'' : f I rf r f ! PnMuked StmiAfceily,5 tj. . i WES TON R . GAL ES, X EDITOR AltD PSOFSlTTOX. J v sail f : :':HliiiSBii Carolina gazettel : : : - k ' :,v :V.. ., FKIDAY, MAKCE 13J1846- .wi.r.M TERMS OF'THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER. Stthtcrintian. Five doliara per annum blf in AdvertiteinentM. For erery Sixteen Line, tint insertion,5 ' One Dollar; each tubseqaent1 insertion, Twenty-five Cent. , ; ' '. ' ; . tourt Order and Judicial Advertisement will be , ..... charged 25 per cenL higher ; but & deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made from the regular prices, for advertisers by the year. ; Advertisements, inserted in the SemI-Wieklt Rk cirrsa, will also appear in the .Weekly Paper, free of charge. , n . t.:T'-z, a.;. v : ' ". ' Letters to the Editor mast be rosT-rxiD. SIT BARREL SXXTRITr01l TO MERCHAIfTS GOUVG NOIITII. a! w.;spies & co.;, 218 Pear Street, New Yorl, Importers of Hardware, Cutlery, laiirxs limes x'isiois, 3kc. iront , XLagland, France and , . i Germany, k RE prepared to sell on the most favorable J terms, CUTLERY of all kinds, including Knives and Forks, of every description and quality, " ' Razors, Scissors, Pocket Knives, do. do. Guns, Pistols, Rifles and Muskets, ' de. Gun Smith's Tools, do. do. Anvils, Vices, Hoes, Trace Chains, &c &c TrunVChest, Door and Pad Locks of all kinds. Scythes, Saws, and Tools of all kinds. Japannery and Britannia Wares. Brass Goods, of all kinds. . : Mathematical Instruments. Fishing and Fowling Tackle, &c. &c A. W. S. & Co. are Agents for the Patent self cocking, cast steel six barrel revolving PISTOL, superior to any kind of Pistol for a safe guard. Merchants will find it to their interest, to call, before purchasing elsewhere. New York, October 10. . ' 81 CIGARS! CIGARS!! CIGARS!!!; ,; WE would respectfully inform the citizens of Raleigh, and the public generally, that we have opened a Cigar manufactory in Raleigb, where we constantly keep on hand a full assortment of high ly flavored imported Cigars, including REGALIA, ESPERANZA, t CA2AD0RE, ; CUBRY, ; LANORMA, HAVANA, . ; WERNER, PRINCIPE, ., , X&C &C &C , . . r .... and all kinds of domestic manufactured .Cigars. A general assortment of superior chewing TOBACCO; Maccuba, Congress, coarse , Rappee and Scotch SNUFF; Cigar eases, 8auBBoxt, and all articles in the line, which we offer at New iYork price, by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully received and attended to with ' dispatch.' " i ' . Purchasers, and the lovers of good Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, suited to the taste of the connoiesur. Call and try at K RA US E & MILLER'S, Fsyettcville street, opposite the City Hall. . Sept 2. " '"" . 3g WBW FIRM! And New Goods still Coming ! THE Subscribers take occasion 1 to announce te their friends and the Public generally, that hav ing gone into into the Mercantile business in the House, formerly occupied by H. A. Badhsjc 6c Co., one door below Williams, Haywood & Co,, they have on hand and are constantly receiving large and excel- lent supplies of " . STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, tosether with HATS. SHOES, and BOOTS, and SHOES for Ladies, which they offer at low rates for Cash, or on a short Credit to punctual dealers. Their Stock is such: that thev will he able to furnish to their Customers whatever may be desired in their Jine of business, and they can confidently assure the public that their prices will be as lowland their terms as accommodating as those of any House this side of Petersburg. They would most respectfully ask their friends and the public to give them a call t and if cheap n4good Goods, and fair bargains will entitle them to it, ihey hope to receive, as they will endeavor to merit, a liberal share of the public patronage. L. E. HEARTT, J. F. JORDAN. Raleigh, Oct. 21, 1845. t 84 tf Works on Gardening, &e. BOWNING'S Landscape Gardening, McMahon's American Gardener, i'be American Flower Garden Directory, contain ing Practical Directions for the "culture of Plants, in the Flower Garden, Hot-House, &c.bj Robert Buist. Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees.' The Young Gardener's Assistant, by T. Bridgman. " Complete Florist, " Kitchen and Fruit Gardens, Hoare on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on open Walls. For sale at the N. C. Book- Store, by H.D.TURNER. Feb. 20th, 15 Oi UAIND, AMILT FLOUR, ' CoUon Cloths, Brown Sugar, Yarns, Loaf sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea, Rice. Candle, Soap, Butter, t Bacon, Lard, ' Bed Cords, ' Bagging, 8hoes, ' '" Sole Leather, Kip and Side Leather, Linings & 8hoe Thread, Corn and Meal, Pepper and Spice, Ginger and Snuff, Mackerel and 8turgeon, Tobacco and Cigars, ! Plough Lines. rotatoes. Salt and Saltpetre, tc, dec WILL. And for sale. Feb. 27. PECK. 17 3w Bacon and Lard. . A lotofnewBACOX and LARD, just to Hand. . ' , t S. M. WHITAKER. Raleigh, March, 6, 1848. ! ! i i 19 BLANKS For tale at this Office. LOOK HERE ! THE Subscriber has this, day received a fresh supply of Lyon's, formerly Holden's, FAMILY F L O U R A wperior article. This article b warranted to bake op white and to rise well ; if not, the flour : may be returned and the money refunded. This flour may always be obtained at SAITlITJCIi Iff; WniTARER'S Dry Goods and Grocery Store, immediately opposite the City HoteL ; ! . , . . He has also just teceived a new supply of Rice, Cheese, Crockery, Hardware, &c. &c, in fact, in tends keeping constantly on! hand every thing that is usually kept either in a pry G roods or Grocery 8lore.v Thankful to his friends and the public for liberal patronage hitherto ' extended to him, he will spare no patna to merit a continuance of the same. Please call and examine his stock. 8A.VHJEL M. WHITAKER. " Raleigh, Jaiu 14, 1845. : 5-tf i i NORTH CAROLINA Mutual insurance Company, TQ)URSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa t ny has been formed in this Slate, under. the name and style of the " North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz : JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT STITH, Vice-President, 1 RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer. THEODORE PARTRIDGE. Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD SMITH, ) r.wn,!.- r - ALBERT STITH, I. I XeC L WESTON R. GALES, miuee The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, 8 tores, Shops and other buildings, Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Smith, at the corner of Fayettevtlle and Har gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the' Secretary of the Com pany. . ' I Raleigh, January 17, 1848 6 tf FIUE! rrniTE jetwa insurance compa II bjy, of Hartford. Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is one of the oldest snd best Insurance torn- panics in the United States,and pays its Iossesprompt- ly. ... ' ' i Applications for Insurance in Kaleign.or us vi- cinity, to be made to 8. W. WHITING. June, 1845. 1 Agent. TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS. TOBACCO, SNUFF & SEGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 17, SORtb 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA. TT IXTOX & WOODWARD, (Succes- J eors to Sxic't.. Wooswuo & Co.) invite the attention of Merchants and Dealers to their extensive establishment, where they will find a large and com plete assortment of James River, Honey-dew, Caven dish TOBACCO. Also, 800,000 Havanna and American SUGARS, viz : Regalias, Casado ras.Lanormas, LabellasJ Ugues, Delicio's, Principes, 4-c: Turkish, Spanish, and common Smoking Tobacco I fjj They would especially ask attention to their Scotch Snnf f, manufactured expressly for dip ping. Also, a large assortment of Maccaboy, Rappee, and Congress Snuffs. Segar cases, Snuff boxes, Pipes of various shapes, and sizes, etc. etc. February 1, 1846. I 10-2m Twenty Dollars Reward, im an ANA WAY from the Subscriber, residing at Li n. Pittsvlvania Court House. Virginia, on the night of the 31st day of December, 1845, a negro man, slave, by the name of WILEY. likely The said negro slave was purchased by me, a short time since, from Atlas Rush, of Montgomery Coun ty, North Carolina, on his return with the said slave from Fincastle, Virginia; at which place be had been apprehended, on his way to Ohio with free papers. The said Wixax is black, about five feet 11 inches high, between. 24 and 25 years of age, and weighs about 200 pounds ; is very likely and well formed. He made his elopement on a large bob tail bay Mare, saddle and bridle, which he aUo took from me, with a large ereen blanket under the saddle. Had on when he left, a checked roundabout, somewhat grey ish Dantaloons, yarn, and a cap, and carried with him also, a srrev homespun coat ; is supposed to have pass- ed through Danville, V irginia, ana is no uouoi mailing . , i x. i hi n;v. nis way tnrougn ureensuuruus"- v. i us borhood of Mr. Rush, where he formerly lived, with th view of procuring another set of free papers, and for ths purpose of having an interview with his wife, whom he expressed, a few! days before his de- nortnre. a ereat wish to see For the apprehension of the said alave, and bis se- curement in Jail, so that 1 get turn again, i wm pay - w -as thii Bhova reward of Twenty Dollars, and a reasons- him Mmnensation to "any one who will secure, and take care oi tne mare, Dnaie sou auute, or euuw i c . i ...in. - :.u. r them, until I can get them. , I Pittsylvania C. H., Va. Jan. S, ia46. 4-tf ts? jTK Hhds. New Orleans Sugar, new. Crop, QpV part prime. aBSk r 20 do. Porto Rico do. . 30 do. New Orleans and P. R. Molasses, new crop 25 Bbls. i do. . ; , i-il o. prime, 500 Loaves Sugar, assorted qualities. 10 Bbls. Crushed 8ugar.J 200 Bags Rio Coffee. , t m , 120 do. Lsguira do. Green and While. 80 do. Java Coffee. ; ..,'.! 40 Boxea New Bsdibrd 8 Derm Candles, assor ted sizes. 60 do. Brown Soap. 20 do. Varies ated do Gnnnowder. Imperial Black ami Y. H. Tea, in g w m n.Ai.M tn nit tneethar with a full assortment oi II snirJes in our line. Brandies. Wines and other liquors, domestic and Foreign. For 8ale by J ... FREELAND & HALL, ; . , No-89 Light St. Wharf. Enquire of Weston R. Gales, Esq. February 18, 1846. 16 GREAT BARGAINS I ! IARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES'. Selling off at Cost!!! THE firm of Russell Sc Cooke having been dissol ved, and their remaining stock of Goods having passed into the hsnds of Mr. Russell, one of the late firm, who is determined to close the business as speed ily aa practicable, the whole stock, comprising an ex tensive assortment of DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES of excellent quality, is now offered for sale at cost Goods of almost every description suitable to this market may be had so cheap, that a better opportu nity can never occur for all to aupply themselves who will call soon. The public are assured that this offer to sell at cost is made in good faith, and will be strictly adhered to. They will also find the goods of the best quality, fashionable, sound, and substantial, of a kind made for ute, not merely to tell. All may be suited, as there are on hand many ar ticles of the finest quality as well as a large assort ment of the coarser and more substantial kinds. All are invited to call and examine and judge for themselves; those who have the keenest taste for CHEAPNESS, will doubdesa be satisfied. Those who do not need at present, will SAVE by buying now and laying up for the future. Let it be remembered that no one will sell Goods in a regular businesa without a profit, by which they csn live ; that no one will sacrifice goods at less than cost without compulsion t and that cost is as about as cheap as most merchants can afford to sell and most people would wish to buy. GEORGE T. COOKE, Agent, Raleigh. Jan. 1146. 5 tf. North Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY ACABEMY. : Arms and Equipments f urnisli edb y me Mate. Next Session of this Classical and Mathematical School, evens on the 1st of January, itih advan tages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School in the South. - Classics, English, etc. R.GRAY. Mathematics, Tactics, etc; O. A. DUCK. Experimental Chemistry & J S.pf.BOTSFORD. Philosophy, TERMS PER SES8ION OF FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department, (Collegiate course, in cluding full English btudies, with Mathe matics,) &c. $20 00 English do. (Elementary 4 higher branches) 1 5 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal or Instrumental Music (25 Lessons) 12 00 Fencing per Course 5 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. Toe course of Education is tnorougn, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of life, whether occupying public or private. Civil or Military stations. The moral and intellectual facul ties are kept severely in action, but not at the expense of the physical, as is unfortunately for the health of our children too commonly the case throughout the country. ' During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. VISITERS. Gov. Graham, Dr. Hill, Rev. A. Smedes, Dr. Baker, Rev. D. Lacy, W. R. Gales, Rev. B. T. Blake, E. B. Freeman, Rev. J.J. Finch, Chas. Hinton, Hon. G. E. Badger, Thos. J. Lemay, Hon. Jas. Iredell, Geo. Little, Hon. R. M. Saunders, W. J. Clarke, Esquires. Letter-writing, with English and Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended to. A cheap Uniform u adopted Dress Parade day, Friday. ' No deduction made for absence, unless in cases ol protracted sickness. ' A Tew fuptls can be boarded in Mr. uray s lamuy. Raleigh, Dec 5th. ' 96 PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have opened a new Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Brsss Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE. Composing Sticks, Chases and every article necessary for a Print ing Office. The Type, which are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with drep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at Drices to suit the times. All the type furnish ed by us is hand cast. Printing Presses furmsned, ana aiso oteam en gines of the most approved patterns. N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition ltoliers cast ior rnniers. COCKCROFT & OVEREND, 68 Ann Street, New York. March 4,1846. 19 6" Trust Sale. BY VIRTUE of a Deed of Trust, execoted to me by Capt. Thomas G. Scott, dee'd. for the purposes therein specified, I shall offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the late residence of the deceased. near this City, on Saturday, the Ilia nst. tne fol lowing Property, viz: 2 Horses and 2 Mules, Stock of Cattle and Hogs, A quantity of Corn, Fodder and Oats, Household and Kitchen Furniture, A variety of Farming utensils. Terms CA8H. JOSEPH T. HUNTER, Trustee. Raleigh, March 2, 1846. ; Notice. ; TVTOTICE is hereby given that the Certificates for ll twentv-thre shares of the Capital Stock of the Presideot, Directors and Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, standing in my name on tne .books 01 aid Bank, have been lost ; ana application wui d made to said Company, that new Certificates for said shares of stock may be issued to me, in conformity with the by-laws of said President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, in such cases made and provided. MARY F. HARRISS. Feb. 10. 1846. . 14 oaw3m SAETPET1TE. "fl LBS. just received and for sale by JLhPP f. f. pescud. aa. 7,1846. WHOLESALE Hat and Cap Warehouse, : JENNINGS & OGDEN, No. 138 Wateh Street, New-Yobi. cJEIfIIfGS dc OGDEUT, continue to manufacture HATS of every Description and Quality, embracing All the Different OJ t SJ I V V W wm viytcs oj rataionaoie ana ttroaa arxm Hats, among which are ' ' Fine Nutria, Soper White and Black Brush, Su per Moleskin, Drab Bearer and Bnssia Hats, With many other descriptions too numerous to mention. j '. ' Merchants who are desirous of procuring a Neat and Tasty Article for their Retail Trade, can have their wants supplied by making application to J. if O. And while we offer such inducements to Fashionable Retailers, we would say to the Wholesale Buyer and Country Merchant, that our Stock on hand and con stantly manufacturing comprises every thine suited to your wants. HATS here can be found from the Lowest Quality to the Finest, which are offered on the Most Reasonable Terms. WILLIAM JENNINGS, ELLAS R. OGDEN. New York, Jan. 1846. 7 3m SPLENDID LOTTERIES. J. G. GREGORY & CO. MANAGERS. $60,000, In 6 Prizes of $10,000 Class II, for 1846, To be drawn in Alexandria. D. C, on Saturday, March 21st, 1846. SPLENDID CAPITALS: $10.000 ! 910,000! 910,000! 910,000 ! 910,000! 910,000! Tickets $10 Halves f5 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $130 Do do 25 Half do 65 Do do 25 Quarter do 32 ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 12, for 1846, To be drawn at . Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, March 28th, 1846. PRIZES : $2T QOO ! 3 $&3&IX!3 10 Prizes of 93,000 ! 9lO of 9500 ! &c. &c. &c 12 Drawn Ballots oat of 66. Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 SO. Certificates of Packagea of 22 Whole Tickets $1 10 00 Do. do of 22 Half do 55 00 Do. do of 22 Quarter do 27 50 Orders for Tickets snd Shares , and Certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an official account of each drawing sent immediately after it is over te all who order from us. Address, . J. G GREGORY Sc Co. Managers, Washington Citv, D. C. WILEY & PUTNAM'S Library of Choice Reading. "BOOKS WHICH ARE BOOKS." TT 1ST of 1 tne Volumes already pub bbed : Eothen, or Traces of Travel in the East, Mary Schweidler, the Amber Witch, Undine and Sintram, by Fouque, Leigh Hum' Imagination and Fancy, Diary of Lady Willougbby, Hazlitt's Table Talk. Headlong Hall and Nightmare Abbey, The French in Algiers, Tales from the Gesta Romanorum, Crescent and the Cross, Hazlitt's Age of Elizabeth, Leigh Hunt's Indicator. Zschokke's Tales, by Parke Godwin, Hood's Prose and Verse, Hazlitt's Character of Shakspeare, Topper's Crock of Gold, WiUon s Genius and Character of Li urns, Chsrles Lamb's Essays of Elia, Sir F. B. Head's Bubbles, from the Brunnen, Tupper's Twins and Heart, M Proverbial Philosophy, T. K. Henry's Book of Christmas, Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, by Carlyle, Cricket on the Hearth, by Box. The above works are for sale by H. D. TURNER. February 27. 17 TRUST SAIjC TTJIHE Sale of the Property of E. E. ILvrbis, II advertised to take place yesterday, is postponed to Monday the 30ih insL, being the Monday of Wake Superior Court, x he sale will then be made without reserve. WESTON R. GALES. Raleigh, March 3, 1846. 18 Is IMPORTANT TO MERCHANTS. China, Earthenware and Glass, At Greatly Redoced f ricei lor Ctfsh. . TTNTEND1NG to move durins the Summer, into U the Store House, next above Messrs. Kent, Ken dall and Atwater, and directly opposite to Messrs. Webb, Bacon, dc Co.; in order to relieve ourselves of the great trouble and expense of a removal of our Goods, we have determined, notwithstanding the re cent advance in the prices of Goods in the Manufac tories. to offer the whole Stock, with our entire Spring Importation of CITEY A, EARTHEN WARE and CiljASS, at great ly reooeed prices for Cash. or City Acceptances, at a snort credit. Merchants will consult their interest by calling to see os this Spring, as we are determined to sell out and open in our New Store next FsH. an entire fresh supply of new ami iasnionaoie uoeo. WM.r.BUTHE&CO, No. 52 Main Street, Sign of the Pitcher. Richmond, Vs March 9, 1840. 20 5( A T.HRfiR snrralv of PX11!VTI!0 TTVtt iost been received at this Office from the Northern Factories, and is offered for sale, at a small advance upon cost, for CabbV The Ink is m $5 and $8 Kegs, and is warranted to be a good article. Nev. 8, 1845. 89-U OJLD COURT OFf la1VI'TTTTrTG - I 2 3 O .BBOID.WAT' SPECIAL AGEN Ct for the City of New York. 1 wnere millions nave been distributed to the for tunatdi- I The subscriber would invite the earlv attention of alt persons desirous of a chance in any of the following Driuiani scnemes, soon to be drawn, under the man agement of Messrs. J. G. uREGoar & Co., succes sors to Messrs. Yatis & McisTxasiand Messrs. D. Paihk 6c Co. I E very person ordering tickets of the subscriber will receive the official drawing, published in the Bulletin, newspaper. The same paper will also Cdntain at list of schemes ahead. Monev on all the solvent bimts I in th TTnlted States, and Canada, received at ear for tickets sold at the old Court of Fortune, 220 Broadway ; and the postage is always paid by the subscriber on all letters containing $5 and upward. I . CJ Money can be sent by mail with perfect safety, and all letters are invariably answered the same day as received. All communication with this office strictly confidential. ' I Be particular and address . JOSEPH HOUGH, 220 Broadway. A Grand Capital Prize of . $305000! NEW JERSEY STATE LOTTERY; For the benefit of the Society for the Encour agement of- Useful Manufactures.' . Class F.for 1846. i To be drawn at Jersey City, Wednesday, March 25, 1846. - j 75 Numbers 11 Drawn Ballots. J. G. GREGORY 6c CO. Mxa-asias. ; SCHEME. 1 $30,000 - $30,000 I 10,000 10,000 1 6,000 6,000 1 5,000 6,000 1 3,000 . 3,000 1 2,500 200 1 2,195 2,195 25 2,000 J 50,000 50 200 i 10.000 50 150 7,500 SO 100 8,800 63 90 5.670 63 80 5,040 63 70 . 4,410 63 60 ' 8,780 126 50 6,300 126 40 5.040 3,654 20 73,080 23,436 1Q 234,360 27,814 amounting to $472,675 Wholes $10 Halves $3-Quarlere $2$. A certificate of a package of 25 tickets will be sent f o for $120. Shares in proportion PACKAGES. It will be observed that the price of a Certificate of a Package of Tickets is the amount of risk only or, in other words, the difference between the cost of a Package and the" lowest amount it can possibly draw. When Packages are ordered the amount of risk only has to be sent. When single Tickets are ordered, the whole sum must be enclosed. 1 V All money letters invariably come safe by rifail, if addressed to JOSEPH HOUGH, 220 Broadway, N. Y. Reference Messrs. J. G.Gregory & Co. GARDEN SEED, COMPRISING nearly every (popular variety, and warranted to ha fresh and genuine and of the growth of 1845, just received and for sale at the Drug Store of I WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. These Seed were bought and j will be sold by weight; to which we would invite the attention of purchasers, as being not only cheaper than those that come ready put up in papers, but can be examined before being purchased A liberal discount to those who purchase in quantities to sell again. t w. a. & uu. Feb. 2, 1845. j 10 To Travellers going North, RENEWAL OF DAILY EEf E, Via Prtersbar? and Greensrille and City Point Sail Roads James Hirer and Ine&apeaKe Bay line of Steamers. ' " I TE would verr respeetfullv advise the travelling IkVv Public, that we have commenced our Dailt Lisa. i With an additional Steamer, and the improved con dition of the City Pernl Rail Iload, we are prepared to put the travel through to Baltimore in fine time and style. !- Our Steamers have been thoroughly repaired, and considerable improvements made in the interior ar rangements, in which' the comfort of the Traveller has been our aim. i : ; They will consist as follows : On James River, - , On the Bay, Curtis Peck, Cape Davis. Georgia, Capt. Cannon, Alice, Capt. Skinner, Herald, Capt Russell. Jewess, Capt. SuttoiK Boats, that for speed and beauty, will vie with any in the Southern waters. The gentlemanly deport ment of the Officers is well known. The City Point Rail Road baa undergone a tho rough repair, both on the Read and Machinery. - Passengers leaving Weldon Depot (or Gaston) ev ery night, (except Saturday) will go on direct, with out delay, by Rail Road to Petersburg,- from thence by Rail Road (9 miles) to City) Point, thence by one of the superior Steamers,' where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table with out charge, and arrives in Baltimore early nest morn ing, in time for the Cars to Philadelphia, Washington City, and Cumberland . ' Tare from Weldon or Gaston-to Baltimore, meals included on fbe Steamers, - - $9 CO ' Fare from Weldon Depot or Gaston, to Norfolk, J meals included on the Steamers, ' ' SO 00 Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C. C. Pcoh, Esq. at Gaston. - For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk. apply to , ; WM;M. MOODY, Jr., ' ' ' . General Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, Wainoir Depot, N. C, March 2,? 1846. - 20 Job EXECUTED AT THIS FFIGE Printinff D. PAINE j& CO:, - ; Mantfgerfl ol Lotterifl.. , ' RICHMOND,. ViR6rNfA; .r . .. , FJpHE business of the agency of Messrs. D. Paiit Jj. & CO.i- heretofore conducted under the firm of' T. RUSSELL BIGGER & CO , will hereafter be carried on by the Subscriber, as Agent for the Maria cersYahdall orders addressed to them, or to mvsAif, will be promptly attended to. .- . U. W. PUKCELL, ,. Affnf for D. PAINE & co:; ; , ' " " ; , Managers of Lotteries T&e folfowinsr Grand Schemes are nrMenieil IV our friends, and the pairons of the late firm s . . . $30,000! $12,000! C lOO of 01OOOf drawn on Saturday, March 2 Isf, 1 848. 75 Nos. 12 drawn-. -! : HAomricsirr schsm 1 - ' . ' " Frrie of $30,00 t Prize of 4,009 do 12,000 v I dor - i 2,51X7 do 6,000 t dW V t 2,139 do 5,000 100 da I.OOtf k 60 Prizes of 500, 6ardor" SOflr Tickets onlv 12 Hlv R diArta ft.l . A Certificate of 25 Wholes costs $135 GO Io. do. 25r Halves ; 67 80 . Do.- . do. 25 Quarters f " J3 90 Drawings sent to all who etder from dsstm! iht for all Capital Prizes Can be had as usual at sieht. thtf moment me arawings are received. ' - ror large prizes,-address D. PAINE & CO - 1 ;-, Managers, Richmond; V. V C0LV1N & C0.'s Gtti ESTABLISHED PR7t fiPFfflP ' Mnsenm MMki, toim of Baltimore, and t&P : ; Ten streets, Baltimore-, Maryland ; In presehtinir to our distant friends th RrHliant Lotteries for Mach. tvs An an f t fnH mnA.n - - w - - - . M w WWMUMVUtwW we have, that our future course in. selling high grand! Canital Prizes. W ill Car iWtu trA tftrAT tM.r. S , f v wmum'mrmwaj n r -4B, ed celebrity and reputation we hate secured. niLLIOlVSOFDOLLARS We have sold in prizes of $50000, $40,000, $30,000 zu,uuu, iT,iuu, to.uuo, oxc. -- Tflartland Consolidated Lottery Class B 78 Ndmbera l&drawrJ ballots. $30,000. $10,000. To be drawn ift Bahimofe March 2tb, 184rj. 1 i 1 1 prize of $30,000 1 rrize of do do ro 000 5.000 3,255 1,500 t do i v i do -t? : I -do, :.' 10 prizes of 2.00a f 1,900 , 1,800 ' 1.000 10 dec. AC. eke, Ac. t Tickets lO Halves 85 Onartraft2 Sfi. Certificates of Packages will be sent for 20 Whole Tickets fof $120 26 Half do r 1 60 26 Quarter do 30 20 Eighth do ! 18 AL,EXAIIi:i;V LOTOTER. Class No. 11, for 1846 . 75 Numbers. 13 Drawn Ballofs 6 Prizes orSlO.OOO each, are 25 prizes of $1,000 is $25,000! To be .drawn in A!e'xndria,D. C,; on Saturday - March 2 1st, 1846. L , IW Capital Prize, $10,000! . i Second do 10,000 j ; . Third do 10,0001 Fourth do t 10,000 1 Fifth do 10,000 ! Sixth ' do 10,000 1 25 pf izes of $1,000, 5 of $400, 20& df $20fJ 1 prize of $3,500, 1 of $2,340, &c. . Tickets $10 -H alves $5 Quarters 43 50 A certificate of a package of- , I . 26 Whole Tickets eost $150 Zg Half " " id 20 Quarter " $7 50 26 Eighth , 18 75 , Offers receive the tfrost nfornnt aitentioif and Hxi accounfTof each drawing sent as soon as drawft. Na postage need be paid on orders to our address. COL YIN & CO. (Museurn Corner) -Corner Balthwors Calteft Sts. BshittroreMdl To the Members of the Bar. QTF11HE Supreme Court Reports in thirty volumes -fJJL; including fifth IfeielVt Law, and third Edultf bound uniform. . '-I The above carl be bad on a'pplrcatioh to (he 8uh-i scriber at a reasonable price. Always on hand a) large collection of Law at the Publishers Prices t . HENRY D. TURNER, At the ft Ci tiooi. 8tore' Jsnary20th. :' , Wv.v ' -j f , fiJ.'-; Also-, a set of Widow's Thirteen loch Globes, (di sale low. . .i X:. H. D. T. BOOT AND SIIOE-MAKINGj IN ALL ITS YAR10US BRANCHED , - Z AUSAE03I MAJf GXTrf Informs bis friends, aad the public generally, that he has removed bis Boot and Sboe-Shop to the house immediately in the rear ef the Presbyterian Church, where he is prepared to attend to all orders in his line., Having in his employ as good workmert as any hi, the City be can safely promise to lufn out good work. Hrs prices shall be as moderate as the; umes will justify. . " Raleigh, March, 1846. i - j tfl & 5 City TaxaljIeAi E SHALL attend at the Cify Hall, en Satufd'ay the4thd'ayof Aptl! next, Irom 9 o'clock AI M' to 6V P. n. fof tire ptrrpose of ta-king g Tist of the1 Taxabks of the Chhens of Raleigh, for the Current yea. ... j t t Persons failing fo give in their list ef Taxable ProDertVy will snbieet themselves to a renliv tt Twa Dolors.' ' WESTON R. GALES, i - . lAteodant of Polree ' ; Watch S, 1846. - . 18-i f The City parpers witl pfrblish. 'I IUISO POTATOES, . CCHIf jSIEAIW, . - For safe at HUGHES Auction & Commissiori 8tofev Raleigh, March 0. 20 "'-, MORE ADAMANTINE CANDLES to hand. WILL; PECK : Raleigh, 3d March . I8-St (: