0- J . 4- it at at ,?;ILi:l.o:.:c',;:''. J ' i , ; I 1. J a. oef II ulr 1 . tt r. mtt ia4, p atv "J E2y not Ital tot 1m Jt. lb' Mir r ' t'.er, rof-: 09 00) K tie a tor 4 Je.A at, oe-. 15 I.. 1 '.'1 bte' aO ii If. ra lo kSt he ae s; r I ,f3T 11- r vtJ ? t il!V??:nrror ttrr Sixteen Ltnes. I A . n it... v. ..I...i;mar(lan. fjeT .- " . - - 1 . :n .1 a r nvn f Via M Tilts r nnfiei. i jjj pr cent win v - ... . 1- .L- tff..P.U. KtofeUrx- : ' ' i . Letter to in cauor ron i roTTn Shcrwo o d?s Vi b rat o ry irftHE vIBKATUiii MUt3iti.n- nctnuj I abUtuiJ Car tha Kxary, ia tai Machine, by CVafwenbar. Jaw it with as xtraorJiiunr wpe- writy cnttitrj form in which U baa beo contoc- aJ. It m eotapacxi dun lofricer wiu iu oaturj. ires, an J other appliance, in mahoan y caaea. Varveral en aoJ pcrs, atSlO, (two aize SIX, fllanJ t8 each ; aaJ foewtrdni, io.ider, lo any rtolihaCakw, thtUanaJaa, West ladieaor Souia fjaca ease is accompanied with a Manoal (7th edl- gaa.po.TSf, 31 ji oc!odinf a cotnpleie Maao J alike Practicaof Medicine, witU a very fall Gloe 7 fivinj Jclear and ample directions or. the nae af6 iastrament ia the various diseases to which it i applicable, and which are found, dj the euceeaaful frtctice of ha odreds of operators, to ioclode ibe most arralsat, ss wall as the moat peculiar and obatia'aie, itt are kaewa io lha medical profession with the most Medicines for each ease." ' 1 r H. H. 8HERW00D, M. D. f ; 101 Chamber 8,t New York. I 9epL 19. .... 74-3m FAIETX t'1.1 AID ItEfULlUU TO 3XEKCHAXT3 GOIXG JTOUTU. A.W.SPIES&CO. 213 Prf JStrttt, Xev Yri - m irw - ' t Gnav lilies, 1'Hioii, ac. from JlnsIaiitX, JPraacc ana GerxxtaxxTf - - A REpreptred to sell on ibe most favorable terms, CUTLERY of all kia4a, iocloding kloires and t Forks, of every description and Luxe. Scissors, Pocket Knives, ' dow' do. Gone, Pistole, Rifles and Mjiakets, - ' do Gaa Smith's Tools, ' .'. - do. do. Asrir Vices, Hoes, Trace) Chains, &c Trank, Cheat, Duor and Pad Locks of aJl kinds, Scythes, Saws, and Tools of all kinds. ;! Japan nery and Britannia Wares.' 1 -' ' Brass Goods, of all kinds." ; . :- - ' Mithemalical lostruments. . Fbj W tai Fowlrri Tack!e,c &c. &c ' A. V. S. Co. art Ays oU for the latent self tatiior. raatateel six barrel re vol via? PISTOL. iMpenor to anr kind of Pistol ibr. a safe guard. Uercbaote will find it to their tntereat, to call. wore purchasing elsewhere s c New York, October ia i -f 81 r Ch.anIca.La Ira rrrmt' vmrletlca from fiat, Ltdn. likewUe tboee of the most Seperior tncvt Mutufaelure have beea reeMved and wtU rtaijaa v truing term by the aubscriber, vix: lo- loJUe. or Iraa Deaio lodiaa of Merenry ; rro LLI Msreary Iodide of Potaass Strychnine; Irvrins; SalphtUw Acs iU, and Mart ale of Mor- r-t; Nareotioe, .Pipwinei Cyan, Ftftaasss ; Gfrtfe Iraa; Citrate Qainiae "and Iron; ,Pbo- fe Iroa:Prot Chlor.'Mercorv :v Bi Cnloride ; TarpeOi Mineral ; Chryst. Tart. Antimony iaa fVforsoa'st Nit- Silver' In chrvtala , itfriaoi: Mar 'Barvta: Oxide Tint Sutphuret 'ia; HyJroeyaai Acid; Bromine, tie. All the a amnooej chtmicals em warranted rrar, & be lt auaufaetared by the raott relsbraled chemista will M fail t give aoivsraal saiiifaction. Physicians are P. T. PESCUD . ' . tv aotaai ana ueian urogzw, . .. , Ilaleigf, North Csrofina.. . DletcUes f or the Sick and Invalid. ada Arrow Root, SaperMr Wbiu. Tapioca, barley. Sax. Robinaon'e Patent Brtey, Coop Uaxlisa, Seperior Resaia Iaioglava, Irish Moss, I m Arabic, grd- Slippery Elm. Pert Wine, &c 4 lb above asatioood. and aavay other little prep- Naioos for delicate food, so necessary for the sick- 'aibr as disacted by aeJicaLrUa, will be toond t ... , , rr- PEC UDTJ Drug Siore. JUST KECEIVXO AT TIIC , BALTIMORE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, ' 1 If OTHER lot of CLOTHING, such.aa Over A Coats, Panutwn ao l Vests, which. In addi- stamy (oraaer. large stock, tnakaa it by far the ytwtinlhe City L"d- will be soil very Jow for t. a posaesaiea gtvea on the first of Jan a try en- liX aaiaf. tSe Urn and eii'z'iMy ailoated Dwelling Js. a FayetieviJle 8treet, at praent occupied by Fic. v.ll 1815. 90 1 . large scppiy of pni.tr r:;a IlM Uen received si lai O.Te frwn; T5ea faeiorvs. and le eSrrvd fvc sale, st a small rYa epod 144. for Case. 'The Ink ia is i5 snd av. Is and is warranted to be a good a rile U. . I8.- 5-tf r- 1 ; niLANIi DHCDS . Just Printed, y I . aso roa iiu at thij orna , ' 1 '" y, ' 1 ' (ooatenew. ALo two circuit Store JLiSipS." Ajplj to - O. L. CLE VKLaMJ. u KiUigh, October 30. f - , " . ; , 85 Morton & Sturdivant, OeEcral Conimlsslon KlcrckautS, j -AND .FORWARD WQ -AGENTS,- . . " ; - BOLLlNGBItOOK stl ILL particular altcniloo to ' (h 4l of UiriTONi TOBACCO, 'WHEAT; an FLOUR. riouuem jorwariieu I wttV protnp'lae ml desuAlch. Liberal eaab aJranca cuua bn all Conalgomenta. Refer la .v - :.v .'r ' " i Ueaars. IL Tockar & Son., V ; U") p.'ijA ' Tomer dt Hughea, . j . Pefarabnry; Vau,' Kot. 8, 1845. ' 89-w8w (D48: NesToesv for Sale.ica rrnE ADVEHTJSER teuU offer for aafei lha JJ tl0a oaaberof Werroes. forminff lOXimi lei. Araoos them i one Tooait Blacaamiih. veru Urly brought op to lha , trade, 12 fellow , and - S3 i workers ia all. They are a fioe pared t and will be toiu f j 1st or January nexL . I eriat. -Two-thirda Casilahce 4oegotialie ,.' ,f ' i I paper at 3 and 6 taoaih. for further inormaiion, a Letter ddened to Mr. MAasaALi. Poat Master at Halifax K. V. v&l be promptly anawered. V '- :u; &,Gaston Rall Jldad 9' FOR SALE. V f OvTT ITIonday, tluc.aatn cay of ,Ic- ' ctmber next; by virtue ef a Decree of the Court of Equity v Jar Wake Coonijr, at iu 'Au tumn Seawoa, 1845, in a sail of the Governor for aae of the State of North Carolina, to foreclose a Mortrase. theretofore) execn'ed bythe Raleigh. and Gaston Rail Road Company; to indemnify the State agaiost certain liabilities for said Company, I will sell at PobJie Auction, at the Court Hoose door. in the City of Raleigh, to the highest biJder, the whole pro- m . IL a m. - a- . a a petty 01 toe itaieiga ana uasion au ruau company I aforesaid, (so far as the earns ia known to me.) con i I sisting of 8T miles of Rail Road, reaching from the City ot uateiga 10 viaauw, a lus-nona siae or ma Boaooke River, 10 the direct bne of fmUio conveyance to Petersburg, Cfly. Point,! wchraond, Waahington City, Baltimore, Ac Ate-, togathar with all Bridges, Depots. Workshops and, Tools, Warehouse.. Water Stations, En kines. Cars, Ac. dec Also; the stock of Iron, Lumber, and Fire Wood, which may then be on hand, and ail other articles, owned and osed by said CorBpany lor keeping vp said Rair Road, and transoortatioa on the seme. From the nature of the property, h wil be sold en masse. - r - f -'f The purchaaefa, by the terms of the Decree, and the Act ef the Legislature in relation to it, will be come, iota, facia, a bodv corporate, by the. name and st vie H the prearat Company,' and wH acquire . all frwhiaes, privileges, rights snd immunities now V . . -1 evaei m a v noeMfKu UT IW lug uifi khi vi wuitu it Charter ha a vet to ran. ' These franchises arul pnvi lexea are of the most advantageous kind ' to the Conv paov, and may be foond at larie in their Charter, eontained in the 2d Ve4um of the Revised Statutes) Of North Carolina, page 29S(. which is to be seen at the Seats of Government, snd In mosx of the Public Libraries of theSiaeaof the Union. The whole purchase money must bear interest, at the rate W 6 per tent . per aonoaV from the day ef sale, and be paid as follows, lo wit t atauo at me end of six months, and the teaidae in bar inaUlmenta, at Intervals often months earn say - 1st. 29th Jene,' 1848. 5,000 - m 2nd.29th April, 1847. one fourth of heremainder. SJL29th February. 1848, cos fourth of dov ' 4tbJthe 29th of December. 1848, one fourth of do. ' fitb. the 29th of October. 1849, one fourth of do, The cost of this Rail Road and iis appartMiances, com Dieted only sVe years atnee, waa ll.600.Q00 ono nail of wmca w iwibihm , omuui w . l . J . .: a.v.. bearing interest, on failare,to py which, a sale hss become necessary v The grading . Bridges, uepore, At are execnted in an excelletii atyle of workmsa- ship. Cara run dsily over 4t, carry ing' the Mail of iH HnttMl Statea. lit beinsr a part of the Southern MetrepoHten wa) eompenaaUort or JlOU per mile, or $3,700 er annum, aru, iravvnnna; ief t.u wmmint' nf eoantrr tbrooth nearlr its whole me regwn ot w7 1 length. IU iHighte fef ths tHnUnsj Pndaee and Merehamlixe. independently of the reedpts from Paseengers, aSord a considerable addition to the ordi nary aoorees of profits on itaii hosus.. j noogn nat. now. viaMinr a troni on ine largo sain ezpeaieu 10 its coo rac tion. its income has been increasing for tuae twst.and it ia confidently believed, ibat jt wwU orodnea a reasonable return, upon a in ore mo a a derate asaoaat of capital in veated in fa purchase, ,M The Sale will be made wiUuwf reserpe.pl the time and niaco aJareaakl. at which those, inclined, to pur- chaae, are respectfully invited t.,attend.r . , . -The p.irehae money raut pe socurea py oonu amwoeed aoretiea. The tills will be retained as a further sorely, nntil the'payment of the purchase oaoney, but posseaaion given imnroifeiy. ... u."''"' -K"S"T;":Tr". r,- "Lzl -fiX - n t. ' Raleigh, N. C October 8. 1845. - , t ..r V i !..;.. f f l ' s -1 w . . v a a w a . FTTUIE 2ZZT7A I SP.U RA7SCZ1 COSlPAi U - y. or nartford. ccan.v.ofieni ,to maara Beddings and Merthandixt, against loss or damaae by lira, nrmiums Jo smttha tiraes.. . , .This is ette of the eldest end tn insnrsnce uo.m. panics ia the UcileJSuttf.and psysits loasesprornpt. Iy-. - .i"" j - ei: ' - ' i j -. ' "".r ' ' " . . . a Aa ST. X Arr'ictitQns. for tnsnraaca tn waietf n."r n j cinity.tobemsdeto S. W. WHITING- ; - ,- a ri Sr't.'l !ta- 1 BLANKS t W Raleigh w - km 7 Vly For iale aF thla Ofice." ' L ''L ' wswsaawawssai I ' New'Fall and Winter. Goods; OLIVER Sc rPROCTER, : t ; l Vr MERCHANT -TAILORS,--... IU ""'? i Vglrf Raw.) -FayeUexUlc Street, ? 't-Nv', ,, VftAixiaii, .'o. -r ; I - 3 . i - i i wrrt e 1 Ttco doori. btlow the Wholesale and Retail TatioATirimminzt Establishment of . , i. Joseph j. .biggs. tTKTJR Stock of Good ia at hand .embracinj French ViV BUck,Blue,Intiibre Gieen.GraM Green, Light ! t , and dark Brown, Mulberry and tiax Gotha Clotbii, for Dreaa, Fnxk and Over Coal. Pantaloon Slufla, conaiatiog of BUck French D Skin and wool-dyed Laaimeree, figured and plainer ancy .colore of every variety i;d to auit all laatea, V Veal in -a of Velrfta, Wack and fancy, "cut and plain; Saline, black and fan- cy; figured and plain Cbaliiea. of all colors, (Frosted Silks for veddtngs and parties something new in these Darts' in fact, all aorta of Vratinrs. aa folks Scat fa and Cravats; .Stocks of every variety. , . . - - -- Opera and Neck Ties,' all olora,' Suapenders on an iroproeed plan; Gloves Kid and Silk, black and white Driying Glove Gentlemen's Dress Shirts, latest fash ion,. Sb&kar Flannel Shirts, never before brought to Ihu market.. Silk ShirUCollara, Bosoms, snd many things too tdioua to enumerate.' Together' with a complete assortment of Tailors' Trimminga,' embrae inga-few yard of Red Padding, Canvass Cotton ! S!04 X "Lx" apihessotinwWa(ewf.ape?s ofmlles,) which w w u . rot.- A. ..' ' " The above Goods were not bought altogether for cash,', thernfore we want to sell ihem aa quick: as pos sible,' and to make it an inducement forcuatomera to purchase, will do now what we , have done for two years sell cheap, and that without compulsion. We spent quite aa much time in New York as any body in our line we think we bought oar Good as cheap at all events, we baxard nothing in saying we wil' sell as cheap, and that4 is al! the customer cares for at last.' Recollect that Oliver & Procter reduced the prices to what they now are. If yoa get your cloth log cheaper, you are indebted to them for it. With out disparsging others, we think we can. supply a suit equal in all repecUto any House in the United States, and at ss cheap a rate quality of ibe goods considered. Wa avail ourselves of the present op portunity lo return our sincere acknowledgments to our numerous friends and customers for 'the patron age. uniformly received by ua since our commence ment in basin ess. Their, kindness has greatly ex ceeded our merit, but we trust, by strictly . attending to our business, aud endeavoring promptly to fulfil j our engagements, to have its continuance. - ' ; ' iiWa receive every 'two weeks, throofh'Our New Yotk correspondent, the latest Paris, London,' and JS'ew York Fashions. .Persons furnishing their own roods, will have them made up with the same neat- nea and despatch aa though we supplied the arUcle entire, . Ordera from a dlsUnce 'thankfully received and promptly attended to. - ;' OLIVER & PROCTER, 5 doors South. WiUisms, Hay wood 4; Co.' Drug Store. Raleigh, Oct. 13, J 81 To the Heirs at Lav of JOSEPH IN the matter of, Wim ax Pkack, PIiintiflL and Job M. Psaca and others. Defendants, nendinsr 3 j w ar p. a a.. m r in ui ouprcoie toun wi iorui varoiina, lor me ' sale and ' parution of the Keai Eatate of Joseph Peace, deceased. 1. M TTTIURSUANT to an Order of the Supreme Court ! of North Carolina, direciicg the Sulweriber to enquire and, atate to the Court, .who were .the Heirs at Law of Jesara Pxacb, deceased, the intestate in the pleadinga named. Jiving at the time of hie death, to wit : December 3. 1842, and whether any of tbem are 'since dead; 'arid if dead, who is or are their Heirs-1 at.Lawvl do hereby give notice to all persons .claim ing to be Heiraat-La w of the said Joseph' Peace, de- j ceased, to come Id and make Out their kindred before me. at the Office of aaid ' Court, in the' City of Ra leigh, on the second day of February next,1 as in de fault thereof they will be excluded from all benefit in the division of the Real Estate of said inteata'e. V , ... , b. b. FREEMAN, .Clerk., Aoroat S2;l815.! '';67-5ms 7 ; : j Shingles -Slilngless f-" TWO DOLLARS per tliotuand will be paid in Caah, for good, heart pine Shingles, of 18 inches j ia length, well-drawn, and will joint at least 4 inches , wUe. if delivered soon at the Depot of the Raleigh ck Gaston Rail Road Company.:. 'a'y---i' - KaJeigb. Dec. I, 1845. ' i' - "85 lm i ... ;f BANK OF STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ;; rtlHE Annual General Meeting of the Stockholders ' Jl of ihis Bank, will be held at their Bankinsr-hbuse tn this City on the Ir Monday In January neit. r- t;if C. DEWEY, Cashier (Jj Star, Standard, and Independent, 4 timea.': " Just Published- and Received, X KOETII ClUOLOl ALMANAC ?0R '18iS, Z'; TTTOR aale at the ' North Carolina, Bookstore by LP 'Wholesale or ReteiL Orders from a -distance, promptly attended to - ,- t . ;?- uecemoer ist;:TC.' - bo Printfriff Office: MSale;. arnHE Subscriberi, being anxious to close up their ll a a " a a. .jj pusiness nere. wmcn nss oecome complicated for sale ibe fnnting umce ffl ; ibli . Th. e,uHi,hm.M will b. fo' abont Aa Me flwtwnl e the business of - .,, - . which eteri tkt office, for the last ' twelve months which every j pcutter at least win see j arr exiraoruinsry- aacnnoe. i The paper has near four, hundred aobseribers, and its business bas increased each year since, its establish ment. For further particulars, address oa pereonslly or by letter. It is necessary that applications to pur chase should be made before the 1st of January next. chase should be made before . Taskegee, Ala-" Nor; 13, v & T, F; MARTIN. ' 1845, , t; CLOTHING ! - CLOTHING I i Thd Sljn of ttie Red nianliet Coats, I U PaV.ff rllla Xfrfft RaTfff h ' ; ' I f ayCCTU 6 SirttL MIClgll, TTS THE PLACE for Bargains. Intending to I A) K.rtr. mi Tjieaent hoaineH.' at the Nnrth. 1 JSar I J J I . . . - my VtticK Of 'Jiotning mt rmiaoeipnia boav price , 1 40d chespet thaa can be parebesed is any Northers UfarkeV-tTh Good trf ailfreaha snd imported Ihis fati. . ATbe ,wf rkmarubip is as good as can be niade. will warrarft every Garment s.urid. snd a , fit. falT, ifyea please, and. jn.Tge- for voureelves. Tbe Clothing is at private aie; and ' for- examination, at any lime. " I hive also on . band, a lot of, I RT i QOODSTtbat I -received for eclaim due me. 4 wiil eeH Icheap rCIO t CassltntTCSy J.Vaf tnsrtf jnd, nm: Fancy .QoodaW Raleigh, Dee. I, 1845.-: ' HH ll l II I Old Court of " Fortune1. ' ' . ' 220 BtlOADWAY. fN FECIAL AGENCY for the dty of New York k4 where millions have been distributed to the for tunate. ' v'" r'Mf ' 'The subscriber would invite the early attention of al persons desirous of a chance in any of the following Brilliant Schemes, soon to be drawn; onder the man agement of Messrs. J. G. G a koo a r & Co.', succes sors to Messrs. Yatxs dc MclHTrxs, and Messrs. D; Every rerson ordering tickets of the suWriber wili receive the official drawing, published iu the Bulletin, newspaper. ' The aame -paperwill also contain a ust or schemes ahead.";w pi,Huww.-i Money on all the solvent banks in the United States, and Canada, received at par for tickets sold at the old Court of Fortune, 220 Broadway ; and the postage is always paid by the subset iber on all letters containing 15 and nnwerd.-"i,' ; Cj Money can be sent by mail with perfect safety, and all letters are invariably answered the same day as rreeived. .All communication with this "office strictly e&ientid'iV7'!?u.'A ifU-fi U particular and ddresenVA V;Vrt'JfrMii&i i ;; tl ; i JOSEPH HOUGH 2?0 Broadway.! i 3 $25000 is ; $75,000 R A N D CONSOLIDATED LO TT ERY, v-? oratuwAU aito esoaou. For improving the navigation of Pokotnoke River, " and for the benefit of x ort Gamea Academy. Class 73 for 1845, to be drawn at Wilmioston ; (Del.) Saturday, Dec 20, 1845, u " 78 Numbers 12 Drawn Ballots. U rviix Ci ot tu.t iiianager?, f JSCHEMB. l - F - i - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 25,000 ! 10,000 4,244 - 3.000 " 25.000 10.000 ' -4,244 3.000 2,000 ' ' 1.750 " 1,500 J - 1,250 l 1,000 . j 500 150 100 . .. . t 80 1 1 1 2 '2 20 20 20 ; 4,000 3,500 30,000 25.000 20,000 - '75,000 9,900 i 60 66 66 -66 r 132 3,960 25,740 6600 5,280 "'3,960 5,280 -95,040 t-. 60 - 40 24 12 v. '308,880 Ln1fi 2fff V0,0 n!n V'J1?!1?"?, $684,684 Halves $6 Quarters $3 A Certificate of a Package of 26 Tickets will be sent for 9160 Shares an proportion i A Grand Capitol Prize of NEW. JERSE Y. S TAT E . LOT.TE BY, For the benefit of tbo Society for the Encourage- ; ment of Useful -t Maiinfactory, Class 122, lor ; 1845, to be drawn at Jersey City, ri. J., on Monday, Dec. 29, 1845. .; , 7o Numbers 12 Drawn Hallots. . J G. Gregory AVCo. Managers. SCHEME. . ,20,000 ;, 5,000 ; '200: : . 2,145 2.000 "I" 1,500 f ; 150 . . 1,000 ; .::2ooA OflfUVli t rtV1 1 0,UI"JI 'Rfjrt 2,145 2,000 .'15,000 '1200 10,000 I: 2,000 10 ,10 10 10' r. 20' 150 .100 50 40 C SO . , 10 , 3,000 7155 .63 63 ;123 ' 126 3,780 23,436 A 1 KRnn rnrr" I ,3,100 220 3.780 '2,520 37300 117,180 f 5 27,814 amounting to 8256,595 Wholes $5 Halves $21 yaarters ' A certificate of a package of 25 ticketa will be sent for $60. Sharea in proportion. "packages; It will be observed that the price of ' a Certificate .1 ofr oVly- ween tbt) coat of of aPscktge of Tickets is the amount or, in other words, the difference between the cost of I a Package and the lowest amount it can possibly draw. When Packages are ordered the amount of rtK only baa to be sent. '"'When aingle Ticketa are ordered, the whole sum must bandoeed.'?--:!8 JAII money letters invariably come aafe by mail, if addressed to , -JOSEPH HOUGH,. . f..r.r'-. ''iZi - f .Bicadway, N. Y Reference Messrs.J, C. Gregory & Co. V Tne. Undersigned, will ' attend re?nlarl tha COUNTY ' 3 and SUPERIOR COURTSof O -Wake, Granville, FranklinJohn: Hon. and Nash. All nuatnesa entrusted to hi care will be promptly attended to: ' V . HENRY V . HENRY W.' MILLER.' ; ' f ':,',;'" -:.,v,-, :iRleigh, N.c. September 15, 1845. . XrV-,'v 73 -tf - - M frywHE Sohacriherhaa. removed- hie Book; Store J ji from the House on ajretteviiie Street, to tlie 1 building adjoining the. Office of the: Xlaleigh Oesister,' where; all 'orders in his line wilt be thankioily received and promptly attended to, as be- foreiA If v--vi J a L. CLEVELAND. Raleigh, Oei.'35.- .y;'t;it; i'5tf- Attention! New .Goods, mSZi&ti,&S& proof J5aota, ladies Yalliln3 hoea ana SliPperaV-ajatox. neraeyarj'iaiaa, jeans, . &c fnt0tbpr wilh0ir entire assortment nr .ir.M fTnml7wlll h dian;ael of an aeeommo. .t..: ...... 4- ' 7- F .tv, n . - IUHUII w.iua. B'rs .-, u l-.T-'v i t-- HEAllTT'4' JORDaK Raleigh. No. 18.' iHll' KEGS Sujicrior Whtte Lead, ' r lUU Barrela tiT XlBseed Oil, ' ' - r u w Jortrecsived and for sata very lovr,at the Drag Store. of ;.iV:--r"iKrsl r.-,.t- -it t: L ,v WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. Nov. fv:.. A - - 87 . il 1 m V 01 . Na.t avannfail at tht. I lffia c .. And at the snertest aeuae. I I "I II ''mmmmS2 'f17 TycrlJi of Iry Goocj V JL JU end Crocltery , J i ; ; At Cost for Cash ! .V !, Ponseqnentiy lower than at any other 8tore in this place 1 1 as we do not wish to deal any longer in toe above Good. , . , G.". W. &.C. G R1MME. Raleigh, Oct. 1,1845. . : , " 73 rm F!r;r!Ta7T!Ti f iprt finnr.lv of XXstl liti lbut and Salmon, Pickled and HermetfTT; ECi& DIXCT7STEI1 give nolle e toth cally Sealed, in Tin Canieteriu RnriaA Salmon in 1 5 Ih "Kil: Sarlnpa and Sal- toon, in (Jii i Anchovies, rrencd wustaru, preservea Ginger- 24 Jars dry In Sugar and Syrup, Green Sap Sago CheeserSmoked Beef arid 'Bologna Sausages, Tomato Catsup Capers,5 Peppersancef: Chocolate. 25 cte. and 30 per pound,;: Cauliflower 'and other fine Pickles, in Wine vinegar and various Sauces, -s v :;ltr:7T'r..&?.,:.iTi. x G. W. & Ci GKI&1MK Oct. 1., 1845'. .t: .78 ?? ANCYARTICLES," MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CONSTANTLTon hand at borBtdretS' -Fine Artificial Flowers: and HairiFahef and Work Boxea, Bonnet Ribbon, Baskets, Snuff boxes. l'ravelling bags, Combs, Pins,? Needles,f Parses, Pocket-books. Pencils, Buttons, Thread,-Msiches, Twine, Httera Bowstrings, Thermometers, Walk ing Canes, Razor. Dirk,: Pen and Pocket Kpives, Scissors, Shaving utensils. Pistols, Dirks and Cadet Guns, Spy Glasses, Percussion caps, Shot and Shot belts. Powder flasks Sbectacles. Lookine-elasses. Cloth, Hat; Hair! Dusting, Shoe and small Painting Brushes Whips, Fishing Utensils' , JNiffht Taper. Smoking Pipes, Slates, bhoe-thread, Awls, Sifters, Cotton and Wool cards,1 Cofiee-mtils, plain and painted Mugs, Lamps and Lamp wicks, Waiters, Clucks, Britannia and lion Spoons, 8purs, Pad locks, BridieitvTacks.:;;if5;vvsf--- FRESH CONFECTIONARY & GROCERIES, Steam refined Candies, Pilot, Water, Butter. So da, and Sugar Crackers, 8ogar and Ginger Cakes from . Richmond, Lemons, Oranges, Raisins, Figs, ua,- uiug, "'"I Prunea,Curranta,Dates,Citron,FiIberts,Palm,Wall, Peccan,and Cocosnnis, Almonds, Nutmegs, Bran- dy Prui Preaerva. Juiaho-naaUii Mustard. Sweat molasses, Coffee Sngars. a large quan tity on hand - . t -t 1 nnSVAA tlfl.i fSAVM. IIAIlAM r1l.n. amiill Wax for lanterns. Ti..,, .iL. CHEESE, Pine Apple and, common. . OIL; best Sperm,; White and Fish Oil. v TEA Black, Imperial, Gunpowder.. .: t . . ; SOAPS Castile, variegated, dark end light tur pentine, and perfumed shaving, f . M 'i: k7 ? CIGARS, SNUFF and TOBACCO. , . , i Ground Ginger and Pepper, and whole do. All spice,: Starch; Indigo, Copperas, Madder, Blacking, Boots. - ' .;; ri ::, . r Sold only lv the bottle out of the House I BEST PORT, MADEIRA & MUSCAT WINE, PORTER. - - : . , ' A , '.:-- - ? , Perfumery. i . " Oil of Roses, Antique Oils, Cologne, Lavender Ber?amott.OnaJeIdoc. iink 8aocers. r' Mfislcal Jtotrnmeuts. . Violins, bows, strings, bridges, screws, Flageo- ..." . r- - . . lettes, fifes, Flute, Clarionett8,Accordeons,Dulcl mo Wire: :., . , .; , : . ., stationary, : Z dZljf-'-'Zt-' ricurv anu opuk aguu, nv; vi iics'tn vu 1 mVK,i cub, xutiia, iu, tuwiu, iu vvn VV-C- .V v." - der, Sealing-wax, WafersLetter'6tamp. fencing and Boxing Apparatus, Foils, Swords, Gloves,' Hats, Breastplates. . . " 4 Jewellery, " Of Gold and ilver, as well aa German ' Silver; and Pinchback,Vix ; Breastpins, Earrings,Pencils,Finger. rings, Thimbles, Tea Bells, Table and Tea Spoons, MeUl Combs, Beli-bucklea, Watch Keys, Fob Chair..; n.natim-neada. avhitii and blaek let bo.U V- vir . ' , ---- - f-r.-- oariwtiBSi,.(. tA.:?.' - - uamea ana xoirg. rr. r Domlnos, .Chessmen, Backgammon.- Keno, Ten pins, Cup and Ball, .Dies. Printing Presses, Chil dren a Trunks, ; Wheelbarrows, Bureaus, Marbles, Hummine topst Drums, Rattles," Whistles, mouth Oreans. Haros. Trumpets. Paint? boxes.' maenetic Toys, false Faceajtfalescops, nd China tea setts, 'Drummeis: fancy toy. Dolls, olNheadslV" ' ;Vr& CGRIMME, ! 5. k 'Corner opposite' Mr.' IL Smilh j RaIeignOctan845.I ? f -K-- f lftWi1)mf& i.lWII I (IMfi ;uTmnnfi ; A Jfi i WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD & CO.; Aft now recelTiDg from New Tork M fiiijadelpuia, a Urge and DRUGS MEDICINES-CHEMICALS ; Paln and Oi;iyetnf fs Q LAS S.WAR E, P E R F DM ERYr d&e. Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians Merchants, and othera dealing in their unusually low prjeesti , .Those wishing bny.yrniimdU to etr inter; interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. r Particular attention at all times- will be given to HnTi tantiAri nwr putting op Prescriptions, aa well as the dispensing ofTnieneTtt Hf nlir.ineal Raleigh; July; 1 845. IA rnn VERY SUPERIOR SEGARSas- lv jtlvv sorted. Brands, just received and for ttrry 1 1 acK HXYWhrin & Ca: Septernber 18.7 . 'XXlT: - f 'f'i '- 74 17 AK.EIT TJP, and committed to the Jail of I IJ CabarrnsUooatyrOBVoevZto ot May, a negro man. about 25 or .30 . yearaef age,' and be be long to the Estate of Samuel Purguson, a lata resi dent of the State ot Looiajana. He is about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches b igh. dark, complected, tolerable, stout built, pad on when takn . op, a mi xed eatmet coat. B OS Satinet Pants and White f urred Hat. ne further states, that he was purchased by a Trader by 1 the name of Wojawk bf tbls Statel from a man fcy the name of Lewis Dicks, of Virginia, snd carried douih and sold' to Samuel' Put guaoa; ' 11a says his jamais REUBEN, ; . : '" The owner of said Nezrois featieeted lo come for ward, prove property t psy charges 7snd take Uo way , or he will be dealt with ss the law directs 7 ..'v-tWlLLl EtKINflf, Jailor: CoacarJaaa S, IS4; - - 45-CaT " 1 1 (iUi Y rjWrIlCllljposacaa r, rVfV J 1 the comfortable Iwelllns.nouse ; mS? : : afi-i In the Western jmrt of : tho City, lately t . . JMU E L PEEBLES, rCUr:. r ."Mn ' Print Warolibuccs-!. f To supply the City and Interior TraJa, fcy tha Tkt$ 1 or racKs-e, k . . ' ' From 113 Pear) Ctreev to 11 Dealers in Dry Goods, that they have removed their Warehouse fur Printed Calicoes eadusively. frost rearl to 44 Cedar street. By comSntn their attea tion to Prints only, L. & B. are ensiled to exhibit an -assortment far surpassing any ever before oered in America and to sell at prices as low. and generally lower, than houses whose attention b divided asiocj a large variety of article. ; TbtStock potuist of eevcral thousands ef Palternt and Colorings, embracing every variety of : i v r American and Forelm Prints ' In market many styles of which are got op exclo'' sively for their own sales, and cannot he bad else where, except lo second hands, v ;? :S " , ; , - Dealers in Prints will find it for their interest t 1 examine this Stock before making their purchaaes---they will have the advantsge of learning the lowest r market prices and comparing all the desirable sty laa ' io market side by 'aide.!-4-" 'iU : Catalogues of Prices, corrected with every variation of the Market, are placed in the hands of buyers. September 20, 18441- ; -v i : 78',:::: S CIGARS ! CIGARS ! 1 CIGARS 1 1 ! - TTTT7 B would, respectfully inform the citlxens of ' Vu Raleigh, and the public eenerally, that we . have opened a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on hand a full assortment of ti;b I J aavoreq imporiea Ltgarv. mciuuing ( '.. , REGALIA, v . l ESPERANZA. , . . CAZADORE,. , CUBRV, " ; T 'LANORMA, ' ; J j HAVANA ' f1 j WERNER, PRINCIPE;; 'r; -J';'; Ac. ; &c. ; ;,'.v &c' : ;- and all kinds of domestic, manufactured Cigars." A general assortment of snperior chewing TOBACCO, Maccuba,! Congress, coarse Rappee and Scotch SNUFFj Ciar eases, 8nuff Boxes, and all articles ia I .t ,: ; ' . : - ' , ar r,. . rf"""," Arw ttr?" Va! f T j . i u-j- ZnJaimV 7' . w., u.eaicu. Purchsser, snd the lovers of good Clears and To baeco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, , suited to the taste of the connoiesur. Call snd try at 'T (t; KRAUSE it MILLER'S, r - Fsyettcville street, opposite the City HalL 1 8ept2. - . ; - -39 ' NEW: FIRM; Shoes, Ieatncr, Calt Iron, Flcnr tics iM fc, Subscribers Lave opened a "store of ' t QOODfJ andrAniLYCIItcj; ... on the South side of Ilarjrett Street, one) - door East of Williams, Haywood &, Co's. Apoihe cary Establishment, where they intend to keep of the best quality, every article usually kept in a FairiLT . Groccrt. Liqnora excepted. ' And ibev intend to sell as low, or lower, than any other House In (his place, for Cash ; tbey will take in exchange for their Goods, Country ' Produce, such aa Corn, Heal , Flour, Peas, Dry Hides, fre. . ; . : A V- -B-'B- EUFFAL0E, ': ' November 20;' t-: - '..'.--"IIOTICU. . .. , , ! Tf SHALL expose to Public sal,' ca tl.3 lrf C:y, i IJ of January, 1846, at the late residence of Ahx I and er Penny, deceased, in Wake County, tear ! Dam Ford, twenty miles north of Raleigh, v' v r , , . Jt'ottrteea ljxciy TicTccz r - Terms' if &tf. Six months credit, r-i tcsJ 1 with two approved securities required. ; r ,. ;. ' - - JESSE PENNY, Hxteutor. ., Wake County, Nov. 19th;1845 . 62 V KEC TO PUT LA11D tUt fTfHE subscriber has on hand a lot of He?, wbirh TT" ""u . S'"- UB Itom seven iq twelve gauonav. .Apply to 4, .-.U:..,..-iJOHX WILCON. T Raleigh, Dec. 2. 1845. Administrator's tnlo, .';: frSK.Tuesday', tlie twenty-tbitd bsUnt, IsbsII t t'l P. CLARK, all the HOUSEHOLD AND iriTUf ?-.'"' EN FURNITURE, one pair of Horsesjcns Cai atid UALr; one tOW, and. a yearhsjfcfi.r : cr s " wagon and harness , and a Patent traw-Cc:::r. : . And on the day following at the Cosch shop,-1 the materials on hand and stock ia trade, and t And on the day following at the Cosch shop,- all c f . Uhed : work. -AAIso. at the urn lima. anl THREE NEGRO MECHANICS; . f '! iT.rm. of the aale, tig month, credit the pweW t bond mroiezntr;. .V At place, i WILLIAM J. CLARK. Adttt1 " Raleigh; December 1st, 181 5. v ;. 99 ts . HTIHE Subscriber living four mi!:s and a c- il West of Raleigh, on. the Ct? rel Hi'.l fic-L I , I prepared to accommodate travellers snd to trie r oi meir xiorses al an times., and ca, tL:sp tcr. i. Ilia, terms will be cheaper than ihoee of snv hrv i ia Ha Hgh.' Thoee who wish to go to Ra'leib, r-.J re, 5 main for a few days, can have" their Hcrsrs trou-ht opt from Raleigh to my House', and well attcs-JsJ to; , snd they will be sent for with their 11 err: j. to uit their convenience.:. . .; VT . " The Subscriber retpectfuny ssks ie T'trcrV-e c l- ' ,jqi,npsE!!o:;D. Wake. Nov. 28, 1848 Peeblesy WIiite.u& GRQCBRS AND COT.lf.tlSSlOM f.!Er.?:!.'.?JTv .- -i; ; , r ' ,vmywv..k C.v.wrfc ; v-a . , TTT'.EEP ;rAL W AYS on hand a Urzz I we'd ; JLlU- asaorted supply ! of G ROCErJES, J pay particular attention to the sale cf t - .. - 7 . Peterxborg, Nov. 19, 1845; Did you eycr ! - - tb !7";:(7;; rwUKtiti nas been e :: ' -1 b tit i:--1 I JL- Raleigh; Threequartera of a mile frcn C.i on the Road wading to I ajtuev. I The Proprlater has t:J St yi;;a cr -' '. . t : r' bnsiaess, at the Non tzl f have Used articles ef t!j t:iscf;rtr: . ; Adzes, Chiaela, Draw; ITii.-, i. then equally as saod asd Cup as t'. North. ; Steel pot in e! J Axes, 1 1 r. a? new,fr 73 cents. , P. .8. On hand, a hf;e l:t cf Crrl for aale by the dea tt r:u;i. D.a.l, 1848. U-4t 1 V

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