- - ..... u . - -rm ' mm i ! i 4 . R0M.TH CAKOLMA GAZETTE r- : - -V---"-: " '- : " ' ; I' f ; WESTON R. aALESf i ; i TUESDAY,:JANIJARYr6,''1846. M f ; " i K). 1 mwm. w x v i v ill' a. s-r - j- , it is v it i '.- .-. r ."- , TrT' j i : i I 4: i 4 - I t "V l- . ''5 r I i TERMS OF, THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER. SubtcriptionsFiv dollar per anaam half in " idrtieut. For eTery Siifra,Iin, first iniprlion. On Dollar; each nUeaent inMrtioo, Ttreoty-fiT Cent, I vl, f , . ' y Crt Orrfrt- an3 Judicial Ad vert UemenU mill be t:har;ed 25 per ceaL higher; but' a deductiea of 33) er cent, will be made, from the "rejular prices, for Jadrtrtiecrt by the year. v ; 01 AdrertMeraentj, inWrted in the Semi-Wiklt Ric vnrrta, will aUo'appear in the Wxexlt Paper, free v-JP-Lettera to the Editor moat be roffr-rAia. !. t v rf 1?-;. .-pat -t f: ' PATENT V1STOJL8, "... V TO HEUCHATS SOIXG If OHTH. )'a;-Ws spies & co.-- 218 Pearl Strtet, Neut Yorl, Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, tenuis, uiiicif s-uU),va iiwni ; XLajIand, : france and ' " RE prepared to sell on the most farorable terms; CUTLERY, of all kind, including Knives and Forks, of every description and quality, i -" . : ;. , . Razorsv Scissors, Pocket Knives, . do. do. -J Guos, Pistols, Rifles and Muskets, - d. Gun Soiitirs Tools, . .. , . r do., do. . Anyilt.Vices, Uoes, Trace Chains, &c &c 'Trunk, Chest, Poor and Pad Locks of all kinds. Scythes, Saws, and Tools of all kinds. t -. liJapanneryjind ruannta Wares.- . , JJra33 uoods, of all kinds. , , Mathematical Ioptruments. . . , -. v -.- , Fishing and Fowling Tackle, &c. Slc -A. VV. d. & Co. are AgeaU for tfie Patent self. cocking, cast steel six barrel revolving PISTOL, superior to any kind 6f Pistol for a safe guard. . Merchants will find it to their interest, to call, before purchasing elsewhere. " " ' New York, October 10. ,. ' 81 FRESH" OYSTERS & FISH. To the Citizens' of Raleigh and : i :the Country generally. mHE 8UB4CR!QSI. throush .the roeJium of i i . . . ' A. the PreM beje leave verv reapectfully.ta render ', kit sincere thank to the Public, for the very, liberal encouragement. extended to hiin in hie line of buai . jtene,ssoaterer of Oysters and Fish, heretofore, and would bef leave to inform his cutmerf, that he - ha again resumed the business and has located his eeubuVhmeat i" the building known es the Cannon : . Office, near the Office of the. " Standard," where he will be happy to serve bis farmer Patrons and oth er, with Oysters, Fish, snd such othr delicacies as i i Li. . i .i. . m r.tk L.., ! f y. OYSTEX1V fresh and fine,' will be re-- ceived.dailyi baring accident upon Kail Road and :. 6tean)boat. Aleo, FIXCSII FISH on Wedoes- : day and. Fridavs which may be relied on. I I ' would in conclusiim . say to my patrons, that what- ever I offer for sale, whether the application be made ) ) in per ton or through servants, will be genuine. , 'I wouki aIo add, that persons ia any of the ad- i '. joining Couatiee, er all such places aa may be practi- , I $ cable to seod Oysters with safety, will have their . orders promptly and faithfally attended to, they giving positive directions as to the conveyance. . ? y I - t y JOHN WILSON". i't IlaUigh, Nov. 4 : j ' - 87 Dietetics for the Sick and Invalid. Bermuda Arrow Root, Superior White Tapioca, Pearl Barley, Sago, Robinson Patent Barley, Cpp . er fongUs, Superior Rossis Iaingtajs, ' Irih Mo, - Gain Arabie, grd. Slippery Elm. Port Wine, Ac All tbe above mentiened, and miny other little prep aralioiic for delicate food, so. necerary for the sick ; Chamber as directed by medical order, will be found st : L i PEaCUD'S'Drug 8iore. P1AC1TOUS AUO.TIATIQUE, for re- moving the tate and amell, caused by Nsureoua Medicine, Smoking, &c and- din using an agree ble flavour to , the Mouth, for sale at - the Drug Store of i " i WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dc CO. Dec 10, 1815. 98 A LRQB supply of PUMXTIIfO INK A has jost been received at this Oflks from the Nr.uern Factorie. and is offered f.r sale, st a small advance upon cot, for Vt.nu. - The Ink i in $i snd S3 Kej, sad is warranted to be a good article. Nov. 8, 1845". . i , 89-tf ' Taxes! Taxes!! 'J:A LL person, who are ia arrears for City Taxes yjtt nr the: year 1845. are hereby -earneaily re euetej to edme lorward and ettie tne same ' on or before the I5thf January insunt, or I shall be forced to collect by stress and sale of property. " ' " 2 ;v.v r-i - - JAMEa H. MURRAY, i--.:;-.VTr .: - - r city Collector. Raleigh, January 1. 1848. - ' ; I 4t C ATI ill AGES FOR 8AXE, ' I have for sale one fine brass mounted COACHES, one second banded - do- two BIROUUUE3. ooeJEF FEK.sON CARRIAGE, 1 s one oub&fii duuui nd one CARRYALL, all I of which I will sell private : -IT BIT IWW IUI CUI ot sold before the ISlh of January. 1846, I shall hea sell th'em at public sale, on a credit of six -month. , i jW. J. CLARK, Adm r. ' Dee. 81. 1845. Notice. fTTlHE LAST CALL f, '. AH those indebted to l me will please call jat my Store in Raleigh, op Ute the Presbyterian iChurch and pay their ac jntior cJie them by note, or ihey will find them r-n in sn ofScer'a hands fir collection, as I am de- ined tadosemy boukainaomeway. I have now Ju'jad a long as my business will justify. k JOHN R WHITAKER. Deo 23. 1845 .f . 1 3ti : CLArrn deeds axd ro saw at im orrus. New Falf and Winter Goods. OLIVER & PROCTER, ' -MERCHANT TAILORS, " - . (Ugly Row,) Fayttterille Street - . . KALSIOH, N. C. . . " 4 ; 7100 door t below the Wholesale and Retail v x Tailors Trimmings Establishment of - - Joseph J. Bjggs. . A"KUR Stock of Good is at band .embracing French VJ Ulack,BIue,lB viable fJreen,Uraa Green, Light and dark Brown, Mulberry and Sax Goiha Cloths, lor Uress, rmck and Over Coeas. Pantaloon Stuff, constating of Blark French Doe Skin and wool-dyed lsaitimeres, figured and puinr Fancy colore f every variety, and td u'lt all taste. - Vestinga of .Yelvrta, black and fancy; cut and plain; Satins, black and fan cy, figured and plain Cballie, of air colors, (Froatrd oilka for weddings and parties something new in these part,) in fact, all sorts of V eatings, ss well as rolka eearf and Cravats, Ktocke of every variety " . a aw t ' -"" upera ana neca i ie, an colors, ouspenuers on an improved plan. Glove. Kid and tsilk, black and white Driving Glovee Gentlemen e Dress Shirt, latest fash ion.-! Shaker Flannel Shine, never before brought to tbia.nurket. Silk Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, and many tilings too tedious to enumerate." l ogetner with complete assortment of Tailors' Trimming, embrac ing a few yard' of Red Padding. Canvas Cotton WadJinc and Spoul Cotton, (and by way of making up tne assortment, a tew papers of Needles.) which ws tow would sell at Wholesale and Retail. The above Good were not bought altogether for cash, themfore we want to sell ihem as quick aa pos sible, and to make it an inducement for customers to purchase, will do now what we have done fur two years sell cheap, and that without compulsion. We spent quite as much time in New Y.ork aa any. body in our line we think we bought our Good aa cheap at all event, we hazard nothing: in -saying we wil ell a cheap, and xhat is sll the customer cares' for at last. Recollect that Oliver dt Procter reduced the prices to what they now are.,' If you get your cloth iig cheaper, you are indebted to' them for it. With out disparaging others, we think we can supply a suit equal in all respects to any House in the United Stales, and at as cheap a rate quality of -the good considered. We avail ouraelve of the present op portunity to return our sincere acknowledgment to our numerous friend snd customers, for the patron axe uniformly received by us einee our commence ment in business, Their kindness bss greatlv ex ceeded our merit, but we trust, by strictly sttending to our business, and endeavoring promptly to fulfil our engagements, to have its contiuuance. -, We receive every two week, throuth our . New York correspondent, the latest Paris, London, and New York Fashion. Persona furnishing their own good, will have them made op with the same heat nes and despatch as though we supplied the article entire. Orders from a distance thankfully received and promptly attended to. r ' OLIVER & PROCTER, Fayelteville St., Raleigh, N. C. 5 doors South Williams, Haywood 4r Co. Drug Store. Raleigh, Oct. 13. . RI "TVTEW AND INTERESTIIfG PLU- XM LIVATIOIS.-IngeraoU's History ot the War of 1812-13, ,v Thierry 'a Historical Worka, . Dr. Durbin'a Travel in the East, Webster's Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy, Green's Miet Expedition,- , . Note from over Sea, by Mitchell, Whippoorwill." a Poem by Geo. P. Morris, .Tuppcr Proverbial Philosophy, W he weirs lemenu or .Morality snd Polity, Miss Beeeher Domestic Economy, The American Shepherd, by L A. Morrell, Hoare on the culture of the Yine, ' ' Fremont's Eipedhion to the Rocky Mountains, Thirwair History of Greece, Autobiography of Alfieri, translated from the Ital ian, by C. E. Lester, Florentine Histories, 'by Niccolos Machiavelli translated by C. E. Lester, The Citizen of a Republic, by Ceba translated by C E. Lester, -- Works of FicUon,". Adventures of Cspt 8imoo Suggs," and tskin the Census snd ether Alabama Sketches, by Hooper, The White Slave, a Russian Tale, The Bosom Friend, . London Medical StaJent, part 2d Mansfield Park, The Only Daughter, With a solendid and most beautiful assortment of . s Juvenile. Work. ' j '. TbrMve are for sale at the old stand on the cor ner. THE N. C. BOOK STORE, Where all of our friends sre -invited to call and examine the assortment. . , CIGARS ! CIGARS ! ! CIGARS ! ! ! ' tl TV 7 E. would respectfully inform the citizens of y V Raleigh, and the public generally, that we have opened a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on hand a full assortment of high ly flavored imported Cigars, including - REGALIA, ' ESPERANZA,1 CAZADOKE, - " CUBR Y, LANORMA, - HAVANA, . WERNER, : PRINCIPE, . ' &c ' ."I -Ac . , : &c and all kind of domestic manufactured Cigars. A general assortment of superior chewing TOBACCO; Marcuba, Congress, coarse Rappee and Scotch SNUFF; Cigar cases. Snuff Boxes, and all articles in the line, which we offer of New York prices, by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. - Purchasers, and the lovers of good Cigars and To. baeco, will slwsys be furnished with the best kindr, suited to the taste of the ronnoieaur. ' Call and try at . .. .KRAUSE dc MILLER'S. - Fayettcville street, opposite the City Halt. Morton & Sturdivant, ? General Commission Merchants, ' -AND FORWARDING AGENTS, ..: .w -v ;BOLUNGBROOkST . . rrrcaastraa, VA., TTTT7ILL give particular attention tn the sale of V V COTTON, - TOBACCO, W H CAT and FLOUR.--- - ..: ..r. Goods and Produce) forwarded with promptness and despatch, z ; "... : .v : f ,,, " : ' t , Ubenl cash advances made on ail fJonetgnment. Refer to - ' . - - Messrs. R. Tucker dc Son, ) o, - William, Haywood Co. ji. C. Turner dc H ugbes. ; j ; Pefershnrg, Va, Nov. 8. 184S. : .i a 89-w8w KEGS TO PUT LARD ITf ! rrrfjHB aubscriber baa on hand a lot of Keg, which IX are well adapted for Lard. The kega will held from seven to twelve gallons. Apply to - ' - : -Magnificent Scfremes, r O it J A 1 IAUY 1 8 46. fj. G. GREGORY & CO. MANAGERS. --, . r- ., . Alexandria Lottery, Clss 2, for 1846: To' be drawn in Alexandria. D C on' Saturday, January loth, 184R. , -75 No; Lottery 13 Drawn Ballots. ' " 1 srLxsnin capitals: 30,000 dollars ! 20,000 dollars ! ' 10,000 dollars ! ,6,000 dollara! 4,000 dollars! 3,000 dollare! 2,628 dollara ! 2,500 dollara! , 35 prizes of 1,000 dollars! i 25 do. of 500 dollara! Tickets ..only.. $10 Halves $ 5 Quarter $2 50 CerUficaUs of Package of 25 Whole Ticket SU0 Do , i do , " 25 Half. do 65 t . Do v do 25 Quarter do 32 50 - Alexandria Lottery, , : w Class 3, for 1846. T To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. on Satur day, Jan. 17th, 1846. 78 Rnmbcr lottery 14 DraTrn Ballots.4- MAOxmccMT rsizxa: 1 Grand Capital 550,000 1 Splendid Prize 25,000 I do - 15,000 1 1 do 10000 1 Prize of 9,000 1 do 8,000 1 do 7,000 1 do 5,172 2 Prizes of 4,000 4, do 2,500 20 do ' 2 o00 20 do 1,000 20 do 600 40 do 500 &c. Ate. &c. Tickets $15 Halves $7 50 Quartan $3 75 Eighths Rl 87 i. Certificale of packages of 2(5 Wholes $190 Do. do. 26 Halves 95 Do. do. . 26 Quarters 47$ Do. do. 26 Eighths 23 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, . Class No. 4, for 1846. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C, en Saturday January 24th, 1846. PRIZES ! . 30,000 dollars ! 12,500 dollars 1 i 6,000 dollars! 4,000 dollars 1 .3,577 dollars ! 3,000 dollars ! : 2,600 dollars I 20 Prizes of 2,000 dollars! 20 do. 1,000 dollars! 50 do. 500 dollars ! &c. &c. &c. 75 Number Lottery 12 Drawn Ballots Tickets only $10 Halve $5 Quarters 2 60 Certificate of a package 25 whole tickets, $130 ; Do do 25 half d 65 Do do 25 quarter do 32 50 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Cls 6, for 1846, To be drawn in Alexandria. D. C, on Saturday, January 31st, 1846. Gxand Scheme: Prize of $35,000 10,000. 5,000 3,177 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 400 300 do do do do Prizes of do 40 50 60 of ore. ' dec. 6ze. 75 Nos 12 Ballots. Tickets 810 Halves 85 Quarters $2 50. Ceitificatesof Packtgesof 25 Whole Tickets $130 Do. do 25 Half do. 65 Do. do 25 Quarter do. 32$ Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it ia over te all who order from us. Address. - - c J. G GREGORY & Co Managers, Washington City, D. C. NI3W FIIMI! And New Goods still Coming! THE Subscribers take occasion to announce to their friends and the Public generally, that hat ing gone into into the Mercantile business in the House, formerly occupied by H. A. Baobam dc Co., one door below Williams, Haywood & Co,, they have on hand and are constantly receiving large and excel lent supplies of . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, together with HATS, SHOES, snd BOOTS, snd SHOES for Ladies, which they offer at low rates for Cah. or on a short Credit to punctual dealers. Their Stock is such, that they will be able to furnish to ineir Customers wnatever may oe uesireu iu innr line of business, and they can confidently assure the public that their prices will be aa low and their terms as accommodating as those of any House this aide of Petersburg They would most respectfully ask their friend and the public to give them a call i and if cheap and good Goods, and fair bargains will entitle them lo It, ihey hope to receive, aa tbey will endeavor to merit, a liberal share of the public patronage. 1. J3 tic. A K. I, , . J. P. JORDAN. Raleigh, Oct. 24, 1845. 84-tf CITY HOTEL, Adjoining the Court House Square, . KAIiKIGH. KQRTH CAROLINA. rTTlHE liberal encouragement , received by thia 11 esUblishment during the last twelve months, prompt Mrs'. Lawatsca to lender her sincere ac,- kn.mliwIMnMnta tn hr friffnJ Snd th DubllC gene rally, f.ir their past favors, and pledses herself that there shall be no diminution in her exertions lo please tboee who may favor her with their patronage. She al so promises that tha accommodation of the House, es pecially the Table, aball not be. excelled by any in tha Citv i snd the charges will be aa moderaU as can possibly be afforded. .- Travellers and Boarders will be accommodated by the day. week or month. . . . "T ' , 4 An Oxnisua wilt always be in attendance to convey Pasaengers and !hagSS t tom 106 SkBSBBSBSSSSSSSSSBBSSelBBSSSSSsaBBSSslBBlBBSSSHBBSsMBsM ;SAVE YOUR1 CORN GOBS AND SHUCKS. TO THE PLANTERS AND MILL 3 OF N. CAKOUNA HE undersigned has obtained Lettera Patent enable common Mill atones for rocks) now in use, to grind CORN, COB and SHUCK, into mesl, for Hores, Mules, Cattle Hogs, &c. there by samg more then one third of a crop, which is sn important item with planters. :. The machinery used Tor the above! purpose is simple and durable, and .can not, with fair means, get out of order; ;- It will last aa long as the atones lasi, with an expense of 50 cents every five years. To enable the common Mill Stones to grind ear corn into meal, requires no new boild ings or extra power. It can a Wo be applied to Horse Mills, Treshing Machine Gins or any given power known. . The aame Mill will grind one third more of Corn meal by the introduction of this Machinery, and can be changed lrom grinding Corn and, Cob, to grinding Corn Meal in the space of thirty seconds. Corn alone, when fed to stock, is said to be by the moat practical and scientific Planters, constipating in its euects, producing tounders, cnolic and various other maladies which are incident to stock. Grinding coI wub the Corn, makea a food congenial with their nature, and cannot produce any of the. serious result above mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, are deprived of the benefits of distension (so necessary to the proper health of animals,) by iheir being unable to eat a sufficient bulk to produce distention before the animal becomes gorged. Cobs ground with the corn, produce this necessary disten -a a- - J sion, wunout any uaneer oi diseases arising from overeating. Corn and cob meal is improved by as a scalding, and sun more by ooiiing, and yet more ny a partial fermentation. All the preparations facilitate uuestion for Hogs.' out Horses and Moles will not eat fermented food, consequently they will require it dry or partially wet with cold water Horses, Mules and Oxen, when fed with unitround food, void much in an undigested slate, which is of course lost for all benejicia purposcs.-Qj' Head the subjoined ccr tificute. v fO The undersigned can be addressed at Raleigh, and all calls will be attended to punctually and with despatch by lumselj-or Agent - WM. F. COLLINS. Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1845. 16 ly CERTIFICATES. Having been solicited by Maj Collins to have my Mill adjusted to grind Corn in the Ear and Shuck, I consented that he should do so as an experiment ; and I am able to aay that it grinda Com in the Shuck at the rate of 30 bushels per hour : and the dressing of the stonea is so improved, that it grinda shelled Corn more than twice aa fast as before, and by my watch, at the rate of 15 bushel per hour, and the meal finer than usual. I deem it a valuable improvement, and ehali purchase the right to use it, as it will afford me a speedy way of feeding my horses and cattle, and save much thereby. ' r j WM. BOYLAN. ftlnat. A1jMu9: oik in order to remove ly U Public prejudice (which appear to prevail in this section of the country against all Patent Rights) so far aa my atatement will go in giving the advan tage which 1 haye derived in having Major Conine' Patent Right for grinding Corn. Coband Shuck, at tarhed or applied to my Grist Mill, I slate, that4my Mill, since this improvement was attached, grinda not only as good Meal as before, bat rivx times paster, and grinda up the Corn, Cob. and Shack, into Meal sufficiently fine to mix withjother rough food for Stock. My Mill ground very slow before this im provement waa made, but now grinds fine Meat at the rate of six bushels per hour. I make this atatement, aa well for the. benefit ef the Public, aa to do justice to Kbowlton's Patent (now owned by Major Collins.) J. MORDECAI. Oct. 20, 1845. 83-tf : North Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY Arms and Equipments furnished by tne state. NexlSession of this Classical and Mathematical School, opens on the 1st of January, wilh advan tages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School in the South. Classics, English, etc. R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tactics, etc. O. A. BUCK. E Fi!osoJhj,Chemi,ilrJ & I S.N.BOTSFORD. TERMS FES SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department, (Collegiate course, in cluding full English Studies, with Mathe matics,) die. . $20 00 EnglUhilo. (Elementary 4 higher branches) 15 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal or Instrumental Music (25 Lessons) 12 00 Fencing per Course 5 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge.' The course of Education ia thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil Military stations. 1 be moral and intellectual facul ties are kept acverely in action, but not at the expense of the physicsl, as is unfortunately for the healih'j)f our children too commonly the case throughout the country. : I LECTURES. 4 ; During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. VISITERS. Gov. Graham. Rev. A. Smedes, Rev. D.1 Lacy, Rev. 11 T. Blake, Rev. J.J. Finch, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Jas. Iredell, Hon. R. M Saunders, Dr. Hill, ; Dr. Baker, W. R. Gales, E. B. Freeman, Cbas. Hinton, Thos. J. Lemay, Geo. Little, W. J. Clarke, Esquires. Letter-writing, with English snd Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended to. . A cheap Uniform is adopted Dresa Parade day, Friday. No deduction made tor absence, unless in cases oi protracted sickness. - A few Fopil can be noarueu in Air. uray s lamiiy. f m mm m I Raleigh, Dec 5th. ' 96 REMOVAL OF THIl New Book Store. rfTHE-Subscriber has removed his Book Store Ji horn the House on Fay etteville 8lreet, to the building adjoining the Office of the Raleigh Register, where all orders in his line will be thankfully received and promptly attended to, as be fore O. L. CLEVELAND. Raleigh, Oct-25. 85 tf Tfpank oi the State of If ortb Caro LrD Una. A Dividend, of Four per centum on the Capital Stock out of tha profits of tha half-year, ending 4lh Monday November last, having been declared by the Directory, the same wilt be paid to the Stock-holders or tber reprrsentatives, at the Bank on the first Monday in January next, and at tbr Branches snd Agency at Morgan ton, fifteen dsjt thereafter. . . .. v :-' . ,' By order, C.DEWEY, Cashier. ; Raleigh, Dec t, H45. . . 103 i Boxes RAISINS, (PJ) 4 ! - LEMONS, . 1 box Preserved Ginger, 12 Kegs Grapes,. ; "10 Dram Fitra- ' "-' tn t.j Pmno 40 lbs: tJilron, 60 lb. Chocolate." . .. 300 lb, assorted CANDY.aa Sue'ar Tov. Fnnee hisses, r rencn lianuy. etc. , , .: 4 Barrels assorted Crackers ; Pine Apple Cheese; XT' n - . . ., . , " . " . Currants; Almond ; Palm, Wall, Pecan and other i Nuts; Sardines, Anchovies. Salmon. Halibut. North-1 era oeei, Saurtges, Tongues, Capers.Catsup, Pickles, Oranges, French Mustard, and a variety of other ar ticles, sluy . U. W. & C.GIUMMES. . Dec. 18, 1845. , ; . . s 100 Confectionary, ; Groceries, ;: FANCY ARTICLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS i--,,-, ' .. wr JEWELLERY aiit Tors. CONSTANTLY on hand at our Store: ! Fine Artificial Flowers, and Hair. -Fane v and Work Boxes, Bonnet Ribbon, Baskets, Snuffboxes; I l ravelling bags, Combs, Pina, Needle. Purses. Pocket-booka, Pencil, Buttons. Thread. Matches. Twine, Hatters' Bow-strings, Thermometers, Walk- ing Canes, Razors, Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives. I utis,Bur, ousting uiensii, risioi, xira ana uauet I Guns, Spy Glasses, Percussion caps, Shot and Shot- I r 431 : . I T- . 1 T- -. . I belts, fowder Basks, Spectacles, iookiBs-elaaseSi 1 Cloth,1 Hat, Hair, Dusting, Shoe and small Painting j Brushes; Whips, Fishing Utensils, Night Taper. I amoking npea, Slates, bboe-thread, Awls, Siftera, Cotton and Wool cards. Coffee-mills, plain and painted Mugs, Lamps snd Lamp wicks. Waiters, Clocks, Britannia and Iron Spoon, Spurs1, Pad-lock, muliebits, lacks. FRESH CONFECTIONARY & GROCERIES. Steam refined Candies. Pilot, Water, Butter. So da, and Sugar Crackers, Sugar and Ginger Cakes from Richmond, Lemons, Oranges, Raisins,! Figs, Prunee,Currants,Date,Citron, Filbert. Palm, Wall, Peccan, and Cocosnuts, Almonds, Nutmegs, Bran dy Fruit, Preserve; Jujube-paste, Mustard, Sweet UH, Lemon eyrup,. , luolasse Jofiee Sugars a large quan tity on nand. Candles, best Sperm, northern Tallow, and small Wax for lanterns. CHEESE, Pine Apple and common. OIL, best Sprrm, White and Fish Oil. . 1 TEA Black, Imperial, Gunpowder. SOAPS Castile, variegated, dark and light tur pentine, and perfumed shaving. v . - j CIGARS, SNUFF and TOBACCO. I Ground Ginger and Pepper, and whole do. All spice, etarcn, Indigo, fJopperas, Madder, Blacking, Boots. ! rrj Sold only by the bottle out of the House ! BEST PORT, MADEIRA & MUSCAT WINE, PORTER. 'I . Perfumery. Oil of Roses, Antique Oils, Cologne, Lavender Bergamott.Upodeldoc, pink saucers. ' Musical Instruments. ' i Violins, bows.' . strintrs. bridees. screws. Flaireo-' lettes, Fifes, Flutes, Clarionetts, Accordeons, Dulci- mo Wire. . Stationary. Picture snd Song Books, Key of Heaven (Cath olic ) Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, Inkstands, Ink pow der, sealing-wax, vvalers, Letter-stamps. Fencing and Boxing Apparatus. Foils, 8wordc, Gloves, Hats, Breastplates. -Jewellery,- Of Gold snd .Silver, ss well as German 8ilver, and Piqchback.viz: Breast pins, Ear-rings,Pencils,Fingf r- nngs, rhimbles, Tea uells, Table and l ea Spoons, Metal Combs, Belt-buckles, Watch Keys, Fob Chains,' Gypsum-beads, white and black jet bugle Beads, assorted sizes. i Games and '.Toys. Dominos, Chessmen, Backgammon. Keno,Ten pins. Cup and Ball, Dies, Printing Presses, Chil dren's Trunks, Wheelbarrows, Bureaus, Msrblesi Humming tops, Drums, Rattles, Whistles, mouth Organs, Harps, Trumpets, Paint boxes, magnetic Toys, false Faces, Malescops, Microscopes, Pewter snd China tea setts, Drummers, fancy toys, Dolls, Doll-heads. G. W.dcC.GRIMME, j I j Corner opposite Mr. R. Smith's, f Rsleigh, Oct. 1, 1845." - f8i Fresh Drugs, Medicinesi &c. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., Arc now mtiiinz ffom flew lorlt and Philadelphia, a large, and gene ral assortment 01 . : . ij DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints and Oils, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS-WARE. .'PERFUMERY &c: Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians; Merchants, and otbera dealing in their line, at unusually low price.. ' ... Those wishing to buy, will find it to their interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. . Particular attention at all times will be given-'to putting up Prescriptions, as well as the dispensing of Medicine. . Raleigh, July, 1845. . ' , Segars Scgars ! If) K(f VERY SUPERIOR SEGARS, asi lUitUU sorted Brands, just received and for sale by, WILLIAMS HAYWOOD & Co. September 18. . -.. 74 PHT TPTlt 0 immediate -a. Ul XVCllls possession given, the comfortable Dwelling; House in the Western part of the City, lately occupied by Major T. L Wasx. vApply at this Of- The Undersigned will attend regularly the. COUNTY and SUPERIOR COURTS, of Wake, Granville, Franklin, John- ton. snd nssn.- All nusmess cnunsiea w us care will bs promptly attended tow -; v. - ' s - - HENRY W MILLER, - - j ' ' ' z - - Raleigh, N. C. -"September 15, 184S: - . - 73-tf W m a ' a a 8L 1 K 1 1 TAJrifEll8 OIX ; - TIERCES in 8i0re, which we will dispose of at a reduced price. ' -'; 1 WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD k. CO. December 14,1845. ; t i'v:v-W:-.M-- TDATOLD COdTIAC and Cf PALE UliAHUH bas arrived. -r- Alo. another, lot of old . P O IX T, TEIf EIIIFFE and COOKIlf G WnE. Apply to, - P. F..PESCUD. : Dec. 18, 1845. i 100 "g Standard copy. To supply tha City and Interior Trade toy the Tisei er Packagei4',-!riA &s3mx. - From 113 Pearl Street, to -: , . BEE & BREtTSTER give notice to thi Dealers In Dry Goods, that they have removed ineir wsrenouseror fruited Calicoes exclusively, froaa Pearl to 44 Cedar street. By comfininal their attefc tion to Prints only, L, & D. are enabled to exhibit ad assortment far surpassing any ever before offered 1a America anu to sell at prices as low. tad MnerallT 1 ,0wer" lhan hoana whose Mention is divided amonf a "'go variety of articles ; '. TbeStoekcohsist of settredthemdi a fPattenm land Colorings embracing every variety of rv :i American and Foreign Prints In market many styles, of which are got up exclo Mely for their own sales, afad cannot he had alas I where, except in second hands. Dealers in Prints will find it for their interest t otamine this 8tock before making their porchsses- they will have the advlntaee of learninsr the) lowest I . .... . . .' . . - marari pneesana comparing ail toe uesiraplestjll in market side bv side . . , . Catalog nes of Prices, corrected Witheverv varlatloai Of the Market, are placed In the hands of buyers. - a ! September 20, 1844 a KT8ttt ' imi7 TlTtlHf SHtieij Leather, Salt, Iron, i?lour &i i TTnHE. Subscriber have opened a? Store of IXXlt - U GOODS arhL.FAITIIL.Y GZXOrrS? RIES, on ttie Sooth side of Hargett Street rofflf door East of Williams. Haywood St Co's. Anothti ! cary Establlshinent, where they intend to keep of the oest qoanty, every article usually kept in a Fiafttlr Groccrt, Liquors excepted. And tbev intentl tn sell as low, or lowertbn auy other Hoote in ibis place, tor Cash i tbeywill take in exchaCgs for their Goods, Country Produce, auch as Corn, Meat FloUf, Peas, Dry Hides, fee ' ' n WW . K. S. CUKKY. November 2' 92 Sri Stock Farm for Sale. ." w 1. HAVE for sale 5400 acre of land In Warrait and Cannon counties. Tenn. Tht lamta 'ark CovereJ with OakHickory,-Popia'r''d.'a&dmB4 duce grass in abundance for Sheep, Cattle abd other ntock grazing, and is plenUfuIIy wf teredo The Oak mast is also abundant, well suited to tha raisin " Hogs, and lasts from September until Jane. The produce Corn, Oats, Wheat, Rye, etc.i finely; and Clover, Timothy, Herd grass and Millet grow. niosi r luxuriantly. Tne climate, is fine, the iaca of thtt country generally rolling and lying along the west , Side of the Comberland, presents to the eye tka most beautiful Mountain acenety. -They are about : ' 60 miles from Nsshville, within 30 of lhef Cumber -lahd River, navigable br small boats Fall and r Win " ter. To Sheep and Hog growers they aflbrd thi finest opening for profitable in vestment; from the fact that preparatiohs on a large scale have been made by f bouses in Nashville for the purchase of. Wool ant Fork. These lands wilt be sold in separate parcels 5 or altogether, with 500 barrels Corn to suir pars V chasers. - Address Clermont. Cahhon Co- Tenn. GEORGE GLASCOCK. Jr. November 1845. " - - fl4 w2htt n TO THE NORTH;. Wllf TE1T AUBAirGElJIIllfri r tla Petersburg and Roauolte, and viiy. -oini nan xtoaas, and Jamca Rivef and Bay Steamers. t - v THREE TIMES A WEEK. . I By far; the most comfortable route and certain "V . one of gettlBg orth m y fTHHE travelling public are respectfully infonneiL ? U that a Trsin of Cats will leave the Citv Point Depot ist Petersburg.) on the mornings of Monday s Wednesdavr and Fridays, Vt 8"A M. connecting ?k' with the James River Kteamers, Cuiits Petk Capu Davis; or Alice," Capt. Skinner, one of which; C i Steamers will leave Chy Point on those days st S.A, -' M. arriving at Norfolk the same afternoon at 5 P. If where the traveller can stay on board the Bahitooro Boat until they leave the next afternoon without ex tra Charge Z ..M H :.:tiJr rhe aupenor Steamer. Georgia. Cant. Caiman- will leave Norfolk: for Baltimore, on Tuesdav. Thur . day and Saturday evenings, at 4 P. M. Arriving ia " Baltimore about O A., At. next morning, always in lime for the Cars to Philadelphia, W aahinrton Citrl - or Cumberland, -t w : . , iK4i-i -x ,1--, ct WINTERJ'ARELj-J. The additional expense incurred in ; fifllng-'op' ''"'tha . Boats for the Winter service, compels the oroDrieiors , to advance the Fare for the Winter, to '' - , From Gaston to Balumofe or Annapolis $10 CO. - Petersburg to Norfolk 3"00? Meals and Jjodging included ori tfcfjas Ruer 7 ! ' . ond Bay Bodts rifi:'i Passengers may rest assu ted that the James River ' snd Bay Steamers sre well provided for the Winter travel, and but little doubt of delay by Ice,' (as oa the Potomac or Great Mailrbult) we having engaged ' the Ice Boat to keep open's, track, into Patapsco; ' when possible, should the weather be mo sever as for : prevent the Steamers reaching Baltimore, v Fasens ger will be landed at.AnnaboIis, front whence ther ' i a Rail Road communication to Baltimore or WashJj ington Ciiy...;;;;;;-.S" .j r tt ,, Tickets from Gaston td Baltimore, to be had of C; C Pco. Esqat Gasldn. - -'" .-.,. A ; t v iWM. M. MOODY, Jf.; Agent' Office James River and May-Line, 9 . -Wsinaj3- C. Dec 27th 1845. 5 IC3 - Disolutionv LI betweea the undentfgnfid; ria U (TTjoheJ by; mutual consent, on tha last day cf tt H y;ar. ,VA1I persons having claims against .the Concern, wilLpre seat them for payment, and thoe indebted for work. are smesuy requested to come forward a-1 :..: a ' the same. ; Mr. Joan fL naars Is - z :!.r. ixed to settle the aCairs ef the titi'A C: I ness of the Concern will net aimft Ait zf ; v i t settlement, those who do net svsil ihecstlves cf tl!x notice, may expect to find their accou&ti Ucei izi a train for collection,' " " ' " 1 - - . r- - wiLLtn w. jon:;ca:r, ... - r '' JOHN R, HARRICO: ; v . Dec 29, 1945. , , ' . IC3 sea r? , BLANKS " ??T'-.--IVrMl at Oia QZz. . t - II :; l 7i :. t I v. I '711 1 Raleigh, Dec , 1S4I. : : ; ,trr Xiovsmhsr 3, 1849. (af oawu r . j - . i sL