" Jy , v.. ,7 7 rj-or.MH Hcii'vX. .O.i.-U;iitA ,f it- ' fl.;:., A ; ' . 7 :' !' .; i L 'A .- 'v- wVv; 'j:' U r'"..,;.'J.--.1 - 4 - ..-,4 - i " J; , J iono. 0n Dollar j tix bianMmOtt. : Coirir Oa JtficiAirAf nsJfirTl ki ebrzed 25 per cnu higher t bot ft deduetton r i feBt.wiUUmsKiefrotntherjarpricertj 9 . j' ..; r h ths vear. ' - ,r ; for jra""-- .. ... - TTT dvertisemenis, inserteu in xn oismimwi lfOHTt will auo appear in id fiee of charge. "i v.a:.T" . Qtj. Letters to the Editor mast b roT-FAt. Sherwood's -Vibratory; -aiA'OTOTIC", itxAcmltiv nnilC 7IBRT0RY MOVEMENT recent H selwtitated lor tbe Itoisry, U? uus aiacunev oy tbesabserioer,ndw it with an at inordinary aupe Hority ever every form in which it has been constrac id. It m compaeUy fitted tog ether with its battery, vires, and other appliance, in seat mahogany ease, f aeveral siaee and powers, att 10, (two eizes f 12, 14 sad 1 18 each ; and forwarded; to order, to any Mrt of the Union, the Canada, West Indie or South Aaerica. ' ' ": ?.: Each ease is accompanied with a Manna (7th edi Ooo,pp.Stt, 32oii )-4adoding"a complete Manu al of ike Practice of Medicine, with a" very full Glos aay giinj JcSear and ample direcUohi for Ibe ue of ike instrument in the various d iseases to which it ia sppCcabta, and which are found, by the successful practice of banJrad of operators, lo iatelado I he. most prtfalent, aa well aa lh most pecajliat and oSetiuate, tkst are kaowa to tho meJicai rxofesaioo J. with the proper Medicines for each case. r - Hi . 8HERW00D. M..D; 102 Chamber 8ti, New York. t . Bpt. it. ,.., 4'7l-3sa ; . . ruiuu, to 2TEH charts cono hozitxi. A. w.;spisaco;; : ;;i. t - r-f-wi. 219 Pearl Strert. Ntw YeT,' Importer ot Hardware, 4 Cutlery, Grxna, nines. I'iitoLs Ac. Irom , ? XlnIand, Franco and 4 . , . ' i Germany, t r , . ARE prepared to veil on lb moat farorabltf terms, CUTLERY of all kind, Including Kaire and Fork, of erery dcnoUon and qaalitj, i -.. , . -f i -' .i Raxora. Scissors, Pocket Knive, -' Jo. Caa. Plsto!ay Ri.M and Mnakets, do. Gaa Smith's Tools, -r da bo. AavLV. Vices, I Iocs, Trace Chaios, &c &c . Trunk, Chest, Door and P4 Locks of all kinds. Scythes, Saws, and Tools of all kind. Jipanaerj anl Briunnia Warei. . Brxs Gis, of all kinds. . . ; . . Mitlteaoitical IoatrameaJs- . Fishing and FovrHog .Tackle, &c &jL A. W. a & Co. are Agents forth Patent self cock in eaat steel sir barrel revolt ing- PISTOL, eawrior to any kind of Pistol for a safe gniam. Merchants will find it to their interest, to call. before ptirchati; elsewhere. - : r- New Yerk, Octnher in t - y 81 C!is3t1calt la Tfreat rarietles from fris IstJrtu, likM those of the most Ssperior Asritm Muxafjzlnre have been received and will bs AX o pUiMx terms by the sabecriber, Tixr lo eue ; loJiie. of Iron ; Dseto Iodine of Mercury Pro uljJiJa Mercery ; ledUe ,ef PoUsea ; Strychnia; Verttrias; Solphatt, Aeeute, and Muriate of Mor- ence; rarcouoe, fipenne;. uyan, rousaa; Parau Iron ; CUrat Quinine, and Iron ; Phoe We Iraai .Proto Chlor. Mercery t Bi Chloride j;.Trpeih Mineral : tChryst. .TarU Antimony Aooiiiaa (.Meraon's) ;. Nit-. Silver in chryatal EUtmom; Mar, .Baryta; .Oxide Tint 8lpheret rouaaa; Hydrocyanic Acid; Bromine, &e. All the toe menuooed chemicals are warranted rr a, & be- iof atautactoreJ by la met ceteoratea cnemisis wui at rait to tive niversal stucooa.: .t'hyaicisaa are rMpecifll reoaested to UK their parity. , P. F. PESCUD . ; i . . Wholesale and Retail Drugxist, ( t Kaleigh, "North Carolina.., DieteUes for the 8Ici itnd InrallcL nrmada Anew (loot. Superior While .Tapioca. Pearl Barley, Ssr. Robioaon' Patent Berley, Coop- iMogvisa, eapepoc itaeeis isio gia,, xuan mos, Cam Arabic, grd- Slippery Elm, Port Wine, dec au lite boe mentioned, and many other lutle prep, araiioea foe delicate food, so necessary for the sick Aaiabr as directed by medical orders, will be found at . . , . u . PEaCUD'a Drug Store, ' JTST HECEIYED AT THE ' BALTIM0RE;ClOTH IN U. EMPORIUM. . A N OTHER, lot of CLOTHING, euch a Over U Coat. PanufooQ and Vests, which, in addi m U bbj former large execk, make it by far the tftat U ike Caty t a will be sold very .low -for Ch. , : GEO. W. TAYLOR, Agent. roir JBEX:. J..V-. AND poaeetaiea given oi the first of January ern 'ajing. the large and eligibly .aitoated. Dwelling nM. rajaits nil Street, ml prsjeot occupied 1ry mi. ri N. II. tats sea. ij "l.'.J . I . . r.fiO, 4 ' A' LARGE saoni r nnfTTiyn Iff tZ aa jest been Me.;aA.t iv. offL rm iSa Nseihern F actofie. and ie eOered for sale, si a amali ZVT9 5 Case. The Ink is far. 85 sod 0 U wrTnJ to be a good article. afi . - ' T . ) -CLA.TK DEEDS , Jest Priated, , ASO rug SALS AT TBI OTTeCaV f- r i" CIassiclar;:MathemaUcal3ahd i t 1 .TjTWu -t .5... J V W ! 0 V E J 0 Y'.'PtKcEPToifs - THB year iU fce JitKled int two Session of five I nontha each r the first Cession beainninff on the first 1 I . r w . - . . i m uurj, iau,we tecona ceasioa, od ui cm of i design pf the Preeeptorthat this . Irmitu- Tion shall not be sarpassed. in the advantareT flbrd' led for acdttirioff-a thorocffh Enffliah !laMl ni! alathenuQcal Ddoeation; ' v.ii i v Popila will be prepared to eater the) Junior Class of anjtCoUegeia the United Fuies .,f;; ..v t - TERMS OF TUITION. - . V For English and Mathematical Studies, lis 00 jYor Latin, Greek, French, 8panish and - Ti.t:... f o , :; SO 00 The design of the Military Deparlmentlwinz to fit the Pupils to act, in case of .emerreney.es Officers. the .West Point system of instruction will be careful ly pursued, nor will ihe Army ' Tactics be departed from, in order to exhibit the boye for the . benefit of ion insuiuuon, or lor any otner porposee. , , ; By an Ac( of the last Legislature, the' necessary arm and equipments win be famished by the 8ute, but Parent who wish their children instructed in the Military Department will be required to provide them with the prescribed. Uniform. ... , , r ' Kaleigh; Aog. 2, 1845. ' '' . .-.-T .61 ? I ;!, -it , r.v.-y. a.;-. t-y r.l FOR SALE. : r OvTf TJondaf, the 29th. day ol Be ccmbcr next, by vutoe or Decree of I tbe Court of Equity for Wake County. at its An- tamn 8ion, 1845,. in auitf ibe Goveroef, for use of the cute of jmona waroona, .to- foeeIoae a Mortgage, theretofore exeeated by the, Raleigh and Gaston Rail. Read Company; to indemnify the 8ute Miit Mtrt.Tn riahllif um tor u'kl pAmninf. T arill mtl perty of the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Read Company aforesaid, (sot fat a the same is known, to me.) con- eisting of 87 mile or Kail KoaJ, reaching from . tbe City of Raleigh to Gaston, on'tbe North aide of tbe Roanoke River', In the direct line of public conveyance to Petersburg,. City.? Point, Richmond,' Washington City.'Balumere, Ac oxe together with all Bridge. Depots, Workshop and TookO. Wareheusea. ; Water 8uuon,Eagine, Car, ozo. oxo. ; Also, the stock of Iron, Lumber, and. Fire WoooV which may then be on hand, aod all other articles, owned, and used by said Company for keeping up said Rail ' Road,' and transportation on the same. From the nature of tbe property, it will be sold en matte, -i . f ; ' , tu ! ' 0 . . a .a The puiinassro, y ue lerm pi tneiMerew, ana tho Act of the Legislature in relation to it, will be come, tpse facto, a body corporate, by the name and style or the present Company, and will acquire all tbe franchises, privileges, right and I mm on it ie now pnnswail by fri, for the term' ef 80 yeer, which its Charter ha vet to run. These franrblee and privi Leges are of the moat advantageous kind to the Com- poy, and may U found at large, in Iheir Charter, conuiDvv in . i of North Carolina, page 298which.I to be seen, at the 8eats of Government, 'end In most of the Public Libraries of the 8taie0f the Unien,"" ' ; Tho what purchase money must hear interest, at the rat ef 6 per cenU per annum, from the day of ale, and be paid as follows, te wit i 125.000 at the end of six months, and the residae in four instalments, at interval of ten months each ay . , : ... let. 29lh June, .1846. 15,000.. . ' . 2nd. 1 9ih A pril, 1 8 47. one fourth of the remainder. . 3J, 29th February. 1848, one fourth of do. ' 4th, the 29vhof December. 1848, one fourth of do! . filb. the 29th of October, 1849, one fourth of do. : The cost of thi Rail Road and iu appurtenances, completed ooly five years since,' was 8100,000 one half of which waa borrowed ;' creating a debt bearinr interest, on failure to pay which' a sale hss beoome necearyi Tbe grading,' Bridge, Depots, eke. are executed ia an excellent style of workman ship. . Car run daily ever it, carry iog: the .Mail of tho United States, ( U being part of the Southern Metropolitan roots.) at a compensation of SlOU . per mile, or $8700 per annum. And, traversing e fer ule region of country through 'nearly Its whole leneib. its freii hts for the transportation of Produce and Merchandize, independently or tne receipt irom Passenrers. afford a considerable addition te tne oro I nary sources of profiu on Rail Roads.'- ..Though not, j now, yielding a profit on too urge sum expenuea in i iu consfructKMi, iu income nas been increasing. ror some time past, and it is confidently believed . that it would produce e reasonable return upon a more .mo derate amount of capiul invested iu lU purchase. The Sale will be made without reserve, at tne lime and place aforesaid, at which those inclined to pur chase, are respectfully invited to attend. - ' ' ' The purchase money -most be secured, oy Dona with amrroved sureties. "Ths title will be retained as a further surety until the payment of the purchase money, bet possession "given immediately. ' :'; f T Public Treasorer of the State of North Caro '; .' : Una, and, Specisl Commissioner of - the Court of Equity. In this cause. 'V . Baleigh. N. C. October .6. J845. . . L : S04s SUGAR HOUSE ITIOIiASSES. ' A ,N OTHER sopplj received spdfot sals, at the Ml vrvg Diore oi , Aug. 22 .', . ,'. .' .... I .; . .. 67 ATTEWTIOA ! VAMt)8. HAVE received by recent arrivals,' fht following Si a1 lm. . fc . - - eigruyapprovea preparauous, vi - ; JPetera'' Pills, Beekwitu' do. t : Jayne'i Expectorant, t . ,IiolOTtocks -Vermifuge, ? - t ITIc minim's Elix. of Opium. s -- - . Ilernard's CStolem Jledlc'e, . .lease's Uoarliound CAPT DY, llartholomew'a Couh SYUUP,. Tin i r Pinid -ITrt. Sarsaoarillo. : TVistar's Ralsara of Wild Cnerryf And many other valuable Medicines, all of which aj warranted genuine-j '.; .It." , , o aavancea viassee may pursue xne Muaiee ot to oaereuch inducements, in quality and price; as a lower Class, pay ing only, for thf Studiea of the will make it the interest of all to purchase," 03CaU Class to which ,tbey. belong. 4 , .0 . ,.-TJ tr and w their stock.1 f V 1 " " ; ' ; . MintajyTaOicaUuttht to the Puwl. free of extra - The reports' bfFashi onr embracing the latest Fa. ..; - i r '.-......,, 1 1; rr-, ill.. ..-. . . . - - .... .. .... . Raleigh October 27. 85 GOODS, ra are openlaz fTntlE Sabscribers are opening an extensiye assort- inenl of DR Y GOODS, consisting. of CLOTHB of almost evert color and quality, T)ream ffj-w5p si nl nra.pAra ff 'asoimaMe frtm per yard 10 the first quality, in great varieties ; erv T . ' ' " superior plain anil. fancy .Silk - Velvet t plaio black and fancy .tiatin, plain black and figured Challies, for Vests. Also, general supply of 8 ilk, Lambs wool, Merino and Cotton Hosiery ; Linen Shirts, Shirt Bosoms and Collars, of the latest styles f fine Silk and Cambric pocket Handkerchlefi ; plain and figured Scarfs and Cravats; Suspenders; black and light Silk' and1 Kidi Gloves; Satin and Bombazine Stocks and Ties" &c; with VcompTete1 assortment of Tailors' trimmings, at wholesale and retail.'' Together with 'a large ' lot of '' :r:: :,-: ,: ;'',t Itcady-made Clptbes, , 'I, , , both of their own and of Northern manufacture, - , -The above goods were bought for Cash, with great care by ope of vhe firm, in . Ktw York,' and will be sold for. a email advance on the first cost for cash or to regular customers on a short credit. "They intend ropean and American styles received monthly.' Their grateful acknowledgments are tendered to j their friends and patrons for past favors, and a con tinuance is resiecifully and most earnestly requested. " Rateiih,Oct ;8. 145.' . : V . 80 8w WINES, BRANDIES, &c Meserve Madeira Tiutage of 1826, very superior . f; - i '-' DuffGordon a Pate and Gold SITE Ml Y WINS Treble Grape PORT WME warranted direct i importation'-- ' i- n....jr'.'..iA..i.J PDPVPDDDiitrnv wbiw, I'uuj M uw. atiu ilcujCM uvi nuipuicu now In Custom House ' ' '"" CHAMPAIGN, in pint and quart BollIeV all the different brands' V CLARET tad RIIENISH WINES, in cases of one dozen each r..f ; , . . .. : . . , " AU of the above are warranted to be of direct im- portation. . : - i Alan. --! ' , MonongaheU Old J2 YE WHISKE Y Peppermint and Cinnamon CORDIAL - " ' Almond and Parfait Amour ' do ' Together with all artiele in the Grocery Line. For sals by - FKEELAND 8c HALL," v ' No. 69, Light St. Wharf, " ' f BALTIMORE. October 10, 1845. V . 8I-2m . OLIVER & PROCTER, MERCHANT TAILORS, ' ' 1 (Ugly Row,) Foyetteifte Street, 1 , ' aatxioB, . c. s Tico doors below the Wholesale and Retail TaQors' Trimmings Establishment of OsUR 8tock of Good is at hand,embracing French UL Btack.Blue, Invisible Green,Gras Green, Light and dark Brown, Mulberry and Sax.Gotha Cloth, for Dree, Frock and Over Coats. Pantaloon Stuff, consisting of Black French Doe 8 kin and wool-dyed Caaaimeres, figured and plain', Fancy colors of every yartety, and to suit all tsstes. Vesting of Velvet, black and fancy, cut and plain j 8atms, black and fan cy; figured and plain Challie. of all colors, (Frosted Silks for -weddings and parties something new in these parts,) in fact,' all sorts of Vesttngs, as well as Polka Scaifo and Cravats, Stocks of every variety. Opera and Neck Ties, ell colors,' 8ospenders on an Improved plan. Glove, Kid and Silk, black and while Driving Gfcree Gentlemen'e Dree Shirts, latest fab- ton. - onaaer r lanuei onins, never oeiore oroBgm to thi market. ' Silk 8hirts, Collars, Bosoms, and many thins to tedious-to enumerate: Toeether with " a complete assortment of fyifors Trimmings, embrac ing a few yards of Red Padding, 'Canvass Cotton Wadding and Spool Cotton, (and by way of making op the assortment, a few papers of Needles,) which ws too would sell at Wholesale and Retail. ' - The above Goods were not bought altogether for cash, ihertore we Want to eel! them as quick as post aible, and to make it an inducement for customer to purchase, will do now .what we have done for two years sell cheap, and that without compulsion. We spent quite as mciu lime in new urn as any Doay i in our line w think we bought our Goods as cheap at all evenU, we hazard nothing in saying we will sell as cheap, and "that is . all the customer cares for St last. Recollect that Oliver & Procter reduced the prices to what they now are. . If you get your cloth ing cheaper, you are indebted to them for it. .With out disparaging others, we think we can eupply a suit equal in ell respects to any. House ia the United States, and at aa cheap, a rale quality of the goods considered. ' We avail ourselves of, the present op portunity to return ouf sincere acknowledgmenu to our numerous friends and customers, for the patron age uniformly received by ua since our. commence- ment :n business. . Their kindness haa greatly ex eeeded our merit, nut we trust, by" strictly, attending j0 bur business, and endeavoring promptly to fulfil our engagemenU, to have" he continuance, ' We receive every two- weeks, through our New York correspondent the latest Pari, London, and New York Fashions. . Persona furnishing their. own goods, will have them made up with the. same neat ness and despatch as though we supplied the article entire. . Orders from a distance thankfully received and promptly attended to. 7 ; ; ' ; itvJ iii OLIVER & PROCTER, i , 7-. 1 ' n r Fayetteville St., Kaleigh N. C. t f r, 5 doors Seuth Williams, Haywood 4- Cos ) - f i . j U k r,-,- V . Drug Store. , , Raleigh, Oct. 13.' ." ' : .81 THE JETIVA I INSURANCE COMPA KY, or-nnrtrord,-Jonn. Offers to insure Boildinga and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. . -This i one of the oldest and best Insurance Com panies in the UnitedSUtes.and paysiu loesesprompl- Applicationa for Insurance In Raleigh, er ifs v cioiry.to be .made to 8. W. WHITING. Jane, 1845. -'A '- -Agent. 1 -.. l iu A'-V" -yj?t: v . v.- ;; -'.r "t'' ivwav . itnrv' .vj ,e.J nVafifirial rnan blTiinil , ! Assurance Society of London Empowered by Act of rarliammL -CAPITAL 00,000 STERUXG, OS $2,500,000. for j rm Of I I I . Ji. . i i . i g vi, vi tuio luevisuitviii . nuivu mil w ivuuu most advantageous to the assured, and such as are rareijr offered, viz t The peculiar advantasres secured to the assured the principle of the Loaa Department. ; - j A- verr faree sum to be permanently invested Uni8e.inthen.me?ofthree'of Directors, a Trustees available always to the assur- edm ca6e8ofdisputedclaim,..houldanysucharise. ;The payment of premiums, annually, half yearly quarterlu.br monthly" - V : " Tk,.(. A ir i .a u : am becomes doe, without forfeiture of policy. ; , Travelling leave extensive, and liberal j and extra premiums on the most moderate scale. : c ; -: Conditions in the policy less onerous to the assur ed than usual in cases of Life Insurance. , .. H oi lue raiue ot me bonus" in this institution.- $- . ; Its being unconnected with Marine or Fire Insu rance.. :..-..j ;mh ?-.r .fy-.!--i t-.-?,.w J I ? -sThe rates for life with profits' are lower than those of any other foreign Company effecting Life insurance in N ew York. ' ': .' ; - General. Sub-Agent for the Slate pf North Carolina, Gxoaaa ... Littik, Raleigh. r . . . 7 ; ; ' - ; I Tbe admirsble system of Life Insurance which this Institution ha organized, and. which baa secured such marked distinction in Europe, ha obtained for it the highest favor in America During the short period of its establishment in the , United State, its pnnciples have won the unqualified approval of many Agent for the United Stales, and British Pocket-books, Pencils, Buttons, Thread, Matches, I T'aya, Cake Baskets, Coffee Greques, Britsnta War North American Colonies, ' ' Twine, Hatters' Bow-strings Thermometers, Walk-, in Set or. single pieces, Silver and Plated Cups. ,v r : J. LE AN DER STARR ! ing Canes, Jtaxors' Dirk,' pen and Pocket Knives, v;; c;":::pa'iicy; Goods. ; - 'Vl ; ;:' - w Resident in New York,-' Scissors, Shaving utensils, Pistols, Ditks and Cadet : Mantel Clocks, Gold ana CiJvef ttotnted Casrf, ' ' Office 74 WALL-STREET, New York. ' ' Guns, Spy Glasses. Percussion caps, Shot and Shot- Chess Men, and Backrammon Boards. Steel Pens J- eminent men; and the patronage it has received fully , Steam refined Candies, Pilot, Water, Butter,' 86 tesU tbe public confidence in its favor. ja, ;and 8ugar Crackers, Sugar and Ginger Cakes Examples of Rates for the Assurance of 8100 on . , . a Single Life , 7v . :. : : PREMIUMS PAYABLE ANNUALLY Age next 1 For one For . FOR LIFE. Birth Day (year only. Five Without I With prof- ; . . . . :. f Tears profiu j ita ; 13 0 77 $0 81 81 47 $1 64 ' 20 5 0 86 ' 0 90 I 68 I 97 ' " 25 0 98 I 05 . 1'93 V 2 14 SO " 1.21 I 30 2 22 2 46 85 1 46 , I 54 2 54 2 80 40 . 1 61, 1 64 ' 2 93 3 26 ' 45 1 72 1,78 3 47 3 85 ,' ' 60 1 94 2 06 4 21 4 68 65 2 34 2 96 5 28 5 86 ' 60 i 3 78 . 4 25 6 68 '7 4t There are tables for single lives, joint live, survi vorships of two or three lives, endowment for chil dren, Ac. &c. .Tables also for ANNUITIES, both immediate and deferred. All these tables have been calculated from sterling into dollars and cent. . . rr All application for Insurance, as above, must be made to the Subscriber, who is prepared to furnish all necessary information to applicant, that they may require. ; - , ubuuuii iia, Agent. . Raleigh. July 21, 1845. -v- 57 Z Notice; to Traveller.! Keffnlor Daily Hinc9 Sundays excepted,) ... Tfl Old Paint. Norfolk. and thrOUSll 10 Baltimore, WITHOUT ANY DETENTION. ' THE Travelling Public are respectfully informed that this Line is still in successful operation, leaving Petersburg Daily, (Sundays excepted,) at 7 A. M , via City Point Rail Road, taking the James River Steamers, Curtis Peck and Jewess, running al ternately touching at all the landings on James Ri ver, and at Old Point going and returning, and meet ing tbe Bay Steamers, Georgia and Herald in Hamp ton Roads, so that the passenger will arrive in Balti more next morning by 6 A. M reaching Philadel- phia or New York as early as by the Mail Line, at test jjepenac, more comjun, u lion to the two taller Vitus. . r , -The Boats on the Line are the? vs. t Curtis Peek, Capt. Davis, Georgia, Capt. Corrsx, Jewei ; SoTToir, Herald. 4 '' Kcsseli. Fare from Gaston or Weldon to Baltimore, 89 ' Perersburg to Baltimore, -' 8 ' ; Forward Cabin, V; . V'-'i'TU'S From Petersburg to Old Point or Norfolk, 2 ; Meals being included on all the Boats of this Line. I , . We regret being compelled to caution tne fuimc against the missUtemenU made to divert the travel from "this popular route. ' w M. m. muuu. i , Agent. Office Jamea River & Bay Line, 57 ? , Wedon, N. C. July,l6, 1845. : Tne Undersigned -will attend regularly uhe COUNTY and 8UPERIOR i COURTS, of Wake, Granville, Franklin, John All' business entrusted to his care rton, and Nash. will be promptly attended to. . s : r-? f , ,r HENRY-W. MILLER, J-.:.-;-Y.'PiiCr Raleigh, N. C' i-8eptember 15, 1845. 73tf r pHE SUBSCRIBER intending to remove A to his plantation in the country, offer a great bargain in the sale of his Meriu villa Tract of land immediately adjoining the town of Oxford." The tract contains S15 acres, with an ample supply of timber 'and fire-wood, and an unusual quantity of well improved ..land.'-'The dwelling, of the largest dimensions) Is just completed in the most fashiona ble and neatest style of architecture, and is situated Oh a beautiful eminence within a mile of the Court House: The town of Oxford is distinguished for the healthiness of its location, and the refined and moral character of iU inhabitantn. The schools are in a flourisbiog condition.- Should the above premises not he disposed of by , the month of December, they will be o&red for rent the ensuing year, j JNO. C. TAYLOR August 21, 1845., . . . . 63-tf RE3IOYAE .OP THE: ' New Book Store. fTnHE .Subscriber haa removed his Book .Store jl from the House on Fayetteville Street, to the building, adjoihing the OfBce of, the Raleigb Register, where .all orders 'in his line .will be thankfully received and promptly attended to, as before-. : ; i-,0L, CLEVELAND., Raleigh, Oct 25. ,85 tf a 2 -,-!sv5s4p ii aupsT!. 1 6TT -fTMT ih rovtp f ry Goods ! At Cost for Cash ! Consequently ' lower than at any other 8tore in. this place ! ! as we do not wish Id deal any longer in the aDove Uoods. - - 1 G. W A U GKlMMrJ. Raleigh, Oct 1, 1845:- ' . ' " ' 78 -trri 71V7VirTT M TTtil' by I I Mf j JL a u....:. .j I callTsealed, in Tin Canisterl h WJr in l .i : ,n iu o.i moOInchFreM Gin ' r 24 j.re dr- in MdSvrun Green 8an tSi ti n.-n; n.'rP--.niJi..I "'3 'orrT"": i . . s: . - . " rickles, in Winevicegar and various Sauces. G., W. C, GRIMME Oct.1, 1845. 78 I & WiUUVllUUttl Ul UlA llOf j. ; w jii Kifi:i,i t jn u jLUISf I CONSTANTLY on : hand at : Fine Artificial Flowers, and Hair, Fancy : and j Work Boxes, Bonnet Ribbon, Basket, Snuffboxes, j I Travelling bsgs, Combs Pins, Needles, Purses, I belu Powder flasks;' Spectacles, Looking-glasses, Cloth, Hat, Hair, Dusting, Shoe and small Painting Brushes ; Whips, Fishing Utensils, Night Tapers, Smoking Pipes, Slates, Shoe-thread, Awls, Sifters, Cotton and Wool cards, Coffee-mills, plain and painted Mugs, Lamps and Lamp wicks,' Waiters,' Clocks, Britannia and Iron Spoons, Spurs, Pad locks, Bridle-bits, Tacks. yr ? v ' v - W-t:'--M ) FRESH CONFECTIONARY & GROCERIE8. from Richmond, Lemons, Oranges, Raisins, Figs,' Prunes,Curran ts,Dates, Citron, Filberts, Palm, Wall, Peccan, and Cocosnuts, Almonds, -Nutmegs, Bran- dy Fruit," Prefervg,? Jujube-paste, Mustard Sweet Oil, Lemon Syrup,. .e..:i.:i.--M z:Airr-;;&- .: . HoIas$eS) Cof fee, Sngirs, a large quan tity on . hand. . , K -itj .:. ; ,V r (y fi : Candles best Sperm, northern Tallow, and I small Wax for lanterns. ' f. ; CHEESE, Pine Apple and common 4 OIL, best Sperm, White and 'Fish Oil. - TEA Black, Imperial, Gunpowder: :; SOAPS Castile, variegated, dark and light tur- pentine, and perfumed shaving. Ground Ginger and Pepper, and whole do. All- I pice, BUrch, Indigo, Uopperas, Madder, clacking, Boots,' v."''.- ' - - ' - . fTj' Sold only by the bottle out of the House f BEST PORT, MADEIRA & MUSCAT WINE, POUTER. J Perfumery. Oil of Roses, Antique Oils, Cologne, Lavender Bergamott, Opodeldoc, pink Saucers. - JIusical Instruments. ' Violins, bows, strings, bridges, screws, Flageo- lettes, Fifes, Flutes, Clarionetts, Accordeons, Dulci mo Wire. ;. .. w'-x'i ' . v - -r ' Stationary ' Picture end Song Books, Key of Heaven (Cath olic ) Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, inkstands, Ink pow- ucr, ocuug-w.,v.,, t.c-.j... s, J- o i: r V ..... Fencing and Boxing Apparattit. Foils, Swords, Gloves,' Hats, Breastplates. : ' - ; Jewellery, Of Gold and k8ilver, aa well as German 8ilver, and I Pinchback,viz:Breastpins, Ear-rings,Pencils, Finger rings, Thimbles, Tea Bells, Table and Tea Spoons, Metal Combs, Belt-buckles Watch Xeye,' Fob Chains, Gypsum-beads, white and black jet bogle Beads, assorted sixes. , ( : - J V - Games and. Toys. . ' Dominos, Chessmen, Backgammon. Keno, Ten pins, Cup and Ball, Dies, Printing Presses, Chil dren's Trunks Wheelbarrows,' Bureaus, Marbles, Humming tops, Drums, Rattles, : Whistles, mouth Organs, Harps, Trumpets, Paint boxes, magnetic Toys, false Faces, Malescops, Microscopes, Pewter and China tea setts, Drummers, fancy toys. Dolls, Doll-head. G. W. & C. GRIMME, 3 Corner opposite Mr. R. Smith's. , i ' Raleigh, Oct. 1, 1845. .-J ,78 ' N W ; PUBLIC AT 1 0 NS RECEIVED THIS DAT". fTHHE BREACH OF PROMISE, a novel by Jl the author of "the Jilt," CousinGeoffrey, dec "The Parsonage of Mora, by Frederika Bremer. --A' Praise and Principle ; or. For What shall 1 Live, by the author of Conquest and Self-Con- quest,"; &e. tinAy A;. ?a Atv The Travels of Iflarco Polo, gteatly amended and enlarged, wttit copious notes, by Hugh J Murray, F.' R. 8 )5.v.si-v:'rf' .i ' , - I Essays, by John Abercrombie, M. V T. K. S. E. v ALsO, No. 3G Harper's Illuminated and Illustrated Bible, i For ale at the North Carolina Book Store. . .. ,, ;. .. :ll TURNER & HUGHES, - ' " " ' " "' ". A A :'--Sft.--i PblUher Agents. Raleigh. Sept. 19. A . .; .;A-M5 Fresh DrupMe(UciiieSa&c. a WILLIAMS, HA WOOD ft, CO., Are bow recciTing: from Htvr Tork and Philadelphia, a large and tu ral assortment 8l -tm DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS . Paints and Oils; Dye-Stuf fs, A , G L A S SAW A HE, PE RFUMERY, '&'c . Which they are' prepared to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians, Merchants, and other dealing in their line, at unusually .low"pricesJ?;w" 'AA:lA (Those wishing to buy, willnd it to their interest to ca,II and examine before purchasing elsewhere. . A ' Particular attention at all, .times wilt be given to putting up Prescriptions, as well ss the dispensing of nmn.iim ' . : BsIeigh, JoIy, 1845. t- i i'Si ', WA A, VERY SUPERIOR SEGARS, as. jvUy jsored Brands, just received and for sal$, by - . AWtLLIAMS 'September 18. A ' HAYWOOD & .Co. A- " A 74 " T?ni D nnf r And immediate . JL VI All villa possession given, the comfortable J welling House in the. Western part of the City, lately occupied by Major T. L. VV est. ; Apply at this OP PfTi fa ti ti ATT in VT j 0. B. EOOT,! t,--r.. xiAvr:;a visitfj rrr. York and. rillaJiiir the purpose of tf Jir tai Ctocs( repect:uny ir.rjrra his frkr.Js af.J the Ptllic v ' tbat hi has jast cptwd j large and spIcnJiJ assart meat fi '... .4. ,. .JEWELRY AfJi) FANCY GOODS; ennof Gold and Silver Leyer Wtche Aj cbor cyLnIr. Vertical . UscapeEenU. ; Gokl - and .Q Chain, Sed. Keys, tojether with !Tge assortment of Dreast Pips, Fmger Rings, Ear Rings, Gold and.Cilver PencUs, .Thimbles, MedaW lions. Gold Hearts and Crosses. A iff pri Gold. Silver. . Blue and uolished Steel Spectacle Perifocal Spectacle Glasses, a riew' artiele, to sui ttiey Eyes of all persons, very superior Flint Glasses, thai may he adjusted in any frame, at any notice. - " ! Silver and Plated . Ware ' ? :- 8ilver Table, Tea,Dessert,' Salt and MGsUrdCpoona Ladle, Sugar-tToDgs, Butter Knives Silver-mouctrd Cocoa Nuts Castors, Candle-8(ickjs, SnuCirs fad Gilt, Steel, Glass and Satin Beads, Jet Combs; Cerar and Card Cases; Purse i Chapman's Ra&or Straps Toilet DoUJcs and Ladies Toilet Work Doles. ', . A fine assortment of Rogera' Raxora f Pocket and 'r: Ten 'Knives - ",' .'h2 ' Gtnts and Pistol '. A large and r fine collection of Double Barrel G tins' ; and Celt'a Ptent Revolving Pistols. - "x "' ' JPerf uniery ' " 1 t Comprising Powder Boxes, Cologne and Laveniaf Waters ; Toilet Powder; Shaving and Toilst 8oepe Also, Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes li , V- Miialcal Instrnrnebts -, -. . , Spanish Guitars, ViolinsClarionets, flutes, Fies, Guitar and Violin Strings, Extra Violin. Bows. &e, ' W etches and Clocks repaired in a superior alyli. As his own personal' attention will be given to thlk department, those persons having article pf this kind to repair, may rely on their, being well and faiihfu!rj executed. Gold and 8ilver manufactured to, crier with nealxleas and punctuality. ' Highest prices (Us eh for old Gold and Silver. ' A 1 Raleigh, Oct 20, t845;iVi? i n.t v C3 U. f CXlliuUlv ! X7I till 1U Plantation FOX -SMI. ti ro 1 CREDIT OF 1. 2, i iSD 4 VmiTi S Hi; ffnilE STJHSCIIinII offers for site hb U Plantation, lying 7 miles "west of CoL-mbos, Mississippi, nekr. the Robinson Road, and 6 r!!cs from the River This is a portion of that Vi'.L:j Tract of Land, lately owned by Col. Jno. D. Ar'i) late of North Carolina, and has been constiertd cr S of the most valuable Cotton Farms ia North liisr't , PP ''..",-.... h -;-:- t The Tract contains 720 Acres 440 serea ta high state of cultivation and 60 acres dctd:r:c3, which can be brought into cultivation with Hit! trouble. The Gin House, Screw, Hore-'iU Ca bins, for the aeeommodation of 70 or 69 Negroes: . . - blljy:-ft nec,M.r- on . Farm, are all new the wat r is good Corn, Fodder, and stock ot every description' will be sold, either for cash er ca at credit;: f', ; J'",i" -.V' :-,r'?s Poseeesion given the first of January, 1843 The? nrsc paymeai may do a sman one, u not convenient to pay much, i The Tract can be enlarged, if desired ' V GRAY A. CHANDLER . Columbus, Miss Msy 13, 1845 ; 43 N ; J?rintWarehons8; ' ' raj rai-ptxr Vodtt ' ' ' " To supply ths City and Interior Trade, by tne Fi?etf , , .;5 - orrsceage, - . . ,-t :c' "n e n o v ed ;.;v; . H, From 113 Pearl Street to' 1 ; - A: - :' IvTgA-R William Biztzt ; If teE BREWSTEn give police to he U j Dealers in Dry Goods, that they have removed' their Warehouse for Printed Calicoes exclusively, frot Pearl to 44 Cedar street. ' By comfining their a::en' tion to Prints only. L. A B. are enabled to exkltit sai assortment far surpassing any ever before offered in; America and to sell at prices as low, rnd generally lower, than houses whose attention ia dtvL'eJ taet a large variety of article ' ;-A- -y-.'-.i , - t sATbe Stock consists of severed thousands of Pattern' cruf Colorings, embracing every variety ef . .': ? American and Foreign rxluls In market many styles of which srs got ep excla sively for their own . sales, end cannot he had !-. . where, except in second hands. . - Dealers in PrinU kill find it for their interest t examine this Stock before making their porcbaae- they will have tbe advanUgs of learning the I?Tvesti market prices and comparing alt the desirable styles f in market side by side. .r. r ; . . . Catalogues of Prices: corrected with every variation." of the Market, are placed in the hands cf buyers. ' .' 1 September 20, 1844. ' A V -; CIGARS ! CIGARS U 1 CIGARS I U ;V .TTTTJE: would respectfully inform e .cither.i cf r r-V K?i8bi and the . public generally that v ,r have opened a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, w. ere we constantly keep oh hand a fell sesortmcnt of ti; V1 ly flavored imported Cigars, including s REGALIA, ESPERANZA,v' ji ; l?CAZADORE, V ; CUBRV, . - -LANORMA v, y 'HAVANA. - A ; werner,. i 'Principi; : A and all kinds of domestic manufactured Cirsrs.A Ai general sssortment of superior the wis 2 TOBACCO; Msccuba, Congress- coarse . Earpeo and - Ccokbl SNUFF; Cigar cases, 8nufTEoxes, and all articles !a the line, which we ofier at Fevt York prices, by the wholesale or retail. All orJers thatkully ' re:: it- and attended to with ipald,',--'.-r- ; . ; v A ' "Purchasers, and the lovers cf good Cigars an J To-1 bacco, will always be furtuheJ with the Lect L!Js,( suited to the taste of the connoiesur. . Call an J try at' , A : 1 ' KRAUSE 1 MILLER'S, ; , Fayetteville street, opposite tbe City Hall. . . .'8epf 2, - , , C3 -v TTNE C NE CASE TAMAWUDS. Jaat to U:l.t' ! VJJ for sale lew by p. f. rr :cup. icrarnirjTiNo s:f'' . 'i ! T.. . 1 Neatly exqcwA i c - 'dps:.'-.:-.' iV i

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