Government, ana in most 01 tam ruwit r ..nMnrih Hiaie. 01 tne union. - av- knu nnrrh.ae money most bear interest, at the rate of 6 per een. per annum, from the day of w s.vi ar " ... .n j k. n.iJ aa follows; to wit t 125,000 at We end of six months, and tbe residue in four instalment, at intervale often month, earn eay - j 1 Inn. IRAK JU.DUU. Jnd, t9th April, 184T.one fourth of the remainder. 3J, 29th February. 1 848, one fourth of do. h j.i .v- Oik AfrwmW. 184S on. fourth of do. .til, IU. W. " a., .v. en.K aT October: 1849. one fourth of do. tnui vw - ti.. a this Rail Road and ileappuTtenaneee, completed only five year, ainee, wa $1.600,000-. k.ir Ar mKlrh was borrowed : ereaUng a debt beating Interest, on failure to pjy which,' a sale hss beenme necessary. - 00 Ki-u.nS, t-, -1 o-o. i -- . ,r -i -r a ..Mii in aa excellent bit 10 oi wDrwuiv ship, Csrerundwly over it, carrying we iii.u tbe United utatee, t,n wmi MetropoTitan route,) at a eomperwauon 01 muv ' oq rnn mt mnam. And. traversing a fer tile region of country through nearly.' ilwbole lengtb, IU freigWe lor we iranpHWioa v - 1 if v.. .r.. ;nfUnndfntlv of the receipt from riu ,muiii''i -r . ' .... . ,- PuMneere. aSord a eonswerao auuiuon m u . . r -t O 1. Tti.n.h nnL ary source, ot proncs on ivau uoau. ... .L.Li;nv nrat on the laree ram expended in ita eooetroetion. iu inrome b.s been increasing for some- time past, and it is confidently teuew 11 inm m aaonab!F return trpoo more mo j ....t-ATMniul invested in its purchase.. . oairaiv " 1 , j B. uam - .(x...LL at which those inclined to pur- KM Vwv ew - F - - chm. are respexuui.y - . . . 1 vTb till, will be retained m W1VU ii'inuin ' t furtheTewety until the psyment of the purchaae menev. out poumioa j - " 7- rVir aiit.ps f.. HINTOPf. poblie Treesoref of the State of North Caro- .. -. i- ' j s.;.i rvimmiananer " of the - - ' 1HU vprvin - . Coort of luh.fa tduacMS. , .:v Raleizh. N.C. October C. 1843. , r , 04 -t STJG AIT HOUSE raOlAS3ESV - A NOTI1ER eopply received and for eale at the MA Urug cstore 01 ... J . - . - - - " 4 , , WILLIAMS, H A YWPOD & CO. TT HAVE received by Recent arrivabj, thf following iihighly approved preparauons, t Peters Pills.-1 - - ?:;' r BecliWltli's do. ,t. -, : ; Jarne's ExptMitomnt,. . t w - VMmrr IffftfTS. J t-y T!IIt. of Onium. n..niMti er!iiolera Medlc'e, T?ie,a' lloartionnd CAIf DY, Bartholomew's Confix XIUP, Hairs. rinia xxu raxiM Tvi.ts rtAii&am of "Wild ClierrT. And many other talnaUe Medicines, all of which TCEW1 FALL Afl TVlIf TIf r , ' ; v;:fiOODS. fTHHE 8ubecribere are opening all extensive assort f maat ttranr color and. auality; for UreM. Frock and Over-Uo.ta: taaaimerea,: irom 9 per yard to the first quality, in great? varietieef eery superior plain ' and fancy 8ilk Velvet f plain black and fancy batin,' plain black and 'figured Challies, for Veeu.1 AUo, a general aupply of SUki Lambs- wool, Merrao and Uotton Howery -ijinen - oairi, Shirt IIo.am. mnd Coll.n. of the latest .trie. ; fine 8ilk end Camhrie pocket Handkerchiefs ; ptaiq and figured 8carf. and Cravats ; Saspender.; black and liftKiIk n,l ' KIA-Cilawmmt Ha tin and Bombazine Stock, .nd Tim &e.i wiih a cofnDlele 'awortment of Tailors' trimmings, at wholesale and retail. Together with i Jargo. lot of v-h" - xicauT-made Clonics, v r both of their own and of. Northern manufacture. lr2 The above good, were bought for Cadi, with great care by ope of the firm, in .New York, end , will be sold for a small advance on the first coat for cash, or to regular customer, on a short credit; They intend Ia ofTr .uch iiiducempnt.. in aualitr and ' price, a. will make it the interest of all to purchase. (j3Call .1 .a .... ... ... anu see ineir siock. - Tha reftort. of Fashlona. embracinar the latest Eu ropean .n J American .tyle., receited monthly. . ' - Their grateful acknowledgments ' are tendered, to their friend, and patrons for peat favors, and a' con tinuance U reiclfully and most earneatly reqaested. . ; ..- - -i . .' ..r ! DM1 1 11 Ot iJlUUO. Raleigh.Oct 8, 1945. 5 , 80 8w WINES. BRANDIES, &c Tn cserve ITIadcira Viutagc of 1S26, ill. inr aiincrior DufTGordon's P.le and Gold SHERRY WINS Treble Grape PORT WINE warranted direct importation ' - . ' " ' Dunand Co'e. celebrated rtusavu ukasxu i YiuUge 1805 ,-a'- a---3 "A" Otard. Pupuy Co. and liemessy do. warranieu now in Custom House iw III VUIUUJ iiwvw - , . 1 ......... CHAMPAIGN, ia pint and quart uotiies, au tne didrrem nrann. r- h. ' CLARET and RHENISH WINES, in cases of one dozen earn . ; - v All of the above are warranted to be of direct im portation. ..-. ., Also. . Monongahela Old R YE WHISKE Y Peppermint and Cinnamon CORDIAL , Almnrul and Parf.it Amour do Together with all article, in the Grocery Line. For Ml. bv FREELAND dc HALL, . - ; - ATo. 69. IAitU Sl Wharf. .BALTIMORE. rtHAWin iRts. 81 -2m New Fall and Winter Goods. OLIVER & PROCTER, " ' MERCHANT TAILUHo, Vglg Row) FayetteiUle Street, . , ' A. 1 LEIGH, K C." . ' Two doors below the Wholesale and Retail ... Tatars' Trimmings Establishment of Joseph J Biggs. , ,' . . fTKTJR Stock of Good. 1. at hand.embracing I rencn U U Ulack.Blue.InvMbIeGreen.uraM Ureen, Jjigtit and dark Brown, Mulberry and Sax Gotba Clothe, for Dress. Frock sod Over Coats. Pantaloon Stuff. consisting of Blstk French De Skin and wonUdyed l!timrfi. figured and Dlainl Fancy colore of every variety, and to suit all laatea. . Vesting of VelTeta, variety, anu 10 sun an ta.ie. . tohujj ui nft, wt r-ncT. cut and olain: Sstins. black and fan- cy; figured and plain Cnaluee. oi ail colors, r rosieu silks for wedding, and parties someiuing new in these partM in fact, all sorts 01 eatings, as wen a. Pnika Hrm,L and Cravats. Stocks of eery variety. Opera and Neck Ties, all colore, 8uspenders on an a . a a . a t improved plan. Gloves. JUd and 01 IK. biaca anu wntie Drivmg Glovee Gentlemen's Dress Shirts, latest fab- . ... . . . - . . I I . L . . . ion. - enaker f lannet oniris, never oeiore urvuguv iu this maikeU Silk Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, and many thin., too tedious to enumerate. 1 or enter witn a complete aMortment of Tailor.' Trimmings, embrac- inga lew ya'a. oi.neti raooing, uau.ass vvuuu Wadding and Spool Cotton, (and by way 01 maxing op the assortment, a few taper of Needles,) which a A rM,U eell at Whmltsalt and Retails ' The above Good, were not bought altogether for aa a J He stwve uoous were nut uougm iwgcmci 1 . . " - 11 .u :-l . I casn. tnerwore we want w sen mew 4uit yvw-. v u, . . . , . r " I sible. and to make it an inducement tor customer, w wu tu.u, sV u. t....- -porches, will do now what we have done for two more next morning by 6 A. M., rAl". ?ear-siil cheep, and that without compulsion. We phia or. New York as early as by the Mail Line, at Inr7uhc a. moth time in New York a. any body less Expense, more comfort, and with equal expedi- in our line we tnina we oougaiour uooo. .acuesp: 1 . . . .. . . . "ill at all events, we oaz.ru nwaing m;ii-s ... Kll ae cheap, and that i. all the emrtomer care, for . m ar a. .V-aAII.. SL. a.-... M.ri.L.1 IhA I nrU-.a to wh.t thev now are. If yon ret your cloth f... rhanr. Ton are indebted to them for iu With out disparaging' others, we think we can supply a snit equal in all respects to any nouse in tne uniteo States, and at as cheap a rate quality of the goods considered. We avail ourselvea of the present op- rnntHVKd. WO avail Ourselves ui iuc uicwuii 1 Ponuniu to return our aincere ackriowledgmenU to our numerous iricnua ana cubujuicis., jwr iuc pnuuu-1 nnir.mlt received bv as since our commence ment in business. , Tbeir kindness has greatly ex ceeded our merit, but we trust, by strklly attending 10 oar Luainess. and endeavoring promptly to fulfil our engagements, to nave iu conunuance. t VV rM-eive every IWO wee., lurougn ouj iw York correepondent, the latest Paris, London; and New York Fashions. Persons furnishing their own eobds. will have tbem made up wiih the Same neat aTOOtUS Will IlalTfJ VUCili Uiauo U. av siuv oes. and de-patch a. though we supplied the article entire Order. from a dkunce thankfully received and promptly attended to.--'?"' -':n ' - A P.yelteville Sti' Raleizh. Tf. C. . 1 1 i.i s riii oi. rnuvi uu 5 doors Sooth Williams, Haywood d Co. . . : Lirug store. ' r.L.;K Orf-13.' " ..." - 81 . i aiivVj isv - rmnc jEmvAlxsunATscE compa- 1L'-KT. of Ilartrord, conn, oner io insure Building and Merchandize, against los or damage by fire, at premioma to suit meiime.. Tku i. An a( the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in ths UnitedStateSjtnd paysits lossesprompt- ly.- . i.S:t: V-f'. ''1'A v V. Applications for Insurance in Raleigh; or its yi- c . i " . '.'" raitvi ..' " VX r ' ' - , ..VtV Vyw S7 . ci nity.to lemadeto o. vy, va. 1845.1. National iLoan. Fund ..: Assurance Society of London. T U i iEtnpowerta oy Aa of r ornament. -f lPITH, MO.Ono STERLING. OR S2.500.00O. fTHHE following are among, the; advantages held 1 1 Annt K thi in! kullori. which'will be' found most advantageous to the? assured and suedi as are rarely oifered, vis i r ..A;:i;; aJv-- v-H'-r-1? ' Tha ruuMiliar ad vnniatrf. seen red to the assured by the principle of the Loax Department.: v ? W . ; , va very large ,.uid 10 b, jhw mousuu j iu the TfnWt.il Ktafa irv the name, of three of the Local UlrMtnro: aa TrnstAmi Available alws vs to the assur ed in cases of disputed claims, should any such arise. .The navment of premium, annually, half yearly , quarterly, or moutbiy'';. . ..rji-U-i r- um becomee due, without forfeiture of policy. . - .: Tra veiling leave extensive, and liberal) and extra premiums on the most moderate scale. r-:-;i a ( Conditions in the policy less onerous to the assur ed than usual in case, of Life Insurance. - as :-A -.The ocuoend declared profile (published in spc cenive Reports) affording sure (faa for calculations of the value of the " bonus' in this institution. It being unconnected with Marine or Fire Insu rance. ' . ' r. ' .A'1 A- ' v' - ' : The rate. fnr life with Drofits" are otoer than those of any other foreign Company effecting Life Insurance in JNew 1 ork. . ... ; ;r General Agent fur the United States, and British . North American volumes, y J.LEANDKR STARR. ,r j .. u . . Resident in New York. Office 74. WALL-STREET. New York. Sub-Agent fur the State of Nurlh Carolina,GtoAGs 1.ittle, Kaieign. The admirable svstem of Life Insurance which this Institution baa organized, and which h.e secured such marked distinction in Europe, has obtained for it tbe highest favor in America. During the short period of its establishment in the tinned Estates, its rtrir.rinlea hava won the nnaualifieil appro al of many r... r--- , .. , fjuiijicii, uiru.uu wf In. i.alpntiQnp r liaa rfTRleu 1U1IV tts the public conndenco in us mvor. . , , . .1- nn iixamic aj.MucB-jur v a, Single Life. .PREMIUMS PAYABLE ANNUALLY. 'Age next For one For FOR LIFE. Birth Day year only. Five Without With prof- Year, profits ) ita a -: "l3 $0 77 $0 8f $1 47 I 81 64 20 0 86 0 90 1 68 1 87 25 0 98 1 05 1 93 2 14 30 1 21 1 30 2 22 2 46 35 a 1 46 1 54 2 64 2 80 40 1 61 1 64 2 P3 3 26 - 45 .. 1 72 1 78 3 47 3 85 .60 1 94 2 06 4 21 4 68 A 65; 2 34 2 96 rfi 28 5 86r CO 3 78 - 4 25 6 68 7 48 - n... .r taMoa far Binffle lives, ioint live., survi vorahips of two or three lives, endowments for chil m sa.w w. w sww a . av . dren, Ac &c. Tables also for ANNUITIES, Dotn immediate and deferred. All these tables have been calculated from sterling into dollars and cents. rrj- All application for Insurance, as above, most be made t6 tbe Subscriber, who ia prepared to furnish all necessary information to applicants, tnaitoey may require. .ueiUKun--w iuc, agniu- Raleigh, July 21, tS4Q. Notice to; Travellers. a w. .oj neglllar Dally Xlue, Sundays excepted,) To Old Point, Norfolk, and through to Baltimore WITHOUT ANY DETENTION. snmiTR Travallin- Public are respectfully informed II tK.t ih.a T.inA i .till in successful operation, leaving Petersburg Daily. (Sundaya excepted,) at 7 I I. Wrnt Kail KOAU. l.KinK IU M" River Steamers, Curtis Peck and Jewess running ai ternately touching at all the landings on James Ki ... . ni,i Pnmt Erninir and returnine. and meet w. . " . . tT , , ammn iK. R.. Kio.mr tirnrpnn and Herald in Hsmi- ,UB .u . - . - pi . . n . iha nauno.ftr wilt .rrive in tlalii. nun tu c ........ tl.-T- . ik. I in. .r. lh T T " , r.nt Homi ICurlis Peck, C.pt.Dtyis. 'CfP"' I.i..4S 4T1 IT TTI1 IS JU taVav-Ve . w . Fare from Gaston or Weldon to Baltimore, 9 , t rererapurg to. uammore, , . 1?Ant.n1 fTaKin y , From Petersburg to Old Point or Norfolk, .2 Meals being included on all tne uoais 01 mi. . . t. 1 . .,.:n id'. P.iiili w 1 . .. , against the misstatement, made to divert the travel We regret being compcneu w t"i'u "' - iroui iu yym r-y WM.' M. MOODY, Agent. Office James River & Bay Line, 67-- Weldon, N. C July 16, ... - . ? - The Undersigned will .t.i rfffuiarw the coun ry end SUPERIOR19- COURTS, of Waker Granville. Franklin, John - and Nash. A II business entrusted tonis care FiUU IUU A V aawt yi be promptly f . HENRY, VV? 'LLEIV.- i?A;-:,;i?e,S.: -' September 1 5, 1 815.' X to his plantation in the country, ofiVr. a i great bargain in the aalo of hi. MeriUviHe . J ract oi jauu a.luiSi.inff the town of Oxford. The IUUUW..H.1 , "J" m.. , r tract contains xio acres, wuu uu sui.t? c-ii-j "' timber and fire-wood, and an unusual quantity oi welt improved land. The dwelling, (of the largest dimensions) is just completed in the most fashiona- I bl end peatest eiyie pi arcnnecurp, on a beautiful eminence within i a mile of the Court House. The town of Oxford is distmguished for the healthiness of its location, and the refined and moral inhabitant. The school re in i vucmovsvi 6 . fionrishtog condition Should tbe above premises I v . .a w -w a . 4 k. not he disposed of by J he montn oi wecemoer, uey will be offered for rent the ensuing jesr.;.---- r; 91 IBIS.- " - " A ' ' 63-11 r, IXE3IOVA1V OF THE NewJ? Boblii Store. rrrsTTR ' Rnhacriber4 has' removed his Book Store 1 from the House on Fajetteville Street,' to the building adjoining the Office of i. the, Raleill ni.tA mh.rfl all orders in. his line will be thankfully teceived and promptly attended toasbe. fore-. - - v. uijiion''- e5Tl 1 fh 4 4h -Wortli of Dry Goods and Jrock.ery Consequently lower than at any other Store in'lhie place! 1 a we do not wish to deal any longer m toe above Goods. A; r( OWi& WUWmwb. Raleigh. Octi; 1845;, ,78 rn ECEI VED a fresli Supply of Hal- Im. ibut and Salmon. PicUed and flermeti; cally Sealed, in Tin Ciinister K t Soused Salmon in 12 lb. Kits, eardine ana oai mnn. in Oil : Anchovies ' French Mostard, preserved Ginger, 24 Jars dry in Sugar and 8yrup, Green Sap Ssgo Cheese, Smoked Beef and JBologna -8an.ages, Tomato Catsups Capers1,' Peppersauce, Chocolate. 25 eta. and 30 per pound. Cauliflower end other fine Pickles, in Winevicegar end various SaucesJ a M;?.AA" ls;iA'g' tjr. W. Ct u.uiuramo ?" Oct. 1, 1845. ; a; -V - "78"' a ; Ul uvvtiwi FANCY ARTICLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - JEWELLERY AWI TOYS. CONSTANTLY on hand at onr' Store: ; ; -p;n Artificial Flowers, and Hair!" Fancy and Work Boxes, Bonnet Ribbon, Baskets, Snuffboxes, Travelling bags, Combs, Pins, Needles,' Purses, Pni.fe.!-hrtnkB. Pencils.' Buttons. Thread, Matches, Twine, Hatters' Bow-strings, Thermometers, Walk- ng Canes, Razors. Dirk, Pen and rocket ivnives, Scissors, Shaving utensils, Pistols, Dirks nd fjadet r;..na Snv tJlaaaflic. Percussion cane. Shot and Shot belts, Powder flasks,' Spectacles, Looking-glasses, Cloth, Hat, Hair, Dusting, csnoeanu smaii r.muiig Rrn.hoa . Whin.. Fiwhinc Utensils. Night Tepers, Smokine Pipes,' Slates,' Shoe-thread,- Awls, Sifters, Cotton and Wool cards.- t;onee-mius, -pi.m nu painted Mngs, Lamps and Lamp wicks Waiters, Clocks, Britannia and Iron Opoons,opurs, riu iww, Britlle-bits. Tacks. . . r . -'? " FRESH CONFECTIONARY & GR0CERIE8. Steam refined Candies Pilot, Water, Butter, So ds, and Sugar Crackers, Sugar and Ginger Cakes from Richmond,. Lemons, Oranges, Raisins, Figs, Prunes,Currants,Dates,Citron , Filberts, Palm, Wall, Peccan, and Coconuls, Almonds, Nutmegs, Brsn dy Fruit, Preservs, Jujube-paste, Mustard, Sweet Oil, Lemon Syrup,. , - r -i molasses, Coffee, Solars, a large quan tity on hand. . . ,,. ', Candles, best Sperm, northern 1 allow, and small Wsx for lanterns. A : A , -- CHEESE, Pine Apple and common. : OIL, best Sperm, White and Fish Oil. i TE A Blank. Imnerial. Gunpowder. SOAPS Castile, variegated, dark and fight tor-, pen tine, and perfumed shaving. a CIGARS, SNUFF and TOBACCO. ; Ground Ginger and Pepper, and whole do. All spice, Starch, Indigo, Copperas, Madder, Blacking, BoOtS. !- .?-.0 V--- AiAAvA;- ' cr Sold only by the bottle but of the House ! BEST PORT, MADEIRA & s MUSCAT WINE, PORTER. '-:A A.-:-:;A't--' ; v:-.a Perffamery. a : Oil of noses, Antique Oils; Cologne, Lavender Bergamott, Opodeldoc, pink Saucers. " ": WmirAl Tsistrnmcuts. ' 1rtUna hnven. Rtrinds. bridces. screws, Flageo- letles, Fifes, Flutes, Clarionetts, Accordeons, Dulci 010 VViie. : ' -A;A-cU:A'AA-: A .'' ' ; A Stationary. Piotnra ami Sons Books. Key of Heaven (Cath olic P.ner. Pens. Quillsl Ink, Inkstands, Ink pow der, Sealing-wax.Wafers, Letter-stamps. Fencing and Boxing Apparatvs. Foils, Swords, Gloves, Hats, Breastplates. . JAWAlIerr. Of Gold and .Silver, a well as German Silver, and Pini.h!iarbji:Brea6toins.Ear-rincs,Pencils,Finger- rines.ThimbIes,Tea Belle, Table and Tea Spoons, Metal Combs, Uelt-Duckies, waicn ivejs, r uo . w 1 m a a . a . Chains, Gypsum-beads, white and Dlack jet uugie Beads, assorted sizes. - enmfva and Tovs. Hr.minn tAhftPsmen. Backerammon. Keno.Ten pins. Cup and Ball, Dies, Printing Pressc.. Chil- . ' ' . . .. t- a7 Ul 5I p dren s Trunks, Wneeinarrows, uure.us, auruu Hnmmin. tons. Drums. '..Rattles, Whistles, mout Organs, Harps, Trumpets, Paint bores, magnetic Toys, false Feces, Malescops, Microscopes, rewier and China tea setts, Drummers, fancy toys. Dolls, Doll-heads. A A U. W.. .u.uuiwiai, Corner opposite Alt. K. omiin M P W P IT R T, T CAT I 0 N S KECEIYI2I THIS DAY. r 'firiB v. RRRACH OP PROMISE, ia : novel by ' 11 ' ..... .' ' nr .' " ii the sutnor oi "tne Jut -vuiu weuu., y lae .uuiur u iu I j he Parsonage oi Jiiori, oy r remer. - .. ' . . traise and Principle t or, r or What .nan I Live, bv the author of " Conquest and Sdf-Con- qaest," die. A ? A AA &vr. , A-AA J he - XraTeiS oi-iaarc. ariw gremuj is. . wr . w iim mended and enlarged, with copioua notes, by Hugh n r . o . .. ... :. . -. t . ' . - Murray, r , .. . . ,, n m n r. Ksars. bv John ADercromnie, wi. u r ... p. ju. atkii !M1 narner's Illaminated an illustrated lSiDie. tror saie ; at tne aTJJ,XLl.B rV,.K l!urnlini Hftnk StOFCa TURNER '& HUGHES. . " Publisher's Agents. Rnl. 19. "A vr.' .85 Fresh-Drugs, Medicines, &ci : tm i txsao uAvtAnnn p, rt a rt iLtinjvis nni nuuu Ire now: receiving from New York and Fniladelpnla, a large ral assortment of;-'- DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints and Oils, uye-stuiis, G L AS S-W ARE-.'PE RFDMERY , & c . Whirh thev .re oreDsred to sell wholesale end retsil to Physicians, Merchants, and others dealing in their line; at unusually low prices. v -a aav Those wishing to buy. will find it to tbeir interest to call and examine before purchasing eraewbere. - .... . A Parturnl.r attention at all times Will DO civen to putting up Prescriptions, as well a the dispensing of Medicines. - -V RaleighT July, 1845. . - s 1 - 9 tA KAA VRRY SUPERIOR, SEGARS. as. IU)UUU sorted Brands, jusfreceived and or Ma h - ' A'- a f I WILLIAMS HAYWOOD & Co. ASeptember ia : ' a " - v '74 jua T?lrt Dnnt And-immediate noiiscssion civen, till!, T trie comfortable YJwel lin si Uouse v in the Western part of the City; lately occupied by Major T. L. Wisrr Apply al Uus Vh tM '"f. ' -s ;A"f .Jt l-4 '-rA' . 'A -i.A"; lMirVk Ti An n Tr -1 ivuincEn 80."- n n T?nrT: 1 HAVING visited New York and Philadelphia for th e purpose of adding to hi ' Stock, ,resj)ectfully inform , his friends and the PolIief mat no A e 1 large and . splendid assort- r Z-'taeni of" '', : V 1..", r" J f VV E L R V AN D FANCY GOODS r inM.trn r riAiJ ,n,i KiNr Lever I- VVatche.. An bUUOtOMiig va wsw ' . Vrrtir.f EscsDements. " Gobi ana Steel Guard Chains, Seals, Key., together with a- large assortment of Breast fins, ringer uing, umr. Rin... Gold and SUver Pencils. Thimbles, MedsJ- Iious, Gold Hearts and Crowes. ?. , , : , " ' nnlil. Rilvtr. . Blue and oolished Steel Spectacle PrifoAal Snect.de tJ lasses, a. new article, to suit the. Eye of all persons, very superior Flint Glasses, that, - '- . 1 1 .1 .... .ltj.A may ne adjusted in any irame, m . , . . ; , Silver and Plated ivare. - RiUr T.ble.Te..Dessert. Salt and Mustard Spoon. Ladles. Suarar-Tone.. Butter Knives, Silver-mounted Cocoa NuU, Csstors, Candle-Sticke, Snuflera and Trays, Cake Baskets, Coffee Greques, Britania Wars in Bets or single pieces, Silver and Plated Cups. . m ;i'-:- :-A' Fancy Goods. : -kfantpl Plorka. tiold and eilver mounted Canes,. m.Mi Men. and B.ckcammon Boards. Stel Penst. Gilt, Steel, Gla and Satin Besd.; Jet Combs; 8egsx and Card Cases; Purses j Uliapman s naor oir.p. , Toilet Bottles and Ladies Toilet W wk Dgxea. a A fine assortment of Rogers Kazors; rocket and. . Pen Knives - ( j CaTins nnd Pistols A A Iarce and fine collection of Double Barrel Gun, and Coir Patent Kevoting rwwis. , .."'V''eTiiam ' '., Comprising "Powder Boxes, Cologne and Lsvcnder, W.iKri T..ilet Powder: Sbavins and I oilet Boape. Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes, "vi v, JTIuslcal Instrnments ; . . .; Rn.niah t;niiar. Violins. -Clarionets, s lute. Files,, Guitar and Yiolin Strings, Extra Violin Bows.&c,&e VI atehes and Clock repaired in a superior style. As hi own personal attention , will be given to thla j ilpi.Ariii.piit those cersons havinz ai tides of this kind,. to reir, m.y rely on tbeir being well and faithfully; executed.. Uold and Oliver manuiactureu to pr with neatness and punctuality. v Highest price givo en for old Gold and Silver, i, . - Raleigh, Oct. ?0. 1845. (A; Valuable Prairie Plantation; i rntniT (1P1: 1. 1 AND 4 PAYMENTS M ! rrniTE SUBSCKIBEII offers for sale hi t U 'Plantation; lying 7 miles west of Colccbus, Mississippi, near the Robinson Road; and 6 ranee, from the River. " Thi is a porUbn of that vala&e : Tract of Land; lately' owned by Col. Jno. D. Amis, tat of North Carolina, and has been considered on ' of the most valuable Cotton Farms in North Missi' ippi.- - 4;-vM':vi..vW--f .-tch,. - 'ty i The Tract contains 720 Acres 440 acre In i high state 'of cultivation and 60 acres deadened, which can be brought into; cultivation wun itte trouble. 'The -Gin House,. Screw, IJorse.Mjn, Aa bins, for the accommodation .of 70 or. 60 Negroe and other building necessary ob a Farm, are all; newthe wat t is eood Corn, Fodder, and stock of i every description will be old,-eiiber for cash or on s ; credit. . ; - i- a Possession given the first of January, is e, , , jjd, first payment may be a .mall one, if itotconvenienl to pay much.' . The Tract ran be enlarged, if desired. n . ' . ill! t Ulll tMI Columbus, Mi", Msy 1 3 1845. . ' 4j Print arclib IN NEW YORK. "V -:A Tosupply the City and Interior Trade, by the' Piece " or Package,"" " K From 113 Pearl Street, to A v a - ' ' ' ' - Near. William 'Stkszt. a . TT EE & llttl2TFST12tt give nouce to h9f U J Dealers in Dry Good., that they have removed: ineir Warehouse tar rnnieo yaneoe.excia.iveij,ug Pearl to 44 Cedar street. .. By coufining lueu sv.en-v. tioh to Prints only, Li k Bv are, enabled to exhibit aBv assortment far surpassing any jcver before ofTered inr America and to, sell at prices as low, and generally", , - . - - - lor ,h.n hm,,, nrhoaA attention i. divided ifflODCi - : . , ; . - 1, r..i7r.I.., P,r.M, rH ueoiorit v - - "-. and Caterings, embracing every yaneiy oi T j ;ri . ...i.. i i n.Aaini..rttii cnvAiirn I'rimi . - i m anaiifatmfl ne. iiviba. sis ww iiif-ii smawf viik ui. ebliuv ib.iu...-. ...-.--r -r , , w siyeIy;.for.tteir ownAwies, anu cannot .ne I Bi,Pr. excent in second nanus. I r..i-.. i.;..t. !nJ- S tVm ihotr intereat I i. wrorei- . - examine this Stock before making their porcha.es i tney win n.e tue uuiimki maraei prices sau coiupiuujg is uikwv j in martial aide bv tu). . ,... -A - . A. -., , . i,t . f i.lnrn nf PrirM. enrreeted with everv variation. of the MarkeW'are placed in the hands of buyers.) ' September 20; 1844. -A-' -s "'-"'T8-? rClGARSI CIBAKSM -UlUArUilJI E would respectfulry inform the cittzecs cf Raleiirh..ndi.ihe Dublie itenerally, tot t we have opened a Cigarmarufactory ja Raleight where we constantly keep on Land'afull assortment cf L:l' ly flavored imported Cigarr including " J ' - . t -. - - ws . . am am si y ry I . CAZADORE.--: . .. tc x LANORM A, a- jrj . .HAVANA,, V ; principe,;" WERNER, A.e. - . ": Ac. 'Ac I and all kind of domestic 'manufactured Cigtr.'' 1 A general aeaortmenl of aupenor chewing TOD ACCOt" Marrnlia: liAnirreiui- coarse Rarree and SccUbn SNtJFFj Cigarase, Snuff Boxes, srd all articles ia. tbe line, which, we, ofier al JStxo 1 1 or it prices Dy tne. wholesale or retail. .All orJers thankfully, received, i and attended to with dispatch - A ,. . . " Purcbssers, and tbe lovers ol good ii;ars ana 4 o bacco, will always be furnished with the kerl kinds,- . mm a a . - suited to the taste or the connotesur. c&.l tna try at k it a i si. ti. MiM.nrrs r ; ' Fayettcville street, oppot .:a t 9 . r;- ir.!i i TKNE CASE TAMA1UND3, jaoii3.i My for sale lew by P. F. A. W W I' . Oct. 27, ; a": " a JOB PHlNTirJO ; j Neatly executed at Una QC.zi. . ' , Ii For silc at lhia Office. Jane, 1845, -- - a- a. -.b Raleigh, Oct, 25,. , .:. . . - , . -. - pU