. ' v ----- 4 4 AND NORTH CAROLINA TTE. pMf W l - -t .,- : ..y j8-y --r ; . it - rnMhltd Scni-rettly ly ; i i : W E'S TO N Jl ,;g;a L'ES, h; ; van tj7IE XII. TUESDAY, JANUARY 274 1846. If 'XDITO& AW PXOrKIETOB- imi m ft t fit GAZE 11 7 1 . - IV: i IS. ! . 7 ir 7 f - TERMS OF 'THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER. -si. i "" w ' Subcriptin.Ftr9 dollar per annum half in edraoce. . . " " Adt-iisemntsTot titrf Sixteen Idne$, first insertion; One Dollar; each subsequent insertion, Trentyfire Cents. t Court Order and Judicial Advertisement will be chared 25 per cent, higher; bat a deduction of 33 per cent-'will be made from the regular prices, for advertisers by the year. , J ... ' . 'i Advertise menu, inserted in the Sam-WaaxLT Ra irraa will also Appear in the .WaaaLT Paper, free of charge. ' - ;r' ' ' " ' JD" Letters to the Editor most be rorr-rAtn. C FAIElfT ;to nEKcnAXTs going worth. 1 tl -A. WV SPIES & CO. . gig pejr frreef, iVe Terlr, IjaportCM " of Hardware, . Cutlery, . , Gum, Rifles, Pistols, dec. from JELagland, France and J I . Germany, , ARB prepared to sell on tbe most favorable terms, CUTLERY of all kinds, including ' Knives and Forks, of every description and qpatity, . Razors, Scissors, Pocket Knives, do. do. ' Guns, Pistols, Rifles and Muskets, de. ,Gun Smith's Tools, 1 do.; do. 'Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Trace Chains, &c &c Trunk, Chest, Door and Pad Locks of all kinds. 'Scythes, Saves, and Tools of all kinds. - Japannery and Britannia Wares. Brass Goods, of all kinds. Mathematical Instruments. -' Fiahingr and Fowling1 Tackle, &c. &c AJW. 3. & Co. are Agents for the Patent self cocking, cast steel six barrel revolving1 PISTOL, superior to any kind of Pistol for a safe guard. Merchants will find it to their interest, to call, before purchasing elsewhere. . New York, October la 8L CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! W"E would respectfully inform the citizens of Raleigh, sad the public generally, that we have opened a Cigsr manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on band aJult assortment of high ly flavored imported Cigtrv, Including REGALIA, EsJPERANZA, CAZADORE, CUBRY, LANURMA, , HAVANA, WERNER, PRIUIPE, : &c . &c. I . &ci and all kinds of domestic msnufactured Cigars. A general aesortment of supeiior chewing TOUXUCO; Mareoba,- Congress, - roarse - Rappee and Scotch SNUFF; Cigar cases. Snuff Boxes, and alt articles in , the line, which we oSea at New York prices, by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully receiveJ and attended to with' dispatch. 'Purchasers, and the lovers of Rood Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, suited to the taste of the connoiesur. Call and try at KRAU3E & MILLER'S, Fsyetteville street, opposite the City Hall. ' 8ept 2. 1 39 -SURGICAL ASD DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, &e. CONSISTING IN PART OF Flagg's Forceps," an elegant morocco case ; con . tainins four Poreeo adapted to either extremitv of each jaw, and otherwise an essential improvement upon tbe old instruments. 1 ' ' Teeth Extractors," put up in neat cases, contain ing Turnkey and three claws, two forceps, and bum Lancet. . ! j Weigand & Snowden's Thumb Lancet. Evans Crown f de do . Silver Spring Button ' do ;". Common do do do - Chafe's double and single Trossea. ' Hull Weigand's Trusses, for children and adults. - HniTMnurr Bandage. ' 8ilver and Gum Elastic Bougies and Catheters. Maw's celebrated Self-injecting Apparatus. I Gum Elastic and Glass Syringes. ; Bloi-k Tin Syringes, of all sizes and descriptions, from I to 1 6 ox., in cases and otherwise.' MrsJ Woneters Utero Abdominal Supporter. ( 9 Together with a lare supply of Mediterranean and coarse Sponge, just to band and for sale low at , PESCUD'S Drug Store. Jan. 9, 1846. f '. 3 100 KEGS Superior White Lead, ' 9 Barrels of Linseed Oil, ' Just received and for sale very low, at the Drag 8toreof 1 - ' ' WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. : Nov. 1..- - ' 87 Fresh Drugs, Medicines, &c. 'WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO., Ire now receiTifl; frpm New lark and Philadelphia, a large and gene ral assortment of .- . 4 DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, f. Paints ana Oils, Dye-Stuffs, GLASS-WARE, PERFUMERY, &c. Which they are prepared to sell wholesale and retail te Physicians, Merchants, and others dealing in their liae, at unusually low prices. ' - Those wishing; tor buy, wUl find it to their interest te call and examine before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention at alt times will be given to patting up Prescriptions, as well as the dispensing of medicines, , ; , Raleigh, JolyVl845 "1 v - . NEW FIRM. Shees, Leather, Salt, Iron, Flour, &c. TTnHE Subscribers have opened a Store of DHTT LL GOODS sod FAHILY GltOCl ltli3 on tbe South side of Hargett Street, one door East of Williams Hay wood & Co's. Apothe cary Establishment, where they intend to keep of the beat quality, every article usually kept in a Family; uaoccavvijiqoors excepted. Ana they intend to sell as low, 0' lower, than any other House in this place, for Cash ; they will take in exchange for Goods, ' Country Produce, such as Corn, Meal, Flour, Peas, JJry Mkles, c. - - - 1 ' . B. B. BUFFALOE, R. S. CHERY. November 20. 1 92 lm TVTEW AND INTEREST!! G PUB XN LJCATIOS. IngcwoU's History of the War of 18 1 2 13, Thierry's Historical Works, Dr. Durbin's Travels in the East, Webster's Encyclopaxlia of Domestic Economy, Green's Mier Expedition, Notes from over Sea, by Mitchell, "jWhippoorwill " a Poem by Geo. P. Morris, Topper's Proverbial Pbilusophy, W he well's Element of Morality end Polity, Miss Beecber's Domestic Economy, ' The American Shepherd, by L. A. Moire U, Hoare on the culture of the Vine, Fremont's Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, TbirwaM's History of Greece, Autobiography of Alfieri, translated from the Ital ian.1 by C. E. Lester, , Florentine Histories, by Niccoloe Machiavelli translated by C E. Lester, The Citizen of a Republic, by Ceba translated by C. E. Lester, Works of Fiction," Adventures of M CapU Simon Suggs," and taking the Census, and ether. Alabama Sketches, by Hooper, The White Slave, a Russian Tale, , The Bosom Friend, ' London Medical StuJent, part 2d, ' Mansfield Park,. -The Only Daughter, - With a sDlendid and most beautiful assortment of Juvenile Works. 7 Th atiove are for sale at tbe old stand on the cor ner. THE W. C. BOOK STORE, Where all of our friends are invited to call and examine tbe assortment. Old Court of Fortune. 2220 BROADWAY. PECIAL AUE.NCY for the City of New York, where millions have been distributed to the for tunate. The subscriber would invite the early attention of all persons desirous of a chance in any of the following Brilliant Schemes, soon to be drawn, under the man agement of Messrs. J. G. Gaseoat & Co., succes sors to Messrs. Yatxs & McIaTras,and Messrs. D. Paiirs & Co. Every person ordering tickets of the subscriber will receive the official drawing, published in the Bulletin, newspaper. The same paper will also contain a list of schemes ahead. Money on all the solvent banks in the United Stales, and Canada, received at par for tickets sold at the old Court of Fortune, 220 Broadway '; and the postage is alwsys paid by the subscriber on all letters comaining $5 and upward. C3 Money can be sent by mail with perfect safety, and all letters are invariably answered the same day as received.' All communication with this office strictly confidential. 'Be particular and address JOSEPH HOUGH, 220 Broadway. A Grand Capital Prize of $50,000. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY CLASS 9. FOR 1846. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday, February 28. 1846. 78 SU1BERS 1! DRAWN BALLOTS. t J. G. Gregory dc Co. Managers. SCHEME. 1 $50,000 850.000 1 20.000 . 20,000 1 10.000 10.000 1 5,000 5,000 1 3.000 3 000 1 2,353 2.353 50 1,000 - 50,000 100 500 50.000 130 300 39.000 65 200 13.000 65 150 9,750 65 80 5.200 65 60 3,000 130 40 5.200 4,680 24 11220 27.040 12 324.480 3296 amounting to . 703,703 Wholes $12Halves $6 Quitters 03. A Certificate of a Package of 26 Tickets will be sent for 8160 Shares in proportion. NEW JERSEY S T AT E LO T TE RY, Fur the benefit of the Society tor the Encourage ment of Useful manufactures, Class 24, for 1846, to be drawn at Jersey City, Wednes day, Feb. 18, 1846. 75 Knmben 11 Drawn Ballots. J. G. GREGORY At CO. Managers. SCHEME. .1 20.000 20.000 1 5,000 5.000 1 2,500 2.500 1 1.S00 1.800 1 1,038 1,038 160 400 64,000 128 50 6400 128 40 . 5.120 128 30 3,840 128 20 2,560 3.008 10 30.0a0 22,176 t 5 110,880 25,861 amounting to 253.218 Wholes $5 Halves $2$ Quarters A certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be sent for $60. Shares in proportion. PACKAGES. It will be observed that the price of a Certificate of a Package of Ticket is the amount of risk o..ly or, in other words, the difference between the coat of a Package and tbe lowest amount it can possibly draw. When Packages are ordered tbe amount of rtsk only has to be sent. When single Tickets are ordered, the whole sum must be enclosed. All money Utters invariably come safe by mail, if addressed to . ; f JOSEPH HOUGH, M ; f - 220 Broadway, N. Y. Reference Messrs. J. G. Greiory & Co. Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road. fTp HIS Read, having become the propeity of the U State of North Carolina, notice is hereby given that it is in successful operation, and the transporta tion of Passengers and Freights will be continued at the same rates as heretofore. ,' Every , attention will be paid to insure expedition and comfort to the Traveller. ' :, . i .WESLEY HOLLISTER, President. , Raleigh, Jan 8th; 184i. , . Samuel P.: Phillips, AT TO R If E Y -A T Jj A.W, CHAPEL HILL, ,N. C, Jan, 6, 1816. - - u . a tf Magnificent Schemes, FOR JAIVIAUY 1846. J. G. GREGORY &. CO. MANAGERS. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class 5, for 1846, To be drawn in Alexandria. D C, on Saturday, January 3 1 at, 1848. Gbamd Scheme: 1 Prize of $35,000 1 do 10,000 1 do . 5,000 1 do 3,177 1 do 3,000 1 do 2,500 1 do 2,0U0 40 Prizes of 1,500 50 of 400 60 . do 300 Tickets 810 Halves 85 Quarters 82 50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $130 Do do 25 Half do. 65 Do. de 25 (Quarter do. 32 Ordera for Tickets and Shares and CertiScates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it is over te all who order from us. Address. J. G GREGORY & Co. Managers, ! Washington City, D. C. NEW rilMI! And New Goods still Coming! THE Subscribers take occasion to announce to their friends and the Public generally, that hav ing gone into into tbe 'Mercantile business in the House, formerly occupied by H. A. Badham & Co., one door below Williams, Hsy wood Ac Co.. they have on hand and are constantly receiving large and excel lent supplies of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, together with HATS, SHOES, and BOOTS, and SHOES for Ladies, which they offer at low rates for Cash, or on a short Credit to punctual dealers. Their Stock is such, that they will be alle to furnish lo their Customeis whatever may be desired in their line of business, and they can confidently assure the public that their prices will be as low and their terms as accommodating as those of any House this side of Petersburg. They would most respectfully ask their friends and the public to give them a call ; ami if cheap and good Goods, and fair bargains will entitle them lo it, they hpe to receive, as they will endeavor to merit, a liberal share of the public patronage. L. E. HEARTT, J.F.JORDAN. Raleigh, Oct. 24, 1845. 84-tf GREAT BARGAINS ! ! ' URGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Selling off at Cost ! ! ! THE firm of Russell & Cooke having been dissol ved, and their remaining stock of Goods having passed into ihe hands of Mr. Russell, one of the late firm, who is determined to close the business as speed ily as practicable, the whole stock, comprisingfan ex tensive assttrtinent of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES of excellent quality, is now offered for sale at cost Goods of almiMt every description auitable to this market may be -bad so cheap, that a belter opportu nity can never occur for all to supply themselves who will call soon. The public are assured that this offer to sell at cost is made in good faith, and will be strictly adhered lo. They will aUo find tbe goods of tbe best quality, fashionable, souitJ. and substantial, of a kind made for use, not merely to sell. All may be suited, as there are on hand many ar ticles of the finest quality as well as a large assort ment of the coarser and more substantial kinds. All are invited to call and examine and judge for themselves ; thoe who have the keenest taste for CHEAPNESS, will doubtless be aalisfifcd. Those who do not need at present, will SAVE by buving now and laying up for the future. Let it be remembered ihat no one will sell Uoods in a regular business without a profit, by which they can live ; that.no one will sacrifice goods st leas than cost without compulsion t and that cost is as about as cheap as most merchants can afford to sell and most people would wish to buy. GEORGE T. COOKE, Agent, Raleigh. Jan. 1146. 5-tf. TO THE NORTH. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. flrt Peteribunr and Roanoke, and City Point Rail Roads, and James River and Ray steamers. THREE TIMES A WEEK. By far the most comfortable route and certain 'one 01 getting norm. THE travelling public are respectfully informed, that a Train of Cars will leave the City Point Deiot (at Petersburg.) on the mornings of Mondays, w v t r a e 4 a M YVtanesaav ana r riaavtt a .yi. conuccuaz with the James River (Steamers, Curtis Peck, Cspt Davis, or A lice, Uapt. eutinner, one ot wtnen Steamers will leave City Point on those days st 9 A M. arrivins at Norfolk the same afternoon at 5 P. M. where the traveller can stay on board the Baltimore Boat until they leave the next afternoon without ex tra charge. . The superior Steamer, Georgia, Capt. Cannon, will leave Norfolk, for Baltimore, on Tuesday. Thurs dav and Saturdav evenings, at r. M. arriving in Baltimore about 6 A. M. next morning, always in lime for the Uars to rnilauelpnia, wasmngton tity, or Cumberland. WINTER FARE. The additional eipense incurred in fitting up the Boats for the Winter service, compels the proprietors to advance the Fare for tbe VI inter, to From Gaston to Baltimore or Annapolis $10 00 Petersburg lo Norfolk ... 3 00 Meals and Lodging included on the James River . . and Bay Boats. Passengers may rest assured 'bat the James River and Bay Steamers are well provided for the Winter travel, and bot little doubt of delay by Ice, (as on the Potomac or Great Mail route) we having engaged the Ice Boats to keep open a track in the Patapsco, when possible, should the weather be so severe as to prevent the Steamers reaching Baltimore Passen gers will be tended at Annapolis, from whence there is a Rail Road communication to Baltimore or Wash ington City. ; Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C C. Push, Esq. at Gaoton. WM. M. MOODY, Jr., Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, ? ' I Wslbox, N. C, Dee. 27th 1845. 5 ' 103 SAYE YOUR CORN COBS AND SHUCKS. TO THE PLANTERS AND MILLERS OF N. CAROLINA r jpUE undersigned has obtained Letter Patent II to enable common S ill stones (or rocks) now in use, to grind CORN, COB and SHUCK, into meal, for Hordes, Mules, Cattle Hogs, dec. there by saving more than One third of a crop, which is an important item with planters. The machinery used for the above purpose is simple and durable, and can not, with lair means, get out of order. It will last as long as the Stones last, with an expense ot 60 cents every five years. To enable the common Mill Stones to grind ear corn into meal, requires no new build ings 6r extra power. It can also be applied to Hur6e Mills, Treshing Machine, Gins or any given power known. The same Mill will grind one third more of Corn meal by the introduction of this Machinery , and can be changed lrom grinding Corn and Cob, to grinding Corn Meal in the space of thirty seconds. Corn alone, when fed to slock, is said to be. by the moat practical and scientific Planters, constipating in its effects, producing founders, choiics and various other maladies which are incident to stock. Grinding colts with the Corn, makes a food congenial with their nature, and cannot produce any of the serious results above mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, are deprived of the benefits of distension (so necessary to the proper health of animals,) by their being unabte :o eat a sufficient bulk to produce distension before the animal becomes gorged. Cobs ground with the corn, produce this necessary disten sion, without any danger of diseases arising from overeating. Corn and cob meal is .mproved by scalding, and still more by boiling, and yet more by a partial fermentation. All the preparations facilitate uierestion for Hogs. But Horses and Mules will not eat fermented food, consequently they will require it dry or partially wet with cold water Horses, Mules and Oxen, when fed with unbound food, void much in an undigested state, which is of course lost for allbeneficia purposes. QJ" Read the subjoined cer tificate. fTr The undersigned can be addressed at Raleigh, and all calls will be attended to punctually and with despatch by himself or .Agent Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1845. 16 ly CERTIFICATES. Having been solicited by Mai Collins to have ray Mill adjusted to grind Corn in the Ear and Shuck, I consented that he should do so as an experiment ; and am able to say that it grinds Co.n in the Shuck at the rale of 30 bushels per hour: and tbe dressing of the stones is so improved, that it grinds shelled Corn more than twice as fast as before, and by my watch. at the rate of 15 bushels per hour, and the meal finer than usual. I deem it a valuable improvement, and shall purchase the right to use it, as it will afford me a speedy way of feeding my horses and cattle, and save much thereby. WM. JtJU i LAIN. 1 MR. GAIiES: SIR In order to remove Public prejudice (which appears to prevail in this section of the country against all Patent Rights) so far as my statement will go in giving the advan tage which I have derived in having Major Collins 'atent Right for grinding Corn. Cob and Shuck, at tached or applied to my Grist Mill, I state, that my Mill, since this improvement was attached, grinds not only as good Meal as before, but ri va times faster, and grinds up (he Coin, Coband Shuck, into Meal sufficiently fine to, mix with other rough food for Stock. My Mill ground very slow before this im provement was made, but now grinds fine Meal at the rate of mx bushels per hour. I make this statement, as well for the benefit of the ublic. as to do justice lo Knowltos's Patent (now owned by Major Collins.) J. MOKUrJtJAI. Oct. 20, 1845. 83-tf PROPOSALS For Publishing in the Town of Wilmington, N. C. A TRI-WEEKLY PAPER, TO BE ENTITLEO THE COMMERCIAL, THE SUBSCRIBERS, urged by the encour agement held out to them by many of the enterprising and business men of the town, and con vinced that such an establishment is required by trie increasing trade and growing importance oi Wilming ton, reapeci fully submit these proposals to the consid eration of the community in this plaoe and the neigh boring country. One of the primary objects of Ihk 1oxmkrciai.. will be to give early and correct Commercial and Ma rine intelligence ; the state of the Markets uere, in the different parts of the Union, and in foreign coun tries, with which our people have intercourse. Foreign news, domestic incidents, and political events, will receive proiter attention, and every effort will be made to render Tua Commercial interesting to all classes of readers. The subscribers do not think it proper to enlarge their promises in a Prospectus, rhey hope their proposition will be met by the generous confidence ot tbe community, which they will sedulously aim to deserve, by strict attention lo business and the frith ful performance of all the duties connected with their establishment. So far as the Editors may discuss politiral topics, the character of this papr will be decidedly Whig, and appeals will he made to the judgment and patri otism of the peplr, in support of he Tariff, and other great measures of the pari v. so necessary to the glory of the country and ihe prosperity and happines of the eople. The Coxxeecial will be issued on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, of each week, on a Royal Sheet, at the moderate price of $5 per annum, paya ble, in all cases, on receipt of the first number. The Commercial will be founds prompt medium for advertising, on account of the frequency of its publication, and will be made as economical to the advertiser, as a reasonable support for the publishers will possibly admit. Tbe first number will be issued on the third day of March next, being the first Tuesday in that month. WILLIAM STRINGER, J. B WHITAKER. Wilmington, January 16, 1846. 6 HARRIS' HOTEL, CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA, The Subscriber has the pleasure to inform his old friends and customers, and the public generally, that he has recently purchased the large BRICK HOUSE adjoining the North-west corner of the Court House, in the Town of Concord, and has fitted it op in a fashionable and comfortable style as a HOUSE for the accommodation of the public His house has been thoroughly repaired-his rooms are large and. conveniently arranged, and : hi furniture is entirely new. His Hostler is not surpassed by any .in th State. 2 He flatters himself that from his long experi ence in the business, he is able to give satisfaction u . .a. . aV .'1 r . a 11 sii wno may iavor aim wun a can. ah 1 a a is a fair trial. . Call and judge for yourselves. " ' KIAH P HARRIS. . Concord, N C.Msy 13, 1845. 40 tf iml s 5 Boxes RAISINS, 4 " LEMONS, - . 1 box Preserved Ginger, 12 Kegs G rapes, 10 Drums Figs, 10 Jars Prunes, 40 lbs. Citron; 60 lbs. Chocolate, 300 lbs. assorted CANDY, as Sugar Toys, Fringe Kisses, French Candy, etc. 4 Barrels assorted Crackers ; Pin Apple Cheese; Currants; Almonds ; Palm, Wall, Pecau and other Nuts; Sardines, Anchovies, Salmon, Halibut,Nonh- ern Beef, Sauagea, Tongues, Caper. Catsup, Pickles, Oranges, French Mustard,! and a variety of other ar- ! tides, at G. Dec. 18, 1845. W. & C.GRIMME'S. loo Confectionary. Groceries, FANCY ARTICLES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ' JEWELLERY All TOY. CONSTANTLY on hand at our 8torei Fine Artificial Flowers, and Hair, Fancy and Worjt Boxes, Bonnet Ribbon, Baskets, Snuffboxes, Travelling bags, Combs, Pins, Needles, Purses, Pocket-books, Pencils, Buttons, Thread, Matches, Twine, Hatters' Bow-strings, Thermometers, Walk ing Canes, Razors, Dirk, Pen and Pocket Knives Scissors, Shaving utensils, Pistols, Dirks and Cadet Guns, Spy Glasses. Percussion caps, Shot and Shot belts, Powder flasks. Spectacles, Looking-glasses, Cloth, Hat, Hair, Dusting, Shoe and small Painting Brushes ; Whips, Fishing Utensils, Night Tapers, smoking Pipes, Slates, Shoe-thread Awls, Sifters, Cotton and Wool cards. Coffee-mills, plain and painted Mugs, Lamps and Lamp wicks,- Waiters, Clocks, Britannia and Iron Spoons, Spurs, Pad-locks, Bridle-bits, Tacks. FRESH CONFECTIONARY & GROCERIES. Steam refined Candies. Pilot, Water, Butter, So da, and Sugar Crackers, Sugar and Ginger Cakes from Richmond, Lemons, Oranges, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron, Filberts, Palm, Wall, Peccan, and Cocosnuts, Almonds, Nutmegs, Bran dy Fruit, Preserve, Jujube-paste, Mustard, Sweet Oil, Lemon Syrup,. ITIolasses, Coffee, Sugars, a large quan tity on hand. . Candles, best Sperm, northern Tallow, and small Wax for lanterns. I CHEESE, Pine Apple and common. OIL, best fSpcrm, White and Fish Oil. TEA Black, Imperial, Gunpowder. SOAPS Castile, variegated, dark, and light tur pentine, and perfumed shaving. - CIGARS, SNUFF and TOBACCO. I Ground Ginger and Pepper, and whole do. All spice, Starch, Indigo, Copperas, Madder, Blacking, Boots. v fjrj Sold only by the bottle out of the House ! BEST PORT, MADEIRA & MUSCAT WINE, PORTER. Perfumery. - Oil of Roses, Antique Oils, Cologne, Lavender Bergamott, Opodeldoc, pink Saucers. Musical Instruments. Violins, bows, strings, bridges, screws, Flageo lettes, Fifes, Flutes, Clarionetts, Accordeons, Dulci mo Wire. Stationary. Picture and Song Books, Key of Heaven (Catbt olic ) Paper, Pens, Quills, Ink, Inkstands, Ink pow der, Sealing-wax, Wafers, Letter-stamps. Fencing and Boxing Apparatus Foils, Swords, Gloves, Hats, Breastplates. Jewellery, Of Gold and Silver, as well as German Silver; and Pinchback.viz: Breast pins. Ear-rings, Pencils, Finger rings, Thimbles, Tea Bells, Table and Tea Spoons Metal Combs, Belt-buckles, Watch Keys, Fob Chains, Gypsum'beads, white and black jet bugle Beads, assorted sizes. Games and Toys. Dominos, Chessmen, Backgammon Keho, Ten pins, Cup and Ball,. Dies, Printing Presses, Chil dren's Trunks, Wheelbarrows, Bureaus, Marbles, Humming tops, Drums, Rattles, Whistles, mouth Organs, Harps, Trumpets, Paint boxes, magnetic Toys, false Faces, Malescops, Microscopes, Pewter and China tea setts, Drummeis, fancy toys, Dolls, Doll-heads. G. W. & C. GRlMME, Corner opposite Mr. R. Smith's. Raleigh, Oct. 1, 1845. t8 Notice. r IHE firm of Russell & Cooke is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are therefore requested to come forward as early as practicable and settle their accounts. The notes and accounts are left in the bands of G. T.Cooke, as agent to close the concern CHARLES RUSSELL, GEO. T. COOKE Raleigh, Dec 18, 1845. 5 4t. 18403. TlHE American Almanac, and Repository of Use M ful Knowledge, tor the year 1846. ' Morris' and Willis' Library of the Prose and Poe try of Europe and America. One vol. complete. The Complete Works of N. P. Willis. The History of Silk, Cotton. Linen, Wool, and other .Fibrous Substances ; including Observations on spinning, Dyeing and Weaving. Illustrated by steel engravings. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies, by William H. Prescott, au hor of Ferdinand and Isabella, frc dec. Travels in Mexico, during the years 1843-4. By Albert M. Gil:am, late U. S. Consul to California. Rambles by Land and Water. .By B. M. Norman. The Artist, tbe Merchant, and the Statesman- By C. Edwards Lester. 2 vols complete. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, in tbe years 1843-4 & 5. By the Rev Joseph Wolff, D. D. Phe Vigil of Faith, and other Poems. By C. F. Hoffman. The Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. . By I bomas Carlyle. Montezuma, the last of the Aztecs an Historical Romance, on the conquests of Mexico. Puritanism By Thos. W. Coit, D. D. Life of Mozart, including his Correspondence. By Edward Holmes. The Philosophy of Mystery. By Walter Cooper Dindy. i, Trippings in Author Land. By Fanny Forrester Manual of Matrimony, gathered together for tbe safely f tbe single, and the weal of the wedded. By a Bachelor. ' Tbe Voice of Flowers. By Mrs. L. H. 8igourney Love's. Token-Flowers.' By Emma C. Embury The Kongs and Ballads of George P. Morris First complete edition. ; No 45 Harper's Ilraminated Bible. The work is nearly finished. -No. t Harper's Illustrated Jew. A few copies more of The Jew, complete The above list of Books are All valuable works, nd have been published only a short time; and all who wish to read something new, will please eall at he old stand, where they will find oho of the largest ollrctions of Books in the Various departments of Literature, that haVe eVer before bean offered itt the Southern market. -1, . ,;- v 5 HENRY D TURNER, - Jauaiw 14. At tae u. ifooKsiere Print Warehouse ? ! IN NEW YORK, i To supply the City and Interior Trade, by the Piece' , . . or Package, 1 i REMOVED J ; From 113 Pearl Street, to 44 CIlDtfll S TREE T c , i I Nfci.it 1 VVnxiAM Stbset. - JT EE & BREWSTER give notice to t&tf II J Dealers in Dry Goods that they have removed thfcit Warehouse for Printed Calicoes'ex clusively, from V Pearl to 44 Cedar street. By comfining their atten tion to Prints,oaly , L. & B. are enabled to exhibit ail assortment far surpassing any ever before offered in ' Americaand to sell at prices as low, and generally lower, than houses whose attention is ditided anions; ' a large variety of articles. ? v J ' f The Stock consists of settral thousands of Patlerni' and Colorings, embracing every variety of v . " American and Foreign Prints ? : In market many sty les of which are get up excla eiveiy for their own Sales, abd cannot ha had else where, except in second hands. i 1J:'a: Dealers in Prints will find it for their interest Iv -examine this Stock before making their purchases ' they will have the advantage of learning rbe lowest market prices abd comparing all the desirable styles" in market side by side.; , . :: .::;.ts xik; Catalogues of Prices, corrected with every variatieat of the Market, are placed in the hands of buyers. " v September 20, 1644 I I T" 79 H A Book-Keeper, W iff AYOUNG MAN, who has had seven oTleighlr years experience, wishes to obtain a situation til a Wholesale or large Retail Establishment, as Book-1 keeper or Clerk, either North or South, i Satisfactory reference will be given. All communications, ad- ' dressed S. F.,VJVilliamsborO. Granville Coanty, N ' C. will receive imriiediateattention. r4- '' ;V .-V January 2nd, 1846. ' " : ' i - . 216w. ' 200 Dollars Reward. ; . A Proclamation by His jBxceZfencWILUAM 1 A. GRAHAM, Goxemarj W HIS K a A it haabeen made known to me by William Forbes, Coroner of Camden , County, that one En wis Sawiik, late of the Coua- j ty of Pasquotank j stands charged -with the'rnurdef of Catherink LisToir, a widow woman, in the said" County of Camden ; and that the said EntviH Saw tbr has escaped from Justice': f ' i y . i.' ; :i v.-- Now, therefore, I, William A. Gbahxm, Gov ernor of the Slate of North Carolina, do - issue this : my Proclamation, offering a reward of TWO HUN- DRED DOLLARS, for the apprehension and de- ' livery of the said Ed wis Sawtxr to the Sheriff of Camden County aforesaid, "or for his commitment to any Jail in tbe United States, beyond the limits of this Slate : And, I do moreover enjoin and require all Officers of the State, Civil and Military to use their best exertions to arrest the fugitive aforesaid that he may be dealt with according to Law. . ; ' . " Given under my hand, andu. attested , with the Great Seal of the State 'et North Carolina, at the City of .-Raleigh . the 3 1st day of December, A. D. 1849' and of out Independence the 7(1 lh '"" WILLIAM A; GRAHAM. M Hexbt W. Gbabak, Private Secretary. , DESCRIPTION. . f EtSwiff Salter is a young min, 20 or 2 1 years of age, about 5 feet 1 or 2 ifiches high . stbut frame round full face, brown hair, bine eyes, rather a dowrJ ook, has an impediment in his Speech, and converses . but little, except when nbdef the influence Of liquor FRESH OYSTERS & FMit To ibe Citizens of Raleigh and tlie Country generally. uv f t THE SUBSCRIBER, .through the mediant- of ; the Press, begs Jeave very respectfully to render) ; his sincere thanks to the Public,' for the very liberal'. encouragement extended to him lit his line Of busi hess, as caterer of Oysters and Fisb, heretofore and would beg leave to inform his customers, that hO . has again resumed the business, and has located his establishment in the building known as the Canruni Office, near the Office of the Standard ,iWhert he will be happy to serve his former Patrdns andoth- ers, with Oysters, Fish, and sncb other delicacies as he may be able to procure in the Norfolk market. ".'rf OYSTERS, fresli and fine, will be tc ceived daily baring accidents upon Rail Road 'and Steamboat. Also, FRESH FISH on Wednes days and Fridays which - may : be relied : on.f I ' would in conclusion say to my patrons, that what-,' ever I offer for sale, whether the application' be mado tn person or through servants, will be-enritne. I would also add, that persons In any of the a joining Counties, or all such places as may be practk cable to send uysters wun satety , will have their orders promptly and faithfully attendee! to, they giving positive directions as to the conveyance- : ' v ? ;.; - - . JOHN WILSON. Raleigh, Nov. 4 ; - j :l .' . - , 87 IOItTEl CAROLINA Mutual Instira "ffpURSUANT to an Ac, of Assembly, b Compa. . Sr ny bas been formed ito this Slate," Under tbe name and sty W of the North Carolina: Mutual In urance Company," and is now futly organized by the appointment of the following Omcers, vu ::--. JOSIAH O. WATSON, President ' & ! ? ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, " ! " RICHARD SMITH- Tressbrer.? ;1 -'V-.-- $. THEODORE PARTRIDGE, SectetaryriMr . CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, 11-v': RICHARD SMITH, y Vrlti'rZ ALBERT STITH, ,5 "t,!! ' weston b, gales; S : """'r - The Company is now prepared to receive applies lions lor insurance, anu to issue roucies on me same. - - w . . n . - . -1 - By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops -srid other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, ailJ otner property, against loss or aamsge oy x ire. ' The Office of the Company is in the second etcrry nf ifta lhrvk Rrihfc Ttnll.linir renllir tutttUA b Mr.' B. B. Sxith, at the corner of Fsyftteville tnd Har cetl Streets, where full in formation and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, Will bav eheerfolly furnished by the Secretary of tbe Com-' , Raleigh, January J7, 1 846V, i o JOB PRINTING, "- ,'t .. r H tixftitg redenUy received I'isli'mpty' fv?5? We are now prepared to xeCntfc ia a attpcrif stjl f Job and Juerter Mncess ntKms i mtmn,cimi taDsitts; t Mini, -it.,

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