I ir& I I I - , . i ,-. ' ----- r :' - -'" f! m ' r ill- I H 'Mi i f l l 1 1 ii i t-... -v - . 7 . - : ' j i - ' ANB NORTH. CAROLINA PDMishcd ScnMYeelilT, cy y ffESTON R. GALES, EDITOR M5TD rEOPKEETOS. ":" J II i I II 1 ' 1 II f - III 111 I! I 1 1 i A . I - I 1 .V. 1! T . 11 I ? r - : : r--: . ' " , J: ' ' i f I'll 1 . I I Lsf ' 111 It I - ! I I . 'Ill .SBSasssBSJ, : - I I v .11 1,. . II s-v- - . - .... - - ii ilfilliliii ii 1T7' TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY REGlSTEa. Slteriftio.FiTt dollars per nnnm-htlf in eJvtnce.. Adeerlienunts.ToT eyeiy Sixteen Li, bnt iaserUoni One ' Dollar j each subsequent ioerUon, Treaty-fire Ceuts ; .i " Court Order and Judicial Adtertistmenti will be charjed 25 per eeat. higher; but a deduction oC 33$ percent, will be made from the reular price, for advertisers by the year. .'; t,'-:iS AdTertiseracnls, inserted in the Semi-Wekklt Rs cistee, will also appear in the Wkiklt Paper, free of charge.- J-' - - - v v 't vr " CT Letters to the Editor must be twr-rAiD. , blQAIiO ! vlUAlia I wiumw i WE would respectfully inform the citizens of Raleigh, and the public 'generally, thai we hate opeued a Uigir manufactory in Raleigh, where we constantly keep on band a full assortment of high ly flarored imported Cigars, including REGALIA, EPERANZA, CAZADORE, J.ANORMA, WERNER, CUBRY, HAVANA, riUNCIPE, Ac - &c and all kinds of domestic "manufactured Cigars. A genrral assortment of superior chewing TOUACCO; Maceuba, Congress, roarse Rappee and ScoU-h SNUFF; Cigar cases, SnoSf Boxeand all articles in the line, which we offer at Ncto York prices, by the wholesale or retails All orders thankfully,; received and attended to with dispatch. . - - - . . j -' . Purchasers, and the lo?ers of good Cigars and To bacco, will always be furnished wiih the best kinds, uited to the taste of the eonnoiesur. Call and try at KRAUSB & MILLER'S, . FsyettcviUe street, opposite the City. HalL .. Sept 2. . 39 Bacon, and Lard; ; . lot of new BACOX and L.AIID, . jut to hand. ; . : :" S. M. WHITAKER. A Raleigh, March. 6, 1846. 19- TIIE unparalleled popularity of HAY'S LININENT is a surely of iu. virtue. The genuine Hay'a Liniment has cured over twenty it.nnt.fui um of Piles in the United States. .It is tha onl article used and prescribed br the. faculty of New York, and it is recommended by every Phy sician in the country who has used it, or seen its ellect on others. -The genuine has Comstock St Co's name on each wrapper. ' : - - - t-.'- - For sale at the following places: P F Pescud, Raleigh i B E Cook, Watrenion ;:W C Andrews, Henderson P J; Brown, Louisburg ; O Howard, TarboroV W H Wesson, Gaston and by one Merchant in every place in the United States. March 16, 1846V, " --" - r.-v- "23-6m.-. COrrXSTOCK & Co'i Vermifuge. The best and surest of all Yermifugea is now for sate in this place (where may be seen certificates.) For sale at the following places : P F Pescud, Raleigh; B E Cook Warrentoa ; W.C Andrews, Henderson; P J Brown, Louisburg G Howard, Tarboro ; W H Wesson, Gaston ; and by one Mer chant in every place in the United States. March 16, 1846. , 23 6m BACON AND LAUD. Bacon, and 30OO ounds of JLaro For Sale, by . . , . , . IS. Dm liul f ALUC. Raleigh, March 17, 1846. . y . ; ; W tf New Spring and Summer GOODS-1846. Jest rccciTed, a splendid Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, At the Raleiglt Cheap CasU Store, One door below Messrs.-Williams, Hat wood it Co's. Drug Store, which consists - in part of the Col lowing: :"" V- 7 -A - 'V : ; - ' FOR THE LADIES ; Berages, Bslzeriites, Crape Liece, Fig'd and Plain Silks and Satins, 1 Shaded Lawns, Ginghams do.. Long Lawn Cross bvey Robes, Swiss, Moll, and Book Muslins," Jackonett Muslin and Cambric, Graduated Lawns and Muslins,' Organdie, Fancy Cravats and dress Handkerchiefs, Linen Cambric and silk Handkerchiefs, Grass Skirts, Hose, 'Silk and Cutton, Calicoes of all shades and qaalities. Trimmings, Gimps and Ribbons, Kid and Silk Gloves ( and Mitts, Feather Fans, &c &c V - , ' ' .. FOR GEIf TEEMEV: - Superior Black, Brown, Blue, Green, ' and Olive Cloths, Black French Casimeres, D-ci Skin do. do. A variety of Fancy Cassimeres, Gambroon, Linen Drills, Marsaiilea, Cashmere and Satin vestings, great variety. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Hosiery,' Shirt Col lars, Cravats and Scarfs, of all kinds. , , ; : A large lot of best Linen Sheeting from 2 to 2 yards wide, wiO be sold unusually low, with a variety of other Goods needless to mention. - Wo will not make extravagant promises of great barruat as we prefer our Goods and prices to speak f themselves. . Ours is, M be it remembered,", the Raleigh Cheap Cash Store. ' .. HEARTT A JORDAN. Aprii e; 1816. ; ; ' ; 23 Standard, Biblical Recorder, copy. . EDGEW0RTH EXAMINATION, A ,T the close of Prof. MorbaVs first yesr, will JX be held on Wednesday and Thursday, the 13th euid 14th of May, before a Committee of Visitors - Parents and Guardians of Pupils, and friends of learning, are respectfully invited to attend. The Pupils of Edgeworih, are arranged in foor Departments, the First, Second, Junior anJ Senior : TheGraduating Class of each year, receive Ditloxas, as a permanent memorial of a liberal education. " Young Lians, desiring to finish their Education at this Seminary by entering the Junior or the Senior Class, will be allowed the full benefit of their former 8tndiesv:t' V." ? " The next Term of 23 weeks, wilt open on Thurs day, the 2d of J uly, t ' " "i . March 14. 1846. 22 te' V T-aa. Samuel P. Phillips, ATTORHEY AT LAW, . - CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Jan. 6, 1816. . , , ... . 2-tf LOOK HERE THE Subscriber baa this day received a fresh supply of Lton's, formerly Holder's, FAMILY F L 0 U RA superior artielc. This article is warranted to bake up white and to rise well; if not, the floor may be 'returned and the money refunded. ' This rLturmay always be obtained at SAinUEL ITI. WIIITAI4KIlT Ury Goods and Grocery Store, immediately opposite the City Hotel. ' . j He has also just lecelved a new supply of Rice, Cheese, Crockery, Hardware, &c. &c, in fact, in tends keeping constantly on hand every thing that is usually kept either in a Dry Groods or, Grocery Store.' Thankful to bis friends and the public for liberal patronage hitherto extended to him. he will spare no pains to merit a continuance of the aame. Please call and examine his stock. " " : ! " SAM HEL M. WHITAKE R. RaleigQ.Jan.14,1845. 6-tf IVOUTH CAROLINA Mutual Insurance! Company. PURSUANT to an Act of Assembly, a Compa ny has been formed in this "state, nnder the name and style of the North Carolina Mutual In surance Company," and is now fully organized, by the appointment of the following Officers, viz: JOSIAH O. WATSON, President, ALBERT 8TITH. Vice-President, 1 RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer, , THEODORE PARTRIDGE, Secretary, i CHARLES MANLY, Attorney, - RICHARD 8MITH, j) ..,; r-Am - ALBERT 8TITH. ( EXWJ1 m WESTON R. GALES, S . The Company is now prepared to receive applica tions for Insurance, and to issue Policies on the same. By the Act of Incorporation, the Company is author ized to take riska on Dwelling Houses, Stores, Shops and other buildings. Furniture, Merchandize, and I IJ other property, against loss or damage by Fire. The Office of the Company is in the second story of the Urge Brick Building, recently occupied by Mr. 1 B. B. 8xrra, st the corner of Fayetteville and Har- gett Streets, where foil information and explanations, 1 touching the principle of Mutual Insurance, will be cheerfully furnished by the Secretary ot the Com pany. ' " . ' . , j..-; Raleigh, January 17. 1846 1 6 tf Important und Useful Works on Farming, Gardening, &c, Ac. FTT1HE Stock Kaiser's Manual, a Guide to the rais- II in and Improvement of Cattle, by W. Yooatt. , A History of The Horse, in all its varieUes and oses. with directions for the cure of all diseases to which be is liable. Treatise on . Cattle, Their Breeds, Management, and diseases. 1 The Younc Mill-Wriirht and Miller's Guide. MaeKeniie'a Five Thousand Receipts in all the useful and domestic arts, i Lectures on The Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture, by James r. W. Jonn ston. M.A. . i'i -. i- Every Man His own Cattle Doctor : containing the causes, symptoms, and 1 reatment ol all tne cu eases Incident to Oxen, Sheep and 3 wine, by Clatter, Youatt and Skinner. Leibig's Organic Chemistry applied to Physiology and Pathology, Farmer s Own Book,' -Cob bet's" American Gardener, The American Shepherd, by Jtlorrell, with en- eravines. . Clauer on Diseases oi Horses, by J. s. aainner, The Com Diet e Cook and Confectioner, by J. M. Sanderson, of The Franklin House rniladeipnia, Mis Leslie's House Book, ; Complete Cookery, Mason's Farrier Improved, - t Hinds Farriery, A rat or, by John Taylor, Buist on the Cultivation of the Grape, Agricola, by a N. C. Farmer. For Sale by ; f '., H. D. TURNER, at the N. C. Book Store. April 7. 1846. : . 8 Ci tsite of North Carolina Wake County, O Court of Pleas and Quarter Seskious, February Term', 1846. Rebecca Buffalo . zs. Kimbroogh Brown and wife Sally, John Davis and - wire Mary, ana omeis. Petition for Dower. This case, coming on to be heard , and it appearing the saiisfaciion of the Court, that Kimbroogh rown, and wife Sally, John Davis, nnd wife Mary. to Rmwn Jeremiah Lassiter, and wife Riney, and James Buf falo, are-non residents of this State; It is therefore, ordered by tbe Court, ihat public Advertisement be mfl in iIia Raleieh Refiister for six weeks, succes sive! v. for the said non-resident Defendants, to be and nnnear et the next Term of the Court of Pleas nnrl Onarier Sessions, to be held for tbe County of Wake, at the Court House in the City of Raleigh, on the third Mondav of Mav next, then and there to answer, br demur to said Petition ; otherwise, the same will be heard exparte as to them, and judgment taken rro confesso Witness, James T. Marriott, Clerk of said Conrt, at Office in Raleigh, tbe 3d Monday in February, A. D. 1846. I JAMES T. MARRIOTT, C.C C , March. 1846. fPri. Adv. $5 62 Jl 23 6w - Stop the Rascal ! OyN Friday last, that notorious scoundrel, Jamxs UU BaTAir, stole from my field a dark BAY M ARE. and made off with her in broad day IighU Said Mara is blind of one eve. haa a wart inside of her mouth, is about 7 years old, and . has the marks of reaT nDOn her. . The said BaTAjr is lurking in some of the lower Counties (probably Pitt,) where he has recently been detected in some of his villainy. Prior to leaving my neighborhood, he forged a Note on me, and shaved it off in Raleigh. , . T ' Betav is 6ne of the most accomplished scoundrels livinr. and will Drove a dangerous visiter in any Community. ' The public, therefore, are interested in brinaine him to iustice. . I will pay a liberal reward for the apprehension of Bit ax. and the recovery, o( my Mare: and the Sheriff of AYake has already offered a reward of Fifteen Dollars for him, he having broke Jail last Winter. , - - , V , , tiJ0HN,8TUART. Wake County, April 14,1846, . . i . 31 tf -. THEN AT IOWA IT :' : ' Fire Insurance Company S OF NEW YORK, . " Office Kfl.Ji, Wall Street, ' Capital 9150,000 all paid In, T TT1LL eXSict Insurance on Dwellings, 8 tores V V . aod' other Buildings, and on Furniture and Merchandize, on the moat favorable terroa. ,-- J03 W. 8VAGE, PresV t Wx. Jas. Booes, Sec;- 1 ' ' ' " : Applications for Insurance in Raleigh; or its vicin ity, will be made to the Subscriber. - . D. W. STONE: Agent. January 1846.' t . . . ft-fimw PAPER WAREHOUSE. NO. o, BURLING SLIP, NEW YORK. Cl'IlUS TV. FIELD, oners for Sale, at the lowest Manufacturer prices, a very exten sive assortment of PAPER, comprising every possi ble variety,, adapted to the wants of consumers in all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice. j " The Slock of printing paper is unusually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. . r PAPER-MAKERS'. MATERIALS Of every description, imported, and kept constsmtly on hand, viz: Fellings, Wire Cloth, Fourdriuier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, 4c frc. ! .. RAGS, . Canvass, Bale Rope, Grass Rope, Bsgging, 4"C 4c. purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid New York, March 18. 1846. 24-ly FIRE! TIIC jSGTIYA INSURANCE COltlP A KY, of Ilartrord, Conn. Offers to insure Buildings and Merchandize, against loss or damage by fire, at premiums to suit the times. This is oue of the oldest and best Insurance Com panlesinthe UnitedStatei,and paysits lossesprompl Applications for Insurance in Raleigh, or its vi cinity, to be made to 8. W. WHITING. June, 1845. Agent. PRINTERS' FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. THE SUBSCRIBERS have opened a new Type Foundry in ike City of New York, where they are ready to supply orders to sny extent for any kind of Job or Fancy Type, Ink, Paper, treses. Galleys, Brass Rule, STEEL COLUMN RULE. Composing Sticks, Chases and every article necessary for a Print ing Office. 1 he Type, which are cast in new moulds, from an entirely new set of matrixes, with drep counters, are warranted to be unsurpassed by any, and will be sold at prices to suit the times. All the type furnish ed by us is hand cast. Printing Presses furnished, and also Steam En gines of the moFt approved patterns. N. B. A Machinist is constantly in attendance to repair Presses, and da light work. Composition Rollers cast for Printers. COCKCROFT & OVEREND, 68 Ann Street, New York. March 41846. 19 6m Groceries, &c. Nil. IIUGITES is receiving at bis Auc- tion & Commission Store, on Fayetteville Street, the following articles, intended for the use of Families, which he will sell either by wholesale, or retail, via : CRUSHED SUGAR, LOAF SUGAR, MOLAS8ES, BROWN SUGAR. COFFEE, A:D TEAS, ' RICE. SPERM & TALLOW CANDLES, VINEGAR, Also.1 a consignment of NAILS, and SHUCK MATTRESSES. March 13th, 1846. 21 I To Travellers going North, It Wl A. y a. mm am. h it aia Yia Petersburg and CrccnsTilIc nnd City Point Jail Roads Jamet RiTCf and Chesapeake Bay Line of Steamers. "TT"TrTE would very respertfully advise the travelling V V Pulic tQat we nave commenced our Dailt Li mr. With an additional Steamer, and the improved con dition of the City Point Rail Road, we are prepared to pot the travel through to Baltimore in fine time and style. Our 8teamers have been luoroughlr repaired, and considerable improvements made in the interior ar rangements. in which the comfort of the Traveller has been our aim. They will consist es follows : On James River. . On the Bay, Curtis Peek, Capt. Davis, Georgia, Capt, Cannon, Alice, Capt, Skinner, Herald, Capt KusselL, Jewess, tspt. Button. Boats, that for speed and beauty, will vie with any in the Southern waters. The gentlemanly uepori ment of the Officers is well known. The City Point Rail Road has undergone a tho rough repair, both on the Road and Machinery. Passengers leavinz Weldon Depot for Gaston) ev. ery night, (except Saturday) will go on direct, with out delay, by Rail Road to Peteisburg, from thence by Rail Road (9 miles to City) Point, thence by one of the superior 8teamers, where the Passenger travels while he sleeps, and enjoys a luxurious table wun- out charge, and arrives in Bsltimore esrly next morn. 1 r .I., f Dktt.Jtnhia Waartinirtm City, and Cumberland ' . : Fare from Weldon or Gaston to Baltimore, : - ma!a indndeil on tha Steamers. . . 9 00 Fare from Weldon Depot or Gaston, to Norfolk. meals included on the Steamers, - $6 00 TicaeU from Gaston to Baltimore, to be had of C, C. Ppbit. Eso. at Gaston. FurTickeU from Weldon to Baltimore or Norfolk, apply to ? WM. M. MOODY, Jr., :: '" ' ;;-;;!" uenerai Agent. Ofue James River end Bay Line, , i 1 Wblsox Dcror, N. C, March 2. 1846. 20 TmOXl SAI.E.-A Wool Car-linjg HXa liJ chine. Fixture, dec, In excellent or der. Addresa the Subscriber, Raleigh, or apply per sonally, to him at the Neuse River Oil N orks. . V1LUA)1 II- MbAU - April 1, 1846V : (O Standard.) 7 JAMES1 NEW WORK. , THE Step Mother, a Tale by O. P. R Jamea author of Attilla," llichelieo &c, in two parts.. Jnat Received by r H. D. TURNER. PAIIV EXTRACTOR. FROM TWO TO EIGHT TIMES CHEAPER THAN BE FORE, OR NOTHING IF THE USER IS NOT BE LIGHTED WITH IT. 1 A N article that every family must consider indis- -ii pensable when they knew its power and value ana wnicn has heretofore been sold too high to reach all clause, has now been reduced in price, with view that rich and poor, high and low, and in fact every human being may enjoy its comforts ; and all who get it shall- have the price returned to them if they are not delighted with its use. We assert with out the possibility of contradiction, that all Burns and Scalds, every External Sore, old or fresh, and all ex ternal pains snd aches, no matter where, shall be re duced to comfort by it in five minutes saving life, limb or scar. No burn can be fatal if this is applied, unless the vitsls are destroyed by the accident. It is truly magical to appearance in its effects. - Enquire for"Connel's Magical Pain Extractor Salve,' at Comstock and Co, 21 Courlland Street, New York. Price 25 cents or four times as much for 50 cents, and near ten times as murh for a Dollar. Cactiok Be sore and get Connel's, as counter feits and worthiest appear under other names. Wee that it is direct from Comstock & Co., or' never touch it. j For sale at the' following places : P. F. Pescud, Raleigh; B. E. Cook, Warrenton W.C Andrews, Henderson ; P. JJ Brown, Louisburg ; G. Howard, Tarboro , " W. IL Wesson, Gaston ; and by one Meichant in every place in the United States. March 16. 1846. . 23 Gm FEMALE IBOARDING SCHOOL. TTniTE next Session of the Female jX. Seminary, nnder the supervision of Mr. and Mrs. FINCH, will commence on Wednesday, the 1st of April, proximo, with increased advantages. An additional Teacher has been employed for the de partment of Music snd French, who comes highly re commended from one of the first Seminaries of New England. j DEPARTMENTS AND TEACHERS. English Department, Mas. M. L. FINCH. Latin, Moral and Natural Phi- losophy, Chemistry and As- C Rsy. J. J. FINCH. tronomy, j 3 Music and French, Drawing and Painting, Miss A. S. TUCK. TERMS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS : Board, Washing. Fuel. &c. f 60 . Primary English Branches, , 6 Second Class do. do. 8 Higher, 10 Highest, 12 Latin, 10 Music, ' 20 French, . 10 , Needle Woik, Drawing and Painting, 10 Italian, 10 No deduction for absence, except in cases of pro tracted sickness. ; Raleigh. March 30, 1846. 26 Dissolution, THE Mercantile Copartnership heretofore exist ing between JAMES McKESSON & SON, rias been dissolved by mutual consent. 1 be Store at Moraanton, from February 1, 1846, will be con tinued by Jam as McKkssox. And the Stores at Gold Hill, in Burke County at Val'dor, Bracket town and Miners vi lie, in McDowell County, will be continued by William F. McKcssox. The Mining Copartnership between the same parties is also dissolved, except that the Mixk, long known as the " Wilkinson Nine" is still joint pro perty, and is operated as such. It is very desirable, that those who are indebted to the late Firm, should close their accounts immediate- y by Note or Cash. JAMES McKESSUlM dc SUIX. Morganton. Feb. 1, 1846. 12 tf Popular American Works. FOR FAOTIIY VSE. TT IBRARY of Practical Medicine, comprized in a 11 J Series of Original Dissertations, arranged and edited by Alex.Tweedie, M. D. F. R. S , 3 volumes. Tha Familv Physician, or the reformed System of Medicine, on egetable or liotanical Principles, by W. Beach. M. D. f Popular Medicine, or Family Adviser, by Reynell Coates, M. D. : Gunn's Domestic Medicine,Rajmond s Copy.1845, Dickson's Practice 2 vols, by Samuel Henry Dirk son, M. ll , rrrurssor in tne ooutn Carolina college, The'Family Physician, being a domestic Medical Work, : 1 Medicines, their uses, and mode of Administration, by uaviu Mereoiin Kee-e, xvi. v. w i . i as, s? T A Practical Treatise on Diseases of tybiluren, by James Siewart, M. D. A. M. A Treatise on Protracted Indigestion and its con sequences, by A; P. W. Phillip, M. D. T. K. S. Condie on Diseases ot i.hildren,, -Ferguson's Practical Surgery by Norris, Dewees on Children, A Treatise on the Diseases of the Eye, by Lau rence, ! ' Mcfntosh s Practice of Medicine, with notes and additions, bv Samuel Ge.ree Morton. M. D. . A Treatise on the Diseases of tbe Heart, by J. Houe. M. D. F. R. S. Pnnrinles of Medical Jurisprudence, try w. A. Guy, "; E . ' A ' Th above Works have IatelT arrived, and are offered for Sale at 'the Catalogue Prices, by j HENRY D. .TURIN EK, j at the N. C. Book Store. Raleigh, April 147 30 EAGLE HOTEL N0.i37i WEST MAIN STM RICHMOND; VA. TnTTRS. W3I. C. CRUMP, (formerly Mrs. V U CAKBiasTos.of Raleigh, N. C.) having Uken the above Establishment, and furnished it, in a neat and romforLahla at, 1a. for the accommodation of Boarders, bv the day. month or year, and transient visiters, respectfully solicits a liberal shsre of patron age from her friends and acquaintances, anu toe ruu he generally. ; - ; Richmond, Va March I , Mo. --m : P. 8.- WW. C. CRUiCTP, Dentist, has re moved his Office to the Esgle Hotel, where he can at all times be found, and ready to wait on all that may wish to avail themselves of his Professional services Tbe most satisfactory references esn be given. 1. O. O. F. mHE FIFTH ANNUAL COMMUNICATION l of the R- W. Graud Lodge of North Carolina will be held in Wilmington, on the second Tuesday (12th) of Mav next. . . Subordinate Lodges may send up their Reports and Dues, by tne nana oi meir nepreaenauves. w J. B. NEWBY. Grand Sec'y. FaTBttevnie. April 7. 1WC. - 3ft w3t 4 - . - From the Opera of the" " Two S U ! T'Oft. - Translated on Fayetteville Street. I dreamed that her favoring glances fell On a well-dressed Beau at ter side, ' And I couldn't tell why the laughing. Bellef; Had refused to become my bride. But a single glance at my rival's Coat, ;'A Told me there lay the strength of the game : ' ' I And I said if the Tailor's in Town who can do if. I II have one exactly the same. : Then I dreamed that I searched the Town all o'er, for tne gem that would win her heart, ; ' jj Till I found myself standing in front of the Store Where Clothing is fashioned by art ; And then I remembered, that this was the place ; Where the Coat of my rival was made; ' jj And entering in.! right before my face, . n f Jay a Broadcloth, exactly the shade. -! - 1 The Coat was sent home, and like Caesas I sped, "I came; and I saw, and I won ; : - i For she smilingly said, when I asked her to wed, What an elegant Coat you have on.? s t Three days from that time, perhaps it was four, -, I indured her to alter her name ; : And I still buy my Coats at the very same Store, And she loves me ss ever the same. t OLIYER & PROCTER, f . Makss them Coats-. J i New Spring and Summer ; GOODS, FOR 1816. OMTER & PKOCTER, MERCHANT TAILORS, UGLY ROW OPPOSITE LOUGEESs WE are now opening our supply of GOODS, embracing CLOTHS. Cassifncres. Drab d'tees, Jriirings and Testings, of every colour and kind, f Something extra for Weddings Frosted Silks, embroidered Tith Gold Iaee.) Also, SHIRTS, plain and striped, Pocket Handkerchief, Gloves, Suspend ers, Cravats, Self-adjusting Stocks, (warranted not to choke,) and many other things we cannot include in an ordinary advertisement, but which we will take great pleasure in showing to our friends and patrons when they call.1 J The above Good were selected by the Senior partner, (Mr. Olivkb,) in person, with great care, and will be sold, as heretofore, very cheap to prompt customers. We have also on hand some very band some Tweedes and Striped Linen Summer Coats. made up under our own inspection, and will be war ranted in all respects. ! Grateful for past patronage, we shall endeavor to merit its continuance. Orders from a distance thank fully received, and promptly executed, ji The latest Paris, London and New York Fashions just at hand. OLIVER & PROCTER. Raleigh, April 13, 1846. ' 30 6t Every Body Look Here, : NEW FRUITS AND CONFECTIONARIES. READY FOR THE SPREY G. I A" LARGE and most splendid assortment, selected in person by the Subscriber himself, and great pains taken to select 6uch articles of CANDIES, FRUITS, and other Confectioneries, as cannot fail to please the most choice persons. Please call and examine my Stock, which consists in part, of the fol lowing articles : - Clear Lemon Candy, Striped do do Lump do do Lemon Drops ' do Hoarhound Candy, ' Chocolate do Vanilla do Cream, do superior article Almond Stick do . Sugar Almond do Clear Pepermint do Striped do do Lump do do Cake do do Sugar Plum do ' Annisseed : - do Cloves do Cinamon . - ,do Sassafras . ' do Bergamot j do Lobster j do Red Rose . do Barley do White Rose do Sasafras Lozenges, Mint Lozenges, Rock do And many other kinds, too tedious to mention. Apples, Oranges, Lemons,' Figs, Currants Grapes, Raisins, Prunes, Cocoanuts, Dates, J amannus, &c occ. Palm Nuts, Almonds, Filberts, J English Walnuts, Chesnuts, &c, 4c., :j Ginger, Apple, lcach, &c. dec. ISSa f "11 kinds, constantly on hand, and baked at the shortest notice for Parties jc S'222SS12S'9 of a?I kinds, and the best quality. tjiMMsESM!, i ot the Pest quality, JL'OWaerea Sugar, for Cakes, (Stu art's best,) Cracker s of all kinds, fresh Butter, Water, Sugar and So da ; Dried Beef and Beef Tongues. Chipped Beef, and many other articles in the eating line. ' A Large Lot of Baskets of all sizes and qualify!' Large Lot of Perfumeries, (low,) i '' "v Willow Carriages and Toys, all kinds, j ' 1 DOLLS ALL SIZES -. ; ' - And many other aitides too tedious to mention. Tbe Subscriber feels thankful to the citizens gener ally, and especially the Ladies, for the very ' liberal patronage he has received from them, and assures them, that nothing snail pe wanting on nis part to please all who may patronize him, as he intends at all times, to keep the best articles, Freh, and warranted. If not good they can be returned. - f i; Merchants living in, the adjoining Counties, will do well to come or send their orders for Confection eries to me in Raleigh, as I. intend to sell by the wholesale so low, that it will be an inducement for them to buy here instead of going North or South. My Goods will be fresh at all times. All orders prompt ly attended to, and tbe Goods well packed ; all I ask. gm gi c lue ban uujmg ciscucic -j t - JOHN K. WHITAKER. Kaleigh, April 13, 1846." 1 i - '. ; O-lm; 4 Was -Takcn,Up, N D committed to the Jail of Franklin County, Louisburg, on the 5th day of March last, a Hunaway Slave, by the name of HENRY. 8a id Negro is coal black, about common size, and in the neighborhood of thirty-five" vears old. The -said Negro has belonged to Jo km J. Williams, fcsq of this County, and it was believed he was still the properly of said Williams ; but it is now eaui, ne belongs to some man a-Wilcox Lroonty. AUDama, whose name is unknown. - v ' j -J- - The owner is requested to come ; forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be sold as tbe law directs. - - t . . j- - JOHN BARNES, 'Jailor; Franklin County,? April 10, 1846. 5 30 Cm - vJob 'Printing -; EXECI7TED AT THIS OFFICE, ' 1 Extract of SarsapariHa . Soperior qnality at balfrisei forthe cure ol ; : R1CROFUEA, Chronic Rheumatism. Genera! V 9 Debility, Caia-aeous Diseases; Scaly Etaptions - of the efchn Tetter; Pimples or Pustules oft the pace Mercrjrfal and Syphiloid Diseases," Biles, from an ira pure habit of Body . Ulcerations of the Threat and Leg Pains snd Swellings of the Bones, Liver Affect tions, and all Disease arising from ad impute state"". of the BfbWT, Exposures and imprudences in life, ex cessive use of Mercury, r&c - - - - ' 1 ;V The great popularity of Saraaparilla. and its es Ublished efBcacy, renders it superfluous to enter into any encomium of its virtues dr adduce any etideneer . t in its favor. ; .a v-fe...-.--'-- - '- t- - The Sarsaparilla is warranted positively as frood as any other that can be made at One , Dollar,' at just halfthe price of those so iiitreh axhertiseo, arud as strong and in as large bottles via e-, A I , ft'3 1I CENTS PER BOTTLE- OR FIVE DOLLARS PER DOZEN J . . This article has cured Scrofula of SO eeai. ftr I he Dollar articles had been used in vain. To be bad in New York efiJv at 21. Ctmrfla! v Street ' . ; . - - ; 'yt. ' ? viw, - For sale at the ft.Howinir tlffees ? P. V. Pese nrf. n r Raleigh ; B . E. Cook, Warrenton ; W: C. Andrews, v Henderson ; P. J. Brown LouisUunr : G. Howards Tarlwo; W, If. Wesson, Gaston; and by one Merchant in every place in the United States. ' ' Jrlarl6f184f."'i?;:'t"- ' J. C. Tappey t UPHOLSTERER AND , PAPEfl jiANSERf ' FETERSBTJRG, TA. - MANUPACTURES to order, BEDS of every description ; : Hair ' and Shuck BX A T 'A'RESSES, &c , and keeps eonetaatly oa hand an assortment of PAPE R ITANGTjYGSI BORDERS. FIRE SCREES.H I. DOW BLWDS, Corde and; Tassels, &e. &c. He is prepared to execute any order iu his line of business, at the shortest notice, All orders, given or sent to- N.- D. HUGHES. General Agent, Raleigh, N.C., will meet the earner . prompt attention, as is addressed to the undersigned at Petersburg. V j. C;TAPPEY. Petersburg, April 7, I84f. ; . . 29 5t The Subscriber intends contintng to furnish the, Raleigh Market with good Beef, Mutton,' Lamb, 4-e. during ther present year, at zsuch lower prices than No pains wilt be spared to give entire1 heretofore, satisfaction.: Liberal Cash prices will be paid by the Subscriber, ' for good Beef. Mutton; Veal and Lamb at all time during the year, and those having to sett, will do well to cwl on mm before selling. - - r . .. , - .k W. A. HARRISON. Raleigh, April 9, 186. 29 tf - - TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Cabtirct' CouHTT.Superior Court of Law. Fall Ter A. D. 1845. '7- t - v - Mary Tarbor' r , 1 ; V - : tS. ' ' -''"James Tarbo,-7 ' ' ' -- ; Petilioti for Divorce , , , Id this case, it being made appear to the safisfaeT -tion of the Conrt, ihat sj subpeeoa and alias sopeena, had regularly issued as directed by law. to tbe defen dant, commamJing his appearance in. this Court tet, plead or answer to the petitioner's petition, and thai ; a copy of such aforesaid subpoena had been left at the last place of the abode of the said defendant in this? -State more than fifteen days before the day of the return of each of said subpoenas, proclamation was ; therefore made by the . Sheriff.' at the door of - the" Court-house, for the said defendant to appear and answer ss commanded by the said, subpoenas and - , the said defendant being so called, made default ! ' It ' is therefore ordered that the Clerk cause notice ot thsT : pendency of this petition to be 'published in tbe Newbernian and Raleigh Register for three months, and that at the next term of the Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Carteret, at th - Courthouse in Beaufort, on the third Monday after . the fourth Monday of March next, an ksae or 'mat be submitted to a Jury to ascertain tbe worth- of tha material facts, charged in tbe petitioner's petkioaw . Witness, James W, Hynt, Clerk of the, Sapenor Court of Law, for the county of Carteret at Beaufort, tbe third Monday after the fotmb Monday of Sep tember, A. D. 1845. " . ----- ' . r ' - JAMES Wi HUNT. C. U. r r - - i . , gttate of NortEl Carolina Edgicoxst County. Court of Equity Spring Term, 1846V . Nancy Uiadley and sally UraOJey, David Bradley, Ex'r of Jonathan Bradley, anJRicfir i : - - y.; crd Bradley. iKft-s Bill of Injunction. ' ' " 1 IT appearing to the satisfaction of the CoQrt, that Richard Bradley, one of the Defendants in this cause. is not an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Kaleigh Ke. gister for six weeks, notifying the said Richard Brad- - ley, to appear at the next Term of this Court,' to' be held at the Court House in Tarborough; oi the see- t . ond Monday in September next, and plead, answer ot demur to the Complainants bill, or the same will be taken pro tonftsso as to him, and beard ex parte. Witness. K-erielm H. Iewls, Clerk and Master or Marketing said Court, at Office in said County, the second Mon- v day in March, 1846. - T i . ,s 1 ' ; ' KEN ELM H- LIS WIS, U. & M. B. March 17, 1846. , (Pr. Adv. f5 63 23 6w ; TATE OF NORTH CAItOLINA, Nass Cobittt. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessiensj February Term, 1846. . s.: )- r; John UeH, V- r-" " George R. Bell. - : ; " ''Original Altat.hment--Levicd upon Land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the CourV that the Defendant io this ease, resides beyond the limits ef this State ; it is therefbie, ordered, ihat publication be made for six weeks in the Kaleigh Register, noti- , -fying the said ' Defendant -to be and appear at the next Court of Fleas and cessions, to be held for Nash County, at the Court House in Nashville, - on i the second Monday In May next then and there to re plevy or plead to issue, otherwise, judgment final, win be rendered againt him, and the property levied apon, .y. condemned to satisfy Plaintiff's claim. Witness, F. M. Taylor, Clerk of our said vovn at . . m m . m - OfSce in Nashville, the second Monday of February, A. D. 1846. - ' F. M-TAYLOR, Clerk. , March 14, 1846. " TTD ACOn AWD UUD ; p fh ,vj IJi and a good stock.' FlOUT,' in trbole aad half, barrels ; some at S J dollars. -' - v . -. 4ii'. Other Groceries &c as utwnrnTrnmniw , W ILL j PECK. Raleigh, April 17, 1840. 31 2w'