i i- t v T??!??- ':? mJZJZZZZXv - . - -t t ..... I I i -; .--'?s-'V- IrV ; W-"'rr.'i!-rt '"' r i I :-U t?j 4'.; J v PuMished Scnletklf, by . I , i , .FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1846, mm wmmz b;mb mmmmmmmmmm:, : hi. Kn S 1 1, -t 1 I i I . 111 III If BaasaaaaawaaaaawaanMaaaaaaawaaamiHaBaaaMaigaMaaiaaaaaaMMaM i f i EDITOR. AMD PHOPMETOk. r TERMS OFrTHE SEM WEEKLY REGISTER. v.. j' r ... '. v I 5j Subscription. Fi9 dollas per, annum half ia advance. - J3.' 1"""!I'"J I v . 'Advertisements or titty Sixteen Lines, first iiuertioo. One Dollar;" aclx subsequent iasertloa, Trentylfie Ceul ." , ,1 A J .'1:. : Court Orders and Judicial Advertisement will be charged 25 per cent, higher ; but a deduction of 33 pr cent? will be made from ' the" regular 'pricea,1 for advertisers by the year. . . . '. , , AdTertisemenU, inserted in-the Skjii-Wkkki.t Rx isTcat will als appear in the Weekly Paper,' free of charge. '4 " ... O Letter to the Editor must be rosr-rAin. SIX nABRP.L SELFHEVOL VliMU AND ItEPKXXWU TO MEUCIIAXXS GOING IVORTIT. X: A. W. SPIES MO. ' 213 Pearl Street, New Yorl, Xaiporters of HardwarCf Cutlery, ' . Guiia, Rifles, Pistols, tSkc. from . -' nslaud, JFraace aiid A RE prepared to sell o tha most favorable terms, CUTLERY of all kinds, includio? Knives and. Fors, of every' description ,.and quality,: - ; lUzors, ScissorK. Pocket Knives, . do. do." Guns, Pistol Rifles and M ue ts, - , d. Gun Smith's Tk1, do. do. : Anvils, Vices, Hnei, Trace Chains, Zlc. Sue . . . Trunk, Chest, Door and Pad Locks of all kinds. - Scythes', Saws, and Tools of all kinds. ; , Japannery and Britannia Wares. . -Brass Goods, of all kinds. - . Mathematical Instruments. Fishing sjid Fowling Tackle, tc. ' A. W. S. & Co. are Agents for the Patent self cocliing, cast steel six barrel revolving PISTOL, superior to any kind of Pistol for a safe guard.' Merchants, will find it to their interest, to call, ' before purchasing elsewhere, -i A New York, October 10. i i ' 81 A . FRESH-OYSTERS & ISH; the Country geueralif. . . F , . fllHE SUBSCRIBES, through W medium of sL tha PreM,begs leave very, respecUflly to render his sincere. thanks to tha Public for -the velxlibersl 'aacouragenunt extended to him in his lineT busi ness caterer of Oysters and Fish, heretofore, and would bee leave to inform his cutmer, that ha again resumed the business, and has located his establishment ia the- building known as the Cannon Office, near the Office of tht . " Stand&dtn where iTa will be happy to serve hu firmer Patrons and olh ers, with. Oysters, Fish, and each other delicacies as he may be able to procure in the Norfolk market. - OYSTfS, fresh and fine, will be re ceived dajlf'w baring accidents upon Kail Road and SleamboiWAlso, FXIESII FISU)n Wed..e day and Fridava which may Lejrelied on. I would in coociuaion - say to my paTrons, that what ever I oJer for salek whether the application be made in person or through servanlswilbtfenuin. I would alo add. thkt persons in any of the ad. ioininz Counties, or all such placv as may be practi cable to send Oysters with saiety,' will have ; their orders promptly and faithfully attended to, they givuij positive directions as to tne conveyance, JoaN'WILSOXi Kaletg h, Nov. 4 87 Dietetics far the Sick, and Invalid. Bermuda Anow Root, Superior While Tapioca, Pearl Barley, Sa? , Robinson's Patent Barley, Co4p er UingUss, Su,'eriar Russia Isinglass, Irish Moss, Gam Arabic, grd. Slippery Elm, Port Wine, dee. All ths above mentioned, and many other, little prep arations for delicate food, so necessary for the sick- chamber as directed by medical orders, will be found at . , FEdCUD'S Drugstore.- iaTAfJllUlis a&.Ua.luijij. tor re- Vsy moving the taste and smell, caused by Nauoeous Medicines, Smoking, tc and difiTusing an agree ble flavour to the Mouth, for sale' at - the Drug Store of ' ' WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD' CO. 'Dec 10, .1815. , .V . : 93 A LARGE supply-of KRISTIN G ISH Ml bas just been received at this Office fromthe Norinern Factories,' and is offered r aale, st a email advance upon cot, for Cm.' The Ink ia ia $5 and $8 Kejs, and is warranted to be a food article. X Nov. 8, 1845. . i 89-tf . -"; jV Taxes ! ":- Taxes- I I " ; A' 'LI persons, whi re in arrears for City Taxes fl; far the year 13 to, are . hereby earnestly " re quested to come forward, and ettle the same on or before the 1 5 th of January ,instant. or I shall be forced to collect by stress and sale of property. - ? ; JAMES II. -MURRAY. ; ' 1 ! ' City Collector. Raleigh. January ij 1846 . 1 4t CARRIAGES FOB SALE. I have for sale one fine brass mounted COACH EE, one second banded do., ' two BAROUCHES, one JEF FERSON - CARRIAGE, one SULKEY BUGGY, and one CARRYALL, all 1 of which I will sell private- Iv verv- low for cash. If not sold before the 13th of January, 1845, I" shall then sell them at public aale, on a credit of six months. ; . . - ! , W. J. CL A K K, Adm r. : , ,pec.i,isi5.;., - , 1 n otice THE L.1ST CALL! 'i All ''those"", indebted 1 to me wilt please call at my Store in Raleigh, op posite the Presbyterian Church, and pay their so counts,' or clone them by note, or i bey witl find them soon in an officer's hands fs collect ion' a I am de termined to close my books in some way. 1 have now indulged as lonj arm. business wiM justify. JOHN R WHITAKER. Dec-2 8. 1845.,, ;r .; , -, ;t 1 3t JSItAIf G. DEEDS ' V Just Fruited, .if! ornec. AXV rOB SALE IT THIS New Fall 'arid - Winter Goods. - OLIVER -PROCTER, ::-r: merchant; tailors, xr1 . (UglyR6w.y FayeilecUle Slreei, , ,r ft ,.' '" ' ' . "RALEIGH, n. c.' ""' ' "" '". "" " Tiro doors below' ttie Wholesale ana Retail . . u . afory Trimmings Establishment of H ' . Joseph J, Biggs. OUR Stock of (ioods is at hand .embracing French li lack. Blue, In visible Ureen.Urass Green, Light and lark Brown, Mulberry , and C'aK Goiha. Cloths, for Dremi, Frock and Over Uoate. , Pantaloon Stuffs, consisting of Black French Due Skin and woI-dyed Uassimerea, figured and plain, Fancy colors of every variety; and to suit all tastes. Vesiin-a of Velvets, black and fancy, cut and plain; Satins, black and fan cy; figured and plain Chaliies, of all colors, l Frosted Silks for weddings and parties something new in these parts.) in fact, all sorts of Yt-slings, as well as Polka Scatts and Cravats, stocks of every variety. Opera and Neck Ties, sll colors, Suspenders on an improved plan. Cloves. Kid and filk, black and while Driving Cloves Gentlemm's Dress Shirts, latest fash ion. Shaker Flannel Shirts, never before brought t this market. Silk Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, and many things too tfdious to enumerate. Together with a com (Iei e sssortment of Tailors Trimmings, embrac ing a few yards of Ketl Padding. Canvass Cotton Waddinz and Spool Cotton, (and by way of making up the assortment, a few papers of Needles.) which wk too would sell at Wholesale and Retail. . The above Goods were not bought altogether for cash, then-fore w want to sell ihcm as quick aa pos sible, and to make it an inducement for customers to purchsse, will do now what we have done for tu years sell cheap, and that without compulsion. We spent quite as much time in New York as any bdy in outline we think we bought our Goods as cheap, at alf events, we hazard nothing in saying we wil sell as cheap, and that is all the customer cares for at last. Kecollet-t that Oliver it Procter reduced the prices to what they now are. If you get your cloth ing cheaper, you are indebted to them for it. With out disparaging others, we think we can supply rsuit equal in all ropects to any IIous in the United Slates, and at as cheap a rate quality of ihe coods considered. We avail ourselves of the present op portunity to return our sincere acknowledgments to our numerous friends and customers, for the patron age uniformly received by us since our commence ment in business. Their kindness baa grestlv ex ceeded our merit, but we trust, by strictly attending to our business, and endeavoring promptly to. fulfil our engagements, to have its continuance. We receive every two weeks, through our New York correspondent, the latest Paris, London, and New York Fashions. Persons furnishing tbeir own goods, will have them made up with the same neat ness and despatch as though we supplied the article entire. ; Ordera from a 'distance thankfully received and promptly attended to. ' ' OLIVER & PgUTBK, - Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. & doors South Williams, ffctwood 4- Co. s J X t a , -" - ... ' WWUg Store. Irjlb&ct. 13. - ' :y. -. 1 ' EW ATD WTilRESl'lXG PM. R LICATIO S. Ingersoll'a History of the War of 18I2-13, .'.Thierry's Historical Works,' Dr. Durbin s Travels in the East, Webster's Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy, Green's Mief xpedilion, . -' " Notes from over Sea, by Mitchell, Whippobrwill ' a Poem' by Geo. P. Morris, Topper's Proverbial Philosophy, WbeweU's Elements of ,1oraIity and Polity, Hiss Beecher's Domestic Economy, The American Shepherd, by L A. Morrell, Hoare on the culture of the Vine, Fremont's Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Thirwa U's History of Greece, Autobiography of Alfieri, translated from the Ital- i L ian. by C. E. Lester, . . : . Florentine Histories, by JNiccoIos Machiavelli translated by C E. Lester. - The Citizen of a Republic, by Ceba translazed by C. E. Letter, Works of Fiction," - Adventures of Capt. Simon Suggs, and taking the Census, and ether Alabama Sketches, by Hooper, The White Slave, a Ruasian Tale, The Bosom Fiiend, London Medical Student, part 2d, Mansfield Park; ' ": " " ' . The Only. Daughter, , 1 Willi a sDlendid and most beautiful assortment of Juvenile Woiks. Th alNve are for sale at the old stand on the cor ner. THE N. C. BOOK STOKE, Where all of our friends are invited to call and examine the assortment. CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! T5TT7E would respectfully inform the citizens of , y y Raleigh, and the public generally, that we have opened a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on hand a full assortment of high ly flavored, imported Cigars, including REGALIA, ESPERANZA, CAZADOUE, l.ANORMA, WERNER, CUBRY, HAVANA, PRINCIPE, . &c. &.C. and all kinds of domestic manufactured Cigars. A general assortment of superior chewing TOBACCO; Marcubs. Congress, coarse Rappee and Scotch SNUFF; Cigar eases, Souff Boies and all articles in the tine, which we offer at Neio York prices, by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. ! "Purchasers, and tbe lovers of good Cigars and Toi bacco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, t . ii . suited to tne taste oi tne connotesur. c-au anu try st .... , KRAUSE St MILLER'S, . Fayetlcville steet, opposite the City Hall. Sept 3. . : 39 . KEGS TO PUT EA1TI IX ! fTTIIB subscriber has on hands lot of Kegs wnich j are well adapted for Lard. The kega will hold from seven to twelve gallons . Apply to .; . , y. '. : r JOHN ' WILSON i Raleigh Dec 2..184. : i " '' ". 96.-. v -D i s s 6 Iii t i on.; v : rmHE COPARTNERSHIP. Jrstofore existing .jj i between the undersigned, will be dissolved by mutual consent, on the last day of this year. All persons having claims against the Concern, will pre sent them for payment, and those indebted for work are earnestly requested, to come orward and settle the earns. ' Mr. John R. Haaaisos ia alone author ized to settle the affairs of tbe Firm. Aa the busi ness of the Concern will not admit of delay In its settlement, those who do not avail themselves of thi notice, may expect to find their aceoubt placed in a train for collection. 7 - - r - , - - WILLIE W. JOHNSON, f :c JOHN R HARRISON. Dee. 29, 1945. 103 Magnificent Schemes, ' FOK ' J'A i' U A15Y I S A 6. . ; - : K . . . J. G. GREGORY & CO. MANAGERS. i , Alexandria JLottery, v . i Clasa 3, for 1846. , , . ' ' To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. on Satur day, Jan. 17thT 1846. 78 Xnmbcr. Lottery 11- Drawn Pallets. -. ' MAONiricsxT pbixbs: 1 Grand Capital $50,000 1 Splendid Prize . 25,000. 1 do 15,000 1 do 10,000- 1 Prize of 9,000 1 do 8,000 1 . do 7,000 1 do 5,172 2 Frizes uf 4,000 4 do 2,500 20 do 2,000 20 do 1,000 20 do 600, 40 do 500 dec. "dte. dec. Tickets 15 Halven g7 50 Quarters 3 7 : Eighths SI . Certificate of packages of 26 Wholes 8100 D. do. 26 Halves 95 Do. Do. do. tlo. 26 Quarters 26 Eighths 47 h 23 ALEXANDRIA EOTTERF, - Class No. 4, for 1846. To be drawu in Alexandria, D. C, ou Saturday, January 24th, 184C. PUIZE3! 30,000 dollars ! 12,500 dolors. ! 6,000 -dollars ! 4,000 "dollars ! 3,577 dollars ! 3,000 dollars,! 2,600 dollars! 20 Prizes of 2,000 dollar?! 20 do. I,0ii0 dollars! 50 do. 500 dollars! dec. ' &c. ,&c. , 75 Number Lottery 12 Drawn Uallof. Tickets only $10 Halves $5 Quarters 2 0 Certificsta of a package 25 whole tickets, $130 Do do 25 half do 65 Do do 25 quarter do 32 50 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 5, fur 1846. To be drawn in Alexandria. . C, on Saturday,! January 3ist, 1846. Gbavd ScilEJiE: $35,000 10,000 5,000 3,177 3,000 2,500 . 2,000 1,500 400 300 dec dec. Ballots. Quarters $2 50. Tickets 810 Ceitlficates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets Do. do 25 Half do. $130 65 Do. do 25 Quarter do. 32$ Orders for Tickets and Shares and CertiScates ol Packnges in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account ol each drawing sent immediately after it is over te sll who order from us. Address. J. G GREGORY & Co Managers, Washington Cily, D. C. And New Goods still Coming ! f nHE Subscribers lake occasion to announce to ; f their fritnds and the Public generally, that hav ing gone into into the Mercantile business in the Houe, formerly occupied by H. A. Badham & Co., one door below Williams, Haywood & Co,, they have on hand and are constantly receiving large anil excel lent supplies of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, together with HATS, SHOES, and BOOTS, and SHOES fur Ladies, which ihey offer at low rates for Cah, or on a short Credit to punctual dealer. Their Stock is such, that they will be able to furnish to their Customeis whatever may be desired in their line of business, snd they can confidently assure the public that their prices will he as low and their term a accommodating aa those of any House this side of Petersburg. They would most respectfully ask their friends and the public to eive them a call ; and if cheap and good Goods, and fair bargains will entitle them to it, ibey hope to receive, as they will eudeuvor to merit, a liberal share of the public patronage. L. E. HEAR1T, J. F. JORDAN. Rajei6b.Oct.24,1845. . 84 tf NEW CONFECTIONARY . AND FRUIT STOItE, Just opened on the corner next tbe Presbyterian Clinrch. THE SUBSCRIBER ha just opened .his new 'establishment, where he intends to keep a gen eral assortment of j Confcctionaiies and Frnils, Of all kinds, and those who patronise him will at all lime find Candies and Fruits of the very best quality, as be intenda ta spare no pains in trying to keep good articles. . . Catld its Such as Peppermint, Lemon, Cream, Sugar,- Birch, Barley, Cornucopia Plume, Sugar Almonda, large Plums, small Plums, Carta ways, Cream Brade. Cinnamon Candy, Comfits, assorted Sugar Plums, Peppermint Drops, Lemon Drops Hose Drops, Peppermint Lozenges, and many other kinds of Candy too tedious to mention, and all of as good quality as any made in the United Slates. FrttttS. Raisins, whole, half and quarter boxes of the best Preserved .Gmer. Citron Figs. Gratos Apples, Lemons, Almonds, Pslm Nuts, and Walnuts. " And In addition to the above slock, I' expect in a few davs another large sopply of different articles. ' Also', a large lot of TOYS'. " ' I ' - r i p... u - JOHN R. WHITAKER. Raleigh, Dec. 27. J845. ' 103-w3wf . XCT I expect in a few days to receive several of the very best NOUTIIEItX PI Alf OS, of tbe finest finish, and warranted of the best qnaliry ' Samuel F. Si 1 Ppierof K 1 .da 1 - l do 1 d 1. d 1 do 40 Prizes of 60 "Qqa. dec. frr x. 3L I Phillip . ATTOB3IE.Y AT LAW, CHAPEL H lLLi N." - C ' : Jan. 1846. 2 tf SAVE -YOUR CORN COBS AND SHUCKS.; TO. THE PLANTERS AND MILLERS OFn1 CABOL1NA r JAHE undersigned has obtained Letters Patent H to enable common Mill stones for rocks') now In use, to grind CORN, COB and SHUCK, into meal, for Ilores, Mules, Cattle Hogs, &c. there-. ty saving more than one third of a crop, which is an important item with planters. The machinery used for the above purpose is simple and durable, and can not, with fair means, get out of order. It will last as long as the Stones last, with'sn expense of 50 cents every five years. To enable the common Mill Stones to grind ear corn into meal, - requires no new build ings or extra power. It can a Wo be applied to Horse Mills, Treshing Machines, Gins or any given power known. - The same Mill will grind one-third more of Corn meal by the introduction of this Machinery, and can be changed lrom grinding Corn and Cob, to grinding Corn Meal in the space of thirty seconds. Corn alone, when fed to stock," is said to be by the most practical and scientific Planters, constipating in its effects, producing founders, cholics and various other maladies which are incident lb stock. Grinding co!s with the . Corn, makes a food congenial with their nature, and cannot produce any of the serious results above mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, sre deprived of the benefits of distension (so necessary to the proper health of animals.) by i heir being unable :o eat a sufficient bulk to produce distension before the animal becomes gorged. Cobs ground with the corn, produce this necessary disten tion, witnout any danger oi disease anting irom overeating. Corn and cob meal is improved by scalding, atid still more by boiling, and yet more by a partial fermentation. AH the preparations facilitate uiaestion-for Hogs. But Horses and Mules will not eat fermented food, consequently they will require it dry or partially wet with cold water ' Horses, Mules and Oxen, when fed with un&round food, void much in an undigested state, which is of course lost for allbcnefcia purposes. Qj Read the subjoined cer tijicote. (O J he undersi spied can be addtesstd at lialeierh. and all calls will be attended to punctual! u aifd with def patch by himself or Agent WAI. r. UULltliNS. Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1845. 16 ly CERTIFICATES. Having been solicited by Maj Collins to have my Mill adiosted to erind Corn in the Ear and Shuck. I consented that he should do so as an experiment ; and I am able to say that it grinds Corn in the Shuck at he rate of 30 bushels per hour: and the dressing of the stones is so improved, that it grinds hhelled Corn more than twice as fast as before, and by my watch, at the rate of 15 bushels per hour, and the meal finer than usual. I deem it a valuable improvement, and shali purchase the right to use it, as it will afford me a speedy way of feeding my horses and caitie, and I mh muca tnerebv. r - wtf llim.AV 1 1 iwll 3AjESs SIK In order to remove VJ JlVjI, Public prejudice (which, appears to prevail in mi section oi inegountry againau ratent rugnisj so far as my statement will gp irr giving the advan tage which I have derived in having Major Collins' Patent Right Cr grindmu Corncob and Shuck, at tached or applied to my Gfist Mill, I state,7thst my Mill, since this improvement was attached, grinds not only as good Meal as before, but fivxtimes faster, and grinds up ihe Cosn, Cob and Shuck, into Meal suQiciently line to m'ix with other rough food for Stock. My Mill ground very slow before this im provement was made, but now grinds fine Meal at the rate of fix bushels per hour, I mske this statement, as well for the benefit of the Public, as to do justice to Ksowltox's Patent (now owned by Major Collins.) J. MORDECAI. (Ml. 20, 1845. 83-tf North Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY , ACADEHl Arms and Equipments furulsncd by the State. Next Session of this Classical and Mathematical School, opens on the 1st ff January, wih advan tages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School in the South. "' 1 Classics, English,, etc. R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tajrtics, etc. O A. ut)CK. Experimental Chemistry & ? s.N.TJOTSFORD. Philosophy, TRRMS PER , SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Classicsl Department, (('ollepiate course, in cluding full English Studies, with Mathe matics,) &c. '. 20 00 EnglUh do. (Elementary 4 higher branches) 15 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal or Instrumental Music (25 Lessons) 12 00 Fencing per Course 5 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. The course of Education is thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations. The moral and intellectual facul ties are kept severely in action, but not at the expense of the physical, as is unfortunately for the heal.h of our children too, commonly the case throughout the country. ', - i ' LECTURES. During the Session. Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. VISITERS. ' 1 Gov. Graham Rev. A. Smedes, Rev. D. Lacy, Rev. B. T. Blake, Rev. J.J Finch, Hon. G. E. Badger, Dr. Hill, Df. Baker, . W. R. Gales, E. B. Freeman, Chas. Hinton, Tbos. Ji-Lemay Geo. Little, Hon. Jaa. Iredell. Hon. R. M Saunders, W. J. Clarke, Esquires. LeUerwriimg, with English and Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended to. A cheap Uniform i3 adopted Dress Parade day Fridsy. 1 ; No deduction made for absence, unless In cases of protracted sickness. - , . j - i , A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray's family. Raleigh, Dec 5th. V - 96 . REnOTAL OF TUB , New " Book IStore.J ; TH E Subscriber. hs removed his ' Book Store from the House on Favetteville Siree to the building adjoining tbo .Offico pf the- Ilaleih Register .where all orders in. his line will be thankfully received and promptly attended to, as be fore.' ' 'sr "f O. t. CLEVELAND. Raleigh, Oct- 2iv 85 tf Etink ot the State of ITortll Caro lina. A Dividend of Four per centum on the Capital Stock out of the profits of thehalAyear, ending 4th Monday November last, having been declared by the Directory, the aame will be pa id to the Stock-holders or f their , representatives, at the Bank on the first Monday "in . an nary next,' and at the Branchea snd 'Agency at Morganton, fifteen days thereafter." f'-; '" -'- ?.: : - "n. ii': - - By order & .v - fe T C. DEWET, Cashier; Raleigh, Dec 8, 1845. . . 103 K. Boxes RAISINS; I box Preserved Ginger, 12 Kegs Grapes, 10 Drums Figs; .... 10 Jars Prunes, . .L.. 40 lbs. Citron, " ' - 50 lbs. Chocolate. ... , 300 lbs. assorted CANDY, as Sugar Toya, Fringe Kisses, French Candy, etc.. , t- . . --j. 4 Barrels assorted Crackers; Tine AppFe Cheesef Currants; Almonds ; Palm, Wall, Pecan and other Nuts) Sardines, Anchovies, Salmon, Halibut,North ern Beef, Sausages, Tongues, Capera.Catsup, Pickles, Oranges, French Mustard, anil a variety of other ar ticles, at G. W. & C. GKIMME'S. Dec. 18, 1845; . i - ' ' l00 Confectionary, J .Groceries, FANC Y ARTICLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS JETOLEEY AND TOIrS: CONSTANTLY oh hand at our Store:. Fine Artificial Flowers, and Hair. Fancy and Work Boxes, Bonnet Ribbon, Baskets, Snuffboxes, travelling bags. Combs, Pinr, Needles, Purses, Pockei-books, Pencils, Buttons, Thread, Matches, Twine, Hatters' Bow-strings, Thermometers, Walk ing Canes, Razors, Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shaving utensils, Piulols, Dirks and Cadet Guns, Spy Glasses. Percussion cups, Shot and Shot bells, Powder flasks. Spectacles, Looking-glasses, Cloth, Hat, Hair, Dusting, Shoe and small Painting Brushes ; Whips, Fishing Utensils, Night Tapers, Smoking Pipes, Slates, Shoe-thread; Awls, Sitter&, Cotton and Wool cards, Coffee-mills, plain ' and painted Mugs, ' Lamps and Lamp wicks. Waiters, Clocks, Britannia and Iron Spoons, Spurs, Pad locks, Bridle-bits, Tacks. - ' FRESH CONFECTIONARY & GROCERIES. Steam refined Candies, Pilot, Water, Butter, So-, da, and Sugar Crackers, Sugar and Ginger Cakes from Richmond, Lemons, Oranges, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates.Citron, Filberts, Palm; Wall, Peccan, and Cocosnuls, Almonds', Nutmegs, Bran dy Fruit, Preserve; Jujube-paste, Mustard, Sweet Oil, Lemon Syrup,. Molasses, Coffee; Sugars, a large'quan tity on hand. - ,, v ! Candles, best Sperm, northern Tallow, and small Wax for lanterns. j '-, CHEESE, Pine App'e and commftn. OIL, best Sperm, White and FUh.bil. TEA Black, Imperial, Gunpowder. SOAPS Castile, variegated, dark and light tur pentine, and perfumed shaving. CIGARS.SNUFF and TOBACCO. , Ground Ginger and Pepper, and whole dp. All spice, Starch, Indigo, Copperas, Madder, Blacking, Boots. . . .v rrj Sold onlu -by the bottle oxlt of "the House? fBEST POUT; MADEIRA & MUSCAT WINE, PORTER. . . 1 ' , 'rPerfumery. Oil pf RosesfAntique Oils, "V'ologneL Bergaipptt.Opweldoc, pink Saucers. z Vvjriusical InsTtruments. Yioliirs.i bows, strines. bridzes. screws-? lette&rFifes, Flutes, Clarionetts, AccorcRoios, Dulcl mo Wire. . 1 ' -"-.;vV''' Stationary , -tP Picture and Song Books, Key of Heaven (Cath olic ) Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, Inkstands, Ink po"w der, Sealing-wax, Wafers, Letter-stamps. Fencing and Boxing Ajwaratus. ) Foils, Swords, Gloves, Hats, breastplates. -v jewellery; Of Gold and Silver, as well as German Silver and Pinchback.yiziBretrstpvns, Ear-ring 6, Pencils, Finger rings, Thimb!es,Tea Bells, Table and Tea Spoons, Metal Combs, Bell-buckles, Watch Keys, Fob Chains, Gypsum-beads white and black jet bugle Beads, assorted sizes. Games and Toys. Dominos, Chessmen, Backgammon. Kenb, Ten pins, Cup and Ball Dies, Printing Presses, Chil dren's Trunks, Wheelbarrows, Bureaus, Marbles, Humming tops, Drums, Rattles, Whistle, mouth Organs. Harps, Trumpets, Paint boxes, magnetic pys, false Faces, Malescops, Microscopes, Pewter and China lea setts, 1rummeis, fancy toys. Dolls, Doll-heads. G. W. & C. GRIMME, Corner opposite Mr. R. Smith's. Raleigh, Oct. i, 1845. 78 Fresh DHigs, Medicines, &c. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO., itz now rccclviDg. from Sew York and Philadclphiar a large and gene ral assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS," Paiuts and Ois, Iye-Stnfffs, GLASS-WARE, PERFUMERY, & c , Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and retail to Physicians Merchants, and other a. dealing in tbeir line, at unusually low prices. - Those wishing to buy, will find ,if to tbeir interest to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention, at sll times will be given to putting ftp Prescriptions, as well as the dispcn.ing of Medicines. , . ,' ... Raleigh. July.4849. J;' J ' 1A7TAA VERY SUPERIOR SEGARS,5 as. lJ)0JJ sorted Brandsfjust received and for sale bv - - ; WILLIAMS September 18. - - HAYWOOD & CrJ. 74 For Rent, And. immediate pnsscssToh given; the comfortable DwellillfT House in the Western art of the City, Islefy occupied by Major T. L.-West. " Apply at this,Of- fice. .,. .. ' : - The Undersigned will attend regular! v the . COUNTY snd SUPERIOR" COCRTS, of Wake, Granille, Franklin, John Alt business entrusted to his care ston. and Nash, will be prom'ptly attended to. . . . ? , . HENRY W. MILLER. : ' Raieigb,N.C. -r September 15, 1845. TIERCES in . 8iote, which we will dispose of at a teuueea price. ' 1 wtr.i ii ts U a vwnnn trt ' December 15.1845. 7 , "59 i -- - - - . TnATotircOGif A and ?:SSPAIiE BKAJ.DY ha arrived.- . .lliv, ainiiuci lub ui A, m TEIYEBIFFE land CO OKI If WlilEs-- f Apply to' - l p. f. pescud: t Dee. 18, 185. A a.'-- t:-' ' s 100 03 Standard eopy. ASSJf 4 " lemurs, r . -J. am r r jjt3iiuu5t7i avQnuSri XX . tr..r fclin t: X . - in newvork: .f To supply the Citj ibd IntarW Trade; by ih'Pis' j MaAiUI fill v From-113 PearrStrect. t ' 44 CEBtfl STlZEMiTk' 1 k '.WIlliam ' Sxsxriv " v TJ EL' & BREWSrUR give notite totka JAji dealers in Ury Oood that they - have removed low W srebonse for Printed Calicoes exclusively, frbki Peart to 44 Cbdar street. - By cbmfinihg their atten tion to Prints ohlyyLC&B. are enabled to exhibit sM assortment far surpassing s Ay ever before offered' iii America and to sell at prices as lowi and generatly lower, than houses whose attehiioh ia divided amoai a large variety bf articles. TbeStpxk consists oi several thousands of Patitmi and Colorings, embracing every variety of J.U-iH t .... American and Foreign irlnl - In market many styles of which are got up exclu sively for their own sales, and cannot be. had else where, except in second hsnds. 1 ,(v" . Dearers ih Prints will find it fot their interest i -examine this Stotk before making their purchases- they will have the advantage of learnihg the lowest market prices and comparing all the desirable styles in market aide by side. 1 ' ;-' ' Catalogue of Prices, corrected With every variativXl oi tne Aiaraet, are placed in the bands of buy era. September 20. 1844. W - . f . , . 1 NEW PJRM. ' Sneer, leather; Shit; Iron; riour; hlkfc Subscriber have opened a Stor of 3DJVST ii GOODS and FAJaiUY GIlOCl RIES, on tne South side-of Haurgett Street, oris door East f Wjlliama; Haywood t Co's. Apothe cary Establishment, Wliere they Intend let beep of ihe best quality, every article' usually Itjfpt in a WifiiT, GancEB V, Liquors excepted. And. rbey intend ' t sell as lowj or IbWcr, than ahy other House in - this place, for Cash J t bey-will take in exchange for their v Goods, Couniry ; Produce,1 iucb t as Corn"." fllealJ Flotir, Peasj-Dry Hides, &C. t ' ' " - - ' Bi B. BUFFALOE, - R. S. CHERY. November 20. . . ,. j . 92 3ft TO iAfflffiBS ASD FflYSlCim 'RESIDING IN OR VISITING THE CITY V FTTHE Subscriber would inform the gentlemen ot . xj -xjrgiii uuncuicai r roieaaBonn, inai oe will furnuh LAW and ITIirrilCAlL ROOK ft ofthe latest and most valuable editions, at Publisher' prices. He may be found -during ttis week at Col. Yarborocoh's Hotel., where hs 1st prepared to et hibit Catalogues and Specuixsos. . . ". v r , , ; ;;C H. DREW RaleigB, ian. 5, 1846. ' - , A Book-Keeper, , YOJU N G M A N ; who pal '$ seyefi ol eig fci , years experience; wishes (6 dbain a situation irt a ,Wimlesale.largeReta Bobk keeperqf Ciefk, either North or South. Satisfactitrj reference will b friven. ' All eommunk&Uoris, ad . dressed S. F W illiamibord', Granville Cddrily ; lti ): January 2nd, 1846. u ; , 200 DollarsiReW&fdi m A Proclamation , by Hit: Excellency WILLIAM i nnuiiii : . r -.,.r-. ft. irnrml oxernor oj nonn jaroiina, qs WHEREAS, Ithis been made kbowh tb sie by William Foebks, Coioner of Canlderf;, County, thai one Enwrir Sawisrf; late 6f the Coun ty of Pasquotank; stanSs Charged rith ihe blfardef. of CATdcaiMK Lint o. a widow womtrn.ln the said County of Camden j and that' the said Enwix 81 txh bas escaped froth Justice; - I JNpw, therefore, 1, Willi! AJOttAttAx; Got ernor ot tne State at xvortb (JaroJina. 10 issue tniav my Proclamation, bflsring a reward bf TWO HUN DRED DOLLARS, tor tbe apprehension and df livery ofthe said Edwiic SAWtxa to the: Sheriff of Camilen Couhty aforesald or for hisj eommitmeat tot any Jail in the United SUtes, beyoftd the limbs of this State : - And, I, do moreover enloia and reouTret all Officers ofthe State, CiH arid Military, to tstf tbeir best exeitioni to arrest the fugitiie1 afofessldi that be xriat be dealt with according to LdwV - . r.' ll , i, 4 J.L-iU'i. .xttJtf, uiven unuer my nana anu aitestea wuu ine ureal oii ci.ine oiate oi North Carolina, at the City of RsleTsHi C the 3 1st day of DecemW, A: D. 18454 VjJfi ana oi our jnaepeoaence ine 4 inn. ... . . s as ibji a ' i . vr a s-a m ae , - kv sj v ai a4 s ilia f Hesht W. Gkabax, Private Secretary r ' DESCRiPTlbN. Enwix Sawyer is a young- man. 20 or 2 ve'ar of age, about 5 feel I or 2 inches high; - stmjt frtriie round full face, brown hair," blfte eyes, rather If do'tfrt look; has' an irfrpedimeht ifi his Speech,' srid converses' b'ut little, except when under die influence 6TK liqtlb THE TRUSTEES OF THE - MAYING obtained tbe'selrliceV Jf WrtEvi8 CORMICK, of Dariv01ef VirgmUas a TeiwbW lake this metbod ot announcing to. the pubhc,,.tba5 fbe exerci-es of this School will cam tHeoca ott, that ' 16th of February. The Sesiiefl -to .cQtiau4 .iiv montha. vv'-.,"r--r-r??'!4 rhfikA'1 ' The Trustees deeinr it proper to state that tbe eon- . flnued good beshh of tne surroundiagf country,-' the cheapness of provisions, and Board in the most res pcctable families at very rooderals prices, have ta"- dbced tbero (o make some exertion" m '.obtaining (Set ' services in the Academy, of a very competctrt man. From the evidences furnished by "Mr; CotijtiCK', of character and qualifications in every respect to take" cba'rge of an Aeademy, they; (eel. ad hesitation, iri stating that the general, discipline and attention to youth committed tof tbe, charge of fiiis jgentlemsn will be most satisfactory. His ebtfr jes, will be , ia follows S h-:h : re ii t-. t &'w;..-i Primary English Branches per Session, $t 5$ f H if he6rsioeJie6'! iaiLr4 Ifi- 00--V Ancient Langages and Ksahewaticssffii iO 0ft : ; French additWrial Chargs fe''"f -;3i 8 09 f Corjthfgeiif periset .Dy tfrder of the Board, X'H-ml -i' f " f : v. ' : il. Q; WAiEf;eerelaryi w mm. i, iko. , . r .. l -w IN NEW ths City and fnt . or.Pac r;,iSsJiijiijbi5;e frjlRENCH and'AntericsS it aoperfW ai-;!; i ttu DrOff Store of -.willUmCi WOOU dCOs r Ueeemoer ia, 1849 WA KEGS Super'tbr. Wbtw Leid :" U 9 Barrels of LlnsMd OiLj . Just received and (otsalst very law, at tt JL Store of Ptuv. i. . ei. f t I - t I I , i. ! i . ' "4 i l. 4 i ti : 1- V . Si m t it . A i :,ir X 4. ... n