!.,,..... , i. , -,! rfl . r. irl -.yea,.-! .U !.--3 ; .( J!. - . 'J . ? I . IS? AND MM&T TTTTC. .: .j v: . PnMiiacd Senl-TTeeMy, dj WESTON REGALES EDITOR AXD PSOFKIXTOX. FRIDAY, MARCH 20,! l846, f45 ii -ii ; 'tift: lii- tv i s i i i a hi mi . . . . .:..! '' If CAROLINA. GAZE TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER. iSicrtjtia. Fit dollan per annum half in adranc.. , v.r . V ; t - J" Advertisement. For vory Sixteen Lines, first tuertioa, Oa Dollar ; each : aubeqnant insertion, Trenty-fi? Cents. Ctrt Orders and Judicial Advertisements will be charged 35 per cent, higher J bat a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made from the regular prices, for adrertisen by the year. V , , Advertisements, inserted in the Skxi-Wkkkt Rx cisTaa, will also appear U the VVxmxt Paper, free of charge.. ; ;.,V ; X ' .'J "' '; O" Letters te the Editor must be roarr-rAin. , ' ' v CIGARS!, CIGARS!! CIGARS!! ! TTTTTE would respectfully inform the citixens of y V Raleigh, and the puMic generally, Uiat we have opened a Cirar manofactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on band a fall assortment of high ly flavored imported Cigars, including KBGALIA. - ESPERANZA, CUBRV, HAVANA. PRINCIPE, CAZADOKE, I. A NORMA, WERNER, and all kinds of domestic mnnnfactnred Cigars. ' A general assortment of superior chewing TOBACCO; Maccuba, Congreats, coarse Rappee and Scotch SNUFF; Cigar cases, nqfi Boxes, and alt articles in the line, which we offer at Neio York prices, by the wholesale or retail. All orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. Purchasers, and the losers of good Cigars and To bicco, will always be furnished . with the best kinds, suited to the taste of theconnoiesar. Call and try at XRAUSE dc MILLER'S, Fayette? ilia street, opposite the City Hall. Sept 2. . - . 3g W) 0. L. BURCII & Co, myj Can not refrain, after receiving so . LJS liberal a share of . Public patronage, from informing the pabtie that they have received their Spring tap ply of Leather, etc , wnicn ihey promise to make an in m style that shall not be surpassed in North Carolina, or oat of it. Opera Cloth or Gaiter Boots made at the shortest notice. 1 . , , O. L. BURCH 4- CO. March 11, 1046. SI 3t Just Received, - CJk DOZ.of H. M. Crawford's best Philadelphia II A Calf Skins. Also, Boot Morocco and a L. BURCH CO. March 11, 1846. , . - 21 WE liavc Just received, an additional sapply of Sugar, Coffee, Leather and Flour, for retail, and are expecting 8agar and Molasses to sell on commission by the Hogshead. ; i r v- will: PECK. March 13. - 21 3t Works on Gardening, &c. B0WNIN03 Landscape Gardening, MeMahon'a American Gardener, -Tbe American Flower Garden Directory, contain ing Practical Directions 'for the culture of Plants, in the Flower Garden, Hot-House, dec.-bj Robert Buist. Downiag'c Frnit and Fruit Trees. The Yoang Gardener's Assistant, by T. Bridgman. " Complete Florist, . " Kitchen and Fruit Gardens,. Hoara on the Coltivation of the Grape Vine, on pea Walls. For sale at the N. C. Book- Store, by - U. D. TURNER. Feb. 20th, 16 OIV II AND, IfAMILY FLOUR, Cotton Cloths, U; Brown Bagar, " -r- Yarns,; Leaf Sugar, M . Bagging, Molasses,) . Shoes, : Coffee, i : Sele Leather, Tea, . Kip and Side Leather, Rice, 1 Linings dc Shoe Thread, Candles, Soap, Corn and Meal, Butter, Pepper and Spice, 1 Bacon, : Ginger and 8nui Lard, ; ! . . Mackerel and 8turgeon, Bed Cords, Tobacco and Cigars, - Plough Lines, Potatoes, Salt and ' Saltpetre, dec., Ac Andforeale. WILL. PECK. Feb. 27. i 17 3 Bacon and Lard. A lot of new B AC and L ARD, just to hand. S. M. WHITAKER. Raleigh, March, 6, 1846. 19 hp aeon wanted. Wo will pay cash for JQ) good Bacon ; or we will sell it on Commis sion, which will leave a bettter price for tbe owner. : WILL : PECK. . Raleigh. March 13th. 21 3t &1TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA,-Nash k3 Cow htt,-' Court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1846. John Bell, i M. George R, Bell. ' ' Original Attachment Levied upon Land. - It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant in this case, resides beyond tbe limits of this 8tate it is therefore, ordered, that publication be made forsir weeks in the Raleigh Register, noti fying thfsaid Defendant to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Sessions, to be held for Nash County, at the Court House in Nashville, on the second Monday in Msy next, then and there to re plevy or plead to issue, otherwise, judgment final, will Be rendered against him, and the property levied upon, condemned to satisfy Plaintiff's claim. - - Witness, F. M. Tsylor, Clerk of our said Coortat Office in Nashville, the second Monday of February, A.D. 1846. - , J ; a' , P.M. TAYLOR, Clerk. March 14$ 1846. 22 6 w Baltimore & Wilmington Packets. REGULAR LINE." The new Packet Schooner WIL MINGTON." F 11IC. 1mmlr wilt ' sail for Wilmington, Nj Con the 15th Marcn, and tae rAYETTEVILLE? "dbsail on 1st ApriL These vessels will perform regaiar wipe inereaner. ror ireigbt or "aRe, (having superior accommodations,) apply to " WILLIAM MA80N, 88 Spesr's wharf, Baltimore. ; UKUWn UCKUSSCT, Agents, . L . WilmijBrton.N.C. arch2,184'N 22 9t -x LOOK HERE ! THE Subscriber has this daj received a fresh upply of Lton's, formerly Holdss's, FAMILY F LOU R-A wperior article. This article is warranted to bake op white and lo rise well ; if not, tbe floor may be returned and the money refunded.. This flour may always be obtained at 8A3IUEL IS WIIITAKER'S Dry Goods and Grocery Store, immediately opposite the City Hotel. I He has also just leceived a new supply of Rice, Cheese, Crockery, Hardware, &e. dec, in fact, in tends keeping constantly on hand every thing that is usually kept either in a Dry G roods or Grocery Store. Thankful to his friends and the public for liberal patronage hitherto extended to him, he will spare no paius to merits continuance of the same. Please call and examine his stock. . SAMUEL M. WHITAKER. Raleigh, Jan. 14, 1845. 5 tf NORTH CAROLINA Mutual Insurance Company, PURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed in this State, under the name and style of the 44 North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz i JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT SlTTH. Vice-President, RICHARD SMITH, Treatorer, THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY; Attorney, ' ALMsTrrHf'l rExM,itTlCom WESTON R, GALES, S The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take risks on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings,' Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. Tbe Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building recently occupied by Mr. B. B. Bjcitb, at the corner of Fayetteville and Har gett Streets, where full information and explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany. ' -I Raleigh, January 17, 1846 6 tf FIRE ! rmnu xttna insurance comA I J NY. or Hartford. Conn. Offers to insure Bnildines and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. Thii is one el tbe oldest and best insurance com panies in the UnitedStates,and paysitslossesprompt- iy. - ' i . Applications for Insurance in Raleign.or its vi cinity, to be made to 8. W. WHITING. June. 1845. . ) Agent. TO SOUTHERN 15D WESTERN MERCHANTS. TOBACCO, SNUFF & SEGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 17, South 4th Street, PHILADELPHIA.. Tf ETTOUT dc WOODWARD, (Succes jj J aors to Sa.vl. Wooiwut dc Co ) invite the attention of Merchants and Dealers to their extensive establishment, where they will find a large and com plete assortment of James River, Honey-dew, Caven dish TOBACCO. Also, 800,000 Havsnna and American SEGARS, viz : Regalias, Casado ras,Lanormas,LabeIIas. Ugues, Delicio's, Principes, 4-c Turkish, Spanish, and common Smoking Tobacco . i They would especially ask attention to their Scotch Snuff, manufactured expressly for dip ping. Also, a large assortment of Maccaboy, Rappee, and Congress Snuffs.' Segaf cases, Snuff boxes, Pipes of various sbspes, and sizes, etc etc; February 1, 1846. j 10-2m Twenty Dollars Reward. ITp ANA WAY from the Subscriber, residing at lT&i Pittsylvania Court House, Virginia, on the night of the 3 1st day of December, 1845, a likely negro man, slave, by the name of WILEY. The said negro slave was purchased by me, a short time since, from Atlas Rush, of Montgomery Coun ty, North Carolina, on his return with the said slave from Fincaatle, Virginia, at which place he had been apprehended, on his way to Ohio with free papers. The said Wixxt is black, about fire feet 1 1 inches high, between 24 and 25 years of age, and weighs about 200 pounds ; is very likely and well formed. He made his elopement on a large bob tail bay Mare, saddle and bridle, which he also took from me, with a large green blanket ' under ' the saddle. Had on when he left, a checked roundabout, somewhat grey ish pantaloons, yarn, and a cap, and carried with him also, a grey homepun coat ; is supposed to have pass ed through Danville, Virginia, and is no doubt making his way through Greensborougb, N. C. to the neigh borhood of Mr. Rush, where he formerly lived, with the view of procuring another set of free papers, and for the purpose of having an interview with his wife, whom he expressed, a few dsys before his de parture, a great wish to see. j . For the apprehension of the said slave, and his se curement in Jail, so that I get him again, I will psy the above reward of Twenty Dollars, and a reasona ble compensation to any one who will secure, and Uke care of the mare, bridle and saddle, or either of them, until I can get them. .1 . JOHN LC WHITE. Pittsylvania C. H., Va. Jan. 5, 1846. 4 tf Kfh Hhds. Xew Orleans ' Sugar, new Crop, 4V part prime. 20 do. Porte Rico do. . 30 do. New Orleans and P. R. Molasses, new crop ' 25 Bbls. do. - i do. t-prime, 600 Loaves Sugar, assorted qualities. 10 Bbls. Crashed 8ugar.J 4 - - . 200 Bass Rio Coffee. ; -. I ,'. ; , - . . . 120 do. Lsgnira do. Green and White. 80 do. Java Coffee. I I t40 Boxes New Bedford Sperm Candles, assor ted SlZeS. - . - 60 do. Brown Soap. 20 do. Variegated do. i r -Gunpowder. Imperial Black ami Y. H. Tea, in packages to suit, together with a full assortment of an arucies in our line. - unuuiei. wines ana utucr liquors, domestic and Foreign. For8aleby l FREELAND & HALL. : No. 69 Light St. Wharf. Eoqnire of Weston R. Gales, Esq. ' - 1 February 18, 1846. 16- GREAT BARGAINS 1 1 URGE STOCK OP DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Selling off at Cost ! ! ! THE firm of Russell dc Cooke having been dissol ved, and their remaining stock of Goods having passed into the hands of Mr. Russell, one of the late firm, who is determined lo close the business as speed ily as practicable, the whole stock, comprising an ex tensive assortment of I DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES - of excellent quality, is now offered for sale at cost. Goods of almost every description suitable to this market may be bad so cheap, that a better opportu nity can never occur for all to supply themselves who will call soon. 0 Tbe public are assured that this offer to sell at cost is made in good faith, and will be strictly adhered lo. They will also find the goods of the best quality, fashionable, sound, and substantial, of a kind made for use, not merely to sell. AH may be suited, as there are on hand many ar ticles of the finest quality as well as a large assort ment of the coarsei and more substantial kinds. All are invited to call and examine and judge for themselves ; tboe who have the keenest taste for CHEAPNESS, will doubtless be satisfied. Those who do not need at present, will SAVE by buying now and laying up for the future. Let it be remembered that no one will sell Goods in a regular business without a profit, by which they can live ; that no one will sacrifice goods st less than cost without compulsion t and that cost is as about as cheap as most merchants can afford to sell and most people woold wish to buy. GEORGE T. COOKE, Agent, Raleigh, Jan. 1 1 46. i-tf. North Carolina LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY ACABEMY. : Arms and Equipments furaislicdby the State. Next Session of this Classical and Mathematical School, opens on the 1st of January, with advan tages unsurpassed in any Preparatory School in the South. Classics, English, etc B.GRAY. Mathemaiics, Tactics, etc. O. A. BU CK. Experimental Chemistry & 7 S.N.BOTSFORD. Philosophy, 3 TEBH3 FES SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS. Classical Department, (Collegiate course, in cluding full English Studies, with Mathe maiics.) dec. $20 00 English do. (Elementary 4 higher branches) 1 5 00 Military do. (Infantry practice) no charge. Vocal or Instrumental Music (25 Lessons) 12 00 Fencing per Course 5 00 Surveying and Civil Engineering, no charge. The course of Education is thorough, practical and well calculated to qualify youth for the various duties of hfe, whether occupying-public or private, Civil or Military stations. The moral and intellectual facul ties are kept severely in action, bat not at the expense of the physical, as is unfortunately for the health of our children too commonly the case throughout the country. LECTURES. During the Session, Lectures on Popular subjects will be delivered, of which due notice will be given in the Public Prints. VISITERS. Gov. Graham. Dr. Hill, Rev. A. Smedes, Dr. Baker, Rev. D. Lacy, W. R. Gales, Rev. B; T. Blake, E. B. Freeman, Rev. J. J. Finch, Chas. Hinton, Hon. G. E. Badger, Thos. J. Lemay, Hon. Jas. Iredell. Geo. Little, Hon. R. M. Saunders. W. J. Clarke, Esquires. Letter-writing, with English and Latin Composi tion, will be closely attended to. A cheap Uniform is adopted Dress Parade dsy, Fridsy. No deduction made for absence, unless in cases of protracted sickness. . . A few Pupils can be boarded in Mr. Gray's family. Raleigh, Dec 5th. 96 PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have opened a new Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to any extent for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, -Cases, Galleys, Brass Role, STEEL COLUMN RULE. Composing Sticks, Chases and every article necessary for a Print ing Office. The Type, which are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with drep counters, are warranted lo be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnish ed by us is hand cast.' Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the most spproved patterns. N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and do light work. Composition Rollers cast lor rnnters. CUCKCROFT dc OVEREND, 68 Ann Street, New York. March 41846. 19 6m Notice. TCTOTICE is hereby given that tbe Certificates for Pl twenty-three shares of the Capital Stock of tbe President, Directors and Company of tbe Bsnk of Cape Fear, standing in my name on the books or said Bank, hav been lost ; and application will be made to said Company, that new Certificates for said snares or stocK, msy oe irsueu to me, iu wniwum; with the by-laws of. said President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, in such cases made and provided. MARY P. HARRISS. , Feb. 10. 1846. 14 oswSm Groceries, &c. NB. HUGHES is receiving at dm Auc tion dc Commission Store, on Fayetteville Street, tbe following articles, intended for tae. use of Families, which he will sell either by wholesale, or retail, via : , CRUSHED 8UGAR, LOAF SUGAR, MOLASSES. BROWN SUGAR, , COFFEE, AND TEAS, ; RICE. . - SPERM & TALLOW CANDLES, ' VINEGAR. " ' " Also, a consignment of NAILS, and SHUCK MATTRESSES. v.t..,j i :;- . afan-h 13th. 1846.'' -v -. si BLANKS For sale at this Office. ' WHOLESALE Hat and Cap Warehouse, ' J-ENNI NGS & 0 G D EN, No." 138 Water Street, New-York. XEXXI2VGS dc OGBEIf, continue to manufacture HATS of every Description and Quality, embracing Alt the Different Styles of Fashionable and Broad Brim Hats, among which are Fine Ifatria, Super Wbitc and Bfaefc Brash, Sa por moieixin, Drab ueaycr and Russia Hats, With many other ( descriptions too numerous to mention. Merchants who are desirous of procuring: a Neat and Tasty Article for their Retail- Trade, can have their wants supplied by making application to J. $ O. And while we offer such inducements to Fashionable Retailers, we would say to the Wholesale Buyer and Country Merchant, that our Stock on hand and con stantly manufacturing comprises every thing suited to your wants. HATS here can be found from the Lowest Quality to the Finest, which are offered on the Most Reasonable Terms. I WILLIAM JENNINGS, i ELIAS R. OGDEN. New York, Jan. 1846. 7 3nl SPLENDID LOTTERIES, J. G. GREGORY & CO. MANAGERS. ALEXANDRIA LOTTERY, Class No. 12, for 1846. To be drawn at - Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, March 28th, 1846. PRIZES : $35,000! 10 Prizes of 82,000 ! 9lO of $500 ! &c. i &c. dtc 12 Drawn Ballots out of 66. Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. Certificates of Packages of 22 Whole Tickets $ 1 1 0 00 Do. " do of 22 Half do 65 00 Do. doj of 22 Quarter do 27 50 Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above Splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention, and an, official account of each drawing sent immediately after it is over te all who order from us.! Address, J. G GREGORY & Co. Managers, j Washington City, D. C. ELEGANT MINIATURE VOLUMES, With Gilt edges & beautifully ornamented CeYers. THE Flowers Tase ; containing the lan gnage of Flowers, Language of r lowers, " Sentiment of j do. . " Queen of : do. Love'a Token of do. Paul and Virginia, The Album of Love, Pure Gold From the Rivers of Wisdom, Token of Affectjon, Manual of Matrimony, Tbe Bridal Wreath, Odd-Fellow's Gem, containing sentiments of 41 Friendship, Love snd Truth," Loves of The Angels, a Poem by Tom Moore, Matins and Vespers, Vicar of Wakefield, The Hare Bell, J Hours of Communion, Poetry of Love,' Boquet of Flowers, Language of Love, The Attractions, of Heaven. For sale by H. D. TURNER, i N. C. Book-Store. Msrch 10, 1846. 21 SALTPETRE. LBS. just received and for sale by i P. F. PESCUD. Jan. 7,1846. I 3 jf-i RAY'Si IU VALLAULL OIHT UtT HIETVT for Sale at the Auction and Com mission Store of N. B. HUGHES. March 10, 1846. 21 EAGLE HOTEL N0.137 WESJ MAIN ST., RICHMOND YA. MRS. WOT. C. CRUMP, (formerly Mrs. CxaaixsTpir, of Raleigh, N. C.) having taken the above Establishment, and furnished it, in a neat and comfortable Style, for the accommodation of Boarders, by the day, month or year, and transient visiters, resfiectfully solicits a liberal share of patron age from her friends and acquaintances, and the Pub lic generally. Richmond, Vai March 1, 1846. Si 3m P. 8. WOT. !c. CRUOT1?, Dentist, has re moved his Office to the Esgle Hotel, where he can at all limes be found and ready to wait on all that may wish to avail themselves of his Professional services. The most satisfactory references can be given. House Painting. I AM prepared to execute the above business in the very best manner, and with tbe greatest despatch. 1 CAMPBELL EATON. GEORGE W. MORDECAI." ESQ. WESLEY HOLLISTER, ESQ. S. W. WHITING, ESQ. HON. W H. HAYWOOD, HON. RICHARD HINES. Raleigh, Janeary 26. 1 846. 8 ly Liye;ry Stable. rrrmuv. armsnRIBER. eratefu! for tbe liberal ' li encouragement received at his Establishment during th past yar, respectfully informs the public, that be has added to nis cioca a numoer oi nno nur ses, and additional Carriages, substantial, comfortable and genteel, and will be prvpared, at the shortest no tice, to furnish Passengers with conveyances to, or mrt of the State. Also. Carriages furnish ed, with careful drivers, to convey individuals or fam ilies to Evening parties, or for visiting calls. . uorses will be kept by the day, week, month or year, at pri ces to suit the times. .. - A . J. G. M. BUFFALOE. Cj HORSE DROVERS will find, at all limes, good accommodation, and Una iots. Dectmber 22, '1845. 101 GABDElf SEED) COMPRISING nearly every popular variety, and warranted to be fresh and genuine and of the growth of 1845, just received and for sale at me urug otore of i WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD dc CO. I bese Seed were bought and will be sold bv weight; to which we would invite tbe attention of purchaser, as being net only cheaper than those that come ready put up . in papers, but can be examined before being purchased. A liberal discount to those who purchase in quantities to sell again. W. H. & CO. Feb. 2, 1845. 10 To Travellers going Norths KEIEWAL OF DAILY LOE, Yia Petersburg and GfcensTille and City Point Bail Roads James River and Chesapeake Bay Line! of Steamers.; . j WE would very respectfully advise the travelling Public, that we have commenced our Di.il r Like, j ' . ' j With ah additional 8 (earner, a&d the improved con dition of the City Point Rail Road, we are prepared to put the travel through to Baltimore in fine lime and style. Our Steamers have teen thoroughly repaired, and considerable improvements made in the interior ar rangements, in which the comfort of the Traveller has been our aim. ? . They will consist as follows : - On James River, Oh the Btfy; Curtis Peck, Capt. Davis, Georgia, Capt. Cannon, Alice, Capt. Skinner, Herald, Capt Russell, . ' Jewess, Capt. Sutton. Boats, that for speed and beauty, will vie with any in the Southern waters. The gentlemanly deport ment of the Officers is well known. The Cily Point Rail Road has undergone a tho rough repair, both on the Road and Machinery. Passengers leaving Weldon Depot (or Gaston) ei ery night, (except Saturday) will go On direct, with out delay, by Rail Road to Petersburg, from thence by Rail Road (9 miles) to City) Point, thence by one of the superior Steamers, where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, snd enjoys a luxurious table with out charge, and arrives in Baltimore early next morn ing, in lime for the Cars to Philadelphia, Washington City, and Cumberland j Fare from Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore', j meals included on tbe Steamers, $9 00 Fare from Weldon Depot or Gaston, to Norfolk, meals included on the Steamers, . $6 00 Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C. Pooh, Esq. at Gaston. For Tickets from Weldon to Baltimore bt Norfolk, apply to WM. M.' MOODY, Jr., j General Agent Office James River and Bay Line, ; W amov Dxro-r, N. C, March 2, 1846. 20 Dissolution! THE Mercantile Copartnership heretofore exist ing between JAMES McKESSON & SON, has been dissolved by mutual consent. ' The Store it Morganton, from February 1, 1846, will be con tinued by Jxmis McKEasoir. And the Stores at Gold Hill, in Burke County at Val'dor, Bracket town and Minersville, in McDowell County, will be continued by William F. McKxssox. ! The Mining Copartnership between the same parties is also dissolved, except that the MiiTe long known as the M Wilkinson Mine" is still joint pro perty, and is operated as such. j It is very desirable, that those who are indebted to the late Firm, should close their accounts immediate ly by Note or Cash. ' j james McKesson dcsoN.i Morgantdn. Feb. 1, 1846. .12 tf f NOTICE, THE Books, Notes and Accounts of BEN J. SMITH, which were conveyed for the bene fit of his Securities and Creditors, have been left with the Subscriber for collection, who may always be found at the State House. All persons, therefore, indebted, are hereby notified to come forward forth with, and make settlement, or their Notes and Ac counts, will be placed in the hands of an Officer, fqr collection. R H. PAGE, Agent, i Raleich, March 10th, 1846. 21 5t Ready-made Clothing! fK VER Coats, Frock and Dress Coats, Pantaloonfj U estsnd other articles of Gentlemen Wearing Apparel, for Sale, at unprecented low prices, at the Auction and Commission Store of : N. B. HUGHES. Msrch 10, 1846. 21 Important to Lawyers, rTHE Subscriber takes this method of informin JL Lawyers residing in the upper portion of North Carolina, that he is now upon a tour through that section of country, and is prepared to furnish them at their own doors, with the latest and most approved editions of , J English and American taw Works, At the retail prices of Northern Publishers. Among other cheap publications are the following: . ' 45 volumes English Common Law Re- . ; ports, per set, . $156 00 40 bound volumes of the Law Library, . 120 00 Vesey Junior's Chancery. Reports, (com- . plete in 20 vols.) 50 00 United States Supreme Court Reports, complete to 3d Howard, inclusive, f26 volumes,) - 8$ 00 Professional gentlemen and Law Students who may wish to avail themselves of his services in pro curing particular works, can do so by addressing him at Richmond, Ya. care of D. C. King. : ; ..-,-,V . , C. h.drew. January 14. '; ' . . . ' . 6 Henry . D. Turner, PUBLISHER. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, I No.l, FayetteYUl street,- fiaieign, a. u. TIT" EE PS constantly on hand a large assortment ot Miscellaneous Books, suitable for '1 own and Villsare libraries. , .- . - -. ;:' - School Books, all tne varieties in nee in -tne United 8tates. ' - :;v; v-i";:t Merchants, School Committees, and Teachers snpplied with Books and Stationary at a large dis count from Trade prices. - . .. - - - p. ., Jsnaary, 1846. - 8 (. Just Printed, xsn toe iiu at xflit ornci. tCOLWN & co. - 0LD ESTABLISHfD PRIZE ' OFFfCf, Ic'senm Building corner of Baltimore aid (fat ? vert Streets, BaltiniereV ffiaryland. In n'resentirfe to our distant f7ends h Lotteries for March. We do so in the full eonfidinrM we have, that oof future course in selling high grand Capital Prizes, will far furnass the already wellam.- ed celebrity and reputation; we hate secured, -j s mLLIONS OF DOLLARS We have sold in prixes of $50,000, 40,000, $30,000 . yau.uoo, io,oou, io,ouo, at. iTIaryland Consolidated lHttcrYi Class B 78 Nombera 15 drawn bailou. . , S30.000 10.000. '. To be drawn ih BaitimoreilSfkrch 2Stb, I846U J prize of SSO.000 I ; 1 prize of do ,10,000, 1 do : , dd , 6.000 . 1 do do' , 3,255 . 1 do k do " 1.500 10 nrizes of : 2.000 . 1.9001 . 1.80O i,ooa I 1 10 &c; . dec.' Xrc ; CLCi Tickets S10 Halve &5 O.iartPr SX fWi oeruncates ot fackages will be sent for .26 Whole .Tickets for 120 26 Half do 26 Quarter dd " 26 Eighth do ' " 60 30 15 Orders receive the moat nrAnW ttnfinn. anil mri account of each drawing sent a coon u dr van.- fit postage need be paid on orders to our address. LUiiViiX c CO.YMuseum Corner Corner Baltimore 4 Calvert Slav xlafumore Md To the Members of the Bar aTEHfi Soprerhe Court Reportf in, thirty volumea Lj including fifih Iredell's Law. and third EouitY bound uniform; ' The above cab be1 bed on appticafion to the 8nha scriberat at reasonable price. AlwavS eh hand s large collection Of Law at the Pdhlisbers Prices; HENRY D. TURNER, At the N. C. Book Store; January 20th. ' . I - 6 Also, a set of WilitWi'i Th?rten Tnrh ninlu.ii. fni salelowi . ;r ?' H. tj. T: : E SHALL attend at ihe City Hall, on Saturday, the 4th day of April next from 9 o'clock A. M to 6j p. M. fot the purpose of taking a list of the) Taxable of the Citizens Of Raleigh, for the current year. ' . . . , . , . Persons failing to give.ih theif list of. Taxable Property, will subject themselves to a oenaltv of Two Dollars. WESTON R. GALES. , . , Intendrfnt of Police. ' . March 3, 1846. " . ' ,' 18 U T? The City papers wtil pfablish, IRISH POT AlOtZSi For sale at HUGHES' Auction & Commission Store Raleigbi March 9, 20 nnHii Sale of the Property of il. E. Hxakiii j advertised to take place yesterda I is postponedf 10 Aionaay ine ouin msi., oeing me Monuay ot Wake Superior Courts Ihe sale will then be made) Without reserve. : : WESTON R. GALES; " Raleigh, Ma'fh 5, 1846. 18-la , A LARGE supply of PltlrVTlNG INK has just been received at this , Office from lbs Northern Factories, and is offered for sale, at a small advance upon cost, for Cass. - The Ink is in $ 5 and $8 Kegs, and is warranted to be a good article. Nov. 8, 1345.;- : . , . 89-tf, IMPORTANT TO PHtSICIAITf Prolapsns Uteri Cnred byjitcrnal Means.1 OR R THOMPSrON'S tELVIC CORSET AND UTERO ABDOMINAL BANDAGE. . ; : fTHHE Subscribers having pdrcbased the right of Q making and vending Dr. Ro bxbt Trio arson's Pelvic Corset and Abdominal Bandage for the preven tion and cure of Prolapsus Uteri, Hernia) dee., in thd Counties of Wake Franklin, Granville, Chatham, Or ange, Johnson, and Cumberland, respectfully present them to the notice of the Medical profession as poises sing superior advantages over every other Kind of inV slrument for the same purpose'.. :; ' J These instrumenu are Cdnstracted iipttn tclenlifie principles, and to any One acquainted with ihe female system and with the diseases which ire i toUght to be? relieved; the nulity of tbe instrument will oe apparent thev have tbe undnalified approbation of the Medi cal Faculty in all parti of the Coonlf where they have been introduced. ''i '-r-n:ir---i " Physicians throughout the Stitti afe invited to ex-. amino them, as we are satisfied they ; must be con- vinced of their excellehce and , applicability. f Tbey,- will be put at such prices as to place iherh in the), reach of every patient. ',' -. ".--L-i'f't WILLIAMS, UAYWOUUj & VV: ;,. Feb. 1848. ", .',-.-v-v- - 14- i , To the Friends of the;insanei THE Directors of the VIRGINIA LUNATIC7 . ASYLUM, at' Williamsburg; would inform thd Jj Public of the Southern States, tnat try a receui i.aw of the Legislature,, they ate empowered to .receive? Insane Patients, paying boara, irom otner eiaiesw f Th;. !h"n!W Inaiitntion of the kind In the U- nion, having been founded by the Colonial Govern ment in 1769 ; and is, frorn its location, best adapted IOT BOOtnemers, ueiu; icmvicu uuui ui iieiuug cold of the North, and from : the enervating heat of the Soatfl. ,i its curauve capacity is or tne o gaesi order. If in out of tea cases, recover, I if .received irh'.n Ttfinr a! mAfitki f that AfA. It Is easV of access, as 8 learners daily stop at s W harf, not faf from. tne Asjioia: v :; The modern trealsienti . opon tne non-resirainc System, is in successfuloperation. The apartmento admit of classification of Patients, according to iheir" !' "" i- u " t,t Chit siaie oi mino. ura iw a. compieie uniuu ' . classes of society. "The fare is excellent, h board $ I per week: We' . hive Aeat ' bed fooms, si Parlour tastefully furnished with Curtains, Carpi 8ofa, Citreuble, Ottomans, Miftors, Books ahd Piano J" airy' Terafidahs for Shmmer retrtaU f art 9 extensive enclosure for evening rambles f a Carnago for morning end evening rides S Kead.ng Room, 1 NwiDHrt$rs : and, more over, various means I of athusement. A , . Chaplain resides in the building, ana preacnes w mm, a u -every 8abhath. -w-' Letters of Inquiry, shout be dtrr tUsd to Dr. Jo. M. Qkvt, Physician, and Superintendent of thd Eastern Asylum, Williamsburg, Yirgl. - ; . , sal 1 rii1r Marsh I2I84, i. ' ! tf; -I