- i i r. 1. -V, KM t 10 '4 V "t r ; ,J". ; a --- - s , - s ' . ? J -. jr. -, .. . , -. . v I 'AbrjLJCi iL .il: JCi.. i1 TUESDAY-; 'MARCH 31 1846, t,- . --..,, Ill .... . . . . .. ii NOIDEK 20. Jk 111 A 4 i i 1 1 i . 1 1 1 i , i r . - ii- ill i I x ill i X it V - j j mB i TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY REBISTER. j Smltaijtimi Firm dllan per anaum half In 4drmnc. . . t . ' 1 z AdctrtistwUntt. For itery ixfeeLinet, fini iatrtjon,.On8 Dollar; each ubsequeot insertioa, -Tweati-fivtCeata,!: tf- -' U I . i: -. Cawt Order and Judicial Advertisement will be charged 25 per cent, higher ; bat a deduction of 33 J per cent, will be made from the', regular' prices, for adrertisen by the year. AdTertisemeats, inserted in the Sxw-Wkmlt Es cisTaat Will alee appear in he --Weeks Paperr free of charge.; .T. , - . ..:r"r.' .V . . JCT-Letters to the Editor most be yosT-rjiim . ,1 t CIGARS! CIGARS ! ! CIGARS i ! .! 'a WE'.woald respectfutij ioform the cithens of Raleigh, end the public generally, that we have opened a Cigar manufactory in Raleigh, where we conatantly keep on band a full assortment of high- ly flavored imported Cigar, including REGALIA, E8PERANZA, CUBRY, , HAVANA, TRINCIPE, ? : j 'r ; &C , CAZADORE, JjANORMA, WERNER,. . and alt kinds of domestic mannfaclared Cigars. A general assortment of superior chewing TOBACCO; Maceubs,' - Congress, coarse Rappee and Scotch 8NUFP; Cigar cases. 8nuff Boxes, and all articles in the line, which we offer at New York prices, by the wholesale or retail. . AH orders thankfully received and attended to with dispatch. - , Purchasers, and the lovers of good Cigar nd To bacco, will always be furnished with the best kinds, suited to the taste of the connoiesur. Call end try at KUAU3E & MILLER'S, TayeUcville street, opposite the Cut Ball. ' Sept. . . - . , . . ' 3a Works on1 Gardening, &c. BO WNING'3 Landscape Gardening, McMahons American Gardener ; .: - i Tne American Flower Garden Directory, contain ing Practical Directions for the culture of Plants, in (he Flower Garden, Hot-House, &c.by Robert Bu'uU ' Downing Fruit and Fruit Trees. The Young Gardener's Assistant, by T. Brtdgman. Complete Florist, - - ,; jj. : Kitchen and Fruit Gardens, ' '; : Hoare on the Cultivation of the Grape Vine on open Walls.r - '-' ,,-; For sate at the N C. Book- Store, by - - 1 ' H. D. TURNER. ' Feb. 2flth, Bacon andvLard. . fctofnewBACOIf and LAUD, just to hand.'r:;,- .! " : V " :y ' 8. M. WHITAKER. Raleigh, Warch.g.1846 - 19- THE unparalleled popularity of HAY'S LININENT is a surety of jts Virtue. The genuine Hay's Liniment has cured over twenty thousand eases of Piles in the United Stales. It is the only article used and prescribed by the faculty of New York, and it is recommended by every Phy sician in the country who has used it, or seen its effects on ethers. The genuine has Comstock 4" Co's name on each wrapper. For sal at the following places : P F Pescud, Raleieh t B E Cook. Warrenton ; W C Andrews, Henderson i P J Brown, Louisbnrg G Howard, Tarboro'; W H Wesson, Gaston i and by one Merchant in every place in the United States. v March 15. 1846. . 23 6m ipi OUSTOCK & Co'i Vcrmifnije The best and surest or all Verxaituges is new for sale in this place ( where msT be seen certificates.) For sale at the following places : P F'Pescud, Rsleirh ; B E Cook, Warrenton ; W C Andrew, Henderson ; P J Brown, Louisbnrg ; G Howard, Tarboro ; W II Wesson, Gaston ; and by on Mer chant ip every place in the United Slates. . March 16, 1846. ': 23 6m BACON AND LAUD. 'ouiidsof JLard. For Bale, by j m . B. B. BUFF ALOE. Raleigh, March 17,1846.' 23 tf . WATCHES, , Watches: and Jewelry ! '' WATCHES! THE largest and most - -splendid assortment of Watches in the City, is to 1.- c J .v- v n. wo ivuou at u uuacii(r , as he ii constantly receiving all descriptions of GOLD All D'SIL V JU XX WATCHES, of the newest styles, from the manufacturers in England, France, and Switzerland, be l enabled to ouer a laer assortment and at much , lees prices, at Retail, than any other house in America. Gold ' Watches as low as 2fMo 25 Dollar each. - 1 ' ! - -Watches and Jewelry exchanged or bought. All Watches warranted to keep good time or the money returned. " Watches and Jewelry repaired in the best manner and warranted. by the best workmen, and much lower than at any other place. Gold and Iver Pencils, Gold Chains, Keys, and Ladies Bracelets, Pins, and Sterling Birver 8poons, Silver Caps, Forks, for sale very low; - .., , o. C. ALLEN, - - - Importer of Watches and Jewelry, " Hi . ? , Wholesale and Retail ' No. 51 Wall St late 30 comer William St ' ' ' - f l NewYorkvfupstaiiO Feb 6.1846. jV--.-; -lSm f "TVTOTICE. Mr. Alfred Pollard wi" JNJ pleas take notice, that according to the last Will and Testamsnt of Elizabeth Pollard, deceased, ha i entitled to the sum of On hundred and twenty dol lar, stow in say hands, as the Administrator with the Will annexed, of said Elizabeth Pollard. Hating this day settled her Estate, end taade distribution -mong the ether Heir snJ Legatees, I am ready to Py him, and hav deposited hi share In th Bank of the State of North Carolins, and will not pay any in terest thereon after this date, of which notice is here by given hiau - lUleigh, December 1," 1 84 5 ' - v vawB halupib, Adnxr., viui the Witt annexed. March 6, IS 18. 20 6t PIANOFORTE. ' A 8?COND one f 8te l ery reduced ill Price, at the Auctioa and Commission 8 tor of " .! ' . N. B. HUGHES. March 10,1846 Si- J . S"- 7 A K S 1 LOOK HERE ! THE Subscriber hat this day receired a fresh upply ofi LTOM8t : formerly Hoi-den, f A M I L Y F l 0 U R-A- inpenor; anieie. This article is warranted to bake up white and to rise well;. if not, the floor may be returned and the money refunded. ..This flour may always be obtained at SAITTUrX H.".WniTAKEH'S. Dry Goods and Grocery Store, immediately, opposite the City Hotel. . j . . i- He has also just . teceived a new supply of Rice, Cheese, Crockery, Hardware, t&c Ac, in fsct, in tends keeping constantly on hand every thing that ia usual!v kept either t in -a Dry G roods or Grocery Store. . Thankful to his friends and the public for liberal patronage hitherto extended to him. he will spare no pat us to merit a continuance of the same. Please call and examine his stock.' " ' 8AMIJEL M. WHITAKER. Raleigh, Jan. 14, 1845. . I - 5 tf 4 v NORTH CAROLINA Mutual : Insurance ; Company, TTpUKSUAW r to an Act of Assembly, a Uompa Li ny has been formed in this State, under the name and style of the M North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, via : . JOSIAH O.WATSON, President, . ALBERT STITH. Vice-President, i RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, , THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, RICHARD 8M ITH. F rm s ALBERT STITH, i Exee,L WESTON R. GALES, S mtttee. The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to tak risk on Dwelling Houses, 8tores, Shops and other buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the large Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. B. B. 8xitk, at the corner of FsyetteviIIe and Har- gett Streets, where full information end explanations, touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will le cheerfully furnished by the Secretary of the Com pany; . lUleigh, January 17, 1846 6 tr D. PAINE & CO,, managers of Lotteries, . , ; RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. - f nHp business of the agency of Messrs. D. Pais M & CO.. heretofore conducted under the firm of T7KUSSELL BIGGER & CO., will hereafter be carried on by the Subscriber, as Agent for the Mana gers, and all orders addressed to them, or to myself, will be promptly attended to. . . C. W. PURCELL, ' Agent for D. PAINE & CO., Managers of Lotteries. Drawn Numbers of Grand Consolidated Lottery, . No. 11, drawn 14th March. . ' 12 73 56 64 18 30 20 47 60 74 29 23 55 The whole of f 1000, and a whole of S500, both sent to Correspondent in North Carolina, and will be paid when presented at this Agenoy. APRIL, 1846. The following Grand Schemes are presented to our friends, and the patrons of the late firm : 30,000! SO ol s)i,500! ' Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 14, to be drawn on Saturdsy, April 4th, 184675 No. 12 Drawn. .' -; eaiXD capitiu. 1 Prize or 1 -I 1 ' $30,000 10.000 6,197 4,000 1 Prize of 1 " 50 . 4c $3,500 3,000 100 Ac Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. , Certificates of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets $118; Do , do 25 Half do 59 lV ;Da; do, . 25 Quarter do . f 29 $30,000! 10,000! c 100 of SlOOOI '" Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 15, to be drawn on Saturday,' April 1 1th,' 1846, at Wilming ton, Delaware 78 No. 1 3 drawn ' eiASB oiriTitn 1 Prize of, $30)0a 1 Prize of 4,000 1 : 10,000 100 do 1,000 1 de : t 8.000 ICO do 500 Tickets flO-Hahes 85 Quarter $2 50. A Certificate ef 25 Whole TickeU sent for $1 19 50 Do : 26 half . do do 59 75 Do 26 quarter do do . 29 87 it - 940,000 915,000! $10,000! Grand Consolidated Lottery,- Class No. 16, to be drawn on Saturday, Apnl 18th, 1846. 78 Nosi, 13 drawn. GSAflD CAPITA L. 1 priza of 940.000 1 - ; 15.000 1 ' 10,000 ; l : cooo l 5 25 prize of 84.000 2,000 1,500 Ticket! clO-Halres 15 Qnarterg 12 60. A certificate of 26 wholes, costs $119 00 ; , - 26 halves, 59 50 ' n, 26 quarters, 29 75 930,000! 910,000 ! 96,000! Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class No. 17, to be drawn on Saturday, April 25th, 181 6. 75 Numbers 15 drawn.'' . ' - i GRAND CAPITALS : I prize of $30,000 I 1 prize of $4,000 1 do ' 10,000 I 1 do 2.706 1 . do ' - - 6.000 1 10 do 100 Tickets 610 Halves 95 Quarters 82 50. A Certificate of 25 Wholes costs 892 50 Do. ; do. 25 Hal ves ; ' ?' 46 75 , Do. i ! do. 1 25 Quarters, 1 23 37 We have every day Lotteries from $1 to $20, and when a remittance is made to us, large or small, we will always invest In the most popular Lotteries'on hand. The Drawings sent, when requested, to all who order from us ( the cash for all. Capital Prizes can be had as usual at sight. . .On all leUers enclosing cash or prize tickets, the postage need not be,, paid. The Tickeu io the above Lotteries are' receiveJ, and all orders addressed to us will meet the' most prompt and confidential attention. '; Address ' '', ' - ' ' - J Managers, Richmond Ya. MRS. !)ANA8 NEWVORK- rjTTfORECASTLE Tom.br tbaTba Linds IP man tamed Sailor, br Marv Dana. Aothov of th ' Northern and Southern Harp. -Fotcaloby " - . .--.-.--;.;;-. . -' U.-U. TtlKni.iv.V7 March SO. si,-.r . 4 Job Printing :; ri EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, PAPER WAREHOUSE. ? no.:; b;urling slip; new,york. jCiYTLVS W. FIELD, offers for Ssle, at the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice.' j : ' ; The Stockof printing "paper is unusually large, part of which is of very superior quality. - ' PAPER-MAKERS MATERIALS . : Of every description, imported, and kept constantly on hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloth, Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine,Twine( 4;c ?rc. s .. 1 , . I :. ' . . I- bags;. ; ;, .. - v.;; Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Bagging, rc4c purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid , : ': New York, March 18, 1846. - . 24 ly FIUE ! TIIC JETN A INSURANCE COMPAI rVY, of II art ford. Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is oue of the oldest snd best Insursnce Com panies in the United S tates,and pay s i ts lossesprompt- ly. : : ; . . '. Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to le made to ' 8. W. WHITING, s June, 1845. Agent. ' PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. THE SUBSCRIBERS hsve opened a new Type Foundry in the City of New York, where they s re ready to supply orders to sny extent for sny kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, Cases, Galleys, Urass Role, STEEL COLUMN RULE. Composing Sticks, Chases and every article necessary for a Print ing Office. The Type, which are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with deep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by sny, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnish ed by as is hand cast. ' ' i Pnnting Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the most approved patterns. , j; N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Prosses, and do light work. , ' j ; Composition Rollers cast for Printers. -COCKCROFT & OVEREND, ; I ,68 Ann 8treet, New York. March 41846. j 19 6m Notice,- TNTOTICE is hereby given tbat the Certificates for PQ( twenty-three shares of the Capital Stock of the President, Directors and Company of the . Bank of Ca Fear, atanding in my name on the books of said Bank, hav been lost ; and application wilt be made to said Company, that new Certificates for said shares of stock may be irsued to me, in conformity with the by-laws of ssid President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, in such cases made and provided. : f MARY P. HARRISS. j Feb. 10. 1846. 14 oaw3m Groceries, &c. Pi NB. HUGHES is receiving st his Auc- tion & Commission Store, on FsyetteviIIe Street, the following srlicles, intended for the use of Families, which he will sell either by wholesale, or retail, viz : j CRUSHED SUGAR, 1 LOAF SUGAR, ' MOLASSES, ' 1 ; BROWN SUGAR. COFFEE, AND TEAS, , " " - ; , r j BPEr'm & TALLOW CANDLES, f VINEGAR, 's ! t Also, a consignment of NAILS, and SHUCK MATTRESSES, i j March 13th, 1846.. 21 FRESH ARRIVALS. Just received at the New Confectionary, H A Drums tery fine Figs ' 1 '4r 12 Boxes Prunes 60 lbs. fresh Dates Ginger and Apple Preserves 3 Barrels Apples !' 60 lb, large Soft Shell Almonds 60 lbs. Palm Not1 60 lbs. Pecan Nuts ,25 lbs Filberts ... , 25 lbs. Enslish Wslonts, 1 And many other articles, expected to-morrow, auch as .Oranges and Lemons ' . , Dried Peaches and Apples. . -;'" Citron and Grspea Also, a large lot of FRESH CANDY 1 - Do Bntter, Sugar, Water and Soda Crackers : OCT Cakes and Pies constantly on band, and many other articles, too tedious to mention. V : In returning my sincere thanks 10 my customers and friends, for the liberal Pstronnge I have received, I assure them, that nothing shall - be wanting on my part to please, both in quality and price, and hope, by my atrict attention to business, 10 gain many more customers ; for I shall, at all limes, endeavor 10 keep good articles and of the best quality.1- Call and see for yourselves. : kt, .-.. " 1 - '" - - ' r - ; JOHN R.l WHITAKER. f . Raleigh; Marcl23. 1846. ; 24 2w t RO. VON RAUMER'S NEW WORK. America and .The . American People! Translated from the German by William W. Turner. h. d. turner: - y- 23 March 20.' XXaltimore & Wilmington Packets; ' ' - REGULAR' LINE.' r ." , .1 ' The new Packet Schooner " WILa Yfi IIIKGTOiS,". Fatircar Master, will Z-nvSV sail for Wilmington, N. C on the 15th u Mareh, and th FAYETTE VI LLE win sail on 1st ApriL These vessels will perform aUernal regular trip - thereafter, For .freight of passage, (having superior accommodation,) apply (a WILLIAM MASON, 88 Spear wharf. BalUmure. ! ' BROWN 4" DEROSSET, Agents, ?ir v " -.1 -rc i:. - WlmingtQ0, iSf.'G, '. t March 2, 184 Jj:; . t - - : ..-c ?-9 Hat and ICap;-Warehouse, : ; JENNINGS & O G D E N , No. 138 -.Watwi' SxkketJ Nstw-Yobk. ' JTEIfW 1WGS &. OGDEIf, continue to manufacture HATS .of erery Description and Qnallty, embracing Alt the Different Styles of Fashionable and Broad Brim Bats, among which are ' ' " ' f ' '. v ' Fine Kntria, SnDer Wliitc and jBlaek Brnsni Su per molc&iis, JJrab Jjcavcr and Eussia Hats, "With many other descriptions mention. " - "- too numerous to Merchants who are desirous of procorinjr a Neat and Tasty Article for their Retail Trade, can have their wants supplied by making application to J. 4r O, And while we offer each inducement to Fashionable Retailers, we would say to the Wholesaled oyer and Country Merchant, that our Stock, on hand and con? atanlly manufacturing comprise every thing suited to your wants. HATS here can be found from the Lowest Quality to the Finest, which; are offered on the Most Reasonable Terms. . WILLIAM JENNINGS. ELIAS R. OGDEN. New York, Jan. 1816. i V 7 3m PAIN EXTRACTOR. FROM TWO TO EIGHT TIMES CHEAPER THAN BE- , FORE, OR NOTHING IF THE USER IS SOT DE r LIGHTED WITH IT. A N 'article that every family most consider indis A pensable when they know its power and value and which has heretofore been sold too high to reach all classes, has now been reduced in price, with a view that rich and poor, high and low, and in fact every human being may enjoy its comforts ; and all who get it shall have th price ; returned to them if they are not delighted with its use. We assert with out the possibility of contradiction; that all Burns and Scalds, every External 8ore. old. or fresh, and all ex ternal pains and aches, no matter where, shall be re duced to comfort by it in five minutes caving Jlife, limb or scar. No burn can be fatal if this is applied, unless the. vitals are destroyed by the accident. It ia truly magical to appearance in its, effects. Enquire for"Connel's Magical Pain Extractor Salve,' at Comstock and Co's, 21 Courtland Street, New York. Price 25 rents or four limes as much for 50 cents, and near ten times as much for a Dollar. , Cadtios Be sure and get Cbnnel's, as counter feits and worthless snpear under other names. See that it is direct from Comstock & Co., or never touch it. S For sale at the following places : P. F. Pescud, Raleigh ; B. E. Cook, Warrentori ; W. C. Andrews, Henderson ; P. J. Brown, Louisburg G. Howard, Tarboro W. H. Wesson. Gaston ; and by one Meiehanl In every place tn the United States. March 16, 1846. 23 6m ELEGANT MINIATURE- VOLUMES, With Gill edges beautiful t ornamented Coiers. frnilE Flowers Yose; containing the lan J guage of Flower, ' Language of Flowers, " Sentiment of do. I M Queen of . do. J j . Love's Token of do. : Paul and Yirginia, The Album of Love, Pure Gold From the Rivers of Wisdom, Token of Affection, j Manual of Matrimony, The Bridal Wreath, . 4 Odd-Fellow's Gem, containing sentiment of V Friendship. Love snd Truth, Loves of The Angels, a Poem by Tom Moore, Matins and Vespers, f Vicar of Wakefield, ! The Hare Bell, Hours of Communion, Poetry of Love, j Boqoet of Flowers, ! f Language of Love,!' ' I The Attractions of Heaven, i For sale by ... - H.D. TURNER, N C. Book-Store. ... f ...-21 . March 10, 1846. jpi HAY'S IN VALUABLE OIIfT UtTT MEN T for Sale at the Auction and Com mission Store of 1 ( N B.HUGHES. March 10, 1846. I 21 EAGLE HOTEL NO. 137 WEST MAIN STJ RICHMOND VA. TClTTRS. TYITI. C. CHUMPfformerly Mrs, IV 11 CAaaiaToir,f Raleigh, N. C.) having tsken the above Establishment, and furnished it, in a. nest and comfortable style, for the (accommodation of Boarders, by tho dsy, month or year, and transient visiters, respectfully solicits a liberal share of patron age from her friends apd acquaintances, and the Pub lic generally. j , f Richmond, Va., March 1, 1846. ' 21 3m P. 8. WOT. C. iClHJlflP, Dentist, has re moved his Office to the Essie Hotel, where he can at all times be fonnd, and ready to wait on all that may wish to avail themselves of his Professional services. The most satisfactory reference can be given.' . ;- House Paintings ; 71" AM prepared to execute the! above business in U the very . best manner, and; with the greatest despatch. 1 1 CAMPBELL EATON. REFER TO iv . GEORGE Wi. MORDECAI, ESQ. WESLEY HOLLISTER ESQ. . i , S. W..WHITJNG, ESQ; . t , ,.lHON4 W. H.'HAYWOOD, . , HON. RICHARD HINES. Raleigh. January 26, 1846. & 8 ly IiVery StableV rmtTP! RTTRS n RT B E R. ' mrateful for'th liberal II '.nmnHMinnit i received at hi Establishment during the pst year, respectfully Informs the public, that be has added to his Stock a number of fine Hor ses,' and additional Csrriages, substantial,' comfortable and renteeL and will be prepared, at the shortest no- O"-" -V A tiee, to furnish Passengers with' conveyances to, or from, any part of the State. ' Also, Carriages furnish ed with careful drivers, to eonveY individual or fam ilies to Evening parties, or for visiting calls. 'Horses will be kept by tn Jy, week, monta or year, at pn eestASnitlha timesU -a '1 A Jf 'rii t J. O: Mr BUFF ALOE. (TP HQnSn DnOVERS will find, at all . . a - umes, gqou accammoqatiop, ng no iotf, ' December l4St -1 , r. Ult JOl i-t- garden: seed, ; COMPRISING nearly every popular variety! and warranted to be fresh and srenuine-and of the growth of 1845, just received and for sale at me xinif.'otora of:; -.ir a -.iAn -v.i -a. f!!t; WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD :ot CO.J ". These Seed were bought and will be sold bv weight; - to which we would' invite the attention of purchasers, a being not only cheaper than those tbat come ready put up in papers, but can be- examined before being purchased. A liberal discount to - those who purchase in quantities to sell again. ' : :: ' : :; . !. W. H. & CO. .. Feb. 2, 1845. : ;; .. 10 To Travellers going North. KElfEWAL OF DAILY LEfE, ' Via Petersburg and GrcensTille and City Point au Koaas James KiYer ana iiie&peake Bay Line of Steameri. s " : ' TTTTTE would very respectfully advise the travelling f V, Public, that we have commenced our Dailt With an additional Steamer, and the improved con dition of the City Point Rail Road, we are prepared to put the travel through to Baltimore in fine time and style. :. ! 4 -? - - -i-t" Our Steamers have been thoroughly repaired, and considerable improvements made in the interior ar rangements, in which the comfort of the Traveller has been our aim. : ' ". . They will consist cs follows : r 1 ; : On James River, ; On the Bar. h Curtis Peck, Capt. Davis. Georgia, Cant. Cannon. 4t"ctf, Capt, Skinner, . Herald, CapL Russell. - ; Jewess, . Cspt. Sutton. : Boats, that for speed and beauty, will vie with any in th Southern waters. - The gentlemanly deport ment of the Officers is well known. The City Point Rail Road has undergone a tho rough repair, both on the Road and Machinery. . f assengers leaving VVeldon Depot (or Uaston) ev ery night, (except Saturday) will go on direct, with out delay, by Kail Road to Petersburg, from thence by Rail Road (9 miles) to City) Point, thence-by one of the auperior Steamers, where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table with out charge, and arrives in Baltimore early next morn ing, in time for the Cars to Philadelphia, Washington City, and trumberland. ' Fare from Wei Jon or Gaston td Baltimore,'' meals included on the Steamers,' L ' ' $9 00 Fsre from VVeldon Depot or Gaston; to Norfolk, meals included on the Steamers, ' ' SO 00 Tickets from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C; C. Pcen, Esq. at Gaston. For J ickets from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to WM. M. MOODY, Jr., . . General Agent. Office James River and Bay Line, I- Wainoar Difot, N. C, March 2, 1846. 20 Dissolution. THE Mercantile Xopartnerehip heretofore exist ing between JAMES McKesson & son. has been dissolved by mutual consent. The Store at Morgan ton, from February 1, 1846, will be con tinued by Jaxes McKassox. And the Stores at Gold Hill, in Burke County at VaiMor, Bracket town and Minersville, in McDowell Countr. will be continued by Wiuuk F. McKessoh". . The Mining Copartnership between the same parties is also dissolved, except that the Mtsrc, long known as the Wilkinson Mine is etill joint pro perty, and is operated as such. It is very desirable, that those who are indebted to the late Firm, should close their accounts immediate ly by Note or Cash.: ,. - - ' , ' . JAMES McKESSON dc SON. Morganton. Feb. i; 1846. . ; .12 iff NOTICE, - :: THE Books, Notes and Accounts of BENJ. B. SMITH, which were conveyed for the bene fit of his Securities and Creditors, have been leu with the Subscriber for1 collection, -who 1 may ' always be found at the State House. All persons, therefore, indebted.' are hereby notified to come forward forth with, end make settlement, or their Notes and Ac counts, will be placed in the hands of an Officer, for collection. : R. H. PAGE, Agent. Raleih, March 10th, 1846. i 21 fit Ready-made Clothing! f"K YER Coats, Frock and Dress Coats, Pantaloons, Ay Yests.and other articles of Gentlemens Wearing Appsrel, for sale, at unprecented low prices, , at the Auction and Commission Store of : - , '. . ' f :; N. B. HUGHES. Msrch 10.1846.'. ; 21..; Important to Lawyers. fTHE Subscriber takes this method of informing JL Lawyers residing in the upper portion of North Carolina, that be is now upon a lour through tbat section of country, and ic prepared to furnish them at their own doors, with the latest and most approved editions of- i.-.-t -.-.: English and American law Works,' At tbe retail prices of Northern Publishers! Among other cheap publications are tbe following: 45 volumes English Common Law Ke-- ports, per set, " . $156 00 40 bound volumes of the Law Library, I 120 00 Vesey Junior' Chancery Reports, '(com- . : :: . plete in 20 vols.) .50 00 United States Supreme Court Reports, v - complete to Sd Howard,' inclusive, ; . ,.'., ' (26 volume.) - nT -U-! , . 86 00 Professional gentlemen and Law. Student who may wish to avail themselves of his services in pro curing particular works, can do so by addressing him at Richmond, Va. care of D. C.TCing. 5," - - ; 'rr ;C: H. DREW. ; ; January J4. ,y,.s,.,-v,?.,t. .,, .zP . D. Turhe! : ' ; PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, , Ho. 1, FayetttTillc Street,; Ealeiih, H. TfTEEP8 constantly on hand a large assortment L A of Miscellaneous Books, ; suitable' for . Town and Vi lis ge libraries. n;,;; V-.-A'V" '.-v 'iV VS " School Books, all' the varieties in ns in the United State.-- ' .ii-yi-r-'i'ir-'i - - Merchants, School 1 Committees, and Teachers, supplied with Books and , Stationary at . su large dis count from Trade prices. - JanuaryY 1848. BLAnri DEEDS t Just Printed, - Am? rga ias at tuj omcz Henry T f? n'm 6 1 a vi Ir 5 u j t J 15 x 1 r a c t f S a r s a pa rill n ' Snpcrior 'qnalpy al talf-price for the cuni of CVCIIOJFULA, Chronic Kheumatifm, General, Debility, Cutaneous Diseases, ; Scaly 'Eruption! of the skin, Tetter, Pimple or Pustule oa the Face ifercurial and Syphiloid Piseascs, Biles, ft OJft an im pure habit of Body , Ulcerations of the . Throat and, Xieg Pains and Swelling of the Bonee Liver, Affec tipns, and all Diseases arising from an impure state-y of th Blood. Exposures and imorudences in life. ex. ceseUe as of Mercury, dec.. . . , . . ..t Tbe great "popularity of SarsaparillaV arid its e-"( tablisherf t-fRcap.V. nilora it .hiMrffiiAii. Inmlu tnl 4y encomium of its virtue or adduce any evidenco ! iu s isvor. , . . . ? The Sarsaoarilla is warranted nnciiiTpl Vrtn,T any other that can be made at: One Dollar; at jusi uau we price 01 tnose so' muca auverusee, and as strong and in as large bottles, -viz V 1 i FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLED OH FtVR j :jk DOLLARS-PER ?DOZEN. - fi" 4 iThis article has cored Serofnla of SO Twiw ifttf1 the Dollar article had been used in vain, t.i iUi I 1 To be had in New York on! v at 211 Can rtlsiid j 1 or sale at the following places r P. F. Peacud, Raleigh j B E. Conk, Warrenton ; W; C. Andrews,; Henderson : P. J. Brown 7.nniRlmr . r: , TjarboTo' W. Hi .Wesson,; Gaston ; and ; by conTI I March 10, 1846. - ' . . , . . 23 6m V To the aicmbcrs of the Bar. ; OhpiHE 8upreme Court Reports in thirty 'volumes ' including fifth Iredell's Law, and third Equity baoud uniforni..,-;;"'-r - r - ' 4 - . - I The above can be had on annlicstlnn in iW rUk. scribe r at a reasonable price, r Always on hand a 5 l- .! r -9 . .... . . irge collection 01 i.aw si tue rnhiisriers frices. .' 1 ' - - At the N;C. Book Store.- t January 20th. ' 1 '' i t -;" Also.' a set of Wilson' Thirteen Inch Globes, for ' sale low. j : u . ' V" i .v,-.. - H.; D." T.' I City,Taxables.; I SHALL attend at th City Hall, oh Saturday; the 4th day of April next, from o'rlock A. M. ta6, P. M-I.for the purpose! of taking a, list of the? Taxable of the. Citizen of . Raleigh, .for the ciirrenu Fersons failing to . eive m their list of,Taxabh; Ijoperty, will subject- themselves to a penalty of f Two 'Dollar. WESTON R. GALES., i t . March 3, 1846. . , 18 tt 03 Tbe City papers will "publish! IRISH POTATOES, - . - COM JTIEAL,'-8 i - - flour. ; For sale at HUGHES' Auction & Commission Store. ! Raleigh March 9. - . 5- ; . 20 . -.f LARGE supply of PRINTING EYK.' has just been received at this Office from the! Northern Factories, and is offered for sale, at a small advsnce upon cost, for Cash. The Ink is in $5 and $8 Kegs, and is warranted to be a good article. - - Nv. 8, 1845. .- . 89-tf UnPORTAWT TO PHTSICIAIVS. 'j - Prolapsus Uteri Cored by External leans. ' DR. R. THOMPSON'S PELVIC CORSET AND t UTERO ABDOMINAL BANDAGE. - rnHE Subscriber having purchased the right of (JUL making and vending Dr. Kossbt Tuoicrsosr'sf Pelvic Corset and Abdominal Bandage for the prtverw tion and cure of Prolapsus Uteri, Hernia, &e, ie the Counties of Wake, Franklin, Granville, Chatham, Or-i ange, Johnson, and Cumberland, respectfully present' them to the notice of the Medical profession aapossest sing superior advantage over every other kind of in ument -for the same purpose. fV:? V i. 1 j' These iasfrnments are constructed upon scientific! principles, and io any one acquainted with the female; system and with tbe diseases which are sought to be relieved, the' utility of tbe instrument will be apparent; j-they have the unqualified approbation oflhe MedL cal Faculty in all part of the Country where they, have been introduced." ' V . s ( Physicians throughout the State are. invited to ex amine them; as we are satisfied they must , be con vinced of their excellence, and applicability."; Tbejr; will be put at such-prices as to place them in the reach of every patient.- - r ( , WILLLA MS, HAYWOOD, & CO: Feb. 1846..' ' 14-. To the Friends of the .Insane: hrnHE Director-of the -VIRGINIA LUNATIC lii ASYLUM, at Williamsburg, would inform the public of the Southern States, that by a rrcetit Law of tbe Legislature, they ar empowered to receive Insane Patients, pay le g board, from Mher Stales This is the oldest Institution., of the kind in tbe U nion, havins; been founded, by the. Colonial Govern-? mentin 1769 ; and is, from its location, best adapted for Southerners, being removed from, the, piercing, iiold of the North, and from, the enervating heat, of the Souths It curative capacity' is of the bigh'est onler." Nine out of ten' cases, recover, if. received -within the first six months of the disease.' It is easyf of access, as Steamers daily stop at a Wharf, not far from the Asylum';-- s 'i".'.', -; y.'y1'1:' ' ' ! Y The' modern treatment, upon tbe non-restraint. System, is in successful operation. 7'be apartments' admit of classification of Patients, according, to their' State of mind, and also a complete division of the r classes of society. The fare is excellent, - and the' Iword $4 per week. ? We r have - neft J bed rooms, sV Parlour tastefully furnished with ''Curtains,' Carpet: Sofa,, Centre-table, Ottomans, Mirrors, Books and Piandt airy Verandah for Summer retreats: taw extensive enclosure for evening rambles; a Carriage for morning and evening .'rides ; a.- Reading Room, furnished with Books aud Newspaper ; aad, more-; over, various means of amusement. A ChspUia resides in the building, and preaches to th Patient every 8abbath- ; '" ; "'yyy y .-'-T -. ;. Letter of inquiry, houlJ be directed to Dr. Juw M. ,Gax.t, Physician, and Superintendent . of 'the Eastern Asylum. Williamsburg, Virgiitia, . ' , . jusreo tx, tB40. , . . .- ; ' , sz lunar ,- : ' SAI.TPETEE. . m fhfTV LBS. just receired nd for sale by Tnn. - 6XieTOosJ.--Tb History of John lVll Marten, a Sequel to the lift of Henry IVAnet, by Mrs. Sherwood. Msrch 24. v For ! at the.? i. :t v N. C. -BOOK STOUT, t l-t 2t- 1 lOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this OC;C9" And at the shortest notice. -. !