I .hJifH --rf tf ' ft I 'yrr. hw. M- "-.-r I 1.1 1, I 1 I i. I l . : I v-.. 4,..- i I, i ; l III 111 I i I " ' - -s : 1 111 1 - - I l' I I I I "7 r k1 j 4: S if : v 'i ' TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1846. IV E S T 0 KTl; Q A Lll SVK : " .i'i.''.vwl' .. ...... fc .. .. . : : " .-. ,'. ' 1 .... . . CTM. CAIiL(0)JLINA ..(G-AE t. Of THt SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER; . 5JTtM. Fit dl!an per . anam half, b f AirtiaemU.Ym vnrj Sixtetn Lime, firrt iasertioa, Od Dallar ; each aobsequeat inaertioa Twenty.fiT Cent. H M v-r- ; ;. f 4 f ' Court Order and fu&icud Advertisement will tie charged 35 per ceatl higher;' bul dedacUoa of 33 pr cent, will he made ' from the regalar pricee, for advertisers by the jear. . V ' t, ' . s ' , AdTerUsements, inserted in the SsmMYckkx.y Rc gistk, will also appear in the AVsaxur Paper, free f charge.; ' ' '-:-..' E3" Letters to tho Editor most be rosr-ratx. IX DAJBBEL. SKX.F-n CTOL TO 31XRCXIA!fTS GOlTf G NORTH. ArW.SPIES& co., r "r 218 Petri Street, New Yerk, Importers of Hardware, ' Cutlery, Guns Rifles, Pistols, JLc. from " - England, France and 1 ' , . -..i Germany, ARB prepared to sell on the most farorable terms, CUTLERY of all kinds, including Knives and 1 Forks, of every description "and quality, .i- ' - Rax irs. Scissors, Pocket Knives, do. do. ' Guns, Pistols, Rifles and Muskets, '"' d. Gun Smith's Tools, do. do. ' Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Trace Chains, &c &c' ' Trunk, Chest, Door and Pad Locks of all kinds. Scythes, Saws, and Tools of all kinds. , t , Japannery and Britannia Wares. , Brass Goods; of all kinds. 1 Mathematical Instruments. - Fishing and Fowling Tackle, &c. Slc, A. VV. S. Si. Co. are Agents for the Patent self, cocking, cast steel six barrel revol ving PISTOL, superior to any kind of Pistol for a safe guard.. Merchants will find it to their interest, to call. before purchasing elsewhere. .. , New York, Uctober 10. ... tBl . CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!! ' E would respectfully infwrm the citiseas of V W Raleigh, and the public generally, .that wo cave opened a Cigar, manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on hand a full aMortsaenLof nigh- Jy flavored imported Cigarr, including REGALIA, EPERANZA, CUBRY, ; HAVANA, j riMNCIPE, CAZADOkE, JjANUKMA, WERNER, Ac and all kinds of domestic manufactured Cigars. A general assortment of superior 'chewing TOBACCO; Maecuba, Congress,' roarse Rappee and Seotrb 8NUFF; Cigar cases, Sooff Boxe,and alt articles in the line, which we offer at New York'priees.' by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. ' ! ' M ' Vyaod at I Ib iceo, f (suited rurchsserSf'and the lovers of rood Cigars and To will always be furnished with the best kinds, to the tate of the connoieaur. Call and try at . ' KRAUSB. & MILLER'S, Fayetteville street, opposite the Citv Hall. Sept't. 1 " 4. 39 ! SC&GICAL AID DEXT1L, MSTRDXE.1TS, &e. CO.TISTI!VG Ilf PART OF FUg's Forceps,". an olegvnt morocco ease ; ceo taiaing four Forop adapted to either extremity of each jaw, ana otherwise an essential improvement upon the oIJ instruments. Teeth Extractors," put up in neat cases; contain- in? Turnkey and three claws, two forceps, and Gum Lancet. - . Weigand St 8nowdens Thumb Lancet. Evans Crown do do Silver Spring Button d Corn nun do do do Chafe's dootde anJ single Trasses. Hull 4- Weigand'a Trusses, for children and adults. 8u jponsary Bandages. Silver and Gum EUMie Boogie and Catheters. Msw s celebrated 8elf-njecting Apparatus. Gum Elastic and Glass-ttyriages, ' ' ' Block Tin Syringes, of all sixes and descriptions, from I to 1 6 in tases and otherwise. ' Mrs- Wooster Utero Abdominal Supporter. Together with a lar,re supply of Mediterranean and coarse Sponge, just to hsnd and for sale sow at ' PESCUD'S'Drog Stnrel Jan. 9, 1846.' - - .-.-; r;-.:- - 3 And New Goods still Coming ! THE Subscribers take - occasion toi announce te their friends and the Public generally, that hav ing 'gone into into the Mercantile business in the House, formerly occupied by H. A. Babbax dc Cq one door below Williams, Hsvwood 3c Conthev have on band and are constantly receiving large and excel lent supplies of STAPLE ANO FANCY DRY' GOODS, together with HATS, SHOES, and BOOTS, and SHOES fur Ladies, which i hey offer at km rates fur iJah, or on a short Credit to punctual dealer. fPheir Stock is such, that they will be able to furnish Bo their Customers whatever may be desired in their line of business, and they can confidently assure the public that their prices will be as low and their terras as accomtn Hlating as those of any House this side of retersburg. They would most respectfully ask their friends and the public to give' them' a call and if cheap and grot Goods, and fur, bargains will entitle tnem.to it, they hope to receive, as they will endeavor to merit, a liberal share of the public patronage. h : - L. E. HEAR i r, r ' j. F. JORDAN. Raleish.Oet.24. 1845. 84 tf Works on Gardening, &c. ; FTKO WNING'S Landscape Gardening, U V t cMabon's American Gardener. Toe American Flower Garden Directory, contain ing Practical Directions for the culture of Plants, in ine rlosrer uarJen, Hot-House, &e.bv Robert Buist. The Toung Gardener's Assistant, by T. Bridgmatt. Completo Florist. u w Kitchen and Fruit Gardens, ( . . Hosre on the Cultivation of Iho Giape Yino on open Walls. TV, IS' . . F or sale at the JN. C. Boci-',Store.' by w- - ' ; v H. D. TUILNER. Feb. 26ih, ' 15 aOOK HERE! THE Subscriber has this day received a fresh supply! of Lyon's', formerly Holder's, F A M I L Y f 10 U Rl wperwr amtie. This article b warranted to bake op white and 10 rise. well ; ' if not, the floor may be returned and the money refunded. .. This fl.Mirmay always beeotained st SAMUEL, M. WniTAKEtt'S Dry Goods aod Grocery Store, immediately opposite the City Hotel. .. ; 1. He has also just leeeived a new supply of Rice, Cheese, Cnckery Hardware, &4- dco-t " fc, io trnds keeping convtantly on band every thing that is usually kepi either in a Dry Groods or Grocery Store ' Thankful to his friends and the public for liberal patronage hitherto extended to him, he will pare no pains to merit continuance of the same Please call and examine his stock. SAMUEL M. WHITAKER. RaWgb, Jsn. 1 4, 1 845. f 5 -tf ' I IN OUT II CillOmiXA Mutual; Insurance Company TTnUKSUA'NT to an Ac, of Assembly, a Compa Ll ny has been formed in this, State, under the name ad stjl of the North . Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, vis : JOSIAH O. WATSON. President, ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, f RICHARD SMITH, Tresaurer, THE0lORE PARTRIDGE. Secretary, CHARLES MANLY,' Attorney, ! RICHARD SMITH,! ) p,M,ilMrMi 1 ir npur ktith ( Executive Com- ! WESTON R. GALES, S miUee The Company is now prepared to receive applies, tions for Insurance, and to isaue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author bed to' take rUke on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shop and other buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. . The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied. by Mr. B. B. Skits, at the corner of Fayettevilie and Har tett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will l cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com- peny. " ' ' Raleigh, January 17, 1848 6 tf .! , : FIUE! -: rrnflB T2Y A INSURANCE COBIPA U KT. of Ilnrtford. Conn. Offers to insure Buildints and Merchandise, against lose or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is oue of the oldest and best Insurance com panies in the UnitedState,and paysils lossesprompl- ly. i Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi- cinity.tohemsdsto 1 8. W. WHITING. June, 1845. ; Agent. TO SOUTH ERX ASD WESTERN MERCHANTS. TOBACCO, SNUFF & SE6AR WAREHOUSE, . Ho. 17, Sooth 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA. Tf EfTOIf 3c WOODWARD, (Succes U A sore to Sam'l. Wood wa an & Ca.) invite the auention of Merchants and Dealers to their extensive establishment, where they will find a large and com plete aswrtment of James River, Honey-dew, Caven dish TOBACCO. Also, 800,000 Havanna and American SUGARS, via: Regalias, Casado ras.Lanormas, Labellas. Ugues, Delicio's, Principes, d-c Turkish, Spanish, and common Smoking Tobftcco. I . (jj They would especially ssk attention to their Scotch. Snnff, manufactured expressly for dip ping. Also, a large assortment of Maccaboy, Rappee, and Congress Snu&s. Segar cases, Snuff boxes, Pipes of various shapes, and sixes, etc. etc ' February L 1848. j 10-2ro William Arendell, Hexekiah Arendetl, Wilson ArendeO, Joseph Patrick and Wife Elizabeth. Joseph B. Hathaway and Wife Eveline, Nancy Spruiil, Sarah Kenady, Wm. D. Davenport and Wire Polly, and James A.8pruill. To the Court of Equity of Washington County, N. C. Fall Term, 1845. ' la this case,' it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Benjamin Areudell, Hexekiah Arendell, Joseph Ainsley and Wife Asha, Prictlla Ainsley, and Milly Terry, are non-residents of this State : Ordered by the Court, that the Clerk and Master ad vertise at the Court House, land in the Raleigh Reg ister, for six weeks successively, for the parties ab entfjifm the 8tate to appear at the neit term of this Couruon the second Monday in March, 1846, at the Coda House in Plymouth, and plead, answer or do murAo the allegations of the Petition, or Judgment will M bkro tro confess, i ' Wjtness, Thomas B. Nicholls, Clerk and Master of our said Court at Office, in Plymouth, Washing ton Uqsnty, North Carolina, the. second Monday of 8eptejber, 1845. T. B. NICHOLLS, C. M. E. Twenty- Dollars Reward, : rip ANA WAY from the Subscriber, residing at LLvL Pittsylvania Court House, Yirginia, on the mgtitof the 31st day of December, 1845, a likely negro man. slave,by the name of WILEY. The said negro slave was purchased by me, a short time since, from Atlas Rush, of Montgomery Coun ty, North Carolina on his return with the said slave from Fincastie, Virginia, at which place he had been apprehended, on his way to Ohio with free papers- The said Wilbt is black, about five feet 11 inches high, between 24 sod 25 years of sge, and weighs about 200 pounds; is,very likely ; and well formed. He made his elopement on a large bob tail bay Mars, saddle and bridle, which be also took from roe. with slfge green blanket under the-, saddle. Had on w a he left, a checked roundabout, somewhat grey ish pantaloons, yarn, and a cap, and carried with him alsOa Fy homespun coat ; is supposed to have pase ii Lranvuie, irginia, anu is no ooqm muiug nis hu; autvuw ureensoorougn, ri. v. to uie neixo t t- rt - Lt. t &r . .1 borhood of Mr. Rush, where he formerly lived, with tho view of procuring another set of free papers, and for the purpose of havipg an interview with hie wife, whom ho expressed, v few days before his fnre treat wuh to. se.i ( ; -K ForVpprebensJoo of the saio slave, aod his i - A . .m m w aasaak euremoQa JsU.ax tnat l get him. again, I will pay the above revrVd of Twenty Dolars, and a resaoos- ble compensation to any one who.will .secure,! and take care of. the mare, bridle sod saddle, or either of them, until l ean get the uj.,1 . i 3 r 5 J0HN4- WHITE. , PiU'jIraaia C H., Vs. Jan. 5, 1816. 4 tf GIXEAT DAXlGAITf S It ' LARGE STOCK OF UX GOODS AM 0H0CER1ES.. ;:, J Selling off at Cost ! S ! '. npHE firm ef Russell dc Cooke having been dissol M. ved, and their remaining stock of Goods having passed into the hands of Mr. Russell, one of the late firm, who is determined to cloee the business as speed ily as practicable, the whole stock, comprising an ex tensive assortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES of excellent quality, is now offered for sale at cost Goods of almost every description suitable to this market may be bad so cheap, that a better opportu nity can never occur for all to aupply themselves who will call soon. The public are assured that this offer to sell uieott is made in good faith, and will be strictly adhered to. They will also find the goods of the best quality, fashionable, sound, and substantial, of a kind mads for ust, not inertly to tell. All may be suited, as there are on hand many ar ticles of the finest quality as well aa a Urge assort ment of the coarsei and more substantial kinds. Alt are invited to call and ei amine and judge for themselves ; tboe who have the keenest taste for CHEAPNESS, will doubtless l satisfied. Those who do not need at present, will SATE by buying now and laying up for the future. . Let it be remembered that no one wdl sell Goods in a regular business without a profit, by which they can live ; that no one will sacrifice goods st less than cost without compulsion 1 and that cost is as about as cheap as most merchants can afford to sell and most people would wih tobuv. GEORGE T. COOKE, Agent. Ralrigh. Jsn. 1146. 5-tf. TO THE NORTH. WIITTER ABRAIf GEJT1EH T. WHa Petersburg and Roanoke, and City Point flail IXoads, and James Hirer and Hay Steamers. THREE TIMES A WEEK. By fir the mast comfortable rente and certain ne of getting North. FIT. HE travelling public are respectfully informed, JJ that a Train of Cars will leave the City Point Depot t,at Petersburg.) on the mornings of Moaday$t Yitdnteday aod Fridays, st 8 A M. connecting with the James River Steamers, Curtis Perk, Capt Davis, or Alice1 Capt. 8kinner, one of which Steamers will leave City Point on those days at 9 A. M. arriving at Norfolk the same afternoon at 5 P. M. where the traveller can stay on board tho Baltimore Boat until they leave the next afternoon without ex tra charge. The superior Steamer, Georgia, Capt. Cannon, will leave Norfolk for Baltimore, on Toesdsy, Thurs day and Saturday evenings, at 4 P. M. arriving in Baltimore about 6 A. M. next morning, alwajre in time for the Cars to Philadelphia, V ashington City, or Cumberland. WINTER FARE. The additional ei pease incurred in fitting op the Boats for tho Winter service, compels tho proprietors to advance the Fare for the Winter, to From Gaston to Baltimore or Annapolis $10 00 Petersburg to Norfolk 3 00 Meals and Lodging included on the James River and Bay Boats. Passengers msy rest assured that tho James River and Bay Steamers are well provided lor the Winter travel, and but little doubt of delay by Ice, (aa on the Potomac or Great Mail route) we having engaged the Ice Boats to keep open a track in the Patapsco, when possible, shook! the weather bo so severe as to prevent the 8teamera reaching Baltimore Passen gers will be landed at Annapolis, from whence there is a Rail Road communication to Baltimore or Wash ington City. ' Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C C. Push, Esq. at Gaston. WM. M. MOODY, Jr., Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, ? Welbor, N. C, Dec 27th 1845. . 3 103 North Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY ACAJED3BMY. Arms and Equipments furnished by fbe State. Next Session of this Classical and Mathematical School, opens on the 1st of January, with advan tages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School in the South. Classics, English, etc. R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tactics, etc O.A. ULCK. EirinnulChemutrydc 1 8.KBOT8FORD. Philosophy, 3 .. ; . ... TERMS FEB SXSSI01C OF FIVE MOUTHS. Classical Department, (Collegiate course, in cluding full English Studies, with Mathe maiics.) cVe. $i0 00 English do. (Elementary ir higher branches) 15 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal or Instrumental Music (25 Lessons) 13 00 Fencing per Course 6 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. . The course of Education is thorough, practical and welt calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of hie, whether occupying public or private, Civil or Military stations. . The moral and intellectual facul ties are kept severely in action, but not at the expense of the physical, as ia unfortunately fox the health of our children too commonly the case throughout tho country. ' "'.. LECTURES. V During the 8ession', Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of 'which duo notice will be given in its Public Prints.44;;.;;.: , ri YJ , - ' . ; , ;; .visiters. .uru , ;i Gov. Graham. , Dr. Hilt, .11 .1 Rev. A. S modes, . , Dr. Baker. ; Rev. D. Lacy. , f ;W; R. Gales, a f! . ksv. is. 1. JJlake, , f c o. reeman, - Rev. J. J. , Finch, - Chaa, Hinton, ; , ; Hon. G. E. Badger , ThosC J.' Lemay,! Hon. R. M. Saooders; W. J. Clarke; Esquires; ' IetUrriiing,witb' Engusb' and Latin Composi tion, wiU be closely attended to, i A cheap Unifona ia adopted Dress Parade day, Friday. s . r..u - : Ne deduct ton made for absence, unless in cases ol protracted sickness.', Vi-. .'.i'-'-.t A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray's family. Raleigh, Dec 5th. 96 ar. - Raleigh &' Gaston Rail Road. FTTtHI8 Read, having become the propSity of th J Siate of North Carolina, notice is hereby given that it is in successful operation Mild the" transporta tion of Passengers and Freights will be continued at the same rates aa heretofore. Every attention will be paid to insure expedition and comfort to the Traveller. , WESLEx HOLLISTER, PresidenL Rsleigh, Jan. 8th, 1848. j 8 ' WHOLESALE Hat and Cap Warehouse) JENNINGS & OGDEN, No. 138 Water Stbeet, New-Your. JEHTfllVGS fc OGDEX, continue to manufacture HATS of every Description and Quality, embracing Alt the Different Styles of Fashionable and Broad Brim Halt, among which are Fine Nutria, Saper White and Black Brash, ga per Molckia, Drab Beaver and Rcssia Hats, With many other descriptions too numerous to mention. . Merchants who are desirous of procuring a Neat and Tatty Article fur their Retsil Trsde, can have their wants supplied by making application to J 40. And while we offer such inducements to Fashionable Retailers, we would say to the Wholesale Buyer and Country Merchant, that our Stock on hand and con stantly manufacturing comprise every thins; suited to your wants. HATS here can be found from the Lowest Quality to the Finest, which are offered on the Most Seasonable Terms. WILLIAM JENNINGS, ELIAS R. OGDEN. New York. Jan. 1816. 7 3m fust Received, A LARGE lot of Sweet ORANGES ; One dozen Allicant MATTS; Two hundred COCOANUTS; -One box of LEMONS ; One doz. Jars PRESEVED GINGER. dtc&c J. R. WHITAKER. Feb. 27. 1846. . 171 w SPLENDID LOTTERIES, J. G. GREGORY & CO. MANAGERS. $30,000. ' 75 Prizes of l,OOOI! Alexandria Lottery, Class 10, for 1846 To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C. en Saturday, March 7th, 1846. catitals. . . G0,000 dollars, 10,000 dollars, 7ft prizes of 1,000 dollars. &C. " &C. Tickets 310 Halves $5 Quarters 02 50. Certificates of Packagea of 35 Whole Tickets 8130 . Do. do 25 Half do. 65 Do. do ' 35 Quarter do. Zt 50)000 Dollars I The Splendid Alexandria .Lottery, Class A, for 1846. To be drawn in Alexandria, D. C on Saturday, March 14th, 1846. 15 Drawn Numbers nut of 78. MAMMOTH SCHEME: 1 Gr'd prize of $50,000 1 Sp'did Prize $20,000 1 Sp'did Prize 10,000 1 do 5,000 1 Prize of 4,227 2 Prizes of 8,000 50, Prizes of 1,000 vCc SCs) 3bCCs Tickets $15 HalVes $750 QuarUra 3 75 . Eighths 1 87. Certificates of packages of 26 Wholes $170 00 Du. , do. 26 Halves 85 Do. do. 26 Quarters 42 50 Do. do. 26 Eighths 21 29 $60,000, In O Prizes or 8IO,OOQ. . aUSaT!m iivowsni . Class It, for !846. ' To be drawn in Alexandria. D. Un ott Saturday, March 21st, 1846. SPLENDID CAPITALS I $10,000 ! 810,000! 810,000! 910,000! - - 910,000! 8lOfOOO! . Tickeu S to Halves f5 Quarters ft 50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets SI 80 Do do r 25 Half do 65 Do' . do' . 25 Quarter do S2 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, - ! Class No. 12, for 1846, To, bo drawn st Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, March 28th, 1846. ' PRIZES s ' 035,000! . 10 Prizes) of tJ.OOO S tfio of 9500 1 .12. Drawn Bsilots out of . .Ticksts 10 Halves $5 Quarters t 50, , ;. Ccrtificatss of Packages of 22 W hols Tickets $ 1 1 0 00 Do7 ' 'do ' : or 22 Half do ' 55 00 X Do. ' " do ; of 22 Quarter do 2r 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certilcatee of racaagssln too SDOve epienuia uwnw win receive the meet prompt eiUntioo, and an oGcial account el each drawmg sent isssaedistcly after it is over to sll who ordef from nsv; Address, i.nj--. nj i-j-.., i: , ," G G REGORYi to Co. Managers, , . . Washington City, li. C. .1 t:.;' ''Mlo'ikHliiiiiitii Mm . . - . OF tbeSteamboJl brand, Ibc sale st . --,-.-.. .i . ,P.,F.;PESCODS.. , Jen. 21. 18'S. , 7 ; IX I, A v IX DEEDS : v. - Just Printed, ; - ' . VOX SALS AT THIS OFflS F.. OJLD COtJROC OF 0 9 BROAD WAlf s PfiClAL AGENCY for the City Of New York; rsS where uilh'ons have been distributed to the for tunate. V ' ; '. 1 -.. I - t The subscriber would Ihvite the early attefltlon of all persons desirous of a chance in any of the following Brilliant Schemes, soon to be drawn, o rider the man agement of Messrs. J. G. GaaOoat dr. Co iticces- sors to Messrs. Yatxs dc McLrrr nx, and Messrs. D. Paihk&Co. .! Every person ordering tickets of the subscriber will receive the official drawing, published in the Bulletin newspaper. Tho same paper will also contain a list of schemes ahead. :-' . Mi .'k : Money , on all the solvent banks in the United States4 and Canada received at par for tickets sold at the old CoUrt of Fortune, 220 Broadway ; and tho postage is always paid by the subscriber on all letters Containing 5 and upward. .. . j Cj Money can be sent by mail with perfect safety and all letters are invariably answered the same day as received. All communication with this office strictly confidential. j Be particular and address I J08EPH HOUGH, 220 Broadway A Grand Capital Prize of . $50,000, ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY CLASS A FOR 1846. I To be drawn at Alexandria. D. C. on Saturdav. March 14, 1846. J 78 SUMBEES-15 DRAW$ BILLOTS, J. G. Gregory dc Co. Managers. SCHEME. ! 1 9o0.000 i 850,000 1 JW,000 120,000 1 10.000 10,000 1 5,000 5,000 1 477 4277 .2 8,00a 6,000 50 1,000 ', 50,000 50 500 25,000 50 400 20.000 100 250 25,000 199 200 9,600 63 130 ' t ai90 63 110 6,030 63 80 5040 63 60 3,770 63 50 : 3,150 25i 40 10,080 &048 30 ! 181,440 20295 15 i 439,425 36,365 amounlJnff to j 8912,912 Wholes $ 15-Halves $7 50 Quarters $3 75. A CertificatToTa Package of 26 Tickets will be sent for 9 190 Shares in proportion. A Grand Capital Prise of $30,000! NEW JERSEY STATE LOTTERY, For the benefit of the Society for the Encour agement, of Useful Manufactures. Class F, for 1846, To be drawn at Jersey City, Wednesday, March 25, 1846. j 71 Numbers II Drawn Ballots. J. G. GREGORY dc CO. Maaieftas. SCHEME, I I $30,000 - 1 $30,000 I 10,000 10,000 1 - 6,000 ) 6,000 1 5,000 1 5,000 f 1 I 3J0OO 8,000 1 200 ' asoo 1 2,190 2,195 25 2,000 ! 50,000 50 200 ' 10.000 50 150 700 80 100 8,800 63 90 p 6.670 63 80 5.040 63 70 ! 4,410 63 60 1 8.780 126 50 ' &300 126 40 5,040 3,654 20 73.080 23,436 10 ' 234,360 27314 amounting to f $472,675 Wholes $ 10 Halves fo quarters fxj. A certificate of a package of 25 ttckeU will be sent for f 120. Shares in proportion. It will be observed that the price of S Certificate of a Package of Tickets is the amount of risk ordy or, in other words, the difference between the cost of a Package and the lowest amount It Ctn possibly draw. When Packages are ordered the amount of ruk only has to be sent. When single Tickets srs ordered. ths whole sum must be enclosed. All money letters invariably come safe by mail, if addressed to JOSEPH HOUGH. " 220 Broadway, N. Y." Reference Messrs. J. G.Gregory dc Co.' ' ' GARDEV SEED, f PIOMPlilSIfiG neatly every popular . Tsriety , and warranted to be fresh aid genuine and of the growth of 1845, just received snd for sals at the Drug Store of. ' -. - 5-;"-' ' y WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dc CO. These Seed were bought and will be sold by weight ; to which we would invite the attention of purchaerr, a being not only cheaper than those thst come ready put up in papers, but can be examined before being purcnased. A liberal discount to those who purchase in quantities to sell againj ' " w. a. at uu. Feb. 2, 1845 J -i 1- -! ' r ' - 10 LA RGE supply of PIllTlTirTO has iust beenTeceived at this OfScS from the North onhem Faetbrtee. Snd is ofiered for sale, at a smalt advance upon cost, for Cass Tho Ink is id $& and S8 Kegs, and is warranted to no a good arucfev ' - i Wev.8. m;-..;--rft ,-4tirX:ill'i To the Members of the Ban QfraHE 8upreme Court Reports in thirty volumes including fifth IredelTs Law; snd third Equity bound uniform. - '. . .J-.y- x .i ; H . ,1.; . Ths above can be bad en applicatfou to the Sob ecriberatn reasooaWe re. A wave 00 band s large collection Of ajsw at ins: ruonsner: nces, . : . HBJIBY D. rrORNBR , 1 At the C, Book Sure. : Abo, a set of Wilsons Thirteen Ineb GloUs. foi1 sale low. n. v. J, fftlHB Mercantile Copaftnershlp heretolbrt exists -11 ng between JAMEStKESSOIf de SOrf, has been dissolved by mutual consent. . The Store at Moraanton, from Febraafy 1, 184B, will be coni tinued by Jam aa McKaaeoxr. And the Stores at Gold Hill, 10 Burke Ceonty-MU VaTdor, Bracket town and Mihersville, in McDowell County, will be continued by WiixiaJc F4 McKssSos r V, The Wiping Copartnerahip between the-sams1 psrties la also dissolved, except that the Ml a, long known ss the Wilkinson Mint? im axtill Joint nrn- perty, snd to operated 'ss ViuJH-- t is very desirable, thtt those who are indebted ro the late Firm, should dose their account immediate ly.by NoteorCsh. - . , . ', ..- JAMES MtKESSOIV dc SON. j Morganton, Feb. 1, 1846. . , IS if . WATCHES, 4 Watches and ' Jewelry I . I f 1'' r WATCHES! : T H E largest and most) i splendid sssorttnent ol, ; Watches In, the City, is to; be found at the subscribeVs ,1 ss he Is constantly receiving ; ill descriptions of GOEX4 :. ATTD 8ILTEII newest styles, Troth the manufacturers in England, f France, and 8witter1ahr1.:fie ta vhahtMt' Aflfi. L ! - 1 w ' lager assortment snd at much teas prices,' at ' Retail, 1 than any other house to ' America. Gold Watches as low as 20 to 26 Dollars each. - ! i Watches and ieWelry exchanged or bought. 'v " ' Alt Wstcbea warrsnted to keep good time or the money relumed. - Watches snd Jewelry repaired in the best manner and warranted, try the best workmen, f sad much fcnver than at any other place.' Gold and " Silver Pencils, : UiM Chains, Keyav and - Ladies firacetets, Plns.ahd Sterling Silver Spoons, Sflvsr Cups, Forks, dec tor Sale very low. ' - - G. C. ALLE.Tf v ; Importer of Watches and Jewelry, - v Wholesale and Retail v Hottl Wall-St., hte SO corner William 8t Kew York, (up suits.) Feb. 6. 1846. 12 3m To the tovtn of 3 r , NATURAL HEADS OP HAlRa R. qUIRlC of New York, will visit Kaleieh about Monday, the 18th February, when he will be pleased to receive the calls of all who require his professional services, in the way of : a " Wls, Toopets of Scalps, or a good head of Hair Those who are losing their Hair; will do well to give him a call. Ladies can be suited in WIGS, FRONTS, BRAIDS, CURLS. - . -: ; - THOMAS QUIRKS . -4 4 Of 490 Brosdwsy.N.Y. Feb. II. 13- f. TUe still increasing: testimony la favor of ROUSELLS SHAVING CREAM, PALM OIL, and other TOILET SOAPS, COLOGNE sod EXTRACTS FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, is indubitable proof of their superior merit, and should " induee every gentleman toko has a beard to shave t and every person who has say use for 8oapt snd whose natural sweetness needs any perfume, to call on the subscriber and get supplied out of a choice snd varied stock, just received 5 1-- ' ' P.F.PESCDD. ; Feb. 11. i . - " 1$ WICKOH'S PracUce of Medicine in 8 vols, (new edition.) , . ' , , , . v , ; he above medical work i better adapted to the :. 8outh than sny work heretofore published. For sale V at the N. V. Book-Store by ; ; , v I ; ,V; H. D. TURNER. Feb 10. 1848. 13 AMUSEMENT 15D INSTEtCTlON f OE CB1LDEEX. STTftHE Game of Kinev. Itlnafniinv tkjk tt! ' U England, from the Norman conquest to the The New World, a Rama at A tn.rlrin HIt n. from the discovery, to James' K. Polk, . with twenty cngravinga. x or saie ny H. D. TURNER' ;'v'"i.:'t;:':, 13- iiFeb:i2,1848: Tl ThdlV LBS- just received and for sale by . u JULHjVMJ ,.:P-F, PESCUD Jan. 7, 1846. TTffTfi hsve just received a splendid toioif vSJvsie . v v ucuieu a mmfiswu uoui tr nier proof Boots, iOtidlcs Wollilns Shoes ! and SUnpa S lot of Kerseys, Plaids, Jeans, -;!; u.b. u.. - a hob, wEnucr OTiiu our enure aaaonmens of desirable Goods, win be disposed of on' sccommo- dating terms, - ' . - "t Raleigh. Nov. 18. . it - 81 f "inn KEQS Hapefw White Lead, -: ! ' AyW 9 Barrels of Linseed Oil, ; t J ust received and for sale very ' low, tt the Draf ' 11 Store of -. . . . - - . .. - v;-; - .v . W1LLUMS, HAYWOOD ft! CO."l If? i r ; je-t'-i i-- tit 4 . 3 5 ) FaintiDg TT' AM prepared to "execute', the ' above badness (a y If JJ. the very best manner, and With the greatest; '1 despatch CAMPBELL EATON. ; U fl GEORGE W;MORDECAl. S(JVi i - I WESLEY HOLLISTER, BSO T 4 1 ... ;.. s. w, whiting, Esq. ... i yU;u'&''- r HON. .W;HiBAfWOODl?4-r'-Vvi.-v-i HON. RICHARD HINES, 4y 4 - s tt U ! Raleigh, Jsflssry 28.1848. , xWfaj ly JV I Extract ol Tonilla and lTos" c lt f xT7 OR flavouring Sauces. Jellies. Custards. Vc n i c Beceived, snd for sale, st the Drug 8tore of ; - ; WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD ft CQ. , s Feb. 1st, -". - " ' ' . . 10 , Elocutidn. MVCXOTt i at Logirst and Musical Reading and, mation With exereisee in Prose snd Verse dis- v , ilnctly msrked for be Goidsnee of the Ear and ' Voice of the Pupil s - To Which is added an Appen 1 dii,eontainio auermiotis prsctire inOrttoricalr 4 : PeettraL aod Drsmstic Reading snd ReciuUon, y Tb as ' whole fonniog a complete Speaker, well tsulaptsd to )ft privste Poplla, Classes, sod the use of Schools ; 2nd . t ; EdHiod. By George VaodeObofT; Professor of Elo-. entlon in the Clu oX er York. T For sale at thar " N.C. Bookstore, by ' H IT. TURNEH.1. Feb- 1848. 1 , I i ': .4 1