TERMS OF THE: SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER. , 5iTipiwriT iloliara. per. annumUlf . in odvane. ... . Advertisements Tor every Sixteen, iMit, first insertion, Oae Dollar; each subsequent insertion. Twenty-five Cents." , V' ' - 1 "j Court Order and Judicial Ait trtieementi wlb charged 25 per cent, higher ; bat n deduction of 33 per cent, will be made, from the regular prices, for advertisers by the- year,' . ; . , . .. " J - ? Advertisement, inserted in the Semi-Wemlt Rj onrrxa, will also appear in the Weekly Paper, free of charge.' v. , '-.-: : :'. ; . I tT Letters to the Editor most be rosT-FAir. " FAT2fT I i ., i. J Hit rXAJXREL SET, FIt EVOL VING AND REPEjaTUlO TO MEIICHAIfTS GOCf Q NOBThI A. W. SPIES & CO. I , 318 pti Street, New Yorl, ; Gnus, isiiles, Pistols, c from England, France and Germany, : y. ARC prepared to sell on the moat favorable terms, CUTLERY of all kinds, including Knives and Forks, of every description and quality, : . " ' Raxars. Scissors, Pocket Knives, , do. do. Guns, Pistols, Rifles and Muskets, ' d. Gun Smith's Tools, ;' do. do. f Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Trace Chains, && &c Trunk, Chest, Door and Pad Locks of all kinds. Scythes, Saws, and Tools of all kinds. Japannery and Britannia Wares. Brass Goods, of all kinds. Mathematical Instruments. Fishing and Fowling Tackle, &c. &e. j A. W. S..& Ca are Agents for the Patent self, cocking, cast steel six barrel revolving PISTOL, superior to any kind of Pistol for a safe guard. Merchants will find it to their interest, to call, before purchasing elsewhere. ! New York, October 10. '! 1 81 CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! TTXV7 E would respectfully inform the citizens of y y Raleigh, and the public generally, tbat we have opeued a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on band a full assortment of high ly flavored imported Cigar, including REGALIA, ESPBKANZA, CAZADOUE, LANORMA, WERNER, . dec . CUBRY, HAVANA. PRINCIPE, . dec dec. and all kinds of domestic manufactured Cigars. A general assortment of superior chewing TOBACCO; Mareuba, Congress, roarse Rappee and Scotch N UFF; Cigar rases, Snuff Boxe. and all articles in the line, which we afte at New York prices, by the wholesale or retail. - All orders thankfully received and attended to with, dispatch. . j Purchasers, and the lovers of good Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, suited to the taste of the eonnniesur. Call and try at KRAUSE dc MILLER'S, v FayettcviUe street, opposite the City Hall. Sept 8. ;;. . 1 - ..i 3ffl j SCRGICAL'AXD DESTAL INSTRUMENTS, ic. COXSKTIX G EI PART OP, " Flagg's Forcei an elegant morocco case ; wn taining four Forceps adapted to either extremity of each jaw, anJ. otherwise an essential improvement upon the old instruments. J ' Teeth Extractors, put up in neat cases, contain ing Turnkey and three claws, two forceps, and .Gum Lancet. l ;i- j Wei jand St Soowden's Thumb Lancet. j Evans Crown do do Silver Spring Button ; do Co nmin do - do do -Chase's douMe and single Trusses. H ull 4 vVeiand's Trusses, for children and adults. Supenary Bandages. f Silver and Gum Elastic Bougies and Catheters. Maw celebrated tSelf-injecting Apparatus. Gum Elastic and Glass Syringes. Block Tin tiyrmgea, of all sues and descriptions. from l to 16 na. in rases and otherwise.' j Mrs. Wo'ieter'e Utero Abdominal Supporter. Together with a lare supply of, Mediterranean and coarse tfponge, just to hand and for sale low at PESCUD8 Drug Store. Jan. 9, 1848 . " , ' 'I 3- NEW FIRM. I I Shtres, leather, Salt, Iron, Flour, dec Subscribers have opened Store of DH2 OODS and FAMILY CsIlOCl- on the Soitb sule of Hargett Street, one door East of Williams, Haywood & Co s. Apoib ctry Esiablisbaient, where tbey intend 10 keep of the best quality, every artfete usually kept in Family Uanccav, Lmaors excepted.- And tbev utend to ell as low, or lower, than aiiv other. House in this piacn. iui b,u , luej win io in BKuangs lur iiieii Goo-is, Country ' Produce, such as Corn, Meal, Flour, Peas,5 Dry Hides, &c. B. B. BUFFALOE, R. S. CHE RY J November 20 92 3m - And New Goods still Coming ! flTCHE 3ubicribers take occasion to announce to U. their friends and the Public generally, that hat ing 'gone into into the Mercantile lHtiuee in the nnHE lioase, formerly nccapied by H. A. Bsbsum & l, one door below Williams, Hsywnod 8c Co they bsvs oa hand and are constantly receiving large and excel lent supplies of --:-- 5 - I j,-.!-.,. i, '. , STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ; together with H ATS, H 0 ES, and BOOTS, and ;8H0ES for Ladies, which they offer at lw rates for Ca'h, or on a short Credit to punctual dealers. Their Stock is eorh, that tbey will be able to furnish to their Coetomeis whatever msy be delred in their line of business, and they can confidently ashore the pubfis that iheii prjices will be as low and their term as a cmrn dating ss those of any Hmrse thi sid of Petersburg .lhey weuld most respectfully ask their friends and, the public to e.iv them a call anl if cheep and good Goodsvand fair bsrgains will entitle them to it, they hpe to receive, as tbey will endeevor to merit, a liberal share of the public aironaKe. . L. E HEARTT, J. F. JORDAN. Raleijh, Oct. 24, 1845. ' 84 if : . ) ' ' -!. . TVTE W A!fl lit TRESTI2f O PUB IN i IICATI08-IngeoU's History of the War of 18I2'13, Thierry's Historical Works, . : Dr. Dnrbtn's Travels in the East, Webster's Encyclopodia of Domesde Economy, Green's Miet Expedition, Notes fromi over Sea, by Mitchell, - i Whippoorwill " a Poem by Geo. P. Morris, Topper e Proverbial PbiKieopby, W be well's EleuenU of Morality and Polity, Miselteeehers Domestic Economy, "' ' The American 8hepherd, by L. A. Morrell, H oa re on the culture of the Vine, Fremont's Eipediiion to the Rocky Mountains, Thirwall's History of Greece, Autobiography of Alfieri, translated from the Ital ian, by C. E. Lester, ' Florentine Histories,' by Niccolos Machiavelli translated by C. E. Lester, The Citixen of a Republic, by Ceba translated by C. E. Lesur, ' - f Works of Fiction," I Adventures of Cspt. 8imon Suggs," and taking the Census, and ether Alabama Sketches, by Hooper, The White Have, a Russian Tale, The Bosom Friend, London. Medical .Student, part 2d, Mansfield Park, I The Only Daughter, '', - ' With a splendid and most beautiful assortment of Juvenile Works. - The altove are for sale at the nlJ stand on the cor ner. THE N. C. BOOK STORE, .Where all of our friends are invited to call and examine the assortment. Old; Court of Fortune. ; 220 BIIOADWAY. RiPECIAL AGE.NCY for the City of New York, 3 where millions have been distributed to the for tunste. I :vv.f- The subscriber would invite the early attention of all persons desirous of a chance in any of the following llrilliaut Schemes, soon to be diawn, under tbe man agement of Messrs. J. G. Gaxeoar 6t Co., succes sors to Messrs. Ysrxs & McIhttri, and Messrs. D. Paise&Co. " r """ - Every person ordering tickets of the subscriber will receive the official drawing, published in the Bulletin, newspaper. The same paper will also contain a list of schemes ahead. Money on all the solvent banks in the United Slates, ami Canada, received et par for ik-kets sold at the old Court of Fortune, 220 Broadway ; and the postage is always paid by the subecnhei on all letters containing $5 and upward. C3 Money can be sent by mail with perfect safety; and all letters are invariably answered tbe same day as received. All communication with this office strictly confidential. pe particular and address . JOSEPH HOLGH, 220 Broadway. A Grand Capital Prize of $50,000. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY CLASS 9. FOR 1846. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. C, on Saturday, February 28. 1846. 78 NUMBERSIS DRAWN BALLOTS. ' J.G.Gregory dc Co. Managers. 2SCHEMU. 1 $30,000 $50,000 1 ' 20.000 20,000 1 . 10.000 10.000 1 5,000 5.000 1 3,000 3 000 1 , 2,853 2.853 50 1,000 50,000 100 600 60.000 130 300 39.000 63 200 13.000 65 ' 150 9,750 65 80 5.200 65 60 3.900 130 40 5.200 4.680 24 112.320 27.040 12 324.480 amounfing to 703,703 ' Wholes $12 Halves $6 Quarters $3. A Certificate of a Package of 20 Tickets will be sent for $160 Shares in proportion. NEW JERSEY STATE LOTTERY, or the benefit of the Society lur the Encourage ment of Useful Manufactures, Class 24, lor 1846, to be drawn at Jersey City, Wednes day, Feb. 18, 1848. 7 Nnmtars U Drawn Ballots. J. G. GREGORY dc CO. Manaosas. SCHEME. 1 $20,000 $20,000 1 5,000 5.000 1 2,500 2.500 1 100 ' 1,800 1 . 1,038 1,038 160 400 64,000 128' i 50 6400 f 128 40 6.120 128 . 30 3,840 128 20 2,560 3.008 10 30,080 22.178 6 110,880 25361 amounting to $25318 Wholes f 5 Halves $2 Quarters A certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be sent for $60. Shares in proportion. PACKAGES, : It wilt be observed that the price of a Certificate of a Packsge of Tickets is the amount of risk otdj or. in other words,' the difference between tte cost of a Package and tbe lowest amount it can poebly draw. When Packages are ordered tbe amount of risk only has to be sent. VV hen single Tickets are ordered, the whole sum must be enclosed., All money letters invariably come safe by mail, if addressed to , JOSEPH HOUGH, . v .. , , , , , . ;. 220 Broad way.'N. Y. Refereneo Messrs. J. G. Grery & Co. " Raleigb & Gaston Rail Road, fTTlHl8 Read, having become the, propeity of the P Biate of North Carolina, notice is hereby given that it is in anccesn ful opera! ion, and the trsusporta Ikm t Paseengers and Feeigbts will he continued at the s-me rates s. berettfore.. Every, attenuon wil be paid to insure expedition . and coutfort to, the Traveller. '. ; . - . -" '-. "", ' '" ' . WESLEY HOLLISTER, President, i : Raleigb. Jsn 8th. 1846. . , 3 f Samuel F. Phillips, ATTOttlCEY AT LAW, - - CHAPEL HILL N C. " t Jan. S, 1848. 2 tf JllE AT BARGAINS 1 1 LARGE STOCI OP DRY GOODS AND I GROCERIES. Selling of f at Gout t ! 1 THE firm of Russell & Cooke having been dissol ved, and their remaining stock of Goods having passed into ihe bands of, Mr, Russell, one of the late firm, who is determined to close the business as speed ily as practicable, the whole 'stock, comprising an ex tensive assortment of. ; DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES of excellent quality, is now offered for sale at cost Goods of almost every description suitable to this market may, be had so cheap, that a better opportu nity can never occur for all to supply themselves who wit! call soon. The public are assured that this offer to sell at cost is made in good faith, and will be strictly adhered to. Tbey will also find the goods of the best quality, fashionable, sound, and substantial, of a kind made for use, not merely to sell. All may be suited, as there are on hand many ar ticles of the finest quality as well as a large assort ment of the coarser and more substantial kinds. , All are invited to call and examine and judge for themselves ; thoe who have the keenest taste for CH RAPiNESS, will doubtless I satibfiedl Those who do not need at present, will '! ' SAVE ' by buying now and laying up for the future. Let it be remembered that no one will sell Goods in a regular business without a profit, by which they can live ; that no one will sacrifice goods at less than coat without compulsion and that cost is as about as cheap its most merchants can afford to sell and most people would wish t boy. f i GEORGE T. COOKE, Agent, Raleigh. Jsn. 1146. ' j 3-tf. TO THE NORTH. WINTER ARRAIf GE.TIEIYT. Via JPetorsburg and Roanoke, and City Point Rail Roads, and James River aud Ray Steamers. THREE TIMES A WEEK. By far the most comfortable rontc and certain . 1 one of getting North. THE travelling public are respectfully informed, that a Train of Cars wilt leave the City Point Det ii Petersburg.) on the mornings of Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, it 9 A M. connecting with the James River btesmers, Curtis 'Perk, Cspt Davis, or Alice," Cajt. Skinner, one of which Steamers will leave City Point on those days at 9 A. M. arriving at Norfolk the same afternoon at 5 P. M. where the traveller can stay on board tbe Baltimore Boat until they leave the next afternoon without ex tra charge. The superior Steamer, Georgia, Cspt. Cannon, will leave Norfolk for Baltimore, on Tuesday, Thurs day and. Saturday evenings, at 4 P. M. arriving in Baltimore aliout 6 A. M. next morning, always in time for the Cars to Philadelphia, W ashington City, or Cumberland. ! WINTER FARE. The additional eipense incurred in fitting op the Boats for tbe Winter service, compels the proprietors to advance the Fare for tbe Winter, to From Gaston to Baltimore or Annapolis $10 00 Petersburg to Norfolk 3 00 Meals and Lodging included on the James River I and Bay Boats. Passengers may rest assuied 'bat the James River and Bay Steamers are well provided for the Winter travel, and b it little doubt of delay by Ice, (as on the Potomac or Great Mail route) we having engaged the Ice Boats to keep open a track in the Patapc, when possible, should tbe weather be so severe as to prevent tbe tSieamers reaching Baltimore. Passen gers will be landed at Annapolis, from whence there is a Rail Road communication to Baltimore or Wash ington City. . Tickets from Gsston to Baltimore, to be had of C . C Pcea, Esq. at Gaston. WM. M. MOODY, Jr., Agent. ujfice James Kiver and Bay Line, WiiBuj, N. C, Dec. 27th 1845. 5 103 FIItE ! rmOE JBTNA INSURANCE COMPA II NY, of Ilarttord, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or dsmase by fire, at premiums to suit tbe times. This is one of the oldest and best Insurance Com paniesinthe IJnitedStales snd psysitslossesprompt ly. t " f ' ' Applicstions for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity.to I made to i 3. W. WHITIISU. June, 1845. . . i Agent. COPAL YARNISn. H At GALLONS Furniture Vsrnlsh, ery so I M y perior. Also, Coacb, Leather and Jspan Varnish, just to hand and for sale by ; r. r. x'esuuu. Jan. 7. 1846. 3 To the Members of the Ban QTTllHE 8upremo Court Reports in thirty volumes tsa including fifttt, Iredell's Law, and third Equity bound uniform. '-, j The above can be bad on application to the Sub scriber at a reasonable price. Always on hand a large collection of Law at the Publishers' Prices. . HENRY D. TURNER, I . . At the N. C. Book Store. January 20th. T Also, a set of Wilson's Thirteen Inch Globes, for sale low. H. D. T. "l -TAJflfER'S OKL. ' ' TIERCES io Siore, whch we will dispose of at a reduced price. ? i . . WILLIAMS, HAXWUUU C VV. December 15. 1845. J 99 Dissolution. fTflHE Copartnership heretofore existing between U. the Sutvcribers, under the firm of Turner dt Hughes, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Hnirar D. Tna.tkii i alone euthorixed to close the bu-ineas; and alt persons indebted to the late firm, are requested to make immediate payment to him. , . . Hl'NRY.D. TURNER, NELSON 8 ..HUGHES. .: January 1. 1843. . . 1 BLANKS ' For sale at this Office! SAVE YOUR CORN COBS ; AND SHUCKS. TO THE PLANTERS AMD HILLEES OF N. CABOLIMA ifAHE undersigned has obtained Letters Patent U to enable common Mill stones (or rocks) now in use, to grind CORK , COR and SHUCK, into meal, for Horses, Moles, Cattle Hogs, &c. there hy saving more tban one third of a croh, which is an important item.With planters. The machinery used for the above purpose is simple and durable, and can not, with fair means, get out of order. It will last as long as tbe Stones last, with an expense of 60 cents every five yearsi To enable tbe common Mill Stones to grind ear cord into meal, requires no new build ings or extra power. It can aUo be applied to Horse Mills, Treshing Machines, Gins or auy given power known. The eame Mill will grind one-third more of Corn meal by the introduction of this Machinery, and can be changed from grinding Corn and Cob, to grinding Corn Meal in the space of thirty seconds. Corn alone, when fed to stock, j is said to be by the most practical and scientific Planters, constipating in its effects, producing founders, cholicp and various other maladies which are incident to stock. Grinding cols with the Corn, makes a food congenial with their nature, and cannot produce, any of the serious results above mentioned. Stock, when fed on Corn exclusively, are deprived of the benefits of distension (so necessary to the proper health of animals) by their being unable :o eat a sufficient bulk to produce distention before the animal becomes gorged. Cobs ground with the corn, produce this necessary disten sion, without any danger of diseases arising from overeating. Corn and cob meal is improved by scalding, and still more by boiling, and yet more by a partial fermenlaiiou. All the preparations facilitate diffextion for Hogs. But Horses and Mules will not eat fermented food, consequently they will require it dry or partially wet with cold water Horses, Mules and Oxen, when fed with unsround food, void much in arr undigested state, whicli is of course lost for allbeneficia purposes Qj Read the subjoined cer tificate. ' I fjj The undersigned can he addressed at Raleigh, and all calls will be attended to punctually and with despatch by himself or Agent . WM. F. COLLINS. Raleigh, Feb. 20, 1845. : 16 ly CERTIFICATES. ' Having been solicited by Maj Collins to have my Mill adjusted to grind Corn in tbe Ear and Shuck, I consented that he should do so si an experiment ; and I am able to say that it grinds Corn in tbe Shuck at the rate of 30 bushels per hour; and the dressing of tbe stones is so improved, that it grinds shelled Corn more than twice as fast as before, and hy my watch. at the rate of 15 bushrls per hour, and the meal finer than usual. I deem it a valuable improvement, and shall purchase the right to use it, as it will afford me a speedy way of feeding my horses and cattle, and save much thereby. WM. BUYL.AIM. MR. GALES : SIR In order to remove Public prejudice (which appears to prevail in this section of the country against all Patent Rights) so far as my statement 'will go in giving the advan tage which I have derived in having Major Collibs' Patent Right for grinding Corn. Cob and bbuck, at tached or applied to my Grist Mill, I state, that my Mill, since ibis improvement was attached, grinds not only as good Meal as before, but nri times fasts r, and grinds up the Corn, Cob and Shuck, into Meal sufficiently fine to mix with other rough food for Stock. My Mill ground very slow before this im provement waa made, but now grinds fine Meal at tbe rate of six busheU per hour. I make this statement, as well for the benefit of the Public, as to do justice to Kbowltos's Patent (now owned by Major Collins.) J. MORUEUAI. Oct. 20, 1845. 83-tf ! PROPOSALS For Publishes in the Town of Wilmington, 3f. C. A TRI-WEEKLY PAPER, TO BE ENTITLED THE COMMERCIAL. rpHE SUBSCRIBERS, urged by the encmir A agement held out to them by many of the enterprising and business men of the town, and con vinced that such an establishment is required by the increasing trade and growing importance of Wilming ton, respectfully submit these proposals to the consid eration of the community in this place and the neigh boring country. One of the primary objects of The ('Ommkrcial. will be to give early and correct Commercial and Ma rine intelligence ; the state of the Markets here, in the different parts of the Union, and in foreign coun tries, with which our people have intercourse. Foreign news, domestic incideuts, and political events, will receive projer attention, and every effort will be made to render The Commercial interesting to all clssses of readers. Tbe subscribers do not think it proper to enlsrge their promises in a Prospectus. They hope their proposition will be met by the generous confidence of tbe community, which they will sedulously aim to deserve, by strict attention to business and the faith ful performance of all the duties connected with their establishment. So far as the Editors may discuss political topics, the character of this paper will be decidedly Whig, and appeals will he made to the judgment and patri otism of the people, in support of ihe Tariff, aud other great measures of the party , so necessary to the glory of the country and the prosperity and happiness of the people. Ths Commercial will be issued on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, of each week, on a Royal Sheet, at the moderate price of $5 per annum, paya ble, in all cases, on receipt of the first number. The Commercial will be found a prompt medium for advertising, on account of the frequency of its publication, and will be made as economical to the advertiser, as a reasonable support for tbe publishers will possibly admit. I The first number will be issued on the third day ot r March next, being the first Tnesdsy in tbat month. , . -JT WILLIAM STRINGER," ' J. B WHITAKER. Wilmington, Janoary 16. 1846. 6 FRESH RICE, TTUST received end for sale at the Drug Store of U WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. oT.i.:; y;; - . 87- MR O WIT SOAP just received snd for sals very low by tbe Box. r ' WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD CO. December 15, 1845. ! t ,99 Cigars, Cigars; Cigars, very superior Cigars just received consisting of the Eagle. Regalia, , . Plantation, ' , ,. Panetelas, i ... . r Lavuelta Bajera . , Lstncenldad Hsbana. , 8. Preistenn Engeinidas - Justo Sans, dec. &c ' Lord Myron, For ssls at the Cigar Store of ' . .,, KRAU3E dc MILLER. Raleigh, Not. 26. , 943 following' Brands: LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC: AND MILITARY Arms and Equipments furnished by tbe State --- Next Session qf this Classical and Mathematical School, opens on the 1st of January, with advan tages unsurpassed in any Preparatory ' School in the South. . " - Classics, English, etc. R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tactics, et: O. A. BUCK. E P;iosopny,,CI,em"lry &S.N.BOT8FORD. TERMS PER 8ES8TON OF FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department, (Collegiate course, in eluding full English Studies, with Mathe matics,) Ac. $20 00 English do. (Elementary $- higher branches) 15 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal or Instrumental Music (25 Lessons) 12 00 Fencing per Course 6 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. The course of Education is thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations. The moral and intellectual facul ties are kept severely in action, but not at the expense of tbe physical, as is unfortunately for tbe health of our children too commonly the case throughout the country. . LECTURES. I. During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects, will be delivered, of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. VISITERS. Got. Graham, Rev. A. Smedes, Rev. D. Lacy, Rev. B. T. Blake, Rev. J.J. Finch, Hon. G. E. Badger, Hon. Jas. Iredell, Hon. R. M. Saunders. Dr. Hill, Dr. Baker, W. R. Gales, E. B. Freeman, Chas. Hinton, Thou. J. Lemay, Geo. Little, W. J. Clarke, Esquires. Letter-writing, with English and Latin Compost tion, will be closely attended to. A cheap Uniform is adoptedDress Parade day, Friday. No deduction made for absence, unless in eases of protracted sickness. A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray's family. Raleigh, Dec. 5th. 96 Twenty r Dollars Reward fin ANA WAY from the-Subscriber, residing at Li Qj Pitisylvsnia Court House, Virginia, on the mgiit of the 31st day of December, 1845, a likely negro man. slave, by tbe name of WILEY. The said negro slave was purchased by me, a short lime since, from Atlas Rush, of Montgomery Coun ty, North Carolina, on his return with the said slave from Ftncnstle, Virginia, at which place he had been apprehended, on his way to Ohio with free papers. The said Wilkt is black, about five feet 11 inches high, between 24 and 25 years of age, .and weighs about 200 pounds ; is very likely and well formed. He made his elopement on a large bob tail bay Mare, saddle and bridle, which he alro took from me, with a large green blanket under the saddle. Had on when be left, a checked roundabout, somewhat grey ish pantaloons, yarn, and a cap, and carried with him also, a grey homespun coat ; is supposed to have pass ed through Danville, Virginia, and is no doubt making his way through Greeiisboroiigb, N. C. to the neigh borhood of Mr. Rush, where be formerly lived, with the view of procuring another set of free papers, and for the purpose of having an interview with his wife, whom he expressed, a few dsys before his de parture, a gresl wish to see. For the apprehension of the said slave, snd his se curement in Jail, so thst I get him sgain, I will pay the above reward of Twenty Dollars, and a reasona ble compensation to any one who will secure, and take care of the mare, bridle and saddle, or either of them, until I can get them. JOHN L. WHITE. Pittsylvania C. H., Va. Jan. 5, 1846. 4 tf rfHE American Almanac, and Repository of Use JL ful Knowledge, for the year 1846. Morria' and Willis' Library of the Prose and Poe try of Europe and America. One vol. complete. . The Complete Worka of N. P. Willis. The History of Silk, Cotton, Linen, Wool, and other Fibrous Substances ; including 'Observations on spinning, Dyeing and Weaving. Illustrated by steel engravings. . Biographical and Critical Miscellanies, by William H. Prescott, au'hor of Ferdinand and Isabella, dx. dec. Travels in Mexico, during the years 1843-4. By Albert M. Gillam, late U. 8. Consul to California. Rambles by Land and Water. By B. M. Norman. The Artist, the Merchant and the Statesman. By C. Edwards Lester. 2 vols complete. . s , . Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, in the years 1843-4 & 6. By the Rev. Joseph Wolff, D. D. Tbe Vigil of Faith, and other Poems. By C. F. Hoffman. Tbe Letters snd Speeches of Oliver Cromwell. By Thomas Carl vie. Montezuma, the last of the Ax tecs an Historical Romance, on the conquests of Mexico.' : Puritanism. By Thou. W. Coit, D. D. Life of Mozart, including his Correspondence. By Edward Holmes. . Tbe Philosophy of Mystery. By Walter Cooper Dindy. Trippings in Author Land. , By Fanny Forrester J Manual of Matrimony, gathered together for the safely of the single, and the weal of the wedded. By a Bachelor. Tbe Voice of Flowers. By Mrs. L. H. 8igourney. 1.An'a Token. Flowers. Bv Kmms C. Rrnhnrv. LThe Somrs and Ballads of Georse P. Morris.- vwaariw No. 45 Harper's Illuminated Bible. The work is nearly finished. . . . T " 1 No. T Harper's Illustrated Jew. A few copies more of The Jew. complete. The above list of Books are all valuable works, and have been published only a short time; and all who wish to read something new," will please call 'at the old stand, where they will find one of the largest collections ot Books, in tbe various departments f Literature, that have ever before been offered iai the Southern market. : K - - HENRY D. TURNER,- - At tbe N. C Bookstore.' January 14. . THATOLD 4DOGJXAC and '"y PALE JZXXAnJJX cas arrived- Vi Also, snother lot oLold PORT TEITEItlFFE and COOUIHQ WINE.-- ;, -Apply to - , v - V- 1 P. F..PS8GUD.- Dee, 18; 1843. 100 - SAETPETIXE. J''" LBS just received and for sale By ' ' iX ' v P. F.PESCUD. fan. 7,18 A ilUl.Mf T OlCllOUSCi lJ - $ ' IK NEW Vni)V c;. r - . To supply the City and Interior Trade.1 by the Pieci ' 'l- -!V or' Package, - . ,; . ' liEXlOVED- " From 113 Pearl StreetTto ''v' ; 44 STREET; , , - - . J Neab - William Steeet. . TTi EE & BREWIiTRri rive natirk kn ILsl dealers in Dry Goods, tbat tbey . have removed uiir vrarenouseior rrintea calicoes exclusivery, from Pearl to 44 Ceilsr srj-eet. Rv mmfininv fhair : .x.n. . . J ' .&VUW tion to Prints oa!y, L. dc. B. are enabled to exhibits Muiiuiem lar surpassing any ever oetore onered' in American-arid to sell at u rices as low. and seneniliv lower, than houses whose attention is divided among a targe variety oi article. . t . , TheStock consists of several thmtsandsnt Pattern and Colorings," embracing every variety of ; :; Aiuent.in ana Jt orejgrn iTlnts In market manv stvles of which are ml nn atMii. sively for their own sales, and cannot he ' had else wnere, except in second bands. t. t - . ; Dealers in PrinU will find it' fof their interest to examine this 8tock before mak mr lhe!ii nnrnti.coa they will have the advantage of learning the lowest M . K.t.- 1 - ft. ... r. ,UiU prices ana comparing ail tne desirable styles in market side bv side, ' 1 ' ' ' Catalogues of Prices, corrected witkeverv variation of the Market, are. placed in the hands of buyers: : -September 20, 1844, . f: 784 A Book-Keeper. , ; A YOUNG MAN, who has had seven or eight JX. years experience, wishes to obtain a situation in a Wholesale, or large Retail Establishment, as Book keeper or Clerk, either North or South 1 Satisfactory reference will be given: All communications, ad dressed 8. F Wiliiamsboro, Granville County N C. will receive immediate attention. Jsnuary 2nd; 1846. ': - S 6w . 200 Dollars Reward. . A Proclamation by His Excellency,' Wl LL! A M A. GRAHAM. 1 Governor of North Carolina, I j niiftDflij, 11 nas Deen made known to me V by William Fobbbs. Coroner of Csmden1 County, that one Ed Wis SxwTsa, late of the Coua ty of Pasquotank, stands charged with the murdef of Cathkui nk Lintok, a widow woman, in the said County of Camden ; and that the said Eswiv SaV Tsa has escaped from Justice t Now, therefore, I, William A. Graham. Gov ernor of the State, of North Carolina, do issue this my Prociumstion, offering a reward ofTWO HUN DRED DOLLARS, for the .apprehension snd de livery of tbe said Enwis Sawrsa to tbe . Sheriff of Camden County aforesaid, or for his commitment to any Jail in jibe United States, beyond the limits of this Stste i And, I do moreover enjoin and require all Officers of the State Civil and Military,' to use their best exertions to srrest the 'fugitive -aforesaid, that he may be dealt with according to Law. uiyen under my-band, and attested J wh.w., ... . . U X and of our Independence the 7flth." ! WIJULIAM A. GRAHAaL . Hxjrat W. Gbaham, Private Secretary. " DESCRIPTION. i - : EdWIW Sawtkr is a vonn? man.' SO or Sl vAsre of age, about 5 feet 1 or 2 inches high, stout frame;1'-' round lull lace, brown hair, blue eyes, ratberadown look, has an impediment in his Speech, snd converses but little, except when under the influence of liquor. FRESH OYSTERS & FISH. To the Citizens of RalelgU anct tlie Couiitry generally: THE SUBSCRIBER,, through the medianx of the Press, begs leave very respectfully to render bis sincere thanks to the Public, for the very liberal encouragement extended to him in bis line of busi ness, as caterer of Oysters and Fisn, heretofore, and would beg leave to inform his customers, that he has again resumed the business, and has located his establishment in the building known is the Cannon Office, near the Office" of the ' Standard" where he will be happy to serve his former Patrons and oth ers, with Oysters, Fish, snd such other delicacies as he rosy be able to procure in the Norfolk market. ' OYSTERS, fresh aud fine, wiH be re ceived daily baring accidents upon Rail Road and 8leamboat. - AIso.FRESO FISI1 on Wednes days and Fridays which msy 1 be relied " on.1 I woulfl in nrnrlmiitn aav f a mm natMma .kiivt... -j fHivui, iu,i- f u,t ever I offer for sale, whether the application be made in person or through servants, will be genuine.1 I would also add. that nersona in'.anv f joining Counties, or all such places as may be practi csdio io senu uvstera wita saietv. will have nheie orders prompt! v and faithfullv attended tnl th itn positive directions as to the conveyance." . j y ;-:- -JOHN WILSOJf. Raleigh, Nov. 4. r.- . hi :.-.,- it i,Ht IVORXI1 CAROLINA Insurance fJompany. TfTlURSUANT to an Ac of Assemhlv. Civmna. JJL ny bm oeen formed m wis jstatej nnder tbe name and style of tbe " North Carolina Mutual Io surance Company and is now fully organized, by IK L..i...; -.t: r- saa'vssaa,Avuw wa iuq lUllUVfAU J IXXCdBf - TIB 1 - JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, i v ALBERTSTITH, Vice-President, r.. RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, - THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, ; RICHARD SMITH, ,1 ..- - ALBERT. STlTH, . i ecutive Com - .WESTON R. GALES, fc k.fSr r The Company is iww prepared Id receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Poljcies oH the same. Bv the Act of Incorporation, the Cnmnsnv (a anthnr. ixedjo fake risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops ana omer ouuuings, rurnitnre. Mercbsndize,' and other property; against loss or damage by Fire. Tbe Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. BJ B. SxiTK. at the Corner of FavefLeVilla itnd ffar geU Streets, where full informalioa and explaeadsns, touching the principle of Motnal Insuratce, will 1e cheerfully . furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany, f ' , , .;. ' - - s ttaistgn, January . 17, 1 845. . : . ,.4f . $4- . ilaring recently rsceitfl tt- fresh k'", - V FANCY J03 JYPE, :V We are now prepared to . execute fa a tn- . '. style SUCH AS , . r . ittttnmTiiio.diDTi? TJixrnaif f ntsvtre r.. riHI UUXi 1 Ot KAAVA JAAilAlAIAliAiO, ALAilAOi Skb ... -- "w ,